¶A declaration of the Causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a Nauy to the Seas for the defence of her Realmes against the King of Spaines Forces, &c.
TO all Christian people, to whom this Declaration shall come to be read or heard, greeting. We Robert, Earle of Essex, & Ewe, Uiscount Hereford, lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourghcer, and Louane, &c. And Charles lorde Howard, Baron of Effingham, Lord high Admirall of England, &c. hauing the charge of a Royall Nauy of Ships, prepared and sent to the Seas, by the most excellent Princesse the Lady Elizabeth, Queene of England, France, and Ireland, &c. doe giue all men knowledge, that the said Nauy vnder our charge is by her Maiestie prepared and sent to serue on the Seas, for defence of her Maiesties Realmes, Dominions, and Subiects, against such mightie Forces, as we are aduertised from all partes of Christendome, to be already prepared by the King of Spaine, and by further prouisions of Men and Ships dayly sent for, are to be mightily increased, to inuade [Page 2] her Maiesties Realmes: as heretofore in the yeere of our Lord 1588. was attempted (euen when there was a Treatie continued by both their Commissioners for a Peace) with a greater Army then euer before in his time was set to the Seas: though by Gods goodnesse, and the valour and wisedome of her Noble and faithfull Subiects, the same was notably made frustrate. And because her Maiestie hath good intelligence of perfite amitie with all Kings and Princes of Christendome, sauing with the King of Spaine, who hath this many yeeres most vniustly professed openly great enimitie by diuers actions, both against her Royall person, and her people, and Countries, without any iust cause first giuen on her Maiesties part. Therefore we the saide Earle, and Lord Admirall, doe ascertaine all persons, that wee are most straightly commaunded by her excellent Maiestie to forbeare from offending in this our Uoyage of any maner of persons of what Nation soeuer, except the said Kings naturall Subiects, or such others borne Strangers, as shall giue to the said King manifest aide, with Men, Ships, Artillerie, Uictual, and other Warlike prouisions for inuasion of her Maiestie. Which her Maiesties commandement we meane duetifully to obserue: and doe therefore giue straight charge to al persons that shal serue in this Nauy vnderneath vs, vpon paine of extreme punishment to obserue the same. Yet to auoyde all occasions that may breede question, who they are, being not the King of Spaines Subiects, that shalbe charged by vs to be manifest aiders for the furnishing and strengthening of the said Kings forces, prouided either by land or Sea, to attempt any inuasion of her Maiesties Countries: We do for the liquidation of this doubt, earnestly in Gods Name, require and charge all persons, that are not the saide Kings naturall Subiects, and yet that haue giuen him ayde with their Ships, Uictuall, and Munition, as is aboue saide, to withdrawe all their said Shippes prepared for the warre, and all their prouisions of hostilitie out of any Hauens of Spaine, or Portugall, or from the company and seruice of the Kings Ships against our Nauy, and therewith to returne either to their owne Countries, or if they so shall like to come to our Nauy: to whom in the reuerend name of our Soueraigne Lady the Queenes Maiestie, we doe promise all securitie, both for their persons and [Page 3] gdods to be vsed and defended as friends, and to suffer al their Ships and prouisions, that were either taken by the King of Spaine, or intended for his seruice, or that shall bee by the owners withdrawen from his ayde, to remaine in their owne free dispositions, so as the same be vsed in all sortes as friendes, and not as enemies to the Queenes Maiestie, and to vs her Generals. And if any shall vpon knowledge of this her Maiesties most honourable order, and of our promise (to obserue the same as fauourably as wee may) willingly and manifestly refuse to accept this our offer, and shall not endeuour themselues to perfourme this reasonable request, tending to their good and libertie, wee shall then be iustly moued, as by the lawe of Armes we may, to take and vse all such so refusing this our offer, as manifest ayders of the King of Spaine, with forces to inuade her Maiesties Dominions, and so manifest Enemies: and in such case of that refusall, if any harme shall happen by any attempt against their Persons, Ships, & Goods by any our Nauie, for the ayding of the said King: there shall be no iust cause for them hereafter to complaine, or to procure their naturall Princes and Lords to sollicite restitutions or amends for the same. And for the more notification hereof, we haue thought good to haue the Originall hereof to bee signed with our hands and with our seales, to bee seene by any that will require to reade or see the same: And likewise wee haue put the same in Print, in French, Italian, Dutch, and Spanish, and haue also caused the same to bee distributed into as many Ports of Spaine and Portugall, as conueniently might be for the better knowledge to bee had in the saide Portes, as also in all other Partes vnder his subiection.