[Page]THE IDEA OF Christian Love. Being a Translation, at the Instance of Mr. WALLER, of a Latin Sermon Upon Iohn xiii. 34, 35. Preach'd by Mr. EDWARD YOUNG, PREBEND of SALISBURY. With a Large PARAPHRASE on Mr. Waller's POEM of Divine Love. To which are added some Copies of VERSES from that Excellent Poetess Mrs. Wharton, with others to her.

—Hic ego rerum
Fluctibus in mediis, & tempestatibus urbis,
Verba Lyrae motura Sonum connectere dignor?

London, Printed for Ionathan Robinson, at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1688.


WHo Love, the Christian's Duty, and his Praise,
In all the Beauties of your Pen surveys;
Seeing my Rythms, may the just censure pass,
That here's a Matchless Di'mond set in Brass:
Yet Latin, the most elegant and pure;
The Ignorance of most renders obscure.
This may excuse my creeping English Stile:
The Jewel is enhans'd thus by its Foil.
[Page iv] Who propagated what our Savi'our taught,
No Ornament from any Art had brought:
Barely to represent such Truths as these,
May be enough unbyass'd Minds to please:
But most these Golden Rules so much forsake,
That who applies them, Satyrs seems to make.
The Christian's Character is now reverst,
And Hatred for the truest Mark is nurst.
The fiercest Heats are varnish'd o're with Zeal;
Each Party thinks God their Decrees will Seal.
Were't in the Pow'r of Man Heav'ns Gate to close,
Many would be shut out whom God has chose:
Of Means which he appointed they'd deprive;
And to block up the narrow Way they strive.
Some to himself God from each Church do's call,
Delights to break down Man's Partiti'on-Wall;
[Page v] And will at last unite [...] in a Peace,
Where ev'ry Term, not made by Christ, shall cease.
A Church is often a Procrusti'an Bed;
Happy the Man! who there can rest his Head,
Without the pain of be'ng stretcht out to reach
His Length, who would impose his Form of Speech:
Or else contracted to that scanty Size,
Which to a few confines the common prize:
While most, to whom the Terms appear less hard,
Cannot but grieve, that others are debarr'd
Of Benefits, encreasing as they're shar'd.
But Publick Good a Sacrifice is made,
To those, to whom Restraints become a Trade.
Great is Diana, is the gen'ral Voice;
For few observe what Craftsmen rais'd the Noise.
[Page vi] Who at his Neighbour's Liberty repines,
That gets no Profit by the Silver Shrines?
Good God! our Hearts so with thy Love inspire,
That ev'ry Earth-born Ardor may expire:
Let not a Flaming Sword forbid the Taste,
Of the fair Fruit in thy new Eden plac'd.
May we anticipate the State Above,
Where all Things in an unforc'd Order move,
Remote from all necessity but Love!


WHen counterfeit Astraea's lustful Rage
Joyns to Debauch the too Effem'nate Age;
Draws an Embroider'd Curtain over Sin,
And jilts with Promises of Bliss within:
'Tis time for you with all your Wealth of Thought,
Forth from your lov'd Retirement to be brought:
Those Thoughts which Pie'ty to your self endear,
Would strangely taking to the World appear.
Who could be vicious, who had Vertue seen,
By you drest out, with its attractive Meen,
Thousands of Graces hov'ring round the Scene?
You best can tell the Charms of vertu'ous Joy;
Despising Venus with her Wanton Boy.
[Page viii] Your Fancy, which so much of Heav'n do's view,
Could ne're descend low Pleasures to pursue.
And when to us you the warm Rays impart,
Of Love Divine dancing about your Heart;
You will convert faster than she seduce,
Teaching the Epicure Life's noblest use.
Far be that Scandal from Poetick Fires,
As if best Poets had most loose Desires.
If old Philosophy Purgati'ons taught,
To fit the Mind for Loftiness of Thought:
When 'twas no higher than dull Prose to rise,
Prose which must keep below the Starry Skyes:
(For Verse the only Language is Above,
Where all Things in Harmonious Numbers move):
How purg'd, how undefil'd should be the Mind,
Which imitates the way of the Angelick kind!

From Mrs. WHARTON.

DI'monds conceal'd, their Lustre may retain,
But Sacred Wit can never, hid, remain:
From what e're dark'ning Cloud it takes its Birth,
It, like the Rising-Sun, glads half the Earth.
True Poesy appears with decent Pride,
Not pufft with Praise, nor griev'd when Fools deride.
Free and Secure in its own proper Merit;
Scorns Envy (yet spurns back the flatt'ring Spirit.)
This makes me wonder you thus long conceal'd
A Talent, which to all should be reveal'd:
And bashfully decline the yielding Boughs,
Which Daphne offers to adorn your Brows.
[Page x] Not but that Minds best taught are most afraid,
To venture out when they for Glory trade.
An humble Mind doth every Path survey,
That leads to Fame, and sees how many stray:
Observes the steep Ascent to th' Sacred Ground,
Which Envy guards, and all new-Comers wounds:
Sees many when they are arriv'd so high,
They seem to grasp at Fame, and touch the Sky.
Whilst swell'd with Vanity they all deride;
Stumbling themselves upon the Rock of Pride:
By some more silent Traveller are crost,
Thrown from the Top, and all their Hopes are lost.
But let not this discourage, nor amaze
That humble Mind, which frighted flies for ease,
Unto the Cordial of reviving Praise.
[Page xi] Praise is the sprightly Wine of growing Fame,
Adding most Life to the most fertile Brain;
(And like that always doth new Thought produce;
So when 'tis bad the Wine is its Excuse.)
A truly humble Mind knows what is just,
When he seeks Praise through Vanity, or Thirst.
And as he scorns the Fame that Flatt'ry gives,
He values what from Merit he receives.
This forces me with grateful Thanks to own,
I'm prais'd by one, whose Lines such Skill have shown,
That I now ought to prize what he esteems,
And think there is some worth in my dull Rhymes.

[Page xiii]To Mrs. WHARTON. Who with Verses to him, sent her An­swer to Mr. WALLER.

WHen that soft Hand whence Waller has his Dues,
Stroaks, and encourages my backward Muse;
Feeds it with Praise, and teaches it to fly:
Not to attempt would be Stupidity.
She do's the Rev'rend Poet's Age renew,
With nobler Art than e're Medaea knew:
'Twere hard if she should not the Young inspire,
Whom with such blooming Thoughts the Old admire.
See! how the Sacred Bard himself excells,
While on the Wonders of your Verse he dwells.
[Page xiv] But his exhalted Head how will it raise,
To be caught up to Heaven by your Praise!
To hear from Angel's Form an Angel's Voice
Warble his Name, how much must he rejoyce!
Those Ani'mal Spirits which so closely join
Unto his Earthy part, a Guest Divine;
By this one Rapture strain'd and weaken'd more,
Than by the shock of Time and Thought before;
Not able to resist this added Force,
May leave the Soul, 'tis likely, to its Course.
Wing'd by your Praise 'twill to it's Rest retire,
And, Phenix-like, in chearful Flames expire.
Forth from the kindling Spices you arise,
And to give way to you the Elder dyes:
Your Rise Prophetick is of his Decay,
Heav'n has, to see your Birth, indulg'd his Stay.
[Page xv] And, like Old Sime'on, now he'l go in Peace,
When such a Crown he to his Wishes sees.
In Verse's Empire, as of lower Things,
Successors nam'd, take from the present Kings:
And thus this Prince of Verse divides his Fame,
When he your Worth, and Title, do's proclaim.
While I, Prometheus-like, steal Fire from you,
To my bold Theft, what Punishment is due?
None can of you and Waller write in Prose;
Yet none should do't but whom kind Nature chose.
Like Icarus, with borrow'd Wings I fly,
And with his Fate I soon extended lye.
I'th' Oce'an of your Praise I have been drown'd,
And am but floting on the Water found:
No signs of true Poetick Life appear,
But th' loss will not deserve a Lady's Tear;
[Page xvi] A Lady's Tear's a Pearl of greater price,
Than any on the Eastern Shoars there lies:
But her Esteem's a Jewel far above
Ev'n her own Beauty, next unto her Love.
To slight what's consecrated thus by you,
Were both Injustice, and Profaneness too:
Your Stamp, like Caesar's Head, does value give;
Each Line approv'd by you, shall through all Ages live.

From Mrs. WHARTON.

SMall are the poor Returns which you receive,
For all the Pleasure which your Verses give;
Yet Gratitude obliges me to this;
Tho for your Pearls, I but return you Glass.
This Indi'an Traffick soon will tire you quite,
Unless you're pleas'd that others you delight.
And, if your Gen'rous Thoughts I rightly guess,
They aim at pleasing, and they have Success:
It is the Business, and the Scope of Wit;
Poems are seldom for the Authors writ,
But for the Readers; thus they labour still,
Like harmless Bees, to serve another's Will.
[Page xviii] Whilst you I praise, Words flow methinks so fast,
As if my working Thoughts were all in haste.
Your Stile I may commend, whilst your unknown:
No breach of Modesty in this is shown.
Your Worth will force this Tribute from my Heart,
Nor can I backward be to praise Desert.


ADvance my Soul, and all thy Pow'rs incline,
To praise the Lord, by whom those Graces shine.
Praise him by whom are all those Mercies giv'n,
Forget not him who rules both Earth and Heav'n:
He who forgives, and heals the wounded Mind;
He who to Mercy ever is inclin'd.
Who saves thy Life, and blesseth it with Food:
Who crowns thy Labours with abundant Good.
Who makes thy Years renew, and keeps thee Young:
Joyful as Health, and, as the Eagle, strong;
The Lord who judges between wrong and right:
To favour the Oppress'd is his Delight.
He who to Moses shew'd his wond'rous Ways:
And Isr'el taught to magnify his Praise.
The Lord who alway is to Peace inclin'd,
Who suffers long, & bears with th'humble Mind.
Gentle and Mild, unwilling yet to chide;
Soon he forgives, long will his Anger hide.
Tho we offend he will not punish strait:
Our Sins are great before we feel their weight.
See how the Heav'n is far remov'd from Earth,
The Heav'n from which his Mercy takes its birth;
[Page xxi]So far is his Compassion rais'd above
The feeble Workings of a Mortal Love.
Wide is the Space thrô which the lab'ring Sun,
From East to West his daily course doth run;
Yet farther from us he our Sins hath plac'd,
As willing to forget our Errors past.
Paternal Kindness still in him remains,
And his creating Favours he maintains.
With those that fear him he'll not angry grow;
For he considers whence our Natures flow.
Who made us, knows he took us from the Earth;
Nor much expects to find from such a Birth.
The same Original hath ev'ry Flower;
And they, like us, have a short glori'ous Hour.
But with the Winds their Glories fly away;
They are not Proof against a Stormy Day.
[Page xxii] Nor we, however high our Hopes advance,
Are Proof against a Blast of adverse Chance.
His Mercy's lasting, and our Life is frail;
Which makes the Lord his gracious Gifts entail
On Children's Children, where his Laws are known,
To them whose Works assent to Truths they own.
From Age to Age his Goodness hath been shown,
The mighty Lord, on High hath plac'd his Throne;
Where he surveys the World which is his own.
Too weak am I, to sing th' Eternal's Praise:
Ye Angels, your Celestial Voices raise!
Ye who excel in Strength, Wisdom, and Pow'r,
(Alas! the Life of Man is as an Hour:)
Ye that have priviledg to see and hear
His wondrous Works, should wondrous Works declare.
But yet poor Mortals who are plac'd below,
May forward Wills by faint Endeavours show.
We who are still in Danger and Alarms,
Who 'gainst Temptati'ons always are in Arms;
May yet endeavour to advance his Fame,
And he'l be pleas'd while we invoke his Name,
Whilst all his Works his Greatness do proclaim.
But thou, my Soul! be never silent found:
Above the Clouds let thy loud Musick sound.
Let all who come to thee, by thee be taught
The mighty Works that by thy God are wrought.

[Page xxv]TO ORINDA Upon her PARAPHRASE on the 103d PSALM, sent with Verses to Himself.


IF Orpheus charm'd the Stones into a Dance;
He less the Pow'r of Sacred Song did shew,
Than, fair Orinda,'s felt from you;
Who to a Poet's Name,
And to be Candidate for Fame,
Ev'n duller me advance.
[Page xxvi] You, like my Genius, move unseen,
Raise me, immerst in Business of the Barr,
My Lyre untun'd, the Strings at jarr,
(Suited unto that wrangling Scene)
Compose the Discords in my tuneless Mind;
A sudden Change I find:
Earth I despise, and Earthly Things,
And now, methinks, I mount before the King of Kings.


He David taught to sing his Praise,
Warming his Heart with true Celestial Fire:
And you do's raise,
The Prophet's Steps so nigh to trace;
That well we may,
Without blaspheming say,
You the same Spirit do's delight t' inspire.
[Page xxvii] We cannot say that Prophecies are ceast:
God fills the pious Poets Breast,
Assists the Faculties, and tho
He dictate not the Words they write,
Yet gives the Sense from which they flow;
And when tow'rds Heav'n they rise,
Still with new Force supplies,
First rais'd them on the Wing, and guides them in their Flight.


'Tis not in vain you bid the Angels sing,
Th' Eternal's Praise, they minister to you:
Yours and David's Harp they string,
Mingle themselves with ev'ry Song,
Keep off the Demons hov'ring in the Air,
Distil themselves like Dew
Of peaceful Night upon your Dreams;
[Page xxviii] And to the Morning keep th' Impression strong,
That Force, which makes the Pow'rs of Hell despair
Of a Diversion from your Heav'nly Theams.
What less than Angels can the Honour guard
Of beauteous Ladies in the Flow'r of Youth;
Midst all the Flatt'ries of deluding Sense,
Teach them to value Truth,
And Truths Reward;
Before the Pomp and Show,
And ev'ry vain Pretence
Of Pleasure here below.
Blest Souls in whom their Beauty thus do's prove,
The truest Image seen by Mortal Eye,
Of the Perfections of our God most High,
Feasting themselves and us with the Creator's Love!


If by this help I thus can rise
Unto those Beauties only Thought can reach;
Thought, which but dully dictates to the Speech,
(Yet Thought must here its Poverty confess)
You need not blush should my enlightned Eyes,
Behold that charming Dress,
Your Soul put on when it came cloath'd to view;
The Garment must its Innocence express;
And, like your Lines, inspire
With Love, and Rev'rence too,
A Love without a bold Desire;
A Lambent Flame,
Such as gives Light, and Warmth, but ne're consumes:
The Light of Heav'n from whence it came.
Here none t'approach presumes,
[Page xxx] With Fire less hallow'd than he lays
Upon the Altar when he prays:
Incense more pure t'a sacred Poetess is due,
Than from the Heathen-world their chast Diana drew.


Heav'n seems to open, Angels to come down,
In lovely Vehicles of thick'ned Air,
And with a Glory, 'stead of Lawrel, crown
The Azure Temples of the teaching Fair:
While Men with Extasy attend her Lays,
Divinely set to the Almighty's Praise.
As Grace on Earth of endless Bliss,
Your happy Verse the Incoati'on is
Of that, in which you shall with Angels join,
When you above the Stars shall shine:
[Page xxxi] Free from Pain, and free from Fear,
With ev'ry Object of your Care;
Where only Love and Harmony appear,
The Love and Harmony Immortal and Divine.


Sense of your own, Pity of others Wrong,
Shall give no Interrupti'on to your Song.
The ways of Providence so dark,
Not to be toucht by Hand prophane;
Lest we with Uzza's Guilt, have Uzza's Pain,
Who fondly thought to help the tottring Ark;
You there will see the Clouds away,
In that bright everlasting Day;
Worthy of God, and of that Love,
With which he cherishes frail Mortal Race;
[Page xxxii] Whom of the do's with temp'ral Evils prove,
Tries and Refines them in Afflicti'on's Fire;
Until they're fitted for his Grace,
And thrô'ly taught beyond this lower World t'aspire.


THrô the Printer's Mistake, the Verses from pag. vii. are misplac'd; having been intended to come in at the end.

THE IDEA OF Christian Love.


THE Taper shining with diminisht Rays,
While Noon-day Sun swallows its feeble Blaze;
Not valu'd as consider'd for its Light,
But what it shadows to th' internal Sight;
May be my Emblem, who the most obscure,
Of all who follow you their Cynosure,
Within your Province, and at your Command,
As a dim Taper on the Altar stand:
Tho small's my Portion of Poetick Fire,
I shew to others how they should aspire:
[Page 2] Love lights my Lamp, and gives it all its Flame,
'Tis Love I breath, and seek, Love I proclaim:
To think t' enlighten you when I have done,
Would be to light a Candle to the Sun;
If your Affections I can but excite,
I have my end, nor can you miss Delight.
CHrist his Disciples with effect to move,
To draw in the soft Yoak of Mutual Love;
Did to his Precept and Example join
The happy Fruit, By this 'tis known ye're mine,
To love 'tis certain a Command requires,
The Ardor of its self quickly expires:
As much it does a great Example need,
Its glim'ring Light in others few will heed:
Nor less Incitement wants the sluggish Mind,
To climb to the Ascent of Love enjoyn'd.
[Page 3] Let's see the charming nature of this Love,
Which does the Character of Christians prove,
What in its self, to what our Hearts 'twould move.
This his Command our Saviour marks for new,
Not that its first Foundations there we view;
But as a Sanction it from him obtains,
And in each Age from him new Vigor gains:
Men's Tempers and their Manners this require.
Tho Love is the most natural Desire,
Mixt with our Beings, and refreshing found
In all the Exigencies Life surround,
The gratefull'st Passion, and most friendly Pow'r,
The Minds serene, the Bodies verdant Flow'r,
The Spirits poize, the Harmony oth' whole;
And when its opposite, takes the controul,
[Page 4] Disturbance, Torment, and Decay succeed:
Tho mutual Aid common occasions need,
And a Foundation of firm Union lay;
Whence for united Hearts and Souls we pray;
To this our publick Vows and Reason tend,
Nature to this seems with full course to bend;
Yet Sin, and Satan, Nature's dangerous Foes,
With such Impediments its way oppose,
That rare's the Love which long continues fair,
Time, and slight Accidents its force impair,
Wear off the Paint, and drive the Smoak to Air.
Self-Flatt'ry keeps to narrow Banks, confin'd,
What to enrich the neigh'bring Plain's design'd;
The Mind's Propensions, sweetning in a Stream,
Stagnate within, and send forth noxious steam.
[Page 5] How oft on Love does gnawing Envy prey,
Whose Arbitrary Laws while Men obey,
Against their dear Self-Love they blindly act,
And wast those Bowels, which they thus contract!
How oft does he whom Benefits have bound,
Think the meer owning them would Honour wound!
How oft Suspicion breeds ill-natur'd Leav'n!
How oft an Injury receiv'd or giv'n!
To hurt one whom you hate, 's thought less unjust,
Than one who in your Friendship places trust:
And thence, to colour 'ore the wrong you do,
Your injur'd Friend is held for constant Foe.
But only vulgar Dreggs thus meanly fail,
These Blemishes can't o're great Souls prevail:
[Page 6] Yet these, alas! incur too often blame,
For crim'nal stifling Lov's enobling Flame.
Diff'rence of Manners makes divided Minds,
Of Ierom and Ruffinus this one finds:
Opin'ions disagreeing do the same.
These tarnish Cyprian's and Stephen's Fame:
Study of Parties, fatal oft to Love,
'Gainst Chrysostom did Epiphanius move.
A Point of Ceremony unexprest
To Greg'ry, drove his Basil from his Breast.
Ev'n Paul and Barn'bas striving for controul,
Parted in Body; not to say, in Soul.
Great Names, ye see, I on this Head produce,
Specious Apologies for Love's abuse,
Yet ought not they to serve for an Excuse:
[Page 7] Tho they're great Instances that Love is frail;
Yet ought our Saviour's Precept to prevail:
Who from his Brother does his Love withdraw,
In that's a Traytor to the Christian Law.
The Lord commands, and wilt thou, Wretch! dispute?
Wilt thou resist Command so absolute?
Command, good Lord! effectually command,
And grant I be not able to withstand.
Atthy Command from the rude formless heap,
Beauty and pleasing Order forth did leap;
From Void came Solids, and from Nothing All,
The Winds and raging Seas obey thy call.
Thou dost the madness of the People quell;
So tame my Heart! that there sweet Love may dwell:
[Page 8] With his Example Christ this Precept binds,
To imitate his Love would raise our Minds.
Under the Jewish Institutes, we see
Provision made for Love's Sincerity;
Yet much the Duty wanted of its weight,
When Self-Love only was to set the rate;
Who makes in loving others this his bound,
To come far short of Duty will be found:
Themselves indeed all Men sincerely love,
Blind and imprudent, yet that Love does prove;
Fondly indulging unrestrain'd Desires,
Men think they answer what that Law requires,
Flatter themselves, and blow up Nature's Fires;
And this they think is justice to their Friend,
When nothing's more perfidious in the end:
[Page 9] Nothing more dangerously insinuates Vice,
To which that mask of Friendship does entice.
Sin in Self-Love thus propagates the Sin;
Hence was a nobler Rule justly brought in.
How to love others, ask not Flesh and Blood,
Too often leading you from what is good;
But let Christ's Love to you, your Pattern be,
Contemplate that for Manner, and Degree:
Let your Affections in that order lye,
By that the Errors mend, Defects supply.
See what Christ's Love to us does recommend,
The Choice he made, the Measure, and the End.
Choice did I say? 'twas rather without Choice;
In that both High and Low, All, may rejoice.
Tho weak and indigent, ungrateful too,
He lov'd, nor doubt my Soul! but he lov'd you.
[Page 10] Ye love, O Men, but with a Love so nice,
Unjust, or cunning, that your Love's a Vice.
Ye seek the Great, the Rich, the apt to lend,
The chearful, courteous, and facetious Friend:
On these the Offices of Love ye spend.
Advantages ye with each other shift,
And that is made a Trade which should be Gift;
Pleasure or Profit at the bottom lye,
Without that Sauce your Appetites soon dye.
Can this a Vertue be, or Duty thought,
Or th'imitation of what Christ has taught?
Th'innate Propensions while they thus do flow,
Meer Artifice, and Baits for Pleasure grow.
Under Christ's Banner they that would be found,
Him always for their Pattern must propound.
[Page 11] He lov'd the poor, and destitute of Aid,
Their want the only Obligation laid.
Those who nor sought, nor merited, he lov'd,
The motive to their Cure th [...]ir Sickness prov'd.
Those who resisted the blest Aid he brought,
Tho strugling, in his saving Arms he caught.
No other Charms, or Shadows of Delight,
Did his warm Love to Human Race invite.
This, Christian! should thy sole inducement be,
That Love's thy Duty, as thy Head lov'd thee;
This Reason will to all Mankind extend:
But if for grounds you cautiously suspend,
For causes which Reason and Fancy weigh;
Faction to Sides, Lightness to new will sway:
And thus for Love you take its meer disguise,
You labour for the Shadow of a Prize.
[Page 12]Our Lord lov'd with an equal, constant Mind,
No Age shall see his Love from his disjoin'd:
But what is yours which wavers with the wind?
Whom now into your greedy Arms you take,
The subject of your Raill'ry soon you make:
One for a Friend you out of Conscience chuse,
This in regard to Glory you refuse:
You envy this Man's good, this Man's consult,
Here at a loss you grieve, there you insult:
To one you give, another's Fame you take;
That Man you free, a Snare for others make.
What means this double Dealing, double Heart?
As much as may be Sir! act the same part.
Be but one Man, either be wholly wise,
Or wholly Wisdom's sacred Lore despise,
[Page 13] (If as delightful 'tis to play the Fool,
As glorious to improve in Wisdom's School;)
If you'd have praise, act always by one Rule.
St. Peter, when he would an Abstract show
O'th' Life of Love incarnate, while below,
Says his whole business lay in doing good;
The bound, the end of Love's thus understood.
They've felt no spark of this Celestial Fire,
Who in their Love but gratify desire:
Who trafficks with Affections, sells good turns,
Little the end of Sacred Love discerns.
That doing good its sole reward obtains:
And this endears to us our Saviour's pains;
Who gave himself to his, of his free Grace,
No Caution, no Reserve with him had place.
[Page 14] He lov'd through Midnight watchings, wasting Toil,
Loss of Life's Comforts, and ev'n Life's despoil.
To thee, O Christian, Death, Life, Damage, Gain,
Leasure, Turmoils, Disgrace, Fame, Quiet, Pain,
Are all to be past by without regard,
When you're from doing good by either barr'd.
Does this seem difficult? 'Twill less appear,
If you consider what's the Fruit 'twill bear:
Than Fame more fair, than Peace more void of Strife,
Than Gain more gainful, Life has less of Life.
And with this Thought support your sinking Mind,
That he'll in's Trade sufficient profit find,
Who has for Temporal Loss Eternal Goods consign'd.
[Page 15] But what in Love does so much pains require?
Does the ignoble part draw forth desire?
That which our Eyes discern, and Fingers feel?
Must this be cultivated with such Zeal?
This can't deserve all that is squandred thus,
The Soul, 'tis evident, is all of us.
These Offices he wofully mispends,
Who ought beyond the Soul in Love intends:
Does it in meeting, talking, laughing, lye?
This they may do who ne'r its force did try.
Is't the same Studies, Counsels, Joys t'approve?
Ill Men do this, yet who can say they love?
Is't liberally to give of Fortun's store?
Their Love's as rich who beg from door to door.
What's all Men's duty they at home may view,
Souls are Love's Subjects, and its Objects too.
[Page 16] To guide the Deiform immortal Souls,
Whose sinful Wandrings Satan here controuls;
This is a work which truly Love becomes,
The best Account of our entrusted Sums.
Christ who twice sent the Crowd well fed away,
With Bread of Life feasted their Souls each day;
Shewing by an Example disesteem'd,
That those should the least benefits be deem'd,
Which turn to Fat, to Wealth, or pompous Train,
Vain in themselves, in their Effects as vain.
Those are the noblest instances of Love,
Which cure Affections, & Men's minds improve.
They cannot love, I'le own, who'r giv'n to spare,
For 'tis attended with the Body's care:
Nor can the Wicked, who neglect the Mind:
Their cost on Bodies they will useless find;
The Gift is lost, which ha'nt good counsel join'd.
[Page 17] True Love and Probity are always Twins,
Neither alone encreases, or begins:
Leave loving, and your Probity is gone;
Leave Probity, and what is Love alone?
In proper Offices how can it shoot,
Which thus lies wither'd at the very Root?
The bad t' each other Pleasures may endear,
Chearful and entertaining they appear;
But soon the Sky is clouded, now so clear.
In Love ill-founded, and maintain'd with Sin,
Soon Weariness, and then Contempt begin;
True Love's more permanent, a Ray Divine,
Shot down from Heav'n, moves thither, there shall shine:
Thither delights to lead the happy Friend,
Afraid of all things that to ill may tend:
[Page 18] Each Day improves the Solace of this Love,
An Incoation of the State Above.
O happy end of Love, worthy our pains!
When thus Inhabitants for Heav'n it gains:
But Art is needful here as well as Will,
If we'd the Laws of Christian Love fulfil.
When Christ to draw Men to this Love did seek,
Come learn of me he says, for I am meek.
Meekness the gentlest Art, sweetest of Charms,
All Pow'r t' oppose insensibly disarms.
Ill Vessels make most gen'rous Wines decay,
And good turns lose their value by their way;
The manner of the doing gives the taste,
A Gift giv'n sourly, but runs out to waste:
Who without Temper the best Counsel give,
But irritate those they'd from ill retrieve.
[Page 19] If Pride or Sharpness thus the Office blend,
Who can expect to see a better end?
If therefore well to act what's good you heed,
And would have the best Offices succeed;
Love mildly, nor believe Love can reside
In Hearts stretcht-out with Anger, or with Pride.
Oh! but you'l say, Religion lyes at stake.
Their Faith with God, & then with Men they break;
Pity'ing the Men, you prosecute their Sin,
And this does from a Christian Zeal begin,
With this pretence a Liberty you'd find,
For th' ebullitions of a bitter Mind:
Your secret whisperings, and clam'rous noise,
Produce effects at which your Foes rejoice.
Is this your Zeal? did Christ in this precede,
Who as thro Chrystal all Men's Hearts did read?
[Page 20] Did he expose the Sins within his view?
To open Railers he did pity shew;
Past by their Scoffs who would not him receive,
The lapses too of them that did believe,
Tho they his Spir't did ev'ry moment grieve:
To his Betrayer Lenity did shew,
Which might all Malice less than his subdue.
How mildly he reprov'd! pardon'd how soon!
The quick and winning manner crown'd the Boon.
He ne're Indulgence gave to the least Lust,
Yet was a Judg as Merciful as Just:
With ill, tho not permitted, yet did bear,
Waiting a time when they Love's call might hear:
Well knowing human Pravity, like Fire
Conceal'd, will often of it self expire:
[Page 21] But when expos'd to Air, and Wind, it lay,
The rising Flame devour'd all in'ts way.
Thus in faint Shadows I Christ's Love describe:
If you'l be his Disciples him transcribe.
What! Christ's Disciples! 'tis a Name so great,
With Glory the Relation so repleat;
Titles to Crowns, and all that glitters here,
Compar'd with this, fall far below your care.
Ambition here is honest, worthy praise;
Nothing but Love can to this Honour raise:
When at the Heart Love takes a quickning Root,
Discipleship will in fair Branches shoot:
The Man in ev'ry Vertue will improve,
Distinguish'd by Protection from Above:
And Love, indeed, is of a wond'rous force,
To carry on the Soul in Vertues course.
[Page 22] Call'd by th'Apostle, who its Nature saw,
Perfections Bond, Falfiller of the Law:
It of a sudden mounts us to the Skies,
And without Prophets, Miracles supplies.
This like Elisha's Salt tinging the Springs,
2 King. 2. 21.
A Sovereign sweetness to the Fountain brings:
Rivers of Pleasures thence come streaming out,
Grateful to Men, refreshing all about.
About soft Love how many Graces dance!
How patiently does it Requests advance!
With how great Fortitude bears each Event!
How liberally both spends it! and is spent!
How piously, while it does God regard,
It acts what human Reas'nings reckon hard!
Routs, Riots, Quarrels, causes of Offence,
To be in Manners stiff, perverse in Sense,
[Page 23] In Love's unnatural, as for flame to fall,
Or Sun-Beams mix with Filth from th' Earthly Ball.
This in a word the Christian's form is known,
By this distinction to the World they're shown;
From this the nature Christ requires they take;
This makes them, what nothing but this can make.
Knowledg may want of Duty, Zeal be blind,
And warmest Hope a disappointment find:
Not so with Love; it knows, performs, obtains,
And what's equivalent to all, it gains,
The bless'd assurance o'th' Almighty's Smiles,
Earnest of future Pay, Reward of present Toils.
How great God's sacred Family appear'd!
How strong its Constitution! How rever'd!
[Page 24] To th'Envy of its Foes, and Satan's shame,
When Heathens did their fervent Love proclaim!
Without the force of Arms, flourish of Arts,
Or sly Contrivances, they conquer'd Hearts.
Religion guarded with the Heavenly Aid,
And arm'd with Love, vast Acquisitions made.
But when thro Wealth, and Pride, Faith grew exil'd,
To see the Christians arm the Ethnicks smil'd.
All things from that time Retrograde became,
The Date of Antichrist we this may name.
Nor better Chances should those Servants meet,
Whose Master does in vain command, intreat:
While they prefer their slavish vain Desires,
Before the gen'rous Freedom he requires:
Then did the Church of Ephesus decline;
That Church which in full Lustre once did shine,
[Page 25] When its first Love maintain'd less vigorous heat,
That Sign St. Iohn markt of the Spi'rit's Retreat,
This may to others om'nous Aspect bear,
T'avert the Omen well deserves their care.
Methinks I hear one whisper, Look at home,
Guard well the Ark, the Philistins are come.
If so it is, How think you to preserve
Religion, and the Altars where you serve?
Let's worship God with undivided Hearts,
And love each other, free from soothing Arts;
No other Counsel, Skill, or Troops we need,
Love unarray'd did always best succeed.
This private Men, and Churches know, for true:
Thus with God's Aid we shall our Foes subdue,
(If by soft Methods we can't win them all)
Or with like Glory triumph, tho we fall.
[Page 26] Thou, Lord most merciful! whose pity'ing Eye,
Sees with what Needs and Frailties prest we lye!
Prepare our Hearts to fear with Filial Awe,
And duely mourn the Breaches of thy Law;
Give us at last, what thou dost first command,
To love, that in thy Love we ever blest may stand

OF Divine Love.

THE Grecian Muse has all their Gods surviv'd,
Nor Iove at us, nor Phoebus is arriv'd,
Frail Deities, which first the Poets made,
And then invok'd, to give their Fancies aid!
Yet if they still divert us with their Rage,
What may be hop'd for in a better Age?
When not from Helicon's imagin'd Spring,
But Sacred Writ, we borrow what we sing.
[Page 28] Paraphr. I.
The Grecian Gods are known meer Fables all,
The Poets who invok'd their Aid,
And seem'd from thence to fetch that Fire,
Which warm'd their Verse, or mov'd their Lyre,
Themselves those Deities had made;
And did before their own Creation fall.
Out of their Brains those Gods did spring,
What e're of Pallas out of Iove's they sing:
Tho these their Figments now are gon,
And all their Altars trampl'd on;
Yet still they please us with their lofty Vein,
There's something in their Verse which ever shall remain.
If fancy'd Gods such Heats could raise,
As ev'n to us a warmth convey;
With what exalted Numbers should we praise
[Page 29] The Father of Eternal Life and Day!
How great Advantages have we to rise!
Who have the Image of the Heav'nly Mind
In Sacred Writ to us consign'd,
Where th' length, and breadth, and depth of Love Divine, surprize!
Mr. Waller.
This with the Fabrick of the World begun,
Elder than Light, and shall out-last the Sun:
Before this Oracle, like Dagon, all
The false Pretenders, Delphos, Hammon, fall;
Long since despis'd, and silent; they afford
Honour and Triumph to th' Eternal Word.
Paraphr. II.
As soon as Natures outward Vest was made,
Before it was embroider'd o're with Light,
A large Foundation for my Verse was laid:
[Page 30] The Beams of Goodness then express'd,
Made ev'n the Morning Stars more bless'd,
Iob. 38. 7.
And fill'd that glittring Host with new delight.
The Sons of God in Consort sang,
And Anthems through the Empyrean rang.
But when the Lamp of Heav'n expires,
And the account of Time is gon,
Matter of Praise to God shall still run on,
And Man shall join with the immortal Quires.
The Div'l, in Delphick Oracles admir'd,
While with Events their doubtful Sense comply'd,
At God's bright Word imbody'd, soon retir'd,
Forc'd in his own Abyss his Head to hide:
Yet thither did its Influence descend,
And in new Fetters bound the gnashing Fiend.
[Page 31] The Progress of that Soul of Love,
With all its Triumphs over Death and Hell,
We have recorded from Above,
In Transcripts which the Sybills Leaves excel.
Before these Oracles the thundring Baal,
And all the Heathen Gods do fall;
For here the Spirit of our God does dwell:
Th' eternal Word, which spake the Universe,
Affords the hallow'd Theam of my aspiring Verse.
Mr. Waller.
As late Philosophy our Globe has grac'd,
And rowling Earth among the Planets plac'd:
So has this Book Intitled us to Heav'n,
And Rules to guide us to that Mansion given;
Tells the Conditions how our Peace was made,
And is our Pledg for the great Author's Aid.
[Page 32] His Power in Natures ampler Book we find:
But the less Volume do's express his Mind.
Paraph. III.
Some late Philosophers raise Earth to Heav'n,
While it they 'mongst the wandring Planets place:
But Heav'n to Earth extended is by Grace,
Not only in a fair description giv'n,
For Faith to feast upon
(Such as our finite Sense can bear)
Of the unbounded Pleasures there,
Which of it self is some Fruition:
But th' emanations of the Light Divine,
Which in the Gospel shine,
Make out our Title to that bliss,
Where God himself circled with Glory is.
[Page 33] Invite and Lead us to the promis'd Land,
And are an earnest Penny giv'n in Hand,
Of that most gracious Aid,
By which God loves to perfect what he made:
For Humane Breast he ne're would fire,
With thoughts of Immortality,
But with design to crown desire,
Which he himself had rais'd so high.
The Works of the Almighty's Hand,
In Nature's massy Book recorded stand:
But that great Mind,
Which those stupendious Works design'd,
In the less Volume is express'd;
The Footsteps of our God are there confess'd;
Where Mercy ruling over all his Works we find.
[Page 34] Mr. Waller.
This Light unknown, bold Epicurus taught
That his bless'd Gods vouchsafe us not a thought,
But, unconcern'd, let all below them slide,
As Fortune do's, or Human Wisdom guide.
Religion thus remov'd, the Sacred Yoak,
And Band of all Society is broke.
What use of Oaths, of Promise, or of Test,
When Men regard no God but Interest?
What endless Wars would jealous Nations tear,
If none Above did Witness what they swear?
Sad Fate of Unbelievers, (and yet just;)
Among themselves to find so little trust!
Were Scripture silent, Nature would proclaim,
Without a God, our Falshood and our Shame.
To know our Thoughts the Object of his Eyes,
Is the first step to'ards being good, or wise.
[Page 35] For tho with Judgment we on things reflect,
Our Will determines, not our Intellect.
Slaves to their Passion, Reason Men employ
Only to compass what they would enjoy.
His Fear, to guard us from our Selves, we need;
And Sacred Writ our Reason do's exceed.
Paraph. IV.
When Man came warm from his Creator's Hand,
Before he yeilded to his tempting Wife,
And Clouds had dampt the Breath of Life,
How fair an Emblem of his Maker did he stand!
Not Aaron's Breast-plate, nor yet Moses's Face,
When from the Holy Hill
He brought the Transcript of the Laws Divine,
Did with such Glory shine,
As Man before he fell from Grace,
[Page 36] When him, his always present God, did fill.
The Laws which Moses brought
Into his very Frame were wrought,
His Duty was Divinely taught:
Tho then his Heart no Table were of Stone,
It might have kept till now the bright Inscription:
But sensual Love did more with Man prevail,
Than all the Powers of Hell could do.
Did not the Woman woo,
The lively Stamp of Heav'n sure could not fail.
Against all other Ills Man might provide;
Who could suspect a Dart from his own Side?
Or a foul Asmodeus with a Bride?
From his own Rib, dress'd by an Hand Divine,
So very beautiful, so wondrous fine,
How could he Ruine fear?
[Page 37] But such Divinity below,
Man from his unseen God did bear,
Who Ignorance of his Duty chose, for what he there did know.
God's Spirit thence became estrang'd,
The kind Familiar with Regret withdrew,
Mans Heart & Countenance were so much chang'd,
That his own handy work God hardly knew:
Yet still the Beams of Light Divine
God did not to his Heav'n confine;
Where e're the Holy Patriarchs went
Its welcome Warmth was lent.
That which to Israel's chosen Race
A Pillar was of Fire,
Leading them o're the Scorching Plain;
Until the Son of God was slain,
[Page 38] Far from their Tents did ne're retire;
But still in various ways God shew'd his stinted Grace;
But when the stubborn Iews
Did the last proffer of that Grace refuse,
Whereby he did them his peculiar People chuse;
Eternal Love broke from its narrow bound,
And visited the chearful World around;
It Lighted up in every Breast
That Candle of the Lord,
Reason, which soon those Truths confess'd,
Contain'd in the Divine Record,
Which did the vain Disputers of the World confound.
Had Epicurus once beheld
So much of God below,
As Holy Writ do's show;
[Page 39] It had his dang'rous Errors quell'd:
He could not then have thought that Chance,
Had made the World thrô Atomes lucky dance:
And that th' Eternal Pow'r had left to Fate,
What he did neither order nor create.
Had this Philosophy prevail'd,
Mankind e're this had fail'd,
Or turn'd to Brutes, had on each other prey'd:
In vain were any Compacts made,
When there were nought but human Pow'r to awe;
Each would his Neighbour's Right invade,
When Art or Force could free him from the Law.
Religion is the Bond of Peace;
The want of that dissolv's Societies.
An humble Love, and awful Dread,
Of th' unseen Pow'r, secures us here.
[Page 40] While 'tis a Judgment, and the Consequence,
Upon Mens Unbelief,
(Which they deserve, and whence they justly fear)
What e're they have lies without Fence;
And if it fail, their Hopes have no relief:
But what hereafter must the faithless Wretches bear.
Take but the thoughts of Heav'n away,
And Earth would turn to an Akeldama.
Yet while Men hurry'd on to Sin,
Something would whisper them within,
And bid them mind a sacred Guest;
Which sigh's and griev's to turn a Slave,
Where Nature it an Empire gave,
And till it conquers Hyle cannot rest.
The first assistance which it has to rise,
[Page 41] In the Belief of th' Godhead lies.
Philosophy a God may find,
Before it can discern the Ill
Of all things that oppose his Will;
Or read the Lines he wrote upon the Mind.
Self-Love arising from our Flesh and Blood,
Darken's the Characters of good.
When present Pleasure courts the easy Sense,
'Tis hard to think it sinful to comply:
But in the thought of God a Charm do's lye;
The Contemplation of his Purity,
Affords a strong Defence.
Our Souls we thence as by a Mirror dress;
And this do's many'a wand'ring Thought repress.
Yet after all uncertain is th' Effect,
Since Will determines, not the Intellect.
[Page 42] And Men, enslav'd to Passion's sway,
Use Reason but to progg for Appetite;
And carry'd on with warm Delight,
Make the poor Captive Soveraign obey:
Till Scripture working on our Passions too,
Prevailing on our Hope or Fear
(Those Tyrants which so domineer)
Laying the Misery and Bliss in view,
As we the broad or narrow Path pursue;
Charm's us into an happy State,
To which for all Mankind it opens wide the Gate.
Mr. Waller.
For tho Heaven shows the Glory of the Lord,
Yet something shines more glorious in his Word:
His Mercy this, (which all his Works excells,)
His tender Kindness and Compassion tells:
[Page 43] While we inform'd by that Celestial Book,
Into the Bowels of our Maker look;
Love there reveal'd, which never shall have End,
Nor had Beginning, shall our Song commend;
Describe it self, and warm us with that Flame,
Which first from Heav'n, to make us happy, came.
Paraph. VIII.
God's Glory, Heav'n, that does his Love declare;
Love, which is God, does open lye,
Exhibited to Mortal Eye,
Within th' instructing Pages there.
That Attribute which was our God's Delight,
Before he made the Sons of Light,
While the Immense, Three One,
Did entertain Himself alone,
And shall for ever with him stay,
[Page 44] When there's no Change of Night and Day:
That Essence of the Deity,
Which in a Living Flame,
From Heaven to bless us came,
Shall be the Subject of my Poetry;
That shall it self describe, warming my Verse & Me.
Mr. Waller.
The fear of Hell, or aiming to be bless't,
Savour's too much of private Interest.
This mov'd not Moses, nor the Zealous Paul,
Who for their Friends abandon'd Soul and all.
A greater yet, from Heav'n to Earth descends,
To save, and make his Enemies his Friends.
What Line of Praise can fathom such a Love,
Which reach'd the lowest Bottom from Above?
Paraph. IX.
They're narrow Souls who seek their private ends,
Without regard to Relatives, or Friends.
Not so did Moses, and the Zealous Paul,
Who of th' Extent of human Kindness stand,
Examples to us all.
Meek Moses was content to see the Land,
To'ards which his murmuring Friends he led,
And then laid down his Aged Head,
Singing his Requiem; for his Work was done,
As soon as Israel's Rest begun.
But, as'tis thought, this humble Soul
Much farther yet did reach,
While he by Love was carryed on;
And tho by Faith he knew
Of an Immortal Roll,
[Page 46] Where he stood Enter'd with the chosen few,
Ordain'd to be transported o're,
From off this horrid Shore,
'Gainst which so many Tempests roar,
Unto a Land of endless Life and Bliss;
Yet trembling on the naked Beach,
Under a careless Preterition,
Contented was to lie,
Left destitute of more than common Aid,
To struggle for that blest Eternity,
Which the Decree of Heav'n to him had certain made.
St. Paul a Man of warmer Temper was:
Yet this degree of Love he could not pass:
Finding his Brethren shut without the Pail,
Depriv'd of that peculiar Grace,
[Page 47] Which ne're th' inclos'd within the Church can fail;
In pious Rant he wisht with them to change his Place.
But how much greater was that Love,
Which the Eternal Word did move,
Quitting the full Possession
Of all the Glories of his Father's Throne,
To take our Flesh, and suffer Pain,
That he his Enemies might gain,
And all their Obstacles to Bliss remove?
Who can his Thoughts to height sufficient raise?
Or what Expressions can he find,
To sute th' Ideas floting in his Mind,
When he this unexampl'd Act of Love would praise?
Mr. Waller.
The Royal Prophet, that extended Grace
From Heav'n to Earth, measur'd but half that space;
The Law was Regnant, and confin'd his Thought;
Hell was not Conquer'd when that Poet wrote:
Heav'n was scarce heard of until he came down,
To make the Region where Love triumphs, known.
Paraph. XI.
The antient Prophets, that Seraphick Tribe,
Who did Divine Benignity describe,
While the Dominion of the Law did last,
And Clouds the Sun of Righteousness o're cast;
Had more contracted Theams,
To influence their Holy Dreams:
Through Heav'n and Earth God's Grace it self had shown;
[Page 49] But Heil its Power had never known,
And Heav'n it self was darkly drawn,
Till the bright Day did dawn,
Which shew'd on Earth God's only Son;
He a free Prospect of that Region brought,
Where Light, and Joy, and Love, do far exceed all Thought.
Mr. Waller.
That early Love of Creatures yet unmade,
To frame the World th' Almighty did perswade.
For Love it was that first created Light,
Mov'd on the Waters, chac'd away the Night
From the rude Chaos, and bestow'd new Grace
On things disposed to their proper Place:
Some to Rest here, and some to shine Above,
Earth, Sea, and Heav'n were all th' Effects of Love.
[Page 50] And Love would be return'd, but there was none
That to themselves or others yet were known.
The World a Pallace was, without a Guest,
Till one appears that must excel the rest:
One like the Author, whose capacious Mind
Might by the glorious Work, the Maker find:
Might measure Heav'n, and give each Star a Name,
With Art and Courage the rough Ocean tame.
Over the Globe with swelling Sails might go:
And that 'tis round by his Experience know.
Make strongest Beasts obedient to his Will,
And serve his Use the fertil Earth to Till.
When by his Word God had accomplish'd all,
Man to create he did a Council call:
Employ'd his Hand to give the Dust he took
A Graceful Figure and Majestick Look.
[Page 51] With his own Breath convey'd into his Breast,
Life, and a Soul, fit to command the rest:
Worthy alone to celebrate his Name,
For such a Gift, and tell from whence it came,
Birds sing his Praises in a wilder Note,
But not with lasting Numbers, and with Thought,
Mans great Prerogative—
Paraph. XII.
Love in the Bosom of the Godhead lay,
Before the Creatures into Being rose:
Through this to frame the World he chose;
He spake, and passive Matter did obey.
That Spirit which did on the Waters move,
And with its brooding Wings hatcht Vital Heat,
Which spreading o're the formless Deep,
Did the Worlds outward Lines compleat;
[Page 52]Was nothing else but mighty Love,
Whence charming Symmetry did smiling leap,
And through the gloomy heap,
Diffus'd a grateful Light,
That Banisht Chaos with its horrid Night
When the Proportions finisht were,
Love then the Features and the Graces drew,
About the rising World it flew,
Distinguisht and adorn'd, the Waters, Earth, and Air.
A Stately Pallace it did build,
And furnisht to amazement every Room;
Curious Plantations round about it made,
With Grassy Walks, which ever Greens did shade;
And Fruit-Trees interspersed were,
Enricht with Fruit, or gay with Bloom,
Each Herb, and Plant, and Flow'r was there;
[Page 53] With many an Avi'ary 'twas fill'd,
And Entertainments for the Eye,
Of all the Beasts that move, or Birds that fly,
And Creeping things in vast variety,
As if to Court some great Inhabitant, were laid.
This glorious Scene, with more than Verse can sing,
Being prepar'd by the Eternal King;
Man newly cast i'th' Heav'nly Mold,
From off his flowry Bed do's rise,
He casts about his wondring Eyes,
And do's with springing Joy behold
Th' unsully'd Beauties on Earth's Bosom spread:
But as to Heav'n h [...]is'd his Head,
And saw that Orb of Light,
Which shot it self into his sight;
[Page 54] Unpractis'd Reason rose above that Sphear:
Then whereso'ere he look'd he found
The presence of a God appear,
Who from his Holy Seat touch'd Adah's Heart,
And did Devotion's warmth impart,
As Phoebus's Beams from Heav'n do strike the Ground.
What's for Man's Use or his Diversion here,
From God's meer Word and careless Fiat came:
But Man, his Image, his own Hand did frame,
By the Idea he is Counsel wrought;
Th' Effect of calm Debate, and deepest Thought:
He fill'd his working Breast
With an Etherial Flame,
And with the Breath of Life he had himself impress't.
Him his Vicegerent o're the World did make:
And Marks of Empire in his Face,
And Countenance erect did place,
Which also Monitors might prove,
To mind him of his Debt to praise that Love,
From whence he did, what e're he is, partake,
Next to the Angels, Man alone
Is fit to aim at Praises due
To that bless't Pow'r, who from his Starry Throne,
Surveys, and blesses, what through him we doe.
The Birds do warble out his Praise
In pretty tuneful Notes;
They to his Glory strain their Throats,
And ev'n in us an Emulation raise.
Yet here 'tis Man alone can Tribute bring,
[Page 56] Of lasting Numbers, and of weighty Thought,
Unto the Altars of the Heav'nly King,
Who will no Service pay but what sound Reason brought.
Angels which struggle not with Flesh and Blood,
To whom it is their Nature to be good,
Can be but what they are;
While Man with Reason rises by Degrees,
Feels with his Love his Happiness increase,
And still comes nigher Heav'n till he at last be there.
Man, in his better part,
Little inferiour to the Pow'rs Above,
In full Fruition of Eternal Love;
Upon the Wings of Thought aspires,
To warm himself with the bright Heav'nly Fires:
And with a wond'rous Art
[Page 57] Derives from thence
Some knowledg of their secret Influence;
By Numbers sacred Magick views,
The Heights and Distances which each obtain;
And the Directions learns to use,
Of Laeda's Sons, and Charles his Wain,
On the unbeaten Paths of the tempestu'ous Main.
But when the Lamps of Heav'n enclos'd
Within the Sable Curtains of the Night,
Afford no friendly Light,
But leave him to wide Seas expos'd;
Thrô Nat'ral Magick, then succeeding to Divine,
The trembling Needle proves a steddy Guide;
As that does to its Pole incline,
He finds where's shatter'd Ship does ride.
[Page 58] Thus Love, the Loadstone of alluring Love,
Touching the tender Heart,
Glides with a gentle trembling thro each part;
And a safe Guide to Happiness does prove:
Where this Magnetick Force prevails,
There needs no Cynosure,
The Passage to secure,
As thrô Life's troubled Seas one sails:
Yet no true Harbour can be found,
Where all the Labours of the wand'ring Soul,
Can with Success be crown'd,
Until it ever rest fixt to its radiant Pole.
Mr. Waller.
—But above all
His Grace abounds in his new Favorites fall.
[Page 59] If he creates, it is a World he makes:
If he be angry, the Creation shakes.
From his just Wrath our guilty Parents fled:
He curs'd the Earth, but bruis'd the Serpent's Head.
Amidst the Storm his Bounty did exceed,
In the rich Promise of the Virgin's Seed.
Paraph. XVII.
That Love which takes the whole Creation in,
Strange Paradox! chiefly abounds
In the new Fav'rites shameful sin,
When Satan first began his Rounds.
Without a Fall Man ne're to Heav'n could rise:
'Tis from the Brink of Hell we reach the Skyes.
Had Man in Paradise continued still,
He never had unhappy been;
His Mind had always been serene.
[Page 60] Not taken up with care to live,
Or any Accident to make him grieve:
Yet this would not have given the Soul its fill.
That which brought Love to dwell on Earth,
And from a Virgin have its glorious Birth,
Did justly raise our Hopes to such Degree,
That we may say, Bliss came from Miserie.
The Serpent's Poyson brought the Sp'rit of Life:
Nor could we ever have receiv'd a Crown,
Unless the fatal Strife.
Had brought the Son of God, to Raise us when w'were down.
Mr. Waller.
Tho Justice Death, as Satisfaction craves,
Love finds a Way to pluck us from our Graves;
Not willing Terror should his Image move:
He gives a Pattern of Eternal Love.
[Page 61] His Son descends to Treat a Peace with those,
Which were, and must have ever been his Foes.
Poor he became, and left his Glorious Seat,
To make us Humble, and to make us Great.
His Business here, was Happiness to give,
To those whose Malice would not let him live.
Paraph. XVIII.
God's Image planted in the Human Breast,
Sin had defac'd, and Misery oppress't;
Nor could they look for less to come,
Than an Eternity of Woes,
Who of themselves were thus become,
To the Almighty Pow'r perpetual Foes;
Yet for their sake the Darling Son,
Who in his Bosom equal lay;
Through Love prevailing on his Choice, was won,
[Page 62] Here to possess an House of Clay;
And bear all Incidents to Mortal State.
To Pescue us from our deserved Fare.
Man's Sin did interrupt his Bliss;
As by Earth's Vapours Heav'n beclouded is.
Nor could the Throne of Glory please,
With all the Happiness Above,
Whilst us in Sin he weltring sees,
An Object which might well Divine Compassion move!
Himself he humbled, to exalt
Those who lay low through their own Fault,
When first they did from Heav'n, and Him, revolt.
His only Bus'ness, while he sojourn'd here,
Was Happiness to give
To those, who would not let him live,
Nor the Reproach of his unspotted Life could bear.
Mr. Waller.
Legions of Angels which he might have us'd,
For us resolv'd to perish, he refus'd:
While they stood ready to prevent his loss,
Love took him up and nail'd him to the Cross.
Immortal Love which in his Bowels raign'd!
That we might be by such a Love constrain'd
To make Return of Love. Upon this Pole
Our Duty do's, and our Religion rowl.
To Love is to believe, to hope, to know:
'Tis an Essay, a Taste, of Heav'n below.
Paraph. XIX.
In vain had all the Pow'rs of Earth, and Hell,
Against his Life conspir'd,
Had he the Ministry requir'd
Of the bright Troop, made to Attend his Will:
[Page 64] He suffered Men his Blood to spill;
And for their Sins a willing Sacrifice he fell.
When from this Vale of Miseries,
He might have gone directly to the Skyes,
And th' utmost Regions of Eternal Day;
Love nail'd him to the Cross, & stop't him by the way.
Shall not such Love as this constrain,
To make Return of Love again?
Was Love for Love ever a Pain?
And shall our Saviour Love and dye for us, in vain?
Hard-hearted Man, who when his Duty lies
In ans'ering Nature's most delightful Tyes;
Cannot be soft enough to Love, and to be wise!
Love is the whole of Man;
'Tis Faith, 'tis Hope, 'tis Knowledg too;
'Tis an Essay of Heav'n below:
Who Loves most warmly is the truest Christian.
Mr. Waller.
He to proud Potentates would not be known:
Of those that lov'd him he was hid from none.
Till Love appear, we live in anxious Doubt;
But Smoak will vanish when that Flame breaks out.
This is the Fire that would consume our Dross:
Refine, and make us richer by the Loss.
The Great Men's Favour, or Applause,
Christ sought not, but contemn'd their Noise:
Did for Disciples take
Men of low Fortunes, but exalted Minds
(Where Love the heartiest welcome finds:)
Their Love in them the Object of his Love did make.
Proud Potentates, with all their Train,
Did unsuccessfully pursue,
[Page 66] While Curiosity, or Hate
Did their Enquiries animate;
Which better than themselves he knew:
But th' humble Lover never sought in vain.
Love gives assurance to the pious Mind,
And do's the Clouds of Doubts dispel
From the glad Heart, which was a Smoaky Cell.
Our Dross is by this Fire refin'd;
And how much more of that we lose,
The well-try'd Soul the richer grow's:
How great's the Price when nought but Love is left behind!
Mr. Waller.
Could we forbear Dispute, and practise Love,
We should agree as Angels do Above.
Where Love presides, not Vice alone do's find
No Entrance there, but Vertues stay behind;
[Page 67] Both Faith, and Hope, and all the meaner Train
Of Moral Vertues, at the Door remain:
Love only Enters as a Native there,
For Born in Heav'n, it do's but sojourn here.
Paraph. XXI.
How blessed were our Earthly State!
How like to Angels should we be!
If we could lay aside Debate,
And in Celestial Love agree!
Love which do's ev'n in Heav'n preside,
And there flow's in with Glory's constant Tide!
From whence not Vice alone must fly,
But all the meaner Train
Of Vertues must behind remain:
Both Faith and Hope must dye,
While Love for ever lives in Extasy.
[Page 68] It do's but wander here from home,
Not having where to rest its Head,
'Ere since the Son of God was dead,
When fair Astraea truly fled;
A Native 'tis of Heav'n, & mourns till there it come.
Mr. Waller.
He that alone, would wise and mighty be,
Commands that others Love as well as he:
Love as he lov'd: How can we soar so high?
He can add Wings when he commands to fly.
Nor should we be with this Command dismay'd;
He that Example gives, will give his Aid.
For he took Flesh, that where his Precepts fail,
His Practice as a Pattern may prevail.
His Love at once, and Dread, instructs our Thought;
A [...] Man he suffered, and as God he taught.
[Page 69] Will for the Deed he takes; we may with ease,
Obedient be: For if we Love we please.
Weak tho we are, to Love is no hard task,
And Love for Love is all that Heav'n do's ask.
Paraph. XXII.
Our God bears no Competitour,
In Wisdom, or in Pow'r;
But is so kind to make our Duty lie,
In rivalling that Love,
Which do's from him its Fountain flow;
Whose Streams in us he will improve,
Till we with him one Ocean grow.
Perfection he would have in Love,
And tho our Mortal Pow'rs can't mount so high,
To reach the Nature of the Deity;
Yet he sufficient Strength inspires,
Out of our Selves enabling us to move.
[Page 70] Himself trac'd out the Paths he'd have us take;
Suffer'd as Man, while yet as God he spake:
To shew that Man may do what God requires.
Where he Commands he gives the Pow'r t'obey;
And if to him he bids us rise,
He readily with Wings supplies;
And guides us on our way.
Nothing is Man's but his Free Will,
He of himself is impotent to Good:
When our Good Will is understood,
Assistnces Divine our Faculties will fill.
We may obedient be with ease,
For, if we love, we please.
Love is the whole of us desir'd,
We're Objects which the Godhead move,
When once our Hearts with that are fir'd:
And sure 'tis no hard Task to render Love for Love.
Mr. Waller.
Love that would all Men just and temp'rate make,
Kind to themselves, and others for his sake.
'Tis with our Minds as with a fertile Ground,
Wanting this Love they must with Weeds abound;
Unruly Passions, whose Effects are worse
Than Thorns and Thistles springing from the Curse.
Paraph. XXIII.
Love is a Deity in Mortal Breast,
Working it up to full Perfection;
Nor can the Sacred Inmate rest,
Till it the Man divest
Of ev'ry surly Passion.
It makes us temp'rate, makes us just;
Raises from groveling in the Dust:
Through that we are afraid,
[Page 72] To violate what God has made:
We hurt not others, not defile
God's Image stamp't on our own Souls;
But that, (Alas! too fertile Soil)
Unless sweet Love controuls,
The other Passions Earthy in allay,
In their Effects much worse,
Than Thorns & Thistles springing from the Curse;
Will run up too too fast, and bear a fatal Sway.
Mr. Waller.
To Glory, Man, or Misery, is born,
Of his proud Foe, the Envy, or the Scorn:
Wretched he is, or happy, in extream,
Base in himself, but Great in Heav'ns esteem.
With Love, of all created things, the best;
Without it, more pernicious than the rest.
[Page 73] For greedy Wolves unguarded Sheep devour
But while their Hunger lasts, and then give 'ore.
Man's Boundless Avarice his Want exceeds,
And on his Neighbours round about him, feeds.
His Pride and vain Ambition are so vast,
That, Deluge-like, they lay whole Nations waste.
Paraph. XXIV.
Man of a middle Nature is,
And trembling stands betwixt two vast Extreams,
Ready to fall to Hell, or rise to Bliss;
As Love withdraws, or yeilds its quick'ning Beams:
That, to the envy of our Spiritual Foe,
Array's us in pure Robes of Light,
If that forsake us, we're a dismal Sight,
And into Scorn, and a meer By-word grow:
The Div'l can scarce vouchsafe a Look so low.
[Page 74] But yet how vile soe're we are;
If Love but shoot its gen'rous Flame
Through our complying Frame,
We in the Eye of Heav'n are Great, and Fair.
Of all the Creatures here,
The Human Nature's nighest the Divine,
While Love's within the Shrine,
Without it the remotest do's appear.
When Savage Beasts pursue,
But while they're hungry, or their Prey in view;
And never hunt about for more than Food:
Man, boundless in his Appetite,
Ev'n in the Mischief do's delight,
And frames unto himself a Good,
Which Nature never understood;
In laying Plots but to destroy,
[Page 75] What he himself cannot enjoy.
The ruine of the weeping Neighbours round,
To Avarice, or the Ambitious Thought,
Is a too narrow Bound:
A Deluge of Destruction brought,
To take whole Nations in,
And swallow up the publick Peace,
With them's a glorious Sin;
They hugg themselves in such Contrivances as these.
Mr. Waller.
Debauches and Excess, tho with less Noise,
As great a portion of Mankind destroy's.
The Beasts, and Monsters, Hercules opprest,
Might in that Age some Provinces infest.
These more destructive Monsters are the Bane
Of every Age, and in all Nations raign:
[Page 76] But soon would vanish if the World were bless'd
With Sacred Love, by which they are repress'd.
Paraph. XXV.
Love clears the Earthly Dreggs away,
Which would ferment within,
Making us eager with tumult'ous Sin,
Which brings our fretting Bodies to decay.
Debauches, more destructive far,
Than livid Plague, or bloody War;
In every Nation sway.
Tho Hercules might Monsters quell,
And the Augoean Stables clean,
From horrid Filth, and Beasts obscene:
His Labours were much more confin'd
Than Love's, whose Task is all Mankind;
[Page 77] The Place less foul, Monsters less fell,
Than what Love cleanses, and subdues in Humane Mind.
Mr. Waller.
Impendent Death, and Guilt that threatens Hell,
Are dreadful Guests, which here with Mortals dwell.
And a vext Conscience mingling with their Joy,
Thoughts of Dispair do's their whole Life annoy.
But Love appearing, all those Terrors fly;
We live contented, and contented dye.
They in whose Breast this Sacred Love has place,
Death, as a Passage to their Joy, embrace.
Paraph. XXVI.
When the first Clouds o're Human Mind were spread,
And Vapours from the Earth press't Love Divine,
Which kept, with Innocence, a constant shine;
[Page 78] Man's humble Confidence and Courage fled:
Darkness and Terror seiz'd his Soul;
He felt within a gnawing Pain;
An Omen, and an Earnest too,
Of Death, and that ensuing Woe,
In which he must for ever rowl;
If Love resign him to a worse controul,
Leaving his rav'nous Lusts to raign:
Yet all the Anguish and Dispair,
Which here the Wretches Entrails tear,
But a faint prospect show,
Of what for him hereafter must remain.
All other Comforts do with Love retire,
'Tis that which keeps our Spirits up,
And sweetens the most bitter Cup:
And did not Grace renew its Fire
[Page 79] After Man's Fall, all Travellers Below would tire:
Nor can they mount Above,
But on the Wings of Love:
That do's with Comforts here supply,
And carry's us to Heaven when we dye:
Whither we oft before in Flames of Love did fly.
Mr. Waller.
Clouds and thick Vapours which obscure the Day,
The Sun's Victor'ous Beams may chase away:
Those which our Life corrupt and darken, Love
The Nobler Star, must from the Soul remove.
Spots are observ'd in that which bounds the Year;
This brighter Sun moves in a boundless Sphere:
Of Heav'n the Joy, the Glory, and the Light,
Shines among Angels and admits no Night.
Paraph. XXVII.
As the Sun Vapours, Love do's us exhale,
Do's by Degrees refine,
And make us all Divine;
Melting away what e're was frail.
That which at first was cloud,
And did the Lightsome Body shroud,
Will turn into that active Orb,
Which never leaves its course till it the whole absorb.
Whatever Spots may in that Sun appear;
Which guides the Day, and bounds the Year,
The Sun of Love, in Heav'n its Sphere,
Is with unblemish'd Lustre, bright:
It here but a weak Twilight keeps,
And Day through Cloudy Curtains peeps:
What thought can reach those Raptures of Delight,
[Page 81] Which do those blessed Souls await,
Who freed from every Earthly weight,
And all the Seeds of dull Mortality,
In an Eternal Sunshine lye,
Under great Love's transforming Eye;
Which works their Bodies to a Spirit'al Frame,
And guilds them over with that Flame,
Which do's th' Angelique Host array!
That Joy, that Glory, that perpetual Day,
Of which an adequate Ideae were
Ev'n Heav'n it self Below,
Do's from the Beatifick Vision flow,
Of Everlasting Love, smiling from's Starry Chair.
Mr. Waller.
This Iron Age so fradulent and bold,
Touch'd with this Love would be an Age of Gold:
[Page 82] Not as they faign'd, that Oaks should Honey drop;
Or Land neglected bear an unsown Crop.
Paraph. XXVIII.
This Iron Age, the very Dross of Time,
Love would with alterative touch sublime,
And bring again the Golden Prime:
Not such as lazy Poets idly feign
In Phlegmatick Old Saturn's Raign;
While Nature, prodigal o'th' beaut'ous store,
Requir'd no Courtship to unlock her Heart,
But like a Prostitute, and easy Whore,
Did to each Comer all her Wealth impart.
But tho Dame Nature's more reserv'd and coy,
And looks for Labour and the utmost Care,
Of them who would her Favours share:
And many after all cannot the least enjoy:
[Page 83] Love, which diffus'd, is Charity,
Would all Mankind supply;
While he who did successful prove;
(And here Success is all)
Be'ing taught Humanity by God-like Love,
Would think himself bound to divide,
To them whose Needs did call;
As much as to prevent his own Child's fall.
A Plank cast out to sinking Men,
Bore down ill Fortune's unresisted Tide,
With a rich Lading do's return agen.
What solid Joy! what sober Pride,
From a good Act effective springs!
Nor Field, nor Traffick, such Improvement brings.
A charitable Man's a God Below:
And with his raised Head do's touch the Sky:
[Page 84] While others turn'd to Beasts of Prey,
Upon the Ground in wait for Mischief lye;
Nor Pleasures more exalted know,
Than what a Wolf enjoys tearing a bleating Stray.
Mr. Waller.
Love would make all things easy, safe, and cheap;
None for himself would either Sow of Reap:
Our ready Help, and Mutual Love would yeild,
A nobler Harvest than the richest Feild.
Famine and Dearth confin'd to certain parts,
Extended are by barrenness of Hearts.
Some pine for Want, where others Surfeit now,
But then we should the use of Plenty know,
Love would betwixt the Rich and Needy stand,
And spread Heav'ns Bounty with an equal Hand;
At once the Givers and Receivers bless;
Encrease their Joy, and make their Suff'rings less.
Paraph. XXIX.
'Twas want of Love which first gave price to Gold,
When they to whom kind Heav'n did lend,
More than their Families could spend,
And of the Overplus its Stewards made;
The Sacred Trust betray'd,
And what they should distribute basely sold.
This put the Scepter into Fortune's Hand,
And she who was despis'd before,
By Man's consent a Crown Imperi'al wore;
With Life and Death put under her Command.
Her Frown gave Ruin to whole Families,
Without her Favour none could rise.
While Men might takeout of the common Store,
And no Man treasur'd for himself alone,
Nor ought beyond his Needs esteem'd his own;
[Page 86] None were unfortunate, or poor.
Nature is bountiful, Man is not so:
But when her flatt'ning Streams would flow,
Enriching all the Plains below;
Men with their Damns divert her Course,
And into narrow Bounds diffusive Nature force.
All things would easy be and cheap,
Did Love the Key of the great Store-house keep:
If here the Earth deceive the Lab'rers Toil,
Another meets with more returning Soil.
Famine and Dearth never from Nature came,
She always gave enough for all:
If to engrossing Hands it fall;
'Tis not the barren Land, but barren Heart,
Which ought to bear the blame;
[Page 87] The Heart where Love did never shine,
Or one compassio'nating Ray impart.
Love would not suffer some for Want to pine,
While others Surfeit with excess;
And turn into a Curse, what was ordain'd to bless.
Love like a Fav'rite Minister of Heav'n,
That ne're to execute its Wrath was sent,
But many 'a threatning Vial did prevent,
With Pow'r Divine of Blessing giv'n;
Betwixt the Scramblers of the Earth would stand,
And spread its Riches with an equal Hand.
He whose Endeavours did the best succeed,
Would think his Riches lay in helping others need.
Mr. Waller.
Who for himself no Miracle would make,
Dispens'd with Nature for the People's sake.
Paraph. XXXI.
The Lord of all things while he travell'd here,
Found the whole World was Canton'd out;
And nothing left for th'Universal Heir,
Besides a breathing Place i'th' open Air.
Not having where to rest his Head,
Or Table for his Hunger spread:
With Pilgrim's Weed, and Fare, wandring about.
Yet Nature but his Handmaid was,
Nor could have disobey'd his Voice;
If of her Stock he had but made his Choice,
The Stewards must have let it pass.
Nay Stony Hearts, or Doors of Brass,
Could not the winged Wealth have kept;
All things would to their Lord have gladly leapt.
Were the Earth's Fruits not fit for taste;
[Page 89] Ev'n at his Touch they'd into Ripeness haste.
A Miracle was nothing more,
Than an exertion of his Natural Pow'r.
Yet freely did he rigid Chances bear,
And, but for others wants, would not a God appear.
Mr. Waller.
He that long Fasting would no Wonder show,
Made Loaves and Fishes, as they eat them, grow.
Of all his Pow'r which boundless was Above,
Here he us'd none, but to express his Love.
And such a Love would make our Joy exceed,
Not when our own, but other Mouths we feed.
Paraph. XXXII.
When th' utmost Stress on's Human Nature lay,
Through Fasting ready just to faint away;
While Satan o're him did insulting stand,
[Page 90] Hoping when spent he'd fall his Prey;
He would not the least Miracle command.
But when desire of Spirit'al Food
Drew to his Side the hungry Multitude;
Love soon engag'd his Pow'r Divine;
And then he was a God indeed,
When he created Food unto their need;
And did by wonderful Production Thousands dine.
What e're he did while here Below,
Came from the Principle of Love.
Love was the Vertue which did from him flow.
His Meat, and Drink, were to fulfil
His Heav'nly Father's Will,
Of doing good to Men.
If his Disciples we'd our Selves approve,
No Victory would yeild us so much Joy,
[Page 91] As taking from ill Fate Pow'r to destroy
Those, whom the Monster hurry'd to its Den:
Bringing most comfortable Aid,
To them were posting to th' Infernal Shade;
Worn out with wasting Woes, yet still of worse afraid.
Mr. Waller.
Laws would be useless which rude Nature awe,
Love changing Nature would prevent the Law.
Tygers and Lions into Dens we thrust,
But milder Creatures with their Freedom trust.
Devils are chain'd and tremble: But the Spouse
No Force but Love, nor Bond but Bounty, knows.
Men whom we now so fierce and dang'rous see,
Would Guardian Angels to each other be.
Such Wonders can this mighty Love perform;
Vultures to Doves, Wolves into Lambs transform.
[Page 92] Love, what Isaiah prophesied can do,
Exalt the Valleys, lay the Mountains low.
Humble the Lofty, the Dejected raise,
Smooth and make streight our rough and crooked ways.
Love, strong as Death, and, like it, levels all,
With that possest, the Great in Title fall;
Themselves esteem'd but equal to the least,
Whom Heav'n with that high Character has blest.
This Love, the Center of our Union, can
Alone bestow compleat Repose on Man;
Tame his wild Appetite, make inward Peace,
And Foreign Strife among the Nations cease.
Paraph. XXXIII.
As Love decay'd, Men sunk below their kind,
Thence to Humanity they're Strangers found,
The Brutal part Superior to the Mind:
[Page 93] Where gen'rous Lions spare, they meanly wound,
And their wild Lusts spread Death and Plagues around.
The Hopes or Terrors of a Future State,
Have with the most but little weight;
If they can solace here, they'l leave the rest to Fate.
Wherefore 'twas needful sudden Pain,
And Punishment expected here,
Should the bold Head-strong Bruits restrain.
A Lion or a Bear i'th' way,
Would stop a Passion in its full Carier:
And what Temptation could prevail,
When all the Spirits sink and fail;
The Pleasure dissipated by the Fear?
This made the thinking part of Human kind,
Who had observ'd each turning of the Mind;
[Page 94] And could the Wilder into Tameness stroak,
Devise, with Laws, the stubborn Necks to Yoak:
With Spikes of Steel the Yoaks were set;
Mars did not struggle more in vain,
When caught in sooty Vulcan's Net,
Than they to break what they themselves ordain:
With Mulcts ill-Habits, by degrees, are broke:
But as poor Lunatick, that feels his fit
From lucid Intervals, his Spirits alarm;
Do's to those welcom Cords submit,
Which may prevent his threatned Harm:
Yet at full-Tide of the Disease,
Whatever keeps from Mischief do's displease:
So 'tis with Man in yeilding to the Law,
Which do's th' Impulses of depraved Nature awe.
But Love all this would supersede,
That is a gentle Law within,
Which with sweet Force subdues the Law of Sin:
Love's Votaries no Rigors need:
All things are quiet where its Halcyons breed.
A smiling Calm do's smooth the Face,
Where Love sits brooding at the Heart:
Where e're it comes it scatters many'a Grace;
And do's a melting Warmth impart,
Which would dissolve the hardest Stone:
But with what Radiancy it shines,
When it has Female Wax to work upon!
Where it from little Coynesses refines,
And in one Will the Wife and Husband joyns.
[Page 96] All Ties but Love are laid aside,
Duty's a Word that would divide;
What's askt in Love, was ne're by Love deny'd.
A pleasing Symphony each other charms,
As they go bound one in the others Arms,
While Div'ls are chain'd, and Div'l like Men,
In loathsom Prisons lie confin'd;
And like fierce Tygers shut up in a Den;
With their vain Ravings spent, sullenly grieve;
Where Love emancipates the Mind,
The Man's as free as unpent Air,
Yet can no more Love's Object leave;
When he has chose the good and fair,
Than he to taste Joys unforbidden can forbear.
For working Wonders Love has mighty Pow'r,
Strange Transformations it can make;
They whose Delight was to devour,
A diff'rent gentle Nature take:
From Beasts to Men, from Men t'Angellick kind,
By that we Changes in an Instant find.
Heav'ns winged Ministers, sent out to guard
The chosen few to Mansions there prepar'd;
Hardly more vigilant and tender prove,
Than they who Metamorphos'd are by Love.
Love can Isaiah's Prophecy fulfil,
Exalt the Vale, lay low the Hill;
Raise them that are Below, and humble those Above.
No Man so high, but would rejoice to fall
To a great Soul, who stands the Mark of Fate;
[Page 98] Yet, spite of envious Fortune, will be Great:
And God himself to th' Spectacle do's call,
To see him, like an unmov'd Rock,
Stand the rude Billows empty shock,
And dash them back into the Face of Heav'n:
Until, so well such brave Adventures please,
God smooths the Surface of the raging Seas;
And lets him reach Love's Haven then with ease.
Through Love alone our Happiness is giv'n,
Our Glory there, and here our Peace.
And did this Rule, Wars would amongst the Nations cease.
Mr. Waller.
No Martial Trumpet should disturb our Rest,
Nor Princes Arm, tho to subdue the East;
Where for the Tomb so many Heros taught,
By those that guided their Devotion, fought:
[Page 99] Thrice happy we! could we like Ardour have
To gain his Love, as they to win his Grave:
Love as he lov'd. A Love so unconfin'd,
With Arms extended, would embrace Mankind:
Self-Love would cease, or be dilated, when
We should behold as many Selves as Men;
All of one Family, in Blood Ally'd;
His precious Blood that for our Ransom dy'd.
Paraph. XXXVI.
The Drums or Trumpets horrid sound
Would not the boding Heart with Terror wound;
Nor would the Princes cloath themselves with Steel,
(While they, than that, no more relentings feel)
Tho 'twere to gain our Saviour's Monument:
And, like the Ark from the curst Philistines,
To bring it unto Israel's happy Tent.
[Page 100] Many brave Lives were lost in such Designs,
Whilst subtile Men, wheadling the Heros in,
Did unobserv'd to Empire rise;
These did some useless Lawrels win:
But they enjoy'd the solid Prize.
How might we pity such misguided Zeal!
How much these Heros would behind us come!
If we like Transports of Desire could feel
To gain his Love, as they to win his Tomb.
And if his Love could ours excite
To labour at an equal height,
With that which would embrace Mankind;
And grieves to see so many lagg behind,
For want of Love to Wing them to his Arms.
Did we that Pattern emulate,
Self-Love would wholly cease;
[Page 101] Or else it self o're Human Race dilate,
While each another Self in's Neighbour sees,
Whose ev'ry Vein the same Blood warms;
That Blood which virt'ally was shed,
An Antidote, as soon as Sin's first Poyson spread.
Mr. Waller.
Tho the Creation, so Divinely Taught,
Prints such a lively Image in our Thought,
That the first Spark of new created Light
From Chaos struck, affects our present Sight:
Yet the first Christians did esteem more blest,
The Day of Rising than the Day of Rest:
That every Week might new occasion give,
To make his Triumph in their Mem'ry Live.
Paraph. XXXVII.
To make the World, and in it Man,
Th' Almighty Architect t' Adore,
Do's less of Love Divine declare,
Than his decayed Image to repair;
And when with Sins 'twas sullied o're,
Its former Luster to restore.
Tho the Description giv'n us from Above,
Of God's first Workmanship do's strongely move;
And 'tis so lively drawn,
That ev'n the first Days dawn,
Seems to affect our present Sight,
As if we saw the new created Light
Just out of Chaos raise its beamy Head;
While, as the Hemisphere it smiling spread,
In haste the frightful Shadows fled,
[Page 103] And the approach of unknown Day,
Disperst the Doemons which here wall'wing lay:
Yet the first Christians justly chose,
To praise that Day when God from's Grave arose;
Before his Rest, when the great Work was done:
And thus each Week they celebrate the rising Sun.
Mr. Waller.
Then let our Muse compose a Sacred Charm,
To keep his Blood among us ever warm;
And singing, as the Blessed do Above,
With our last Breath dilate this Flame of Love.
But on so vast a Subject who can find,
Words that may reach th' Ideas of his Mind?
Our Language fails, or if it could supply,
What Mortal Thought can raise it self so high?
[Page 104] Despairing here we might abandon Art,
And only hope to have it in our Heart.
Paraph. XXXVIII.
Then let our Muse transported with his praise,
Unto his Memory an Altar raise,
And each Lord's Day offer devoted Lays.
Singing and spreading out the Flame of Love,
Until it touch the Flaming Seat Above;
Where in its Element the Soul shall rest,
With the Reward of Love for ever blest;
Love, the Ambrosia at the Heav'nly Feast.
Who can those thronging Images express,
That fill the Mind intent on such a Theam?
We here must needs our Poverty confess,
Where what we think is less than what we feel.
An Angels Hand with a Sun Beam,
[Page 105] Might such a Subject trace:
While we poor Earth-born Race,
Despairing to describe its meanest Grace;
Contentedly may rest,
Having this Deity within our Breast:
Tho meanly lodg'd, there it delights to dwell,
If we cherish it with care;
Th' Endearments passing there,
No Tongue can tell,
No Thought can reach;
The Mind's confounded when 'twould dictate to the Speech.
Mr. Waller.
But tho we find this Sacred Task too hard,
Yet the Design, th'Endeavour, brings Reward,
The Contemplation do's suspend our Woe,
And makes a Truce with all the Ills we know.
[Page 106] As Saul's afflicted Spirit from the sound
Of David's Harp a present Solace found;
So on this Theam while we our Muse engage,
No Wounds are felt of Fortune, or of Age.
On Divine Love to meditate, is Peace,
And makes all care of meaner things to cease.
Paraph. XXXIX.
Yet the Design, the bare Endeavour brings
Reward, beyond the Crowns of Kings:
The Swan can feel no Pain, that dying sings.
And he who thinks of Sacred Love,
Do's with that Contemplation tune his Mind;
Nor can what from without do's move,
Disturb the Musick he within do's find.
While that about the Soul do's play,
All Ills and Evil Spirits keep away.
[Page 107] Not David's Harp with sweeter ease,
Did charm the Furious Saul,
And make his ravisht Madness fall;
Than this suspends our raging Woes:
We know not how we lose
The Thoughts of what we were before.
And, while that Harmony takes up the Soul,
Nothing about us can displease:
Love to it Self converts the whole.
We just are knocking at Heav'ns Door,
Being with all the World at Peace;
Just, just approaching to become meer Deities.
Mr. Waller.
Amaz'd at once, and comforted, to find
A boundless Pow'r so infinitely kind.
[Page 108] The Soul contending to that Light to fly,
From her dark Cell, we practise how to dye:
Emplying thus the Poets winged Art,
To reach this Love, and grave it in our Heart.
Joy so compleat, so solid, and severe,
Would leave no Place for meaner Pleasures there:
Pale they would look, as Stars that must be gon.
When from the East the rising Sun comes on.
Paraph. XL.
With what surprize of Joy do we admire
Infinite Love, mixt with unbounded Pow'r?
The Flames all Lambent, which might well devour
Us, who lay under the Almighty's Ire;
Till he the Image of his Love Divine,
Sent down on Earth to shine;
[Page 109] And be a Leading Light,
To them that groap'd in gloomy Night;
Where Spectres of Eternal Death affright:
And raise them to Love's Glorious Throne,
Whither the Soul may often fly
Upon the Wings of Contemplation,
Abstracted from its sordid Cell;
And that blest Time anticipate,
When free from ev'ry Weight,
Nor subject more to Fate,
We shall to live for ever dye;
And leave our Inn Below, in Heav'n to dwell,
The noblest Rise, and boldest Flights
That thitherward are made,
Are by the Muses Aid.
Verse softens, and prepares for those Delights,
[Page 110] Which Angels do in Numbers sing:
Numbers, which raise the Soul upon the Wing,
And to the Beatifick view,
Of Love's bright Face, do bring:
Where Holy David singing to his Lyre,
Sits with the highest of the Heav'nly Quire;
Telling his Bliss in Verses ever new.
The thoughts of Joys, so solid and severe,
Aim'd at in Verse by Mortal Poets here,
Make meaner Pleasures shrink away;
As the less Lights, the Stars, when Phoebus brings the Day.

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