A Miracle, of Miracles.

As fearefull as euer was seene or heard of in the memorie of MAN.

Which lately happened at Dichet in Sommersetshire, and sent by diuers credible witnesses to be published in LONDON.

Also a Prophesie reuealed by a poore Countrey Maide, who being dead the first of October last, 1613. 24. houres, reuiued againe, and lay fiue dayes weeping, and continued prophesying of strange euents to come, and so died the 5. day following.

Witnessed by M. Nicholas Faber, Parson of the Towne, and diuers worthy Gentlemen of the same countrey. 1613,

Withall, Lincolneshire Teares. For a great deluge, in which fiue Villages were lamentably drowned this present month.

[woman in bed surrounded by four others standing and one seated, most with arms upraised or hands clasped in prayer, one holding a candle; angel bearing cross with pennant at foot of bed; black headless bear beside bed]

At London printed for Iohn Trundle: and are to be sold at Christ Church gate. 1614.


BELOVED and courteous friends and Readers, wee haue to consider by this strange discourse, how ready Sa­than is to take hold on vs, if wee fall from GOD neuer so little. Hee conti­nually runneth vp and downe, seeking whom hee may deuoure: But notwithstanding his temptati­ons, which are great, the mercie of God is greater, who neuer faileth to send comfort in temptation, if we accept thereof.

Great are the examples both of Gods mercie and might, to put vs in remembrance of our sinnes which are infinite and loathsome, wherein if wee continue, let vs vndoubtedly looke for the reward thereof, which is an euerlasting destruction both of bodie and soule.

Let not this which is heere declared seeme a fai­ned fable vnto thee, but assure thy selfe that all such things are sent as warnings for our wickednes, and to put vs in mind of the stay of our saluation, which [Page] is an assured faith in Christ Iesus: from which piller if wee once shrinke, the Tempter is readie to driue vs into despaire of Gods mercie.

Many are the wonders which haue lately happe­ned, as of sodaine and strange death vpon periured persons, strange sights in the Ayre, strange births on the Earth, Earthquakes, Commets, and fierie Impressions, with the execution of GOD himselfe from his holy fire in heauen, on the wretched man and his wife, at Holnhurst in Hampshire; written by that worthy Minister maister Hilliard; and all to put vs in minde of God, whose workes are wonderfull.

These and such like examples (good Reader) war­neth vs to bee watchfull for the day of the Lord which is at hand, least sodainely his wrath be kind­led against vs. Let vs therefore pray to Almightie God to hold back his rodde, to be mercifull to vs, and to forgiue vs that is past: that through the assistance of his Spirit, wee may with pe­nitent hearts liue in his feare to our liues end.

Your friend, T.I.

STRANGE NEVVES out of Sommersetshire.

VPon the ninth day of Septemb. last past, there was a Yeoman of ho­nest reputation, dwelling in the Towne of Dichet, which is with­in three myles of Bruton (the most ancient towne within Sommerset­shire) whose name is Steuen Coo­per, a man of good wealth, and well beloued of his neighbours: who beeing sicke, and lying in a weake state, sent his wife (whose name was Margaret Cooper) vpon the ninth day of Sept. past in­to Glocester-shire, to take order concerning a Farme which he hath in a village called Rockhampton, alias Roc­kington, at whose comming thither, it séemed al things were not according to her minde. Thus continuing there one day and something more, shee returned home to her husband, partly agrieued at such things as shee thought her husband might reforme, if God lent him life. Now when shée was come home againe to Dichet, she found her husband recouered to an indifferent health: to whom shee beganne to vse very much idle talke, as well concerning the same Farme, as also concerning an olde groate which her sonne (being a little boy) had found [Page] about one weeke before. Thus shee continued (as it were one that had beene bewitched or haunted with an euill Spirit) vntill Tuesday at night following, which night she tooke her rest something indifferently vntill towards the morning: at which time shee began with much vaine speech to disquiet her husband, and to vse much idle talke: but her husband seeing her in such a minde, and finding that shee was as it were one that were desperate, hee perswadod her to call vpon God, and that béeing the creature of God, shee should not forget to call vpon her Creatour in the day of trouble, wherefore he counselled her to pray with him, and to say the Lords Prayer after him, which she partly did. But the Diuell, who alway doth build his Chappell so neere as hee may to vexe Gods Church, began to withdrawe her from Prayer, and to put her in minde to call in most fearefull sort for the groat which her sonne had lately found, as also for her Wedding Ring, desiring to see them with all speede: her husband made no great hast thereunto, but continued in Prayer, that it would please GOD, to send her a more quiet spirit and to strengthen her, that faith might speedily vanquish such vanity in her. But the more hee prayed and perswaded her to Prayer, the more shee seemed to bee as it were troubled with some euill spirit, calling still for the olde groat, which her husband neglected to shew her: whereat she began with a very sterne and staring countenance to looke on her husband in most wonderfull sort, so that hée was sore frighted with the same. Then he called for her sister, for that he was not able to keepe her in her bed: which when her sister and other were come into the Chamber, they kept her downe violently in the bed: and foorthwith shee was so sore tormented, that shee fomed at the mouth, and was shaken with such force, that the bed and the Chamber did shake and moue in most strange [Page] sort: her husband continued praying for her deliuerance: so that within one halfe houre after her shaking was left, shee began to tell them that she had been in the Towne to beate away the Beare which followed her into the yard when shee came out of the Countrie, which to her thinking had no head. Then her husband and friendes wished her to leaue those vaine imaginations, perswaded her that it was nothing but the lightnes of her braine, which was become idle for want of rest. Wherefore her husband and friends exhorted her to say the Lords prayer with them, which she did, and after tooke small rest. And thus she remained vntill the Sunday following: in which time she continued raging as it were bestraught of her memory, which came by fits, to the great griefe of her husband, friends, and neighbours. Vpon the Sater­day following there was good hope of her recouerie, for that shee in the night before had taken some reasonable rest: her friends and neighbours came to comfort her, yet sometime shee would talke somewhat idly to them, which came by small fittes. And vpon the Sunday shee seemed very patient and conformable to reason, vntill midnight: at which time the Candle, which was set burning in the same Chamber, was burned out. She then suddenly waking, called to her husband, and cried out, saying that she did see a strange thing like vnto a Snaile, carrying fire in most wonderfull sort. Whereat her husband was amazed: and séeing the Candle was cleane burnt out, called to his brother and sister that were in the house with other of their friends watching and sit­ting vp, to comfort her if her extreame fit should any way molest her, who hearing her husband call, came in and brought a Candle lighted, and set it on the Table which stood neere where the woman lay. She began then to waxe as one very fearefull, saying to her husband and the rest: doe not you see the Diuell? Whereat they de­sired [Page] her to remember GOD, and to call for grace, that her faith might bee onely fixed vpon him to the van­quishing of the Diuell, and his assaults. Well (quoth she) if you see nothing now, you shall see something by and by: and forthwith they heard a noise in the street, as it had been the comming of two or three Carts, and presently they in the chamber cryed out saying, Lord helpe vs, what manner of thing is this that commeth heere? Then her husband looking vp in his bed, espied a thing come to the bed much like vnto a Beare, but it had no head nor tayle, halfe a yard in length, and halfe a yard in height: her husband seeing it come to the bed rose vp, and tooke a ioyned stoole and stroke at the said thing, the stroke sounded as though he had stroken vpon a Fe­therbed: then it came to the woman and stroke her thrée times vpon the feete, and tooke her out of the bed and so rouled her too and fro in the chamber, and vnder the bed. The people there present, to the number of seuen per­sons, were so greatly amazed with this horrible sight that they knew not what to doe, yet they called still vpon GOD for his assistance: but the Candle was so dimme, that they could scarsely see one another. At the last this Monster, which we suppose to be the Diuell, did thrust the womans head betwixt her legges, and so rouled her in a round compasse like an hoope through three other Chambers downe an high paire of staires in the Hall where hee kept her the space of a quarter of an houre. Her husband, and they in the Chamber aboue durst not come downe to her, but remained in prayer weeping at the staires head, gréeuously lamenting to see her so carried away. There was such an horrible stinke in the Hall, and such fierie flames, that they were glad to stoppe their noses with cloathes and nap­kins. Then the woman cryed out, calling to her hus­band. Now he is gone. Then (quoth hee) in the name [Page] of GOD come vp to mee. And so euen vpon the so­daine she was come so quickly that they greatly maruai­led at it. Then they brought her to bed, and foure of them kept downe the cloathes about the bed, and conti­nued in prayer for her. The Candle in the Chamber could not burne cleere, but was very dimme, and sud­denly the woman was got out of the bed, and the win­dowe at the beds head opened: whether the woman did vnpin the window or how it came to passe they knewe not, but it was opened, and the womans legges after a maruellous manner thrust out at the window, so that they were clasped about the poste in the middle of the windowe, betweene her legges. The people in the cham­ber heard a thing knocke at her feete as it had beene vpon a Tubbe, and they saw a great fire, as it seemed to them, at her feete, the stinke whereof was horrible. The sorrowfull husband and his Brother imboldens them­selues in the Lord, and did charge the Diuell in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost, to depart from her, and to trouble her no more. Then they laide hands on her, and cryed to the Lord to helpe them in that their great neede, and so puld her in againe, and set her vpon her feet. Then she looked out at a win­dow, and began to say, O Lord (quoth she) me thinke I see a little Childe: but they gaue no regard to her. These words she spake two or three times. So at the last they all looked out at the window: and loe they espied a thing like vnto a little Childe, with a very bright shining countenance, casting a great light in the Chamber, and then the Candle burned verie brightly, so that they might one see another. Then fell they flat to the ground, and praised the LORD that hee had so wonderfully assisted them, and so the Childe vanished away. Then the woman being in some [Page] better feeling of her selfe, was laide in her bed, and shee asked forgiuenesse at Gods hands, and of all that shee had offended, acknowledging that it was for her sinnes that shee was so tormented of the euill Spirit. And so God bee thanked shee hath euer since been in some reasonable order, for there hath béen with her many godly learned men from diuers places of the Countrey.


These bee the names of the Witnesses, that it is most true.

  • Steuen Cooper.
  • Iohn Cooper.
  • Alis Easton.
  • Iohn Tomson.
  • Iohn Anderton.
  • Myles Foster.
  • With diuers others.

THE VVONDERFVLL worke of GOD, shewed by a Prophesie of a poore Countrey mans Daughter in GERMANY. 1613.

VPON the first of October last past, 1613. There was a marri­age solemnized at Rostorfe, a mile distant from Melwing, in Germa­ny, betweene one Iames Cranisen, an honest Townes man: and one Margaret Henslers, the daugh­ter of Hans Steeman of Melwing, deceased. This Iames had beene seruant and Clarke, vnto the worshipfull maister George Ramyts Gentle­man, the time of twelue yeeres, who was (by his Mai­ster and sundry other persons of good calling,) brought to the Church, and at their returne were conducted to his Maisters house againe, who had prepared for him and his guests, a sufficient Feast, at his owne costs and charges: and although this Iames was but a hasband mans Sonne, yet was hee beloued of the whole inhabi­tants, and that of the chiefest sort. Thus was this Feast kept in good order, with great Loue and quietnesse: mix­ing [Page] with their meate, honest mirth, well liked, and noted of sundry Nobles and Gentlemen, beeing present at the same Feast, and inhabiting there abouts.

The next day following, a young maide of the age of fouretéene yeares, beeing Sister to the Bridegroome, came to the wedding-house to her Brother, bringing with her the Daughter of one Simon Franiken of Melwing: both which after they had seene the house, and in what or­der things stood, were desirous to see the Daughter of the Worshipfull Maister George van Ramyttes, whose name was Mistris Annys: who beeing in the Chamber, they both went to visite her, and doing their duties, they demanded how she did: she aunswered, indifferent well. Then the two Maides sate downe by her, where toge­ther they conferred of many matters, especially, as con­cerning their attire and apparell. The Bridegroome, be­fore specified, had made his Sister a silk vpper-body, with which shee had dressed her selfe as handsomely as shee might, and withall she wore the best and seemliest appa­rell that she had put on for that day. But the Gentlewo­man seeing it, beganne to floute at her, saying: Can thy Father cloath thee thus, and seeme so poore? Alas Mi­stresse (quoth the Maiden) hitherto my poore Father hath alwaies to his power apparelled me: but this which you see, my Brother hath bestowed on mee, to doe him hone­sty at his mariage: God knoweth who shall weare it out, how long I shall owe it, or when I shall put it on again. And though wee bee poore in goods, I trust God will make vs rich in Spirit, and so shee helde her peace, de­parting for a fine Cake and Wine, wherewith they made merry. Soone after, the Citizens Daughter that was well apparelled (and somewhat vaine-glorious withall) said that her mother gaue her all things shee could get,, but her Father was so hard, that shee might not weare that she had, but was faine to kéep it from his [Page] sight. The Gentlewoman replyed, saying: my Father biddeth me weare what I will, and if it were not for of­fence vnto the Nobilitie, hee would apparell mee like a Princes: and therewithall shee caused sundry faire Ie­wels and Chaines to be taken foorth of her Chests, which were very curiously wrought, and caused great admi­ration vnto the beholders. The poore Countrey Maide that knew no Pride, nor had any such attire to boast on, held her peace, accounted her selfe with her pouertie, as acceptable before God, as the richest or fayrest of those fine Dames present: saying inwardly to her selfe, God is a iealous God, he hateth Pride, he punisheth the vn­righteous, he comforteth the poore, which haue no delight therein: and maintaineth them that are continually bent to the seruice of him.

After that al together had talked their pleasures, to their contentment: euery one seuerally tooke their leaue one of another, and after a while departed to the houses of their Parents.

The third day after this Marriage was solemnized, all the ioy was turned into heauinesse, for the death of two of the Maidens before mentioned: namely, the Daugh­ter to the Gentleman, and the Sister of the Bride­groome, who died both in one afternoone, betweene thrée and foure of the clocke. This so sodaine death, brought great terrour and feare vnto their Parents, and also to the hearers thereof, insomuch that some thought them to be poysoned, and other gaue foorth their iudgements ac­cording to their fantasies.

The next day after, preparation was made for their buriall: Nicholas Faber, Parson of that Villedge, would haue had them both buried in one graue, but the Gentle­man would not. Great lamentation was made for both these Maidens, the Gentleman and his friends, for the losse of his Daughter: and the Father and Mother, with [Page] her Brother and Friends, for the losse of their god­ly Childe. Now the Mother of this poore Maide, vnder­standing that her neighbours were in hand to winde her vp, and so to send her to the earth: came vnto them and desired that shee might yet once more see her Daugh­ter, which they willingly granted: so they went alto­gether to the dead Corpes, (which had been laid foorth, the full space of two and twenty houres) and the Mo­ther lifted vp the sheete, sighing, purposing then to take her last farewell, and fight of her deare Daughter, whom shee so tenderly loued. But contrarie to her expectati­on, and of all the beholders, her Daughter, euen as one awaked from a slumber, raised vp herselfe, and with a milde and cheerefull countenance, spake vnto her Mother as followeth. My most deere Mother, why haue you sinned so sore against GOD? You haue made me sorrowfull many times, but bee you content, GOD hath forgiuen all, for I am sent as a messenger to you, and within fiue daies I shall returne againe to the place I came from, where I shall liue in all peace. Therewith they fetcht her cloathes, which shee put on, and walking with them, she demanded meate.

This sodaine sight amazed the beholders, for they looked for some other meaning in it. But where as this Maide was seldome before seene to be merry, They now perceiued her more cheerefull, and with a pleasant disposed countenance, so that the apparant show of her iesture was wonderfull to beholde, then meate was brought, and she did eate in all mens sight, disgesting it naturally.

Diuers of the cheefe of the Towne came to see this strange euent, where after many speeches by them vttered the Maide required silence, and to them all she said.

Beloued Christians, wonder not that I haue béen a [Page] short time from you: but be thankfull to God, that he hath certified you by sundry signes, how the ende of the world is at hand, and the day of rest comming to reioyce vs: Our charge shall be taken away, and our trauaile haue an ende: Let vs make our selues ready against the Sabaoth of our Sauiour, the onely true Sonne of God. Let vs now with pure hearts, prepare to meete the heauenly Bridegroome, that with him wee may enter into his euerlasting Kingdome, where we shall enioy e­ternall life.

Maister Nicholas Faber, (Parson of the Towne) de­manded of her where she had beene? To whom she an­swered: I was ouertaken néere the bridge of the Brooke, by a comely olde man, with a long gray Beard, who sa­luted mée, saying: Daughter, whether wilt thou? Is thy Father at home? I answered yea. Then said he to mee, come my louing Daughter, I must needes talke with thee, and tell thee that which as yet is hidden from thée, for great effect dependeth thereupon. And be not afrayde, let the grace of God suffice thée, and looke that you conceale not my words, but reueale them to o­thers: tell what I shew you, vnto olde and young.

So wee came to a faire costly Forte, (no Princes Court like it, nor any earthly building to bee compared vnto it,) where we were let in. In which place, wee saw many bright Angels, shining like the beames of the Sun all singing melodiously with cleare voyce: Holy, ho­ly, holy, is our Lord God of Saboath. Among which I knew a great number: But the olde man forbade me to speak vnto any. Forthwith I was brought againe to the Brook, where he ouertook me: I becam very pensiue, when I thought of the worthines of the place where I had béen.

But the old man, willed me to rest contented, for this short time shall quickly haue an end, and within fiue daies thou shalt be brought againe into this place.

[Page]He willed me, besides, to manifest (vnto the Penitent) the mercy of GOD, and to say vnto the world, that he is bent to wrath: cheefly to those that despise, and giue no credite to his examples, which hée miraculously hath shewed vnto his people. These are but war­nings sent vs, to mollifie our hard hearts, and to ad­monish vs from the detestable Pride, which is heere maintained, because before GOD you shall finde it damnable.

O people full of contempt, despising one an other, some for Riches, some for Beauty, others for Wise­dome, some for one thing, some for an other: where as before GOD, we are all alike with him, poore and rich: notwithstanding, he will not goe forward with his an­ger, hee will hold his hand, and moderate it with mer­cie, if he finde but some small number, penitent for their sinnes.

If you amend not, and turne to GOD, hee will forthwith send on you a generall alteration, and such an one, as not onely men, but Birds of the ayre and all li­uing things, shall tremble at his wrath. Warres shall greatly greeue the earth, and they shall destroy Coun­treyes and people: Men shall bee most greeuously chased from their houses, and most miserably murthered. And before this happen, there shall come a great dearth: and then God will take his owne that haue turned vnto him, not suffering them to see this miserie: but those that liue after, shall truely feele the wrath of God, so that those which remaine in the third yeere shall well say, Where haue you beene, that you are not yet destroyed? Many for feare shall decay: there shall bee great Earthquakes, through which. Townes and Stéeples, Castles, Fortes and houses shall be throwen down on heapes. Then shall follow such mishap, as is not necessary to be spoken of, for the sin of the people is abhominable & cursed before God.

[Page]After this great and terrible trouble, there shall great Peace arise, and the people shall liue in great tranquillitie: there shall be want of learned men, and good Rulers: wherefore good people, let this terrifie your pride, being euen the whole puddle of sinne, and the roote of abhomination.

The cloathes which Mistresse Annys did weare, for the Pride and vaine-glory of her Parents, they shall be­come loathsome to all persons, whereby none shall be able to weare them, but shall remaine as a necessarie example to all persons. This speech twise spoken, was marked of many: and others were inquisitiue, to see the cloths: which being stirred, there arose a great and detestable stinke, that no man could either weare them, or abide by them. Which strange thing, the good Gentlewoman her Mother considering: caused the said Chamber to be walled in, so that none may come to them any way. Thus the Maide continued in these and sundry such other speeches.

In the meane time, diuers learned Preachers came vnto her, and talked with her, as concerning Spirituall matters, which she was glad of. To whom shée yéelded harty thankes, signifying to them, that the fifth day was now come, wherein she should be taken from the world. But before shée departed, she was desirous to receiue the Sacrament, and Christian Communion of the body and blood of Christ, which Maister Nicholas Faber did minister vnto her: And all that day hee did reason with her: to whom she vttered such godly reasons, as it made him marueilously astonied.

Many people came to sée her at that day, and to sée what would fall out. Then meat was brought, and she sat down at the Table, she said Grace, thanked God, and blessed her Father and Mother, and instantly desired her Bro­ther, [Page] that he would honour his Parents, and not to leaue therein their olde age: in so doing, he should be rewarded with the blessing of God.

Maister Faber came now againe to visite her (as his manner was) and he said vnto her, how doe you? To whom she friendly gaue her hand, and smiling, thanked him of his paines which he had taken with her.

Then for a last farewell, she rehearsed all the war­nings to the people, desiring them, not to bee vnmindfull of them: And anone after, betwéene one and two of the clocke, patiently sitting in a Chayre, she committed her Soule to God; and yeelded vp the Ghost. Being the 6. of the said Moneth of October. 1613.


The names of certain men of good worship and credite, that were then present.

  • Maister Nicholas Faber, Parson of the said Towne,
  • Maister George van Ramyttes.
  • Maister Ioachim Schiell of Melwing.
  • Maister Peter Schulban of Melwing.
  • Adam Dorhoff of Margenberg.
  • Hans Ronneman, Scowt of the Towne.
  • Maister Stephen.
  • Lawrence the Schoolemaister.
  • Hans Lidwig: And Peter Barchart.

Maister Knact Clighton, Berger and Super­intendent of Melwing, had the examination of the trueth, before it was publi­shed in Print.

LAMENTABLE Newes out …

LAMENTABLE Newes out of Lincolne-shire of the ouer­flowing of waters, breaking from the Seas, which drowned 5. Villages with all their goods and cattell, with other places of the Land, this present month of Nouember: 1613. to the great hurt of many people there dwelling.

[view of city with birds overhead; three figures in upper left background (kneeling in prayer?)]

At London printed for IOHN TRVNDLE: and are to be sold at Christ Church gate. 1614.

THE OVERFLOWING OF Waters, breaking from the Seas in the County of Lincolne, with other places of the Land, this present month of Nouember, to the great hurt of many people there dvvelling.

IF wee doe consider the estate of man­kinde aright, we shal find by experience how sodaine is his fall, and we sée the man that hath liu'd many yeares, care­fully getting together wealth in abun­dance, in a moment is vndone, and brought to nothing, as for example, this present month of Nouember, brings vs sufficient witnes, where in Lincolne-shire, that plentifull country, that soile so large and full of increase, as well of Cattell, as other fowles of the earth, hath lately felt the vnresisting force of waters, by the raging and vnruly windes blowne ouer the sea Bankes, where many hundreds of people, were euen forced by the sodainnes thereof to shift for their liues, lea­uing all the substance they inioyed to the mercy of the commanding floods.

And now to beginne the discourse of my lamentable re­ports, neare vnto the Towne of Wisbidge, one of the prin­cipal market townes in that county of Lincolne, is situate a Village called Long-sutton, a place for husbandry and pasture grounds answerable to most in that country, but by reason of the marshy and fenny vallies adioining to the same, the most part thereof hath béene lately ouerflowed: for the winde then sitting North and North-east, beating the seas so violently against the shores, by which meanes the commanded waters excéeded their bounds with such [Page] force, that their mighty bankes were not able to containe them.

At the first entrance of this watery conquerour, it is said it apeared to the inhabitants a far of, like vnto a cloud rouling out of the skies, or a storm of raine, by the winds blowne nearer and nearer, but approching to the sight of men, it séemed to bee a second deluge: a feare so sodaine, that well was that man that by flight could preserue his life: not one place, not one field, not one village, nor one towne receiued hurt by the ouerflowing of these waters, but many: yea, many were the losses comming thereby: for it is well knowne, and by true reports iustified, that néere vnto Long-Sutten aforesaid, some eightéene or twen­ty villages had share of this lamentable spoile, & as much ground ouerflowed as is compassed in the circuite of six­téene miles, all the low parts of that country stood like the maine Ocean, or the Zurick seas betwixt Holland and Zeland, where nothing is left in sight aboue waters but pinacles and Church stéeples: so was héere at that wofull time, nothing séene but the vpper parts of houses, and the tops of trées: the fury and strength of the salt waters thus broke in so preuailed, that they ouerturned whole stackes and Rickes of Pease and Beanes, and carried them away like stating ships into the maine ocean.

It is also credibly reported, that aboue two thousand head of cattell, besides many thousands of shéepe perished in the same floods, and no newes of them as yet to be heard of, but onely some few, scattering héere and there, floting vpon the waters ten or twelue myles from the owners, the rest are supposed to be born into the sea, whose deuou­ring wombe is able to drench vp all the wealth that re­maines vpon the land, for the sea is much more larger and richer then all the world beside: therefore let vs pray that the Lord with his mighty and strong arme, may keepe vs from the Rigour of this mercilesse inuades, and so streng­then [Page] her bankes, that she may be kept within hir bounds, otherwise vnhappy shall we be in this Northerne part of the world, but now againe to our purpose.

At those Villages bordering nearest vpon the sea coasts many of the inhabitants were forced in saueguard of their liues to clime the tops of trées, and there sate staruing in the cold day & night, vntill Boates came to preserue them, likewise vpon house tops, and the Leads of churches, sate both men, women, and children, whose frighted friends supposed them to be buried in the déepe waues: but a­mongst all these lamentable reports, this one is most won­derfull of a Lincolne-shire man that swomme a long mile bearing his wife and two children vpon his backe to saue them from drowning, whose loue and aduenture herein deserueth a perpetuall commendation: likewise diuers men of that country were forced to ride vpon horses swim­ming also at least two miles euen to saue themselues: to speake truth, in this extremitie nothing was cared for but peoples liues, wherein as yet few are knowne to haue perished: for according to the custome of that country, they haue boates and other meanes alwaies in readinesse pro­uided against the dangers of such ouerflowing waters, but of goods and cattell such a spoile was made in lesse then fiue dayes, that the loosers thereof will hardly reco­uer their former estates in seuen yéeres following; God of his mercy pitty their cases, and in his bounty relieue their wants, for great pouerty is now fallen vpon the wo­full inhabitants of that countrey. Behold I say, the e­state of man, one day rich, the next day poore: the one day aliue, the next day dead: no certainty of this worlds pro­speritie, no assurance of wealth, all things variable, all in a moment destroyed.

Let vs call to minde the like mishap some sixe yeares since in the West parts of England, where the waters of the Sea were violently driuen ouer their Bankes by a [Page] South west wind, as these were opposite to them with a Northeast, where likewise many a wealthy village sustai­ned much hurt, hardly recouered at this day: now Lincoln­shire thy sorrowes may compare with theirs, the waters haue emptied thy pastures of increasing cattell, as they did their fields; such is the cruelty of this liquid element, for if it is rebell and get beyond his bounds, it is able to inuade a whole kingdome, ouer-turne Townes & Tow­ers, and deuoure vp all liuing creatures therein remain­ing: let this one thing following be a sufficient president, to make knowne the strength of these headstrong waters, straying from their soueraigne Prince the maine ocean, for the aboundance thereof came into the lowe marsh grounds of that countrey, with such sodaine violence, that a strong built house, wholly as it stoode, without splitting or separation, was borne like a ship vpon the waters, two miles from the place where it fast was builded, the peo­ple remaining therein hauing no hurt, but safely set vpon a hill side, and so preserued from the further danger: An other strange accident happened in the same County. The salt waters, most seafayring affirme, are of a grea­ter strength then the fresh or the land water, and is able to beare vp what others will suffer to sinke, so was it here approoued, for a woman lying in childbed, was borne with her child, bed and all safely floting vpon the waters, with the house wherein shee remained lying, for her best safety, in a close boarded chamber, vntill such time as the waters abated and so miraculously preserued from death. It is also to bee maruailed, that at the last, when the wa­ters fell, and returned to their owne abiding, which is the sea, there were found vpon the land aboundance of fish of diuers sorts, which the waters had left behind, the like seldome séene or heard of: Contrariwise, the sea made an exchange, and for her fish, receiued into her watery womb the like number of flesh: as horse, kine, shéepe, swine and [Page] such like, to the great hinderance of that part of this king­dome.

I will not grieue the owners with the remembrance of their losses in other goods, as corne, hay, and other hou­should stuffe: as bedding, linnen, woollen, and such like, which these turbulent waters spread abroad, and made prizes to pilfering Vacabonds, it is a lamentable case, when the two elements of Fire and Water gets liberty, for then is no mercy, but meere confusion.

Not onely Lincolneshire can complaine of the seas op­pression. but diuers countries bordering vpon her shores, which the easterne part of Essex can well witnes: what goodly grounds and fayre pastures haue béen there ouer­flowed: what heards of kine and sheepe haue been there drowned: what long time spent for the recouery, to the great charge and halfe vndooing of the owners, nay fur­ther a hinderance to the whole Countrey.

With griefe of heart I now call to minde, the great losse and hinderance of an honourable Lord of this land, hapning this present month of Nouember, in the said County of Essex, where many a hundred akers of gallant ground, closing vpon the sea coast, is quite ouerflowed, standing now like a white Sea, hardly euer to be recoue­red, a losse of many thousand pounds, which might haue reléeued the estates of many thousands of poore people: God is angry with vs, in changing this land habitation, into a watery ocean, which by little and little, seekes to steale the whole earth into hir insearchable and déepe cir­cumference.

Goodwin sands vpon the borders of Kent is likewise one of the Seas cruelties, which sucking sandy gulfe hath deuoured so many goodly Ships, many other breaches giues the Sea passage into the Land threatning our de­struction. The wealthy Riuer Thames presents vnto our remembrance diuers violent passages of water, which [Page] from time to time begets feare and care vnto our Coun­try, ioyned with a continuall toyle for the recouerie.

Come nearer home to our famous Citie of London, and thinke vpon the strange tydes there swelling, this last wéeke this beginning of Nouember, almost still remai­ning before our eyes, how at Quéene-Hiue the water flo­wed into the Meale-market, and bore sackes and vessels of meale vp and downe the stréetes, and drowned many vaults and sellers, to the great hurt and spoile of much goods and commodities. God of his mercy kéep vnder this outragious element, let it not gather head and goe be­yond the bounds: for being kept vnder gouernment, it is a swéete good, and comfort to vs all, so is the element of Fire, both good being well vsed, and both euill if once a­bused, from the which if they once get command, let vs vse this prouerbe or rather Prayer, from fire and water good Lord deliuer vs.


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