¶ Articles to be inquy­red in thordinary visitation of the most re­uerende father in GOD, the Lorde Car­dinall Pooles grace Archcbyshop of Caunterbury wythin hys Dioces of Cantorbury. In the yeare of our Lorde God. m v.c.l ot ✚

¶Touching the clergy.

FIrst, whether y e deuine seruice 1 in the church at times, dayes, and houres, be obserued, and kept duely or no.

Item, whether the parsons 3 vicars and curates, do comly, and decently in theyr maners and doynges, behaue theym selfes or no.

Item, whether they do reuerently and dwely mi­nistes 4 the sacramentes and sacramentalles or no.

Item, whether any of their paryshoners doe dye without ministracion of the sacramentes, throughe [Page] the necligence of theyr curates or no.

5 Item, whether the sayde parsons, vicars, or Cu­rates, do haunt tauernes or ale houses, encreasinge therby infamy and slaunder or no.

6 Item, whether they be diligent in teachynge the mydwyffes howe to chrysten chyldren in tyme of necessitie, according to the Canons of the church or no

7 Item, whether they see that the Fonte be comlye kepte, and haue holly water alwayes ready for chil­dren to be christened.

8 Item, if they do kepe a booke of all the names of them that be reconciled to the duty of the church.

9 Item, whether ther be any preestes that late vn­lawfully had womē vnder pretensed mariage, And he therto are not reconsiled, and to declare theyr na­mes and dwellyng places.

10 Item, whether they do diligently teache their pa­rishoners the articles of the fayth, and the ten com­maundementes.

Item, whether they doo decentlye obserue those thinges that do concerne the seruice of the Church and all thoose thynges thattende too a good and a Chrystian lyfe, accordynge to the Cannons of the Churche.


lye to them that fall sicke, with light, and wyth a litle sacrynge bell.

Item, whether the comen scoles be wel kept, and 21 that the schole maisters be diligent in teaching, and be also catholyke, and mē of good and vpryght iudgemēt, and that they be examined and approued by the ordinary.

Item, whether any do take vpō them to minister 22 the goodes of those that be dead without aucthory­tie from thordinary.

Item, whether the poore people in euery paryshe 23 be charitably prouided for

Item, whether there do burne a lampe, or a can­del 24 before the sacramente. And if there doe not that then it be prouided for with expedicion.

Item, whether infantes and children be brought 25 to be confyrmed in conuenient time.

Item, whether any do kepe or haue in theyr custody 26 any herenious or vnlawful bokes.

Item, whether any do withholde anye monye or 27 goodes bequeathed to the amendynge of the hyghe wayes, or any other charitable dede.

Item, whether anye haue put awaye their wiues 28 or any wyues to withdraw themselues from their [Page] husbands, beyng not lefully diuorsed.

28 Item, whether any do violate or breake the son­dayes and holydayes, doyng their daily labors and exercises vpon the same.

29 Item, whether the tauernes or alehouses, vpon the Sondayes and hol [...]dayes in the time of Masse Matens and Euensonge, do kepe open their dores and do receiue people into theyr houses to dryncke and eate, and therby neglect their duties in cōming to the church.

30 Item, whether any haue or do depraue or contēn the aucthoritie or iurisdiction of the Popes holynes or the Sea o [...] Rome.

31 Item, whether any minstrels, or ani other persōs do vse to syng any songes against the holy Sacra­mentes, or any other the rytes and Ceremonyes of the churche.

32 Itē, whether there be any hospitals within your pa­rishes, & whether the foundacions of them be duely & truly obserued & kept. And whether the charitable contribucions of the same be done accordingly.

33 Item, whether any goodes plate, Iewels or posses­sions be taken away, or withholden from the sayde hospitals and by whome.

¶God saue the Kynge and Quene.

Prynted at Cantorbury By Jhon Michel.

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