An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this Realme, newly set foorth and augmented, both in french and English, for the helpe of such younge students as are desi­rous to attaine the know­ledge of y e same. where­unto are also added the olde Te­nures.

¶ In aedibus Richar­di Tottelli. 1579.

Cum priuilegio.

Le Table.

  • ABatement de brief on plaint fol. 1
  • Abatemēt en terres 1
  • Abbe 2
  • Abbettours 2
  • Abeyance 2
  • Abishersing 4
  • Abiuration 4
  • Abridgement de plaint on demaund 5
  • Acceptance 5
  • Accessories 6
  • Accion 7
  • Actions personals 7
  • Actions populer 7
  • Actions reals 8
  • Accord 8
  • Acquital 8
  • Acquitance 9
  • Additions 10
  • Adiournement 11
  • Administratour 11
  • Actes 11
  • Admirall 12
  • Aduowson 12
  • Age prier 12
  • Agreement 13
  • Aide 16
  • Alien 17
  • Alienation 17
  • Ambidexter 17
  • Amendement 18
  • Amercement 18
  • Amercement royal 18
  • An, iour, et wast 18
  • Annuitie 19
  • Appell 19
  • Appellant 20
  • Appellor 20
  • Appendant et appurte­nant 20
  • Apportionment 20
  • Appropriations 22
  • Approuement 23
  • Arditerment 23
  • Arrest 23
  • Arrerages 24
  • Assets 24
  • Assignee 25
  • Attainder 26
  • Auerment 26
  • Auerpenie 26
  • Auncien demesne 26
  • Auowry 27
  • ¶ Bayle 27
  • Baylement 28
  • Baylife 28
  • Bakberind theefe 28
  • Bargaine et sale 29
  • Barre 29
  • Bastarde 30
  • Battaile 31
  • Bigamy 31
  • Blodewit 32
  • Boote 32
  • Brodehalpeny 33
  • Brugbote 33
  • Burghbote 33
  • Burghbrech 33
  • [Page]Burgh English 33
  • Burglary 34
  • ¶ Car [...]age 34
  • Cession 34
  • Challenge 35
  • Champertour [...] 36
  • Charge 36
  • Charters de terres 36
  • Chattels 37
  • Childwite 37
  • Chimni 37
  • Chose en action 37
  • Circuit de action 38
  • Claime 39
  • Clergie 39
  • Clerke attaynt, et Clerke conuict 41
  • Colour 41
  • Colour de office 43
  • Coilusion 43
  • Common lcy 43
  • Common 45
  • Condition 46
  • Con [...]iscate biens 48
  • Contract 48
  • Conusance 49
  • Corody 50
  • Coroner 51
  • Corporation 52
  • Corps politike 53
  • Corruption de sangue 53
  • Couenant 54
  • Couerture 54
  • Couin 54
  • Counterplea 54
  • Cinque ports 55
  • ¶ Damage fefants 60
  • Danegelde 61
  • Dcane et chapter 61
  • Declaration 61
  • Defendaunt 62
  • Demaines 62
  • Demaundant 62
  • Demy sanke ou sangue 62
  • Demurrer 63
  • Denizen 63
  • Deodande 64
  • Departure de son plea ou matter 64
  • Departure in despite del court 64
  • Deputie 64
  • Deuastauerunt bona tes­tatoris 65
  • Deuise 66
  • Discent 70
  • Disclaimer 70
  • Dismes 70
  • Disperagement 71
  • Disseisin 72
  • Disseysin sur disscisin 72
  • Diss [...]ysour et disseisee 72
  • Distrcsse. 72
  • [Page]Diuorce 75
  • Donour et donee 55
  • Double plee 75
  • Droit 76
  • Droit dentrie 76
  • Dures. 76
  • ¶ Eire Justices 77
  • Embrasour, ou Embra­ceour 77
  • Encrochment 77
  • Enheritance 78
  • Equitie 78
  • Escape 80
  • Esplces 81
  • Essoine 81
  • Estoppel 82
  • Estraungers 84
  • Estraye 84
  • Excōmengement 84
  • Exchange 85
  • Execution 86
  • Executour 87
  • Extinguishment 87
  • Extortion 88
  • ¶ Failer de recorde 89
  • Fait 89
  • Farme on farme 95
  • Fee farme 96
  • Feoffement 96
  • Feffour et feffee 96
  • Fir [...]bote 96
  • Fledwite. 97
  • Flemeswite 97
  • Fletwite 97
  • Forstal 97
  • Forstaller 97
  • Fraunches roial 98
  • Frankemariage 98
  • Franktenement 98
  • Freshsuit 99
  • ¶ Gager de deliuerāce 100
  • Garde 101
  • Garden. 101
  • Garnishment. 102
  • Gauelate 103
  • Gauelkinde 104
  • Gelde 135
  • Grithbrech 135
  • ¶ Hangwite 135
  • Hariot 136
  • Haybote o [...] hedgebote 136
  • Hidage 137
  • Hotchpot 137
  • Homesoken 138
  • Homicide ou manslaugh­ter 138
  • Hornegeld 139.
  • Housebote 139
  • Hundred 139
  • Hundredum 140
  • ¶ Ideot 140
  • Illoyal assembly 141
  • Imparlance 141
  • Imprisonment 142
  • Insangethe [...]e 142
  • [Page]Information 142
  • Jointure 142
  • ¶Larc [...]ny. 144
  • Lastage 144
  • Lessor et lessee 144
  • Leuant et couchant 145
  • Ley gager 145
  • Li [...]ery de seisin 145
  • Lother [...]it 148
  • ¶Mahim 148
  • Mainprise 149
  • Manour 149
  • Ma [...]ission 150
  • Ma [...]imes 250
  • Mayno [...]r 151
  • Misprision 151
  • Monstrans de faits on records 152
  • Mortgage on morgag 153
  • Mo [...]t [...]aine 154
  • Mulier 154
  • Murder 155
  • ¶Negatiua preignans 155
  • Niefe 157
  • Nihil dicit 158
  • Nomination 158
  • Nonability. 158
  • N [...]de contra [...]t 158
  • ¶Or [...]d [...]lfe 159
  • O [...]fa [...]gthiefe 159
  • Oweltie 159
  • Oyer de records et faits 160
  • ¶Pape 160
  • Particion 161
  • Parties 163
  • Patron 163
  • Perquisities 163
  • Plei [...]tife 164
  • Pledinge 164
  • Pound 164
  • Possession 165
  • Preamble 165
  • Prescription 166
  • Presentment 166
  • Pretensed dr̄t ou title 166
  • Priuie ou priuitie et priuies 167
  • Priuiledges 168
  • Prochen amy 169
  • Protestation 170
  • Purchase 170
  • ¶Quarentine 170
  • Quinzim 171
  • ¶Regratour 171
  • Reioynder 172
  • Reliefe 172
  • Remainder 174
  • Replication 175
  • Reprises 175
  • Resceit 175
  • Reseruation 175
  • Retraxit 176
  • [Page]Reue 176
  • Reuersion 177
  • Riot 178
  • Robberie 178
  • Rout 178
  • Sake 179
  • Scot 179
  • Shewinge 179
  • Socke 179
  • Sokemans 179
  • Spol [...]ation 281
  • Stallage 183
  • Suit couenant 183
  • Suit custome 183
  • Suit real 183
  • Suit seruice 184
  • ¶Taxe et Tallage 184
  • Tenure in capitie 184
  • Testament 185
  • Them 186
  • Thesehoote 186
  • Title 186
  • Title de entrie 187
  • Tolle ou tolne 187
  • Tourne del viscont 189
  • Treasure troue 189
  • ¶U [...]we. 190
  • Uiscount 190
  • Uoucher 19 [...]
  • Uses 19 [...]
  • Usurie 193
  • Utlagaries 194
  • Waise 194
  • Waiue 196
  • Wa [...]wite. 196
  • Wrecke 197

La table del Tenures.

  • SEruice de chi [...]aler 198
  • 2 Graūd serieanty 198
  • 3 Petit serieantie 198
  • 4 Est [...]ge 199
  • 5 Homage auncestrel 199
  • 6 Curtesy Dengle [...] 200
  • 7 Fee simple 200
  • 8 Franke tenure 201
  • 9 Dower 201
  • 10 Terme dans 201
  • 11 Mortgage 201
  • 12 Burgage 203
  • 13 Socage 203
  • 14 Fee ferme 205
  • 15 Franke fee 205
  • 16 Base fee 205
  • 17 Uillenage 205
  • 18 Tayle 208
  • 19 Taile apres possibili­ty diss [...]e extinct 208
  • 20 Fanke mariage 211
  • 21 Franke almoigne 212
  • 22 Elegit 213
  • 23 Statut merchant 216
  • 24 Rent seruice 218
  • 25 Rent charge 219
  • 26 Rent secke 221
  • 27 Suit seruice 224

The olde Tenures.

Seruice de chiualer.

TO holde by knightes seruice, is to holde by homage, fealty, and es­cuage, and it draweth to it warde, mariage, & re­liefe, and know thou that knights seruice is seruice of landes or tenementes to beare armes in warre in the defence of the Ke­alme, and it o weth ward & mariage by reasō that none is able nor of pow­er, nor may haue know­ledge to beare armes, be­fore y t he be of y e age of 21. yeres. And for so much that the Lorde shall not léese that that of ryght hée ought to haue, and y t the power of the re­alme, nothinge be made weke. The lawe wil be­cause of his tēder age, y t y e [Page] Lord him shall haue in his ward till the full age of him, that is to say xxi. yeres.

Graund serieantie.

To hold by graund serieanty is as if a man hold certain lands or te­nementes of the king to go w t him in hys hoste, or to beare hys banner w t him in his warres, or to leade hys hoste, or such like, and thereto be­longeth warde mariage and reliefe, as it appe­reth in y e tretise of wards and reliefes in the sta­tute made the 28. of Ed­warde the I.

Petit Serieantie.

¶ To hold by petit ser­ieantie is as if a mā hold of the kinge lands or te­mentes, yelding to him a knife, a buckler, an Arrowe, a Bowe without string, or other [Page 199] like seruice at the will of the firste feoffour, and there belōgeth not ward mariage ne reliefe. And marke well that a man may not holde by graūd nor petit serieantie, but of the king.


¶To holde by escuage is by knight seruice, and there belongeth warde, mariage, and relief. And marke wel that a man may not holde by escu­age, bnt that he hold by homage, for that escuage of common ryght dra­weth to him homage, as it was indged Termino H. 21. E. 3. cap. 42. fol. 52. Auowrye 115. And note wel, that escu­age is a certeine somme [Page] of money, and it ought to be leuied by the Lord of hys tenaunt after the quantitie of his tenure, when escuage runneth by all Englande. And it is ordeined by al the coū ­sell of Englande howe much euery tenant shall geue to his lord, & that is properly for to maintein the warrrs béetwéene Englande, and them of Scotlande or of Wales, and not betwene other lands, for that, that those foresayed landes shoulde bee of right belonginge to the Realme of Eng­lande.

Homage auncestrel.

¶ To holde by homage auncestrel is where I or my aūcestors haue holdē of you & of your aunces­tors frō time out of mind [Page 200] whereof no mynde run­neth, by homage, fealtye and certayne rent. And it is not to holde by knightes seruice, and there belōgeth not ward maryage, nor relyefe. And note well that ho­mage maye bée sayed in two manners, that is to say, homage auncestrell, and homage de fayt. Homage auncestrell is there, where you or your auncestours haue holden of me and myne aunces­tors duringe the time of mans remēbrance by homage, fealty, & rent. Ho­mage de fayt is there, where I enfeoffe your selfe, to hold of me by ho­mage and rent, and in soe much that this ho­mage beginneth by my deede, it is called homage de fait. [Page] And note wel y t homage aū [...]strel draweth to him voucher, y t is to say, war­rantie of aūcestours, but not homage de fait.

Curtesie dengleterre.

¶ To hold by the curtesy of Englande is, there where a man taketh a wife inheritrix, and they haue issu a sōne or daugh­ter, and the wife dieth, whether y e issue be deade or a liue, y e husbande shal hold this lād for terme of his life by the curtesie of England, and by y e law. And in this case the fée, and the right remaineth in the person of hym of whome he holdeth. And for that this tenant may not alien in fée, nor for terme of anothers lyfe, and if he doe, it is law­ful to him in the reuersi­on to enter.

Fee simple.

¶ To holde in fee sim­ple [Page 201] is to holde to any man or woman, to him and to his heires, and to his assignes for euer­more.

Franke tenure.

¶ To hold in frée hold is to holde for terme of his own life, or for term of an other mannes life, And in this case the fée & the right remaineth in y person of him, of whom he holdeth. And for that this tenāt may not aliē ī fée nor for term of life: And if he doe, it is well lawful to him in whom the fée and the right aby­deth to enter.


¶ To hold in dower, is where a man inherit ta­keth a wife and dieth, y e heire shal enter, and en­dowe the wife of y e third part of al that that was to her husbande in hys [Page] life, in fée simple or fée taile, and shée shall holde these landes for terme of her life as her frée holde.

Terme dans.

¶ To holde for terme of yeres is not but chattel ī effect, for no action is mayntenable against y termour, for the recoue­ring of the fréehold, for no fréehold is in hym. A lease for terme of yeres is a chattel real, and the other chattel personall, & al goodes which are re­mouable are chattelles personals.


¶ To holde in morgage is to hold for a certayne terme vpon condition, y if the lessour pay so much money at such a day, that he may enter, and if not, that the other shall haue a fée simple or fée tayle, or frée holde. And in [Page 202] euery case where landes or tenements be géeuen to a manfor a certaine terme vpon condition of the part of the lessor for to make y lessee to haue more lōg time or terme, if the other do not as the condition is, the landes and tenementes vntyll the day that the condy­tion should bee done, bée holden in morgage, as in a deade gage.

¶ And note well that if land be let to a man in morgage in fée simple or in fée tayle vpon condi­tion, that if the first lessour, as is before sayd, pay so much money at such a day that hée may enter, & if not, that the lessée haue the sāe estate in the lands, that the les­sour did him graunt at y [...]eginnynge. And if be­fore the day assygned, [Page] the lessée be disseysed, he shal haue assise of nouel disseisin. And in case that if the lessée take a wife & die lessed before the day assigned, the womā shall bée endowed.

And note wel, that if y e lessour after the death of the lessée pay not the mony at y day assigned, then y woman shal hold her dower, and the is­sue her heritage. And in case the lessour at y e day assigned pay the money to the heire of the lessée, then he may put out the woman and the heire also, of all the lande first let. And if a man géeue landes to an other in the tail, yelding to him a cer­taine rent by the yeare, & one entre for defaut of paimēt, y donée taketh [Page 203] a wife and dieth seysed the woman shalbee in­dowed. And in case that after the rent be behind, the donour may enter & put out the woman and the heire also. And note well, that if landes bée let to a man in morgage in fée vppon condition, the lessée doth alien, the lessour shalbée charged to pay the money to the alienée, & not to the sef­fée as it is said.


¶ To holde in burgage is to holde as if the bur­geis holde of the king, or of another Lord lands or tenementes, yeldinge to him a certain rent by y yere, or els there where another man then bur­geis holdeth of any Lord landes or tenementes [Page] in burgage yeldinge to him a certayne rent by yeare.


¶ To hold in socage, is to hold of any lord lands or tenements yelding to him a certaine rent by y e yeare for all maner ser­uices. And note wel that to hold by socage is not to hold by knightes ser­uice, nor there longeth ward, mariage, nor re­liefe. But they shal dou­ble once their rent after the death of their aunces­tours according to that, y t they be wont to pay to their Lorde. And they shall not bée ouer mea­sure greued, as it appe­reth in the treatyse of wards and reliefes. And note well y t socage may bée sayde in thrée man­ners, that is to say. So­cage in free tenure, [Page 204] Socage in auncient te­nure, & Socage in base tenure. Socage in frée tenure is to holde fréely by certaine rent for all maner of seruices as is before sayd, and of that the next kms body shall haue the ward to whom the heritage may not dis­cend, til the age of xiiii. yeares, that is to say, if the heritage come by the part of the father they of the parte of y e mother shal haue the ward, & cō ­trary wise.

¶ And note wel that if the gardeine in socage do make wast he shall not bée peched of wast, but hée shall yelde accompt to the heire when hée shall come to his full age of xxi. yeares, and looke the Statute of Marle­bridge cap. xvij. for thys [Page] matter. Socage in aun­ciēt tenure is that where the people in aunciēt de­mesne helde, whych vse no other wrytte to haue then the writte of ryght close which shalbe deter­mined according to the custome of the mannour and the Monstrauerunt for to discharge thē whē their Lorde distrayneth them for to do other ser­uice that they ought not to do. And thys writ of Monstrauerunt ought to be brought against the lord, & those tenants hold al by one certain seruice, & these bée frée tenantes of auncient demesne.

Socage in base tenure is where a man holdeth in auncient demesne, that may not haue the mon­strauerunt, and for that it is called y base tenure.

[Page 207]¶ To holde in fée ferme is to holde in fee simple yeldinge to the lorde the value, or at the least the fourth part by yere, and hée oughte to doe noe other thinge, but as it is cōteined in the feffemēt, and hee that holdeth in fée ferme ought to doe fealty and not reliefe.

Franke fee.

¶ To holde in franke fée is to holde in fée simple landes pledable at the cō ­mon lawe.

Base fee.

¶ To holde in fée base is to holde at the wil of the Lorde.


¶ To holde in pure vyl­lenage, is to doe al that y e Lorde wyll him com­maunde.

¶ The definitiō of ville­nage is villein of bloude, and of tenure, And it [Page] is he of whome the Lord taketh redemptyon to mary his daughter, & to make him frée, & it is hée whom the lord may put out of his lāds and tene­ments at his wil, & alsoe of al his goods and cattel. And note wel y t a sokmā is no pure villeine, nor a villeine oweth not ward mariage nor reliefe, nor to do any other seruices real. And note wel that the tenure in vyllenage shall make noe frée man villeine, if it be not con­tinued sith tyme oute of mynde, nor vyllayn land shal make no frée manne villeine, nor frée lande shall make noe villeine frée, except that the tenāt haue contynued frée sith the tyme of noe minde, but a villeine shal make frée land villein by seysin [Page 206] or claime of y e lord. And note wel that if a villain purchase certaine land, & take a wife, & alien and dieth before the claime or seysin of y e lord, y e wife shalbée endowed. And note wel, y t in case that the lord bring a Precipe quod reddat against the alien the which voncheth to warraunt the issue of the villaine which is vil­leine to the Lorde, hée shal haue the voucher, & by protestation y e Lorde may say that (notwith­standinge that hee plede with his villeine) yet his villeine shall not bée en­fraunchised. And note well that a bastarde shall neuer bee iudged bylleyne, but by know­ledge in court of recorde. And note well that if det be due by a Lord to a [Page] free man, and he maketh two men his executours the which bée villeynes to the sayed Lorde and dyeth, the villeines shall haue an actyon of dette agaynst their Lorde, notwythstandinge that he plede with them. And if he make protestation they shall not bée for so much enfraunchised, for that that they be to reco­uer the dette aforesaid to the vse of an other person that is to say to the vse of their testatour and not to their owne vse. And if the tenāt in dower haue a villeine which purcha­seth certaine land in fee, and after the tenaunt in dower entreth, shée shal haue the land to her & to her heires for euer more, & the same lawe is of te­naunt [Page 207] for terme of yeres of a villein.

And note wel that the Lorde may roble his villain, bete and chastice at his wil, saue onely that he may not maime him, for then he shal haue ap­pell of mayme agaynste him.

¶ And note well, that a villaine may haue iij. ac­tions against his lorde, y t is to say appel of death of his aunce stour, appel of rape don to his wife, & appel of maime. And note well, if two parceners bring a writ of Nyefe, & one of thē be nonsute, the nonsuite of hym shalbée iudged y t consuit of them both, soe that if the non­suite be after apparance, they shalbée put oute from that actiō for euer, [Page] for the lawe is such in fa­uour of liberty. And note well, if two haue a vyl­leine in comen, & one of them make to him a ma­numission, he shal not be made frée against both. And note wel, that in a writ de Natiuo habendo, it behoueth that the lorde shewe howe hee cōmeth priuy of the bloode of the villeine of whome hée is Lorde &c. And if hée, nor none of hys auncestours were not seysed of none of hys blood, he shall not wynne by his action, if y villein haue not know­ledged in court of record him selfe to bée his vil­lein. And note wel, that in a writ of Niefe may not be put more niefes then ij. & this was first brought in in y hatred of [Page 208] bondage. But in a writ de Libertate probanda, may bée put as manye nyefes as the plaintife will.

¶ And note well that if the vylleyne of a Lorde bée in auncien demesne of y e king, or other towne priuileged, within a yere and a day, the lorde may seise him, and if he dwel in the same towne or o­ther place fraunchised by a yere and a daye with­out seisin of the Lord, he hath noe power to seyse him after, if hée goe not in estraie out of the fore­said fraunches.


¶ To hold in the taile is, where a man holdeth certaine lāds or tenements, [Page] to him and to his heires of hys body béegotten. And note wel, that if y land be géeuen to a man and to his heires males, and hée hath issue male, hee hath fée simple, and that was adiudged in y e parliament of our Lord the kynge. But where landes or tenementes bée géeuen to a man and to his heirs males of his body begotten, then hée hath fée tayle, and the issue female shal not bée enheritable, as it appe­reth the xiiii. yere of Ed­ward the third in assise.

Taile apres possibilitie.

¶ To hold in the taile after possibilitie of issue ex­tinct is, where lād is ge­uē to a mā & to his wife & to the heires of their ii. bodyes ingendred, and one of them ouerlyueth [Page 211] the other wythout issue betwéene them béegot­ten, hée shall holde the lande for terme of hys owne life, as tenaunt in the taile after possibilitie of issue extinct. And not withstanding that he do wast, he shal neuer be impeched of that wast. And note that if hée alien, hée in the reuersion shal not haue a writte of entre in consimili casu. But hée may enter, and hys en­tre is lawfull per Ro­bertum Thorpe chiefe Justice.


¶ To holde in franke­mariage is to holde in the seconde tayle lymit in the statute of West­minster seconde cap. 1. And the feoffour shal ac­quite y feoffée of al ma­ner of seruices vnto y e 5. degrée be past, and y e fef­four [Page] shal do all the ser­uice and suites duringe y e sayde terme. And after the heires of the feoffée shall doe it, for that that the priuitie of bloud is past. And if hée bée dis­trained for seruyce, hée shal haue a writ of Mes­ne agaīst him supposing that he held the lands of him, but he shal not haue the foreiudgement if it be not in aduauntage of his issues.

And note well, that after the fowerth de­grée be past, he shall bee attendaunt of as much seruice to the donour, as the donour is attendant to the Lord paramount. And if hée do felony for which he is attaint, the king shal haue his lands for terme of his life na­turall. [Page 212] And after hys death, hys issue shal in­heryte, as by force of the tayle. And in this case, none shall haue hys lands by way of eschete, no more then in any o­ther taile. And in case that the tenant die with­out heire of hys body begotten, the lande shall reuert to the donour as it shoulde in the com­mon tayle. And if a manne let his land to a­nother in franke mari­age yeldynge to hym a certayne rent by yeare, hée shall hold this land in the common tayle, and not in frankema­riage for by the rent re­serued, these woordes ( in liberum maritagium) bée al vtterly voyd, so that y tenure shalbée intended [Page] after the tenure in the common taile.

And note wel that the gift in franke mariage hath a condition annex­ed to it, notwithstanding that it be not openly de­clared in the déede of the gift as it appereth by the statut of westin̄ second, ca. primo, de Donis cō ­dicionalibus.

And note wel that a manne shall not géeue landes nor tenementes in frankemariage, but where the womanne is priuie of bloud to the do­nour, [...] else the m [...]e nor the womā shal haue no other estate by the feoffement but for term of life.

Frank almoigne.

To holde in franke almoigne is to hold lan­des or tenements for to serue Godde and holye [Page 213] Church to endow with­out doynge any other manner of seruice. And note, well that in thys case the donor is mosne, and oughtto acquite him fréely against the chiefe Lorde, and also they that holde in frankeal­moigne shall doe no fe­altie, but they that hold in franke mariage, shall do fealtie.


To hold by Elegit is where a manne hath re­couered debt or dam­mage by a writ against another or by confes­syon or in other man­ner, hée shal haue with­in the yere against hym a writte Judicial called Elegit to haue execution of the halfe of al his lāds and cattels, (except oxen and bestes of the plowe) [Page] tyll the debt or damma­ges hée vtterly leuied or payed to him, & duringe the terme hée is tenant by Elegit. And note wel if hee bée put out with­in y e terme he shall haue assyse of nouell dissey­sin, and after a redissei­sin if néede be, and thys is géeuen by the statut of Westminster 2. ca. 18. and also by the equity of the same statute, he that hath his estate if hée bée put out shall haue assise and a redisseisin if néede be, and also if hée make his executours and dye, and his executours en­ter and after be put out, they shall haue by the e­quity of the same statute such action as hée hym selfe before said, but if he be put out, & after make hys executours and dye, [Page 214] his executours may en­ter, and if they be stop­ped of their entre, they shall haue a writte of trespas vpon their mat­ter and case.

And note well if hée do wast in al the lande or parcell, the other shall haue against him imme­diatly a writte Judi­cyall out of the first re­corde called a venire fa­cias ad computandū, by which it shalbée inqui­red if hée haue leuied all the money or parcel, and if he haue not leuied thē money, then it shalbe in quired to how much the wast amounteth, and if the wast amount but to parcel, then asmuch of y e mony, as y e wast amoū ­teth shalbée abridged of [Page] y foresaid money which was to be leuied. But if he haue done more wast then the foresaid summe of money which was to be leuied amounteth, the other shall bée dischar­ged by and by of all the said money, and shal re­couer the land, and for the superfluity of y wast made aboue that that a­mounteth to the sayde summe, hée shal recouer his dāmages single, and the same lawe is of hys executours, & also of him that hath his estate. And note that if hée alien in fée or for terme of life, or in tayle all or parcell of the lād which he holdeth by Elegit, if y alienation bée made w tin the terme or after, hée which hath right shalhaue against hi [Page 215] one assise of nouel dis [...]ci­sine. And they both must be put in the au [...]se the alienor and the alie­née, and notwythstan­dinge that the alienour die presētly, yet he which hath right shal haue an assise against the alienée alone as if the alienour had bene a playne te­nant for terme of yeres, and that is by the equi­tie of the statut of W. 2. cap. 25. for that that he hath not but a chattel in effect, and the same law is of his executours and of him which hath hys estate as is aforesaid.

And note wel that in an Elegit, if the shirife re­torne y he had nothinge y day of there conusance made, but y he purcha­sed lands after the tyme, then the partye plaintife [Page] shal haue a newe writto haue execution thereof, the same lawe is of a sta­tute merchaunt. And note wel that after a fie­ry facias a mā may haue the Elegit, but not con­trary wise, for soe much y the Elegit is of more higher nature then thefi­eri facias. And note wel that if a man recouer by a writte of debt and su­eth a fieri facias, and the shirife retourne that the party hath nothig where of hee maye make grée with the party, then the plaintife shal haue a capi as sicut alias, and a plu­ries, and if the shirife re­tourne at the capias mit­to vobis corpus, and hée haue nothinge whereof hée may make grée to y party, he shalbée sent to the prison of the Fléet, & [Page 216] there shal abide tyll hée haue made agrement w t the party, & if y shirife retourne non est inuentus then there shall goe forth an exigent against hym. And note wel y in a writ of debt brought against a personne of holy church, which hath nothinge of lay fée, & y shirife retour­neth, y he hath nought by which he may be summo ned, then shall the plain­tife sue a writ to the Bi­shop that hée make hys clerke to come, and the bishop shal make hym [...]o come by sequestration of y church. And note wel, y if a man bringe a writ of debt & recouer, & make his executors & dieth, they shal haue executiō not w t ­standing y it be within y yere by a fieri facias.

Statut merchant.

6 To holde by Statute [Page] merchaunt, is where a man knowlegeth to pay certayne money to ano­ther at a certaine day be­fore the maior, bailife, or other wardē of any town y t hath power to make execution of the same sta­tute, & if y e obligée pay not y debt at y e day, & nothing of his goods, lands, or te­nementes may be found within the warde of the maior or warden béefore saied, but in other places without, thē y e reconisée shal sue the reconisaunce & obligatiō w t a certifica­tion to the chauncery vn­der the kinges seale, & he shal haue out of the chaū cery a capias to y e shirife of y e coūty where he is to take him & to put hym in prison, if hée bée not a clarke, til hée bée not a clarke, til hée haue made gréement of y e debt. And [Page 217] one quarter of the yere after that, that hée shalbée taken, hée shall haue his lād deliuered to himselfe to make gree to y e party of the debt, & he may selit while he is in prison, and his sale shalbe good & law ful. And if he do not grée w tin a quarter of a yere, or if it be retourned that he be not foūd, then y re­conisée may haue a writ of the chauncery which is called Extendi sacias, direct to al shirifs, where hée hath landes, to ex­tende hys landes and goods, & to deliuer y e goods to him, and to seise him in hys landes, to holde them to him and to hys heires and his assignes, til that the debts be leui­ed or payed, and for that tyme hée is tenaunt by [Page] statut merchaunt. And note wei, that in a sta­tute merchaunt the reco­nisée shall haue executy­on of al the landes which the reconisour hadde the daye of the reconisaunce made, and any tyme af­ter, by force of the same estatute. And note well, that when any waste or destruction is made by the reconisée, his execu­tors, or by him that hath estate, the reconisour or his executours shal haue the same lawe as is be­fore sayd of the tenant by Elegit.

And note wel, if the tenaunt by statut mer­chaunt holde ouer hys terme, he that hath right maye sue against him a venire facias ad compu­tandum, or els enter by & [Page 218] by as vppon tenaunt by Elegit.

¶ There be thrée maner ofrents, that is to saye, rent seruice, rent charge and rent secke. Rent ser­uice is, where a manne holdeth of an other by fe­altie, and for to doe suit to his court, and yelding to him a certaine rent by the yere for all manner of seruices.

¶ And note wel, that if the Lorde be seised of the seruice & rent before said & they be behinde, and he distraine, and the tenant rescue the dystresse, hée may haue Assyse, or a writte of rescous, but it is more necessarye for hym to haue assyse then a writ of rescous, for that by assise he shal recouer his rent & his damages [Page] but by a writte of Res­cous, hée shall not re­couer but the thynge and the dammages.

¶ And note well that if the lorde be not seysed of the rent and seruyce and they bée behynde, and hee dystrayne for them, and the tenaunt take againe the distresse, hee shall not haue assise but a wrytte of Res­cous, aud shal not néede to shewe bys right. And note wel that if the Lord distreine his tenaunt in socage for knights seruice whiche is not denyed him, & auowe for y same seruice in court of record, he shalbe charged by the same seruice by Fynch termino Hillarij Anno xlvj.

And note well y if the [Page 219] Lord may not find a dis­tresse by two yeare, hée shal haue against the te­naunt a writte of Ces­sauit per biennium as▪ it appereth by the statute of Westm. 2. cd. 21. And if the tenant dye in the meane time and his issue enter, the Lord shal haue against the issue a writ of entre vpō y Cessauit, or if the tenaunt alien, y lord shall haue against the alienée the foresayd writte. But if the Lorde haue issue and dye, and the tenaunt bée in arre­rages of the sayde rent and seruice in the time of the father of the issue, & not in the time of the issue, he may not distrain for y arrerages in y time of his father, and hee shal haue none other reco­uery [Page] agaynst the te­naunt or any other, for that that such aduantage is géeuen by the lawe to the tenaunt. And note well that rent seruice is that to the which belon­geth fealtie, but to rent charge & rent seck belon­geth not fealtie, but it belongeth to rēt seruyce of common right.

Rent charge.

Rent charge is where a man graūteth certaine rent going out of hys lands or tenemēts to a­nother in fée simple, or in fée taile, or for terme of life by déede vpō con­dition, y t at what time the rent bée bēehinde, it shall bèe wel & lawefull to the grauntée to hys heires or assygnes or dis­trayne in the same lāds or tenementes. And note wel, that if the rent [Page 220] be behind, it is wel law­ful to the grauntée at his election to haue a writte of annui [...]y, or els he may distraine, and if the dis­tresse bée taken agaynst his will from him, and he was neuer seised bée­fore, he hath noe recoue­ry, but by writ of Res­cous, for y e distresse first taken, geueth not to him seysin, onely if hee ha [...] the rent beefore, for if he were seysed of the rent before, and after the rent bée behind and hée dys­traine, & rescous to hym bée made, hee shall haue assise, or a writte of res­cous.

And note wel, that in euery assise of rēt charge and annuell rent, or in a wrytte of annui­tie, it béehoueth to him that bringeth the writte [Page] to shewe forth an espe­cialty, or els he shall not maintaine the assise, but in a Mordauncestour or formedon in the discen­der or other writs (in the which title is geuen or comprised) brought of rent charge, or annuell rent, it néedeth not to shewe especialtie.

And note well that if a mā graūt a rēt charge to an other, & y grauntée purchase the halfe of the land whereof the rent is going out, all the rent is extinct, and if the graun­tée release to the graun­tour parcell of the rent, yet al the rent is not ex­tinct. But in rēt seruice the lawe is otherwyse, for notwithstandinge y y Lorde hath purchased y halfe of y lād wherof y [Page 221] rent is going out, yet y rent is not extinct, but for the halfe, & the cause of the diuersity is that rent seruice may bée se­uered to one portion, but not rent charge.

And note wel that if rent charge be graunted to two ioyntly, and the one release, yet the other shall haue the halfe of the rent. And also if one purchase the halfe of the lande whereof the rent is goyng out, the other shall haue the halfe of the rent of hys companion: And if the disseysour charge y land to a straunger, and the disseisie bringe an assise and recouer, the charge is defeated. But if hée that hath right, charge the lande, and a straun­ger faine a false action [Page] against him & recouer by defaut, the charge aby­deth. And note wel, that in case that purparty bée béetwéene two parce­ners and more land bée allotted to one then to the other, and shée that hath more of the lande, chargeth her land to the other and shée happeth the rent, shée shal main­teyne assyse without es­pecialty. And if y graū ­tée haue in fée simple or in fée tayle, and hath issue and dieth, if the is­sue bringe a formedon, or assise of mordaunces­ter, hée shall neuer bée charged to shewe an es­pecialty.

Rent secke.

Rent secke is where a man holdeth of me by homage fealty & other seruice, yeldyng to mée a [Page 222] certaine rent by y e yere and I graunt this rent to another, reseruinge to mée the seruice.

And note wel that in rent seck if a man be sei­sed of the rent, and the rent bée behind, hée may not dystrayne, but hee shall haue assise of nouel disseisin.

And note well that if rent secke be graunted to a manne and to hys heires, and the rent bée béehind, and the graun­tour dye, the heire may not distrayne, nor shal recouer the arrerages of the tyme of his father, as it is before said of rēt seruice.

And in the same ma­ner it is to say of rent charge, or annuel rent. But in al these rentes [Page] before said the heire may haue for the arrerages in his owne time such ad­uauntage as hys father had in his life.

And note well that in rent secke if a manne bée not seysed of the rent, and it bée behind, hée is without recoue­ry, for that that it was his owne folly at the be­ginning when the rent was graunted to hym, or reserued, that hée tooke not seysin of the rent as a peny or two pence. And note well that a manne may not haue a Cessauit ꝑ bien­nium or another writte of entre sur Cessauit for no rent secke béehynd by ii. yeares, but onely for rent seruice, as it appea­reth in the statute.

[Page 223]¶And note well that in rēt secke it behoueth him that sueth for y rent seck for to shewe a déede to y e tenaunt, or els the tenāt shal not be charged with the rent, but where the rent secke was rent ser­uice before, as in thys case, lord, mesne, and te­naunt, and euerie of thē holdeth of other by ho­mage and fealtie, and the tenant of the mesne x. s. of rent, the lorde para­moūt purchaseth y lands or tenementes of the te­naunt, all the seign [...]orye of the mesne but the rent is extinict. And for this cause thys rent is bée­come rent secke, and the rent seruyce chaunged, for hée maye not dys­trayne for thys rent, and in this case hée that [Page] demanudethe the rent shal neuer be charged to shewe a déede. Also in a writte of mordaunces­tour, ayel, or besayle, of rent secke it néedeth not to shewe a specyal­tie for that these writtes of possession doe compre­hende a tytle wythin thē selues, that is to say, that the auncestour was seysed of the same rent and continued hys pos­session, by cause of which seysine the lawe suppo­seth that it is alsoe auer­rable by the countreye, yet learne, for some sup­pose that it béehoueth of necessity to shewe forthe a déede, for that that rent secke is a thinge against cōmon right as wel as rent charge. But in as­sise of nouel disseisin and [Page 224] in a writte of entre sur disseisin brought of rent secke, it béehoueth of ne­cessitie to shewe forth a déede, for that that rent secke is a thinge against a common right, except in the case before sayed where it was rent ser­uice before.

And assise of nouel dys­seisin, & a writte of entre sur disseisine conteygne within them no title, but suppose a disseisine to be done to y plaintife, & of y entendement of the lawe the disseisin géeueth noe cause of auermēt against commen right, but of ne­ces [...]itye it behoueth to shewe forth a déede.

Suit seruice.

¶ Suit seruice is to come to the court from thrée [Page] wéekes to thrée wéekes by the whole yere, and for that a man shabe dis­trayned not amerced. Suit real is to come to y court of léete and that is not but two times in the yere, and for that a man shalbée amerced and not distrained.

The olde Tenures.

Seruice de chiualer.

TEnir per seruyce d'chiualer est a te­ner per homage feal­ty, et escuage, et treit a luy garde mariage et reliefe. Et nota que seruice de chiual' est seruice de terre ou de ten̄ts pur armes port' en guerre en defēc' d' roialme, Et doit gard mariage per la reasō q̄ nul ē able ne de pow­er et ne puit aū conu­saunce darmes por­ter auaunt que il soit dage of xxi. ans. Et pur taunt que le seig­niour ne perdera c'▪ q̄ de droit doit auer, & que la povver de la royalme de ryen ne soit enfeeble: Laley voet per cause de son tender age que son [Page] seignyour luy aūa en sa garde tan (que) al plein age de luy cē assauoir xxi. ans.

Graund serieantie.

2 Tenir per graund serieantie, est sicome vn home tyent cer­taine terres ou tene­ments de roy dal' oue luy en son host, ou de porter sō banner oue luy en ses guerres, ou amesn̄ sō hoste, ou ty­el sēblable, et a c̄ ap­pent gard mariage et reliefe, sicōe il appiert en la treatise de gards et reliefe enter lesta­tutes. 28. E. I.

Petit Serieantie.

3 Tenir per petit ser­ieantie est sicome vn home tiēt de roy ter­res ou tenements, rē ­daunt a luy vn cottel vn escue, vn sete, vn arke sauns corde, ou [Page 199] auter seruice sembla­bles, a la volunte le primer feoffour. Et la nappent garde ma­riage ne relief. Et not' que home ne puit te­ner per graunde ser­ieanty, ne per petite serieāty, sinō del roy.


4 Tenir per escuage est a tenir per seruice de chiualer. Et la ap­pent garde, mariage, et relief. Et nota que home ne puit tenir ꝑ escuage, sinon que il teygne per homage, pur ceo que escuage de common droyte treit a luy hōage cōe il fuit aiuge in t' H. 21. E. 3. c. 42. f 52. Auow­rie 115. Et nota q̄ es­cuage est vne certein [Page] somme de argent, et doit estr leue ꝑle sn̄r de son tenant solon (que) le quantitie de son te­nure quāt le escuage courge ꝑ tout Eng [...]. Et ordeyne est ꝑ tout le counsel Denglet', qn̄t ches [...] tenāt don̄a a son seignior, et ceo est ꝓpermēt pur sus­teiner la guerre ꝑen­ter Englet r [...] et ceux de escoce ou de Ga­leys, et nō pas ꝑenter auters terres, pur ceo q̄ les auauntdits terres serrount de droyt ap­pendant a la royalme Dengleterre.

Homage auncestrel.

5 Tenir per homage auncestrel est lou ieo & mon auncestours ont tenus de vous et de vostr' auncestours de temps dount me­mory [Page 200] ne courge, ꝑ homage, fealty, & cer­tein rent. Et nest pas a tener per seruice de chiual', et la nappent garde, mariage, ne re­liefe. Et nota q'ho­mage puit este dyt in deux maners, cestas­cauoier, homage aun­cestrel, et homage de fait. Homage aunces­trel est la ou vous & voster aūcestors ont tenus de moy et mes aūcestors puis le tēps de non memory, per homage, fealtye, & certeyne rent. Ho­mage de fait ēla ou ieo enfeoffe vous m̄s, a tenir de moye per homage & rent, et entaunt que cest ho­mage commence per mon fayt, il est ho­mage de fait. [Page] Et nota que homage auncestrel treyt a luy vouch. cestascauoir garr' del aūcest's, mes nō pas homaged' fait.

Curtesie dengleterre.

6 Tenir per la curte­sie Dengleterre est, la ou vn hōe prēt fēe enherite, & ont issue fits ou file, & la feme deuy soit la issue mort ou en vie, le baron tiendra cest terre a terme de sa vie per la curtesy Dengleterre, et per la ley. Et en cē case le fee & le droyt remaint in le persone celuy de que il tient. Et pur ceo cest tenāt ne puit alyen en fee ne a term̄ dauter vie, Et sil face, by en list a ecluy en l' reūc' dent'

Fee simple.

7 Tenir in fee sim­ple [Page 201] est a tenir a ascun hōe ou feme, a luy et a ses heires et a ses as­sign̄s pur touts iours.

Franke tenure.

8 Tenir en frank te­nure est a ten̄ a terme de sa vie demesne, ou a terme de auter vie, Et en cest case le fee & le droit remaynt in la person celuy de q̄ il t [...]ent. Et pur ceo [...]el tenaunt ne puyt pas alien en fee ne a term de auter vie: Et sil face, bien list a celuy in q̄l le fee & le droyt demourt, de [...]rer.

Low [...].

9 Tenure in dovver est, lou home inherite prent feme et deuie, lheire entra et endo­vvera la femme de la tierce partie de tout ceo que fuit a son ba­ron [Page] en sa vie, en fee simple ou fee taile, et el tyendra cels terres pur term' d' sa vie cōe son franktenement.

Terme dans.

10 Tenir a term̄ dans nest fors [...] chattel en effect, car nul actyon est mayntenable en­ūs l' t [...] quāt a reco­uerer de franktene­ment, car nul frākte­nement est a luy.

Lease a term' dans est chattel real, Et lauter chattel est personal, et toutes bn̄s mouables sont chattels ꝑsonals.


11 Tenir in morgage ē a ten̄ a cert' term̄ sur condic', q' si le lessour paia tants den̄s a tyel iour, q̄il puit enter, et sinō q̄ laut'eit fee sim­ple ou fee tayle, ou franktenemēt. Et en [Page 202] chescun case lou ter­res ou tenements sunt dones a hōe a certeyn terme sur condie' de part le lessor pur faire le lessee auoir plꝰ lon­ge temps ou terme, si lauter ne face sicōe la condic' ē, les terres et tenements tanque le iour q' la condic' ser­roit fait, sont tenus in morgage, quasi in mortgage.

Et nota q̄ si [...]err' soit lesse a vn hōe en mor­gage en fee simple, ou in fee taile sur cōdiē, q̄ si le primier lessor cōe deuāt est dit, pay tā [...]s des den̄s a tiel iour q̄ il puit enter, et siuō q̄ le lessee eyt m̄ lestate en les terres, que le lessour luy graunt a­deprimes. Et si de­uant le iour assygne, [Page] ie lessee soit disseisi, il auera assise de nouel [...]. Et en case q̄ si le iessee prent feme S [...] [...]uie seisie deuant le iour assigne, sa feme serra endow.

Et nota que si le les­sour apres le mort le lessee ne pay les de­ [...]s al' iour assesse, a­donques la feme ty­endra sa dower, et liss [...]e son heritage. Et en cas q̄ le lessour al' iour assesse paia les denyers al heire de le lessee, donques il puit ouster la femme, et le heire auxi de tout le terre primierm̄t lesse. Et si vn home done terres a vn auter en le taile, rendant a luy certein rent per an, et vn enter pur faut de paym̄t, le donee prent [Page 203] feme & deuie seisie, la feme serra endovve. Et en cas q̄ ap̄s le rēt soit aderere, le donor puit entre et ousta le feme & [...]heire auxy. Et nota q̄ si terres soi­ent lesses a vn hōe en morgage en fee sur c̄ ­tein conditiōs, l' lessee alien, le lessour serra charge d'paier les de­niers al alienee et nō pas a son feoffee cōe il est dit. 17. Ass. 2.


12 Tenir in burgage est a ten̄ si cōe les bur­geis teygnent de roy ou de auter sn̄r terres ou tenementes ren­dant a luy vn certein rent per an, ou auter­ment la ou vn auter home que burgeis ti­ent dascū seygniour terres ou tenementes [Page] en burgage rendant a luy vn cert' rēt ꝑ an.


13 Tenir en socage ē a tenir dascū seigniour terres on tenen̄its rē ­dant a luy vn certeyn rent per an, pur touts maners des seruyces. Et nota que tenir per socage nest pas tenir per seruice de chiual' ne la appent gard, ma­riage, ne relife, mes ils doubleront vn foites lour rent ap̄s la mort lour auncester solon­que ceo q̄ soleint pai­er a lour seignyour, et ils ne serrount oustre mesure greeues, cōe il appiert en la trea­tise de gardes et d' re­liefes. Et nota que so­cage puit estre dit en trois maners, cestassa­uoir socage en frank­tenure, Socage en aū ­cient [Page 204] tenure, et socag' en base tenure. So­cage en frank tenure est a tenir fraunche­ment per certein rent pur toutes manners des seruices come de­uant est dit, & de ceo le procheine amye a­ueral' gard a que lhe­ritage ne purra my descender tanque al age lheire de xiiij. anss cestassauoir si lhery­tage veign̄ ꝑ le part le pier, ceux de parte la mere aueront le gard & econtra. Et nota q̄ si gardeine en socage face vvaste il ne serra my empech de vvast mes rendra accompt al heire quant il vien­dra a pleyne age de xxj. ans. Et vide les­tatute de Marlebridg capitulo xvij. pur cest [Page] matter. Socage de auncient tenure ē ceo ou gerts en auncyent demesne tenoyēt, que no soilent auter brief auoir que le briefe de droit close q̄ serr' ter­mine secūdum cons. manerij, Sc le mōstra­uerunt pur eux dys­charge quaunt lour seignior eux distreine put faire auters serui­ces que faire ne duis sent. Et cēbr' de mō ­strauerunt doyt estre port enuers lour seig­niour, et ceux tenants teignent touts per vn certeine seruice. Et ils sont frāktenāts daū ­cien demesne. Socage in base tenure est lou hōe tient en auncient demesne que ne puyt aū l' mōstrauer' et pur ceo il est appel d' base tenure. [Page 207] 14 Tenir in fee ferm̄ est a tener en fee sim­ple rend' a le sn̄r le va lue ou la moity ou al meins le iiij. part ꝑ an, et ne doit auter chose faire, mes sicōe est cō ­teign̄ en le seffem̄t. Et q̄ tient en fee ferme doit faire fealty et ni­ent reliefe.

Franke fee.

15 Tenir en frāke fee est a tenir en fee sim­ple terres pleadable a la comen ley.

Base fee.

16 Tenir en fee base ē a ten̄ a la volūt le sn̄r.


17 Tenir in pure vil­lenage est a faire tout [...] que le seignior luy voit commaunder.

La difinition de ville­nage est villeine de sāke, et d' tenure. Et il [Page] est de que son sn̄r prēt redempc'd' sa file ma­rier ou soym̄ enfraū ­chise, Et le seign̄ puyt luy ouster des terres ou ten̄ts a sa volūt, & auxi de toutes ses bn̄s et chateaux. Et nota q̄ sokman nest pas pure villein, ne villein doit pas garde mariage ne reliefe ne faire aut' ser uices reals. Et nota q̄ tenur' en villenage ne ferr' nul frāke hōe vil­lein sil ne soit cōtinue puis le temps de non memorie, ne villeyne terre ne ferra franke home villein, ne frāke terre ne ferra villeine franke, sinon q̄ le te­nant soit cōtinue frā ­chement puis le tēps de non memory, mes villein ferra franket'­re villein per seisin ou [Page 206] ꝑ claime de son seign̄. Et nota que si villein purchase certein terre et prent feme et alien & deuie deuaunt le claime ou seysin de sō sn̄r, la fēe serr' endow. Et nota q' en cest cas q' le sn̄r port Precipe quod reddat enuers lalien son villeyn le q̄l vouche a garrauntie le issue la villeine que est villein a la seign̄, il auera la vouche. Et ꝑ protestatiō le seignior puit sauer (que nō ob­stant que il pled' oue son villeine) vncor' sō villeine ne serra mye enfraunchise. Et nota que bastarde ne serra iammes aiudge villein sinon per conusance en court de recorde. Et nota que si det soit due per vn seignior a [Page] vn home et il face ii. home ses executours les queux sount vil­leins al dit seignior et deuie, les villeins aue­rount action de dette enuers lour seignior, nient obstaunt que il pled ouesque eux. Et sil face protestatyon ils ne serront pur tant enfraunchise, pur ceo que ils sount a recoū le dette auauntdit al vse dune auter per­son, cestassauoir al vse lour testatour et ny­ent a lour vse demes­ne. Et si le tenaunt in dovver eit vn villein le quel purchase cer­teyne terre en fee & puis le tenant en do­vver enter, el auera la terre a luy & a ses heirs a touts iours, & mesme la ley ē de te­nant [Page 207] a terme dans dū villeine.

Et nota q̄ le sn̄r puit robber sō villein, nau­frer et chastiser a sa volūt, salue q̄ il ne puit luy mayhime, car dō ­ques il auera appel de mayhime enuers luy. Et nota q̄ villein pu­it auer iii. actions en­uers son seign̄, cestas­cauoir, appel de mort sō aūc', appel de rape fait a sa femme, et ap­pell de mahim. Et no­ta si deux ꝑcen̄s por­tent briefe de N [...]iftie, et lun de eux soit non suy, le nonsuit de luy serra aiudge la non­suyte de am bydeux, issint que si le non­suyte soyt apres ap­paraunce, ils serrount oustes de cest acty­on a toutes ioures, [Page] car la ley est tiel in fa­uorem libertatis. Et nota si deux ount vn villeine in commen, & lun de eux face a luy vn manumission, il ne serra my enfran­chise enuers ābideux Et nota que en br' de Natiuo habendo, il couient que le seign̄r monstre coment il a­ueigna priuie de sake a celuy villein de que il est seignior &c. Et sil, ne nul de ses aun­cesters ne soit seisi de nul de son sanke, il ne gaynera per son actiō si le villeine nad pas conu en court de rec' luy estre son villeine. Et nota que en briefe de Niefe ne purront este mys plusoures niefes que deux tant solement, & hoc in­troductum fuit prius [Page 208] in odium seruitutis, Mes en briefe de Li­bertate probanda, purrount estre mis taunts niefes come le pl' voudra.

Et nota que si le niefe de seign̄ soit fue en auncient demesne de roy ou auter vill' priuilegie, deins lan & iour le seignior pu­it luy seyser, & sil demourt en la dit vil▪ ou lieu fraunchise per vne an & vne ioure sauns le seysin de son seygniour, il nad my povver de luy seyser apres, sil ne va en es­tray de hors le suisdit fraunchise.


18 Tenir en le taile'ē lou hōe tient certeine terres ou tenementes [Page] a luy et a ses heires de son corps engendres. Et nota que si la terre soit dōe a vn hōe et a ses heirs males, et il ad issu mal', il ad fee sim­ple, et ceo fuit aiudge en le parliament nost' seigniour le roy. Mes lou terres ou tenem̄ts sount dones a vn hōe & a ses heirs males de son corps engendres, il ad fee taile, et lissue female ne serr' my in­herite, vt patet Anno xiiij. Edwardi tertij en vn Ass. 18. Edvvar­di 3. 45.

Taile apres possibilitie.

19 Tenir en le tail' a­pres possibilitie dissue extinct est, lou terre est done a home et sa femme et a les heires de lour ij. corps engē ­dres, lū d' eux suruiue [Page 211] laut' sās issu entre eux issāt, il tiēdra sa terre a terme de sa vie dem̄ cōe tenāt en le taile a­pres possibility dissue extinct. Et nō [...]obstār q̄ il fac̄ waste, il ne ser­ra iāmays empeche de cel vvast. Et nota sil aliē, celuy en la reūsiō naūa briefe dentre in consimili casu. Mes il puit ētrer, et sō entre est congeabl' per Ro. Thorp chiefe Iustice. 28. E. 3. 96. et 49. E. 3. 25.


20 Tenir en frāk ma­riage est a ten̄ en l' se­cond tail' limit en les­tatut de Westm̄. 2. ca. 1. Et le feoffour qui­teral' feoffee d' touts man̄s des seruices tā ­que le quart degree soyt passe, et le feof­four [Page] ferra toutes les seruyces et suites du­rant la dyt terme. Et puis les heires le feof­fee le ferrount, pur ceo que le priuitie de sanke est passe. Et sil soit distreine pur ser­uice, il auera briefe de mesn̄ enuers luy sup­posaunt que il tyent les terres de luy, mes il nauera pas le fore iudgement sil ne soyt­en auauntage de [...]es issues.

Et nota que apres le quart degree soyt pas il serra attendant des tants des seruices a le donour, come le do­nour est attendant al seignyour paramont. Et sil face felony pur quoy il est attayn [...], le roy auer' sa terre pur terme de sa vie natu­ral. [Page 212] Et apres la mort, son issu serra inherite come per force de la tayle. Et en cest case, nul auera sa terre per voye deschete, nyent pluis q̄ en auter tayle. Et en case que le te­nant deuie sans heyre de son corps engen­dres, la terre reuerte­ra a le donour, come serroit en le commen taile. Et si home lessa sa terre a vn auter en franke maryage, ren­daunt a lay vn c̄tayn rent per an, il tiendra cest terre en le com­men taile, & nient en franke maryage, car per le rent reserue, ceux paroix, (in libe­rum maritagium) sōt tout oustrement voi­des, issynt que la te­nure serra entendus [Page] solon (que) la tenur' en le comen taile.

Et nota que le done en frank maryage ad condytion annexe a luy non obstant que il nest pas expressemēt declare en la charter del done, vt patet per statutū westin̄ secōd, cap. I. de Donis con­ditionalibus.

Et nota q̄ home ne donera pas terres ou tenements en franke mariage, forsque lou la feme est pryuie de sanke a le donoure. Car auterment naue­roit home ne fēe ascū estate ꝑ tiel feoffemēt fors (que) a terme de vie.


21 Tenir en frāk al­moign̄ est a tenir ter­res ou tenemēts pur dieu seruir et saint es­glife [Page 213] dower sans faire nul auter manner de seruice, Et nota que en cest cas le donour est mesne & luy doit acquiter franchemēt enuers le chyefe seig­niour, & auxi ceux q̄ teygnont en frankal­moigne ne ferroyent fealtie, mes ceux que teignont en frākma­riage, ferront fealtie.


22 Tenir per Elegit ē lou home ad recouer det ou damage ꝑ br'e deuers vn auter, ou ꝑ conusanc' ou in auter maner, il auera deyns le an deuers luy vn briefe iudicial nosme Elegit, dauer execu­tion del moytye de toutes ses terres & chat' (excepts boefes, et affers a sa carues) [Page] tanque le det ou le dam̄ soient oustremēt leues ou payes a luy, & duraunt cest terme il est tenāt per Elegit. Et nota sil soyt ouste dey ns le terme il aūa assise d' nouel disseisin & apres vn redisseisin si besoign̄ soit, & cest dōc per lestat' d' W. 2. cap. 18. et auxy per lequitie de mesme les­tatute celuy q̄ ad son estate sil soit ouste a­uer' assise et redisseisin si besoign̄soit. Et auxi sil face ses executours & deuye, et ses exe­cutoures entrount & puys soyent oustes, ils auerount per lequitie de mesme lestatut ac­tyon come luy mes­me suisdit, mes sil soyt ouste et puis face ses executours & deuye, [Page 214] ses executoures pur­ront entrer & sils soi­ent estoppes de lour entre ils auerount vn bryefe de trespas sur lour matter & case.

Et nota sil face wast en tout la terre, ou en parcel, lauter auera enuers iuy maynte­naunt vn briefe iudi­cial hors de la prymer recorde nosme veni­re facias ad compu­tandum, per force de quel serra enquyse sil ad leue toutes les de­niers ou parcel, & sil nad leue les denyers, donques serr' enquise a quaunt le vvaste a­mount, Et si le waste amoūt sinō a parcel, donques tauntes des denyers que le vvast a moūt serra abridge de [Page] les suisdits den̄s q̄ux fuer' estre leues. Mes sil ad fait pluys waste q̄ le auauntdyt sōme dargent q' fuit a estre leue amount, lauter serra discharge main­tenaunt de toutes les deniers suisdits et re­couera sa terre. Et pur la superfluitie de waste fait ouster ceo que amount a le dyt summe il recouera ses dammages singles, et mesme la ley est de ses execurors, et auxy de cestuy que ad son estate, Et nota sil aliē en fee, ou a terme de vie, ou en le taile, tout la terre ou parcel d' la terre que il tient per Elegit, si le alienatiō soit fait deins le terme ou ap̄s, cestuy que ad droit auera vers luy [Page 215] vn assise de nouel dis­seisin. Et couiēt q' ils soiēt mise en lass. am­bideux, auxibn̄ le ali­enee cōe le alienour et nō obstāt que lalien̄ deuie maintenant vn­core cestuy q'ad droit aūa vers [...]alienee sole ass. cōe sil vst estr' son simple t' a term̄ dans, Et ce [...] est per lequity del statute de West­minster 2. ca. 25. pur ceo que il nad sinon chatel en effect, et m̄ la ley est de ses exe­cut' & de cestuy q' ad son estate cōe est suis­dit.

Et nota que en Ele­git, si le vicont retorn̄ que il auoit ryen iour de la reconisance fait, mes que il purchase terre puis le temps, a­donques la partye pl' [Page] auera nouel brief daū execution de ceo, mes me la ley est dun es­tatute merchaunt. Et nota que apres le fie­ri facas vn nome pu­it auer le Elegit, mes non econtra, entaunt que le Elegyt est de pluis haut nature que le fieri facias. Et no­ta que si home recoū per briefe d' det, et sue vn fieri facias & le vi­contretourne que le party nad riens dont il puit faire gree a la party, donq̄s le plein­tife auera vne Elegyt ou vn capias sicut a­lias & pluries. Et si le vicount retourne a le capias mytto vobis corpus & il nad riens dont il puit faire gre a la ꝑty, il serra maunde al gayle de Fleete, & [Page 216] illon (que) demourra tan­que il ad fait gree al g­ty, et si le vic' retorne non est inuentus, adō ­ (que) issera lexigent enūs luy. Et nota q' en br' de dette port deuers persō de saynt esglise q' nad rien de lay fee, & le vicount returne que il nad riens ꝑque il puit estr' som̄, adon­ques suera le plaintife brief al Euesque que il sace venir son clerk [...] leuesque luy ferra venirpers [...] estratiō del esgli [...]e. Et notu q̄ hōe si port br' de det & rec', & face ses exe­cut' & deuie, ils aue­rount execution non obstaunt que il soyt deins lan per [...]n scire facias.

Statut merchant.

23 Tenir per lestat' [Page] merchant est lou hōe conust a paier certain denyers a vn auter a certaine iour deuaunt le maire, bayllye, ou aut' gardein dasc'ville q̄ ad poiar de faire ex­ecuc' de m̄ lestat', & si l' obligeene paia l' det a le iour asses & rien de ses bn̄s, terr', ou te­nem̄ts ne purrōt estre troues deins la garde le maire ou gardeyne auantdyt, mes en au­ters lieus dehors, dō ­ques le reconisee suer' le reconisance & ob­ligation oue vn cer­tification al chaunce­ry desouth le seale le Roy, & il auera hors de la chaūc' vn capias al vic' de q̄l coūty il ē de luy app̄n̄d' et met­ter en prisō sil ne soit clerke tan (que) il ad fait gree de la dette. Et [Page 217] vn quart▪ de lā ap̄s c̄ q̄ il serra pris, il auera sa terre liuere a luy mes­me pur faire gree a le party de dette. Et il puit vender tanque il est enprison, & sa vende serra bone & loyal. Et sil ne face gree deins le quarter dun an, ou si soit re­turne que il nē troue, & sil ne soit clerke, a­donques le reconisee puit auer briefe de la chauncery queest ap­pelle Extendi facias, direct al touts vic'lou il ad t'res dextender ses terres et biēs, et ses bn̄s a luy deliū, et luy seiser en ses terres, pur les tenir a luy et a ses heires et a ses assignes tanque le dette soyt leue ou pay, & per cel temps il est tenaunt ꝑ [Page] statute merchant. Et not a queen lestatute merchaunt, le reconi­see auera execution de toutes les terres que le reconysour a­uoyt iour de la reco­nisaunce fayt, et vn­ques puis per force de mesme lestatute.

Et nota que quaunt ascū wast ou destruc­tion est fait ꝑ le reco­nisce, ses execut's, ou ꝑ celuy qui ad son es­tate, le reconysour & ses executours auerōt mesme la ley com̄ est suisdit de le tenaunt ꝑ Elegit.

Et nota si tenaunt per lestatut merchant tient ouster sō terme, celui qui ad droit pu­it suer enuers luy ve­nire facias ad compu­tandum, ou entrer tā ­tost [Page 218] vt sur tenant per Elegit.

Trois man̄s de rents y sount, cestassauoire rēt seruic̄, rēt charge, & rent secke. Rent seruic̄ est lou vn hōe tyent dun auter ꝑ fe­altie, & pur faire suite a sa court, & rendant a luy vn certaine rent per an pur touts ma­ners des seruices. Et nota, que si le seigny­our soyt seisie des ser­uices & rent auaunt­dits, & ils soyent ade­rere, et il distrein̄, et le ten̄t rescue le distres, il puit auer assise, ou brief de Rescoꝰ. Mes il est pluis necessarye pur luy auer assyse que bryefe de Res­cous, pur tāt que per Assise il recouera son rent & ses damages, [Page] mes per cest briefe de Rescous, il ne recoue­ra mes les reprises & les da [...]. Et nota que si le seigniour ne soit my seysie del rent & seruice, & ils sount a­derere, & il distrey ne pur eux, et le tenaunt reprent la distresse, il ne puyt mye auer as­sise, mes briefe de res­coꝰ, et ne couiēt mi al seigniour de mr' son droit. Et nota que si le sn̄r distreine son te­naunt en socage pur seruice de chiual' ql il suppose estre tenus d' luy, & auovve pur mes [...]s les seruices en court de recorde, il serra charge per tiels seruices, per Fynch. termino Hillarij Ann̄ xlvi.

Et nota que si le [Page 219] seigniour ne puit my trouer dystresse per deux ans, il auera vers le tenaunt bryefe de Cessauit per bienni­um, vt patet per lesta­tut de westm̄. 2. cap. 21. Et si le tenant de­uie en le meane tēps & son issue entre, le seign your auera vers lissu briefe dentre sur Cessauit, ou si le te­naunt alien, le seigni­our aūa vers lalyenee lauant dit briefe. Mes si le seigniour ad issue et deuie, et le tenaunt so yt en arrerage de dyt rent & seruyces de le temps le pyer del issue & nemy en temps del issue, il ne puyt mye dystreyne pur arrerages en tēps son pyer, & il naue­ra ascun auter reco­uere [Page] vers le tenant ou ascun auter, pur ceo q̄ tiel aduantage est done pur le ley al tenāt. Et nota q̄ rent seruice est, a quel ap­pent fealtie, mes a rēt charge & rent secke ne appent pas fealtie mes il appent a rent seruice de commen droit.

Rent charge.

25 Rent charge ē lou home graūt certeyne rent issant de ses ter­res ou tenemēts a vn auter en fee simpl' ou in fee taile, ou a terme de vie ꝑ fayt sur con­dic', q̄ a q̄l heure q̄ le rent soit aderere, bien lirra a le grauntee ou a ses heirs ou assignes a distrein̄ en m̄ la ter­res ou tenements.

Et nota que si le rēt [Page 220] soit aderere, bn̄ list a le grauntee ꝑ election dauer briefe danuitie, ou il puit distreyner, & si la distres soit res­cue de luy, & il ne fuit mye seysie ade­uaunt, il nad mye re­couere forsque per brief de Rescous, car la distresse primierm̄t fayt, ne done a luy seisin, fors (que) [...]il happe le rent adeuaunt, car sil fuit seysie del rent adeuaunt, & puis le rent soit aderere, & il distreine, & rescous a luy so yt fayt, il auera assise ou brief d' Res­cous.

Et nota q̄ en ches­cū assise de rēt charge & dannuel rent, & en bryefe de Annu­itye, couyent a ce­luy que port le briefe [Page] de monstre auaunt especialtie, ou auter­ment il ne mayntey­nera ass. mes en mort­dauncestour ou For­medon en la descen­der, et auters bryefes (en les queux title est dōe ou cōpris) port de rēt charge, ou dānuel rent, nest my besoygn̄ de mōstre especialtie. Et nota q̄ si hōe grāt rent charge a vn au­ter, et le graūtee pur­chase le moytie de la terre doūt le rent est issant, tout le rent est extinct. Et sile grātee relesse a le grauntour peel de le rent, vncor' tout le rēt nē extinct. Mes en rent seruice, le ley est auterm̄t, car non obstant q̄ le sn̄r ad la moitie purchase de la terre, dount le [Page 221] rent est issant', vn c̄ le rent nest pas extinct forsque a le moitie, et la cause de diuersitie est pur ceo que rent seruice puit estre se­uere a vn portiō, mes nemy rent charge.

Et nota q̄ si rēt charg soyt grāt a ▪deux ioīt­ment, et lun release, vncore lauter auera la moitie del rent. Et auxy si lun purchase le moytie de la terre dont le rent est issant, lauter auera le moitie del rent de son com­paignion. Et si le dis­seysor charge la terre a vn estraunge, & le disseisie port lassise & recouer, le charge est defeate. Mes si celuy qui ad droyt, charge la t're, et vn estraūge fayne vn faux actyon [Page] enuers luy que nad droit et recouera per der le charge demur­ra. Et nota que en cas que vn purpartie soit parenter deux parce­ners et pluis terre soit allot a lun, que a lau­ter, et celuy que ad pluis de terre charge sa erre a lauter, & el happe le rent, el main­teinera assise sás espe­cialtie. Et si le graūtee lauoyt en fee simple, ou en see tayle, & ad issue & deuie, si lyssue port vn formedō, ou assise de mortdaun­cester, il ne serra iam­mes charge de mōstre especialtie.

Rent secke.

26 Rent secke est lou hōe tient de moy per hom̄, fealtie, et auters seruic', rēdāt a moi vn [Page 222] certain rent per an, et ieo graunt cest rent a vn auter reseruaunt a moy le seruice.

Et nota que en rent secke si hōe soit seysie del rent, & le rēt soyt aderere, il ne puit my distreine mes il auera Assyse de nouel dys­seysin.

Et'nota que si rent seck soit graunt a vn home et a ses heires, et le rent soit aderere & le graūtor deuie, lheir ne purra mye distrei­ner, ne recouera les arrerages de temps son pyer, sicome est auantdit de [...]rent ser­uice.

Et en mesme l' man̄ ē adire en rēt charge ou annuel rent. Mes en toutes les rentes [Page] auantdits lheire purr' auer pur arrerages en son temps demesn̄ ti­el auauntage come a­uoyt sō pier en sa vie. Vide statut' 32. H. 8. 37.

Et nota que in rent seck si hōe ne soit sey­sie del rent, & il soyt aderere, il est sans re­couere, pur ceo que il fuit sa folye demesne adeprymes quaunt le rent fuist graūt a luy ou reserue, que il ne prist my seisin del rēt sicome vn denyer ou deux. Et nota q̄hom̄ ne puit my auer Ces­sauit per bienniū, ou auter briefe dētre sur cessauit pur nul rent seck aderere ꝑ ij. ans, mes ils purrount tout solement pur rēt ser­uice vt patet in stat. W. 2. cap. 21. [Page 223] Et nota q'en rēt secke il couient pur luy q' sue pur le rent secke pur mōstre fait al te­nant, ou auterm̄t le t' ne serra mye charge del rent fors (que) lou le rent secke fuyst rent seruice adeuaunt, cōe en cest case, seignior, mesne, & tenaunt, & chescun deux tyent dauter per homage et fealty. et let' del mes­ne x. s. de rent, le seig­niour paramont pur­chase les terres ou te­nementes de le te­naunt, tout le seigno­rye del mesne, fors­pris le rēt est extinct. Et pur cest cause cest rent ē deuenꝰ rēt seck et le rēt seruice chāge car il ne puyt dys­trein̄ pur cest rent. Et­en cest case celuy que [Page] demaunde le rent ne serra iāmes charge de monstre fait. Auxi en briefe de mortdaūce­ster ayell ne besayle de rent secke il ne be­soigne monstre espe­cialtie pur c̄ que ceux briefes de possession compreehndont vne title deins eux mesm̄s, cestassauoir que launc̄ fuit seisie de mesme le rent & continua sa possession per cause d' quel seisine le ley sup­pose que estauxi auer­rable per pais, tamen quaere, car ascuns sup­posont que il couient a fine force a mōstrer auaunt fait, pur ceo q' rent seck ē vne chose enconter comē droit auxibyen come rent charge, mes en Assise de nouel disseisine et [Page 224] en br' dentre sur dis­seysine port de rent seck, il couient de fine force monstre auaunt fait pur ceo que rent secke est vn chose en­cont' comen droit si­non en le case suisdit ou il fuist rent seruice adeuant.

Et assise de nouel dis­seisin, et br' dentre sur disieisin ne conteyg­nent deins eux nul ti­tle, mes supposent vn disseisine estre fait a le pleintise. Et denten­dement del ley la dis­seisine ne done nul cause dauerment en­counter comen droit, mes de fine force il monstre auant especi­altie.

Suit seruice.

27 Suit suruice est a venir a la court de iij. [Page] semaignes en trois se­maignes ꝑ an entier, et purceo serra home distr' & nyent amer­cye. Suite real ē a ve­nir a la courtdel leete, &c' nest fors (que) deux foits en an, et pur ceo home serra amercy et non pas distraine.

Imprinted at London. in Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hande and Starre by Ry­chard Tottel. 1579.

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