The foūtayne or well of lyfe.
ALl you that be thursty / come Esaia. 55. vnto the waters / & you y • haue no syluer make hast / hye / & eate com on and hy without any siluer [...] without any exchaunge of wine and honye. &c. Herken to me / you that do here and eate that / that is good / & your mynde shal be pleased with pleutuousnes.
I shal gyue to the thursty / of the Apo. 21 wel of the water of lyfe frely / he y e ou [...]rcometh shal inheryte all thynges / and I wyll be his god / and he shall be my sonne.
I am thy lorde god / stronge and Exo 20 louyng / punyshing thiniqute of fathers vpon the chyldren / vnto the thirde & fourth generatiō of them that hate me and doyng mercy vn to thousandes of such as loue me / and obserue my cōmaundemētes.
I loue them that loue me / & they Prou 8 that watche after me in tyme shal fynde me,
I knowe the cogitations which Hie. 29 I haue deuysed for you / to be cogitations of peas / & not of affliction [Page] for to gyue you an ende & paciēce▪ and you shall call on me / and shall lyue / and you shal praye to me / & I wyll here you / you shal seke & fynde / whā you seke me with all you [...] herte I wyll be founde of you.
Seke me and you shall lyue. Amongs zech. 1.
Be you conuerted vnto me / and I wyll conuerte vnto you.
Inclyne your eares & come vnto Esa. 55 me / here me & your soules sha [...] lyue / for I shal strike with you a [...] euerlastyng couenante the merc [...] of Dauid.
Be cōuerted vnto me / & you sha [...] Es. 45 be saued.
My soule shal nat cast you awa [...] Leuit. 26. but I shall walke among you & [...] wyll be your god / & you shal be [...] people.
Let nat the wyse glorifye in hi Hier. 9 wysdome / nor the riche glorifye [...] his riches / nor the stronge glorif [...] in his strēgth / but let him glori [...] that I am the lorde in knowyng me / which do mercy / [...]gement / iustice in the erth.
No man shall teache his neyghbour Hie. 31. nor his hroder / sayēg (know thy lorde) for al shal know me frō the least to the most / that I wylbe mercyful to their wyckednes / & be no more myndefull of their sinne. And you shall know y • I am the Ezech. 20. lorde [...] whan I haue done good vnto you for my name sake / & nat accordyng to your noughty wayes / nore accordynge to your myscheuous offences.
I shall fede my shepe my selfe / & Ezech. 34. wyl cause thē to rest to gyder / that that was lost I wyl seke agayne / that y • was cast away I shal brige agayne / that y e was brokē I shall bynde agayn / that that was weake I shal make strōge / & that that is fatte & lusty I shall kepe / & fede thē in rightuousnes / you surely army flocke.
I shall nat do thus for your sake Ezech. 36. onely (o house of Israell) but for my holy name / and I shall gyue vnto you a newe bert / and I shall set in the myddes of you a new spiryte [Page] I wyll nat do thus for you [...] sake / know you well / be confounded and ashamed therfore of you [...] wayes.
I am the lorde / this is my nam [...] Esaia. 42. I wyl nat gyue my glorie to another.
And who so euer he is / that calleth Es. 43 on my name / in myne honou [...] I haue created him / I haue formed him / and made him. zach. 13
He shall call on my name / and I wyll here him / & I wyll say you a [...] my people / & they shal say the lorde is my god.
Because he hath trusted in me Ps. 90 I shal delyuer hi / I wyl desēde h [...] bycause he knoweth my name.
He hath cryed vnto me / & I wy [...] here hi / I am w t hi in his nede / I shal delyuer him & glorifye him.
If he cry vnto me / I wyll hete h [...] Ero. 22 for I am mercyfull.
I the lorde wyll here them / & god Ps. 41. of Israel wyll nat forsake them
And it shall be before that they Es. 65. crye I wyl here it / and whan the [...] [Page] do but whister I wyll here them.
To whō shal I regarde / but he y • Esaia. 66. is poore & cōtryte in spirite / & that feareth my wordes.
Lo I am here for I am merciful Esaia. 58. Esaia. 66. Esaia. 46▪ thy lorde and thy god.
Lyke one that cheryssheth his mother / so shall I comforte you.
Is it possible for y e mother to for gete her childe / but that she shal pitie the fruite of her wombe / & though she do forgete / yet wyll nat I forgete the.
I / ye / I my selfe shalcōfort you / Esaia. 51. what art thou thā that wylte be a frayde of a mā mortal / & the sonne of a mā which shal wyder like hey & dust forget y e lorde thy creatour.
I am he / I am y e very same that Esaia. 43. wyll put away thy wickednesse / [...] that wyll neuer more remēbre t [...]y synne. Put me in remembraūc [...] & we wyl be tryed togeder / shew s [...]m what vnto me (if thou canst) wher by thou mayst be iustifyed.
For my names sake I wyl with Esaia. 48. draw my furye / & I wyll compas [Page] the w t my prayse / lest thou myg [...] tyst dye. Lo / I haue tried y • out but nat as syluer: I haue chosē y e in a fornays of pouerte / I wyl d [...] it because of my self / to thētent [...] be nat blasphemed / & I wyl nat g [...] ue my glorie to any other.
I haue made / & I shal maiteyne [...] Esaia. 46. Esaia. 43. Hi [...]. 32 I wyll kepe / and saue.
I am? I am the lorde / & there is no sauiour besydes me.
Lo / I am the lorde of euery creature / shall any worde therfore be [...] possyble or harde vnto me.
Am nat I y e lorde / & there is none Esaia. 45. other god mo but I / there is n [...] ryghtuous god & sauiour / but I
Is my hande abridged or mad [...] Esaia. 50. lesse / that I may nat be able to r [...] deme / or is there no power in m [...] to saue.
For I am god / & there is noue other Esaia. 46. god / nor anylyke vnto me / which tel at the fyrst what shal be last / & do shewe at the beginyng o [...] thiges that yet be nat done / sayng my coūsel shal stande / & al my wy [...] [Page] shall be done. &c. I haue hasted my iustice & it shal nat be prolonged & my saluation shal nat be delayde.
Beholde now that I am alone / & Deu. 32 that there is non other god but I I shall kyll & I shall saue / I shall hurte / & I shall heale / and ther is none y t can draw it out of my hāde
I am thy lorde god / which do teache Esaia. 48 the thynges ꝓfytable / gouernig the in y e way that y u walkyst.
I wyl shew al goodnes vnto the / Exo. 33 & I wyl be called in the name of a lorde before the / & I wil haue pite on whō soeuer I lyst / & wylbe merciful to whō soeuer it pleaseth me / Moūtains shalbe moued / & y e litel Esaia. 54. hylles shal tremble / but my mercy shal nat depte fro y e / nor the couenaūt of my peas shal nat be brokē
I haue dryuē away thy wyckednes Esaia. 44 lyke as a cloude / & the synnes like as myst / retourne vnto me for I haue redemed the.
I haue loued the ī charite ꝓpetual Hie. 31 therfor I haue takē y e vp for pite.
And I shal espouse the vnto my Hoz. 2. [Page] self for euer / & I shall espouse th [...] vnto me in right wysnesse / in iug [...] ment / & in mercy & pyte / & I shal [...] espouse the vnto my fayth / & tho [...] shalt thā know y • I am the lorde
And thou shalt know that I am Esaia. 60. the lorde (in whom) who that trusteth shal nat be cōfūded / & y • shal know y t I am y e lorde y t sauith th [...] & redemed the / y e strēgth of Iacob▪ I am the lorde [...] & am nat chaūged Mal. 3. Eze. 18
I wyll the deth of no mā / retou [...] ne ye vnto me / and lyue.
I wyl nat the deth of any that is Eze. 33 wicked / but that he be conuerted frō his wicked wayes & lyfe.
If you retourne vnto me & rest [...] Esaia. 30. in me you shal be saued / and you [...] strēgth shalbe in silēce / & in hope▪
Call vpō me in tyme of thy trouble Ps. 49 / & I wyll delyuer the / so shalte thou honour me.
Be you conuerted (o chyldrē) and Hie. 3. retourne vnto me / & I shall remedie the causes of your departure.
I wyl couer thy sore / and I wyl Hie. 30 heale thy woundes
Stande ye vpō the wayes / and se / Hie. 6. & enquere of the old pathes / which is the good way / and walke in it / and you shall fynde a restyng place vnto your soules.
Compasse you the wayes of Hierusalem Hier. 5 / and beholde / and cōsider / & seke in the stret [...] of it / if you may fynde any mā that doth ryghwysnes / sekyng fayth / & I wyll be mercyfull vnto them.
He that hathe cōfydence in me / Esaia. 58. shall inheryte the erthe / & he shall possesse my holy mountayne.
And my people shal syt in moch [...] Esa. 32 peas / in the tabernacles of cōfidē ce / and in habundant reste.
I shall draw them in the bondes Hoz. 11 of Adam / in the bondes of charite.
I shall delyuer thē from the hande Hoz. 13 of deth / I shal redeme them. O dethe / I wyl be thy deth / and o hel I wyll be thy chastyser.
And I wyll tourne their sorowe Hier. 31 into gladnes / and I wyll conforte them / and make them ioyfull in zach 10 their heuynesse. And I [Page] wyll haue mercy on thē [...] & shall b [...] ī lyke case as they wer / whā I dy [...] nat cast thē away / for I am thei [...] lorde god / and I wyll here them Hoz 14
I wyl remedy the causes of thei [...] cōtrictiō / I wyl loue thē frely / fo [...] my wrath is turned away frō th [...]
And I wyll stryke w t the an eue [...] lastyng Hie. 32 couenaūt / & I wyll nat ce [...] se to do them good.
I wyl neuer more striue with th [...] herafter Esaia. 58. / nor myne angre shal na [...] contynue vnto the ende. Esaia 43.
Be nat afraid / for I haue redeme [...] the / & I haue called the by thy name / thou arte myne. Hie. 39
Thy soule shal optayn saluation for thou hast had cōfidence in me
He that shall touche you shal to [...] che zach. 2. the ball of myne eye.
I haue stryk [...] the in my indignation Esaia. 60. or wrath / and whā thou was [...] reconsyled vnto me / I pytied the
I did forsake the at a point for [...] Esaia. 54 lytell whyle / but I shall heape my mercyes vpon the. In the tyme o [...] myne idignatiō / I turned my fac [...] [Page] lytel from the / & I haue had pite [...]n the with an euerlastyng pytie.
Reioyse highly (O doughter of zech. 9. Sion) Reioyse and gyue prayse (o doughter of Ierusalē / Behold thy kynge shall come whiche is rightwyse / he is a sauiour / poore syttyng vpon an Asse / and vpon the sole of an Asse / & shall speke peas vnto people / and his power shal be from see to see / and frō the fluddes vnto the worldes ende.
Lo my chylde whō I haue chosē Esaia. 42. / my welbeloued in whō my soule is pleased I shal put my sperite [...]n hi / he shal publysshe y e iugemēt vnto the people / he wil neither striue nor cry / nor no mā shal here his voice in the stret [...] / he wyl nat breake the rede y t is crusshed / nor wyll [...]at quēche the lynynge that smoketh / vntyll he hath put iugemēt in victorye / and in the name of hī the people shall trust.
Lo / I gaue him for a witnesse vnto Esaia. 55. the people / & haue made hī a capitayne & a teacher vnto nations.
And they shall be my people & Lze 37 wyll be their god / and my serua [...] Dauid king ouer thē / & one heer shalbe for them all.
Lyke as a shepherd doth fede h [...] Es. 40 flocke [...] his hande / & doth bring togyther his lābes / & cherisshe [...] thē in his bosome / & bereth such as be meke / so wyl I be to you.
I wyll stere vp a prophet for t [...] Deu. 18 frō y e middes of their brothers. [...] and I wyll put my wordes in hi [...] mouthe / and shal speke vnto all euer I commaunde hym.
In his loue / and in his mer [...] Esa. 63 he hath delyuered them.
I haue strikē my people for the Esa. 53 wyckednesse.
In his scyence he beynge ryg [...] tuon [...] shall tustify [...] any [...] my s [...] [...] he [...] t [...] [...] of them the hath [...] [...] [...] the sinnes of many / & that prayed for them.
Behold the lambe of god / whi [...] Io. 1. taketh away [...] of the wor [...] whan he [...] on high [...] [...]s. 67 [Page] ioke captyuite captyue / and gaue gyftes vnto men.
He shall come out of Syon that Esa 59 shall delyuer / and putte away all [...]mpyeties from Iacob.
And to al you that feare my name Mal. 3 [...]hal aryse the sonne of rightuousnes / & helth shal be in his fethers.
He wyl come hastely and wyl nat Hab. 2 tarye.
The sceptre shall nat be taken away Bene. 49. from Iudas / vntyll he come that shall be sende / and he shall be the expectatyon of people / byndynge his colte vnto the vyneyarde / and his asse (my chylde) vnto the vyne / wasshynge his stole in wyne / & his garment in bloode.
THe spirite of the lorde is vpō Es [...]i [...]. 16. me / bycause he hath enoited me for to preache the gospell vnto poore he hath sende me: & to heale suche as are contryte in herte / for to preache deliueraunce to the cap tyue / and syght to the blynde / and lyberte to them that be shytte in / for to preache the acceptable yere of the lorde / for to conforte the sorowfull / for to glad the mourners of Spou / and to gyue a crowne for duste / the oyle of ioye for heuynes / the garment of prayse / for the spiryte of sorowe.
I haue troden the presse alone / & Esaia. 63. Esaia. 50 none of the people was with me.
I offer [...]d my body to the smyters and my chekes to the beters / I turned nat my face from the rebuckers [...] suche as dyd spytte vpon me / the lorde god was my defender / and I was nat confounded.
I am Alpha and [...]o / the beginnynge Apo. 1. and endynge / whiche am / and was / and shalbe euer to come / almyghtye.
Do nat feare I am the fyrst & th [...] last / & am a lyue & was deed / an [...] beholde I am alyue for euermore & haue y e kayes of hell & of deth.
I am the roote and generatio [...] Apoc. 22. of Dauid / & the bryght mornyng [...] sterre. &c. & let him that is thursty come / and he that wyll / lette hi [...] take water of lyfe frely.
who soeuer drīketh of the wate Io. 4. that I shall gyue hī / shal neuer b [...] more thurst / but the water y t I sha gyue / shal be in him a well of wate [...] springīg v [...] in to euerlasting lyfe yf any be a thurst / let him come t [...] Io. 7. me & drinke. who y t beleueth in m [...] (as the scripture sayth) out of hibely / shall flowe the water of lyfe
I am the breed of lyfe / he that c [...] meth Io. 6. vnto me shall nat hūgre / an he that beleueth in me / shall neue [...] be s thurste.
My flesshe is very meate / & m [...] blode is very drīke: He that ete [...] my flesshe and drinke my blood [...] dwelleth in me and I in him.
I am the vyne & you the brāche [...] Io. 15. [Page] he that abydeth in me & I in him / bryngeth forth moche fruyte / for without me ye can do nothyng. &c.
Abyde in me / and I in you / for as the brāche can bring forth no frute of it self / except it remaine in the vync / no more can you except you remayne in me.
If you abyde in me / & my wordes abyde in you also / aske what so euer ye wyll / and it shalle be graunted you.
Al that my father doth gyue me / Io. 6. shall come vnto me / and who that cometh vnto me / I wyll nat caste hym away. Mat 11
Come vnto me all you that laboure and are loden / & I wyll case you / take my yoke on you and lerne of me / for I am meke and lowly wherte / and you shall fynde ease vnto youre soules / for my yoke is casy and my burden is lyght.
This is my cōmaundement that Io. 51. you shall loue togyther / lyke as I haue loued you: & gretter loue thā this can no man haue / than to spē de [Page] his lyfe for his frendes.
you ar my frendes / if you do tha [...] I cōmaunde you.
ye haue nat chosen me / but I haue Ioā. 15 chosen you.
My father him selfe loueth you Io. 16. bycause you haue loued me & hau [...] Io. 16. belyued that I came from god.
who soeuer dothe the wyll of my Ma. 12 father which is in heuē / is my br [...] ther / and syster / and mother.
This truly / is the wyl of my father Ioā. 9. that sente me / that euery ou [...] that seeth the sonne / and doth belyue in him / shall haue euerlasting lyfe / and I wyll styrre him vp a [...] the later day.
Truely truly I say vnto you / h [...] that beleueth in me / hathe euerlastynge lyfe.
He that loueth me / shalbe loue [...] Io. 14 of my father / & I wyll loue him / [...] shewe my selfe vnto him.
If any do loue me he wil kepe m [...] worde / & my father wyll loue hi [...] and we wyll come vnto him / an [...] wyll make our mansyon in him.
If you do loue me / kepe my cōmā demêtres / & I wyl pray vnto my father / & he shal gyue you another cō solatiō for to abyde with you euer more / which is y e spirite of trouth.
I wyl nat leue you cōfortles / for I wyll come vnto you.
And if I depart to prepare you a place / I wyll come agayne & wyll receyue you vnto me / and wher as I am you shall be▪
I do leaue peas with you / I giue my peas vnto you / I do nat gyue vnto you as y e worlde doth / let nat your hert be troubled nor be aferd you shal be oppressed in y • worlde Io. 16. but trust ye I haue rq̄red y e world O? ye endewed with smal fayth / Mat. 8 why are ye aferde.
Be of good chere (it is I) be nat Ma 14 aferde.
Be ye nothynge aferde my lytell Luc. 12 flocke / for it hathe plesed our fader to gyue vnto you the kyngdome.
It is nat the wyll of your father Ma 14 which is in heuē / that any of these lytellons shulde peryshe.
The sonne of god came downe to Luc. 9 saue / that that was loste.
The sōne of god came downe na [...] to lese soules / but to saue.
God dyd nat sende his sonne i [...] Ioā. 3. to the worlde for to iuge the worlde / but to then tent that the worlde shulde be saued by hym.
He that beleueth in hi shal nat b [...] condēpned / but he y t dothe nat beleue is condēpned alredy / bycaus [...] he hath nat beleued in the name o [...] the only begotten sōne of god / th [...] father loueth the sōne & hath giu [...] him all thinges in his hande.
He that beleueth in the son hat [...] euerlastyng lyfe / and he that dot [...] nat beleue in the sonne shall neue [...] se lyfe / but the bēgeaunce of go [...] abydeth on him.
I am the resurrection & lyfe / wh [...] Ioā. 11 so euer beilueth on me / ye / thoug [...] he were deed yet shall he lyue / an [...] who soeuer liueth and beleueth i [...] me / shall neuer dye.
I am the lyght of y e worlde / wh [...] Ioā. y • foloweth me walketh nat in da [...] kenes / but [Page] shal haue y t light of life.
If any wyll serue me / let him folow Ioā. 12 me / & wher soeuer I am there shall my seruaūt be / if any wyll ser [...]e me / my father wyll honour him walk [...] whyle you haue lyght / that the darkenes do nat take you.
whylest yo haue the lyght / beleue in the lyght / that you may be the chyldren of lyght.
I am the way / the truthe / & the Io. 14 [...]yfe / no man cometh to the father but by me.
I am y e dore / who that cometh in Io. 10. [...]y me shall be saued / & shall go in / [...] shall go out / & shal fide pastures.
I am a good shepherde / a good [...]hepeherede gyueth his soule for [...]is shepe.
I came that thei shuld haue lyfe / [...] shulde haue it more plētuously.
My shepe here my voyce / & I do [...]nowe thē / & they folowe me / & I [...]yue euerlastyng lyfe to them / & [...]hey shal neuer perisshe / and none [...]all take thē out of my hāde / my [...]ather that gaue me them is mightyer [Page] than all other / & there is non [...] able to take out of my faders hād [...] I and the fader be all one.
And / if I be lefte vp frō the erth Io. 12. I wyll brynge all vnto me.
And lyke as Moyses did hāge vp Ioā. 3. a serpēt in wyldernes / so must th [...] sōne of man be hāged vp y t who so euer dothe beleue shall nat perishe but shal haue the lyfe euerlastig.
For god hathe loued the world [...] in such wise / that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for the worlde that who soeuer belyued in hym shulde nat perishe / but shuld hau [...] euerlastynge lyfe.
Truly truly I say vnto you / tha Io. 5. who soeuer hereth my worde / an [...] beleueth in him that sête me / hath euerlastyng lyfe / & shall nat com [...] into iugement / but shall passe fr [...] deth vnto lyfe.
Blessed be thei that here the wo [...] de Luc. 11 of god / and kepe it.
Truely truely I say vnto you / [...] Ioā. 8. there be anye that wyll kepem worde / he shall [...]euer see deth.
If you wyll abyde in my worde / verely you shall be my dyscyples / and you shal knowe the truth / and the truth shal delyuer you.
Heuen and erthe shall passe / but Ma 14 my wordes shall neuer passe.
Blessed be the poore in spiryte / Ma. 5. for theirs is the kyngdom of heuē.
Blessed be y • meke / for they shal possesse the erth.
Blessed be they that morne / for they shalbe conforted.
Blessed be they y t hungre & thurst aft iustice / for they shalbe satisfied Blessed be the mercyfull / for they shall optayne mercy.
Blessed be the pure in herte / for they shall see god.
Blessed be the peasable / for they shal be called the chyldren of god.
Blessed be they that suffre persecutiō for rightwisenesse / for theirs is the kyngdome of heuyn.
Blessed are you / whan that men do say yuell vnto you / and do pursue you / and do speake all euyll agaynst you / lyeng by cause of me / reioyse [Page] & be glad / for your rewarde is great in heuyn.
And the leste heer of your hedde Luc. 12 shall nat perissh / for through your paciēce you shall wyn your soules
Are nat two sparous solde for a Mat. x ferthyug? & none of them doth fall on the grownde without your father / for all y • heres of your hed be nombred / feare ye nat therfore / year of more value than many sparowes / who soeuer therfore thy I knoledge me before men / I wyl know hi before my father y • is in heuyn / but who soeuer wyll denye me before men / him wyll I denye before my father whiche is in heuen.
All maner of synne & blaspheme Mat 12 shall be forgyuen vnto men / but y • blaspheyme ayenst-the holy ghost shall neuer be forgyuen.
The gospell is preched to y • pore Mat 11 and blessed is he that is nat offended in me.
The tyme is fulfylled / and the Mat. 1 kyngdome of god shal drawe next / repēt therfore & beleue the gospel. [Page] who soeuer y • forsaketh his howse Ma 19 or brother / or systers / or father or mother / or wyfe / or chyldren / or his landes / for my name sake / shal [...]cceyue an hundred tyme somoch / and shal inherite euerlasting lyfe.
Retoyce by cause your names be Luc. 10 writen in heuyn.
I say vnto you / that asmoche ioy Luc. 15 shall be in heu [...]n for one synner taking repentaunce / as for nyntye & nyne rightwyse men that nede nat to repente.
Sucht as be in helth / nede no physycion Mat. 6 / but such as be yuel at case.
I regarde mercy / and nat sacryce. for I am nat come to call the ryghtwyse / but synners.
The sonne of god is come to seke Luc. 19 and to saue that / that was lost.
I am nat come for to condempne Io [...]. 12 the worlde / but to saue the worlde
The sonne of god came nat to be serued / but for to serue & to spende his lyfe for y e redēption of many. Ma 20
I truly am in the middes of you / euen as he that serueth.
I gyue vnto you a new cōmaundement Io. 13. / y • you shall loue togyther lyke as I haue loued you / to then tent y • you shal loue one another: therby shal euery man know that you are my discyples / if you wyll beare loue one to another.
For if you wyll forgyue mē their Mat. 6 synnes / your celesty all father shal forgyue you / your fautes.
The thiges y • be impossyble vnto Luc. 18 men / be possyble yuough to god.
Loue your enemyes / do wel vnto Mat. 5 thē that hate you / & pray for them that persecute & sclaūder you / that you may be the chyldrē of your father that is in heuen / that sufferyd his sonne to aryse vpō the good & the bad / & reygneth vpon the right wyse and vnryghtwyse. Luc. 6
For he is kynde vnto the vnkynde and yuell.
Therfore be you mercyfull / lyke as your father is mercyfull. Iuge [...] nat / & ye shall nat be iuged / cōdemne ye nat / & ye shall nat be cōdem [...] ned / forgyue & ye shalbe forgyue [...] [Page] gyue & it shalbe gyuen vnto you.
The rightwise shall shyne in the Ma 14 [...]igdom of my father / as the sōne.
Come ye blessed of my father / in Ma. 25 heryte the kingdome ordayned for you / frō the creatiō of the worlde.
Truely truly I say vnto you / so lōg as ye do ought / to one of y e lest of these my brthren / ye do it vnto Ma. 28
All power in heuen & inerth (me is gyuen vnto me: go therfore and teche all nations baptisyng them in the name of the father / and the sonne / and the holy ghost / teachig them to obserue al thynges / what soeuer I haue cōmaūded you.
Lo I am with you alwaye euyn vntyll the endynge of the worlde.
Go vnto my brothers / & say vnto Io. 20 them I ascende vnto my father / & your father / my god / & your god. Io. 14
Let nat your hertes be troubled / beleue in god & beleue in me / there be many mansions in the house of my father / if it were nat so / I wol [...]e haue tolde you so / I go to prepare a place for you.
As the father hathe loued me / s [...] Io. 15. haue I loued you.
And what soeuer ye wyl asketh Io. 14 fader in my name I wyl do it / tha the father may be glorifyed in th [...] same / If ye do aske any thinge o [...] me in myne own name / I wyl do i [...]
Truely truely I say vnto you / [...] Io. 16. ye aske the father any thing in m [...] name / he wyl giue it vnto you / hy therto ye haue asked nothīg in m [...] name. aske and ye shall haue / tha [...] your ioye may be full.
The true worshippers / shall we Io. 4. shyppe the father in spyrite and [...] ryte / for the father seketh out su [...] that may worshippe him.
Aske / and it shall be gyuen vnt [...] Mat 7 you / seke. & you shal fynde / knock & it shall be openyd vnto you. wh [...] that asketh / receyueth. and he tha [...] seketh / fyndeth / & it shall be op [...] ned to him that knocketh. is ther [...] any man amonge you that wol [...] profer his sonne a stonne / if he a [...] ked him breade / or if he asked hi [...] a fysshe / wolde ye profer him a se [...] pent? [Page] if ye than which are euyl can gyue to your chyldren good giftes howe moch more shall your father that is in heuen gyue good thiges to suche as aske of him.
whersoeuer at two or thre gathered Ma. 16 to gyther in my name / I am in the myddes of them.
All that euer ye wyl aske in your Ma. 21 prayer with belefe / ye shal receiue.
Shal nat god reuenge his clecte / Luc. 18 that crye vnto him bothe nyght & day / ye though he deferre them / I tel you / he wyl reuenge them / and that quickely.
walke and pray / that ye entre nat Ma 26 into tēptacyons / the spirite is alwayes redy / but y e fless [...]e is weake
Let your loynes be gyrded about Luc. 12 & your lyghtes brennyng in your handes. & ye your selues lyke vnto men that loke after their maister / whan he wyl retourne from a weddynge.
Take no thought for your lyuig what ye shal eate / nor for your body what ye shall putte in.
The lyfe is of more value / than meate / & the body is more of value thā raymēt: marke wel the raues for they neither sow nor repe / wh [...] che neither haue storchouse ne ba [...] ne / & yet god fedeth them / how moche more ar ye better thā y e foules
Do nat seke what ye may eate / o [...] what ye may drynke / and be ye na [...] lyft on hyght
If god than doth clothe haye o [...] Mat. 6 the felde / growynge this day / and to morow shall be caste into a fornays / in suche wyse / howe moch [...] more wyll he cloth you: o ye endewed with lytell fayth.
Therfore seke fyrste the kyngdome of god and the iustyce of it and all these thynges / shall be mynystred vnto you.
whan thou wylte pray / entre it [...] thy chambre / and shytte thy door and pray vnto thy father / which is in secrete & the father that seyt [...] in secrete shall rewarde y e openly.
For your father knoweth wh [...] is nedeful vnto you / before that [...] [Page] make peticyon vnto him / therfore ye shall pray in this wyse.
☞ The Pater noster with other lytell prayers of the Byble / beyng gathered togyther into a comp [...]dyous ordre / in the commendation or prayse of the excedyng and incomparable mercy of god / and fort he behofe of the deuout reder / that prayeth nat in waggynge of his lyppes / but with the feruent desyre of herte.
OOure Father that arte in heuen Ma. 6. / halowed be thy name / let thy kyngdom come to vs. Thy wyll be fulfylled aswell in crth / as it is in heuen. Gyue vs this daye our dayly breade. And forgyue vs our offēces / lyke as we do forgyue them that offende vs. Lede vs nat in to temptation / but delyuer vs from euyll / for it is thy kyngdome & power / & glory for euermore.
Blessed art thou lorde god of Istahell i. Par. 29. our father / euerlastyngly / for it is thy magnificens (o lorde) [Page] and thy power / and glory / & victory / and prayse to the.
O gouernour / lorde god / pytifull Ero. 34. and benigne / pacyent and of great mercy / which dost extend thy mercy vnto thousandes / which takest a way wyckednes / myschefe & syn & none of hiselfe is innocēt before the / I besech y • that thou wilt take away out wickednes & synne.
I beseche the lorde god of heuen / Noe. 1. strong / mighty and terrible / which kepeste couenaunt and mercy with suche as loue the / and obserue thy commaūdement [...]s / let thyne eares be harknyng / and thyn eyes open / that thou mayst here the prayer o [...] thy sernaunt.
O lorde which art paciēt and o [...] Nu. 14 great mercy / and takest awaye ou [...] iniquite and myschiefe. &c. forgyu [...] (I beseche the) the synne of thi [...] thy people / after the gretnes of th [...] mercy.
Lorde god / do nat destroy thy pe [...] ple Oeu. 9. / & thyn ēheritaūce / which tho [...] hast bought / through thy power.
Thou hast bene guyde in the mercy Exo. 15 to the people / whiche thou hast redemed.
Forgyue thy people / though they 2. Para 6. be sinners / for thou art my god. let thyne eyes (I beseche the) be open and thyne eares intentif vnto the prayer that is made in this place.
O lorde thou art our father / and Esaia. 64. we are but claye / thou arte our creatour / and all we but the werkes of thine hādes / o lorde be nat ouer moche angry / & be no more myndefull of our iniquite / beholde / haue respecte / all we are thy people.
Lorde / thy mercy is euerlastig do ps. 126. nat dispyse y e worke of thyn hādʒ.
O thou lorde / whiche art our father Esa. 63 / our redemer / thy name hathe bene euermore.
For we do nat prostrate our pray Da. 6. ours before thy face in Iustifieng out selues / but in trust of the great mercy: herken lorde / be pleased / o lorde / attende / and do / be nat slacke (my god) for thyne owne sake / for thy name hath ben called vpō this [Page] Cyty / and vpon the people. Nu. 20
Lorde god here the clamont of this people / & opē vnto thē thy treasour / the well of the water of lyfe
Let al that know thy name (lorde Psal. 9 truste in the / for thou haste nat forsaken them that seke the.
Thou? verely which arte a god Noe. 6 mercyfull / meke / and pytefull / pacient / and of hygh compassyō / hast nat forsaken them.
Aryse (lorde) helpe vs / and redeme Ps. 43 vs / for thy name sake.
Do nat remēbre out olde iniquitees Ps. 78 / but let thy mercy preuent vs quickely / for we are made very poore / helpe vs (our god) and for the glorye of thy name lorde / delyuer vs / & be mercyfull vnto our synnes for thy names sake
I shall do sacryfyce vnto the with Psa. 53 good wyll / and shall confesse thy name / for it is good.
For asmoche lorde / as thou a [...]t Ps. 85. swete and gētyll / and of plentuous mercy / vnto suche as cal vpon the Lorde hear our prayers & our petitiōs / & Bar. 2. [Page] delyuer vs out for thy sake.
Heare (O lorde) and haue mercy Bar. 3. for thou art a merciful god / and haue mercy on vs / for we haue synned agaynst the.
we haue synned w t our fathers / Iud. 7 we haue done vniustly / we haue cō mitted wickednes: Thou that art holy / haue mercy on vs.
whā y • art angry / remēbre mercy Hab. 5. Bor. [...].
Be nat mynèfull of the wyckednes o [...] our fathers / but be in mind of thy power and thy name at this tyme / for thou art our lorde god.
Let al be glad that trust in the Psal. 5 then shall reioyse euermore & thou shalt dwell in th [...] / and al that loue thy name / shall glory in the.
Thou art ryghtwise (o lorde) & Thob 3 al thy Iugemētes ar true / & al thy wayes / mercy / truth / & iugement.
Blessed is thy name (o god) of our fathers / whiche in thy wrathe dost she we mercy / and in the tyme of trouble dost forgyue synnes / to them that call on the.
All that serue and hononr the he [Page] certayne and sure that his lyfe if it haue bene tryed and proued / shal receyue the crowne of victorie / and if it be in trouble it shal be delyuered and if it be in corruption & synne / he may come vnto thy mercy.
For thou arte nat delyted in dystroyng vs / for after tempest thou makest al thynge quiete / and after wepyng & mournyng thou causyst gladnes / blessed be thy name therfore (o god) of Israell euermore.
God is at hande vnto al that cal Psal. 144. on him / to suche as call on hym in truth.
whan I dyd cal / the good & right Psal 4 wy snes dyd here me / in my tribulation / thou hast set me at large.
O lorde / lette me uat be confoū ded Ps. 30. / for I haue called on the.
I haue called on the lorde / out of Ps. 117 try bulation / & the lorde hathe herde me abrode.
In my trybulatyon I wyl cal on 2. Reg. 22. the lorde / and I wyll crye vnto my god / and he wyl here my voyce out of his holy temple / & my crye shall [Page] come vnto his eares.
Thy good spirite shal brynge me P. 142 into a ryght grounde / for thy names sake (lorde) thou shalt make me alyue in thyne equyte / y • shalte brynge my soule out of trouble / & in thy mercy / thou shalt distroy al myne enemyes.
we wyll crye vnto the in our trybulations 2. Pat. 20. / and thou shalt here vs and make vs safe.
whan we be ignoraunt what we ought to do / we haue only this remedy / for to dyrecte our eyes vnto the.
Byue vs helpe in our trouble / for p. 107. the helpe of man is vanite.
Lorde thou arte my refuge / my Hie. 16 streirgth / my fortres / in the tyme of trouble.
I truely shal syng of thy strength Ps. 58. & shal exalte thy mercy be tymes.
For y • arte made my surete / & my socour ī the tyme of my trybulatiō
O god that arte myne helpat / I wyl synge vnto y e / y u art my socout my god / thy mercy be vnto me.
So let thy mercy be don y • it ma [...] Ps. 118 cōfort me / accordīg vnto thy promyse made to thy scruaunte.
Let thy mercyes come vnto m [...] and I shall lyue / for thy loue is my medytacyon.
Gyue vs helpe out of our tro [...] ble Ps. 56. / for the helpe of man is vayn [...] let vs worke vertue in god / and h [...] shall brynge vnto nought all th [...] trouble vs.
In the tyme of my trouble [...] Ps. 77 sought oute god with my handes and I was nat deceyued.
I wyll loke vnto the lorde / [...] mich. 7 wyll tary vpon god my sauioure my god wyll here me.
Lorde haue mercy on vs / for [...] Esa. 33 haue loked after the / be our def [...] betymes / and our helth in tyme [...] trybulatyon.
No eye hath seen (o god) witho [...] Es. 64 the / the thiges that thou hast pr [...] pared to such as loke after the.
I haue remēbred thy mercy lor [...] Ec. 50. and of thy workes that be euerl [...] styng / for thou delyuerest suche [...] [Page] suffre the / and dost take the out of the handes of people.
For thou art as a defēce vnto the Esa. 25 poore / a defence to the nedy in his trouble / a saue garde from wynde a shadowe fro the hete.
Nor there is none other god eyther Deu. 3. in heuen or in erthe / that is a [...]le to do the workes / and to be cō pared vnto thy strength.
The lorde is made my strength & Exo. 5. my prayse / and he is a saluatyon vnto me.
I do blesse the lorde god of Isra Tob. 11 [...]ll for thou hast chastysed me / and thou hast saued me.
Lorde I wyll confesse vnto the / Esa. 12 [...]ycause thou hast ben angry / thy [...]urour is tourned / and thou haste conforted me: be holde god my sa [...]our / I wyll do boldly / and wyl [...]at be aferde / for the lorde is my [...]ortres and my prayse / and he is a [...]auiour vnto me.
Lorde all that forsake the shalbe Hie. 17 [...]onfounded / they that departe frō he shall be grauen in the erch / bycause [Page] they haue lefte the lorde th [...] vayne of waters of lyfe.
Heale me lorde / & I shalbe heal [...] saue me / & than I shall be saued.
And let thy mercy come vpon [...] Ps. 118 lorde / the saluatyon accordyng t [...] thy promyse.
Shew vnto vs lorde thy mercy Ps. 84 gyue vs thy sauegarde.
O lorde of all vertue / blessyd [...] Ps. 83. the man that trusteth in the.
Be midefull of thy pyte (o lord [...] Ps. 24 & of thy mercy which be euerlast [...]
Do uat remembre the defautes [...] my youth / and myne ignoraunce▪
Accordyng to thy mercy / remēb [...] me (y u good lorde) of thy goodne [...]
For thy names sake lorde / forg [...] ue my synne / for it is moche.
Haue mercy on me o lorde / acc [...] dynge Psa 50 to thy great mercy / and a [...] cordynge to the gretnes of thy p [...] te. take away myne unquite.
Tourn away thy face frō myn o [...] ces / & put away al my wickedne [...]
Create in me a pure herte (o g [...] and renew a right spirite win [...] [Page] Do nat cast me away frō thy face and do nat take frō me thyne holy spiryte.
O lorde do nat withdrawe thy cō [...]assyon Ps. 59. fro me / thy mercy / and thy truth / haue euer defended me.
In the abundan̄ce of thy mercy Ps. 68. here me in truthe of thy saluacion here me lorde / for thy mercy is moche / after y • plētuousenes of thy cō passions regarde me / & do nat tour [...]ne away thy face frō thy sernaūte / for I am troubled / here me hastely
And thou lorde god art pytuous Ps. 85. and mercyfull / pacient and of ercedyng mercy / and true.
For I do knowe that thou art a Ione 4 god gentell and mercyfull / pacient and of moche compassion / and nat vengeable vpon malyce.
Haue mercy on me lorde / for I Ps .6. am weke / hele me lorde / for all my bones be troubled / And my soule is greatly troubled / but yet / o lorde / be conuerted & delyuer my soule / saue me for thy great mercy.
And thou lorde do with me for thy Ps 108 [Page] names sake / for thi mercy is swet delyuer me for I am poore & nedy & my herte is troubled with in m [...]
Helpe me lorde god / sauc me fo [...] thy great mercy.
Deale with thy seruaunt accordynge Ps. 118 to thy mercy / and teach i [...] thy Iustyfications.
who wyl nat feare y e lorde / & magnifi Apoc 15 thi nam / for y u alone art hol [...]
Vnto the lorde be iustice & vnt Dan. 6 vs shamfastenes of face / vnto th [...] truely / our lorde god be mercy an [...] forgyuenes.
Nat vnto vs lorde god / nat vnt [...] Ps. 115. vs / but vnto thy name gyue glory
Our helpe is in y e nam of y e lord [...] Ps 124 which hath created heuen & erth [...]
Thou art worthy o lorde our go [...] Apo. 4 to take glorye / & honour / & vertu [...] for y u hast created al thynges / & fo [...] thy plesure they were & be creat [...] 2. Ma 1
O lorde god the creatour of al thynges / terryble / stronge / ryght wyse and mercyfull / whiche onel [...] art good / onely therellent kyng [...] only iuste almyghty / and eterna [...] [Page] which deliuered Israel fro al yuel
For he y t was conuerted was nat Sap 16 made hole by any thynge vysyble / but by the sauiour of all.
Therby truly / thou hast declared vnto thyne enemyes / that thou art he which delyueryst frō all euyll.
For neither herbe ne playstre hath made them hole / but thy worke lorde that healeth all thynges.
Lo thou haste created heuen and Hie▪ 32 [...]erth in thy greate strength / and in thy streched out arme. No worde shalbe diffy cyll vnto the / for y u doest mercy vnto thousandes.
Is ther any thig difficile vnto god Gen 18 Nu. 11. Iob. 42.
Is thende of the lorde feble.
I know that thou arte able to do [...]ll thynges / and that no thought is pr [...]uy to the.
It is in thy power to do all thynges Sap 12 at thy pleasure.
Thou arte he lorde that hast power Sap 16 of lyfe & deth / and doest lede in [...]o the gates of deth / and lede out.
For and if I sholde walke in the Psa. 22 myddes of the shadowe of dethe / I [Page] wolde fear no harme by cause [...] arte with me.
And thy mercy shall folow me [...] the dayes of my lyfe.
Thou hast mercy on al / bycause Sap. 11 thou mayste do all / and pretendest to be ignoraunt of the synne of me bycause of repentaunce / fo [...] thou louest the thynges that be / thou haste nat hated y t that tho [...] haste made / nor y • haste nat ordayned or made any thyng with hate▪ Thou doest spare all thynges bycause they are thyne owne / o lord [...] that louest soules.
Bycause thou arte swete an [...] Sap 12 good / lorde / thy spyrite is in alth [...] ges.
Howe great is the habūdance Ps. 30. thy swetnesse / o lorde / which h [...] thou hyd fro them that feare t [...]
Thou truely which art our go [...] Sap. 15 art swete / trewe / and pacient / [...] dysposynge all thynges in mer [...]
For to knowe the / is perfyte sty [...]e / & to know thy iustice & ve [...] is the roote of Immortalyte.
Nor there is none other god but Sap 12 thou / whiche hast cure of all thynges.
Lorde god of Israell / there is 2. Par. 6. no god lyke vnto the / neither in heuen nor erth / whiche kepest coue [...]aunt and mercy with thy seruaū tes / goyng before the with al their herte.
what god is lyke vnto the / that mich. 7 takest a way wyckednes / & caryest [...]way the synne of suche as are left to theyr inherytaunce.
For thy mercy is magnyfyed vnto Ps. 56. the heuens / and thy truth / vnto the cloudes
Spare / lorde / spare thy people Iohel 2 and do not gyue thy inherytaunce in reprofe.
Haue mercy on me / o god / haue Ps. 56. mercy on me / for my soule trustyth in the / and I shal trust in the shadow of thy wynges / vntyl wickednes be passed.
Be nat thou dredefull vnto me Hie. 17 [...]y cōforte in the day of afflycciō
Make maruelous thy mercies Ps. 16. [Page] lorde whiche doste saue all y • truste in the.
The lorde is myne helpar and my Ps. 24 defendat / and my herte hathe trus [...]ed in him / and I was holpen.
Verely the chyldren of men shall Ps. 35. trust ī the couering of thy wīges.
In god is my cōfort and my glorye Ps. 61. / the god of my helpe & my trust is in god.
ye / and though he kyl me / I wyl Iob. 13 truste in him / neuertheles I wyll reproue my ways in y e sight of hi.
Lorde I haue trusted in the / lette [...] Ps. 70. me neuer be confounded.
For suche as withdrawe thē selues Ps. 72. from the / shall perysshe / thou haste dystroyed all that fornycate from the.
Truely for to cleue vnto god / is very good vnto me / and to put my truste in the lorde god.
Preserue me lorde / for I hau [...] Psa. 15 trusted in the / I haue sayd vnto y • lorde / thou arte my god / and tho [...] hast no nede of my goodes.
I wyll loue the / lorde / my de [...]ice Ps. 17. [Page] lorde / my fortres / and my refuge / and my redemer / my god I wyl truste in hi / my protectour / & hor [...]e of my helth / and my suretye.
The lorde ruleth me / and I shall Psa. 22 wante nothyng.
Lorde I haue lyfte vp my mynde Ps. 24 vnto the / I do truste in the / let me nat be shamed.
For there is no confusyon / to Dan. 3. them that truste in the.
The lorde god is my helpar / and Esa 50 therfore I was nat rebuked.
The lorde is myne helpar / I wyl p. 117. nat feare what that mā can do vnto me.
The lorde is myne helpar / and I shall despyse myne enemys.
The lorde is made a refuge vnto Ps. 69 me / and my god is a conforte vnto mynt hope.
Verely I am poore and nedy / helpe Ps. 39. me god.
Truely I am a begger & poore / Ps. 30. the lorde ha [...]h care of me / y u art my helpar and my defender. o my god be nat slowe.
Be vnto me as a defendyng god and as a house of socoure / that [...] mayst make me safe / for thou art [...] my fortres and my refuge / and fo [...] thy names sake / thou shalt bring [...] me forth / and maynteyne me.
Thou lorde arte my suretye / my Hab. 3. glorye / and doest exalte my hed.
Verely I shall reioyse in the lorde / p. 143 and shall be glad in god my sauiour / my god / my fortres.
My mercy / and my refuge / my surety / and my redemer.
Thou hast remēbred me (o god) Da. 14 and thou hast nat forsake thē that loue the Ps. 85.
Lede me lorde in thy way / and I wyll go in thy truthe / my hert [...] may be glad for to drede thy name
They that loue the / shal shyne Iudi 15 lyke as dothe the sonne in his rysynge.
For thy mercy is aboue al lyfe / Ps. 62. my lyppes shall prayse the.
Delyuer me from claye / lest [...] Ps. 68. stycke in it / delyuer me fro thē tha [...] hate me / and from the depenesse [Page] of waters.
I haue sayd lorde / haue mercy Ps. 40 [...]on me / hele my soule for I haue of fended the.
I haue sayd / I wyll knowelege Psa. 31 my wyckednes vnto the lorde agaynst my selfe / and thou hast forgyuen the impyete of my synne.
Thou hast delyuered my soule Esa. 38 bycause it shulde nat peryshe / thou hast caste behinde thy backe al my synnes.
I haue trusted in god / I wyll Ps. 55. nat feare / what flesshe may do vnto me. Psa. 30
I haue trusted in the lorde / I wyl be glad and ioyfull in thy mercy.
Through the I shalbe delyuered Psa 17 from temptation / & throughe [...]ny god I wyl passe ouer the stone [...]all.
I am inferiour to thy manifol [...]e Gen. 25 myserations / and to thy tru the [...]hat thou haste accomplyshe vnto [...]hy seruaunt. Ec. 39.
Haue mercy on vs (o god) of al [...]reatures / and beholde vs / & shew [Page] vnto vs the lyght of thy pyte.
O god / conuerte vs / shewe thy Ps. 76 face / and we shall be saued.
Shewe vnto vs / howe thou dost [...] Iudi. 6 nat forsake them that presume o [...] the / and suche as presume of the [...] selues gloryeng in theyr owne ve [...] tu / thou doest bryng lowe.
Remembre lorde / and shew thy Hester. 14. selfe vnto vs in tyme of our tryb [...] lation / and gyue me conforte o lorde / kynge of goddes & of vnyuersall power.
In the many folde mercyes / thou 2. Es. 9 hast nat created thē vnto consumpcion / n [...]yther haste thou forsake [...] them / for thou arte a god pyteful and mercyful.
Lorde / thy mercyes ar manyfold P. 118. accordynge to thy iugement reuyue me.
Verely thou arte amongeste v [...] Hie 14 lorde / and thy holy name hath be [...] called vpon by vs / do nat forsak [...] vs.
Haue mercy on vs lorde / hau [...] Ps. 122 mercy on vs / for we ar greatly fu [...] [Page] ylled with dispyte.
whan my soule was vexed withi Ione. 2 me lorde I remēbred that my prayer might come vnto the euyn vnto thy holy temple.
Troubles do oppresse me on euery parte / but it is better for me to 1. p. 12. fall into the hādes of the lorde (for his pyte is great) than into the hā des of men.
The lorde wyll do that / that semeth 1. pa. 16 good in his syght.
The sorowes of deth haue compassed Ps. 114 me / and the perylles of hel haue founde me out.
I haue founde out trybulation & sorowe / and I wyll calle vpon the name of the lorde.
O lorde / delyuer my soule / our mercyful lorde and rightwyse god is pytefull.
Lorde / all my desyre is before Ps. 36. the / and my mornyng is nat hydden from the.
The mercy of thy promyse is 2 Paz 6 gret and vnserchable / for thou art the hyghest lorde god ouer all the [Page] [...]rth / longe suffryng / and passyn [...] mercyful / and sorye for the maly [...] of men.
Thou arte worthye lorde / for t [...] Apo. 5. op [...] the boke & to lose the seales o [...] it / for thou wast slayne / and hast t [...] demed vs (o god) in thy blode.
And thou lorde god hast delte [...] Barn. 2 vs accordyng to all thy goodness [...] and accordyng to al thy gret pyte. Ma 16
Thou arte Christe the sonne o [...] the lyuyng god.
I haue beleued that thou arte Ioa. 12 Chryst the sōne of the lyuyng god whiche came into the worlde.
For thou arte our god / thou has [...] 1 [...]sd 6 delyuered vs from our wickednes [...] and hast gyuen helth vnto vs.
God [...]e mercyfull to me that an [...] Lu [...]. 18 a synner.
Father I haue offended agayn [...] Lu [...]. 15 heuen / and before the nowe I am nat worthy to be called thy sonne lette me be as one of thy hyred s [...] uauntes.
we are vnprofytable seru auntes Ln [...]. 17 / we haue done but our du [...] [Page] Encrease fayth in vs. Ma. 6. Psa. 35
Haue mercy on vs / sonne of David.
For in the is the well of lyfe / and by thy lyght we shal se lyght.
Lyke as an herte longeth after Ps. 41. wellys of water / so my soule longeth after the (o god)
My soule hath thristed after god the lyuyng wel / whan shal I come and appere before t e face of the lorde.
My soule hath desyred the in the Esa. 25 nyght / but in my spyryte & in my herte shall wake for the be tyme.
I bowe the knees of myne herte 2. Pa 32 prayenge vnto thy goodnes lorde / I haue synned lorde / I haue synded / & I knowlege my wickednes / I aske praīg y • lorde to forgiue me forgyue me / do nat dystroy me all togither w t my synne / nor do nat reserue myne offences for euer / for y • shalte saue me vnworthy / accordig to thy great mercy / I shall prayse y • euer all the dayes of my lyfe / for all the vertu of heuē prayseth the / [Page] [...] to the is al glorye for euermore Amen.
THou hast here (good Reder) a certayn gatheryng of scritures out of both the Testam [...]te which declare the most abundan [...] mercy of god w t a clere exposicion
In the begynnig the worde was Ioa. 1. and the worde was with god / an [...] god was the worde: The sam wa [...] in the begynnynge with god / a [...] thinges were made by it / and wit [...] out it was nothynge made tha [...] made is / in it was lyfe / & lyfe wa [...] the lyght of men.
He came into his owne and his receyued him nat / vnto as man as receiued him / he gaue power t [...] be the sonnes of god / to suche a beleued in his name.
which loued vs / and wasshed v [...] Apo. 1. from our synnes in his blood / an [...] made vs his kyngdome / & precsse [...] vnto god / and his father to him [...] glorye & dominion for euermore.
God sheweth his loue whiche [...] Ro. 5. [Page] [...]rreth vs / for whan we were but synners / Christ dyed for vs moche more than now (seyng we are iustifyed in his blood) we shalbe preserued frō vengeaunce through hym / for yf we were reconsyled to god whan we were enemys / by the deth of his sonne / moche more now beyng reconsyled we shall be preserued by his lyfe.
Unto him all the prophetes bere Actu 10 recorde / that all y • belyue in him / do receyue remyssion of their synnes / by his name.
Be it knowen therfore vnto you Actu. 13 ye men and brethern / that by hym remissiō of synnes is preached vn to you / and by hym are all that be leue iustifyed from thynges / wher by ye coulde nat be iustyfyed in Moyses lawe.
For what the lawe coude nat do / Ro. 8. in asmoch as it was weake / bycause of the flesshe / that dyd god parfourme and sente downe his sonne in the symilytude of synful flesshe and by synne dampned sine in the [Page] slesshe / y • rightwisenes of the law myght be fulfylled in vs / which walke nat after the flesshe but a [...] ter the spirite.
Through the grace of our lorde Act. 15. Iesu Chryst / we beleue to be s [...] ued as well as they.
For in him we do lyue / and armoued Act. 17 / and be.
This is the same stone that wa [...] Actu 4 forsaken of you in your buylding whiche is sette for the foundacyo [...] of a corner / and there is no saluacyon in any other.
Nor there is none other nam [...] vnder heuen gyuē vnto men / whe [...] by we may be saued.
The name of the is a most defensyble Prouer 18. toure / the ryghtwyse ron [...] neth vnto it and he shalbe exalted▪
And it shall come to passe / that Ioel. 2. who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the lorde shall be saued.
For the lorde is our luge / the lo [...] Esa. 33 de is our lawe maker / the lorde is our kynge / he shall saue vs.
Blessed is the name / whose trus [...] Psa. 39 [Page] is in the name of the lorde / & hath [...]at regarded vanytees / and false [...]ychcraftes.
Prayse ye his name / for the lorde Ps. 66 pleasaunte / his mercy is euerladyng / and his truth is fro genera [...]yon vnto generacyon.
Prayse ye our lorde god / which Iudith 13. hath nat forsaken suche as truste in him.
Prayse ye the lorde for he is good p. 134. syng vnto his name / for he is pleasaunt.
Prayse (o heuens / and o erth) reioyse Es. 46 / ye mountaynes / make melodye / for the lorde hath conforted his people / and wyll haue mercye on the poore.
Blesse ye the lorde / exalte hym Ec. 43 asmoch as ye can / for he is ferre aboue all praysynge.
Gyue prayse / o heuens / for the Es 44 lorde hath shewed mercy / the farthest partes of the erthe make ye melodye.
Blesse thou my soule / vnto the Ps. 102 lordes and al that is within me vn [Page] to his holy name
Blysse thou my soule vnto the lorde / & do nat forget the wordes of [...] which forgiueth al thy wickedne which healeth al thy diseases.
The lorde sheweth mercy / and i [...] gement to all that suffre wronge he hath nat delte [...] vs accordyng [...] to our synnes / nor he hath nat rewarded vs accordyng to our wy [...] kednes.
For he hath establyshed his mercy vpon suche as feare him / according vnto the heyght of heuyn fr [...] the erth.
Lyke as a father hath mercy o [...] his children / so y e lorde hath merc [...] vpon them that feare hym / for h [...] knewe his owne creation / he rembred that we are as dust / and th [...] man is as haye.
All flesshe is hey / and al the glor [...] Es 40 of it lyke a floure of the felde / th [...] heye wethereth / and the floure i [...] faded / for the spiryte of the lord [...] hath blowen on it. verely the people is heye / the heye is wetheret [...] [Page] [...] the flour is fadyd / but the worde [...]f the lorde abydeth for euermore. Deu. 8. Man doth nat lyue by bread one [...]y / but in euery worde whiche co [...]eth out of the mouth of god.
Euery worde of god is fyry / it is Prouet 30. Ps. 17. [...] shelde for thē that trust in him.
My god / hys waye is vndefyled the wordes of the lorde ar tryed in fyre / he is a defander of all that trust in him.
Al sayntes are in his power / they Deu. 32 that approche vnto his feete / shall receyue of his doctryne.
Vnderstāde ye with all your her Iosu 23 us / that of all the wordes that the lorde hath promised that he wolde pforme that one shal passe in vayn. Psal. 144.
The lorde is true in al his wordes and holy in all his workes.
The lorde lyfteth vp al that fal downe / & easeth all that he hurte.
For the lorde sercheth al hertes 1. pa. 18 the perceyueth all the thoughtes of the mynde / yf thou wylte seke hī thou shalt finde hī / but if y • forsake him / he wyl cast the away for euer.
Seke the lorde / whyle he ma [...] Esa. 55 be founde / call on him whyle he i [...] at hande / let the wycked leue hi [...] way / and the vniust man his imagynations / & let him retorne vut the lorde / and he wyll haue merc [...] on hym / and vnto oure god / for h [...] is great and redy to forgyue.
Sauour ye of the lorde in goodnes Sap. 1. & symplycite of hert / seke hi [...] out for they shall fynde hym whyche do nat tempte him / and appereth vnto them which trust in hi [...]
The ryche haue neded / and hauben Ps. 33. hungry / but they y • seke y • lorde shal nat fayle of any good thig [...]
The lorde is good to al y • trust i [...] Ebre. 3 him / vnto y e soule y t will seke him
The good lorde wyl be mercyfu [...] 2 pa. 30 vnto all that seke out with al the [...] hertꝭ the lorde god of their fader [...] nor he wyll nat lay to thē any sinne bycause they be lesse sanctifyc [...]
And whan they wyll reuerte i [...] 1. pa 15. their trouble / & wyll crye vnto th [...] lorde god of Israel / and wyll sek [...] him / they shall fynde him.
For theyr truste is in teir sauiour / & Ecc 34 the eyes are set on him that tour him / he that dreadeth y e lorde shall nat tremble nor bē aferde / for [...]is hope is in him / he that feateth the lorde his soule is blessed / whan he regardeth / he also is his defēce.
For the eyes of the lorde do beholde 1. pa. 26 all the erth / & gyue strength vnto all that bose ue in him with a perfyte herte.
The eyes of the lorde are set on Ec. 34. suche as feare him / the protectour of power / the foūdation of vertu / the couer of heate / and the moone shadowe / y e in treatour of offēding / [...]h [...]lpar [...]myschaunce / exaltynge the soule / & gyuyng light to y e eyes [...]uyng helth & lyfe & benedietion. The eyes of the lorde a [...] set vpon 1. Pet. 3 the rightwyse / and his eares vnto the prayer of them.
Beholde the eyes of the lorde are Psa. 32 vpon all that feare him / and vpon suche as truste in his mercy.
Taste & se how the lorde is swete Ps. 33. blessed is the manne that trusteth [Page] in hym.
Trust in god / and worke goodnes Ps. 36. / and inhabytre the erth / and thou shalt fede in the ryches of it
And thou shalt knowe how thy Rume 1 lorde god is a god myghty & true keping couenaūre and mercy to a [...] that loue him.
The lorde is good and cōforterl [...] in tyme of trouble / & wyll know [...] all that trust in him.
They that trust in the lorde s [...]al Es. 40 chaūge in strength / and shall hau [...] fethers as Egles / they shal ronn [...] and nat labour / they shall go / and yet shall nat faynte.
He that trusteth in the lorde / i [...] Prouer 16. p 146. blessed.
For the lorde is well contente [...] with all that feare him / and wit [...] them that trust in his mercy.
Euyll shall nat happen to hy [...] Eccl. 33 that feareth god / but god shal preserue him in temptacion / and delyuer him from all euyll.
They that feare the lorde / hau [...] Ps. 113. trusted in the lorde / he is their he [...] [Page] [...]er and theyr defender.
you that feare the lorde abyde Eccl. 2. his mercy / and do nat tourne from hym leste ye fall / ye that feare the lorde beleue hym / and your rewar [...]e shall nat be frustrat [...] ye that fea [...]e the lorde trust in him and mercy shall come to you at pleasure.
All congregatiōs of people trust Ps. 61. [...] in bun: Shede before him your hertꝭ / god is our helpar euermore.
Saluation of the rightwyse is Psa. 36 of god / & he is their defender in the tyme of trybulation.
And the lorde shall helpe them and delyuer them / and shall rydde them from mysdoers / and shall sa [...]e them bycause they haue trusted in him.
The skourges of a synner ar manyfolde / he Psa 31. that trusteth in the lorde shall be compassed with mercy.
Blessed be all that trust in him. Psal. 2. Hie. 17
That manne is cursed that tru [...]eth in man / & maketh flesshe his [...]efence / whose herte swarueth frō [...]he lorde.
Blessed is the man that [...] in the lorde & shal be his [...].
He that trusteth in hym that Eccl. 31 nat be mad [...] worse.
It is better to trust in the lord [...] [...]. 117. than to trust in man.
It is better to trust in the lorde than to trust in prynces.
He y t feareth mā shal sone fal / h [...] Prouer 29. Sap. 3. y • trusteth in y e lorde shal be holpe
They that trust in him shal perceyue the truth / & the faythful sha obey him in loue / for rewarde an [...] peace is vnto his electe.
The people se and do nat vnderstande Sap 4 / nor do remembre such thynges in their hertes / howe th [...] grace and mercy of god is vnto h [...] sayntes / & regarde his electe.
The lorde doth nat forsake hi [...] [...] Re. 12 people / for his great names sak [...]
God wyl [...] at put backe his peple Ps. 93. / and wyl nat forsake his inherytaunce.
Truely god wyll nat gyue b [...] Ec 47 his mercy.
They y t truste in the lorde as [...] [...]. 124. [Page] hyl of Syon shal neuer be moued. 1 pa. 20
Beleue in your lorde god / and [...]e shall be sure / beleue his prophetes / and all thynges shall come to passe happely.
The rightwyse shall lyue by his Hab. 2 fayth.
Abraham beleued god / & it was Ro. 4. toūted vnto him for rightwysnes.
It is nat written for him only / that it was rekened to hym for ryghtwysnes / but also for vs / to whome it shalbe counted for ryght [...]snes / so that we beleue on him that reysed vp Iesu Chryste our lorde from death / whiche was delyuered for our synnes / & dyd ryse [...]nyne for to iustyfye vs.
Now trust in Chryste Iesu / ye Ephe 2 that some tyme were ferre of / are brought uere by y • blode of Chryst
Seyng therfore that we be iusti [...]d Ro. 5. by fayth / we haue pease with [...]od through our lord Iesu Christ by whom we haue a waye in throuth fayth vnto this fauour wherein he stande & reioyse in hope of the [Page] prayse that shall be gyuen of t [...] sonne of god.
Christ is the ende of the lawe / t [...] Roma. 10. iustifye all that beleue.
If thou do cōfesse the lorde [...] su with thy mouth / and wolte b [...] leue in thy herte y • god reysed hi [...] from the dead / he shal be saued fo [...] the beleue of the herte iustyfye [...] & to cōfesse w t the mouth saueth▪
who that trusteth him / shall n [...] Esa. 28 be shamed.
Do nat therfore lese your con [...] dence Heb. 10 / that is worthye greatte [...] wardes.
For it behoueth hi that come [...] Hebr 11 vnto god / to beleue / that he is / at that he rewardeth them that se [...] after hym.
He is a redemer and a sauiou [...] Dan. 6. workynge sygnes and meruayl [...] both in heuen and in erth.
The lorde looseth the fettcer [...] [...]. 145. the lorde giueth syght to the bl [...] de / the lorde lifteth vp suche as fallen / the lorde loueth the ryghwyse / the lorde prescrueth strau [...] [Page] [...] / he will defende the infaunt / and the wydowe / and wyll destroy the wayes of synners.
The lorde kepeth y • frō al euyll Ps. 120 the lorde kepeth thy soule.
The lorde kepeth thy in goyng and vngoyng / from hēsforth and euermore.
Our god / is the god of saluati [...] Ps. 67 Ps. 77
Verely he is mercyfull and wyl forgyue their synnes / and wyl nat dystroye them. Ps. 24
All the wayes of the lorde be in mercy and truth / to them that seke his testamēt / & y e recordes of him. Ecc. 36
All the workes of the lorde are very good.
He loueth mercy and Iugemēt Ps. 32. with his mercy the erthe is replenysshed.
For god loueth mercy & truth / Ps. 83. the lorde shal gyue grace and glorye.
Confesse to the lorde / for he is Ps. 117 good / and that his mercy is euerlastynge.
Israel may say now that he is [Page] good / and that his mercy is the [...] [...]a stynge.
Blesse ye god (O heuens) an [...] Tho. 12 confesse vnto hem before all creatures / that he hath shewed mer [...] vnto you / for it is good to kept s [...] crete the sacrament of a kinge bu [...] to dysclose and confesse the [...] kes of god / it is honorable.
Thou shalt knowlege and pra [...] se [...]e. 17. god / & thou shalte reioyse tu h [...] pytefulnes. Ps. 129
In the lorde is mercy and plentuous redemption / and he shal [...] deme Israel / from all his [...] tees.
The lorde is a pyteer and m [...] cy [...] 441 full patient / and passyng merc [...] full.
The lorde is louyng vnto a [...]re turts / and his mercyes d [...] [...]ced all his workes.
The mercyes of the lorde ar m [...] ny Thre. 3 folde / for we be nat cons [...]med for his pite hath nat fayled.
For lyke vnto his greatnes [...] Eccl. 2. is his mercy in him.
The pyre of a man is but emploi [...]d Ec. 18. vnto his neyghbour / but the py [...] of god [...]s vnto cuery creature.
The mercy of god is beautefull Ercl. 35 [...] to me of tribulation / lyke as a showre of raine ī tyme of drought.
Blessed be god / and the father 2. Lor. 1 of our lorde Ihesu Christe the father of mercy / and god of all consolation / whiche doth conforte vs in all our tribulation.
But god which is richt in mercy Ephe. 2 thorough the excedyng charitie that he bare vnto vs / whā we were deade in synne / hathe re [...]y [...]ed vs with Christe / by whose grace ye [...]e saued.
But after that the benignt [...] & Titū. 3. [...]ndeues of god our sauyoure appered to manwarde [...] as for [...]y dedes of ryghtwysenesse: that the [...]d done / but accordynge vnto his mercy he hath saued vs by the wel of regeneracion / and by the [...] ynge of the holy ghoste / the whiche [...]shed on vs had oundauntly thorough [Page] Iesu Chryst our sauyour so that we beyng ons iustifyed [...] his grace / shulde be heyres of et [...] nall lyfe through hope. Iam. 5.
For the lorde is mercyfull an pytefull.
Blessed be god the father of ou [...] 1. Pet. 2 lorde Iesu Chryste / whiche thorough his habundant mercy hat [...] begotten vs agayne into lyuyng [...] hope by the resurrection of Irs [...] Christ from deth / for to enioye a [...] [...]heritan̄ce that neuer corrupteth [...]
wherfore in all thynges it beca [...] [...]ebr. 2 hym to be made lyke vnto his br [...] thern that he might be a mercyfu [...] and a faythfull Bysshop in thyn [...] ges concernīg god / for to forgyu [...] the synnes of the people.
How great is the mercy of th [...] [...]c. 17. lorde / andhis pardon / to all tha [...] to urne to him.
Tourne ye vnto your lorder go [...] Iohe. 2 for he is kynde [...] mercyfull / pacien [...] and of great pyte / and forgetful of malyce.
whiche only hath preserued yo [...] 1. [...] 20 [Page] from all your harmes & troubles.
Approche ye vnto him / and be Ps. 34 Illumined / and your faces shal nat be shamed.
Tourne therfore you synners / & Tob. 15 [...]o tustyce in the syght of god / and beleue y • he hath shewed his mercy vnto you.
your lorde god id holy and mercyfull / whiche 2 pa. 50 wyll nat tourne his face away from you / if ye wyll reuerte vnto him.
It is good and acceptable in the 1 Tim 2 syght of god our sautoue / whyche wolde haue all men saued / and to come vnto y • know ege of the tru the / for ther is one god and one me by at or betwen god and man / that is Iesu Chryste / the man whiche gaue him selfe a raunsome for all men.
For we haue nat a Bysshop that Hebr. [...] is vnable to haue compassyon on our in fyrmytes / but he was tempted in all thynges / in lyke maner / but yet without synne / let vs go therfore boldly vnto the throne of [Page] his grace / that we maye optay [...] mercy / and fynde fauour in tyn [...] of nede.
For he is able to saue euerlasti [...] Heb. 7 lye / all that a [...]roche vnto god tho [...] rough him / & is euermore lyung and makynge intercessyon for v [...]
For he intēdeth nothing but m [...] cy / he Mic. 7 wyl reuert & wyl haue merc [...] on vs / & wyll put away our wick [...] nes / & wyll cast our synnes down in to the depenes of the see.
The lorde god wyll cast down Esa 25. deth for euer / and wyll take awa [...] the teares from euery face / and th [...] shame of his people out of all th [...] worlde / for the lorde hath spoken & they shall say at that tyme: B [...] holde / this is our god / we wyl lok [...] after hym / and he wyll saue vs / w [...] haue abiddē him / & we shalbe gla [...] & reioyce in the saluation of hym
The lorde hym selfe shal gaue [...] Esa. 7. signe vnto you: Beholde / a vir [...] shall conceyue and beare a sonne whose name shall be Emanuel.
A babe is borne for vs / & a sōn [...] Esai. 6 [Page] gyuen vnto vs / & principalitie so set vpon his sholder / & his name shalde called wonderfull / a coōsellour / a mighty god / y e father of the [...]orld to come / the prince of peace.
Verely he hath suffred our in [...]r [...]ities / and Esa. 53 hath sustayned our sorowes / *& we haue estemed hym as [...]eprofe / and stryken of god / and brought loue.
For he hath wounded hym self for our wyckednes / he was afflycted for our offences / on hym rested the discipline of peace / and were made hole by his grefe / all we wandered as shepe / euery one went of his way / and the lorde toke vpon hym the wickednes of vs all.
And the lorde is made a socour Psa. 9. to the poore / a defender / alwayes redy in the tyme of tribulation.
The lorde is at hande to all y t Psa. 33 be troubled in theyr hertes / and he wyll saue the meke in spirite. The troubles of the ryghtwyse are manyfolde / & from all these / the lorde byll delyuer them.
God is our socour and strēgth [...] P. 45. a defender in our tribulatiōs / wh [...] che we haue foūden ouermoch.
For he wyll delyuer the poore Ps. 71. from the myghty / & the poore that hath no helpar.
He wyll spare the poore and the nedy / and wyll saue the soules of the poore.
They shalbe his people / and he Apo. 12 their god / & god shall wype away euery teare frome theyr eyes / and deth shal nat be any more / nor mornyng / nor cryeng / nor sorowe / after that the fyrst be passed.
If god be on our partie / who can Rom. 8 preuayle agaynst vs / whiche hath nat spared his own sōne / but hath delyuered him for vs al / how than hath nat he giuen vnto vs al thinges with him.
who shall therfore departe vs from the loue of Christ / shall trouble / or myserye / or hungre / or necessyte / or peryll / or persecutyon? or the swerde.
For I am sure that neither deth [Page] [...]or lyfe / nor Angelles / nor rule / [...]or power / nor thynges presente / nor thynges to come / nor strength nor heyght / nor depnes / nor any [...]cature / shall be able to departe vs from the charyte of god / which is in Christ Iesu our lorde.
Se what maner of loue the father Iohn. 5 hathe shewed vnto vs / for to be named the sonnes of god / and so to be in dede.
For the sperite of god doth beate Roma. 8. uytnes vnto our spyryte / that we be the sonnes of god / if we be sonnes / than be we heyres of god / & coheres with Iesu Christ / so y t we do suffre for to be glorifyed.
For the spiryte him self prayeth for vs w syghes vnable to be told
God sente downe the spyrite of Gal. 4 his sonne into our hertes / cryenge [...]ather father / Therfore nowe art thou nat boūde but a sonne / and if thou be a sonne than arte thou an [...]tyre through god.
This is the cōfydence that we 1 Ioa. 5 [...]ue in god / that what so euer we [Page] desire accordyng vnto his whyll [...] hereth vs.
For we do knowe the grace [...] 2 Cor 8 our lorde Iesu Christe thow y • s [...] out sake he was made pore wha [...] he was ryche / to thentent that [...] his pouerty you myght be ryche.
Christe hath redemed vs fro [...] Gala. 3 the curse of the lawe / and was a cursed for vs.
For if thrugh the synne of on death reigneth / moche more the that receiue thabundaūce of gra [...] and the rewarde of tyghtwy sen [...] in lyfe / shall reigne through The [...] Christe. Therfore / like as throug [...] the synne of one [...] / many m [...] we [...] dāyned / euen so through the [...]ush of one man / all men were iustified
For through man came deat 2 cor 15. and through man came the [...]ysy [...] of the dead / & ly [...]c as all dych th [...] rough Adam / euen so wete all [...] ued through Christe.
But the grace of god is eter [...] Rom. 6 lyfe in Christe Thrf [...] our lorde.
For in hym resteth the corp [...] Colos. 2 [Page] [...] / al the godheed full and hole.
Therby appereth the loue of god 1. Io. 4 vnto vs / for god sente his only be [...]otten sonne in to the worlde that we myght lyue through him / ther in was charyte / nat by cause we loued god / but for asmoch as he loued vs before / and sent downe his sonne to for gyue out synnes / most [...]erly beloued / if god hath loued vs than are we bounden one to loue another.
Surely we know / that vnto such Rom. 8 [...]s loue god / all thyuges do worke [...]or the best.
God hath prepared for such as Cor. 2. loue him / thinges / y • no eye hathe [...]uer seen / nor harde with any care neither can be compassed with the thought of mannes herte.
For I suppose y • the affly ctyons Rom. 8 if this lyfe can nat discryue y • glory / which shal be shewed vpon vs.
There is but one lorde of al / whi Ro. 10. [...]he is lyberall to them that cal on [...]ym.
who hath he despysed that hath Eccl. 2. [Page] called on him / for he is a god loly and mercyfull / and forgyueth sy [...]nes in the daye of trybulatyon / [...] is defendour vnto all that call o [...] him in truth. wo be to you of do [...]ble herte and wycked lyppes / an [...] misdoyng handes / & to the synne y • goth two wayes on the groūd [...]
wo be to the dyssolute in herte whiche do nat beleue god / & the [...] fore they shal nat be defēded of h [...]
But after y • he hath called vpo [...] 2. Mat 12. the almyghty / which through h [...] power dothe breke the strength [...] enemyes / they toke the cyte.
And they dyd crye to the lorde p. 106. whan they were troubled / and h [...] delyuered th [...] from their necessy [...]
Unto the voyce of theyr playn Es. 30. te he wyll answere / as sone as [...] hath herde it.
Lo / the hande of y e lorde is n [...] Es. 50. shortened / but that he is able t [...] saue / nor his ear is nat so stoppe [...] but he can here.
Be ye therfore subdued vnder 2. Pet 5 mighty hande of god / that he ma [...] [Page] [...]xalte you ī the tyme of visitation putting al your care in him / for he hath charge of you.
He hath created both small & Psa. 6. gret / and equalyte he hath cure of [...]ll thynges.
Drede the lorde ye that be his Psa. 33 sayntes / for there is no scarsyte to any that drede him.
Delyte in the lorde / and he shall Ps. 36. graunte vnto the [...] thy peticy on of thy herte. disclose thy wayes vnto the lorde / and trust in him / and he wyll do for the.
The steppes of man shalbe directed by the lorde / whan he happeth to fable he shal nat be hurte / for y e lorde shall put vnder his hande.
I was yonge and wared olde / and I haue nat scen the rightwyse for sake / nor any of his Issue destitu [...] of lyuyng for always he pitieth [...]bideth & his seed shal be blessed.
Last thy thought vpon the lorde Ps. 54 and he shall norisshe the / and he [...]yl neuer gyue trouble to y e right [...]yse.
Haue confydence in the lorde Pro. 3. with all thyne herte / and do na [...] trust in thyne owne wysdome! I [...] all thy wayes remembre him / and he shall ordre thy steppes.
The lorde shall nat aff [...]cte th [...] Pro. 30 soule of the ryghtwyse w t hungr [...] & he shal ouerthrowe the awayte [...] of the wycked.
Dysclose thy workes vnto th [...] Pro. 16 lorde / and thy thought shal be dyrected / the lorde hath wrought al [...] thynges for him self / and the wicked vnto an euyll daye.
The herte of man dysposeth his way / but it longeth vnto the lord [...] for to dyrecte his steppes.
Many thoughtes do ron in th [...] Pro. 19 herte of a man / but the wyll of th [...] lorde abydeth euermore.
It is good for to abide the salu [...] tion Thre. 3. of the lorde with sylence.
Therfore the lorde doth tarye t [...] Esa. 30 haue mercy on the / and he shall [...] exalted in sparing of you / for he [...] [Page] the lorde god of iugement / blessed are they that loke after him.
In thy mornynge thon shalt nat nede to mourn / for he that pitieth wyll haue mercy on the.
For god is thy mercyfull lorde Deut 4 god.
And his mercy is on al them that Luc. 1. feare him through out all generatyons.
Do nat say I wyll do harme for Pro. 20 barme / but tary vpō the lorde / and he wyll delyuer the.
Kepe your selues in the loue of Iude. 1 god / loking after the mercy of our lorde Iesu Christ / for y • lyfe euerlastynge.
For the grace of god / that gy [...]eth Titio. 2 helth vnto al men hath appe [...]ed / and taught vs for to denye al vngodlynes / and worldly lustes & that we shuld lyue honestly / ryght [...]isly & godly in this present worl [...] / lokynge for that blyssed hope [...]glorious appcryng of the migh [...]e god & our sauiour Iesu Christ [Page] the which gaue him self for vs.
For to redeme vs from all vnrightwysnesse / and to purge vs [...] peculyar people vnto him folow yng good workes.
Happy at they / whose vnrigh [...] Psa. 31 wysnes is forgyuen / & the synne ar kepte secrete.
Happy is that man [...] to who [...] god hathe nat rekened any synn [...] and in whose herte there is no d [...] ceyte.
Happy is that man whiche [...] Iob. 5. corrected by the lorde / the correcyon of the lorde / thou shalte na [...] therfore refuse / for he woundeth healeth / he stryketh / & his hau [...] maketh hole.
The lorde kylleth & reuyueth 1. Ke. 2. he bryngeth downe to hell & bri [...] geth out / the lorde maketh poo [...] and maketh ryche / he putteth done and setteth vp.
For the lorde punyssheth by Heb. 12 that he loueth / and he scourge euery childe whom he receyueth seuer in lernyng. God offreth h [...] [Page] self vnto you / as vnto his sonnes / for what sonne is ther / whom the father doth nat correcte.
Furthermore we haue had our carnall fathers as teachers / and them we did obey / shal we nat therfore moche more obey our spyrituall father by whom we shal lyue?
Truely euery lernyng semeth nowe nat to be ioyfull / but soroufull / but afterwarde it shal bringe forth the most mylde fruit of right wysnes vnto all that at exercysed in it.
For our excedyng try bulatyon 2 cor. 4 which is transytorie & light / prepareth an excedynge / & in eternall weyght of glorye vnto vs whyle we be in the cont [...]plaryon / nat of thiges visyble / but of y • vnuisyble
For whom the lorde loueth he Pro. 3. correcteth / and taketh a cōceyte in him / as in his sonne.
My brethern coūte it exceding Ia [...]e 1 Ioye / whan ye fal in to diuers tēpracyons / remembryng howe that the tryeng of your fayth bringeth [Page] pacyence.
Vnderstande that lyke as ye b [...] 2 Lor. 1 felowes in payne / euen so shall y [...] be in conforte.
God is faithfull / whiche shall 1. cor. 10 nat suffre you to be tēpted abou [...] your strength / but shal in the myddes of your tēptation make away for you to escape out.
For the lyues of the ryghtwys [...] Sapi. 3 be in the handes of god / and the tourment of deth shall nat touch [...] them.
And natwithstandying that they haue suffred torment before men yet their hope is replenisshed with Immortalyte. 2 Pet. 2
God knoweth how to delyue [...] the vertuous out of temptation [...] to reserue the wycked / vnto the day of iugment / for to be tourmē ▪ ted.
He wyll delyuer the poore ou [...] Iob. 36 of his myserye / and he wyll ope [...] his care in tyme of trybulation.
He dealeth paciently for you [...] 2. Pet. 3 sakes / and is loth that any shuld [...] [Page] peryshe / but that all shulde tourne vnto repentaunce.
whan we ar iuged we ar corrected 1. Cor. 11 by the lorde / by cause we shall nat be condempned w t this world.
He hath chastysed vs for oure Teb. 13 vnrightwysenes / and he wyl saue vs for his mercyes sake.
All thynges ar of god / which 2 Cor. 5 hath reconsyled vs vnto him self / by Ihesu Christ / & hath gyuen vs the office to preach the accorde / for god was in Christ / and made the agrement bytwen the worlde and him selfe / & rekened nat their syn [...]es vnto them / and hathe cōmytted vnto vs the preachinge of the accorde.
Holy / holy / the god of batayle Esa. 6. all the erthe is replenysshed with his glorie. Colos 1
For it pleased the father that in him shulde all [...]lentuousnes remayne / and by him to reconsyle althynges vnto him selfe / and to set [Page] a peas by hym through the blode of his crosse w t what so euer that was either in heuen or in erth
For he hath borne our synnes 1 Pet. 2 with his body vpon a tree / to then tent that we shulde be dead / as cō cernyng synne / and shulde lyue in ryghtwysnes.
Chryst dyed ones for our synnes 1. pet. 3 ryghtuous for the vuryghtuous / for to offre vs vnto god mortifyed in flesshe / but reuyued in spiryte.
He doth purge vs frō all synne 1 Iohn 1 by the blode of Ihesu Chryste his sonne / if we saye that we be without synne / we do deceyue our owne selues / and the truth is nat in vs.
If we knowlege our synnes / he 1. Io. 2 is faythful and iust to forgyue vs our synnes / and to clense vs frō al vnryghtuousnes.
My lytle chyldren / these thynges 1. Io. 2 wrytte I vnto you / y e ye shuld nat synne / and if any man synne / yet haue we an aduocate with the father Iesu Christ which is right wise / & he it is that optayneth grace [Page] for our synnes / nat for our synnes only / but also for the synnes of all the worlde.
Chyldren I wrytte vnto you / how that your sinnes ar forgiuen for his names sake.
For there is no differēce / all he Rom [...]. ue synned / and do lacke the prayse that is of value before god / we are iustified frely by his grace thrugh the redempty on that is in Chryste Iesu / whom god hath made a sea te of mercy through fay the in his blode / to shew the ryghtwysnes / whiche before him is of valour in that he forgyueth the synnes that ar passed / whiche god dyd suffre to shewe at this tyme the ryghtwysnes that is alowed of him / that he myght be counted iust and a rustyfier of hī that beleueth in the faith of Iesu Christ.
God hath wrapped all nacions Ro. 11. in vnbeleue / to the entent that he might haue mercy on al / o the depnes of thabūdāt wysdome & know [Page] lege of god / how in conprchensyble ar his iugementes / & his wais vnsorcheable.
The scripture hath wrapped al Gala. 3 thynges vnder synne / that the promyse shulde be fulfylled vnto all y e do beleue in the faythe of Ihesu Christ.
By whom we haue redemption Ephe. 1 through his blode / that is to saye the forgyuenes of synnes accordyng to the rychesse of his grace / whiche he hathe shed on vs aboū dantly in all wysdome & prudēce.
which is the ernest of our inherytaunce / to redeme the possession purchased vnto the laude of hys glorye.
For through him we both haue Ephe. 2 an open way in / in one spyryte vnto the father.
In whom we haue cōfydence / [...] away open in a surety / through the fayth of heuen.
He entred ones for all into the Hebr. 9 holy place / and founde eternall redemptyon. [Page] Chryst was offred to wasshe away the synnes of many.
Thankes be vnto god whych 1 Cor 15 hath gyuen vs vyctorye / through our lorde Iesu Chryste.
The which Iesu he hath reysed 1. The. 1 vp from the dead / which hath delyuered vs from the vengeaūce that is to come.
For god hath nat apoynted vs 1. The. [...] vnto wrath / but to obtaīe helth by the meane of our lorde Iesu christ whiche dyed for vs / that whether we wake or slepe / we shulde liue togyder with hym.
For if we lyue to the lorde / we Ro. 14 lyue / and if we dye vnto the lorde we dye / therfore whether we do lyue or dye / we be the lordes.
It is a faythfull worde & worthy 1. Tib. 1 to be alowed that Christ Iesu cam īto this worlde for to saue sinners.
The lawe was gyuen by Moyses Iohn. 1 [Page] but grace and truthe cam by Iesu Chryste.
ye know that ye were nat redemed 1. Pet. 1 with corruptyble golde or siluer / but with the precious blod of Chryst / as of a lambe vndefyled & without spotte / which was ordeyned before the worlde was made.
Grace be with you & peas from Sala. 1 god the father / and from our lorde Ihesu Christe / whiche gaue him selfe for our synnes / to delyuer vs from this present euyll worlde.
Our lorde Iesu christ him selfe 2 The 2 and god our father whiche hathe loued vs and hath gyuen vs euerlastyng consolation / and good hope through grace / conforte your hertes / & stably she you in all good sayeng and doyng.
which hath delyuered vs frō the Col. 1. power of derkenesse / & hath translated vs into the kingdome of his dere sone in whō we haue redemption through his blode / that is to wyt forgyuenes of synnes.
And whā ye were deed in synne & Colo. 2 [Page] by the vncircūsition of your flessh he quickened you / and hath forgyuen vs our trespasses / & hath cancelled the obligation y • was agaist vs / made in the lawe wrytten. Heb 10
Seyng brother that by the meanes of chrysts blod / we may be bolde to entre into that holy place / by the newe & lyuyng way / through this vale / that is to witte / by his fleshe / and seing also that we haue an hyghe preest / whiche is ruler ouer the house of god / let vs draw nere w t a true herte / in a ful fayth.
Come and let vs ascende vnto y e Esa. 2. mounte of the lorde god / of Iacob and he shal teache vs his wayes / & let us walke after his steppes.
Be nat aferde / beholde I bring Luc. 2. you tidīges of gret Ioyc that shal come vnto all the people / for vnto you is borne this dayne in the cyte of Dauyd / a sauiour / whyche is christ the lorde / glory vnto god on high / and peace on the erthe / and vnto men that reioyse.
Feare uat Marye / thou hast Luc. 1. [Page] founde grace with god / lo / y u shalt conceyue in thy wombe / and shalt beare a sonne / and thou shalt call his name Iesus / he shalbe great / & shalbe called the sōne of y e higest / And the lorde god shal gyue vnto him the seat of Dauyd his father / and he shal reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer / & of his kigdom shalbe none ende.
The holy gost shal come vpon the / and the power of the highest shall ouer shadowe the / for with god shall nothige be Impossyble.
Blessed be the lorde god of Israell / for he hath vysyted and redemed his people.
And hath raysed vp the horne of helthe vnto vs / in the house o [...] his seruaunte Dauyd.
Euen as he promysed by th [...] mouth of his holy prophetes / wh [...] che were syns the worlde begon.
That we shuld be preserued frō our [...] [Page] [...]nt enemyes / and from the hades of all that hate vs.
To shew merci toward our faders [...] for to remēbre his holy promyse
That is to say / the othe which he sware to our father Adrahā for to gyue vs.
That we delyuered out of y e boū des of our enemis / my [...]t serue him [...]thout feare all the dayes of our lyfe / in suche holynes & ryghtwysenes that ar except before him.
And thou chyld shalt be called y e [...]phete of the [...]est▪ for thou shalt [...]as defore the fare of the lorde to prepare his wayes.
And to gyue knowlege of helthe vnto his people for the remyssyon a [...] synnes.
Through the tendre mercy of our lorde / wherwith he hathe visyted vs / spryngyng from an hygh.
To gyue lyght to them y t sate in [...] & in shadow of deth / & to [...] our fore in to the way of pease [...]ōfesse the lorde / & call vpō his Esa. 12 [...]ame / publishe among the natiōs / [Page] his meruaylous workꝭ / & remēbr [...] that his name is aboue all other
ye shal draw waters ioyfully o [...] of the welles of the fauyour. prays [...] ye the lorde / for he hath done [...] ce Hently / preach it through all th [...] erth / reioyse & prayse (o ye inhab [...] tasites of Syon) for in the mydd [...] of you is the gret saynt of Israe [...] Let your soules reioyse in his m [...] cy / & Eccl. 15 be ye abasshed ī y e laude of [...]
Thy lorde god is myghty / in t [...] Soph 3 myddell of the he shall saue.
Sonne do nat forgette thy self Eccl 38 thyne infyrmytie / but pray v [...] the lorde / and he shall cure the.
Come / and let vs retourne v [...] Hoz. 6 the lorde / for he hath taken / & [...] heale vs / he wyll stryke / & yet [...] oure vs.
which healeth the contrite in [...] te / ps 146 and aswageth theyr sorow.
Thou shalt cal his name Ies [...] Mat. 11 shalsaue his peple frō their s [...]
And Iesu wente all Galy [...] Mat 4 chyng in theyr sygnagog [...]s [...]o chyng the gospell of the [...] [Page] & healyng al maner of sycknesses & dyseases among the people.
And al the multitude preased for Luc. 6. to touche him / for vertue went out of him and healeth them all.
He cōforted the women that was Mar. 5 dyseased with the blody slyre / say [...]gr / doughter thy fayth hath sa [...] the / go thy waye in peas / & be thou hole of thy plage.
He sayd vnto Centuryon / go thy Mat. 8 waye / & as thou hast beleued euyn [...]o be it vnto the.
But Iesu pceyuynge their fayth Mat. 9 [...]ayd vnto him that had the palsey Be of good chere sou / thy synnes [...]t forgyuen the.
Also he spake vnto Symon the Luc. 7 [...]arisey / by the woman that was synner / moche synne is forgyuen [...]er by cause she loueth moch.
Iesus answered vnto the womā [...]yth. Ma. 15 euyn as thou wylte so be it [...]ne vnto the. and after that hour [...] doughter was hole.
[...]e said vnto the rular of the synagoge. Mar. 5 [Page] Be nat a frayde only beleu [...]
He sayd vnto Martha. Dyd n [...] Ioā. 11. I tell the / that if thou woldest b [...] leue / y • shuldest se the glory of god
He comforted the father of y e l [...] Mar. 9 narike / sayeng. If thou canst find in thyne herte to beleue / all thinge are possyble to one that beleueth
He sayde vnto the blynde ma [...] Mat. 9 Do ye beleue that I can doo th [...] vnto you / accordynge vnto you [...] fayth / be it done vnto you.
He rebuked his disciples for the [...] Ma. 16 vnbelefe / saiēg. O ye of lyttel fai [...] why are your myndes troubled bycause ye haue no bred.
He sayde vnto the woman th [...] Ioā. 8. was taken in aduoutry. woma [...] where be they that accused the. wyll nat condempne the / goot [...] waye and synne nomore.
He sayd vnto the demonyake / [...] Mar. 5 home vnto thy frendes / & tell th [...] how moche the lorde hath done [...] the / & how he had mercy on the.
He dyd incourage the thefe w [...] Luc. 23 these wordes / truly I say vnto [Page] this day y u shalt be w t me in padyse He cōmaunded zachee syttyng in Luc. 19 the syc [...]mer tree / that he shulde co [...]e downe hastely.
He cōmaunded Mathew sytting Mat. 9 at the receyte of custome that he [...]ulde folow him.
By the example of the Ryotous Luc. 15 sonne / Christ sygnifyeth vnto vs the synguler fauour and excedyng [...]ercy of his fader sayeng / whā he was a great way of / he espied him and hastyng towarde him / embraced his necke and kyssed him.
As Iesu wēt forth he saw a gret Mar. 6 multitude / & had pite on them / for they were as shepe hauyng no shep [...]erde.
He couraged his discyples / whā they toke hi for a spirite / sayeng / he of good chere / it is I / be nat [...]trayde.
Of the great fauour of god to [...]ardes vs / the remēbraunce wher [...]f shall vehemētly stirre vs agayn [...]to the loue of so benygne a god and father.
ANd he hath set me at large Ps. 17. he hath saued me / bycause is his pleasUre.
By the lorde shal y e steppes of m [...] Ps. 36. be directed / & he shal rule his wa [...] He was offred / for so was his ple [...] sure / & Esa. 53 hath nat opened his mout [...]
whiche coueteth to haue all me 1 Tim 2 saued / and for to come vnto kno [...] lege of the trouth. Mic. 7
He wyl nat s [...]d ī his furour w t o [...] cause / for he entēdeth mercy onl [...]
Nor god wyll nat that any so [...] le 2 Re 14 shulde be lost / but he deuyseth him selfe / thynkyng howe he m [...] preserue him from perisshyng th [...] is cast awaye.
So / it is nat the pleasure of yo [...] Mat 18 father in heuyn / that any of the lytell ons / shuld perisshe.
O Hierusalem / Hierusalem / w [...] che Mat 23 kyllest prophetes / and ston [...] thē to deth that are sent [...] vnto t [...] how often wolde I haue gather thy chyldren to gyther / as a hen [...] gathereth her checkyns vnder [...] wynges / but ye wolde nat
Facyon nat your selues accordynge Ro. 12. vnto this worlde / but be ye reformed in a new vnderstandyng that ye may fele what thyng / that good / that acceptable and perfyte [...]yll of god is.
I wyl nat the deth of him that is Eze. 18 lyke to dye. the lorde god sayth / retourne and lyue.
The vncleunes is habominable / Eze▪ 4 for I wolde haue clensed the / and thou woldest nat be elensed of thy fylthy.
For this is the pleasure of the father Ioan 6 that sente me that of all whiche he hath gyuen me I shulde lese nothyng / but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the laste day.
And this is the wyll of my fader that sent me / that euery man whiche seeth the sōne & beleueth on hi haue euerlastig lyfe / & I wyl rayse hym vp at the last daye.
Father I wyll that they which shou hast giuen me / be where as I am / that they maye see my glorye whiche thou hast gyuen me.
Lorde if thou wylt / thou caus [...] Ma [...]. 8 make me clene. Iesus putte fort his hande & touched him / sayeng I wyll be clene.
what we loest thou that I shuld Luc. 18 do vnto the / and he answerd / lor [...] let me haue syght / and Iesu say [...] vnto him / Receyue thy syght / th [...] fayth hath saued the.
Lorde in thy good mynde do wel [...] Ps. 50. vnto Syon / that the walles of Jrusalem may be bylded.
Lorde thou hast couered vs wit [...] Psal. 5. the shylde of thy good wyll.
Thou hast holde my right hand [...] Ps. 72. & baste conducted me at thy pleasure / & hast receyued me with glor [...]
How could any thynge abyde / o [...] Sap. 11 les it were thy pleasure.
Or how coulde any thynge be pr [...] scrued / but y • it were called of the
O lorde that louest soules / tho [...] sparest all bycause they are thyne
¶ Certayne examples of both th [...] testamentes / wherein it apperet [...] euydently with how gret beny g [...] te [Page] and gentylnes almyghtye god dyd comforte his seruauntes.
ABraham going forth frō the Gen. 12 15 17 &. 18. lande of Aran his naturall coūtrey / was ladde by god / which oftētymes dyd hi refressh & cōfort.
Loth was p̄serued by almyghty Ge. 19. gof from the subuersyon & destrucsyon of Sodome.
The myserable calamyte & aduer Ge. 41 syte of Ioseph in Egypte / was by god cōuerted into hygh welth and prosperyte.
Iacob was cōforted & incoraged Ge. 28. by god whan he fledde frome the syght of his brother Esau.
God also dyd make bolde & incorage Iosue 1 Iosue / sayng these wordes. I wil nat leue the nor forsake the. He appered cōfortably vnto [...]or Exo. 3. ses kepig his shepe & beig in exyle.
He [...]edde Helyas in wyldernes 3 Re 17 by the space of iiii. dayes & holpe him whan he fledd & was discōforted w t the thretenyng of Iezabell.
He conforted the prophete Ezechyas 4 re. 18 whan he dyd complayne of the rebukes of Sennacheris. Tobe. 3
He dyd also comforte Thoby & Saram in their petityō & prayer
He dyd meruelously comforte Iud 10 the iewes whiche wete beseged by Holoferne. Dan. 3.
He did meruelously by his an gell preserue and saue. iii. chyldre in a byrnnyng fournate.
He holpe Danyell beyng in a Dan 4 dune y • he was nat deuored of lyōs
He delyuered Susan both frō Dan. 13 rebuke and deth / other wayes thā was her hope.
He did comfort the apostles with Acto. 2 a comfortable ghost.
In lykewyse he comforted Paule Ae. 16. by a visyon.
And Ioā also ī thile of Pathmos Apoc. 1 Ac. 13. Luc. 1.
Peter also beyng in captyuyte.
And also the blessed vyrgin Mary / za charia / Elizabeth / & Ioseph what nede we of more.
There is one god which doth all 1. co. 12. thyng in respecte of al creatures.
Iesus Christ is one / & vniforme / Heb 13. yesterday / this day / and euer.
By christ our cōfort doth encrece 2. Co. 1 Hebr. 1 which god seyng he is the light & bryghtnes of Ioye / the forme & fygure of his substance / & berynge al thyng w t one worde of his power / makyng also a purgatory of sinne and sytteth on the ryght hande of his maiestye in heuen.
And seyng he hath loued his seruaūtes Ioā. 13 in this worlde / sayeng this I haue loued you to the ende.
what man wyll accuse agaynste Rom. 8 the electe people of god / it is god y • dyd Iustice / who is he y • wyl condēpne / it is Iesus christ the which dyed / & rose frō deth to lyfe & is on the ryght hande of god / which maketh Intercession for vs.
who can declare the vertue of his Eccl 18 magnytud / or who wyl take vpon him to describe the mercy of god.
These thynges be wryttē that ye Io. 20 shulde beleue that Iesus Chryste is the son of god / & as ye beleue so shal ye haue lyfe by y e nam of god.
He suffered the synnes of many Esa. 53 men / & for their offēces dyd entrete
¶ The prayer of Chryst for all faythfull people.
FAther y e houre is come gloryfy Io. 17 thy sonne / y e thy sonne may glorify y e / as y • hast giuen him power ouer al flesshe / that he shulde gyue eternall lyfe / to as many as thou hast gyuen him.
This is lyfe eternall / that they myght knowe the only very god / & whom thou hast sent Iesu Chryst I haue glorifyed the on the erthe / I haue fynysshed the worded which thou gauest me to do. And now glorifi me thou fader in thine own presens / with the glorie whiche I had with the before y e worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto the men / which thou gauest me out of the worlde: thyne they were / and thou hast gy [...] them to me / & they haue kept thy sayeng [...]. Now they haue knowen that al thyng [...] what soeuer [...] ho [...] hast gyuen me were o [...] [Page] the / for I haue gyuen vnto thē the wordes which y • gauest me / & they haue receyued thē / & haue knowen surely y • I cam out from the / & haue beleued that y • dydest sende m [...] / I pray for thē / I pray nat for the worlde / but for the whiche y • haste gyuen me / for they are thyne / and al myne ar thyne / & thyne ar myne & I am glorifyed in thē / & now am I no more in the worlde / but they at in the world / and I come to the holy father / kepe in thyne own name thē whiche y • hast gyuen me / y • they may be one / as we are / whyse I was w e thē in the worlde / I kept thē in thy name. Those that thou gauest me haue I kepte / & none of thē is lost / but y • lost chylde / y • stripture myȝt be fulfylled. Now cōe I to the / & these wordes speke I in y • worlde y • they might haue my Ioy full in thē / I haue gyuen them thy doctryne / & the worlde hath hated thē by cause they ar nat of y e world t [...]en as I am [...]at of the worlde / I desyre nat y t thou shuldest take thē [Page] out of the world but thou kepe thē frō euyll / they ar nat of the worlde as I am nat of the worlde / sāctifye thē in thy truth / thy sayeng is very te / as thou dydest send me into the worlde / euen so haue I sent thē into the worlde / & for theyr sakes sāc tyfye I my self / y e they also myght be sanctyfyed through the truth / I pray nat for thē alone / but for the al [...]o which shall beleue on me thorought theyr prechyng / that they all may be one / as thou father art in me / & I in the / that they may be also one in vs / that the world may beleue that thou hast sēt me & that glorie y • thou gauest me / I haue geuen them that they may be one as we at one / I in them / & thou in me / that they may be made Pfet in one / & that the worlde may knowe that thou hast sent me / & hast loued thē as thou hall loued me.
Father I wyl that they which [...] hast geuē me / be with one where I am / y • they may se my glory / which thou hast gyuen me / for thou haste [Page] loued me before the makyng of the worlde. O rightwyse father the very worlde hath nat knowen y • / but I haue knowen / & these haue knowe [...] that thou hast sent me / & I ha [...] declared vnto thē thy name / and wyldee [...]re it that the loue wher [...] shou louest thē / be in them & that I be in them.
who that is wyse & obserue these Ps 106 thynges / he shal pceue the mercy of the lorde.
To the entent that the boke shuld be replenisshed we haue added ther vnto certayn orysōs / prayers / & exhort a cyons of holy fathers / pphe [...] kyng [...] & other noble & ryghtwise men of ouly fayth / trust / & confydē te to be had in god.
¶ A blame of them that mystrust in batayle
The words [...] of the pphete Anā to kyng Iudab / for because thou hast Par. 1. 26. put thy trust in the kyng of Syria & not in thy lorde god / therfore the kig of Syrya did escape out of thy power. were nat also y e mē of Iude [Page] and Lybia endued w t many mo ch [...] retts & horsemen / & also w t a moc [...] greatter multytude of people wh [...] whan y • dydest put thy trust in thy lorde god he thē delyuered īto thy handes & power? The eyes truely of our lorde doth beholde al y e wor [...] de / & his power & fortytude to thē which w t a perfect hert doth beleue in him / therfore [...] dydest folyshely & for that also warre shal aryse agaynst the in this present tyme.
¶ The prayer of Asa kyng of Iuda.
[...] This prayer sayd Asa vnto out lorde what tyme that zara a mā o [...] Iude came agaynst him w t a L. M sowdyers & men of warre / and also with thre hundreth Charettes.
O good lorde in the there is no delay nor dystaunce / whether y • do helpe with fewe or w t many / o out lorde god helpe vs for we truly hauyng only out trust & confydēce [...] the & in thy name / be come agaynst this gret multytude / y • art our god [...] agaynst the no man may p̄uayle [Page] It chastsed therfore that y e men of Iude were disperssed / & y • kyng did strike them vnto theyr distructiō & deth.
¶ The exortation of Asarye son to Obed in warre & tyme of vexatyon.
[...] Our lorde is w t you / for ye were 2. Par. .15. with him / if ye seke him ye shal fīde him / but yf ye forsake him / he wyll forsake you: forsoth many dayes shall passe in Israell w t out a trew god & without a pryst / without a techer / & also without law / and whā they wyll be reuersed in their troble and wyl crte to the lorde god of Israel / & also wyll seke him / than shall they fynd him / at y e tyme ther shal be no peace to mē goyng forth [...] goyng in, but gret & horryble fea [...]m euery place amongs al the In [...]abytors of the erth / for naciō shal [...]ight agaynst naciō / & cyte against Lyte / for our lorde shal vexe thē in [...] afflycciō / therfor be you of good confort and lette nat your hoste be dyssolued and broken / for ye shall [Page] haue rewarde for your labour / the which thyng whan the kyng hard he was greatly comforted. [...]c.
O lorde the god my father S [...] meon Iudith 9. which gauest to him a sword for his defence agaynste strangers that were rauysshours in their vnclênes and dyscouered the chastyt [...] of a vyrgyn to theyr confusyon.
¶ the exortacyon of the [...]phet [...] Ezechias agaynst Sēnacherth
O lorde god of Israell that sytted 4. Re. 19. aboue cherubyn / thou art th [...] only god of al kyngs of the erth [...] madest both heuyn & erth / Inclyn [...] thyne eare good lorde & here ope [...] thyne eyes / se & here al the worde [...] of Seunacherth that he did send t [...] vs. castynge in our teth our god [...] is lyuyng. Truly good lorde y • [...]y [...] ges of Assyrta haue put apart an [...] dyspersed both the people & lande [...] of al men / & haue cast theyr godde into y e fyre / for truly they were [...] goddes but werkes made w t the [...] des of m [...] of tymber [...] stone / & the [Page] lost them. Therfore now our lorde god [...]serue vs frō the hands of thē / that al kingdomes of the erth may know y • thou art only y • lorde god.
¶ The prayer of Iosaphat agaynst his enemyes
O lorde god of our faders thou art 2. Par. 20. god in heuen & haste domynacyon ouer all kyngdomes of people / In thy hāde is both strenght & power / & no man may the resyst & so forth / but in vs is nat so moche power to [...]syst & wythstand this multytude that muadeth on vs. Natwythstā dyng seyng we ar Ignoraūt what we may do / this onely remayneth / that is to say / to dircc our eyes to thy goodnes.
¶ The exortacyon of Iazibell sonne of zacarye to the people.
Fere ye uat nor drede ye this multitude for surly it is not the resystē ce of you / but it is the resystence of god.
¶ The exortaeyō of Iosaphat in the myddes of the people.
O ye men of Iudab / & al ye Inha bytours of Ierusalē / here what I shal say beleue & tenst in your lord [...] god & you shall be in sauegard / pu [...] also your confydē ce in his pphet [...] and all thynge to you shall fortun [...] prosperous.
¶ The admonycyon of the seruaunt of god / to Amasam.
If thou thynkest that the victory of warre do cōsyst in the strēgh [...] of the host / god wyl cause the to b [...] ouer come of thyne enemyes / fo [...] why / it is at the plesure of god both to helpe and to put to flyght.
¶ The exortacyō of Iudas Machabeus to the people.
After that the people peeued th [...] Math 3 host cōmyng to mere thē / they fall vnto Iudas / how shall we beyng but fewe and also weryed this da [...] with fastynge / fyght agaynste s [...] [Page] great and stronge a multytude / to whom Iudas answered / & said. It is sone done to cōclude many in the power of fewe / and there is no diuersyte in the syght of god in heu [...] to delyuer from many / or els from fewe / for why the vyctory in warre doth nat stande in the multitude of the host / but al the fortytude & power there of cōmeth from heuen.
They do come vnto vs w t an enuyous & proude multytude to sprede abrode vs / our wyues / and our chyldren / that they myght spoyle & di [...]troye vs / but we wyll fyght for our soules / & also for our lawes & god him selfe wyll consume thē before our faces / therfore do you in no wyse fere them. And after that he had spoken his mynde & crassed fodenly / they enuaded and went vpon theyr enemys / & shortely theyr aduersary was brough to confusy on openly in his syght.
¶ The prayer of Iudas redy to fyght with his enemys.
[...] The people perseued a myghtty 1 Math 4 hast comyng vpon them / at which [...] tyme Iudas prayde in this maner. blessed art thou the sauvour of Israell whiche dyddest cō [...]lude the furyous Invasyon of a strong cap tayne within the power of thy seruaunt Dauid / and dyddest delyuer the castelles of straungers into the power of Ionathas sonne to Saul and to the beter of his armure / conclude in lyke maner this host with in the handes of thy people of Israell and let them be brought to cō fusyon both the horsmē and other of the host / gyue them feare and cō sume the audacyte of theyr manhode / and lette them be vered with theyr owne repentaun [...] / cast them downe with the swerde of thē that loue the and al men that know thy name shall laude and prayse the in hymnes / and other prayses of honour / and thā they pitched their batayle and kylled of the host of Lysia fyue thousande men.
¶ The prayer of Iudas to the people.
[...] whan certayne of the people wolde haue fledde & departed / Iudas Machabeus exhorted the sayeng / althought our tyme draw nere yet let vs dye with mahode / for the loue of our brethern / and let vs nat brynge our honour to rebuke,