A new yeres Gift, intituled, a Christal glas' for all Estates to looke in, wherein they may plainly see the iust rewarde, for Vnsaciate and Abhominable Couetousnesse. M.D.LXIX.

ACcordyng to my custom, daily I did muse,
Vpon Gods holy worde, which for euer shall endure,
I thought it the best exercise that any man could vse,
Daily to be frequented in the Scripture,
The .xii. of Luke I beheld a place both plaine and pure,
Geuing generall warning in saying these wordes to vs,
Beware of Couetousnesse, saith Christ Iesus.
It first confounded Adam being then in Paradice,
Coueting to be as God, and so began to slide,
He presumed to haue knowledge, and also to be wise,
Not contented with his state, nor therin did abide,
His coueting (Alas) set him cleane beside,
Regarding Sathans wordes which coueted his transgre­ssion
Couetously he presumed, to be his own confusion,
The roote of all euill it is, as witnesseth the Scripture,
An odious and secret mischeif, as any man can sow,
For what Blossom or bud, thinke ye that can prosper,
Or what Flower or Fruite, did euer man se grow,
But a roote it must haue first, this full wel we know,
Beware therfore of it, for this I do confesse,
The originall of all sin, must needes be couetousnesse,
Of all sin couetousenesse, first poluted Adam,
Linked with infidelitie, Pride, and disobedience,
Which pestiferous sin, dwelleth almost in euery man,
For lacke of grace, constancy, and good intelligence,
So we like Adams children, forgetting our obedience,
Seking our destruction, without cause or reward,
Like Achab, and Iezabell, coueting Nabothes vineyard.
Thus couetousnesse slew Naboth against all right,
The nature of it is such, it neuer was founde good,
Wo be to the couetousnesse thou wofull wight,
That without all mercy, so canst thirst for bloud,
Thou broughtest the generall Deluge at Noes Flud,
And Gehezie by couetousnes, if ye herken to this songe,
Became a foule Lipper, euen all his life longe.
King Dauid by couetousnesse deceyued was,
And by concupiscence the story doth testify,
In coueting the onely wife of Vrias,
Greatly offended Gods deuine maiesty,
But reproued by Nathan, wept and cried bitterly,
Serche now the scripture, and do what you can,
For nothing is founde worse, then a couetous man.
He that delighteth in couetousnes, hath his soule to sell,
Thus saith Sirach, to such as they are,
Christ by Iustice must condempne such to hell,
As maketh Marchandice of any such ware,
The couetous man doth alwaies both scrape and spare,
Still to satisfie, but his greedie desire,
Which at last shall bring him to vnquenchable fier.
In gathering therfore of Riches, be not to bolde,
For with assurance they are but as dunge,
For when many sinnes are waren olde,
Then Couetousnesse will seeme most yonge,
This my Pen vttereth in steede of my tunge,
The children of the couetous beyng stoute and braue,
Daily wisheth in their harts, to se there fathers graue.
Locke not in thy breast this sinfull couetousnes,
Foster it not vp, for any flattering fees:
Beware and be not nurce to such wickednes,
Least thou be founde as a Droane amonge Bees,
Not esteemed in common wealth, but as rotten trees,
Worthy to be brent where euer that thou dwell,
According to Gods prouidence, fier brandes in Hell,
Herod the kinge coueted to [...]lea the onely Lorde,
Resisting thereby his only saluation,
As too manie there be that hateth Gods worde,
And shall therefore receiue dampnation,
The second of Mathewe maketh declaracion,
How Herode coueted a kingdom not permanent,
And therfore slew many a yonge Innocent.
Some coueteth to bie both house and lande,
But hospitalitee they will none keepe,
For Couetousnesse taketh cruell thinges in hande,
Deuouring the poore as the Wolfe doth the sheepe,
In securitie of sinne, they are rockt fast a sleape,
Night and day caringe for thinges that be vaine,
But wotteth not who shalbe lorde of al his trauel & paine
Sainct Barnards Chariot they will ride in,
Wherin let them continew and dwell:
Which named is Securitie of vice and sin,
Leading them poast to the Deuill of Hell,
For such myzers haue their soules to sell,
Foure wheeles it hath to carie on the same,
Of all which foure I will shew you the name.
The first whéele is called Gredie desire,
Ingratitude, and contempt of God for other twaine,
And forgetfulnesse of Death, therto they require,
Which foure wheeles do continew and remaine,
To the Charet of Auarice which is led certaine,
By three strong horses which runneth forth the race,
Named, past shame, past repentaunce, and past grace.
To this Chariot, a carelesse Carter they must haue,
Whose name is called Neuer contente,
His whip in his hande, like a cruell slaue:
With two stringes called wilful paine, & restlesse tormēt
These are ordeyned for euerlasting punishment,
To belong to this Chariot, for their negligence,
To carie away couetous persons frō good mens presence
This Chariot of Auarice with his horses so fell,
Daily is set a worke to to in many a place:
But whether goeth this Chariot I pray you now tell,
Some thinke to Sathan to be resident in place,
Caried away by violence from all mercy and grace,
To follow the generacion of vngodly store,
Neuer to haue mercy nor se light any more,
Seing couetousnesse doth rob vs of mercie and grace,
B [...]ing the roote of all sinne and wickednesse,
Let vs remember whilst we haue space,
Calling to god to be our righteousnesse,
To ayde and succour vs, in all distresse,
And now to couet his euerlasting presence,
With him to raigne for euer when we depart hence,
What is the cause of both sacralige and Simony,
I will now declare and manifestly expresse,
And shew the iniciation of detestable vsery,
Now being compelled the truth to confesse,
The origenall of both is very couetousnesse,
Likewise of Bankeroutes and Informers as I here tell,
Couetousnesse lately inuented by Sathans counsell,
(ꝙ) VV. Fering.

¶Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete, by William How, for Richarde Iohnes: and are to be solde at his shop vnder the Lotterie house.

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