An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this Realme, newly set foorth and augmented, both in french and English, for the helpe of such younge students as are desirous to attaine the knowledge of y e same. whereunto are also added the olde Tenures.
¶ In aedibus Richardi Tottelli. 1579.
¶ Cum priuilegio.
Le Table.
- ABatement de brief on plaint fol. 1
- Abatemēt en terres 1
- Abbe 2
- Abbettours 2
- Abeyance 2
- Abishersing 4
- Abiuration 4
- Abridgement de plaint on demaund 5
- Acceptance 5
- Accessories 6
- Accion 7
- Actions personals 7
- Actions populer 7
- Actions reals 8
- Accord 8
- Acquital 8
- Acquitance 9
- Additions 10
- Adiournement 11
- Administratour 11
- Actes 11
- Admirall 12
- Aduowson 12
- Age prier 12
- Agreement 13
- Aide 16
- Alien 17
- Alienation 17
- Ambidexter 17
- Amendement 18
- Amercement 18
- Amercement royal 18
- An, iour, et wast 18
- Annuitie 19
- Appell 19
- Appellant 20
- Appellor 20
- Appendant et appurtenant 20
- Apportionment 20
- Appropriations 22
- Approuement 23
- Arditerment 23
- Arrest 23
- Arrerages 24
- Assets 24
- Assignee 25
- Attainder 26
- Auerment 26
- Auerpenie 26
- Auncien demesne 26
- Auowry 27
- ¶ Bayle 27
- Baylement 28
- Baylife 28
- Bakberind theefe 28
- Bargaine et sale 29
- Barre 29
- Bastarde 30
- Battaile 31
- Bigamy 31
- Blodewit 32
- Boote 32
- Brodehalpeny 33
- Brugbote 33
- Burghbote 33
- Burghbrech 33
- [Page]Burgh English 33
- Burglary 34
- ¶ Car [...]age 34
- Cession 34
- Challenge 35
- Champertour [...] 36
- Charge 36
- Charters de terres 36
- Chattels 37
- Childwite 37
- Chimni 37
- Chose en action 37
- Circuit de action 38
- Claime 39
- Clergie 39
- Clerke attaynt, et Clerke conuict 41
- Colour 41
- Colour de office 43
- Coilusion 43
- Common lcy 43
- Common 45
- Condition 46
- Con [...]iscate biens 48
- Contract 48
- Conusance 49
- Corody 50
- Coroner 51
- Corporation 52
- Corps politike 53
- Corruption de sangue 53
- Couenant 54
- Couerture 54
- Couin 54
- Counterplea 54
- Cinque ports 55
- ¶ Damage fefants 60
- Danegelde 61
- Dcane et chapter 61
- Declaration 61
- Defendaunt 62
- Demaines 62
- Demaundant 62
- Demy sanke ou sangue 62
- Demurrer 63
- Denizen 63
- Deodande 64
- Departure de son plea ou matter 64
- Departure in despite del court 64
- Deputie 64
- Deuastauerunt bona testatoris 65
- Deuise 66
- Discent 70
- Disclaimer 70
- Dismes 70
- Disperagement 71
- Disseisin 72
- Disseysin sur disscisin 72
- Diss [...]ysour et disseisee 72
- Distrcsse. 72
- [Page]Diuorce 75
- Donour et donee 55
- Double plee 75
- Droit 76
- Droit dentrie 76
- Dures. 76
- ¶ Eire Justices 77
- Embrasour, ou Embraceour 77
- Encrochment 77
- Enheritance 78
- Equitie 78
- Escape 80
- Esplces 81
- Essoine 81
- Estoppel 82
- Estraungers 84
- Estraye 84
- Excōmengement 84
- Exchange 85
- Execution 86
- Executour 87
- Extinguishment 87
- Extortion 88
- ¶ Failer de recorde 89
- Fait 89
- Farme on farme 95
- Fee farme 96
- Feoffement 96
- Feffour et feffee 96
- Fir [...]bote 96
- Fledwite. 97
- Flemeswite 97
- Fletwite 97
- Forstal 97
- Forstaller 97
- Fraunches roial 98
- Frankemariage 98
- Franktenement 98
- Freshsuit 99
- ¶ Gager de deliuerāce 100
- Garde 101
- Garden. 101
- Garnishment. 102
- Gauelate 103
- Gauelkinde 104
- Gelde 135
- Grithbrech 135
- ¶ Hangwite 135
- Hariot 136
- Haybote o [...] hedgebote 136
- Hidage 137
- Hotchpot 137
- Homesoken 138
- Homicide ou manslaughter 138
- Hornegeld 139.
- Housebote 139
- Hundred 139
- Hundredum 140
- ¶ Ideot 140
- Illoyal assembly 141
- Imparlance 141
- Imprisonment 142
- Insangethe [...]e 142
- [Page]Information 142
- Jointure 142
- ¶Larc [...]ny. 144
- Lastage 144
- Lessor et lessee 144
- Leuant et couchant 145
- Ley gager 145
- Li [...]ery de seisin 145
- Lother [...]it 148
- ¶Mahim 148
- Mainprise 149
- Manour 149
- Ma [...]ission 150
- Ma [...]imes 250
- Mayno [...]r 151
- Misprision 151
- Monstrans de faits on records 152
- Mortgage on morgag 153
- Mo [...]t [...]aine 154
- Mulier 154
- Murder 155
- ¶Negatiua preignans 155
- Niefe 157
- Nihil dicit 158
- Nomination 158
- Nonability. 158
- N [...]de contra [...]t 158
- ¶Or [...]d [...]lfe 159
- O [...]fa [...]gthiefe 159
- Oweltie 159
- Oyer de records et faits 160
- ¶Pape 160
- Particion 161
- Parties 163
- Patron 163
- Perquisities 163
- Plei [...]tife 164
- Pledinge 164
- Pound 164
- Possession 165
- Preamble 165
- Prescription 166
- Presentment 166
- Pretensed dr̄t ou title 166
- Priuie ou priuitie et priuies 167
- Priuiledges 168
- Prochen amy 169
- Protestation 170
- Purchase 170
- ¶Quarentine 170
- Quinzim 171
- ¶Regratour 171
- Reioynder 172
- Reliefe 172
- Remainder 174
- Replication 175
- Reprises 175
- Resceit 175
- Reseruation 175
- Retraxit 176
- [Page]Reue 176
- Reuersion 177
- Riot 178
- Robberie 178
- Rout 178
- Sake 179
- Scot 179
- Shewinge 179
- Socke 179
- Sokemans 179
- Spol [...]ation 281
- Stallage 183
- Suit couenant 183
- Suit custome 183
- Suit real 183
- Suit seruice 184
- ¶Taxe et Tallage 184
- Tenure in capitie 184
- Testament 185
- Them 186
- Thesehoote 186
- Title 186
- Title de entrie 187
- Tolle ou tolne 187
- Tourne del viscont 189
- Treasure troue 189
- ¶U [...]we. 190
- Uiscount 190
- Uoucher 19 [...]
- Uses 19 [...]
- Usurie 193
- Utlagaries 194
- Waise 194
- Waiue 196
- Wa [...]wite. 196
- Wrecke 197
La table del Tenures.
- SEruice de chi [...]aler 198
- 2 Graūd serieanty 198
- 3 Petit serieantie 198
- 4 Est [...]ge 199
- 5 Homage auncestrel 199
- 6 Curtesy Dengle [...] 200
- 7 Fee simple 200
- 8 Franke tenure 201
- 9 Dower 201
- 10 Terme dans 201
- 11 Mortgage 201
- 12 Burgage 203
- 13 Socage 203
- 14 Fee ferme 205
- 15 Franke fee 205
- 16 Base fee 205
- 17 Uillenage 205
- 18 Tayle 208
- 19 Taile apres possibility diss [...]e extinct 208
- 20 Fanke mariage 211
- 21 Franke almoigne 212
- 22 Elegit 213
- 23 Statut merchant 216
- 24 Rent seruice 218
- 25 Rent charge 219
- 26 Rent secke 221
- 27 Suit seruice 224
Termes of the lawe.
¶ Abatement of a writte or plaint.
ABatement of a writ or plaint, is when an action is brought by writte or plaint, wherein is lacke of sufficient & good matter, or els the matter alleaged, is not certeinely set downe, or if the plaintife, or defendant, or place, are misnamed, or if there appeare variance betwéene the writ and the specialtie, or record, or that the writ or the declaration be vncerteine, or for death of the playntife or defendant, and for diuers other like causes which I omit of purpose, for thereof alone, a man might make a large discourse, & I determine to satisfy you▪ (good brother Nicholas,) as wel as I may, with as muche [...]reuitie & as litle trouble [Page] to my selfe as I can, then vppon those defaultes, the defendant may pray, that the writ or plaint may abate, that is to say, that y • plaintifes suit against him may cease for that tyme, and that he shall beginne agayne his suite, and bring a newe writte or plaint if he be so disposed to doe.
Abatement in Lands.
ABatement in landes or tenementes, is whē a man dieth seised of landʒ or tenementes, & a stranger, that is to saye, one that hath no right, entreth into the same landes or tenementes, before the heire maketh his entrie: this entrie of the straunger, is called an abatement, and he, an abator: But if y • heire ēter first after [Page 2] the death of his auncestour, and the straunger enter vppon the possession of the heire, this Entry of the straunger, is a disseisin to the heire.
ABbot, was the soueraigne head, or chiefe of those houses of popish religion, which when they stood, were called abbeies, and this abbot together w t y e monkes of y e same house, whoe were called the couent, made a corporation.
ABbettorʒ are indiuers cases diuersely taken, one kinde of Abbettours are they that maliciously without iust cause or desert do procure other to sue false appeales of murder, [Page] or felonie, against menne, to the entent to trouble, and gréeue them, and to bringe them into infamye and sclaunder. Abbettours in murder, are those that commaunde, procure, coū sel, or comfort others to murder. And in some case, such Abbettors shalbe taken as principals, and in some case but as Accessories. Soe in other felonies, And their presēce at the deede doinge, and their absēce, maketh a differēce in the case. There are abbettors also in Treason, but they are in case as principalles, for in Treason there are noe accessories.
ABeyaunce is when a leas is made for terms of lyfe, the remainder to [Page 3] the right heires of I. S. which. I. S. is liuing at y • time of the graūt: Nowe this graunt of rem. passeth from the grauntour presentlye, yet it vesteth not presently, nor taketh holde in the grauntee, that is to say, the right heire of I. S. but is sayde to be in abeyance, or as the Logiciens terme it in power, or in vnderstanding, and as we say in the cloudes: That is to wit in the consideration of the lawe. That if I. S. die leauing a rightheire lyuinge, and lyuynge the Lessee for lyfe, then this is a good rem', and nowe vesteth and commeth into that right heire, in such sort as that hée may graunte, forfayte, or otherwyse dyspose the same, and cesseth to bée anye more in abeyaunce, [Page] for that there is one nowe of Abilitye to take it, because that I. S. is deade & hath left a right heire in life, which coulde not bée liuinge I. S. for that duringe his life, none coulde properlye bée sayed hys heire. Also if a manne be patron of a church, & presentethe one to the same. Nowe is the fee in the person, but if the person die, and the church is become voyde, then is the fee in abeyaunce, vntyll there bée a newe personne presēted, for y e patron hath not the fee, but onely the right to present, & y e fee is in y t incūbent y e is presented, & after his death, it is in noo body, but in abeiāce til therebe a new incūbent as aforesaid.
¶ Abishersing.
[Page 4]ABishersinge (and in some copyes mishersinge) that is to be quite of amercements before whō soeuer of transumptyon proued.
ABiuration is an othe that a manne or womanne shall take, when they haue committed felonye, and flye to that church or church yarde, for safegarde of their lyues, chosinge rather perpetual banishement out of the Realme, then to stand to the lawe, and to bée tryed of the felonye. And this lawe was instituted by Saynt Edwarde the confessour a Kinge of this Realme before the conqueste, and was grounded vppon the lawe of mercys, and for the loue and [Page] reuerence, noe doubt, that hée and other hys successours, dyd beare vnto the house of God, or place of prayer and administration of his woorde and sacraments, which wée call the church. But howe vncomely a thinge it was or is, and howe farre from the nature of the house of god, to make her a succorour and defender of horrible murderers & theues, you may consider (brother Nicholas) and the rather when you remēber what our sauiour Chiste sayed, reprehending the Jewes, and parauenture also propheseinge of thys: My house shalbée called the house of prayer, but you haue made it a denne of théeues.
Abridgement of a plaint or demaund.
ABridgemēt of a plaint or demaunde, is where one bryngeth an assyse, writ of dower, writte of ward, or such like, where the writ is, de libero tenemento, as in a writ of dower the writ is, rationabilem dotem que eam contingit de libero tenemento. W. her husband. And in a writ of ward the writ is, custod' terr' et hered' &c. and the plaintife or demaundant demaundeth diuers acres or parcels of land, and the tenant pleadeth non tenure, or iointenancy, or some other such like plea to parcell of the land demaūded, in abatement of the writ: then the plaintife or demaundant, may abridge his plaint or demaunde to that parcell [Page] that is to say, he may leaue that part out and pray that the tenaunt shall answere to the rest to which hee hath not yet pleaded any thinge: The cause is, for that in such writs the certeintie is not set downe, but the demaunde runneth generally, de libero tenemento, and notwithstandinge the demaundaunt hath abridged his playnt or demaunde in part, y [...]t the writ remayneth good stil, de libero tenemento for the rest.
ACceptance is a taking in good part and as it were an agreeinge vnto some act don before, which might haue byne vndon and auoyded (if such acceptance had not bin) by him or them that so accepted [Page 6] As for example if an Abbot lease land of his house for terme of yeares reseruing rent and dieth, and after an other is made abbot, who accepteth, that is to say, taketh or receyueth the rent when it is due, and ought to bee paied: Nowe by this acceptance the lease is made perfect and good, which els the Abbot might very well haue auoyded and made frustrate. The like law is, i [...] a man & his wife seysed of land in y • right of y • wife [...]ome and make a lease, or feoffemēt reseruing rent, and the husband dieth, shee accepteth or receiueth the rent by which the feoffement or lease is made perfect and good, and shall barre her to bring her writ called Cui in vita.
ACcessories are in ii. sortes, the one before the offence, the other after the offence is done.
Accessorie béefore the fact, or offence is hée that commaundeth or procureth an other to doe felony and is not there present him selfe when the other doth it, but if hée bée present, then hee is also principall.
Accessorie after the offence or fact, is he that receyueth, fauoureth, or aydeth a felon, knowing wel of the deede that hee hath done.
Also one may be accessorie to an accessorie, as if one feloniously receiue an other that is accessorie of a felonie, there the receyuer is an accessorie.
ACcion is a suit geuen by the lawe to recouer a thing, as an accion of debt and such like.
Accions personals.
ACcions personals bée such accions whereby a man claymeth debt, or other goods or cattel, or damage for them, or damages for wrong done to his person.
Accion populer.
ACcion populer is an accion which is geuen vppon the breach of some penal statute, which accion euery man that will, may sue, for him selfe and the Queene, by information, or otherwise as the statute alloweth and the case requireth, And of these accions [Page] there bee an infintts number, but one for example is when anie of the Jurye that are impanelled and sworne to passe betwéene party and partye indifferentlye, do take any thing of the one side, or other, or of both parties, to say their verdicts at that side: Then any man that will within the yeare nexte followynge the offence made, maye sue a writte called Decies tantum agaynst hym or them that so did take to geeue their verdicte, and because that this accyon is not géeuen one man speciallye but generally to the Queenes people that wyll sue, it is called an accyon populer.
Actions Reals.
ACtions Reals, bée such actyons whereby the demaundaunt claymethe tytle to any landes ortenementes, rentes or cō mon in fée simple, fée taile or for terme of life.
ACcordeis an agréement betwéene ij. at the least, eyther to satysfie an offence, that the one hath made to the other: Or else, it is a contracte, wyth dyuers articles, to bée done, some on the one part, and some on the other, where there shalbée one thinge for an other &c. The first is when a man hath done a trespas, or such like vnto an other for which hee hath agréed with him, satysfyed and contented him, with some recompence alredie executed and [Page] done in déede. And béecause that this recōpence, is a full satisfactyon for the offence, it shalbée a good barre in y e lawe, if the other shoulde sue agayne any actyon for the same trespas. The other is, when as I. S. letteth a chamber for yeares to H. G. and it is farder agréed béetwéene them, that the sayde H. G. shalbée at Boorde with the sayde I. S. and shal for the same chamber and Boorde, paie to the sayde I. S. a certen some &c. this is a contract and accorde with articles on both sides.
¶ Acquital.
ACquital, is where there is lord, mesne, & tenant, & the tenant holdeth of the mesne certein lands or tenemēts, in frākalmoigne, [Page 9] frankemariage or such lyke, and the mesne holdeth ouer also of the Lord paramount, (or aboue him.) Nowe ought the mesne to acquite or discharge y • tenant of al and euery maner of seruice, y • any other would haue or demaund of hym concerninge the same lands or tenementes, for that the tenant must doe his seruice to the mesne onely, & not to diuers lords for ōe tenement, or parcell of lande. The sāe lawe is, wherthere is lord, mesne, & tenant, as aforesayd, and the mesne graunted to the tenāt (vpon the tenure made betwene thē) to acquite, and dyscharge him of al rentes seruyces, and such like. This dyscharge is called acquitall.
ACquitaunce is a discharge in writinge, of a summe of money, or other duetie which ought to be payde, or don. As if one be bound to pay money vpon an obligation, or rent reserued vppon a lease, or such like, and the party to whom the money, or duety should bée payed, or don, vppon the resceit thereof, or vpon other agreement betwene them had, maketh a writing, or bill of his hand, in discharge thereof, witnessing, that he is payed, or otherwise contēted, and therefore doth acquite, & discharge him of y e same, which acquitance is such a discharge and barre in the lawe, that hée cannot demaūd, & recouer that sūme or duety againe, cō trary [Page 10] thereunto if he can shew the acquitance.
ADdition is that, that is geuen vnto a man, but chiefely to the defendant, in accions where proces of outlawrie doe lie, as in det, and such like, ouer and besides his proper name and sirname, that is to say to show of what estate or degree, or mistery hee is, and of what Towne or Hamlet or Countie.
Additions of Estate ar these, yeoman, Gentleman, Esquire, & such like
Additions of degree are those that wee call names of dignitie, as Knight, Earle, Marques, and Duke.
Additions of mistery [Page] are such, Scriuener, Printer, Mason, Carpenter, Tayler, Smith, & so al other of like nature, for mistery is the craft or occupatiō, wherby a man getteth hys liuinge.
Addicions of townes as Sale Dale and such, and so of the rest.
And where a mā hath houshold in ii. places, hee shalbe said dwellīg ī both of them, so y t his addicion in one of thē doth suffise.
And this was ordayned by a statute made in the first yeare of H. 5. cap. 5. to the intent that one man should not bée gréeued nor troubled by the vtlary of an other, but that by reason of the certein addicion, euery man might bée certeinly knowne, and beare his owne burden.
ADiournement is whē any court is dissolued, and determined, and assigned to be kept againe at an other place, or time.
ADministratour is he to whō the ordinary cōmitteth thadministration of y • goods of a dead man, for defaut of an executour, & an acciō shal lie against him and for him as for an executour, & he shalbe charged to the value of the goods of y • dead man & no further, if it bée not by his own false plée, or for that that hee hath wasted the goodes of the dead, but if thadministratour die his executours be not Administrators: but it behoueth the Ordinary [Page] to commit a newe administration, but if a straū ger that is not administratour nor executoure take the goodes of the dead and minister of his owne wrong, hée shalbe charged & [...]ued as an executour & not as administratour in any acciō that is brought against hym by any creditour. But if y t ordinary make a letter ad colligēdū bona defūcti, he that hath such a letter is not Administratour, but the accion lieth against the Ordinary, as wel as if he toke y t goods to his owne hande, or by the hande of any of hys seruauntes by any other commaundement.
ACtes of parliament are positiue lawes which consyst of two [Page 12] partes, that is to say, of y • words of y • act, and of the sense thereof, & they both ioined together make the lawe.
ADmirall is an officer vnder the Quéene that hath aucthoritie, vpon the sea onely to sée the nauie repaired, & mainteined, to suppresse, and chasé away robbers, and rouers and to deale in matters betwene party, and party, concerninge thinges done there, and for that purpose hath hys court called the Admirally: yet he may cause his Citation to be serued vpon the land; and take the parties body, or goodes, in execution vpon the land. Also he hath cognisāce of the death or mayhem of a mā cōmitted i any great [Page] ship fléetinge in great riuers in the land benethe the bridges of the same next the sea, also to arrest ships in y • great streames for y • viages of y • Quéene & Realme, & hath iurisdicciō in y • said streames during the same viages.
ADuowson is where a man, and his heires haue right to presēt their Clerke to the ordinarie, to a personage, or other spiritual benefice when it becōmeth boide. And hée that hath such right to present, is called patron.
Age prier.
AGe prier is whē an accion is brought against an infant of lands that hee hath by discent, there he shal shewe the matter to the court, & shall pray [Page 13] that the action shal abide til his ful age of one and twenty yeres, and so by awarde of the court, the suit shal surcesse: But in a writte of Dower & in Assise, & also in such actions where the infāt cō meth in of his own wrōg he shal not haue his age.
Also note well, y • there be many diuersities of ages, for y • Lord shal haue ayde of his tenant in socage for to marye hys doughter when y • doughter of the lord is of thage of vii. yeres, and also aide for to make his sonne & heire knight, when hée is of the age of seuen yeres.
Also a womā which is maryed at the age of ix. yeres, yf her husband die seysed, shal haue dower & not before nine yeres,
Also xiiij. yeres is y • age [Page] of a womā y • she shal not be in ward if she were of such age at y • time of the death of her aūcester, but if she were w tin y • age of xiiii. yeares and in ward of y e lord, thē she shalbe in ward til y • age of 16. yers & also xxj. yeres is the age of y • heire male to [...]ée in warde, and after y • out of warde, & also it is y • age of male and female to sue & to be sued of lands which they haue or clayme by discent & to make al maner of contractes & bargaines and not before: But if such an infaunt w t the age of xxj. yeres geue his goods, & the donee take them, hee may haue an action of trespas but otherwise it is if hee delyuer them him selfe.
A Gréemēt is after this sorte defined or expoūded [Page 14] in master Plowdēs Comētaries: Aggreamentū is a worde compounded of two wordes namely of Aggregatio, and Mentium, that is to say agremēt of minds, so that agréement is a consente of myndes in some thinge done, or to bee done, and by drawinge together of the ij. words Aggregatio, & mē tiū, & by the hasty & short pronouncing of thē, they be made one woorde, to wit, Aggreamēt', which is no other thing, then a ioining, putting, cuppling, & knitting together of ij. or moe mindes in any thinge done, or to bée don. Sée after in Testament.
And this agréement is in iij. maners. The j. is an agrement executed [Page] al ready, at y • beginning. The second is an agreement after an act done, by an other, and is an agreement executed also. The third is an agremēt executorie or to be don in time yet to come. The first, which is an agreement executed already at y • beginning, is such wher of mencion is made in y • stat of 25. E. 3. cap. 3. of clothes. in y • iiij. statute which saith, that y • goods & things bought by forestallers beinge therof attainted shalbée forfait to the Queene, if the huyer haue therfore made gree with the seller, in which case, this woorde (Gree) which is otherwise called agrement, shalbe vnderstood agremēt executed, y • is, paiment for y • things. The secōdmaner of agrement, [Page 15] is where one doth a thing, or act, and an other agrees or assentes thereto afterward, as if one doe a disseisin to my vse, and after I agree to it, nowe I shalbe a disseisour from the beginning, & such agréement is an agréemēt after an act don.
The iij. agremēt is whē both parties at one tyme are agreed, that such a thing shalbe done in time to come, and this agréement is executory, in as much as the thing shalbe done after, and yet there, their [...]indes agreed at one tyms, but because the perfourmance shalbe afterwarde, and so the thinge vppon which the agreemēt was made remaynes to be done, y • agréemēt shalbe said executory. And y • the statute [Page] of 26. H. 8. cap. 3. doth prooue, where it saith, that euery vicar, person, & such like &c. before their actual possession or medling w t the profits of their benifice, shal satisfie, content &c. or agree to pay to the vse of the Quéene, the first fruits &c. and if any such person vicar &c. enter in actual possessiō &c. this agrement is to be vnderstoode executory as y • cō mon vse prooues, for it is vsed, y • he, w t one, or ij. w t him doe make two, or thrée obligations for it, to bée payed at certeine dayes after. And this agréement executorye, is denided in ij. pointes, One is an agréement executory, which is certein at the beginninge, as is sayed laste béefore of the first fruits.
[Page 16]The other is, where y • certentye doth not appeare at the first, and y • parties are agréed, y • the thinge shalbe performed, or payed, vppon the certenty knowen. As if one sell to an other, al hys wheat in such a tasse in his barne [...]nthreshed, & it is agréed betwene thē, y • he shal pay for euery bushel xij. d. when it is threshed cleaned & measured.
AIde is when tenaunt for terme of life, tenāt in dower, tenant by curtesie, or tenant in tayle, after possibilitie of issue extinct is impleded, then for that, y • they haue noe estate but for terme of lyfe, they shal pray in aid of him in the reuersion, & proces shalbée made by writ against him, to cōe [Page] and plede with the tenāt in the defence of the land if he wil, but it behoueth that they agree in plee, for if they vary, the plée of the tenāt shalbe taken and then the aide prayer is voide, but if hee come not at the second writte, then the tenant shal aunswere sole. Also tenaunt for terme of yeares, tenaunt at wil, tenaunt by Elegit, and tenaunt by statute merchaunt, shall haue aide of him in the reuersion, & theseruant and baylie of their mayster when they haue done any thing lawfully in the right of their maister, shal haue aide.
Ayde of the Kynge is in lyke case as it is sayed béefore of a common personne, and also in manye other cases [Page 17] where the king may haue losse, although that the tenaunt be tenaunt in fee simple hée shal haue aide, as if a rent bée demaunded against the kynges tenant which holdeth in chiefe, he shall haue aide, and so hée shall not haue of a common person.
Also where a Citie or borough hath a fee ferme of the kinge & any thinge bée demaunded agaynst them which béelongeth to the fée ferme, they shal haue ayde for the losse of the king.
Also a man shall haue ayde of the kynge in the stéede of voucher. Also the kynges Bailife, the collector and purueyour shall haue ayde of the kinge as well as the officers of other persons.
ALien is he whose father & him selfe were both borne out of the Quéenes legeance, and if such an alien being none of y • Queenes enemies, but am alien frend, come & dwel here in England and haue issue, this issue is no alien but English so if an English man go ouer the Seas with the Quéenes licence, & there hath issue, this issue is noe Alien.
ALienatiō is as much to say, as to make a thing an other mans, to alter or put the possession of land or other thing frō one man to an other.
AMbidexter, is he, that when a matter is in [Page 18] suite betwéene men, taketh money of y • one side & of the other, either to la bour the suit, or such like, or if he be of the iury, to say his verdict.
AMendment is when errour is in the processe, the Justices may a mend it after iudgment. But if there be errour i [...] geuing of iudgment, they may not amend it, but y • partie is put to his writ of error: And in many cases where the defaut appereth in the clarke y • writeth the Record, it shalbe amended: but such things as come by Information of the partie, as the towne, mistery▪ and such like, shal not bée amended, for he must informe true vpō his peril.
AMercement most properly is that in a court Baron, Leete, or Lawday, which in a court of Record before Justices, is called a fine. And is a penalty assessed by the homage for an offence doneagaist y • same court, as for lake of suit of court or for not amendinge of some thinge that he was appointed to redresse by a certeyne tyme at the last court day béefore, or for such like cause.
Amercement Royal.
AMercement Royal is when a sherife, coroner, or other such officer of y • Quéene is amerced by the Justices for his abuse in the office.
An, iour, et wast.
AN, iour, et wast is a forfaiture whē a mā hath cōmitted petit Treason, [Page 19] or felony, & hath landes which he holdeth of some comon person which shal be seised for the Quéene, & remaine in her handes by the space of one yere & a day next after y • attainder, & then the trées shalbe digged vp, the houses shalbee rased and pulled downe, & the pastures & medows eared & plowed vp, a thinge the more to gréeue the offendors, and terrefy others to fal into the like, in shewing how the lawe doth detest their offence, so farre foorth as that it doth execute iudgment & punishment euen vpon their dome & dead thinges.
ANnuitie is a certeine sūme of money graunted to an other, in fee simple, f [...]e taile, for terme of [Page] life, or for terme of yeres, to receiue of the graūtor or his heires, so that noe fréehold is charged therewith.
APpell is where one hathdon murder robery or felonye, then the wife of him that is slaine shal haue an accion of appeale against the murderer: but if he haue noe wife, then his next heire male shall haue the appeale at any time within the yere and day after y e déede. And also he that is so robbed, shall haue hys appeale with in y e same time: And if the defēdant be acquited he shall recouer dammages agaynst the appellour, & thabettours, and they shal haue thenprisonmēt of a yere, & shal make fine to y e kīg. [Page 20] An appeale of mayhem, is in maner but an acciō of trespas, for he shal recouer but damages,
APpellant is y e plaintife in the appel.
APpellor, or approuer, is he who hath committed sōe felony, which he confesseth, and nowe appelleth, or approueth, that is to say, accuseth other that were coadintours, or helpers w e him, in doing the same, or other felonies, which thīg he wil approue, & therefore is called ī latin, Probator.
Appendant, et Appurtenāt.
APpendāt et appurten̄t are things y e by time of prescripciō, haue belōged, [Page] pertained, and are ioyned to an other principal thīg with which they passe, & goe as accessary to the same principal thing, by vertue of these wordes, Pertinencijs: As lād, aduowsōs, Comōs, Piscaries, waies, courts, and diuers such like, to a maner, house, office, or such other.
APporcionment is a deuiding into partes of a rent (which is deuidable and not entier) or whole, and for so much as the thinge for which, or of which it was to be paied, is seperated and deuided, the rent also shalbe deuided hauing respect to the partes: As if a man haue a rent seruice issuing out of lands, and h [...]e purchaseth parcel of the land, the [Page 21] rent shalbe apporcioned according to the value of the land.
So if a man holde his lande of an other by Homage, Fealtie, Escuage, and certeine rent, if the Lorde of whome the lande is holden purchase parcel of the lande, the rente shalbée apporcioned.
Also if a man let lands and goodes for yeares reseruinge rent, and after a strāger recouereth the lande, then the rent shalbée apportioned, because the goodes are not recouered but remayne: And soe it is if but part of the lande bée recouered the rent shalbée apportioned, that is to say deuided, and the lessée shal pay, hauinge respect to y t which is recouered, [Page] and to that which yet remaynes in hys handes, accordinge to the value.
But a rent charge c [...] not bee apportioned, nor thinges that are entier, as if one holde landes by seruice to paye to his Lorde yearelie at such a feaste a Horse, a Hauke, a Rose, a Cherie, or such lyke: There if the Lorde purchase parcell of the lande, that seruyce is gone altogether, béecause a Horse, a Hauke, a Rose, a Cherye, and such other, cannot bée deuided seuered, nor apporcioned without hurt to the hole.
[Page 22]APpropriatyons were when those houses of the Roomishe religion, and those religious persons, as Abbots, Priours and such like had y • aduowson of any personage to thē and to their successours, and obtayned lycence of their holy father the Pope, that they them selues and their successoures from thence foorth shoulde bée personnes there, and serue the cure. And so at the beginninge appropriations were made onely to those personnes spiritual that coulde minister the sacramentes and saye deuine seruice, as Abbotes, P [...]oures, Deanes & such like, after [Page] by lytle and litle, they were enlarged and made to other, as namelye, to a Deane and Chapter, which is a body corporate consisting of manye, which bodye together, coulde not say deuine seruice, and what more was to Nunnes that were Prioresses of some Nunry, which was a wicked thinge, in soe much as they coulde neyther minister sacramēts, nor preach, nor saye deuine seruice to y • parishioners. And al this was vppon pretence of hospitalitye, and mayntenaunce thereof. And to supply these defects, a vicar was deuised, whoe should be deputy to y e prioresse, or to the Deane and chapter, and also at the last to the sayed Abbots [Page 23] and others, to say deuine seruice and should haue for his labor but a litle portion, and they to whome the appropryation was made, should retayne the great reuenues, and they dyd nothinge for it, by meanes whereof hospitalyty decaied in the place where it ought to haue bē chefelye mayntained, namelye in the parishe where the benefice was, and where the profites dyd growe, & so it continueth to this day, to y • great hinderance of lerninge y • empouerishmēt of y • ministery, & y • infamy of y • gospel & professor therof.
APprouemēt is wher a man hath common in the lords wast groūd, and the Lorde encloseth [Page] part of the wast for himselfe, leapinge neuer the lesse sufficient comon, w t egresse & regresse for the cōmoners: This enclosinge is called approouement.
ARbiterment is an awarde, determination, or iudgement, which one or moe, maketh at the request of ij. parties at the least, for, & vpō some det trespas, or other controuersie, had betwéene the sayed parties: And this is called in latin Arbitratus, and arbitrium, and they that make y e award, or arbiterment, are called Arbitri, in english Arbitrators.
ARest is when one is taken and resirayned [Page 24] from his libertye none shalbe arrested for debt, trespas, detinue, or other cause of action, but by vertue of precepte, or cō maundemēt out of some court. But for treason, felony, or breaking of the peace, euery mā hath aucthority to arest without warrant or precept, and wher one shalbe arrested for felony, it behooueth y • there hath bene some felony done, and that he be suspected of y e same felonye, or otherwise hée may haue against hym that soe did arest him, a writte of false imprisonment.
ARrerages, are duities behinde vnpayed after the dayes, and tymes, in which they were due, and [Page] ought to haue ben payed whether they be rēt of a maner orany other thing reserued.
ASsets is in ij sortes, the one called Assets per discent, the other Assets enter maynes. Assets per discent, is where a man is bound in an obligation and dieth seised of lāds in fée simple which discend to his heire, but maketh no executors, or if he make executors leaueth not sufficient goods to discharge this obligation, thē this land shalbe called assets that is to say enough or sufficient to pay the same det, and by that meanes the heire shalbee charged, as farre as the lande soe to hym dyscended wyll [Page 25] stretch: But if he haue aliened before the obligation be put in suite, hée is discharged.
Also when a man seysed of lāds in taile, or in y e right of his wife, alieneth the same witt, warrantie, and hath in value as much land in fée simple which discendeth to hys heire, who is also heire in taile, or heire to y e woman: Nowe if the heire after the discease, of his auncestour bring a writ of formedon, or sur Cui in vita for the lande so aliened, then hée shalbée barred by reason of the warranty & y e land so discēded, which is as much in value as that that was sold, & so thereby hée hath receiued noe preiudice, & therefore this land is called Assets per discēt [Page] Assets ent' mains, is whē a man indebted as before is said, maketh executors & leaueth to thē sufficient to pay, or some cōmoditie or profit is coē to thē in right of their testator, this is said as [...]ts ī their hāds.
ASsignee is he to whō a thing is appointed, or assigned to be occupyed, paied, or don, and is alwaies such a persō which occupieth or hath y • thing so assigned in his owne right, & for him selfe. And of assignées there bée ii. sorts. Nāely assignee in déed, and assignée in law. Assignée in déed, is when a leas is graūted to a mā & to his assignées or with out those words, assignées & y • grantee giueth, graū teth, or felleth the same leas to an other, he is his assignée in déede.
[Page 26]Assignée in law is euery executor named by y • testator ī his testamēt, as if a leas be made to a mā & to his assignées (as is aforesaid) & he maketh his executours & dieth w tout assignemēt of the leas to any other, nowe y e executors shal haue y e sāe leas because they are his assignées in law, & so it is in diuers other like cases.
ATtainder is a cōuiction of any person, of a cryme, or fault, whereof he was not cōuiet before, as if a man haue cōmitted felony, Treason, or such like, & therof is endited, arraigned, & foūd giltie, & hath iudgment: then he is said to be attainted. And this may be ii. ways the one vpon apparance, the other vpon default.
[Page]The attainder vppon apparance is by confession, Battaile, or verdict.
The attainder vppon default is by processe.
AUerment is where a man pleadeth a plée in abatement of the writ or barre of the accion which hée sayth hée is ready to proue as the court wil award: this offer to proue his plée is called an auerment.
AUerpeny that is to bée quite of diuers sūmes of money for the kinges auerages.
Auncien demesne.
AUncien demesne, are certein tenures holden of those mannours that [Page 27] were in the hāds of saint Edward the confessour, and the which hée made to be written in a booke called Domes day. subtitulo regis, and all the lands holden of the sayd manours be auncien demesne, and the tenaunts shal not be impleded out of the said manor, and if they bée, they may shew the matter, and abate the writte, but if they aunswere to the writte, and iudgment be geuen, then the lands become franke see for euer. Also the tenauntes in auncien demesne be free of tolle for al things cōcerning their sustenāce & husbandry in auncien demesne, & for such lands they shall not be put or impaneled vpō any enquest. But all the lands in aunciē demesne [Page] that are in the Kynges hands be franke fée, and pledable at the common lawe. See more after in the title Sokmanes.
AUowry is where one taketh a distresse for rent or other thing, & the other sueth a repleuin, thē he y t hath takē it, shal iustify in his plee for what cause he tooke it, and so auowe the taking, and y t is called his auowry.
BAile is when a man is taken, or arrested, for felony, suspicion of felony, endited of felony, or any such case so that hée is restrained of his libertie: And beinge by lawe baileable offreth suerty, to those that haue aucthoritie [Page 28] to baile him which suerties are bounde for him to the Quéenes vse in a certeine sūme of money, or body for body, y t he shall appere before the Justices of gaole deliuery at y • next sessiō &c. Thē vpon the bonds of these suerties, as is aforesayd, he is bailed, that is to say set at libertie, vntyll the day appointed for his apparance.
BAilement is a deliuery of things (whether it be of writings goods or stuffe) to an other, some times to be redeliuered backe to y • bailor, y t is to say, to him y t so deliuered it, somtimes to the vse of y t baily, y t is to say of him to whō it is deliuered, and sōetimes also it is deliuered ouer to y • third persō. [Page] This deliuery is called a bailement.
BAilife is an officer that belongeth to a manour to order the husbandry, & hath aucthoritie, to paye quitrents issuing out of y e manor, fell trées, repaire houses, make pales, hedges, distreine beastes vpō the ground, & diuers such like. This officer is hée whom the auncient saxōs called a Réeue: for the name (bailife) was not then knowne amonge thē but came in with the Normans, & is called in lattin villicus.
Bakeberinde theefe.
BAkberinde Théefe, is a théefe that is takē with the manner, that is to say, hauing y • found vpon him (being folowed with [Page 29] the hue and crie, which he hath stollē whether: it be mony, linen, woollē, or other stufe, but it is moste properly sayed when he is taken, caryinge those things, y • he hath stollen in a bundel, or fardel, vpō his backe.
Bargaine and sale.
BArgaine and sale, is when a recompence is giuen by both the parties to the bargain. As if one bargaine & sel his land to an other for mony. Here the lande is a recōpēce to him for the money, & the money is a recōpence to the other for the lande, & this is a good contract and bargain, and fée simple passeth, notwithstā dinge he doth not saie, to haue and to hold the land to him and to his heires. [Page] And by such a bargaine and sale, landes may passe without liuery of seysin, if the bargayne and sale be by déede indented sealed and enrolled, eyther in the county where y • land lieth, or in one of the Quéenes courtes of Recordes at Westminster, within vjmonethes next after the date of the same writing endented accordinge to y • statute in that béehalfe made in the 27. yeare of H. 8. ca. 16.
BArre is when the defendant in any action pledeth a ple which is a sufficient aunswere, and that distroyeth the action of the pleintife for euer.
BAstarde is hée that is borne of any woman not maried so y t his father is not knowen by the order of the law, & therfore he is called the childe of y • people. But by the lawe spiritual if one get a child vppon a woman which child is borne out of wedloke, & after he mary the same woman, thē such a childe shalbe said mulier & not bastarde. But by y • law of Englād it is a bastard: and for y t cause whē such special bastardy is alleaged, it shalbe tryed by the countrey & not by the bishop. But general bastardy alleaged shalbe tried by y • certificat of y e Bishop.
And if a woman bée greate wyth childe by [Page] her husbande who dieth and she taketh an other husband, & after y e childe is borne, this child shalbée sayed the childe of the first husbande. But if shée were priuely wyth childe at the tyme of the death of her first husbād, then it shalbe said y e child of y e secōd husband, but enquire farther, & sée y e opiniō of Thorp. 21. E. 3. 39.
Also if a manne take a wyfe which is greate w e chylde by an other that was not her husbande, & after the chylde is borne w ein the espousels, then he shalbe saied the childe of the husbande, though it were borne but one day after y e espousels solempnised.
[Page 31]BAttayle is an auncyent trial in our lawe, which the defendaunt in an appeale of felony may choose, that is to say, to fight with the appellant, for proofe whether he bée culpable of the felony or not: which combate if it fal out soe wel on y e part of the defendant, that he doe vanquish the appellant, hée shal goe quite, and barre him of his appel for euer. But if one bée indicted of felonye, and an appel is brought vppon the same indictment, there the defendant shal not wage battayle. Battaile also may be in a writ of right.
BIgamy was a counterplea (deuised at the Councel of Lions vppon [Page] mislike of second mariage) to be obiected whē the prisoner demaundeth the benefit of the Clergie, to wit his booke, as namely to say, that hee which demaundeth the priuiledge of the clergy, was maried to such a woman, at such a place within such a diocesse, & that shee is dead, and that he hath since maried an other woman, within the same dioces, or with in some other diocesse, and so is Bigamus. Or if he haue bin but once maried, then to say that she whom he hath maried, is or was a widow, that is to say the left woman of such a one &c. which thing shalbe tried by the Bishop of y e diocesse, where the mariages are alleged. And [Page 32] béeinge soe certifyed by the Bishoppe, the prisoner shall lose the benefite of the clergie. But at this daye, by force of the Act made in Anno 1. E. 6. cap. 12. this is n [...]e plea, but that hee may haue his Clergye yet not wythstandinge.
Soe is Brooke titulo Clergie placito 20. to the same purpose. And hereuppon, if you bee desirous, (Brother Nicholas) to sée what reasons they haue that perswade against second mariages, reade, amonge manye other, Fraunches Petrarch of Remedies for both fortunes the first booke and lxxvi. Dialogue intituled of seconde mariage, [Page] which booke nowe of late our brother master Thomas Twyne hath very wel and w t good grace (as they y • can iudge doe say) translated out of latine into english, and moste aptly called it Phisicke against fortune.
BLodewit, that is to be quite of amercements for blodsheding, & what pleas are holden in your court you shall haue the Amercementes thereof coming, because (wit) in english is Misericordia in latine.
BOote is an old woord, and signifyethe helpe succour, ayde, or aduauntage, and is commonly [Page 33] ioyned with an other word whose significatiō, it doth augemēt as these brighoot, burghboote, fireboote, hedgboot, plowboote, & diuers such like, for whose significations, looke in their proper titles.
Brode halpeny.
BRode halpeny (in sōe copies Bordehalpeny) that is to be quite of a certein custome exacted for settinge vp of tables.
BRugbote (and in some copies Brigebote) that is to be quite of giuinge aide to the repairinge of bridges.
BUrghbote, that is to be quite of giuinge ayde to make a borough Castel, [Page] city or walles throne downe.
Burghbrech, that is to bée quite of trespasses don in Citie or borough against the peace.
Burgh English.
BUrgh English or borow english is a custome in sōe auncient borough, that if a man haue issue diuers sonnes, and dieth, yet the yongest sonne onely shal enherit and haue al the landes & tenementes, that were his fathers whereof hée died seysed wythin the same burgh by dyscent, as heire to his father, by force of the custome of the same.
BUrglary is when one breaketh and entreth into y • house of an other in the night with felonious intent to robbe, or kil, or to doe some other felony, in which cases, although he cary away nothing yet it is felony, for which he shall suffer death. Otherwise it is if it be in the day tyme, or that hée breake the house in the night, and enter not therin at that tyme.
But if a seruant will conspire with other men to robbe his master, and to that intent hee openeth his masters dores, or windowes in the night for them, and they come into the house by that way, [Page] this is burglary in the straungers, and the seruant is a théefe but noe burglar: And this was the opinion of the right worshipfull Sir Roger Manwood knight, most woorthy Lorde Chiefe Baron of the Eschequer at the quarter Sessions holden in Caūterburie in Januarie last 1579. 21. Elizabeth.
CAruage, that is to bée quite if the kinge shall taxe al hislād by Carues Note that a Carue of land is a plowland.
CEssion, is when an Ecclesiasticall person is created bishop, or whē a person of a personage taketh an other benefice without dispensation, or [Page 35] otherwise not qualified &c. In both cases, their first benefices are becōe void, and to those that he had who was created Bishop, the Quéene shal present for that tyme, whosoeuer be patron of them: And in the other case, the patron may present.
CHallenge is where Jurours appeare to trie an issue, then if any of the parties suppose y • they are not indifferent, they may there Challenge and refuse them.
There be diuers challenges, one is challenge to the array, the other to the polles. Challenge to tharray is whē the panel is fauourably made by the sherife [Page] or other officer. Challenge by the poles, are some principal, and some by cause as they call it. Principal is whē one of the Juroures is the son, brother, or cosine to the plaintife, or defendaunt, or tenant to him, or y • he hath espoused the daughter of the pleintife, & for those causes hée shalbée withdrawen.
Also in a plée of y • death of a mā, & in euery other accion reall, & in accions personall, if the debt or dāmages amount to xl. markes it is a good challenge that he cannot dispende xl. s. by the yeare of free holde.
Challenge by cause, is where the party doth alledge a matter which is no principal chellēge, as y • y • son of one of y • Jurrours [Page 36] hath espoused the daughter of the pleintif, & then he doth cōclude & therfore he is so fauorable, which shalbe tried by others of thēquest whether he be fauorable or indifferent, & if they say that he is fauorable and not indifferent, thē hée shalbée drawen out, otherwyse hée shalbée sworn. Also a felon that is arraigned may challenge xx. Jurrours paremptory wythout any cause, & that is in fauour of life, & as many as hee wil with cause, but then it shalbe tried if for such cause he be indifferent or not.
CHampertours be they y t moue pleas & suites, or cause to be moued by [Page] own, or others procurement, & sue them at their owne costs to haue part of the land, or gaines in variance.
CHarge is where a man graūteth a rent out of his grounde, and that if the rent bée béehinde, that it shalbe lawfull for him his heires & assignes to distraine till the rent be paide, This is called a rent charge. But if one graunt a rēt charge out of the land of an other, and after purchase the land, the graūt is voide.
Charters of lands.
CHarters of lands, are writings, déeds, euidē ces, & instrumēts, made frō one man to an other vpō some estate cōueied [Page 37] or passed betwene thē, of lands or tenemēts, shewing the name, place, & quantitie of the land, the estate, time, & maner of the doinge thereof, the parties to the estate deliuered and takē, the witnesses pres ēt at the same with other circumstaunces.
CHattels are in ij. sortʒ that isto say, Chattels Reals, and Chattels personals. Chattels Reals, are leases for yeares, wardes, and to holde at wil &c.
Chattels personals ar al mouable goods, as money, plate, householde stuffe, horses, kine, corne & such like.
[Page]CHildwite, that is y • you may take a fine of your bondwoman defiled and begotten w t childe w tout your licence.
CHimine is the hye way where euery mā goethe, which is called via Regia, and yet the Kynge hath noe other thinge there but the passage for hym and hys people, for the frée holde is in the Lorde of the soyle, and all the profyte growinge there, as trees and other thinges.
Thing in action.
THinge in action, is when a manne hath cause, or may brynge an action for some duity [Page 38] due to him, as an action of det vpon an obligation, ānuity, Rent, Couenant, warde, goods, trespas, or such like. And because they are thinges wherof a man is not possessed, but for recouery of them is driuen to his actiō, they are called things in action, & those thinges in action that are certen, the Quéene may graūt, & the graūtee may vse an actyon for them in hys owne name onely. But a common person cannot graunt his thing in actiō nor the Queene her fel [...]e cannot graūt her thing in actiō which is vncerten, as trespas & such like.
Circuit of action.
CIrcuite of action, is when an actyon is [Page] rightly brought for a duetie: but yet about y e bush as it were: for y • it might as well bene otherwise aunswered, and determined, & that suit saued, and because that thē same actiō was more then néedful, it is called circuite of action. As if a manne graunt a rent charge of x. li. out of his manner of dale, and after, the grauntee disseise y • graū tour of the same maner of dale, and hée bringeth an assise, and recouereth the lande and xx. li. dammages, which xx. li. being paied, the grauntee of the rent sueth his action for x. li. of his rent due duringe the time of the disseison, which if noe disseisin had bene, hée must haue had. This is called circuit of action, béecause [Page 39] it might haue bene more shortly aunswered, for where as the grauntour should receyue xx. li. dammages, and pay x. li. rent, he might haue receiued but the x. li. onely for the dammages, and the grauntee might haue cut of and kept backe the other x. li. in his handes by way of detayner for his rent, and soe thereby mought haue saued his action.
CLaime is a challenge by any man of the propertie, or ownershippe of a thinge which he hath not in possession, but which is with holden frō him wrongfully.
CLergie is an auncyent [Page] libertye of the popishe Church, which hath also béene confyrmed with vs in dyuers Parlyamentes. And it is when a priest, or one within holy orders (as they terme it) or any other whoesoeuer, in whome is noe impedyment or impossibilitye to bée a priest, is arraigned of felonye or such lyke béefore a temporall Judge &c. and the prisoner praieth his clergye, that is to saye, to haue hys booke, which is as much as if hée desired to bée dismyssed from the Temporall Judge, and to bee deliuered to the Ordinarie to purge hym selfe of the same offence. This priuyledge at the firste was not soe generall, [Page 40] in respect of the parties that should take benefite thereby, as it afterwarde beecame to bée, for at the beginninge, beinge a popishe inuentyon the patrons thereof were very partial, and wolde not that any should reape commodity thereby, but their popish priestes only and such as were wythin orders, as aforesayed: and this arose amonge them, partlye through their great pride, dysdayninge to bee vnder the obedience of their natural kinges and temporall correctyon, and partelye of polycie, for shame lest the leude maners of their spiritualty, should come to the open view & examination of y e [Page] layetie (as they distinguish them) noe meruaile at al for w tin a fewe of the first yeres of king Henry y e secōds raigne: the clergie of the Realme had committed aboue one hundred seueral murders vppon hys subiectes, as the Kinge was certenly informed, besides many robberies and other outrages, for remedy whereof, order was taken by y e king, his nobilitie, and w t much a doe the Clergie consented therto, y t if any clerke from thence forth committed felony or treason, he should first be degraded, and afterwarde deliuered to the lay power, there to receiue as to his offence belonged &c. at y • last in fauor of life (a thing to bee shewed indifferently [Page 41] towards al mankinde) and for the loue of lerninge, it was graunted to al men that could reade, though they were neither priestes, nor w t in orders. And since in parliament made vpon good considerations, it hath ben restreined and taken away in dyuers cases, as in wilful murder, Burglary, and such others.
Clerke attaint. Clerke conuict.
CLerkes are in ii. sorts, that is to say Clerkes attaint, & Clerkes conuict. Clerke attaint, is he which prayeth his clergy after iudgement gyuen vpon him of the felony, and hath his clergy allowed, such a Clerke may not make his purgatiō.
[Page]Clerke conuict is hée which prayeth his clergy before iudgment gyuen vppon him of the felony, and hath hys clergy to him graunted, such a clerke may make his purgation.
COlour, is a fayned matter which the defendant or tenant vseth in his barre when an accion of trespas, or an assise is brought against him, in which he gyueth the demandant or plaintife a shewe at the first sight that he hath good cause of accion where in troth it is no iust cause, but onely a colour and face of a cause: And it is vsed to the intent that the determynatyon of the accion should bée by [Page 42] the Judges, and not by an ignorant Jury of xii. men. And therefore a colour ought to bée a matter in law or doubtfull to the common people, as for example. A. bringes an assise of land against B. and B. saith that hee hym selfe did let the same land to one C. for terme of life, and afterwarde did graunt the reuersion to A. the demaundaunt, and after C. the tenaunt for terme of lyfe died, after whose decease A. the demaundaunt claiming the reuersion by force of that graunt (whereto C. the tenaunt for life did neuer atturne) entred, vpō whom B. entred, against whom A. for y • entre bringes this [Page] assise &c. this is a good colour because the comō people thinke that the land will passe by the graūt without atturnement, where in déede it wil not passe &c.
Also in an accion of trespas colour must bée geuen, and of them are an infinite number, one for example: In an accion of trespas for takinge away of the playntifes beastes, the defendaunt saith, that before y e pleintife had any thing in thē hée himselfe was possessed of thē as of his proper goodes, and deliuered them to A. B. to redeliuer them to him againe when &c. and A. B. gaue them vnto the plaintife, & the plaintife supposing the propertie to be in A. B. at y • time of the gift, [Page 43] tooke them, and the defendant tooke them from the plaintife, whereupon the plaintife bringeth y e accion, this is a good colour, and a good plea.
Colour of office.
COlour of office, is alwaies takē in y e worst part, & signifieth an act euel done, by the countenance of an office, and it beareth a dissemblinge face of the right office, where as the office is but auaile to the falsehod & the thinge is grounded vpō vice, and the office is as a shadowe to it.
But reason of the office, & vertue of the office are taken alwayes in the best part, and where the office is the iust cause of the thynge, and the thynge is pursuing [Page] to the office.
COllusiō is where an accion is brought agaynst another by hys owne agreement, if the plaintife recouer, then such recouery is called by collusion: and in some cases the collusion shall bée enquired of, as in a Quare impedit, an assise & such like: But in auowry, nor in a writ of entrie, or any accyon personall, the collusion shall not bée inquyred.
Common law.
COmmon lawe, is for the most part taken 3. waies, first for the lawes of this Realme simple without any other lawe, as customary lawe, Ciuil lawe, [Page 43] Spirituall lawe, or whatsoeuurr els lawe ioyned vnto it, as when it is disputed in our laws of England, what ought of right to bée determyned by the comon lawe, and what by the spirituall lawe, or Admirales Court, or such like,
Secondly it is taken for the kinges courtes, as the kynges bench, or common place onely, to shewe a difference béetwéene them and y • base courtes, as Customary courts, courtes barons, county courtes, pipouders, and such like, as when a plea of land is remoued out of auncient demesne, because the lād is frank fée & pleadable at the cōmon lawe, y t is to say in y • kings court, [Page] and not in auncien demesne, or in any other base court.
Thirdly, and most vsually by the comon law is vnderstoode, such laws as were generally taken and holden for lawe before any statute was made to alter the same: as for example. Tenant for life, nor for yeares, were not to be punished for doinge wast at the common lawe, tyll the statute of Glocester ca. 5. was made which doth giue an action of wast against them: But tenant by the curte [...]y, and tenaunt in dower, were punishable of wast at the common law, that is to say by the vsual and comon receiued laws of y • Realme, before the sayd [Page 45] statute of Glocester was made.
COmmon is the right y t a mā hath to put his beastes to pasture, or to vse & to occupy the groūd that is not his owne.
And note y • there be diuers comons, that is to say comō in grosse, common appendaunt, comon appurtenant, & comō because of neighbourhod.
Common in grosse is where I by my déede graūt to an other that he shal haue cōmon in my lande.
Common appendaunt is where a man is seised of certaine lande, to the which hée hath common in anothers grounde, al they that shalbée seysed of that lande, shall haue [Page] the sayed common onely for those Beastes which compeste that lande to which it is appendaunt exceptinge géese, gotes, & hogges.
And alwaies this cō mon is by prescription & of common right, and it is appendaunt to erable lande onelye, and not to any other lande or house.
Comon appurtenāt is in the same maner as common appendant, but it is w t al manner of beastes, as well hogges goates and such lyke, as horses, kyne, oxen, shéepe and suche as compeste the grounde. And such common may bee made at this day, and may be seuered frō y • land to which it is appurtenant, but soe cannot cōmon appendāt.
[Page 46]Common by cause of neighbourhode, is where the tenants of two lords which he seised of two townes where one lieth nigh another, and euery of them haue vsed from y e time whereof no minde runneth to haue comē in the other towne, with al maner of beastes comynable.
But the one may not put his cattel in y e others ground, for so they of the other towne may dystreine thē damage fesāt, or may haue an action of trespas, but they may put thē into their owne féeldes, & if so they straie into the feeldes of the other towne, they there ought to suffer thē. And y e inhabitāts of y e on towne ought not to put in as many beastes as they wil. [Page] but hauinge regarde to y • inhabitants of the other towne, for otherwise it were noe good neighborhoode, vppon which all thys matter dothe depende.
COnditiō is a restraint or bridle, annexed, and ioyned to a thing, so that by y e not performance or not doinge thereof, the party to y e condition shal receiue preiudice & losse, & by the performance and doing of y • sāe, cōmodity and aduantage.
And al conditiōs are either conditions actual & expressed, which be called conditions in deede, orels they be cōditiōs implied or couert & not expressed, which are called conditions in lawe.
[Page 47]Also al condicions are either conditions precedent and goinge before the estate and are executed, or els subsequent & following after y • estate & executorie.
The condicion precedent, doth gaine & gette the thing or estate made vppon condicion by the performance of y • same.
The condicion subsequent, doth kéepe & continue the thing or estate made vpon condiciō, by y • performance thereof.
Actual and expressed condition, which is called a condition in déede: is a condition knit & annexed by expresse words to the feoffement, leas, or graunt either in writing or w tout writinge, as if I enfeffe a man in lands reseruing rēt to be [Page] paied at such a feast vpō conditiō that if the feoffée faile of payment at the day, y t then it shalbe lawful for me to reēter.
Condition implied or couert & not expressed which is called a condition in lawe, is when a man graūteth to one the office to be keeper of a parke, Steward, Bedle Bailife, or such like, for terme of life: & though there be no condition at al expressed in y • graunt, yet y • lawe speaketh couertly of a condicion, which is that if the graū tée doe not execute all points apperteininge to his office by himselfe or his sufficiēt deputy, thē it shalbe lawful for y • grā tor to enter & discharge him of his office. Cōditiō precedēt & goinge before [Page 48] is when a leas is made to one for life vpon condition that if the lessee for life, wil pay to the lessor xx. li. at such a day y • then he shall haue fée simple: here y • conditiō precéedes & goeth before the estate in fée simple, and vppon the performaunce of the conditiō, doth gaine and get the fee simple. Condition subsequent & following after, is when one graunts to I. S. his maner of dale in fée simple, vpon condition, that the graūtée shal pay to him at such a day xx. li. or els y t his estate shal cease, here y • cōdition is subsequēt & following y e estate in fée simple, and vpon the performaunce thereof, doth kéepe and contynue the estate.
Confiscate goodes.
[Page]COnfiscate goodes are goods to which y e lawe intitleth the Queene, when they are not claymed by any other. As if a man be indited that he feloniously stole the goodʒ of I. S. where in truith they are his owne goods, and they are brought into the court against him as a maineur, and then it is demaunded, what hée saith to those goodes, and he denieth thē, nowe by this denyinge of them, he shal lose those goodes, although that afterward he be acquited of the felony, and so in other like cases.
COntract is a bargaine or couenant betwéene two parties, where one thinge is géeuen for an other, which is called quid [Page 49] pro quo, as if I sell my horse for money, or if I cauenant to make you a lease of my manner of Dale in consideration of xx. li. that you shal gyue mée, these are good contracts because there is one thinge for an other. But if a manne make promise to mée that I shall haue twenty shillinges, and that he wil be debtour to mée thereof, and after I aske the xx. s. and he will not deliner it, yet I shall neuer haue any accyon to recouer this xx. s. for that, that thys promise was no contract but a bare promise, and ex nudo pacto non oritur actio: but if any thing were geuē for y e xx. s. though it were not but is y • value [Page] of a peny, then it had bin a good contract.
COnusaunce of plée, is a priuiledge that a city or Towne hath of the kinges graunt to holde plee of all contracts, and of lands within the precinct of the fraunchise: & whē any mā is impleaded for any such thynge in the Court of Westminster: the Maior and baylifes of such fraunches or their atturney may aske conusaunce of the plee, that is to say, that the plée & the matter shalbée pleaded and determined before them:
But if the Court at Westminster be lawefully seised of the plea, béefore conusance be demaunded, then they shal [Page 50] not haue conusance for y • suite, because they haue negligētly surcessed their time of demaund, but this shalbee no barre to them to haue conusance in an other accion, for they may demaūd conusance in one accyon, and omit it in an other accion at their pleasure. And note that conusance lieth not in prescription, but it behoueth to shewe the kinges letters.
COrodye, was a reasonable allowaunce of Meate, breade, Drinke, money, clothinge, Lodging, and such like sustenance, which of comon right euery founder of Abbeies, Priories, Nū ries, & other houseʒ of religiō, had in y e same house [Page] whē any were stāding, for his father, brother, cosin, or other man that he wolde appoint should take it, if it were a house of Monkes, and if hée were founder of a house of Nuns, or women, thē the same for his mother Sister, Cosin, or other woman that hée would direct thither. And alwaies this was prouided for that hée that had Corody in a house of Monkes, might not sēd a woman to take it: Nor where Corody was due in a Nunry, there it was not lawful to appoint a man to receiue y • same, for in both cases, such presentation was to bée reiected.
And this Corody was due, as well to a cōmon person y • was foundor, [Page 51] as where the kinge him selfe was foundor. But where the house was holden in frankalmoign there the tenure itselfe was a discharge of Corody against al menne, Except it were afterward charged voluntaryly, as when the kinge woulde send his writ to the Abbey for a Corody for such a one whō they admitt, there the house should be charged for euer whether the kynge were foundor or not,
CRowner is an auncient officer of trust and of great aucthoritie, ordayned to be a principal conseruator, or kéeper of the peace, to beare recorde of the pleas of the Crowne, and of [Page] his owne sight, and of diuers other things many in number, &c. But at this day, either y e aucthoritie of the Coroner is not so great, as in fore tyme it was, whereby the office is not had in like estimation: Or els the Shirife and those y • haue aucthoritie to choose the Coroner are not so careful as they should be in their election: & therefore, it is nowe almost come agayne into that plight, that it was in king Edward the firsts daies, when this statute followinge was made. Forasmuch as meane menne and vndiscréete nowe of late are commonly chosen to the office of Coroner where it is requisite that wyse [Page 52] men, lawfull, and able should occupie such offices: It is prouided that through all Shires sufficient m [...]n shoulde bee chosen to bée coroners out of the most wyse and discréetest knightes &c. And although the letter of this statute be not precisely obserued: yet at the least the entend should be followed as nigh as might bée, that for the default of knights Gētlemen furnished with such qualities as the statute setteth downe (of whych sort there bee many) might be chosen: with this addiciō that they be vertuous & good knowne Christians.
COrporation is a permanent thing y • may [Page] haue succession: And is an assembly and ioining together of many into one fellowshipp, brother hoode and minde, whereof one is hedde & chéefe, the rest are the body: & this hedde & body knitte together make the corporation.
And of corporatyons some are called spiritual, and some temporal, and of those that are spiritual, some are corporations of dead persons in lawe, and some otherwise, and some are by aucthoritie of the kynge onely, and some haue byn of a mixt aucthoritie, and of those that are temporal some are by aucthoritie of the kynge also, and some by the common lawe of the Realme.
[Page 53]Corporation spiritual, and of deade persons in lawe, is where the corporation consisteth of an Abbot, and Couent, and these had beginninge of the kinge and the man of Roome when he had to doe here.
Corporation spiritual and of able persons in lawe, is where the corporation consisteth of a Deane and chapter, and his corporation had béeginninge of the Kynge onely.
Corporation Temporal by the king, is where there is a maier and cō minalty.
Corporation Temporal, by aucthoritie of the cōmon law, is the assēble in parliament, which cō sisteth of the Quéene, the hedde of the corporation, [Page] and of the Lordes spiritual and temporal, and the comons of y e realme, y • body of y • corporation.
Bodies politike.
BOdies politike are Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Deans, persō of a church and such like which haue succession.
Corruption of Blodde.
COrruption of blodde is when the father is attaynted of felonye or treason, then his blode is sayed to be corrupt, by meanes wherof his children cannot bée heires to him nor to any other aū cestour. And if hee were a noble man or gentlemanne before, hee, and al his chyldren thereby are made vnnoble & vngentle, hauinge regarde [Page 54] to the nobilitie or gentrye that they clayme by their father, which cannot bée made hole againe without aucthority of parliament.
COuenaunt is an agréement had béewéene two personnes, where euery of them is bounden to the other, to parfourme certeyne couenauntes for hys parte.
COuerture, is when a man & a woman ar maried together: Nowe the tyme of the contynuaunce of this mariage betwene them is called couerture, and the wife is called a woman couert.
COuin is a secret assent, determined in the hartes of ij. or more, to the preiudice of any other: As if tenaunt for terme of life, wil secretly cōspire with an other, that y • other shal recouer against the tenaunt for lyfe the lande whiche hée holdeth &c. in preiudice of him in the reuersion.
COunterplee, is where one bringeth an actyon, and the tenaunt in his aunswere and plee, voucheth or calleth for any manne to warraunt his title, or praieth in aide of an other, which hath better estate then hée, as [Page 55] of hym that is in the reuersion, or if one that is a straunger to the action, come and pray to bee resceyued to saue his estate, if the demaundaunt reply thereto, and shew cause that he ought not to vouche such one or that hée ought not of such one to haue ayde, or that such one ought not to bée resceyued, this plée is called a counterplée.
Cinque portes.
CInque portes, be certein hauen townes, fiue in number, to which haue bene longe since, graunted manye libertyes (that other porte Townes haue not) and that first in the time of king Edward called y • cō fessor [Page] (who was before y • cōquest) & hath bē encreased since chiefly in y e dates of y e ij. Edwards the first, & second (since y • conquest) as appereth in the booke of Domesday, & other olde monuments, which in this worke beinge to longe to cite I meane bro. N. to omit, & set you here downe y • copy of an auncient record in frēch which y e worship full, our louing and very good father master Iohn Tvvine of Caunterbury gaue me out of his booke called W. Biholt, sometime a monck of y • abbey of Saynt Augustines, wherein you shal learne which were aūciētly accōpted y • v. ports; & their memberz, what seruices they ow, where their court ought to be kept, before whom, and of what [Page 56] matters they may hold plee, w t such like worthy to be knowen, & thereby you shal perceiue also y • y e olde rude verse doth falsely name y e v. ports, in reckninge them vp after this sort: Douer, Sandwicus, Rye, Rūney, Frigmareuentus, Douer, Sandwich, Rie, Rumney, Wichelsey which is mēthy Frigmareuētus &c. which recorde I will english as well, as my smale skil in y • old french wil geue me leaue. And thus it is.
These are the chiefe townes of the Cinque ports.
- 1 Mastinge.
- 2 Romney.
- 3 Meth
- 4 Douer.
- 5 & Sandwich.
The members of the ports of Mastinge are these.
- 1. Peuenese.
- 2 Bolewareheth.
- 3 Petite James.
- 4 Bekesborne.
- 5. Breneth.
- 6 Rie.
- 7 et Winchelse.
Some adde to these the Seashore in Sefford, [Page] Hydeney, and Northye.
The chiefe port of Hastinge, with the mē bers aforesaid ought to finde to the kinge from yere, to yere, if neede bée, vppon the sea twenty & one ships: That is to say the towne of Hastinge thrée ships, Peuenese one shippe, wole worcherye and Petite Ihāme one shippe, Bekesburne one shippe, Greneshe ij. men with two armours, with them of Hastinge, The Towne of Rye fyue Shippes, the Towne of Wynchelsce Tenne shippes.
The mēbres of y • port of Romney are. 2.
1. Olde Romney, and 2. Lyde
Some adde to these, Prormhell, Oswardestone [Page 57] & Denge Marreis, Romney with the afore said members, oweth to the kinge as is before said fiue shippes, whereof Lyde oweth one ship, The port of Heth with the member west Heth, ought to finde fiue ships to the kinge as is aforesayde.
The members of the port of douer are these.
- 1. Folkestone, &
- 2. Fauersham.
Sōe adde Meregate &c.
This part of Douer, with the aforesaid members, ought to find to the kinge. 21. shippes, that is to say, Douer 19. ships Folkestone one shipe, & Fauersham one ship.
The members of the port of Sandwich are these.
- [Page]1. Stonor.
- 2. Fordwich,
- 3. Dale.
- 4. Seire.
Sōe adde Reaculure.
This port of Sandwich, with the memberz aforesayd, ought to find in the kinges seruice as is before sayde, fiue shippes,
Some lvii. shippes.
When the king would haue his seruice of the aforesaid ships, they shal haue xl. daies sūmons, & they shal find to y e king in euery ship. 20. men, and the master wel armed, and well appoynted to doe the kynges seruice.
And the shippes shal goe at the proper costes of the Cinque portes thither whether they shalbée summoned. And when the shyppes are [Page 58] thither come, they shall continue xv. daies in the kinges seruice, at the proper costes of the Cinque portes. And after the 15. dayes are past they shalbée at the charges of the kinge: if hee haue any thing for thē to doe.
The master of the ship shall take sixe pence a day, the Constable sixe pence, and euery of the other mariners thrée pence.
And it is to be knowē that the court of Shipwaye, which is the chief court of y • Cinque ports where euery Maior of euerie port, or 12. 10. 6. or 4. and the Maior of euerie port as they by letters of the warden of the Cinque ports [Page] haue byn sūmoned, and as the port is greater or lesser, without essoyne ought to come, ought to bee sūmoned by the letters of the said warden to al the ports that ought to doe sute there.
And the sūmons ought to be vppon sute made to sūmon any comminalte to aunswere to any of any plée, containing 40. dayes from the day of the receyte of the Letters of the sayed warden.
And the aforesayde Court ought to bée sū moned chieefelye for Treason done agaynst the kynge or kynges: for counterfaytynge of the kynges seale: or of hys money, for treasure founde vnder the [Page 59] ground: For the kynges seruice denied, or withholden, for fals Judgement giuen by any cō munaltie.
And no commoner to any plea against him brought shall aunswere but at the court aforesayd.
And pleas there had against any Baron of the Cinque portes beinge challenged by the Bailife of the same port of which the said Baron is: ought to bée adiourned vnto the port, wherof the same Baron is, (if it be not for trespas don agaynst the kynge) because that the said Barōs haue conusance of all manner of pleas except pleas of the Crowne. And when those Barons haue fayled to [Page] doo right: The said warden at the complaynt of hym to whom they haue fayled to doe right, shall goe to the same port to doe right, as is contayned in the Charter.
Moreouer, the aforesaied court ought not to bée holden from the feast of the natiuity of saynt Mary, vntill the feast of saint Andrewe, because of the martes of Germany.
Also when the Barōs of the Cinque ports are in the Kynges seruice vppon the Sea, or at the kings summons, or at the kinges commandement.
Furthermore, it ought not to bée holden but one day.
And one Essoine onely [Page 60] yeth in the aforesayed Court in euery plea.
O f sute no Essoigne lieth, as is before sayde, and therefore if the maior, whoe béecause of sicknesse or other sodeine infirmitie cannot come thither, an other may at that day keepe his place, so notwithstandynge that returne bée made by hys Baylife.
Nor others principally ought to bée charged of any iudgement gyuen in the same Court but those names whoe by the Baylifes there haue byn returned.
Besides all this, prouision of shippes & men as is aforesayde: I haue séene in an other [Page] recorde (shortly written) that euery shippe ought to haue a boy, whych there is called a Gromet: so y • in some the Cinque portes are charged with 57. ships 1197. men, & 57. boyes or Gromets.
Damage fesants.
DAmage fesauntes, is when a straungers beasts are in an other mans ground, wythout aucthoritie of the lawe, or licence of the tenant of the grounde, and there doe feede, treade, or otherwyse spoile the corne, grasse, woods, or such lyke: in which case the tenaunt whom they hurt, may therefore there take, distreigne, & impoūd them, [Page 61] as wel if it be in y e night, as in the day time. But in other cases as for rent and seruices & such like, none may distreine in y e night season.
DAnegelde, that is to be quite of a certein custome which hath runne some tymes, which the Danes did leuie in Englande.
This beganne first in kinge Etheldreds daies, who beinge sore distressed by the continual inuasions of the Danes, to purchase peace was cō pelled to charge his coū trey and people wyth importable payements: for hée first gaue them at v. seueral paies 113000 li. and afterwarde graū ted thē 48000. li. yerely.
Deane and Chapter.
DEane & chapter is a body spiritual corporate, consisting of many able persons in lawe as namely the deane (whoe is the chiefe) and the prebendes, and they together make the corporation. And as this corporation may iointly purchase landes and tenements to the vse of their Church and successours: Soe likewise euery of them seuerally may purchase to the vse of hym selfe & his heires, as wée dayly sée them doe most abundantly.
DEclaratiō is a shewing forth in writing, of the griefe and complaynt of the demaundant [Page 62] or plaintife against the tenant or defendant, wherein he supposeth to haue receyued wronge. And thys declaratyon ought to be plaine & certen, both because it impeacheth the defendaunt or tenant, & also compelleth him to make aunswere thereto.
DEfendant is he that is sued in an actyon personal, & he is called tenant in an action real.
DEmaines, or demesnes, is the lords chiefe maner place, which hée & his auncestours haue from time out of mind, kepte in their owne hands, and haue occupied [Page] same, together wyth al buldinges and houses whatsoeuer, also y e meadowes, pastures, woods, errable lande, and such like, béelonginge thereunto.
DEmaundaunt is hée that suethe or complayneth in an actyon reall, for title of lande, and hée is called playntife in an assise, & in an action personall as in an action of dette, trespas, disceit, detinue, and such other.
Halfe blodde.
HAlfe blodde, is when a man marieth a wife. and hath issue by her a sonne, and shée dyeth, and then hée taketh an [Page 63] other womanne, and hath by her also a sonne, Nowe these two sonnes are after a sorte Brothers, or as they are termed, halfe Brothers, or Brothers of the halfe blodde, that is to say brothers by the Fathers syde béecause they had both one father, and are both of his bloud and not brothers at all by the mothers syde, nor of blodde ne kinne that waye, and therefore the one of them cannot bée heire to other, for he that wyll clayme as heire to one by dyscent, must be of y e whole blode to him from whome hée claimeth.
DEmurrer is when anie action is brought, and the defendaunt pleadeth a plée, to which the pleintife saith that he wil not aunswere, for that, y • it is not a sufficient ple in the lawe, and the defendaunt saith to the cō trary, that it is a sufficyent plee, this doubt of the lawe is called a demurrer.
DEnizen is where an alien becommeth the Quéenes subiect and obteyneth her letters patentes to enioye al priuiledges as an englishmā. But yet not with standinge, he shall paye customes and diuers other things as aliens doe &c.
[Page 64]DEodande is when any man by misfortune is slaine by an hors or by a cart, or by anie other thinge that moueth, thē this thing that is cause of his death, and which at the tyme of the mysfortune mooued, shalbée forfayte to the Queene, and that is called deodande, and that perteineth to y • Quéenes Almener for to dispose in almes & in dedes of charitie.
Departure from a plee or matter.
DEparture frō his plea or matter, is where a manne pledeth a plee in barre, & the plaintife replieth thereto, and he after in his reioinder pleadeth or sheweth an other [Page] matter contrary to his first plée, y t is called a de parter frō his barre &c.
Departure in dispite of the court.
DEparture in dispite of the court, is when the tenant or defendant appereth to the actyon brought against him, & hath a day ouer in y t sāe terme, or is called after without day in the same terme, and doth not appere, but makes defant, this is a departure in dispite of the court, & therefore he shalbe condempned.
DEputie, is he y e occupieth in an other mans right, whether it bee office or any other thig els and his forf▪ or misdemener shal cause the officer, or him whose deputie [Page 65] he is to lose his office or thinge. But a man can not make his deputie in al cases, except the grant so bée as if it bée w t these or such like woordes, to exercise or vse by himself or his sufficient deputie: or if y e words go furder, by himselfe or his deputy, or the deputy of hys deputy, then hée may make a deputy, and his deputy also may make a deputy, els not.
DEuastauerunt bona testatoris, is when Executours wil deliuer the legacies that their testator hath gyuen, or make restytutyon for wronges don by him, or pay his debts due vppon contractes, or other dets vpon specialtyes, whose [Page] dayes of payments are not yet come &c. And kepe not sufficiēt in their hands, to discharge those debts vppon specialties that they are compellable presently by the law to satisfie: Then they shalbee constrayned to pay of their owne goods those duetyes, which at the first by the law they were compelled to pay: accordinge to the value of that that they deliuered or payed wythout compulsion: For such paymentes of debts or deliuery of legacies, as is aforesayde, béefore debtes payed vpon specialtyes, whose dayes of payment are already come: are accompted in the lawe a wastynge of the goodes [Page 66] of the testator, as much as if they had gyuen them away wythout cause, or sold them, and conuerted them to their owne vse.
DEuyse is where a man in his testamēt géeueth or béequeaueth his goodes or hys landes to an other after his decease.
And where such deuise is made of goodes, if the executours will not deliuer the goodes to the deuisée, the deuisée hath no remedy by the common lawe, but it behoueth him to haue a cytation against y • executors of the testator, to appere before the Ordinary to shewe why hée perfourmeth not the wil of the [Page] testatour, for the deuisee may not take the legacy and serue himself, but it must be deliuered to him by the executours.
And here to the end to shewe you (Brother Nicholas) howe much the lawes of thys Realme, and the wise dyscréete Judges of y e same, who are the interpreters of the lawe, doe fauour willes, and testaments, and so deuises in yelding to them such a reasonable construction, as they thinke myght best agrée with the mindes of the dead, consideringe that willes & testaments are for the most part, and by cōmō intendment, made whē the testator is nowe very sicke, weake, & past al hope of recouery, for it is a receiued opinion in y e [Page 67] countrey amonge most y t if a man should chaūce to be so wise, as to make his wil in his good helth, when he is stronge, of good memory, hath tyme and leysure, and might aske counsel if any doubt were, of the lerned, that then hée should not liue longe after, and therfore they deferre it, to such tyme, when as it were more conueniēt to apply them selues to the disposition of their soules, then of their landes or goodes, except it were, that by the fresh memory, and recitall of them at that tyme, it myght bée a cause to put them in mind of some of their goodes, or landes falsely gotten, andso moue them to restitutyon &c. [Page] And at that tyme, the penning of such willes, are commonly committed to the minister of the parish, or to some other more ignoraunt then hée if y • may be, whoe knoweth not what woordes are necessarie to make an estate in fée simple, fée taile, for terme of life, or such like, besides many other mischiefes. I will therefore set you here downe some of those cases that are most common in ignoraunt mens mouthes, and doe cary, by the wise interpretatiōs of y e Judges as is aforesaid, a larger and more fauorable sense in wills thē in déedes: first therfore if one deuise to I. S. by his wil, all hys lands and tenementes, here not onely all those [Page 68] landes y • he hath in poss. doe passe, but also those that he hath the reuersion of by vertue of these wordes tenements▪
[...] [...]e deui [...]ed to a man to haue to him for euermore, or to haue to hī & his assignes, in these. ii. cases y e deuisée shal haue a fée s [...]ple. But if it be geuen by feoffement in such maner, hée hath but an estate for terme of life.
Also if a man deuyse his land to an other, to giue, sel, or doe therwith at his pleasure or wyll, this is fée simple.
A deuise made to one & to his heires males, doth make an estate taile, but if such words be put in a déede of feoffement, it shalbée taken in fée simple, because it doth [Page] it doth not appere of what bodye the heires males shalbe begotten.
If lands be gyuen by déede to I. S. and to the heires males of his body &c. whoe hath issue a daughter, whoe hath issue a sonne, and dieth, there the land shall returne to the donour, and the sonne of the daughter shall not haue it, because hée cannot conuey himself by heires males, for his mother is a let thereto: But otherwise it is of such a deuise, for there y e son of y e daughter shall haue it, rather thē y • wil shalbe voyd.
If one deuise to an infant in his mothers belly, it is a good deuise, otherwyse it is by feoffement, graunt, or gift, for in those cases there [Page 69] ought to be one of hability to take presently, or otherwise it is voide.
A deuise made (in fee simple) without expresse wordes of heires, is good in fee simple.
But if a deuise be to I. N. hée shall haue the land but for terme of life, for those words wil cary noe gerater estate.
If one wil y • his sonne I. shal haue his land after the death of his wife, here the wife of the deuisour shal haue the lande first for terme of her life. Soe likewise if a man deuise his goodes to his wife, and that after the decease of his wife, his sonne and heire shal haue the house where y • goods are, there the sonne shal not haue the house during the life of the wife, [Page] for it doth appere y • his intēt was, that his wife should haue the house also for terme of her lyfe, notwithstandīg it were not deuised to her by expresse words.
If a deuise be to I. N. and to y • heires females of his body begotten: after the deuisée hath issue a sonne and a daughter and dieth, here y e daughter shal haue the land, & not the sonne, & yet he is the most worthy persō, and heire to his father, but because the wyll of the dead is, that the daughter should haue itlawe and conscience wil so also, And herein the very hethens were precyse, as appereth by these verses of Octauius Augustus whych Donatus [Page 70] reporteth, he made after that Uirgil at hys death, gaue commaundement that hys bookes shoulde bée burnt, béecause they were vnperfite, and yet some perswaded that they shoulde bée saued as in deede they very happely were, to whom hée aūswered thus. But faith of lawes must nedes be kept, and what last wil doth say, & what it doth cōmaūd be done, y • néedes we must obey.
DIscent is in ij. sorts, eyther linial, or collateral.
Linial discent, is whē the discent is conueied in y • same line of the whole bloode, as Grandfather, father, sonne, sonns sōne & so downwarde.
[Page]Collateral discent, is out in an other braunch from aboue, of y • whole bloode, as the graund fathers bro. fathers brother, & soe downewarde.
DIsclaimer, is where the Lorde dystraineth his tenaunt, and hée sueth a repleuin, & the lord auoweth the takinge by reason that he holdeth of him, if the tenaunt say that hée dysclaimeth to holde of him, this is called a dysclaimer, and if y • lorde thereuppon bringe a writ of right sur dysclaimer, & it be founde against the tenant, he shal lose the land.
TIthes are in thrée sortes deuyded, to [Page 71] wit, Preiudicial tithes, Parsonal tythes, and Mixt tithes.
Predial tithes, are tithes that bée payed of thinges that come of the groūd onely, as Corne, Haye, fruits of Trées, & such like.
Parsonal tythes, are tithes that bee payed of such profits as come by the labour, and industrie of a mans person, as by buyinge, sellinge, gaines of marchandise: and of handicraftes men, laborers, and such as woorke for hyer, as Carpenters, Masons and such like.
Myxt tythes are the tithes of Calues, Lambs, Pigges, and such lyke, that encrease partlye of the grounde that they be fedde vppon, and partlie [...]
Disseisin vppon disseisin.
DIsseisin vppon disseysin is, when the disseisor is disseised by an other.
Disseisor and disseisee.
DIsseysoure▪, is hée which putteth anye manne out of his lande without order of y • lawe, & disseisee is hée that is so put out.
DIstresse is the thinge which is taken & dystrayned vpon any lande, for rent beehinde, or other duty or for hurt don, although that the propertie of the thinge béelongeth to a straunger, but if they be beasts that [Page 73] belong to a stranger, it behoueth that they bée leuant and couchant vppon the same ground, y • is to say, that the beasts haue ben vpon y • ground by certaine space y • they haue themselfe well rested there or els they bée not distrainable. And if one distraine for rent or other thynge without cause lawfull, then the party gréeued shall haue a repleuin vppon suertie found to pursue his accion, and shal haue y • distresse to hym deliuered againe.
But there bée diuers thinges which bée not distrainable, y • is to say an other mans gowne in the house of a tayler, or cloth in the house of a fuller, sheremā, or weyuer, for that, that they be [Page] commen artificers, and that the cōmon presūption is, that such thinges belong not to the artificer, but to other persons which put them there to be wrought.
Also vitaile is not distrainable, nor corne in sheues, but if they be in a carte, for that that a distresse ought to bée alway of such thynges wherof the sherife may make Repleuin, and deliuer againe in as good case as it was at the time of the taking.
A manne may dystrayne for homage, & fealtie, and escuage, & other seruyces: for fynes and amercements which bée assessed in a léete but not in a court baron: and also for dammage fesaunt, that is to say, when hée [Page 74] findeth the beastes or goods of an other, doing hurt or cumbringe hys groūd. But a man may not distraine for any rēt or thing due for any lād, but vpon the same lande y t is charged therewith, but in case where I cōe to distraine, & the other séeing my purpose, chaseth the beastes or bereth the thing out to the intent y • I shal not take it for a distresse vpon the ground, thē I may well pursue, and if I take it presently in the hye way or in an others groūd, y • taking is lawful aswell there as vppon the land charged to whomsoeuer y • propertie of the goodes bee. Also for fines and amercemēts which be assessed in a leete, one may alway take the goodes [Page] of him that is so amerced, in whose ground so euer they bée within the iurisdictyon of the court as it is sayd. And when one hath takē a distresse, it beeh [...]ueth hym to bringe it to the commen pound, or els hée may kéepe it in an others ground so that hée géeue notice to the party, that hée (if the distresse be a quicke beast) may géeue to it foode, and then if the beast dye for defaut of foode, hee that was dystrayned shall bee at the losse, and then the other may distrayne agayne for the same rent or duitie. But if hee brynge the dystresse to a holde or out of the coū ty, that the sherife may not make deliueraunce [Page 75] vppon the repleuin, then the party vppon the retorne of the sherife, shall haue a writ of Withernam, directed to the sherife, that he take as many of hys beastes, or as much goodes of the other in his kéepinge, tyll that he hath made deliuerāce of the first distres. Also if they bee in a forfelet or Castell, the Sherife may take with him the power of the County, & beate downe the Castel, as it appeareth by y • statute Westm. 1. cap. xvii. Therefore looke the statute.
DIuorce so called of diuortium, cōminge of the verbe diuorto, which signifieth to returne backe. As when a mā is diuorced frō his [Page] wife, hée returneth her backe home to her father or other frends, or to the place from whē [...]e he had her, & by such diuorce the mariage is defeated and vndone.
Donor, & donee.
DOnor is hee whych gyueth lands or tenements to an other in tayle, and hée to whom the same is so gyuen, is called donée.
Double plea.
DOuble plee, is where the defendaunt or tenant in any accion, pleadeth a plée in the which ii. matters be comprehē ded, and euery one by himselfe is a sufficyent barre or aunswere to the action, then such a doublee plee shall not bée [Page 76] admitted for a plée except one depend vpon an other, and in such case if he may not haue the last plée without the first plée then such a double plee shalbe wel suffered.
RIght is where one hath a thing that was taken from an other wrongfully, as by disseisin, or putting out, or such like. And the challenge or claime that hée hath, who should haue y e thing is called right.
Right of entrie.
RIght of entrie, is when one seysed of land in fee, is therof disseised: Now the disseisée hath right to enter into y • land, & may so do whē he wyll: or els hée may [Page] haue a writ of ryght against the disseisour.
DUres is where one is kept in prison or restrained frō his liberty contrary to the order of the lawe, and if such a person so beinge in dures make any especialtie or obligation by reason of such imprisonment, such a déede is voyde in the lawe: and in an actyon brought vppon such an especialtie, hee may say that it was made by dures of imprysonment, but if a man bee arrested vppon any accion, at the suite of an other, though the cause of the accion be not good nor trewe, if hée make any obligation to a straunger béeinge in prison by such arrest, yet [Page 77] it shall not bee sayed by dures: but if hée make an obligation to hym at whose suit he was arrested to bée dyscharged of such imprisonment, then it shalbe said dures.
Eire Iustices.
EIre Justices, or Itinerant as we call them, were Justices that vsed to ryde from place to place through out the realme, to administer Justice.
Embrasour or Embraceour.
EMbrasour or Embraceour, is he that when a matter is in trial béetwéene party and party commeth to the Barre with one of the partyes (hauinge receyued some rewarde soe to doe) and [Page] speaketh in the case, or priuely laboreth the Jurie, or standeth there to furuey, or ouerlooke thē, thereby to put them in feare & doubt of y • matter. But men that are learned in the laws, may speake in the case for their fée, but they may not labour the Jurye, and if they take money soe to doe, they alsoe are embrasors.
ENcrochment is sayed, when the Lorde hath gotten seisine of more rent, or seruices, of hys tonaunt, then of right is due, or ought to bée payed or done vnto him: As if the tenaunt holde slande of hys Lorde [Page 78] by fealtye and ij. s. rent yerelye, And nowe of late tyme, the Lord hath gotten seysine of thrée shillings rent, or of homage, or Escuage, or such lyke, Then thys is called an Encrochment of that rent or seruice.
ENheritaunce, is such estate in landes, or tenements; or other thinges as may be inherited by the heire, whether it be of estate in fée simple, or taile, by discent from any of hys▪ Auncesters, or by hys owne purchase.
And Enheritaunce is deuided into two sortes, that is to say, enheritāce corporate, & enheritance incorporate.
[Page]Enheritance corporate are mesuages, landes, meadowes, pastures, rentes, and such lyke that haue substaunce in them selues, and may haue contynuaunce alwayes. And these ar called corporal things.
Enheritaunce incorporate, are aduowsens, villaynes, wayes, comons, Courts, fishings, and such like that are, or may be appendant, or appurtenant to inheritances corporate,
EQuitie is in two sorts, differing much the one from the other, and are of contrarye effectes, for the one doth abridge, diminishe and take from y e letter of y • law. The other doth inlarge amplifie and adde therunto.
[Page 76]The first is thus defined, Equitie is the correction of a lawe generally made, in that part wherein it faileth, which correction of y e generall wordes, is much vsed in our lawe: As if for example, when an act of parliament is made, that whoesoeuer doth such a thinge, shalbe a sclon, and shal suffer death: yet if a madde manne, or an infaunt of yonge yeres that hath noe discretion, doe the same, they shal be no felōs, nor suffer death therefore.
Also if a statute were made that al personnes that shal receiue, or gene meate and drinke, or other succour, to any that shal do such a thing, shal bée accessorie to hys offence, and shal suffer [Page] death if they did knowe of the fact, yet not withstandinge one doth such an act, and commeth to his wife whoe knowing thereof doth receiue him and giues him meat and drinke, shée shall not bée accessory nor felon, for in the generaltie of the said wordes of y e lawe, he that is mad, nor y e infant, nor the wife were included in meaning. And thus equity doth correct y • generality of y • law in those cases, & the general words are by equitye abrydged.
The other equitie is defined after this sorte, Equitye is when the wordes of the lawe are effectually directed, & one thing only prouided by y • words of the lawe, to the end y • althigs of like kind [Page 80] may be prouided by the same. And soe when the words enact one thing, theye enact all other thinges that are of lyke degree. As the statute which ordeines that in an actyon of dette against executours, hée that doth appere by distresse shall aunswere, doth extende by Equitie to Administratours, for hée of them that doth fyrst appere by distresse shal aunswere by equitie of the sayed act. Because they are of lyke kinde.
Soe lykewise the statute of Glocester geues the actyon of wast and the payne thereof, agaynst hym that holdes for life, or yeres, and by y e [Page] equitie of the same a mā shall haue an action of waste agaynst hym that holdes but for one yere, or halfe yere, and yet y t is without the words of y • statut, for h [...] that holds but for halfe a yeare, or on yere, doth not hold for yeares, but y • is y e meaning, & the words y t enact y e one by equitie, enact y • other.
EScape is in two sorts, that is to say voluntary, & necligent.
Uoluntary escape, is when one doth arrest an other for felony, or other crime, & after letteth him go where he wil, this letting of him to go is a volūtary escape. And if y • arrest of hī y • escaped were for felony, thē y • shalbe felony in him y e did suffer y • [Page 81] escape, and if for treason, then it shalbe treason in him, and if for trespas, then trespas, and so of other.
Negligent escape, is whē one is arrested and after escapes against the will of him that did soe arrest him, & is not freshly pursued and taken before the pursuer loseth y e sight of him, this shalbée said a negligent escape, notwithstanding, y t hee out of whose possession he escaped, do take hym after he lost sight of him.
There is an escape also without arrest, as if a murder be made in the day, and the murderer be not taken, then it is an escape for the which the towne where the murder was done shalbe amerced.
ESples is as it were, y • seysin, or poss. of a thinge profit, or cōmodity y • is to be takē. As of a cōmō y • esplées is the taking of the grasse or comon by y • mouthes of the beastes y • cōmon there: Of an aduowson the takynge of grosse tythes: Of a wood, the selling of wood, of an orchard the selling of Aples or other fruit growing there: of a mill in taking of tol is the esplees: and of such like.
ESsoine is where an actyon is brought, and the plaintife or defendāt may not wel appere at the day in court, for one of y • v. causes vnder expressed, thē he shalbée [Page 82] essoined to saue hys defaut, whereuppon note well that there be v. maner of essoines, that is to say, essoyne de ouster le mere, and that is by xl. daies, the second essoyne is de terra sancta, & that shalbe by a yere & a day, & these two shalbee layd in y • beginning of y e plée. The iii. essoin is de male vener, and that shalbée at cōmon dayes, as the action requireth, & this is called y • cōmon essoin. The iiii. essoyne is de malo lecti, & that is onely in a writte of right and there vppon there shall a writte goe out of the Chauncerie, directed to the shirife, that he shal send iiii. knightes to the tenaunt to sée the tenant, & if he bee sicke, to géeue him a day after a [Page] yere and a day. The v. essoyne is de seruice le roy, and it lyeth in al accions, except in Assyse of nouel disseisin, writ of dower, darein presētment, & in appel of murder: but in this essoin, it behoueth at the day to shew his warrāt, or els it shall torne into a defaut, if it be in a plee real, or hée shall lose xx. s. for the plaintifs iorney, or more by the discretion of the Justices, if it be in plee personal, as it appereth by the statute of Glocester. ca. Octauo.
EStoppell is when one is concluded, and forbidden in lawe to speake against his owne act, or déede, yea, although it bée to say the [Page 83] truith: And of estoppels there are a great many, one for example is, whē I. S. is bound in an obligation by the name of Thomas Stile, or any other name, and is after ward sued accordinge to y e same name put in the obligation, that is to say Thomas Stile, Nowe he shal not be receiued to say y • hee is misnamed, but shal be driuen to aū swere accordinge to the name put in y e obligatiō y t is to say T. S. for peraduenture y t obligée did not know his name, but by y • report onely of the obligor himselfe: and in as much, as he is y • same man y • was bound: hee shalbe estopped & forbidden in law to say y • contrary against his owne déede: for otherwise he [Page] might take aduauntage of hys owne wronge, which the lawe wyl not suffer a man to doe.
Also if the daughter y t is onely heire to her father, wil sue liuery with her Sister that is a bastard: she shal not afterward be receiued to say y t her Sister is bastard: insomuche that if her bastard sister take halfe y • lād w t her, there is noe remedy by law.
Also if a manne seysed of landes in fée simple, wyll take a lease for yeares of the same land of a straunger by déede indented, this is an estoppel during y e terme of yeares. And the lessée is thereby barred to say the trouth, for the troth is, that hée that lessed the land had nothynge [Page 84] in it at time of the lease made, and that the fée simple was in hym that did take y e lease: but this hée shall not bée receyued to say, tyll after the yeares are determined, because it appereth that hee hath an estate for yeares, and it was his folly, to take a lease of hys owne landes, & therefore shall thus bée punished for his folly.
EStraungers are they, that are not parties, nor priuies to the leuyinge of a fine, or making of a déede.
EStray, is where any beast or cattell, is in [Page] any lordshippe, and none knoweth y • owner therof, then it shalbe seised to the vse of the Quéene or of the Lord y • hath such estray by the Quéenes graunt or by prescription: & if the owner come & make claime thereto, within a yeare & a day, then hée shall haue it againe payinge for hys meate, or els after the yere, the propertie therof shalbe to the Lorde, so that the Lord make proclamatiō therof accordīg to the lawe in ii. market townes.
EXcōmunicatiō, is whē a man by iudgment in the spiritual court is accursed, thē he is disabled to sue any accyon in the Quéens court, & if he remaine excommunicate [Page 85] xl. daies, & wil not be iustified by his Ordinarie, then the Bishoppe shall sende hys letter patent to the Chauncellour, and thereupon it shalbe commaunded to the sheriffe to take the body of hym y • is accursed, by a writte called de Excommunicato capiendo til hée hath made agréement wyth the Church for the contempt and wronge, and when hée is iustified and hath made gréement, then the bishop shal send his letters to y • Quéene, certifiyng the same, and then it shalbe commaunded to the shirife to deuer him by a writ called Excommunicato deliberando.
EXchaunge, is where [Page] a man is seysed of certaine land, and an other manne is seysed of other lande, if they by a déede indented, or without déede) if the Landes be in one selfe countie) exchaunge the landes, so that euery of them shal haue others landes to hym so exchaunged, in fée, fée tayle, or for terme of lyfe, that is called an exchaunge, and it is good wythout lyuere and seysin. And in exchaunge it behoueth that the estates to them limitted by thexchange be equal, for if one haue an estate in fée in hys land, and the other hath estate in the other land but for terme of lyfe, or in tayle, then such eschaunge is void, but if y e [Page 86] estates bée equal, and the landes bee not of equal value, yet the exchange is good. Also an exchange of rent for Landes is good, soe an exchaunge beetwene rent and common is good and that ought to bée by déede. And it béehoueth alway, that these woordes (exchaunge) bée in the deede, or els nothing passeth by the déede, except that hée haue liuery and seisin.
EXecutiō is where iugement is geuen in any actyon that the playntife shal recouer the land, the debt, or dammages, as the case is, and whē y t writ is awarded to pute him in possession, that [Page] is called a writte of Executyon, and when he hath the possession of the lande, or is payed of the debt, or dammages, or hath the bodie of the defendant awarded to prison, then hée hath executyon, and if the plée be in the countie, or court barron, or hundred, and they deferre the iudgement in fauoure of the partie, or for other cause, then the demaundaunt shal haue a writ of Executione iuditij. But in a writ of Debt, a man shal not haue recouerye of any lande, but of that whiche the defendaunt hath the day of the iugement yelded. And of chattelles a manne shall haue executyon onelye of the chattelles which hée hath the day of executyon [Page 87] sued.
EXecutour is when a man maketh his testament and last will, and therein nameth the personne that shall execute his testament, then hée that is so named, is hys executour, and such an executour shall haue an actyon agaynst euerye debtour of hys testatour, and if the executors haue assets, euery one to whō the testator was in debt, shall haue an action against the executor, if hée haue an obligatiō or specialtie, but in euery case where y • testator might wage his lawe, no actiō lieth against the executour.
EXtynguishement is, where a Lorde of a manor or any other, hath a rent goynge out of lande, and hee purchaseth the same lande, soe that hée hath such estate in the lande as hée hath in the rent, then the rent is extinct, for that, that a manne may not haue rent goinge out of hys owne lande. And when any rent shalbée extinct, it behoueth that the lande and the rent bée in one hande, and also that the estate that hee hath bée not defesible: and that hée haue as good estate in the lande as in the rent, for yf hée haue estate in the lande but for terme of lyfe or yeares, and hath a fée simple in the rent, [Page 88] then the rent is not extinct but is in suspence for that tyme, and then after the terme, the rent is reuiued. Also if there bée Lorde, mesne, and tenaunt, and the Lorde purchaseth the tenauncy, then the menaltie is extinct, but that mesne shall haue the surplusage of the rent, if there bée any, as a rent secke. Also if a manne haue a hye waye appendant, and after purchase the lande wherein the hye way is, then the waye is extinct, and soe it is of a common appendaunt.
EXtortion is a wronge don by an officer, as a Maier, Bailife, Sherife, [Page] Eschetor or other offycer by colour of hys office, in takinge excessiue reward or fée, for executyon of hys sayde office or otherwyse, and is no other thynge in déede then playne robbery or rather more odius then robbery, for robbery is apparant, and alwaies hath wyth it the countenance of vice, but extortion being as great a vice as robbery is, carrieth w t it a countenance of vertue, by meanes whereof, it is the more hard to be tryed, or dyscerned, and therefore the more odious, and yet some there bee, that will not sticke to stretch their office, credit, and consciēce, to purchase mony as well by extortion as [Page 89] otherwise according to y • saying of y e poet Uirgil.
What can be told? or what is that that hūger swéete of gold doth not constraine men mortal to attempt?
Failing of record.
FAilynge of recorde, is when an action of trespas, or such like, is brought against one, and the defendaunt sayeth, that the plaintife before this brought an accyon for the same trespas in an other court, & recouered damage &c. And demaūdeth iudgmēt of the court, if he shall agayne haue this actiō &c. And y • plaintife sayth there is [...]o [...] such record. Whereupō y • defendant hath a day giuē him, to bring in the record, at which day hee fayleth or bryngeth [Page] in such a one, as is nor barre to this action, thē he is said to faile of hys record, and therupon the plaintife shal haue iudgment to recouer &c.
DEode is a proofe and testimonie of the agréement of the partye whose déede it is, to the thing contayned in the déede: as a déed of feoffement is a proofe of the liuery of seysin: for y e land passeth by the liuery of seysin, but when y • déede and the liuery are ioyned together, that is a proofe of the liuery, and that the feoffour is content, that the feoffée shal haue the land.
And note that al déedes are either indēted, wherof there bée two, thrée, [Page 90] or more as the case requireth, of which y e feoffour, grauntor, or lessour hath one, the feofrée, grā tee, or lessee an other, and peraduenture some other body also another &c. or els they are poll deedes or single, and but one, which the feoffée grauntée or lessée hath &c.
And euery deede consisteth of thrée pryncipal points (and if those thrée be not ioyned together, it is noe perfect déed to bynd the parties) namely, writinge, sealing, and deliuery.
The first point is writing, wherby is shelved y • parties names to the déed, their dwelling places, their degrées, y e thīg graūted, vpō what cōsideratiōs, the state limitted, [Page] the tyme when it was graunted, and whether simply, or vpon condition, with other such lyke circumstāces. But whether the parties vnto the déede, writ in the ende their owne names, or set thereto their markes (as it is cōmonly vsed) it maketh noe matter at al (as I thinke)▪ for that is not ment where it is sayde, that euerie déede ought to haue wrytynge.
The second poynt is sealinge, which is a farder testimony of their consents to that contained in the déede as appereth by these wordes: In witnesse whereof &c. alwayes put in the later end of déedes, wythout whych woordes, y e deede is insuffycient.
[Page 91]And because we are about sealing and signing of deedes, it shal not bee a misse, (brother Nicholas) here to shewe you, for antiquities sake, the maner of signing & subscribing of déedes, in our auncestors the Saxons tymes, alfashion different from that wée vse in these ourdaies in this, that they to their déedes subscribed their names (commonly addinge the signe of the crosse) and in the end did set downe a great number of witnesses, not vsing at that time any kynde of seale. And wée at thys day for more suerty, both subscribe our names (although that bée not very necessary as I haue aforesayde) put to our [Page] seales, & vse the helpe of testimony besids. That former fashiō continued throughout, vntyll the tyme of the conquest by the Normans, whose maner by litle and litle at the lēgth preuayled amongst vs, for the first sealed Charter in Englande, is thought to bee that of king Edward the confessour to the Abbey of Westminster: who (beinge brought vp in Normandy) brought into thys Realme that, and some other of their guises with him: And after the comminge of William the Conquerer, the Normans, lykynge their owne countrey custome (as naturally all nations do) reiected the maner y • they sound here, and reteined [Page 92] their owne, as Ingulphus, y e Abbot of Croyland, who came in with the conquest witnesseth sayinge: The Normans doe chaunge the making of writings, which were want to bée firmed in England with Crosses of Gold, and other holy signes, into the printing waxe, and they reiect also the maner of y • English writing. Howebeit this was not don all at once but it increased & came forward by certen steppes and degrées, so that first, and for a season, the kinge onely, or a fewe other of y e nobilitie besides him, vsed to seale: Then y • noble men for the most part, and none other, whych thinge a manne may sée in the hystory of [Page] Battell Abbey where Rycharde Lucy chyefe Justice of England in the time of king Henry the second is reported to haue blamed a meane subiect, for that hée vsed a priuate seale when as that pertayned (as he sayde) to the kyng and nobilitie onely. At which time also (as Iohn Rosse noteth it) they vsed to ingraue in their seales, their owne pictures, & counterfaites, couered wyth a longe coate ouer their Armours. But after this the Gentlemen of the better sort tooke vp the fashion, and béecause they were not al warriours, they made seales ingrauen wyth their seuerall Coates, or shyeldes of armes, [Page 93] for difference sake, as the same aucthour reporteth. At the length, about the time of kinge Edwarde the thirde, seales became ver [...] cōmon, soe that not only such as bore armes vsed to seale, but other menne also fashioned to them selues signets of their owne deuise, some takynge the letters of their owne names, some flowers, some knottes, & florishes, some birdes, or beastes, and some other thinges, as wee nowe yet dayly beholde in vse. Some other maner of sealinge béesides these haue ben herd of amonge vs, as namelye that of king Edward the third by which he gaue, To Norman y • hunter, the hop & the hoptowne, with al the boundes vp [Page] side downe, And in witnesse that it was sooth, he bit the waxe with his fore tooth.
The like to this (Brother Nicholas) our reuerend and good father, amonge other antiquities seruing my purpose, shewed mée in a lose paper, but not very aūtiētly wrytten, and therefore hée willed mée to estéeme of it as I thought good, it was as followeth.
I William king geue to thée Powlen Koiden, my hope and my hoplandes, with the boundes vp & downe, from heauen to earth, from earth to hel, for thée and thin [...] to dwel, from mée and mine, to thée and thine, for a bowe and a brode [Page 94] sagit quāt ieo veigne pur hūter sur yarrowe, En testmoigne que ceo est veray, ieo mord cest cere oue madent, En la prence de Magg, Maud, & Margery. Et mon iij. fits Henry.
Item ceo de Alberic de veer, conteinaunt le donation de Hatfield, al quel il fixe vn curt noyer haft cuttell semblable al vn viel demy denierwhit tle, en stede de vn sigille, oue diūs tiels sē blables. Mes asc' peraduenture voilent pē se q' ceux fueront receiue en common vse et custome, et que ils ne fuerount les deuifes & pleasures dun peu singuler persons, [Page] such are no lesse deceiued, then they that deme euery charter and wrytinge that hath no seale annexed, to bée as auncient as the Conquest, whereas (in déede) sealinge was not commonlie vsed, til the tyme of kinge Edward the iij. as hath ben already said.
The third point is deliuery, which although it be set last, is not the least for after that a déede bee written, and sealed, if it be not deliuered al y e rest is to noe purpose. And this deliuery ought to be done by the partye him selfe, or his sufficyent warraunt, and so it shall binde him, whosoeuer wrot, or sealed the same, and by this last act the déede is made perfect according [Page 95] to the intent and effect thereof, and therefore in déedes the deliuerie is to be proued &c. So thus you see, y • writinge & sealing without deliuery, is nothīg to purpose, That sealing & deliuery, where there is noe writinge, woorketh nothing, Nor writinge and delyuerie wythout sealinge also maketh noe déede. Therefore they al ought [...]oyntlye to concurre to make a perfect dede, as is before said.
Farme, or ferme.
FArme, or ferme, is the chiefe measuage in a village, or towne, and thereto belonginge great demeasnes of al sortes, & hath bene vsed to be let for terme of life, yeres, [Page] or at wil.
Also the rent y •is reserued vpon such or like leases, is called farme, or ferme.
And farmor, or fermor is he that occupieth the farme, or ferme, or is lessée thereof.
Also in some places, & counties euery lessée, for life, yeres, or at wil, although it be of neuer soe smal a cottage or house, is called farmor, or fermour.
And note, that they a [...] called farmes, or fermes, of y • Saxon woord Feormian, which signifieth to féede, or yelde victuall. For in the aunciēt time, their reseruations were as well (or for the more part) in victualles, as money, vntyll at the last, and that chiefely [Page 96] in the time of Kinge Henry the first (by agréement) the reseruation of victuals, was turned into redy mony, & so hitherto hath cōtinued amonge most men.
Fee farme.
FEe farme is when a tenaunt holdeth of his lorde in fee simple, payinge to him the value of halfe, or of the third, or of the fowerth part or of other part of the lande, by the yere. And he that holdeth by fée ferme, ought to doe noe other thinge then is conteyned in the feoffement, but onely fealtie, for that belongeth to al kinde of tenures.
FEoffement is where a mā geueth lands to an [Page] other in fee simple, and deliuereth seiūn and possession orthe land, that is a feffement.
Feoffor, et feffee.
FEoffor is hée that infeffeth, or maketh a feoffement to an other of landes, or tenements, in fée simple. And feoffee is he, who is infeffed, or to whō y • feffement is so made.
FIreboote is necessarye woode to burne, which by the common lawe, less [...]e for yeares, or for lyfe, may take in hys grounde, although it be not expressed in his lease [...] and although it be a leas by woorde onely without writinge: But y [...] [Page 97] sake more then is néedefull, he shalbée punished in wast.
FLedwite, that is to be quite from amercements when an outlawed fugitiue cōmeth to the kinges peace of hys owne will, or beinge licenced.
FLemeswit, that is, y • you may haue the cattel, or amercementes of your man or fugitiue.
Fletwit (or Flitwit) that is to bée quit frō contention and conuiets and that you may haue plea therof in your court & the amercements, for (Flit) in english is Tensone in french.
FOrstal, that is to bée quite of amercemēts & cattelles arrested w tin your lande, & the amercements therof cōming.
FOrstaller is hée that buieth Corne, Cattel, or other marchaundize whatsoeuer is salable, by the way as it commeth to markets, faires, or such like places to bée sold to the intent that he may sel the same againe at a more high and déere price in preiudice & hurt of the common welth & people &c.
The paine for such as are conuict thereof &c. is the first time, amercemēt, and losse of y e thing so bought, the secōd time iudgment of the pillory:
[Page 98]The third tyme imprysonment and Raūsome: The fowerth time abiuratiō of the towne &c.
Franches Royall.
FRanches Royall, is wher y e Quéene grāts to one and to his heires, that they shalbe quit of Tolle, or such like.
Free mariage.
FRée mariage, is when a man seised of landes in fee simple, giueth it to an other man, & to hys wife, (whoe is daughter Sister or otherwyse of kinne to y e donor) in frée mariage, by vertue of which words they haue an estate in special tayle and shal hold the land of the bonor quit of al maner of seruices vntill the fowerth degree bée past accomptynge themselues in the first degree, [Page] except fealtie, which they shal doe because it is incident to all tenures sauinge frée almes. And such gift may bée made as wel after mariage solemnized as before. And a man may gyue landes to his sonne in frée mariage, as well as to hys daughter by the opinion of master Fitzh. in hys writ of Champertie. H. But it appeareth otherwise in master Litt', and in M. Brooke ti. Frākmariage. P. 10. And so it was holden cléere in Graies Inne in lēt An▪ 1576. 18. El. by y e right worshipful master Rhodes then Reader there.
FRéehold is an estate y t a man hath in landes or tenements, or profit to bée taken in fée simple, [Page 99] taile, for terme of hys owne life, or for terme of an others life. And vnder that, there is no frée hold: for hée that hath estate for yeares or holdeth at wil hath no frée hold: but they are called Chattels.
And of fréeholds there are ii. sorts, that is to say fréeholde in deede, & fréehold in lawe.
Fréehold in déede, is whē a man hath entred into lands, or tenemētes and is seysed therof really, actually & in déede: as if the father seysed of lands or tenementes in fée simple dieth, and his sonne entreth into the same, as heire to his father, then he hath a fréehold in déed by his entry.
Fréehold in lawe, is whē lands or tenemēts, are discēded to a mā & he [Page] may enter into them when he will, but hath not yet made his entry in deede, as in the case aforesayd, if the father being seysed of lands in fée simple die seysed, & they discēd to his sonne, but y e sonne hath not yet entred into them in déede, nowe before his entrie he hath a frehold in law.
FReshsuit, is whē a mā is robbed, & the party so robbed, followeth the felon immediatly, & taketh him with the manner, or otherwise, and then bringeth an appeale against him and doth cō uince him of the felony by verdict, whych thing being inquired of for the Quéene and found, the party robbed shall haue [Page 100] restitution of his goodes agame.
Also it may be sayd y • the party made freshsute although he take not the theese presently, but that it be halfe a yeare, or a yeare after the robbery don, before he bee taken: ifso bée that the partie robbed do what lyeth in him, by diligent inquire & search to take him, yea, & although hée bée taken by some other body, yet this shalbée sayde good freshsuit.
And so freshsuit is whē the lord cōmeth to dystreine for rent or seruice, & the owner of y • beastes doth make rescous, and driueth them into other ground that is not holden of the Lord, and the lord followeth presently and taketh them: thys [Page] called fresh suit, and so in other like cases.
Gager of deliuerance.
GAger of deliueraunce is, where one sueth a repleuin of goods taken, but hée hath not deliuery of the goodes, and the other auoweth, and the plaintife sheweth y • the def. is yet seysed &c. and prayeth that the def. shal gage the deliueraunce, then he shal put in suerty or pledges for the deliuerance, & a writ shal go foorth to the sherife for to redeliuer the goods &c. but if a man claime propertie, hée shal not gage the deliuerance. Also if he say that the beasts bée dead in the pound, hée shall not gage &c. Also a man shal neuer gage the deliueraunce before that [Page 101] they be at issue, or demurrer in the lawe.
WArde is when an infant whose auncester helde by knights seruice, is in the warde or keepinge of the Lorde of whom those lands were holden, And if the tenaunt holde of dyurrs Lordes diuers landes, the lorde of whome the land is holden by prioritie, that is to saye, by the more elder tenure, shall haue the wardshippe of the infant, but if one tenure bée as olde as the other, then hée that first happeth to haue y • warde of the bodie shall kéepe it, but in that case euery lord shal haue the warde of y • lande y • is holden of him, but if the tenaunt [Page] holde of the Quéene in chiefe, then shée by her prerogatiue shal haue the warde of the bodie, and of al the land y • is holden of her, and of euery other lorde.
WArden most properly is he that hath y e ward shippe or kéepinge of an heire, and of land holden by knights seruice, or of one of them to his owne vse, duringe the nonage of the heire, and within that time hath the bestowinge of the bodie of the heire, in mariage at his pleasure, w tout disperagment.
And of wardens there be ij. sorts namely, garden in right, & garden in déede.
[Page 102]Garden in right is hée that by reasō of his s [...]ry is seised of the wardship or keepinge of the lande, and of the heire, duringe the nonage of the heire.
Garden in déede, is where the lorde after his seisin, as aforesaid, graū teth by déede, or without déede, the wardshippe of the lande, or of the heire or of both to an other, by force of which gran̄t, the grauntée is in possess. [...] is y e grauntée called garden in déede.
And this garden in déede maye graunt the heire to an other also, b [...] that other is not preperlye called garden in déede for that is y • graunt tée of the garden in right onely, and here you may [Page] sée (Brother Nicholas) what misery followeth that tenure by knightes seruyce if the tenaunt die leauinge hys heire within age, howe the poore childe may bée tossed, and tumbled, chopped and chaunged, bought & sold like a Jade in Smithfild, & y • more is maried to whome it pleaseth his gardē, wherof ensue many euels.
VV arning.
WArninge is when an action of detynue of charters is brought agaynst one, and the defendaunt saith, that the charters were delyuered to hym by the playntife, and by an other; vpon certaine conditiōs, and prayeth y • the other may be warned to plede [Page 103] with the pleintife whether the conditions bée perfourmed or noe, and thereuppon a writte of Scire facias shal go foorth against him. And that is called warninge.
GAuelate, is a specyall and auncient kynd of Cessauit vsed in Kent where the Custome of Gauelkind continueth: whereby the tenant shal forfeit his lands and tenementes, to the lord of whom they are holden, if he withdrawe frō hys Lord hys due rents and seruyces, after this maner as followeth.
If any tenant in Gauelkind, withholde hys rent, & hys seruices of y • tenement which he holdeth [Page] of his lord, let the Lord séeke by the award of his court frō 3. wekes to 3. wéekes, to find sōe distresse vppon the tenement vntill the sowerth court, alwaies with witnesses: And if within y • time, he can find noe distresse in that tenement, whereby hee may haue i [...] of his tenaunt: Thē ar y • fowerth court let it be awarded, y • hée shall take that tenement into his hand, in y • name of a distresse, as if it wer an oxe, or a cowe, and let him kéepe it a yere, & a day, in his hand without manuring it: w tin which terme if y • tenant come, and pay his arrerages, and make reasonable amēdes for y • w tholding: Thē let hi haue, & enioy his tenemēt as his auncest ours [Page 104] and hée before helde it. And if he do not come before the yeare, and the daye past, then let the Lorde goe to the next Countye Courte with the witnesses of his owne court, & pronounce there thys processe, to haue further witnesse, & by the award of his court (After y • Countye court holden) hée shall enter, and manure in those lāds and tenements as in his owne. And if the tenant come after ward, and wil rehaue his tenements, & holde them as he did before, let him make agreement with the lorde according as it is aunciently said.
Hath he not since any thing geuen, nor hath hée not since any thing payd, Thē let him pay v. poūd [Page] for his were before he be cōe t'or holder againe.
There be some copies y • haue the first verse thus written.
Nisith yelde, and nisith gelde.
And others thus.
Nighesith yelde, and nighesith gelde,
But these differ not in signification, other coppyes haue it after thys sort.
Nigondsith selde, and nigondsith geld.
That is to say, let him ix. times pay, & ix. times repaye.
GAuelkinde is a custome annexed, & goinge with lands in Kent called Gauelkind lands, holdē by aunciēt Socage [Page 105] tenure. And is thought by the skilfull in Antiquities, to be called Gauelkind of Gyue all kyn, that is to say, to all the kyndred in one lyne, according as it is vsed among the Germans frō whom wée Englyshmen, and chiefely of Kēt come: Or els it is called Gauelkynd, of gyue all kynd, that is to say, to all the male children, for kind in dutch signifieth a male child: and dyuers other like cōiectures are made by them of y e name (Gauelkind) which I omit of purpose for shortnesse sake, because that here you looke (Brother Nicholas) as you desired me, that I should speake som what largly concerninge other more needefull matters for your purpose, which you are [Page] desirous to know as touching Gauelkind lands, both because you were borne in kent, & also are most abiding there, and therefore you think to be ignorant of y • maners or customes of your natiue cōtrey were a foul shāe.
To satisfie your request in this: I haue therefore set you here downe, the auncient customes of Kent, as they haue very truely & carefully of late bin published, with some cases vpon them, gathered out of those bookes, that make any mencyon hereof, which will I thinke, cōtēt your desire at ful. And first you must knowe, that these gauelkind customes are of good antiquytie, brought in hither by y • Saxons, Intes, & Angles, Germans, [Page 106] from whom wée Englishmen discend (as is aforesaied) and were by them vsed, and left here, and so continued in force, vntill Williā duke of Normandy, conquered al Englād (Kēt onely excepted) which he had by composition, and not by conquest: And in this composition the valyant Kentishmen obtained a graunt of the continuation of their customes of Gauelkynde, which euer sins thei haue vsed in the same countrey: and thus they are as followeth.
The customes of Kent.
THese are the vsages, and customes, the which the cōmunalty of kent claimeth to haue in the tenementes of Gauelkynd, and in the men of Gauelkynd, allowed [Page] in Eire béefore John of Berwike, and his companions, the Justices in Eire, in kent, y • 21. yere of king Ed. the sonne of king Henry.
That is to say, y • all y • bodies of Kentishmē be frée as well as the other frée bodies of England.
This things hath byn since confessed to be true as it appereth in 30. E. I. in Fitzh. titulo Uillenage placi [...]. 46. where it is holden sufficient for a man to auoyde the obiection of bondage, to say y t hys father was borne in Kent: But whether it will serue in that case to say, that hymselfe was borne in Kent it is (for good reason) to be doubted.
[...]. And y t they ought not y e Eschetor of the kynge [Page 107] to choose, nor euer in any time did they: But the kinge shall take, or cause to bée taken suche a one as it shal please hym, to serue him in that whych shalbe néedeful.
3 And that they may their lands & their tenemēts giue and sel, without licence asked of their lords: Sauing vnto the Lordes the rents and y e seruices due out of the same tenements.
4 And that al, and euery of them, may by writ of the king, or by playnt, plede for y e obtaininge of their right as wel of their Lordes as of other men.
5 And they claime also, y t the cōminaltie of Gauelkind men which hold none other then tenemēts of Gauelkind nature, ought not to cōe to y e cōmon summons of y e [Page] Eire but onely by the Borsholder, & fower mē of the Borowe: Except the townes which ought to aunswere by twelue men in the Eire.
The like to this priuiledge is enioyed at thys day in y • sherifes Lathe, where many whole borowes be excused by the onely apparaunce of a Borsholder, & two, foure or sixe other of y • inhabitants. Borsholder is so named of y e sa [...]ō wordes Borber caldor, y t is to say, the most auncient or elder of the pledges.
6 And they claime also, that if any tenant in gauelkynd bée attainted of selony, for the which hée suffereth Judgement of death, the kyng shal haue al hys goodes, and hys heire sorthw t after hys [Page 108] death shalbe inheritable to al his lands and tenemēts which held in Gauelkind in fée, and inheritance: And he shal hold them by the same seruices & customes, as hys auncestors helde them: whereuppon it is said in Kentish.
The father to the bough, And the son to the plough.
But this rule holdeth in case of felony, and of murder onely, and not in case of Treason at al [...] And it holdeth also in case where y e offendor is iustised by order of lawe and not where he withdraweth himselfe after the fault committed, & will not abyde his lawfull tryall. And because that thys custome shal not be cōstrued by equity [Page] but by a straight and literal interpretation: it hath therefore bin doubted, whether the brother or vncle shall haue y • aduauntage therof, because the woordes extend to y • sonne onely.
See 22. E. 3. abridged by master Brooke tit. Custome. 54.
7 And if he haue a wife, forthwith be shée endowed by the heire, if hee be of age, of the one halfe of al the landes and tenements which her husband held of Gauelkynd nature in fée: to haue & to hold accordyng to the forme hereafter declared. And of such lands y • kinge shall not haue the yere, nor wast, but onely the goodes, as is béefore said. The wife shall not lose her dower for the [Page 109] default of her husbande, but in such case where the heire shal lose his inheritance for the offence of his father 8. Henry. 3. 8 And if any manne of Gauelkinde, eyther for felonie, or for suspicion of felonie, withdrawe him out of the countrey, and bee demaunded in the countie as he ought, & be afterwarde vtlawed, or put himselfe into the holy church, and abiure the lande and the Realme, the kinge shall haue the yeare and the wast of his landes and of al his tenementes, together with al his goodes and chattels: Soe that after the yeare, and the day, the next Lord, or lordes, shal haue their Eschetes of those landes, and tenements, euery lorde that [Page] which is immediatly holden of him. So is it holden in the bookes 8. E. 2. abridged by master Fitz. ti. Prescriptiō 50. & 22. E. 3. abridged by master Brooke ti. Custome 54.
9 And they claime also, that if any tenaunt in Gauelkinde, and bée an inheritor of lands & tenemēts in Gauelkind, y • al his sonnes shal part y • inheritāce by equal portiōs
10 And if there bee noe heire male, let y e partitiō be made betwene the females, euen as betwene bro. But y • statut of Praerog. regis cap. 16. sayeth, That the females, shall not deuide wyth the males, which is to bée vnderstode, of such as bée in equall degrée of kynred as Brothers and sisters, [Page 110] as in this ix. and. x. deuision. For if a man haue issue iij. sonnes, & the eldest haue issue a daughter, and die in the life of his father, and the father dieth. In this case the daughter shalioyne with the two other brethren her vncles, for that shée is not in equal degrée w t them, as her father was, whose heire neuerthelesse she must of necessity be.
11 And let the messuage also be departed betwene them, but the Astre shall remayne to the yongest sonne or daughter, and be the value thereof deliuered to each of the parceners of y • heritage, frō xl. féete from y t Astre, if y • tenement wil soe suffer.
By this worde (Astre) is ment (as is cōiectured) either the hall or [Page] chéefe roome of the house▪ eyther else the well for water, or the south side of the buildinge, for (Astre) beeinge sounded without (s) may come of the latin worde Atrium, which signifieth a Hall, or of Haustrum, whichbe tokeneth the bucket of a wel, or of Austrum, the south side, euery of which haue their particular cō modities aboue the rest of y • house or tenement, Or otherwise being soū ded with (s) it may be deduced from y e frēch word (Asistre) by contraction (Astre) which is as much as a site, or situation, and with the article (le) before it (Lester) a churchyarde, or Court about a house. But at this daye there is no such regarde made ī y • particiō, but ōly [Page 111] consideration had, that the parts them selues be equal & indifferent.
12 And then let the eldest brother haue y • first thoyse, and the others afterwarde accordinge to their degrée.
13 Likewise of houses which shalbee founde in such messuages, let them be departed amongst the heires by equall portyons, that is to wéete, by foote if néede be, Sauinge the Couert of the Astre which shal remain to the yongest sonne, or daughter, as is beforesaid Soe neuerthelesse, that y • yongest make reasonable amends to his parceners for the part which to them belongeth, by the awarde of good men.
14 And of the aforesayd tenements, whereof one [Page] onely suit mas wont to be made before time, be there not by reason of y • particion but one sole suit made, as it was before accustomed, but yet let all the parceners make contribution to y • parcener which maketh y • sint for them.
15 In like sortlet y • goods of Gauelkind persons be parted into thrée partes, after the funerals and y • debts payed, if there bée lawful issu on liue, so y t y e dead haue one part, & his lawfull sonnes & doughters an other part, & the wife the iij. part.
Where it is said here, that y • dead shal haue one part, it is ment for performance of his legacies by hys executours if hée make a testament, or by the dyscretyon of the [Page 112] ordinary if hée die intestate.
16 And if there be no law ful issue on liue, let y • dead haue the one halfe, and y • wife on liue y • other half. The selfe same order y • the custōe here speaketh of in y • xv. & xvj. diuisiō, is at this day obserued in y • City of London, and the same in effect, was longe since vsed throughout the whole Realme. For it is euydent both by the lawe of kinge Canutus, by master Glanuile, by y • words of Magna carta ca. 18. by master Fitz. in his Natura breuiū in the writ d' Rationabili parte bonor' f. 122. L. y • y • wife & children had their resonable partes of the goods by the cōmon lawe of y e realme, & that y • common lawe was soe, it appereth [Page] also in 30. E. 3. 25. et 21. 30. H. 6. And it was said for lawe M. 31. H. 8. abridged by master Bro. ti▪ Rationabili parte bonarum pl'. 6. that it hath bene often put in vre as a comon lawe, and neuer de murred vpō, and therfore it seemeth that it is common lawe, howsoeeuer it came to passe at length y • it was admitted for lawe, but in such countries only, where it was continued by daylie vsage, & that al y e writs in the Register, de Rationabili ꝑte bonorū haue mē cion of the special custōe of the shire, in which the part is demaunded, and soe is the Booke 28. Henrici 6. 4. But as at thys daye partycion of Chattelles is not vsed [Page 113] throughout the whole Realme, though in the meane time it hath not lost the force of common lawe as many thinke, & as may bée gathered by the opinion aforesayde holden for lawe an. 31. H. 8. So is it (as some think) vanished quit out of all vre within thys Countrey of Rent also.
17 And if the heire or heires, shalbe vnder the age of 15. yeares, let the nouriture of thē be committed by y • lord, to the next of the bloud to whō the enheritaunce cannot discend, so y • y e Lord take nothing for the committing thereof.
18 And let not y e heire bée maried by the Lord but by hys owne wyl, and by the aduise of his [Page] friends if he will.
19 And whē such heire, or heires, shal come to y t ful age of 15. yeares, let their landes and tenements be deliuered vnto thē, together with their goodes and profites of the same landes, remaininge aboue their reasonable sustenance: of the which profits and goods, let him be boūd to make aunswere whych had y • education of the heire, or els the lord, or his heires which cōmitted y • same education.
The lord ought to take good héede, that he credit not the custody to any person that shall not bée able to aunswere therefore. For if y e heire at his ful age of 15. yeres shal come to y • Lordes court, [Page 114] and demaund his enheritance, although y • Lord may distreine the gardē to yeld his accompt (as it appereth 18. E. 2. Auowry 220,) yet in default of his abilitie, the Lord him selfe, and his heires, remaine charged to the heire for the same: But I do not heare, that the Lords take vpon thē at this day to cōmit the custody of these infants, but y t they leaue it altogether to the order of y e next of kyn, peraduēture to auoyde the daunger in which they are, if they intermedle as is a foresaid.
20 And this is to be vnderstood, y t frō such time as th [...]se heires in Gauelkind, be of, or haue passed y • age of 15. yeres, it is lawful for them, their landes or tenementes, [Page] to giue and sell at their pleasure, Sauing y e seruices to y e chiefe lords, as is beforesayd.
Although that this custome enable the heire to make away his landes and tenementes very soone, namely at the fiftenth yere of his age, by meanes wherof it might be thought vnreasonable in giuing such scope and liberty to so yong yeres: yet vppon the good consideration thereof it may appere, that the custome it selfe doth reasonably & carefully prouide in the behalfe of the heire for somuch as it licenceth hī at y t yeres not to giue his lāds, for y t he might do for nothīg, but to giue and sel his lāds, which it meaneth he should not do w tout sufficiēt recōpence. [Page 115] Such like interpretatiō, the cōmon law also seemeth to make of this custome both by the opiniō of Vauasor & Keble 5. H. 7. 31. et 41. what said, y t it was [...] y • a releas made by w [...]h an enfant was voyd, By y • sētence of y e b [...]oke 21. E. 4. 24. where it is sayd, y t an infant can not declare his wil vpō such a feoffement. And by the iudgment of Hank 11. H. 4. 33. who also held, that a warranty or graunt of a reuersion made at such age; was to no purpose at all, although a lease w t release might hapely bée good by the custome, because that amoūteth to a feoffement. And it is not fit that this custome should bee construed by equity, for as much as it [Page] standeth not with any equity, to enable an infant, of litle discretion, & lesse experience, to sel his land, and not to prouide withal y • he should haue Quid pro quo, and some reasonable recompence for the same: for y • were not to defend the pupill & fatherlesse, but to lay him wide open to euery slye deceipt & circumuē tion. In which respect, their opiniō is very well to be liked of, who hold, y • if an infāt in Gauelkind, at this day wil sell at xv. yeres of age, these thrée things ought of necessity to cōcure, if he wil haue y • sale good & effectual. The first y • he be an heire, and not a purchaser of y • land y • he departeth w tal. The secōd y • he haue recōpēce for it: & y • third, y • he do it [Page 116] with liuery of seysin by his owne hand, & not by warrant of atturney, nor by any other maner of assurance. And these mē for proofe of the first and second point of their assertion, do build vpon y • words of this custome, where it is said frō such time as those heires in Gauelkind be of or haue passed the age of fifteene yeares, it is lawfull for thē, their landes or tenements, to gyue and sell, in which y • words (those heires) doe restreine the infant that cōmeth in by purchase. And (giue & sel) in the copulatiue, doe of necessity imply a recompence, forsomuch as selling cannot be w tout sōe price or thing giuē for it. And for mayntenaunce of the third matter, they haue of their part [Page] besides the comon vsage of the countrey, y • comō law of the Realme also, whych expoundeth the word (Giue) to meane a feoffement, & which not onely disalloweth of any gyft made by an infant, but also punisheth the taker in trespas, vnlesse he haue it by liuery from y • infants owne [...]ndes as appereth in 26. H. 8. 2. 9. H. 7. 24. 18. E. 4. 2. 22. H. 6. 3. and diuers other bookes.
21 And if any such tenant in Gauelkind dye, and haue a wife that ouerliueth him, let that wife by and by bee endowed of y • one halfe of the tenements whereof her husband died vested and seised by y • heires, if they be of age, or by the Lords, if y • heires be not [Page 102] of age, soe that she maye haue the one halfe of those landes, and tenements, to holde so longe as shee kéepeth her a widowe, or shalbee attainted of child birth▪ after the auncient vsage, that is to say, that i [...] w [...] she is deliuered of childe, & the infant be herde cry, and that the hue and [...] be raysed, and the countrie assembled, and haue the viewe of the childe so borne, and the mother, then let her loose her dower wholye▪ and otherwise not, so longe as shée holdeth her a widowe, whereof it is sayed in kentish.
He t [...]at doth wende her, Let him lende her.
This custōe hath bene [...]llowed of, by the common [Page] lawe longe tyme since, as may bee reade, Praerog. regis cap. 16. & 2. H. 3. in Fitz. t' Prescriptiō 59. &c. But it is a doubt whether a womā shalbe endowed by this custōe of a possession in lawe or noe, for that y • words be (of y e tenements wherof her husband died vested & seised) which worde (vested) inforceth a possession in déede, and not in lawe onely. And therefore, if landes in Gauelkynde discend to a maried man▪ which dyeth before hée make his entry into the same, Inquire whether it be y e maner to endowe his wife thereof or noe? A woman shall not bée endowed by thys custome of a bailliwike, or faire, or such like profitte by the oppynyon [Page 118] of M. Parkins fo. 84. because y • wordes of this customary dower bée terres et tenements, and al customes shal find a litteral and streight interpretatiō. And where she is to be endowed by this custome shée may very wel be endowed of a moytie, to be holden in cōmon with the heire y t ēioyeth y • other halfe &c. It is a doubt whether y • a woman entituled to dower in gauelkind may waiue her dower of the halfe after this custome, & bring her acciō to be ē dowed of y e 3. at y e cōmō lawe, & so exēpt her selfe frō al daunger of y e customary conditions or no? Sōe haue byn of opiniō y • she is at lybertie to take y • ōe & refuse y • other at her pleasure: & therefore inquire thereof &c.
[Page]22 And they claime also, that if a man take a wife which hath inheritaunce of Gauelkinde, and the wife dieth before hym, let the husbande haue the one halfe of those landes and tenements whereof she dieth seised soe longe as he holdeth him a widower, without doinge any strippe, or wast, or banishmēt, whether ther were issue betwene thē or no. And if he take another wife, let him lose al.
23 And if any tenement of Gauelkinde do escheat (and that escheat be to any lord which holdeth by fée of Hawberke, or by Serieancie) by death, or by gauelate as is her after sayd, or be to him rēdred vp by his tenaunt which before helde it of hym [Page 104] by quite clayme thereof made, or if his escheat bee by Gauelate as is hereafter sayd, let thys land remaine to y • heires vnpartable: And this is to be vnderstood, where the tenant so rendringe, doth reteine no seruice to himselfe, but saueth neuerthelesse to the other lords their fées, fermes, and the rentes wherewith the aforesaid tenementes of Gauelkynde (so rendred) were before charged, by him, or them which might charge thē. To hold by fée of Hawberke, or by Serieancie (if it bee graund Serieancie) is to holde by knightes seruyce. Heahbeony in Saxō, is a high defence: and the Customes of Normādy cal y • fiefe or fée de Haubert [Page] which oweth to defende the land by ful armes, y t is, by horse, haubert, target, sworde, or helme. And it consisteth of 300. acres of land, which is y • same (as some thinke) that wée called a whole Knights fée.
24 And they claime also, that if any tenaunt in Gauelkinde wythholde his rent, and his seruices of the tenement which he holdeth of hys lorde, let the lord séeke by the awarde of his courte from iij. wekes, to thrée wéekes, to find some distresse vppon that tenement, vntil the iiij. court alwaies with witnesse. And if w tin that time hée can find no distresse in y • tenemēt, wherby he may haue iustice of his tenāt, thē at y • iiij. court let it be [Page 120] awarded, that hee shall take that tenement into his hande in the name of a distresse, as if it were an Oxe, or acowe, and let him kepe it a yeare, & a day, in his hande without manuringe it, within which terme, if the tenaunt come, and paye his arrerages, and make reasonable amendes for the withholdinge: Then let him haue and enioye his tenement as his aū cestors & he before helde it. And if he do not cōe before y • yere, & y e day past, thē let y • lord go to y e next County court w t the witnesses of his owne court and pronounce there this processe, to haue further witnesse. And by the awarde of his court (after y • coūtie court holden) he shal enter, & manure in [Page] those landes and tenementes, as in his owne demeanes. And if the tenaunt come afterwarde, and wil rehaue his tenements, and hold them as he did before, let him mak agreemēt w t y e lord according as it is aūciētly said
Some copies haue the first verses thus.
Let him ix. times pay, & ix. times repaye.
This custōe is touched by the waye by master Frowike 21. H. 7. 15. & by him thought to be good but whether it be at this daye put in vre, enquire further.
[Page 121]25 Also they clayme, that no manne ought to make an othe vppon a booke, (neither by dystresse, nor by the power of the lord, nor his Bailife) against his will, w t out y • writ of the kynge (vnlesse it bée for fealtie to be done to his Lord) but onely before the Coroner, or such other minister of the king, y t hath Royal power to enquire of trespasse cōmitted against y • Crowne of our Lord the king.
26 And they clayme, y • euery Kētishman may essoine an other, either in y • kinges court, or in the county or in y • hundreth or in the court of his lord where essoine lyeth, and that aswell in case of common sute, as of plea.
[Page]Moreouer they clayme by an especiall déede of kinge Henry, the father of kinge Edwarde that of the tenements which are holden in Gauelkinde, there shal no battayle bée ioyned, nor graund assise taken by xii. knightes, as it is vsed in other places of y e Realme: y t is to wit, where the tenaunt & demaundant hold by Gauelkind: But in place of these graund assises, let Juries be taken by xii. men being tenaunts in Gauelkind, so y • four tenāts of Gauelkind choose xii. tenaunts of Gauelkynd to be Jurors.
And y t Charter of the king of this especialty, is in the custody of Sir John of Norwood, the [Page 122] day of S. Elphey, in Caunterbury the yeare of king Edward y e sonne of king Henry the xxi.
These be the vsages of Gauelkind, and of Gauelkindmen in Kent, which were béefore the conquest, and the Cō quest, and euer since till nowe.
The end of the customes.
Hauinge thus ended y e custōes as you sée (Brother Nicholas) there remayneth nowe to bée shewed what lands w tin this Countrey of Kent, be of the nature of Gauelkind, and what not.
First therefore, it is to be vnderstanded, y t all y • lands w tin this Shire which be of aunciēt Socage tenure (as was said at the béegynnynge) be also of the nature of [Page] Gauelkind. And y • lands holden by auncient tenure of knightes seruice, be at the cōmon lawe, & are not departible after the order of this custome except certen which béeing holden of old tyme by knyghtes seruice of the Archbishop of Caū terbury, are neuer the lesse departible, as it may appere by y e booke 26. H. 8. 4. And that grewe by reason of a graunt made by kynge John, to Hubert the Archbishoppe there, the tenor of which is as followeth.
John by the grace of God Kyng of Englande▪ Lorde of Ireland, Duke of Normā dye, of Aquitane, and Earle of Angieu: To all Archbyshoppes, Bishops, [Page 123] Abbots, Earles, Barons, Justices, Shirifes, Gouernours, and officers, and al Bailifes, and his faithful subiects, gréeting. Knowe yée y t wée haue graunted, and by this our presēt Charter haue confirmed to our reuerend and déerely beloued father Hubert Archbishoppe of Caunterbury, and hys successors for euer, that it shall bée lawfull for them, to conuert those lāds which menne of the fée of the Church of Caunterbury do hold in Gauelkind in to knightes fee.
And y t y e same Bishops & their successours, haue the like power and libertie for euer, ouer those men and their heires, that shal hold those lāds so [...]uerted into knights [Page] sée which the Archbishop hath, & his successors after him shall haue, ouer other knights of y e sée of the Church of Caunterbury & their heires. And that those men and their heires haue the same & al such libertie for euer which other knightes of the sée of the Church of Caunterbury and their heires haue. Prouided alwayes y t neuerthelesse their accustomed rent of pence, be holy payed out of their landes as before time their giftes, auerages, and other seruices which issued out of the same landes be conuerted into a rēt of pence of like value. And y • y • same rent be paied as y • other rēt of pence is. Wherefore we wil & straightly cōmaund, y • whatsoeuer [Page 124] the aforenamed Archbishop and his successours after him shall doe concerninge those landes which are to bée conuerted into knightes fée accordinge to the forme & manner aboue written, abide ratified and cōfirmed for euer. Forbiddinge any person to presume against the déed of the Archbishoppe or hys successors in this behalf. Witnesse E. Bishop of Ely, & S. of Bathe G. y • sonne of Peter Earle of Essex, Williā Marshall Earle of Pēbrooke, Ro. of Harecourt, Garine y • sōne of Gerald, Peter of Stoke, Ric. of Reuers Rob. of Tateshal, yeuen by y • hād of S. Archdeacon vnto Williā at Rupem auriual, y • 4. day of May the third yeare of our raigne.
[Page]But for asmuch as it is disputable, whether this Charter of Kynge John, be of sufficiēt vertue to change y e nature of Gauelkynde land, or no, and for that the certeintie of the landes so conuerted into knightes fée, doth not any where appere, (saue onely that in the booke of Aide leuied in this shire, Anno 20. E. 3. it is foure or fiue tymes noted, that certeine lands in Kent bee holden in knightes seruice, by the newe licence graunted to the Archbishoppe) this shall suffise for that, and it shall followe to be proued, that al the landes of auncient tenure in knightes seruice, be subiect to the ordinary course of discent at the common lawe: [Page 125] And that may sufficiently be done both by the expresse wordes of a note in 9. H. 3. abridged by master Brooke ti. Customes 57. and in master Fitzherb ti. Prescription 63. And by the opinion of the Justices 26. H. 8. 4. as also by pleyne recital in the act of parliament made 31. H. 8. ca. 3. by which statute, the possessiōs of certen gentelmen there were deliuered from this customary discent, and incorporated to the common lawe, for (amongest other thinges) in that act it is saied, That from thence forth such their landes shalbe chaunged from the saied custome, and shal discend, as lands at the commō lawe, & as [Page] other lands being in the said coūty of kent, which neuer were holdē by seruice of Socage, but alwaies haue bene holden by knights seruice, do discende. By which words, it is very euident, that y • makers of that estatute vnderstoode al lands holden by knights seruice, to be of their proper nature, discendable after y • comō lawe, & that Socage tenure was the onely subiect, in which thys our custome of Gauelkinde discent preuailed, & helde place.
But when mencion is here made of Socage, & knightes fée, it must alwayes be vnderstanded a tenure longe since, and of auncyent tyme contynued, and not nowe newely, or lately [Page 126] created, for so it may fal out otherwise, then is alreadye reported. As for example, if land aunciētlye holden by knightes seruice, cōe to y • Quéens hands, whoe afterwarde giueth y e same out againe to a cōon persō, to be holdē of her manor of East Grene within Socage, this lande (not with standinge the alteration of y • tenure) remaineth dis [...] dable to y • eldest sonne only, as it was before, as also, in like sort, if lands of auncient Socage seruite come to y e Crowne, and be deliuered out agayne, to be holden either of the Quéene in Capite, or by knightes seruice of any manor, it ought to discēd according to y • custde not w tstanding y t y e tenure be altered, & if this be true [Page] in the graūt of y e Quéene her selfe: then much lesse may the Archbishope by a newe creation of tenure, make to his tenants any alteratiō of this olde custome & maner, For as the pleadinge is, That the landes aforesayed, are of the tenure and nature of Gauelkynde, euen so the truith is, that the present tenure onely guideth not the dyscent, but that the tenure and the nature together, doe gouerne it. And therefore, as on the one side, the custome cannot attache, or take holde of that which was not béefore in nature subiect to the custome, that is to saye, accustomably departed: So on the other syde, the practise of the custome, longe time [Page 127] continued, may not bee interrupted by a bare alteration of the tenure, as it was holden by the Justices, Annd 4. et 5. Phi, et Mary, as Judge Dalison hath left reported. And also as it appereth by the booke 26. H. 8. 4. where it is saied, that if a man seysed of Gauelkinde land holden in Socage, make a gift in taile and create a tenure in knights seruice, that yet this lande must descende after the custome it did before the change of the tenure.
Moreouer, as y • change of the tenure cannot prenaile against thys custome: Soe neyther the continuance of a contrarie vsage, may alter this prescription. For it is holden 16. E. 3. in Fitz. [Page] ti. Prescription 52. that albeit the eldest sonne only hath (and that for many discents together) entred into Gauelkind lād and occupied it w tout any cōtradiction of the yonger brothers, that yet the lande remaineth partible betwene them, when soeuer they will put to their clayme. Agaynst which assertion, y • which is said 10. H. 3. in Fitzh. titulo Prescription 64. namely of the issue taken thus. Whether the lande were parted or no, is not greatly forceable. For al though it be foe, that the lande were neuer parted in déede, yet if it remayne partible in nature, it may bee parted whensouer occasion shal bée ministred. And therfore, euen in the fourme [Page 128] of pleadinge vsed at this day (That the land alwaies &c. was partible, and parted) it is playnelie taken, that the worde (partible) onely is of substaunce, and that the worde (parted) is but a worde of forme, and not material, or trauersable at al, yea so inseperable is thys custome from the lande in which it obtaineth, that a contrarye dyscent (contynued in the case of the Crowne it selfe) cannot hinder, but that (after such tyme as the land shall resorte agayne to a common personne) the fourmer olde custome shall gouerne it. As if landes of Gauelkind nature come to the quéens hāds by purchase, [Page] or by Eschete as holden of her manor of Dale, nowe after her death, al her sonnes shall inherite and deuide them. But if they come to her by forfaiture in treason, or by gift in parliament, soe y • her grace is seised of thē in right of the crowne, then her eldest sonne only (which shalbée kinge after her) shall enioye them, in which case although those lāds which the eldest sonne (beinge kinge) did possesse, doe come to his eldest sonne after him (beinge kinge also) and soe from one to an other, by sundrye discentes, yet the oppinion of Syr Anthonye Browne was 7. Elizabeth, that if at any time after the same landes be [Page 129] grannted to a common person, they shall reuolt to their former nature of Gauelkynde and be partible amongst his heires males, notwithstanding that they haue runne a contrary course in dyuers the discentes of the kings before. But much lesse may the vnity of possession in the Lorde frustrate the custome of Gauelkind discent as it may appere, 14. H. 4. in y • lōge Recordare, abridged by master Brooke tit. Auowry 46. and tit. Customes 19.
Nowe followeth to bée spoken howe farre this custome extendeth it selfe within this our Countrey of Kent &c.
It is commonly taken that the custome of [Page] Gauelkynde is generall, and spreadeth it selfe throughout the whole Shire into al lands subiect by auncient tenure vnto the same, such places only excepted, where it is altered by act of parliament. And therefore in 5. E. 4. 18. and 14. H, 4. 8. it is said, that the custome of Gauelkynde is (as it were) a common lawe in Kent. And the booke 22. E. 4. 19. affirmeth, that in demaunding Gauelkind land, a manne shall not néede to prescribe in certeine, and to shewe that the Towne, Borough, or Citie, where the lāds bée, is an Auncyent Towne, Borough, or Cytie, and that the custome hath byn there [Page 130] (tyme out of mynde) that the landes wythin the same Towne, Borough, or Citie, should discend to all the heires males &c. But that is sufficyentlye inough to shewe the Custome at large, and to say, that the land lieth in Kent, and that all the landes there bée of the nature of Gauelkynd. For a writ of partition of lands in Gauelkynde (sayth M. Littleton) shall bée as generall, as if the lands were at the common lawe, although the declaratyon ought specyally to contayne mencion of the Custome of the Countrey. Thys vnyuersalytie consydered, and also the strayte bonde (whereby the [Page] custome is so inseperably knit to the land, as in maner nothinge but an act of parliament canne clerely disseuer them) it followeth, that no place Citie, Towne, or Borough within this shire, can bée exempt from this custome although the same hath not at any tyme byn there put in vre, no more then the Eldest sonne (in the case before) may for the like reason prescribe agaynst his yoūger Bretheren &c.
Thus much béeyng spoken touchynge the name, tenure, nature, generalty, and order of Gauelkynde: it shall nowe bee shewed of what quality the rents, remaynders, actyons, [Page 131] and such other thinges (of the which some b [...]e issuing out of these lāds, some bée annexed vnto them, and some bée raysed by reason of them) shalbée. And of thē some shal ensue the nature of the land, and other some shal kéepe y • same course that common lawe hath appointed. And therfore if a rent be graunted in fée out of Gauelkynde land, it shal discend to all the males as the land it selfe shal do, as appereth in 14. H. 8. 5. 26. H. 8. 4. & 4. E. 3.
But if ii. iointenantes of land in Gauelkynde grant a rent charge out of that land to I. S. & to his heires: And I. S. dieth hauinge issue ii. sonnes, this rēt shal not discēd to both y • sonnes [Page] of I. S. but to the heire at the common law because that the custome is in suspence during the ioynture by the opinion of the right worshipfull Christopher Yeluerton Esquire, at hys readyng in Grayes Inne in lent An. 1573.
So if a tenauncy bée of Gauelkynde nature, yet the rent seruyce by which it is holden may discend according to the common lawe, as Ald' & Chart' in 7. E. 3. were of opinion.
If a remainder of Gauelkind land bée tayled to the heires males, they altogether shall inherit as Fitzherbert & Norwich thought 26. H. 8. 4. But that is to bée vnderstoode of a discent onely, for if landes of [Page 132] Gauelkynde nature be leassed for life, the Remaynder to the ryght heires of John Style which hath issue fower sonnes and dieth, and after the lessée for lyfe dyeth, nowe the eldest sonne onely of I. Stile shall haue thys land, for hée is right heire, and that is a good name of purchase 37. H. 8. in master Brooke ti. Done et Remaynder 42. But if the landes had byn gyuen to John Stile for lyfe, the remaynder to hys next heire male, thys had byn an estate taile in John Stile him selfe, and then the lande should haue discended to al his sonnes, in so much as in that case y e wordes (next heire male) be not a [Page] name of purchase. Howbeit it was greatly doubted 3. & 4. Phil. et Mariae (as Justice Dalison reporteth) if a remainder bée deuised by testament (to the next heire male) whether in that case the eldest brother onely shal haue it, in so much as (in the vnderstandinge of the lawe, whych is a iudge ouer al customes) he is the next heire male and therefore inquire of it.
As touching vouchers, it appeareth 11. E. 3. that al the heires in Gauelkynd shalbe vouched for the warraunty of their Auncester, and not the eldest onely. But the opinion of Master Littleton li. 3. cap. 13. and of the Iustices 22. E. 4. is clere y t the elde [...] [Page 133] sonne onely shalbe rebutted, or barred by the warranty of the auncestour, to be short, the eldest sonne onely shal enter for the breache of a condition: But the rest of the brethren shalbée ioyned with hym in suinge a writte of Attaynt to refourme a false verdict, or Errour to reuerse an erronious iugement: And they al shalbe charged for the debt of their auncestour, if so be y t they al haue assets in their handes. But if the eldest onely haue assets remayninge, and the residue haue aliened their partes, then he onlye shalbe charged after the mind of the booke 11. E. 3. &c. And thus much for this part shal suffice.
Nowe a woorde or ij. [Page] of other thinges confusely, yet apertaininge to this matter, notwythdinge not soe necessarie for your purpose to bée knowen as those aforesayde. It appereth in a written report at large of 16. Edwardi 2. which is also partlye abridged by master Fitzherbert, titulo Prescription, that it was tryed by verdicte, that noe manne ought to haue common in Landes of Gauelkinde, howbeit the contrarye is well knowen at this day, & that in many places y e same booke saith, y t the vsage of Gauelkinde is, that a man may lawfullye inchase, or driue out into the high waye to their aduenture, the beastes of any [Page 134] other personne that hée shall fynde doynge dammage in his lande, and y t he is not compellable to impounde them, which thing is practised at this day.
The parlyament 15. Henrici sexti cap 3. mindinge to amplifye the priuiledges of Gauelkynde, graunted to the tenauntes of that lande, exemption in Attaints, in such sort as the inhabitaunts of auncyent demeane, and of the fiue portes before had: But within thrée yeares after vppon complaynt of some of the Countrey which enfourmed the Parlyament house that there was not in the whole Shire thirtye or fortye personnes, that [Page] holde to the value of xx. pounde lande, out of Gauelkinde, who in default of others, and by reason of that exemption, were continuallye molested by returnes in Attaintes, that act was vtterly repealed.
The statute 14. H. 8. cap. 6. gyueth libertye to euery manne (hauing highwaie through hys lande in the welde that is worne déepe, and incommodious for passage) to lay out another waye in ome such other place of hys lande, as shalbée thought méete by the vyewe of two Justyces of the peace, and twelue other men of wysdome and discretion.
The general law, made 35. H. 8. 17. for the [Page 135] preseruation of Copeises woodes thorough out the Realme, maketh plaine exception of all woodes within this wealde, vnlesse it be of such as bée common &c. And here an ende of thys matter. sauinge that I wil make master Litteltons annswere to such as happelye wil demaunde what reason thys custome of gauelkinde discent hath thus to deuyde lande a monge al the males cō trary to the manner of the whole Realme béesides: The yonger sonns (sayth he) be as good gen telmen as the elder, and they (beinge a like déere to their common auncestour, from whom they claime) haue so much the more néede of their frēds [Page] helpe as (thorowe their minority) they be lesse able then the elder Brother to helpe thēselues &c.
GElde, that is to bee quite of seruile customes which were wōt to be geeuen, and are yet giuen, as hornegelde and such like.
GRithbrech that is the kinges peace broken, because (Grith) in English is pax in latin.
HAngwite, that is to be quite of a théefe or relon hāged without iugement, or escaped out of your custody.
HAriot is in ii. sortes the one hariot Custome, the other haryot seruice.
Hariot seruice (some fay) is alwaies expressed in a mans graunt, or déede that hée holdeth by such seruyce to pay hariot at the time of his death, and thys hariot is payable after y e death of the tenaunt in fée simsimple.
Hariot Custome, is where hariotes haue byn payed tyme out of mynde by custome. And thys may bée after the death of tenant for lyfe &c. But to speake therof generally.
Hariot is the best beast (whether it be horse [Page] Oxe, or Cowe) that the tenaunt had at the tyme of his death. And may bée either seysed, or a distresse taken for it, whether it be hariot seruyce, or hariot custome, to the Lordes vse of whom the tenaunt held, by hys Bailife, or other officer béelonginge to hys manour.
But of right the Lord, nor hys officer should not take hariot before it bée presented at the next court holden, that the tenant is dead, and that such a beast is due to the Lord for his hariot.
Haybote, or Hedgebote.
HAybote, or hedgebote, is necessarie stuffe to make and mend hedges, which lessée for yeares, or for lyfe of common [Page 137] right may take vpon the ground to him leased, although it bée not expressed in his lease, and although it bée a lease by woordes without wrytinge.
Haybote also may bée takē for necessary stuffe, to make Rakes forkes and such like instrumēts wherewith men vse in sommer to tedde & make hay: and so a lessée for yeares tooke it, & it was allowed him by hys lessor, the rather, as I suppose, for that such instruments are commonly made of slender vnder wood, which by the common lawe lessee for yeres may cut and take as is aforesaid.
HIdage, that is to bée [Page] quit if the king shal taxe al the land by hides.
Note that a hyde of land is a whole ploweland. And this kynde of taxinge by hides was much vsed in old tyme, as well for prouision of armour, as paymentes of money, & that chefely in kinge Etheldredes daies (a kinge in thys Countrey before y e conquest) who in the yeare of Christ 1006. when as the Danes landed at Sandwich in Kēt, taxed al his lād by hides thus. That euery 310. hydes of land should find one ship fornished, & euery 8. hides should find one Jacke & one sallet, for y e defence of y e Realme.
HOtchpot, is a medlynge, or mixinge together, [Page 138] and a partition of lands giuen in frankmariage, wyth other lands in fée simple dyscēded as for example, a man seysed of 30. acres of land in fee simple hath issue ii. daughters, & gyueth w t one of his daughters to a man y t marieth her x. acres of the same land in frankemariage, and dieth seysed of the other 20. acres: Nowe if she that is thus maried wil haue any part of the 20. acres whereof her father dyed seysed: Shée must put her lands gyuen in frankmariage, in hotchpot, that is to say shée must refuse that gyft in frankemariage, and suffer the land to bée commixt and mingled together, w t the other land whereof her father [Page] dyed seysed, so that an equall deuision may bee made of the whole betweene her and her Sister: and thus for her 10. acres shée shall haue xv. els her Sister wyll haue the xx. acres, of whych their father died seysed.
Home Sokene.
HOme soken (or hane soken) y • is to be quit of amercements for entringe into houses vyolently & without licēce, & contrary to the peace of the kinge. And that you hold plea of such trespas done in your court, and in your land.
Homicide or māslaughter.
HOmicide or manslaughter, is the killing of a man feloniously, without malice fore [Page 139] thought: It is also defined thus: Homicide is the killing of a man, by a man: and if such kyllinge be don by a dogge, oxe, or other thinge, it is not properly called homicide: for it is called homicide of a man, & to kil as y • killing of a man.
HOrnegeld, y • is to be quit of a certeine custome exacted by tallage thorowe all the lande, as of whatsoeuer horne beast.
HOusebote is necessary timber, y • lessée for yeres, or for life of common right may take vppon y • groūd to repaire y • houses vpon y • sāe groūd to him leased, although it bée not expressed [Page] in y e lease, and although it be a lease by wordes w t out déed: But if hée take more then is néedefull, hée may bée punished by an action of wast.
HUndredes were deuised by Alfred y • kinge, after that hée had deuided the whole Realme into certeine partes or Sections, whych of the Saxon word Scynan signifyinge to cut, he termed Shires, or (as wée yet speake.) Shares, and portions: These Shires hée also brake into smaller partes, wherof some were called Lathes of y • woord Ielapian, which is to assemble together: others Tithinges so named because there were in each of them to the [Page 140] number of ten persons, whereof each one was suertie and pledge for others good abearinge: others hundreds because they contayned iurisdiction ouer an hundred men or pledges, dwellinge paraduenture in ii. or iii. or more parishes Boroughes, or townes, lyinge and adioyninge neuerthelesse somewhat nere together, in which he appointed adminystration of Justice to bée exercysed seuerally amonge them of y e same hundred, and not that one should runne out disorderly into an others hundred, lath, or tithing, wherein he dwelled not. These hundreds cōtinue to this day in force, although not altogether to y • sāe purpose, wherūto at [Page] the first they were appointed yet styll very néedful both in tyme of peace for good order of gouermēt diuers ways, & also in warre for certeinty of leuying of mē: as els for the more ready collections of payments graunted in parliament to the kynges and Quéenes of thys Realme.
HUndredum, that is to bée quit of money or customes to bee done to the gouernours & hundredors.
IDeot is he that is a foole naturally from hys birth, and knoweth not howe to accompt or number twenty pence [Page 141] nor cannot name hys father, or mother, nor of what age hymselfe is, or such like easie and common matters: soe that it appereth he hath noe maner of vnderstā dinge of reason nor gouernement of him selfe what is for his profit, or disprofit &c. But if hée haue soe much knowlege that he can reade, or lerne to reade by instruction and informatyon of others, or can measure an elle of cloth, or name the daies in the wéeke, or begette a childe, sonne or daughter, or such lyke, whereby it may appere that he hath some light of reason, then such a one is noe Ideot naturallye.
Vnlawful assembly.
[Page]VNlawfull assemblye, is where people assemble them selues together to do some vnlawful thing against the peace, although that they execute not their purpose in déede.
IMparlaunce is when an action of dette, trespasse, or such lyke is brought against a man, and after that the pleintife hath counted, or declared, the defendaunt prayeth the Court that hée may haue tyme to put in hys aunswere, at an other daye in the same terme, or in the next terme followinge, this stay of aunswere is called imparlaunce.
IMprysonment is noe other thynge, but the restraynt of a mannes libertye, whether it bée in the open féelde, or in the Stockes, or Cage in the streates, or in a mans own house as wel as in the common gaole. And in all these places the partye soe restrayned is sayed to be a prisoner, soe longe as hée hath not hys lybertye fréely to goe at al times whether he wil, without baile, mainprise, or other aucthoritye.
INfangethefe, that is that théeues taken with in youre demesne or fée [Page] conuicted of thefts, shalbe iudged in your court.
INformation for the Queene is that which for a common parson is called a declaration, and is not alwaies done directly by the Quéene, or her atturney, but rather by some other man who sueth or infourmeth as wel for y e Queene, as for him selfe vppon y e breach of some penall lawe or stat wherin a penalty is giuen to y e party that wil sue for y e same, but no action of det to recouer it, then it must be had by information.
IOynture is an estate and assuraunce made to a woman in consideration [Page 143] of mariage for terme of her life, or otherwise, whether it bée before or after y e mariage. And if it bée after the mariage then shée may at her libertie after the death of her husbande refuse to take or haue the landes soe assured for her Joynture, and demaund her dower at the cōmon lawe.
But if it be made before mariage then shée may not refuse such ioiniure, nor haue dower accordinge to the common lawe, vnlesse that when she bringeth her writte of dower, the defendaunt pleadeth such a plea that will not barre her of her dower, then shee shalbee endowed As if he say in barre, that her husbande was not [Page] seised of such estate wher of she myght bee endowed, or any such plea, and doth not shewe that she h [...]th a [...]mture made &c. and therefore demaunde iudgement of that action, or iugement if she shalbee also endowed, or any such lyke plea &c. and this was the oppinion of y • right worshipful master Brograue at his reading in Graies June in Sōmer Anno 1576. 18. Eliz. vppon a braunch of the stat made An. 27. H. 8. c. 10. cōcerning iointures & dowers.
And by him of those things whereof a woman may bée endowed, she may haue ioynture, as of mines, vesturam terr [...], woodes, Townes, Iles, meadowes, and such like. Also of an aduowson, [Page 144] of a reuersion depending vpō an estate for life, of a windmil, a high chamber, a rectorie and such other, and they are called tenemēts, Also of a villen, for hée is an heredytament, & of all these profet may come to the woman. But of those thinges whereof noe profet will cōe, but rather a charge, a ioynture cannot be made.
THeft is a deceiptfull taking away of an other mans goods, but not from his parson, with a minde to steale them, a gaynst hys will whose goods they were.
And theft is in two sorts, y e one so called simplie, & the other pety or little theft. [Page] The first is where the thynge stollen exceedeth the value of xij. d. and y • is felony.
The other (which is called littel or p [...]tiet theft) is where the thing stollen doth not excede y e value of xij. d. and that is no felony.
LAstage, that is to bée quite of a certeine custome exacted in faires any markets for caryinge of thinges where a man will.
Lessor and lessee.
LEssor is he that lesseth landes or tenementes to an other for terme of life, yeres, or at wil, and hee to whome the lease is made, is called lessee.
Leuant, & couchant.
LEuant, & Couchant is sayde, when the beastes or Cattell of a straunger are come into an other mans ground, & there haue remayned a certen good space of time so longe that they haue wel fedde, & also rested them selues.
Wager of lawe.
WAger of lawe, is when an accion is brought against one w t out especialty she wed, or other matter of recorde, as an accion of debt vpō contract or detinue, then the defendāt may wage his lawe, that is to say, swere vppon a booke, and certaine persons wyth him, that hée oweth nothing to the playntife in manner and fourme as hée hath declared. But [Page] in an action of debt vppon a lease for terme of yeres, or vpon the arrerages of accompt before auditors assigned, a mā shal not wage his lawe. And whē one shal wage his lawe, hée shal bring with him vi. viii. or xii. of his neighbours as the court shall assigne hym, to swere with him. And if at that day assigne he faile of his law, then hée shalbe condemned.
Liuery of seysin.
LIuery of seysin, is a ceremony vsed in conueyance of landes or tenemēts where an estate in fée simple, fée taile, or a fréehold shal passe: and it is a testimonial of the willing departing from all that which he who [Page 146] makes the liuerie hath in the thinge whereof liuerie is made: And the receyuinge of the liuery, is a wyllyng acceptance by the other partie of all that whereof the other hath dismissed him selfe: And was inuented as an open and notorious thing, by meanes wherof the common people might haue knowledge of the passinge or alteration of estates from manne to manne, that thereby they might bée the better able to trie in whō the right and possession of landes and tenements were if they should be impanelled in Juries, or otherwyse haue to doe concernyng the same.
The common maner [Page] of deliuery of seysin is after this sort done: If it bée in the open feelde where is no building or house, then one that can read taketh the writinge in his hand, if the estate shal pas by déed, and declareth to the stāders by, the cause of their méetyng there together &c. and then openly readeth the deed in English, and after that it is sealed, the partie who is to depart from the ground, taketh the déede in his handes together with a clodde of the earth, & a twigge or bowe if any there be, and all this hée delyuereth to the other partie in the name of possession or seysin, according to the forme & effect of the déed, which before them [Page 147] was there reade. But if there bée a dwellynge house or buildinge vpon the land, then thys is done there at the doore of the same none béeyng left at that tyme wythin the house, and y • partie deliuereth all the aforesaid together wyth the rynge of the doore, in the name of seysin or possession, & hée that receiueth the libertie entreth in first alone and shutteth to the doore, and presently openeth it agayne, and letteth them in &c. If it be of a house whereto is noe land or ground, the liuerye is made and poss. taken, by the deliuerie of y • ringe of the doore & déed onely. And where it is without déed either of landes, or tenementes, there the [Page] partie declareth by word of mouth béefore wytnesse, the estate that hée meaneth to depart with, and then deliuereth seysin or possession in maner as is before say [...]e: and so the land or tenement doth passe as well where there is no déede as by déede, and that by force of the lyuerie of seysin: It was agreed in Grayes Inne by the right warshipful master Snagge, at his readyng there in Sōmer an. 1574 that if a feoffour deliuer the viewe of the land, in name of seysin, that it is good, because that hée hath a possessyon in him selfe. But otherwyse yt is of an atturney, for hee must goe to the lande, and [Page 148] take possession him selfe, béefore that he can gyue possession to an other, accordinge to the words of hys letter &c. And where liuerie of seysin is by viewe, if the feoffée doe not enter after &c. nothynge passeth, for hée ought to enter in déede.
LOtherwite, that is y • you may take amēdes of him which doth defile your bondwoman without your licence.
Mahim, or maim.
MAhim, is where any mēber is hurt or takē away, whereby y e party so hurt is made vnperfect to fight: As if a bone bée taken out of the [Page] hedde: or a bone bée broken in any other part of the body: or a foote, or hand, or finger, or ioynt of a foote, or any member bée cut: or by some wound the sinewes bée made to shrinke, or other member, or the fingers made crooked, or if an eye bée put out, or the foretéeth broken, or any other thinge hurt in a mannes body by meanes whereof hee is made the lesse able to defend him selfe.
But the cuttinge off of an eare, or nose, or breaking of the hinder téeth, or such like, is no may▪ him, because it is rather a deformity of y e body, thē diminishing of strength. And if the Justyces stand in doubt whether the hurt be a maihim or [Page 194] not, they vse, and wil of their great discretiō take the helpe and opinion of some skilful Surgeon, to consider thereof, before they determine vpon the case.
MAinprise is when a mā is arrested by capi as, then the Judges may deliuer his bodie to certeine menne for to keepe and to bringe him before them, at a certaine daye, and these be called mainpernours, and if the partye appeare not at the daye assigned, the mainpernoures shalbe amerced.
MAnnour, is a thinge compounde of diuers thinges, as of a house [Page] lande, arrable, pasture, meadowe, woode, rent, auowson, court baron, and such like make a manor, & this ought to be by longe contynuaunce of time, to the contrary [...] whereof mans memory cannot tel, for at this day a manor cānot be made, because a court baron cā not nowe be made, and a manour cannot be w t out a court baron, & suters, or fréeholders, two at the least, for if all the fréeholdes except one escheate to the lord, or if he purchase al except one, there his manor is gone, for that it cannot. bée a mannor without a court Baron (as is aforesaid) and a court baron cannot bée holden but before suters, & not before one suter, & therfore where but [Page 150] one fréehold or fréeholder is, there cannot bée a mannour.
MAnumission is in ii. sortes, the one is a manumission expressed, the other a manumissiō implyed or secreat.
Manumission expressed is when the Lord maketh a déed to his villen to enfraunches hym by this word ( Manumittere) which is as much to say as to let one goe out of an other mans hands or power.
The manner of manumittinge or infraunchising in old time most vsually was thus. The Lorde (in presence of hys neyghbours) toke the bonde manne by the heade saying, I wil [Page] that this manne be frée, and therewyth shewed him forwarde out of hys handes, and by this hée was frée without anye more a doe. Manumissyon implyed wythout this woode ( Manumittere) is when the lorde maketh an obligation to his villē to pay him money at a certein daye, or suith him wher he might enter without sute, or graunteth vnto his vyllen an annitie, or lesseth lande to him by déede for yeres, or for life, & in dyuers such like cases, y e villen thereby is made frée.
MAximes be the foundations of the lawe, & the conclusions of reason, and are causes efficient, & certein vniuersall propositions soe sure and [Page 151] perfect that they may not bée at any time impeached or impugned, but ought alwaies to bée obserued and holden as strong principalles and aucthorities of thēselues although they cannot be proued by force of argument or demonstratiōs logicall, but are knowen by enduction by y e way of sence & memory. As for example, it is a maxime that if a man haue issue 2. sonnes by diuers women, and the one of them purchase landes in fée and dieth wythout issue, the other brother shall neuer be hys heyre &c.
Also it is an othermaxime that lāds shal discēd frō the father to y e sōne▪ but not frō the sōne to y e [Page] father for that is an ascention &c. & diuers such like there be.
MAynour is when a théefe hath stolne, and is followed with hue and cry, and taken, hauing y t founde about him which he stole, that is called the maynour. And so we cō monly vse to saye when we finde one doing of an vnlawfull act, that wée tooke him with the maynour, or maner.
MIsprision, is when on knoweth that an other hath committed treason or felony, and will not discouer him to the Q. or to her councell or to any magistrat, but doth conceale the same.
[Page 152]A chapleine had fixed an olde seale of a patent to a newe patent of non residence, and this was holden to bée misprision of treason onely, and noe counterfeiting of the Q. seale.
Also if a man knowe mony to be counterfet, & bringe the same out of Irelād hither into England and vtter it in payment, this is but mysprision of treason, and no treason, & soe it is in diuers such like cases.
And in al cases of misprision of treason y e partie offendor shall forfayt his goods for euer, and y • profets of his landes for terme of his life, and his body to prison at the Q. pleasure.
And for misprision of felonie or trespas y e offē dour [Page] shalbée committed to prison vntill hée haue founde suerties or pledges for his fine, which shalbe assessed by y e ducretion of y t Justices before whom he was conuict.
And note, that in euerie treason or felonye is included misprision, and where any hath cōmitted treason or felony, the Q. may cause y e sāe to be indited and arramed but of misprision onely if she will.
Shewinge of deedes, or Recordes.
SHewinge of déedes, or Recordes, is as if for example, an actyon of dette be brought against one vppon an obligation or by Executors &c. there after that the pleyntife [Page 153] hath declared, he ought to shewe his obligatiō, or y • executour the testamēt to the court, and soe it is of Recordes.
And the diuersitye béetwene shewing of deeds or Recordes & hering of déeds or records is thus, he y • pleades the deede or record, or declares vppon it, to him it doth appertaine to shewe the same. And the other agaynst whom such déede or record is pleaded or declared, and is thereby to bée charged, may demaunde hearing of the same déed or record, which his aduersarie brigeth or pleadeth against him.
Mortgage or Morgage.
MOrtgage or Morgage is whē a mā maketh a feoffement to another on such condition, that if the feoffour pay to the [Page] feoffée at a certaine day xl. li. of money, that then the feoffour may reenter, &c. In thys case the feffée is called tenaunt in morgage. And as a mā may make a feoffement in fée in morgage, so hée may make a gift in tayle, or a lease for terme of life, or for term of yeares in morgage. And it seemeth that the cause why it is called morgage, is for that it standeth in doubt whether the feoffor will pay the money at the day appointed or not, and if hée fayle to pay, then y • land which hée layed in gage vppon condition of paymēt of y e money, is gone from him for euer, & so dead to him vpō cōditiō: But if he pay y • money, then is the gage dead as [Page 154] to y • tenāt, y t is to say the feoffée, & for this cause it is called in latin mortuum vadium as master Littleton sayth, or rather mortuum vas, as I thinke.
MOrtmaine was whē lands were geuen to a house of religion, or to a cōpany which be corporat by y e kings graūt, then the land is cōe into mortmain, that is to say in English a dead hand, and the kynge or the lord of whō y e lād to holden may enter into thē.
MUlier, is a word vsed in our lawe, but howe aptly I cannot tell nor doe wel knowe howe it should come in y • sence as wée there take it: [Page] For accordinge to the proper significatiō, mulier is a defiled woman like as it is vsed by vlpianus in a certen place after this sort, if I thought that I had bought a virgin, when it was a defiled woman, the bargayne was not good. Hereby you may sée y t multer is a woman that hath had y e company of a man: But to leaue the right signification: Mulier is taken in our law for one that is lawfully begotten and borne: and is alwayes vsed in comparison with a bastarde, onely to shewe a difference betwene thē, as thus for example: A man hath a sonne by a woman before mariage, that issue is called [Page 155] a bastard, and vnlawful: And after they entermary, and haue an other sonne, this second sonne is called mulier, that is to say lawfull, and shalbée heire to hys father: but that other cannot bée heire to any manne, because it is not knowen nor certen in the iudgement of the lawe, who was hys father, and for that cause is sayd to bée no mannes sonne, or y e sonne of the people, and so wythout father, according to this old verse:
To whom the people father is, to him is father none and all.
To whom the people father is, wel fatherlesse wée may him cal.
And alwaies you shal find this addition to thē [Page] (bastard eldest, & mulier yongest) when they bée compared together.
MUrder is a wilful killinge of a man vppon malice forethought, and seemeth to comeof the Saxon woord Mordren which so signifieth: And Mordridus, is the murderer euen vntil this day amonge them in Sexonie, from whence wée haue most of our words as hath byn often said.
Negatiua preignans.
NEgatiua preignans, is when an action, or information, or such like, is brought against one, and the defendant pleadeth in barre of the actyon, or otherwyse, a negatiue plea, whych is not soe specyall an [Page 156] answere to the actyon but that it includeth also an affirmatiue. As for example: if hée in reuersion enter vppon tenant for life supposinge that hée hath aliened in fee, (which is a forfaiture of hys estate) and the tenaunt for life saith that hée hath not aliened in fée, this is a negatyue wherein is included an affirmatiue: for although it bée true, that he haue not aliened in fée: yet it may bée that hée hath made an estate in tayle (whych is also a forfayture) and then the entry of hym in the reuersion is lawefull &c. Also in a Quare impedit the Quéene makes tytle to present to a Prebende for that the [Page] Temporaltyes of the Bishoprick were in her hāds by the death of W. late Bishop &c. The defendant saith that it was not voyd being the temporalties in the Quéens handes by the death of W. this is a negatiue preignans, for it may bée in the Quéenes hāds otherwyse then by the death of W. and it suffiseth the Quéene if it bée in her handes by any meanes &c. Soe it is where an Information was brought in the Cheker against John Stile, for that he bought wooll beetwéene shering time and the Assumptyon, such a yeare of John N. The defendaunt sayth that hée dyd not buy any of John N. as it is alledged &c. this [Page 157] is called a negatiue preignans, for if he bought it of any other, yet hée is culpable for the buyinge.
NIefe is a womā that is bonde, or a vyllen woman, but if shée mary a frée manne, shee is thereby made frée for euer (although y t her husbande die and she suruiue hym) because that shée and her husband are but one person in lawe, and shée ought to bée of the same nature and condytion in law to al intents that her husband is. But her husband is frée to all intentes without any condityon in lawe or otherwise, and so by consequens the wife ought to bée, and is frée [Page] according to y • nature of her frée husband, & then if she were once frée and clerely discharged of bō dage to al entents, she cā not be niefe after, w tout especial act done by her, as diuorce, or cōfessiō in court of Record, and that is in fauour of liberty, & therefore a frée woman shal not be bounde by taking of a villē to her husband. But their issue shal bée villens as their father was, which is contrary to the Ciuile lawe, for there it is said, y • birth followeth the belly. Bō dage or villenage had beginninge amonge y • Hebrewes & his original proceding of Canaan y • sōne of Cham, who because that hée had mocked his father Noe to scorne lying desolutly whē he was [Page 158] drunke, was punished in his sonne Chanaan w t penalty of bondage.
Nihil dicit.
NIhil dicit is when an action is brought against a man, & the defē dant appéeres, the plaintife declares, & the defendant wil not aunswere, or pleades to the action, & doth not maintaine hys plea, but makes defaut, nowe vpon this defaut, he shalbe condemned because he saith nothing.
NOmination is where one may in right of his maner or otherwise, nominate and appoint a worthy clarke or man to a personage, vicarage or such like spiritual promotion.
NOnabylitye is where [Page] an action is broughte against one, and the defendaunt saieth, that the playntife is not able to sue any action, and demaundeth iudgement if hée. shalbee aunswered. There are vj. causes of nonability in the pleintife, as if he bée an outlawe, or an alien borne, but that dysabilitye is in actiōs reales and mixt onely, and not in actyons personalles, except hee be an alien enemye, or condempned in premunire, or professed in religion, that is to saye, the Roomish religion, or accursed, or a villen and sueth hys Lorde, but this last is noe ple for an other y • is not lord to the villen.
Bare, or naked Contract.
BAre Contract, or [Page 159] naked promise, is where a manne bargaineth, or selleth his lāds or goods, or promiseth to geue to one money or a horse, or to builde a house, or doe such a thinge at such a daye, and there is no recompence appoynted to him for the doinge therof: As if one saye to an other, I sel or geue to you al my landes or goodes, and there is nothing appoynted assigned or agréed vppon what the other shal giue or pay for it, so y t there is not one thinge for an other, this is a naked contract, and voyde in lawe, & for not perfourmaunce thereof noe action lyeth, for of a naked cōtract commeth noe action.
[Page]O Redelfe is where one claimes to haue y • ore that is founde in his soile or ground.
OUtfangthiefe, that is y • theues orfelōs of your lād or fée out of your lād or fée taken, w t felony or a stealing, shalbe brought backe to your court, and there iudged.
OWelte is when there is Lorde mesne & tenant, and y e tenaunt holdeth of the mesne by the same seruices, that the meane holdeth ouer of y • lorde aboue him. As if y • tenāt hold of y • mesne by homage, fealty, & xx. s. of rēt yerely, & y e mesne holdeth ouer of y e lord aboue [Page 160] by homage fealty, & xx. s. rent also, this is called owelty of seruices.
Hearing of Recordes and deedes &c.
HEaringe of Records & déeds is if for example an actiō of det be brought against a man vppon an obligation, and the defendant appéeres to the action, and then praieth y t he may heare the obligatiō where with the plaintife chargeth him.
Soe it is when as executors bringe an action ofdet, and the defendant demaundeth to heare the testament, vpon this demaund it shalbe read vnto the desendaunt, But if it be in an other [...]erme or after y • the defendant hath imparled, then hée shal not heare it. And soe [Page] as is sayed of déedes, is to be vnderstoode of recordes that are alleged against him.
PApe is an auncyent name falsely arrogated, or proudly vsurped by y e Bishop of the only Citye of Roome in Italie, and is commonlye englished the Pope, a name truely much frequented in our auncyent yere bookes, specially in the times of those kings, who to much abādoning their emperiall aucthoritie, and abasinge themselues far beneath their estate, were not a shamed, to suffer an alyen & outlandish Bishop, that dwelt aboue fiftéene hū dred miles from them, to bee soueraigne ouer [Page 161] them in their owne dominions, and to take frō them not onely the disposition of certen small trisles of none accompt, but also the nomination of Archbishoppes, Bishops, Abbots, Deanes, prouosts appropriations of benefices presēta [...]' to personages, vicarages, & generally of al spirituall persons to their preferments sometymes by lapse, and sometimes otherwise whereby the kings princely prerogatiue was very much abridged w tin their owne Realmes.
PArtityon is à deuyding of lāds discēded by the cōmon law, or by custome amōg coheires or parceners wher there [Page] be ii. at y • least whether they bée sonnes, daughters, sisters, aūtes, or otherwyse of hyn to the auncestour from whom the lād discended to thē.
And this particion is made iiij. wayes for the most part, wherof thrée are at pleasure and by agreement among them, the fourth is by compulsion.
One particyon by agréement is when they them selues deuide the lande equally into so many partes, as there bée of them coparceners, & each to choose one share or part, the eldest first, & so y • one after other, as they bée of age, except y • the eldest by consent make the particion, then the choise belongeth to y • [Page 162] next, and soe to the eldest last accordynge as it is saied. Whoe so maketh the partition, the other must haue the choyse.
An other partition by agreement is whē they choose certen of their frends to make diuision for them.
The third partition by agréement is by drawing of lots thus: first to deuide the land into so many parts as there bée parceners, then to writ euery part seuerally in a little scrolle, or peece of paper or parchment, and to put the same scrolles vp close into a hat, cap, or other such like thing, and then each parcener one after an other as they bée of age to drawe out thereof one peece or [Page] scrolle wherein is written a part of the land whych by thys drawinge is nowe seuerally allotted vnto them in fée simple.
The fowerth partition which is by compulsion is when one or some of the coparceners would haue partition and other some wil not agrée there to: Thē they y • so would haue partitiō may bring a writ de partitione facicienda against y • others that would not make partition, by vertue whereof they shalbée compelled to depart &c. Wée in Kent (Brother Nicholas) where the landes are of Gauelkynd nature, cal at this day our partition Shiftinge euen y • very same woord that the Saxons [Page 163] vsed namely ( Scystan,) which signifieth to make partitiō betweene coheires, and to assigne to each of them their portion, in latyn it is called Herciscere.
PArties to a fine, or déede, are those that leuie the same fine, and also they to whom the fine is leuied: And they that make a déede of feoffement, and they to whō it is made are called parties to the déede, and so in any other like cases.
PAtron is hée that hath a parsonage, vicarage, frée chappel, or such like spiritual promotion béelongynge to his maner, and may or ought to gyue the same beneūce [Page] when and as often as it falleth voyd. And thys beynge patron, or patronage had beginninge for the most part by one of these three wayes, namely either by reason of the foundation, for that the patron or hys auncestours, or those frō whom he claimes were sounders o [...] builders of the Church, or by reason of Dotation, for y • they did endowe or giue iāds to the same for mayntenaunce thereof, or els by reason of the ground because the Church was set or builded vpon their soyle or ground: & many times by reason of them al three.
PErquisites are aduā tages and profits that cōe to a manner by casualtie, [Page 164] and not yearely: as Escheates, Heriots, Reliefes, waifes, straies forfaytures, amercementes in Courtes, wardes, mariages goods and landes purchased by villaines of y e same manor, and diuers such like thinges that are not certen but happē by chāce, sometimes more often then at other times.
PLayntife is hée that sueth or complaineth in an ass. or in an action personal, as in an action of det, trespas, disceit, detinue, and such other.
PLeding is y • which cō meth after y • coūt, namely y • which is contayned [Page] in the barre, replication, and reioynder, and not that contayned in the count it selfe, and therefore defauts in the matter of the Count are not comprised within mispleading, or insufficient pleading, nor are remedied by y t statute of Jeofailes: But onely that mispleading, or insufficient pleading, committed in the barre, replication, and reioynder, are there prouided for.
POundes are in two sortes, the one pounds open, the other poundes close.
Pounde open, is euery place wherein a dystresse is put, whether it bée cōmon pound such [Page 165] as are in euery Towne or lordship, or whether it be backside, Court, yard, pasture, or els whatsoeuer, where the owner of the distresse may come to geue them meat and drinke without offence for their beinge there, or his comming thither.
Pounde Close is such a place, where the owner of the distresse may not come to giue them meat and drinke, wythout offence, as in a close house, or whatsoeuer els place.
POssession is saied two wayes, eyther actuall possession, or possession in lawe.
Actual possessiō, is whē a manne entreth in déed into lands or tenements [Page] to him discēded, or otherwise. Possession in lawe is whē lāds, or tenemēts are discended to a man, and hee hath not as yet really, actually, and in déede entred into them And it is called possession in lawe, because that in the eye, and consideration of the lawe, hée is demed to be in possession, for asmuch as hée is tenant to euery mans action that will sue concerning y e same lands, or tenementes.
PReamble taketh hys name of the preposition ( Pre) before, and the verbe ( Ambulo) to goe, see ioyned together, they make a compound verbe of the first coniugatyon ( Preambulo) [Page 166] to go before, and h [...] of the first part or beeginning of an act, is called y • preamble of the act, which preamble is a key to open the minds of the makers of the act, and y e mischiefes that they in tende to remedy by the same, as for example the statute made at West▪ minster the first, the 37. chapter which giueth an attaint, the preamble of which is thus. For as much as certain people of y e realme, dout very little to giue false verdictes or othes, which they ought not to do, wherby many people are disherited and lose their right, it is prouided &c.
PRescription is when one hath had or vsed any thinge sith the time whereof no minde is to [Page] to the contrary.
PResentment is when a manne which hath ryght to géeue a benefice spiritual nameth the personne to whome hée will geue it, and maketh a writing to the Bishop for him, that is a presentation or presentmēt.
Pretensedright or Title.
PRetensed right or title is where one is in possession of landes, or tenements, and an other who is out of possession, claimeth it, or sueth for it. Nowe the pretensed right or title is said in him, who soe doth sue or clayme. And if he afterward come to y e possessiō of the same lāds, or tenements, [Page 167] his right or title is extin [...]t, or suspendedin the lande.
Priuie or priuite and Pris uies.
PRiuie, or priuite is where a lease is made to hold at wil, for yeres, for life, or a feoffement in fée, and in diuers other cases, nowe béecause of this that hath passed betwéene these partyes, they are called priuies, in respect of straungers betwéene whom noe such dealinges, or conueyances hath ben.
Also if there be Lorde and tenaunt, and the tenaunt holdeth of y e lorde by certein seruice, there is a priuitie betwene thē because of the tenure, and if the tenaunt be disseysed by a straunger, there [Page] is no priuitie béetwéene the diss [...]our and y • lord, but the priuitie styll remaineth béetwéene the Lord and the tenant th [...]t is disseysed, and the Lord shall auowe vpon him, for that he is his tenant in right and in the iudgment of the lawe, Priuies are in diuers sortes, as namely priuies in estate, priuies in déede, priuies in lawe, priuies in right, and priuies in bloode.
Priuies in estate is where a lease is made of the manner of dale to A. for lyfe, the rem [...]ynder to B. in see, there both A. and B. are priuies in estate, for their estates were both made at one time. And soe is [Page 168] it in the first case heare where a lease is made at wil, for life or yeres or a feoffement in fée, y • lessées, or feoffées, are called priuies in estate, & so are their heires &c.
Priuyes in déede is where a lease is made for lyfe, and afterwarde by an other déede the reuersion is graunted to a straunger in fée, thys grauntee of the reuersion is called pryuie in déede, béecause that hée hathe the reuersyon by deede.
Priuie in law [...]is where there is Lorde and tenaunt, the tenaunt lesseth the tenauncye for lyfe and dyeth without heire, and the reuersion escheates to the lord, hée is said priuie in lawe, béecause that hée hath [Page] his estate onely by she lawe, that is to saye by escheat.
Priuie in ryght, is where one possessed of a terme for yeres graunts his estate to an other vppon cōdition, & maketh his executours and dieth, nowe these executors are priuies in right, for if the condityon bee broken, and they enter into the lande, they shall haue it in the right of their testatour, and to his vse. priuie of blade is the heire of y • feoffour or donor &c.
Alsoe if a fine be leuied, the heires of him y t leuied the fine are called priuies.
PRiuiledges are lyberties, and Fraunchises, [Page 169] graunted to an offyce, place, Towne, or manner by the Quéenes great Charter, letters patentes, or act of parliament. As Tolle, sake, Socke, Infangtheefe, vtfangethéefe, turne tolle, oredelfe, and diuers such like, for which looke in their proper titles and places.
Next frende.
NExt frend and warden in Socage is all one, and is where a mā seysed of landes holden in Socage dieth, hys issue within age of 14. yeares, then the next frind, or next of kinne to whom the lands cannot come or discende, shall haue the keepinge of the heire, and of the land, to the only vse of the heire, [Page] vntil he come to the age of 14. yeares, and then at that yeares hée may enter and put him out, and bringe hym to accompt: but in that accompt hée shalbée allowed for all reasonable costes and expences beestowed either vppon the heire, or his land.
And the next frind or next of kynne to whom the inheritaunce cannot discend is thus to be vnderstoode: if the landes discend to the heire from his father, or any of the kyn of his fathers side: thē the mother, or other of the mothers side, are called the next of kynne to whom the inheritāce cannot dyscende, for beefore that it shal so dyscende, it shall rather [Page 170] escheat to the Lorde of whom it is holden: and so it is to be vnderstoode where the landes come to the heire from hys mother or any of y e kyn of his mothers side: Thē the father or other of the fathers side, are called the next of kin to whom the inheritaunce cannot discende: but shal rather escheat to the Lorde of whom it is holden.
Protestation is a sauinge to the partie (that so pleadeth by protestation) to bée concluded by any matter alledged or obiected agaīst him, vpō which he cānot ioin issu: And is no other thing but an exclusion of [Page] the conclusion, for hée that taketh the protestation excludes the other party to conclude hym. And thys protestatyon ought to stand with the sequele of the plea, and not to bée repugnant, or otherwise contrary.
PUrchase is the possess. that a manne hath in landes or tenements by his owne act, meanes or agréement, and not by title of [...]iscent, from any of his auncestours.
QUarentine is where a man dieth seysed of a maner place and other lands whereof his wyfe ought to bée endowed, then the woman shall [Page 171] hold the manner place xl. dayes, within which time her dower shalbée assigned.
But if shée marie w tin the 40. daies, shée shall loose her quarentine.
FIftéene is a payment graunted in parliamēt to the Quéene, by the Temporaltie, namely the 15. part of their goods: And was vsed in auncient tyme, to bée leuied vppon their Cattayle goynge in their groundes, which thynge was very troublesome, and therefore nowe for the most part, that way is altered, and they vse to leuy the same by the yarde, or Acre, or other measure of lande: By meanes whereof it [Page] is nowe lesse troublesome, and more certen, then before it was. And euery Towne, and coū trey doe knowe, what summe is to be payed amonge them, and howe the same shalbe raysed. Wée read that Moyses was the first that did number the people, for he nūbred the Israelits, and therefore the first taxe, subsidy, tribute, or fiftéene was inuented by him amonge the Hebrues, as Polidore Uirgil doth thinke.
REgrator is hée that hath corne, vittailes or other thinges sufficient for his owne necessary néede, occupation, or spendinge, and doth [Page 172] neuerthelesse engrosse, and buy vppe, into hys handes more Corne, vittailes, or other such thinges to the entent to sell the same againe at a highe rand déerer price, in faires, marketes, or such like places.
REioynder, is when the defendant maketh aunswere to the Replication of the plaintyfe.
And euery Reioynder ought to haue these ii. properties specially, that is to say, it ought to bee a sufficient aunswere to the Replication & also to followe and enforce the matter of the barre.
REliefe is sometimes a certen some of money that the heire shall pay to the Lord of whō those landes are holden, which after the discease of his auncestour are to him dyscended as next heire: sometymes it is the payment of an other thinge, and not money: And therefore reliefe is not certen, and a like for all tenures, but euery sundry tenure hath (for the most part) hys speciall reliefe certayne in it selfe: Neyther is it to bée payed alwayes at a certen age, but varyeth therein also acording to the tenure. As if the tenaunt had landes holden by knyghtes seruics [Page 173] (except great Sergeantie) and die his heire being of full age, and helde his lands by the seruice of a whole knightes fée, the Lord of whome that lands are soe holden shal haue of the heire 100. s. in the name of relyefe, And if he helde by lesse then a knightes fée, hee shal pay lesse, and if more then more, hauinge respect alwaies to the rate for euery knightes fée an hundred shillinges. And if hée helde by graunde serieantie (which is alwayes of the Quéene, and is also knightes seruice) then the relyefe shalbée the value of the lande by the yeare, besides al charges issuinge out of the same.
Reliefe that the lorde shal haue for lands holdē [Page] in Socage, is soe much more as the rent that the tenaunt holdeth his lande in Socage by, as if hee holde by a penye rent and die, the lorde shal haue that peny rent, and a peny ouer for reliefe, of what age soeuer the tenaunt be, at the death of his auncestour. And note that insome cases the lord shal haue his reliefe immediatly after the death of his tenaunt, if it soe be, that the tyme of the yeare wil suffre the same to be gotten, as money, corne, flesh, fish, spices, or any such like, and for default of payement, the lorde maye therefore of cōmon right presently distraine.
But in some cases the Lorde must stay for [Page 174] his reliefe a certen time, when necessitie soe constraineth. As if the tenāt helde by a rose, a chery, a strawbery, or such like, & die in winter, he shal not haue reliefe til roses, cheries, and strawberies are naturally fresh and ripe, which is about midsomer, & then he shal haue one for rent, & an other for reliefe.
There is an other kind of reliefe that is payd after the death, change, or alienation of fréeholders that hold in auncient demesne, and otherwise, & is paied as a knowledge of the tenure betwene y e lord and the tenant. The same is not certein how much, But doth vary according to y e custome of the mannour, or tenure, [Page] and is to be presented by the homage or sutours at the next court day of the same maner.
And note that alwaies when the reliefe is due, it must bee payed at one whole payment and not by partes, although that the rent bée to be payed at seueral festes.
REmaynder of lande is the lande that shal remaine after the particuler estate determined, As if one graunt lanoe for terme of yeres or for lyfe, the remaynder to I. S. that is to saye, that when the lease for yeares is determined, or lessée for life is dead, that then y • land shal remaine, shalbe, or abide, with, to, or in I. S.
REplication is when y • defendaunt in any action maketh an aūswere, and the plaintife maketh an aunswere to that, that is called the replicatiō of the plaintife.
REprises, are deductions, payments, and dueties that goe yearely and are payed out of a manour. As rent charge, rent secke, pentions, corodies, annuities, & such like.
REsceit is when an action is brought agaynst the tenaunt for terme of life, or tenaunt for terme of yeres, and he in the reuersion commeth in and praieth to be [Page] receiued to defende the land, and to plede wyth the demaundaunt. And when hée commeth it behoueth that hée bée alway redy to plede with the demaundant.
REseruation is taken diuers waies, & hath diuers natures, as some times by way of exception to kéepe that which a mā had before in him, as if a lease bee made for yeares of ground reseruing y e great trées growing vpon the same, nowe y e lessée may not meddle w t thē nor w t any thing y t commeth by reason of thē so longe as it abideth in, or vpon the trées, as mast of Oke, Chestnut, Aples, or such like, but if they fall from the trées to the ground, [Page] then they are in right the lessées, for y • ground is set to him, and al theruppon not reserued &c.
Sometimes a reseruation doth get and bringe forth an other thynge which was not before. As if a m [...] lease his lāds reseruing yerely for y e sāe xx. li. &c. and diuers other such reseruatiōs thereby.
And note y e in auncient time, their reseruations, were as wel (or for the more part) in victualles whether flesh, fish, corne, bread, drink, or what els, as in mony vntill at the last, and that chiefely in the raigne of kinge Henry the first by agrement, y • reseruation of victuals, was changed into ready money, as it hath hither so since continued,
REtraxit is the preterperfectēce of Retraho compound of Re, and Traho, which make Retraho, to pull backe, and is when the party plaintife or demaundant commeth in proper person into the court where his plea is, and sayth that hée wil not procéede any farder in the same &c. Now this shalbe a barre to the accion for euer.
REeue is an officer, but more knowen in auncient tyme then at thys day: for almost euery manour had then a Réeue, and yet styll in many coppy hold manners (where the old custome any thing preuayleth) [Page 177] the name & offyce is not altogether forgotten: And is in effect that which nowe euery Bailife of a mannour practiseth: Although the name of Bailise was not then in vre amonge vs being since brought in by the Normans: But the name of Réeue, aūciently called Gereue, (which particle (Ge) in continuance of tyme was altogether left out and lost) came from the Saxon woord Gerefa, which signifieth a ruler: And so in déede his rule and aucthoritie was large wythin the compas of his Lordes manour and amonge hys menne and tenauntes as well in matters of gouernement in peace and warre, as in the [Page] skylfull vse and trade of husbandry: For as hée did gather his Lordes rentes, pay Reprises, or duetyes issuings out of the manner: set the seruants to worke, fel & cut down Trées to repaire the buildinges, and enclosures, with diuers such like for his Lordes commoditity: So also he had aucthority to gouerne and kéepe the tenants in peace, and if néede required, to leade them foorth in warre.
REuersion of lande, is a certen estate remayning in the lessour or donour, after the particuler estate and possession conueyed to an other.
[Page 178]And it is called a reuersion in respect of the possessiō seperated from it: so that hée that hath y • one hath not the other at the same time, for béeinge in one body together, there cannot be said a reuersion, beecause by the vnitinge, the one of them is drowned in the other: And so the reuersion of lande, is the land itselfe when it falleth.
RIot is where 3 (at the least) or more doe some vnlawfull act: as to beat a manne, Enter vppon the possess. of an other, or such like.
RObbery is when a mā taketh any thing [Page] from the parson of an other feloniousely, although the thinge so taken bée not to the value but of a peny, yet it is felony, for which the offendor shal suffer death.
ROut, is when people doe assemble themselues together and after doe procéede, or ryde, or goe foorth, or doe moue by the instigation of one, or more who is their leader: This is called a Rout, béecause they do moue, and procéede in Routes and numbers.
Also where many assemble them selues together vpon their owne quarrels and braules, as if the inhabitaunts of a [Page 179] Towne wyll gather them selues together, to breake hedges, wales, ditches, pales, or such like to haue cōmō there, or to beate an other that hath done to them a cō mon displeasure or such like, that is a Rout and agaynst the lawe although they haue not done or put in executyon their mischeuous entent.
SAk, this is plea and correction of trespas of men in your court, because (Sak) in English is Ache [...]ō in french, and Sak is put for Sik as to say for sik sak, also for what hurt, and Sak is put for forfait.
SCot, that is to be quite of a certen custome, as of common tallage made to the vse of y • shirife or his Bailifes.
SHewing that is to bée quit with attachment in any court and before whomsoeuer in plaintes shewed & not auowed.
SOk this is suit of mē in your court according to the custome of y • Realme.
SOkmans, are the tenants in auncient demesne, that holde their lands by Socage, that is by seruice with y • plough, and therefore they are called Sokmans, which is as much to say, as [Page 180] tenants or mē that hold by seruice of the plough, or plowmen. For Sok signifieth a plough.
And these Sokmans, or tenants in aunciēt demesne, haue many and diuers liberties gyuen and graunted to them by the law, as wel these tenants that holde of a common person in auncient demesne as those that hold of the Quéene in auncient demesue: as namely to bée frée from payinge tolle in euery Market, Faire, towne, and Cytie throughout the whole Realme, as well for their goodes and cattels that they sel to others, as for those thynges that they buy for their prouision, of other. And thereuppon [Page] euery of them may sue to haue letters patentes vnder y e Quéenes seale directed to her officers, & to y e Maires, Bailifes & other officers in the Realme to suffer them to bée tolle frée. Also to bée quit of pōtage, murage, and passage, as also of taxes and tallages graū ted by parlyament, except that the Quéene taxe auncien demesne as shée may at her pleasure for some great cause. Also to bée frée frō payments towardes the expenses▪ of the knightes of the Shire y t come to the parliament.
And if the shirife will distreine them or any of them to bée contributory for their lands in auncyent demesne, then one of thē or all as [Page 181] the case requireth maye sue a writ directed to the shirife cōmaunding him that hée doe not compell them to bée contrybutories to the expenses of the knightes, and the same writte doth commaunde him alsoe, that if he haue alreadye dystrayned them therfore, that hée redelyuer the same distresse.
Alsoe that they ought not to bée impanelled, nor put in iuries and enquestes in the countrey out of their manner or lordship of auncyen demesne, for the lands that they holde there (except that they haue other lāds at the common lawe, for which they ought to be charged) and if the sherife doe returne them in panelles, then they [Page] may haue a writ against him de non ponen dis in assisis et iuratis. And if he doe to the contrarye, then lieth an attachmēt vpon y t against him. And so it is also, if the bailifes of fraunchises that haue returne of writtes will returne any of the tenauntes which holde in aunciēt demesne in assises or iures.
And also to be exempt from leetes, and the shirifes turne, wyth dyuers other such like lyberties.
SPoliation is a suit for the fruites of a church or for the church itselfe, and is to bee sued in the spyrytuall Court, and not in our courtes. And thys suyt lyeth for one [Page 182] incumbent against an other incumbent, where they both claime by one patron, and where the ryght of the patronage doth not come in question or debate. As if a parsonne be created a Bishoppe, and hath dispensation to kéepe his be nefice still, and afterwarde the patron presents an other incumbēt which is instituted, & inducted: Now y e Bishop may haue agaynst that incumbent a Spoliation in the spiritual court, because they clayme both by one patron, and the ryght of the patronage doth not come in debate, and béecause that the other incumbent came to the possessiō of y e benefice [Page] by the couse of the spirituall lawe, that is to say by institutyon and induction, soe that he hath couler to haue it and to bee person by the spiritual lawe, for otherwise if he be not instituted and inducted &c. spoliatyon lieth not against hym, but rather a writ of trespas, or an assise of nouel disseisin &c.
Soe it is alsoe where a person doth accept an other benefice, by reason whereof the patron presentes an other clerke whoe is instituted and inducted, nowe the one of them may haue spoliation against the other, & thē shal come in debate if he haue plurality or not. And so it is of depriuation &c.
The same lawe, is [Page 183] where one sayeth to the patron, that his clerke is deade, where vppon hée presentes an other. There the first incumbent which was supposed to be deade may haue a spoliation agaynst the other, and soe in diuers other such like cases.
STallage that is to bée quite of a certeine custome exacted for y e streat takē or assigned in faires and markets.
Suit couenant.
SUit couenant is when your auncestours haue couenaunted wyth my auncestors to sue to the court of my auncestors.
Suit custome.
[Page]SUit custome is when I and my auncestours haue bene seysed of your owne suitand your auncestours, tyme out of minde &c.
Suit rial.
SUit [...]al is when men come to the shiriffes tourne or léets, to which court al men shalbee cō pelled to come to knowe the lawes, soe that they shall not be ignorant of the thinges that shalbée declared there howe they shalbe gouerned. And it is called rial suyt because of their allegeaunce, and thys appereth by common experience when one is sworne, his othe is that hée shalbe a loyall and faythfull manne to the Quéene. And thys suyt is not for the [Page 184] lande which hée holdeth within the Countie, but by reason of his person, and hys abode there, and ought to bée done twise a yere, for defaut whereof, he shalbe amerced and not distrayned.
Suit seruice.
SUit seruice is to sue to the sherifes tourne or léete, or to the lordes court frō iij. wekes to iij. wekes by y • whole yere, & for default thereof, a [...] shalbee distrayned and not amerced. And this suit seruice is by reason of the tenure of a mans landes.
Taxe and Tallage.
TAxe and Tallage, are payments as tenthes, fiftenthes, subsydyes, [Page] or such like graunted to the Queene by Parlyament.
The tenaunts in auncien demeane are quite of these texes & tallages graunted by parliament except y • the Quéene do taxe aūctēt demesne, as she may whē she thinks good for some great cause Sée auncient demesne.
Tenure in capite.
TEnure in capite is where any holde of y • Queene as of her person beinge Quéene, and of her Crowne as of a Lordshippe by it selfe in grosse, & in chiefe aboue al other lordshipes. And not wher they hold of her as of any manor, honor, or castel, except certein auncient honors, which appere in the Eschequer.
TEstament is thus defined or expounded in master Plowdēs comentaries, a testament is the witnesse of the mind, and is compound of these 2. words testatio & mentis, which so signifieth, truth is, that atestament is a witnes of the mynde, but that it is a compoūd word, Aulus Gelliꝰ in his vi. booke ca. 12. doth deny y • same to an excellent lawyer one Seruius, sulpitius, & saith that it is a simple word, as are these: Calciamentum, Paludamentum, pauimentum, & dyuers such like: And much lesse is aggreamentum a compounde woorde of aggregatio, and mentium as is sayde before in that [Page] title, for there is no such latin word simple or cō pound, but it may neuerthelesse serue well for a lawe lattyn woorde.
And therefore thus it may be better defined: A testament is the true declaration of our last will of that wée would to bée don after our death &c. And of testamēts there bée ii. sortes, namely a testament in writinge, & a testamēt by wordes, which is called a nuncupatiue testament.
The first is alwayes in writing as is sayd.
The other is when a man being sicke, and for feare least death or want of memory, or of speach, should come soe soddenly and hastely vppon hym that hée should be [Page 186] preuented if hée stayed the writinge of hys testament, desireth hys neyghbours and frends to beare witnesse of hys last wil, and then declareth the same presently by wordes before them, which after his decease in proued by witnesses, and put in writinge by the ordinary, and then standeth in as good force (except for lands) as if it had at y • first in the lyfe of the testatour byn put in writinge.
THem, that is y • you shall haue all y • generation of your vill [...]ynes with their sutes & cattel wheresoouer they shalbe sound in Englād [...]cent that if any [...] shall remayne [...] yeare, and a day in any [Page] priuiledged towne so y • hee shalbée receaued into their cōmmaltie or guild as one of them, by that meanes hée is deliuered from villenage.
THefebote is when a mā taketh any goods of a theefe to fauour and maintaine him: And not when a man taketh hys owne goodes that were stolne from him &c. The punishment in auncient time of theefeboote was of life and member: But now at this day Master Stamford sayth it is punished by raūsome, and imprisōmēt but enquire farder for I thinke it bée felony.
TItle, is where a lawful cause is c [...]e vpon a man [Page 187] to haue a thing which an other hath, & hee hath no action for y • same, as title of mortmam, or to ē ter for breach of a cōditiō
Title of entrie.
TItle of entrie, is whē one seysed of lande in fee maketh a feoffement thereof vpon condition, and the condrtyon is broken: Nowe after the condition thus broken, the feoffour hath title to enter into y e land and may so doe at hys pleasure, and by hys entrie the fréeholde shalbe sayd to bée in him prepresently. And it is called title of entrie, because that hée cannot haue a writ of right agaynst his feoffée vpō cōdition: For his right was out of him by the feoffemēt, which cannot be reduced without entrie, & the entrie [Page] must be for the breach of the condition.
Tolle, or Tolne.
TOlle or tolne, is most properly a payment vsed in Cities, Townes Markets, and faires for goodes & cattell brought thither to bee bought and sold: And is alwayes to bée payed by the buyer, and not by the seller, except there bee some custome otherwise.
There are diuers other tolles, as turne tolle and that is where tolle is payed for bestes that are driuen to bée solde although that they bée not sold in déede.
Also tolle trauers, that is where one claymeth to haue an halpeny or such lyke tolle of euery [Page 188] best that is driuen ouer his ground.
Through tol, is where a Towne prescribes to haue tolle for euery best that goeth through their Towne a certen: or for euery score or hundred a certen, which séemeth not to be so vnreasonable a prescription or custōe assōe haue thought, although it bée through the Quéenes high way (as they call it) where euery man may lawfully goe, if that there bée one thinge for an other, as if there bée a bridge or such like commodity prouided at the costes & charges of the Towne, for the ease of trauailers y • driue that way, whereby their Journey is either shortned or bettered, why then may not [Page] [...] [Page 188] [...] [Page] tolle bée lawfully, and wyth good reason demaunded of them &c. But diuers Citizens & Townes men are frée frō paying tolle by grāt of the Quéene, or her aūcestours, or do claime the same by prescription or custome. So also spiritual persons, and religious men (as they call thē) were quit of paying tolle for their goodes and marchandises bought & sold, but now the statute of kinge H. 8. wyll that they shall not marchandize: But enquire whether y e intent of y e statute be obserued among thē at this day or not, some say it is not.
Also tenāts in auncient demesne ought to be quit thorough the whole Realme of payinge tolle, [Page 189] as appereth before in y e title Sokemans. And in all these cases where tolle is demaūded where it ought not to bée payed of them that shoulde goe, buy, and sell tolle frée, there the party or parties greued may haue a writ, De essendi quietum de tolonio, against hym or them that soe demaunde tolle contrarye to the Quéene or her progenitours graunt, or contrarye to custome or prescription.
Sheriffes tourne.
SHeriffes Tourne is a court of Rceorde in al thinges that parteyne to the tourne. And it is the Quéenes léete thorowe al the County, and the sherife is iudge. And whosoeuer hath a léete, [Page] hath the same aucthority w tin y • prcint, as y e shrufe hath w tin the tourne.
Treasure found.
TReasure found is whē any mony, gold, or siluer, plate, or bolleyne, is found in any place, and noe manne knoweth to whom the propertye is, then the property therof belongeth to the Quéene, and that is called treasure troue, that is to saye, treasure founde. But if any myne of mettal bée founde in any grounde, that alwaye pertayneth to the lord of the soile, excepte it bée a myne of gold or siluer which shall be to y e Quéene in whose grounde soeuer it bee founde.
[Page 190]VIewe is when anye action real is brought & the tenāt knoweth not wel what lande it is that the demaundant asketh, then the tenantshal pray the viewe, that is to say, y t he may see y e lād which he claimeth. But if the tenant hath had the viewe in one writ, and after the writte is abated by mysnaminge of the towne, or by ioynture, and after the demaundaunte bringeth another writte against the tenant, then the tenant shal not haue the viewe in the seconde writ.
VIscount is a magistrate, and officer, of great aucthoritie, whom wee cōmonly cal (Sherife) or to speake more [Page] truely (Shire reue) and was at the first called (Shiregereue) y • is to say the keeper of the Shire, or the reue or ruler of the shire, for (Gereue) being deryued of the Saxon woorde ( Gereccan to rule) was first called (Gerecfa) and then (Gerefa) which betokeneth a ruler. And hereof commeth (Portreue) or rather (Portgereue) a nā [...] that in olde tyme was geuen to the head officer of a towne, and signifieth the ruler of the town for that (Port) comming of y • Latine worde portus) signifieth a port towne, And (Gereue) beinge deriued as is aforesaid, signifieth a ruler, soe that (Portgereue) or (as we nowe shorter speake it) [Page 191] (Portreue) is the ruler of the towne.
And thus was the head officer or gouernour of the Citie of Londō long synce (before they had y • name of Maier or Bailife) called, as it doth appere in diuers old monuments: But chiefely in the Saxon Charter of William bastard y • cenquerour, which thus beginneth. William cheking, gréeteth William the Bishoppe, and Godfrey the Portreue, and al the Citizens that in Lō don bée &c.
So also they of Germany (from whom wée & our language together first came) call amonge thē one gouernour burgréeue, an other Margreue, & an other landsgreue [Page] with such like &c.
Thus much is saide onely to shewe y • right Etymon and antiquity of the word (Shirife) to which officer, our common lawe hath alwaies accordingly giuen great trust, and aucthoritie, as to bee a speciall preseruer of the peace: and therefore all obligations that he takes to y • same end, are as recognisances in lawe. Hée also is a iudge of record, when he holdes the Léetes or tournes which ar courts of record.
Also hée hath the returne of writs, and impanelling of Juries, and such like &c.
VOucher is when a Precipe qd' redd' of [Page 192] lande is brought against a man, & an other ought to warrant the land to y • tenant, then the tenaunt shal vouch him to warranty, and theruppon he shal haue a writte called Summonias ad warrantizādum, & if y • shirife returne, y • he hath nothing by the which he may bée summoned, then there shal go forth a writ called Sequater sub suo periculo, & whē he commeth hée shall plede wyth the demaundaunt, and if he come not, or if hee come and cannot barre the demaundant, then the demaundaunt shal recouer the land against the tenant, & the tenāt shal recouer asmuch land in value agaynst the vouche, and thereuppon he shall haue a writ called capias [Page] ad valenciam vers le vouch.
VSes de terre ad son cōmencement ap̄s que le custome de ꝓperty comence enter homes, Come ou vn esteant seisie de terres en fee simple, fait vn feffem̄t al vn aut' sans ascun cōsiderac', mes solem̄t meaning q'le auter serroit seisie al sō vse, et q' il m̄ voile prender le cōmodity et profits de les terres et q'le feffee doit aū le possessiō et franketenement de ceo al mesme le vse &c. Ore apres ceo, sur bone considerations, et pur auoyder diuers mischiefes & inconueniences, suit le statut [Page 193] of an. 27. H. 8. cap. 10. prouided, which vniteth the vse and possession together, so that who hath the vse of land, the same hath the possess. thereof, by vertue of that estatute.
VSury is a gayne of any thynge aboue the principall, or that whych was lent, exacted onely in consideration of the loane, whether it bee of corne, meat apparel, wares, or such like, as of money. And here much might be said and manie cases might be put concerninge vsurie, which of purpose I omit, onely I wyshe, that they who accompt them selues religious [Page] and good christiās, would not deceyue them selues by couller of the statute of vsurie, because it saieth that it shal not be lawful for any to take aboue x. li. in the 100. li. for a yere &c. whereby they gather (although falsely) that they may therefore take x. li. for y • lone of a 100. li. with a good conscience because the statut doth after a sort dispence withal (for that it doth not punishe such takynge) which thing it cannot do with the lawes and ordinances of god, for god wil haue hys decrées to bée kept inuiolable, who sayth, lēd looking for nothinge thereby &c. By which wordes is excluded, either the takinge of xl. li. v. pounde, yea or [Page 194] of one peny aboue the principal: But rather let such thinke that that statute was made vpō like cause that moued Moyses to giue a byll of dyuorce to y • Isralites, as namely to auoyd a greater mischiefe, & for the hardnesse of their harts.
VTlawrie is whē an exigent goeth foorth against any man, & proclamation made at v. counties, then at the v. county if the def. appere not, y e coroner shall giue iudgment that he shalbe out of the protectyon of the Queene, & out of the eyde of the lawe: and by such an vtlary in actions personals, the party outlawed shall forfayt all his goodes and cattels to [Page] the burden or trouble of the goodes: for hys ease sake and more spéedy trauaylinge, without hu [...] & crye, flyeth away, and leaueth the goodes or any part of them behynd him &c. Then y • Quéens officer, or the Réeue, or Bailife to the Lorde of the mannour (wythin whose Jurisdictyon or circuit they were left) that by prescriptyon, or graūt from the Quéene hath the fraunchyse of wayfe: may seyse the goods so wayued to their Lordes vse, whoe may kéepe them as his owne proprr goods: except that the owner come w t fresh suite after the felon, and sue an appell, or gyue in euidēce against hī at his arrainmēt vpō y • indictment, [Page] and be attainted thereof &c. In which cases the first owner shall haue restitution of hys goodes so stollen & wayued.
But although as hath bin said waife is properly of goodes stolne: yet waife may [...]ée also of goods y • are not stolne: as if a man be pursued with hue, and crye, as a felon, and he flieth, and leaueth his owne goods &c. these shalbée taken as goodes wayued, and forfait as if they had byn stolne.
WAiue is a woman that is vtlawed, & shée is called wayue, as left out or forsaken of the law: & not an vtlawe as a man is: For wemen [Page] are not sworne in léetes to the Quéene, nor to y • lawe, as men are, who therefore are within the lawe, whereas wemen are not, and for y t cause they cannot besaid out of the lawe in so much as they neuer were w tin it: But a man is called vtlawe, because that hée was once sworne to the lawe: and nowe for contempt hée is put out of the lawe, and is called vtlaw, as one should say without benefite of the lawe.
WArwite (or wardwite as some copies haue it) that is to be quite of giuing of money for kéepinge of watches.
WReke or varech as the Normans frō whō it cāe cal it, is where a ship is perished on the sea, and no man escapeth a lyue out of the same, and the shippe, or part of the shippe so perished, or the goodes of the ship come to the lande of any Lorde, the lorde shall haue that as a wrecke of the sea, but if a man, or a dogg, or cat, escape a liue, so y t the party to whōe y • goodes belonge come w t in a yere and a day and proue the goodes to bée his, he shal haue them a gayne, by prouision of the statute of Westminster the first cap. 4. made in king Ed. 1. daies, who therin followed the decrée of Henry the first, [Page] before whose dayes, if a shippe had bene cast on shore, torne wyth tempest, and were not repayred by such as escaped on lyue wythin a certeyne tyme, that then thys was taken for wrecke.
The olde Tenures.
Seruice de chiualer.
TO holde by knightes seruice, is to holde by homage, fealty, and escuage, and it draweth to it warde, mariage, & reliefe, and know thou that knights seruice is seruice of landes or tenementes to beare armes in warre in the defence of the Kealme, and it o weth ward & mariage by reasō that none is able nor of power, nor may haue knowledge to beare armes, before y t he be of y e age of 21. yeres. And for so much that the Lorde shall not léese that that of ryght hée ought to haue, and y t the power of the realme, nothinge be made weke. The lawe wil because of his tēder age, y t y e [Page] Lord him shall haue in his ward till the full age of him, that is to say xxi. yeres.
Graund serieantie.
To hold by graund serieanty is as if a man hold certain lands or tenementes of the king to go w t him in hys hoste, or to beare hys banner w t him in his warres, or to leade hys hoste, or such like, and thereto belongeth warde mariage and reliefe, as it appereth in y e tretise of wards and reliefes in the statute made the 28. of Edwarde the I.
Petit Serieantie.
¶ To hold by petit serieantie is as if a mā hold of the kinge lands or tementes, yelding to him a knife, a buckler, an Arrowe, a Bowe without string, or other [Page 199] like seruice at the will of the firste feoffour, and there belōgeth not ward mariage ne reliefe. And marke well that a man may not holde by graūd nor petit serieantie, but of the king.
¶To holde by escuage is by knight seruice, and there belongeth warde, mariage, and relief. And marke wel that a man may not holde by escuage, bnt that he hold by homage, for that escuage of common ryght draweth to him homage, as it was indged Termino H. 21. E. 3. cap. 42. fol. 52. Auowrye 115. And note wel, that escuage is a certeine somme [Page] of money, and it ought to be leuied by the Lord of hys tenaunt after the quantitie of his tenure, when escuage runneth by all Englande. And it is ordeined by al the coū sell of Englande howe much euery tenant shall geue to his lord, & that is properly for to maintein the warrrs béetwéene Englande, and them of Scotlande or of Wales, and not betwene other lands, for that, that those foresayed landes shoulde bee of right belonginge to the Realme of Englande.
Homage auncestrel.
¶ To holde by homage auncestrel is where I or my aūcestors haue holdē of you & of your auncestors frō time out of mind [Page 200] whereof no mynde runneth, by homage, fealtye and certayne rent. And it is not to holde by knightes seruice, and there belōgeth not ward maryage, nor relyefe. And note well that homage maye bée sayed in two manners, that is to say, homage auncestrell, and homage de fayt. Homage auncestrell is there, where you or your auncestours haue holden of me and myne auncestors duringe the time of mans remēbrance by homage, fealty, & rent. Homage de fayt is there, where I enfeoffe your selfe, to hold of me by homage and rent, and in soe much that this homage beginneth by my deede, it is called homage de fait. [Page] And note wel y t homage aū [...]strel draweth to him voucher, y t is to say, warrantie of aūcestours, but not homage de fait.
Curtesie dengleterre.
¶ To hold by the curtesy of Englande is, there where a man taketh a wife inheritrix, and they haue issu a sōne or daughter, and the wife dieth, whether y e issue be deade or a liue, y e husbande shal hold this lād for terme of his life by the curtesie of England, and by y e law. And in this case the fée, and the right remaineth in the person of hym of whome he holdeth. And for that this tenant may not alien in fée, nor for terme of anothers lyfe, and if he doe, it is lawful to him in the reuersion to enter.
Fee simple.
¶ To holde in fee simple [Page 201] is to holde to any man or woman, to him and to his heires, and to his assignes for euermore.
Franke tenure.
¶ To hold in frée hold is to holde for terme of his own life, or for term of an other mannes life, And in this case the fée & the right remaineth in y • person of him, of whom he holdeth. And for that this tenāt may not aliē ī fée nor for term of life: And if he doe, it is well lawful to him in whom the fée and the right abydeth to enter.
¶ To hold in dower, is where a man inherit taketh a wife and dieth, y e heire shal enter, and endowe the wife of y e third part of al that that was to her husbande in hys [Page] life, in fée simple or fée taile, and shée shall holde these landes for terme of her life as her frée holde.
Terme dans.
¶ To holde for terme of yeres is not but chattel ī effect, for no action is mayntenable against y • termour, for the recouering of the fréehold, for no fréehold is in hym. A lease for terme of yeres is a chattel real, and the other chattel personall, & al goodes which are remouable are chattelles personals.
¶ To holde in morgage is to hold for a certayne terme vpon condition, y • if the lessour pay so much money at such a day, that he may enter, and if not, that the other shall haue a fée simple or fée tayle, or frée holde. And in [Page 202] euery case where landes or tenements be géeuen to a manfor a certaine terme vpon condition of the part of the lessor for to make y • lessee to haue more lōg time or terme, if the other do not as the condition is, the landes and tenementes vntyll the day that the condytion should bee done, bée holden in morgage, as in a deade gage.
¶ And note well that if land be let to a man in morgage in fée simple or in fée tayle vpon condition, that if the first lessour, as is before sayd, pay so much money at such a day that hée may enter, & if not, that the lessée haue the sāe estate in the lands, that the lessour did him graunt at y • [...]eginnynge. And if before the day assygned, [Page] the lessée be disseysed, he shal haue assise of nouel disseisin. And in case that if the lessée take a wife & die lessed before the day assigned, the womā shall bée endowed.
And note wel, that if y e lessour after the death of the lessée pay not the mony at y • day assigned, then y • woman shal hold her dower, and the issue her heritage. And in case the lessour at y e day assigned pay the money to the heire of the lessée, then he may put out the woman and the heire also, of all the lande first let. And if a man géeue landes to an other in the tail, yelding to him a certaine rent by the yeare, & one entre for defaut of paimēt, y • donée taketh [Page 203] a wife and dieth seysed the woman shalbee indowed. And in case that after the rent be behind, the donour may enter & put out the woman and the heire also. And note well, that if landes bée let to a man in morgage in fée vppon condition, the lessée doth alien, the lessour shalbée charged to pay the money to the alienée, & not to the seffée as it is said.
¶ To holde in burgage is to holde as if the burgeis holde of the king, or of another Lord lands or tenementes, yeldinge to him a certain rent by y • yere, or els there where another man then burgeis holdeth of any Lord landes or tenementes [Page] in burgage yeldinge to him a certayne rent by yeare.
¶ To hold in socage, is to hold of any lord lands or tenements yelding to him a certaine rent by y e yeare for all maner seruices. And note wel that to hold by socage is not to hold by knightes seruice, nor there longeth ward, mariage, nor reliefe. But they shal double once their rent after the death of their auncestours according to that, y t they be wont to pay to their Lorde. And they shall not bée ouer measure greued, as it appereth in the treatyse of wards and reliefes. And note well y t socage may bée sayde in thrée manners, that is to say. Socage in free tenure, [Page 204] Socage in auncient tenure, & Socage in base tenure. Socage in frée tenure is to holde fréely by certaine rent for all maner of seruices as is before sayd, and of that the next kms body shall haue the ward to whom the heritage may not discend, til the age of xiiii. yeares, that is to say, if the heritage come by the part of the father they of the parte of y e mother shal haue the ward, & cō trary wise.
¶ And note wel that if the gardeine in socage do make wast he shall not bée peched of wast, but hée shall yelde accompt to the heire when hée shall come to his full age of xxi. yeares, and looke the Statute of Marlebridge cap. xvij. for thys [Page] matter. Socage in aunciēt tenure is that where the people in aunciēt demesne helde, whych vse no other wrytte to haue then the writte of ryght close which shalbe determined according to the custome of the mannour and the Monstrauerunt for to discharge thē whē their Lorde distrayneth them for to do other seruice that they ought not to do. And thys writ of Monstrauerunt ought to be brought against the lord, & those tenants hold al by one certain seruice, & these bée frée tenantes of auncient demesne.
Socage in base tenure is where a man holdeth in auncient demesne, that may not haue the monstrauerunt, and for that it is called y • base tenure.
[Page 207]¶ To holde in fée ferme is to holde in fee simple yeldinge to the lorde the value, or at the least the fourth part by yere, and hée oughte to doe noe other thinge, but as it is cōteined in the feffemēt, and hee that holdeth in fée ferme ought to doe fealty and not reliefe.
Franke fee.
¶ To holde in franke fée is to holde in fée simple landes pledable at the cō mon lawe.
Base fee.
¶ To holde in fée base is to holde at the wil of the Lorde.
¶ To holde in pure vyllenage, is to doe al that y e Lorde wyll him commaunde.
¶ The definitiō of villenage is villein of bloude, and of tenure, And it [Page] is he of whome the Lord taketh redemptyon to mary his daughter, & to make him frée, & it is hée whom the lord may put out of his lāds and tenements at his wil, & alsoe of al his goods and cattel. And note wel y t a sokmā is no pure villeine, nor a villeine oweth not ward mariage nor reliefe, nor to do any other seruices real. And note wel that the tenure in vyllenage shall make noe frée man villeine, if it be not continued sith tyme oute of mynde, nor vyllayn land shal make no frée manne villeine, nor frée lande shall make noe villeine frée, except that the tenāt haue contynued frée sith the tyme of noe minde, but a villeine shal make frée land villein by seysin [Page 206] or claime of y e lord. And note wel that if a villain purchase certaine land, & take a wife, & alien and dieth before the claime or seysin of y e lord, y e wife shalbée endowed. And note wel, y t in case that the lord bring a Precipe quod reddat against the alien the which voncheth to warraunt the issue of the villaine which is villeine to the Lorde, hée shal haue the voucher, & by protestation y e Lorde may say that (notwithstandinge that hee plede with his villeine) yet his villeine shall not bée enfraunchised. And note well that a bastarde shall neuer bee iudged bylleyne, but by knowledge in court of recorde. And note well that if det be due by a Lord to a [Page] free man, and he maketh two men his executours the which bée villeynes to the sayed Lorde and dyeth, the villeines shall haue an actyon of dette agaynst their Lorde, notwythstandinge that he plede with them. And if he make protestation they shall not bée for so much enfraunchised, for that that they be to recouer the dette aforesaid to the vse of an other person that is to say to the vse of their testatour and not to their owne vse. And if the tenāt in dower haue a villeine which purchaseth certaine land in fee, and after the tenaunt in dower entreth, shée shal haue the land to her & to her heires for euer more, & the same lawe is of tenaunt [Page 207] for terme of yeres of a villein.
And note wel that the Lorde may roble his villain, bete and chastice at his wil, saue onely that he may not maime him, for then he shal haue appell of mayme agaynste him.
¶ And note well, that a villaine may haue iij. actions against his lorde, y t is to say appel of death of his aunce stour, appel of rape don to his wife, & appel of maime. And note well, if two parceners bring a writ of Nyefe, & one of thē be nonsute, the nonsuite of hym shalbée iudged y t consuit of them both, soe that if the nonsuite be after apparance, they shalbée put oute from that actiō for euer, [Page] for the lawe is such in fauour of liberty. And note well, if two haue a vylleine in comen, & one of them make to him a manumission, he shal not be made frée against both. And note wel, that in a writ de Natiuo habendo, it behoueth that the lorde shewe howe hee cōmeth priuy of the bloode of the villeine of whome hée is Lorde &c. And if hée, nor none of hys auncestours were not seysed of none of hys blood, he shall not wynne by his action, if y • villein haue not knowledged in court of record him selfe to bée his villein. And note wel, that in a writ of Niefe may not be put more niefes then ij. & this was first brought in in y • hatred of [Page 208] bondage. But in a writ de Libertate probanda, may bée put as manye nyefes as the plaintife will.
¶ And note well that if the vylleyne of a Lorde bée in auncien demesne of y e king, or other towne priuileged, within a yere and a day, the lorde may seise him, and if he dwel in the same towne or other place fraunchised by a yere and a daye without seisin of the Lord, he hath noe power to seyse him after, if hée goe not in estraie out of the foresaid fraunches.
¶ To hold in the taile is, where a man holdeth certaine lāds or tenements, [Page] to him and to his heires of hys body béegotten. And note wel, that if y • land be géeuen to a man and to his heires males, and hée hath issue male, hee hath fée simple, and that was adiudged in y e parliament of our Lord the kynge. But where landes or tenementes bée géeuen to a man and to his heirs males of his body begotten, then hée hath fée tayle, and the issue female shal not bée enheritable, as it appereth the xiiii. yere of Edward the third in assise.
Taile apres possibilitie.
¶ To hold in the taile after possibilitie of issue extinct is, where lād is geuē to a mā & to his wife & to the heires of their ii. bodyes ingendred, and one of them ouerlyueth [Page 211] the other wythout issue betwéene them béegotten, hée shall holde the lande for terme of hys owne life, as tenaunt in the taile after possibilitie of issue extinct. And not withstanding that he do wast, he shal neuer be impeched of that wast. And note that if hée alien, hée in the reuersion shal not haue a writte of entre in consimili casu. But hée may enter, and hys entre is lawfull per Robertum Thorpe chiefe Justice.
¶ To holde in frankemariage is to holde in the seconde tayle lymit in the statute of Westminster seconde cap. 1. And the feoffour shal acquite y • feoffée of al maner of seruices vnto y e 5. degrée be past, and y e feffour [Page] shal do all the seruice and suites duringe y e sayde terme. And after the heires of the feoffée shall doe it, for that that the priuitie of bloud is past. And if hée bée distrained for seruyce, hée shal haue a writ of Mesne agaīst him supposing that he held the lands of him, but he shal not haue the foreiudgement if it be not in aduauntage of his issues.
And note well, that after the fowerth degrée be past, he shall bee attendaunt of as much seruice to the donour, as the donour is attendant to the Lord paramount. And if hée do felony for which he is attaint, the king shal haue his lands for terme of his life naturall. [Page 212] And after hys death, hys issue shal inheryte, as by force of the tayle. And in this case, none shall haue hys lands by way of eschete, no more then in any other taile. And in case that the tenant die without heire of hys body begotten, the lande shall reuert to the donour as it shoulde in the common tayle. And if a manne let his land to another in franke mariage yeldynge to hym a certayne rent by yeare, hée shall hold this land in the common tayle, and not in frankemariage for by the rent reserued, these woordes ( in liberum maritagium) bée al vtterly voyd, so that y • tenure shalbée intended [Page] after the tenure in the common taile.
And note wel that the gift in franke mariage hath a condition annexed to it, notwithstanding that it be not openly declared in the déede of the gift as it appereth by the statut of westin̄ second, ca. primo, de Donis cō dicionalibus.
And note wel that a manne shall not géeue landes nor tenementes in frankemariage, but where the womanne is priuie of bloud to the donour, [...] else the m [...]e nor the womā shal haue no other estate by the feoffement but for term of life.
Frank almoigne.
To holde in franke almoigne is to hold landes or tenements for to serue Godde and holye [Page 213] Church to endow without doynge any other manner of seruice. And note, well that in thys case the donor is mosne, and oughtto acquite him fréely against the chiefe Lorde, and also they that holde in frankealmoigne shall doe no fealtie, but they that hold in franke mariage, shall do fealtie.
To hold by Elegit is where a manne hath recouered debt or dammage by a writ against another or by confessyon or in other manner, hée shal haue within the yere against hym a writte Judicial called Elegit to haue execution of the halfe of al his lāds and cattels, (except oxen and bestes of the plowe) [Page] tyll the debt or dammages hée vtterly leuied or payed to him, & duringe the terme hée is tenant by Elegit. And note wel if hee bée put out within y e terme he shall haue assyse of nouell disseysin, and after a redisseisin if néede be, and thys is géeuen by the statut of Westminster 2. ca. 18. and also by the equity of the same statute, he that hath his estate if hée bée put out shall haue assise and a redisseisin if néede be, and also if hée make his executours and dye, and his executours enter and after be put out, they shall haue by the equity of the same statute such action as hée hym selfe before said, but if he be put out, & after make hys executours and dye, [Page 214] his executours may enter, and if they be stopped of their entre, they shall haue a writte of trespas vpon their matter and case.
And note well if hée do wast in al the lande or parcell, the other shall haue against him immediatly a writte Judicyall out of the first recorde called a venire facias ad computandū, by which it shalbée inquired if hée haue leuied all the money or parcel, and if he haue not leuied thē money, then it shalbe in quired to how much the wast amounteth, and if the wast amount but to parcel, then asmuch of y e mony, as y e wast amoū teth shalbée abridged of [Page] y • foresaid money which was to be leuied. But if he haue done more wast then the foresaid summe of money which was to be leuied amounteth, the other shall bée discharged by and by of all the said money, and shal recouer the land, and for the superfluity of y • wast made aboue that that amounteth to the sayde summe, hée shal recouer his dāmages single, and the same lawe is of hys executours, & also of him that hath his estate. And note that if hée alien in fée or for terme of life, or in tayle all or parcell of the lād which he holdeth by Elegit, if y • alienation bée made w tin the terme or after, hée which hath right shalhaue against hi [Page 215] one assise of nouel dis [...]cisine. And they both must be put in the au [...]se the alienor and the alienée, and notwythstandinge that the alienour die presētly, yet he which hath right shal haue an assise against the alienée alone as if the alienour had bene a playne tenant for terme of yeres, and that is by the equitie of the statut of W. 2. cap. 25. for that that he hath not but a chattel in effect, and the same law is of his executours and of him which hath hys estate as is aforesaid.
And note wel that in an Elegit, if the shirife retorne y • he had nothinge y • day of there conusance made, but y • he purchased lands after the tyme, then the partye plaintife [Page] shal haue a newe writto haue execution thereof, the same lawe is of a statute merchaunt. And note wel that after a fiery facias a mā may haue the Elegit, but not contrary wise, for soe much y • the Elegit is of more higher nature then thefieri facias. And note wel that if a man recouer by a writte of debt and sueth a fieri facias, and the shirife retourne that the party hath nothig where of hee maye make grée with the party, then the plaintife shal haue a capi as sicut alias, and a pluries, and if the shirife retourne at the capias mitto vobis corpus, and hée haue nothinge whereof hée may make grée to y • party, he shalbée sent to the prison of the Fléet, & [Page 216] there shal abide tyll hée haue made agrement w t the party, & if y • shirife retourne non est inuentus then there shall goe forth an exigent against hym. And note wel y • in a writ of debt brought against a personne of holy church, which hath nothinge of lay fée, & y • shirife retourneth, y • he hath nought by which he may be summo ned, then shall the plaintife sue a writ to the Bishop that hée make hys clerke to come, and the bishop shal make hym [...]o come by sequestration of y • church. And note wel, y • if a man bringe a writ of debt & recouer, & make his executors & dieth, they shal haue executiō not w t standing y • it be within y • yere by a fieri facias.
Statut merchant.
6 To holde by Statute [Page] merchaunt, is where a man knowlegeth to pay certayne money to another at a certaine day before the maior, bailife, or other wardē of any town y t hath power to make execution of the same statute, & if y e obligée pay not y • debt at y e day, & nothing of his goods, lands, or tenementes may be found within the warde of the maior or warden béefore saied, but in other places without, thē y e reconisée shal sue the reconisaunce & obligatiō w t a certification to the chauncery vnder the kinges seale, & he shal haue out of the chaū cery a capias to y e shirife of y e coūty where he is to take him & to put hym in prison, if hée bée not a clarke, til hée bée not a clarke, til hée haue made gréement of y e debt. And [Page 217] one quarter of the yere after that, that hée shalbée taken, hée shall haue his lād deliuered to himselfe to make gree to y e party of the debt, & he may selit while he is in prison, and his sale shalbe good & law ful. And if he do not grée w tin a quarter of a yere, or if it be retourned that he be not foūd, then y • reconisée may haue a writ of the chauncery which is called Extendi sacias, direct to al shirifs, where hée hath landes, to extende hys landes and goods, & to deliuer y e goods to him, and to seise him in hys landes, to holde them to him and to hys heires and his assignes, til that the debts be leuied or payed, and for that tyme hée is tenaunt by [Page] statut merchaunt. And note wei, that in a statute merchaunt the reconisée shall haue executyon of al the landes which the reconisour hadde the daye of the reconisaunce made, and any tyme after, by force of the same estatute. And note well, that when any waste or destruction is made by the reconisée, his executors, or by him that hath estate, the reconisour or his executours shal haue the same lawe as is before sayd of the tenant by Elegit.
And note wel, if the tenaunt by statut merchaunt holde ouer hys terme, he that hath right maye sue against him a venire facias ad computandum, or els enter by & [Page 218] by as vppon tenaunt by Elegit.
¶ There be thrée maner ofrents, that is to saye, rent seruice, rent charge and rent secke. Rent seruice is, where a manne holdeth of an other by fealtie, and for to doe suit to his court, and yelding to him a certaine rent by the yere for all manner of seruices.
¶ And note wel, that if the Lorde be seised of the seruice & rent before said & they be behinde, and he distraine, and the tenant rescue the dystresse, hée may haue Assyse, or a writte of rescous, but it is more necessarye for hym to haue assyse then a writ of rescous, for that by assise he shal recouer his rent & his damages [Page] but by a writte of Rescous, hée shall not recouer but the thynge and the dammages.
¶ And note well that if the lorde be not seysed of the rent and seruyce and they bée behynde, and hee dystrayne for them, and the tenaunt take againe the distresse, hee shall not haue assise but a wrytte of Rescous, aud shal not néede to shewe bys right. And note wel that if the Lord distreine his tenaunt in socage for knights seruice whiche is not denyed him, & auowe for y • same seruice in court of record, he shalbe charged by the same seruice by Fynch termino Hillarij Anno xlvj.
And note well y • if the [Page 219] Lord may not find a distresse by two yeare, hée shal haue against the tenaunt a writte of Cessauit per biennium as▪ it appereth by the statute of Westm. 2. cd. 21. And if the tenant dye in the meane time and his issue enter, the Lord shal haue against the issue a writ of entre vpō y • Cessauit, or if the tenaunt alien, y • lord shall haue against the alienée the foresayd writte. But if the Lorde haue issue and dye, and the tenaunt bée in arrerages of the sayde rent and seruice in the time of the father of the issue, & not in the time of the issue, he may not distrain for y • arrerages in y • time of his father, and hee shal haue none other recouery [Page] agaynst the tenaunt or any other, for that that such aduantage is géeuen by the lawe to the tenaunt. And note well that rent seruice is that to the which belongeth fealtie, but to rent charge & rent seck belongeth not fealtie, but it belongeth to rēt seruyce of common right.
Rent charge.
Rent charge is where a man graūteth certaine rent going out of hys lands or tenemēts to another in fée simple, or in fée taile, or for terme of life by déede vpō condition, y t at what time the rent bée bēehinde, it shall bèe wel & lawefull to the grauntée to hys heires or assygnes or distrayne in the same lāds or tenementes. And note wel, that if the rent [Page 220] be behind, it is wel lawful to the grauntée at his election to haue a writte of annui [...]y, or els he may distraine, and if the distresse bée taken agaynst his will from him, and he was neuer seised béefore, he hath noe recouery, but by writ of Rescous, for y e distresse first taken, geueth not to him seysin, onely if hee ha [...] the rent beefore, for if he were seysed of the rent before, and after the rent bée behind and hée dystraine, & rescous to hym bée made, hee shall haue assise, or a writte of rescous.
And note wel, that in euery assise of rēt charge and annuell rent, or in a wrytte of annuitie, it béehoueth to him that bringeth the writte [Page] to shewe forth an especialty, or els he shall not maintaine the assise, but in a Mordauncestour or formedon in the discender or other writs (in the which title is geuen or comprised) brought of rent charge, or annuell rent, it néedeth not to shewe especialtie.
And note well that if a mā graūt a rēt charge to an other, & y • grauntée purchase the halfe of the land whereof the rent is going out, all the rent is extinct, and if the grauntée release to the grauntour parcell of the rent, yet al the rent is not extinct. But in rēt seruice the lawe is otherwyse, for notwithstandinge y • y • Lorde hath purchased y • halfe of y • lād wherof y • [Page 221] rent is going out, yet y • rent is not extinct, but for the halfe, & the cause of the diuersity is that rent seruice may bée seuered to one portion, but not rent charge.
And note wel that if rent charge be graunted to two ioyntly, and the one release, yet the other shall haue the halfe of the rent. And also if one purchase the halfe of the lande whereof the rent is goyng out, the other shall haue the halfe of the rent of hys companion: And if the disseysour charge y • land to a straunger, and the disseisie bringe an assise and recouer, the charge is defeated. But if hée that hath right, charge the lande, and a straunger faine a false action [Page] against him & recouer by defaut, the charge abydeth. And note wel, that in case that purparty bée béetwéene two parceners and more land bée allotted to one then to the other, and shée that hath more of the lande, chargeth her land to the other and shée happeth the rent, shée shal mainteyne assyse without especialty. And if y • graū tée haue in fée simple or in fée tayle, and hath issue and dieth, if the issue bringe a formedon, or assise of mordauncester, hée shall neuer bée charged to shewe an especialty.
Rent secke.
Rent secke is where a man holdeth of me by homage fealty & other seruice, yeldyng to mée a [Page 222] certaine rent by y e yere and I graunt this rent to another, reseruinge to mée the seruice.
And note wel that in rent seck if a man be seised of the rent, and the rent bée behind, hée may not dystrayne, but hee shall haue assise of nouel disseisin.
And note well that if rent secke be graunted to a manne and to hys heires, and the rent bée béehind, and the grauntour dye, the heire may not distrayne, nor shal recouer the arrerages of the tyme of his father, as it is before said of rēt seruice.
And in the same maner it is to say of rent charge, or annuel rent. But in al these rentes [Page] before said the heire may haue for the arrerages in his owne time such aduauntage as hys father had in his life.
And note well that in rent secke if a manne bée not seysed of the rent, and it bée behind, hée is without recouery, for that that it was his owne folly at the beginning when the rent was graunted to hym, or reserued, that hée tooke not seysin of the rent as a peny or two pence. And note well that a manne may not haue a Cessauit ꝑ biennium or another writte of entre sur Cessauit for no rent secke béehynd by ii. yeares, but onely for rent seruice, as it appeareth in the statute.
[Page 223]¶And note well that in rēt secke it behoueth him that sueth for y • rent seck for to shewe a déede to y e tenaunt, or els the tenāt shal not be charged with the rent, but where the rent secke was rent seruice before, as in thys case, lord, mesne, and tenaunt, and euerie of thē holdeth of other by homage and fealtie, and the tenant of the mesne x. s. of rent, the lorde paramoūt purchaseth y • lands or tenementes of the tenaunt, all the seign [...]orye of the mesne but the rent is extinict. And for this cause thys rent is béecome rent secke, and the rent seruyce chaunged, for hée maye not dystrayne for thys rent, and in this case hée that [Page] demanudethe the rent shal neuer be charged to shewe a déede. Also in a writte of mordauncestour, ayel, or besayle, of rent secke it néedeth not to shewe a specyaltie for that these writtes of possession doe comprehende a tytle wythin thē selues, that is to say, that the auncestour was seysed of the same rent and continued hys possession, by cause of which seysine the lawe supposeth that it is alsoe auerrable by the countreye, yet learne, for some suppose that it béehoueth of necessity to shewe forthe a déede, for that that rent secke is a thinge against cōmon right as wel as rent charge. But in assise of nouel disseisin and [Page 224] in a writte of entre sur disseisin brought of rent secke, it béehoueth of necessitie to shewe forth a déede, for that that rent secke is a thinge against a common right, except in the case before sayed where it was rent seruice before.
And assise of nouel dysseisin, & a writte of entre sur disseisine conteygne within them no title, but suppose a disseisine to be done to y • plaintife, & of y • entendement of the lawe the disseisin géeueth noe cause of auermēt against commen right, but of neces [...]itye it behoueth to shewe forth a déede.
Suit seruice.
¶ Suit seruice is to come to the court from thrée [Page] wéekes to thrée wéekes by the whole yere, and for that a man shabe distrayned not amerced. Suit real is to come to y • court of léete and that is not but two times in the yere, and for that a man shalbée amerced and not distrained.
Termes of the lawe.
¶ Abatement de brief ou plaint.
ABatemēt de br'ou plaint, est quāt vn accion est port perbr' ou plaint, en que faut suffic' et bone matter, ou autermēt le matt▪ all', nest certeinemēt alledge, ou si le pl', ou defendant, ou lieu, sōt misnosme, ou sil appt variance [...]enter le br' et le specialtie, ou record, ou q̄ le brief ou declaration soūt vncerteine, ou pur mort del pl' ou def. et purdiūs aut's sēblable causes q̄ux ieo omise de pur [...], car de c̄ solem̄t, vn poet faire vn grād discourse, et ieo det'm̄ de satisfier vous, (bō frie [...]ich.) [...]bn̄ q'ieo poy, ou [...]cy moult breuit', et cy petit troubl▪ [Page] a moy mesme cōc ieo poy, dōques sur ceux defautes, le def. poet prie, q̄le br' ou plaint abatera, cē adire, que le suite del pl' enuers luy cessera pur cest temps, et que il cōmē cer a auter temps son fuit, et port' vn nouel brief ou plaint, sil soit issint dispose a faire.
Abatement en terres.
ABatement en terres ou ten̄tes, est quant vn hōe morust seisie de terres ou tenemēts, & vn estranger, cest adire, vn que nad droit, entra en m̄s les terres ou ten̄ts, deuant que le heire fayt son entrie, cest entrie de le estraūger, est appel vn abatemēt, et il vn abator: Mes si le heire enter primes apres [Page 2] le mort de sō aū cestour, et le estrāger enter sur le possession del heire, cest entrie de le estranger, est vn disseisin al heire.
ABbe fuit le soueraign̄, hed, ou principal de ceux measons de papish religiō, q̄ux quant ils fuerent fuerent appel abbeis, et cest abbe enseble oue les moignes d' mesme le meason, queux fueront appel le couent, foūt vn corporation.
ABbettors soūt en diuers cases diūsemēt prise, vn kynd de Abbettours sōt ceux, q̄ maliciousmēt sauns dr'turel cāe ou desert procur' aut's de suer faux appeals d' murd' [Page] ou felony, enūs hōes, al entent de troubler, & greeuer eux, & pur faire eux en infamy & slaūder. Abbettors en murder, sont ceux q̄ cōmaund, procure, councel, ou comfort auters de murder. Et en ascū case tiels Abbett' serrōt prises cōe principals, et en ascun case fors (que) cōe accessories. Issint en auter felonies, et lour p̄sēce a le chose fait, ou lour absence de la, fayt vn difference en le case. Il y ad Abbettoures auxi en treason, mes ils soūt en case come principals, car ē tres. il ny ad asc̄ accessories.
Abeyance est quātvn leas est fait pur terme de vie, le remaind' al [Page 3] droit hr's de I. S. le q̄l I. S. est en vie al temps del grant: Ore cē grāt de rem' passa hors del graūt' maintenāt, vnc' il ne vesta maintenāt, ne prist effect en le graūtee, cē adire le dr' heire de I. S. mes est dit deste en abeiance, ou cōe les Logitiens appel ceo, in potencia, ou in Intellectu, et come nous diomꝰ in nubibꝰ, cē a scauoier en le consideration d' le ley: Que fi I. S. morust relinquens vn dr' heire en vie, et viuans le lessee pur vie, don' (que) ceo est vn bon rem', et a ore vest, et vient en le dit droit heire, ē tiel sort, que il poit graūt, forfait, ou auterment dyspose ceo, et cessa deste ore en abeiance, [Page] pur ceo que il est vn a ore d' Abilit'pur prēd' ceo, pur ceo q' I. S. est mort et ad relinq' vn droit heir'ē vie le quel ne puit estre viuant I. S. car durant son vye, nul poit proꝑment eē dit son heire. Itē si vn hōe soit patron dū esglise, et p̄sent aut' a c': Ore est le feein le ꝑsō, mes si l' persō morust, et le esglise ē deuenus void, dō (que) est le fee en abeyāce, tā (que) il soit vn nouel ꝑson p̄sent. Car le patron nad le fee, mes tāt' le dr' de p̄sēt, et le fee ē en lencūbēt que est p̄sent, et puis son mort, il nē en asc', mes en abeiance tan (que) il soit vn nouel incū bent come est auādit.
¶ Abishersinge.
[Page 4]ABishersinge (et en asc̄ copies missher sing) hoc est quietum esse de amerciamentis corā quibuscū (que) de intransūptione ꝓbata.
ABiuration est vn serement que hōe ou femme preignont quaunt ils ont commise felonye, et fue al esglise ou Cemitorie pur tuitiō de lour vies eslisāt pluistost ꝑpetual banishm̄t hors del Realme, que a estoier a le ley, et destre trie del felony. Et cest ley suyt institute per Saynt Edvvarde le confessour vn Roy d' cest Realme deuaunt le conquest, et fuit groūd sur le ley d' m̄ cy, et pur le amour & [Page] reūence, sauns doubt, q' il et aut's ses succes. porteront al meason ddieu, ou lieu de praiers, et administrac' de son parol et sacram̄ts, le quel nous appellomꝰ le esglise. Mes cōe vnsemely chose il fuit ou est, et cōe distant de le nature de le mea son de dieu, de faire el vn succouror et defē dour d'horrible murderers et larons, voꝰ poies cōsiderer (frere Nicholas) et l' meliour qn̄t vous pensist quid nostre sauiour Christ dist reprehendans les Iewes, et perauenture auxi ꝓpheseāt de cest: Domus mea domꝰ orationis vocabitur, at vos fecistis eam speluncā latronum.
Abridgement deplaint ou demaund.
ABridgem̄t d' plaint ou dd', est lou vn port vn assise, brief de dower, br' de gard, ou tiels semblables, ou le br' est, de libero tenemento, cōe en br' de dovver, le br' est, rationabilem dot' q' eam cōtingit de libero tenemento W. sō bar'. Et en vn br' de gard, le br' est, custod' terr' & her' &c. et le pl' ou dd' ant, dd' diuers acres ou ꝑcels de terre, et le t' pleade non tenure, ou iointenancy, ou ascū aut' tiel semblable plea al ꝑcel del terre dd', en abatement del br', donques le pl' ou demaūd't poet abridger sō playnt ou dd' al cest parcell, [Page] cest adire, il poet omit hors cest part, et prie q'let' rn̄dera al rest a que il nad vnc' plede ascun chose. Le cause est pur ceo q̄ entiels br'esle certeintie nest mise, le dd' est generalment, de libero ten̄to, et nient obstāt le dd' dant ad abridge son plaint ou dd' en part, vnc'le briefe demurt bone, de libero tenemento pur le residue.
ACceptance est vn prendrans en bon gree, et cōe vn agreement al asc' chose fait deuant, le quel puet este auoide et vnfayt (si tiel acceptāce nad estre) per luy ou ceux que issynt accepta, [Page 6] Sicom [...] pur exāple vn Abbot lesse t're de sō meason pur ans reseruāt rent et morust, et puis vn aut' ē fait abbot, le q̄l accepta, cest adire, prist ou receyue le rent qn̄t il est due, et doet este pay, ore ꝑ cest acceptance le leas est fait ꝑfect & bone, le quel auterm̄t l' Abbot puet assets bien, auoid et fair' frustrate. Semblable ley est, si vn hōe et sa sem̄ seisie de terre en droit del fēe, ioin̄, et foūt lease, ou feoffem̄t reseruant rent, et barō morust, el accept ou receyua le rent, per q̄l le feoffement ou leas est fait perfect et bō, et serra barre a luy de porter sō brief appel vn Cui in vita.
ACcessories sont en deux sorts, lū ante factū, laut' post factum.
Accessory ante factum, est celuy que cō maunda ou procura auter de faire vn felonie, et nest la present quant lauter le fayt, mes sil soit p̄sent, dō ques il est auxi principall.
Accessory post factum, est celuy que receiua, fauora, ou ayda vn felon conusant del fait que il ad fait.
Auxi vn puet estre accessorie del accessorie, sicōe vn felonisement receiua auter q̄ est accessorie del felonie, la le receyuer est vn accessorie.
ACcion est vn suite done per le ley de recoū chose, cōe acc̄ de dette, et tiels semblables.
Accions personals.
ACcions personals sont tiels acciōs per q̄ux hōe claim̄ det ou auter bn̄s & chateux, ou dam̄ pur eux, ou dam̄ pur tort fayt a sō person.
Accion populer.
ACcion populer est vn acciō q̄ est don̄ sur le breach dasc' penal statute, le q̄l acciō chesc' hōe q̄ voet poet suer, pur lui m̄ et le royne, ꝑ Informac', ou aut'm̄t, cōe le stat allowe, et le case requir'. Et de ceux actions [Page] il y ad vn infinit number, mes vn pur example est quāt ascū deliury que sont impanel et iure, de passer enter party, et party indifferentmēt, prist ascū chose de lū part, ou auter, ou de ambid' ꝑties pur lour verdict dire al c'part, donques asc' hōe que voet deins le an prochein ensuāt le offēce fait, puit suervn brief, appel Decies tantum, enuers luy, ou ceux q̄ issint p̄st pur lour verdict dire. Et pur ceo q̄ cest action nest done al vn home specialmēt, mes gen̄almēt al ascun les people del Royne qui voet suer il est appel vn action populer.
Accions reals.
ACcions reals, sō [...] tiels actions per q̄ux le dd't clayme title a ascū terres ou tenem̄ts, rēts ou comō, en fee simple, fee tail, ou pur terme de vie.
ACcorde est vn agreement perent' deux al meins, ou pur satisfie vn offēce, que le vn ad fait al auter: Ou il est vn contract, oue diūs articles, deū fait asc' sur le vn part, et ascūs sur le aut', lou il serr' Quid pro quo, &c. Le primer est, qn̄t vn hōe ad fait vn trn̄s ou tiel semblable al auter pur le quel il ad agree oueluy, satisfie et cōtent luy, oue asc' recōpēc' a or' exec', et [Page] fait en fait. Et pur ceo q̄ cest recōpence ē vn plein satisfaction pur le offēce, il serr'vn bō barre en le ley si laut' voit suer arrer'vn acc̄ pur m̄ le trn̄s. Le aut'ē quod I. S. lessa vn chā ber pur ans al H. G. et il est oust'agre perent' eux, q̄ le dit H. G. serr' al boorde oue le dit I. S. et pur le dit chā ber et boorde il paiera al dit I. S. vn certein some &c. cost vn contract et accorde oue articles en ambideux partes.
¶ Acquital.
ACquital ē, quāt il y ad sn̄r, mesne, et t', et le t' tiēt de le mesne certē terres ou ten̄ts en frankalmoygne, [Page 9] frankmariage, ou tiels sēblables. Et mesne tient ouster auxi de le sn̄r paramount (ou de haut luy.) Ore doit le mesne acquit' ou discharge le t' de tout et chesc' man̄ de seruice, que ascun auter voet aū ou dde de luy concernātm̄s les terres ou ten̄ts, pur ceo que le t' doit faire seruice a le mesne tantsolemēt, et nemy al diūs sn̄rs pur vn ten̄t, ou parcel de terre. Mesme le ley ē, ou il est sn̄r, mesne, et t', come auantdit, et le mesne graunta al tenaunt (sur le tenure fait perenter eux) pur acquit', et discharger luy de touts rents seruic' et tiels sēblables. Cest discharge est appell acquital.
¶ Acquitance.
ACquitance ēvn discharge en escript, dū sōme d' mony, ou aut' duity, quel doit eē paie ou fait, Sicōe vn soit oblige de paier mony sur vn obligac', ou rent reserue sur vn leas, ou tiel sē blable, et le party a q' le money, ou duety doit eēpay, ou fait, sur le resceit de c', ou sur aut' agremēt perenter eux ewe, fait escript, ou bill de son maine en discharge de c', testemoynant q̄ il ē pay, ou auterment contēt, et pur ceo acquite, et discharge luy de c', le quel acquitance ē tiel discharge et barre ē le ley, q̄ il ne poit d [...]e er recouer m̄le some ou duity auterfoits, contra [Page 10] a c', sil poet mōstro lacquitance.
ADdition est ceo, q̄ est done al home, mes principalment al def. en actions, ou ꝓces d' outlary gist, cōe en det, et tiels semblables, ouster son ꝓper nosme et sirnosme, cest adire pur monstrer de quel estate, ou degree, ou mistery il est, et de que ville, ou hamlet, ou countie.
Additions de estate sount ceux, yeoman, Gentlehome, Esquier, et tiels semblables.
Additions de degree sount ceux que noꝰ appellomus nosmes de diguitie, come Chiualer, Counte, Marques, et Dux.
Addic'de misterye, [Page] soūt ceux, Scriuener, Printer, Mason, Carpenter, Tayler, Smith et issint touts aut's de semblable nature, car mistery est le craft ou occupatiō, ꝑ que hōe gaine son liuing.
Addic' de villes, cōe Sale, Dale, ettiels aut's et issint de les auters.
Et lou vn home ad houshold en deux lieux, il serr' dit dem̄r' en ambid', issint q̄son addiciō en vn de eux suffist.
Et cē fuit ordeine ꝑ vn estat' fait en le primer an de H. 5. ca. 5. al entent, que vn hōe ne serroit greeue ne trouble ꝑ l' vtlary dū aut', mes q̄ ꝑ reasō de le cert' addic', chescū hōe puit eē certeinm̄t conus, et portera sa burden demesne.
ADiournement est quāt ascū court est dissolue, et determine et assigne destre gard arrere al aut' lieu, ou temps.
ADministrator est celuy a que lo [...] dinary cōmit [...]administrac' des bn̄s la mor [...] pur defaut de executors, & acciō gist vers luy et pur luy cōepur execut, et serr' charge iesques al value des biens le mort et nient ouster sil n [...] soit ꝑ son faux plee, ou pur ceo que il ad vvaste les bn̄s le mort. Mes si le administrat' deuie, ses executours ne sount Administrators, mes couiental Ordinarie [Page] de commit nouel administration, mes si vn estrāge q' nest administratour ne executour prist les biens le mort, & ministr' de sō tort demesn̄, il serra charge et sue come executour et nemye cōe administ' in ascun acciō q' est port vers lui ꝑ ascū creditours. Mes si lordinarie fayt vn briefe ad colligendum bona defuncti, cestuy q' ad tiel letter nest administratour, mes laction gist vers lordinary auxi bn̄ cōe sil prist les bn̄s a son maine demesn̄ ou p le maine dascū son seruant per ascun auter commaundement.
¶ Actes.
ACtes de parliament sont leies positiue, que consist de deux [Page 12] partes s. de les parols del act, et del sense de ceo, et ils ambideux ioint ēsēble fōt le ley.
ADmiral ē vn offic' south l Roigne, q' ad aucthoritie sur le meere tātū, pur voier le nauie repaire, et maint' pur suppresse et chase dehors estumeurs de meere, et de fair' en choses ꝑenter party et party, cōcernaunt choses fayt la; et pur cest purpose il ad son court appel le Admiraltie, vncore il poet causer son Citation deste serue sur le terre, et prender le corps del party, ou biens en exec [...]c' sur le terre. Itē il ad cognis. del mort ou mayhem dū hōe fait ē asc' grād [Page] niefe fleetant en grād riūs en l't'redebase les ponts de eux ꝓchein al meere. Auxi pur arrest' niefs en les grād streames pur les viages del Roigne et realme, et ad iurisdicc' en l's dists streams durāt m̄s les viages.
ADuouson est lou vn hoe et ses hr's, ont droit de present' lour clerkal ordinary, al vn psonage, ou auter espiritual benefice qn̄t il deuient voide. Et celuy q' ad tiel dr't de present, est appell Patron.
Age prier.
AGe prier est quant action est port vers lē fant de terre, q̄ il ad ꝑ discent, la il mr'a la matt'al court, et prier [Page 13] q̄ lacc' demurra tan (que) a son plein age de xxi. ans, et issint ꝑ agarde d'court le suit surcessera: mes en briefe de dower et en assise, & auxy en tiels actions ou lenfaunt vyent ey [...]s de son tort demesne ilnaūa sa age.
Auxi nota que sont plusoures diuersityes de ages. Car le sn̄r aūa aide de sō t' in socage pur sa fyle maryer quāt le file le seignior est del age de vij. ans. Et auxi ayde pur faire son fites et heire chiualer quaunt il est dage de septe ans.
Auxy feme que est espouse al age de ix. ans, si son baron murrust seisi aūa dower et nemy deuant ix. ans.
Auxi xiiij. ans ē lage [Page] de feme quel ne serra en garde si el fuyt de tyel age al temps de mort son auncestour, mes si el fuyt deinsage de xiiij. ans & en garde sō seigniour, donques el serra en gard tā (que) al age de xvj. ans, et auxi xxj. ās est lage de heire male desire en garde et ap̄s hors de garde, et auxi il ē lage de male et female de suer ou deste sue des t'res q̄ ils ōt ou claime [...] discent, et de faire touts man̄s contracts bargaines, et niēt deuāt: mes si tiel en fāt deins age de 21. ās [...]ō ses bn̄s, et le donee eux prist, il poit aū vn acc' de tn̄s, mes auterm̄t il est sil deliū eux.
A Greem̄t est en cest man̄ define ou expounde [Page 14] en mr' Plowdens Comētaries: Aggreamentū est vn ꝑol cōpound de deux ꝑolx, cest a scauoier, de Aggregatio, et mentium, cest a dire agremēt de mentes, issintq̄ agreament' ē aggregatio ment', in re aliqua facta, vel facienda: Et ꝑ le cōtracc' de les deux parolx, Aggreg. et mētiū, et ꝑle correpc̄ et br' perlance de eux, ils sont fait vn ꝑol cē a scauoier Aggreamē tū, le q̄l nē aut' chose q̄'vn vniō, collec', copulac', et coniunc' de deux ou plus, mēts en asc̄ chose fait, ou deste fait. Voies apres en Testament.
Et cest agrement est en trois man̄s. Le prim̄ est vn agrem̄t exec' [Page] [...]n fait al cōmencem̄t. Le second ē vn agremēt puis vn act fayt per aut', et ē vn agrement auxi. Le tierce ē vn agreement execut' ou deste fait en temps vnc'a vener. Le prim̄, que est vn agrement execut' en fait al commencem̄t, est tyel de q̄ mēc' ē faiten le stat' de 25. E. 3. cap. 3. de pannis, en quart' stat' que dit, que les bn̄s et choses achates ꝑ forestaller [...] que de c'serrōt attaints soient forfaits al Roigne, si le achat' ent vst fait gree al vē dor, en quel case, cest parol (gree) q'est aut'ment appel agreem̄t, serra entende agreement execute. s. paim̄t pur les choses. Le second maner de agrement, [Page 15] est lou vn fayt vn chose ou act, et vn auter agree ou assent a ceo apres, cōe si vn fait disseisin a mō vse, et ap̄s ieo agree a ceo, ore ieo serra disseisor ab initio, et tiel agreement ē vn agreemēt puis vn act▪ fait.
Le tierce agreemēt est quant ambid' pties a vn temps sount accords q' tiel chose serra fait en tēps avener. et ceo agreem̄t est executory entant que le chose serra fayt apres, et vnc' la, lour ments accorde a vn temps, mes entāt que le perfourmance serra ap̄s, et issint le chose sur q' lagreement fuit fayt remayne a faire, ceo agreemēt serra dit executory. Et c' le stat' [Page] de 26. H. 8. ca. 3. ꝓue, ou il dit q̄ chesc̄ vicar person & tiels &c. deuant lour actual possess. ou medling oue les profits de lour benefice, satisfiera, cōten̄ &c. ou agreera a paier al vse le Roigne, les prim̄ fruites &c. et si ascun tiel persō, vicar, &c. ent' en actual possession &c. ceo agreement, est deste intend executory cōe le cō mō vsage ꝓue, car est vse, q' il oue vn ou ij. oue luy faier' deuxvel trois obligations pur ceo, deste pay en cert' iours apres. Et cest agreem̄t executorie est deuide en deux poīts, vn est agreem̄t execu tory, q' est cert' al cō mencem̄t, cōe est dit darrain̄ deuāt del prim̄ [Page 16] fruits. Laut' est, lou le certeinty nap ꝑt al pri mes, et les parties soūt accords q' le chose ser ra ꝑform̄, ou pay sur le certein tie conꝰ cōe si vn vend'al aut'tout son wheat en tiel tasse en son barne nyent threshe, et il est agree perenter eux, que il payera pur chesc' bushel xij. d'. quant il est thresh cleane et mea [...].
AIde est quaunt t' [...] terme de vie, t' en dower, t' ꝑ la curtesy, ou tenant en taile, ap̄ [...] possibilitie dissue extinct, est impled', dō ques pur ceo q̄ ils nōt q̄ estate pur terme de vie, ils prayont aide de cesty en le reuersiō et proces serra fait per briefe vers luy, de ve [...] [Page] & pleder oue le tenaunt en defence del terre sil voile, mes il couient q̄ ils accorde en ple, car sils vary le ple le ten̄t serra prise, & don (que) leide prier est en vain: mes sil ne vient al second briefe le tenaunt respondera sole. Auxi tenaunt a terme dans, tenant a volunt, tenaunt per Elegit, & tenaunt per statnt merchant, aueront ayde de cesty en la reuersion, et le seruant & baily de lour master quant ils ount fait ascun chose loialment en le droit lour master, aueront aide.
Aide de Roy est en femble case come est dit deuant de comen person, & auxy en plusours auters cases [Page 17] lou le roy puit auer perde coment que le tenant soyt tenant en fee simple il auer' aid. Come si vn rent soyt demaund vers tenant le roye: que tient en chiefe il auera aide, et issint nauera de auter person.
Auxi lou vn citie ou borovve ad vn fee farme del roy, et ascū chose est demaunde vers eux que apptaine al fee ferme, ils auerōt aide pur le ꝑde l' roy.
Auxy home auera ayde de roye en lieu de voucher. Auxi le baillife de roy, collectour, et purueyour aueront ayde de roy auxybyen come les officers de auters persons.
ALien est celuy que pere et il m̄ fuerōt ābideux nee hors de legeāce le Roigne. Et si tiel aliē, nesteant vn enemy del roign̄, mes vn alien amy, vient et demurr'cy en Engleterre et ad issue, cest issu nē alien, mes Angloys. Issint si vn Angloys ala ouster le meere oue le licence del roign̄, et la ad issu, cest issue nest Alien.
ALienation idē est quod alienum facere, d' alter, ou mitte le possession de terre, ou auter chose de lun home al auter.
AMbidext'ē cel [...]y q̄ qn̄t vn matt' ē en [Page 18] suit [...]enter hōes, prist mony de lun part, et del aut', ou pur labor le suit, ou tiels semblables, ou sil soit del iury, pur dir' sō verdict.
AMendem̄t est qn̄t error ē en le ꝓces, les Iustices poient c̄ amend' ap̄s iudg. Mes si error soit en iudgn̄ t dōe, ils ne poiēt amēd' ceo, mes le ꝑty est mis al br' de errour. Et en plusours cases lou le de [...]. appiert en l'clark que escriera le rec̄, il serra amend. Mes tiels choses que vient per information del partie, come le ville misteri, et huiusmodi, ne serr' amend, car il doet enformer veray a son peril.
[Page]AMercem̄t plus properm̄t est c̄ en vn court baron, leete, ou lawday, q̄l en vn court de rec̄ deuant lustices est appel vn fin̄, et est vn penaltie assesse ꝑ le hom̄ pur vn offence fait encoūt'm̄ l'court, cōe pur def. de suit de court, ou pur nō amē ding de asc̄ chose q'il fuit appoint d'redresser ꝑ cert' tēps al darr' court iour deuant, ou pur tiel semblabl' cāe.
Amercement royal.
AMercem̄t royal est qn̄t vn visc', coron̄ ou aut' graūd officer del roigne est amercy ꝑ les Iusti [...]' pur sō misdemening en l' office.
An, iour, et wast.
AN▪ iour, et wast, est vn forf. qn̄t vn hōe ad fayt petit treason, [Page 19] ou felony, et ad terres q̄ux il tient de asc' cō mon ꝑson, q̄ux serra seisi pur le roigne, et remaine en sa maines per le space de vn an, et vn iour ꝓcheine le attainder, et donques les arbres serr'defosse, les measōs serra rases, et l's pastures & prees arres, et plowed. Vn chose le plꝰ de greeū le offenders, et terrefy auters de fall est tiel, en demonstrans com̄t l' lei detestat' lour offence cy auant, issint (que) il execute iudg. et punishm̄t sur lour mute et mort choses.
ANnuitie ē vn cert▪ sūme dargent grā [...] al auter en fee simple, see taile, pur terme de [Page] vie, ou pur terme de ans, a receiū del graū tour ou ses hr'es, issint que nul franktenem̄t est charge de ceo.
APpel est lou vn ad fait murder, robberie, ou felony, donques la feme cesti qui est tue auera vn action de appell vers le murderer, mes sil nad feme dōques son procheine heire male aūa le appel a ascū temps deyns lan & iour ap̄s le fact. Et auxy cesty que est issint robbe auera son appel deyns mesme la temps. Et si le def. soit acquite il recoūa dam̄ vers lappellour et labbettors, et ils aūont lenprisō met dun an, et ferrot fine al roy.
[Page 20]Vn appel de mayhē nest en man̄ fors (que) action de trn̄s, car il ne recoūa fors (que) dam̄s.
APpellant ē le plaintife en le appell.
APpellour ou approuer est cesty q' ad fait ascun felonye, le quel il confesse et a ore appel, ou ap ꝓue, cest adire, accuse auters q' fueront coadiutors ou helpers oue luy en fasans de ceo, ou auters felonies, le q'l chose il voet ap ꝓuer, et pur [...] est appel en latin Probator.
Appendant & Appurtenant.
Appendant & Appurtenant, sount choses q' ꝑ tēps de p̄scription oūt belong, [Page] pertaine, et soūt ioine al aut' principal chose oues (que) q̄l ils passōt, et va cōe accessory al m̄ prīcipal chose, ꝑ vertue de ceux parols: Pertinētijs: cōe terr', aduowsōs, cōmōs, piscaries, chimins, courts et diūs tiels sēblables, al vn maner, meason, office, ou tiels auters.
APporcionm̄t ē vn deuiding en partes dū rent (le q̄l est deuidable) et nient ent'ou whole, et entaunt q̄ le chos' pur l'q̄l, ou hors de q̄, il fuit deē pay, est seperate et deuide, le rent auxi serr' deuide ayent respect a les ꝑts. Sicōe vn home ad vn rent seruic'issuāt hors de terres, et il purchas parcel de le terre, le [Page 21] rent serra apportion accordaunt all value del terre.
Issint si home tient son terre dū auter per Homage, Fealtie, Escuage, et certein rent, si le sn̄r de que le terre est tenꝰ purchase parcel de le terre, le rent serra apportion.
Item si home lessa, terres et biens pur ans reseruaunt rent, et apres vn estraūger recouer le terr', dōques le rent serra apportion, pur ceo que les biens ne sont recouer mes remayne: Et issint est si forsque part de terre soyt recouer, le rent serra apporcion, cest adire, deuide, et le lessee payera, ayant respect a ceo que est recouer, [Page] et a ceo que ore remayne en ses maines, accordaunt al value.
Mes vn rent charge ne poet este apportion, ne choses q' sount entyer, sicome vn tient terres per seruice de payer a son seignior annuelment a tiel feast vn Chiual vn esperuer, vn rose, vn chery, ou tiels semblables: La si le seigniour purchase parcel de la terre, cē seruice est tout ale, pur ceo q' vn chiual, esꝑuer, vn rose, vn chery, et tiels auters, ne poyent ēe deuide, seuere, ne apportion sauns dammage al entierty.
Appropriations fueront quant ceux measōs d' le Roomish religion, et ceux religious persons, [...]ōe Abbes, Priours, et tiels sē bles, ount laduovvsō de ascun Parsonage al eux et a lour successours, et obteyne licence de lour saynt peere le pape que ils m̄s et lour succ' de [...]' en auant, doyent este persons la, et seruer le cure. Et issint al commencement appropriatyons suerount fait solemēt a ceux persōs spiritual, que puissoyent minister les [...]acramentes et fayer deuine seruice, [...]e Abbes, Priors, Deanes, et tiels semblables: a pres [Page] per petit et petit, ils fu eront enlarge, et fait as auters, cestassauoir, al dean̄, et chapt', q̄l ē corps corporate cōsistant de plusors, quel corps insemble ne puissoit dire deuine seruice. Et q' pluis fuit al Nonnes, que fuerōt Prioresses, de asc' nū ry, q̄l fuit chose horrible, entaunt que ils ne puissoient minister sacram̄ts, ne preacher, ne dire al parochiens deuine seruice. Et tout ceo fuit sur pretence de hospitalitie, et maintenance de c'. Et de supplyer les dits defectes, vn vicar fuit deuyse quel serroyt deputye all Priores, ou Deane et Chapter, et auxy al darreyne al dites Abbes [Page 23] et auters, adire deuine seruice, et il aūoit fors (que) petit porc̄ et ils a q̄ le appropriation fueront fait, reteinont le graund reuenue, et fefoient riens pur ceo, per quel meanes, hospitalitye fuit decay en le lieu, ou il doit estre chefement garde, nosment en le parish ou le benefice fuit, et ou les profites cressoient.
Et issint il continue tanque a cest iour al graund hinderance de lerning le empoūishm̄t d' le ministery, et l' infamy del gospel et professor de ceo.
APprouemēt ē lou vn hōe ad cōmon en le vvast terre del sn̄r, et le sn̄r enclose [Page] part del wast pur luy m̄ relinquāt nient obstant sufficient comō oue egresse, etregresse pur les comoners. Cē enclosure ē appel approuement.
ARbiterment est vn award, determinac' ou iugemēt quel plusors font al request d' deux parties al meins, pur et sur asc' det, [...]n̄s ou auter controuersy evve perent' les dits parties. Et est appell en latine, Arbitratus, et arbitriū, et ils q̄ fōt le avvarde, ou arbiterment, sount appel Arbitri, en Engloies, Arbitrators.
Arrest est quant vn est prise et restraine [Page 24] de son liberty, nul serra arrest pur debte, trespas, detinue, ou auter cause de action, mes per vertue dun p̄ cept, ou cōmaundm̄t hors de ascun court. Mes pur treason, felony, ou debruser de peace, chesc' home ad auctority de arrester sās garr' ou p̄cept. Et ou vn serra arrest pur felony, il couiēt q̄ asc̄ felony soit fait, etque il soit suspect de m̄ le felony, ou auterm̄t il poit auer enuersluy q̄ issint luy arrest vn br▪ de faux imprisonmēt.
ARrerages, sount duityes arrere nyēt pay apres les iours, et temps, en quel ils fuerount dues, et [Page] doient auer este paies soient il rent de man̄ ou ascun auter chose reserue.
ASsets est en deux sorts, lun appel assets per discent, laut' assets ent' mains. Assets per discent est lou vn hōe ē oblige ē vn obligae' et morust seisi de t'res en fee simple q̄ux discend a son heire, mes il ne fist executors, ou sil fait executours ne relinquis [...] sufficiēt bn̄s pur dischargencē obligation, donques cest terre serra appell assettes, cest adire sufficiēt de paier cē det, et per cest meanes le heire serra charge cy auant que le terre is [...]int a luy disc [...]d voile [Page 25] stretch. Mes sil ad alien deuāt q' le obligation soit mise en suit, il est discharge. Auxi quāt vn hōe seisie de terre en taile, ou en dr't de sa feme, alien ē oue garrātie, et ad en value tant t're en fee simple q' discend a sō heire, q' est auxi heire en tail' ou heir' al fēe, ore si le heire apres le mort son auncestour ꝑt vn br'de Formed', ou sur Cui in vita, pur le t're issint alien, dō ques il serra barre per reason del garrantie et le t're issint discēd, q̄ est tāt en value cōe ceo que fuit vende, et issint ꝑ ceo il nad receiue ascū p̄iudice▪ et pur ceo cest terre est appell assets per discent.
[Page]Assets ent' mains, est qn̄t vn hōe endet cōe deuāt est dit, fait executors, 'et relinquist a eux suffic'de paier, ou asc' cōmoditie, ou ꝓsit estvenus al eux en dr't lour testat', cē appel assets ē lour maīs.
ASsignee est celuy a q̄ vn chose est appoint, ou assign̄ deste occupy, pay, ou fait, et est touts foits tiel persō, q̄ occupy ou ad le chose issint assign̄ ē sō droit dem̄, et pur luy m̄. Et d' assignees il y sōt ij. sorts, nosm̄s Assignee en fait, et assignee en ley. Assignee ē fait est qn̄t vn leas est grāt al vn et a ses ass. ou sās ceux [...]ols, assignees, et l' graūtee don graūt, ou vend' le dit leas al auter, il est son assignee en fait.
[Page 26]Assign̄ en ley ē chescū execut' nosme ꝑ le testa' en son testamēt. Sicōe vn leas soit fait al vn hōe et a ses assignees (sicōe est auātdit) et il fait ses execut's et morust sans assignem̄t del leas al ascū auter: Ore les execut's aūa m̄ le leas pur ceo q' ils sount ses assignees en ley. Et issint ē en diūs aut's semblables cases.
ATtaind' est vn cō uicc' dasc' persō dū crime, ou faut, doūt il ne fuit cōuict deuāt: Sicōe vn hōe fait felony, treasō, ou tiels sē blables, et d' c'ē ēdict, arr', et troue gilty, er ad iudg. dōq's il ē dit deē attaint. Et c' poet este deux voies, [...]ū sur appar', laut' sur def.
[Page]Le attainder sur apparance est ꝑ confession, battayle ou verdict. Le attainder sur def. est per processe.
AVermēt est lou vn hōe pled' vn ple en abatem̄t de briefe ou barre dactiō, q̄l il dist, il ē prist de ꝓuer cōe l' court voit agard, cē offer de ꝓuer sō plee, est appel vn auerm̄t.
Auerpeny hoc ē quiet' esse de diuersis denarijs pro aueragijs domini regis.
Auncien demesne.
AVnc' demesne, sōt cert' tenures tenꝰ de ceux manours q̄ux [Page 27] fuer' en les maines de seint Ed. la confessor et les q̄ux il fist escrier en vn liuer appel Domes day, sub titul' regis, et touts les terres tenꝰ del dit man̄s sōt aunc demesn̄, et les tenāts [...]e serrōt implede hors del dit man̄, et sils sont ils poyent mr' le matt' et abater le br', mes sils rn̄d' al briefe et plede et iudg' don̄, dō (que) les terres sōt deuenꝰ frāke fee a touts iours. Auxi toutes tenāts en aunc' demesn̄ sōt franke de toll pur touts choses cōcernāt lour viand' & husbā dry in aunc' demesne, et pur les terres ils ne serront mis ne impanel sur ascun enquest. Mes toutes les terres en auncien demesne [Page] queux soūt en maines le roy soūt frank fee, et pledable al comen ley. Voyes plus apres en le title Sokmans.
AVowry est lou vn prist distres pur rent ou auter chose, & laut' sua Repleuin, dōq's celuy qui auoit prise, iustifiera en son plee pur quel cause il le prist, et issint auowa le prise, et ceo est appel son auovvrie.
BAile est quant vn hōe est prise, ou arrest pur felony, suspition de felony, endict de felony, ou en ascū tiel case, issint q' il est restraine de son libertie, Et esteant ꝑ la ley baylable offer suerty [...]l eux q' oūt aucthority [Page 28] a lui bail', les q̄ux suerties soūt obl' pur luy al vse le Roign̄ en vn c̄t' sōm̄ d' money, ou corps pur corps, que il apperera deuāt les Iustic de gaol' deliuery al ꝓchein sessiō &c. Donques sur les bōds de ceux suerties, come est auāt dit, il est baile, cē adire, mise al liberty tā (que) le iour appoint pur sō apparāc'.
BAlemēt ē vn deliūy de choses (soiēt il [...] de escripts, biēs, ou stuffe) al aut', asc': foits deē redeliūarer' al bailor, cē adire, al celuy q̄ issint deliū ceo, ascun foits al vse del bayly, cē adir', de luy a q' il ē deliuer, et ascun foits auxi deste deliuer ouster a vn tierce persō. [Page] Cē deliuere est appel vn bailement.
BAilife est vn officer q' appertient al vn manor, pur order le husbandrie, et ad aucthoritye de payer quitrents issuāts hors del man̄, succide arbres, repaiter les measons, faire pales, haies, distrein̄ aūs sur le t're et diuers tiels semblables. Cest officer ē celuy, q̄ les aūc' Saxons oūt appel vn Reeue: car le nosme (Bailife) ne fuit dōq̄sconꝰ ent' eux: mes viēt eins oue les Normās, et est appel en latyn, villicus.
Bakberinde theefe.
BAkberind' Theefe est vn lar' q' ē prise oue le manner cest adire, ayāt cē troue sur luy (eēant pursue oue [Page 29] hue et crie▪) le quel il ad emblee, soit il money, linen, woollē, ou auter stufe, mes il est plus properment dit, quant il est prise, portans tiels choses q̄ il ad emblee en vn bundel, ou fardel sur sō dorse.
Bargaine & sale.
BArgaine et sale, est quant vn recōpēce est dōe per ambideux les parties al bargaine Cō si vn bargaine et vēd' sō t're al aut'pur argēt. Icy le terre ē vn recompence a luy pur largent, et le argent ē vn reōpēce al auter pur l' t're, et cē vn bō cōtract et bargaine, et fee simple passa nyent obstant il ne dit, a auer et tener le terre a luy & a ses heires. [Page] Et per tiel bargaine et sale, terres poyent passe sauns liuery de seysin, si le bargaine et sale soyt per fayt endent, seale, et enrolle, ou en le countie lou le terre gist, ou en vn des courts del Roygne de recorde al Westminster deins v. moyes procheyne apres le date de mesme le escript endent accordaunt all statut en cest case fayt en le 27. An. de H. 8. cap. 16.
BArre est quaunt le defendant en ascun action plede vn plee que est sufficient respons, & ceo adnul laction del pleintife a touts iours.
BAstarde est celuy que est nee dasc' fēe nient espouse issint q' son pere nest conus ꝑ order del ley, & pur ceo il est dit filius populi, mes per la ley spiritual si vn engender vn infant sur ascun fēe que infaunt est nee hors del espousels, & puis il mary m̄ la fēe: donques tiel infaunt serra dit mulier et nemy bastarde, mes per le ley Dengleterre il est bastard, et pur ceo quaunt tyel especiall bastardye est allege, il serra trye ꝑ pais, & nemy per leues (que), mes general bastardy serra trie per certificatiō del Eues (que).
Et si vn femme soyt grose de infaunt, per [Page] son baron, que morust et el prist auter baron, et apres lenfāt est nee, cest serr'dit lē fant le primer baron. Mes fi el fuit priuem̄t inseint al temps del mort son primier baron, donques il serra dit lenfant le seconde baron, sed quaere, et voyes loppinion de Thorpe 21. E. 3. 39.
Auxi si vn hōe prent feme que soyt grosement inseint per ascū auter que ne fuit son baron, et puis lenfant ē nee deins les espousels, donques il serra dit lenfaunt le baron mes (que) il fuit nee forsque vn iour apres les espousels solempnes.
[Page 31]BAttaile est vn aunciēt trial en nr'e ley quel le def. en vn appele de felony poit eslier, cestassauoir, a cō bater oue lappellant pur proofe sil soit culpable del felony ou non: quel combate sil succeda si biē del part le defendaunt que il vanquish lappellant, il alera quite, et luy barrera de son appel a touts iours. Mes si vn soit endite de felony et vn appel est port sur m̄ lendictement, la le def. ne gagera battaile. Battaile auxi poit estre en vn br' de droit.
BIgamy fuit vn coū terplea (deuise al Coūcel de Lions sur [Page] mislike de secōd mariage) deste obiect quant le prisoner demaunde le benefite del Clergie, cestassauoir, son liuer come nosment a dire, que il que demaund le priuiledge del clergy, fuit mary a tiel feme en tiel lieu deins tiel dioces, et que el est mort, et que il ad apres marie vn aut' feme deins m̄ le dioces, ou deins ascun aut'dioces, et issint Bigamus: Ou sil nad este forsque vn temps mary, donques adire que el, que il ad espouse est, ou fuit vn vief, cest adire le relict dun tiel &c. Le quel chose serra trye per Leuesq' de le dioces, ou le espousals sount alleage. Et [Page 32] esteaunt issint certify per Leuesque, le prisoner perdera le benefite delclergie: Mes all cest iour, per force de le act fait en Anno 1. E. 6. cap. 12. cest nul plea, mes que il poet auer son clergie ceo nyent obstaunt.
Issint est Br. ti. Clergie Pla. 20. al mesme purpose. Et sur ceo, si vous estis desirous (Frere Nicholas) de voyer queux reasons ils ount que persuade enuers seconde Espousels, lege, enter diuers auters, Fraunces Petrarch de Remedijs vtriusque fortunae le primer liū et lxxvi. dialogue entite led de secund'nuptijs, [Page] quel liuer ore tarde nr' frere mr' Thomas Twyne ad bien et oue bon grace (cōe ils que poient iudg er diont) translate hors d'latine en Englois, et moult aptment appell ceo Physicke encounter fortune.
BLodewit, hoc est quietū esse d' Amerciamentis d' sanguine fuso, et que teneantur placita in curia vestra et habeatis amerciamenta inde prouenientia quia (wit) angl' misericordia latine.
BOote ē vn viel pol▪ et il signifie, helpe succor, ayde, ou aduantage, et est communement [Page 33] ioint oue vn auter parol, qui sig nification il augment cōe ceux Brigboote, Burghboot, fireboot, hedgeboote, ploweboote, et diuers tiels sēblables, pur queux significations, voies en lour proper titles.
BRode halpeny (en ase's copies Bordehalpeny) hoc est quietum esse de quadam consuetudine exacta pro tabulis leuatis.
BRugbote (et ē ascūs copies Bridgbote) hoc est quietum esse de auxilio dando ad reficiendū pontes.
Burghbote, hoc ē qui etū esse de auxilio dādo ad faciēd'burgū [Page] Castrum, Ciuitatem vel muros prostrata.
BVrghbrech, hoc est quietum esse de transgressionibus factis in ciuitate vel burgo contra pacem.
Burgh English.
BVrgh English ou Borow english est vn custome en vn aū cient burgh, que si vn home ad issue diuers fits et morust, vncore le puisne [...] fits solement enheritera et auera touts les terres et tenements, que fuerent al son pier de que il morust seysie deyns mesme le burghe per discent, come heire a son pier per force de custome de mesme le burgh.
BVrglarie est quant vn debruse et enter en le meason dun auter en le nuit, oue felonyous intent de robber, ou occider, ou de faire auter felonie, en queux cases nyent obstant il nemport riens, vncor' il est felony, pur que il serra pendue, Auterment est sil soit en le iour, ou que il debruse le meason en le nuit, et nentra pas en ceo a cest temps. Mes si vn seruāt voile conspire oue auters de robber son master, et a cel intent il ouert les doores et fenesters de son master en le nuit pur eux, et ils vyent en le meason per cest voye, [Page] cest burglarie en les estraūgers, et le seruāt est vn laron, mes nemy burglar'. Et c' fuit loppinion de le right woorshipful Sir Roger Manwood chiualer, plus digne seigniour chiefe Baron de le Eschequer, a le quarter Session tenus en Caūterbury en Ianuarie darrayne. 1579. 21. Elizab.
CAruage, hoc est qui etū esse si dn̄s rex talliauerit totā terrā suam ꝑ carueas, Nota q̄ vn carue d' terre est vn plovve land.
CEssion, est quāt vn Ecclesiastical persō est cree en Eues (que), ou quant vn person dun ꝑsonage p̄st vn auter bn̄fic' sans dispens. ou [Page 35] auterment nient qualifie &c. En ābideux cases lour prim̄ bn̄fices sont deuenꝰ void, et al ceux q' il ad que fuit cree Eues (que), le roigne p̄sentera pro illa vice, quicun (que) soit patron de eux: Et en lauter case le patron poet presenter.
CHallenge est lou iurours apperont pur trier vn issue, dō ques si ascun des ꝑties supposont q' ils ne sōt pas indifferent, la ils poient eux challenge et refuse. Il y ad diūs challēges, vn est challenge al array, lauter a le polles. Challenge al array est quant la panel est fauourablement fait par le vicōt [Page] ou aut' officer. Challenge par le polis soūt ascūs principal, et ascū per cause come ils appel ceo. Principal ē quāt vn des iurrours est le fits, frere, ou cosin al pleintife ou defendant ou tenaunt a luy, ou q̄ il auoyt espouse la file le playntife, et pur ceux causes il serra retrait.
Auxy in plee de mort de home et en chescun action reall et in actyons personel si se dette ou dammages amount a xl. marke il est bon challenge que il ne puyt dispender xl, s. per an de frākt'.
Challenge ꝑ cause, est ou le party all' vn matter que nest principal challenge, come que le fits dū desiurad [Page 36] espouse la fil' le pl', & donq̄s conclude & pur ceo il est fauourable, quel serra trye per auter del enq̄st si il soit fauourable ou indifferent, et si ils diont q̄ il est fauourable et nemy indifferēt, dō q̄s il serra treit, aut'm̄t il serra iure. Auxi vn felon q̄ est arraygne, puit challenge xx. iurrours parēptory saūs ascun cause, et ceo est in fauorem vitae, et taunt que il voil' oue cause, mes donques il serra trye si pur tyel cause il soit indifferēt ou nemy.
CHampertours soūt ceux que mooua pleas et suites, ou cause deste moue per [Page] lour, ou auters ꝓcurem̄t, et sue a lour costages et charges demesne, pur auer part del terre, ou gaines en variance.
CHarge est lou vn home graunta vn rent issant hors del sō terre, et q'si le rent soit arere, que lyst a luy ses heires, et assignes a distrayne tanque le rent soit pay, cest appell vn rent charge: mes si vn graunt vn rent charge hors del terre vn auter, & puis purchase le terre, le graunt est voide.
Charters de terres.
CHarters de terres, sont escripts, faits, euidēces, et instrum̄ts, fait de vn hōe al aut', sur asc' estat' cōueied
[Page 37]ou passe perent' eux, d' terres ou ten̄ts, mr'ās l' nosm̄, lieu, et quā titie del terr', le estate, tēps, et maner del fesance de ceo, les parties al le estat' deliū et prise, les testemoignes present al ceo oue auters circumstaunces.
CHattels sont en ij. sorts, cē adire, Chattels Reales, et Chattals ꝑsonals. Chattels reals, sount leases purans, Gardes, et a tener a volunt.
Chattels personals sont touts moueables bn̄s, cōe argent, plate▪ bn̄s del measō, chiuals vaches, blees, et tiels sēblables.
[Page]CHildvvite, hoc est quod capiatis gersummam de natiua vestra corrupta et preignata sine licentia vestra.
CHimen est le haut voy ou chesc'hōe passa, q • est appel via Regia, et vncore le Roy nad auter chose la, fors (que) le passage pur luy & pur son people, car le franktenement est en le seigniour del sole et touts les ꝓfits cressaunt la, come arbres & auters choses.
Chose en action.
CHose en action est quant vn home ad cause, ou poit port' vn action pur ascū duity [Page 38] due a luy, cōe vn acc' d' det sur vn obligac', annuitie, rent, couenāt, garde, biens, trn̄s, ou tiels semblables, et pur ceo que ils sount choses de q̄ux vn hōe nē possesse, mes pur re couery de eux, ē mise a son acc', ils sont appel choses en accion. Et tiels choses en acc', qui sount certeine, le Roigne poit graūt, et le grauntee poet vser vn action pur eux en son nosme demesne tātsolen̄ [...]t: Mes vn cō mon ꝑsō ne poet grā ter sō chose en acc', ne le Roygne m̄ ne poet graūt sa chose en acc' le q̄l est vn c̄t', cōe trn̄s & tiels semblables.
Circuit de action.
CIrcuit de action, est quant vn actiō ē [Page] droituralment port pur vn duity, mes vn c̄ circū le bush cōe sē ble: pur ceo que il puit cybien eē auterm̄t respondu, et det'mine et le sute saue, et pur ceo que m̄ le acc' fuit pluis que besoigne, il est appel circuite de action, Cōe si home graūt vn rent charge de x. li. hors de son manor de dale, et puis le grauntee disseisist le graunt' de m̄le maner de dale, et il port vn assise, et recoū le terre et xx. li. dam', le q̄l xx. li. esteant pay, le graū tee del rent sue son acc' pur x. li. de sō rēt due durant le tēps de le disseisin, le q̄l si nul disseisin ad eē, il doit aū evve. Cest appell circuit de action, pur [Page 39] ceo que il puit auer este pluis briefement respondu, car ou le graūt' doit receiue xx. li. dam', et pay x. li. rēt, il puit aū resceiue fors (que) le x. li. tantsolement pur les damm̄, et le grauntee puit auer recoupe et tenus arrere le aut'x. li. en ses mains per voy de detain̄ pur son rent, et issint per ceo puitauer saue son action.
CLaime est vn challenge ꝑ asc' hōe del proꝑty ou ownership dun chose que il nad en possession, mes que est detaine de luy per tort.
CLergie est vn aūcient [Page] libertie del esglise papisicke, le quel ad auxy este confirme oue nous en dyuers parlyamentes, Et est quant vn prester, ou vn deins holye orders (come ils appel ceo) ou ascun auter quicunque, en que est nul impediment ou impossibilitie destevn prester, est arraine de felony ou tiels sēblables deuāt vn tēporal Iudge &c. et le prisoner pria son clergie, cest adire pur auer son liuer, quel est a taunt sicome il vst pree deste dismisse del temporal Iudge, et deste deliuer al ordinarye de purger luy mesme del mesme offēce. Cest priuilege al prim̄ ne fuit cy gen̄al, [Page 40] en respect del parties que pendra benefite per ceo, come il apres deuient, Car al comencement esteant vn papish inuention les patrons deceo fuerent molt partiall, et voylent que asc' prē droit commoditie per ceo, mes lour papistical presters solemēt et tiels queux fuerent deins orders, come est auātdit: et c' comēce ent' eux, pur part per lour graund superbitie disdeynance dēe southe le obedience de lour natural Roies et temporall correctiō, et pur part de policie, pur hont ne le male maners de lour spiritualty doient vener al ouert vyewe et examynation del [Page] layitie (cōe ils distinguish eux) et nul merueile, car deins vn petit de les prim̄ ans del raigne le roy H. le 2. le clergie del Realme ad cōmit plus que vn cent seueral murders sur ces subiects, cōe le roy fuit certeinm̄t enfourme, ouster moult robberies et aut's outrages: pur remedy de q̄l order fuit ewe per le roy, sō nobilitie, et oue grād faire le clergie consent a ceo, que si ascun clerke de ceo en aunt commit felony ou treason, il doet primer este degrade, et apres deliuer al lay power de receiū la come a son offence appient &c. al darr'en fauord' vie (vn chose deste extend endifferentment [Page 41] al chescun hōes) et pur le amour de erudic', il fuit grāt al chesc' home queux puissent lieser, no obstāt ils ne fuerēt presters, ne deins orders. Et puis en parliamēt fait sur bon considerations, il ad este restraigne et repeale en diuers cases, come en vvilful murder, burglary, et tiels auters.
Clerke attaint. Clerke conuict.
CLerkes soūt en 2. sorts, cē adire clerks attaint, et clerks conuict. Clerk attaint est cestuy q̄ pria son clergie apres iudg. sur luy done de le felony, et ad son clergie allowe, tiel clerk ne poet fair' son purgation.
[Page]Clerke conuict est cestuy que prya son clergy deuaunt iudgment done sur luy de le felonye, et ad le clergy a luy graūt, tiel clerke poet faire sō purgation.
COlour, ē vn fayned matter le q̄l le def. ou tenant vse en son barre, quāt vn acc' de trn̄s, ou vn assise est port enuers luy, en le quel il dōe le demaū dant, ou pl' vn shew, prima facie que il ad bone cause de action, ou en verity il nē iust cause, mes tauntsolement vn colour, ou visour dun cause. Et il ē vse al entent que le determination del action doet este per [Page 42] les Iudges, et nemy per vn ignorant iury de xij. homes. Et pur c' vn colour doet este vn matter en ley, ou difficult al lay gentes, come pur example. A. port vn assise de terre enuers B. & B. dit que il mesme lessa mesme le terre al vn C. pur terme de vie, et apres graunt le reuersion al A. le demaundant, et puis C. le tenaunt pur terme de vie morust, apres que decease, A. le demaundaunt claymant le reuersion per force del graunt (ou C. le tenaunt pur vie ne vnques atturne) entra, sur que B. entra, enūs que A. pur mesme entre port cest [Page] assise &c. cest vn bon colour, pur ceo q' le ley gents pensant, q̄ le terre voile passe per le graūt sans atturnem̄t, ou en fait il ne voyle passe &c.
Auxi en vn actiō de trespas, colour doet este done, et de eux soūt vn infinit nūber, vn pur example: En vn action de trn̄s pur prisel de auers del pl', le defendaunt dit, que deuant le pl' riens auoit en eux, il mesme fuit possesse de eux come de ses proper biens, et eux deliuer al A. B. pur eux rebayler a luy quando &c. et A. B. eux done al plaintife, et l' plaintife suppose le propertie destre en A. B. al tēps del done, prist [Page 43] eux, et le defendaunt eux reprist del pl', sur q̄le pl' port le action, cest vn bone colour et vn bone plea.
Colour de office.
COlore officij, est toutes dits prise▪ in malem partem, et signifie vn act malement fait per le coūtenance de vn office, et il port vn dissimulant visage del droit office, ou le office nest que vegle del fauxitie et l' chose est grounde sur vice, et loffice est come vn shadovve al ceo.
Mes Ratione officij, et virtute officij, sount pryses toutes foytes in bonam partem, et lou l' office est l' iust cause del chose, et le chose est pursuant [Page] suant al office.
COllusiō est lou vn action est port vers vn auter per son agreement demesne, si le pleyntife recouer, tiel recouerie est dit per collusiō: et en ascuns cases le collusion serra enquire, cōe en vn Quar' impedit, assise, et tiels semblables: Mes en auowry, ne en briefe dentre, ou ascun action personall, le collusiō ne serra enquire.
Common ley.
COmmō ley, est pur le pluis part prise 3. voyes. Primerment pur les leyes de cest realme simplie sās ascū aut' ley, cōe customarie ley, Ciuil ley, [Page 43] Spiritual ley, ou quecun (que) auter ley ioyne al ceo. Cōe quant il ē dispute en nr'e leyes denglet're, quid doet de droit eē determine ꝑ le cōmō ley, et quid per le spiritual ley, ou le court del Admiral, ou tiels sem blables.
Secondariment il ē prise pur les courts le roy, cōe le bank l'roy ou cōmō place, tantsolem̄t pur mr' vn differēce ꝑent' eux et les base courts, cōe customary courts, courtes barons, coūty courts, pipowders, et tiels sē blables, come qn̄t vn ple d' terr'est remoue hors de aūc' dem̄ pur ceo que le terre est franke fee, et pledable al cōmon ley, cest adir' ē le court le roy▪ [Page] et nemy en aunc' demesne, ou en ascū aut' base court.
Tiercemēt, et pluis vsualmēt, ꝑ le cōmon ley est entendue, tiels leys que fuer' generalmēt prise, et tenus pur ley, deuant q' ascū estatute fuit fait pur alter ceo, cōe pur example. Tenant pur vie, ne pur ans, ne fuerent deste punish pur fesance vvast al commonley, tan (que) le statute de Glocester. ca. 5. fuit fait le quel don̄ vn action d' vvast enuers eux: mes tenant per le curtesie, et ten̄t en dovver, fuerount punishable de vvast al common ley cest adire, ꝑ le vsual, et cō mō receiued leyes del realme, deuaūt le dit [Page 45] statute de Glocester fuit fait.
COmon est le droit que hōe ad de mitter ses beastes a pasture, ou de vser et occupier le terre q̄ nest son proper sole.
Et nota q̄ sont diūs comons. s. comon in grose, comon appendaunt, comon appurtenaunt, et comon per cause de vi [...]inage.
Comon in grose est lou ieo per mon fayt graūt a vn auter que il aūa comō in ma t're
Comon appendant est lou home est seysie de certeyne terre, a que il ad comon in aut' soile, ettouts ceux que serront seisie del dyt terre auerount [Page] le dit common solement pur ceux bestes que compest sa terre a que il est appendant except oysons, chyuers, et porceaux.
Et touts iours cest common est per prescription, et de comō droit, et il est appendaunt al terre erable solement, et nemy al auter terre ou measō.
Comon appurtenāt est in m̄ le maner cōe comon append', mesē oues' (que) tants man̄s des auers cibiē porceaux, chiuers, et tiels sēblabl' cōe chiuals, vaches boefes, brebes, et tiels q̄ compester le terre. Et tiel comon poit eē fait a cestiour, et poet eē seūe delt're a q̄ il est appurtenāt, mes issint ne poit comō appēd'. [Page 46] Comon per cause de visinage, est lou les tenants de deux seign̄s q' sont seisies de deux villes dont lū gist pris lauter, et chesc' de eux ont vse de tēps dont memorye ne court de auer common en auter vylle ouesque toutes beastes cominable.
Mes lū ne poit mit ses auers en le terre lauter car la ceux de lauter ville poient eux distr' dammage fesant, ou auer action de tn̄s, mes ils eux mittera en lour camps dem̄, et sils estraye en les camps del auter ville, ils la doient eux sufferer. Et les in habitaunts de lun ville ne misterount evns taunts come ils voile, [Page] mes aient regarde al frankten̄t del inhabitants de lauter ville car auterm̄t il ne soyt bon vicinitie, sur que tout cest matter depende.
COnditiō est vn restraint ou bridle annexe et ioine al chose, issint que ꝑ le non performance et fesans d' ceo le party al condiē recoūa p̄iudice et ꝑde et per le parformance et faired' c', comodity et auantage.
Et touts condic' sōt ou cōdic' actual et expresse, queux sont appel condic' en fait, ou ils sōt condic' implicite ou tacite, et nient expresse, les q̄ux sont appels conditiōs en ley.
[Page 47]Auxi touts conditions sount ou condic' precedent et vaount deuaūt lestate et soūt execute, ou subsequēt et veniēs apres lestate et executorie.
Le condition precedent, fait gaine et obtain̄ le chose, ou estat' fait sur condic' per le perfourmance de m̄.
Le conditiō subsequent fait gard et cō tenue le chose, ou estate fait sur conditiō ꝑ le performāce de c̄.
Actual et expresse condition q' est appel vn condic' en fait, est vn cōdie' knit & annexe ꝑ expresse ꝑols, al feoffemēt, leas, ou grāt ou en escript, ou saūs escript, Sicōe ieo enfeffe vn hōe en terres reseruant rēt deste [Page] pay a tiel feast 'sur cō dic. q'si le feoffee faile de payment al iour, q̄ donques il serra loyal pur moy de reenter.
Conditions implicite ou tacite, et nient exp̄sse q̄ux sont appel condic' en ley, sōt qn̄t vn hōe grāt al aut' le office deste gard' dun pke, Seneschal, Bedle, baylife, ou tiels sēblables, pur term̄ de vie, et nient obstāt que la ne soit asc' condic' expresse en l'graūt, vnc' le ley ꝑ le couertment dū condic', le q'l est q̄ si le grauntee ne execute pas touts points appartain̄tal sō offic'ꝑ luy m̄ ou sō suffic' depute, dō (que) il serr' loyal purle grātor dent' et disch. luy de son office. Cōdition precedent et vaant deuant
[Page 48]ē qn̄t vn leas ē fait al vn pur vie sur cōdic' que si le lessee pur vie voile paye al lessour xx. li. a tiel iour q̄ dō ques il aūa fee simple: Icy le condic' preceda et va deuaunt le estate en fee simple, et sur le pso [...]mance de l'e condic', gayn̄ et get le fee simple. Condic' subsequēt et veniēs ap̄s est qn̄t vn graunta al I. S. son man̄ de dale en fee simple sur condition, q'le grauntee paiera a luya tiel iour xx. li. ou auterment q̄ son estate cessera, icy le conditiō est subsequent et sequerens le estate en fee simple, et sur le performance de c', fait garde et continue lestate.
Confiscate biens.
[Page]COnfiscate bn̄s, sont bn̄s al queux le ley entitle le Roine, quāt ils ne sont pas clayme per asc' auter. Come si home soit endite que il felonisem̄t emblea les biens de I. S. lou en verity ils sont ses bn̄s dem', et ils sount mises en court vers luy come maineur, et don (que) il est dd' q'il dit al m̄s les bn̄s, et il eux denie, ore per cē denier de eux, il ꝑdra ceux biens, coment q̄ apres il soit acquite del felony, et issint en aut's semblable cases.
COntract ē vn bargen ou couenant ꝑ enter ij. parties, ou vn chose est don pur auter q̄ est appel quid [Page 49] pro quo, cōesi leo vēd mon chiual pur argēt ou si ieo couenant de faire lease a vous de mō man̄ de dale ē cō siderac' de xx. li. q̄ voꝰ dones a moy, ceux sōt bon cōtracts, pur ceo q' il ad vn chose pur auter, mes si vn home fait ꝓmise a moy que ieo auera xx. s. et que il voyle este dettour a moy de c̄, et puis ieo demaund le xx. s. et il ne voile a moy delyuer, vncore ieo nauera iammes action pur recouer cest xx. s. pur ceo que cest promys ne fuit contract, mes nudus pactus, Et ex nudo pacto non oritur actio, mes si ascun chose fuit done pur le xx. s. mesque il ne fuit forsque al value [Page] de vn denier, dōques il fuit bone contract.
COnusaunce de plee est vn priuiledge que vn citie ou ville ad del graunt le roy, de tener plee de touts contractes, et des terres deyns le precinct del fraunches: et quāt ascū home est impled' pur ascun tiel chose en le court de roy, les maires ou bailifs d' tiel frāches, ou lour att' poiēt dd'er conusāce del plee. s. que le plee et le matt' serra pled' et determine deuaunt eux:
Mes si le Court al Westminster soit loialment seisie del plea deuaunt que conusaunce soit demaund, donques ils naueroūt [Page 50] conusaunce pur cest suit, pur c' que ils oūt negligentmēt surcesse lour temps d' demād, mes ceo ne serr' barre al eux daū conusance en aut' action, car ils poyent demaund conusance en vn actiō, et omit ceo en auter action a lour pleasur'. Et nota que conusance ne gist en prescription, mes ils couient monstre letters le roy.
COrody, fuit vn reasonable allowāce d' meat, pan̄, boier, argēt vestam̄ts, loggis, et tiel sustenance, q̄ de cō mon dr't chesc' foūd' de Abbeis, Priories, Nūries, et aut's meas. de religion papistick, oūt en m̄s les measōs [Page] quant ils fuerent, purson pier, frere, cosin, ou auter home que il voyet, prendroit ceo, sil fuit vn meason de moygnes, et sil soyt founder dun meason de Nūnes ou muliers, donq̄s c'pur sa meere, soer, cosin, ou aut' mulier q'il voile direct al ceo, et touts iours cest prouiso fuit ewe, q' il que ad corodie en vn measō de moignes, ne doit mittre vn fēe de prender ceo, Ne ou corodie fuit due ē vn Nūry, la il ne fuit loial de appoynter vn home d'receiuer ceo, car en ambideux cases, tiel presentation fuit deste reiect. Et cē corody fuit due cybn̄ al vn cōmon ꝑson qui fuit founder [Page 51] sicōe ou le roy m̄ fuit founder. Mes ou le meason fuit tenus en frankealmoygne, la le tenure m̄ fuit vn discharge de corodie encounter touts homes, Sinon il fuit ap̄s charge voluntarimēt, come ou le roy voet mister son br'e al Abbey pur vn corodie pur vn tiel, le quel ils admit, la le meason doet eē charge a touts iours si l' roy soit foū dor, ou nemy.
COroner est vn aunciēt officer de trust et de graund aucthoritie, ordeine deste vn principal conseruat▪ ou gard' de la peace, a porter recorde des plees del corone, et de [Page] son view demesne, et de diūs auters choses, mult en number, &c. Mes al cestiour, ou le aucthority d'l Coroner nē cy grand, sicōe en auncient temps il fuit, per que loffice nē ewe en semblabl' estimac'. Ou autermēt le viscount et ils q' oūt aucthoritie de elect le coroner ne sount cy careful sicome ils doient eē en lour electiō, et pur ceo il est a ore tantoft deuenus arer' al mesme l' point, que il fuit en temps le roy Edvvarde le primer, quaunt cest statut sequēs fuit fait. Pur ceo q̄ petits gēts & meins sages soient eslius ore de nouel cōmunelm̄t al offic' del coron̄, et mestier serroit q̄ ꝓdes [Page 52] homes, loyals, et sages, se entermellent de cel offic': Puruiew est, que per touts les counties soient eslues suffisantes homes coroners, des plus loyals et plus sages chyualers &c. Et nyent obstant le letter de cē estatute ne soyt precisement obserue, vncore al meynes le entent doyt este sequor cy pres come poet que pur le defaut de chiualers, Gentle homes furnish oue tiels qualities sicōe le estatut mise (d' que il y ad diūs) poiēt este eslieu, oue cest addic', que ils soient vertuous, et bō conus christians.
COrporation est vn chos' ꝑmanēt q̄ poet [Page] auer succession: Et en vn assembly et ioining ensemble de diuers en vn felowship fraternitie, et ment, d' que vn est l' Test et principal, l's auters sōt le corps, et cē Test et corps ioint ensemble, fount le corporac'.
Et de corporations ascuns sount appels spiritual, et ascuns tē poral, et de ceux que sont spirituall, ascuns sont corporations de mort persōs en ley, et ascuns auterm̄t, et ascuns sont per aucthoritie del Roy solem̄t, et ascūs ount este dun mixt aucthority. Et d' ceux q̄ux sōt tēporall ascuns sount per aucthoritie d'l roign̄ auxi et ascūs ꝑ le common ley del realme.
[Page 53]Corporation spiritual, et de mort ꝑsons en ley, est lou le corporation consist dun Abbey et Couent, et ceux ount lour commencem̄t del roy, et le home de Rome, quāt il ad a faire cy.
Corporation spiritual et de able persōs en ley, est lou le corporation consist dun deane et chapter, Et cest corporation ad commencement del roy solement.
Corporation Temporal per le roy est, lou est vn mair' et cō minaltie.
Corporation temporal, per aucthoritie del common ley, est le assēblie en ꝑliamēt, le q̄l cōsist del roin̄, le teste del corporation [Page] et del sn̄rs spiritual et temporal, et de les cō mōs del realm̄, l'corps del corporac'.
Corps politike.
COrps politike sont Euesques, Abbes, Priours, Deans, Person dun esglise, et tiels sēblables q̄ux ont succession.
Corruption de sangue.
COrrupc' de sāgue est qn̄t le peere est attaint de felony ou treason, don (que) son sā gue est dit deste corrupt, per reason de q̄l ses enfants ne poyent este hr's a luyne a asc̄ auter auncester. Et sil fuit noble, ou gentle hōe deuant, il et touts ses enfants ꝑ ceo sont faits ignoble et vngentel eyant regarde [Page 54] al nobility ou gent [...]ie q'ils claime per lour pier, quel ne poit este sane arrere sans aucthority del parliam̄t.
COuenant est vn agreement fait perenter ij. persons, lou chescun deux est tenus al auter, de perfourmer certeine couenauntes pur son parte.
COuerture, est quāt vn hōe et vn fēe sōt espouse: Ore le temps de le continuance de cest mariage perenter eux, est appel couerture, et le femme est appel vn feme couert.
COuin est vn secret assent, det' mine en les ceurs de deux ou plusors, al preiudice dun auter: Come si t'pur t'me d'vie, voile secretment conspire oue vn auter, que lauter recouer a vers le t' pur vie, le terre que il tient &c. en preiudice de celuy en le reuersion.
COunterplee, ē lou vn port vn actiō, et le tenaunt en son respons, et plée vouche ou appell pur ascun home, pur garraunt son tytle, ou prayer ayde de auter que ad meliour estate, come [Page 55] de cesty en la reuersion, ou vn estraunge al actyon vyent & prayera deste resceu de sauer son estate: si le demaund' replye a ceo et mōster cause que il ne doyt tyel home voucher, ou que il ne doit de tiel home ayde auer, ou que tiel home ne doit este resceu, cest plee est appel vn counterplee.
Cinque portes.
CInque portes, sone certen hauen villes, cinque in nūber, as queux ad eē graunt lōge tēps passe mults libertyes (que auters port villes nount) et ceo primerment en le temps del Roy Edwarde appel le confessor [Page] (q' fuit deuāt le conquest) et fuer' encrease ap̄s, et c' especialm̄t en les iours de les deux Ed. l' prim̄, et 2. (ap̄s l' cōq̄st) cōe ap pt en l'liūd Doomesday et aut's viels monum̄ts q̄ux en cē lieur eēants haut tedious d' cit', ieo entende frere N. d' omit, et mise voꝰ cy le copy de vn aūc' rec' en frācois, le q'l l' worshipful, nr' louing et bō pier, moūsier I. Twine, de Caūt' dōe a moy hors de son liū appel W. Biholt, asc' tēps vn moigne de le Abbey d' S. Augustin̄ en que vous scauois que fuer' auncientm̄t accōpt le Cinks ports et lour members, q̄ux seruices ils deuoient, ou lour court doit eē tenꝰ, deuāt q̄, et d' q̄ux [Page 56] choses ils poient tener plea, oue tiels semble digne dēe conus, et ꝑ c' vous entendes auxi q̄ le viel rude verse fait faux nosme d' les v. ports ē nosm̄t eux solō' (que) cē man̄, Douer Sādwicus, Rie, Rumney, Frigmareuentus, Douer, Sandvvich, Rie, Rūney, Winchel sey, q̄ est entend Frigmareuentus &c. q̄l recordieo voile englois cibn̄ come mon petite sciēce en cē viel frēch voile dōe a moy cōge. Et issint il est.
Ceux sont les chiefe villes des Cinkes po [...]ts.
- 1 Hasting.
- 2 Romeney.
- 3 Heth
- 4. Douer. et
- 5 Sandwich.
Les members del port de Hasting sont ceux.
- 1 Peuenese.
- 2 Bolewareheth.
- 3 Petite Iames,
- 4 Bekesbourne
- 5 Grenethe.
- 6 Rie. et
- 7 VVinchelse.
A scuns adde a ceux le mere banke ē Sefford, [Page] Hideney, et Nor thie.
Le chiefe port de Hastinge one les mē bres auant dits deuient trouer au Roy de an en an, si mestre soit per meere vint et vne nefes. Ceo est a sauoir, la ville de Hastinge iij. nefes, la Peuenese vne nefe, wole worchetie et Petite Iham̄e vne nefe, Bekesbourne vne nefe, Greneshe ij. homes, oue deux armours oue ceux de Hastinge La ville de Rye v. nefes, la ville de winchelsee x. nefes.
La membres del ꝑt de Romenal sōt. 2. 1. Vieu Romenal, et 2. Iyde.
Ascuns adde al ceux Prormhel, Oswardstōe [Page 57] et denge marreis Romenal oue les auāt dits members deuient a roy come auant est dit 5. niefes, dount Lyde doit vn nief.
Le port d'Hethe oue son mēbre vvestheth deuient troū 5. niefes au roy, cōe auāt ēdit.
Les mēbers d'l port de Douer soūt ceux.
- 1. Folkestone, &
- 2. Feuersham.
Ascūs adde Meregate &c.
Mesme cel port de Douer, oue les auātdits mēbers doit troū au roy 21. niefs, ceo ē a seauoir Douer xix. niefes, Folkestone vn nefe, et Fauershā vn niefe.
Les mēbers del port de Sandvvyz sount ceux.
- [Page]1. Stoner.
- 2. Forwich,
- 3 Dale.
- 4 Seire.
Ascuns adde Reaculure.
Mesme cel port de Sandwich oue les mē bers auauntdits doyt troū en seruice le roy come auaunt est dit v. niefes.
Summe lvij. niefs.
Quant le roy vodra auer son seruice des auauntdits niefs, ils aueront xl. iours de sū mons, et ils troueront au roy en chescū nief xx. homes, et le mastr' byen arme, et byen atire pur faire le seruice le roy.
Et irrount les niefes en proper costages des cynke ports la ou eux serrount sūmons. Et quant les niefs serrount [Page 58] la venus, eux demurront xv. iours en seruice le roy al proper costages des Cynkes portes. Et apres les xv. iours passes ils demurrount au costages le roy, sil en ad a faire.
Le mastr' de la niefe prendra le iour vi. deniers. Le Constable vj. deniers, Et chescū des auters mariners iij. deniers.
Et est a sauer que la Court de Shipvveye que est chiefe Court des cynke portes, ou chescū Maire de chescun port, ou dusse, diz, syz, ou quater, et le Maire d' chescun port sicome eux par letters del gardeyne des Cynke portes [Page] ount estre sūmonus, et sicome le port est greinder ou meinder sauns essoine doit vener, doyt estre summonus per letters del dit gardeine a toutes les portes que illeoques suit deuient enuoies.
Et doit la summons a la suite fere et a sū mounder ascun comunant a responder a ascun, de ascun plee conteiner quaraunte iours del iour d' la receyt des letters le dit gardeine. Et auauntdit court doyt estre summons pryncipalment, pur treason fait encounter le roy ou royes, pur fausure de seale le roy, ou de sa money, pur treasure troue de south le [Page 59] terre, pur seruice le roy dedist, ou detenue, pur faux iudgement per ascun communant rendu.
Et nul cōmunant al ascū plee vers mesme la comunāt mesā respond'ne doit, fors (que) a la court auātdit.
Et plee illeoques mesne vers ascun baron des Cinkes ports challenge per le baylife de cel port de que baylie mesme le baron est, doyt estre aiournee dekes al port dount icel baron est, sil ne soit de trn̄s fayt au roy, pur ceo q̄ les dits barons oūt conisaunces de touts maners de plees horspris plees de corone. Et quant y ceux barons auerount defailes endroyture [Page] faire. Le dit Gardeine a la pleynt de celuy a qui ils auerount defayles de droyture entranticel port a droyture faire sicome il est contenue en la chartre.
Oustre c' la auauntdit court ne doyt estre tenue de la feast del Natiuitie de seint Marie ies (que)s a la feast de saint Andrevv pur les faires de German̄. Oustre ceo quant les Barons des Cynke portes sont en le seruice le roy sur meere, ou a la sūmons le roy, ou al maundement le roy.
Oustre ceo ne doyt pas tenue fors (que) per vn iour.
En vn essoign̄ tantsolement [Page 60] gist en le auauntdit Court en chescun plee.
De suit nul essoign̄ gist sicome il est auauntdit et pur ceo q' Maire qui de langour ou enfermete sudeine illeo (que)s venir ne purr, auter purra a cel iour son lieu tenir, issint ne pur taunt que retourne soit sait par sō baylife.
Ne auters princypalment deuient estre charges de ascū iudgment rendu en mesm̄ la Court fors (que) ceux nosmes queux par les Bayllyffes illeoques ountēe returnes &c.
Ouster tout ceo, ꝓuisiō de niefs et hōes come est auaūtd [...]t, ieo ay vievv en vn auter [Page] recorde (briefement escript) q̄ chesc' niefe doit auer vn garsion, que la est appell vn Gromet. Issint que en somme les cinques ports sont charges oues (que) 57. niefes. 1197. hōes, et 57. garsions ou Gromets.
Damage fesants.
DAmage fesants est quant les bests dū estraunger, sount en auters terres, saūs aucthoritie del ley ou licence del tenant de le terre, et la maunger treade, ou auterment spoila les blees, grasse, boyes, ou tiels sembles, en q̄l case le tenant que ils issint damage, poet pur ceo la prender, distreine et impounde eux, [Page 61] cibien sil soit ē le nuit cōe en le iour. Mes ē aut's cases, cōe pur rēt et seruices et tiels semblables, nul poit distrein̄ en le nuit temps.
DAnegeld, hoc est quietū esse de quadam cōsuetudine qui cucurrit aliquo tempore, quā quidē Danj leuauer' in Angl'.
Ceo cōmence prim̄ē tēps le roy Etheldred q̄ esteāt en graūd distresse ꝑ le cōtinual im uasiō d'les Danes, pur purchaser paxe fuit cō pelled' charger sō paies et people oue importable paim̄ts: car il p̄merm̄t don al eux al v. seūal paies 113000. li. et puis graūt al eux 48000. li. annualm̄t.
Deane et Chapter.
DEane et chapter ē vn corps corporate spiritual, consistāt de plusors able ꝑsōs en ley, cōe nosm̄t le deane (q'est le principal) et les Prebēds: et ils iointfont le corporation. Et sicōe cē corporac' poiēt iointment purchase t'res et ten̄ts al vse de lour esglise et successours: Issint auxi chesc'de eux seūalment poet purchase al vse de luy et ses heire, come nous iournalm̄tvoiom 'eux faier mult abūdātm̄t.
DEclaration est vn monstrāce en escript de le griefe et complaint de le demaundant [Page 62] ou plaintife, enuers le tenant ou defendant, en q' il suppose de auer receyue tort. Et cest declaration, doit este playne, et certein, pur ceo que il impeach le defendant ou tenāt, et auxi chase luy a respōder.
DEfendant est celuy que est sue en action personal, et il est appel tenāt en action reall.
DEmaines, ou demesnes, ē le principal maner place del sn̄r, q'il et ses auncestours, ount evve de temps hors de memory, en lour maines dem̄, & ount occupie [Page] ', ensēble oue touts edefices et measōs q̄ cun (que), et auxi les prees pastures, boies, terre errable, et tiels semblables appartainant a ceo.
DEmaund' est celuy q' sue ou cōplayne en vn acc' real pur title de terre, et il est appel pl' en vn assise & envn action personel cōe en action de det, trespas, disceit, detinue, & tyels semblables.
Demy sancke ou sangue.
DEmy sancke, ē qn̄t vn hōe mary vn fēe, et ad issue per luy vn fites, et el morust, et donques il prist vn [Page 63] auter femme et ad per luy auxi vn fits, Ore ceux deux fites sount solonque vn maner freres, ou com̄ ils sount appels, demy freres, ou freres del demy sanke, cest adire frere, per le part del pier, pur ceo que ils ount ambideux vn pier, et sount ambideux de son sangue, et nemy freres per le part le mere, ne de ascun sanck ou clime cest voye, et pur ceo lun de eux ne poet este heire al auter, car il que voyle clayme come heire al vn per discent, doit este dentier sanke a luyde que il claime.
[Page]DEmurrer est quant ascun acc' est port, et le defend' plede vn plee a que le pl' dit q' il ne voile respond', pur ceo que il nest suf ficient plee in le ley, & le def. dyt al contrary que il est sufficient plee, cest doub [...]e del ley est appell vn demurrer.
DEnizen est lou vn alien deuiēt le subiect del roigne, et obteyne sa letters patēts, pur enioier touts priuileges cōe vn ang loies. Mes vncore nient obstant, il payera eustōes, et diuers auters choses come aliens sont.
DEodande, est quāt ascun hōe per misfortune est tue ꝑ vne chiual▪ ou per charet, ou per auter chose q' mouet, donques cel chose que est la cause de son mort, que al temps de la mysfortune moua, serra forfayt al Roine, & ceo est appel Deodande, & pertaine al Almener le Royne pur disposer in almes et acts de charity.
Departure de son plea ou matter.
DEparture d' sō plea, ou matter, est lou vn home plede vn pleen barre, & le pleintife replie a ceo, et il apres en son reioynd' pled' ou mōstre auter [Page] matter contrary a son prim̄ plee en barr', ceo est appel vn departer de son barre &c.
Departer in dispite del court.
DEparter in dispite del court, est quāt le tenant ou defendāt appear' al action port enuers luy, et ad iour ouster en m̄ le terme, ou est demaund apres faūs iour en mesme le terme, et ne appeare, mes fait defaut, cē vn departure in despite del court, et pur ceo il serra condempne.
DEputie, est celuy q̄ occupia en aut' droit, soit ceo office, ou ascun auter chose, et son forfaiture, ou misdemen̄ causer loffic', ou celui q̄ deputy [Page 65] il est de pard' sō office ou chose. Mes vn ne poet faire son deputy en toutes cases, nisi le grāt soit issint sicōe il soit oue ceux ou tiels semblables parols, exercendo ꝑ se vel sufficientē deput' suū, ou si les parols va oustre, ꝑ se vel deputat', suū, aut deputat' deputati, donq̄s il poet faire vn deputy, et son deputy auxi poet faire vn deputy, auterm̄t nemy.
DEuastauer' bona testator', ē qn̄t les executors voyle deliū les legacies q'lour testator ad done: ou faire restitution pur tortes faits per luy, ou pay ses dettes due sur cō tracts, ou auter dettes sur specialtyes, que [Page] iours de payment ne sount vncore venus &c. Et ne garde sufficient en lour mains, pur dyscharger tyels dets sur specialtyes, que ils sount compellable p̄sentmēt per la ley de satisfier, donq̄s ils serront constrayne de paier de lour biens demesne ceux duties, l' quel al primer per le ley ils fuerount com. pels de payer, accordant al value de ceo que ils deliueront ou pay sauns compulsion, car tyels paymēts de dets, ou deliuerie de legacies, come est auantdit, deuant dets payes sur especialties, que iours de paiment sount a ore venus, sount accompt en le ley vn vastāt del bn̄s [Page 66] del testator, cy taunt, come si ils ad done eux sauns cause, ou vende eux, et conuert eux a lour proper vse.
DEuise est lou vn home en sō testam̄t don̄ ou graūta ses bn̄s ou ses terres a vn auter ap̄s son decease. Et lou tiel deuise est fait des biens, si les executours ne voil' deliuer les bn̄s a le deuisee, le deuisee nad remedy per l' comē ley, mes il couyent de auer cytation vers les executours le testatour dappearer deuāt lordynarie de monstrer pur quoy il ne ꝑformer le volunte le [Page] testator, car le deuisee ne poet prēd' le legacy et luy m̄ seruer, mes il doet este deliuer a luv per les executors.
Et ore al fin̄ de mr'e a vous (frere Nich.) quant les leys de cest realme, et les sapient discreete Iudges de c̄, q̄ux sont les interpreters de le ley, ount fauour volunts et testaments, et issint deuises en yelding al eux tiel reasonable cōstrucc', cōe ils pēsant poet bn̄ agreer oue les mentes de les mor [...]s, considerāts q̄ volunts et testam̄ts sōt pur le plus ꝑt, et ꝑ comō entendm̄t, fait qn̄t le testat' ē ore en graūd lāgour, feble, et passe tout spe rans de recoūy, car il est vn opinion en l'e [Page 67] payes enter le greind' nombers, q̄ si vn hōe ꝑ chāce soit cy sapiēt, cōe de faire sō volunt en son bone sane, qn̄t il est strōg, de bō memory, ad tēps & oportunitie, et poet dd' coūcel, si asc' dout soit de le learned, q' donques il ne doiet viuer lōge apres ceo, et pur ceo, ils ceo deferre, tā que tiel temps, quant il soit plus conueniēt d'applier eux mesm̄s al' disposition de lour almes, q' de lour terres et biens, sinō que il soit, q' per fresh memory, et recital d' eux a cest tēps, il poet estr' vn cāe de mise eux en ment, de ascūs d'lour bn̄s, ou terres fauxm̄t purch. et issint moue cux al restitution &c. [Page] Et ac' tēps, le escripture de tyels volūts, sōt cōmunem̄t cōmyt al minister del ꝑoch, ou al asc' aut' plus ignorant q̄ luy, sil poet estre, q̄ ne scauoit q̄ux parolx sont necessarie pur faire vn estate en fee simpl', fee tail', pur terme de vie, ou tyels semblables, preter diuers auters mischiefs. Ieo voile pur c̄ mise a voꝰ cy ascuns d' ceux cases q̄ux sōt plus cō mō en les bouches de les ignorant homes, et portount, ꝑ le sapient interpretations de les Iudges, cōe est auantdit, vn larger, et plus fauorable sēse en volūts q̄ ē faits: Et pur c̄ prim̄m̄t, si vn deuise al I. S. ꝑ sō volūt, toutes ses terres et ten̄ts, icy nō solem̄t touts ceux [Page 68] t'res q̄ il ad en possess. passōt, mes auxy ceux de q̄ il ad le reuersion, ꝑ vertue de ceux ꝑolx tenements.
Et si t'res sōt deuise a vn hōe, a aū a luy im ꝑpetuū, ou a aū a luy et a ses assignes: en ceux deux cases l' deuisee auera fee simpl', mes si soit don̄ ꝑ feoffement, en tiel maner il nad fors (que)estat' pur terme de vie.
Auxi si vn home deuise ses terres al auter, pur don̄, vēd', ou faire de c̄ a son wil et pleasure, cest fee simple.
Vn deuise fayt al vn et a ses hr'es males fait vn estate taile, mes si tiels parolx soūt mise en vn fait d'feoffem̄t, il serra pryse en fee simple, pur ceo que [Page] que il nappiert de qui corps les heires males serra ingendre.
Si terres sount done per fait al I. S. et a les heyres males de son corps &c. q̄ ad issu file que ad issu fits et morust, la le terre reuertera al donor, et l' fits del file nauer' ceo, pur c' que il ne poet a luy mesme conueyer per heires males, car sa meere est vn obstacle a ceo, mes auterment est d'tiel deuise, car la l' fits del file ceo auera rather que le volunt serra voyde.
Si vn deuise al infant en venter matris sue, cest bone deuise, auterment est ꝑ feoffem̄t grāt ou dōe, car en ceux cases, il [Page 69] doet estr' vn de habilitie pur prend' maintenant, ou autermēt il est voide.
Vn deuise fait (en see simple) sās exp̄sse parolx de heires, est bon en fee simple.
Mes si vn deuise soit al I. N. il aūa les terres fors (que) pur t'me de vie, car ceux ꝑolx ne voil' porter greind' estate.
Si vn voile q' son fits I. aūa son terre post mortē son fēe, icy le fēe del deuisor aūa le terre prim̄ pur terme de sa vie. Issint si hom̄ deuise ses byens a sa feme, et que apres le mort sa femme, son fits et heire auera le meason ou les byens sount, la le fits nauera le meason durant le vie de le femme, [Page] car il appiert que son intent fuit, q' sa feme doit aū le measō auxi pur terme de sa vie, ni ent obstant il ne fuyt deuise a luy ꝑ expresse parolx.
Si vn deuise soit al I. N. et a les heires females de son corps ingendres: apres l' deuisee ad issue fits et file et morust, icy le file auera le terre, et nemy le fits, et vncore il est le pluis digne ꝑson, et heire al son peere, mes pur ceo que le volūt del mort est, que le file doyt ceo auer, ley et conscience voit issint auxi Et en cest point les hethens fueront precise, come appiert per ceux verses de Octauius Augustus q' Donatus
[Page 70]report, il fesoyt apres que Virgil a son mort, donoit cōmaū dement que ses liuers doient estre combure pur ceo que ils fuerōt vnperfit, et vncore ascuns perswadount que ils doyent estre saue, come ē a fit happiment ils fueront, a q̄ il respond issint. Sed legum seruāda fides: sup̄ma volūtas quod mandat, fierique iubet, parere necesse est.
DIscent ē vn deux sorts ou linial, ou collaterall.
Liniall discent, est quant le discent est conuey en mesme le line dentier sanke, cōe aile, pier, fits, fits del fits, et issint debassa.
[Page]Collateral discent, ē dehors en vn auter branch dehaut, dentier sanke, cōe le frere del aile, frere del fits, et issint debassa.
DIsclaimer est lou le seigniour distraine son tenaunt, et il sua repleuin, & le seignior auowa le prise, per reson que il tient de luy si le tenaunt dyt que il disclaima de tener de luy, cest appel vne disclaimer, et si le seig niour sur ceo porte briefe de droit sur disclaim̄, et il soit troue encounter le tenant, il perdera le terre.
DIsmes sont deuides en troies sorts, nosment, [Page 71] Prediall dismes, Parsonel dismes, et Mixt dismes.
Prediall dismes, sont dismes, que sont pay de choses q̄ux vient de le trrre solem̄t, cōe, feine, fruits delarbors. et tiels sēblables. Personal dismes, sont dismes q̄ sont paies de tiels profits q' veigne ꝑ le labor, it industry del ꝑsō dū hōe, cōe ꝑ empc', et vēdic', gaine de marchātdize, & de manuel craft hōes, laborers et tiels q' labor pur fallery, cōe carpē ters, masōs, et tiels sē blables.
Mixt dismes, sont les dismes de vitels, agnes, porcels, et tiels sē blables, q̄ encrease ꝑtm̄t del t'r', sur q'ils sōt depastures, et partm̄t [...]
Disseisin sur disseisin.
DIsseisin sur disseysin est, quaunt le disseisour est disseisie p [...] vn auter.
Disseisour et disseisee.
DIsseisor est celuy que myst ascun home hors de sō terre sauns order de ley, et disseisee est celuy que estissint mis de hors.
DIstres est la chose que est pris et distrayne sur ascun terre pur rent arere, ou pur aut' dutie, ou pur tort fait, coment que le ꝓperty del chose soit [...]eināt al estrāge, mes si sount beastes que [Page 73] pertein̄t a vn estrāge, il couient que sont leuant & couchant sur mesme le terre. s. q̄ les beasts auoiēt eē sur l' terre ꝑ certaine space que ils oūt eux bn̄ repose sur la terr' ou autermēt ils ne sont distrainable. Et si vn distraine pur rent ou auter chose sauns cause loyal, donques le partie greeue auera vn Repleuin sur suertie troue de pursuer son action, et auera la distresse a luy redeliuer. Mes sount diuers choses que ne sont dystreinable, cestassauoir le robe dauter home en le meason de vn tayler, ou drape en le meason dun fuller, shereman, ou vveyuer, pur ceo q̄ ils sont [Page] cōmon artificers, et q̄ le comen presumption est que tyels choses ne perteynent al artificer, mes al auters persons que les mettont la a ou [...]er.
Auxi vitel nest pas distreinable, ne blees en garbes, sinon q̄ ils sount en vn chareot, purc' que distres couient eē touts foits de tiel chose, doūt le vic̄ puit faire repleuin, et redeliū en auxi bō cas que il fuit al tēps del prise. Auxi home puit distraine pur homage de son tenant, pur fealtie et escuage, & aut's seruices, et pur fin̄s et amercements q̄ sōt assesse en vn lete, mes nemy en court barō. Et auxi pur damage fesaunt. s. quaunt il [Page 74] troue l's beasts ou b [...] dū aut', fe [...]ant tort ou incūbrant sō t're, mes home ne puit distrain pur ase' rent ou chose due pur ase' terre, mes sur in la t're q̄ ē charg oues (que) c̄, mes en case lou ieo veign̄ a distr', et lauter voyant mon purp̄, chase les beastes ou port le chose de hors, al entēt q̄ ieo ne prendra pur distresse sur le terre, donq̄s ieo puisse bn̄ pursue, et si ieo le prist mayntenāt en la haute ch min ou en auter soile, la prisel est loial, auxi bn̄ la cōe sur la terr▪ charge a q̄ cun (que) la propertie des bn̄s sōt. Auxi pur fin̄s et amerciamentes que sount assesse en vn lete, vn puit toutes foits prendre les biens [Page] celuy qui est issint amercy in quecunque soile que ils sōt deyns la lurysdictyon del Court vt dicitur. Et quant vn ad prise vn distres, il couiēt a luy de amesn̄ a le comen pound, ou auterment il puit garder in auter foile, issint que il don̄ notice al partie que il (si le distresse soyt vn viue beast) puit don̄ a luy viand, et donq̄s si le beast murrust pur defaut de viand', celuy que fuit distrayne serra a le parde, & donques lauter puyt distrayne auterfoytes pur mesme le rent ou duitie. Mes sil amesna la dystresse a vn forselet, ou hors del county, que la vic̄ ne puit bn̄ faire deliūāce [Page 75] sur repleuin, donques la partie sur le returne de viscount auera vn briefe d' Withernam direct al viscount que il preigne taunt de ses beastes, ou taunt des biēs lauter en sa gard, tanque il ad fayt deliuerance de la prymer dist [...]esse. Auxy▪ sils sount in vn forselet ou chateaw, le vicont puit prender [...]ue [...]luy le power del county & abater le chastell come appie [...]t per le statute westmonaster' 1. C. 17. Ideo vide statutum.
DIuorc', issint appel d' diuortiū, veniēs del verbe diuort', que signifie purret' arrer', come quant vn home est dyuorce de son [Page] feme, il luy retpur [...]e arrere al [...] sa pier, ou auter amies, ou al [...]ieu ou▪ il luy ad, et per tiel diuorce le maryage▪ est defeate et destraye▪
Donor et donee.
DOnor est celuy que dōe terres ou tenements al▪ auter en [...]aile, et celuy a q̄ il est dōe▪ est appel donee.
Double plea.
DOuble plee, est lou le defendant ou tenaūt en ascun action plede vn plee, in que ij. matters sont cōprehendus▪ & chescun per luy m̄ est vn sufficient barre ou respōs al actyon ou matter de barre, donques tiel double plee ne serra [Page 76] admit pur plee, si non que vn depende sur lauter, et in tyel case, sil ne puit auer' l' darreine plee, sans le primer plee, dōques tyel double plee serr' bien suffer.
DRoyt ē lou vn ad chose q̄ fuit toll de auter per tort, cōe per disseisin, ou eiectmēt, ou tiels semblables, et ceo challēge ou claim̄ que il ad que auoyt le chose, est term̄ droit.
Droit dentrie.
DRoyt dentrie, est quant vn seisie de terre en fee, ēd' c' disseise: Ore le disseisie ad droyt dentre en le terre, et poet quaunt il voyle, ou il poet [Page] auer briefe de droyt enuers le disseisour.
DVres ē lou vn hōe est garde in pryson ou restreyne d' sō libertie cōtrary al order de ley, et si tiel ꝑson issint esteant, fayt in dures ascun especialtie, ou obligation, ꝑ reason de tiel emprisonment, tyel fayt est voyde en le ley, et in actyon port sur tyel especialtie, il puit dire que il fuit fait per dures de son imprysonment: mes si home soyt arrest sur ascun action al suite vn auter, mesque le cause del action ne soit bon ne voier, sil fait ascun obligatyon a vn estraūge esteant in prison pur tiel arrest, vncore [Page 77] il ne serra dit per dures, mes sil fait obligation a luy a que suit il suit arrest deste discharge de tiel imprisonment, donques il serra dit dures.
Eire Iustices.
EIre Iustices, or Itinerant, come nous appel eux, fuerōt Iustices que vse de equitare de lieu al lieu, per tout le realm̄, pur administer iustice.
Embrasour ou embraceour.
EMbrasour ou Embraceour, est celuy que quant vn matter est en tryal perenter partie et partie, vyent al barre oue vn del partyes (ayant receiue ascun revvard pur issint faire) et [Page] parle en le case, ou priuem̄t labour l' iury ou stat la pur surueier ou suruieu eux, per cē meanes de mitter eux en pauour et doubt del matter. Mes hōes que sount erudite en le ley, poient parle en le case pur lour fee mes ils ne poyent labour le Iurie, et sils preigne mony a issint faire, ils auxi sont embrasors.
ENcrochment est dit qn̄t le sn̄r ad happa seisin de plus rent ou seruices de son tenant que de droit est due, ou doet este paye ou fayt a luy: Come si le tenaunt tyent sa terre de son seigniour [Page 78] per fealtie et ij. s. rent annuelment, Et ore de tardife tēps, le sn̄r ad happa seisin d' iij. s. rent, ou de homage, ou escuage, ou tielssē blables, dō (que) cē appel vn Encrochment de cest rent, ou seruice.
ENheritaunce est tiel estat'en t'res ou ten̄ts, ou auters choses, que poient este enherite ꝑ le heire, soit ceo de estate en fee simple, ou taile per discent de asc̄ de ses auncesters, ou per son purchase demesne.
Et enheritaunce est deuide en deux sorts, cēascauoir, enheritāce corporate, et enheritance encorporate.
[Page]Enhertāce corporate sont mesuages, terres, prees, pastures rents, et tiels sēblables, q̄ ont substance en eux mesmes, et poient cōtinuer tout tēps. Et ceux sont appel choses corporal.
Enheritance incorporate, sont aduowsons, villes, voies, comons, Courts, piscaries, q̄ sont ou poient [...]ēappēd', ou appurtenantes a enheritance corporate.
EQuite est en deux man̄s, diūs molt lū del aut', et sont de cō trary effectes, car lun abridge, diminish, ou toll' de l' lett' del ley. Le aut' ēlarge, amplifie, et ad a ceo. [Page 76] Le primer est issit define. Aequitas est correctio legis generatim latae qua parte dificit, le quel correction del gen̄al parols ē moult vse en nr'e ley, sicome pur example, qn̄t act de parliament est fair, quecun (que) que fait tiel act serra felon, et serr mise al mort, vnc' si home de non sanae memoriae, ou enfaunt de tend' age que nad discretion le fayt, ils ne serront felons, ne mise al mort.
Auxi si estatut fuit fait que toutes persons que recetteront ou doneront manger ou boier ou aut' aide acēy q' faiera tiel act, serront accessory a sō offence, et serrōt mise [Page] al mort si conusterōt del fact, vncore lū fait tiel act et veygne a sa ꝓper feme que sciant ceo luy receiue et dōe manger et boier a luy el ne serra accessorie ne felon, car en le generalty de les dits parols del ley cēy de nō sanae memoriae, ne le infaunt, ne le feme fuerount include en entent. Et issint equitie correct le generalty del ley en ceux cases, et les parolx general sont per equitie abridge.
Lauter equitie est define en tiel maner, Aequitas est verborum legis directio efficiens cum vna res solummodo legis cauetur verbis vt ōnis alia in aequali genere [Page 80] eisdem caueatur verbis. Et issint quaunt les parolx enact vn chose, ils enact touts auters choses que sōt en sēblables degrees. Sicome le statute que ordeygne que en action de det vers executours cesty que vient per distresse respondera, extendera per equitie al administratours, car cesty de eux que vyent primes per distresse respondera per equitie del dit act, Quia sunt in aequali genere.
Issint le statute de Gloucester done le action de vvast et le punishment de ceo vers cesty que tiēt pur vie, ou ans, et per leequitie [Page] de ceo home auera acc' d'wast vers cesty q' tiēt forsq' pur vn an, ou demi an, et vnc' ceo est hors del parolx del statut, car cēy q' tiēt forsque pur demy an, ou vn an, ne tient pur ans, mes c' ē le entent, et les parols q' enact lun ꝑ equity enacteront lauter.
EScape est en deux sorts. s. volūtary, et necligent.
Voluntarie escape ē quant vn arresta auter pur felony ou auter crime, et puis luy lesser aler ou il veult, cē lesser de luy aller est vn voluntarie escape. Et si larrest de cesty q̄ escape fuit pur felony ceo serra dit felony ē cestuy que luy lessa [Page 81] descap, et si pur treason, il serra treason en luy, etsi pur tn̄s, donq̄s trespas, etsic de singulis.
Neglygent escape est quant vn est arrest et puis escape encoū ter le volunt cestuy que luy arrest, et ne so it freshmēt pursue, et reprise deuant que le pursuour perda le vieu de luy, ceo serra dit negligēt escape nō obstant que cēy hors de que poss. il escape luy reprist apres le vievv perdus.
Il y ad vn escap̄ auxi sauns arrest, come si vn murder soyt fayt en le iour, & le murderer ne soyt pris, dō ques il est escape per q̄ le vill' ou le murder fuit fait serra amercy.
ESplees est sicome le seisin, ou poss▪ dun chose, ꝓfit, ou cōmoditie q' est a prender: come dū comō les esplees est le prēder del grasse ou cōmon ꝑ les mouths de les beastes q' cōmon la: dun aduowson le prend' de grosse dismes, dūbois, le vender de boys, dū orchard, le vender de pomes, ou auter fruit cressāts la, dun molin ē prisel de toll est les esplees, et d' tiels semblables.
ESsoine ē lou vn actiō est port, et le pl' ou defendant ne poit bien appearer al iour in court pur vn de v. causes de south exp̄sses, donques il serra [Page 82] essoyne de sauer son defaut, vnd' nota que sont v. maners de essoyne, cestaslauoir, essoin̄ de oustre le mere et ceo ē per xl. iours. Le ij. essoyne de terra sancta, et ceo serra pur vn an et vn iour, et ceux deux serront gist al cōmencem̄t d'l ple. Le tierce essoin̄ est de male vener, et ceo serra al comen iours, cōe laction require et cest appell' comen essoin̄. Le iiij. essoyne est de malo lecti, et c̄ est solement en bryefe de droit, et sur ceo issera briefe hors de chauncerie direct al vicoūt que il maund'iiij. Chiualers al tenāt de voier le tenant, et sil soyt malade, de doner a luy ioure apres vn [Page] an & vn iour. Lev. essoine est de seruice le roy, et gist en touts actions fors (que)en assise de nouel disseisin, br' de dovver, darreine presentment, et in appel de murder, mes in cest essoin̄, il couyent al iour de mōstre son garraunt, ou auterment il tornera in vn def. sil soyt in plee reall, ou il perdra xx. s. pur le iurney del pl' ou plꝰ per discrec' des Iustices, sil soit ē plee psonel, vt patet ꝑ statut de Gloc. cap. 8.
EStoppel est quaunt vn est conclude et denie en ley de parler encounter son act ou fait demesne niēt obstantil soit pur dire le [Page 83] veritie. Et de estoppels il y ad vn graūd number, vn pur exā ple est, quant Ioh. Sti. est oblige en vn obligac' per le nosme de Thomas Stile, ou ascū auter nosme, et est ap̄s sue accordant al m̄ le nosme mise en loblig▪ cē adire, Thomas Stil' ore il ne serra receyue adir' q'il est misnosm̄, mes serra chase a responder accordant al nosme mise en loblig. cest adir' Thom̄ S. car peraduenture lobligee ne scauoyt pas sō nosme, mes il report tantsolem̄t deloblig. m̄. Et entant q'il est m̄ le hōe q̄ fuit oblig', il serr' estopp̄ et deny ē ley, pur dir'l' cōtrary encoūter son fait demesne, car auterm̄t il [Page] puit prend' aduātage de son tort demesne, l' q̄l l ley ne voet suffrer vn hōe de faire.
Auxi si le file que est tantsolem̄t lheire la sō pier, voet suer liuerie oue sa soer que est vn bastard, el ne serra apres receiue pur dire q̄ sa soer ē vn bastard, entant q̄ si sa bastarde soer prist le moitie del terre oue luy, il ny ad remedy per le ley.
Item si vn home seisie de terr' en fee simple, voet prender vn le as pur ans de mesme le terre dun estranger per fayt endent, cest vn estoppel durant le t'me des ans. Et le lessee est per ceo barre adire le veritie. Car le veritie est, que il que lessa le terre nad riens [Page 84] en ceo al tēps del leas fait, et que le fee simple fuit en luy que prist le leas, mes ceo il ne serra receyue adire, tanque apres les ans serra determine, pur ceo que il appiert que il ad vn estat pur ans. Et il fuit sō folly de prender vn leas de ses terres dem̄, et pur ceo serra issint puny pur sa folly.
EStraungers sount ils que ne soūt parties, ne priuies al fine leuie, ou fesauns dun fayt.
EStray, est lou ascun beast ou cattel, ē in [Page] ascū seignioury, et nul conust le owner de c̄ dō (que) il serra seisi al oeps le royne, ou le sn̄r [...] ad tiel estraye per graūt l'royne ou per prescripc', et si le owner viēt et fait claime a ceo deyns vn an et vn iour, donq̄s il le reaūa paiant pur son viand', ou autermēt a [...]s an, la ꝓperty de c̄ serra al sn̄r, issint que le sn̄r face proclamation de ceo accordant a le ley, en deux market villes.
Excommengem̄t, est quant vn hōe ꝑ iudgment en le spyrituall court est accurse, dō ques il ē disabl'de suer ascun action en le court le royne, et sil remayne excōmenge [Page 85] xl. iours, & ne voyle este iustifie ꝑ son Ordinary, don (que) leues (que) maūdera sa letter patent al Chauncellor, et sur ceo serra maūd al vic. de prender le corps lexcommengee ꝑ vn briefe appell de Excōmunicato capiendo, iesque il ad fait gree al esglise pur le contempt & tort, & quaunt il est iustifie, & ad fait gree, donques leuesque maunder' sa letter al royne certifient ceo, et donques serra maunde al viscount de luy deliū ꝑ vn br' appel de Excommunicato deliberando.
EXchaunge, est lou [Page] vne home est seisi de certeine terre, et vn auter home est seisie de auter terre, si ils per vn fayt endent ou sauns fayt (si les terres sount en vne countye) exchaunge lour terres, issint que chescun de eux auera aut' terre a luy issynt exchaunge en fee, fee taile, ou term̄ de vie, ceo est appel vn exchāge, et est bon sans liuerye et seisine. Et in exchaunge il couient que les estates a eux limitte per lexchange sount egalles, car si vne ad estate in fee in sa terre, & lauter ad estate in auter terre fors (que) pur terme de vye, ou en tayle, donquestiel eschange est voyde, mes si les [Page 86] estates sont egalles, et ses terres ne sont de egal value, vncore lexchāge est bō. Auxi vn exchange de rent pur terre est bōe. Issint exchaunge inter rent & comen est bon, et ceo couient este per fayt. Et il couient toutes foits que ceux parolx (exchange) sont en le fait, ou auterment ryens passa per le fayt sinon que il ayet liuere & seisin.
Execution, est lou iudgement est dōe en ascun actiō que le plaintife recouera la terr', le det, ou damages, come le case est, et quant ascun bryefe est agarde de luy mitter en possession, ceo [Page] est appel briefe de execution, et quaunt il ad le possession de le terre, ou est paye de dette ou dammages, ou ad le corps le def, agarde al prison, dō ques il ad executiō, & si le ple soit en coūty ou court barron ou hundred, & ils alyenont le iudgement en fauour del partie, ou per auter encheason, don (que) le demaundant auera briefe d'Executione iudicij. Mes en briefe de dette home nauera recouerie de null' terre, mes de cel que le defendaunt auoit ioure de iudgement rendue. Et de chateux home auera executyon solement des chateux, queux il auoitiour de execution
EXecutor est quant home fait son testament et darreine volunt, et in ceo nosma le ꝑsō [...] executera son testamēt, don (que) cesty que est issint nosm̄, est son executour, et tiel executour auera action vers chescū dettour de son testatour, et si lexecutor ad assets, chescun a [...] le testatour fuit in dette auera action vers lexecutours sil ad obligation ou especialty, mes en chescun case lou le testatour puissoit gager son ley, nul acc' gist vers executour.
[Page]EXtinguishment est lou vn seigniour dun manor ou ascun auter ad vn rent issant dascun terre, et il purchase mesme la terre, issint que il ad tiel estate en la terre, come il auoyt en le rent: donques le rent est extinct pur ceo que vn ne puyt auer rent issuant hors de son terre demesne. Et quant ascun rent serra extient, il couyent que le terre et le rent sount en vne maine, & auxy q̄ lestate que il ad ne soyt defesible, et que il ad auxi bon estate en le terre, come en le rent, car sil ad estate en le terre forsque pur terme de vie, ou dans, et ad vn fee simple en le rent, [Page 88] donques le rent nest extinct, mes est ere suspence pur cel tēps, & donques apres le terme le rent est reuiue. Auxy si soit seigniour, mesne, et tenāt & le feigniour purchase la tenauncye, dōques le menalty est extinct, mes le mesne aūa la surplusage de rent, si ascun soit cōe vn rēt secke. Auxi si home ad chimin appendant, & puis purchase le terre en q'le chimin ē, don (que) le chimin ē extinct, et issint ē de vn cōen appenddant.
EXtorc̄ ē vn tort fait ꝑ vn officer, come vn Maier, Bailiffe, Visc', [Page] Escheator ou auter officer, colore officij sui, en prendrans excessiue revvarde, ou fee, pur executiō de sō dit office ou auterment, et nē aut' chose en fait q' plain̄ robberie, mes plus odible q̄ robberie, car robberie est apparant, et toutes dits ad oue lui le coū tenaunce de vice, mes extortiō eēāt cy haut vice cōe robberie est, port oue luy vn coū tenance d' vertue, per reason de que il est le plus dure deē trie, ou discerne, et pur ceo le plus odible. Et vncor' ascūs il y ad q' ne voilēt dem̄re, mes stretch lour office, credit, et conscience pur purchaser money, cybiē per extortion, come [Page 89] auterment, accordāt al disans de le poet Virgil.
Quid non mortalia pectora cogit auri sacra fames?
Failer de recorde.
FAyler de record, ē quant vn actiō de trn̄s ou tiels sēblables, est port enuers vn, et le def. dit, q' le pl' deuant ceo, port vn acc' pur m̄ le trn̄s, en auter court, et recouer dam̄ &c. Et dd' iudgemēt del court sil auera arrere cest actyon &c. Et le playntife dit nul tiel recorde, sur que le def. ad iour done a luy, pur amesner eins le record, a q̄ iour il fayle: ou amesne [Page] eins vn tiel, q' nē barr' al cest action, dōques il est dit de fayler de recorde, et sur ceo le playntife auera iudgment de recouer &c.
FAyt est vn proue, et testimonie de le agreement del partie que fayt il est, al chose contayne en le fayt: Come vn fayt de feoffemēt est vn proue del liuery de seisin, car le terre passa per la liuerie de seysin, mes quant le fayt et le lyuerie est ioint ensemble, cest vn proue del liuerie, et que le feoffour est content que le feoffee auera le terre.
Et nota que toutes faits sount ou indent, de q̄ il ad deux, troys, [Page 90] ou plusours, come le case require, de que le feoffor, grauntor, ou lessour ad vn, le feoffee, graūtee, ou lessee vn aut', et peraduent' asc' auter person auxi vn aut', &c. ou autermēt ils sont fayts pol, ou single, et fors (que) vn, le q̄l le feoffee, grauntee, ou lessee ad &c.
Et chescun fait consist de troys principal choses (et sils troys ne sount ioine ensemble, il nest perfect fait de lier les parties) nosment, escripture, sigillation, et deliuerie.
Le primer point est escripture, ꝑ q' est declar' les nosmes del ꝑties al fait, lour habytatiō, lour degrees, le chose grāt, sur q̄ux cō siderac', lestate limit, [Page] le temps quant il fuit graunt, et si simplem̄t, ou sur condition, oue auters tiels semblables circūstances, mes si les parties al fayt, escript en le fine lour nosmes demesn̄, ou mise a ceo lour markes (cōe il est cōmunement vse) il ne fait ascū matt' (cōe ieo suppose) car ceo nest entende ou il est dit que chescū fait couient de auer escripture.
Le seconde poynt est Sigillation, que est pl' testimony de lour consents al ceo containe en le fait, come appiert per ceux ꝑolx: In cuius rei testimonium &c. touts foites mise en le fin̄ d' fayts, s [...]uns queux parolx, le fayt est insuffycient. [Page 91] Et pur ceo q' noꝰ sumꝰ ē sigillat' et sining de faits, il ne serra de hors (frere Nich.) icy a mr'e a vous, pur l' amour de antiquitie, le man̄ de signing et subscribing de faits en nr' auncestors les Saxons temps, vn fashiō differēt de ceo que nous vse en ceux nr' iours, en c' q' ils a lour fayts subscribe lour nosmes (cōmunem̄t adding l' signe del crosse) et en le fine mise vn graūd number des testimonies, nyent vsant a cel temps ascun maner de sigil. Et nous a cest iour pur plus suertie, auxibien subscribe nostre nosmes (nient obstant c̄ nest mult necessar' cōe ieo ay deuāt dit) mise nr' [Page] sigils, et vse le aide de testimoignes auxy.
Cest primer fashion ount contynuaunce per tout tanque al temps del conq̄st per les Normās, que maners per petit et petit al darrayne preuayle ēter nous: Car le primer Charter sigil en Engleterre est pense deste ceo del roy Ed. le confessor al Abbey de West minster, que (esteaunt educate en Normandy) port en cest realme ceo, et ascun auter d' lour guises oue luy. Et apres le veniās de Guillam le Cōqueror, les Normans estemans de le custome de lour paies (come naturalment toutes nations fount) reiect le manner que l [...]s trouōt cy, et retein̄ [Page 92] lour proper, come Ingulphus le Abbot de Croyland que vyent eins oue le conquest testimoygne, disens: Normāni, cheirographorū confectionem, cum crucib aureis, et alijs signaculis sacris, in Anglia firmari solitā, in cerae impressionē mutant, modūque scribendi Anglicū reijciunt. Mes niēt obst' ceo ne fuit fait tout al vn tēps, mes il ēcrease et vient eins ꝑ certein steps et degrees, issint que primes et pur vn season le roy solemēt ou vn peu auters d' le nobility oustr' luy vse de sigiller, donques le noble homes pur le plꝰ part et nul auters, q̄l chose vn hōe poet voier en le history de [Page] Battel Abbey ou Richard Lucy chief Iustice de Engleterre en l' temps del roy Henry le seconde est report d' auer blame vn mean̄ subiect pur ceo que il vse vn priuate sigill quant ceo pertayne (come il dist) al roy et nobility sol'ment. Al q̄l tēps auxi (cōe Iohn Rosse note ceo) ils vse de ingraue en lour sigils, lour pictures demesn̄, et coū terfaits couer oue vn lōge tunicle suꝑ lour Armours. Mes apres ceo les Gentlehomes del meliour sort prist le fashion, et pur ceo q'ils ne fueront touts guerrours, ils fesoient sigilles engraue oue lour seuerall coates, ou shieldes de armes, [Page 93] pur difference cōe m̄ le authour report. Al darraigne, al tēps del roy Edward le tierce, sigils fuerōt mult cō mon, issint que non solemēt tiels que portant armes, vse de sigiller, mes auters hōes auxi fesoyent al eux m̄s, signets de lour deuise demesne, ascuns prendrans les letters de lour nosmes dem̄, ascūs flores, ascuns et florishes, ascuns aues, ou beasts, et ascūs autets choses, come noꝰ ore vnc' iournalment voier ē vse. Ascūs aut' man̄ d' sigillac' ouster ceux ad eē over enter nous, cōe nosmēt ceo de roy Ed. le 3. p q̄l il dōe, Al Normā l' hūt', le hop, et le hop ville oue touts le bōds vpside [Page] dovvne, Et en Testmoyne q' il soyt veray, il morde l' cere oue son fong deut.
Le semblable de cē (srere Nicholas) nr' e reuerend & bon pier, enter auters antiquities pur ma purpose, monstre a moy, en vn loose cart, mes non moult auncientm̄t escript, et pur c̄ il voile, q' ieo esteema de ceo come ieo pense bien, il fuit come ensue.
Ieo Guillam King done a vous powlen Royden, ma hope et ma hop terres, oue touts les boundes vp et dovvne, de ceole al terre, de terre al infern̄, pur voy et vr'es a dem̄rer, de moy et mes, al toy et vr's, pur vn arke et vn brode [Page 94] arrowe, when I come to hunt vppon yarrowe In witnesse that this is sooth, I bite this waxe with mye tooth, In the presence of Magg, Maude, and Margery, and mye thyrde sonne Henry.
Alsoe that of Alberic de veer, conteyninge the donation of Hatfield to the which hée affixed a short blacke hafted kniefe, like vnto an olde halpenie whitle, in stéede of a seale, with diuers such lyke. But some peraduenture wil thinke that these were receyued in common vse and custome, and that they were not rather the deuyses and pleasures of a fewe singuler personnes, [Page] tiels ne sōt meines deceiue, que ils q'pensōt chescun charter et escript q' nad sigille annexe, dēe ey auncient come le conquest, lou (en veritie) sigillatiō ne fuit cōmunement vse tan (que) al temps del roy Edward le iij. cōe ad este dit.
Le tierce poynt est deliuerie, quel nient obstāt il soit mise darraine, nest le meinst, car ap̄s q' vn fait soit escript, et sigil, sil ne soit deliuer, tout le re sidue ē a nul purpose, Et cest deliuery doyt este fayt per le partie m̄, ou sō sufficiēt garrant, et issint il luy liera quecun (que) escript, ou sigille ceo, et per cest darraigne act, le fait est fait perfect accordant [Page 95] al entent et effect de c', et pur c' ē faits le deliūy est dēe proue &c. Issint poies voier q' escript', et sigillac' sans deliūry est a nul purpose, Que sigillation et deliuerie, lou nē asc' escripture worke nul chose, Ne escriptur' et deliūy sās sigillatiō auxi, fait nul fait. Et pur c' ils tout doient iointmēt concurre pur fair' vn perfect fait, cōe est auantdit.
Farme ou Ferme.
FArme, ou ferme, ē le cheefe mesuage en vn vyllage, ou towne, et a ceo appurtenaunt graunde demeasnes d'touts sorts, et ad ēe vse deste lesse pur terme de vie, ans, [Page] ou a volunt.
Item le rent que ē reserue sur tiel leas, ou semblables, est appel, farme, ou ferme.
Et farmour, ou fermor, est celuy q'occupia le farme, ou ferme ou est lessee de ceo.
Auxi en asc̄ lieus, & counties, chescun lessee pur vie, ans, ou al volūt, nient obstāt il soit dū petite cottage, ou meas, est ap pel farmor, ou fermor.
Et nota, q' ils sount appels farmes, ou fermes, del Saxon parol, Feormian, q' signifie pur feede, ou render victual. Car ē aūcient tēps, lour reseruatiōs fuer' cibn̄ (ou pur le plus part) en victuall cōe argent, tanque al darreine, et c̄ principalm̄t [Page 96] ē le tēps del roy Henry l' prim̄ (ꝑ agrem̄t) le reseruac' de victuals, fueront conūt ē redy argent, et issint vnc' ad cōtinue ēt' le plus homes.
Fee farme.
FEe ferme, est quant vn tenant tiēt de sō seignior en fee simple rendaunt a luy le value del moitie, ou de tierce party ou quater party, ou de auter parte del terre, pan, & q̄ tient en fee ferm̄ ne doyt faire auter chose, mes sicome est contein en le feffemēt fors (que) fealtie, car ceo appent a touts man̄s tenures.
FEoffement est lou vn done terre a vn [Page] ter en fee simple, & il deliuer seisin et possession del terre, ceo est vn feoffement.
Feffor & feffee.
FEoffor est celuy q' enfeoffe, ou fait fefment al aut' de terres outen̄ts, en fee sim. Et feffee ē celuy, q'est en feoffe, ou a q'le feffement est issint fait.
FIreboote est necessarie boys pur arder, quel per le comō ley, lessee pur ans, ou pur vie, poyt prender en son terre, nient obstaunt il ne soit expresse en son leas, et nient obstaunt il soit vn leas par parol tantū sauns fait. Mes sil [Page 97] prist plus q̄ besoigne, il serra puny en wast.
FLedwite, hocē quietum esse de amerciamētis cum quis vtlagatus fugitiuus veniat ad pacem domini regis sponte, vel licentiatus.
FLemeswite, hoc est quod habeatis cattalla siue amerciamē ta hominis vestri fugitiui.
FLetwit (ou flytwit) hoc est quietū esse de contentione et conuictis, et quod habeatis placitum inde in curia vestra et amerciamēta, quia (flit) anglice Tensone gallice.
FOrstall, hoc ē quietū esse de amerciamentis et cattallis arrestatis infra terram vestram, et amerciamēta inde ꝓueniētia.
FOrstaller est celuy q̄ achate blees, aūs, ou aut' marchandize q̄cū (que) est vendibl', ple chimen qn̄t il vient al m̄kets, faires, ou tyels fēblables lieus deē vēd al intent que il poet vender c̄ auterfoits al vn plus haut et chare price, en preiudice et damage de le commō weale et people &c.
Le penaltie pur ceux q̄ux sōt cōuict de ceo, &c, en le pri [...] temps amercemēt, et le pard del chose issint achat'.
Le seconde temps iudgment d'l pillory. [Page 98] Le tierc' temps imprisonment et raūsome. Le quater temps abiuration del ville &c.
Fraunches royall.
FRaunches Roiall, est lou le Roygne graunt al vn et a ses heirs q̄ ils serrōt quite de tolnet', vel h [...]odi.
FRankmariage, est qn̄t vn home seisie de terres en fee simpl' dōe c̄ al auter hōe et a sa fēe (q̄ est sil' soer ou aut' ment de kynne al donor,) en frākmariage, per vertue d' q̄ux parolx, ils [...]unt vn estate [...]n special tayle, et tiendra le terie del donor quite de touts maners d' seruices tā que le 4. degree soyt passe, accōptants eux m̄s en l' prim̄ degree, [Page] sinon fealtie, q̄ux ils fieront pur ceo que il est incidēt a touts tenures fors (que) frank almoigne. Et tiel done poet eē fait cy bn̄ ap̄s mariage solempnize cōe deuant. Et home poet don̄ terres al son fits en frankmariage cybien cōe a sa file ꝑ le opinion de master Fitzh. en sō briefe de Chamꝑtie H. Mes il apꝑt auterm̄t en mast' Litt', et en M. Broke Ti. Frākmar' P. 10. Et issint il fuit tenꝰ clere en Grayes Inne ē lent An. 1576. 18. El. ꝑ le dr't woorshypful M. Rhodes dōq̄s lector la.
FRankten̄t ē vn estate q̄ hōe ad ē terres, ou ten̄tes, ou ꝓfit a prēd', en fee simple, [Page 99] taile, pur terme de sō vie dem̄, ou pur term̄ dauter vie. Et south ē il nē frankten̄t, car il que ad estate pur ans, ou tient al volūt, nad ascun frankten̄t, mes ils sont appel chattels.
Et de frāktenem̄ts, il y ad ij. sorts, cē assauoir, frankten̄t ē fait, et frankten̄t en ley.
Frāktenemēt ē fait, est quant vn home ad ent' ē terres ou ten̄ts, et est seisie de ceo, reallm̄t, actualment, et en fait, Sicome le pier seisie de terres ou tenem̄ts ē fee simpl' deuie, et sō fits ent' ē eux cōe heire a sō pier, dō q̄s il ad vn frankten̄t en fait ꝑ son entrie.
Frankten̄t en ley, est qn̄t terres ou ten̄ts sōt discend' al vn hōe, et il [Page] poet enter en eux qn̄t a luy plest, mes nad vnc' fait son entrie en fait, cōe en le case auantdit, si le pier esteāt seisie de t're en fee simple deuie seisie, et ils discend al son fits, mes le fits nad vncore ent' ē fait en eux, ore deuant sō entrie, il ad vn frankten̄t en ley.
FReshsuit, est quāt vn hōe ē robbe, et le party issint robbe, pursua l' felon immediatment, et luy pryst oue le maner, ou auterment, et donques port vn appeale enuers luy, et luy conuince del felony per verdict, le quel chose esteant enquire pur le roygne et troue, le partie robbe auera [Page 100] restituc'd' ses bn̄s arr'.
Itē il poet este dit q̄ le partie fait freshsuit, nient obstāt il ne prist le felon presentment, mes q̄ il soit demy an, ou vn an apres le robbery fait, deuant que il soit prise, si soit is [...]int que le ꝑtie robbe fayt taunt que en luy est, per diligent enquire, et serch d' luy prend', nient obstant que il ē prise per vn aut' hōe, vncore ceo serra dit bone freshsuit.
Et issint freshsuit est quant le sn̄r vient pur distreigner pur rēt ou seruice, et le ovvner des beastes fayt rescous, et enchase eux en auter terre que nē tenꝰ del fn̄r, et le seigniour ensuer presentmēt, et reprist eux, cē [Page] appel freshsuite. Et issint en auters semblables cases.
Gager de deliueraunce.
GAger de delyuerance est, lou vn sua repleuin des biens prise, mes il nad deliūe des bn̄s, et lauter auovva, et le pleintife mr'e q̄ le defēd' ē vncore seisie &c. et pria que le defendant gagera deliuerance, dō ques il mittera eyns suertie ou pledge pur redeliuerance, et br'e issera al viscount pur redeliuer &c. mes si home claime ꝓpertie il ne gagera delyueraunce. Auxi sil dyt q̄ les auers sont mort' en pound, il ne gagera &c. Auxi home ne gagera iāmais le deliuerance auant que ils [Page 101] ils sont a issu ou demurrer en ley.
GArde est quant vn enfant que aūcestour tient per seruice de chiualrie, est en le gard et custodie de le sn̄r de que ils fueroūt tenus, Et si le tenaunt tient de dyuers seigniours dyuers terres, celuy seignyour de que il tyent per prioritie [...]s, per le plus aū cyen tenure, auera la garde del enfant, mes si vn tenure soit auxy auncyen que lauter, donques celuy que primes happa le gard del corps, gardera ceo▪ mes en ceo case, chescun seignyour auera le garde del terr' que est tenus de luy, mes si le tenaunt tient [Page] de roine in chiefe, donques le roine per sa praerogatiue auera le garde de corps et de tout le terr' que est tenus de el, & de chescun auter seygniour.
GArden plus proꝑment est celuy q ad le gard ou custody dun hr', et de t're tenꝰ [...]er seruice de chiualry, ou de vn de eux a son vse demesn̄, durāt le nonage del hr': Et deins cest temps ad le bestowinge del corps del heire, en marige al son volunt sans disperagement.
Et de gardens il y ad ij. sortes nosmēt, garden en droit, et gardē en fait.
[Page 102]Garden en droit, ē celuy q'per reason de son s [...]ry est seisie del gardship ou custodye del t're, et del heire durant le nonage del heire.
Garden en fait, est lou le sn̄r ap̄s son seysin, cōe auantdit graū ta per fait [...] ou sās fait, le gardship del terre ou del heire, ou dābideu [...] a vn aut', ꝑsorce [...] graunt, le graū tee est en poss [...]. don (que) ē le graūtee appel garden en fait.
Et cost garden en sait poit graunt le hr' al [...]u [...]er auxi, mes cest [...] [...]erment appel garden en fayt car [...] est le grauntee del garden en dr't sole [...], Er icy poies [Page] voier (frere Nicholas) quel misery vient ap̄s cest tenure per seruice de chiualry si le t'morust relinquauns son heire deins age, com̄t le pouer inf [...]t poet ēe tosse et tūble, chappe et chāge, et achate et vēd' sēble vn mal' chiual en Smithfeelde, et que plus est il serra mary a que plest son Garden, de que ensue mult male.
GArnishment est qn̄t vn action de detinue des charters est port vers vn, & le defendaunt dit que les charters fuerount deliū a lu y per le pleyntife, et per vn aut', sur certeine conditions, & preye que lauter [...]oyt garneye de pled' [Page 103] oue le pleintife si les cōditions sont perimples ou nemy, et sur ceo vne briefe de Scire facias isseravers luy Et ceo est appell vn garnishm̄t.
GAuelate, ē vn special et aūcient kind de Cessauit vse en kēt ou le custome de Gauelkind continue, per q̄l le t' forfetera ses t'res et ten̄ts al seignior de que ils sont tenus, sil deteygne de son seignior ses due rents & seruyces solonque cest manner que ensue.
Si asc̄ tenant en Gauelkinde reteyne sa rent, et son seruices del tenement quil tient [Page] de son sn̄r, querge le sn̄r per agard de sa court de trois semains en trois semaīs, d'troū distresse sur cel ten̄t taunt que a la quart court, a toutfet ꝑ tesmoignages, Et si dedens cell temps ne trusse distresse en cel ten̄t, ꝑ queux il puisse sō ten̄t iustiser: Done a la quart court soit agard, q̄l preign̄ cel tenement en sa main, en nosm̄ d' distresse, auxi come boef ou vache et le tient vn an, et vn iour en sa mayne sauns mayne ouerer, deyns quel terme, si le tenaunt vient, et rend ses arrerages, et fait resonables amēds de la detener, adone eit, et ioise son tenement sicome les auncestours [Page 104] et luy auant tiendrōt. Et sil ne vēt deuant lan, et le iour passe, donc auage le seigniour al prochein Coūte suiant oue test moinages de sa court, et face la ꝓnuncier cel proces pur testmoynage auer, et ꝑ agard de sa court, apres ceo Counte tenue, entra et meynouera en cels terres et tenements, sicōe en son demesne, Et si la tenaunt vient apres, et voyle reauer ses tenementes, & tener sicome il fist deuaunt, face gree al seygniour, sicome il est auncyentment dist.
Neghe sth selde, & ne ghe sith geld, & v pound [Page] for the were: er hee become he alder.
Ily ad ascuns copies que ad le primer verse issint escript.
Nisith yelde, and nisith gelde.
Et auters issint.
Nighesith yelde, and nighesith gelde.
Mes ceux ne differ en signification, auter copies ont ceo solō (que) cest sort.
Nigond sith selde, and nigond sith gelde.
Cest a scauoier, paiera il nouies foites, & nouies foits repaie.
GAuelkinde est vn custōe ānexe et cur rant oue t'res en kent appel Gauelkind t'res tenꝰ ē aunciēt Socage [Page 105] tenure. Et est pense ꝑ les erudite en antiquities, deste appel Gauelkinde de Giue al kin, cest adire a touts les kyn en vn lyne, accordaunt come est vse enter les Germās, de que nous Anglois, et especialm̄t de Kent venemus. Ou il ē appel Gauelkinde, de giue al kynd, cē adir' al touts les males, car kynd en dutch signifie vn male. Et diuers aut's sēbl' coniectures sōt fait ꝑ eux d'l nosm̄ Gauelkinde, le q̄lieo omit de purpose pur breuitie, pur ceo q' cy vous expectes (frere Nich.) sicōe voꝰ moy requirast, q̄ieo escriuera largem̄t cōcern̄t aut'plꝰ needfull matt▪ pur vr' purp̄, q̄ux voꝰ [Page] desirast de scauoir, cō cernāt Gauelkind ter res, et pur c̄ que vous lues nee en Kent, et auxi es plus demurrāt la, et pur ceo voꝰ pē ses, patriae res nescire dedecus.
Pur satisfier vr'e dd' en cest: Ieo ay pur ceo mise pur vous cy les auncient customes de Kent, sicome ils fueroūt veramēt et carefully de puisne temps publye oues (que) ascuns cases sur eux collect hors del ceux liuers, q̄ foūt ascun mentiō de cest, q'l voet ieo pēse satistier vr'e desire alarge. Et prim̄m̄t voꝰ [...]cauoies, q' ceux Gauelkind custōes, soūt de bō antiquitie port eins cy ꝑ les Saxons, Intes, et Angles, Germans [Page 106] de q̄ nous Angloys discend (cōe est auātdit) et fuerount ꝑ eux vse, et reli (que) cy, et issint cōtinue ē force, tanq' Guillam Duke de Normandie conquer' tout Engleterr' (Kent [...]auntsolement forsprise) le q'il auoit per compositiō et nemy per conquest. Et en cest cōposition, les valiaunt Kentois obtaineroit vn graūt de le cōtinuatiō de lour custōes d'Gauelkind, le q̄l touts tēps puis ils oūt vse en m̄ l' pais, et ils sōt cōe ensuist.
Les customes de Kent.
CEs sōt les vsages, et les custōes, les q̄ux l' cōmur al [...]ie de Kent claimāt aū en ten̄ts de Gauelkind, et en gēts Gauelkēdeis, all [...] es [Page] en Eire Iohn de Bervvike, et ses companions, Iustices en eire, en Kent, le 21. an le Roy Ed. fits le roye Henrie.
Cestassauoir, que touis les cors de Kenteys soyent Francz, auxi come les auters fraūs cors Denglet'.
Cest chose ad este puis confesse deē veray, com̄ il appiert en 30. E. I. en Fitzherbert titulo Villenage placit' 46. Ou il est tenꝰ sufficient pur vn home de auoider lobiection de bōdage, adire, que son pier fuit nee en Kent, mes sil voet seruer en cē case adire, q il m̄ fuit ne [...] en Kent, il ē (pur bo [...] cause) deste doubt.
2 Et que ils ne duinent le Eschet' le roy [Page 107] eslire, ne vnques en nul temps ne fesoiēt▪ mes le roy prengne, ou face prender, tyel come luy plerra, de ceo qui soit mistier a luy seruer.
3 Et quilz pusēt lour t'res & lour ten̄ts don̄ & vend', sans conge dd'er a lour seignorages, Saues a seignorages les rētset l's seruic' dues de m̄s les ten̄ts.
4 Et q̄ touz, et chesc' puseit ꝑ br' le roy, ou ꝑ pleit, pled' pur lour dr't purchaser, aux [...]bn̄ de lour seignorages, come des auters gēts.
5 Et claiment auxi, q̄ la cōmune de Gauilkind eis▪, q̄ ne tenent mes que tenementes Gauilekēdeis, ne deuient venera le commune summons del [Page] Eire, mes q' per Borgesaldre, et iiij. homes de la Borgh, horspris les villes, que deuiēt respond' per xij. hōes en le Eire.
Le [...]emble du cē priuiledge ē enioy a cest iour en l' Lath d'l viscount, ou diūs entyer Borghes soūt excuse [...]l' apparāce [...]antsolemēt dū Borgesalder, et ij. iiij. ou size auters de les enhabitāts. Borshold', est issint nosme de les Saxon parolx Borher caldor cē adire, le plus aunc' ou eigne de les pledges.
6 Et claiment auxi, q̄ si nul ten̄t en Cauelkēd soit attaint de felony, per que il suffre Iuise d'mort, eit l' roy [...]ouz ses chateux, et sō eire maintenāt ap̄s sa [Page 108] mort soit enherite de touts ses terres et tenements q̄ il tient en Gauelkinde en fee, et en heritage, et les tiē dra ꝑ mesmes les seruices et customes, sicome ses aūcesters les tiendront dont est dit en Kentees.
Ye fader to ye bogh, Ye sonne to ye plogh.
Mes cest rule tyent en case de felonie, et de murder solement, et nemy en case de treason. Et il tient auxi en case ou le offēdour est Iustice per order del ley, et nemy ou il se suthtrey apres le fact fayt, et ne voet permit son loyal tryal. Et pur ceo que cest custome ne serra construe per equitie, [Page] mes per vn strict et literal enterpretation, il ad este doubt pur ceo, si le srere, ou vncle auera le aduauntage de ceo, pur ceo que les parolx extend al sits solement.
Vide 22. Edvv. 3. abridg per M. Brooke. tit' Custome. 54.
7 Et si il eit femme, meintenāt soit dovve ꝑ le heir', sil soit dage, de la moity, de toutes les terres et tenemētz q' son baron tient de Gauelkynde en fee, A auer et a tener solon [...] la form̄ de suthdyte. Et de tiels terres le roy ne auera an ne vvast, mes tātsolement les chateux, sicome il est auantdit.
Le femme ne perdra dovver pur le [Page 109] defaut de sa barō mes en tiel cas ou le hr' [...] dera son enheritance pur le offence de son pere 8. H. 3.
8 Et si nul Gauelkind eis purfelon̄, ou pur ret de felonie, se suthtrei de la pees, et soit en coūte dd' cōe il appent, et puis vtlaghe, ou sil se met en seint egli [...]e, et foriure la terre oue le Reaume, le Roy auera lan et le vvast de ces terres, & de touts ses tenementes ensēblem̄t oue toutes ces chateas, Issint que apres lan, et le iour, le plus prochein seignyour, ou seignyoures eynt lour eschetes de cels terres, & tenementes, chescun seigniour ceo [Page] que de luy est tenus sauns men. Issint il est tenus en le liūs 8. E. 2. abridged per master Fitherb. ti. Prescription 50. Et 22. E. 3. abridged per M. Bro. ti. Custome 54.
9 Et claimentauxi, q' si ascun tenaunt en Gauelkinde murt, & soit enherit' de terres et de ten̄ts en Gauelkind, q' touts ses fites partent cel heritage ꝑ ouels porcions.
10 Et si nul hr' male ne soit, soit la ꝑty fait ent' les females, sicōe entres les freres. Mes [...]' stat' d' Prerog. regis ca. 16. dit, que faeminae non participabunt cū masculis, q̄ est deē entend, de tiels q̄ sont ē equal degre d' kinred cōe freres, et soers, cōe [Page 110] cōe en cest ix. et x. deuisiō. Car si vn hōe ad issue iij. fits, et le eigne ad issue vn file, et morust en le vie sō peere, et le pere deuie: En cē case le file ioynera oue les deux aut's freres sa vncles, pur ceo q' el nest en equal degree oue eux, cōe sa peere fuit, q̄ heir' niēt meins el doet de necessitye este.
11 Et la mesuage soit antreci ent' eux depar ti, mesl' Astre demurra al pune ou punee, et la value soit de ceo lieure a chesc' des par ceners de cell herytage a xl. pees de cel Astre, si le tenement le peut suffrir.
Per cest ꝑol (Astre) est ment (cōe est coniecture) ou le aule, ou [Page] principal lieu del mea sō, ou auterm̄t le wel pur ewe, ou le suth ꝑt del edefice car (Astre) esteant sound sans (s.) poit ven̄ del latin ꝑol Atrium q̄ signifie vn aule, ou de Haustrum q̄ betokēl' bucket dū wel, ou de austrum le south side, Chese' de q̄ oūt lour particuler cō modities deuāt les auters del meas. ou ten̄t. Ou auterment esteāt soūd oue (s) il poit eē deduce de le french [...]ol (Asister) per contrace' (Astre) q̄ ē tāt, cōe tonsite, ou situation, et oue le article (le) deuant [...] (Lester) vn cimitory, ou court enuiron vn meason, Mes al cē iour il nad [...]iel regarde fait en le particion, mes solem̄t [Page 111] consideratyon ewe, q̄ les parts m̄s soiēt equal & indifferent
12 Et donq̄z le eisne frere eit la primer electiō, et les auters ap̄s per degree.
13 Ensemēt de measons que serront trouets en tyens messuages, soyent departie entre les heires per ouel portioun, ceo est a sauoyer pe [...] pei [...]s sil est mistier, Saue le Couert del Astre, que remeynt al pune, ou al punee, sicome il est auantdist. Issi que nequedount q' le pune face resonable gre a ces parceners de le party que a eux appent, ꝑ agarde de bon gents.
14 Et les auauntdits tenementes dont vn [Page] soule sute tant solem̄t soleit estre fait auant, ne soit per la resoun de la partic̄ fors vn soule sute fait sicome soleit auant, mes que tous les parceners facent contributiō a celuy que face le suite pur eux.
15 Ensement seint les chateus de Gauelkin des parties en treis ap̄s les exequies et les dets rendues, si ily eit issue mulier en vie, issint q̄ la mort eit la vn ꝑtie, & les fites & les files muliers laut' partie, et la fēe la iij. ꝑtie.
Ou il ē dit cy, que la mort eit vne partye, il est entende pur parformance de ses legacyes per ces executors sil fait testament, ou per le discrec' del [Page 112] ordinarye sil deuye intestate.
16 Et si nul issue mulier en vie ne so it, ey [...] la mort la moite, et la seme en vie laut' moity. Mesme le order de q' le custome cy parle en le 15. et 16. deuision, est al cē iour obserue en le city d' Lō dres et m̄ en effect fuit en aunc' temps vse ꝑ tout le realme. Car il est euident, et per le ley d'l roy Canutus, ꝑ M. Glanuil, per les parolx de Magna Carta cap. 18. per M. Fitzh▪ en son Natura breuiū en le br' de Rationabili ꝑte bonor' fo. 122. L. q' lafēe et ēfāts ad lour reasonable parts del bn̄s ꝑ le cōmō ley del realme, et q̄ le cō mō ley suit issit, il ap [...] [Page] auxi en 30. E. 3. 28. et 21. 30. H. 6. Et fuit dit per ley M. 31. H. 8. abridge ꝑ M. Brooke tit' Rationabili parte bonorum pl'. 6. q̄ ceo ad estre sepe mise en vre come vn cōmen ley, et nunquam demurr', et ideo videtur que ceo est le commō ley, ꝑ q' meanes quicun (que) il viēt al darrain q' il fuit admit pur ley mes en tiels countries solement ou il fuit cō tinue per cōtinual vsage, et que toutes les briefes en le Register, de Rationabili parte bonorū, ount mentiō del special custom̄ del countie, en q' le part est dd', et issint est le liuer 28. H. 6. 4. Mes come al cest iour ꝑticion d' chattels nē vse [Page 113] per toutle entier Realme, nyent obstāt en le meane temps il nad parde le force du cō mon ley come mults pense, et come poet este collect per le oppinion auauntdit tenus pur ley Anno 31. H. 8. issint il est, (come ascūs suppose) vanish outerment hors de vre deyns cest countrey de Kent auxi.
17 Et si le heir', ou les heires, soit ou soiēt de deins le age de xv. ans soit la noriture d' eux baile ꝑ le sn̄r al plꝰ ꝓchein del sāk, a [...] heritag' n [...] peut de [...]cēd issint q' le sn̄r pur l [...] baile rien ne preigne.
18 Et que il ne so yt marie ꝑ le sn̄r, mes per sa volunte demesn̄, et per le counsell de ces [Page] amies sil veult.
19 Et quant cel heire ou ceux heires, sōt de pleine age de xv. ans, soient a eux lour terres, et sour tenements lieures, ensemblemēt oue lour chateaux, et oue les en ꝓuem̄ts de cels terres, oustre resonable sustinance: de quel enprouemēt, et chateux, soyt tenu a respondre celuy qui de luy auera la noryture, ou le seigniour, ou ses heires, que cel noritur' auera baile.
Le seigniour doyt bien consider, que il ne credit pas le custodie al ascū person, que ne serra able a respō der pur ceo. Car si le heire, al son pleyne age de xv. ans, viendra al court del sn̄r [Page 114] et demaundant sō enheritāce, nyent obstāt le sn̄r poet distreygno le gardein pur fair' accompt (coe il appiert 18. E. 2. Auowry 220) vncore en defaut de son abilitie, le sn̄r m̄, et ses hr'es, dem̄t charge al le heire pur c': Mes ieo ne oyer, q̄ les sn̄rs prist sur eux, a cēiour de cōmit le custodie de ceux enfants, mes q̄ ils relin (que) c' oustremēt al order de ꝓch. de amie, peraduentur' pur auoid' le daū ger ē q̄ ils sōt, sils ent'medle come est auātdit.
20 Et ceo fet a sauoir, que del heure que ceux heirs Gauelkind soiēt, ou ount passe le age d' xv. ās, list a eux lour terres ou ten̄tes [Page] doner et vend', a lour volūte, Sauues les seruices au chese' sn̄rages come il est deuant dit.
Nient obstant q̄ cest cust [...]e enhable l' heir' pur faire alienatiō de ses terres et ten̄ts mult soone, nosm̄t al 15. an d' sa age, ꝑ means d'q' il puit este pense ni [...]t reasonabl'pur don̄ tiel scope et liberty al tiels iune ās, vnc' sur le bō cōsiderac' de c', il poet appeare, q' l' custōe m̄ fait reasonabl' et careful prouision, en l' behalfe del heire, entant que il luy licence a tiel ans, non pur doner ses terres, car [...] il poet faire pur nul chose, mes pur doner et vē der ses terres, le quel il ētēd il ne doet fair' saūs suffic' recōpence. [Page 115] Semble interpretatiō le comon ley auxi sē ble de faire de cē custome, et ꝑ l [...]pinion de Vauasoure [...] Keble. [...]. H. 7. 31. et 41. q̄ux diont, q̄ [...]l fuit aiudge q' vn releas fait per tiel enfant fuit voide▪ per le sentence del liū 21. E. 4. 24. o [...] il est dit, que vn enfāt ne poet declare son volūt sur tiel feoffemēt. Et per le iudgmēt de Hank. 11. H. 4. 33. q' auxi tient, que vn garr', ou graūt dū reū [...] ▪ sayt a tiel age, fui [...] anul purpose, nient obstant vn leas oue releas puit paduenture este bō per le custome, pur ceo q̄ il amoūta a vn feoffemēt. Et il nē bō q̄ cest custōe doet [...]ē cōstrue ꝑ equity, entāt que il [Page] nestoit oue asc' equity dēabler vn enf. d' petit discrec', et meins ex periēce, pur vend' sō t'res, et nō puruen̄ oue c̄, q̄ il doit aū Quid ꝓ quo, et asc' reasonable recompence pur ceo. Car c̄ ne fuit pur defender le pupil et sans pier, mes pur giser luy ouert a chesc' subtile deceipt et circūuention. En q̄ respect, lour opinion ē deē bn̄ obserue, q̄ tient, q' si vn [...]nf. en Gauelkinde, a cē iour voet vend' al xv. ans de sō age, ceux [...]. choses doiēt de necessitie cōcurr', si il vo et aū l' sal' bō et effectual. Le prim̄ q̄ il soit vn heire et nemy vn purch. del terres oue q̄ux il dept. Le ij. q' il ad recōpence pur c̄, et le tierce, q̄ il ceo face [Page 116] oue liuery de seisin per son maine dem̄, et nemy ꝑ garrāt de atturney, ne ꝑ ascū aut' man̄ de assurance. Et ceux hōes pur proofe de le prim̄ et seconde part de lour assertiō, edifie sur les parols de cē custōe, ou il est dit, del heur' q̄ ceux heirs Gauelkind seint, ou oūt passe le age de 15. ās, list a eux, lour t'res ou ten̄ts don̄ et vēd▪, en q' les parols, (ceux heires) restrain̄ le infāt q̄ viēt eins per purch. Et (don̄ et vend') en le copulatiue, de necessitie implie vn recompence, entaunt que vendere ne po et este sine praecio. Et pur mayntenaunce del tierce matter, ils ount sur lour part, [Page] preter le cōmō vsage del paies, le cōmō ley del realme auxi, le q'l expound le parol doner de signifier vn feoffement, et le q̄l non solemēt disallovve de ascū done fait per vn enfant, mes auxy punish le prend' en trn̄s, sinō q'il ad c̄ ꝑ liuerie del maines del enfant cōe apꝑt en 26. H. 8. 2. 9. H. 7. 24. 18. E. 4. 2. 22. H. 6. 3. et diuers auters liuers.
21 Et si asc̄ tiel tenāt en Gauelkind meurt, et eit feme q̄ suruiue, soyt cel feme maintenaunt dovve de la moitie des tenements dont son barō morust vestu, et ssi ꝑ les hr's, sils soyent de age, ou per les seigniours, si les heirs ne soient pas [Page 102] de age, issint q' ele eyt la meit de celes terres et tenementes, a tener taunt come ele se tyent veue, ou de enfanter soyt attaint, per le auncient vsage, ceo est asauoir, que qn̄t ele enfant, et [...]en [...]āt soit oy crier, et [...] h [...]e et l' [...]ry soit leue, et le pais ensēble, et ayent viewe de lenfāt en cy faunte, et de la mere, adonq̄s perde son dovver enterement, et auterment nyent, taunt come ele se tient veue, dont il est dyt en kenteyes.
Se thad sip wende, se sip lende.
Est custome ad este allovve per le common [Page] ley longe temps puis, cōe poet cē vieu, Praerog. regis ca. 16. et 2. H. 3. en Fitherbert ti. Prescriptiō 59. &c. Mes il est vn doubt, si vn feme serra endowe per cē custome, dun poss. en leyo, u nemy, pur ceo q' les parols sont (des tenementes dont son barō morust vestue, et seisie) quel parol (vestue) enforc' vn poss. en fait, et non in leysolem̄t. Et pur c' si t'res en Gauelkind discēd' al hōe mary, q̄ morust deuant que il face son entre en ceo, Quer' si soitle man̄ dē dower sa feme de ceo ou nemy? vn feme ne serra endovve per cē custōe, dū bailiwike, ou faire, ou tiel sēblable ꝓfet ꝑ loppinion [Page 118] de M. Parkins fo. 84. pur c' q' les parols de cē customary dower sont terres et ten̄ts, et touts customes troūa vn litteral et strict interpretac'. Et ou el est deste endow per cest custōe, el poet bn̄ este ēdow dū moitie, deē tenꝰ en cōmō oues (que) le heire, q̄ enioy laut' moitie &c. Il est vn doubt, si vn fēe ētitle al dower en Gauelkīd poet vvaiū sa dovver del moity solō (que) cest custōe, et port sa acc' deē endowe del iij. al cōmō ley, et issint exēpt luy m̄ de tout dā ger d'l customary cō dic'ou nemy? Ascuns fuer'de opiniō q̄ el est al liberty de p̄nd' lū, et vvayue lauter al sa pleasure. Et pur ceo quaere de ceo &c.
[Page]22 Et claiment auxi, que home que prent femme, que eit heritage de Gauelkinde, et la femme murge auant luy, eit le Baron le moite de celes terres et tenements, tant come il se tyent veuers, dount il morust seisi sans estrepement, ou vvast, ou exile faire, le quel kil y eyt heire ent' eux ou non Et sil prent femme, trestout perde.
23 Et si nul tenement de Gauelkinde eschete (et ceo eschete soit a nul seigniour q' tient per fee de Hawberkē, ou per seriauncie) per mort, ou per Gauelate sicome il est suthdit, ou luy soit rē due de son tenaunt q' de luy auaunt le tient [Page 104] per quyte clamans de ceo fete, o [...] soit sa eschete per Gauelate sicome il est de suthdit, remaine cel terre as heires impartable. Et c'est a sauoir, la ou le t'ensi rēdāt nul seruice retent deuers se, sauet nequedōt as aut's sn̄rages, fees, ferm̄s, et les rents dont les auauntdits tenementes de Gauelkinde (ensi rendus) auaūt fuerent charges per ceux, ou ꝑ celuy, que le charger poient ou poyet.
A ten̄ ꝑ fee de Hawberk, ou per seriantie (sil soit grād serianty) et a ten̄ ꝑ ser [...]ie' d' chiual'. Heahbeony en Sax on, ē vn haut defēce, Et les customes de Normandy appel ceo fief ou fee d' Haubert [Page] que doit defender le terre ꝑ pleine armes, ceo est ꝑ chiual, haubert, target, espee, ou helme. Et il consist d' 300. acres de terre, q̄ est c̄ (cōe asc̄ pēse) q̄ nous appellomꝰ vn entier fee de chiual'.
24 Et claimant auxi, que si asc' tenaunt en Gauelkind reteine sa rent, et son seruice del tenement quil tient d' son seign̄: querge le sn̄r per agarde de sa court de tois semains en trois semaines de troū distresse sur cel ten̄t tant q̄ ala quart court, a toutefit ꝑ tesmoinage. Et si dedeis cel tēps ne trusse distresseen cel tenement per queux il puisse sō tenant iustiser, don (que) a la quart court soyt [Page 120] agard, quil p̄igne cel tenement en sa main, en noum de distresse, ausi come Boefe, ou vache, et le tiēt vn an et vn iour, en sa main sās oūer, maine deins quel terme, si le tenaunt vient, & rende ses arrerages, & feit ran̄bles amendes de la detenue, a donq'eit, et ioise son tenement sicome ses auncestors et luy auaunt le tiendront. Et sil ne vient deuant lan, et le iour passe, donq' ange le seignior al procheine Coūte suiant oue tesmoinage de sa court, et face la pronuncier cel proces pur tesmoinage aū. Et per agard de sa court, apres ceo Counte tenue, entra, et meynonera en [Page] celes terres et tenementes, sicome en son demesne. Et si le tenant vient apres, & voile ces tenementes reauer, et tener sicōe [...] fist deuāt, face gree al seigniour, sicome ilest auncientm̄t dist.
Ascuns copies ad les primer verses issint.
Nigond sith selde, and nigond sith gelde.
Cest custōe ē touch per le voy, per master Frow. 21. H. 7. 15. et ꝑ luy pense deste bone, mes sil soit a cest iour mise en vre, quere plus.
[Page 121]25 Auxi ils claimēt q̄ nul hōe doit seremēt sur liure fair', (per distresse, ne per poer de sn̄r, ne de bayllife) encoūter sa volunte sās briefe le roy (sinon pur fealty fere a son seigniour) mes (que) per deuaunt Coroner, ou auter minister le roy, qui real power eyant de enquerer de trespas fayt encounter la Corone nostre seigniour le roy.
26 Et claiment auxi, que chescun Kentoys puit auter essoiner en la Court le Roy, en Countie, en hūdreth, et en la court sō seigniour, la ou essoigne gist, auxibien de cō mon suit, come de plee.
[Page]27 Oustr' ceo ils claiment per especial fet le roy Henry, pier le roy Edvvarde, que de tenements que sōt tenus en Gauelkind, ne soit prise battayle; ne graund assise per xij. chiualers, sicome ayllours est prise en le realme, ceo est a sauoir, la on tenaunt et le demaundant tenēt per Gauelkinde: mes en lieu de ces graūdes assises soyent pryses Iures per xij. homes tenāts en Gauelkind, Issint que quater tenants de Gauelkind elisent xij. tenants de Gauelkind Iurours.
Et al chartre le roy, de cest especyante est en la garde Sir Iohn de Norwood, le [Page 122] iour S. Elphegh en Caūterbury, le an le roy Edward le fits le roy Henry 21.
Ces sont les vsages de Gauelkinde, et de Gauelkēdeys en Kēt, que fuerent deuaunt le conquest, et en le eonquest, et toutes houres iesques a ore.
Le fine del customes.
Ayant issint fynish les customes cōe voꝰ veyes (frere Nich.) il demurt a ore deē mō stre quel terres deyns cest paies de Kent sōt del nature de Gauelkinde, et q̄ux nemy.
Primerment pur c̄, il est desse intend, que touts les terres deyns cē shire, queux sōt de aunc' socage tenure (come fuit dit auant) sōt auxi del nature de [Page] Gauelkind. Et l's terres tenus per aunciēt tenure de seruice de Chiualer, sōt al common ley, et ne sount departible solonque le order de cest custome, excepta certen, queux esteant tenus de aūcient temps pur seruic' de chiualer del Archieues (que) de Caū terbury, sont niēt obstant departible, com̄ il poet appeare per le liuer 26. H. 8. 4. Et c̄ vient per reason d' vn graunt, fait per le roy Iohn, al Hubert l' Archieues (que), le tenour de qui est come ensue.
Iohannes dei gratia Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, Dux Normaniae, Aquitaniae et Comes Andegauē Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, [Page 123] Abbat', Comitibꝰ, Baronibꝰ, Iusticiar', vicecom̄, Praepositis, ministris, et onibꝰ balliuis, et fidelibꝰ suis, salutem. Sciatis nos cōcessisse, et praesēti charta nostra cō firmasse ven̄abil' patri nr'o ac Chro. Huberto, Cātuar' Archiepiscopo, et successor' suis in ꝑpetuū, quod liceat cis terras, quas homines de feod ecclesiae Cātuar' tenent in Gauelkind, cōuertere in feod' militum. Et qd' idem Episcop. et successores sui, eandēin ōnibꝰ potestatē, et libertatem habeant in ꝑpetuū, in homines illos qui terras easdē ita in seoda militum conuersas tenebunt, et in haeredes eorum [Page] quam Archiepiscopus habet, et successores sui post eum habebūt in alios milites de feodo ecclesiae Cantuar', et in haeredes. Et homines illi, et haeredes eorum, eandē et omnem libertat' habeant in perpetuū, quam alij milites de feod' ecclesiae Cantuar', et haeredes eorū habent. Ita tamen, qd' nihilominꝰ consuetus redditꝰ denarior' reddatur integrè de terris suis, sicut prius, p̄mia, aueragia et alia opera, q̄ fiebāt de terris ijsdem, conuertant' in reddit' denariorū aequiualentē. Et redditꝰ ille reddatur, sicut alius redditꝰ denarior'. Quare volumus, et firmiter praecipimus, qd' quicquid [Page 124] praedictus Archiepiscopꝰ et successores sui post eum, de terris illis in feodo militū secundum praescriptam formā cōuertendis fecerint ra [...]ū in ꝑpetuū et stabile permaneat. Et ꝓhibemus ne quis contra factū ipsiꝰ Archiepiscopi, vel successor' suorum, in hac parte venire p̄sumat. Teste E. Elience, et S. Bathan, Episcopis. G. filio Pet', Comite Essex, Wilhelmo Marestallo, Comite de Pē brock, Rob. de Harecourt, Garino fil' Geraldi, Petro de Stoke, Ric' de Reuerus, Ro. de Tateshal. Datū ꝑ man̄ S. Archid. Wilhelmi apud Rupem auriual iiij. die Maij▪ An. regni nr'i tertio.
[Page]Mes entant que il est disputable, si cest charter del roy Iohn, soit de sufficient vertue, pur chaunger le nature de Gauelkind terr', ou nemy, Et pur ceo que le certeyntie des terres issint conuert en fee de Chiualer, ne appiert en ascū lieu (saue solement q̄ en le liuer de aide leuie en cē com̄ An. 20. E. 3. il est quater ou cin (que) temps note, que certein terres en Kēt, soūt tenus en fee de Chiualer, Per nouam licētiā Archiepiscopi) cest sufficera pur cē, et il serra proue, q' touts les terres de auncient tenure en seruice de chiualer, soūt subiect al ordinary course de discēt al commō ley. [Page 125] Et ceo poet este sufficientmēt fait et ꝑ les exp̄sse ꝑolx dū note en 9. H. 3. abridge per master Br. ti. Custōes 57. et en master Fitz. ti. Prescription 63. Et per le opinion del Iustices 26. H. 8. 4. come auxi par pleine recital en le act de parliamēt fait 31. H. 8. ca. 3. per que stat', les possessiōs de certein gentelhōes la fuerount deliū de cest customary discēt, et incorporate a le common ley, car (enter auters) en cest act il est dit. Qui de cest temps en auaunt, tiels lour terres serra change del le dit custome, et dyscendera come terres all commen leye, et sicome [Page] aut's t'res esteāt en le dit coūty d' kent, q̄ux ne vn (que) [...]ueronttenus per seruice de Socage, mes touts temps ont este tenus ꝑ seruice de chiual', discende. Per q̄ux parolx, il est euident, q̄ les feasors de cest estat' entendount touts terres tenus per seruice de chiul', dēe de lour ꝓper nature, discendable solon (que) le cōon ley, et q' Socage tenure fuit solem̄t le subject, in que cest nr' custōe de Gauelkind discent preuaile, et tient lieu.
Mes qūt mencion ē cy fait de Socage, et fee de chiual', il doet touts foits este entēd vn tenure longe puis, et d' aūcient temps cō tinue, et neī a ore nouelm̄t, oudarrainem̄t [Page 126] creat, car issint il poit happen auterm̄t, q'est deuant report. Come pur exāple. Si terr' aū cientm̄t tenus per seruice de chiualrie, viēt al maines le roigne, q' ap̄s done ceo arrere al vn comō person, dēe tenus de sa manor de East Grenevvich en Socage, cēt're (nient obstant le alterac' del ten [...]r') demurt discen dable al eygnee fites solem̄t, cōe il suit de [...]t cōe auxi, en m̄ le man̄ si t'res de aūciēt Socage seruice viēt al corone [...] [...]eliūar rere, de [...]s ou del Roine en [...]te, ou ꝑ seruice de [...]hiual' de asc' man̄, i [...] doit discēd accord' al custōe, niēt obstāt q̄ le tenure soit alt', et si cē soit veray [Page] en le graunte de le Roine m̄: don (que) mult meines poit le Archieueqsue per vn nouel creatyon de tenure, faire al ses tenants asc̄ alteratiō de cest viele custome et man̄. Car sicome le pleadinge ē, qd't' rae praed' sūt de tenura et natura de Gauelkind, issint l' verity est, q̄ le p̄sent ten̄ solemēt ne guide le discēt mes que le tenure et le nature ensemble, gouerne ceo. Et pur ceo, sicōe sur lun part le custome ne poit attach, ou aū lieu en c' que ne fuit pas deuāt en nature subiect al custōe, cē a dir' accustomablemēt depart: Issint sur lauter part, le practise de le custome, longe temps [Page 127] continue, ne poet este interupt per vn nude alteration de le tenur' cōe il fuit tenꝰ per les Iustices, An. 4. & 5. P. et M. cōe Iudge Dalisō ad relin (que) ē report. Et auxi cōe il appiert ꝑ le liū 26. H. 8. 4. ou il est dit, q'si vn hōe ssī de Gauelkind t're tenus en socage, fait vn dōe en taile et create vn tenure en seruice de chiualer, que vnc' cest terre doyt discēd solon (que) le custome, sicome il fuit deuant le chaunge de le tenure.
Oustre ceo, sicōe le chaunge de le tenure ne poet p̄uaile encoū ter cē cuftōe: Issint le contin̄ dun cōtrary vsage, ne poet alter cest p̄scripc'. Car il ē tenꝰ 16. E. 3. en Fitzherb. [Page] ti Prescription 52. q' nient obstāt le eigne fits solem̄t ad (et c'per diūs discents ensēble) ent' en Gauelkind t're, et occupie c̄s [...]s asc̄ cōtradice' de les puignes freres, que vnc'le terre remainera deste part perenter eux, qn̄t ils voille [...] faire lour claime. Encont' quel assertion, ceo que est dit 10. H. 3. in Fitz. ti. Prescription 64. nosment de le issue issint prise. Si terra illa fuit ꝑtita necne, nē graūd ment al purpose. Car nient obstant il soit issint, q' le terre ne fuit vn (que) part en fait, vnc̄ sil demurt partible en nature, il poit este pt a quel temps occasion serra minister. Et pur ceo, en le forme [Page 128] de pleading vse a cest iour (Quod terra illa a toto t [...]pore &c, partibilis fuit, et partita) il est pleinment prise, q̄ le parol (partibilis) solem̄t est d' substāce, et q' le parol (partita) nest forsque parol de forme, et nemy material, ou traūsable, Verament issint inseperable est cest custome de le terre en q' il obtaine, que vn cōtrary discent (cōtinue en le case d'l Corone m̄) ne poet hinder, mes (que) q' (ap̄s tiel temps que le terre resortera arrere al vn common parson) le former viel custome gouernera ceo. Come si terres de. Gauelkinde nature vient al mains le Roign̄, per purchase, [Page] ou ꝑ Eschete cōe tenus de sa manner de Dale, ore ap̄s sa mort, touts ses fits enheritera, et deuidera eux. Mes sils veigne a luy per forfaiture ē treason, ou per done en parliament, issint que sa grace est seisie del eux in iure Coronae, donques sa eigne fites solement (q' serr' roy apres luy) auera eux, en quel case, nient obstant ceux terres q̄ux le eigne fites (esteant roy) ad possesse, viēt al son eigne fits apres luy (esteant roy auxi) et issint de vn al auter per sundrey dyscents, vncore loppinion de Sir Anthony Brovvne fuit 7. Eli. que si a ascū temps apres, ceux terres sont [Page 129] graunt al vn cōmon person, ils reuertera a lour primer nature de Gauelkind, et eē partible enter ses heyres males, nient obstant q̄ ils ad curre vn contrary course, en diuers les discēts de les royes deuaunt. Mes mult meines poet le vnitie de possessiō en le seignior, frustrate le custome de Gauelkinde discent come il poet appeare. 14. H. 4. en le lōge Recordare, abridge ꝑ M. Brooke tit' Auowry. 46. et ti. Customes. 19.
Ore sequitur deste parl' come longe cest custome extende luy mesme deins cest nostre paies de kent &c.
Il est communemēt prise, q̄ le custome de [Page] Gauelkind est general, et extēd luy mesm̄ per tout l' entier coū tie, en toutes terres subiect per auncyent tenure al ceo, tiels lieus solement except, ou il est alter per act de parliamēt. Et pur ceo en 5. E. 4. 18. et 14. H. 4. 8. il est dit que le custome de Gauelkinde est (cōe) vn common ley en Kent. Et le liuer 22. Edwardi quarti 19. affirme que en demā dant Gauelkind t're, vn home ne besoign̄ de prescribe en certeine, et de monstre que le ville, borowe, ou Citie, ou les terres sount, est vn auncient ville, borowe, ou Cytie, et que le custome ad este la [Page 130] (temps hors de memorie) que les terres deins mesme vill', borovve, ou Cytie doyt discende a touts les heires males &c. Mes ceo est sufficient de monstre le custōe a large et dedire, que le terre gist en Kent, et que toutes les terres la sount del nature de Gauelkinde. Car vn briefe de Partycion de terres en Gauelkinde (Mounsier Littleton di [...]) serra cy general, sicome les terres fuerount al common ley, nyent obstant le declaration doyt specyalmēt de conteine mention de le custom̄ del pais. Cest vniuersalitie cō sider, et auxi le strict bande (per que le [Page] custom̄ est cy inse perably vnite al le terre, que en man̄ nul chose fors (que) vn act de parliament poet cleremēt disseuer eux (il sequitur, que nullieu, Citie, ville, ou borowe, deins cest shire, poet este exempt d' cē custome nyent obstant c̄ nad a ascū temps este la mise en vre, nyent plus q' le eigne fits (en le case deuaunt) poet pur semble reason p̄scribe encoūter ses punees freres &c.
Cest taunt esteant parle touchaunt le nome, Tenure, Nature, generalitie, et order de Gauelkind: il serra ore monstre de q̄ qualitie les rents, remaynders, actions, [Page 131] et tyels auters choses (de q' ascūs soūt issuāt hors de ceux t'res, ascuns sōt ānex al eux, et ascūs soūt rayse per reasō de eux) serra. Et de eux ascuns ensuera le nature del terre, et auters retaynera m̄ le course q' commōley ad appoint. Et pur c̄ si vn rent soyt graunt en fee hors de Gauelkind terre, il discēdra a touts ses males sicōe le terre m̄ ferra come appiert en 14. H. 8. 5. 26. H. 8. 4. et 4. E. 3,
Mes si 2. iointenāts d't'res en Gauelkind graūt vn rent charge hors de ceo terre al I. S. et a ses heires, et I. S. morust ayant issue deux fites, cest rent ne discendera al ambydeux les fits [Page] del I. S. mes al heire al cōmon ley, pur c̄ q̄ le custōe est en suspence durant le iointur', per le opinion de le droit woorshipful Christopher Yeluerton Armiger, al son lecture en Grayes Inne en lent Anno. 1573.
Issint si vn tenauncy soit d' Gauelkind nature, vnc' le rent seruice ꝑ que il est tenus poet discēd accordāt al cōmō ley. Cōe Ald' & Chart' en 7. E. 3. fueront de opinion.
Si vn rem̄ de terr' en Gauelkind soit tail' al heires males, ils touts ensembl' inheritront, come Fitzherbert et Norwich pensoūt 26. H. 8. 4. Mes c̄ est deē intēd dun discēt solement, car si terres de [Page 132] Gauelkynde nature soyt lease pur vie, le remaynder al droyt heires de I. Style que ad issue quater fits et morust, et apres le lessee pur vy morust, or' le eignee fits solemēt de Iohn Style auera cest terre, car il est droyt heire, et ceo est vn bon nosm̄ de purchase. 37. H. 8. en Mounsier Brooke ti. Done et Remaynder 42. Mes si les terres ount este done al Iohn Stile pur vie, le rem̄ al son procheine heire male, cest ad eē vn estate taile en Ioh. Style mesme, et don (que) le terre doyt auer discend al toutes ses fits, entant que en cē case les parolx (prochein heire male) ne sont vn [Page] nosme d' purch'. Mes il fuit graūdm̄t doubt 3. et 4. P. & M. (come Iustice Dalison ad report) srvn remainder soit deuise ꝑ testamēt (ꝓximo haeredi masculo) si en cest case le eigne frere solement auera ceo, en taunt q̄ (en lentendement d'l ley, que est vn Iudge sur touts customes) il est le ꝓch' heir' male, et pur ceo quere d' c̄.
Concernaunt vouchers, il appiert 11. E. 3. que touts les heires en Gauelkinde serra vouch pur le garrantie d'lour auncestour et nemy le eigne solement. Mes le opinion de mounsyer Littleton libro. 3. cap. 13. et del Iustices. 22. E. 4. est clere que le eigne [Page 133] fites solem̄t serra rebut, ou barre ꝑ le garranty de le auncestor, briefement, le eigne fits solement ent' pur le breach dun condition. Mes les auters de les freres serr'ioine oue luy en suiant vn br'de Attaint pur vn faux verdit, ou Error, pur reuerser vn erronious Iudgem̄t. Et ils touts serront charge pur le debt de lour auncestor, si is [...]int soit que ils touts ont assets en lour maines. Mes si le eigne tant solem̄t ad assets demurrant, et les auters aūt alyen lour parts, don (que) il solem̄t serra charge, solōque loppinion del liuer 11. E. 3. &c. Et cest tant pur cest part sufficera.
Ore vn vel deux [Page] parols de anters choses confusedment, vncore appertainant al cel nient obstant non tout cy necessary pur vr'e purpose dēe conus cōe ceux deuant dit. Il appiert en vnescript report alarge d' 16. E. 2. que est auxy en part abridge ꝑ M. Fitzherb. titulo Prescription, que il fuyt trie per verdict, q̄ nul hōe doit aū common en t'res d'Gauelkind, mes le cōtrary est bn̄ conus a cest iour en ceo en diuers lieus, m̄ le liuer dit, q' le vsage de Gauelkind est, q' vn home poyt loyalment enchase, ou chase hors en la haut chimen a lour aduenture, les auers de ascun [Page 134] auter person que il trouera dammage feasauntes en ses terres, et que il nest compellable de impounde eux, q̄l chose ē practise a cestiour.
Le parliament 15. Henrici 6. cap. 3. vo▪ lens de amplifier les priuiledges de Gauelkynde graunta a les tenauntes de ceo terre exemption en Attaints, en tiel sort cōe les inhabitauntes de auncient demesne & les cinqueports deuāt ad, Mes deins iij. ās apres sur complaint de ascuns del paies queux enfourme le parlyament meason que il ne fuyt passe en lentier countye 30. ou 40 persons, que [Page] tiental value de xx. li. terre hors de Gauelkind q'en defaut de auters, et ꝑ reason de tiel exemption, fueront continualm̄t mo lest per returnes en attaints, cē act fuit tout repeale.
Le statute 14. H. 8. cap. 6. done libertie a chesc' hōe (ayāt haut chimin per ses terres en le wealde que est vvorne profound, et incōmodious pur passage (pur mise hors vn aut'voy, en ascun tiel aut'lieu de sa terr', cōe serr'pense conuenient ꝑ le vieu de deux Iustices de le peace, et xij. auters homes de vvisdome & dyscretion.
Le general ley fait 35. H. 8. 17. pur le [Page 135] preseruation de Copeises boyes per tout le Realme fait plaine exceptyon de toutes boies deins cē wealde sinon il soyt de tiels queux sount cōmon. Et issint vn fine de cē matter, sauant que ieo voile faire master Lit. respons as tiels q̄ voylent demaunde, quel reason cest custōe de Gauelkind discent ad issint pur deuide terre ent'touts les males cō tra al manner de tout le Realme aylours: Les punees fites (dit il) sount auxi graund gentelhomes, come le eignee, et ils (esteants cy chare a lour common auncestour, de que ils claime) ount taunt le plus beesoigne del ayde lour [Page] amies come (per reason de lour minorytie) ils sont meins able q̄ le eigne frere pur aider lour m̄s &c.
GEld, hoc est quiet' esse de consuetudinibus seruilibus que quondā dare consueuerūt et ad huc dant', sic hornegelde et hijs similibus.
GRithbrech, hoc est pax dn̄i regis fracta, quia (Grith) angl'pax latine.
HAngwite, hoc ē quietum esse de latrone suspenso sine iudicio, velextra custodiā vestram euaso.
HAriot est en deux sortes, lun hariot custome, lauter hariot seruice.
Hariot seruice (ascuns diount) est touts foytes expresse en le graunt dun home, ou en son fait que il tient ꝑ tiel seruice pur paier hariot al temps de son mort. Et cē hariot est payable apres le mort de le tenaunt en fee simple.
Hariot Custome, est lou hariots ount este paies tēps hors de memorie per custom̄. Et ceo poet este apres le mort de tenaunt pur vy &c. mes a parler de ceo generalment.
Hariot est le meliour beast (soyt il Chiual, [Page] Boef, ou vach) q' l' tenant ad al temps de sō mort. Et poet este ou seisi, ou vn distresse prise pur ceo, soyt il hariot seruic', ou hariot custome al vse del sn̄r de que le tenāt tyent, per son bailife, ou auter offycer de son maner.
Mes de droit le seigniour, ne sō officer ne doet prender hariot, deuant que il soit present al ꝓcheine court tenus que le tenāt est mort, et que tiel beast est due al sn̄r pur son hariot.
Haybote, ou Hedgebote.
HAybote, ou Hedgbote, est necessarie stuffe pur fair'etamēd' hayes, q̄ lessee pur ās, ou pur vy, de cōmon [Page 137] droit poet prend' sur le terre a luy lesse, nyent obstant il ne soyt expresse en sō leas, et nient obstāt que il soit vn lease ꝑ parols saūs escript.
Haybote auxi poet este prise pur necessarye stuffe pur fayre Rakes, forkes & tiels semblables instrum̄ts oue q̄ux hōes vsount en Sūmer d'tedder et faire fein̄. Et issint vn lessee pur ans prist c', et fuit al luy allovve ꝑ son lessour, le rather cōe ieo supp̄, pur c' q̄ tiels instrum̄ts sōt cō munem̄t fayt de slender subboys, q̄ per le cōmon ley lessee pur ās poet succid' & p̄nder cōe est auantdit.
HIdage, hoc est [Page] quietū esse si dn̄s Rex talliauerit totam terrā per hidas.
Nota que vn hide de t're, ē vn entier plowland. Et cest kinde de taxing per hides fuit mult vse en viel tēps, cybn̄ pur ꝓuision de armour, cōe paiments de argent, et c̄principalm̄t, en les iours del roye Etheldred (vn roy en cē pais deuant le conquest (q̄ en l' an de Crist 1006. qn̄t les Danes prist lād as Sād wich en Kēt, taxe tout sō t're ꝑ hides en cest man̄. Que chesc̄ 310. hides d' t'r' doiēt troū vn nyefe furnish, et ches [...]' 8. hides, doient troū vn iack & vn sal let, pur le defence del Realme.
HOtchpot, ē vn med ling, ou mixing ensembl', [Page 138] et vn partie' de t'res dōe en frākmar', oues (que) aut's terres en fee simple discendus. Cōe pu [...] example, vn hōe ssi [...] de 30. acres d' terre en fee simple, ad issu ij. files, et done oues (que) vn de ses files al vn hōe que luy marie x. acres d' ceo terre en frankmariage, et morust seisie de les auters xx. acres: Ore si el que est issint marie voil' auer ascun part de les xx. acres de que son pier morust seisie: El doyt mise sa t'res dōe en frankmariage, en hotchpot, cest adire, el doit refuser cē don̄ en frankmaryage, et suffer le terre deste commixt, et mingle ensemble oues (que) l' auter terre de q̄ son pier [Page] morust seisie, issint q̄ vn equal deuisiō poet este fait de lentiert ꝑēter luy et sa soer. Et issint pur sa x. acres, el auera xv. autermēt sa soer voet auer les xx. acres, de q̄ lour pier morust seisi.
HOmesokē (ou hāe soken) hoc ē quietum esse de amerciament', d' ingressu hospiciorū violent' et sine licentia, et contra pacē dn̄i regis. Et qd' teneatis placita d' huiusmodi trāsgressione facta in curia vestra, et in terra vestra.
Homicide ou manslaughter.
HOmicide, ou manslaughter, est le occid' dū hōe feloniousment, sauns malyce [Page 139] prepence.
Il est auxi define issint, homicidium est hominis occisio, ab homine facta, si au [...]ē a cane, boue, vel alia re, non dicitur ꝓprie homicidium, dicitur homicidium ab homine, et caedo quasi hominis caedium.
HOrnegelde, hoc ē quietum esse de quadam cōsuetudine exacta per tallage per totāterr', sicut de qua cun (que) bestia cornuta.
HOusebote est necessary tymber, q̄ lessee pur ans, ou pur vie, de cōmō dr't poet prend' sur le terre, pur repaire les measōs sur m̄ l' t're a luy lessa, niēt obstāt il ne soit exp̄sse [Page] en le lease, et niēt obstāt il soyt vn leas per parolx saūs fait: Mes sil p̄st pluis q̄ besoign̄, il poet este punish per vn action de wast.
HVndreds fuerount deuise per Alfred le roy, apres que il ad deuide lentier Realm̄ en certeine partes ou Sections, le quel d'le Saxon parol Scynan, signifiant de scinder, il terme Shires, ou (sicome nous vncore ꝑle) Shares, et portiōs, Ceux Shires il auxi enfringe en petytes partes, de q̄ux ascuns fuer' apples Lathes de le parol Ielapian, que est, de assēbler ensē ble, auters Tithings, issint nosm̄, pur c̄ q̄ la fuer' en chesc' de eux [Page 140] al number de x. ꝑsons de que chescun fuit suertie, et pledge pur auters bone behauyour. Auters hundreds pur ceo q̄ ils containe iurisdictiō sur vn 100 hōes, ou pledges demurrant ꝑaduenture en 2. ou 3. ou plꝰ paroches, borowes, ou villes, esteant et adioinants nient meins ꝓchein ensemble, en le quel il appoint administrac' de Iustice deē exercise seueralment enter eux de m̄ le hū dred, et nemy que lun irra hors▪ disordermēt en lauter hundred, lath, ou tithing, en q̄ il ne demurt. Ceux hū dreds continue al cest iour en force, nyent obstant non en tout al m̄ le purpose pur q̄ [Page] al primerils fuerount ordeine vncore a ore mult necessary, et en temps de peace pur bon ord' de gouernment dyuers voyes, et auxi en guerre pur certeyntie de leuying de homes, come auterment pur le plus spedye collections de payments graunt en parliam̄t al les Royes, et roignes d'cē realm̄.
HVndredū, hoc est quietum esse d' denarijs vel cōsuetudinibus faciendis prepositis et hūdredarijs.
IDeot est celuy que est vn sot naturall de sa neysture, et ne scauoit de accompter ou number xx. d'. [Page 141] ne poyt nosmer son pere ou mere, ne d'q̄l age il mesme est, ou tiel sēblable playne et cōmon choses, issint q' il appiert q' il nad ascū man̄ d' intēdm̄t d'reasō ne goūnement de luy [...], q'l est pur sō ꝓsct, ou disprofet &c. Mes sil adtant entelligence que il poit lier, ou apprender de lier per instruction et information de auters, ou poet measure vn vlme d' drape, ou nos me les iours en le semaine, ou engend'vn enfaunt, fites ou file, ou tiel sēblable per q' il poit appere, q il ad asc' lumen de reason: don (que) tiel nē Ideot na turalment.
Illoyal assemblie.
[Page]ILloyal assemblie, est lou people eux assēble insimul pur faire illoyal chose encounter le peace, nient obstaunt que ils ne execute lour purpose en fait.
IMparlance, est quāt vn action de dette, trespas, ou tiels semblables, est port ēuers vn home, et apres q' le pleintife ad count ou declare, le defendant pria le court que il poit auer temps de mise eins son respons al auter iour en mesme le terme, ou en le procheine terme, cest staye de respons est appel imparlance.
IMprisōment nē auter chose fors (que) le restraynt del libertie dun home, so it ceo en le ouert champ ou en le Cippes▪ ou Cage en les estrets, ou en le ꝓper meason dun hōe, cybyen come en le cōmon gaole. Et en touts ceux lieus, le [...] tie issint restraint est dit deste vn prison̄ cy longement cōe il nad son lybertie frankem̄t de ire a touts tēps lou il voit, sans baile, mainprise, ou aut'aucthoritie.
INfāgthefe, hoc ē qd' latrones capti in dn̄ico vel in feod' vr'o [Page] de latro cinijs cōuicti,' in curia vestra iudicet'
INformation pur le Roine ē c̄ q̄ pur vn comō ꝑsō ē appel vn declarac', et nē toutes foites fait directment per le Roigne, ou sa atturney mes per vn aut' hōe, Qui tam pro dn̄a regina quā pro se ipso sequitur, sur le breach de ascun penall ley ou statute, en que vn penalty est done al partie q' voet suer pur ceo, mes nul acc' de det pur recoū ceo, don (que) il doit este evve per Informatyon.
IOynture est vn estate et assurance fait al vn feme en considerac'de [Page 143] mariage, pur terme de sa vie, ou auterment, soitil deuant ou apres le mariage. Et si soit apres le mariage, don (que) el poit a son libertie apres le mort de sō barō refuser de prend' ou auer les terres issint assure pur sa iointure, et dd' sa dower al le comen ley.
Mes sil soit fait deuaunt mariage don (que) el ne poit refuser tiel Iointure, ne auer dower accord' al comon ley, sinon que quant el port sa briefe de dovver, le defendant pleade tiel pleque ne voile luy barrer de sa dovver, donques el serra endovve: sicome il dyten barre, que sa baron ne fuit [Page] seisie de tiel estate de quel el doit este endovve, ou asc'tiel ple, et ne mr' que el ad vn iointur'fait &c. et pur c̄ dd'iudgem̄t del acc' ou iudgem̄t si el serra auxi endowe, ou ascū tiel sēblabl ple &c. Et ceo fuit loppinion de le droit vvorshipfull master Brograue al sō lecture en Graies Inn en Sōmer An̄ 1576. 18. Elizabeth, sur vn braunch del stat' fait Anno 27. H. 8. cap. 10. concernant Ioyntures et dovvers.
Et per luy de ceux choses de q' vn feme poit este endovve, el poit aū vn ioynture, cōe de meins, vesturā t'rae, boies, villes, Iles, meadowes, et tiels sē blables. Item dun aduowson, [Page 144] dun reūsion depēdāt sur vn estate pur vie, dū Windmil, vn haut chamber, vn rectorie et tiels aut's, et ils sōt appels ten̄ts, Item dun villen, ca [...] il est hereditamēt. Et de touts ceux ꝓfit poet vener al fem̄. Mes de ceux choses de q' nul ꝓfit voet ven̄, mes plꝰ toft vn charge, vn ioint' ne poet cē fait.
LArceny est vn deceiptful prysel des biens dun auter hom̄, mes nemy de sō person, oue vn ment de eux embleer encounter sō volunt que biens ils fuerount.
Et larceny est en deux sortes, lun issint appel simplement, et lauter petite larceny.
[Page]Le primer est lou le chose emblee exceda le value de xij. d. et ceo est felony.
Le auter (que est appel petit larceny) est lou le chose emblee, ne exceda le value de xij. d. et c' nest felony.
LAstage, hoc est qui etum esse de quadam cōsuetudine exacta in nundinis et mercatis pro rebus cariandis vbi homo vult.
Lessor et lessee.
LEssor ē celuy que lesse terres, ou tenements al auter pur terme de vie, ans, ou al volunt, et celuy a que le lease est fait, est appel lessee.
Leuant & couchant.
LEuāt & Couchāt est dit, quant les beasts, o [...] cattel dū estraūger sōt venu en le t're dū auter hōe, et la oūt remain vn certen bone space de temps, cy long q̄ ils oūt bien manger, et auxi eux mesmes rest.
Ley gager.
LEy gager est quāt vn acc' ē port vers vn sās especialty mr'e, ou auter matter d'recorde: cōe action de dette sur vn contract, ou detinue, donques le defendaunt puyt gage saley sil voile. s. iurer sur vn lyuer, et certeyne persones oues (que) luy [...], q̄ il doyt riens al plaintife en le maner & fourme cōe il ad declare: mes [Page] en action d'det sur vn leas pur terme dans, ou sur arrerages de accompt deuaunt auditours assigne, home ne gagera sa ley. Mes quaunt vn gagera sa ley, il amesnera ouesque luy vj. viij. ou xij. de ces vicines, cōe le court luy assignera de iurer oues (que) luy, & si al iour assigne, il faut de sa ley, don (que) il serra condempne.
Liuerie de seisin.
LIuery de seisin, ē vn ceremony vse en cō ueyance de terres ou tenements lou vn estate en fee simple, fee tayle, ou vn franktenement passera. Et il est vn tesmoigne d'le voluntarie departing de tout ceo que il que [Page 146] fait le liuerie ad en le chose de que lyuerie est fayt: Et le resceyt del liuerie est vn voluntarie acceptaunce par le auter partie, de tout ceo de que lauter ad luy dismisse. Et fuit inuent come vn ouert et notorious chose, per meanes de que le commō people poyent auer intellygence de passing ou alteration de estates de hōe al home, q̄ per ceo ils poyent estre le meliour able pur trier en que le droit et possession de terres et tenements fueront sils doyent este impanell et iuries, ou auterment ount a faire cō cernant ceo.
Le common maner [Page] de liuery de seisin, est en cest sort fayt: Si il soit en le ouert chāpe ou nē edifices ou mea son, donques vn que poet lyer prist le fayt en sō mayne, si lestate passera per fayt, et declare al eux que la sount, le cause d' lour venir la ensemble, et donques ouertment lia le fayt en Englois, et apres que il ē seale, le partie que est a departer oue le terre, pryst le fayt en ses maynes ensemble ouesque vn clodde del terre, et vn twigge ou bovve, sil y ad ascun la, etitout ceo il deliuer al auter partie, en le nosme de possessyon ou seisin accordāt al fourme et effect d'l fayt, que deuant eux [Page 147] fuit la lie. Mes sil soyt vn habitation ou edifice sur le terre, donques ceo est fayt la al le doore del ceo nul esteant relinquishe a cest temps deins le meason, et le partie deliuer tout les auātdits ensemble ouesque le annuel del doore en le nosme de seysin ou possessyon, et il que receyua le lyuerie entra prymes sole et shotta le doore, et presentmēt ouert ceo, et lessa eux eyns &c. Sil soyt dun meason a que est nul terre, le liuerie ē fayt et possession prise per le deliuery del annuel del doore et fayt solement. Et ou il est sauns fayt de terres ou tenemēts, la le [Page] partie declare per parol deuaūt tesmoign̄, lestate q' il entend de depart oue, et donques deliuer seisin ou possession, en maner come est auantdit, Et issint le terre ou tenement passera ▪cybyen lou il nad fayt, come per fait, et ceo ꝑ force del liuerie de seysin: Il fuit agree en Graies Inne per l' droit worshipfull M. Snagge, al sō lecture la en Sō mer Anno 1574. que si vn feoffour delyuer le fayt en viewe del terre, en nosme de seysin, que il est bon, pur ceo que il ad vn possession en luy mesme. Mes auterment est dun atturne, car il doyt aler al terre, et [Page 148] pryse possession luy mesme, deuaunt que il poet doner possession al auter, accordant al parolx de son letter &c. Et lou liuery de seisin est per le viewe, sile feoffee ne entra pas puis &c. nul chose passa, caril doyt enter en fait.
LOtherwite, hoc est quod capiatis emē das ab ipso qui corrūpit natiuam vestram sine licentia vestra.
Mahim ou Maime.
MAhim est lou ascun member est damnifie ou tolle, per que le partie issint dā nifie est fait imperfect a cōbatier. Cōe si vn osse soit prise hors del [Page] test: ou vn osse soyt debruse en ascun auter part del corps, ou vn pee, ou maine, ou digit, ou ioint dū pee, ou ascū member soyt scyer: ou per ascun plague, les nerues sōt fayt de shrinker, ou auter member, ou les digits fait curue, ou si vn oyl' soit mise hors, ou les auteriour dētes debruse, ou ascun auter chose en le corps dū hōe, ꝑ reasō de q̄ il est fait le meines able pur defender luy m̄.
Mes l' scier dū orail, ou nese, ou lenfreind' del dents moliers, ou tiels sēblables, nē ascū maihem, pur c̄ q̄il est pluis vn deformity d' l'corps, q̄ vn defect d'l strēgth. Et si les iustic' sōt en doubt si le dam̄ soyt vn mayhem ou [Page 194] nemy, ils vse, et voylent de lour graunde discrec' prend' le aide et opinion de ascun erudite Surgeon pur consid' de c' deuāt q' ils determin̄ sur le cas.
MAinprise est quant vn hōe est arrest ꝑ Capias, don (que) les Iudges poiēt deliuer son corps a certaine hōes pur garder, et de luy amesn̄ deuāt eux a c̄ taine iour, et ceux sōt appels mainpernors, & si le partye ne appere al iour assigne, le mainpernors serront amercies.
MAnour, ē vn chose compound de diūs choses, cōe dū measō [Page] terre arrable, pasture, pree, boyes, rent, auowson, court baron, et tiel sēblable fōt vn man̄, et ceo doit este ꝑ auncient cōtinuāce de tēps, cuius cōtrariū memor' hominū non existit, car a cest iour vn man̄ ne poit eē fait pur ceo q̄ vn court ba ron ne poet eē fait a ore, et vn man̄ ne poit ēe sās vn court barō et suters, ou frākt', deux almeins, car si touts les frankt' pret' vn escheate al le sn̄r, ou sil purchase tout, p̄t' vn, la son man̄ ē ale, pur c' que il ne poit este vn man̄ sans vn court baron (cōe auantdit▪) & vn court ne poit este tenus mes deuant suters, et nemy deuāt vn sut', et ideo lou forsq̄ [Page 150] vn franktenemēt, ou franktenant est, la ne poet este vn manner.
MAnumission est en deux sortes, le vn ē vn manumission explicita, lauter vn manumission implicita.
Manumission explicita, est quant le seignior fait vn fait al son villein pur luy enfrā cheser per cest parol manumittere, quod idem est quod extra manū, vel extra potestatē alteriꝰ ponere.
Le maner de Manumitting ou enfrā chesing en tēps passe plus vsualmēt fuit isissint. Le seign your (en [...]sence de ses vicines) pryst le villeine ꝑ l' test disāt, Ieo voile [Page] que cest home soyt franke, et oue c' il luy mise auant hors de ses maines, et per c' il fuit franke sans asc' pluis faire. Manumissiō implicita sans cest parol (Manumittere) ē qn̄t le sn̄r fait vn obligac' a sō villen a paiera luy mony al vn c̄ten iour, ou luy sue, ou il poytent' sans suit, ou graūt al son villen vn annui tie, ou lessa terre a luy per fait pur ās, ou pur vie, et en diūs tiels sē bles cases, le villē per ceo est fait franke.
MAximes sōt les foū dations del ley, & les conclusiōs de reason, et sont efficiēt, et certein vniuersal propositions, cy sure & [Page 151] perfect que ils ne poient eē a asc' temps impeache, ou impugne, mes doyt touts foyts este obserue et tenus cōe fort principles et aucthorities d' luy m̄, nyent obstant ils ne poyent eē proue per force d' argument ou demonstrations logical, mes sount conus per enduction per le voy de sence & memory. Come pur example il est vn maxim̄ que si vn hōe ad issue ij. fits per diuers venters, et le vn de eux purchase terres en fee et morust sauns issue, lauter fits ne vnques serra son heire &c.
Item il est vn auter maxime que t'res discendra del pier al fits, mes nemy del fits al [Page] peere car est vn ascē tion &c. et diuers tyels semblables il y ad.
MAynour est quant vn laron ad emble et est pursue oue hue et cry, et prise, ayant [...]eo troue ouesq' luy q̄ il ad emble, ceo ē appel le main̄. Et issint moisc ōmunem̄t vse pur dire qn̄t nous trouomꝰ vn fairās de vn vnloial act, q̄ noꝰ luy prist ouesque le mainor, ou man̄.
MIsprision est quant asc' sceit q'vn auter ad fait treasō, ou felony, et il ne voile luy discoū al Roigne, ou sa Coūcel ou a ascun magistrat, eins concela son offence.
[Page 152]Vn Chaplein ad fixe vn auncient seale dun patent, a vn nouel patent d' non residence, et c' fuit tenꝰ dēe misprision de treason tā tū, et nul coūter feiter del seale del Roygne. Itê si vn aut' sciet money deste faux, et port c̄ hors de Irelande en Englet', et vtt' ceo en paym̄t, c' est forsq̄ misprision de treason, & nemy treason, et issint ē en diūs tiels sē blables cases.
Et en touts cases de misprisiō de treasō, le party offend' forfetra ses bn̄s a toutes iours, et les profets de ses t'res pur terme de son vie, et sōcorps al prisō al pleasure del roine.
Et pur misprisiō de felony ou trn̄s le offē dour [Page] serr' cōmit al prison, tan (que) il ad troue suertyes ou pledges pur son fine, que serra assesse ꝑ le discrec' de les Iustic' deuaunt q̄ il fuit conuict.
Et nota q̄ en chescū treason, ou felony, est include misprision, et lou asc' ad fait treason ou felony, le Roygne poit causer luy deste indit' et arraigne forsque d'misprision solement sil voile.
Monstrans de faits, ou Recordes.
MOnstrans de faites, ou Recordes, est sicōe pur example, vn acc' de dette soit port enuers vn sur vn obligac', Ou per execut' &c. la apres que le pl' [Page 153] ad declare, il doit mr' son obligac' ou le executour le testamēt al court, Et issint est de Recordes.
Et le diuersitie perenter Monstrauns de faits ou records, et oier de faits et recordes est issint. Il que pleade le fait ou recorde, ou declare sur ceo, al luy il appertayne de mr'e ceo. Et laut' vers que tiel fait ou record est pleade ou declare, et est ꝑ ceo deē charge, poet demaūd oyer de ceo fait ou recorde, q̄ son aduersarie port, ou pleade vers luy.
Mortgage ou Morgage.
MOrtgage ou Morgage, est quant vn fait vn feoffem̄t a vn auter sur tiel condic' q̄ si le feoffor paya al [Page] feoffee a certaine iour xl. li. dargent, q̄ adonques la feoffour puit reentre &c. en c̄ case le feoffee est appel tenaunt en morgage. Et sicome vn home puit faire feoffem̄t en fee en morgage, issint il puit fair' done en le tail' ou lesse pur term̄ de vie, ou pur terme dans en morgage. Et il semble que la cause pur que il est appell mortgage, est appell mortgage, est pur c' q̄ il estoyt ē aweroust si le feoffor voile payer al iour limit le argent ou nō, & sil ne pay p̄, dōq̄s la t're q̄ il met en gage sur condition de paym̄t de le money, ē al' d' lui a touts iours, et issint mort a lui sur condic', et sil pay le money, donques est le gage mort quaunt [Page 154] a le tenant. s. le feoffee, et pur cest cause il est appel en latin̄ mortuum vadiū, cōe M. Littletō dit, ou mortuū vas, cōe ieo pēse.
MOrtmaine fuit qn̄t terres fuer' dones a vn meason de relygion, ou a vn cōpanie q̄ soūt corporate ꝑ le graūte le roy, donq̄s cē terre est deuenꝰ en mortmaine, cē dir' en Anglois a dead hand, et le roy ou l' seignior de q̄ le terre est tenus poet enter en eux.
MVlier ē vn parol vse en nostr' ley, mes cōe aptment ieo ne poy dire ne scay bn̄ com̄t il doit venir en tiel sense com̄ noꝰ la ceo prendromus▪ [Page] Car accordāt al proper signification, mulier ē foemina corrupta, sicon̄i il est vse per Vlpianus en vn certein lieu en tiel maner, Quod si ego me virginē emere putarē eū esset mulier, emptio non valebit. Per c̄ poies voyer q̄ mulier est vn fēe que ad ewe le company dun hōe, mes a relinquisher le droit significatiō: mulier est prise en nostre ley, pur vn que est loialment engender et ncc: et est toutes dit's vse en comparison ouesque vn bastarde, solement pur monstre vn difference perenter eux cōe pur example: vn hōe ad vn fits ꝑ vn fēe deuāt mariage, cē issue est appel [Page 155] vn bastarde, et illoial: Et apres ils entermary, et ount vn auter fytes, cest second fits est appell mulier, cest adire, loyall, et serra heire al son pier, mes le auter ne poet este heire al ascun home, pur ceo que [...]i nē conus, ne certeine en le iudgement del ley, q̄ fuit son pier, et pur cest cause est dit deste nullius filius, ou filius populi, et issint sās pier accordaunt al cē viele verse.
Cui pater est populus, pater est fibi nullus et omnis.
Cui pater est populus, nō habet ipse patrem.
Et touts foits vous troues cē addic'al eux [Page] (bastard eigne, et mulier puisne) quant ils sont compare ensēbl'.
MVrder est vn volū tarie occider dun home sur malice pretence, et semble de ven̄ d' le Saxon parol Mordren q̄ issint signifie. Et Mordridus est le murderer tanque al cest iour enter eux en Saxonie, de q̄ nous auomꝰ mult de nr' parols cōe a deē sepe dit.
Negatiua preignans.
NEgatiua preignans est quant vn action, ou information, ou tiel semblable est port enuers vn, et le defendant pleade en barre del action, ou auterm̄t vn negatiue plea, q' nest cy special [Page 156] answere al action mes que il enclude auxy vn affirmatiue. Com̄ pur example, si cesty en reuersion enter sur tenant pur vie supposant que il ad alien en fee, (que ē vn forfaiture de son estate) et le tenant pur vie dit que il nad alyen en fee, cest vn negatiue en que est include vn affirmatiue. Car nient obstant il soyt veray que il nad alyen en fee, vncore il poet este que il ad fayt vn estate en taile (le quel est auxi vn forfaitur') et donques lentrie de celuy en le reuersion est loyall &c. Item en vn Quare impedit le Roygne fist tytle de present a vn prebende ratione que les [Page] Temporalties leues (que) fuerount en sa mains per le mort de W. nuper Episcopi &c. Le defendaunt dyt que ne voyda pas esteantes les Temporalties en les maynes del Royne ꝑ le mort de W. cest vn negatiue preignans, car il poet este en les mains del royne auterment que per l' mort d' W. et il suffist al roigne si soit en sa maines ꝑ ascun meanes &c. Issint est ou vn informatiō fuit port in scaccario vers I. S. pur ceo que il achate laynes enter shering temps et le Assumption tali anno de I. N. Le defendaunt dit quod non emit de I. N. come il est alledge &c. ceo [Page 157] est appell vn negatiue preignans, car sil c̄ achate d' aut, vnc'il est culpable pur le achate.
NIefe est vn feme q' est bonde ou vn villen feme, mes si el mary vn franke hōe, el est per c' fait frāke a toutsiours (com̄t q' le baron deuie, et el suruiue) pur c' q̄ el et son baron sont fors (que) vn person ē ley, et el couient este de m̄ le nature et condic' en ley a touts intents cōe son baron est. Mes sō barō est frāke a toutes intentes sauns ascun condition en ley, ou autermēt, et issint per consequens le femme couiēt este, et ē frāke [Page] accord' al natur'de sō frāke barō, et dō (que) si el so it vn foits franke et clerem̄t disch. d'villenage a touts intēts, el ne poit estre niefe ap̄s sans especial act fait ꝑ luy▪ cōe diuors, ou conusās en court de recorde, et ceo est en fauour de liberty, et pur ceo vn franke fēe ne serra villen per prisel del villen al son barō. Mes lour issue serr' vil lens cōe lour pere fuit que est contrary al le ley ciuile, car la est dit partus sequit vētrem. Bōdage ou villenage ad sō cōmencem̄t en t' les Hebrews et sō original ꝓceding d'Chanaan le fits d'Cham, q̄ pur c' q'il derisee son pere Noe giisant dissolutem̄t qn̄t il fuit e▪ [Page 158] briee, fuit puni en son fits Chanaan ouesque penalty de bondage.
Nihil dicit.
NIhil dicit, est quant vn acc' est port enuers vn hōe, et le def. appere, le pl' declare, et le def. ne voile respond', ou plede al le acc', et ne maintayne sō ple, mes fait defaut ore sur cest defaut, il serra condēpne, quia nihil dicit.
NOmination, est ou vn poit en dr' de sō manor ou auterment nominate, et appoint vn abl' clarke, ou hōe al vn personage, vicarage, on tiel spirituall promotion.
NOnabilitie est lou [Page] vn actiō est port vers vn, & le defendaunt dit que le plaintife est nonable de suer ascū action, et demaunde iudgment sil serra respōde. Il y ad vj. causes de nonabilitye en le pl', come sil soyt vtlage, ou vn alien nee, mes cest disabilitie est en actions reales & mixt solement, et non [...]n actions parsonals, sinon que il soit vn alien enemy, ou condempne en p̄munire, ou professe en religion, cest a scauoyer le Romish religion, ou excōmenge, vn villen et sue son sn̄r, mes cē darraine nest ple pur auter que nest sn̄r al villen.
Nude Contract.
NVde Contract, ou
[Page 159]nude promise, est lou vn home bargaine, ou vend ses terres, ou biens, ou promise pur don̄ al auter money, ou vn chiual, ou a edefier vn meason, ou faire tiel chose a tyel iour, et nul recōpēc e appoint a luy pur le faire de c'. Cōe si vn dit al aut, Ieo vende ou done al voꝰ touts mes terres ou bn̄s Et la ē nul chose appoint assigne ou agree que le aut' don̄a, ou paiera pur c', issint [...] il nad quid pro quo, cest vn nude cōtract, et void en ley, et pur nō ꝑformance de ceo nul action gist, car ex nudo pacto non oritur actio.
[Page]O Redelfe, est lou vn claime de aū le ore que est troue en son soile ou terre.
OVtfāgthiefe, hoc ē qd' latrones de t'ra vestra vel feodo vestro extra terrā vestrā vel feodū vestrū capti cū latrocinio ad cu riam vestram reuertā tur, et ibidem iudic'.
OWelte, est qn̄t il y ad sn̄r mesne et tenant, et le t' tient del mesn̄ per m̄s les seruices que le mesne tient ouster de le sn̄r paramount. Cōe si le t' tient del mesne ꝑ Homage, fealtie, et xx. s. de rent annuelm̄t, et le mesn̄ tiēt ouster d' le seygn̄ paramount [Page 160] per hom̄ fealty et xx. s rent auxi, cest appell Oweltie de seruices.
Oyer de recordes et faites &c.
OYer de Records et faits, est si pur example vn acc' de det soit port enūs vn hōe sur vn obligac', et le defend't apꝑt al acc', et dōq̄s pria q̄ il poet oier lobligac' ouesque q' le pl' charge luy.
Issint est qn̄t executours port' vn actyon de dette', et le defendaunt demaunde oyer del testament: sur cest demaunde il serra lectu al defendant, Mes sil soit en vn auter terme, ou apres q̄ le defendaunt ad imparle, donq̄s il nauera le oyer. Et issint [Page] come est dit de faites [...]st deste intend de recordes que sount alledge enuers luy.
PApe, est vn aunc' nosme fauxment arrogate, ou hautm̄t vsurpe per le Eues (que) de le sole Cytye de Rome en Italy, et est cōmunemēt appel en Angloys le Pope, vn nosme veraym̄t mult frequent en nr'e auncien annales liūs, specialm̄t en les temps de ceux roys, q̄ux graūdmēt abandonans lour emperial aucthoritie, et abasans eux mesm̄s mult debase lour estate, ne fuer' hont de vn alien et outlādish Eues (que) q̄ ēhabit oust' cin (que) diz cent miles d' eux, deē souer' d'haut [Page 161] eux en lour dominiōs demesne, et de toller de eux non solem̄t le disposic' de cert' petit trifles d'nul accompt, mes auxi l' nominatiō d' Archeuesq̄s, Euesq̄s Abbeis, deanes, prouosts, appropriations de bn̄fices presētatiōs al personages, vicarages, et generalmēt de touts spirituel ꝑsons a lour preferments, ascū temps ꝑ laps, ascun tēps aut' m̄t ꝑ q' l' prerogatiue perishe del Royes fuit moult abridge deyns lour realmes demesne.
PArtition est vn diuision d' terres discendus per le common ley, ou per custōe perent' coheires, ou parceners, ou ils [Page] fount deux al meynes soiēt ils fites, fil's, so ers auntes, ou autermēt de kyn al auncestour de que le terre discēd al eux.
Et cest particion est fayt quatuour voyes pur le plus part, de q' troys lontal pleasure et per agreemēt perent' eux, le quart est ꝑ compulsion.
Vn particion per agrement est quant ils m̄s deuide le terre equalment en tauntes parts, cōe la sōt d' eux co ꝑcen̄s, et chescun de eslier share vn ou part, leignee primerment, et issint lun ap̄s lauter, cōe ils sont de age, sinon que le eignee per consent fayt le partic', don (que) le election appertyent al [Page 162] prochein, et issint al le eignee darreignemēt accord cōe il est dyt. Cuiꝰ est particio, Alterius est electio.
Vn aut' partitiō [...] agreem̄t ē qn̄t ils eslieu cert' de lour amies de faire diuisiō pur eux.
Le tierce partition ꝑ agree [...]t est ꝑ ti abens de lots issint: primermēt de deuider le t're en tant des partes cōe la soūt parcen̄s, dō [...]s a scriuer chescun part seu [...]ralmēt en vn petit scrolle ou peece de paper ou parchment, et de mitt' ceux scrols close en vn hat, cappe ou auter tiel sēblable chose, et dōques chescun parcener vn ap̄s lauter come ils sount de age atraher hors de ceo vn piece, ou [Page] scrolle en que est escript vn partt d'l terr' que per cest trahens ē a or' seueralm̄t allot al eux en fee simple.
Le quater partitiō, q' est per cōpulsiō, est lou vn, ou asc' de les coparcen̄s voylent aū partic̄ et aut's ne voilent agree al ceo, dō q̄s ceux q̄ issint voylēt auer partic̄ poiēt porter vn br' de Partitione facienda enuers les auters queux ne voylent faire partition, per vertue de que ils ferra compelle de depart &c. Nous en Kent ( [...]reere Nicholas) ou les terres soūt de Gauelkinde nature, appellomus a cē iour nostre particion, Shyfting, il mesme parol quel's Scyftan [Page 163] Saxens vse, nosment que signifie pur faire partition perenter coheires, et pur assigner a chesc' de eux lour portion. En latyn il est appell Herciscere.
PArties al fyne, ou fayt, sount ceux queux leuie le fyne, et auxi ils a que le fin̄ est leuie. Et ils que fount vn fait de feoffement, et ils a que il est fait, sount appels ꝑties al fait, et issint en auters sēblables cases.
PAtron ē celui q̄ ad vn ꝑsonage, vicarage, frāk chappel, o [...] tielsēblabl' spiritual ꝓmoc' appurten̄t al sō man̄, et poet, ou doet doner ceo benefyce [Page] quāt et cy toft que il deuient voide. Er cē esteant patron, ou patronage ad cōmēc' m̄t pur le pluis part ꝑ vn de ceux troys voyes, nosm̄t ou Ratione fū dationis, pu [...] [...] que le patron ou ses auncestours, ou ceux de q'il claime fueront foundours, ou edesiers de le esglise, ou Ratione dotationis, pur [...] que ils endowe ou dōe ter [...]es al ceo pur maintenance, ou auterment Ratione fundi, pur [...] q' le esglise fuit mise, ou edifie sur lour soil' ou terre, et diūs temps per reason de ils trois,
PErquisites soūt aduauntages et profittes queux vyent al vn manner per casualty, [Page 164] et non annulement, cōe escheates, hariots, reliefs, waiues estraies, forfaitures, amerciam̄es en courts, gards, mariages, bn̄s et terres purchase ꝑ villeines de [...] le maner, et diūs sēblables choses q̄ux ne soūt certen mes happen ꝑ chāce, ascun temps pluis often q̄ a auter temps.
PLaintife est celuy q̄ sue ou cōplaynt en vn ass [...]se, ou en vn action ꝑsonel, cōe en vn action de det, trn̄s, disceit, detinue, et tyels semblables,
PLeadinge est ceo que vyent apres le count, nosment ceo que est contayne [Page] en le barre, replication, et reioinder, et nō ceo contayne en le count mesme, et pur ceo defauts en l' matter del count, ne soūt comprise deyns myspleading, ou insufficiēt pleading, ne soūt remedy per le statute d' leofailes, Mes solemēt ceo mispleading ou insufficient pleading, commit en le barre, replication, et reioynder, sount la prouide.
POundes sount en deux sortes, lun poundes ouert, les auters pounds close.
Pounde ouert, est chescun lieu en q̄ vn distresse est myse, soit ceo cōmō poūd tiels [Page 165] que sōt en chesc' ville ou Seigniorie, ou soit ceo backeside, court, yarde, pasture, ou aut' ment quecun (que), lou le own̄ del distresse poit vener a doner eux viande sans offence pur lour esteant la, ou son ven̄ la.
Pounde close, est tiel lieu, lou le owner del distresse ne poyt vener a don̄ eux vyande sans offence, cōe en vn close, measō, ou quecun (que) auter lieu.
POssession est dit ii. voies, ou actuall possession, ou poss. en ley.
Actual poss. est qn̄t vn hōe enter en fayt en terres, ou tenemēts [Page] a luy discend, ou auterm ēt. Possession en ley est quant terres, ou tenementes sount discend al vn hōe, & il nad vnc' realment actualment, et en fait ent'en eux. Et il est ap pel possession en ley, pur ceo q' en le oile, et consideration del ley, il est pense dēe en possession, entant q̄ il est tenant a chescun action que voet suer concernaunt mesmes les terres, ou tenem̄ts.
PReamble ad sō nosme de le prepositiō (pre) deuāt, et l' verbe (Ambulo) pur va, issint ioint ensemble, ils font vn compounde verbe de le prymer coniugation (Pream [Page 166] bulo) pur vadeuāt, et de c' l' i. part ou commēce [...]t dū act est appel le p̄amble del act, le q̄l p̄āble, ē vn cliffe de oūt'les mēts del fesors del act, et les mischifes q'ils intend de remedy ꝑ c̄, cōe pur ex ampl' lestat' fait al W. le prim̄ le 37. c q'don attaint, le preamble d' q'est issint. Pur c' q̄ ascuns gents de la terre doutent meines faux serem̄t faire, q̄ faire ne duissent, per q' multes des gents sont disherites & perdent lour droit, puruieu est &c.
PRescriptiō est quāt vn adewe ou vse asc̄ chose depuis le temps dount nul memorye [Page] al contra.
PResentment, est quant vn home q' ad droit a don̄ vn benefice spiritual nosme le person a q̄ il voit le doner, et fait vn letter al euesque pur luy, ceo est vn presentation ou presentment.
Pretensed droit ou Title.
PRetensed droit ou title, est lou vn est en possess [...]d' terres, ou ten̄tes, et vn auter que est hors de possession, claime ceo, ou sue pur ceo, ore le pretensed droit, ou title, est dit en luy que issint sue ou claime. Et sil puys vient a le possession de m̄ le t'res, ou tenements, [Page 167] sō droit, ou title est extinct, ou suspend en le terre.
Friuie ou Priuite, & Priuities.
PRiuie, ou priuite, ē lou vn lease ē fait a tener a volunt, pur ans, pur vie, ou vn fef femēt en fee, et en diuers auters cases, ore pur c'de ceo q̄ adpasse perent' ceux partyes ils sont appell priuies, en respect de estraungers perent' q̄ux nul tiel conueiaunces ad estre.
Auxi si soit sn̄r et tenaunt, et le tenant tient del sn̄r per certen seruice, il y ad vn priuitie perent' eux per cause d'tenure, et si le tenaunt soyt disseyse per vn estraunger, il [Page] ad nul priuitie perent' le disseisour et le sn̄r, mes le priuitie vnc▪ demurt perenter le sn̄r et le tenaunt que est disseisie, et le seigniour auowera sur luy pur ceo q' il est son tenant en droit, et en le iugement del ley. Priuies sont en diūs sorts cōe nosmēt, priues en estate, priuies en fait, priuies en ley, priuies endroit, et priuies en sange.
Priuies en estate, est lou vn leas est fait del manner de Dale all A. pur vie, le rem̄ al B. en fee, la & A. & B. sount priuies en estate, car lour estates fueront ambideux al vn temps. Et issint est [Page 168] en le primer cas ou vn leas est fait al volunt, pur vie ou ans, ou vn feoffement en fee, les lessees, ou feoffees, sōt appel priuies en estat', et issint soūt lour hr'es &c.
Priuies en fayt, est lou vn leas ē fait pur vie, et ap̄s per vn auter fayt, le reuersion est graunt al vn estrā ger en fee, cest grauntee del reuersion est appell priuie en fayt, pur ceo que il ad l' reuersion per fait.
Priuie en ley, est ou il ad seignyour et tenaunt, le tenaunt lessa le tenauncye pur vie, et morust sauns heire, et le reuersyon escheate al seigniour, il est dit priuie en ley, pur ceo que il ad [Page] son estate solement ꝑ le ley cest adir' per escheate.
Priuie en droit, est lou vn possesse dun terme pur ans graunt son estate al vn auter sur condic', et fayt ses executors et morust, ore ceux execut' sont priuies en droit, car si le condicion soyt enfreint, et ils enter en le terre, ils auera ceo en le droit de lour testatour, et a son vse. Priuie de sanke, en le heire del feo [...]four, ou donour &c.
Item si vn fine soit leuie, les heires de celuy q̄ leuy le fine soūt appell priuies.
PRiuiledges soūt lyberties & frāchises, [Page 169] graunt al vn office, lieu, ville, ou maner ꝑ le graund charter del roign̄, letters patents, ou act de parliament cōe tolle, sake, socke, Infangthiefe, vtfangthiefe, turn̄ tolle, oredelfe, et diuers tyels semblables pur q̄ux voies en lour ꝓper titles et lieus.
Procheine amy.
PRocheyn Amy et gardein en socage est tout vn, et est lou vn hōe seisie de terres tenus en socage morust son issue deyns age de 14. ans, donques le procheine amy, ou procheine de sanke a que les terres ne poyent vener ou discend, auera le gard del hr▪ e, et d'l terre, al vse solemēt del heire, [Page] tanque il vient al age de xiiij. ans, et don (que) a tiel ans, il poet ent' et luy ouste, et port luy d' accompter, mes en cest accompt, il auera allowaunce pur touts reasonable costs et expenses bestowe ou sur le heire, ou sō terre.
Et le prochein amy, ou prochein de sanke a que le inheritaunce ne poet discender est issint deste intende, si les terres discende al heire de son pier, ou ascun del sanke del ꝑt son pier, donques le meere, ou aut' d'l part le meere, sount appel le procheine de sanke a que lenheritance ne poet discēder, car deuaunt que il issint discendera, il pluis tost [Page 170] esch [...]ter' al sn̄r de que il est tenus: Et issint est deste intende ou les terres viēt al heire de sa mere, ou asc' auter de sanke de part sa mier: donques le pier ou auter del part son pier sount appelle ꝓchein de sanke a que le inheritance ne poet discende, mes plus tost eschetera al seigniour de que il est tenus.
PRotestatiō est vn saluation al party (que issint pleade per protestatyon) deste conclude per ascun matter alledg' ou obiect encoūter luy, sur que il ne poet ioyner issue: Et nest auter chose que exclusyon [Page] del conclusion, car il que prist le protestation exclud' laut' partie de conclude [...] luy. Et cest protestation doit estoier oue le sequele del plea, et nemy deste repugnant, ou autermēt cōtrary.
PVrchase est l' possession q̄ vn home ad en terres, ou ten̄ts per son act demesne, means, ou agreemēt, et nemy per tytle de discent, de ascū de ses [...]uncestours.
QVarentine est lou home deuy seisi dū maner place et auter terres, doūt sa femme doit este endowe, dō ques la femme tyendra [Page 171] le maner place ꝑ quarantiours, dey [...]s quel temps son dower serra a luy assign̄, mes si el marie infra les xl. iours, el perdra son quarentine.
QVinzime ē vn paiment graūt ē parliament al roigne, per les layes, cestassàuoir le quinzime part de lour biēs: Et fuit vse en aūcient tēps deste leuie sur lour auers esteants en lour terres que fuit mult troublous, et pur ceo a ore pur le plus part, cest voye est alter et ils vse de leuy ceo per les verges, ou acre, ou aut'measure d' t'r'. Per reason de que il [Page] est a ore meins troublous, et plus certeine, que deuaūt il fuit. Et chescun ville, et pays scient, quel somme est deste pay perent' eux, et coment ceo serra rayse. Nous legimus que Moyses fuit l'primer que number le people, car il number les Israelites, et pur ceo le primer▪ Taxe, Subsidie, tribute, ou Quinzime fuit inuēt per luy enter les Hebrewes, come Polidore Virgil suppose.
REgratour est celuy que ad blees, vittailes, ou auters choses sufficyent pur son necessarie oeps, occupac', ou expēc', & niēt [Page 172] obstant engrosse et achate en ses maynes plus blees, vittailes, ou auters tyels choses, al entent de vender ceo arrere al vn plus haute et chare price, en faires, markets, ou tiels semblables lieus.
REioynder est quāt le defendaunt fayt respons al replication del plaintife.
Et chescun reioinder doyt auer ceux deux properties specialment cē a scauoir ll doyt este vn sufficient respons al Replication, et auxi de subsequer et enforce le matter del barre.
[Page]REliefe est ascun foytes vn certeyne sōme de money que le heire paiera al seignior de q' ceux terres sont tenꝰ, q̄ux apres l' discease de son aunc' sont a luy discend cōe ꝓchein heire, asc̄ foits il est le payment dun auter chose, et nemy money. Et pur ceo reliefe nest certeyn et semble pur toutes tenures, mes chesoun sundry tenure ad (pur le pluis part) son special reliefe certeyn en luy mesme: Ne (que) est ceo deste pay toutes foytes al vn certeyne age, mes il vary en c̄ auxy accordaunt al tenure. Come si le tenaunt ad terres tenus per seruice d' chiualer [Page 173] (foreprise graūd sergeanty) et morust son hr' esteāt de plein age, et tiēt ses terres per le seruice dun entier fee de chiualer, le sn̄r de que ceux terres sōt issint tenus, aūa del hr' 100. s. nomine releuij Et si il tiēt ꝑ meines q̄ vn fee d' chiual', il paiera meines, et si plus, don (que) plus, aient respect touts foites al le rate pur chescun fee de ehiualer vn cent souze. Et sil tient per graund serieanty ( [...] ▪ ē touts foits del roign̄ et est auxy seruice de chiualer) don (que) le reliefe serra le value del t're ꝑ an, pret' toutes charges issuaunt hors de ceo.
Reliefe q̄ le sn̄r auera pur terres tenus [Page] en Socage, est tant plꝰ cōe le rent que le t' tient son terre en Socage per, cōe sil tient ꝑ vn denier rēt, et morust, le sn̄r aūa cē denier rent, et vn denier ouster pur reliefe de quecun (que) age le t' soit, al mort de sō aū cestor. Et nota que en ascuns cases le sn̄r aūa son reliefe maintenant aprés le mort de son tenaunt, si il soit issint que le temps del an voit suffre ceo dēe evve, come money, blees, carne, pish, spices, ou ascun tiel semblable, et pur default de payement, le seigniour poit pur ceo de common droit presē ment distraigne.
Mes en asc̄s cases le [...]r doit demurre pur [Page 174] sō rel' vn cert' temps, qn̄t necessity issint cō straint, cōe si le t' tient ꝑ vn rose, vn cherue, vn strawbery, ou tiel semblable, et deuie on wynter, il naūa reliefe tā (que) Roses, cherues, et strawberies sōt naturalmēt freshe, et ripe, q̄ ē al tēps d' Mid somer, et donq̄s il aūa vn pur rent, et vn aut' pur reliefe.
Il y ad vn aut' kind de reliefe q̄ est pay apres le mort, change, ou alienac' de franktenants que tyent en aūc' dem̄, et auterm̄t, et est pay cōe vn cognusance del tenure ꝑenter le seignior et le tenāt, Ceo nē certein quant: mes il vary accordaunt al custome del maner, ou tenure, [Page] et est deste present ꝑ le homage, ou sutors, al ꝓchein court iour de m̄ le manor.
Et nota que touts foits qn̄t le reliefe est due, il doit este pay al vn ētier pam̄it, et nem [...] per parties, nient obstant q' le rent soit deste paye al seuerall feastes.
REmainder de terre est le terre que remainera apres le particuler estat' det' mine Cōe si vn graunt terre pur terme de ans, ou pur vie, le remainder al I. S. cest a dire, q' qn̄t le lessee pur vve est mort, que don (que) le terre remainera, serra ou abide oue, al, ou en I. S.
REplication est qn̄t le def. en asc' action fait respons, & le pl' fait vn respons al ceo, ceo est appell le replication del plaintife.
REprises sount deductions, paym̄ts, & duities, que va annuelm̄t et sōt pay hors dun manor. Cōe rent charge, rēt secke, pencions, corodies, annui ties, et tiels sēblables.
REsceit est quaunt vn action est port vers tenant pur terme de vye, ou tenaunt a terme dans, et cesty en la reuersyon viēt eins et pria deste [Page] resceiue pur defēd' la terr'▪ et pur pled' ouesque l'demaūd'. Et qn̄t il vient, il couient q' il soit touts foits prist a pleder oue le demaū dant.
REseruac' est prise diuers voies, et ad diuers natures, cōe ascun foits ꝑ voy de excepc' de reserue ceo q̄ vn hōe ad deuant en luy, Cōe si vn leas soit fait pur ans de terr' reseruāt les graund arbors cressants sur ceo. Ore le lessee ne poyt meddle ouesque eux, ne oues (que) asc' chose q' vient ꝑ reason de eux cy lōge cōe il demurt en, ou sur les arbors, cōe mast de oke, chesnut, pomes, ou tiels sēblab les, Mes sils chient del arbors al t're, [Page] donq' ils sōt en dr't le lessees, car le t'r' est lesse a luy, et tout sur c' nient reserue &c.
Asc' foits vn reseruae' obtainteh et port hors vn aut' chose q̄ ne fuit deuāt, cōe si vn hōe lesse ses t'res reseruāt annuelm̄t pur c̄ xx. li. &c. et diūs aut' tyels reseruations y sount.
Et nota q en aunc' tēps, lour reseruat ōs fueront cy bn̄ (ou pur l' plꝰ part) en victuals, soit ceo, carne, pishe, blees, pane, boier, ou auterm̄t, cōe en mony, tāque al darraine, et especialment, en le temps del roy Henry le prim̄ per agreemēt le seruatiōde victuals fuit change en prist mony, cōe il ad tan (que) cy continue.
REtraxit est le preterperfectence dē Retraho, compound de Re, et Traho, q' signifie Retraho pur euulser arrere. Etē qn̄t le party pl', ou demā dant vient en proper person en le court ou son suit est, et dit q̄ il ne voet vlterius ꝓsequi in placito illo &c. Ore c̄ serra vn barre al actiō a touts iours.
REeue est vn officer, mes plus conus en auncient temps que a cest iour. Car chescū maner ad dōques vn reeue, et vncor' en diuers coppyholde manours, (ou le viel custome asc' chose p̄uaiuaile) [Page 177] le nosm̄ et of [...] nest en tout obli [...]e. Et est en effect ceo q̄ a ore chescun baylife dun maner practise: nient obstant le nosm̄ de bailife ne fuit donques en vre enter noꝰ esteant puis port eins per les Normās. Mes le nosine de Reeue auncientment appell Gereue, (quel particle (Ge) en continuaunce de temps fuit ousterment omise et pard) viēt del Saxon parol Gerefa, q̄ signifie vn ruler. Erissint veras [...]t sō rule or aucthority fuit large deīs le compas del maner son [...]r et enter ses homes et tenaunts cy bien en choses de gouernement en peace et guerre, come en le [Page] skilful vse et trade de husbandrye. C [...]r sicōe il collect les rents del sn̄r, payer reprises, ou duities issuāts hors del maner, appoynt les seruants de woorker, succide et decoup̄ arbres pur repayrer les edifices, et enclosures, ouesque diuers tiels semblables pur le commodity del seygour: Issint auxy il ad aucthoritie de gouerner, et seruer les tenaunts en peax, et sil besoigne, de conducter eux en guerre.
REuersion de terre, est vn certein estat' remainant en le lesser ou donour, apres le pertyculer estate et possession conuey al vn auter. [Page 178] Et est appel vn Reū siō en respect del possession separate de c̄, Issint que il que ad le vn, nad laut' al mesme le temps, car esteant en vn simul, la ne poet este dit vn reuersion, pur ceo que per le vniting, lun est merge en lauter, Et issint le reuersion del terre, est le terre mesme quant il eschuest.
RIot est lou troys (al meynes) ou plures font ascun illoyal act come de barer vn hōe, Enter sur le possession dun auter, vel huiusmodi.
RObberie est qn̄t vn hōe prēt asē chose [Page] del parson dun auter felonysement, comēt que la chose pryse ne soyt al value forsque dun denyer, vncore il est felony pur quel le [...]offendour suffera mort.
ROut est quant people assemble eux mesmes, et puis procedunt, ou chiuauchant, ou allant auāt, ou mouent per instigacion dun ou plures que est conductor de eux: Cest appel vn rout, pur ceo que ils mouent, et proceede en routs et numbers.
Item ou plures assemble eux sur lour quarelles et braules demesne, come si les inhabytaunts dun [Page 179] ville voyle assembler eux pur debruser heis mures, fosses, pales, ou tyels semblables, dauer comen la, ou de bater vn auter que ad fayt al eux vn cō mon displeasure, vel huiusmodi, cest vn rout et encounter le ley, coment que ils nount fayt, ou myse en executiō lour male entent.
SAke, hoc est placitū et emenda de transgr' hominum in cur' vestra, quia (Sak) Anglicae est Acheson Galice, et dicitur for sick sack idem quod pur quel ac [...]son, et sak dicitur pro forfayt.
SCot, hoc est quietū esse de quadam cō suetudine, sicut de cō muni tallagio facto ad opus vic' vel balliuorum eius.
SHewing hoc est qui etū esse cū attachiamēt' in aliqua cur', et corā quibuscū (que) in q̄ relis ostēsis et nō aduocat'.
SOk hoc est secta d' hominibus in curia vestra secundū consuetudinem regni.
SOkmans sōt les tenants en aunc' demesne [...]ux tient lour terres ꝑ socage, cest adire, per seruice del carue, et pur ceo ils sount appel Sokmās, q' est taunt adire cōe [Page 180] tenāts ou homes q̄ux tient per seruice del carue, ou homes del carue. Car sok signify vn carue.
Et ceux Sokmans ou tenants en aunciēt demesn̄, ount plusors et diuers liberties dōe et graunt a eux per le ley, Cybien ceux tenants queux tyent dū cōmon person en aū cient demesne, come ceux queux tient del roign̄ en auncient demesne, come nosmēt deste quite de payer tolle en chescun market, faire, ville, et cittie ꝑ tout le realme, cy bn̄ pur lour byens et chattels que ils vende as auters, come pur ceux choses que ils achat' pur lour ꝓuisiō, de auters. Et sur ceo [Page] chescun de eux poet suer dauer letters patents de south le seale le Roygne a ses officers, et al Mayres, Bayllyfes, et auters offycers en le realme d' suffer eux deē quite de tolle. Item deste quit' d' Pontage, murage, et passage, et auxi de taxes et tallage graunt per Parliament sinon que le Roygne taxe auncyent demesne, come el poet al sa pleasur' pur graund cause. Auxy deste quite d' paimēts as les expēses del chiualers del shire queux vient al parlyament. Et si le vic' voile distreign̄ eux ou asc' de eux destr' cōtributor' pur lour terr' en auncien dem̄, donq̄s lun de eux ou touts come [Page 181] le case require poyt suer vn br'e direct al vic' luy commaund q̄ il ne cōpell eux deste contribut oris al expē ses del chiualers. Et celuy br' luy cōmaūd auxy, que sil ad distrayne eux pur ceo, que il redeliuer mesm̄ cest distresse.
Item que ils ne deuer' estre enpannell, ne mis en Iuries & enquestes en payes hors de lour mannor ou seigniory de auncien demesne, pur les terres que ils teygne la (sinon que ils ount auters terres al common ley, pur queux ils deuer' estre charge) & si le vicont retourne eux enpanelles, donques ils [Page] poient aū vn br'enūs luy de non ponēdis in assisis et iuratis. Et sil face al cōtrary, don (que) gist vn attachmēt sur ceo enuers luy. Et issint est auxy si les bailifes de frāchises q̄ux ont retourne de br'es voile returne asc' del t' q̄ux teigne en aūc' dem̄, en ass. ou iuries.
Et auxy deste exēptes del letes, et d'turnes del vic', oues (que) diuers aut's semblables liberties.
SPoliatiō est vn suit pur les fruits dū esglise, ou pur lesgl' m̄: et est deste sue en le spiritual court, et nemy en nr'e courts. Et cest suit gist pur vn [Page 182] encumbēt enuers vn auter encūbent, ou ils ambideux claime per vn patron, et lou le droit del patronag ne vient en question ou debate. Cōe si vn persō soyt cree en Eues (que) et ad dispensation de tener son rectory, & puis le patron present auter encumbent que est institut' et induct: Ore leuesque poyt auer enuers cesty encumbent vn Spoliatyon en le spirituall court, pur ceo que ils ambideux clayme per vn patron, & le droyt del patronage ne vyent en debate, & pur ceo que lauter encumbent vyent al possess▪ del benefice [Page] per le cours del ley spiritual, cē ascauoier per institution & induction, issint que il ad couler de aū ceo, et destre person per le spiritual ley. Car aut'ment sil ne soit institute & inducte &c. spoliation ne gist enuers luy, mes vn br' d' trespas, ou vn assise de nouil disseisin &c.
Issint est auxy lou vn parson accept aut' benifice per reason de que, le patron presēt vn aut'clarke, que est institute et induct, ore lun de eux poyt auer spoliation enūs le auter, et don (que) viendra en debate sil ad plurality ou non. Et ifsint est de depriuation &c.
Mesme le ley, est
[Page 183]lon vn dit al patron, que son clerke ē mort sur que il present vn auter. La le primer en cumbēt, que fuit surmise deste mort poyt auer vn spoliation enuers le auter. Et issint en diūs aut's semblables cases.
STallage hoc est quietum esse de quadā cōsuetudine exact' ꝓ platea capta vel assignata in nundinis & mercatis.
Suit couenant.
SVit couenaunt est quaunt voster auncestors ount couenāt oue mes auncestours de suer a le court mes auncestors.
Suit custome.
[Page]SVit custome est qn̄t ieo et mes auncestours ount estre seysies de vr' suit demesn̄ et vostre auncestours de tēps &c.
Suit ryal.
SVuit rial est quant hōesvient al tourne de viscount ou leete, a q' courts touts hōes serra compell de vener a conuster l' leies, issint que ils ne serra ignoraunt de les choses q̄ux serra mr's la com̄t ils serra gouernes. Et est appell rial suit per cause de lour allegeaunce, & ceo appiert per common experience quāt vn est iure son oth est que il serra loyall & foial hōe al Roigne. Et ceo suit nest pur le [Page 184] terr' que il tient deins le countie, mes per reason de son person, et pur son rest la, et doyt estre fayt deux foites per an, pur defaut de que, il serra amerce et nō distreign̄.
Suit seruice.
SVit seruice, est a suer al turne del viscount ou leete, ou al court del seignior de troys semeynes en troys sameynes per lentier an: Et pur defaut de ceo, vn home serra distreigne et nō amerce. Et cest suit seruice est per reason del tenure del terres dun home.
Taxe et Tallage.
TAxe et Tallage sōt paim̄ts, cōe dismes quinzimes, subsidyes, [Page] ou tiels sēblables grāt al roigne ꝑ parliam̄t.
Les tenants en aunc' dem̄ sōt quites d'ceux taxes, et tallages grāts ꝑ parliament, sinō que le roigne taxe aunciē dem̄, cōe el poet quāt a luy pleast pur graūd cause, Voies auncient demesne.
Tenure in Capite.
TEnure en capite est lou ascun tient del Roigne come de sa ꝑson esteant roigne, et de sa Corone, come dun seygniourie per luy mesme en grosse, et en chyefe de suis touts auters seygniories. Et nemy lou ils tient de luy come de ascun maner, honor, ou Castel, sinon certeyne auncyent honors, vt patet in Seaccatio.
TEstamēt est issint define ou expoūd en M. Plowdēs cōmē taries. Testamentum est testatio mentis, et est compoūd de ceux deux parolx. Testatio et mentis q̄ issint signifie veray il est, q̄ vn testament est testatio mentis, mes q̄ il est vn compoūd parol, Aulus Gellius en sō vj. liuer cap. 12. deny ceo al vn excellent Lawier vn Seruiꝰ Sulpitius et dit q̄ il est vn simpl▪ parol, cōe soūt ceux, Calciamētum, Paludamentum, Pauimē tū, et diūs tiels sēblables. Et mult meynes est agreament' vn cō pounde parol de aggregatio, et mentium, come est dit ē m̄ [Page] title, car il ny ad nul tiel latin parol simple ou compound, mes il poet niēt obstāt serue bien pur vn ley latyn parol. Et pur c̄ il poet issint eē melior defin̄. Testamentū est vltimae voluntatis iusta sententia de eo quod quis post mortem suā fieri vult &c. Et de testamēts il y ad deux sortes, cestassauoir vn testament en escript, et vn testament ꝑ parolx, q̄ est appel vn nū cupatiue testament. Le prim̄ est touts foits en escript cōe est dit.
Le auter ē quant vn hōe esteant malade, et pur pauour ne mort, ou faut de memory, ou de ꝑler voet ven̄ c [...] suddeinm̄t, et has [...]iuem̄t sur lui q̄ il serr' [Page 186] preuent, sil demurt le scripture de son testament, req̄st ses vicines et amies de porter tesmoigne de sō darrayn volunt, et donq̄s declare ceo presentmēt per parolx deuāt eux▪ q̄ apres sō decease est ꝓue ꝑ testemoignes, et mise en escript per le ordinary, Et donq̄s il ē en cy bone force, (sinō pur terres) sicōe il ad al primer en le vy del testatour este mise en [...]script.
THem, hoc est quod habeatis totam generationē villanorum vestro [...]ū cū eor sectis et cattallis vb [...] (que)in Anglia fuer' inuenta, excepto si qd' aliquis no [...]iuus quiet ꝑ vn̄ annū et diē ī aliqua villa [Page] priuilegia manserit, ita quod in eor' cōmuniā vel gildam tanquam vnus illarū repertus fuerit, eo ipso a villenagio liberatus est.
THefboote est qn̄t home prist byens dun laron de luy fauourer et maintainer. Et nemy quant hōe prist ses byens demesne que fuerent ēblees de luy &c.
Le punishment en aunc' tēps de Theefebote fuit de vie et de member: Mes a ore M. Stamford dit q̄ il ē punish per raunsome et imprisonment, sed quaere, car ieo pense ceo este felony.
TItle est lou loial cāe est veign̄ a vn hōe [Page 187] de auer chose q̄ auter ad, et il nad ascū acc' pur ceo, come title de mortm̄, ou dentry sur condic' enfreynr.
Title Dentrie.
TItle Dentrie est quant vn seisie de terr' en fee sait feoffem̄t de c̄ sur condic̄, et le condic' ē enfreint: ore apres le conditiō issint enfreint, le feoffour ad title dent' en le terre, et issint poet qn̄t a luy pleist, et person entrie le franktenem̄t serra dit en luy maintenant. Et ē appell title Dentrie pur ceo q̄ il ne poet aū br▪ de droit enūs sō feoffee sur condition, car son droit fuit hors de luy per le feoffement, le q̄l ne poit eē reduc▪ saūs entrie, et le entrie [Page] doit cēpur l enfreind' del condition.
Tolle, ou Tolne.
TOlle ou Tolne est plus propermēt vn paiment vse en cities, villes, markets et fairs pur biēs et cattel port la destr' achat' et vēd, Et est touts dits deste pay per le achator, et nemy per le vendour sinon que soyt ascun custome al contrarye.
Il y ad diuers auters tolles, cōe turne tolle, et ceo est lou tolle est pay pur auers queux soūt driues deste vē dus, comēt que ils ne sount vendus.
Item tolle trauers, ceo est ou vn clayme dauer vn ob. ou tyel [...]blable toll', d' chesē [Page 188] beast que ē driue su [...] son terre.
Through tolle, ē lou vn ville prescribe de auer tolle pur chescū best que ale through lour ville vn certein, ou pur chesc' vint ou cent, vn cert', q̄ ne appiert deē cy vnreasonable p̄scripc' ou custōe cōe ascūs oūt supp̄ niēt obstant il soit p le haut chimin del roine (come il c̄ appel) ou chesō poet loyalment passe:sil y ad quid pro quo, come si la soit vn pont ou tyel sēblable cōmodity puruieu al costes et charges del vill' pur le ease d' trauailers que chase m̄ voy, per q' lour iourney est ou abrydge ou fait l' meliour: pur que donques ne poet [Page] [...] [Page 188] [...] [Page] tolle este dd' loialmēt et oue bon reason de eux &c. Mes diūs cyttizens et burgesses sōt quite de pay tolle ꝑ le graunt del roigne, ou sa aūcestors, ou claim̄ ceo per prescriptyon ou custōe. Issint auxy espirituall persons et religious homes (com̄ ils fuerount appels) fueront quite de tolle pur lour byēs et marchaundyses achate et vendus &c. Mes a ore le statute de Roy H. 8. voet que ils ne marchādiser, sed quaere si lentent de cē statute soit obserue ent' eux al cē iour ou nemy, ascuns diont que non. Item tenaūts en aunc' dem̄ doiēt este quite per tout le realme de payer tolle [Page 189] cōe appiert deuant en le title Sokemans. Et en touts ceux cases ou tol est deēdd', ou il ne doit este pay de eux q̄ doient aler, achate, et vend' quite de tolle, la le partye, ou partyes greeue poyēt auer vn briefe de essendi quietum de Tolonio, enuers luy ou ceux que issint demaunde tolle contra al graunte le Roygne ou sa progenitours, ou contra al custome ou prescription.
Tourne del viscount.
TOurne del viscoūt est vn court de record en touts choses q̄ ꝑtain al tourne. Et ē l' leete l'Roigne ꝑ tout le county, et le vicont est iudge. Et quecunque ad vn leete, [Page] ad m̄ le aucthority deins le precinct, sicōe le vic'ad deins le tourn̄.
Treasure troue.
TReasure troue est quant ascun mony [...]re, argent, plate, ou boliō, est troue en ascū lieu, & nul conust a que le property est, donques le propertie de ceo appertyent al Royne, et ceo est dyt treasure troue. Mes si ascun mineral de mettal soyt troue en ascun terre, ceo toutes foites pertient al seigniour del soile, forsque que il foyt mineral de ore, ou de argent, queux serrount toutes foits al Roigne en quecun (que) soile q̄ ils sont troues.
VIewe est quant ascun action real est port, et le tenaunt ne scauoit biē quel terre il est que le demaundant demaūde, don (que) le tenant priera la vievve. s. q̄ il puit voier le terre que il claima. Mes si le tenaunt ad ewe le vievve en vne briefe, et puis le briefe est abatus per mysnosmer de ville, ou per iointenure, et puis le demaundaunt port vne tyel briefe vers le tenaunt, donques le tenaunt nauera le viewe en le second briefe.
VIscoūt ē vn magistrate et offic̄ d'graūd aucthority q̄ noꝰ cō munem̄t appellomus (Shirife) ou d' ꝑler plꝰ [Page] veraym̄t (Shire reue) et fuit al primes appel (Shire gereue) cest a dire custos comitatus, ou l' reue ou ruler del county, car (Gereue) esteāt deriue del Saxon paroll (Gereccan pur ruler) fuit al p̄mes appel (Gerecfa) et dō ques (Gerefa) que betoken vn ruler. Et de ceo vient (Portreue) ou (Portgereue) vn nosme q̄ en viel tēps fuit don al chiefe officer dun ville, et signifie le gouernour del ville pur c'que (Port) veniens de le Latyne parol (Portus) signifie vn port ville. Et (Gereue) esteát deriue cōe est auantdit, signifi vn ruler, issint que (Portgereue) ou (cōe nous a ore briefem̄t parle c̄) [Page 191] (Portreeue) est le gouernour del ville.
Et issint fuit le chief officer ou gouernour del citty de London longe tēps past (deuāt que ils ad le nosme de Maire ou Bailife) appell, cōe il appiert en diuers viel monum̄ts, mes principalmēt en le Saxons charter de Guillam Bastarde le conquerour, que issint commence. William Cyng greit Will' Bisceop, And Godfrey Ges port Gerefan, & dalle tha Burwaren the on Loūdē beon.
Issint ils de Germany (de q' noꝰ et nostr' lāguage ensēble prim̄ m̄t viēt) appel ent'eux vn gouernour Burgreue, vn auter Margreue, et vn aut'Lādsgreue, [Page] oue tiels sēblables &c. Cest tant est dit tātsolem̄t pur mr'e le droyt Etymon, et antiquitie del paroll (Shirife) a quel officer nr' cōmō ley ad touts soits accordant done grād cōfidēce, et aucthoritie, come de estre vn special p̄seruer del peace: et pur c̄ toutes obligatiōs q'il prist a m̄ le purpose, soūt cōe Recognisaces en ley, Il auxi est vn Iudge d' record, qn̄t il tient les leetes ou tournes, les q̄ux sōt courts d' rec'.
Item il ad le returne des br'es, et impanelling de iuries et tyels semblables &c.
VOucher est qn̄t vn Prec' qd' redd' de [Page 192] terre est por [...]e vers vn home, & vn auter doit garraunty le terre el tenaunt, donques le tenaunte luy vouchera a garrauntie, & sur ceo il auera vn briefe appel summonias ad vvarrantizandum, & si vycount retourne que il nad ryens que il puyt este som̄, donques issera briefe appel, sequatur sub suo periculo, & quaunt il vien [...]l pleder' oues (que) le demaundaunt, & si il vient & ne puyt barre le demaundant, donques le demaundant recouera la terre vers le tenant, & le t' recouera tant de t're in value vers le vouch, et sur c' il aūa vn briefe appel capias [Page] ad valentiā agaynst the vouch.
VSes of lande had béeginninge after that the custome of property béeganne amonge menne. As where one beeinge seysed of lands in fee simple, made a feoffement to an other without any consideration, but onely meaninge that the other should be seised to his vse, and that hée him selfe would take [...] ▪ commoditie and profites of the landes, and that the feoffée shoulde haue the possession and franketenement thereof to y • same vse &c. Nowe after thys vppon good consideratyons, and to auoyde dyuers mischiefes and inconueniences, was y • stat̄ [Page 193] statut d' An. 27. H. 8. cap. 10. puruieu, quel vnite le vse et possession ensembl', issint q̄ il q̄ ad le vse de t're, il mesme ad le possessiō de ceo, per vertue de cest estatute.
VSurie est vn gayne de ascū chose ouster le pryncipall, ou ceo que fuit lent, exact solement en consideratiō de le loane, soyt il de corne, vyand', apparel, wares, ou tyels semblables, come de money. Et icy mult puit estre dit et diuers cases poyent estre mise concernant vsurie, le quel de purpose ieo omit, solem̄t ieo pria, q̄ ceux q̄ accōpt eux m̄s religious [Page] et bō christiās, ne voilent deceiue eux m̄s ꝑ colour de le statut de vsury, pur ceo q̄ il dit, q̄ il ne serra loyal pur ascū de prend' ouster x. li. en le 100. li. pur vn an &c. per que ils collect (mes fauxmēt) que ils poient per ceo prender x. li. pur le lone dun 100. li. oue vn bō cōscience, pur ceo q̄ le statut solon (que) vn man̄ dispence oue ceo (pur ceo que il ne punishe tiel prēdors) quel chose il ne poet fair' oue l's loies et ordinances de dieu, car dieu voile auer ses decrees obserue inuiolable, que dit, lende expectēs pur nul chose per c' &c. per queux parolx est exclude, le prisel dex. li. ou v. li. d' [Page 194] vn denyer ouster le pryncipall, Mes plus pensant tiels, que cest statute fuit fait sur tiel cause que moua Moyses de doner vn bill de diuorce al les Israelites, come nosment, pur auoider vn greinder mischiefe, et pur le durytie de lour ceurs.
VTlagari est quaunt exigent issist vers ascun home et ꝓclamac' fait al v. coūties donques a l' v. coūtie si le def. nappier, l'coroner donera iudgm̄t q̄ il ferra hors de protectiō d' roign̄, et hors del eide le ley, et per tiel vtlagary in actiōs personels le party vtlage forfetera toutes ses byens et chateux [Page] le burden ou trouble des biens, pur sō ease et plus speedye trauaile sauns hue et cry fua, et vvayua les biens ou ascun part de eux arrere luy &c. Donques le officer del roign̄, ou lereeue ou baylise al seignyor del maner (deyns que iurisdiction ou circuit ils fuerount wayfe) que per prescription, ou graunt del roygne ad le fraunchyse de vvayfe, poyent seyser les biens issint wayfe al vse de lour seignyour, que poet retaine eux come ses proper byens sinon que le owner vient ouesque fresh suit apres le felon, et sue vn appell, ou done en; euidence enuers luy al son arraynment sur lendictment, [Page] et il attaynt de ceo &c. En queux cases le primer ovvner auera restytution de ses biens issint emblee et vvayfe.
Mes nyent obstant cōe ad este dit, vvaife est properment de biens emblees, vncore vvaife poet este auxy de biens niēt embles, Come, si vn home soit pursue ouesque hue et crie, come vn felō, et il fua et relinquish ses biens demesn̄ &c. ils serra prise come biens vvaife, et forfayt come sils ad este emblees.
WAiue est vn feme q̄ est vtl', etest appel waiue, quasi relicta ab lege, et nō vtlag' cōe hōe est, car femes [Page] ne sount iures en leetes al roigne, ne al ley come homes sount, queux pur ceo sount deyns le ley ou femmes ne sount, et pur cest cause ils ne poyent este dyt hors del ley entaunt que ils ne vnques fuerount deyns ceo. Mes vn home est dyt vtlage, pur ceo que il fuit vn foytes iure al ley, et a ore pur contempt il est mis hors del ley, et dictus vtlagatus quasi extra legem positus.
WArwite (ou wardwite come ascuns copies ad ceo) hoc est quietum esse de denarijs dandis ꝓ wardis faciendis.
VVReke ou varech cōe les Normās de que il vient appellant ceo, est quant vn niefe est perish sur la mere, et nul home escap̄ viue hors d' niefe & la niefe ou parte del niefe issint perish ou les biēs en la niefe vient al terre dascun seigniour, le sn̄r les auera cōe vne vvreke d' mere, mes si vn hōe ou vn chien ouechate escape viue issint q' la partie a que les biens sont veigne deins lan et iour, et ꝓue les bn̄s dest'ses, ilaūa eux arr', ꝑ ꝓuision del stat' de W. le prim̄ ca. 4. fait en les iours del Roy Ed. le 1. q' en c' followed le decre de H. 1. [Page] deuaunt queiours, si vn niefe ad estre mise surl' shore, torne oue tēpest, et nemye repaier per eux q' escapont en vie deins vn certen temps, que dō ques ceo fuit prise cōe vvrecke.
The olde Tenures.
Seruice de chiualer.
TEnir per seruyce d'chiualer est a tener per homage fealty, et escuage, et treit a luy garde mariage et reliefe. Et nota que seruice de chiual' est seruice de terre ou de ten̄ts pur armes port' en guerre en defēc' d' roialme, Et doit gard mariage per la reasō q̄ nul ē able ne de power et ne puit aū conusaunce darmes porter auaunt que il soit dage of xxi. ans. Et pur taunt que le seigniour ne perdera c'▪ q̄ de droit doit auer, & que la povver de la royalme de ryen ne soit enfeeble: Laley voet per cause de son tender age que son [Page] seignyour luy aūa en sa garde tan (que) al plein age de luy cē assauoir xxi. ans.
Graund serieantie.
2 Tenir per graund serieantie, est sicome vn home tyent certaine terres ou tenements de roy dal' oue luy en son host, ou de porter sō banner oue luy en ses guerres, ou amesn̄ sō hoste, ou tyel sēblable, et a c̄ appent gard mariage et reliefe, sicōe il appiert en la treatise de gards et reliefe enter lestatutes. 28. E. I.
Petit Serieantie.
3 Tenir per petit serieantie est sicome vn home tiēt de roy terres ou tenements, rē daunt a luy vn cottel vn escue, vn sete, vn arke sauns corde, ou [Page 199] auter seruice semblables, a la volunte le primer feoffour. Et la nappent garde mariage ne relief. Et not' que home ne puit tener per graunde serieanty, ne per petite serieāty, sinō del roy.
4 Tenir per escuage est a tenir per seruice de chiualer. Et la appent garde, mariage, et relief. Et nota que home ne puit tenir ꝑ escuage, sinon que il teygne per homage, pur ceo que escuage de common droyte treit a luy hōage cōe il fuit aiuge in t' H. 21. E. 3. c. 42. f 52. Auowrie 115. Et nota q̄ escuage est vne certein [Page] somme de argent, et doit estr leue ꝑle sn̄r de son tenant solon (que) le quantitie de son tenure quāt le escuage courge ꝑ tout Eng [...]. Et ordeyne est ꝑ tout le counsel Denglet', qn̄t ches [...] tenāt don̄a a son seignior, et ceo est ꝓpermēt pur susteiner la guerre ꝑenter Englet r [...] et ceux de escoce ou de Galeys, et nō pas ꝑenter auters terres, pur ceo q̄ les auauntdits terres serrount de droyt appendant a la royalme Dengleterre.
Homage auncestrel.
5 Tenir per homage auncestrel est lou ieo & mon auncestours ont tenus de vous et de vostr' auncestours de temps dount memory [Page 200] ne courge, ꝑ homage, fealty, & certein rent. Et nest pas a tener per seruice de chiual', et la nappent garde, mariage, ne reliefe. Et nota q'homage puit este dyt in deux maners, cestascauoier, homage auncestrel, et homage de fait. Homage auncestrel est la ou vous & voster aūcestors ont tenus de moy et mes aūcestors puis le tēps de non memory, per homage, fealtye, & certeyne rent. Homage de fait ēla ou ieo enfeoffe vous m̄s, a tenir de moye per homage & rent, et entaunt que cest homage commence per mon fayt, il est homage de fait. [Page] Et nota que homage auncestrel treyt a luy vouch. cestascauoir garr' del aūcest's, mes nō pas homaged' fait.
Curtesie dengleterre.
6 Tenir per la curtesie Dengleterre est, la ou vn hōe prēt fēe enherite, & ont issue fits ou file, & la feme deuy soit la issue mort ou en vie, le baron tiendra cest terre a terme de sa vie per la curtesy Dengleterre, et per la ley. Et en cē case le fee & le droyt remaint in le persone celuy de que il tient. Et pur ceo cest tenāt ne puit alyen en fee ne a term̄ dauter vie, Et sil face, by en list a ecluy en l' reūc' dent'
Fee simple.
7 Tenir in fee simple [Page 201] est a tenir a ascun hōe ou feme, a luy et a ses heires et a ses assign̄s pur touts iours.
Franke tenure.
8 Tenir en frank tenure est a ten̄ a terme de sa vie demesne, ou a terme de auter vie, Et en cest case le fee & le droit remaynt in la person celuy de q̄ il t [...]ent. Et pur ceo [...]el tenaunt ne puyt pas alien en fee ne a term de auter vie: Et sil face, bien list a celuy in q̄l le fee & le droyt demourt, de [...]rer.
Low [...].
9 Tenure in dovver est, lou home inherite prent feme et deuie, lheire entra et endovvera la femme de la tierce partie de tout ceo que fuit a son baron [Page] en sa vie, en fee simple ou fee taile, et el tyendra cels terres pur term' d' sa vie cōe son franktenement.
Terme dans.
10 Tenir a term̄ dans nest fors [...] chattel en effect, car nul actyon est mayntenable enūs l' t [...] quāt a recouerer de franktenement, car nul frāktenement est a luy.
Lease a term' dans est chattel real, Et lauter chattel est personal, et toutes bn̄s mouables sont chattels ꝑsonals.
11 Tenir in morgage ē a ten̄ a cert' term̄ sur condic', q' si le lessour paia tants den̄s a tyel iour, q̄il puit enter, et sinō q̄ laut'eit fee simple ou fee tayle, ou franktenemēt. Et en [Page 202] chescun case lou terres ou tenements sunt dones a hōe a certeyn terme sur condie' de part le lessor pur faire le lessee auoir plꝰ longe temps ou terme, si lauter ne face sicōe la condic' ē, les terres et tenements tanque le iour q' la condic' serroit fait, sont tenus in morgage, quasi in mortgage.
Et nota q̄ si [...]err' soit lesse a vn hōe en morgage en fee simple, ou in fee taile sur cōdiē, q̄ si le primier lessor cōe deuāt est dit, pay tā [...]s des den̄s a tiel iour q̄ il puit enter, et siuō q̄ le lessee eyt m̄ lestate en les terres, que le lessour luy graunt adeprimes. Et si deuant le iour assygne, [Page] ie lessee soit disseisi, il auera assise de nouel [...]. Et en case q̄ si le iessee prent feme S [...] [...]uie seisie deuant le iour assigne, sa feme serra endow.
Et nota que si le lessour apres le mort le lessee ne pay les de [...]s al' iour assesse, adonques la feme tyendra sa dower, et liss [...]e son heritage. Et en cas q̄ le lessour al' iour assesse paia les denyers al heire de le lessee, donques il puit ouster la femme, et le heire auxi de tout le terre primierm̄t lesse. Et si vn home done terres a vn auter en le taile, rendant a luy certein rent per an, et vn enter pur faut de paym̄t, le donee prent [Page 203] feme & deuie seisie, la feme serra endovve. Et en cas q̄ ap̄s le rēt soit aderere, le donor puit entre et ousta le feme & [...]heire auxy. Et nota q̄ si terres soient lesses a vn hōe en morgage en fee sur c̄ tein conditiōs, l' lessee alien, le lessour serra charge d'paier les deniers al alienee et nō pas a son feoffee cōe il est dit. 17. Ass. 2.
12 Tenir in burgage est a ten̄ si cōe les burgeis teygnent de roy ou de auter sn̄r terres ou tenementes rendant a luy vn certein rent per an, ou auterment la ou vn auter home que burgeis tient dascū seygniour terres ou tenementes [Page] en burgage rendant a luy vn cert' rēt ꝑ an.
13 Tenir en socage ē a tenir dascū seigniour terres on tenen̄its rē dant a luy vn certeyn rent per an, pur touts maners des seruyces. Et nota que tenir per socage nest pas tenir per seruice de chiual' ne la appent gard, mariage, ne relife, mes ils doubleront vn foites lour rent ap̄s la mort lour auncester solonque ceo q̄ soleint paier a lour seignyour, et ils ne serrount oustre mesure greeues, cōe il appiert en la treatise de gardes et d' reliefes. Et nota que socage puit estre dit en trois maners, cestassauoir socage en franktenure, Socage en aū cient [Page 204] tenure, et socag' en base tenure. Socage en frank tenure est a tenir fraunchement per certein rent pur toutes manners des seruices come deuant est dit, & de ceo le procheine amye aueral' gard a que lheritage ne purra my descender tanque al age lheire de xiiij. anss cestassauoir si lherytage veign̄ ꝑ le part le pier, ceux de parte la mere aueront le gard & econtra. Et nota q̄ si gardeine en socage face vvaste il ne serra my empech de vvast mes rendra accompt al heire quant il viendra a pleyne age de xxj. ans. Et vide lestatute de Marlebridg capitulo xvij. pur cest [Page] matter. Socage de auncient tenure ē ceo ou gerts en auncyent demesne tenoyēt, que no soilent auter brief auoir que le briefe de droit close q̄ serr' termine secūdum cons. manerij, Sc le mōstrauerunt pur eux dyscharge quaunt lour seignior eux distreine put faire auters seruices que faire ne duis sent. Et cēbr' de mō strauerunt doyt estre port enuers lour seigniour, et ceux tenants teignent touts per vn certeine seruice. Et ils sont frāktenāts daū cien demesne. Socage in base tenure est lou hōe tient en auncient demesne que ne puyt aū l' mōstrauer' et pur ceo il est appel d' base tenure. [Page 207] 14 Tenir in fee ferm̄ est a tener en fee simple rend' a le sn̄r le va lue ou la moity ou al meins le iiij. part ꝑ an, et ne doit auter chose faire, mes sicōe est cō teign̄ en le seffem̄t. Et q̄ tient en fee ferme doit faire fealty et nient reliefe.
Franke fee.
15 Tenir en frāke fee est a tenir en fee simple terres pleadable a la comen ley.
Base fee.
16 Tenir en fee base ē a ten̄ a la volūt le sn̄r.
17 Tenir in pure villenage est a faire tout [...] que le seignior luy voit commaunder.
La difinition de villenage est villeine de sāke, et d' tenure. Et il [Page] est de que son sn̄r prēt redempc'd' sa file marier ou soym̄ enfraū chise, Et le seign̄ puyt luy ouster des terres ou ten̄ts a sa volūt, & auxi de toutes ses bn̄s et chateaux. Et nota q̄ sokman nest pas pure villein, ne villein doit pas garde mariage ne reliefe ne faire aut' ser uices reals. Et nota q̄ tenur' en villenage ne ferr' nul frāke hōe villein sil ne soit cōtinue puis le temps de non memorie, ne villeyne terre ne ferra franke home villein, ne frāke terre ne ferra villeine franke, sinon q̄ le tenant soit cōtinue frā chement puis le tēps de non memory, mes villein ferra franket're villein per seisin ou [Page 206] ꝑ claime de son seign̄. Et nota que si villein purchase certein terre et prent feme et alien & deuie deuaunt le claime ou seysin de sō sn̄r, la fēe serr' endow. Et nota q' en cest cas q' le sn̄r port Precipe quod reddat enuers lalien son villeyn le q̄l vouche a garrauntie le issue la villeine que est villein a la seign̄, il auera la vouche. Et ꝑ protestatiō le seignior puit sauer (que nō obstant que il pled' oue son villeine) vncor' sō villeine ne serra mye enfraunchise. Et nota que bastarde ne serra iammes aiudge villein sinon per conusance en court de recorde. Et nota que si det soit due per vn seignior a [Page] vn home et il face ii. home ses executours les queux sount villeins al dit seignior et deuie, les villeins auerount action de dette enuers lour seignior, nient obstaunt que il pled ouesque eux. Et sil face protestatyon ils ne serront pur tant enfraunchise, pur ceo que ils sount a recoū le dette auauntdit al vse dune auter person, cestassauoir al vse lour testatour et nyent a lour vse demesne. Et si le tenaunt in dovver eit vn villein le quel purchase certeyne terre en fee & puis le tenant en dovver enter, el auera la terre a luy & a ses heirs a touts iours, & mesme la ley ē de tenant [Page 207] a terme dans dū villeine.
Et nota q̄ le sn̄r puit robber sō villein, naufrer et chastiser a sa volūt, salue q̄ il ne puit luy mayhime, car dō ques il auera appel de mayhime enuers luy. Et nota q̄ villein puit auer iii. actions enuers son seign̄, cestascauoir, appel de mort sō aūc', appel de rape fait a sa femme, et appell de mahim. Et nota si deux ꝑcen̄s portent briefe de N [...]iftie, et lun de eux soit non suy, le nonsuit de luy serra aiudge la nonsuyte de am bydeux, issint que si le nonsuyte soyt apres apparaunce, ils serrount oustes de cest actyon a toutes ioures, [Page] car la ley est tiel in fauorem libertatis. Et nota si deux ount vn villeine in commen, & lun de eux face a luy vn manumission, il ne serra my enfranchise enuers ābideux Et nota que en br' de Natiuo habendo, il couient que le seign̄r monstre coment il aueigna priuie de sake a celuy villein de que il est seignior &c. Et sil, ne nul de ses auncesters ne soit seisi de nul de son sanke, il ne gaynera per son actiō si le villeine nad pas conu en court de rec' luy estre son villeine. Et nota que en briefe de Niefe ne purront este mys plusoures niefes que deux tant solement, & hoc introductum fuit prius [Page 208] in odium seruitutis, Mes en briefe de Libertate probanda, purrount estre mis taunts niefes come le pl' voudra.
Et nota que si le niefe de seign̄ soit fue en auncient demesne de roy ou auter vill' priuilegie, deins lan & iour le seignior puit luy seyser, & sil demourt en la dit vil▪ ou lieu fraunchise per vne an & vne ioure sauns le seysin de son seygniour, il nad my povver de luy seyser apres, sil ne va en estray de hors le suisdit fraunchise.
18 Tenir en le taile'ē lou hōe tient certeine terres ou tenementes [Page] a luy et a ses heires de son corps engendres. Et nota que si la terre soit dōe a vn hōe et a ses heirs males, et il ad issu mal', il ad fee simple, et ceo fuit aiudge en le parliament nost' seigniour le roy. Mes lou terres ou tenem̄ts sount dones a vn hōe & a ses heirs males de son corps engendres, il ad fee taile, et lissue female ne serr' my inherite, vt patet Anno xiiij. Edwardi tertij en vn Ass. 18. Edvvardi 3. 45.
Taile apres possibilitie.
19 Tenir en le tail' apres possibilitie dissue extinct est, lou terre est done a home et sa femme et a les heires de lour ij. corps engē dres, lū d' eux suruiue [Page 211] laut' sās issu entre eux issāt, il tiēdra sa terre a terme de sa vie dem̄ cōe tenāt en le taile apres possibility dissue extinct. Et nō [...]obstār q̄ il fac̄ waste, il ne serra iāmays empeche de cel vvast. Et nota sil aliē, celuy en la reūsiō naūa briefe dentre in consimili casu. Mes il puit ētrer, et sō entre est congeabl' per Ro. Thorp chiefe Iustice. 28. E. 3. 96. et 49. E. 3. 25.
20 Tenir en frāk mariage est a ten̄ en l' second tail' limit en lestatut de Westm̄. 2. ca. 1. Et le feoffour quiteral' feoffee d' touts man̄s des seruices tā que le quart degree soyt passe, et le feoffour [Page] ferra toutes les seruyces et suites durant la dyt terme. Et puis les heires le feoffee le ferrount, pur ceo que le priuitie de sanke est passe. Et sil soit distreine pur seruice, il auera briefe de mesn̄ enuers luy supposaunt que il tyent les terres de luy, mes il nauera pas le fore iudgement sil ne soyten auauntage de [...]es issues.
Et nota que apres le quart degree soyt pas il serra attendant des tants des seruices a le donour, come le donour est attendant al seignyour paramont. Et sil face felony pur quoy il est attayn [...], le roy auer' sa terre pur terme de sa vie natural. [Page 212] Et apres la mort, son issu serra inherite come per force de la tayle. Et en cest case, nul auera sa terre per voye deschete, nyent pluis q̄ en auter tayle. Et en case que le tenant deuie sans heyre de son corps engendres, la terre reuertera a le donour, come serroit en le commen taile. Et si home lessa sa terre a vn auter en franke maryage, rendaunt a lay vn c̄tayn rent per an, il tiendra cest terre en le commen taile, & nient en franke maryage, car per le rent reserue, ceux paroix, (in liberum maritagium) sōt tout oustrement voides, issynt que la tenure serra entendus [Page] solon (que) la tenur' en le comen taile.
Et nota que le done en frank maryage ad condytion annexe a luy non obstant que il nest pas expressemēt declare en la charter del done, vt patet per statutū westin̄ secōd, cap. I. de Donis conditionalibus.
Et nota q̄ home ne donera pas terres ou tenements en franke mariage, forsque lou la feme est pryuie de sanke a le donoure. Car auterment naueroit home ne fēe ascū estate ꝑ tiel feoffemēt fors (que) a terme de vie.
21 Tenir en frāk almoign̄ est a tenir terres ou tenemēts pur dieu seruir et saint esglife [Page 213] dower sans faire nul auter manner de seruice, Et nota que en cest cas le donour est mesne & luy doit acquiter franchemēt enuers le chyefe seigniour, & auxi ceux q̄ teygnont en frankalmoigne ne ferroyent fealtie, mes ceux que teignont en frākmariage, ferront fealtie.
22 Tenir per Elegit ē lou home ad recouer det ou damage ꝑ br'e deuers vn auter, ou ꝑ conusanc' ou in auter maner, il auera deyns le an deuers luy vn briefe iudicial nosme Elegit, dauer execution del moytye de toutes ses terres & chat' (excepts boefes, et affers a sa carues) [Page] tanque le det ou le dam̄ soient oustremēt leues ou payes a luy, & duraunt cest terme il est tenāt per Elegit. Et nota sil soyt ouste dey ns le terme il aūa assise d' nouel disseisin & apres vn redisseisin si besoign̄ soit, & cest dōc per lestat' d' W. 2. cap. 18. et auxy per lequitie de mesme lestatute celuy q̄ ad son estate sil soit ouste auer' assise et redisseisin si besoign̄soit. Et auxi sil face ses executours & deuye, et ses executoures entrount & puys soyent oustes, ils auerount per lequitie de mesme lestatut actyon come luy mesme suisdit, mes sil soyt ouste et puis face ses executours & deuye, [Page 214] ses executoures purront entrer & sils soient estoppes de lour entre ils auerount vn bryefe de trespas sur lour matter & case.
Et nota sil face wast en tout la terre, ou en parcel, lauter auera enuers iuy mayntenaunt vn briefe iudicial hors de la prymer recorde nosme venire facias ad computandum, per force de quel serra enquyse sil ad leue toutes les deniers ou parcel, & sil nad leue les denyers, donques serr' enquise a quaunt le vvaste amount, Et si le waste amoūt sinō a parcel, donques tauntes des denyers que le vvast a moūt serra abridge de [Page] les suisdits den̄s q̄ux fuer' estre leues. Mes sil ad fait pluys waste q̄ le auauntdyt sōme dargent q' fuit a estre leue amount, lauter serra discharge maintenaunt de toutes les deniers suisdits et recouera sa terre. Et pur la superfluitie de waste fait ouster ceo que amount a le dyt summe il recouera ses dammages singles, et mesme la ley est de ses execurors, et auxy de cestuy que ad son estate, Et nota sil aliē en fee, ou a terme de vie, ou en le taile, tout la terre ou parcel d' la terre que il tient per Elegit, si le alienatiō soit fait deins le terme ou ap̄s, cestuy que ad droit auera vers luy [Page 215] vn assise de nouel disseisin. Et couiēt q' ils soiēt mise en lass. ambideux, auxibn̄ le alienee cōe le alienour et nō obstāt que lalien̄ deuie maintenant vncore cestuy q'ad droit aūa vers [...]alienee sole ass. cōe sil vst estr' son simple t' a term̄ dans, Et ce [...] est per lequity del statute de Westminster 2. ca. 25. pur ceo que il nad sinon chatel en effect, et m̄ la ley est de ses execut' & de cestuy q' ad son estate cōe est suisdit.
Et nota que en Elegit, si le vicont retorn̄ que il auoit ryen iour de la reconisance fait, mes que il purchase terre puis le temps, adonques la partye pl' [Page] auera nouel brief daū execution de ceo, mes me la ley est dun estatute merchaunt. Et nota que apres le fieri facas vn nome puit auer le Elegit, mes non econtra, entaunt que le Elegyt est de pluis haut nature que le fieri facias. Et nota que si home recoū per briefe d' det, et sue vn fieri facias & le vicontretourne que le party nad riens dont il puit faire gree a la party, donq̄s le pleintife auera vne Elegyt ou vn capias sicut alias & pluries. Et si le vicount retourne a le capias mytto vobis corpus & il nad riens dont il puit faire gre a la ꝑty, il serra maunde al gayle de Fleete, & [Page 216] illon (que) demourra tanque il ad fait gree al gty, et si le vic' retorne non est inuentus, adō (que) issera lexigent enūs luy. Et nota q' en br' de dette port deuers persō de saynt esglise q' nad rien de lay fee, & le vicount returne que il nad riens ꝑque il puit estr' som̄, adonques suera le plaintife brief al Euesque que il sace venir son clerk [...] leuesque luy ferra venirpers [...] estratiō del esgli [...]e. Et notu q̄ hōe si port br' de det & rec', & face ses execut' & deuie, ils auerount execution non obstaunt que il soyt deins lan per [...]n scire facias.
Statut merchant.
23 Tenir per lestat' [Page] merchant est lou hōe conust a paier certain denyers a vn auter a certaine iour deuaunt le maire, bayllye, ou aut' gardein dasc'ville q̄ ad poiar de faire execuc' de m̄ lestat', & si l' obligeene paia l' det a le iour asses & rien de ses bn̄s, terr', ou tenem̄ts ne purrōt estre troues deins la garde le maire ou gardeyne auantdyt, mes en auters lieus dehors, dō ques le reconisee suer' le reconisance & obligation oue vn certification al chauncery desouth le seale le Roy, & il auera hors de la chaūc' vn capias al vic' de q̄l coūty il ē de luy app̄n̄d' et metter en prisō sil ne soit clerke tan (que) il ad fait gree de la dette. Et [Page 217] vn quart▪ de lā ap̄s c̄ q̄ il serra pris, il auera sa terre liuere a luy mesme pur faire gree a le party de dette. Et il puit vender tanque il est enprison, & sa vende serra bone & loyal. Et sil ne face gree deins le quarter dun an, ou si soit returne que il nē troue, & sil ne soit clerke, adonques le reconisee puit auer briefe de la chauncery queest appelle Extendi facias, direct al touts vic'lou il ad t'res dextender ses terres et biēs, et ses bn̄s a luy deliū, et luy seiser en ses terres, pur les tenir a luy et a ses heires et a ses assignes tanque le dette soyt leue ou pay, & per cel temps il est tenaunt ꝑ [Page] statute merchant. Et not a queen lestatute merchaunt, le reconisee auera execution de toutes les terres que le reconysour auoyt iour de la reconisaunce fayt, et vnques puis per force de mesme lestatute.
Et nota que quaunt ascū wast ou destruction est fait ꝑ le reconisce, ses execut's, ou ꝑ celuy qui ad son estate, le reconysour & ses executours auerōt mesme la ley com̄ est suisdit de le tenaunt ꝑ Elegit.
Et nota si tenaunt per lestatut merchant tient ouster sō terme, celui qui ad droit puit suer enuers luy venire facias ad computandum, ou entrer tā tost [Page 218] vt sur tenant per Elegit.
Trois man̄s de rents y sount, cestassauoire rēt seruic̄, rēt charge, & rent secke. Rent seruic̄ est lou vn hōe tyent dun auter ꝑ fealtie, & pur faire suite a sa court, & rendant a luy vn certaine rent per an pur touts maners des seruices. Et nota, que si le seignyour soyt seisie des seruices & rent auauntdits, & ils soyent aderere, et il distrein̄, et le ten̄t rescue le distres, il puit auer assise, ou brief de Rescoꝰ. Mes il est pluis necessarye pur luy auer assyse que bryefe de Rescous, pur tāt que per Assise il recouera son rent & ses damages, [Page] mes per cest briefe de Rescous, il ne recouera mes les reprises & les da [...]. Et nota que si le seigniour ne soit my seysie del rent & seruice, & ils sount aderere, & il distrey ne pur eux, et le tenaunt reprent la distresse, il ne puyt mye auer assise, mes briefe de rescoꝰ, et ne couiēt mi al seigniour de mr' son droit. Et nota que si le sn̄r distreine son tenaunt en socage pur seruice de chiual' ql il suppose estre tenus d' luy, & auovve pur mes [...]s les seruices en court de recorde, il serra charge per tiels seruices, per Fynch. termino Hillarij Ann̄ xlvi.
Et nota que si le [Page 219] seigniour ne puit my trouer dystresse per deux ans, il auera vers le tenaunt bryefe de Cessauit per biennium, vt patet per lestatut de westm̄. 2. cap. 21. Et si le tenant deuie en le meane tēps & son issue entre, le seign your auera vers lissu briefe dentre sur Cessauit, ou si le tenaunt alien, le seigniour aūa vers lalyenee lauant dit briefe. Mes si le seigniour ad issue et deuie, et le tenaunt so yt en arrerage de dyt rent & seruyces de le temps le pyer del issue & nemy en temps del issue, il ne puyt mye dystreyne pur arrerages en tēps son pyer, & il nauera ascun auter recouere [Page] vers le tenant ou ascun auter, pur ceo q̄ tiel aduantage est done pur le ley al tenāt. Et nota q̄ rent seruice est, a quel appent fealtie, mes a rēt charge & rent secke ne appent pas fealtie mes il appent a rent seruice de commen droit.
Rent charge.
25 Rent charge ē lou home graūt certeyne rent issant de ses terres ou tenemēts a vn auter en fee simpl' ou in fee taile, ou a terme de vie ꝑ fayt sur condic', q̄ a q̄l heure q̄ le rent soit aderere, bien lirra a le grauntee ou a ses heirs ou assignes a distrein̄ en m̄ la terres ou tenements.
Et nota que si le rēt [Page 220] soit aderere, bn̄ list a le grauntee ꝑ election dauer briefe danuitie, ou il puit distreyner, & si la distres soit rescue de luy, & il ne fuit mye seysie adeuaunt, il nad mye recouere forsque per brief de Rescous, car la distresse primierm̄t fayt, ne done a luy seisin, fors (que) [...]il happe le rent adeuaunt, car sil fuit seysie del rent adeuaunt, & puis le rent soit aderere, & il distreine, & rescous a luy so yt fayt, il auera assise ou brief d' Rescous.
Et nota q̄ en chescū assise de rēt charge & dannuel rent, & en bryefe de Annuitye, couyent a celuy que port le briefe [Page] de monstre auaunt especialtie, ou auterment il ne maynteynera ass. mes en mortdauncestour ou Formedon en la descender, et auters bryefes (en les queux title est dōe ou cōpris) port de rēt charge, ou dānuel rent, nest my besoygn̄ de mōstre especialtie. Et nota q̄ si hōe grāt rent charge a vn auter, et le graūtee purchase le moytie de la terre doūt le rent est issant, tout le rent est extinct. Et sile grātee relesse a le grauntour peel de le rent, vncor' tout le rēt nē extinct. Mes en rent seruice, le ley est auterm̄t, car non obstant q̄ le sn̄r ad la moitie purchase de la terre, dount le [Page 221] rent est issant', vn c̄ le rent nest pas extinct forsque a le moitie, et la cause de diuersitie est pur ceo que rent seruice puit estre seuere a vn portiō, mes nemy rent charge.
Et nota q̄ si rēt charg soyt grāt a ▪deux ioītment, et lun release, vncore lauter auera la moitie del rent. Et auxy si lun purchase le moytie de la terre dont le rent est issant, lauter auera le moitie del rent de son compaignion. Et si le disseysor charge la terre a vn estraunge, & le disseisie port lassise & recouer, le charge est defeate. Mes si celuy qui ad droyt, charge la t're, et vn estraūge fayne vn faux actyon [Page] enuers luy que nad droit et recouera per der le charge demurra. Et nota que en cas que vn purpartie soit parenter deux parceners et pluis terre soit allot a lun, que a lauter, et celuy que ad pluis de terre charge sa erre a lauter, & el happe le rent, el mainteinera assise sás especialtie. Et si le graūtee lauoyt en fee simple, ou en see tayle, & ad issue & deuie, si lyssue port vn formedō, ou assise de mortdauncester, il ne serra iammes charge de mōstre especialtie.
Rent secke.
26 Rent secke est lou hōe tient de moy per hom̄, fealtie, et auters seruic', rēdāt a moi vn [Page 222] certain rent per an, et ieo graunt cest rent a vn auter reseruaunt a moy le seruice.
Et nota que en rent secke si hōe soit seysie del rent, & le rēt soyt aderere, il ne puit my distreine mes il auera Assyse de nouel dysseysin.
Et'nota que si rent seck soit graunt a vn home et a ses heires, et le rent soit aderere & le graūtor deuie, lheir ne purra mye distreiner, ne recouera les arrerages de temps son pyer, sicome est auantdit de [...]rent seruice.
Et en mesme l' man̄ ē adire en rēt charge ou annuel rent. Mes en toutes les rentes [Page] auantdits lheire purr' auer pur arrerages en son temps demesn̄ tiel auauntage come auoyt sō pier en sa vie. Vide statut' 32. H. 8. 37.
Et nota que in rent seck si hōe ne soit seysie del rent, & il soyt aderere, il est sans recouere, pur ceo que il fuit sa folye demesne adeprymes quaunt le rent fuist graūt a luy ou reserue, que il ne prist my seisin del rēt sicome vn denyer ou deux. Et nota q̄hom̄ ne puit my auer Cessauit per bienniū, ou auter briefe dētre sur cessauit pur nul rent seck aderere ꝑ ij. ans, mes ils purrount tout solement pur rēt seruice vt patet in stat. W. 2. cap. 21. [Page 223] Et nota q'en rēt secke il couient pur luy q' sue pur le rent secke pur mōstre fait al tenant, ou auterm̄t le t' ne serra mye charge del rent fors (que) lou le rent secke fuyst rent seruice adeuaunt, cōe en cest case, seignior, mesne, & tenaunt, & chescun deux tyent dauter per homage et fealty. et let' del mesne x. s. de rent, le seigniour paramont purchase les terres ou tenementes de le tenaunt, tout le seignorye del mesne, forspris le rēt est extinct. Et pur cest cause cest rent ē deuenꝰ rēt seck et le rēt seruice chāge car il ne puyt dystrein̄ pur cest rent. Eten cest case celuy que [Page] demaunde le rent ne serra iāmes charge de monstre fait. Auxi en briefe de mortdaūcester ayell ne besayle de rent secke il ne besoigne monstre especialtie pur c̄ que ceux briefes de possession compreehndont vne title deins eux mesm̄s, cestassauoir que launc̄ fuit seisie de mesme le rent & continua sa possession per cause d' quel seisine le ley suppose que estauxi auerrable per pais, tamen quaere, car ascuns supposont que il couient a fine force a mōstrer auaunt fait, pur ceo q' rent seck ē vne chose enconter comē droit auxibyen come rent charge, mes en Assise de nouel disseisine et [Page 224] en br' dentre sur disseysine port de rent seck, il couient de fine force monstre auaunt fait pur ceo que rent secke est vn chose encont' comen droit sinon en le case suisdit ou il fuist rent seruice adeuant.
Et assise de nouel disseisin, et br' dentre sur disieisin ne conteygnent deins eux nul title, mes supposent vn disseisine estre fait a le pleintise. Et dentendement del ley la disseisine ne done nul cause dauerment encounter comen droit, mes de fine force il monstre auant especialtie.
Suit seruice.
27 Suit suruice est a venir a la court de iij. [Page] semaignes en trois semaignes ꝑ an entier, et purceo serra home distr' & nyent amercye. Suite real ē a venir a la courtdel leete, &c' nest fors (que) deux foits en an, et pur ceo home serra amercy et non pas distraine.
¶ Imprinted at London. in Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hande and Starre by Rychard Tottel. 1579.