Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Thomas Vautroullier. 1585.
FOR samekle as thair is some euill affect it men, that gois about, so fare as lyeth in thame, to inuent lies and calumnies, to stanȝie & impair the Kings Maiesties fame and honour, and raisis brutis, as gif his Maiestie had declynit to Papistrie, and had, made many actis, to derogate the frie passage of the gospell, gude ordour and discipline in the kirk: Quhilk brutis are nurishit and interteneit be rebellious subiects quha wald glaidly couer their seditious interprises, vnder Pretext of Religioun (albeit thair can be na godly Religioun in sic, as raisis armour, and disquietis the estate of their natiue Souerane, and periuritly hes contrauenit the aith, band and obligation of their faith, quhairvnto they haue sworne and subscryuit.) Thairefore, that his Maiesties faithfull subiectis be not abusit with sic sclanderous reports, and his Hienes gude and affectionat freinds in vther countries may vnderstand the veritie of his vpricht intentioun, his Hienes hes commaundit [Page] this breif declaratioun of certaine of his Maiesties actis of Parliament haldin in Maij 1584. to be publishit and imprentit, to the effect, that the indirect practises of sic as sclanderis his Maiest. and his lawis, may be detectit and discouerit.
IN the first act, his Maiestie ratifeis and appreuis the trew professioū of the Gospell, sinceir preaching of the word, and administratioun of the Sacramentis, presently be the gudenes of God establishit within this Realme: & allowis of the confessioun of the faith set doun be acte of Parliament the first ȝeir of his Maiesties Regne. Lyke as his Hienes not only professis the same in al sinceritie, bot praysit be God, is cum to that maturitie of iudgement, be reiding and heiring the word of God that his Hienes is able to conuince and ouerthrawe be the doctrine of the Prophetis and Apostles, the most learnit of the contrary sect of the aduersaries: Sua that: as Plato affirmes that cō moun wealth to be most happie, quhairin ane Philosophour regnis, or he that regnis, is ane Philosophour: we may mekle mair esteeme this countrie of Scotland to be fortunat, quhairin our King is ane Theologue, & his hart replenishit with the knawledge of the heauenly Philosophie, for the comfort not onely of his gude subiects and freinds in vther countries; bot of them that professis the gospell eueriequhair: He being ane King of great expectatioun, to quhom his birthricht hath not only destinate and prouydit great kingedomes, bot mekill mair his Hienes vertew, godlines and learning, and daylie incresse of [Page] all heauenly sciences, dois promeis and assure him of the michtie protection of God, and fauoure of all them that fearis his holy name.
IN the secoūd act, his Maiesties royall authoritie ower all estaites, both spirituall and temporall, is confirmit. Quhilk act, some of malice, and vtheris of ignorance dois traduce, as gif his Maiestie pretendit to be callit the heid of the Kirk, Ane name quhilk his Maiest. acknawlegis to be proper and peculiar to the sonne of God, the Sauiour of the warld, quha is the heid, and bestowes life spirituall vpoun the members of his misticall bodie: and he hauing ressauit the holie spreit in all aboundance, makis euerie ane of the faithfull pertakers thairof, according to the mesure of faith bestowit vpoun thame. Of the quhilk number of the faithfull vnder the heid Christ, his Maiest, acknawlegis him selfe to be ane member, baptizit in his name, partaker of the mysterie of the croce and holie communioun, and attending with the faithfull for the cumming of the Lord, and the finall restitutioun of Goddis elect. And notwithstanding his Maiestie surelye vnderstandis be the Scriptures, that he is the cheife and principall member, appointed be the lawe of God to see God glorifiit, vice punishit, and vertue mainteinit within his realme: and the soueraine iudgement for ane godly quietnes and ordour in the commoun wealth, to apperteine to his Hienes cair and sollicitude. Quhilk power & authoritie of his hienes, certaine Ministers, being callit before his Maiest, for their seditious & factious sermonis [Page] and steiring vp of the people to rebellion aganis their natiue King, be the instigatioun of sindrie vnquiet spirits, wald in na wayes acknawlege, bot disclamit his Maiest. authoritie, as ane incompetent Iudge. And specially ane callit M. Andro Meluile, ane ambitious man, of ane salt and fyrie humour, vsurping the pulpit of Sandrois without ane lawfull calling, and privie at that tyme to certaine conspiraceis attemptit aganis his Maiestie and Croun, went about in his sermon vpon ane Sonday, to inflāme the hartis of the People, be odious comparisons of his Maiesties progenitours and counsale; Albeit the dewtie of ane faithfull Preachour of the Gospell be rather to exhort the people to the obedience of their natiue King, nor be popular sermonis, quhilk hes bene the euersioun and decay of great cities and common welthis, and hes greatly in times bygane disquietit this estate, to trouble and perturbe the countrey. The said M. Andro wllit before his Hienes, presumptuouslie answerit, that he hald not be iugit be the King and Counsale, because he had spok in the samein pulpit, quhilk pulpit, in effect, he allegit to be eximit from the Iugement and correction of Princes. As gif that holie place, sanctifeit to the word of God, & to the brekking of the bread of life, micht be ane cullor to eny sedition in word or deid, aganis the lawfull authoritie, without punishement. Alwayis his Maiestie (being of him selfe ane maist gratious Prince) was not willing to haue vsit ony rigour aganis the sayde M Andro, gif he had humbly submittit him self▪ acknawled git his offence, and creuit pardon: quha notwithstanding [Page] affrayit of his awin gyltines, being priuie to dyuers conspiraceis of before, fled into the Realme of England. quhais nauchty and presumptuous refusing of his Hienes iudgement, was the occasioun of the making of the secound act, That nane soulde declyne his Hienes authoritye: in respect that the common prouerbe beiris, Ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt, that is, Of euill maners gude Lawes procede. And in verie deid it laketh not ane richt intollerable arrogancie in ony subiect, callit before his Prince, professing, & authorising the samin treuth, to disclame his authoritie: nether do the Prophetes, Apostles, nor vthers conductit be the spirit of God, minister the lyke example. For it is a great errour to affirme, as mony do, that Princes and Magistrats hes only power to take ordour in ciuile effaires, and that Ecclesiasticall maters dois only belang to the ministry. Be quhilk meanis, the Pape of Rome he exemit him self & his clergie from al iugement of Princes, and hes made him self to be Iuge of Iuges, and to be iugit of na man: quhair as, be the contrair, not only be the exāples of the godly gouernouris, Iuges and Kings of the ancient Testament, bot also be the new Testament, and the haill history of the primitiue kirk, in the quhilk, the Emperours iugeit ouer the Bishoppes of Rome, deposit them from their seates, appointit Iudges to cognosce & decyde in causis Ecclesiasticall, vindicat innocent men, as Athanasius, from the determinatioun of the concile haldin at Tyrus, and be infinite gude reasouns, quhilk fall be set doun, be the grace of God, in ane [Page] seuerall work, salbe sufficiently prouen and verifeit. Bot this appeareth at this present to be ane vntymely and vnprofitable questioun, quhilk hes no ground vpoun their parte, bot of the preposterus imitatioun of the pretendit iurisdiction of the Pape of Rome. For gif their were ony questioun in this land,, of heresie, quhairby the profound mystereis of the Scriptures behouit to be searchit furth, his Maiestie wald vse the samin remedy (as maist expedient) quhilk the maist godly Emperouris hes vsit: and his Maiestie, following their example, wald conuene the counsell of learnit pastours, that be conference of Scriptures, the veritie micht be opinnit, and heresie repressit. Bot, praisit be God, we haue no sic controuersies in this land, nather hes there ony heresie taken ony depe rute in the cuntrey: bot certane of the ministrie, ioyning tham selfis to rebellis, hes trauellit to disquiet the estate with sic questiouns, that the people micht imbrace ane sinistre opinioun of his Maiesties vpright proceidinges and factiouns micht be nurishit and intertenyit in the cuntrye. Nather is it his Maiest. meaning nor intention in ony sort to tak away the lawfull and ordinarie iudgement in the Kirk, quhairby discipline and gude ordour micht decay: bot rather to preserue, maintene, & incresse the same. And as thair is in the Realme Iustices, Constables, Shirreffis Prouestis, Bailleis, and vtheris Iudges in temporall materis, Sa his Maiestie allowith, that all things micht be done in ordour, and ane godlie harmonie may be preserued in the haill estait, the synodall assembleis, be the Bischoppes: or commissionaris quhair the place vakis, to [Page] be conuenit twyse in the ȝeir, to haue the ordinarie tryell of materis belonging to the ministrie and thair estait: Alwayes reseruing to his Hienes, that gif they or ony of thame do amisse, neglect their dewty, disquiet the estate, or offend in sic maner & sort, that they in no wayes pretend that immunitie priuilege & exemptioun quhilk onely was inuentit be the Papes of Rome, to tred vnder fute the sceptres of Princes, and to establish ane Ecclesiasticall tyrannie within this cuntrey, vnder pretext of new inventit presbyteries, quhilk nather sould answer to the King, nor bishop vnder his Maiest. bot sould haue ane infinit iurisdiction, as nather the law of God, nor mā can tolerate. Quhilk is only his Maiest. intentioun to repress, and not to tak away ony godly or solide ordour in the Kirk, as heirefter sall appeir.
THe ferd act of his Maiest. foresaid Parliament, discharges all iugementis Ecclesiasticall, and all assembleis quhilk ar not allowit be his Maiest. in Parliamēt, quhilk act specially concernis the remouing and discharging of that forme lait inuentit in this land, callit the presbyterie: quhairin ane nūber of ministeris of ane certane precinct & bounds, accompting thame selfis all to be equall, without ony difference, & gaddering vnto thame certane gē tilmen and vtheris of his Maiesteis subiectis, vsurpit all the haill Ecclesiasticall iurisdictioun, and alterit the lawes at thair awin appetite, without the knawledge & approbation of the King or the estate. Ane forme of doing without ony exampill of ony natioun, subiect to ane [Page] Christian Prince. The perrell quhairof did sa incres, that in cace, in dew seasoun it had not bene repressit and forbidden be his Maiest. lawes, the samin had troublit the haill cuntrie. And it being tryit be his Hienes to be the ouerthraw of his Maiest. estait, the decay of his Croun, and ane reddie introductioun to Anabaptistrie and popular confusioun in all estaites, his Maiestie hes contramandit the same. And that the Reidar may vnderstand the danger thairof be mony incōuenientis quhilk thairby insewit in this land, I will only set down ane, quhairby ȝe may vnderstand quhat perrell wes in the rest. The Ambassadour of France returning hame to his awne cū trie, the Kings Maiestie cōmandit the Prouest, Bailleis, & Consale of Edinburgh to gif him the bāket, that he micht be dimissit honorablie, according to the amitie of ancient tymes betuix the twa nationis. This command wes geuin on settirday be his Hienes: and the banket appointit to be on the mounday. A nōber of the foirsaid pretendit presbyterie vnderstanding thairof, convenit them selfis on sonday in the morning, & presumpteously determinat & agreit, that the Ministeris of Edinburgh suld proclame ane fasting vpon the samin monunday, quhair thrie seuerall Ministeris, one efter ane vther, made thrie diueris sermonis invectiues aganis the Prouest, Bailleis, and Counsale for the tyme, and the noble men in the cuntrey, quha assistit the banket at his Maiest. command. The foirsayd presbyterie callit and persewit thame, and scarslie be his Maiesteis authoritie culd be withhaldin from excommunicating the saidis Magistratis and noblemen, [Page] for obeying onely his Hienes lawfull commaund, quhilk the law of al cuntreyis, callit Ius gentium, requyris towards Ambassadours of foraine cūtreis. And not only in this, bot innumerable vther things, their cōmandemēt wes opponit directly, vnder the pane of excōmunicatiō, to the K. Maie. & his lawes. Quhilk forme of doing ingē derit nothing bot disquietnes, sedition, & trouble: as may manifestly appeir, in that, the speciall authoris of the inuenting, promoting, and assisting of the foirsaid pretendit presbytereis, hes ioynit thame selfis with his Maiesties Rebels: and fleing furth of the realme, in respect of their giltines, hes discouerit quhat malicious practises wes de uysit amāgis thame, gif God had not in tyme prouidit remedie. The vther forme of Iugement quhilk his Maiestie hes dischargit, is the generall assemblie of the haill Clergie in the Realme: vnder pretence quhairof, ane number of Ministeris from sindrie Presbitereis did assemble, with sum gentlemē of the countrie, quhairof sum for that tyme malcontents of the estate, socht that cullour as fauoriseris of the ministrie, be the quhilk they haue practisit mony interprisis in the realme: quhair there wes no certane law in Ecclesiasticall effaires, bot all dependit vpon the sayd generall conuentioun, quhair the lawes of the Kirk were alterabill efter the pluralitie of votis, quhilk for the maist part succedit vnto the maist vnlearnit of the multitude. This generall assemblie amāgis vther things did appoint and agrie with his Maiest. regentis in his Hienes minoritie, that the estate of bishoppes (quhilk is one of the estates of Parliament) suld be maintenit & authorisit: [Page] As it is registrat in the bukes of counsell, and subscryuit be the commissioners for the tyme. Quhilk order wes obseruit many ȝeiris, and Bishops be their consentis, appointit to the dioceis, quhill within this lait tyme, in assembleis haldin at Dundie and Glasgovv, respectiue, the foirsaid ministers and assemblies, tuke vpoun them, contrary to their awin hand writ, to discharge the estate, and to declare the samyn to be vnlawfull, in their pretendit maner. And there cōmandit the Bishops of the countrey to demit and leaue their offices and iurisdictions, and that in na wayes they sould pas to the Kings Maiesties counsell, or parliament, without commissioun obtenit from their assemblie: That they sould vote na thing in Parliament and counsell, bot according to their actis & Iniunctions. And farder, they directit their Commissioners to the Kings Maiestie, commaunding him and the Counsel vnder the pane of the censuris of the kirk (quhairby they vnderstude excommunication to appoint no Bishop in tymes to cum, becaus they had concludit that estate to be vnlawfull. And notwithstanding, that quhilk they wald haue deiectit in the bishops, they contendit to erect in thē selfis, desyring that sic commissioners as they suld send to parliament & counsel, micht be authorisit in place of the estate, quhairby it suld haue cū to pas, that quhair as now his Maiestie may select the maist godly, learnit, wyse and experimentit of the ministrie, to be on his Ma.estate, his Hienes suld haue bene be that meanes compellit to accept sic as the multitude, be ane od vote of the maist vnlearnit sould haue appointit: quhilk could not tend bot to the ouerthrow [Page] of the Realme, quhairof that estate hathe bene ane speciall stoupe. Efter they had dischargit Bishops, they aggreit to haue Superintendentis, Commissionaris and visitouris: bot in the end, they decernit that thair suld be no difference amangis the Ministeris: and imaginit that new forme of presbyterie, quhairof we haue spokin before. Nether was there ony vther appearaunce that they sould haue stayit from sic daylie alterationis in the commoun wealth, quhilk could not bot continually be disquiettit, quhair the law of conscience, quhilk they maintenit be the sword of cursing, wes subiect to sic mutationis, at the arbitriment of ane number, quhairof the maist part had not greatlie taistit of learning. Attour the foresaid assemblie wes accustumit not onely to prescryue the lawe to the King and estate, bot also did at certane tymes appoint generall fastingis throughout the Realme, specially quhen some factioners in the cuntrey was to moue ony great interprise. For at the fast, all the Ministeris wes commandit be the sayde assemblie to sing one song, and to crye out vpoun the abuses, as they termitit, of the Court and estate for the tyme: quhairby it is maist certaine great alterationis to haue ensewit in this land, quhill at the gude pleasour of God, and his blissing towardis his Maiestie, the pretext of the last fast wes discouerit, and his Hienes delyuerit from sic attemptatis: quhairby his Maiestie hathe bene iustly mouit to discharge sic conuentionis quhilk micht importe so preiudicially to his estate [Page] Bot specially his Maiest. had no small occasion, quhairas the samin assemblie being conuenit at Edinburgh, the [...] day of [...] did authorise and avow the fact perpetrat at Ruthvē, in the taking of his Hienes maist noble persone. The quhilk deid, notwithstanding his Maiestie with the aduyse of his estates in Parliamenthes accompted to be tressonable, the said assemblie esteming their iugemēt to be the soueraine iugemēt of the realme, hes not only approvin the same, bot ordanit all thame to be excommunicat quha wald not subscryue & allow the samin. Sua the actis of this assemblie, and the lawes of the estate directly fechtand in ciuill materis, with the quhilk the assemblie sould not haue midlit, it behouit his Hienes, ether to discharge him self of the Crowne, or the ministrie of that forme of assemblie, quhilk in very deid, in the self, without the Kings Maiesties licence and approbation culd not be lawfull. Lyke as generall councilis at no tyme could gudely assemble, bot be the commandement of the Emperour for the tyme: & our King hath no les power within his awne realme, than ony of thame had in the Empyre. Zea, the Bishop of Sanctādrois had not, in tyme of Poperie, power to convene the bishops and clergie, out of his awne Diocese, without licence impetrat before of his Hienes most noble progenitours of gude memorie, and the eausis thairof intimat and allow it. Notwithstanding, that his Maiesties intentioun and meaning may fullelie be vnderstaund, It is his Hienes will, that the Bishop or Commissionar of ony diocese or prouince, or part thairof, sal at their visitatioun [Page] appoint in euery paroche, according to the gretnes thairof, sum honest, vertuous and discreit men, to concur and assist the Minister, and to haue the ouersicht, and censure of the maners and behauiour of the people o that parochin. And gif their be ony notable offence worthie of punishment, that the Bishop and Commissionar be aduertisit thairof, quha shall haue ane officer of armes, to concur with his decreit, for the punishment of vice, and executions to follow thairvpoun: that they quha contē nis the godly and lawfull ordour of the kirk, may find be experience his maiesties displeasure, and be punishit according to their deseruings.
And forder, his Maiestie vpoun necessare occasiouns, quhilk may fall furth be dyuers maners of wayis amang the clergie, vpoun humble supplicatioun maid vnto his Hienes will not refuse to grant them licence to cōuene: To wit, the Bishoppes, Commissioners, and some of the maist verteous, learnit & godly, of their dioceis, quhair sic Ecclesiasticall maters, as appertenis to the vniformitie of doctrine, and conseruation of ane godly ordour in the kirk, may be intreatit & concludit in his Maiesties awin presence, or some of his Maiesteis honnorable counsell quha sal assist for the time. Quhair, gif necessitie so require ane publict fast throuchout the hail Realme may be decernit, and be his Maiest, authoritie proclamit, to auoyd the imminent displeasour and daunger of the wraith of the Lords iudgements: quhilk is the richt end of publict humiliatioun: and not vnder pretext theirof, to couer sic interpryses, as hes heirtofore greatly disquyetit and troublit [Page] the peax of this common welth.
THE xx. act ratifeis and approuis, and restablisis the estate of the bishoppes within the Realme, to haue the ouersicht and iurisdictioun, euerie one in their awin dioceis. Quhilk forme of gouernamēt, and reule in Ecclesiasticall affaires, hes not onely continuit in the kirk, from the dayis of the Apostles, be continuall successioun of tyme, and many Martyrs in that calling shed their blude for the treuth: bot also, sen this Realme imbracit and resauit the christian Religioun, the same estate hes bene maintenit, to the weilfair of the kirk, and quyetnes of the Realme, without ony interruptioun, quhill within thir few ȝeirs, some curious and busie men haue practisit to induce in the Ministrie, ane equalitye and paritie in althings, alsweill concerning the preiching of the worde, ministratioun of the Sacraments, as lykewayes in discipline, ordour and policie. The quhilk confusion his Maiestie finding be maist dangerous experiēce, to haue bene the mother and nurish of great factions, seditions & troubles within this Realme, hes with aduise of his Hienes estates, maturelie and aduysitly concludit the said pretendit paritie in discipline, ordours and policie in the kirk, to be na langer tolerat in this countrie: bot the sollicitude and cair of ma kirks of ane diocese, to apperteyne to the bishop and commissionar thairof, quha sall be answerable to God, and his Maiestie, and estates, for the richt administratioun and discharge of the office of particulare Ministers, within the bounds of their iurisdiction. For [Page] as it becūmis his Maiestie, as Euselius wrytis of Constantinus the great, to be ane Bishop of Bishops, and vniuersall Bishop within his Realme, in sa far as his Maiestie sould appoint euery ane to discharge his dewtie: swa his Hienes can not, his countrey being large and great, take him to euerie Minister that sall offend, and transgresse aganis dewtie, or querrel with the haill nomber of the Ministrie: bot it behoueth his Maiestie to haue Bishops and owersears vnder him, that may be answerable for sic bounds, as the law and ordour of the countrey hes limitat and appointit vnto euerie ane of thame. And that they hauing acces to his Maiest. parliament and counsel may interceid for the rest of the brethren of the Ministrie, propone their greifs vnto his Hienes and estatis, and ressaue his Maiest. fauourable answer thairin. The quhilk forme dois preserue ane godly harmony, vnitie, concorde, and peax in the estate, and ane solide ordour in the kirk.. As contrariwyse, the pretendit equalitie deuydis the samin, and vnder pretext of equalitie, makes some of the most crafty and subtill dealers to be aduancit and inrychit: and in pretending of paritie, to seik nathing bot their awin ambitioun. & aduancement aboue the rest of the simple sort. And notwithstanding that his Maiestie hes restablishit the said estate, it is not his hienes will and intention, that the foirsaid bishop, sall haue sic full power, as to do within his diocese quhat he pleasis. For as his Maiestie cā not allow of ane populare confusion, quhairin▪ as the prouerbe witnessis, Nulla tyrannis aequiparanda est tyrannidi multitudinis, That is, No tyrannie can be comparit to the [Page] tyrannie of ane multitude, hauing commandement and power in their hands: Sua vpoun the vther part, his Ma. will is, that the Bishops authoritie in ony graue mater, be limitat, & circumscryuit to the counsell of XIII of the maist ancient, wise, and godly pastours of his diocese, selectit furth of the haill synodall assemblie of the prouince: be quhais aduise, or at the least the maist part thairof, the graue and wechtie effairis of the kirk may be conductit and gouernit, to the glorie of God, and quyetnes of the realme. Forther, it is his Hienes will, & expres commandement, that thir bishops, or commissionars, twyse in the ȝeir, to wit, ten dayes efter the Pasche tyme, & the sext of September, hald their synodall assemblies, in euery diocese, for the keping of gude ordour thairin. And gif ony be refractar or contemnar within their bounds, of the gude ordour of the kirk, they may be declarit vnto his Maiestie, and punishit, in exemple of vthers, according to their deseruings. Nather is it his Maiest. meaning or intentioun, that sic bishops or commissionars, as sall be appointit, sall ressaue their only and full commissioun of his Maiestie, without admission ordinar, be sic as are appointit to that effect, in the kirk: bot hauing his Hienes nominatioun, presentatioun, and cōmendatioun, as lawfull and only patroun, they to be tryit, and examinat, that their qualiteis ar sic, as they are able, and sufficient to discharge their cure and office. And gif it sall happin ony of the saidis bishops, or commissionars, to be negligent in their office, or to be sclanderous and offensiue in their behauiour, lyfe, and maners, in ony tyme cumming, [Page] it is not his Hienes will, that they sall be exemit from correctioun, nochtwithstanding of ony priuilege of his Hienes estate, counsell, or parliament, bot their labouris, trauellis, diligence, and behauiour, to be tryit in the generall assemblie, not consisting of ane confusit multitude, as it was before, bot of sic worshipfull personis, as is heirtofore prescryuit in his Hienes awne presence, or his Maiesteis deputeis to that effect. Last, his Maiestie▪ geuis commissioun to the saids bishops, or cōmissioners at their visitations to considder, in quhat pairt of the cuntrey the exercise, or interpretatioun of the Scripture, be conference of ane certane nōber of the Ministrie within that bounds, may be maist commodiously, anis in the xv dayes. For as his Maiestie inhibitis al vnlawful conuentionis, quhilk may ingender trouble and contention in the countrey, swa his Maiestie is well affectit, to sie the Ministrie incres in knawlege and vnderstanding and be all meanes to fortifie & aduaunce the samin. Quhairin his Hienes commandement is, that ane graue, wyse, and sage man, sall be appointit President, quha may haue the ouer sicht of that bounds, & be answerable thairfore to the bishop his counsell and synode, and he to be respectit resonablie for his panes, at the modificatioun of stipendis: that all things may be ordourly done in the Kirk, peax, and queetnes maintenit in the Realme, and we delyuerit from the appearand plagues, and the blessing of God continewit, to the comforte of our posteritie. And in the meane time his Hienes inhibitis and expresly contramands, vnder the panes contenit in his Maiesties [Page] actis of Parliament, and all vther panes arbitral, at his Maiesteis sicht and counsell, that na Minister tak vpon hand, to conuene them selues, for the foirsaid cause, without the appointment and ordour taken be the saids bishoppes or commissioners: quhairby his Hienes may be certenly informit, that the foirsaids Ministers conuenis not, to middle with ony ciuill maters, or effaris of estate, as was accustomit before, bot only to proffeit in the knawlege of the word, and to be comfortit ane be ane vther, in the administratioun of their spirituall office: quhilk his Hienes wishes thame faithfully to discharge, and thame to call to God, that his Maiestie may in ane prosperous Regne inioy gude and lang lyfe, and continew and incresse into the feare of the Almightye.
HIS Maiesties intentioun is, be the grace of God, to maintene the trew and sinceir professioun of the Gospell, and preiching thairof, within this Realme.
2 His Maiesteis intentioun is, to correct, & punishe sic as seditiously abuses the chyre of trueth, and factiously appleis, or rather bewrayes the text of the scripture, to the disquyeting of the estate, and disturbing of the commoun welth, or impayring of his Hienes and counsellis honour.
[Page]3 His Maiesties intentioun is, gif ony questioun of Faith and doctrine arise, to conuocate the maist learnit, godly, wise, and experimentit pastours, That be conference of scriptures, the verity may be tryit, and all heresie, and shisme be that meanes repressit.
4 His Maiesties intentioun is, that for keeping of gude ordour in euerie Paroche, certane to be censures of maneris of the rest, be appointit at the visitatioun of the Bishop, or visitour, quha sall haue his Maiesties authoritie, and officeris of armes concurring for the punishment of vice.
5 His Maiesties intentioun is, to maintene the exercise of prophecie, for the incres and continuing of knawlege amongis the Ministrie: In the quhilk, anewise and graue man selectit be the bishop or cōmissioner at the synodall assemblie, sall preside, and rander ane compt of the administratioun of that bounds quhair the exercise is haldin for the quhilk cause, some respect of leuing sall be had vnto him, quha sustenis that burding.
6 His Maiest. intentioun is, not to derogate, vnto the ordinarie iugement of maters of the Kirk, be the ordinarie Bishops, their counsells, and synodis: bot gif ony of tham do amisse, and abuse their calling, to tak ordour for correcting, amending and punishing theirof.
7 His Maiesties intentioun is, not to hinder or stay ony Godly or solide ordour, groundit vpon the word of God, and ordour, of the primitiue kirk: bot that the Ministeris of the word middle them selfis only with their awin calling, and iuge not temerariously of the estate.
[Page]8 It is his Maiesties intētion, that the presbytereis, consisting of many Ministeris and Gentilmen at landwart or otherwayes, be na forder tolerate in this Realme: bot the exercise of iurisdiction of ma kirkis to be in the hands of the bishop or commissionar, and thair counsalis and synodis.
9 It is his Maiesties intentioun, that the bishops or cō missioneris convene not ane generall assemblie out of the haill Realme, without his Maiesties knawledge and licence obtenit thairvnto: quhilk vpon supplication his Hienes will not deny: that ane vniforme ordour may be conseruit in the haill realme, and the bishops and their diligences there tryit and examinat, and the complaints of euerie particuler hard and discussit.
10 It is his Maiesties intentioun, to assist this assemblie his self, or be ane noble man of his counsale, his Hienes depute.
11 It is his Maiesties intentioun, that quhen ony parochin findeth necessitie of ane fast, they intimie the occasioun to the bishope or commissioner their counsale, that they may vnderstand that the cause is lawfull, as likewise the bishop of the diocese finding lawfull occasioun, may within the same with his counsale prescryue ane publike humiliatioun.
12 It is his Maiesties intentioun, that ane generall fast throughout the haill realme sall not be proclamit bot be his Maiesties commaundement, or be that generall counsale, quhairin his Maiestie or his Hienes deputie is present.
[Page]13 It is his Hienes intentioun, that the bishops in the Realme in euerie diocese with their counsale, preside into the Ecclesiasticall governement, bot as said is, with ane counsale, that baith tyrannie and confusion may be evitit in the kirk.
14 It is his Hienes intentioun, that Commissioneris be directit vniuersallie throughout the haill realme to establish ane godly ordour, and that his Maiesties commissioneris tak ordour presently for the translation of sic Ministeris, quhais trauels they esteme may mair conveniently and proffitablie serue in ane vther place.