[Page] A New Plot Discovered IN IRELAND.

May, 4. 1642.

BEING, A True Relation of a Joyfull Discove­ry of that Damnable and Hellish Conspiracie, Acted by the Lord Dempsey a notorious Rebell in that Kingdome, at a Castle cal­led Castle Patrick, not farre from the Neweries, against the whole Pro­testant Army, but by the Provi­dence of the Almighty, they were discovered and prevented.

Wherein is shewed the number of the Men, Hor­ses, and Barrels of Gun-Powder that were in the Castle, With the Names of those two that revealed their inhumane intentions to the Protestant Captaines.

Sent over by Captaine Alton to his Uncle, now resident in London, May the 6. 1642.

London, Printed for William Reynor. 1642.

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