[Page]BALAAMS REPLY TO THE ASSE, OR THE Clergies Answer TO THE Countreys Complaint.

By H. W.


LONDON, Printed by J B. and are to be sold at the se­veral Booksellers shops in London and Westminster, 1661.

Balaams Reply to the Ass, OR THE Clergies Answer TO THE Countrys Complaint.

To the Reverend Bishops.
YOu learned Prelates of the House of Peers!
That sit in Moses Chair, and bow your ears
To Widows just Complaints, and Orphans Tearal
Grave (Fathers of the Church) to you we come!
Begging for Justice! though they say we are dumb;
If we were so indeed twere well for some.
To you we send or our complaints alass,
None fitter then an Angel to appease.
The fray, betwixt poor Bala'm and his Ass?
And that your Lordships are concern'd I'm sure;
Unless you can both scorn, and loss indure,
The livings are your own, our's but the cure!
Twill be no wonder to your learned Train,
That Issacar of Levy should complain!
The Asses spleen will in his mouth remain.
Nor wil't I hope seem sttrange to any one,
That there's amongst us such division,
Proud Jack did evermore abuse poor John!
In vain it is for Bala'm to reply
Unto the Asses charge, when all men cry,
A switch and spurr's the heft Phylosophy!
Yet in my heart I think no wise men do,
Think us false Prophets, for they all do know,
They are but Asses, that do count us so.
But oh we cannot hold, should we not speak,
And sigh aloud, our very hearts would break,
Twould vex a Moses were he nere so meek!
Say can it chose but greive our souls to see?
Simeon and Levy fight, both disagree?
And sorry boys, old Fathers villifie?
Did ever any since the cursed Ca [...],
Turn up his fathers skirt, divulge his shame?
Yes, yes, mine own dear sons have done the same!
And as if God were deaf, and Conscience dumb,
Rebellion but a peccadillo, some
Like Nero have display'd their Mothers Womb.
Lord didst thou send, the wild and Savage Bear,
To slay th' unto'ward boys that sooffing were;
At the good Prophet for his want of hair?
How canst thou stay thy hand, when men and all,
Do joyn together and us scoffing call,
Though not bald Priests by chance, yet Priests of Ba'al
And why on John what mean those names and words,
Or hath the Church her Knights, as well as Lords?
Or, tell me are het Keys exchang'd for Swords?
True not long since he lay dead in a sown,
Of civil Wars, the cross, and waining Moon,
Parted her Ensigns, and the was undone.
But that some gallane hearts that scornd the loss
Of life and goods, at heft but splended dross
Stay'd for to help their Mother bear her Cross.
But why Sir John would not St. George have been
A better Epethite, but chiefly when
Griffins; and Dragons are so nee'r a kin?
Or wa'st a greater peice of eminence,
To be a Mother, then a Maids defence,
Is love inferior to obedience?
Why the rude Vulgar folk do call us John,
And add a sir, I must profess I'm one
As must go seek a Revelation?
True, we have been as we do all confess,
A long time in the howling wilderness,
Save that we might not preach up righteousness!
Besides our Commons too were very small,
Like to the Baptist's, yet they differ all!
John fed on Honey, but we fed on Gall.
Yet we embrace the title, tis no shame
For to be Christn'd with the Baptists name,
May we be like him all a burning flame!
But ah this is not all that you do see,
A thousand harder names as yet here be
In the poor Persons Genealogy.
Dogs, Bears and Wolves, Tigers and such as they
That range the silent Woods live on the pray
Are Hieroglypicks fit for as they say.
And yet God know a our hearts, and and souls we cou'd
Nor fight, nor fews, be infolent, nor prond,
Or flush our selves with quaffing humane blood!
But so the Tyrant Monarchs of the East,
Us'd in (their Triumphs, o [...] the [...] solemn [...],
To bias poor Christ [...] in the skins of [...]
What 'tis we have done, truely we do not know,
To merit ill of them, did we weed go,
With bended knee to supplicate our Fo!
If we have took away from any one,
More then our Tent'hs, on this condition,
We are ready to make restitution!
If Altars, Tapers, be Idolatry,
Gowns, Cassack, Tippets, rags of Popery,
Shew'us good reason for't wee'l lay [...] by
But if the reading prayers be all our bl [...]
'Cause [...] and [...] maybe taught the same,
The Ass may then [...] from [...]
For is the [...] men doth [...]
Of so much [...] that he [...]
To this, [...] [...]ye may sooner speak the [...] [...]
But oh we cannot pray our hearts are scant,
Strange that we cannot pray, and yet can cant
The poor Man never did expressions want
True, we cant hang the head, and look demure,
Talk fast, and lowd like Monkeys in a Lure,
And then not question but to sin secure!
We do not love a long and tedious story,
Full of Perenthesis, pride and vain glory,
The Pater Noster's the best Directory!
We do profess that we are none of those,
That Circumflex their Sermonas with their Nose,
And mingle Hopkins Rimes, with Wisdowes Prose!
Yet would you but vouchsafe to view the prayers,
Of your good Mother sinoe these latter years,
Mixt with the incense of a Prelates Tears?
Would you but hearken to her groans, and cries,
Her sweet Patheticksand Apostrophies,
You'ld say there was no richer Sacrafice!
The penitent Disciple I d [...] sw [...],
Ne'r wept so much, when the pert [...],
Fastned his Fetters, and did him scure▪
Even so the B [...] tree, lovingly bestows
It's Tears [...] that do [...]
Tears healing as the blood that from it flows!
But stay here [...] fright
Just like a Taylors Bill, a threadbare Knight,
They say we are [...], loose, prophane, and [...]ight!
I do not wish these Articles may be,
As false a charge, as manifest a ly,
As those were of a former Century!
For then the bribed Person that should go,
To prove the imputation to be so,
Would be the greater scandal of the two.
But yet I pray, that we may be no less
Religious in plenty then distress
In Canaan, then in the Wilderness▪
But we are Drunkards, men will lye and swear,
Though we with modesty and tears declare,
True is our Doctrine, [...] our prayer!
Then us for Theives, and Robbers they do brand,
Though we profess we would upon no hand,
Purchase an [...] of the Churches Land!
But we are wanton, lustful, fond and fickle,
And in our Neighbours Corn do thrust our Sickle
When we God won all hate a Conventickle.
Lastly we are dark Lights, blind Guides by name,
Though if we were, say which deserves must blame,
A glimering Taper, or a wandring flame?
And yet the faults not ours, we had no doubt,
Remain'd till now, bright shining and devout,
Had not a Sequestration blew us out▪
That Northern gust, that fatal Hurrican,
That rush'd through all the quarters of the Land,
Rooted up Oaks, [...] the Mushroms stand!
Good Lord how prejudice and passion blea [...]s,
Our eys; how self [...] by the ears,
Which way the wind blow, the Saylor steers!
If we say nothing then they spur [...] and kick,
Call us dumb dogs, and throw us bones to pick,
The Ass will vapour when the [...]yons sick!
When we resufe to see at least to mind,
Their grose abuses, then the Preist is blind,
Weeping perhaps to see them so unkind!
But if we justisie our holiness,
And prove by reason, what we do profess,
The wisdome of the world is foolishness!
At last when envy cannot find a hole,
To shroud her-self, down they sit and [...],
Tis a poor silly superctitious soul
These are the scoffs and Jears, the cruel hits,
That wicked heads invent in drunken fits,
To vex good men, and exercise their wits!
O wicked World, O monstrous Commonweal,
When men with great applause might kill and steal,
Censure was Saintship, Sacriledge was zeal!
When Churches [...] like stables, Altars bare,
Or Turn'd to Mangers, Priests and Organs were,
Both silenc'd, none might preach unless they'd swane!
No Musick in the Church but Widows cries,
No Sacraments but Oaths, no Rites but lies,
No Christian Burial, and no Sacrifice!
But thanks be to our gratious God, for why?
He heard our prayers, and harkn'd to our Cry,
And thereupon turn'd our captivity!
We'are all in peace, long may we so remain,
May the Grown flourish on our Soveraign,
And Aarons Rod blosom and bloom again!
May all the Kings and Churches Enemies
All their plots, projects, and conspiracies,
Be blown away like silly Gnats and Flies!
And [...]my Lord [...] since we to you have cry'd,
And nothing that [...] you hide,
Pict your sorrows, pardon us beside [...],
O Father [...] how canst thou see,
The bondman scoff at Isaack and not be,
In love to him offended presently?
Alass we don't sigh and complain because,
Our honor's lie at stake, but the good laws,
Your reputation, and the Churches cause.
Tis time, tis time my Lords, or to keep in
For your own safeties, or go armed when
The Lyons couchant, in the Asses skin!
I'le say but this tak't on a Levits word,
When once the Ass doth of his own accord
Thus kick Sir John Hee'l quickly [...]ng my Lord.

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