A SOVERAIGNE CORDIAL FOR a Christian Conscience.
From Roane the. xi. day of May Anno Domi. M. D. Liiii.
A SOVERAIGNE CORDIAL for a Christian conscience.
BE not a fraid (most dearly beloued in our Sauiour Christ) at these most perilous daies, wherein by the sufferaunce of God, the Mar. xiii prince of darknes is broken loose, and rageth in his members against the elect of God, with al suttelty, Apo. xx. to set vp againe the kingdome of Antechrist, against whom se that ye be strong in faith, to resist their i. Pet. v. diuelishe doctrine with the pure gospel of god, arming your selues Philpi. i. with patience to abide whatsoeuer be laied vnto your charge, for Act. xiiii. the truthes sake, knowynge that therunto you be called, not onlye i. Pet. iii to beleue in him▪ but also to suffer for him. O how happi are ye, that Actes. v. in the syght of God are counted worthy to suffer for the testimonie of Christ▪ quiet therfore your selues (oh my louing brethren) & reioyce in him for whom you suffer, Ezi. lxiiii i. Cor. ii. Apo. xvii for vnto you do remaine th [...]se vnspeakeable ioyes▪ neyther eye hath sene, nether eare hath herd, [Page] neither the hart of man is able to comprehend. Be not afraid therfore of the bodely death, for your names are written in the booke of life. And the prophet doth record that in the sight of the Lord, precious is the death of his sayntes. Psa. cxv. Luk xxi. Mat. vii. whatch therfore and prai, that ye be not preuented in the day of tēptacion. Now commeth the day of your trial, wherin the waters rage & the stormy windes blow. Now shal it appeare whether you haue builded vpon the fleting sandes, or vpon the vnmoueable rocke Christ, which is the foundatiō of the Apostles and prophets, wher on eueri house that is builded groweth into an holye temple to the Ephe. ii. Lord by the mightye working of the holy ghost. Now aprocheth the day of your battaile, wherin it is required that you shewe your selues the valeaunt souldiours of II Tim. i [...] Ephe. vi. Philip. ii Iesus Christe▪ armed with the armour of God, that ye may be able to stand sted fast against al the craftie assaultes of the diuel. Christ is your captaine, and you be his christians, [Page] whose cognisaunce is the Hebr. xii. Collos. i. 1. Pete. v. Math. x. crosse, to the which he willinglye humbled himselfe, euen vnto the death, & hath therbi spoiled his e nemies. & now triūpheth he ouer thē in the glory of his father, making intersession for vs that here are to be fulfilled in hys misticall body. Vt behoueth therfore euery one that wil be counted his scholer, to take vp eche one his crosse and folow Christ, as ye haue him for an example, being assured that he beinge on your side▪ nothynge Rom▪ viii Mathew xxviii. Apoc. vi. i. [...]oti. i. ii. Tit. iii. shal be able to preuayle agaynst you▪ and that he wil be with you vnto the worlds end▪ ye haue hys promis in the▪ xx [...] iii of Mathew▪ he wil go forth with his host lyke a conquerour to make a conquest. He is the man that sitteth on the white horse crowned with immor talitie▪ and ye brethren are his felowship▪ wherof he is the heade. He hath your hartes in his handes as a bow bent after his godly wil, he shall direct the same after the ritches of his grace into al spiritual and heauenly cogitacions▪ he is [Page] faithful and wil not further suffer i. Cor. x. you to be assaulted, then shal be a boue your power, and in the most daunger he wil make a waye, that ye may be able to beare it. Shrink i. Pet. iii. Exod. iiii not therfore deare harts, whether you shall be called, for the hope that is in you, for ye haue a comfortout▪ euen the spirit of truthe, Psa. xxxi which was sent from the heauen, to teach vs, he shall speake in vs, Luk. xiii. he shal strengthen vs▪ what is he then that wil be able to confound Actes. ii. vs? nay▪ what tiraūt is he that now bosteth him selfe of his strength Psal. cl. to do mischiefe▪ whom the Lorde shall not in the sayinges by the mouthe of hys seruauntes stryke downe to hel fyre? ye sodenly wil the Lord bring downe the glorie of the proude Philistian▪ by the hand of his seruant Dauid. Their i. Re. xvii strength standeth in the speare & shield▪ but our help is in the name of the Lorde▪ whiche hath made Psal. lx. both heauen and earth He is our buckler▪ walle, & tower of defēce, ii Cor. vi he is our god▪ and we are his people, he shal bring the counsell of Heb. viii. [Page] the vngodly vnto nought. He shal Psa. lxxx take them in their own net, he shal destroy them in their owne inuentions, the right hand of the Lorde Psal. cxi. shal worke this wōder, his power is knowen among the children of men, their fathers haue felt it, and Psalm. lii are confoūded. In like maner shall their children know that ther is no Psal. lxv. counsel against the lord, whē their secretes ar opened vnto the world i. Cor. xi. and are found to be against the lyuing God, worcke they neuer so crafteli, build they neuer so strong lie▪ yet shal their Babell fal down, and the builders them selues shal be scatered vpon the face of the Psa. xciii earthe, as accursed of God. The iust shal see this and be glad, and praise the name of the lorde, that so mercifully hath delt with hys seruauntes, as to bring their enemies Gen. iiii. Gen. xxi. vnder their feete. Then shal the fearefull seede of Cain tremble and quake. Then shal the moe kyng Ismalittes be cast out of the Gene. xi. dore: Then shal the proud Nempro these his labour lost. Thē shal Phil, iii. the host of Babilon be troden vnder [Page] foote, then shall the Scribes and Pharisies for madnes feare & rage. Then shal their wisdom be Psalm. ii. knowen for extreame folly. Then shal the bloudy dragon be voyde 1. Cor. iii. of his pray. Then shal the whore of Babilon, receiue a double vengeaunce, Psal. xc. then shal the market mē of the beast, come vnto an open Iob. v. Apoc. xii shame, then shall they scratche their crownes for the very fall of the monstrous harlot (whom now Ap. xviii. Apo. xiii. Ap. xviii. they serue for filthye lucre) when no man will bye their wares anye more. Then shal the popish priest hoode crie wel awaye with care, Psa. cxlv. euen when the lord shal help his seruauntes, which day is not far. The day wherin the kingdome of Antichrist shal haue an ende, and neuer arise any more. In the mean time, abyde in certayne and sure hope cleauing vnto the promises of god, which in their dutime shal 1. Cor. xvi be fulfilled, and aquit your selues like men▪ against the enemyes of 1. Cor. viii God in al humblenes of mind, puissaunt in spirite, to acknowledge Heb. ix. x one God, one only sauiour Iesus [Page] Christ, one only sufficient & euerlasting sacryfice for the remission of sinnes, euen the precious bodie of the lord Iesus Christ▪ once offe red for al & for euer. which now sitteth on the right hand of god, Psa. lxvii Actes. iii. and from thence shal he come to iudge both the quick & the dead, and the last day he shall▪ &c. and Hebru. i. vntyll that tyme occupyeth that blessed body none other place to i. Pet. iii. dwel in, to be kept in, to be inclosed in, but only in the heauens, euen Ephesi. i. in the glorious maiesti of god, personalli abiding ther in the self same bodye without commynge downe frō thence til the last hour and as he neuer ceaseth to lie mā, so doth he neuer leese the similitude of a man, his body ther hath his liniamentes, and leaueth them Philip. il. not, so hath that body there hys bignes, and shrincketh not▪ & hys manly shape at any tyme, he altereth not. He is in that he toke of the virgin Mary a naturall man in Ro [...]. [...] al conditions (excepte synne) and what he tooke of his blessed mother by the working of the holye [Page] ghost, he toke it for euer, and will not exchaunge for anye other, he tooke the shape of a man, wyth Phil. ii. the substaunce of hys manhoode in one sacred wombe, there were they coupled together by the holy gost, neuer to be deuided a sunder, he retaineth the one from the other inseparablye, as he will not alter the substaunce of his flesh in to the substaunce of bread, so he wil no more alter the shape of his bodi into the forme of bread, the [...] cannot be a greater absurdite against the truth, then to thynke that he woulde leaue the shape that he toke in the virgins wōbe (being an accident vnto his manhoode) and ioyne vnto the same the fourme of a wafer cake baken in an ouen, or betwyxt a paire of irons. As he is in heauen very God, so is he in heauen veri man, Ioh. xvi. i. Iohn, ii. [...]. Tim. ii. one onli mediatout betwixt god and man, euen the man Christ Iesus, he it is that is the propitiati on for our sinnes. Beholde therfore to confesse this moste apostolycke doctryne, and also that [Page] al fauour, mercie and forgiuenesse Collo. xi. commeth only by him. The onely sonne of God the father for vs al, was made wisdom, rightuousnes, i. Corin. i sanctification and redemption, all these are the gifts of God the father, Ephe. ii. freely geuen vnto vs bi Christ Iesus, God and mā, through faith in his bloud, and not by the merits of men, giftes they are (I say) frely geuē, geuen vnto vs of fauor, with Abac. ii. out desert by beleuing, and not de seruing. To this the law▪ and Apo Gala. iii. stles beare wytnes. This doctryne haue all the blessed Martires of Ephes. ii. Actes. x. Christes churche witnessed wyth their blud to be true. To this truth hath al the consciences of all true beleuers confessed, euer since the ascention of Christ, this witnes is not but of God, what better quarel can ye then haue to giue youre liues for, then for the truth it self? That man that giueth his life for Luke. ix. the truth: taketh the readiest way vnto life. He that hath the Popes curs for the truth: is surer of Christes blessing, wel then my brethrē Phili. iii. i. Cor. ix. what shal you let, but that you go [Page] forward as ye haue begonne, nay rather runne with the runers, that Ihon. iiii. Psalm. xv ye may obtaine the apointed glorie. Hold on the right wai, that ye neither looke backe, haue the eye Ephe. iiii of your faith fixed vpon God, and so runne that ye may get holde of Collo. iii. Math. x. Mar▪ viii. it. Cast away al your worldly pelf, as the fauour of frendes, feare of men▪ sensual affection, pouertye, ritches landes, posessions, carnall fathers and mothers, wife & children, with the loue of your owne selues, and in respect of heauenlye treasures, ye loke for. Let al these be denied and vtrerlye refused of you, so that in no cōditiō they do abate your zeale, or quenche your loue towardes God. In thys case make no account of them, but rather Ephe. iii. repute thē as vile, in cōparisō of euerlasting life, away with thē as thornes that choke the heuenli seede of the gospel, wher they be suffered to growe. They are burthens Luke. viii of the fleshe▪ which encomber the soule▪ exchaūge them ther Rom. vii. fore for aduauntage. Doth not he gaine that findeth immortal treasures, [Page] for heauenlye & corruptible Psa. xxvi. riches. Leseth that man any thing which of his carnal fathers & mothers is forsaken, when therefore Ephes. i. he is receiued of god the father to be his child & heire in Christ, heauenly Gala. iiii for earthlye, for mortall immortal, Phili. iii. for transitory things, thinges permanent, is greate gaines to a Christian conscience. Therefore (as I begonne) I exhort you in the Lord, not to be afraid. Shrink not my brethren and sisterne, mystrust Hebr. vi. i. Cori. ii. not God, be of good comfort, reioyce in the Lord, holde fast your faith, and continue vnto the ende. Denie the worlde, and take your crosse and folowe him, whiche is ii. Tim. ii your lodes mā, and is gone before. If ye suffer with him, ye shal raign with him. VVhat way can you glorifi more the name of your heauenlye father, then by sufferynge the death for his sonnes sake? what a spectacle shal it be to the worlde, to behold so godlye a felowshyp as the seruauntes of God, in so iust a quarel as the gospell of Christe▪ with so pure a conscience, so strōg [Page] a faith, and so liuelye an hope, to offer them selues, to suffer moste cruel tormentes at the handes of Gods enemies, and so to end their daies in peace, to receiue in the resurrection of the rightuons life euerlasting. Be stronge therefore in Hebru. x. your battaile, the Lord God is on your side, & his truth is your cause and against you be none, but the enemies of the crosse of Christe, as Phili. iii. the serpent and his seede, the dragon with his taile, the market men of the beaste, the ofspring of the pharisies, the congregation malig Math. iii. naunt, the generation of Vipers, murtherers, as their father the diuel hath bene from the beginning, to conclude, suche are they as the Iohn. vi. Lord god hath al waies abhorred & in al ages resisted and ouerthrowen. God, from whom nothing is hid, he knoweth what they are, he Ps. xxxiiii that searcheth the hartes of men, he hath found them out to be craf Heb. iiii. tie▪ suttle▪ ful of poison▪ proud▪ dis daineful▪ stifnecked▪ deuouters, rauenours, barkers against Christes Testament, filthie and shameles▪ [Page] and therfor doth the spirit of god by the mouth of his holi prophets & Apostles cal them by the names of Foxes, Serpents, Cockcatrices, Lions, Leoperdes, Bulles, Beares, Wolues, Dogges, Swine, Beastes, teaching vs therby to vnderstande that their natural inclination is to Psalm. vi disceiue, poison, and destroye (as much as in them lieth) the faithful and elect of God, but he wyth hys right arme shall defende his litle flocke against the whole rabilmēt of these world linges, which haue conspired agaynst him. He hathe nombred vp the heares of his chil Math. xx drens head, so that not one of thē shal perish without his fatherlie Luke. xxi wyll. He keepeth the Sparowes, much more wil he preserue them Math. x. whom he hathe purchased wyth the bloud of the immaculate lābe. i. Peter. i. He wil kepe them, vntil the hour appoynted, wherein the name of god shal be glorified in his saints, in the meane time let them worke their wils, let them enuie, let them malyng, let them blaspheme, let Math. x. them curs, banne, betraie, whippe, [Page] scourge, hang and burne. For by these meanes God wyil trye hys elect as gold is tried in the fornace Sapi. iii. and by these frutes shal thei bring them selues to be knowen what Math. vii they be, for al their shepes skinne. For as he that in suffering paciētlie for the gospel of God, is therby knowen to be of Christ: euen so Ieromes words vp on the vii. psal. in like maner is the persecutour of them knowen therby to be a mem ber of Antechriste. Besydes that, these their extreme cruelty shalbe a meane the soner to prouoke god to take pite vpon his seruauntes, & to destroy those that so tiranouslie intreate his people, as we may learne by the historyes, as well in the bondage of Israell, vnder Pha Exo. xiii. roo in Egipt, as also in the misera ble captiuitie of Iuda in Babilon, Esd. xxiii wheras when the people of God were in most extreme thraldome, then did the Lord stretch fourth his mightie power to deliuer hys seruantes. Though god for a time suffer them to be exalted in their Mach. vii owne pride. yet shal they not escape his vengeaunce. They are his Iaco. iiii. [Page] roddes, and when he hath woren them to the stumpes, then will he i. Pete. v. Apoca▪ i. cast them into the fire. This shalbe their final reward, your duty is in Hebr. xii. Iacob▪ i. the meane while patientli to abide the wil of god, which worketh al thinges for the best. Thus dealeth he with vs, partly for our trial, and partly also for our sinnes, whiche we most greuouslie haue committed to the great slaunder of his gos Ezechias xxxvi. Roma. ii. pel, wherby the name of God is euil spoken of among his enemyes, for the which he now punisheth vs with his fatherly correction in i. Cori. i. Luke▪ xv. this world, that we should not be dampned with the world. By this meane seeketh he his sheepe that were lost, to bringe them home to the fold againe. By this way seeketh he to refourme vs▪ that we maye be like vnto him after the image of his sonne Iesus Christ in Eph. iiii. al holines and righteousnes before him. Finally▪ this wave vseth hys godly wisdome, to make vs therby to know him▪ and our selues in him that afore tyme had a maner forgot Osi. xiii. him, praysed be hys name. As [Page] For these Balamites which now do molest vs, let vs now commit them vnto the handes of GOD, gyue Rom. xii Phili. iii him the vengeaunce, and he wyll reward them. Fal ye to praier, and let these belly gods prate, for he is in heauen and sleepeth not, that kepeth Israell, he is in heauen that made the seas calme, when the disciples Luk. viii. Mar. iiii. wer afraid. Let vs now faithfully cal vpon him▪ & he wil heare vs, let vs crie vnto the Lord, for he is gratious and merciful when we Psa. lxxx Psa. xc. are in trouble. He is with vs, he wil deliuer vs, and he wil glorifie vs. If we be tourned vnto him, we shall Iere. xii. find him turned vnto vs, if we repent vs of our wyckednes done against Ier. xviii him, then shal he take away the plage that he hath deuised against vs. Let vs therfore earnestly repent▪ and bring forth the worthi Math. iii frutes of repentaunce. Let vs studi to be hys▪ then shall we not feare what these hipocrites do against vs▪ which with their pretensed holines deceiue the hearts of the people that be simple▪ and abuse the autoriti of god in his princes▪ causing Mat. xii. [Page] them by their procurement to establish the ambitious prelasy, & to erect vp their idol againe, wyth the romish masse. God (in whose Iob. xii. Prou. xv. handes are the hattes of kinges) open the hart of the quenes maiesty to espie them out what they be, & so to weede them out, that thei no lenger be suffered to trouble the congregation of God, and to poison the realme with their pope ho ly doctrine. God almightie for his sonne Iesus Christes sake, deliuer the quenes hyghnes and thys her realme from the proude prelates, which ar as profitable in the churche Psa. xiiii. l. lxxviii. of Christ, as a polecat in a war rin. Their felowshyp is noisome, their absence is right necessarye. Actes. xx. To conclude (my brethren) I commit you to God, and to the power of his word, which is able to establish you in al truth▪ his spirite be with you, & worcke in you that ye may alway be mindful of your duties towarde hym▪ whose you are Math. x. both body & soule. whom se that ye loue & serue, dread & obeie, before Exod. i. Deut▪ iiii. al earthly powers, and for nothing [Page] vnder the heauē defile your cōsciences in the sight of god. Dis Rom. xii. semble not with his word▪ god wil not be mocked, nay, thei y e dissēble i. Pete. ii. with him, deceiue thē selues▪ such the lord deny & cast out at the last Mar. viii. Math. x. Apoa. iii. Heb. xiii. day. Suche as beare ii. faces in one hoode, such as play on both handes, such as deni the knowen truth such as obstinatly rebel against it, al such with their partakers, shall the Lord destroi. God defend you from al such▪ & make you perfit vnto the end. Amen.
In your praiers remember me your brother and seruaunt in the Lord Iesus Christ.
BE mercyfull vnto ys (O Lord God of mercies) and destroi vs not in thi wrath. we haue offēded (O lord) we haue trespassed agaynst thee, therfore hast thou now visited vs with thi heauy hād, suffering our enemies to triūphe ouer vs. But yet (O Lord) our hope is in thee, that thou wilt not forsake vs, nor leaue vs, which put our trust in the. Hear vs (O Lord) for thi sonne our Lord Iesus Christes sake, and gyue not thy people to be a praye vnto the wycked for euer, O Lorde in thee haue we trusted, let vs neuer be cō founded. Haue mercy vpon vs, and after this great miseri, shew vs the light of thy countenaunce, that we may se the brightnes of the gospel againe, to thy great glory, and our great comfort▪ and to the saluatiō of thy people. Tourne vnto vs (O Lord) that be tourned vnto the, & by thy holy spirit worke in vs, that we neuer retourne from thee anye more▪ but alway walke in thy holy feare, as it besemeth thy children▪ withdraw (O Lord God) thys thy [Page] heauie displeasure, and be mercyful vnto vs. Let not thy enemies of thy woord, spoile thy seruauntes, neither gyue thy people to be an euerlasting stocke to the foolishe. Finally (O Lord God) deale with vs after thy accustomed kyndnes. As thou art iustlye displeased for our synnes, so be fauourable to vs that repēt the same, that thou maiest be knowen a righteous God, ful of pitie and compassion. Graunt this we beseeche thee, for the bloud of Iesus Christ▪ to whom with the & the holye ghost be al honour, praise and glorie, worlde without end