❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the well manning and arming of the Ships, of, or belonging to this Realme, vpon their setting foorth to Sea.
HIs Maiestie, in His Princely Wisdome, wel weighing what a great incouragement it is, both to his enemies, & the enemies of this State, and vnto Pyrats and Robbers the common Enemies of all Nations, and what an apparant danger it will be to His owne Subiects, if they shall aduenture to set to Sea in these perillous times, being weakely manned, and ill furnished with Armes, to resist and repell such as shall assayle them; in His prouidence and care for the common safetie of His people; Doeth heereby straitly charge and command, That none of His Highnesse Subiects, doe at any time hereafter, presume to put to Sea any Ship or Pinnace, of the burthen of Threescore Tunnes or vpwards, out of any Port of Creeke, of or belonging to this Realme of England, vnlesse they furnish the same with seruiceable Muskets and Bandeliers, sufficient for the arming at once, of halfe the number of all the Persons or Company, of, and in those Ships: And that they be also prouided aboard euery such Ship, of a sufficient quantitie of Match, and Powder, and Bullets for those Shott, according to the length of their Voyage intended to bee made by them. And His Maiestie doeth further straitly charge and command, That all such as shall haue the command, of, and in euery such Ship or Pinnace, doe cause their Company whilest they are aboard, to exercise themselues with the said Muskets, vpon such dayes, and at such times, as shall bee fit and seasonable for the same; that so by practise they may learne the perfect vse of their Armes. And this to be duely and carefully obserued, vpon paine of His Maiesties high displeasure, and such other penalties and punishments as can or may bee inflicted vpon such as shall presume to contemne His Maiesties Royall Command, intended for the safetie of His people.
Giuen at His Maiesties Honour of Hampton Court, this 24. of December, 1625.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXV.