¶ Here begynneth the boke of Cato both in Latyn and Englyshe.
SI deus est animus nobis vt carmina dicunt.
Hic tibi praecipue sit pura mē te colendus.
¶ For thy that god is inwardly the wytte
Of man, and geuith him vnderstanding
As dite is sayne, therfore shal thou vnshitte
Thyne hert to thy soueraine lord and king
Principally aboue all other thyng:
Geuing him laude honour and reuerence,
Whiche hath endowed the with exulence.
Plus vigila semper nec somno deditus esto,
Nam diuturna quies vicijs alimenta ministrat.
A wake my chyld, and loue no slogardie:
In long slepe and loke thou neuer delite,
Yf thou purpose, to worshyp for to stie.
Longe slepe and slouth, to vices men exite,
It makith dull, it makith inperfite
It fosterich vp the filthes of the flesshe,
It wastith eke, and pallith blodes freshe.
Trust well also, the first of vertues alle,
As to be stil, and kepe thy tongue in mewe:
Of tonge vntide muche harme may falle:
Leue me well, this is as gospell trewe,
Who can dalians of tongue esshewe,
And rest with reason, this is the vray texte
To god aboue that man is alder nexte.
Sperne repugnando tibi tu contrarius esse.
Conueniet nulli, qui secum decidet ipse.
Auyse the well, that thou neuer trauerse
Thyne own sentēce, for therof cometh shame.
Say not one & eft cōtrary reherse,
such repugnāce, wil make thy honourlame
Where stedfastnes, wil cause y
• good fame.
For he shal neuer accorde with man alyue:
That w
e himself, will ay repugne & striue.
Si vitam inspicias hominum, si deni
(que) mores.
Cum culpas alios, nemo sine crimine viuit.
If thou aduertise and beholde aboute,
The lyfe of men, and the maners also,
[Page]Bothe of thy selfe, and other there without
In myddell earth, thou shalt fynde, who
That in some part, is to vertu fo.
Blame no man therfore, if thou doe ryght:
Sith in earth lacles, lyueth no wyght.
Quae no citura tenes, quamuis sint chara relinque.
Vtilitas opibus, praeponi tempore debet.
If y
• suppose thinges shall annoye & greue,
Though they be dere & of right great price,
Suche as suffreth not thy profit
If the lust to be ruled, as the wyse
Absteine the frō suche thynges in al wyse.
For it is more wysdome in sothfastnesse,
To preferre profite, than suche rychesse.
Constans & leuis, vt res expostulat esto.
Temporibus mores, sapiens sine crimine mutat.
It is a good lesson for the nones,
A wyght now to be tēpred with cōffaunce,
And to be mery and glad eftsones:
Not alway sad, ne lyght of countenaunce.
A mans chere may full oft auaunce:
For at eche tyme, as the thyng requireth,
So the wyse man visageth and chereth.
Geue not credence alway to thy wyfe,
That for her yre, and her vnpacience
With sharper tong, thā is swerde or knife,
Playneth on thy seruaūt, though no offēce
Thou finde in him: lerne wel this sentence
The wyfe wyll hate, & cause for to smerte
Oftimes him, her husband loueth w
e herte.
(que) mones aliquem, nec sevelit esse moueri.
Si tibi sit charus, noli desistere coeptis,
And if thou warne a wyght of his forfayte:
Although he grudge w
t frowing coūtenāce
And in his language; manace the & thrate:
Yet forbere not for all suche displesaunce.
To teache him to amende his gouernaunce
As thou began, corecte that is amysse,
And that is a frendly tuche ywysse.
Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis.
Sermo datur cunctis animi sapiencia paucis.
Against the wordy folke ay full of wynde,
Striue not at all, it may the not profite:
Such Iayissh people, ben in cōceites blinde
[Page]The witlesse worde, auayleth not a myte.
In many wordes, is wysdome oft full lyte.
For to euery wyght, is geuen speche,
And yet the wyse full oft ben to seche.
Dilige sic alios, vt sis tibi charus amicus.
Sic bonus esto bonis, ne te mala damna sequantur.
Loue other men, and haue them so in chere
That to thy self, thy loue may moste extēde:
Let no persone, be to the more dere
Than thy estate, for thē shalt thou offende.
And hurt thy selfe and other folke amende.
But ay loue other and cherysshe them fo,
That to thy selfe thou be not founden foo.
Rumores fuge, ne incipias nouus autor haberi.
Nam nulli tacuisse nocet, nocet esse locutum.
Rumours newe that flyen as the wynde,
Eschue my chylde with all thy diligence:
Be neuer besy, newe tidynges to fynde,
Suche nouelte, causeth oft offence,
It is no wit it is no sapience.
It hurteth not a man to be in peace,
But it doth harme, to put his tōg in preace
Rem tibi promissam, certain promittere noli.
Rara fides ideo, quia multi multa loquuntur.
Make no promyse of other mens behelfe,
Remebre the well, that promesse is vnsure:
And but thou kepe thine, thy name y
• sleest,
To serue thy behest do thy besy cure.
Trust not the worde of euery creature,
Some mennes feyth is easy to breke:
For many folke thynke not, as they speke.
Cum te aliquis laudat, iudex tuus esse memento.
Plus alijs de te, quam tu tibi credere noli.
With wordes faire, whan fauel sedeth the:
Be thou not blind, for al his false flatterie,
Let thine own reason alway, thy iudge be.
And in effecte, if thyne estate be hie,
though fauel w
t his craft, wold blinde thine eye,
In all thy lyfe, thou neuer gene credence,
More to thy selfe, than to thy concience.
Officium alterius, multis narrare memento.
(que) aliis cum tubenefeceris ipse sileto.
Whan thou seest another mannes deserte,
As for his good dedes comendable,
In euery place prsuie and perte,
Suche a wight, w
t thy good word enhable.
And though y
u haue ben right amyable,
Of thy good dede, make thou none-auaūce:
And than other mē, shal thy name enhaūce.
And thou liuelōg, an olde mā shalt thou be,
Age wyll aproche, maugre in who say nay.
Than aperceyue, beholde about and se,
How aged folke been entreated euery daye,
And so to puruoye for thy selfe assaye,
Into stouping age whan thou art crept,
Thyng may y
• helpe, y
• in yougth was kept.
Ne cures si quis tacito sermone loquatur.
Concius ipse sibi, de se putat omnia dici.
Care not, although some men speke softe,
Ne change no chere: for oft it is ful bet
In secrete wyse to speke, than crie on loft
A man should s
[...] alway where he were set,
And after that so should he speake or let.
But to the suspect of harme it semeth,
Men speke of hym, he none other demeth.
Cum fueris felix, quae sunt aduersa caueto,
Non eodem cursu, respondent vltima primis.
Whan fortune, hath geuen them felicite,
And set the on hie, than ware of a falle,
[Page]Than sueth oft, full sharpe aduersite,
Fals fortune turneth as doth a balle,
In her haue thou no sekernes at alle.
Her perilous play, sumtime turneth to gra me:
Thende is woo, of that began with game.
Cum dubia et fragilis, sit nobis vita tributa.
In mortem alterius, spem tu tibi ponere noli.
Our bretel lyfe, is here so full of doubte,
That in veray surerye no wight may stand
Lo sodeynly crepeth the soules oute,
All aboutes this worlde in euery land
Of yong & olde: for euery wight is bounde
To deth: therfore set not thyne affiaunce
In deth of him, ther may suruine pchaūce.
Exi guum munus cum det tibi pauper amicus.
Accipito placide, plene et laudare memento.
A lytle gift, geuen with good entent,
Of thy frend y
• lyueth in pouerte,
With ryght good chere, suche giftes take & hent,
Supposyng ay, that as good wyll hath he
And more, than many men that ryche be.
Prayse not the gift, ne pondre not the price
Thentent is good and that shal the suffice.
Syth nature, that was thy fyrst norice,
Hath brought the hyther all naked & bare,
Though thou can neuer richesse accōplice,
But y
u art hold, alwaye in pouerties snare:
Yet no force make neuer to muche care,
Take paciently pouerte for the beste,
Ryches is not of nature, but of queste.
Ne timeas illam, que vite est vltima finis.
Qui mortem metuit, quod viuit perdit idipsum.
Though deth be fine of euery creature,
And no wyght on lyue, may it escape,
Yet drede not deth with ouerbesy cure.
To lyue in erth, than is it but a Iape,
If thou after death alwaye so gape.
Thinke wel to die, but modifie thy thought
Or elles to lyue, auaileth the right nought.
Si tibi pro meritis, nemo rn̄det amicꝰ
Incusare deū noli, sed te ip̄e coherce.
For thy desert, if no wyght thanke the,
I meane, whā y
u hast done thy force & paine
To other folke frendly for to be:
If they can not to the gramercy sayne,
[Page]Withdraw thy selfe, & so thy hand refrayne
Blame not thy god, for their vnfrēdlinesse:
But for such folke, do afterwarde the lesse.
Ne tibi quid desit, quaesitis vtere parce
(que) quod est serues, semper tibi deesse putato.
Sith y
• no riche mā, liueth there any where
If he consume his goodes all and wast,
But y
• pouerte shal greue him sore & dere:
Therfore my chylde, such goodes as y
• hast,
Let not to s
[...]ne, out of thy hand be raft,
Lest y
• thy goodes hereafter wil the fayle:
Holde that thou hast, it may the oft auayle.
Quod praestare potest, ne bis promiserisvlli.
Ne sis vētosus, dūvis bonꝰ ip̄e videri
Behete no man a thing, to lene him twyse,
And fayle hym, that is but vilany.
If thou may lene, do it in frendly wyse,
Such cheuissaūce, wil frendlynesse bewrie.
Of thy good dedes, clamour not necrie,
Be not wordy ne of wordes breme,
If a good man, the lust to apere and seme.
Qui similar verbis, nec corde est fidus amicus.
Tu quo
(que) fac simile, sic ars deluditur arte.
And if thou finde, the son of doublenesse,
The fals flatterer, if thou espie,
with painted word, & hert full of falsnesse:
[Page]Thou maiest in no wise better blere his eie
Than serue him with his owne trecherie.
For wordes faire, & frendlynesse no parte:
Geue him the same, & arte begile with arte.
Noli homines blandos nimium sermone, probare.
Fistula dulce canit, volucrem dum decipit auceps.
Preue not a mā, with ouer peynted speche,
Vnder faire wordes, is oft couert gile.
The worde is gay, but frēdship is to seche,
And as men say, suche craf is in this yle:
some thinke harme, whā thei her tōges file
The whystling fowler, maketh mery song
And yet the byrdes, begileth he among.
Cum tibi sint nati, nec opes: tunc artibus illos.
Instrue, quo possint inopem defendere vitam.
Whan y
e god hath geuen the children fele,
And riches small, than do you in this wise.
Teche thy children with craftes for to dele,
That by their art, they may thēself cheuise.
If y
u do thus, thā workest thou as the wyse,
Craft is good, and craft is lucratife,
By craft, they may defende the nedy lyfe.
Quod vile est, carū: quod carum est, vile putato.
Sic tibi nec cupidus, nec auarus nosceris vlli.
Haue this conceite, for it is often saine,
Thynges dere, shal ofte abate of pryse:
And thynges that of lytle value bene
In tyme comynge, maye to derth aryse,
Remembre this, & it wel aduertise:
Thus shal thou best, y
e name of chincherye fleme
And other mē, shal y
• no nigarde deme.
Quae culpare soles, ea tune feceris ipse.
Turpe est doctori cū culpa redarguit ipsum.
Auyse the wel, let reason be thy guyde
Whan other mē thou art about to blame,
That suche defaute be not in the espyede
For if ther be, thā shall thou haue y
• shame
Amās honour suche thinges wyl reclame.
It is ful foull whan y
•a man wyll teche
Yf his owne dedes, against his wordes preche
Quod iustū est, petito: vel quod videatur honestū
Nam stultū est petere, quod possitiure negari.
Loke thy desyre, be grounded in a right
And that it neuer trauers honeste
For as often tymes as wyght
Desyreth more than right and equite
Than may his request repeled be
And it is clepud nycete and grete folye
To aske oft that men wyl ay denye▪
Chaūge not thy frēd, that y
u knowest of old,
For any newe, in trust y
• thou shalt fynde
Better than he: but in thy handes holde
Him, that to y
• hath frendly been and kinde:
Suche changes ben full often blynde
Thou wenest to know, & yet knowest y
u not a dele
To knowe a frende, it is ful casuale
Cū dubio incertis versetur vita periculis
Pro lucro tibi pone diē, quicū
(que) laboras.
Sithe mannes lyfe is ful of myserie,
Some tyme in myrth, and after in mischiefe
Now in the dale, Now in the mounte on hie
Now man is pore, and oft ryches relefe
The shynyng morow, hath oft a stormy eue
To this polycie, take hede and entende:
Loke thou haue lucre in thy labours ende.
Vincere cū possis, interdū sede sodali:
Obsequeo qm̄ dulces retinentur amici.
Though y
u may be venged, & haue victorie
Of thy frende & felowe, yet y
u must forbere,
Refraine thy selfe, be not to haute ne hie:
Irous hastines, ful ofte men doth dere,
where easy softnes, frendes may conquere,
For by good dedes set in holines,
Men ben togyder knet in frendlynes
The lymytour that visiteth the wiues,
Is wyse enough, of him a man may lere,
To geue pynnes, purses, and knyues,
This crafte is good, so doth the sely frere.
Geue thinges smale for thinges y
• ben dere
If y
• receiue, geue somewhat ay agayne,
And that wil norishe frendes dere certaine.
Litem inferre caue, cum quo tibi gratia iuncta est.
Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem.
Touile not, ne striue w
t him y
• is thy frend▪
Beware of y
•, make not thy frend thy foo:
A touyllous man may frendship & shende.
These baratours that ben misruled soo,
Entryp them selfe and wrap in much woo.
for Ire of kinde, ēgēdreth nought but hate,
Where as accorde, norysheth loue algate.
Seruorum ob culpam cum te dolor v
[...] get in iram:
Ipse tibi moderare, tuis vt parcere possis.
Whan thy seruaūt thou takest in defaute,
Though he can not his negligence excuse,
[Page]Yet in thyne yre, make not to
[...]yers assaute:
But with thy haste a while take truse,
Thou shalt finde ease, this fete if y
• can vse.
Rule thy passion ay by suche mesure:
That thou saue, that ben vnder thy cure.
Quem superare pores, interdū vince ferendo:
Maxima etenim morum est, semper patientia virtus.
Sufferaūce doth ease, was said ful lōg ago,
Suffre, and haue all thyne entent,
Though thou may ouercome yet do not so.
Conquere through sufferaūce, & be paciēt,
But to foule cruelte neuer consent.
For it is cleped in vertue excellence,
Awight to lyue in humble pacience.
Conserua potius quae sunt iam parta labore.
Cum labor in damno est, crescit mortalis egestas.
Be not to scant, be not to prodigall,
Conserue thy thing gotten with laboure:
It is full fayre, to be sayd liberall,
But eschewe wast, and be no surfetoure,
Consume not all thy treasure in an houre,
Whan of thy laboure ryseth none auayle:
Nedy pouerte muste the full sone assayle.
Be not lyke zenola, for he woulde ete
With euery man, & at their feest him fede:
But neuer man, might tasten of his mete,
No man to him, but he to al men yede.
Be free of mete, but loke y
• largesses lede
The no ferther, than thou may well attain.
be thin own frēd, for this saith cato certain
¶ Take hede sir, howe holsomly this clerke
Entreateth men by vertuos doctrine
Thys fyrst part of his compendious werke
In worship howthei shal ful clerely shine,
Guyding to renowne streght as any lyne:
whose preceptes obserue if ye list,
And to his good coūsail, your hertes encline
Kight in your welth ful wel it shal be wist
The vertues foure, y
• men shold forth cōuey
Lo in this life, as brydel doth a beeste,
That men not erre in this perilous waye,
Stablisshinge him as doth a stedfast reest.
As sikur guydes, y
• ben worthyest
Mannes lyuing to sette in gouernaunce,
This sage Cato, full wysely doth regest,
Prenteth his sawes in your remembraūce.
¶ Here foloweth the second booke of Cato.
TElluris si forte velis cognoscere cultis.
Virgilium legito, quod si mage nosce laboras.
If thou my chylde sette thy delyte,
Of earth, to knowe the tilthe and culture,
And if thou wilt of knowledge be perfite.
Why some is areable, and some is pasture,
And why some is spreint w
t floure picture,
I counsayle the to musen for a whyle,
In the laureat poete virgile.
Humanos si forte velis, depellere morbos.
Herbarum vires: macer tibi carmine dicet.
And further more my chylde, if that the list,
The vertue of herbes for to discriue:
It may neuer in earth better be wyst,
Whiche be cōsuming, whiche be nutritiue,
Whiche hote, whiche colde, whiche conseruatiue:
Thā rede Macer, in his olde dite,
Whiche telleth hem in proper qualite.
Si Romana cupis & punica no scere bella,
Lucanum quaeras, qui martis praelia dicet▪
And if thou haue destrous fresh courage,
To here of noble Romains worthinesse,
How that thei vanquished theim of cartage,
And many other, through manly prowesse:
Than rede Lucan, full well can he expresse,
who bare him best in towne & eke in felde,
and who did marueiles vnder macers shelde
Si quis amare libet, vel discere amare legengo.
Nasonem petito, sin autem cura tibi hec est.
And he that lust of louers for to rede,
And in that wyse him selfe to auaunce,
As in y
• craft, Naso can teache him spede.
Some loueth song, some harpe, lute & daūce
Some other thynges diuers of pleasaunce,
Some louen secretly & lust not to be spide,
Som wil be knowē for thus writeth Ouide
Vt sapiens viuas: audi que discere possis.
Per quae si motum vitiis deducitur aeuum.
But yet my chylde if that in aduenture,
Thyne hert be set to no such maner thyng:
Or if it be not all to thy pleasure
That Virgil, Macer, Lucan, & Naso bring,
yet that thou may be wyse in thy liuyng.
If the lust to geue me audience.
I shall the shewe doctrine of sapience.
Ergo ades, & quae sit sapientia, disce legendo.
Therfore my chylde, come to me and lere,
And I shal the shew the veray treasure
Of sapience, if the lust to here.
And how thou shalt, in good estate endure,
And lede thy lyfe after goddes pleasure.
Therfore come nere, & lere by this reding,
To be a man vertuous in lyuyng.
Si potes, ignotis etiam prodesse memento,
Vtilius est regno, meritis acquirere amicos.
There is no wight, that further may report
Of thy good dedes, than the straūger may.
Make him good chere, & shew hī thi disport:
And he shal vtter thy name, this is no nay,
For the vnknowen, sometime doth assay.
Frendes ynowe to haue, is better thyng,
Than is frendles, a man to be a kyng.
Mitte arcana dei coelum
(que) inquirere quid sit.
Cum sis mortalis, quae sunt mortalia cures.
Of goddes misterie and his working,
Make neuer my chylde to far inquiraunce,
It is foly to muse vpon suche thyng.
Dispute neuer thy goddes pouruiaunce,
All thyng must be vnder his gouernaunce.
[Page]Sithe thou art man clad in mortalite,
Dispute thou thynges suche as mortal be.
Lingue metum leti, nam stultum est tempote omni.
Dum mortem metuis, amittis gaudia vite.
The drede of death, that is inordinate,
I meane to drede it ay, and neuer to cese.
Beware of that I counseyle the algate,
For this is as gospel doubtles
True, who dredeth so, is ay myrthles.
Whan drede of death a man so aggruggith,
It wasteth life, and his tyme abbruggith.
Iratus de re incerta contendere noli.
Impedit ira animum, ne possit cernere verum.
For thyng that is to the vncertayne,
Whan thou art wrath, loke y
• neuer striue.
Thy pacience easely withdrawe & refrayne,
For there is no persone in earth on lyue,
But that all reasonlesse he is as blyue,
As besy wrath hath kyndled hym on fyre:
And than he can not deme the crouth for yre
Fac sumptum propere, cum res desiderat ipsa.
Dandum etenim est aliquid, cum tem pus postulat aut res.
As tyme requireth, so make thine expence,
Mesure thy hand, after thy properte
[Page]Of thyng, of tyme, and after the presence.
Se that thou spende no more than nedeth y
And that to spende, loke thyne hert be fre.
A man shuld do coste, & make his spending,
Considering time, & rewarding the thyng.
Quod nimium est fugito, paruo gaudete memento.
Tuta magis puppis, est modico que flumine fertur.
To muche is nought of any maner thyng,
The meane is good and moost cōmendable,
Than mā standeth surest here in his liuing
with mene estate that halt him greable.
Plente and pouerte be not souffrable,
For than is the shippe in the sea moste sure,
Whan that the flode excedith not mesure.
Quod pudeat, sociis prudens celare memento.
Ne plures culpent id, quod et displicet vni.
If y
u know ought y
t may turne one to shame,
Kepe it secrete for nothing it bewrye:
Be not to besy suche thynges to proclame
And publisshe, as thou knowest priue.
Make not all men, to gare on the and crye,
Lest mo depraue, whā y
u thy word has sowe
that was before to other men vnknowe,
Non putes prauos hoies peccata lucrari:
Temporibus peccata latent, et tempore patent.
Yf thou espie and see a surfetoure,
A thefe, a shrewe, of grete mysgouernaūce,
Trust well sumtyme, shal come an houre
whan for his dede, shall he suffre penaunce,
Cursed dede, askyth wreche and vengeance
Though wyckydnesse for time be kept secre
Yet at the last it wol discouerd bee.
Corporis exigui vires contemnere noli.
Consilio pollet, cui vim natura negauit.
Though sum tyme nature haue ben vnkind
And yeuen a man to be of smale stature,
Yet my chylde Remembre, & haue in mynde
That thou neuer dispice that creature,
For god may send hym fortune and good our
As ofte as thay be w
t good counsell allied,
To whō y
t nature, hath great strēght denied
Quem scires non esse parem tibi tempore cede,
victorem a victo superare, saepe videmus.
whan the hapenyth to trauerce or haue ad
t him thou knowest not egal to thy myght
Thyne vttrest power shew not such on vnto
lest that estsones, he haue the in like plight
for it is synne in tournement and in fight.
fortune changith oftene in an hour
And he is discomfet, that erst was victoure
Of brōdes smale, be made these fires grete,
withdrawe y
• brand, the fire shal eke decrece
Agayne the knowen ayre loke y
u neuer bete
with wordes fele, for word distour beth pece▪
The man is wyse, that can of wordes cese,
For this is soth as god gas the lyfe,
Of wordes smale, is brad full muche stryfe.
Quod deus intendit, noli perquirere sorte.
Quod statuit de te, sine te deliberat ipse.
Dele not with sorcery, ne with surquedry:
In goddes hand is all thy sorte and state,
Be not about to calcle thy destyny,
If thou be mysbrous or fortunate.
Let god alone, in him is all thy state,
And that hym list of the for to purpose:
without the, ful well can be dispose.
Inuidiam nimio cultu, vitare memento.
Quae si non laedit, tamen hanc sufferre molestum est.
Beware of enuy, with her taches felle,
within thyne hert, loke that she not reste:
[Page]For it is one of the paynes of helie.
whan she soiourneth in a mans breste,
Than brenneth fenix in his owne neste.
and though she may non other mā mischeue
Yet Ethua ceaseth not her selfe to greue.
Esto fortis animo cum sis dampnatus inique:
Nemo diu gaudet, qui iudice vincit iniquo.
Enforce thyne hert, with manly suffraūce,
Though iudgement agaynst the procede,
Be not abasshed in worde ne countenaūce.
For the oppressoure, fals may rule and lede,
The lawe, but trust me well without drede,
Long to reioyse acheueth he nat,
whiche by meanes vntrew, his goodes gat.
Litis praeteritae noli maledicta referre
Post inimicitias iram meminisse, malorum est.
Wrath of olde, that should be out of mynde,
Be not about to make eft alyue.
But the enuious hath that tache of kynde.
Such malice my child, loke y
u neuer reuiue,
For yre of old, maketh men to stryue.
and who remembreth olde enemyte:
A wicked man, forsoth my chylde is he.
Ne te collaudas, nec te culpaueris ipse.
Hoc faciunt stulti, quos gloria vexat inanis.
Thy selfe also, loke that thou not preyse,
[Page]Ne dispreyse, but let other men alone.
Alway after prudence thy wordes y
u peyse:
For thine own auaūt, honour getest y
u none
But a mocke, anone as thou art gone.
A man to preyse him selfe as sayth the scole,
Or dispreyse muche, is token of a fole.
Vtere quesitis modice, cum sumptus habundat.
Labitur exiguo, quod partum est tem pore longo.
Whan it is time of coste and gret expence,
Beware of waste and spend ay by mesure.
who that to kepe nor spende no difference
Maketh, his goodes may not long endure.
The olde sawe sayth, mesure is tresure:
For in short tyme, thy good may slyp away,
That was begotten in many a sondry day.
Incipiens esto, cum tempus postulat, autres.
Stulticiam similare loco, prudentia summa est.
It is no wisdome, alway to seme sage,
But sometyme to be nyce, and fayne folye:
who hath this feate shall fynde auauntage.
whan tyme and thyng requireth that espye,
And than to dissimyle it is pollicye:
Sometyme to be vnwyse in apparance
Among the wyse, is called hygh prudence.
Thy filthy fleshe in mouyng bestial,
That fyghteth against the soule within
By force of her entycement sensuall,
Eschew my chyld, & kepe the from her gyn:
That acte, & grace, be set full ferre atwyne.
And fle of auarice the wicked fame,
This two it be, that causen euyll name.
Noli tu quedam referenti, credere semper.
Exigua est tribuenda fides, quia multi multa lo quuntur.
Beleue not euery wyghtes sawe,
For some reporte thynges all otherwyse
Than it was done, or any man it sawe.
And some haue it of custome and of gyse,
To fede folke with flatteryng and lyese.
Geue litle trust therfore to such spekynges:
For many folke speke many thynges.
Quod potu peccas, ignoscere tu tibi noli.
Nam nullum crimen vini est, sed culpa bibentis.
If thou surfet in drynke, forget not that,
Auyse the oft thou come not in the snare.
withdraw thy hād, fede not thy throte so fat
Drinke that suffiseth, & otherwhile y
u spare.
[Page]To muche drynke maketh men of wit bare,
And yet the wyne therof is not to blame.
But the drynker, maketh hym selfe lame.
Consilium arcanum, tacito committe so dali.
Corporis auxilium, medico cōmitte fideli.
To thy trusty frende that is ay secre,
Shewe thy coūsayl, to hym thy hert bewry,
A trusty frend is chefest of preuete.
But it is hard suche frendes to espie,
Trie out one among a companie,
And of thy body betake the cure:
To suche a leche, as is trusty and sure.
Successus indignos noli tu ferre moleste:
Indulget fortuna malis, vt laedere possit,
Within thy selfe, agreue the not to sore,
Though thyng amys sumtyme the betyde.
Dismay the not in besy wyse therfore,
Thyne aduenture nedes thou must abyde,
Fortune may not alway be on thy syde.
with harmes to greue, in awayte lieth she,
To reue men of their felicite.
Prospice qui veniunt hos casus esse fe rendos.
Nam leuius laedit, quicquid praeuidimus ante.
In thy selfe compasse about before,
Thynge to perceyue, that after shall befall.
It noyeth not, ne greueth halfe so sore,
That is forsayne, as other thynges shall,
Sodeyne chaunces disseysen moste of all.
It hurteth lesse, and is better plyght:
wherof before a man can haue in syght.
Rebus in aduersis animum submittere noli.
Spem retine, spes vna hominem nec morte relinquit.
Whan diuers thinges trauers thyne entēt,
And thou art wrapped in aduersite:
wayte for wāhope, thou be not lost ne shent.
Let not dispayre thy wyt bereue the,
Abyde the tyme it may better be.
Hope is she that shall make the a seth,
Hope leueth not man, though mā leue breth
Rem tibi quam noscis aptam, dimittere noli.
Fronte capellata, post hec occasio calua.
Whan profer is than mekely it receyue,
Take thynges whyle they be in season.
They profre now, y
• oft wil thinges weyue.
Plente now, wyl afterwarde be geason.
Take in tyme, for so commaundeth reason.
The balled head, sumtyme full of heres,
Now is made bare without knife or sheres.
Quod sequitu
[...] specta: quod
(que) imminet ante videto.
Illum immittare deum, qui partem spectat vtram
Prouide thy selfe, and haue deliueraunce
By lykely coniecture what may betyde,
Aduertise my chyld in thy remembraunce
Afore and after about on euery syde.
Folowe that god, and let hym be thy guyde,
That all thyng hath in his gouernement,
Future passed and that is present.
Forcius vt valeas, interdū parcior esto.
Pauca voluptate debentur, plura saluti,
It is a tache, of a deuouryng hounde
To receyue super fiue and done excesse:
Till his receyte frō hym agayne rebounde.
Content thy nature, and fle gredynesse:
Foule lustes ay kepe vnder and represse.
Fede not thy lust withall that she wil craue
If in helth thou lust thy body to saue.
Iudicium populi nunquam contempseris vnus.
Ne nulli placeas dum vis contemnere multos.
Whan a multitude hath geuen a decre,
Or concluded ought agaynst thyne entent,
Trauerse not against the communete:
For if thou do thou shalt lyghtly be shente.
Despyse not alone the peples iudgements,
In aduenture thou please of them not one:
[Page]While thou w
[...]t enpugne theim euerichone.
Sic tibi precipue (quod primum cura est salutis.
Tempora ne culpes, cum sit tibi causa doloris.
Take good hede vnto thyne owne estate,
To rule thy body well with good diete.
But loke with tyme, thou be not at debate.
though through thin own misrule & surfete:
Sekenes & sorowe, haue geuen the an hete,
The tyme is good, and no dismale it is:
But man it maketh, for that he doth amys.
Somnia ne cures, nam mens humana quod optat.
Dum vigilat: sperat, per somnium cernit idipsum.
Drede no dremes, so saith Detronomye,
Though they be caused of complection,
Or els of any nyced fantasye,
Or of a superflue replection:
For dremes be but fals illusion.
Whā men be wakyng, they desire & thinke,
And vpō suche thing, they dreme whan they wynke.
Museth a whyle, what al these maters mene
Abyde my mayster and go no further yet,
To rede theim, auayleth not a bene:
But if a man the curnel wyll vnknit.
wherfore your hert, & al your mynd vnshit,
[Page]And loke what lieth vnder y
• boisto
[...]s rinde,
And I dare say, of wysdome and of wyt,
Plente and foy
[...]on, therin shall ye fynde.
Refressheth your selfe, w
t this holsome diet
That fostereth and kepeth vertue on lyue,
To your parsone me thynketh it full mete:
For to receyue suche a nutritiue.
whiche youre estate, shal ay preserue alyue.
In great honour, & kepe you frō noyssaūce,
Ouc of daunger and vices infectiue:
If ye wyll worche, after this ordinaunce.
And in especiall, loke that your dede,
May bere true wytnesse and testifie.
The mater that ye beholde and rede.
Loke w
t your herte, as wel as w
t your eye,
Than dare I say, somewhat shal ye espie,
that to this worke shal moue your courage.
wherfore your hert, your eie, & al applie,
your selfe to rule, after this dietes sage.
[...]cunda pars finita.
¶ Here folowed the third booke of Cato.
HOc quicun
(que) velis carmen cog noscere lector.
Hec praecepta feres, quae sūt gratissima vitae.
Beholde what wyght, that lust for to rede
In this my diete, somewhat shall he fynde,
where w
t, his soule he shall foustre and fede,
with the wyse good, and it frō vices bynde.
Come nere my child therfore & haue in mid,
Suche doctrine to bere away and lere,
As to thy lyfe shal be full good and dere.
Instrue praeceptis animum, nec discere cesses.
Nam sine doctrina, vita est, quasi mor tis imago.
Thy soule resembleth, a newe playne table,
In the whiche, as yet apperith no picture,
The philosophie saith without fable:
So is the soule but a dedly figure,
Till tyme she be reclaymed with the lure
Of doctrine, and so get her a good habite
To be expert in conyng and parfite.
Commoda multa feres, sin autem spre ueris illud.
Non me scriptorem, sed te neglexeris ipse.
Enprynte my teching, in thy soule stedfast,
[Page]And full profitable thou shalt it fynde
For sake it not, ne from thyn hert it cast
For if thou do exclude out of thy mynde
This lesson, thou art full bareyn and blinde
From vertu, and therfore wyte not me,
Sith the faute my sonne, is then in the,
Dum recte viuas, ne curas verba malorum
Arbitrii nostri non est, quod quisque loquatur
Yf thou lyue Iustly; keping the vpright
Neuer declining for nede ne fauoure,
Than standest thou in a full holsom plight,
Though mē malingne w
t wordes of rigour
Yf thou liue thus, thy good lyfe is thy toure
We may not let, the people to gare & crye:
But doo we wel, if they say misse they lye.
Productus testis, saluo tamen ante pudore,
Quantum qūque potes, celato crimen amici.
Yf thou be called the soth to testifie
Ay sauing thy worship and honestie
Thy frendes trespas be not about to wrie,
Wher as no shame therof mai growe to the
This requireth ay frendlines pardiè,
In well and woo the treue beniuolence,
Betwix folke is frendship in existence.
Sermones blādos, blesos
(que) cauere memento.
Simplicitas viri sana est: fraus, picta lo quela.
Make besy warche, & kepe thy soule algats
Beholde aboute, espye the couert trayne
Whē that false fauel knokkith at thy gates,
He menyth gile though outward he fayne.
He can anoynte softly thy eres twayne,
With oyle of pleasaunce plente and toison.
Yet vnder that, kepe the from his poyson.
Signitiem fugito, quae vitae ignauia fertur.
Nam cum animus languet, cōsumit inertia corpus.
Slouth, slogardy, and dulle ydulnesse,
And lachesse, that causith to vs necligente,
Esch ue my child with all thy besynesse:
For youll body, makith the soule shente.
There is in erth no greater argumente,
For to conclude the body vnapte:
Than that the soule in ydelnesse be wrapte.
Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis.
Vt possis animo quemuis sufferre laborem,
Who so lackith rest, may not long endure:
Therfore among take thiu ease and disport.
Delite the neuer in besinesse and cure,
[Page]But yet at sumtyme thou maist resort
To play, recreacion, and comforte,
Thou shalte the better laboure at the long,
Whan thou hast mirch, thi besinesse amōg,
Alterius dictum, aut factum, ne carpseris vnquam.
Exemplo simili ne te deri deat alter.
It is ful hard, to plese euery wight,
Despreyse no mānes dedes, nor them lacke,
Ne wordys, for euen so right,
As thou dispraisist them behind thy backe
Right so wil mē make y
• a moppe & a knacke
The contrary, though men had it sworne,
The scorner shall alwaye haue a scorne.
Quae tibi fors dederit tabulis suprema notata.
Augendo serua, ne sis quem fama lo quatur.
Whan thy last sorte that sum men call fate,
Is good and pleasaunt after thyne enrente:
This meane I loo, whā thou art fortunate,
Receiue the good that god hathe to the sente
Suffre it not rechelesly to be spent
For thā of a wastour, shalt thou haue y
• nāe
For our great riot, wil cause a seble fame.
Cum tibi diuitiae superant in fine senectae.
Munificus facito viuas, non parcus amicis.
Into great age when thou arte crepte,
[Page]And y
u hast, ryches, & great aboundaunes,
be liberall of good thou hast before kepte:
Thinke thou hast ynough and suffisaunce,
Let not thy good of, the haue gouernaunce,
But gouerne it, and parte it w
t thy frende:
When y
u goest hēce, it may not w
t the wende
Vtile consilium dominus ne despice serui.
Nullius sensū, si prodest contēpseris vnquam.
Grace is geuen to men in sundry wyse,
Sum haue wisdome, & sumhane eloquence,
Theis pouer solke, sumtyme bene ful wyse.
A seruaunte may be of great sapience,
Though he be had of smal reuerence,
Reward his wit among other while,
For vertue is hid vnder an habite vile
Rebus et in sensu, non est quod fuit ante
Facviuas contemptus eo, quod tempora praebent.
This worldli welth, ebbing and flowing ay
At no certaine, as doth wantan apryle,
Though y
u haue lost it, make no dismay:
Be content w
t that thou hast for the whyle.
Sū mē ther be, y
• haue nother crosse ne pile.
Now in his warde, and yet good aduenture
Is him ful nere, no mā may knowe his vre
Vxotē fuge ne ducas sub nomine dotis.
Necretinere velis, si cepit esse molesta.
[Page]Wed not a wyfe for her inheritaunce,
For she will cast it ofte in thy berde.
And yf she be noyus and full of greuaunce,
Constrayne her not tabyde in thy yerde,
Of chastise ment she is a cursed wede,
To kepe one that will the ayatwire,
He is at ease, that of suche one is quyte.
Multorum disce exemplo quae factasequaris
Quae fugias vita est nobis, aliena magistra.
Of other men thy mirrour thou shalt make
Conforme the to that y
• most men appreue,
What y
• shalt do, & what thou shalt forsake,
A better lesson maist thou not contreue,
Than to other monnes dedes releue.
In all apperteyneth vnto thy teching,
Make other men a rule for thy lyning;
Quod potes, id tentes: operis ne pondere pressus
Succumbat laboriet frustra tentat a relinquas
A tempte nothing, y
• sur
[...]ūtith thy might
Ne that to finysshe, thou mayst nor acheue
For thā, y
u stādiste foule in thyn owne light
Ouer his power, what men list to meue,
With shame; his warke; must nedes take (his leue
It is foly amā such thing to begin:
Which to ꝑfourme, his wittes be to thinne
Lawe presumeth, that what mā kepith stille
The cryme of one that dothe greate offence,
And discouereth it not, he is as ille,
As is the crymous for his silence.
Therfore my sonne bring it in audience,
That thou apperceiuest not well done is:
Lest for thy silence men deme of the amys.
Iudicis auxiliū sub ini qua lege rogato
Ipsae etiā leges cupiūt, vt iure regātur.
Whan that the lawe is strayte & rigorous,
Entreate the iudge to shewe the fauoure,
Enclynyng him for to be gracious.
Anegall iudge, may the parcas socoure,
And yet the lawe, shall be his gouernoure.
whiche he ought, sometime to modifie:
As in the case, he may a poynt espie.
Quod merito pateris, patienter ferre memento.
Cunque reus tibi sis, ipsum te iudice damna.
What paine thou souffrest for thy deserte,
Receiue it well in gree with pacience:
And though thy trespace be priuie couerte,
yet whan thou feless in thyne aduertence,
That thou art blemysshed in thy cōscience,
within thy selfe than make arbitremente:
Demyng thy selfe in thyne owne iudgemēt.
Myspende no tyme, for stouth or for lachesse,
But sometyme rede in bokes olde and wyse,
Rede and reporte, with greate attentifnesse:
By redyng, to connyng men may aryse.
Than rede my sonne, & connyng accoplise.
These poetes write thiges of gret maruaile,
And of smale credence oft this is no faile.
Inter conuiuas facsis sermone modestus.
Ne dicare loquax, dum vis vrbanus haberi.
Among frendes sitting at feste,
Be curtes and demure of thy langage.
who speaketh moste, may not offende lesse,
Of fleshe & boone nature bath made a cage,
The tonge to kepe, that she be not outrage.
Than if thou wilt be loued of nature,
Refrayne thy tonge, with all thy besy cure.
Coniugis iratae noli tu verba timere,
Nam lachrymis struit incidias dum foemina plorat.
Some women wepe of pure feminite,
whan otherwise they can not her entent
Acheue: but yet beware of nyce pitie,
That of thy manly reason thou be not ble
[Page]For such weping, thy heart ought not relēt
Some women of kynde ben euer wepynge:
And vnder that, they can bothe prik & sting.
Vtere quaesitis, sed ne vidiaris abuti
Qui sua cōlumūt, cū deest aliena seq̄tur
That y
u hast gotē to thyne owne worship vse
what auayleth ryches without honoure:
To spare good, and worship to refuse,
The nygarde ay with payne and laboure
Is besy, but I rede the not deuoure
without reason, thy good excessifly:
For than must thou of other begge hastely.
Fac tibi proponas mortem non essetimendam.
Quae bona si non est, finis cum illa malorum est.
Enprent my chyld, ay sadly in thy mynde,
That thou be not of deth to sorē adrade
That shal the from wrechidnesse vnbynde
wherin thy lyfe, so longe thou hast lad,
Til on thy corps, thy soule hath bene ful sad
For ryght as deth is fyne of ferfulnes:
So is she the end of thy wrechidnes.
Vxoris linguam, si frugi est, ferre memento.
Namque malum, nec velle pati nec vaelle tacere.
Thy wyfis word suffre and take in gree,
whan it auayleth, for betyde it may
Full ofte, that of full great prudence is she,
[Page]And must be alowed, this is noo nay.
Suffre her than and her consete assay,
For it is hard whan she can not be stille:
Yf y
u wyl not suffre, y
u can not haue thy will
Dilige non aegra cha
[...]os pietate parentes.
Nec matraem offendas, dū vis bonus esse parenti.
Goodes that be geuen the of nature,
And comen also of thy progenitours,
Therfore my chylde with all thy besy cure,
Loue them well, and cheryshe at all houres.
Thei fostred y
•, & kipte y
c in youthes shoures
Thy moder my chyld in especialle,
Yf thou do wel neuer offend at alle.
Resoort resoort, and hiderward releue,
My maister, now here is a holsume eyre
For your auayl, vnto this place retreue,
Where as of moralite floures fayre,
And so full plesauntly doth repare.
Gethrith therof, and make you agay,
And restith you here in this harbate.
Beholde and se what thing is to your pay,
whan you haue gethred floures to your lift,
Take them, for they be ful preseruatif.
Holde them fast, and bere them in your fist,
For the pestilent heires infectis.
I counsail you, and I ieoparde my life,
That ye shall lede your life in sekernesse,
Through vertue of this conseruatife:
And eke attayne to muche worthynesse.
Thus moue I you, vnder protection
Of your good grace, that what time ye rede,
Or in this mater haue inspection
As it biddeth you ye will do indede.
Than dare I affirme without drede,
Ye shall acheue and be ryght vertuous:
Here shall ye finde y
• may you guyde & lede,
Streight to good fame, & brig you to her hous
Tertia pars finita.
SEcuram quicunque cupis traducere vitam,
Nec vitiis haerere animum quae moribus obsunt.
What wight that lust to lede in sekernesse
His life, & kepe his soule from accōbraunce,
Of vices, which again good the wys expresse
[...]h ay at strife, come geue me good attēdāce
These preceptes kepe well in remēbraunce.
Enrolle thē, and printe thē in your mynde:
How to lyue well, the meanes shal ye fynde.
Despice diuitias, si vis animo esse beatus
Quas qui suspiciūt, mēdicāt: semp auar
The soule talent of riches my child eschewe,
Resemble not the gredy Tantalus,
Whose e
[...]ck in hunger, is alway newe:
[Page]Among the fayre appels delicious.
no wat swete quēchith his thurst, right thus
To the vilaynes swalowe of couetise,
Lo all this worlde, not can ne may suffice.
Commoda naturae nullo tibi tempore deerunt.
Si contentus co fueris, quod postulat vsus.
Nature can with litle thing be content,
As ind
[...]ete, a man should neuer charge
Him selfe with mete, for many mē ben shent:
For their receites be so greate and large.
Men se alday the litle bote and barge,
wyl drenche anone whā they be ouerfreght:
Cherisshe nature, but hurt her not w
t weght
Cum sis incautus, nec rem ratione gubernes.
Noli fortunam quae non est, dicere caecam.
If thy thing thou happe to misgouerne.
without reason or any prouidence,
Than my childe of me this lesson lerne:
Sithe it was thy fortune suche expence
To make, but wyte it thyne own negligēce.
for fortune may neuer compelle the,
Thy good to spende but at thy liberte.
Dilige denarium, sed parce dilige formam.
Quam nemo sanctus, nec honestus captat habere.
Loue thy peny, as for thy cheuissaunce,
Not for the
[...]oigne, to h
[...]r̄deit on an hepe
For of the prynte, was made an ordynaūce,
Not for it shuld in cotres ly and slepe,
But for it shuld among the people lepe
In chaire eschaunge, and who it kepith inne
As for the forme, is subiect vnto sinne.
Cum fueris locuples, corpus curare memento,
Eger habet diues nummos, sed nō habet ipsum.
Whan thou hast plente, and arte pecunyal
I meane whan thou hast great suffisaunce
Of mony, foyson, and of helth but smalle
Than spend thy mony, and thy self a
Kepe not thy coygne, and liue in greuaunce,
The sicke, hath syluer in full great ercesse,
But of him-selfe, he hath no sikernesse.
Verbera cum tuleris, discens aliquando magistri▪
Fer patris imperium, cum verbis exit iniram.
Though somtime y
• suffre great sharpnes
Of beering, yet thy maistre is chastissement
Take well in gre with lowly humblenes,
Sith it is do but all in good entente,
To cause the to learne, & wisdome for to hēre
And though his wordes sowne full of ire:
Yet suffre thou thy talant of thy desire.
Res age quepro sunt. Rursus vitare memento.
In quibus error
[...]nest: nec spes est cert
[...] laboris.
Also my chyld, thou shalt the occupie
To worke thynges that ben profitable
But loke thy wittes thou neuer applye,
To thing that may not be vaillable
To cast a thynge that is not pregnable
By wyt or strength, it is but greate errour.
Dispaired hope, is ende of suche laboure,
Quod donare potes, gratis cocede roganti.
Nam rectefecisse bonis, in parte lucrorum est.
whā thou shalt geue thā geue in frēdlywise,
frendly content a prayre or Requeste
for geuen in tyme, is geuen twyse,
Sith gladsom chere, makith giftes Richesse
who so geueth gladly & sone geueth beeste,
Loo no thing may frendes better conquere,
Than man to leue that he may forbere.
Quod tibi suspectum est contestim discute quid sit.
(que) solent primo quae sunt neglecta nocere.
whan a thynge thou haste in a coniecture
As in the conceyte, holdyng it suspecte
To discusse that thing anon to thy cūre
for at the furst whan such thynges is reiecte
[Page]The rest is aftir easy to correct.
And thyng that at the furst is not set by,
Is often sayne to greue fynally.
Cum te detiniat Veneris damnosa voluptas.
Indulgere gulae noli, que ventris amica est.
And whan thou arte disposed inwardly.
To venus actes, than represse thy courage,
Fostre not thy flesshe to lustily.
For great dyet, makith the flesshe outrage,
Where as measure might cause it to
And glotony, is clepud chiefe pometrice,
Ledinge the flesshe, to wan
[...]nnesse & vice.
Cum tibi proponas animalia cuncta tjmere,
Vnum hominem tibi praecipio plus esse timendum.
The rampand Lyon & the Tygre felle,
The yrous Bore, the hounde ful of enuye,
And other beestes moo than nedeth to re
Men dreden sore, and feren their tirannye,
And will they doo but yit one beest I spye,
That is to fere moste in speciale:
Man is the beest, y
• thou moste drede shall.
Cum tibi preualide fuerint in corpore vires,
Facsapias, sic tu poteris vir fortis haberi.
The vertu
[...] that is clepud fortitude
[Page]Standith not all in strenghthes bodily,
As to be virous, mighty, strong and rude,
But in the soule, it must be sikurly.
Than if thou wylt thy self fortefie
Thy soule with in acqueynt w
t sapiene:
And thā shalt thou be strong in existence.
Auxilium a notis petito, si forte laboras.
Nec quisquam melior medicus, quanfidus amicus.
what thing in erth thou shalt take on hande
And thy supporte, shal be in frendlynesse,
No straunger on lyue so nigh to y
• wil stāde
As thy knowen frēd, my child this is expres
Of the straunger thou hast no sikernesse,
For whan all other ben full far to seche:
Thy faithfull frēd, can best thā be thy leche
Cum sis ipsenocens, moritur curvictima pro
Stultitia est morte alterius sperare salutem.
The deth of bestes that be vnresonable,
As be custum and right of sacryfice
To purge the is no seth greable.
Trust not so to gete thy reprice,
For they that trusten so be full vnwise.
By deth of bestes god will not quemed bee.
And man abyde in his iniquitee▪
Cum tibi vel socium, vel fidum qu aeri
[...] an
Non tibi fortuna est hominis, sed vita petenda.
Whan y
• wolte chose a frende for trustines,
Than of his fortune make no Inquirance.
For fortune is mother of change ablenes,
Aske of his lyfe and of his gouernaunce:
For that is proue of greater suffisaunce.
Than vre of fortune that is casuelle,
For lyfe of man his fortune doth excelle.
Vtere quesitis opibus: fuge nomen auari:
Quid tibi diuitiae pro sunt, si pauper abūdas?
Vse wel the richesse that thou hast by quest
Of auarice the wicked name escheue,
Let not thy good be stopped in a cheste?
Kepe not thy stuffe ay closed stil in mewe?
Such old treasour wil make thy shāe newe.
What proufiteth plenty, or great treasoure.
And in pouerte a wretche alway to endure
Si famam seruare cupis, dum viuis, honestam
Fac fugias animo, quae sūt mala gaudia vitae.
And yf thou desyre to reioyse thy fame,
In honeste whyles thou lyuest here
Eschue tho thinges that may cause shame
[...]icorous lustes must be layde on bere,
[Page]And thinges fele, that soyonsly apere.
This worldis ioye is ay full defectyf
Beware of ioy that hurtith thy good lyfe.
Cum sapias animo, noli irridere iene
[...] tam.
Nam qui cun que sene, puerilis sensus in illo est.
And ay my chyld conceyue and aduertise,
That neuer thou scorne feble stowping age
Thyn elders my child for nothing y
• dispilee
Though in their wittes they he not so sage
As in their youth: such age is outrage,
Whan age cometh this is sothe certaine,
A man by ginneth to be a chyld agayne
Disce aliquid nam cum iubito fortuna recedit,
Ars remanet, vitam
(que) hominis nō deserit vnquam.
Enforce thy wittes sumwhat for to lere,
Acquaint the with conning, for that is sure
If fortune fayle, and pouerte appere
Who that hath conning, is likly to recure
Connyng and crafte, remayneth to endure
By th
[...] a man may him selfe releue
Whan fortune hath cast him into mischefe.
Precipito cuncta tacius, quid quis
(que) lo quatur,
Sermo hominem mores. et celat. et in dicat idem.
Be styil in silence with abysenesse.
[Page]Tary my chield tyl other men haue sayd,
So shalt thou sumwhat say in sothfastnesse
Let not thy tong be sodenly vntyde,
For that might the of hastines be obreide.
By mans word, his maner wil be shewed.
By word is knowē the wise from y
• lewde.
Exerce studium, quamuis perceperis artem,
Vt cura ingenium, sit et manus adiuuat vsuin
Though in conyng y
• hast full great cōceyte
Enforce the ay yet to lerne more.
The soule it is, that muste▪ be thy receyte,
Kepte in the hir, w
t that treasure and store
Vse maketh maystry, vse conning therfore.
Vse helpith arte, as conning helpeth witte:
Than vse and vre, to cōning must be knette
Multum ne cures venturi tempora fact
Non timuit mortem qui sit comemnere vita
Body from soule shal haue desseueraunce,
Deth is ende comune to euery wight.
Charge not to much therfor of deth is chaūcē
The tribute of deth must thou paie of right:
But yet by deth shalt thou set more light.
Yf by his lyfe thou set no thing expresse
That is full of woo and wrechianesse.
Lerne of the wise, that teche the any thyng
Good, for it is vertue and full-commendable
To encrese doctrine through such cōning.
It is alwaye a dede charitable,
To lerne and tecehe it is full agreable
To good doctrine, vertu on lyue kepith,
Which newer doctrine, sone frō me should
Hoc bibe quod possis, si tuvis
[...]ine viueresanus.
Morbi causa mali est homini, quandoquae voluptas.
Drynke not to muche, no more thā y
• maist
[...] bere
Kute thy selfe w
t thē brydel of mesure
To muche drinke, wil the annoye and dere,
[...]t: is euer of helth vnsure.
And measure makith m
[...] in helth to endure
What man is
[...] lustes vile,
In go
[...] est atent may a bide no while.
[...]tis quod cun que palam quodcunque probaris.
Hoc y
[...]e rursus leuitatis crimine▪
And if it hap the in audience,
A thing to preise, beware y
• thou not blame
It oft agayne right in the same presence
Yf then dispreyse cōmende not eke the same
[Page]Of such trauerse, must nedis folowe shame
To pryese now, and eft to blame doubties,
Is a thing of great vnstablenes.
Tranquillis rebus quae sunt aduersa caueto.
Rusus in aduersis, melius sperare memento.
Whan y
• lyuest here right in thin owne ese.
In all thy ioye reeste and prosperitie,
Thinke thou parcas aduersite wil cese:
For welth standith not in sekernesse,
And also sone whan any aduersitese,
Assautith the, yet fall not into dispaire:
Think in thy helpe, good fortūe may repair
Discere necesses, cura sapientia crescit.
Raro datur longo prudētia temporis vsu.
It is full fayre my child, to be prudente,
And wisely loke thou lerne therfore.
To lerne ay my sonne do thyn cntents,
By diligent besynes, wisdome is mo
Wisdome is she, that may not be forbore
The rather prudence, y
t folke nyce refuse.
Can not be had but by processe and vse,
Parce laudato. Nam quem tu saepe ꝓbaris.
Vna dies▪ qualis fuerit monstrabit amicus.
Beware alway that thou neuer enhaunce,
[Page]In thy laude or praysing a wight to hie:
For thou maist haue cause eft to disauaūce
The same: but ay thy praising modefie.
For at one day, thou shalt ful wel espye
Whether he be frendly that frendly semyth:
For all be not frendes, that men demyth.
Ne pudeat, quae nescieris te velle doceri.
Scire aliquid laus est, pudor est nil discere velle
Be not ashamed also my chylde to lere,
That thou can not for it is a teche
Of folye: not to desyre doctryne to here.
Full wel is he that to conning may streche,
Sith conyngles a man is but a wreche.
To knowemuche, is right commendable,
And nought to knowe, is ay reproueable.
Demissos animo, et tacitos, vitare me mento.
Qua flumen placidum est, forsan later altius vnda
The solleyne styll oft meneth fraud & gyle,
Of suche a man escheue the company
For the stil man compassith otherwhile
within his hert, deceyte and trecherye.
In flodes stil is water depe and hye,
In stremes softe seming to thy plesaunce,
Often betidith, full vnhappy chaunce,
With thy fortune whā thou arte dischtente
And canst not take agre thyne aduenture,
Behold and fele in thyn auisemnete,
How thay sumtyme were as thou as sure,
And more likely in welth for to endure.
Bothe of beaute and eke of noblenesse:
Haue yet fallen downe into wrechednesse.
[...]otes id tenta, nam littus carpere ren
Tutius est multo, quam, velum tendera in altum
Atempte no thyng, that y
• maist not suffice,
Passe not thi might, bere not to hie thy sailt
For ther is parrell, yf that the streme arise,
Certayne my child, this without faile,
The vessel small, is at ful great auaile,
Whan with his Ore he may to land reche
where the sailes hie ful oftē gone to wreche
Contra hominem iustum, praue contendere noli.
Semper enim deus iniustas vlciscitur iras
Against y
• true Iust mā, brawle not nestriue
For to god aboue, that is great displesaūce,
Trust this truly, ther is no man onlyue,
That to the iuste mā doth dere or greuaūce,
[Page]But at the last god wil take vengeaunce.
And herof it is good hede for to take,
The rightwisman, of god is not forsake.
Ereptis opibus, noli gaudere merendo.
Sed gaude potius, tibi sī contingat habere.
Yf extorcion or misauenture,
Haue plucked at the and made y
e thredbare
Of riches yet do thy force and cure,
Being mery and eschue thought and care.
For freting thought, is a ful cursed
Come not therin, fortune is vnstable,
After pouerce, riches is pregnable.
Cum Venere et Baccho, lis est, cōiuncta voluptas.
Quod lautum est, animo complectere sed fugelites.
Venus is redy, with al hir actes vile.
whā he bacchus, hath sent hir in largesse,
The tresoure of his hote and feruent Ile.
Therfore my chield thyne appetyt represse,
In wynes hote, do not to great excesse.
Drinke that for thy soule is expedient,
Eschue strif, with mesure be contēte.
Est iactura grauis, que sunt amitterre damnis.
Sunt quaedam quae ferre decet patienter amicum
It is an harme, thy goodes to forge.
That bene in hand, by force or violence,
But yet my childe thou muste cōsidre who,
And what he is, that dothe the such offence.
Bitwixt frend and fo, haue ay a diffrence.
For in sum caas, thou must a frend forbere,
And suffre him, though he annoye & dere.
Tempora longa tibi noli promittere vitae.
Quocunque ingrederis, sequitur mors corpus, et vmbra.
Be not to sure that thou shalt lyue long,
A wight shal die be he loth or leef.
And as the olde so die the yong among,
Deth stelith on, as doth a priue theef.
Lo agaynst deth, men fynd noo releefe
She is aboute to make a deuorce,
And folowith ay the shadowe of the corce.
Thure deum placa, vitulum sine crescat aratro.
Ne credas placare daeum, dum caedat litatur.
Serue ay thy god w
t lowly obseruaunce,
t hert entier, with sote smelling encence,
Such facrifice, is moste to his plesaunce.
Of calues smale that neuer did offence,
Though thou them sle, thay not dispence
with y
•, let thē groue & swinke in thy plough
Thy hert to god is sacrifice ynough.
Geue place to him that excedeth thy myght,
Though y
u be hurt it may profit perchaūce.
and seld auayleth a man for to fight
against suche one as passeth his puissaunce,
Though he greue now, yet oft he may auāce
Full oft is sayne after greate duresse,
The mighty man will kithe his gentilnesse.
Cum quid peccaris, castiges te ipse subinde.
Vulnera dum sanas, dolor est medicina doloris.
After thy surfet and greate offence,
Chastise thy selfe correct that was amys,
Correcte thy gylte, amende thy necligence.
Sorowe for sinne, a veray medicine is
Repente the sore, than arte thou saufe iwis.
For phisicke saith, my chyld I the ensure:
a bitter drinke, y
• sharpe sickenes may cnre.
Damnaris nunquam post longum tempus amicum.
Mutauit mores, sed pignora prima me mento.
If y
u haue founde long frendship in a wight.
Ful yore ago, though he begyn to chaunge
Dispraise him not: mē bide not in one plight
sometime was abbay, there as now is grāge
[Page]This worlds cours, is wōdre queinte & straū ge.
but though y
• mā, now be waxe vnkind:
His olde frendshyp remembre in thy mynd.
Gracior officiis quo sis, magis charior esto.
Ne nomen sub eas, quod dicitur offici perda.
If it vre the in office to be sette,
Than be thou gracious to other men
They may reporte a godly man is mette
with suche an office, & so good name shal rēne
About of the, but I ensure the whenne.
The officers are vnkinde, than say y
• presse
Now wold god, this man were officelesse.
Suspectus, caueas ne sis miser omnibus horis.
Nam timidis et suspectis aptissima mors est.
Be not suspecte, that is a wicked teche,
The suspecte wight, with coward Iolasy,
In his liuing is but a very wretche,
Muche is amys, and all wold he es
He demeth false and faileth hertinesse.
His false conceite sette in malyncolye
Sleeth him anone: deth endeth his folye.
Cum fueris seruos proprios mercatus in vsus.
Et famulos dicas, homines tamen esse memento.
If thou haue men without libertie,
[Page]Suche as men clepe the men of bondage,
Though they be vnder thy cap
yet to suche men be neuer so outrage,
If they be holden vnder thy seruage.
Though they be boūde yet veray mē thei be:
And so to dele with theim, & remembre the.
Quam primum rapienda tibi est occasio prima.
Ne rursus quaeras, quae iam negl exeris ante.
Thy first fortune receiue with redinesse,
Refuse it not though it be scant and smal.
It is well better in gree to take the lesse,
Than refuse it, and after fayle of all.
Giftes of fortune take theim as they fall.
Forsake them now, & oft thou shalt thē nede:
Tyme is to take when men proffer & bede.
Morte repentina noli gaudere malorū
Foelices obeūt, quotū sine crie vita est
Reioyce not my chyld in all thy lyfe,
The sodeine death of a cursed mā or wretche
whan he is dead, the soule may not reuyue,
Frō paine to ioye, y
• sprite may not shretche,
The fyndes holde so sore y
• they may retche.
who lyueth well full well eke dieth he:
That soule is sure of greate falicite.
Cum coniux tibi sit, nec res, & fama la borat.
Vitandum ducas inimicum nomen amici.
If thou haue a wyte in assuraunce,
Than trust her wel, and loue her inwardly,
with hert & thought & all thy affiaunc
Be not
[...]fecte with suspect Ielosy
It no daefa
[...]te in her thou canst spie.
And if thy frende tel the suche is the fame:
He is a frende and she nothing to blame,
Cum tibi contingat studio cognoscere multa:
Fac discas multa, vites nescire doceri.
Whan through studie and long exercise,
Thou knoweit muche & hast great cōning,
yet do thy diligence, in besy wyse,
More to cunne it is a holsome thyng.
To greate honour, conning may the bring.
And neuer eschewe for to wille be taught,
without teaching, sciēce will not be raught.
Miraris verbis nudis me scribere versus.
Hos breuitas sensus fecit coniungere binos.
And if y
• ought maruayle, or lust for to muse,
In naked wordes why my verses I wryte,
In no wyse I may me better excuse,
Than say my witte so dulle & inparfite,
[...]ith me thus rudely to endite.
By two and two, my metre for to knytte,
Nought causeth me, but simplenes of witte.
Pars quarta et vltima.
Cum ani
[...]terem, quum plurimo
[...] homines grauiter errare.
WHan I aduertise in my remēbraunce,
And se how many folke erre greuously
In the way of vertuous go
[...] ▪
I haue supposed in my selfe that I,
Ought to supporte and counsaill prudently
Theim to be full glorious in syuyng,
and how the
[...] shold thē selfe in honour bring▪
Legere et n
[...] intelligere negligere eit.
Therfore my chys
[...]e I shall tethe the,
Herken me well, the manet and the guyse,
How thy souse suward shall acqueinted be
with the goode and vertuous in al wyse,
[...]e an conceyue, for he to dilpice,
that redith ay & wote not what is mente:
Suche redyng is nought but
[...] ▪
(que) de
[...]plica. Parentes ama▪
Prayse thy god & pray him with al thy hert,
Father & mother haue thou in reuerence,
Loue them wel, & be thou neuer to sm
To here mens counsail but kepe the thence
Til thou be called,
[...]lene without offence▪
Salue gladly
[...] at be more dig
than y
• thy selfe, thou shall thy place, re
Magistrum me
[...]ue. Rem tuam custodi.
Drede thy maister, thy thing loke thou kepe
Take hede to thy housh
[...]ld, ay loue my wife,
Pleasaūt wordes cut of thy mouth ler crepe,
Be not Irous, kepe thy behest as lyfe,
[Page]Be tempred with wyne, but not to excessise,
Thy wyues worde make none auctorite.
In foly, slepe no more than nedeth the.
Libros lege, quod legeris memento.
In goodly bokes sometyme shalt thou rede,
And that thou redist in thy mynde it shit
Stirre no wight to wrath, lye not I y
• reede
Do wel to good, and that wll oft be quitte,
Be not wicked ne to the wicked knitte,
Stande in the place of pleting exercise,
Deme the ryght, be connseyled of the wyse.
Troco lude: alias fuge.
Play with a top the dice loke thou eschewe,
Dispise not women, kepe theim thy behest,
Scorne neuer wight, for tha y
• shalt it rewe,
Couet no mans good, speake fewe at feste▪
Loke thy vengeaūce be euer w
t the leste,
who hath done y
• good haue in remebraūce,
Loue euery wight, & this shall the auaūnce.
Trie before you trippe.
¶ Imprinted at London in Fletestreate, at the signe of the Rose Garland, by William Coplande.
Finished the first day of January. Anno. M. D. LVIII.