Iames Marquesse of Montrose, Earle of kingcairne, Lord Graeme, Baron of Mont dieu, etc▪ Lieutenant Governour and Cap t. General ffor His Ma tie. in the kingdome of Scotland.

A. Matham. fe.

THE HISTORY OF THE Kings Majesties Affairs IN SCOTLAND, Under the Conduct of the most Honourable Iames MARQUES of MONTROSE, Earle of Kincardin, &c. and Generall Governour of that Kingdome.

In the years, 1644. 1645. & 1646.

The second Edition Corrected and much amended.

HAGHE▪ Printed by Samuel Browne, English Bookeseller dwelling in the Achter-om at the signe of the English Printing house.

To the High, and Mightie, CHARLES By the Grace of God, Prince of Scots, and Wales, Duke of Cornwal and Rothesay, Heire of Great Britaine, &c.

LOw and humble ( Most High, and Migh­tie Prince) doeth Your Montrose ad­dresse himself to Your Highnes presence: not He himself, in his full aequipage, no, nor a moitie of him, and in truth ‘Scarse a mean scantling of that matchles worth.’ Who, though unpolished and rude, and, in this his Roman dresse, ill deck [...], rough, and uncomely; yet shal be not feare the publike view, if You daigne him that favorable aspect, and grace, which You are wont to vouchsafe even forraigners, and stran­gers that court You. And he thinks, he may, upon better grounds then they, presume to entreat this, he being no alien, but a lawful native of your Royal Fa­thers [Page] haereditarie Kingdome: and no otherwise, then by the fatall calamitie of those times, exposed, bred, and fed in a strange land. Nor doth he want lively characters, and marks imprinted in him, to evidence from what land, and father he is descended: That, Your own Scotland, wherein one hundred and nine of Your Progenitors have raigned; all whose Royall blood runs in Your veins, and divine souls breaths in Your breast: Him a free, born, and bred native, of that most ancient Kingdome; a loyal servant of Your dearest father, his most Gracious Lord, and faithful follower of his, in despight of all the casual­ties of fortune.

Which arguments, if they be not sufficient to con­ciliat the sweet gale of Your Grace, to inspire health, and life, in this tender birth, otherwise readie to ex­pire: yet let me beseech Your singular clemencie, to lend it so much of Your countenance, as to observe in it (though drawne with a rude pencill) some linea­ments, and shaddows of it's first patterne; and even for those resemblances sake, vouchsafe it so much of Your countenance, as may give it some life and being, if not immortalitie. For, who would despise that on­ly Pourtra [...]cture that were of Scipio, Caesar, Alexan­der, or of Your Royall Grandfathers, exstant, Iames [Page] the Peaceful, or Henry the Great, because the work of some obscure, and perhaps, unskilfull craftsman? I can wel divine, Montrose will not long want an Apel­les, or Leucippus to paint him out, and limbe him to the life; nor an Homer perhaps to sing his praises: on­ly (most Gracious Sir) be pleased to use a while these my poore endeavours, till those more worthie show themselves to the world. And looke not on the harsh­nes of my stile, but bend Your high and generous thoughts upon the actions, truly Roman, that's to say, Noble, High, Heroik, Great, and farre transcending meane and vulgar spirits. And, if You wil impute (as is fit and just) the blemishes and errours, which here­in may occurre, to the weaknes of my wit and judge­ment, and no wayes, to my Patterns Genius, I dare boldly undertake, that your Montrose shall prove neither unpleasant, nor unprofitable.

For, what can be more pleasant to a Prince, second to none on earth, but his Father, borne in that emi­nent dignitie, bred in that condition, and from his infancie trained up in those wayes, which resent no­thing but Heroicall deeds; then to have alwayes be­fore his eyes, that worthie, whom (be it said without envy) no man in his time goeth beyond, to embrace, caresse and cherish him, and coppie out his actions, and observe,

How he behaves himself, how brave and goodlie,
In Martiall feats, manhood and Chevalrie?

Who taking up arms to serve the commands of the best of Kings, your most Gracious Father, and leading the dance, as it were, to usher in Your Valour, which now waxeth to ripnes and strength apace; hath performed such exploits, as strikes the present times with admi­ration; and gratefull posteritie shal ever preserve in memorie. For, though envy presse hard upon true glorie, and tread upon her heels; yet that short lived, and self destroying furie, shall never overtake, nor ecclipse her solid and immortall lustre.

In the meane time (most Gracious Sir) we present You here with no smoothe fables, or Romanses.

Antiphates, and Scillaes gulf are not my theme,
Swallowing Charybdis, devouring Polypheme.

No gyants, or glorious wonders; yet enemies, as like gyants, and Victories obtained over them, as like wonders, as may be. For, what did ever lying Greece faine of the proud attempts of their old gy­ants, which these conspiratours, the sons of the earth, have not dared to doe against God, religion, faith, loyaltie, and right, in all their dealings, with Your Royall Parents, Your self, and all Yours? who heaping up mo intains, upon mountains of lyes, calum­nies, [Page] and slanders; reared up those bulworkes, from whence, with horrid violence, they have fought a­gainst the Gods. And what did they imagine done by Apollo, by Pallas, or Mars, to overthrow those monsters; which our Montrose did not with like cou­rage undertake, and successe performe? And now that having vanquished, he did not finally, and totally triumph over them; we must impute it to the force of Your Fate, which would not permit the Genius of Your countrey, to owe so glorious a deliverance, to any others valour, but Your own. Nor indeed, seem­ed it convenient, that any other should thunder downe Enceladus, with those other Titans, to Hell; but the sonne of him, whose father those gyants kept in chains.

And then (Great Sir) when You intend those courses, to which the lawes of God, and man oblidge You; the vindication of Your Father, and countrey, from that most savage bondage; what can be more profitable, then to have Your eyes stil on him, as the guide, and leader of Your way, who first of all disco­vered the counsells, plots, and treacheries of these traitors, and, as I may say, alone did show the way, how to lay their intollerable pride, and breake their power, though growen verie great, before it was per­ceived. [Page] For You shall find him a body, without a soul; for being no more valiant in arms then wise in counsell and managing affairs, he advised [...]mous­ly (and would to God his counsell had prevailed) to strangle that monster in the cradle, aswell as when it was growen strong, he had crusht it, but that Your growing vertue, was not to be defrauded, of so large a field, for purchasing renowne. So that besides his singular valour, and militarie skill, You may find in him choise instructions of civil prudence, and politik wisedome; which though (through the sad fatalitie of the times) they were but ill believed, yet such as may perhaps be usefull to Your self, and after ages. And this is seene clearly, in that advise, to prevent betimes, the purposes and practises of these traitors, who had built their hopes upon the sweet disposi­tion of our most Gracious King. His clemencie to wic­kedst rebells, his trust in unworthie persons, his boun­tie to ingrate men (for such most of them proved) and great compassion on all; more then on anie strength, or power of their own: and to compasse, and quell them, by the force of just armes (since they had left no other way) before their forces, with too long delay, should bulk, and grow too puissant and great. And if but this had beene put in execution (to say no­thing [Page] of what else befell us) our Britaine had ne­ver become the bloodie stage of this unnaturall war; the glorious Temples of our Lord had never beene so vilely, so wickedly prophaned; our streets had never so swame with the innocent blood of our best No­bles, and Churchmen; Your Royal Father, and Bro­thers had never beene detained in so unworthie bonds; Your Gracious Mother as a widow, and Your self, as a banished exile, had never beene for­ced to live beyond seas; though in an hospitable, and friendly, yet strange and forreigne land.

Who is't, that can such stories tell,
And his dry eies, with tears not swel?

And seing in al these exploits (even above envy it self illustrious) the Almightie most evidently kithed his own immediat hand; so that to God alone the whole and solid glory is duly to be rendred: yet with­all, who can but acknowledge, honour, admire, love, and set forth his worth, whom that Great God thought good to depute his instrument of so glorious atchievments? For, had our Montrose beene only to graple with open enemies in the fields, perhaps these might seem matters of lesser moment: That he was never pursued, with lesse then two, somtimes three armies at once, in the front, the rear, and flank; and [Page] the least of those, for number of souldiers, choice of weapons, and abundance of all warlike provision, farre exceeding all the forces that he could gather; yet did he still free himself of them all, with equall reso­lution and successe: That, he had never other Maga­zin of arms, powder, shotte, or instruments of warre, but what by force he tooke from his conquered ene­mies: That, in the space of one yeare, he obtained six compleat victories, in sett battells in the fields; and chased the conspiring Lords quite out of all Scot­land: That he endured the winter, in a most bitter frostie cold countrie and Climate, without Garrison, without tent, or hutte, or boothe; for most part under the open Canopy of Heaven: That dry, he quenched his thrist with cold water, and that such, as from the melting snow came dropping down these mountains: That, without bread, or salt, with beife alone, and that often scarse, stale, and leane, he sustained hunger; and all such other inconveniencies of warre.

But his master-piece, and hardest taske was, to wrestle with those, who would seeme the sharpest a­vengers of the wrongs done to the King; and patrons of Majestie: with some of their dull, heavie, and stu­pid sloth; others intolerable pride, some of their base couwardise, others their sordid avarice, some of their [Page] horrible perfidiousnes. So that had not his constan­cie, and courage been undanted; and that loyall flame of zeale, which in his heart did burne towards his dearest, and most dread Soveraigne, beene un­quencheable; he had never been able to bear out, en­dure, resist, and rectifie all those severall unruly pas­sions, and humors of men. For, by severe laws of mi­litarie discipline, or other punishments (as Comman­ders in chiefe are wont) Montrose neither ought, nor could restraine his souldiers; who received no pay; but took up armes freely, of meere loyaltie to their King, and goodwill to him their Generall: and who could easily have turned to the rebells side, so soone as ever they had but seemed to themselves to be pro­voked by the sleightest injurie, or branded with the least note of disgrace▪ men, for the most part, head­strong, turbulent, factious, and readie to revolt, upon the meanest irritation and pette. So that to preserve, at once his own authoritie, with the good liking of his souldiers, was the most difficult taske in the world. Nor was there any thing that more violent­ly exercised his wit and judgement, then that it be­hooved him to square out his counsells and actions, to the measure of other mens capacities, or at least, seeme so to doe. But he, that he might advance the [Page] Kings service, made no account of, and despised, as things farre under him, all the hatred of his enemies, the envy of his emulous rivalls, the back-byting of Court-sycophants, the complaints of his friends, the reproaches of the people, and (which was of all o­thers, most terrible, and most affrighted the supersti­tious minds of the simple multitude) all the execra­tions; and anathemaes of their fierie and furious Mi­nisters, Verilie, He, a Generall worthie of a nobler command, and more happie times then these.

And now (most Excellent Prince) this same Your Montrose, will plainly show that which I hope will most of all conduce to Your affairs: That all Your Scots have never made defection frō their most Gra­cious Lord and King. Which, while some unjust ene­mies of our good name, too bitterly, and malitiously strive to rubbe upon us; they are no more undeserved­ly injurious to us; then indeed unfaithful, and treach­erous to Your Royall Father, and Your self. Because, they goe about only to render Your best and fa­stest friends, servants, and subjects suspected, and o­dious, and consequently uselesse unto You, and un­profitable: of whose loyaltie, and valour, they them­selves (the worst of evill counsellours) have just cause to be jealous; least by their means, it be brought to [Page] passe, that one day they may receive the just punish­ment of their treacheries. But, let no man unworthi­ly upbraid us, that this reflects upon the most renow­ned nation of the English, as if we did neither think, nor speak aright of them: which is a crime that we abhorre from our very souls. And to the contrary we doe confesse, applaud, magnifie, and congratulate to their immortall glorie, that many worthies of that nation have showne themselves most loyall, brave and gallant, and done rare, and glorious deeds for their King. Only this we entreat for, that with the same ingeniousnes, and candour they would deal with us; and not lay the guiltines of any one faction, though never so powerfull and prevailing, to the charge of the whole nation: nor do to others what they would not have done to themselves. Neither let them deny, but that there are, and have been Scots­men, eminent personages, of everie degree, and quali­tie, who in these most disastruous times, have been readie and willing to shedde their dearest blood, for asserting and vindicating the Royall Majestie, from the combinations of most pernicious rebells in both Kingdomes.

And this is so evident, and cleare; that these Scots may (without all boasting) boldly affirme, That they, [Page] being hired with no pay, nor expecting other reward; but meerly moved by a good conscience, and faith, and pietie towards their most Gracious Soveraigne; have suffered for him greater losse, according to the condition of their fortunes, and done the rebells grea­ter harm, and obtained more noble victories over them, then others; who, having drained and exausted the Kings Exchequer, reduced him to that extream penury, & want of al things, that in the end he was necessitated, to render up his Sacred Person into the hands of the conspiratours. But, ô how much better had it been (in our weak judgments) if it had pleased God, that his Majestie had retired himself to his own Scots: not those, who then were armed against him, for the English rebells; out these loyall, trusty, faithful, and valiant ones, who fought for him under the con­duct of Montrose. Assuredly, to those, who under the command but of his Lieutenant, and Leader of his Armies, durst so gallantly attempt, and did so hap­pilie atcheive, what in this book we have most faith­fully recorded, nothing could have appeared too ardu­ous, and difficult to compasse, had they been encou­raged, and animated with the presence of so dear a pledge. Nor can any doubt, unlesse he be altogether ignorant of the Scottish affairs, but that, if his Ma­jestie [Page] had come among them, he would have easily drawn to his party, the hearts and affections of his native subjects; who wholly enclined to him, of their own accord. But this being too to well known to the leaders of the rebellion, their speciall care was, that he should find no entrance to his native countrie, when he was in their hands, not fourtie miles distant from the borders of it.

And truly the Scots in generall, though (cheifly at that time) sorely opprest with the heavie yoke of those usurping tyrants; yet were they not afraid to curse, with bitter maledictions, the authours, and a­betters of that shamefull deed, of delivering up their King to the hands of the English. And even those, who formerly went along with the conspira­tours, in all things else, did openly, and not without danger of life, talke thus aloud: That, the single King­dom of Scotland, had of old sufficed his Majesties ancestours, to mantain their just rights, and Royall dignities: That their own forefathers had been suffi­ciently able, to defend and fight for thē, against their fiercest enemies, cheifly the English, of whom they had purchased manie, great, and glorious triumphs, while they opposed them for their Kings. That, though they had warred often and long with sundries, as [Page] well inhabitants of the same Island, as of other coun­treys, with various successe of uncertain warre; yet could they never be reducted to those straights, so sleightly, and as it were perforce, to deliver up their Kings to the arbitriment of others. And that they should not now consent to doe it the verie ghosts of their fathers (they said) the most sacred name, and Majestie of a King, their faith, alleagiance, loyaltie, reputation among stangers, example to be derived to posteritie, all right, all lawes of God and man did withstand. And moreover (they added) that it did plainly contradict, and fight against their own verie covenant; wherein they had invoked, as both witnes and judge the immortal God, that they would main­taine and defend their King, the safetie of his per­son, his dignitie, crowne, and greatnes, against all men living, with their lives and fortunes to their last breath.

So that, beside those seditious and sacrilegious per­sons, (who first raised that armie by wicked means, and then got the command of it in their own hands, and with the dreadful terrour therof overawed their poor countreymen, unarmed, unprovided for warre, without any head, or cheistaine) beleeve it, most of all the Scots, desire no greater happines then an oc­casion [Page] to testifie their fidelitie, obedience, and love to their drearest King, and to seal it with their blood. Nor is it to be questioned, but that they, being now so trampled on by most barbarous tyrannie, would gladly return to their wonted subjection, under the just and easie government of their most Gracious Lord and King: so soone as ever Your Royall Fa­thers most wished for presence, or Your own shall appeare or shine in their Horrizon, like a blessed starre, or influence from heaven.

It behoveth You then (most Gracious Sir) to em­ploy all the power and force You can, of body and mind, to succour Your countrey, and Father, both in extream danger at this instant. All, to this end, pray, implore, expect Your help; and promise theirs. This undertaking, by the law of God, and nature, and prerogative of birth, belongs unto You: and the eyes and thoughts, not only of Your owne, but of all the world are upon You. And all men of honour, and ho­nestie, heartily desire, that by Gods help, and with their best wishes, and assistance, You may goe about this glorious enterprise, of restoring the Church of God, now sunck, and drowned in the stinking puddle of so manie vile, and odious sects, to her former lu­ster, and puritie; of re-establishing Your Fathers [Page] throne and Kingdome; of recovering Your coun­treyes wonted felicite, and happie conclusion of all, in a solid, lasting, and much desired order and peace. And so, in a good time, may that most ancient Kingdom of Europe, acknowledge, fear, love, and a­dore You, as their only highest Lord, and Soveraign: and so may this happines befal from time, to time, world without end.

To You and to Your offspring evermore,
To them, and those, who from them shall be bore.

VVherfore ( Most High and Mightie Prince) vouchsafe to raise up Your Montrose in Your thoughts, to cherish him with Your countenance, to employ him in peace, or warre, as a counsellour, or Captaine, a worthie, of whom (I hope, and dare pro­mise) so Great a Prince shall never be ashamed.

To the Courteous READER.

THer be some few things (courteous Reader) wherewith I would have them acquainted, who shal come to reade this breife Commentarie: whereof, some concerne the Lord Marquis of Montrose himself, whose actions at home, in his native Countrey, by the space of two yeares, are heirin described; and others, the Authour of this worke. And first, I would have thee understand that Montrose is the Cheife of the Graemis, a most auntient, & renowned family in Scotland; and that in the language of the auntient Scots, He is called Grae­me the Greate. He deryues the first known source of his pe­degree, from that most famous Graeme, so often, and so honora­bly mentioned, in the monuments of that Kingdome; father in Law to Ferguse the second of that name. Who first, under the command of his Sonne in Law the King, overcame the Romans, and overthrew Severus Wall, the furthermost border of the Ro­man Empire; built all along from Forth, where it is navigable, to the mouthe of the River Clyde, where the Isle of Greate Britaine is narrowest; and so closed up the Roman Province in straiter bounds. Whence it comes to passe, that the ruins of that Wall, yet evidently appearing, beares his name to this day; and by the neighbouring inhabitants, is called Graemsdijke. And this same founder of that Noble race, after the death of his Sonne in Law King Ferguse, being declared Administrator of the Kingdome, and appointed Governour to the young King his grandchilde; was no lesse famous, for his peaceable Govern­ment, then exploits of warre. For having recalled, and brought home againe the Doctors, and Professors of the Christian faith, banished by late persecution & warre, to their native Countrey, & settled aswel the Church as Kingdome with wholesome Laws; of his own free accord, gave up the Government to his Grand-child, now grown to some ripenes o [...] yeares. He lived in the dayes of Honorius and Arcadius Emperours, about the yeare of [Page] our Lord 400. from whose loynes sprang a long & flowrishin [...] stemme of sons, and nephewes, who inheriting still, that the [...] greate Grandfathers Vertues, grew famous in the following generations.

Among these, that valiant Graeme was eminent who with Dun­barre, brought timous aide to his Countrey, then in greate dan­ger by the Dones; who having overpowered England, from then­ce with greate Armies often, but in vaine, invaded Scotland. And after, that most Noble Iohn Graeme, came short, for vertue, & just renowne of none of all his auncestors; who, after the fatall end of Alexander, the third of that name King of Scots, in the time of the interraigne ( Bruce, and Baliol then disputing, which of them two had the iuster right, and title to the Succession) with that so justly admired William VVallace Governour of the Kingdome, played the most valiant Champion, for defence, and recoverie of his Countreys libertie, from the unjust usurpation, of Edward the first, King of England. In the which quarrell, after manie gallant acts atcheived by him, like a worthie Patriotte, he died nobly, fighting in the Field. The sepulchre of this renowned Knight, is yet exstant in a Church called Fallkirk, for Wallkirk, from the foresaid Wall of Severus, or Graems dijke, neare to which it is built: about the which wall also, the Lord Marques of Mon­trose enjoyeth divers large, & fruitfull farmes or feilds by right of inheritance, from that first Graeme, through so manie hands & ages transmitted unto him.

Yet, least we may seeme, only to deduce this most famous worthie, the splendour of his noble Pedegree, from the obscure trace of so remote antiquitie; we shal descend to later, & better known times. And so cannot passe his Grandfather Earle of Montrose in silence; who, almost in our own memorie, was rai­sed to places of greatest honour and trust in that Kingdome, which he most faithfully, and worthly discharged. For being Lord High Chauncelour of Scotland, at what time Iames the sixt of that name, of ever blessed memorie went to possesse the crowne of England: he was by the same King created, and left behind him Viceroy of Scotland: in which highest place, and de­gree [Page] of dignitie, he died aequally beloved, and deare to King and people.

And then, the Father of this man, singularly endowed with all eminentest graces of mind and body, so as few living in his time could equall him; and no lesse famous in forragne nations then at home: For when he hade performed many honourable Embassages for King Iames, was by King Charles declared Lord high President of the Supreme counsell: and being, snatched away in his prime, by an untimly deathe, from his King, coun­trey, and all good men, he died much lamented, and highly estemed in every mans affections. And now, what men should think of, and hope from this present man Grandchild to the Viceroy, and Lord high Presidents Sonne, let every one that pleaseth, judge, by the things he hath already atcheived, when now it is a yeare and an halfe, since he left that Kingdome, and yet hath not attained to the thirty and sixth yeare of his age.

One thing only more will I adde in thy favour ( Courteous Reader) from the auntient Monuments of that Kingdome; That three, almost, fatall periods have threatned heretofore the Scots Nation; first from the Romans, whose yoke our farefathers did shake of under the conduct of that first Graeme, who was lineally descended out of that auntient, noble Brittish family of the Ful­gentij: The second from the Danes, who, that they never gotte the Masterie, and Lordship over vs; we owe it especially to the greatest valour of that second Graeme: The third from the En­glish & Normans, whom that thrid Graeme, of [...]ner then once did beate, and drive out of Scotland; and, in many bitter conflicts, did them much mischeiffe. So that, as they were wont to say of the Scipions in Afrik, we may say, of our Graems, that that name by a luckie destinie hath been appointed for the succour of their native covntrey in greatest dangers, & distresses: & that in these, the worst times, that ever was, this man was not raised but by speciall divine providence, to preserve the Kings just rights, to restore to his fellow subjects, their wonted peace, libertie & sa­fetie, and infinitly to encrease the auncient splendour and glory of his own Family. And this is all, that I thought fitt to have briefly praemised of my Lord Marquis of Montrose.

[Page] Now, of the Authour himself, conceive this much; That he is a man not very conversant in these Studies, nor ambitious to be praised for excellency of wit, which he acknowledges to have but small or none; nor covetous of reward, or gaine, which are the sharpest spurres that in this age doe push men to it, to putte hand to the Pen. But that, he did put hand to this worke, only being enflamed with and ardent zeale, of propagating truthe, to after ages, & forraigners. For how many are ready to patro­nise, and magnifie, even greatest villanies, when they prosper; and how few to advance, and defend truth, once afflicted, & cast downe; he had learned by too late and sad experienc, ein a cau [...]e very neare of Kinn to this. When the conjured Rebells of both Kingdomes, by their ordinary tricks of lying, and slande­ring, had overthrown the Church, that with the revenues the­reof, purchased by hellish sacriledge, they might sacrifice to their own greedie avarice; and enrich their children, with the heavie curse of God: yet wanted they not those, who extolled them to the skies, as well deservers of their Countrey, yea of the verie Church it self, which they have pillaged, and even of all mankind in generall, when, on the contrarie, they proscribed, defamed, rent, and tore a peeces, with al manner of blasphemies, and curses, all those most holy men of God, Confessors & Martyrs (for so they were indeed) who constantly, and couragiously op­posed, and withstood their rapines. And therefore he thought, it was no wayes to be doubted, that those same men, who by the same wicked practises, wēt about to pul under feete the Majestie of so good a King to swell high, with his honours, prerogatives, and patrimony, which they had gained, by perfidious trecheries rebellions, & treasons, would find too to many such sycophants; whereof the world is full; who by the same libertie of calumni­ating, and reproaching, would backbite this most excellent wor­thie, and his Heroicall actions. And, what men say of the waspes, that they sucke the juice from most fragrant, & wholesome flo­wers, which by their own stings, or tongues they empoyson: so would these Harpyes strive to de [...]ile his most noble exploits, convert them to poyson and gall, by their venimous tongues & [Page] pens, and as such offer and present them to the ignorant, and un­warie world.

Against this Mischiefe, the Author thought good to offer this short & plaine discourse as a timely antidote to all that love sinceritie and truth; whose so faithful & constant a maintainer, he professeth, and avoucheth himself, that though he did well foresee, that he should derive upon himself no small hatred, and envy of many, & mightie men; yet he resolved, neither servilly to flatter them, nor to envolue the truthe in obscure, doubtfull, or ambiguous termes. For as he was borne, and bred a freeman, so hath he vowed, never to forsake his libertie but with his life. And, though he be ambitious of no other commendation of a good Historian, either of wit, or art, or eloquence; yet this he thinks he may boldly challenge as his due, that he hath sette down the simple and naked truth: which to assert, and publish to the world, he hath foresaken, & undervalued all those things, which this world holds dearest: thrice robd, and ploundered of all his goods, thrice cast in vilest, and ugliest dungeons or pri­sons, and now the third time banished, for the same: yet is he cheerfull and gladd in heart, that being guiltie of no crime be­fore men, the Lord hath counpted him worthie to suffer these things for truth, and righteousnes sake. Love him then, at least for his truths sake ( Courteous Reader) & of what rests make the best you can, by a faire and candid interpretation: & Farwell.

Courteous Reader.

Be pleased to Correct these Faults which by reason of the com­positors not understanding the English Language, is com­mitted with some few more in the live nature.

Page 2. Line 18. for firname, read surname.

Page 4. L: 20. for professin ghis, read professing his.

Page 32. L: 28. for wat, read what.

Page 64. L: 6. for know, read known,

Page 70. L: 21. for Cordon, read Gordon.

Page 79. L: 20. for march, read match.

Page 109. L: 20. for Lodg'g, read Lodg'd.

Page 171. L: 14. for hig, read high.

The Affaires of the King in SCOT­LAND, under the Conduct of the most Honourable Iames Marquesse of Montrose, Earle of Kinkardin, &c. and Generall Gouvernour for his Majesty in that KINGDOME,
In the years 1644, 1645, & 1646.

IAmes Marques of Montrosse having at first sided with the Covenanters in Scotland, very actiuely bestowed his too too Succesful endeavors in their behalfe: For at that time they Preten­ded to nothing else, but the preservation of Reli­gion, the Honour and Dignity of the King, the La­wes of the Land, and the freedome of that ancient Realme, so happily, so valiantly defended in time of yore from such powerful enemies, as the Romans, Sax­ons, Danes, Normans, by the sweat and bloud, with the lives and estates of their Ancestours. And the tales they made they never wanted fitting instruments to tell and spread among the people. It was given out, that there was nothing more in the aime of the Court of England, then that that free people being reduced to [Page 2] a kind of Province, should be eternally enslaved un [...]der the power of their old enemies. Yet all thi [...] while they engaged themselves by their publique at [...]testationes and even a solemne Oath, that they woul [...] never goe to worke by force and armes, nor solli [...]cite the King any other way then by Petition, Tha [...] he would be pleased graciously to accept the suppli­cations of his humblest Subjects, and to take orde [...] that his dearest Countrey should suffer nothing i [...] matter of Religion or the liberty of the Subject.

But at last in the yeare 1639. Montrose found ou [...] that these faire tales were coyn'd of purpose to steale the hearts of the silly and supperstitious multitude and to alienate them from the King, as an enemy to Religion and Liberty. For the Covenanters did no [...] dissemble to him but spoke out, that Scotland had been too long governed by Kings; nor could it ever b [...] well with them as long as one Stuart (that's the firname of the Kings family in Scotland) was alive: and in the extirpation of them, they were first to strike at the head; so that Montrose easily perceived the Kings Ma­jesty and Person was levelled at. Therefore vehe­mently detesting so horrible a crime, hee resolved to desert the Conspirators side, to frustrate their coun­sels to impoverish their store, to weaken their strength and with all his might to preserve His Majesty and his Authority entire and inviolate. But because be­tweene force and craft, the Covenanters had draw [...] in almost all the kingdome to their side, he saw himselfe alone to weak to check their power and thereforee thought not good to open him­self [Page 3] too suddenly or rashly. Amongst them he had many friends, men very considerable as well in regard of their numerous retinues and clients, as of their wealth and authority: these he had a minde to draw off from them, and bring them with him to the Kings, and by this meanes conceived he should be able to gather no small power, which would conduce much both to the Kings safety and his owne.

Meane time the Covenanters raise a strong army against the King, and in a solemne Convention at Duns, they determine to invade England: Montrose was absent then. Which resolution of theirs, the chiefe of the Covenanters had taken up in their cabi­net counsels more then six weeks before; and to that purpose had been busie in divulging through al Great Britain their Apologeticall Pamphlets, whereby they laboured to set a good gloosse upon the rea­sons of their Expedition. This resolution of theirs Montrose being returned, seeing he could not hin­der, would not seem to disaprove: Montrosse com­manded in this army two thousand foot and five hundred horse, his friends (who were most obli­ged unto him, and had religiously promised their best endeavou [...]s in the Kings service) had the com­mand of five thousand more. And truly if a great part of them had not beene worse then their words, they had either brought the whol Army along with them to the King, or at least had broken the neck of the Covenanters designes.

[Page 4] When the army came to the river of Tweed (which [...] the border of the two Kingdomes) dice were cast a [...]mongst the Noblemen and Commanders, and it wa [...] Montrose's his chance to passe first over the river; which he cheerfully performed on his feet, his own foot soul [...]diers following him, that he might more easily con [...]ceale his own resolution, and take off all occasion o [...] suspition. For as well his authority in the Army, a [...] the integrity of his noble spirit began to be looked o [...] with a jealous eye by the guilty-conscienced Rebells so that they diligently observed all his behaviour words and deeds.

After this, marching over the river of Tine four [...] miles above Newcastle, by the treachery of the Englis [...] Commanders who had retreated to York with a poten [...] Army of the Kings, the Scots possesse themselves o [...] that Towne: and thereupon, Commissioners being appointed on either side to treat of a Peac [...], a Truc [...] was presently made. In the time of this Truce, Mon [...] trose had sent letters unto the King, professin ghis fide [...]lity, and most dutifull, and ready obediency to hi [...] Majesty; nor did the Letters contain any thing else These being stoln away in the night, and coppied ou [...] by the Kings own Bed-chambermen, men most endea [...]red to the King of all the world, were sent back by the [...] to the Covenanters at Newcastle: and it was the fashio [...] with those very men to communicate unto the Co [...]venanters from day to day the Kings most secret coun [...]sels, of which they themselves onely were either au [...]thors or partakers. And some of the forwarder sort o [...] the Rebels were not ashamed to taxe Montrosse bitter­ly [Page 5] enough with those letters: and all though they durst not make an open quarrell of it, or call him publique­ly to account, because he was so powerfull and wel­beloved in the Army, yet they loaded him with back bitings & slanders among the people. For they had o­bliged unto themselves most of the Preachers through out the Kingdome whose mercenary tongues they made use of to winde and turn the mindes of the peo­ple which way they would. Nor did they promote their Rebellion more effectually any other way, nor do yet, then this, to have those doughty Oratours in their popular preachments to raile bitterly against the King and all his loyall Subjects, as the enemies of Christ (as they love to speake,) being themselves the while the very shame and scandall of Christianity.

Montrose returning into Scotland, and thinking of no­thing but how to preserve his Majesty from that storm of Rebellion hanging over his head, at last resolved of this course. He joynes many of the prime men for Nobility and Power, in a League with himselfe, in which they vowed to defend the Kings Majesty, and all his royall priviledges, and ancient and lawfull Pre­rogatives, with the hazard of their lives and estates, against all his enemies, as well home-bred, as foraign unto the last breath in their bodies. And truly it came to that passe, that there had been an open di­vision in the Army (which was his aim) had not some for fear, levity, or cowardise (which are bad keepers of counsell) betrayed the whole businesse to the Co­venanters. Heare arose no small stirres and braules, but were pacified againe in a while; for neyther yet [Page 6] durst they offer any open violence to Montrose. But afterward the confederates having given a new oath, made sure the Army at their devotion; and joyning themselves to the Parliament of England in a strict Co­venant, although they saw themselves secure enough from the subtlest designes of any private man, yet they seriously consult how they should take Montrose out of the way, whose Heroick spirit being fixt on high honourable (howsoever difficult) atchievements they could not endure.

To make their way therefore unto so villanous an act, by the assistance of some Courtiers whom with gifts & promises they had corrupted, they understood that the King had written letters to Montrose, and that they were quilted in the saddle of the bearer, one Stuart belonging to the Earle of Traquair. The beater was scarce entered the borders of Scotland but they appre­hend him, rip his saddle & finde the letters. There was nothing at all written in them, which did not become the best of Kings to command, the best of Subjects to obey. Neverthelesse those most exact crafts-masters in the arts of Lying and Slandering set about horrible and tragicall reports by their apt Ministers, that at last all the Kings plots with Montrose, for the overthrow of Religion, & the ruine of the Kingdome were found out and discovered. Nor yet neither durst they afford him a publique tryall, but on a suddain when he sus­pected nothing, thrust him (with Napier Lord of Mar­chiston, and Sir Sterling Keer Knight, two both of his neer kindred and intimate familiars) into the castle of Edinburgh.

[Page 7] At length a Pacification being made between the people of both Kingdomes (between whom there had been no war, onely they laid their heads together a­gainst their most just and gracious King) a Parliament was called at Edinburgh, where the King in person was present. Montrose desires most earnestly to be tryed before the King and that solemne Assembly; but to no purpose, for the Covenanters being conscious enough of his innocency and their own guilt, applyed their speciall endeavours to detain the Gentleman in prison unheard, untill such time as the King was got out of Scotland, and they had concluded all things with the King in Parliament according to their hearts desire. And certainly they were much afraid, lest by his wis­dome, and courage, and the esteem he was in, as well with his Peers of the Nobility, as with the people, he should have fetch't off the greatest number of either sort to his own resolution for the preservation of his Majesties Power and Authority. At last the King returning into England; Montrose and his friends are set at liberty: and because it was ordered in Parlia­ment that he should not come into conference with the King he sat still a while at his own house. This was towards the end of the year 1641.


IN the year 1642. the Covenanters of both Kingdo­mes began to unmask themselves & let us see more plainly what they meant to do. The Rebells in Eng-England, [Page 8] began to vexe the King with unjust, unreaso­nable, unseasonable Petitions and Complaints, bespat­ter him with malitious slanders prophane his sacred Name in scur [...]ilous songs and Ballads, villifie him in in­famous Libells, Pasqui [...]ls or Pamphlets, raise Tumults, arme great numbers of the scumme and rascally sort of the people, and engage them upon the Kings palace; in a word, threaten all extremity to him & his: whom although he might have justly punished himself, yet he chose rather to reser them to the Parliament, that he might the more oblige it unto himself. But it was to no end for so gracious a King to gratifie that & ma­ny things more to so ungracious, so ingrateful men, who were the very authors and abettors of these villa­nies. For he had already granted more and greater Graces to his Subjects, for the ease of their grievan­ces (which they pretended,) and the security of their persons and estates, then all his ancestors the Kings of England together, from William the conquerour down­ward. Therefore at last, that he might withdraw him­self & his family from present danger, he is forced sore against his mind to depart London: He sends the Queen out of the way into Holland for the safety of her life, & betakes himself to York. The States of Parliament (as they call themselves) forthwith, & before the King, take up armes, and divert those very Forces which the King had appointed for Ireland, which were then in a readi­nesse, and whose Officers had been of the Parliaments chusing, hoping by thē to overth [...]ow the King himself.

The Rebells in Scotland who knew wel enough the King would have strength sufficent to deale with the [Page 9] English Rebells, resolved upon no termes to be wan­ting to their confederates in so apparent danger as they were in. And al though our most gracious King had given them satisfaction (as much as ever they could desire) in that Parliament at Edinburgh aforesaid, which also they have recorded among their publique Acts, neverthelesse they provide themselves for a march into England.

Now that they might the better secure their affaires at home, they labour tooth and naile to draw Mon­trose (of whom almost onely they were afraid) againe to their side. They offer him of their own accord the office of Lievenant Generall in the Army, and what ever else he could desire and they bestow. He seeing a mighty storm hovering over the Kings head, that he might give him an account of it whereby it might be timely prevented, undertakes a journey into England taking the Lord Ogilby into his counsell and company.

At Newcastle he received newes that the Queen be­ing newly returned out of Holland was landed at Bird­lington in Yorkeshire: thither he makes haste, and relates unto the Queen all things in order. She, having had a rough passage, and being not wel recovered from the distempers at sea, told him she would advise further with him about that businesse after they came to York. Thither being come, the Queen of her own accord calls for Montrose, he opens the whole story over a­gaine, & makes it appeare, that there was no lesse dan­ger from the Scotch then from the English Covenan­ters, if they were not timely suppressed. And being asked his opinion what was best to be done, answered, [Page 10] To resist force with force; told her, the King wanted not Subjects in Scotland, faithfull men, and [...]out; nor did they want hearts, or wealth, or power to oppose against the Covenanters if they durst enterprise any thing against the King: all that they wanted was the Kings Commission, with­out which they durst doe nothing, with which any thing; and all the danger that was, was in delay: That the Covenan­ters, when they had once got their army on foot would be able to grinde any one to pieces that should offer to stirre; there­fore the beginnings of so great an evill were to be with­stood, and the cockatrice bruised in the egge; that phy­sicke being too late that comes when the disease hath over­runne the whole body.

Wholesome counsell it was, and seasonable, which doubtlesse the most prudent Queen had approved of. But while things were going on in so good a posture, al things were quash't by the coming of the Duke Hamilton out of Scotland upon pretence of kissing the Queens hand, and gratulating her happy returne, but in very deed that he might overthrow Montrose his counsels; for he had posted thither with the knowledge & consent of the Covenanters. Nor did he himself dissemble that there was some danger from the Scottish Covenanters, but he laboured to exten­uate it; and condemned the counsel of Montrose as rash, unadvised, and unseasonable.

[Page 11] That stout and warlike nation was not to be reduced with force and armes, but with gentlenesse and courtesies: Warre, especially Civill warre, should be the last remedy, and used ma­ny times to be repented of even by the Conquerous. The for­tune of warre was uncertaine; if the King should get the best, it would be but a sorry triumph he could enjoy over his own Sub­jects: but if he had the worst on't, he must expect what hîs soule (goodman) abhorred to speake. All meanes were to be tryed to preserve peace with that Nation, nor were things yet come to that passe, that the King should despaire of amity and reconci­liation with them: He would be ready to take the whole busi­nesse upō himself, if the King pleased to commit it to his paines and trust, & to authorise him sufficiently thereunto. Montro­se replyed, nothing would come of that but the delay of time, untill the Traitors having raised an Army should prevent the King of any meanes to deliver himself and his party from their tyranny. The sad event proved al this to be too true; but in this debate Montrose was faine to suffer himself to be overborn, being not so great a Courtier as the other; nor were those vertues which the world now admires discovered then unto the Queen. Hamilton returning into Scotland, seemed to be as active for the King as was possible.

The Covenanters mean while by their owne au­thority (contrary to the known Lawes of the King­dome) summon a Parliament at Edinburgh; which all understanding men that wished well unto the King foresaw would be of very dangerous consequence to his affaires, & therefore abhorred it so much that they intended not to honour it with their presence. But Hamilton interposing the name and authority of [Page 12] of the King, invited thē by his letters that they would not faile to be all there; and that they should not doubt but they would be able to out-vote the Covenanters, if at this time they were not wanting to the Kings cau­se. And if it should happen otherwise, he would be ready with his friends, to protest against the Covenan­ters & immediately to leave them. Abundance of the Nobility incited by the name of the King, & those ho­pes, were present at that Parliament, onely Montrose and a few of his adherents staid away. And with Montrose to the Duke had dealt by his friends, that as he loved & honoured the King he would joyn himself unto them. But he (who had reason to suspect all motions that ca­me that way) answered, that he was ready to grap­ple with any difficulty, especially under his com­mand who had so great an honour as to be the Kings supreme Commissioner; onely on this condition, that the Duke should engage his honour, that if they could not bring up that Parliament to righteous things he would endeavour to enforce them by the dint of the sword. He answered, he would protest, he would not fight. Which passage considered, Montrose to pre­serve his integrity, expecting the issue, betooke him­self to his own home.

In that Parliament, the Covenanters out-voted the Loyall party by seventy voyces or there abouts, tram­pled upon the Royall authority, arrogated unto them­selves the power of calling of Paliaments, pressing Souldiers, sending Embassadours, and other things hi­therto unattempted, without the Kings knowledge or tonsent. And to make up the measure of their presump­tion [Page 13] and treason, ordaine that a powerfull Army shall be raied against the King, and in the aid or their confe­derates of England. To which purpose, they taxe the people with new subsidies & levies, much heavier, then if al the Impositions which upō never so much necessi­ty for two thousand years space by one hundred & nine Kings have been charged upon thē were put together.

Montrose therefore, who saw the king was like to be ruined by his own authority, and saw to that he was too weake to oppose himself both against the strength of the Covenanters & the Kings abused Com­mission, in a melancholy mood made as if he took no notice of any thing. And the Covenanters, supposing that he had received some distaste from the King, by reason of the affront he received at York and Hamiltons over-povvering him, they set upon him yet againe, privately and by friends, to see if by intreaty or inte­rest they could draw him to their side; offering him authority and wealth, even the greatest Honour Civill and Military. Which offers he did not seem much to slight, that by that meanes he might have an easier vvay to dive into their counsells. The Cove­nanters that this groving friendship might be the bet­ter cemented and sanctified (God blesse us) send unto him that great Apostle of their Covenant, Alexander Henderson, who should give him full satisfaction in all his scruples. Montrose heartily desired to speake with that fellow, out of whom he doubted not to pump all the secrets of the Covenanters: and lest a private mee­ting with such a man should give a scandall to the Kings friends, he tooke the Lords Napier and Ogleby, & [Page 14] Sir Sterling Keere to be witnesses of the discourse, and on the bank of the river Forth not far from Sterling the [...] met.

Montrose made as though he accounted himself [...] very happy, and much honoured in the visit of so worthy a man, upon vvhose faith, honesty, and judgement, he so much relied. Told him, That t [...] give the ill opinion of his enemies leave to breath it selfe after some late mistakes, he was content to stay at home; that he knew no­thing of what was done in Parliament; that he was almost at a losse how to behave himselfe in that ticklish condition the Com­mon-wealth stood; and therefore beseeched him for old acquain­tance sake to let him freely know what they intended. Henderson taking it for granted by these expressions that he was wheeling about towards the Covenanters, that he might the more oblige the Marquesse unto him, an­swered him flatly and without more adoe, That it was resolved to send as strong an army as they could raise, in aid of their brethren of England against the Kings forces; that the Covenanters of both Kingdomes had unanimously agreed upon this; either to dye or bring the King to their lure; that nothing could fall out more happily, then that he should renew his friendship with his Peers of the Nobility, and the rest of the Kingdome; that so doing he would give great content to all men, besides the ho­nour and profit that would redound to himselfe; that by his ex­ample others (if others there were) that idolized the empty sha­dow of the Kings name, would give most hearty thanks unto his Lord God that he had vouchsafed to make use of him as the Mi­nister and ever Mediatour of so great a worke; and at last entreated him to speake out his minde, and commit all such things to his care and industry as he should desire from the Parliaments, either in relation to his honour or profit; assuring him he satisfied his hearts desire.

[Page 15] Montrose having gotten out the knowledge of those things which he eagerly sought for, now bethought himselfe how he should keep Henderson and his party in suspence a while, that they should not yet get within him. For what answere could he give them? If he should professe himselfe to be against their courses, that would doe the King no good, and might bring a great deale of danger upon himselfe: and on the other side, to put them in greater hopes of him, by promising those things he never meant to performe, as being a staine unto his honour. Therefore he takes this course; there was present at that conference with Hinderson one Sir Iames Rollock, Chiefe of a very ancient and flourishing family; his former wife had been Montrose his sister after whose death he mar­ried the sister of the Marques of Argyle, the ring-leader of the Covenanters in Scotland: thus be­ing allied unto them both, he seemed to be a very fit mediatour of friendship between them.

Montrose askes him whether those things which had passed between them proceeded from the di­rection of the Parliament, or out of their owne good wills? He answered, he conceived that Master Henderson had received Commission from the Parliament to that purpose; but Henderson said no, but he made no question but the Par­liament would make good any thing that he promised. Montrose told them, he could re­solue upon nothing except he had the Publque. [Page 16] Faith to build upon especialy the messengers dis [...]greing between themselves. Where upon (as th [...] fashion is on such occasions) one of them layes th [...] blame upon the other, when both of them ought r [...] ­ther to have condemned their owne carlesnesse an [...] negligence. The conference being thus ended, Mo [...] ­trose having obtained his ends, and they being no w [...]ser then they came thither, every one went his ow [...] way.


MOntrose being returned from this Conference, related all things as they had passed unto some select friends whom hee could safely trust; and witha [...] entreated them, that (for the greater confirmation o [...] the businesse) they would all goe along with him to the King; that his Majesty receiving a full account o [...] all things might lend his eare to sound counsell, and yet (if it was possible) provide a remedy against so threatning evils. Most of them were of opinion, Tha [...] the King and his authority were utterly ruined and irrecovera­ble; that is was a thing passing the power of man to reduce tha [...] Kingdome to obedience; that for their parts they had acqui [...] ­ted themselves before God, and the world, and their owne con­sciences, that hitherto with the disgrace of their persons, the losse of their estates, and the hazard of their lives they had continued in their allegeance; hereafter they would be onely loo­kers on, and petitioners unto Almighty God for better times. Montrose who could by no meanes be removed from so honest a resolution, communicating his counsell to the Lord Ogiléy, (whom of all men he especially loved) goes straight to Oxford. [Page 17] The King was absent thence, being gone to the siege of Glocester. He imparts unto the Queen what designes the Scottish Covenanters had against his Majesty; but he had as good have said nothing, for she had determi­ned not to beleeve a word, by reason of the farre grea­ter confidence she reposed in Hamilton & his brother.

Montrose, seeing no good was to be done with the Queen, goes to Glocester, and declares all things to the King himselfe: How there was a powerfull army to be raised in Scotland, & a day appointed on which it should be brought into England; how their counsels were manifestly knowne unto him; & how to fetch him over to their side, they had offe­red him very honourable Commands in the army: but that he heartily detesting so horrid an employment had fled to his Ma­jesty, that he having notice thereof, if he were not able to pro­vide so timely & powerful a remedy as could be wished, at least might cast some blocks & rubs in their way untill such time as he had settled his affaires in England; that the traitours of either Kingdome might be easily dealt withall by themselves, but if they came once to joyne their forces they would be hardly supprest; that there were very many in Scotland who would sa­crifice themselves and all that they had for their dearest King, whose good will would be of no use unto his Majesty after the Covenanters had raised their army, but destructive unto them­selves; that the haughty spirits of the Traitors were to be sneap't in time, & their strength broken before it grew too big, lest the beginnings b [...]ing neglected, repentance should prove the onely opposition that could be made afterward.

These things, and to this effect did Montrose conti­nually presse unto the King, but in vaine, for he had not onely the strong and deeply rooted confidence his [Page 18] Majesty had of the Hamiltons to struggle with, but the devices of a set of desperate Courtiers beside, who daily buzzed in the Kings eares Montrose's youth, his rashnesse, his ambition, the envy and hatred he bare unto the Hamiltons, and what not; & on the other side, the Hamiltons fidelity, their honesty, their discretion, their power. Thus Montrose nothing prevailes & the King returnes to his winter quarters at Oxford. And al though his Majesty saw very well (reports coming thick and threefold of the Scottish army) that all was true that Montrose had told him, yet the most reli­gious King determined upon no termes to give any occasion of quarrell to the Scots till first they entered England; resolving that he for his part would perfectly observe the Articles of Pacification he had made with them, which if they should violate, he doubted no [...] but they should highly answer it both to God & him. While these things were discussed at Oxford, the Co­venanters in Scotland bring their businesse about accor­ding to their desires, no one opposing them. They raise as big an army as they can, which consisted of eighteen thousand Foot and two thousand Horse; and at last when they had marched unto the very bor­ders, the Hamiltons were not ashamed to give the King notice by letters of the approach of that formi­dable Army; making this their excuse, that according to their engagement they had prevented an invasion the summer before, but now that winter was come on they were able to keep them out no longer, but they would come in immediately with a powerfull Army. The King when he saw himselfe thus grosly [Page 19] abused sends for Montrose, shewes him the Hamiltons letters, and at last (when it was even too late) askes his advice what was best to be done.

Montrose tells him, that his Majesty might now see that what he had before given him notice of had nei­ther proceeded from ambition, nor malice, nor any self-ends, but from his bounden duty and allegeance; that for above a twelve-month hee had been continu­ally pressing both their Majesties to prevent this; that he accounted himselfe very unhappy that all that whi­le so faithfull a servant, could not be credited by so good a Master; that the case seemed now desperate, but if the King had a minde he might trust them againe who by pretence of his authority had bound some of his friēds hands that they could not assist him & drawn in others who intended nothing lesse under colour of Loyal [...]y to fight against him, & given up unto the Re­bells, now that they had got an army, all that they had without striking a stroke. The King complaining that he was most abominably betrayed by them with whom he had entrusted his Crowne, his Secrets, his Life, earnestly demanded his advice. He repeating a­gaine the lamentablenesse of the condition in which things novv stood, neverthelesse offered, that if his Ma­jesty so thought good, he vvould either lose his life, vvhich if he did, (he would be sure it should seeme rather sold then lost,) or else (vvhich he did not despaire of) he vvould reduce his Country men and bring the Rebels there into subjection. The King being no little pleased vvith the confidence, un­dauntednesse, and gallantry of the man, [Page 20] that he might more advisedly contrive his designe, desired him to take two or three dayes to consider of and so dismist him.

Montrose returning at the time appointed, shewes his Majesty how desperate an adventure he was vn­dertaking; that al Scotland was under the Covenanters cōmand, that they had garrisoned al places of strength that they were plentifully provided both of men and money, and armes, and ammunition, and victuall, & al [...] things necessar [...] for a Warre; that the English Rebells were joyned with them in a most strict Covenant to defend one another against all the world. But for his owne part he had nothing to set up with neither men, nor armes, nor pay; yet he would not distrust Gods Assistance in a righteous cause, and if the King would lay his Commands upon him he would undertake to doe his best. The King should be in no worse case the [...] he was. He himself would take what malice, envy, o [...] danger should fall upon himselfe, so that his Majest [...] were graciously pleased to condescend to a few reaso­nable requests. And first, that the businesse might g [...] on more successefully, it seemed to him very necessary that the King should send some souldiers out of Irelan [...] into the west of Scotland. Next, that he should give o [...]der to the Marquesse of Newcastle (who was the Gene­ral of the Kings forces towards Scotland) that he shou [...] assist Montrose with a party of horse to enter the sou [...] of Scotland, by which meanes he might convey himse [...] into the heart of the Kingdome. Then, that he shoul [...] deale with the King of Denmarke for some troops o [...] Germane horse. And lastly, that his Majesty should tak [...] [Page 21] some course to procure and transport some armes out of some forraigne countrey into Scotland: nothing nee­ded more but humane industry, the successe was Gods part, and to be referred to his providence. The King commending his counsell, & giving him thankes that he apprehended some life in the businesse, encoura­geth him to fit himselfe cheerfully for so great a worke & wished him to leave the care of those things he had requested unto him.

And truly for the matter of aid out of Ireland, the King sends for the Earle of Antrim, and acquaints him with Montrose's design. This Antrim is of Scottish ex­traction, descended of the noble and ancient Family of the Mac-Donalds, a man of great estate and power in Ireland, & allyed to the prime Nobility of England, by matching with the Duchesse of Buckingham. He being driven out of his own countrey lived at Oxford, and cheerfully undertooke the negotiation with the Irish upon himself, and engaged himselfe also voluntarily unto Montrose, that he would be in Argyle (a part of Scotland bordering upon Ireland) with ten thousand mē by the first of Aprill 1644. this passed in December 1643. And as for forraigne aides and armes, the King sent Sir Iohn Cockeram his Embassadour about it with his Commission and Instructions. And directions unto the Marquesse of Newcastle were carried by some of Montrose's own company. Who receiving the Kings Letters and Commission to be Governour of Scotland and Generall of the Army there, made himselfe ready for his journey.

In the interim newes comes on a sudden, that Duke [Page 22] Hamilton with his brother the Earle of Lanericke were posting up to Oxford. They, that they might make their accesse easier to the King who had hitherto gi­ven eare unto their counsells, and to continue or re­cover the good opinion the King had of them, gave out all the way as they came, especially unto Gover­nours of Shires and Townes, and Commanders o [...] the Army, that they were banished their Countrey that they had been plundered of their estates by the Covenanters for their loyalty to the King, and that for safety of their lives, (with which they had hardly escaped,) they fled to Oxford. But Montrose and those of his minde saw plainly that these were but tales o [...] their own making, of purpose to wipe off the suspi­cion of this new guilt; and that by this meanes, they in confidence of that esteeme they had lately with the King, and of a strong faction they drove at Court doubted not but they should stand as fair in his opini­on as ever, if they were but once admitted into the Kings presence; and that the onely businesse they ha [...] thither, was by defeating Montrose againe, clearly to extinguish that little sparke of Loyalty that was no [...] yet quite out in Scotland. And Montrose delivered himselfe freely, that for his part he would never stand by to be witnese of so great an oversight: an [...] therefore humbly besought the King that he would give him leave to seeke his fortune in some forraigne countrey, if these men that had deceived him so of should be received againe into favour: not that he desired any severyty should be used against them, one­ly he wished the King might have a care that they [Page 23] should do him no more harme. The King was drawne with much a doe that they should be forbidden [...] the Court, yet for all that he suffered the Earl of La­nericke to live in the City. But he (by whose instiga­tions I cannot tell) betakes himself from Oxford to Londen to the Parliament of England, and not long after to the Scotch Army which had now entered England, and never since hath failed to doe them the best service he could. The escape of his brother so much moved the King, that he saw it high time to se­cure the Duke himself.

There were severall Scots in the Kings Court and Army who were suspected (and perhaps not without reason) to favour the Covenanters too much, and to give intelligence unto them of the Kings counsels. Montrose that he might put these to the touch tooke this course, He got a Protestation to be drawne up by the Kings authority, unto which all Scots who would have the reputation of honest men were to set their [...] hands: Wherein they professed themselves heartily to de­test the courses of the Covenanters, condemned especially the bringing in of an army into England against the King and the Lawes of the Land as an act of high treason; pro­mised and vowed to acquit themselves of that scandall, and to the utmost of their power, with the hazard of their lives and fortunes, to oppose those that were guilty of that crime. This Protestation all men of honour and honesty rea­dily tooke; but there were two, in whom the King [...]rusted most of all Scotch men next to the Hamiltons, to wit, the Earle of Trequaire, & Mr. William Murray of the Bed chamber, who were difficultly brought unto it [Page 24] at last with much reluctancy, and fear of being disco­vered traitours: yet even they engaged themselves by a solemne Oath at a certain day to be aiding & assisting unto Montrose in Scotland; which Oath of theirs after­ward they most unworthily violated.

This being done, and Montrose on his journey from Oxford towards Scotland, those that were the Hamiltons creatures, and other false-hearted Courtiers began to blast the Honour of Montrose, to call him a vaine and ambitious man who had attempted an impossible thing: to extoll above measure the power of the Co­venanters, and that they might dete [...]re every one from engaging himself in so noble an exploit, gave out every where most maliciously, that no good was ever to be expected from Montrose.

He being little troubled with the calumnies of un­worthey men, came forward to Yorke & so to Durham: where he sees that the Kings Instructions be sent to the Marquesse of Newcastle, and the next day they met and conferred, Newcastle discours't of nothing but the distresses and necessities of his Army; how the Rebell Scots breaking in in the midst of winter had spoiled his Recruits, and that now in farre greater numbers then he they quartered within five miles of him; that he could not possibly spare any Horse without a mani­fest hazard to the whole Army. Montrose urged on the other side, that nothing could do. Newcastle more ser­vice then to let him have a party of Horse (in which he was very strong) with him into Scotland, that so he might either divert or at least divide the enemy, and by kindling a fire in their owne houses fetch them ho­me [Page 25] againe to defend themselves. Newcastle courte­ously replyed, that assoon as he had wound himself out of that present danger, he would not be wanting in any service to Montrose: which promise, there is no doubt but a person of so much Honour and Loyalty would most surely have performed, had he continued any while in the Command of tho­se parts. In the meane time, all that he could do for the present was, to afford him about one hundred Horse, but lean ones, and ill accou­tred, (which was not the Generals fault but so­me mens private spleen) with two brasse Field-pieces.

Moreover he sent his Orders unto the Kings Officers and Commanders in Cumberland and West­morland, that they should give Montrose all the succour and assistance they could make for his journey into Scotland. Montrose going towards Carlisle was accordingly met by the Cumberland and Westmorland men, consisting of eight hundred Foot, and three troops of Horse; who accor­ding to the Marquesse of Newcastles Command, were to waite upon him into Scotland. Mon­trose himselfe brought with him two hundred Horse, most of them Noblemen and Gentlemen, and such as had been Captaines either in Germa­ny, France, or England. With which small for­ces (nor over trusty neither) he entered Scotland on the 13. of Aprill; for he made the more hast, lest he should have been absent at the time appoin­ted by the Earl of Antrim.


MOntrose having entred Scotland had come to the river of Anan, when upon a mutiny among the English, occasioned by Richard Grahams Souldiers, almost all of them flie their Colours, and in all hast runne back to England. Notwithstanding he with his own men came to Dunfrise, and took the Towne into protection upon surrender: and there he staid a while that he might be ready to entertaine Antrim and his Irish; but the day appointed being already pass'd, there came not so much as a Messenger from them, nor the least report of them into Scotland. And the Co­venanters gathering themselves together on every side, there was no staying there any longer for Montro­se, without being surprised; therefore he returns safe to Carlisle with his men. And seeing he could neither procure any aid from the English, nor expect any Forraigners suddenly, nor had scarse any hopes of good from Ireland; and found that the Earle of Ca­lendar had raised a new Army in Scotland to second Ge­neral Lesly, who had by this time together with the English Covenanters besiged Yorke, he resolved, lest he should spend his time idlely, to engage himselfe among the Kings Forces in Northumberland & the Bish­oprick; nor was that resolution either unprofitable to them, or dishonorable to himself.

For having ferretted a Garrison of the Covenan­ters out of the towne of Morpet, he took in the Castle, permitted all the pillage unto the English, and taking an Oath of them that had held it, that they [Page 27] should never more fight against the King; he sent them away without any greater punishment. He tooke a Fort at the mouth of the river of Tine from the Covenanters, (who had not long before turned out an English Garrison from thence) and dismist the prisoners upon the same termes with those of Morpet. He plētifully victualled Newcastle with corne brought from Alnwicke, and other places thereabouts. When this was done, he was sent for by letters from Prince Rupert Count Palatine of Rhine, who was then co­ming to raise the siege of Yorke. And although he made all the haste he could, yet he met not the Prince till he was upon his retreat the day after that unfortunate battell. And truly the Prince freely of­fered Montrose a thou [...]ād Horse to take along with him into Scotland, but some that were too powerfull with him dealt so with the good Prince, that the next day after that promise was made there was not one horse to be had.

All things thus failing Montrose from which he ex­pected any assistance, yet his spirit never failed him: therefore returning to Carlisle with those few but faithfull and gallant men that strucke close to him, he sends away the Lord Ogleby and Sir William Rollock into the heart of Scotland in meane disguise, lest they should be discovered by the enemy. Within a fort­night they returned, & brought word that all things in Scotland were desperate; all Passes, Castles, Tow­nes, possessed with Garrisons of the Covenanters, nor could they finde any one so hardy as to dare to speake reverently or affectionately of the King. Most of [Page 28] those who had adhered to Montrose all this while, being cast downe with this sad newes, bethought themselves of bending their courses some other way, especially when they were tampered with by that honest man the Earle Traquair to desert the service: who forgetting all his vowes and imprecations he had made before the King, undertook in the na­me of the Covenanters, not only for Indemnity to all that should fall off unto them, but rewards and preferments too; as if he had been all this while an Agent for the Rebells, and not for the King as he pretended. And yet this man was greater in the Kings favour, and more confided in then any one except the Hamiltons.

Montrose calling his friends to counsell, desires them to deliver their opinions what they concei­ved was fittest to be done in this sad face of things.

Some advise him to repaire to the King at Oxford, and certifie him that his Scotch Affaires were past recovery; that Antrim came not with his Irish For­ces, nor was there any appearance of them; that little or no assistance had been obtained from the English; and as for Armes or aid from Forraigne parts, he had not so much as heard a word of them; so that it was none of his fault that his ser­vice had no better successe.

Others were of opinion that it was better for him to excuse himself by Letters unto the King and to send up his Commission a long with them, and that he himself should step a while aside into some other Countrey till such time as it should please [Page 29] God to send better opportunities. But all agreed in this, that nothing more was to be attempted or thought of in Scotland.

But he himselfe onely entertained farre other thoughts in his high and undaunted spirit: He conceived himselfe bound never to forsake his dea­rest Lord the King though in extreamest hazards, and that it was an unworthinesse to despaire of so good a cause; and if he should attempt some grea­ter matter then came within the reach or apprehen­sion of common men, he conjectured it might prove much to his owne Honour, and some thing perhaps to the Kings good too. For as it was dubious, whe­ther it might please God in his mercy to looke upon the King with a more favourable eye, and to turne his adversity into prosperity; so it was most certaine that if he should not be able to goe thorough with it but pe­rish in the enterprise, he should die with Honour, and his fall should be much lamented. So resolved, and commending himselfe and his successe to the disposall and protection of Almighty God, he performed such Adventures without men, without money, with­out armes, as were not onely to the astonishment of us that were present, and were eye and eare wit­nesses of them, but also the example and envy both, of all great Commanders hereafter. What those were we shall declare by and by.

Montrose delivers those few Gentlemen that had been constant unto him to the Lord Ogleby, to be con­ducted unto the King, (for as he had communicated all his former designes unto him, so he did this also) and [Page 30] conjureth him withall to deale earnestly with his Ma­jesty for hastening of some aid, if not of Men yet of Armes at least, from beyond seas. So he accompa­nying them two dayes on their journey, and leaving with them his Horses, his Servants, and his Carria­ges, conveyed himself privily away from them, and with what speed he could came back to Carlisle. The company suspecting nothing of his departure, because Ogleby and other his dearest friends were still with them, marched on straight towards Oxford; but theither they never reached for most of them (of whom were the Lord Ogleby himself, Sir Iohn Innes, & Colonell Henry Graham his brother, a most hopefull young Gentleman, Iames, Iohn, and Alexander Oglebyes, Patricke Melvin, and other gallant men, and highly esteemed by Montrose) fell into the enemies hands, & endured a long & nasty imprisonment untill they were set at liberty by Montrose himself the next yeare, af­ter which they did him most faithfull service. He re­turning to Carlisle imparts his designe to the Earle of Aboine, least he should have any occasion to cavill af­terwards, that a matter of that consequence was done without his knowledge or advice, who might have proved able to give a great stroke to the advancing of it. But when he found some thing too much ficklenesse in that young man, he was not over earnest to engage him to adventure with him in so perillous a journey; and therefore easily perswaded him to reside at Carlisle till he heard further newes out of Scotland, by which time it might be more seasonable for him to returne into his Countrey.

[Page 31] And now being prepared for his journey, he selected onely two men for his companions and guides; one was Sir William Rollock a Gentleman of most knowne honesty, and an able man both of his head and hands. The other was one Sibbald, whom for the report of his valour and gallantry, Montrose did equally love & ho­nour: but the latter afterwards deserted him in his greatest need. Montrose passing as Sibbalds man, & being disguised in the habit of a Groome, rode along upon a leane jade, & led another horse in his hand. And so he came to the borders where he found all ordinary and safe passes guarded by the enemy. There was a chance happened which put them in a greater fright then all that, & it was this; not farre from the borders they hit by chance upon a servant of Sir Richard Grahams, who taking them for Covenanters, & to be of Lesley's Army who used to range about those parts, told them freely & confidently that his Master had made his peace with the Covenanters, and had undertaken (as if he were their Centinell) to discover unto them all such as came that way whom he suspected to favour the King. An unworthy act it was of a shamelesse villaine, of whom, not onely Montrose had a very high esteem, buth is Majesty also, whose mistaken bounty had raised him out of the dunghill (to say no worse) unto the honour of Knighthood, and an estate even to the en­vy of his neighbours.

Having not passed much further, they met a soul­dier, a Scothman, but one that had served under the Marquesse of Newcastle in England who taking no notice of the other two Gentlemen, came to Montrose and [Page 32] salute him by his name: Montrose giving no heed unto him, as if he were no such man, the too officious souldier would not be so put off, but with a voyce and countenance full of humility and duty began to cry out, What? Doe not I know my Lord Marquesse of Montrose well enough? Goe your way, and God be with you whither soever you goe.

When he saw it was in vaine to conceale himself from the man, he gave him a few crownes and sent him away, nor did he discover him afterwards. But Montrose conceiving himselfe much concerned in these speeches, thought it the best course to make all the haste he could, and to run faster then the newes of him could flie: nor did he spare any horse flesh, or scarce draw a bridle till after foure dayes travell he came to the house of his cosen Patrick Graham of Innis­brake, not farre from the river of Tay on that side of the Sherifdome of Perth which is next the mountains. This Patrick being descended of the noble family of Montrose, and not unworthy of so noble parentage, was deservedly in very great esteeme with the Mar­quesse; who so journed besides him for a little while in the day time in a meane cottage, and passed the nights alone in the neighbouring mountains. For he had sent away his companions unto his friends, that they might inform themselves exactly of the whole state of the Kingdome, and bring him word in wat condition they found it.

After a few dayes, having examined the matter with all the industry they could use, they retur­ne with nothing but sad and tragicall newes: That all [Page 33] the Subjects that were honest and loyall, lay under the tyranny of the Rebells; and of such as had been so hardy as to endea­vour to recover their freedome with their swords, some were put to death, others fin'd, others being yet in prison, daily expected the worst their enemies could doe; That the Mar­quesse of Huntley had laid downe the armes which too unad­visedly he had taken up at the first summons of the enemy; that indeed he had had no contemptible number of men, but the men wanted a good Commander; that his friends and depen­dants were exposed to the implacable malice and revenge of their enemies, and that he himself had fled to the uttermost corner of the Land, and sculked upon another mans land. Montrose was very much troubled (as he had reason) at this newes, especially at Huntley's errour and the ruine of the Gordons, who were men of singular loyal­ty and valour, and expert souldiers, therefore much lamented by him, that for no fault of theirs, they should come to so great misfortune. And now he began to cast about how he might daw them to him­self, that they might try againe the fortune of Warre under another Generall in the behalf of his most ex­cellent Majesty.


IN the meane time there were some uncertaine re­ports spread abroad among the Shepheards who kept their flocks in the mountaines, of certaine Irish who were landed in the North of Scotland, and ranged about the mountaines. Montrose conceived it not un­likely that these might be part of those Auxiliaries [Page 34] which the Earle of Antrim had promised should have been there four moneths before; but he had no cer­tainty what they were, till at last some letters came from some intimate friends of his, Highlanders, and from Alexander Mac-donell, a Scotch-man also, to whō Antrim had given the Command in Chiefe of those few Irish, directed to Montrose. These they had taken care to send to a certaine friend of his, a sure man, that he might convey them if it were possible to Carlis [...]e, where Montrose was beleeved still to remaine. He, who never dreamed of Montrose's returne into Scot­land, though he sojourned by him, by chance acquain­ted Mr. Patricke Graham with the businesse, he promi­seth to take charge of them, and undertaketh to see them safely delivered to Montrose, though he made a journey as farre as Carlisle of purpose; and so by the good providence of God they came into his hands much sooner then could be expected. And he writes backe, as from Carlisle, that they should be of good comfort, for they should not stay long either for suf­ficient assistance to joyne with them, or a Generall to command them; & withall requires them forthwith to come down into Athole.

The people of Athole were engaged unto Montrose by many obligations, men whom he valued most o [...] all the Highlanders, both for their Loyalty, Piety, Constancy, and singular Valour; and truly they made good his opinion of them to the very end of the Warre. The Irish, with a very few Highlanders who were almost all of Badeneth, receiving Montrose's commands, marched straight into Athole, He, who [Page 35] was not above twenty miles from them, comes to them immediately, and or ever they looked for him, on foot, in the habit of a Mountanier, without any man along with him save the abovesaid Patricke Gra­ham his guide and companion. And indeed the Irish would hardly be perswaded that that was Montrose; but wen they saw him so saluted, and onely not ado­red like some great Deity, by the men of Athole and others that knew him well, they were overjoyed: for his coming to them was in exceeding good time, they being then in extreame danger to be cut off. For Argyle was in their reare with a strong and well or­dered Army, the champaine countrey were ready in armes before them, expecting if they should make downe into the Plaine, to trample them to dirt with their horses hoofes; the vessels that brought them [...] over were burnt by Argyle, that they might have no way to retreat; nor would the Athole men or any other that favoured the King venture any hazard with them, because they were strangers and came not by the Kings open and known Authority; nor had they any Commander of ancient Nobility, a thing by the Highlanders much set by, who would not fight un­der the command of Alexander Mac-donell, a man of no account with them: lastly their num­ber was inconsiderable, being not above ele­ven hundred, though ten thousand had been promised.

The next day, the Athole men to the number of eight hundred put themselves in armes, & offered their service most cheerfully to Montrose, who having got his [Page 36] handfull of men and earnestly commending his most righteous Cause to the protection of Almighty God, now desired nothing more then to be among the thickest of the enemy. Impatient therefore of fur­ther delay, that very day he marches through the Plains of Athole towards Ern; as well to make way for his friends and assistants easier accesse unto him (if any should rise upon the newes) as that he might fall upon and amaze the Rebels unlook't for, before they should be able to joyne together who lay at distance. Therefore passing by Weme a castle of the Menises, seeing they handled a Trumpeter whom he sent friēd­ly unto them unworthily, and fell hotly upon the reare of his Army, he wastes their fields, and causes all their houses and corne to be fired; this was at the very first onset of the Warre, to strike terrour into the enemy. The same night he passed over Tay, the greatest river in Scotland, with part of his Forces; the rest follow him very early the next day. When they were ready to march on, he gave Patrick Graham (of whom I shall haue often to speak, & never without honour) at their earnest request the Command of the Athole men, & sent him with the nimblest of them he could pick out amongst them to scout before. He brings word he saw some souldiers drawne up on the top of an hill at Buc­kinth towards them Montrose makes straight. These proved to be commanded by the Lord Kilpont son to the Earle of Taith, a man of ancient Nobility, and des­cended of the Grahams; and Sir Iohn Drummond, sonne to the Earl of Perth, a kinsman also of Montrose [...]; who were both of them summoned by the Covenanters to [Page 37] joyne against the Irish as the Common enemy, and had with them five hundred Foot and no more; nor had they heard any certainty at all of Montrose's being in those parts. He resolveth with all speed to surprise them, and either to winne them to his side or to crush them to pieces. But they as soone as they heard that Montrose was Generall of those Forces, send unto him some of their chiefest friends to understand from him what he intended to doe. He tells them he had the Kings Authority for what he did, and was resolved to assert that Authority to the utmost of his power against a most horrid Rebellion, conjuring them by all the obligations that were betweene them, that they would not thinke much to doe their best endeavours for the best of Kings. Which as it was much becom­ing their high birth, and would be very acceptable service to the King, so it would be beneficiall unto them for the present, and much to their honour with posterity and strangers, if they of all others should be the first that put to their helping hands to hold up a tottering Crowne. They most readily with­out any delay came in unto him; for both of them though underhand favoured the King ex­ceedingly.

From them Montrose understood that the Cove­nanters were thick in armes at a Rendezvouz at Perth (the second City to Edinburgh) and there waited for their enemies falling down from Athole. He knowing also that Argile with his Army was upon his backe, lest he should be hem'd in on both sides▪ determines to goe forward to Perth, that there he might either force [Page 38] the enemy to fight, or reduce the Towne to the Kings obedience. Marching therefore three miles from Buckinth, and allowing the Souldiers but a short time of refreshment, at the breake of day he drawes out his men. Nor was he above three miles more from the City, whem the enemy was in view in a large and open Plain (called Tippermore) providing to fight. They were commanded by the Lord Elchoe, one that was taken for no great souldier: there were with him the Earle of Tullibardin, and the Lord Drummond, but this latter (as was conceived) against his will, for he & his fathers whole family favoured the King in their hearts: Knights he had with him good store, among whom Sir Iames Scot (who heretofore had done good service under the State of Venice) was the most noted souldier. They had six thousand Foot & seven hundred Horse, and in confidence of their numbres, they had even devoured their enemies before they saw them. It was on Sunday the first of September, & it was given in charge to their Ministers, that in set Speeches they should encourage the people to fight, not forgetting to minde them of their most holy Covenant forsooth. And to give them their due they plyed their lungs stoutly in the performance of that worke; they most freely promised them in the name of Almighty God an easie and unbloudy victory; nay, there was one Frederick Carmiohael, one very much cryrd up for lear­ning and holinesse by the silly people, who was not afraid to deliver this passage in his Sermon, If ever God spake word of truth out of my mouth, I promise you in his name assured victory this day.

[Page 39] Gods service being thus finely performed as they thought, they put their men in Battalia. Elchoe him­self commanded the right flank, Sir Iames Scot the left, and the Eare of Tullebardin the battell. To the right and left flanks were added wings of horse, with which they made no doubt on so faire a Plaine to hemme in the enemy. Montrose perceiving the great body of the enemy, and especially their strength in Horse, (for he had not so much as one Horse-man, nor more then three leane horses) and being carefull (as it con­cerned him) lest being incompassed with so great a number, they should fall upon him in the Front, Reare and Flanke, he caused his Army to be drawne out to as open order as could be possible, and makes his Files onely three deep. He commands the Ranks all to discharge at once, those in the first Ranke kneeling, in the second stooping, and in the hindmost, where he placed the tallest men, upright: he chargeth them also to have a care of mis-spending their powder, of which they had so small store, and that they should not so much as make a shot till they came to the very teeth of their enemies; & assoone as they had dischar­ged their muskets once a piece, immediately to breake in upon the enemy with their swords & musket ends; which if they did, he was very confident the enemy would never endure the charge. Montrose undertakes the Command of the right Flanke over against Sir Iames Scot, appoints the left to the Lord Kilpont, & the maine Battell to Mac donell with his Irish: vvhich vvas very providently ordered, lest the Irish vvho vvere neither used to fight vvith long Pikes nor vvere furnis-with [Page 40] swords, if they had been placed on either flank should haue beene exposed to the fury of the Scotch Horse.

Montrose had sent unto the Commanders of the enemy, Drummond sonne and heire to the Lord Ma­derty, a noble Gentleman, and accomplished with all kinde of vertues, who declared in his name, That Montrose, aswell as the Kings Majesty from whom he had received his Commission, was most tender of shedding his Countreyes bloud, and had nothing more in his devotions, then that his victories might he written without a red Letter. And such a victory they might obtaine as well as he, if they should please but to have the honour to conquer themselves, and before a stroke were st [...]ucke to returne [...]nto their Allegeance▪ That for his part he was covetous of no mans wealth thirsty after no mans bloud; all that he desired was, that in the name of God they would at length give eare to sound counsell, and submit them­selves and what belonged unto them unto them grace and protection of so good a King: who as he had hitherto condescended unto all things (either for matter of Religion or anything else) which they thought good to aske, though to the exceeding great prejudice of his Prerogative; so still they might finde him like an indulgent Father ready to embrace his penitent children in his armes, although he had been pro­voked with unspeakable injuries. But if they should con­tinue still obstinate in their Rebellion, he called God to wit­nesse, that it was their own stubbornesse that forced him to the present encounter.

The Commanders of the enemies answered no­thing at all to all this, but against the Law of Nati­ons [Page 41] sent the Messenger (who out of meere love to his Countrey had undertaken the employment) prisoner with a company of rude souldiers unto Perth, vow­ing assoone as they had got the victory to cut off his head. But God was more mercifull to him, and provided otherwise then they intended, for the safety of that gallant man.

They were come within musket shot when the enemies under the Command of the Lord Drummond sent out a forlorne-hope to provoke Montrose to a light skirmish: he sends a few to meet them, who at the first onset disorder and rout them, sending them backe to their maine body in no small fright. Mon­trose thought now was his opportunity, and that no­thing could conduce more either to the encourage­ment of his owne souldiers, or the terrour of the ene­my, then immediately to fall upon them as they were disordered and astonished with that fresh blow, nor would he give them time to rally or recover courage: therefore se [...]ting up a great shout, he lets loose his whole Army upon them. The enemy first at distance discharge their Ordnance, which made more noise then they did harme, afterwards marching forward, their Horse labour to breake in upon Montrose's Soul­diers; those when their powder was spent, and ma­ny of them had neither Pikes nor scarse Swords, they stoutly entertaine with such weapons as the place would afford, good stones; of which they poured in such number amongst them with so great strength and courage, that they forced them to retreat and to trou­ble them no more. For the Irish and Highlanders [Page 42] striving bravely whet [...]er should out vie the other in valour, bore up so eagerly when they gave ground, that at last they betooke themselves to the nimble­nesse of their Horses heeles. There was something more to do a little while longer in the right Flanke. Sir Iames Scot disputed some time for the higher ground, but Montrose's men being stronger bodied, & especially swifter footmen obtained the Hill; from thence the Athole mē rushed downe with their drawne swords upon the enemy, and making little account of the musquetiers, who sent their bullets amongst them as thicke as haile, closing with them (as they lik't best to fight) they slash't and beat them downe. At last the enemy not able to abide their fury, fairely ran away. Most of the Horse made so good speed as to save themselves; but there was a great slaughter of the Foot, whom they pursued for six or seven miles. There were conceived to be two thousand of the Covenanters slain, and more were taken prisoners; of whom some taking a Military Oath, took up arms again with the Conquerour; but perfidiously, for almost all forsooke him afterwards. The rest taking a solemn Protestation that they would never after beare armes against the King, he set at liberty. He tooke in Perth the same day, without doing the least harme unto the City, although most of the Citizens had fought against him in this battell; thinking by so great clemency to turne the hearts of the people towards their King, vvhich vvas the onely end to vvhich he directed all his designes.


HE staid three dayes at Perth, for there he expected many in those parts to come in with their friends and clients armed, who upon the noise of the late victory professed themselves most faithfull to the King; but none came but the Earle of Kinoule with a few gentlemen of Gawry, nor did they continue very constant unto him neither. And by this time Argyle was at hand with a great Army of Foot of his owne, & sup­plies of Horse were joyned with him out of the South parts; therefore Montrose passing over Tay tooke up his Quarters in the field (for other quarters he seldom had) near Couper a little village in Angus, where a fa­mous Monastery once stood, but now lies on the ground. Here a brave young gentleman, Sir Thomas O­gilby sonne to the Earle of Arley, with others of the Gentry of Angus, met him, & readily offered him their service; whom he courteously entertained, and sent them away with thankes, they pretending they onely went to fit themselves for a march, neverthelesse few of them returned besides the Ogilbies.

Next morning by breake of day before the Revellier was beat there was a great tumult in the Camp, the Souldiers ranne to their armes, & fell to be wilde and raging; Montrose guessing that it was some falling out between the Highlanders & the Irish, thrust himselfe in amongst the thickest of them: there he findes a most horrible murther newly committed, for the noble Lord Kilpontin lay there basely s [...]aine. The murtherer was a retainer of his owne, one Stuart, whom he had treated with much friendship and familiarity, in so much that that same night they lay both in a bed. [Page 42] [...] [Page 43] [...] [Page 44] It is reported that the base slave had a plot to dispatch Montrose, and in regard of the great power he had with Kilpontin, he conceived he might draw him in to be accessary to the villany, therefore taking him aside into a private place, he had discovered unto him his intentions; which the Nobleman highly detested, as was meet; where upon the murtherer fearing he would discover him, assaulted him unawares, & stab­bed him with many wounds, who little suspected any harme from his friend and creature. The treacherous assassine by killing a Centinel escaped, none being able to pursue him, it being so darke that they could scarse see the ends of their Pikes. Some say the traitor was hired by the Covenanters to doe this, others onely that he was promised a reward if he did it. Howso­ever it was, this is most certaine that he is very high in their favour unto this very day, and that Argyle imme­diatel [...] advanced him (though he was no souldier) to great commands in his Army. Montrose was very much troubled with the losse of this Nobleman, his deare friend, and one that had deserved very well both frō the King & himself, a mā famous for arts & armes, and honesty; being a good Philosopher, a good Di­vine, a good Lawyer, a good Souldier, a good Subject, & a good man: And embracing the breathlesse body againe & againe with sighes & teares, he delivers it to his sorrowfull friends and servants to be carried to his parents to receive its funerall Obsequies as became the splendor of that honourable Family.

With the rest of his Forces Montrose marcheth to Dundee: the Towne being proud of the num­ber [Page 45] of its inhabitants, and having a Garrison out of Fife beside, refused to submit. And he, thinking it no wisdome to hazard the honour he had gotten by his late victory upon the doubtfull successe of a siege, turnes away toward Eske; for he hoped that many of his friends and kindred, being men of greatest note in those parts, and who used to talke as highly what they would doe for the King as any others, would be ready to joyne with him.

But they having newes of his approach withdrew themselves: onely the Lord Ogleby Airley, a man of threescore yeares old, (with his two sons, Sir Thomas, and Sir David, and some of his friends and clients, men of experienced resolutions) joyned himselfe un­to him: and with admirable constancy he went along with him through all fortunes unto the very end of the Warre; being in that almost universall defection, the other honour and ornament of the Nobility of Scotland besides Montrose.

While Montrose was hereabouts, he receives intel­ligence that some Commissioners from the Covenan­ters (of whom the Lord Burghly was the principall) lay at Aberdene with an Army, and laboured to assure unto themselves the Northerne parts, upon which Montrose especially relyed, either by faire meanes or foule. He determines to fight these immediately be­fore Argyle could come up to them, therefore with long marches he hies thither; and possessing himselfe of the bridge upon the river of Dee, and drawing neare the City, he found the enemy drawn up close beside it. Burghley commanded two thousand Foot, and [Page 46] five hundred Horse whom he placed in wings; & ha­ving chosen his ground, & planted his great Guns be­fore his men, he expected battell. Montrose had fifteene hundred Foot (for the Lord Kilpontins souldiers were gone to convey their Lords dead body to his parents, and most of the Athole men after the victory of Perth were gone home, from whence they were not farre, laden with spoile,) and just foure and forty Horse, of whom he made two divisions, and mixing amongst them the best fire-men and Archers that he had (who in nimblenesse and swif [...]nesse of body were almost as good as horsemen) placed them on either wing, to prevent the falling of the enemies Horse upon his rere; which they performed most gallantly beyond the opinion or perhaps the beliefe of many.

He gave the command of the right flank to Iames Hay and Nathaniel Gordon, and of the left to Sir William Rollock, all valiant men. The left wing of the ene­my was commanded by Lewis Gordon, sonne to the Marquesse of Huntley, a bold young man and hor spi­rited, but haire brain'd and one that had forced out his fathers friends and clients to fight with Montrose against their wills. He having gotten the plaine and most commodious ground for fighting on horse­backe charged Montrose's right flank: which when he perceived, he commanded Rollock with his twen­ty Horse to their aid; and they, being backed with the gallantry of their Commanders, and the activity and stoutnesse of the Foot amongst them, received the charge with so much hardinesse, that they foure and forty beat backe full three hundred of the enemy [Page 47] routing all and killing very many. But because they were so few they durst not follow the chase: which was forborne by the great prudence of the Comman­ders, and proved to be of great consequence towards the obtaining of the victory: for the enemy charged Montrose's left Flanke vvhich had no Horse vvith their right Wing of Horse. Montrose therefore in atrice (now that Lewis Gordon and his men vvere fled) con­veighs the same Horse to the left Flanke; vvho seeing they vvere not able to dravv themselves into a Body like the enemies, fetch't a compasse about, & so esca­ped their first charge; then neatly vvheeling about they fall upon the Flanke of the enemy, & vvith their naked svvords, beat, and cut, and vanquish, and put them to flight. They tooke prisoners on Forbes of Kragevar, a Knight of great esteem vvith the enemy, and another Forbes of Boindle. Those that retreated got safe away, because that so few could not safely persue them. They that commanded the enemies Horse vvere not so much frighted vvith their losse as vexed vvith the disgrace of a double repulse, therefore impu­ting their defeat to those light fierelockes that vvere mixed vvith Montrose's Horse, they themselves call for Foot-men out of their maine Body intending to re­turne vvith greater courage. Montrose suspected that, & vvas loath to engage those fevv gallant men againe, vvhose Horses vvere spent already in tvvo sharp servi­ces, vvith the enemy vvho vvas reinforced vvith fresh Foot. Therefore observing the enemies Horse not yet railled since their nevv rout, & stāding at a sufficient di­stance frō their Foot; hee rode about among his owne, [Page 48] who had been sore galled already with the Enemies Ordnance) and bespeaks them to this effect:

VVe doe no good (my fellow Souldiers) while we dispute the matter at thus much distance, except we close up with them how shall we know an able man from a weake, a valiant man from a coward? If ye would assaile these timorous and brawnelesse shrimps with handy blowes, they will never be [...] able to stand you. Goe to therefore, fall about them with your Swords and butt-end of your Muskets, beat them downe, drive them backe, and make them pay what is justly due for their treason and rebellion.

It was not sooner said, then they fall to worke, breake in upon the Enemy, defeate them, rout them. Their Horse who expected Foot to come and line them, seeing them all run away, ran faster then they: whom the conquerours were not able to follow much lesse to overtake, so they scap't scot-free; but the Foot paid for all, few of which escaped the Victors hands. For having no other place to fly unto but into the City, Montrose's mē came in thronging amongst them through the gates and posternes, and laid them on heaps all over the streets. They fought foure houres upon such equall termes, that it was an even lay whe­ther had the oddes. At this Battell Montrose had some great Guns, but they were unserviceable, because all advantages of ground were possessed by the enemy; but the enemies Guns made no small havock of his men. Among others, there was an Irishman that had his legge shot off with a Cannon bullet, onely it hung by a little skin; he seeing his fellow-souldiers some­thing sad at his mischance, with a loud and cheerfull voyce cryes out, Come on, my Camerades, this is but the fortune of Warre, and neither you nor I have reason to be [Page 49] sorry for it. Doe you stand to it as becomes you, and as for me, I am sure my Lord Marquesse, seeing I can no lon­ger serve on foot, will mount me on horsebacke: So dravv­ing out his knife, being nothing altered nor troubled, he cut asunder the skin with his owne hand, and gave his legge to one of his fellow-souldiers to bury. And truly when he was well againe, and made a Trooper, he often did very faithfull and gallant service. This battell was fought at Aberdene on the twelfth day of September, 1644. Then Montrose calling his souldiers back to their Colours entered the City, and allowed them two dayes rest.


IN the meane time newes is brought that Argyle was hard by with much greater forces then those they dealt with last, the Earle of Lothion accōpanying him with fifteen hundred Horse. Therefore Montrose re­moves from A [...]erdene to Kintor a Village ten miles off, that he might make an easier accesse unto him for the Gordons (the friends and dependants of the Marquesse of Huntley) and others that were supposed much to fa­vour the Kings cause. From thence he sends Sir Wil­liam Rollocke to Oxford, to acquaint his Majesty with the good successe he had hitherto obtained, and to desire supplies out of England or some place else.

That he had fought twice indeed very prosperously, but it could not be expected that seeing he was so beset on all sides with great and numerous Armies, he should be able to hold out alwayes without timely reliefe. Still nothing troubled Montrose more, then that none of the Gordons, of whom he conceived great hopes, came in unto him.

[Page 50] And there wanted not some of them, who testified their great affection to the service, but that Huntley the Chief of the Family, being a backe-Friend to Montro­se, had with held them all, either by his owne exam­ple, or private directions; and that himselfe being forced to sculk in the utmost border of the Kingdom, envied that honour to another of which he had mis­sed himselfe, and had forbidden, even with threats, all those with vvhom he had any power to have any thing to doe vvith Montrose, or to assist him either vvith their power or counsell. Which when he un­derstood, he resolved to withdraw his Forces into the Mountains & Fastnesses, vvhere he knew the enemies Horse (wherein their great strength consisted) could doe them little service; and of their Foot (if they were never so many) relying upon the Iustice of his cause, and the valour of his Souldiers, he made but little reckoning. Therefore he hid his Ordnance in a bogge, and quitted all his troublesome and heavy carriages. And coming to the side of the River of Spey, not farre from an old Castle called Rothmurke, he in­camped there: with an Army, if one respected the number but very smal, but it was an expert & cheerful [...] one, & now also some thing acquainted with victory.

On the other side of the Spey, he findes the men o [...] Cathnes, and Suderland, and Rosse, and Murray, and o­thers to the number of five thousand up in Armes to hinder his passage over the swiftest River in all Scot­land, till such time as Argyle who marched after him was upon his backe. Being oppressed, and as it were besieged with so many enemies on every side, that [Page 51] at least he might save himselfe from their Horse, he turned into Badenoth, a rocky and mountainous Coun­trey, and scarce passable for Horse. There for cer­taine dayes he was very sicke, which occasioned so immoderate joy to the Covenanters, that they doub­ted not to give out he was quite dead, and to ordaine a day of publique Thankesgiving to Almighty God for that great deliverance. Nor were their Levites you may be sure backward in that employment in their Pulpits; for as if they had been of counsell at the De­cree, and stood by at the execution, they assured the people that it was as true as Gospell, that the Lord of Hostes had slaine Montrose with his owne hands. But this joy did not last them long, for he recovered in a short space; and as if he had been risen from the dead, he frighted his Enemies much more then he had done before. For assoon as his disease would give him leave, he returned into Athole, and sent away Mac-donell with a party unto the Highlanders, to invite them to take up Armes with him; and if they would not be invi­ted to force them. He himselfe goes into Angus, hoping it might happen that he should either force Argyle with his tyred Horse unto his Winter quar­ters, or at least leave him farre enough behinde him.

For Argyle had pursued him so slowly, and at such distance, that it was appare [...]t he thought of nothing lesse then of giving him Battell. Therefore going through Angus, & getting over the Grainsbaine (which going along with a perpetual ridge from East to West, divideth Scotland into two equall parts) he returned into the North of the Kingdome. And now that [Page 52] he had left Argyle so farre behinde him, that he might safely take some time to recruit, he went to Strathbogy, that he might meet with the Gordons, & perswade them to engage with him. But he lost his labour, for they were forestalled by Huntley, and after his example plaid least in sight. For such as were generous & daring spi­rits, though they were loath to provoke the indigna­tion of their Chief, yet they could not but be ashamed, that at a time when there might be so much use of them they did nothing. Besides the Lord Gordon, Huntley's eldest sonne (a man of singular worth and accomplishment) was detained by Argyle his [...]ncle by the Mothers side: the Earle of Aboine the second Son was inclosed within the siege of Carlisle and Lewes another Son was of the Enemies side; so that there was no one of Huntley's family under whose authority they should take up Armes.

Notwithstanding Montrose quartered there a great while; in which time almost every other night mar­ching seven, or eight, or ten miles with a party of light Foot (for Horse he had few or none) he used to give Alarmes to the Enemy, beat up their quarters, put them to flight, and frequently to bring home Horse and Men Prisoners. And because he alwayes brought his men safe off, it was strange to see how cheerfull & daring his Souldiers were; so that though their num­ber was not great, there was nothing that he would lead them on unto that seemed great to them. At last when he despaired of any good to be done with the Gordons, at the end of October he removed from Starth­bogy, and came to Faivy Castle and possest it. There he [Page 53] was like to have been utterly undone by the bad and false intelligence his scouts in whom he put great con­fidence brought unto him concerning the Enemy: for those whom they perswaded him were scarce got over Grainsbaine were on a sudden encamped within two miles of him. Argyle and Lothian had there two thousand five hundred Foot, & twelve hundred Horse Montrose, now when Mac-donell was absent with a par­ty, had fifteen hundred Foot and about fifty Horse. If he should have descended into the Plain with so small strength it had been madnesse; and to keep a Castle (and no strong one neither) he thought disho­nourable, and derogatory to the credit of his late victories. Therefore he bethought himself of ano­ther course, he drawes his Men up unto a higher hill vvhich over-look't the Castle. The soile of the Hill vvas rough, and there vvere hedges also and ditches cast up there by the Husbandmen for the sences of their Fields, vvhich vvere almost as usefull as Breast­vvorks. But before he had appointed every one his ground to dravv up in, those fevv of Huntley's depen­dants vvhich accompanied Montrose from Strathbogy, in the sight of all people fairly betooke them to their heels. And on the other side, the Enemy driving fier­cely up the Hill, made themselves masters of no small part of it; vvhich if they had been able to maintaine vvith the same vigour that they had obtained it, Mon­trose had been a lost man: vvhose Souldiers, discou­raged both by the timorous flight of some of their owne, and the multitude of their Enemies forces, were wel neare ready to turne their backs; them Mon­trose [Page 54] presently put life and courage into by his ovvn example and presence, by putting them in minde of their former atchievements, and their ovvne sence of their vvonted provvesse. Moreover he thus bespake a young Irish Gentleman, one Colonell O Kyan, Go thy way, O Kyan with such men as thou hast at hand, and drive me those fellows out of yonder Ditches that we may be no more troubled with them. The gallantry of O Kyan Mon­trose had often seen and commended, nor did that truly valiant Man deceive the Generalls opinion of him; for he quickly ferretted the Enemy out of the Ditches, though they much out-numbred his men, and vvere seconded vvith a party of Horse. And not onely so, but gained some bagges of Povvder vvhich the Enemy had left behinde them for haste, a very seasonable pray, of vvhich they had great need. Nor doth a notable example of the forwardnesse of the Souldiers seem to me unvvorthy in this place to be re­membred; for one of them looking upon the bagges of Povvder, What (saith he) have they given us no Bullets? Mary but we must fetch Bullets too from those sparing distribu­tors of Ammunition. As if it had been altogether the E­nemies duty to provide thē necessaries for the Warre.

In the meane time his Horse (which were but fifty) being disposed in a place of danger, he timely secured them by lining them with Musketiers. For Lothain charged them with five whole troops, who before they had crossed over half a Field that lay between them, being scared with our shot wheel'd about, and returned to the place from whence they came. Mon­trose's men being encouraged with these two successes [Page 55] could hardly be kept of from falling on with a shout upon the whole body of the Enemy: whom Montrose refraines rather with a kind of commendatiō of them (as was meet) then reproof, only bids every one know his own duty and vvait his commands. To­wards night. Argyle having done nothing to any pur­pose, retreats two miles off, and slept not that night. But the next day, vvhen he vvas told that Montrose's Souldiers had great scarcity of Powder and Bullet, drawing his men into the same ground againe, he made as though he vvould have charged up the hill and beaten Montrose out of his hold. But vvhen his heart failed him in that enterprise, besides some skir­mishes between small parties while the main bodies kept their ground, there vvas nothing done that day neither. All this while Montrose [...]ends for all dishes, and flaggons, and chamber-pots, and what other pew­ter vessels could be had, and caused them to be melted into Bullet; yet when that was done the Souldiers had not enough. With which great inconvenience the Souldiers were so little troubled, that one as often as he made a shot (which he presumed never missed) he would say merrily to his Camerades. As sure as can be I have broken one Traytors face with a Chamber-Pot. Nor wil any one wonder if Montrose's men were oft in want of Powder and other necessaries for Warre, when he considers they had no other vvay to supply themselves vvith them, but out of their Enemies stocke. And novv the second day being almost spent, Argyle vvith­drawes his men over the river, the way that they came three Scotch miles (vvhich make sone dutch mile) off. [Page 56] The time was thus spent at Faivy for severall dayes, Argyle carrying nothing away with that great Army, but disgrace among his friends, and contempt among his enemies; for it was wholly imputed to his cowar­dise that there he had not made an absolute conquest.

At last Montrose (least by marching away in the day time he might have some of his Rear cut of by the E­nemies Horse) takes the advantage of the night to re­turne to Strathbogy: were he intended to make some stay, both because the c [...]agginesse of the Countrey was a good security to his Souldiers against the in­cursions of the Enemies Horse; and because it was near those places from vvhence he dayly expected Mac-donell with vvhat Highlanders he could raise. The next day the Enemy pursues him vvith an intenti­on to force him to fight vvith them in the open Field: and truly assoone as they came in sight of them, draw­ing up their Men they made ready to Battell, as if they would have fallen on with all their Power. But a for­lorne hope of Highlanders was sent before by Ar­gyle to engage Montrose in a light skirmish, who were manfully entertained and repulsed. Then Mon­trose having possessed himselfe of the highest ground, Argyle alters his resolution, & thinkes upon that which was more safe and lesse honourable.

He desires a Cessation, proposes that engagements may be given on both sides for a Conference & Trea­ty; yet at the same time, he did not onely tempt the Souldiers to forsake Montrose by promising them in­demnity & rewards to boot; but (which is a shame to say even of an enemy) set a great price upon Montrose's [Page 59] head, to be paid unto any assassine or murtherer that should bring it in. Of which, when Montrose was well assurred, (who well knew the disposition of the man to be more bent to overreach and betray, then to fight with his enemy) he thought nothing concerned him more, then with all speed to bring of those small Forces he had as farre as he could, both from Argyle's Hose and knavery.

Therefore calling a counsell of Warre, he declares his opinion, they all aprove his wisdome, and promise to continue their fidelity and their best endeavours to serve him. Therefore he resolveth upon a long march the next night, as farre as Badenoth; and that the Soul­diers might be lighter for so great a journey, he sent the Carriages before with a guard, & bid the souldiers make themselves ready against the next day, as if they were to fight. And now the Carriages were on the way, when on a sudden newes came that Forbes of Cre­gaver, a prisoner (to whom upon the engagement of his Honour for his true imprisonment Montrose had given the liberty of the Camp) and that Sibbalds, who besides Rollock was onely of his counsell and company when he came out of England, and some others, had made an escape an run away to the enemy. He was troubled at the perfidiousnesse of the men, and justly suspected that they, to ingratiate themselves with the enemy, would betray his counsells. Therefore he straight called bake the Convoy with the Carriages, & seemed as if he had wholly altered his resolutions. But indeed he altered them not, but thought it fit to delay them for a time, that the intelligence which the [Page 58] Enemy received from his fugitives might appear unto them idle and uncertain. But after four dayes he sent the Carriages away again before him, & making fires through all the Camp, he placed all the Horse he had vvithin view of the Enemy, as if they kept their guard there, till such time as the Foot vvere marched farre e­nough from danger and then brought the Horse also safe off, and all by break of day came to Balveny. And novv being safe from having their quarters beaten up by the Enemies Horse, and they no further pursuing, it being also the very deep of vvinter he allovved a fevv dayes unto the refreshment of his Souldiers. And at this time especially Argyle began to appear in his owne Colours and his subtilties vvere manifested. For most of the Noblemen, Gentlemen, & prime soul­diers that were vvith Montrose (vvho setting aside Irish­men and Highlanders, had more Commanders then private Souldiers in his Army) deserted him, and fell off to Argyle. Some of them pretended sicknesse, others disability to make such long marches in winter time overmountains uninhabited, unpassable, full of nothing but stones & bryars, for the most part deep in snow, and never travelled over by any man alive. And therefore sore against their wills, as they said, and be­ing compelled to depart by an extream necessity, they disired his Passe: which he denyed to none that ask't; but yet look't upon them rather with a kinde of indig­nation & scorn, then approbation or compassion.

Nor can one easily say how much the example of such mē weakened his Forces, & howmuch it disheart­ned many that intended to have listed themselves [Page 59] under his Command. But the old Lord Ogleby the Earl of Airly, a man of threescore years old, and no [...] very healthy neither, together with two of his Sons most worthy of such a Father, Sir Thomas & Sir David, could never be perswaded even in the extreamest ha­zard of their lives to depart from him.


MOntrose returning from Balveny to Badenoth met a very faithful intelligencer, who gave him notice that Argyle with his Foot (for his Horse were gone to their Winter quarters) lay at Dunkeldon, and that from thence he used all his industry to perswade the Athole men to revolte. He, although he was assured of their loyalty, neverthelesse vvith incredible hast goes down into Athole. For in one night he marched with his Forces four and twenty Miles, through vvayes un­trodden, untilled, full of Snow, vvaste, and never inhabited by mortall man, to the intent he might fall upon Argyle whiles he had not his Horse about him. But he being frighted with the report of his coming, when Montrose was yet sixteen Miles off, bid his men shift for themselves, and he himself fled as fast as he could into Perth, wherein the Covenanters had a strong Garrison. Mac-donell vvas by this time returned, and brought along with him the Chief of the Mac-renald [...] vvith his men to the number of five hundred: and Montrose himself added to that number Patrick Gra­ham vvith some choice men of Athole.

Being recruited with these, he marcheth to the lake [Page 60] of which the river of Tay breaks forth, to passe from thence through Bradalbaine into the Country of Ar­gyle; for he thought an enemy could never be so hap­pily overthrown as in his own Countrey. And truly he had many strong reasons for that resolution. In the first place, Argyle's power and authority among the High­landers rendered him formidable to his Peers and neighbours▪ and so conduced much both to raise and foment the whole Rebel­lion: For assoon as any one adventured to oppose the Covenan­ters, or dispute their Commands, presently Argyle gathering a tumultuous army of five or six thousand Highlanders (who for all that served him against their wils) crush't him to pie­ces; and therefore he had all the reason in the world to bring down the power of so seditious, and covetous, and cruell a man. Moreover, those Highlanders who did not only favour the Kings cause, but hated Argyle heartily, as having had suffi­ciēt experience of his Tyranny, durst not appeare as they would till he was first subdued. And lastly, the Low-lands of the Kingdome were maintained by the Covenanters with strong Garrisons, and great bodies of Horse▪ so that except he had a minde utterly to undoe his friends, he had no other place to win­ter his Souldiers in but that. And being pressed with these reasons, with long and foule journeys, and incredible speed he cometh into Argyle.

The Earl at that time was listing souldiers in his Country, and had appointed the day and place for a Rendezvouz. He lived securely in the Castle of Inne­rare, supposing no enemy to be within a hundred miles of him. For he could never before be brought to be­leeve that an Army could get into Argyle on foot in the midst of summer, & many times heretofore he has be [...] [Page 61] heard to bragge, that he had rather lose a hundred thou sand Crownes, then any mortall man should know the way by which an Army could enter into his Coun­trey. When he therefore suspected nothing lesse, the trembling Cow-herds came downe from the hills, & told him the enemy was within two miles, He not knowing what to do, and almost besides himself for fear, at last commits himself to a fisher-boat, and flies away; leaving his friends, and servants, and the whole Countrey to their fortunes, and the mercy of an ene­my. [...]t is a rough and mountainous Countrey bar­ren of corn, for little or none is sown there, but very commodious for pasture, the chief riches of the inha­bitants consisting in cattell. Montrose divides his Ar­my into three Brigades, and sends thē about the Coun­trey; one Brigade was commanded by the Chief of the Mac-renalds, another by Mac-donel, and the third by himself. They range about all the Country, and lay it waste; as many as they finde in armes going to the Rendezvous appointed by their Lord they slay, and spare no man that was fit for warre: nor do they give over till they had driven al serviceable men out of that Territory, or at least into holes knowne to none but themselves. Then they fire the villages and Cottes, & lay them levell with the ground: in that retaliating Argyle with the same measure he had meted unto others, who was the first in all the Kingdome that prosecuted his Country-men with fire and sword. Lastly, they drive their cattell. Nor did they deal more gently with others who lived in Lorn, and the neigh­bour parts, that acknowledged Argyle's power. These [Page 62] things lasted from the 13. of December 1644. to the 28. or 29. of Ianuary following.

And indeed, he used never more to acknowledge th [...] singular providence & fatherly mercy of Almighty Go [...] then in bringing him & his men safe out of those pla­ces; for if but two hundred Souldiers had handsome [...] kept those Passes, they might easily either have cut off or at least driven back all his Forces. Besides, if th [...] Cow-herds had but driven away their cattell which they might easily have done) in those barren places he must have starved for hunger. Or thirdly, if it had bee [...] a sharp and stormy winter, (and it seldome chances t [...] be otherwise there) they had either been drowned i [...] snowdrifts, or starv'd and benumb'd with cold. Bu [...] merciful God took away both courage from the ene­my, and its ordinary temper from the air; & supplyed their want of bread with great abundance of flesh. A [...] length departing out of Argyle and passing through Lorn-Glencow, & Aber, he came to Logh-Nesse. And now he expected that al the Highlanders being either frigh­ted with the example of Argyle, or freed frō the fear o [...] him, should be ready to assist the Kings most righteou [...] cause, & vindicate it with their armes against the rebel [...]

But now least Montrose's heroicall spirit should eve [...] want matter to work upon, he is advertised that the Earl of Seafort, a very powerfull man in those part [...] (and one of whom he had entertained a better opiniō with the Garrison of Innernesse which were old Soul­diers, & the whole strength of Murray, Rosse, Sutherland, Cathnes, and the sept of the Frasers, were ready to meet him with a desperate army of five thousand Horse and [Page 63] Foot. Montrose had only fifteen hundred, for those of Clanrenald, and most of the Atholemen suspecting no such need of them, & being laden with the spoils of Argyle, had got leave to go home on condition they should return when they were sent for. But for al that Mon­trose was not afraid to give battell to that disorderly Army: for although he knew those of the Garrison to be old Souldiers, yet he accounted of the rest of the multitude (which were newly raised out of Husband­men, Cow-herds, Pedees, Tavern-boyes, & Kitchin­boyes) to be altogether raw and unserviceable.

And now while he thought of nothing but fighting these, a trusty Messenger overtakes him, and informs him, that Argyle having gathered forces out of the lo­wer parts of the Kingdom, and joyned unto them such Highlanders as yet adhered unto him, had come down into Aber with three thousand Foot, and staid at an old Castle called Innerlogh upon the bank of Logh-Aber. Montrose who wel understood the crafty & co­wardly dispositiō of Argyle, by that had a good guesse at his designe; which was to follow after him at a good distance, that he might be first engaged with those Northern men, & then to make his ovvn advantage of the event of that battel, but by no means to fight him­self if he could help it. Therefore Montrose considered that it vvould be a matter of greater concernment and of lesse danger, to let men see that Argyle was not in­vincible even in the Highlands, vvere he was adored by the simple people like some great little god: and as for the Northern Army, he conceived that upon the report of a Victory obtained against Argyle, [Page 64] it would moulder a way and easily be brought into order. Montrose was thirty miles absent from Innerlogh, neither would he goe the high way thither (though he placed guards in it lest the enemy should have any intelligence of his moving) but streight over Logh­Aber hills, in untroden pathes, and onely know to Cow-herds and Hunts-men, (for in those mountains there are great herds of Deer) by a way that never man led an Army before; and killing their Scouts, was upo [...] the back of the enemy ere he was aware▪ They being but little affrighted with so unexpected an accident run to their arms, and immediately pre­pare themselves for battel. When Montrose perceived them to be in a posture so quickly, he stood still a little while till his Rear being tired with so hard a march could come up unto his Front. It was night, but the Moon shone so clearly that it was almost as light as day: all night they stood to their arms, and making frequent [...]allies & skirmishes one with another, neither gave the other leave to rest or retreat. All others ear­nestly expected day; only Argyle being more advised then the rest conveied himself away at dead of the night; and this second time taking boat saved himself from the peril of battel, as if he intended to be Vmpire between the two Armies being himself out of gun­shot stand spectatour of other mens valour, & wel too▪ At the break of day, Montrose ordered his men as he in­tended to fight, and the enemy were as forward to do the like. For they did not yet think that Montrose was there (as some prisoners afterwards confessed) but some Colonell or Captain of his with a party only of his forces.

[Page 65] When the Sun was up, on the second of February (which is Candlemas day) a trumpet sounding struck no small terrour into the enemy. For besides that a trumpet shewed they had Horse with them, and therefore was a sound with which those parts were little acquainted, it discovered also that Montrose himself was there. Neverthelesse the prime of the Campbells (that 's the syrname of Argyle's family) being gallant men and stout, and deserving to fight under a better Chieftain in a better cause, cheer­fully begin the battell, But their souldiers that were in the Front having only once discharged their mus­kets, and Montrose's men pressing on fiercely to come to the dint of sword began to run. Whom they, raising a great shout, so eagerley pursued, that as it were at one assault they routed them all; and had the killing of them with a most horrible slaughter for nine miles together. Of the enemy were slain fifteen hundred, among whom were very many Gentlemen of the Campbells, who where chief men of the family, and of good account in their Country, who fighting but too valiantly for their Chieftain, had deaths answerable to their names, and fell in Campo Belli, in the Field of War, [ I cannot say the bed of Honour.] Their fortune Montr [...]se extream­ly lamented, and saved as many of them as hee was able, taking them into his protection: whiles Argyle himself being gotten into a boat and rowed a little way off the shore, securely look't on whiles his kindred and souldiers were knockt on the head. Some Colonels and Captains that Argyle had brougt [Page 66] thither out of the Low-lands fled into the Castle; whom when the Castle was surrendred, and quarter was given unto them, Montrose used courteously; and after he had done them severall good offices of hu­manity & charity, freely let them depart. In this fight Montrose had many wounded, but none slain saving three private souldiers: but the joy of this great vi­ctory was much abated by the wounds of that truly honourable Sir Thomas Ogleby, sonne to the Earl of Airley, of which after a few dayes he dyed. He was one of Montrose's dearest friends; one who had done very good service for the King in England under the Command of his Father-inlaw the Lord Ruthien, Earl of Forth and Braineford, (a man known all the world over for his noble achievements.) Nor was he lesse a scholler then a souldier, being a new orna­ment to the family of the Oglebyes, whose honoura­ble deaths-wounds for his King and Country had no small influence upon that dayes victory. Montrose being very much afflicted with the losse of him, causeth his body to be carried into Athole, where he was interred with as sumptuous a funerall as tha [...] place and those times could afford. But the power of the Campbel [...] in the Highlands, which for these many ages past hath been formidable to their neigh­bours, was by this overthrow clearly broken to pie­ces; and by it also a way opened unto Montrose to do his businesse the more easily thenceforward. For the Highlanders being warlike men, and let loose from the hated tyranny of Argyle, now began to offer themselves willingly unto the Kings service.


THe souldier who was almost spent with this sore travell, having refreshed himself for a few dayes, Montrose measuring over againe Logh-Aber hills returneth to Logh-Nesse. And from thence viewing by the way the coasts of Harrick, Arne, and Narne, came to the river of Spey. Here he is told that there was no small party of the enemy at Elgin, (which is the chief town of Murray, a Country beyond the Spey.) Montrose hies towards these, either to draw them to his side or to sup­presse them: but the very report of his advancing blevv avvay that cloud, for they in great amaze­ment shifted for themselves every one vvhither he could. Montrose neverthelesse goes on his march, and takes in Elgin by surrender on the 14. day of February. At which time the Lord Gordon, eldest son to the Marquesse of Huntley, (a man who can never bee sufficiently commended for his excellent en­dowments) came off openly to the Kings side (from his uncle by whom he had been detained against his will) and with not many but very choise friends and clients, voluntarily did his duty, and offered his service to Montrose as the Kings Deputy and Vicegerent. Montrose first welcomed him with all civility, and gave him many thanks; afterwards when hee came to understand him more inwardly; joyned him unto himself in the entirest bonds of friendship and affection. Now, because the in­habitants of Murray were extreamly addicted to [Page 68] the Convenanters, they hid themselves in their lur­king places, nor were any supplies to be expected from men so maliciously disposed; Therefore he drew his Forces to this side the Spey, to raise the Countries of Bamph and Aberdene by the presence, example, & authority of the Lord Gordon. So having got together what forces he could in those places, with two thousand Foot and two hundred Horse, passing the river of Dee he came into Marne, and en­camped not farre from Fettercarne.

At Brechin some seven miles from thence, Sir Iohn Hurray, a stout man and an active, and famous also in forraigne parts for Military exploits, being Ge­nerall of the Horse for the Covenanters, had the Command over the whole Forces there. Hee came out with six hundred Horse to discover the strength of Montrose: he conceived Montrose had but very few Foot and no Horse, and if he should but descend into the plain, hee made account to make short work with him; and howsoever it should happen, he made no question but to secure himself. Montrose to draw him on, hid the rest of his men in a bottome, and made shew only of his two hundred horse, but lined them (as he used) with his nim­blest Musquetiers. Which Horse when Hurrey saw, and observed they were so few, he drew up his men and charged. But when he perceived (too late) the Foot that ran close after Montrose's Horse, he soun­ded a retreat, and Hurrey himself turning his men before him behaved himself stoutly in the rear. When they turned their backs, Montrose's souldiers [Page 69] drive on, let fly, and lay about them, untill being got over te river of Eske, the enemy scarce safe under the protection of Night, betook themselves to shel­ter: nor did they think themselves secure till after a race of four and twenty miles long they came to Dundee. Then they that had pursued them so far re­turned to Fethercarne, and thence the next day to Brechin. Here Montrose understod, that Batly a Com­mander of great account had been fetched out of England, to be Generall of the enemies Forces; that Hurrey with his Horse was joyned unto him, and that they had in their Army many olde souldiers brought back out of England and Ireland; so that now the Covenanters going about their businesse in so great sadnesse, Montrose must expect not only other kind of souldiers, but also most expert Com­manders to deal with.

Therefore, lest he should chance to be hemb'd in with their Horse (in which their chief strength lay) he chuseth his most convenient way by the foot of Grainsbaine towards the river of Tay; intending also if it were possible to get over the Forth, where hee believed the King could not want assistance. Which designe of his was not unknown to the enemy: therefore they send these Commanders against him with a powerfull Army; who no sooner came in sight then Montrose offered them battell. But they intended nothing lesse then to try it out with him that way, nor would adventure so much as but to fall upon the rear of Montrose as he marched off. So he went to the Castle of Innercarity, and the next [Page 70] day to a village called Eliot. And here again leaving the mountains behinde him hee descends into the plain, and by a Trumpet sends a challenge unto Baily to fight. Between their two Armies ran the river Ile, which neither could safely passe over with­out the others consent. Montrose therefore desires Baily to give him leave safely to come over to that side; which motion if Baily should not like of, he offered him a safe and free passage, on condition, that he would engage his honour to fight without fur­ther delay. Baily answered, he would look to his own businesse himself, and would not have other men teach him when to fight. Thus the two Ar­mies fac't one another many dayes, neither the ene­my endeavouring to passe their Forces over the ri­ver against Montrose, nor he hoping to make good his passe unto them by reason of his scarcity of Hor­se. Marching therefore to Dunkeldon, he thought to passe the Tay, at which time by a sudden and un­expected mischief he was almost utterly ruined. It was thus, Lewis Cordon, sonne to Marquesse Huntly, who had born arms against Montrose in the battell of Aberdene, by the mediation of his noble bro­ther the Lord Gordon had bin received into favour. He either by true or counterfeit letters from the old fox in the hole, his father, tempred and carried away with him almost all the Gordens without the know­ledge of his brother; and basely deserted Montrose and him when they were ready to be engaged with the enemy. And truly it is hard to say to whether of both he bore lesse good will.

[Page 71] Montrose being sore afflicted with this unexpe­cted revolt, although he was of necessity to return into the North to gather new Forces, yet made as if neverthelesse hee went straight towards the Forth▪ and his Scouts came all with full cry, that all the enemy were got over the Tay, that by taking the fords of the Forth they might hinder this passage. Hee, lest he should seem all this while to have done nothing, thought it wel worth his labour, if by the way he could take in Dundee, a most seditious town; for that being the securest haunt and recepta­cle of the Rebels in those parts, and a place that had contributed as much as any other towards the Re­bellion, was kept by no other garrison but of the Townsmen. He therefore commanded the weakest and worst armed men to go along by the bottom of the hills and to meet him at Brechin: and he taking with him what Horse he had (which were but one hundred and fifty in all) and six hundred nimble mus­quetiers, departing from Dunkelden about twelve of the clock in the night, made so great haste that hee came to Dundee by ten of the clock in the morning on the 4. day of Aprill. He summons the Townsmen to deliver the Town to the King, Which Was the only vvay to preserve their ovvn lives and its safety; if they would not they must expect fire and svvord. They began to make delayes, and first to give no an­s [...]er at all, aftervvard to commit the Trumpet to prison. Which affront provoked Montrose so highly, that hee stormed the Town in three places at once: the Townsmen stood out a vvhile and maintained [Page 72] their works, but they had as good have done no­thing, for the Irish and Highlanders would take no repulse, but with a resolute assault some beat them out of their sconces, and possessing themselves of their ordinance turned it against the Town; others beat open the gates, and possesse themselves of the Church and Market-place; and others set the Town on fire in severall places. And indeed had not the common souldiers by an unseasonable avarice and intemperance addicted themselves to pillage that rich Town had been immediately all on fire. But as it happened it was better both for the conquerours and the conquered that it was not, for all the intel­ligence that the Scouts had brought in concerning the enemies coming over te Tay was absolutely false: it may be they saw a few Troops (and many they dit not see) passe over it, which they beleeved to have been the wole body of the enemy, and by that means were like to have undone both themselves and the whole party.

Montrose stood upon the top of a hil close unto Dundee loocking upon this onslaught, when his almost breathlesse Scouts brought him newes that Baily and Hurrey with three thousand Foot and eight hundred Horse were scarce a mile off. He imme­diately calls his men out of the Town, vvhich he had much to do to perswade them; for the souldiers counting themselves secure of the victory, and thin­king they had done a good dayes work already, and besides being a little heated in drink, and much ta­ken with so rich a booty, could hardly be brought to [Page 73] leave the Town they had so newly taken. And truly before they could be beaten off from the spoile, the enemy was come within musket-shot of them. And now (as it uses to happen in great dangers) Montrose's counsell of War were of different opi­nions; some perswaded that Montrose should shift for himself with te Horse he had, because they concei­ved it not possible that he should be able to bring off the Foot, who had been wearied with a march of above twenty miles in the morning, after that where spent in a hot fight at noon, and now were over-loa­den either with drink or prey; especially seing he was to march twenty or perhaps thirty miles from Dun­dee before they could rest in safety. That this was the fortune of War, and to be patiently undergone, especially since he had given oft times far greater overthrowes to the enemy then this could be to him. That there was no doubt, but that as long as he was safe, his forces might be easily recruited; and on the other side if he miscaried, the case was desperate and they were utterly undone. Others cryed out, that all was lost already, and there was nothing left them but to die with honour; and therefore if charging courageously they should break in amongst the thickest of the enemy, no one could say but that they fell gallantly. Montrose concurred with neither of these; for he could never be brought to forsake so good men as he had in the extramest danger, and preferred an honourable death a­mong his souldiers before dishonourable safe­ty. But for all that, for men that were so much [Page 74] out-numbred by them to run desperately upon the enemy, and as it vvere to dash out their ovvn brains against the stones, vvas the very last refuge, and not hastily to be made use of; therefore as vve ought not to tempt Almighty God by our ovvn vvretch­lesnesse and negligence, so neither ought any va­liant man or good Christian despair of his assistance in a just cause. Lastly, he exhorts every one to do his ovvn part and referre the successe to God, and other things to his ovvn care and industry.

Immediately he sends out four hundred Foot be­fore him, and commands them, that as much as they possibly could vvithout breaking their ranks they should make all speed. Then he appoints two hun­dred of the activest men he had to follovv them; & he vvith his Horse brings up the Rear. The Horse trooped on in so open order, that if occasion vvere they might have room enough to receive light mus­quetiers. He believed the enemies Foot vvere not able to overtake them; and if their Horse only should charge them; (vvhich they vvould hardly adventure to do) he conceived it vvas no matter of extream difficulty to make their part good against them: besides the Sun vvas ready to set, & the dark­nesse of the night vvould be commodious for their retreat. The enemy understanding the number of them that vvent avvay first by some prisoners they had taken, and after that by their ovvn vievv, assoon as they savv they vvere disposed rather for a journey then a battell, divide their Forces into tvvo parts and so pursue them. Wherein their intention vvas [Page 75] not only to fall upon their Rear and Flank at on­ce, but also to secure against them all passages up to the Highlands: And their Commanders the more to encourage their Souldiers to a hot pursuit, propo­sed twenty thousand Crownes to any one that could bring in Montrose's head. And now the Van of the enemies Horse began to close up unto the retrea­ters, whereupon those good musquetiers that lined Montrose's Horse welcomed one, and another, and another of the forwardest of them with bullets in their sides; with whose mischance the rest beco­ming more wary, abated of the eagernesse of their pursuit. And Montrose's souldiers when they saw they had been too hard for the enemies Foot at a march, and had got before them, taking heart and courage they skirmished stoutly with their Horse, untill the night parted the quarrell. And to rid them­selves some way of the enemy, took their way East-ward many miles by the seacoast, However that was not their way, but to go North-ward toward Grainsbaine, and so to deliver themselves from their mischievous Horse. But Baily had laid the grea­test part of his Army between them and Grainsbaine that there might be no place for thē to retreat unto.

Therefore at the dead of the night when they were not far from Aberbroth, Montrose commands his men to make a stand a while. And long they stood not, before he considering with himself that all wayes & passages straight into the Mountains might be laid by the enemies Horse (& he was not mistaken) cō ­mands them to face about, and march South-west. [Page 76] And by this art (though with intolerable pains) he beguiled the Pursuers, whom that same night he passed by; and then turning North-ward, by the next morning at Sunrising passed over South-Eske at a place not far from Careston Castle: and from thence sent to Brechin to fetch those men which he had there with the Carriages. But that had not needed, for they upon the report of this expedi­tion had provided for themselves better and more timely, and had taken the Mountains. Whiles he staid at Careston, the Scouts brought him word on a sudden that the enemies Horse were in fight, and their Foot being refresh't with victualls and sleep, march't after them apace. Montrose him­self being now within three miles of the Moun­tains was not much afraid of them, but his souldiers who had not slept for three dayes and two nights, but had all that while been either on their march, or in fight, were overcome with so dead sleep that they could hardly be raised without pricks and wounds. The enemy being at last entertained with a light skirmish suffered Montrose to possesse himselfe of the bottom of the Mountains, and having done nothing to the purpose retreated from their vain pursuit. So he and his men came to Gleneske.

And this was that so much talk'd of Expedition of Dundee, infamous indeed for the mistake of the Scouts, but as renowned as any for the valour, con­stancy, and undaunted resolution of the Generall: and even admirable for the hardinesse of the Soul­dier, in encountering all extremities with patience, [Page 77] for for threescore miles together they had been often in fight, alwayes upon their march, without either meat, or the least refreshment. Which whe­ther forraigne Nations or after times will beleeve I cannot tell, but I am sure I deliver nothing but what is most certain of mine own knowledge. And truly amongst expert Souldiers, and those of eminent note both in England, Germany, and France, I have not seldom heard this Expedition of his pre­ferred before Montrose's greatest victories.


ANd now being safe beyond expectation, Mon­trose bids the souldiers take their rest, whiles he determines thus of the whole affaire of the war. He sends the Lord Cordon, together with those that had continued loyall and dutifull after the re­volt of his brother Lewis into their own Country, both that they might recall those whom his brother had seduced away, and recruit themselves by levy­ing new forces. Whic [...] he cheerfully and coura­geously performed, and though he spared none, yet he was most severe with those that had been au­thours or accessaries to his brothers defection: ad he was the more active in that businesse, that he might acquit himself of any suspition. Nor indeed did Montrose himself or any other more detest that vil­lany of Lewis Gordon then that noble Lord his brother. As for Montrose, he with a small party (for he kept but five hundred Foot and fifty Horse with him) marches through Angus into Perthshire, that he might [Page 78] distract the enemy till such time as hee made up his Army with recruits from every side. Neither was hee out in his aime, for the Covenanters had sent Hurrey the Lieutenant Generall of the Horse with a Command into the North, of a party of six hun­dred old Foot, and two hundred Horse; that he might strengthen their own side, and suppres­se the Lord Gordon. And Baily himself staid with an Army at Perth, as in the very heart of the Kingdome, ready to wait upon all motions. Mon­trose was twelve miles off at a village called Kreif, where Baily understood he quartered securely with a very small party: who being diligent upon all oc­casions, set out from Perth at the beginning of the night with all his Army, that by a speedy march he might at break of day fall unexpected into M [...]n­trose's quarters. But hee found Montrose carefull enough of his businesse, and his Foot ready in armes either to march or fight; buth he with his Horse came up towards the enemy to discover their number and strength. And when he found them to be two thousand Foot and five hundred Horse, hee commanded his men to march speedily away, and following the course of the river Erne to make good the fords thereof: hee with the few Horse that hee had was their Rear guard, lest they should have been troden in pieces by the enemies Cavalry. And truly he so valiantly repulsed the fierce assault of the ene­my, that by killing some and routing others he for­ced them to a retreat, till at last his Foot after six miles march had made themselves masters of the [Page 79] passes of Erne. So the enemy retreated with the losse of their labour, and Montrose that same night being the 18. of Aprill, quartered at Logh-Erne, and came the next day to Balwidir, where the Earl of Aboine met him, who with some few more had esca­ped out of Carlisle, and hearing tydings of Montrose's good successe, had at last returned into his Country.

Leaving Balwidir they advanced to Logh-Catrinet, where they receive intelligence that Hurrey had rai­sed great forces in the North, and was ready to en­gage with the Lord Gordon; and therefore there was danger that he being an active Souldier and a good Commander should be able to over-master that gallant young Gentleman. Therefore Montrose thought it necessary to oppose Hurrey assoon as was possible, as well to secure so dear a friend from im­minent danger, as to be nibbling at the enemies For­ces as he found them asunder, and to cut off that po­wer by peace-meal which he vvell knew if it vvere all in a body vvould be above his march. Therefore by long and continued journeys passing by Balwidir, and a Lake of four and tvventy miles long, out of vvhich the river of Tay breaks forth, through Athole and Angus, and over Granshaine, through a vale called Glenmuck, hee came to the midst of Marre. There he joyned vvith the Lord Gordon, vvho had novv a thousand Foot and tvvo hundred Horse, and marching straight to the Spey, laboured to finde out and engage with the enemy. Nor vvas he above six miles off vvhen Hurrey thought hee had not yet got over Gransbaine, for vvith unvvearied labour and in­credible [Page 80] speed he had over-run the very report of himself. Hurrey, lest a battell should be forced upon him whether he would or no, before he had recei­ved an addition of numerous Auxiliaries, in all hast passeth over the Spey. And because he had appoin­ted the Rendezvouz of all his friends at Innernesse, hyeth to Elgin; nor did Montrose pursue him lazily to Elgine. Thence with all speed he passeth to For­resse, nor did Montrose make lesse haste to follow and overtake him too at Forresse, and sat so close on his skirts for fourteen miles together, that not­withstanding he had the advantage of te night, hee had much adoe to reach Innernesse.

The next day Montrose incamped at a village cal­led Alderne: and Hurrey according to his hopes found the Earls of Seafort and Suderland, the whole sept of the Frasers, and most of Murray and Cath­nesse, and the neighbouring parts to have assembled themselves to Innernesse well appointed. To these Hurrey ads some old souldiers of the Garrison of that Town, and so drawes up against Montrose. He now commanded three thousand and five hundred Foot, and four hundred Horse; but Montrose (who had no more but fifteen hundred Foot and two hun­dred Horse) had a great minde to retire. But not only Hurrey pressed so vehemently upon him, that it was scarce possible for him to retreat, but Baily also vvith a Southern Army much stronger then Hurrey's (especially in Horse) was novv got al­ready a great vvay on that side Gransbaine, and mar­ched in great hast tovvards the Spey. What should [Page 81] Montrose do in this condition? Hee must of ne­cessity either give Hurrey battell, or undergo a far greater hazard of being hemb'd in between two Ar­mies. Therefore he resolves to try the fortune of War without delay, to commit the successe unto God, and chusing the best advantage of ground hee could finde, there to expect the assault of the enemy. There was a little Town that stood upon the height which shadowed the neighbouring valley; & some little hills that were higher then the Town behinde it, that hindered the discovery of any one till they were just upon him. In this valley he drawes up his Forces out of the view of the enemy. Before the Town he places a few but expert and choice Foot with his Ordnance, who were sheltered with such ditches as they found there. The right wing hee commits to Alexander Mac-donel with four hundred Foot, and lodged them in places fortified to their hand with banks and ditches, with shrubs also and great stones: and commands him to preserve himself entire, that he might be a reserve upon all occasions, and not to depart from his station which had so good a naturall fence, that they might lie there safe enough not only from the enemies Horse but Foot also. And with the same good advice, he commit­ted to his charge that notable Standard of the Kings, which only he was wont to carry before him; expecting that the enemy upon the sight of that would order the best of their Forces against that wing, which by reason of the disadvantage of the place would be rendred wholly unusefull unto [Page 82] them, till such time as hee on the left flank should take his best advantage against them. And to that end drawing the rest of his Forces to the other side, hee commends the Horse to the Lord Gordon, and takes charge of the Foot himself. Those few that stood before the Town under the shelter and covert of the banks and ditches seemed as if they were his main battell, whereas indeed hee had none. And for Reserves, in that scarcity of men they were not to be thought of.

The enemy (as Montrose most wisely fore saw) assoon as they savv the Kings Standard ordered, the most part of their Horse and old Souldiers (vvhere­in their chief strength consisted) against that. And by this time the Van of the enemy began to dispu­te it with those before the Town, and on the right flank, and still as their souldiers were spent, drew up fresh men; which Montrose because his number was but few could not so easily do: therefore hee resolved with all his men that he had on the left flank to make a violent assault upon the enemy at once. And whiles he was thinking so to do, there comes unto him one whom hee knew to be trusty and dis­creet, and whispers him in the ear that Mac-donell with his men on the right flank were put to flight. He being a man of a quick spirit, thought it was best to forestall the souldiers lest their hearts should faile them upon bad newes, and cryes aloud to the Lord Gordon, My Lord, what doe we doe? Mac-donell upon the right hand having routed and discomfited the enemy is upon the execution; shall wee stand by as [Page 83] idle spectatours whiles hee carries away the honour of the day? And with that hee commands them to char­ge. Hurrey's Horse had no minde long to endure the shock of the Gordons, but wheeling about and beginning to run, left their flanks which they were to maintain open to their enemies. Their Foot, although thus deserted by their Horse, being both more in number and better armed then Montrose's men, stood out very stoutly as longs as his men kept aloof; but assoon as hee came to fall upon them hand to hand, hee drove them to throw away their arms, and to seek (though to little purpose) to save themselves by their heels. But Montrose himself, not forgetting what was signified unto him by so faith­full a messenger, drew off with a few of his readiest men unto the right flank, where hee found things in a far other condition then they were left.

For Mac-donell, being a valiant man, but better at his hands then head, (being over-hasty in battell, and bold even to rashnesse) disdaining to shelter himself behinde hedges and shrubs whiles the ene­my vapoured and provoked him with ill language, contrary to orders, upon his own head advanceth to­wards the enemy out of that most defencible fast­ness & station where in he was placed. And he did it to his cost, for the enemy over-powering him both in Horse and Foot, and having many old souldiers a­mongst thē, routed & repulsed his men. And certain­ly if he had not timely drawn thē off into a close hard by, they had every one of thē together with the Kings Standard been lost. But hee made amends for that [Page 84] rash mistake in his admirable courage in bringing off his men, for he was the last man that came off; and covering his body with a great target which he carried in his left hand, defended himself against the thickest of his enemies. Those that came closest up unto him were Pike-men, who with many a blow had struck their spear-heads into his target, which he cut off by three or four at once with his sword which he managed with his right hand. And those that made him any opposition in the close, seeing Montrose come in to his aid, and their own men on the other side put to flight, such as were Hor­se spur'd away, and the Foot (most of which were old souldiers out of Ireland) fighting desperately, were almost all of them slain upon the ground. The Conquerours pursued them that fled for some mi­les; so that there were slain about three thousand Foot of the enemy, amongst whom their old soul­diers fought most stoutly; but almost all their Horse escaped by a more timely then honourable flight.

Nor had Hurrey himself with some of their best men which went last off the field escaped the hands of the pursuers, had not the Earl of Aboine by I know not what want of heed, displayed some Ensignes and Standards that had been taken from the enemy; and himself not following the chase but turning to­wards his own party, seemed to have been the ene­my, and to threaten a new battell. With which mistake they were so long deluded, untill the ene­mies Horse, though much disordred, had shifted themselves away into such by-paths as they knew [Page 85] or could light upon: only a few of them came with Hurrey before next morning to Innernesse. Of such of the enemy as were slain, the most notable were Cambell Laver a Colonell of old souldiers, Sir Iohn and Sir Gideon Murray Knights, and other stout men, and perhaps not unworthy to bee lamented, had they not stained their otherwise commendable va­lour with the horrid crime of Rebellion; nor in that did they so much follow their own jugdements as the humour of the times, or the ambition, or ava­rice of their Chiefs. Montrose of those that served with him on the left flank missed only one man, and him a private souldier; and on that side where Mac-donell commanded, there were missing four­teen private souldiers also. But hee had many more wounded, the curing and securing of whom was especially provided for by Montrose. Afterwards entertaining the prisoners with sweetnesse & cour­tesie, hee promised all such as repented of their er­rour, liberty or employment, and was as good as his word; and such as were obstinate in their rebellion he disposed of into severall prisons. In this battell at Alderne the valour of young Napier did very much discover it self; who being the son of the Lord Na­pier of Marchiston, and Montrose's nephew by his sister, had but a little before without the knowledge of his father, or wife, stoln away from Edinburgh to his uncle, and did at this time give an excellent assay of his valour, and laid down most firm princi­ples of a most noble disposition. Whereupon the chief of the Covenanters took his father, a man [Page 86] almost threescore and ten years old (and as good a man as ever Scotland bred in this age,) and his wife, the daughter of the Earl of Marre, Sir Sterling Keer his brother-inlaw (an excellent man also, chief of his family, and one that had suffered very much for his Loyalty) together with his two sisters, the one Sir Sterlings most virtuous Lady, the other a virgin, and cast them all into the dungeon; from whence afterward they were to be delivered by Napier him­self with the assistance of his uncle. This battell was fought at Alderne on the 4. of May, 1645.


MOntrose allowing a few dayes of refreshment to his souldiers, marched to Elgin which is the chief Town of the Province; where for the sake of those that were wounded, hee made some longer stay, because they had there the accommodation of good Chyrurgeons and medicines, which are some­times scarce to be had in the field. Afterward pas­sing over the Spey hee came to Keith, from thence to Frendrackt, and so to Strathbogy. Here Baily meets him (unto whom Hurrey with those that remained of his broken Troops at Alderne was joyned) and provokes him to battell. Montrose kept back his men, who were spent with great travaile, and were far fewer both in Horse and Foot, though very eager to fight, till such time as he had raised new forces, & recruited them. Therefore thinking it enough to maintain that ground which he had chosen as com­modiously as he could for himself untill night, pas­seth [Page 87] then to Balvenie, whither also the enemy fol­loweth him: but he passing by Strath Done &. Strath-Spey, went up to Badenoth. The enemy getting to the other side of the water provokes him again to fight; but in vain, for he was very wary of giving them a set battell, but neverthelesse by frequent skirmishes, and especially beating up quarters in the night, did so much weaken their power and courage, that they that were so haughtily daring but a whi­le ago, as well Commanders as Souldiers, hastily and disorderly betook themselves by night to In­nernesse when none pursued them. Montrose was not much displeased that hee was so rid of this enemy, especially for this reason; the Earl of Linesey, the prime ringleader of the Covenanters next unto Argyle, and his rival too (as being brother-in-law to Duke Hamilton) used to give out, that Argyle wanted either care or courage; and howsoe­ver it came to passe, was still unfortunate. And the­refore he took upon himself the command of that Army which was newly raised, as if he would assay to manage the businesse with better conduct. And now he had passed over with his forces into An­gus, intending to be a Reserve unto Baily; and if any thing should happen otherwise then wel, at the worst hee was ready to hinder Montrose's passage over Forth. For they were alwayes very jealous lest Montrose should remove the seat of Warre to this side the Forth, and nearer Edinburgh. Therefore hee resolved with all speed to quell Lindsey (who lay yet in Angus at a Castle called Newtill) both [Page 88] because the Generall was no souldier, and the soul­diers raw, and unacquainted with the hardship of war.

In pursuit of which designe, departing from Bade­noth he marcheth through the plains of Marre over Granshaine, and came by long and painfull journies unto the coast of the river of Airley, intending to surprise the enemy on a sudden: which was easie to be done, for hee had made such hast, that the ne­wes of his approach was not so swift as himself. And now Lindsey was not above seven miles from him, and all things were ready for an assault, when (upon what occasion it is uncertain) almost all the Northern men privately ran away from their co­lours; and going back the way that they came, re­turn into their Country. The Lord Gordon was in the Camp, and there was none there that detested that villany with greater indignation then he, in so much that Montrose had much adoe to with-hold him from putting such of the fugitives to death as had any de­pendance upon him. Some stick not to say, that these men were inveigled away by the private dire­ctions of his father the Marquesse of Huntley to the Earl of Aboine, who by reason of his sicknesse was absent. For it vext Huntley, a haughty and envious man, to hear of the successe of Montrose; nor could he endure that inward frindship which was between his eldest son and him. However it was, Montrose being cast down with this unexpected misfortune, was forced to put off that Expedition against Lind­sey, and to suffer patiently so great and easie a vi­ctory [Page 89] to be taken out of his hands.

Therefore taking up new resolutions, hee follow­eth after Colonell Nathaniel Gordon, a valiant man and a trusty, and welbeloved in his Country, whom he had sent before. And by this time Baily and Hurrey had returned from Innernesse, and quartered in lower Marre by the side of Dee. And Montrose came by the coast of Eske, and the plains of Marre into the heart of that Country, commonly called Crommare. And whiles hee passed through those plains aforesaid, hee dispatched Mac-donell with a party into the furthest part of the Highlands, to con­duct such Forces as were there raised with all speed unto the Army. Afterward hee sent away the Lord Gordon himself, to hasten and promote that levy of men which Nathaniel Gordon was listing, by all the power and interests hee had in those parts. Which he most diligently performed, and amongst others, brought his brother the Earl of Aboine back with him. Whilest these things passed in Cromarre, Lindsey joynes his Forces with Baily in lower Marre. With whom Montrose finding himselfe unable to deal, (the most part of his Forces being gone along with the Lord Gordon and Mac-donell) hee stept aside to the ruinated Castle of Kargarf, lest the enemy should overlay him on the champaine grounds with their multitudes both of Horse and Foot; but when hee was close unto the Mountains he feared them not. From hence Aboine falling sick again, betook himself to Strathbogy; and upon pretence of a guard, carried along with him a considerable number of Horse, [Page 90] whom his brother the Lord Gordon had much adoe afterward to draw back to their colours. In the mean time Lindsey took a thousand old Souldiers from Baily, and gave him as many raw & new rais'd­men for them; and as if hee intended to do some famous exploit, returning through Merne into An­gus, with all the pains he took hee did only this, he ranged with his Army up and down Athole, and after hee had robbed and spoiled all the Countrey, he set it on fire. In this imitating Argyle, who was the first that in this age introduced that cruell and dreadfull president of destroying houses and corn: being better at fire then sword, when they came into empty fields and towns unmann'd.

Baily at that time went to Bogy, to besiege the fairest castle that belonged to the Marquesse of Hunt­ley, and indeed of all the North; and in case he failed to take it in, to waste and fire all the Country of the Gordons thereabouts. Montrose (although Mac­donell was absent with a greatparty) thought it necessary to relieve Huntley and his friends, whom he laboured to assure unto himself by all good offi­ces, and hied thither. Where having notice that Baily's souldiers, though not all yet a great part, were new rais'dmen (for he had parted with so many old souldiers to Lindsey) desired nothing more then without delay to fight him, and marcheth straight towards him. Hee had not gone above three miles before he discovered the enemies Scouts: He there­fore sent before some of his readiest men that knew the wayes to view the strength, the rendezvouz [Page 91] and the order of the enemy. They immediately bring word, that the Foot stood on the top of a hill some two miles off; and the Horse had possessed themselves of a narrow and troublesome passe which lay almost in the middle between the two Armies, and were come on this side it. Against them Mon­trose sent such Horse as he had in a readinesse, with some nimble Firelocks, whom they first entertained with light skirmishes afar-off, and after retreated behinde the passe, which they had strongly man'd with musquetiers. Montrose sends for the Foot, that if it were possible they might dislodge the enemy from thence; but it could not bee done, for they were parted by the fall of the night, which both si­des passed over waking, and in their arms, The next day Montrose sends a Trumpet to offer a set battell, but Baily answers, hee would not receive orders to fight from an enemy. Hee therefore seeing he could not drive the enemy from those passes with­out manifest losse and danger, that hee might draw him out thence in some time, marcheth off to Pithlurge, and from thence to a Castle of the Lord Forbesis called Druminore, where he staid two dayes. And at last hee understands the enemy had quitted the passes, and was marching toward Strath­bogy; so he at break of day sets forth towards a villa­ge called Alford. But Baily when he had gotten cer­tain notice that Mac-donel with a considerable part of those Forces was absent in the Highlands, hee voluntarily pursues Montrose, conceiving him to be stealing away, and about noon began to face him. [Page 92] Montrose determines to wait for the enemy (who as seemed to him came towards him) upon the hi­gher ground: But Baily turning aside some three miles to the left hand, Montrose holds on his inten­ded march to Alford, where hee staid that night, the enemy lying about four miles off.

The next day after, Montrose commands his men very early in the morning to stand to their armes, and make ready to battell, and placed them on a hill that stands over Alford. And as he with a Troop of Horse was observing the motion and order of the enemy, and viewing the fords of the Done, a river which runs by Alford, it was told him that the enemy, Horse and Foot, were making unto a ford which lay a mile from Alford, to the intent that they might cut off the Reare of their flying enemy; for so those excellent Diviners prophesied to their owne destruction. Montrose leaving that troop of Horse not farre from the Ford, together with some select and understanding men who should give him perfect intelligence of all things, hee returneth alo­ne to order the battell. And above all things he pos­sesses himselfe of Alford hill, where hee might re­ceive the charge of the enemy if they fell on despe­rately. Behinde him was a moorish place full of ditches and pits, which would prevent Horse falling upon his Reare: before him was a steep hill which kept his men from the enemies view, so that they could hardly perceive the formost rankes. Hee had scarce given order for the right managing of all things, when those Horse whom hee had left at the [Page 93] Ford returned with a full cariere, and bring word that the enemy had passed the River. And now it was no more safe for either of them to retreat with­out the apparent ruine of their party. It is reported that Baily, like a skilfull and wary Commaunder, was sore against his will drawne unto this battell; nor had engaged, had he not beene necessitated un­to it by the rashnesse of the Lord Ba [...]carise, a Colo­nell of Horse; who precipitated himselfe and the Horse under his command into that danger, whe­ther Baily would or no, as that hee could not be brought off without the hazard of the whole Army.

Montrose gave the command of his right wing (on which side the enemies Horse were most strong) unto the Lord Gordon; and appointed Nathaniel Gordon, an old Commander to his assistance. The command of the left wing was given to the Earle of Aboine, to whom also was joyned Sir William Rollock: And of the maine battell to two valiant men, Glengar, and Drumond of Ball the younger, unto whom hee added George Graham master of the Camp, an expert souldier also. The Reserve, which was alto­gether hid behinde the hill, was commanded by his nephew Napier. And for a while, Montrose kept him­self upon the height, and the enemy in the valley being fortified with pits and ditches; for it was nei­ther safe for the later to charge up the hill, nor for the former to fall upon them that were surrounded with marshes and pooles. The numbers of the Foot were in a manner even, either side had about two thousand: but Baily was much stronger in Horse, for [Page 94] he had six hundred, and Montrose but two hundred and fifty. Only Montrose had this advantage, that the enemy were for the most part hirelings raised from dunghills, but those that served the King, Gentlemen, who fought for a good Cause and Ho­nour, gratis, and not for gaine; and such as esteem'd it more becoming to die then to be overcome. Besi­des Montrose knew that the greatest part of the old souldiers were gone with Lindsey, and the new ones would be so frighted with the shouts of the Armies, and the noise of Trumpets, that they would scarce stand the first charge. Therefore in confidence of so just a cause, and so valiant assertors of it, he first drew downe his men, and immediately the Lord Gordon giving a smart charge upon them, was courageously receiv'd by the enemy, who trusted to the multitude of their Horse: and now being clos'd, and come to handy blowes no one could advance a foot but over his vanquished enemy; nor retreat by reason of the pressing on of those in the Rear. The first that made way for themselves and their men by a great slaughter of their enemies were the two Gordons, the Lord, and the Colonell; and Colonell Nathaniel called out unto those expert Firelocks who now lin'd the Horse as they were wont, Come on, my fel­louw sonldiers, throw downe your now uselesse guns, draw your swords, and sheat them in the Rebells Horse; or hamstring them. They instantly tooke the word of command, and at the same time Montrose dra­wes up Napier with his Reserve, which lay out of sight on the other side of the hill; at whose [Page 95] sudden and unexpected coming, the enemy a­frighted, betook himself to his heels. Aboine with the left wing kept off, nor did hee attempt the enemy but by light skirmishes in small parties: who when they saw their own men on their left wing routed and put to flight, made their retreat with little losse. Their Foot being deserted by their Horse, after they had desperately stood out a while, and refused quarter, were almost all cut off. The fall of the Lord Gordon was no little ad­vantage to the escape of their Horse, who after the battell was won, rushing fiercely into the thickest of them, received a shot through his body by the conquered and flying enemy, and fell down dead. Whom also Aboine did not hotly pursue, being much troubled with the losse of his brother.

In this battell, Montrose did not lose so much as one common souldier, and of Gentlemen, one Cul­chol, and one Milton; whose names and families I should most willingly have inserted, had I been so happy as to have knowledge of them, because they died gallantly in the bed of Honour; fighting for their King, their Liberty, and the Laws. Nor are so­me Pedees as well Scotch as Irish to be forgotten, boyes scarce fourteen years of age a piece, who throwing down their masters luggage, & mounting upon their nags & sumpter-horse, did not onely ma­ke a faire appearance of a body of Horse, but (as if they had bin Corrivalls in valour with their masters) beyond what might be expected from their years & strength, fell in among the thickest of their enemies. [Page 96] Of whom some, but very few were slain, nor did they sell their lives for nothing; and by that they gave an ample testimony of their towardnesse, and of so manly a spirit in children as might pre­scribe to riper years. But the losse of the Lord Gordon had so deep an impression upon all mens af­fections, that they had the face rather of a defea­ted then victorious army. The first scene of their sorrovv vvas acted in a dull silence; in the next, the floud-gates vvere broke open, and the army vvas full of sighes, and sobs, and vvailing, and lamen­tation: and then vvith bedevved cheeks, assoon as their grief could get a tongue, they blam'd Hea­ven, and Earth, and Fortune, and every thing for depriving the King, the Kingdome, the Age, them­selves, and their posterity of such a man. Thus for­getting their victory and the spoile, they fixt their eyes upon the lifelesse body, kissed his face and hands, commended the singular beauty of the corps, compared the Nobility of his descent, and the plentifulnesse of his fortune, vvith the hopefulnesse of his parts; and counted that an unfortunate victo­ry that had stood them in so much. And truly it vvas like to have happened, that their excessive sorrow for the losse of this noble Gentleman had conquer'd the Conquerors, had they not comfor­ted themselves vvith the presence and safety of Montrose. Nor could he himself refrain himself from bewailing vvith salt tears the sad and bitter fate of his most dear and only friend, but lamented much that the honour of his Nation, the ornament of [Page 97] the Scottish Nobility, the ablest assertor of the Royall Authority in the North, and so intimate a friend unto himself should be thus cut off in the flowre of his age. In the mean time, hoping that rea­son and time between them would asswage that grief, hee commands Physicians to embalme his noble corps, which afterwards being removed to Aberdene, he saw brought forth with a sumptuous and Souldier-like Funerall, and interr'd in the Mo­nument of his Ancestors in the Cathedrall Church. This battell was fought at Alford on the 2. of Iuly, 1645.


MOntrose that same afternoon that hee had got this victory at Alford, marching to Clunie Ca­stle, allowed onely two or three houres to his soul­diers for their refreshment. And going from thence to the banke of the river Dee, sent away the Earl of Aboine, who succeeded his deceased brother. into Buchanshire, and the places adjacent for re­cruits; for many of them who were at the fight being Highlanders, & not farre from their own ha­bitations, had dropt home with their pillage. And because Macdonell was not yet returned, hee kept his quarters at Cragston, expecting both him and Aboine. But when hee perceived those Auxiliaries were dispatched unto him with lesse speed then he hoped, and finding his expectation deluded, impa­tient of so long and disadvantageous delay, after he had got over the Dee and Gransbaine, fell down into [Page 98] Merne, and lay at Ferdon Chapell, once famous for the See and Sepulchre of St. Palladius. Thence hee sends to the Earl of Aboine (who was now come to Aberdene) to hasten unto him into Merne with such Forces as he heard he had raised. Aboine came indeed but brought no great store of Forces along with him; therefore hee sends him backe into the North to raise as many men as he could possibly, and bring them with all speed unto the Camp. Hee himself going through Angus met his Cosen Patricke Graham with his Athole men ready to live and die under his command, and Mac-donell with a great power of Highlanders: with him was Macklen, the chief of his sept, a valiant man, and singularly loyall, who brought some seven hundred choise Foot of his friends and clients. Also the Chief of the Mac-ra­nolds, a great man in the Highlands, & one that entire­ly lov'd the King, who had above five hundred men at his heels. The Mac-gregories also, and the Mac­nabies men inferiour to none in valour and hardi­nesse: after the fashion of the Country, followed their Commanders and Chiefs of their Families, whose certain number I cannot easily assigne. And Glengar, a man never sufficiently to be commended for his valour, and loyalty to the King, and service­ablenesse & affection to Montrose, (seeing he in per­son almost from the Expedition into Argyle had ne­ver departed from him) by his uncles and others whom he imployed, brought in about five hundred more. Besides out of the plaines of Marre came a great number of the Fercbarsons, gallant men and of [Page 99] approved valour. And some too out of Badenoth, not many indeed but stout and able men of their hands.

Montrose being reinforced with such an Army, resolves to make his way into the heart of the King­dome; as wel to spoile the enemies levying of men in Fifeshire, and the Country on this side the Forth, as also to break up the Parliament which the Covenan­ters had not without solemnity and ostentation summoned at Saint Iohns-tovvne. Nor did any thing hinder him but want of Horse, of which alwayes he had such scarcity, that it was never or very seldome safe for him to fall down into the plain Country. But because hee daily expected Aboine and Airley to come unto him with a considerable party of Horse, he passed over the Tay at Dunkeldon, and lying near Amunde, struck no small terrour into the enemy who held Saint Iohns tovvn; and from thence approa­ching nearer unto them, he encamped in Methfyn Forrest.

The enemies Foot (all but the garrison souldiers in the Towne) lay on the South of the river Erne. The Horse which were designed for the guard of the Town and Parliament assoon as they discovered Montrose's Scouts, bring in a hot alarm that hee was there, and come already close to the gates, and no question but he meant presently to scale the walls, and make an assault upon the Town: therefore they were earnest with the Nobility and the whole Par­liament, to secure themselves by a speedy flight: when all this while Montrose had scarce a hundred Horse, & they wer four hundred. But he the next day [Page 100] the more to encrease their terrour, drew nearer unto the Town with those Horse hee had, and about the same number of ready Fire-lockes whom he moun­ted upon pack-horses; and set out his men in their view so much to his advantage, that they appeared a considerable body of Horse. And because the ene­my kept themselves within the gates, forthwith turning towards Duplin, hee diligently view'd this side of the River Erne and all that coast, as if he had Horse enough to keep all that Country in subje­ction. And truly thus much he got by it, that the enemy tooke him to be exceeding strong as well in Horse as Foot. Therefore they draw together as many Forces from all sides; as they could make, whom they intended to fight with Montrose if hee should offer to passe over the Forth. But hee finding it not safe for himself neither to descend into the champian Country, they both kept their stations for many dayes, the enemy expecting Auxiliaries out of Fife, and the Country on this side the Forth, and out of the West; and Montrose looking for the like out of the North. And waiting impatiently for Aboine who was too slow with his men, he sent some to hasten him, least they should lose the op­portunity of doing their businesse. Hee also com­plained, but in a soft and gentle manner, as before a faithfull friend, that Aboine's lingring and delay was in the fault, that a brave victory, by which he conceived the Rebells might have been utterly subdued, had slipt out of his hands; which mis­fortune no man doubted but his speed and dili­gence [Page 101] might have prevented.

The enemy when they understood that he onely cheated them with a false Muster of Horse, having gotten aid from all parts, and by this time over­numbring him even in Foot, labour'd not only to provoke, but even compell him to fight. Wher­upon hee concluded to step aside a little into the neighbouring Mountains, whither he knew either the enemy would not advance, or if they dit it would be to their losse. Therefore the enemy draw­ing near with all their Army to Methfyn, he gives a private command for the Carriages to drive fast up the hills, whiles he, as if he intended to fight, orders the battell, makes good the passes with strong guards, and drawes up the Horse into the Front. Nor did the enemy expect any other then to try it out by battell, which hee made as if hee would give, till such time as the Carriages were got so farre before, that he conceiv'd them out of dan­ger: and then he commands the Army in one body at their close order to march away apace: He gave charge unto such Horse as he had, and his ablest Fire­locks to bring up the Reare, & to secure them from the enemies Horse. The enemy providing for a pre­sent charge, as they expected, when they saw Mon­trose retreating, first pursued eagerly though to no purpose; for he making good all passes as he went, easily repulsed them, and without losse of so much as one private souldier came chearfully off into the heights and steep places that were unaccessible un­to the enemies Horse, and for their Foot they fear'd [Page 102] no assault from them. It is remarkable, that when Montrose's Horse were come up unto the passes, and the enemy knew very well they were not able to pursue any further; lest with all that paines they should seem to have done nothing at all, they sent out three hundred of their ablest and readiest Horse to follow after them with a great shout & base language; whom, when Montrose saw, he call'd for only twenty active bodied men of the Highlanders that were used to hunting, & very good marks-men, and commanded them to check their insolence; and they first of all creeping hither, and thither, and hi­ding their guns, took their aimes so well that they knockt downe some of the forwardest of those men; who being men of the better sort, by their example made the rest more wary, so that they were all con­tended to retreat. But those good huntsmen being encouraged with their good successe, assoon as they saw their enemies disorder [...]d, came into the open plain and resolutely charged their Horse: who, in as much feare as Bucks or Does chased by Hunters, set spurs to their Horses and fled back to their maine body as if the Divell were in them.

The enemy upon their retreat chose that place for their Rendezvouz, from whence Montrose depar­ted, Methfyn Forrest: after they had done nothing worthy to be remembred in all that expedition but that when thy found themselves unable to cope with men, they exercised their cruelty upon women: for all the wives of the Irish and Highlanders that they light of, (who followed the Camp for the love [Page 103] of their husbands) most basely and shamelesly they hew'd in pieces. Montrose kept his quarters at little Dunkeldon, both because the place was cumber­some and unpassable for Horse, and lay very conve­niently for receiving such aids as he daily expected with Aboine out of the North. All which time the two spleenative Armies lying close together rather stood upon their guards then offered any affront one to the other.

And now at length Aboine and Colonell Nathaniell Gordon brought up their men out of the North to Dunkeldon; men for their number indeed fewer then was expect, but for their stoutnesse and true valour farre above their number. The Horse they brought were only two hundred, and some six score Firelocks whom they had mounted and made Dra­goons: other Foot they brought none. Along with them came the Earl of Airley and Sir David his son with fourscore Horse, most of them of the noble family of the Oglebyes; amongst whom Alexander sonne and heir of Sir Iohn Ogleby of Innercarit was most eminent, not onely for the rare accomplish­ments of his person and the splendor of his Ance­stors, but for the honour of his valiant and happy atchievements, much above what his age could pro­mise. Montrose being thus well recruited, thought it not good to lose any time but marched straight to­wards the enemy. But assoon as he came to Amonde▪ he thought it best to see in what condition the ene­my was, & to find out whether that was true which he had receiv'd a flying report of; that was, that [Page 104] very many of their Auxiliaries had deserted their colours and run home. Therefore leaving his Foot to take their rest, a little before night he fac'd the enemy with his Horse; with which sight being som­ting affrighted, they kept within their trenches. And next morning early Montrose riding about to discover, was informed that they had stollen away at the dead of the night to Methfyn, and in disorder had got over a bridge upon the Erne. Hee instantly causes his men to march, and passing the river at a stone-bridge about six miles off, lay that night in Strath-Erne.


FIfe is the most populous, the most rich, the thic­kest Country of Towns and Villages in all Scot­land. Its inhabitants are little martiall, consisting most of Merchants, Shopkeepers, Mariners and Hus­bandmen. But so new fangled in their Religion, and so bewitched both by the example and authority of the Nobility, and by the Sermons of their seditious Ministers, that all of them upon the matter were extremely addicted to the Covenanters. The Coun­try it self is almost an Iland, being inviron'd to­wards the South with the Scottish Firth, on the North with the Tay, which carrieth ships of great burden all along; on the East with the maine sea. No entrance thither by land but on the West, in the straights of which both Armies lay. The whole Country was in a distraction, some (especially their much admired Preachers that thundred nothing [Page 105] but Excommunications) inciting and compelling all of every estate and age to take up armes; others flocking in great numbers unto them, others running hither and thither to hide themselves, as every one was led by his own superstition, confidence, or fear. Montrose was very desirous to assault the enemy, and try the fortune of a battell with them before they encreas'd their Forces with addition of the Fife-men; but it would not be. For they had so for­ [...]ified themselves by the advantage of the ground, and the narownesse of the passages, that hee could by no means either make his way unto them or draw them out into plainer ground. Having there­fore made them severall fruitlesse offers of battell, he resolved to march into the heart of the Country, and came to Kinrosse, as well to hinder the rising of that Country, as to traine the enemy at last out of their fastnesse to come in unto the aid of their di­stressed friends. They, not so much as daring to fall upon his Rear, turn'd another way, and keeping clo­se to the banke first of the Erne, afterwards of the Tay, made speed towards the East-side of the Conntry. As Montrose passed along, he sent Colonell Nathaniell Gordon, and Sir William Rollock before him with a small party. These sending the rest of their party up and down to scout, kept only ten men in their company: on a sudden they happened upon two hundred of the enemy who were raising mē in those parts; and being not able to retreat, they twelve en­countred the two hundred, put them to flight, kill'd some and took other some prisoners.

[Page 106] Montrose that night came to Kinrosse, not doub­ting but they of Fife who were exceedingly out of love with the King, most firm to the Covenanters, and wholly given to the new superstition, were ge­nerally up in armes. Therefore thinking it not safe rashly to engage with so great a multitude of Horse and Foot, hee determin'd to passe over the Forth▪ and that upon this ground, that he having wearied out the Fife-men (whom he beleev'd would not bee easily perswaded to follow the Army further then their own borders) with long marches might van­quish them without a blow. For he accounted that most of them being born or brought up in shops, or ships, or taverns, & not acquainted with the hardship of souldiers would presently give out and be weary. Besides such of the Nobility as were in rebellion (after they saw with sorrow that the seat of the Warre was drawn so near them as the Forth) were raising men with more eagernesse then ever before upon the Borders & in the West; of whom the chief were the Earls of Lanerick, Cassils, and Eglington. Whose levies Montrose laboured either to hinder, or draw themselves to his side before they came up to Baily and the Fife-men; therefore hee marched from Kinrosse towards Sterling, and lay that night some three miles from the City. The next day sen­ding the Foot before, he followed softly after with the Horse, because hee suspected that the enemy pursued him in the Rear.

Nor was he deceived in that suspition, for some Espyals whom he left behinde him brought word [Page 107] that Baily was hard by with the greatest Army that ever he had. And immediately the enemies Scouts came within view, one of whom having been too forward was brought prisoner to Montrose by some of his Horse. He being examined told them freely and confidently, that he beleeved Baily and his party were resolved to march all that night to engage him to fight assoon as was possible before they dismist the Fife-men, who being already tir'd he hardly beleev'd would be drawne over the Forth; accounting their work at an end assoon as the enemy was gone out of their own Country. Therefore Montrose that he might get speedily over the Forth, bid his men march apace, and going on the other side of Sterling (a good Town, and one of the Kings strongest Castles, in which the enemy had now a great garrison) that same night passed over the river at a Ford about four miles above the Town. And at break of day next morning made a halt a while about six miles from Sterling: where he had intelligence, that the enemy the night before had not come over the Forth, but quartered three miles from Sterling on the other side of the river. Therefore Montrose holding on his in­tended journey, encamped himself in that fatall place, the Field of Kilsythe. He bids the souldiers to refresh themselves, but however to be in a rea­dinesse either to fight or march, as occasion should serve. The enemy the mean while by an easier and shorter cut got over the Forth at Sterling bridge, and encamped at night some three miles from Kil­sythe.

[Page 108] In the interim, the Earl of Lanerick Duke Hamil­ton's brother had rais'd a thousand Foot and five hundred Horse of the friends and clients of the Ha­miltons, in Cluidsdale and the places adjacent, an [...] was not at present above twelve miles from Kilsythe And the Earls of Cassils, Eglington, and Glencarne with others of the Covenanting Nobility, were engaging the West unto the same impious Milit [...]a: who were so much the readier to take up armes, by how much they had lesse felt the miseries of warre. Which things being well considered, Montrose thought it best to fight with those Forces which Bai­ly had at present. For although they were more nu­merous then his own, yet the danger was like to be greater of his side, if he should be put to engage with them when Lanericks & other parties were com up. But moreover hee was either obliged to take this course or do nothing, and return back into the Highlands with the blemish of that Honour which by so many victories he had atchiev'd. The enemy on the other side being arrogant, and confiding in the multitude of their men, beleev [...]d that Montrose had but made a running march the dayes before, and had passed the Forth more out of fear then de­signe, so that they counted it nothing to assault him in that ground and entrenchment which hee had chosen to his best advantage. And above all, their proud hopes were most carefull of this, to block up all wayes of his escape, and to prevent his return in­to the Mountains. But there are some that say, Baily himself thought it not best to give him battell, but [Page 109] was over-sway'd by the authority and votes of the Earl of Lindsey especially, and some other of the No­bility that were present in the Army, which forc't him much against stomack to draw up his men, and order the battell as he could. However it was, early in the morning they led their men straight upon Montrose: which when he saw, he told the standers by that that was happen'd which he most desired, for now hee could supply his want of men by the ad­vantage of the ground; and therefore he made haste to possesse himself of the fastnesses before them. Moreover hee commands all his men as wel Horse as Foot to throw off their doublets, and to affront the enemy all in white, being naked unto the waste all but their shirts: which when they had chearfully performed, they stood there provided and ready to fight, resolved certainly either to conquer or die.

In the field where they intended to fight there were some Cottages and Country-gardens, where Montrose had conveniently lodg'g some few men; and the first design of the enemy was to dislodge them. But it took not, for making a fierce assault and being as stoutly receiv'd, assoon as they were ob­serv'd to cool something of their first heat, those that mann'd the places beat them off, drave them away, and slew them without resistance. The Highlanders being animated with this happy successe, those that were next those places not expecting the word of Command, ran rashly up the hill wich lay open to the whole strength of the enemy. Montrose although hee was something troubled at the unseasonable [Page 110] boldnesse of his men, yet thought it not good to leave them engaged; nor was it easie to say whethe [...] the quicknesse of his relief or the cowardlinesse o [...] the enemy conduc'd more to their fafety. Montrose had in all four thousand four hundred Foot, and five hundred Horse; a thousand of his Foot or more had now by their own fault so engaged themselves with the enemy that they could not come off, for the ene­my encounter'd them with six thousand Foot and eight hundred Horse. But the enemies Rear came up but slowly, and while the Van made a stand ex­pecting their advance, Montrose had opportunity to bring timely aid to his engaged men. But at last they send out three troops of Horse, and after them two thousand Foot against those rash and almost lost men of Montrose's. Which when Montrose saw (after others had too dishonourably shifted off that servi­ce) he thus bespeaks the Earl of Airley: You see (my noble Lord) how yonder men of ours by their unadvisednesse have brought themselves into a most despe­rate hazzard, and vvill presently be trampled to dirt by the enemies Horse, except vvee relieve them vvith all speed. Novv all mens eyes and hearts are fixt upon your Lordship, they thinke you onely vvorthy so great an honour as to repell the enemy and bring off our fellow souldiers. Besides it seemes most proper for you, that the errour vvhich hath been committed by the foolhar­dinesse of youth, may be corrected by your Lordships grave and discreet valour. And he undertook the service (as dangerous as it was) with al his heart, and being guarded with a troop of Horse, (in which [Page 111] rode Iohn Ogleby of Baldeby, who had formerly been a Colonell in Svvethland, a stout man, and a skilfull souldier) led them on straight upon the enemy. And they giving the charge upon the Ogleby's, dispu­ted it sharply with them for a while, but at last being no longer able to withstand their courage sac't about: whom the Ogleby's pursued so hotly, that they made them fall foule upon their owne Foot; and (charging them furiously thorough and tho­rough) routed them and trode them under foot. By this gallant example of Airley and the Ogleby's, Montrose's souldiers being enrag'd more and more could no longer be kept back from raising a great shout (as if they had already got the day) and falling on upon the enemy. Nor would the Rebells Horse long abide their charge, but deserting their Foot, fell a running as fast as ever they could: Nor did their Foot after they were so deserted stand it out long, but throwing down their armes sought to save their lives by flight. Which proved unserviceable, for the victorious pursuers had the killing of them for fourteene miles: So that of all the enemies Foot that were present at that battell, it is thought there did not an hundred come off. Nor did their Horse escape very well, of whom some were killed, some taken, the rest disperst. Their Ordnance, their Ar­mes, their Spoiles came clearly to the Conquerours, who lost only six of their side; whereof three were Oglebyes, valiant Gentlemen, who fighting like themselves, sealed the victory with their own bloud. The rebellious sort of the Nobility (of whom [Page 112] many were in the fight) some of them by their ti­mous running and swiftnesse of their Horses got to the Town and strong Castle of Sterling; others esca­ping to the Scottish Fyrth shipt themselves in some vessels that lay at anchor near the shoare: amongs [...] whom Argyle (having now this third time been for­tunate to a boat) escaped into a ship; and thought himself scarce safe enough so, till weighing anchor he got into the main. Of prisoners, the chief were Sir William Murray of Blebe, Iames Arnot brother to the Lord Burghley, one Col. Dice, and Col. Wallis, besides many more, whom Montrose after quarter gi­ven used courteously, and upon the engagement of their Honours set at liberty. And this is that famous victory of Kilsythe, obtained on the 15. day of Sep­tember 1645. in which it is beleev'd no fewer then six thousand Rebells were slain.


THere was a great alteration all the Kingdome over after this battell at Kilsythe; those of the Rebell-Nobility were all of them sore affrighted, some of them fled to Barwicke, some to Carlisle, some to Newcastle, others into Ireland. And such as before only privately wisht wel unto the King, now did no longer fear to shew themselves to expresse their loyalty, to pray openly for his prosperity, and to offer their service. But those that before had sided with the Covenanters began to ask forgi­venesse, to plead they were constrain'd to take up armes by the violence and tyranny of the Rebells, to [Page 113] submit their persons and estates to the Conque­rour, humbly to beseech his protection, and implore his wonted clemency. And Cities and Countries that were furthest off began to dispatch their Com­missioners to professe in their names their Alle­giance to their King, their duty and service to his Vicegerent, and freely to offer him men, arms, pro­visions, and other necessaries of War. The Nobility of the Realm and the Chiefs of Septs came in thick unto the Lord Governour, welcomed him, ten­dred their service unto him, extoll'd his high and honourable atchievements, & thank't him for them. All whom he pardoned for what was past, recei­ved them with liberty and indempnity into his pro­tection, and encouraged them to be of good chear. Nor did he lay any greater burden upon them, then to change that covetous and cruell slavery which they were manacled with by the Rebells, for the sweet and gentle government and protection of a most gracious Prince; and by laying aside all former grudges ands fewds, hereafter more reli­giously to observe their duty and loyalty to the good King; & thenceforward never more to have to do with the counsells of seditious men, who by endeavouring to satisfie their own lusts, had engaged King and Subject one against the other, & upon the matter ruin'd both. For his part hee never had any other intention, then to restore their Religion, their King, their Liberty, his Peers and Countrimen, by Armes (when no other means was left) out of the tyranny of Rebells unto their ancient peace, happinesse, and glory. Which if he should effect, he would give Almighty God, the author of all good things, everlasting praise; but if hee failed [Page 114] however hee should by these his honest endeavours acquit himself before God, and Gods Vicegerent his Majesty; before all good men, and his posterity, his honour, and his conscience.

At this time the whole Kingdom sounded nothing but Montrose's praise. Men of all sorts every where extolling the ingenuity of his disposition in which he out-went all his Equalls; the gallantry of his per­son in war, his patience in travels, his evennesse of spirit in dangers, his wisdome in counsels, his faith­fulnes to such as submitted, his quicknesse in dispat­ches, his courtesie to such as he took prisoners; in a word, his truly heroick vertue in all things, and to­wards all men. And this honour most men gave him in good earnest, & out of a sincere affection, but som in craft & dissimulation; and as every one had wit or skill they set forth his Encomiums or Panegyricks in Verse or Prose. Yea such is the volubility of humane things, and the inconstancy of the whirling multitude, that they were not affraid openly to curse & raile at the ringleaders and prime men of the Covenanters Fa­ction, such as Argyle, Lindsey, Loudon, & others (whom a while agoe they honoured & adored for Saints) as authors of al the mischiefs that had befalne them.

All things going on thus happily, the Northern parts of the Kingdome being secured on his back, the way being opened unto him into the South, the power of the Rebells every where quash't their chief leaders (who in conscience of their guilt despaired of mercy) driven out of the Kingdome, & no con­siderable party remaining in armes; yet in the West there were some stirres. For the Earls of Cassils and [Page 115] Eglingtou, and some other promoters of the Cove­nanters Cause laboured to engage the Countries in a new War, and were said to have rais'd in a tumul­tuary way the number of four thousand men. There­fore Montrose the next day after the battell of Kilsythe drevv his men into Cluidsdale, from vvhence the Earl of Lanerick, being struck vvith the newes of their late overthrovv, disbanding those men that he had rais'd, vvas fled. Montrose chose that quarter as lying most commodiously for his affaires in the South & West; and marched to Glascow, vvhich is the principall city of that Countrey. Hee receiv'd the Tovvn into his protection, and entring into it vvith the joyfull acclamations of the people, first of all he restained his souldiers from plunder, and then being severe against the delinquents, for the terrour of others, he put some of the chiefest incendiaries of them to death. After that in favour of the Citi­zens, the next day after he came, hee departed the Tovvn and quartered at Bothwell. Where because it was but six miles from the City, lest the Citizens should bee prejudiced by the insolence of the soul­diers, he gave them leave to stand upon their guard, and defend the City vvith a garrison of the inhabi­tants. Hoping vvith such acts of clemency to enga­ge not only the men of Glascow unto himself, but the inhabitants of other Cities also, by good offices more then by force and armes.

At Bothwell he staid many dayes, where he recei­ved the personall addresses of some of the Nobili­ty, and of others by their Trustees, Friends, and [Page 116] Messengers; & settled the peace of Towns & Coun­tries thereabouts, who all willingly submitted them­selves. The chief of the inhabitants of those parts who came to welcome him, and offer their service were the Marquesse of Douglasse, a man of a most no­ble family, and chief of the Douglasses; the Earls of Limmuck, Annandale, and Hertfield; the Lord Barons of Seton, Drummond, Fleming, Maderty, Carnegy, and Ionston; Hamilton of Orbeston; Charter of Hempsfield, Toures of Innerleigh, (a most deserving man, who afterwards lost his life gallantly in battell) Stuart of Resyth; Dalyell, a brother of the Earl of C [...]rn­vvarth, Knights: and many more, whose names I can either not rightly call to mind, or else think fit to forbear at present, lest by giving them an unseaso­nable and thanklesse commendation now whiles they lie under intolerable tyranny, I should do them more harm then honour.

After the victory of Kilsythe, no thought had hi­gher place in Montrose's noble breast, then the en­largement of such prisoners as for no other fault but the sin of Loyalty had been most basely used, and still expected death, in the grievous and filthy gaole of Edinburgh. Therefore hee sends his nephew Napier with Col. Nathaniell Gordon and a commanded party of Horse to Edinburgh, to summon the City and receive it upon surrender, to set the prisoners at li­berty, and to settle the Town in peace and loyalty; but in case they stood out and refused to submit, to threaten them with fire and sword. They assoon as they came within four miles of the Town made a [Page 117] stand, (and intended to come no nearer, unlesse they chanced to bee forced unto it by the obstinacy of the Citizens,) as well that at that distance they might the more easily restrain the unrulinesse of the souldier, lest they should wrong the poor inhabi­tants, & in their fury reduce that cursed City which had been the cause & fomenter off all the Rebellion into ashes, which Montrose gave them especially in charge by all means to prevent; as also to preserve the Army safe from the plague, which was hot in the City and places adjacent, and where of very many died every day. Assoon as ever the newes of their approach was brought unto the Town, they all be­gan to tremble & despaire of their lives; and to raise a cry as if the swords were already at their throats, or their houses in a flame. Not a few of them being pricked in their guilty consciences, freely & openly accus'd themselves for the most ungratefull, trai­terous, sacrilegious, and perjured persons in the world, and unworthy of any mercy. Then applying themselves unto the prisoners they had, both calling unto them aftar off, and sending private messengers, they implored their assistance; and besought them in compassion of the poore silly people vvere almost vvasted too vvith a great mortality, to pa [...]ifie the anger of the Conque­rours whom they had most justly incensed: told them, all their hopes lay in them, and they vvere utterly undone vvith­out their help. Protested moreover, that if they found mercy but that one time, they vvould redeem their former revolt vvith more religious fidelity and constant Allegeance ever after. The prisoners (whom but the other day [Page 118] the basest of the people bitterly abused and reviled, cursing and bequeathing them to the gallowes and worse) forgetting all injuries received, & more trou­bled with the sence then revenge of their sufferings; first rendred hearty thanks to Almighty God who of his mercy shewed unto them that liberty and sa­fety which they little expected▪ & then turning un­to their deadly enemies, bade them be of good cheare, for the most gracious King (and his Lieutenant Mon­trose) desired the safety and happinesse of his repenting Subjects, and not their extirpation and ruine. Therefore they advised them immediately to send some delegates to Montrose, humbly to beg his pardon; for nothing could better appease the rage of a Conquerour then a speedy sub­mission. For their parts they would not bee backward to mediate with him for their safety, and doubted not but his high and noble spirit which could not be vanquished with their armes, would yet suffer it self to bee overcome with the prayers and lamentations of men in misery.

The Edinburgians being conforted with these ho­pes, and assisted with this good advice, immediately call a Hall to consult of sending delegates. There were among the prisoners of those that were most high in birth, and favour with Montrose, Lodowick, Earl of Crawford, Chief of the most ancient and no­ble family of the Lindseys, a man famous for Military service in forraign Nations, amongst the Swedes, Imperialists and Spaniards. This man by the power and cunning of his Cosen the Earl of Lindsey (who because hee was greedy of the honour and title of the Earl of Crawford, was greedy also of his life) [Page 119] was designed by the Covenanters to be put to death. Nor was it for any other crime but for being a Soul­dier, and an expert man, & one that had done faith­full service for his Master the King, and it was feared hee would doe so againe if hee should be suffered to live. There was also Iames Lord Ogleby, son to the Earl of Airley, one singularly beloved by Mon­trose, who was formidable both for his fathers and his own vertue and authority. Hee also being an enemy to Argyle, both upon old fewds and some freshe [...] wrongs, was just as deep in sin and danger as Cravvford. These therefore the Common Counsell of Edinburgh chose out of the rest of the prisoners, and immediately setting them at liberty, they earnestly pray and beseech them to assist their Delegates to the uttermost of the power they had with the Lord Governour, and to labour to hold his hands off that miserable City, upon which the hand of God himself lay so heavy already. And they curse themselves & theyr posterity to the pit of hell, if they should ever prove unmindful of so great a favour or unthankfull to them that did it. They were not backward to un­dertake a busines which was so universally désired, but taking the Delegates along with thē went forth to Napier. He having by the way delivered his dear father, his wife, his brother-in-law Sir Sterling Keer, and his sisters out of the prison at Limnuch, whither the Covenanters had removed them from Edin­burgh Castle, marched backe unto his uncle with his Forces, and those prisoners now at liberty, & the Delegates of the City, as having done his businesse. [Page 120] Montrose embracing Crawford and Ogleby, his dearest friends whom he had long longed for, and rejoycing to see them safe and sound, useth them with all ho­nour and accommodation after their long restraint; and they on the other side magnified their delive­rer and avenger with high praises and thanks, (as became them to do,) on both sides affording a spe­ctacle of great joy to the beholders.

Afterwards the Delegates of Edinburgh were ad­mitted to audience, and delivered their Message from the Provost and City. The summe was, They would freely surrender the Town unto the Governor, humbly desired his pardon, promised to be more dutifull and loyall for the time to come; committed themselves and all that they had to his patronage and protection, for which they earnestly besought him. Moreover they undertooke forthwith to set the rest of the prisoners at liberty accor­ding to his appointment, and to doe any thing else that he should enjoyne them. And although the City was so wasted with a grievous contagion that no men could be raised out of it, yet they were ready as far as their share came, to pay contribution to such as should be raised in other places. And above all things they humbly begged at his hands, that hee would labour to mitigate the anger of their most gracious Lord the King, that hee might not be too severe with that City, which by the cunning, authority, and example of a seditious and prevailing party had been engaged in Rebellion. Montrose bade them be confidens of the rest, and required no more at their hands then to bee hereafter more observant of their loyalty to the King, and faithfully to renounce all correspondence with [Page 121] the Rebells in armes against him, either vvithout or vvithin the Kingdome; To restore the Castle of Edin­burgh (vvhich it vvas evident vvas in their Custody at that time) unto the King, and his officers. Lastly, assoon as the Delegates came home, to set the prisoners at liberty and send them to him. And truly as for the prisoners they sent them away upon their return: but as to other Articles they were perfidious, and perjured; and if they doe not repent must one day give an account unto God the assertor of truth and justice for their high ingratitude, and reiterated disloyalty.

Whiles these things passed concerning Edinburgh, Montrose sent away Alexander Mac-donell (to whom hee joyned Iohn Drummond of Bail, a stout Gentleman) into the Western coasts to allay the tumults there, and to spoile the designes of Cassils and Eglington. But they receiving the alarme of Mac-donells approach were immediately disperst in a great fright. Some of the Earls and other Nobles made straight into Ireland, others plaid least in sight in I know not what lurking places. All the Western Countries, the Town of Aire, Irvvin and others strove which should first submit, freely offering their fidelity and service. Neither (which was more then hee expected) did Montrose ever finde men better affected to the King then in those Western parts: For most of the Gentry, Knights, and Chiefs of Fa­milies, and some also of the prime Nobility came off chearfully to his side. Whose names, which other­wise ought to have been registred with honour, at the present I shal passe by (if not in an acceptable [Page 122] perhaps, yet certainly in an advantageous silence,) for I should be loath so honest and loyall soules should be questioned by their cruell enemies, for their good affections, upon my information.


MOntrose had now taken into his thoughts the setling of the South-borders, and send unto the Earls of Hume, Rosburough, and Trequaire, to in­vite them to associate with him for matter of Peace and War, and all things that were to be done in the name and by the authority of the King. These were not only the powerfullest men in those parts by reason of the multitude of their friends and their great retinue, but also made as though they were most cordiall assertors of the Kings authority. For besides the bond of Allegeance, which was com­mon to them with others, they were engaged unto him by extraordinary benefits. Nor were they on­ly advanced unto great Honours by him, as being raised from the order of Knighthood to a high pitch of Nobility; but were made Governours of the most gainfull Countries, and by that means being enri­ched above their equalls and their own condition, heaped up wealth indeed unto themselves, but envy and hatred upon the King. They againe dis­patch some of their friends of the best quality to assure him, That they were ready to undergoe any hazard under his conduct and command in the behalf of their most bountifull King, They promise moreover to raise a world of men, and nothing hindred their coming up unto the Camp, [Page 123] if he would but be pleased to draw that way with never so small a party of his forces. And so it would come to passe, that not onely their friends and clients, but the whole Country being animated with his presence and authority, would cheerfully take up armes as one man; and if they stood out they might be compelled, or a course taken with them. Therefore they earnestly besought him to afford them his assistance in this, and in all the rest he should finde them his most faithfull and ready servants. These were fair words, and a first hearing seem'd to carry an ho­nest meaning along with them; but were promi­sed with that kind of faith that the Creatures and Favourites of the too indulgent King are used to keep. And perhaps upon that score he Earl of Lane­rick (Duke Hamiltons brother) is more to be com­mended, whom Montrose having earnestly sollicited by friends to come off to the Kings side, although that way he might very likely expect his pardon for what was past, and the releasement of his brother, yet without any dissimulation he gave this peremp­tory answer, That he would have nothing te doe with that side, and that he would never pretend that friend­ship which he intended not to preserve. And I would to God all they on whom the good King has too much relied, had delivered themselves with the same candor and plain dealing ever since the be­ginning of those troubles.

About the same time Montrose sent the Marquess of Douglasse, and the Lord Ogilby over into Anan­dale and Niddisdale, that there with the assistance of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield, they might [Page 124] list a many souldiers, Horse especially, as they could. And gives them orders withall to march with such as they should so raised towards Trequaire, Roxborough, and Hume; that they might engage them without any further put offs in an association with them. For Montrose understood a little what Court-holy­water meant, and therefore was something suspi­tious of the delayes which they fram'd, the rather ha­ving had some experience of their cunning and slip­perinesse, especially of Trequaires. And truly Dou­glasse by the chearfull endeavours of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield, had quickly raised a conside­rable party, if one count them by the head; but they were new men, taken from their plowes and flocks, and but raw soldiers: forward enough at the first charge, but by and by their hearts faile them, and they can by no means be kept to their colours. When Douglasse and the rest of the Commanders considered this, they write againe and againe to Montrose, that he would make haste after them with his old souldi­ers towards Tweed▪ for by his presence and authority, and the company and example of the old souldiers, they might be brought either willingly, or whether they would or no to know their duties. In the meane time according to his command they go on to Strathgale, freely offering an opportunity and their service (if it needed) to Roxborough and Trequaire, to draw out their men the more easily and timely. But they (good men) who well enough under­stood the secretest counsels of the Covenanters, and knew that all their Horse would be there imme­diately [Page 125] out of England under the command of David Lesley, intended nothing more then to over-reach the King with their old tricks, and to deliver Montro­se (whose glory they envied) into the hands of his enemies, though not by armes (for that they could not) yet by treachery. To that end they insinuate againe and againe not only unto Douglasse and his party, but to Montrose himself by their friends and frequent messengers, that for their parts they were ready to expose their persons to the utmost hazard, but they could never be able to draw together their friends, clients, and Trained bands, except they were animated and couraged with Montrose his presence. And that they might be the better beleeved, they curse themselves to the pit of hell if they did not stand stifly and unalterably to their promise. Mon­trose notwithstanding was not taken with all this, but staid still at Bothvvell, conceiving that if there were any truth or honesty in their words, Douglasse and his party who still lay in the Country adjacent, would be sufficient for the raising and encouraging of their friends and dependents.

At length when Montrose had quartered a great while at Bothvvell, most of the Highlanders being loaden with spoile ran privily away from their co­lours and returned home. Presently after their very Commanders desired Furloghs for a little while, pretending that the enemy had not an Army in the field within the borders of that Kingdom, and there­fore their service for the present might well be spa­red; besides they complained that their houses and [Page 126] corn, in and with which their parents, wives chil­dren were to be sustained that winter, were fired by the enemy, and no provision made for them, so that they humbly desired to be excused for a few weeks, in which they might take care to secure their fami­lies from hunger and cold. Also they solemnly and voluntarily engaged their words, that they would return many more then they went, and much refre­shed, within forty dayes. These Montrose, seeing he could not hold them, as being Voluntiers & fighting without pay, that he might the more engage them, thought fit to dismisse them not only with Licences but Commissions. And giving publick commen­dations to the souldiers, and thanks in his Majesties name to the Commanders, exhorting them to fol­low their businesse closely & vigorously, he appoints Alexander Mac-donell their Countriman and Kinsman (who was but too ambitious of that employment) to be their companion and guide, who should bring them back to the Camp by the day appointed. Who in a set speech gave thanks in all their names to the Lord Governour for his so noble favour; and as if he had been their Baile or surety, with a solemne oath ondertook for their sudden return: yet hee never saw Montrose after. Nor was he contended to carry away with him the whole Forces of the Highlan­ders, (who were more then three thousand stout mē) but he privily drew away sixscore of the best Irish, as if (forsooth) he had pick't thē out for his Live guard.

About this very time many messengers came se­verall wayes to Bothwell from the King at Oxford. [Page 127] Amongst whom one was Andrevv Sandiland, a Scotch-man, but bred in England, & entred into holy Orders there, a very upright man, faithfull to the King, and much respected by Montrose, who conti­nued constantly with him unto the end of the War. Another was Sir Robert Spotswood, once the most de­serving President of the highest Court in Scotland, and now his Majesties Secretary for that Kingdome; who passed from Oxford through Wales into Angle­sey, and thence getting a passage into Loghaber came into Athole, and was conducted by the men of Athole unto Montrose. Almost all the Agents that came brought this Instruction amongst the rest, That it was his Majesties pleasure, that hee should joyne unto himself the Earls of Roxbourogh and Tre­quaire, and consider in their advice and endeavours; of whose fidelity and industry no question vvas to be made. Moreover, that he should make haste towards the Tweed, vvhere hee should meet a party of Horse vvhich the King vvould instantly dispatch out of England to bee commanded by him, with vvhom hee might safely give battell to David Lesly, if (as vvas suspected) he mar­ched that way with the Covenanters Horse. All this the respective bearers unanimously delivered, and his most excellent Majesty being over-credulous signi­fied by his Expresses. And Montrose being now over born with the Kings absolute Commands, takes up his resolution to march to the side of Tweed. But the day before he went, the souldiers being drawn up to a Rendezvouz, (before that Mac-donell and the Highlanders were gone) Sir Robert Spotswood making [Page 128] an humble obeysance, under the Kings Standard, delivered his Majesties Commission under the Grea [...] Seal unto Montrose, which he again gave unto Archi [...]bald Primrose Clerk of the Supreme Counsell to be read aloud. That being ended in a short but stately Oration, he commended the Valour and Loyalty of the Souldiers, and the great affection he bore them. And for Mac-donell, he not only extoll'd his gallan­try in the head of the Army, but by virtue of that authority that he had received from the King gave him the honour of Knighthood. For not only Mon­trose but all the Kings friends were confident of the integrity of the man; whose good opinion he de­ceiv'd, not only to the undoing of the Kings Cause, but the utter ruine of himself and his friends.

Montrose following his intended journey, came the second night to Ca [...]der Castle; at which time the Earl of Aboine (whether the Lord Governour would or no) carried away with him not only his own men but all the rest of the Northern Forces, whom he had i [...]veighled to desert the service. Nor would he be perswaded either by reason or the intreaty of his friends (who heartly detested that shamefull act) to stay but so much as one week, and then he might depart not only with the Generals license, but with honour, and the good esteem of honest men. Seeing it would be no better; Montrose passing by Edinburgh, led his small Army through Lothainshire, & in Strath­gale joyned with Douglasse and the other Comman­ders, whose Forces being much diminished, were daily mouldring more & more. In that coast Trequair [Page 129] himself came unto him, more chearfull and merry then he used to be; who pretended himself to be a most faithfull servant not only to his Majesty but al­so to Montrose, and the next day sent him his son the Lord Linton with a gallant party of Horse, as if they were to be under his command, that by so likely a pledge he might make Montrose more secure, and so more easily ruine him. For this was not the first time that Trequaire plaid the Covenanters Scout-master: that ungratefullest piece of mankind intending to betray unto thē Montrose, & in him the King himself.

Now when he was not above twelve miles from the Lord Hume and Roxborough, and they sent not so much as a Messenger to him, nor offered him the smallest courtesie, Montrose being much troubled at it, resolved to march into their Territories, and to bring them in either by faire means or foule. But they prevented him by a singular device; They sent unto David Lesley whom they well knew by that time was come to Berwicke with all the Scotch Horse, and many English Voluntiers (for they were privy to all their counsells) and entreated him to send a party and carry them away in the condition of prisoners; which he did the day before Montrose came thither. For by this means that crafty old fox Roxborough (who had Hume under his girdle) con­ceiv'd that they might both ingratiate thēselves with the Covenanters, as freely committing themselves into their protection, & yet keep in the Kings favour whiles they made as if they fell into Lesley's hands, sore against their wills. And this being Lesley's first [Page 130] noble exploit, he passed over Tweed & marched into the East-side of Lothian. Montrose assoon as he per­ceived the King and himself betrai'd by these men, and saw no hopes of that party of Horse which was come from the King, and that the too powerfull ene­my would block up his passage into the North and Highlands, resolved to march with those few men he had into Niddisdale and Annandale, and the Coun­trey of Ayre, that he might there raise what Horse he could, for although hee had no certain intelligence concerning the strength of the enemy, yet hee con­jectured that it consisted especially in Horse.


MOntrose arising from Kelsow marched to Ied­burgh, and so to Selkirk; where he quartered his Horse in a Village, and his Foot in a wood close by. For he was resolved to make sure of all advan­tages of ground, lest hee should be forced to fight with an enemy of vvhose strength he knevv nothing upon uneven termes. Then he commands the Cap­tains of Horse to set out good store of faithfull and active Scouts, and to place Horse-guards in conve­nient places on every side, and look vvell to their vvatch. All vvhich he in person (as he used to do) could not see done at present, because that night he was dispatching letters to the King, & to send away a trusty messenger that he had light upon, before break of day: therefore he was earnest with them to have the more care, lest the enemy who were very strong in Horse should surprise them unawares. And [Page 131] the Commanders promising all care and diligence, he was so taken up with writing of Letters that hee slept not all that night. And sending ever and anon to the Captains of Guards (men that were skilfull Souldiers, and so known to be in forraign Coun­tries) such uncertain noises as were brought unto him of the enemies approach, they being deceiv'd either by the negligence of their Scouts or their own misfortune, very confidently sent him back word there was no enemy in those parts nor in the Country thereabouts. At the break of day some of the best Horse, and most acquainted with the Coun­try were sent out again to Scout; they also brought word they had been ten miles about, and diligently examined all by-wayes, and rashly wisht damnation to themselves if they could finde an enemy in ar­mes within ten miles. But afterward it appeared when it was too late, that the enemy with all their Forces were then scarce four miles from Selkirk, and had lien there all that night in their arms.

Lesley that day that Montrose departed from Ied­burgh, mustered his men upon Gladesmore a plain in Lothianshire; were holding a Counsell of War with the chief of the Covenanters, the refult was that he should march to Edinburgh, & so to the Forth, that hee might hinder Montrose's retreat into the North, and force him to fight whether he would or no before he joyned with his Highlanders. But Lesley contrary to that resolution, gives order on a sudden to his whole Forces to wheel to the left hand, and to march away apace; every one [Page 132] wondering that knew not the mistery of the busines­se; what should be the meaning of that change of his resolution, and his intention in that sudden expedi­tion, for they marched streight to Strathgale. But the matter was, (as they afterward gathered from the enemies themselves) hee had received letters by which he had perfect notice that Montrose being at­tended only with five hundred Foot, and those Irish, and a very weak party of new-rais'd Horse, might very easily be surprised on the borders of Tweed, if Lesly would make use of that opportunity was offe­red him to doe his businesse. Therefore Lesley upon this intelligence made haste thither, and (as I said) lodg'd within four miles of Selkirk. That Trequaire sent those letters unto Lesley, although it was the ge­nerall report, I cannot certainly affirm; but it can­not be denied that that same night he sent his Com­mands to his son the Lord Linton that he should im­mediately withdraw himself from the Royall party, which with much jollity he did. This was like them­selves, being the ungratefullest of all men, deserting their King of whom none had better deserved, and staining their posterity. And truly that morning being very misty gave no small advantage to the treachery of the enemy; whom at last Montroses frighted Scouts discover'd to march towards him in a full body at such time as they were not above half a mile off.

Montrose mounting the first Horse he could light on, gallops into the field appointed for the Rendez­vouz that morning; where he finds a great deal of [Page 133] noise, but no order. The Cavalry being little acquain­ted with their duty, & lying already disperst in their quarters, where they dream't more of baiting their horses then maintaining their lives and honours, upon the first alarme which they received from the enemies Trumpet, ran disorderly up and down they knew not whither, but never came in the fight. Yet there were a few, and those were for the most part Noblemen or Knights, who made all speed thither and gallantly undertook to make good the right wing: and they were not above sixscore in all. Nor did the Foot who (were about five hundred) make agood appearance, for many of them look­ing about their private businesses among the Carria­ges, by that unseasonable care of saving, lost themsel­ves and all they had. And, which spoiled the matter which was bad enough before, most of the Com­manders were absent & never came in the field. Be­sides, the enemy coming on so speedily left them no time for deliberation. The enemy therefore who were six thousand (whereof most were Horse out of England) furiously charging Montrose's right wing were twice gallantly received and repulsed with no small losse. Nor could they make that noble Troop give any ground, or break through it, untill at last laying along those few Foot that withstood them, they broke in upon the left flank vvhere there vvas no Horse. By this, tvvo thousand Horse whom the enemy had sent over to the other side of the river vvere gotten on the Rear of those noble Gentle­men, who, lest being hemb'd in on every side, & gall'd [Page 134] with the enemies shot at distance, they should fal for nothing and unreveng'd, withdrew themselves every one the best way he could. But the Foot who could have little security by flight, fighting a good while stoutly & resolutely, at last upon quarter ask't and given for their lives, threw down their armes and yeelded themselves prisoners. Every one of whom being naked and unarm'd, without any regard to quarter given, Lesley caused to be most un­humanely butcher'd. The staine of which perfidi­ous cruelty (by which he hath so filthily blurr'd his hononr, if any he got in forraign service) he shal ne­ver be able to wipe away. As for those that escaped out of the battell the enemy pursued them no fur­ther, being busie in plundering the Carriages, where they made a lamentable slaughter of Women, Pe­dees, and Cook-boyes: no pity vvas shovvn to sex nor age, they vvent to the pot altogether. The number of the slain is not easie to be given, almost no Horse, and very fevv Foot (besides those that yeelded themselves and had quarter) fell in that bat­tell: vvhich may appear by this, that they vvere no more then five hundred in all, & before the next day tvvo hundred and fifty of them came safe to Mon­trose, of all them vvith their svvords by their sides, so that there could not be as many more missing: and very fevv vvere taken prisoners, and not untill their horses being tired, and themselves ignorant of the vvay, they became a prey to the country people. Whom they, forgetting all the benefits & protection they had but nevvly received from Montrose, to do [Page 135] the Covenanters a favour, delivered up unto their cruell enemies, to be made by them acceptable sa­crifices to Baal-Berith, the god of the Covenant.

For all that, the Rebell conquerours missed of the Kings Standards. The one of them (vvhich vvas carried before the Foot) vvas preserved by an Irish soldier, a stout man, & of a present spirit vvhen others vvere almost beside themselves; vvho vvhen he savv that the enemy had got the day, stript it off the staffe and vvrapped it about his body: and being other­vvise naked, made his vvay vvith his dravvn svvord through the thickest of the enemy, and brought it to Montrose at night. Whom he received into his Life-guard, and gave it him to carry in token of his valour and loyalty. And the other of them William Hie brother to the Earl of Kinoule, a hopefull young Gentleman (vvho succeeded his uncle by the mo­thers side, Douglasse son to the Earl of Morton, vvho having receiv'd many and grievous vvounds at the battell of Alford, vvas rendred unable for that burden) stript from off the staffe too, and carried it avvay vvith him. And conveighing himself into the borders of England, skulked there a vvhile till the coast was a little clearer about Tweed, and then through by-wayes and night journies for the most part, (being accompanied & couducted by his faith­full friend Robert Toures, a stout man and a good souldier, who had been a Captain in France a good while ago) returned into the North, and presented that same Royall Standard unto the Generall.

And now at last Montrose when he saw his men [Page 136] totally routed and put to flight (which he never savv before) thought of nothing more for a good space then to die honourably, and not unrevenged; there­fore rallying about thirty Horse vvhom he had ga­thered up in that confusion, he resolved by fair and honourable death to prevent his falling alive into the enemies hands. And seeing he vvas not able to break through the enemies Troops (vvho stood thick round about him) he gall'd them on the Front, and Rear, and Flanks, and of such as vvere so hardy as to adventure out of their ranks, many he slevv, others he beat back. But vvhen all that he could do vvould not do his businesse, as God vvould have it this consideration possessed his resolute and noble spi­rit; That the losse of that day was but small and easily regained, because but an inconsiderable part of his For­ces were there. That the Highlanders were the very nerves and sinewes of the Kingdome, and all the North was sound and untouch't. That many of the prime Nobility and men of power, many Knights too and Chiefs of their Sep [...]s had entered into an association with him; who if he should miscarry would be suddenly ruined or corrupted, and by that means the Kings party in Scotland utterly subdued. Therefore he thought himself bound never to de­spaire of a good Cause, and the rather lest the King his Ma­ster should apprehend the losse of Him to be greater then the losse of the battell. And vvhile these thoughts vvere in his head, by good hap came in the Mar­quesse Douglasse and Sir Iohn Dalyell, vvith some other friēds (not many but fatihfull & gallant men) vvho vvith tears in their eyes (out of the abundance [Page 137] of their affection) beseech, intreat, implore him for his former atchievements, for his friends sakes, for his Ance­stors, for his sweet wife & childrens sakes, nay for his Kings, his Countries, and the Churches peace and safeties sake, that hee would look to the preservation of his person; conside­ring that all their hopes depended on him alone under God, and that their lives were so bound up with his, that they must all live or die together. At last Montrose overcom with their intreaties, charging through the ene­my (who vvere by this time more taken up vvith ransacking the Carriages then follovving the chase) made his escape: of those that vvere so hardy as to pursue him, some hee slevv, others (among vvhom vvas one Bruce a Captaine of Horse, and tvvo Cor­nets vvith their Standards) he carried avvay priso­ners. Whom he entertained courteously, and after a fevv dayes dismist them upon their Parole, that they should exchange as many Officers of his of the like quality, vvhich Parole they did not over-pun­ctually perform.

Montrose vvas gotten scarce three miles from Sel­kirk vvhen hee having overtaken a great number of his ovvn men that vvent that vvay, he made a pret­ty considerable party; so that being novv secure from being fallen upon by the Country people, he march't avvay by leisure. And as he vvent by the Earl of Trequaires Castle (by vvhose dishonesty he did not yet knovv that he had been betrai'd) he sent one be­fore him to call forth him and his son that he might speak vvith them; but his servants bring vvord that they vvere both from home. Notwithstanding there [Page 138] are Gentlemen of credit that testifie, that they were both within; nor did that gallant Courtier only bid the Rebells joy of their victory, but was not asha­med to tell abroad (not without profuse and ill be­coming laughter) that Montrose & the Kings forces in Scotland vvere at last totally routed; his ovvn daughter the Countesse of Queensborough, as far as modestly she might, blaming him for it. Montrose after he had made a halt a vvhile near a Tovvn called Peblis, untill the souldiers had refresh't themselves & vvere fit to march, many flocking to them from every side, at Sun-set they all stoutly entered the Town; and by break of day next morning (by the conduct of Sir Iohn Dalyell especially) passed over Cluid at a ford. Where the Earls of Crawford and Airley having escaped another vvay met vvith him, making nothing of the losse of the battell assoon as they savv him out of danger. Nor vvas he lesse joy­full at the safety of his friends, then that he had sav'd & pick't up by the vvay almost two hundred Horse. But although hee vvas already secure enough from the pursuit of the enemy, neverthelesse he resolved to make vvhat haste hee could into Athole; that taking his rise there, he might dravv vvhat forces he could raise of the Highlanders, & other friends into the North. Therefore passing first over the Forth, and then the Ern, having marched through the Sherifdome of Perth by the foot of the Mountains, he came thither. As he was on his vvay, he had sent be­fore him Douglasse and Airley vvith a party of Horse into Angus, and the Lord Areskin into Marre, that [Page 139] they might speedily raise their friends and depen­dents in those parts; and had also sent Sir Iohn Da­lyell unto the Lord Carnegy (with whom he had late­ly contracted affinity) with Commissions to that purpose. Moreover he sent letters to Mac-donell, to require him according to his promise to return with the Highlanders by the day appointed. But above all he sollicited Aboine both by letters and speciall messengers, that he would bring back his friends and clients, who were willing enough of themsel­ves, and wanted no other encouragement then his authority and example.


IT was towards the latter end of Harvest, nor was the corn reap't in that cold Country, nor their houses and cottages which the enemy had burnt re­paired against the approaching winter (which is for the most part very sharp thereabouts,) which made the Athole-men to abate some thing of their wonted forwardnesse. Yet Montrose prevailed so far with them, that they furnished him with four hundred good Foot, to wait upon him into the North where there was lesse danger, and faithfully promised him upon his return, when he was to march South­ward, hee should command the whole power of the Country.

Mean time frequent expresses came from Aboine that hee would wait upon him immediately with his Forces; and Mac-donell promised no lesse for himself and some other Highlanders. Areskin signi­fied [Page 140] also unto him that his men vvere in a readinesse, and vvaited for nothing but either Aboines company (vvho vvas not far off) or Montrose's commands. About this time there vvere very hot but uncer­tain report of a strong party of Horse that vvere sent him from the King whom many conceived not to be far from the South-borders. But other nevves they had which was too certain, to wit, that there was a most cruell butchery of what prisoners the Rebells had, without any distinction of sex or age: some falling into the hands of the Country people, were basely murthered by them; others who escap't them (and found some pity in them that had so lit­tle) being gathered together, were by order from the Rebell Lords throwne head-long from off a high bridge, and the men together with their wives and sucking children down'd in the river beneath; and if any chanced to swim towards the side, they were beaten of with pikes and staves, and thrust down again into the water. The Noble men and Knights were kept up in nasty prisons to be exposed to the scorne of the vulgar, and certainly doom'd at last to lose their heads. Montrose was never so much troubled as at this sad newes.

Therefore to the end he might some way relieve his distressed friends, being impatient of all delay, with wonderfull speed he climbes over Gransbaine, and passing through the plains of Marre and Strath­done, maketh unto the Lord of Aboine, that he might encourage him by his presence to make more hast into the South. For his design was, assoon as hee [Page 141] had joyned his forces with Areskins and Airleys, and sent for Mac-donell and other Highlanders, & taken up the Athole, men by the way, to march in a great body straight over the Forth, and so both to meet the Kings Horse, and to fright the enemy, upon their apprehension of an imminent danger to themselves, from putting the prisoners to death. For he concei­ved they durst not be so bold as to execute their ma­lice upon men of Nobility and Eminency, as long as they had an enemy in the Field, and the victory was uncertaine. And truly, they being doubtfull and solicitous what might be the successe of so great warlike preparations they knew were in providing, did deferre the execution of the prisoners. Montrose upon his journey found the Lord Areskin very sick, but his clients (whose fidelity and valour hee had had sundry experiences of, even in the absence of their Lord) all in a readinesse if Aboine did but doe his part; for they depended much upon his example and authority. And now the Marquesse of Huntley, after he had plaid least in sight for a year and some moneths, (it is hard to say, whether awaken'd with the newes of so many victories obtain'd by Montrose, and the reducing of the Kingdome, or by the de­ceitfull influence of some bad starre) was returned home. An unfortunate man & unadvised, who how­soever hee would seem most affectionate unto the Kings Cause (& perhaps was so,) yet he endeavou­red by a close and dishonourable envy, rather to ex­tenuate Montroses glory then to out-vie it. Which seeing it was not for his credit openly to professe [Page 142] even before his own men (who were sufficient wit­nesses of Montrose's admirable virtues) lest by that he should discover some symptomes of a heart aliena­ted from the King; yet he gave out, that for the time to come he would take upon himself the conduct of that War against the Rebells; therefore he comman­ded his Tenants, and advised his friends and neigh­bours, scarce without threats, to fight under no command but his own. And when they replyed, What shall wee then answer to the Commands of the Mar­quesse of Montrose whom the King hath declared Generall Governour of the Kingdome, and Generall of the Army? He made ansvver, That he himself would not be wanting to the Kings service; but however it concerned much both his and their honour, that the King and all men should knovv vvhat assistance they had given him, which could not otherwise be done then by serving in a body by thē selves. Moreover he fell to magnifie his own povver, and to undervalue Montrose's, to extoll unto the skies the noble Acts of his Ancestors, (men indeed vvor­thy of all honour,) to tell them, That the Gordons power had been formidable to their neighbours for many Ages by gone, and was so yet; That it was most unjust that the atchievements gotten with their bloud and prowesse, should be accounted upon another mans (meaning Mon­trose's) score: but for the future he would take a course, that neither the King should be defrauded of the service of the Gordons, nor the Gordons of their deserved honour, favour, and reward.

All these things the simpler sort tooke to bee spoken upon all the grounds of equity & honour in [Page 143] the world; but as many as were understanding men, and knew better the disposition of the person, saw through those expressions a minde too rancorous & altogether indispos'd towards Montrose, and that his aime was to fetch off as many as he could from him, not only to the utter ruine of the King and Kingdome, but even to his own destruction: which (God knowes) the sad event made too manifest. Nor were there wanting amongst them desperate men and of good fore-sight, who condemned this counsell of his as unwise, unseasonable, and pernici­ous even to himself. For they considered with them­selves that he never had any designe that did not miscarry either by bad play or bad luck. That businesses were better carried by Montrose, and it was ill to make a faction [...] upon the poore pretence of his carrying away the honour of it. For if Huntley joyned his Forces, and communicated his counsels unto Montrose, he should not be onely able to defend himself, but subdue his enemies, and gaine unto him­self the everlasting honour of being one of the Kings Cham­pions; but if he should make a breach in that manner, it would prove not onely dishonourable but destructive to him. That Montrose ( it could not be denyed) had got many and emi­nent victories with the assistance of the Huntleys, but they had done nothing of note without him. Therefore they earnestly desired him, constantly to adhere unto the Kings Lieutenant, which as it would be both acceptable and advan­tageous to the King, so it would be well taken with good men, and honourable to himself. Nor did some of them fear to professe openly, that they would yeeld their duty and service to Montrose, if Huntley should [Page 144] stand out in his humour; and they were as good as their words. But he refusing the advice of his friends resolved what ever came on't to run counter too Montrose; nor did Montrose ever propose any thing though never so just, or honourable, or advantage­ous, which he would not crosse or reject. And if at any time Montrose condescended to his opinion▪ (which he did often & of purpose) he would present­ly change his minde; seeming to comply with him sometimes before his face, but alwayes averse unto him behinde his backe, and indeed scarce wel agree­ing with his own self.

For all this, Aboine being at that time solicited by many expresses from Montrose, and the importunity of his own friends (that he might be some way as good as his word) met him with a considerable party at Druminore, a Castle of the Lord Forbeses. He brought with him fifteen hundred Foot and three hundred Horse, all chearfull and ready to under­goe any hazard under the command of Montrose. And truly assoon as ever they met, Aboine freely protested hee would carry those men that hee had whithersoever the Lord Governour should lead him; but there were many more behinde (which for his scantnesse of time he had not got together (which his brother Lewis would bring after him. Montrose extolling highly his fidelity and pains, turned back again almost the same way he came; that taking up the Lord Areskins, and the Marre Forces by the way, and climbing over Gransbaine, hee might fall dovvn into Athole and Angus, not doubting vvithin [Page 145] a fortnight to be able to passe over the Forth with a great Army. The first dayes journey Aboine and his men marched with a good will, but the next night his brother Lewis (whom Montrose had placed under the command of the Earl of Crawford) conveighed him­self homewards with a strong party of Horse, making as if he meant to encounter some Troops of the Ene­my, and carried along with him as many Souldiers as he could get upon pretence of a guard. Crawford re­turning brought word that Lewis was gone home, but would be back again next day, for so he had made him beleeve though he intended nothing lesse then to come back; (A youth liable to sensure for more feats then that.) But when upon the third day they came to Alford, it was observed that Aboines men were slow to stand to their colours, that they loytered in their march, that their ranks were thin and disorder'd and that they ran away by whole Companies almost every night: and at last their Commander Aboine himself was not ashamed to disire to be excused, and to have leave to depart. When all men wondred, and de­sired to know what might be the reason of that sud­den alteration of his resolution, he pleaded his fathers Commands, which he was obliged in no case to disobey; and that his father had not sent him such directions without just occasion: for the Enemies Forces lay in lower Marre, and would be presently upon their backs, if they were deprived of the protection of their own men: and that it was unexcusable folly for him to carry his men another way when his own Coun­try was in so much danger. Montrose reply'd, That it was most certaine that onely a few Troops of Horse kept within A­berdene, [Page 146] that they had no Footat at all, & those few Horse now durst nor could doe the Country any harme; and there was no doubt but upon the first Alarme of his Aproach, their Comman­ders would sen [...] for those also to secure the Low-lands. Besides, that it would be much more to the Marquesse of Huntleys advantage, if the seat of warre were removed into the Enemie [...] Country then be kept up in his own: and vpon that score the [...] was more need to make haste into the South, that they might save the North for the burden of the Armies? He added moreover, That he daily expected aids out of England, which could by no means joyne with them except they me [...] them on the South-side of the Forth. And at last with much resentment he represented unto him, the condi­tion of the prisoners (who were many of them Huntley's own kindred, allyes, or friends) who would all be únhumanely mur­thered except they timely prevented it. To all this when Aboine had nothing to answer, he desired his Father might be acquainted with the whole matter, and 'twas granted. Such were made choise of to treat with Huntley as were conceived to be highest in his favou [...], to wit, Donald Lord Rese, in whose Country he had [...]o­journed, and Alexander Irwin the younger of Drumme, who had but the other day married Huntleys daugh­ter: and both of them were also much obliged to Montrose for their newly recovered liberties.

Rese being ashamed of receiving the repulse had not the confidence to return; and Irwin (a noble young Gentleman, and a stout, who stuck to Montrose to th [...] last) brought no answer but his father-in-lawes am­biguous Letters of which no hold could be taken▪ Being desired to deliver what he conceived his fathe [...] [Page 147] in lavves resolution vvas; he professed ingenuously he knevv not vvhat to make of him, he could get no cer­tain ansvver, but doubted he vvas obstinate in his fond conceit. Aboine, first declaring hovv sore against his vvill it vvas to part vvith Montrose, urged hovv neces­sary it vvas for him to please his dear father, vvho vvas sickly too: and therefore more earnestly desired the Lord Governour to dispence vvith him for a fevv dayes till he could pacifie his father; & made an abso­lute promise, that within a fornight he vvould follow him with much stronger forces. And whē he had oftē and freely engaged his honour to do as he said, he ex­torted with much adoe a Furlogh from Montrose sore against his stomach, to be absent for the time aforesaid.

Aboine being returned home, Montrose marched over the planes of Marre & Scharschioch & came down into Athole: and thence (having a little increased his Ar­my) into the Sherifdome of Perth, where receiving an expresse out of the North he is put into new hopes, Aboine having sent him word he would be with him with his men before the day appointed. At the same time came unto him by severall wayes Captain Tho­mas Ogleby of Pourie the younger, and Captain Robert Nesbit, both of them sent unto him from his Majesty with Commands, that if he could possibly, he should make all speed towards the Borders to meet the Lord George Digby son to the Earl of Bristoll, who was sent unto him with a party of Horse.

The same bearers Montrose dispatcheth to Hunt­ley and Aboine, to communicate unto them those In­structions from the King, hoping by that means, [Page 248] that being quickened with his Majesties authority, and the approach of aid, they would make more haste with their forces, in the vain expectation of whom he had trifled away too much time in Strath-Erne.

About this time the Lord Napier of Marchiston de­parted this life in Athole; a man of a most innocent life and happy parts; a truly noble Gentleman, and Chief of an ancient family; one who equalled his father & grandfather Napiers (Philosophers and Mathemati­cians famous through all the world) in other things, but far exceeded them in his dexterity in civill busi­nesse; a man as fatihfull and as highly esteemed by King Iames and King Charles: sometime he was Lord Treasurer, and was deservedly advanced into the rank of the higher Nobility; and since these times had expressed so much loyalty and love to the King, that he was a large partaker of the rewards which Rebells bestow upon vertue often imprisonment, sequestra­tion, and plunder. This man Montrose when he was a boy look'd upon as a most tender father, when he vvas a youth as a most [...]age admoniter, when he was a man as a most faithfull friend, and now that he died was no otherwise affected withhis death then as if it had been his fathers. Whose most elaborate discour­ses Of the Right of Kings, and Of the Originall of the tur­moiles in Great Britaine, I heartily wish may sometime come to light.


MOntrose when he had waited for Aboine with his forces out of the North now three weeks, ei­ther [Page 249] on his march or in Strath-Erne; and perceived that the R [...]bels began to grow more outrageous towards the prisoners being impatient of further delay crosseth over the Forth, and came into Leven: & he encamped upon the land of Sir Iohn Buchanan the Ringleader of the Covenanters in those parts, expecting that by that meanes, lying so near Glascow, he might fright the Re­bells (who then kept a Convention of Estates there) from the murther of the prisoners. To which end fa­cing the City every day with his Horse, he wasted the enemies Country without any resistances although at that time for the guard of the Estates and City they had three thousand Horse in their quarters, and he not full three hundred, & twelve hundred Foot. Not­withstanding before his coming down into Leven, the Covenanters assoon as they understood that Huntley & Montrose agreed not, and that Aboine and his men had deserted him in upper Marre, as a prologue to the en­suing Tragedy, had beheaded three stout and gallant Gentlemen.

The first was Sir William Rollock, one of whom we have had often occasion to make hononrable men­tion; a valiant & expert man, dear unto Montrose from a childe, and faithfull unto him to his last breath. The chief of his crimes was that he would not pollute his hands with a most abominable murder. For being sent from Montrose with an expresse to the King afte [...] the battell of Aberdene, he was taken prisoner by the Enemy, & was condemned unto death, which he had not escaped except for fear of death he had harkened nto Arg [...]yle, (who most unworthily set a price upo [...] [Page 150] Montroses head, and promised great rewards, honours, and preferments to whomsoever should bring it in) and had taken upon himself to commit that treason which he abhorred with all his soule. By which shift having his life & liberty givē him, he returned straight to Montrose, and discovered all unto him, beseeching him to be more carefull of himself, for not he onely (vvho heartily detested so high a villany) but many more, had been offered great matters, most of whom would use their best endeavours to dispatch him.

The next was Alexander Ogleby, of whom we also spake before, eldest son to Sir Iohn Ogleby of Innercarit, descended of an ancient family, and much renowned in the Scottish Chronicles. He was but yet a youth (scarce twenty,) but valiant above his age, and of a present and daring spirit. Nor can I hear or so much as conjecture what they had to lay to his charge, but that new and unheard of Treason, to wit, his bounded duty and loyalty to his King. But there vvas no help for't but Arg [...]yle must needs sacrifice that hopeful youth if it had been for nothing but his names sake, for he bare an implacable fewd to the Oglebyes. The third vvas Sir Philip Nesbit, of an ancient family also, and Chief of it next his Father; who had done honoura­ble service in the Kings Army in England, and had the command of a Regiment there. Nor can I discover any reason they had to put him to death neither, (be­sides that which is used when they have nothing else to say, that mad charge of the new high Treason, ex­cept it was that their guilty consciences suggested un­to them that that courageous and viglant man might [Page 151] take occasion sometime hereafter to be even with thē for the horrid injuries they had done his Father & his Family. However these men suffer'd a noble death with patience and constancy, as became honest men and good Christians. And unto these there are two brave Irish Gentlemen that deserve to be joyned, Co­lonell O-Cahen & Colonel Laghlin, odious unto the Re­bels only for this impardonable crime, that they had had many experiments of their courage and gallantry. These Irish Gentlemen were murthered indeed at E­dinburgh, but many more were doom'd to the like exe­cutiō at Glascow had not Mōtroses unexpected approach within a few miles of the City had so much influence that it repriev'd them till another time. The Lord Go­vernour was very much perplexed with the newes of these mens death, & it was a question whether he was more vex't at the cruel [...]y of the Rebells, or the negligē ­ce if not treachety of his friends. For besides Huntley, whose Forces he had so long in vaine expected to co­me with his son Aboine, Mac-donell also himself (of whō he entertained an exceeding good opinion) being oftē sent unto, & invited also by the nearnesse of the place, although the time appointed by himself was already past & gone, made no appearance of his approach. Six weeks had now passed since Aboine had engaged him­self for the Northern Forces & the winter (then which our age never saw sharper) was already deeply entred. Besides the aids that the King had sent under the com­mād of the Lord Dig [...]y were defeated: al which might easily have been salv'd, and the Kingdome reduced a­gaine, if those great Professors of loyalty had not plaid [Page 152] loose in that good Cause. Therefore at last on the 20. of November, Montrose departing from Levin, and passing over the Mountains of Taich, now covered with deep snow, through woods and bogges whose names I do not at this time well remember, crossing also through Strath-Erne & over the Tay, returned into Athole. There he met Captain Ogleby and Captain Nesbit, whom he had formerly sent with the Kings in­structions unto Huntley. And they bring word the man was obstinate and inflexible, who would beleeve no­thing that they said; & when they unfolded unto him the Kings Commands answered scornfully. That he understood all the Kings businesse better then they or the Gou­vernour himself; and neither he nor any of his Children should have any thing to doe with him. Moreover he sharply & threatningly reproved his friends & clients, who had willingly assisted Montrose, and dealt worse with them then with Rebells. Neverthelesse the Lord Gover­nour thought best to take no notice of any of these things, but bear with them; & whiles he treats with the Athole men for the setling of the Militia of that Countrey, he sends again unto Huntley by Sir Iohn Da­lyell, as a more fit mediator of friendship. Who was To informe him of the danger the King and Kingdome was in, and so of the present misery that hung over his & all faithfull Subjects heads; and to make it appear unto him that it was no ones but his and his sons fault, both that they had not brought in the supplies into Scotland which the King had sent, and that the prisoners, who were gallant and faithfull men, had been so cruelly butchered; and that yet there were many more remai­ning that had near relations to Huntley himself & some also [Page 153] of the prime Nobility, whom the Rebels would cut of after the same fashion unlesse they were now at last relieved. And lastly, to pray and beseech him that at least he would grant the Kings Governor the favour of a friendly conference, promising he would give him abun­dant satisfaction.

Huntley although he answered Dalyel in all things according to his wonted peevishnesse, yet he was most of all averse to a Conference; as fearing (seeing he should have nothing to answer to his arguments and reasons) the presence, the confidence, and the wisdome of so excellent a man. But Montrose, assoon as things were setled in Athole, that he might leave nothing unattempted that might possibly bring him to better thoughts; resolved, dissembling all injuries, and obliging him by all good offices, to surprise him, and be friends with him whether he would or no; and to treat with him concerning all things that concern'd his Majesties service. Therefore in the moneth of De­cember he forced his way very hardly through rivers and brooks, that were frozen indeed, but not so hard as to bear mens waight, over the tops of hills and crag­gy rocks, in a deep snow; and passing through Angus and over Gransbaine, drew his Forces into the North: and almost before he was discover'd marched with a few men into Strathbogy, where Huntley then liv'd. But he being struck with his unexpected approach, upon the first newes he heard of him, lest he should be forced to a Conference against his will, immediately fled to Bogie, a Castle of his situated upon the mouth of the Spey; as if he intended to ferry over the river and to wage war against the Rebelles in Murray.

[Page 154] And now it comes into my minde briefly to enquire what night be the reason why Huntley bore such a spleen against Mō ­trose, who had never givē him any distaste, but had obliged him with courtesies many times undeserved. Nor could I ever hear nor so much as guesse at any other cause but a weak and impo­tent (emulatiō I cannot call it, but) envy of his surpassing worth & honour. For I should be loath to say that his minde was ever alienated from the King, but onely averse unto Montrose; with the unjust hatred of whom he was so possest, that he precipitated himself into many unexcusable mistakes; insomuch as he desi­red rather al things were lost then that Montrose should have the honour of saving them. And now being already [...] puffed up with an unbeseeming conceit of himself, he was the more exceeding­ly enraged against him upon the remembrance of those injuries and disgraces he had heretofore throwne upon him; & that was the chief reason (as I take it) that he so often avoided the sight of him. For, besides what we have occasionally delivered, both the father and the sons had put neither few nor small af­fronts upon the Kings Vicegerent; some few of which it will not be out of our way to relate.

The great guns which we told you Montrose had hid in the ground the last year, they digging them up without his know­ledge, carried away in a kinde of triumph, and disposed of them in their owne Castles as if they had been spoiles taken from the Enemy, and would not restore them upon demand. But those Montrose had got in the fights at Saint Iohan towne and at Aberde­ne; in the former of which there was never a man present of that Family, and in the other Lewis Gordon and his men fought on the enemies side. Besides they so converted unto their own use the Gunpowder, and Arms, and other necessaries of War, which were gained from the enemy, and only deposited in their Castles as in safe and convenient store-houses, that they would never make any restitution of the least part of them when they were desired. Moreover Aboine upon his returne home after the victory of Kilfythe set at liberty the Earle of Keith Lord Marshall of Scotland, a [...]d the Lord Viscount Arbuthnot, & other [Page 155] men of quality of the Enemies side who were within his custo­dy, without acquainting the Governour of the Kingdome, and his brother-in-law young Drumme (who by chance was present) earnestly declaring his dislike of it. Vpon what termes he did it, it is uncertain, but this is evident, that (besides the affront done to the Lord Gouvernour, and the losse of Dunotter Castle, which was of great strength and concernment in that Warre, & other Military advantages they got by it) the Rebells would never have had the boldnesse to fall so cruelly upon the Priso­ners, if he had but kept them in safe custody.

Yet more, by his own private authority, he exacted Tributes, and Customes, and Taxes, (which the Go­vernour himself had never done) upon pretence in­deed of maintaining the War, but in truth to far other uses, and to the grievous prejudice of the Kings cause. Last of all (which is most to be lamented) either at the intreaty of the enemy, or for smal sums of money, they had enlarged the prisonners that had been taken in the former Battells in the North, and committed to custo­dy in their Castles. Nor would they permit them to Montroses disposall, though being prisoners of Warre he had reserved thē for that only purpose, by exchan­ging them to save the lives of Gallant and deserving men. Huntley being pricked in his conscience about all these things, was alwayes as afraid of Montroses pre­sence as of a Pest-house.

But Montrose for all that, passing by injuries, and lay­ing aside all other matters, bestowed his whole endea­vours in the promoting of the Kings service. And to that end he was resolved to intrude himself into his company though never so unwelcome, to insinuate into his friendship upon any conditions, to yeeld unto him in all things, and to deny nothing so that he might [Page 156] qualifie Huntleys imbitr'd spirit. Therefore leaving his Forces in their quarters, he posted early in the morning with a few Horse unto Bogie, and by his un [...] dream't of approach prevented Huntley of any oppo [...]tunity of flying or hiding himself. Assoon as the [...] met Montrose forgetting all that was past, invited him in smooth and gentle language to associate with him in the War for the safety of the King & Kingdome; & gave him so full satisfaction in all things, that as being at last overcome he seem'd to give him his hand. An [...] promised that not only all his men but he himse [...] would come in person in the head of them, and be [...] with him with all possible speed. Afterward they lai [...] their heads together concerning the manner of mana­ging the War, and agreed that Huntley wa [...]ting over the Spey should make his way on the right hand by the se [...] coast of Murray, and Montrose was to go round abou [...] on the left hand through Strath-Spey, which was at tha [...] time of the year a very tedious and difficult march; an [...] so the design was to besiege Innernes, a Garrison of th [...] Enemies, on both sides: and in the mean time to dra [...] the Earl of Seaford either by fairemeans or foule t [...] their side. That Garrison however it might appear [...] to be othervvise strong and and vvel fortified, yet [...] very ill provided for victuall and other requisites, which in that sharp Winter & tempestuous Sea coul [...] hardly be had. And so novv they seem'd to be agree [...] in all things so that Aboine and his brother Lewis vvish [...] damnatiō to themselves if they did not continue con­stant in their fidelity & service to Montrose to their [...] most breath. And the rest of the Gordons, the Marque [...] [Page 157] ses friends, were surprised with incredible joy, & mad as much of their Lord and Chief, as if he had been re­turned from the dead.


MOntrose supposing Huntleys spirit at last pacified, and seriously inclined to joyne with him in the prosecution of the Warre, marched with his Forces through Strath-Spey towards Innernesse. And the more to a muse the Enemy on every side, he lent his co­sen Patrick Graham (of whose worth I have had often occasion to speak) and Iohan Drummond of Ball the younger (a Gentleman of approved trust and valour, who had often done excellent service) with authority and Commission unto the Athole-men, that if any should offer to strirre in those parts they should neglect no opportunity to suppresse them. The Athole-men being encouraged by their authority & example, she­wed themselves very ready and chearfull: And they wanted not long an occasion to shew it, for the re­mainder of the Arg ylian party (either by reason of a Generall scarcity of all things in their own Country, or being driven out of their Country for fear of Mac­donell, who was very strong, and threatned their runie) fell upon the Mac-gregories and Mac-nabis who sided with Montrose. And afterward joyning unto themselves the Stuart which inhabite Balwidir, and the Menises, and other Highlanders who still followed Arg yles fortune, were reported to make up some fif­teen hundred men; and were ready to invade Athole [Page 158] [...]nlesse timely opposed. And truly they had already [...] red an Iland in Logh-Torchet after they had taken it b [...] force & pillaged it, & had besieged Ample Castle whic [...] lyeth on the side of the river of that name. Which a [...] soon as they had intelligence of, the Athole-men, be­ing only seven hundred in all, under the command [...] the aforesaid Graham & Drummond, thought best to op­pose them before they brake in into their Countrey.▪ They upon the alarme of the advance of the Athole- [...] raised the siege of Ample & retreated toward Taich. Th [...] Athole-men pursued them hotly, & finde them in bat­tell-aray not farre from Kalendar a Castle of Taich. Fo [...] they had possessed a ford, and manned the bank on the other side (which was fortified with a steep hill) with a number of musquetiers. Which when the Athole-men saw, & perceived that their Forces were not so strong as was reported (for they had not above twelve hun­dred men) although they themselves were scarce se­ven hundred strong, yet being heartned by the gallan­try and encouragement of their Commanders, they were resolved not to stay to receive the enemies char­ge, but to charge them. Therefore they place a hun­dred good souldiers over against the enemy, as it we­re to make good the Ford on the other side, & the rest marched away unto another Ford near the Castle, that they might get over the river there. The Arg ylians when they perceived the Athole-men so resolute, re­treat straight towards Sterling. Then first of all those Athole-men that were left below at the Ford, possesse themselves of the bank which the enemy had quit, af­ter that they fall upon the Rear of the retreaters, cut [Page 159] off som, scatter others, drive others forward; & the rest of the Athole-men following hard after, put them all to flight. Fourscore of them were slain, the rest escaped by flight: who fared the better because that same mor­ning the Athole mē had had a foule & [...]edious march of ten miles long, & had no horse at all to help thēselves. So they having come of with credit returned home.

At that time the Rebells held their Convention of Estates at Saint Andrews, which they polluted with the Innocent and I feare crying bloud of men never suffi­ciently to be commended. They had amongst their pri [...]oners some very eminent men, as appeared by the hatred the Rebells bare them, (for they scarce sought the bloud of any but the best of men, but for others of whom they were not so much affraid, they satisfied themselves only with their Sequestration & Plunder,) amongst whō were the Lord Ogleby, Sir William Spots­wood, William Murray a noble young Gentleman, and Andrew Gutherey a stout Gentleman & an active, whom they determied to put to death in that City, to appease the Ghosts of the mē of that Province with their bloud of whom it is reported above five thousand had been slaine in severall battells. Now, because they intended not to proceed against them by Law, but according to their own lusts, they have recourse to their old shifts, & make Religion draw the curtaine over their cruelty To which purpose they set up their Prophets Kant and Blaire, & others that were possessed with the same spi­rit, who [...]oar'd out of their Pulpits, bloudy Oracles be­fore the people; That God required the bloud of those men, nor could the sins of the Nation be otherwise expiated, or the revenge of heaven diverted.

[Page 160] And by this art especially they provoked the hearts of the people (otherwise inclined to pity) to thinke upon them as accursed things, and own'd and devo­ted to destruction; perswading them that they ough [...] to have no protection of humane Lawes, nor any Ad­vocate to plead for them whom God himself indited and accus'd. Nor did those excellent interpreters and deciders of Gods secret will make any scruple to sentence the soules, and bodies, and all of so great De­linquents unto hell and damnation. And having by this means blinded the people, it was easie for them who were their accusers & judges both, to condemne the innocent men who were destitute of al patronage and protection.

But Ogleby, who was not onely the most eminent of them for Nobility and powr, but also was a Hamilton by his mothers side, and cousen-german to Lindsey, pretending himself sick, with much adoe got so much favour as to have his mother, wife, and sisters suffered to visite him in prison. Which when he had obtain'd, whilst his keepers in reverence to the honourable La­dies, vvithdrevv out of his chamber, he immediately puts on his sisters govvne vvhich she had put off, and vvas dressed in all her attire. She also put on his cap in vvhich he used to lie sick in bed, and lay dovvn in­stead of her brother. At last many salutations and some tears passing on both sides, at eight of the clock in the night, in the habite and likenesse of his sister he deceived his keepers vvho lighted him out vvith cād­les and torches. And immediately departing the City, he took a horse (vvhich he had laid for him) vvith tvvo [Page 161] of his followers, and before morning was got out of danger. But when the next day his observant keepers had found out their mistake, Arg yle was so unable to containe his wrath and revenge, that he would needs have the noble Ladies (and the more noble for this their compassion and adventure) brought in question for it. But he could not effect it, for by reason of the equity of their cause, they found much stronger friēds then he could, of the Hamiltons and Lindsey; by whose connivence it is conceived by many that all this Co­medy was acted; but in a thing that is uncertaine I shall determine nothing.

This cleanly conveiance of Ogleby out of their hands vext the Rebells exceedingly, and made them almost wilde; whence it happened that they made a quick dispatch of the rest. And the first that suffered was Colonell Nat [...]aniel Gordon, a man of excellent endow­ments, both of body and minde. Who being near unto his death, bitterly lamented with many tears that the carriage of his youth had been much otherwise then it ought to have been. And when being ready to die, they offered him an Instrument to signe, where­in he vvas to testifie his repentance, he subscribed it without any more adoe; and withall call'd God, and his Angels, and the men there present to witnesse, that if any thing was contained in that paper which vvas contrary to the King, his Crown, or authority, he ut­terly disavovved it. Then being absolved from the sentence of Excommunication under vvhich he lay for adultery long since committed, to the great grief of the beholders he laid down his neck upō the block. [Page 162] A man subject indeed to that fault, but famous for his valour & souldiership both in forraign Countries and at home.

The next that was brought upon the Scaffold yet reeking with the bloud of Colonell Gordon, was a man worthy of everlasting memory. Sir Robert Spotswood, one rais'd by the favour of King Iames & King Charles unto great honours, as his singular vertues did merit. King Iames made him a Knight, & a privy Counsellor: King Charles advanced him to be Lord President of the Session, and now but of late Principall Secretary of Scotland. This excellent man (although his very Ene­mies had nothing to lay to his charge through all his life) they found guilty of high Treason; which is yet the more to be lamented, because he never bore armes against them; for his eminency lay in the way of peace not knowing what belong'd to drawing of a Sword. This was therefore the onely charge that they laid a­gainst him; That by the Kings command he brought his letters Patēts unto Montrose, whereby he was made Vice-roy of the Kingdome, and General of the army. Neverthelesse he proved at large that he had done no­thing in that, but according to the custom of their An­cestors, & the Lawes of the land. And truly he seemed in his most elegant Defence to have given satisfaction to all men except his judges, (whom the Rebells had pick't out from amongst his most malicious enemies that sought his death,) so that questiōlesse they would never have pronounc'd that dolefull sentence, if they had but the least tincture of Iustice or honesty. But to speak the truth, a more powerfull envy then his Inno­cency [Page 163] was able to struggle with undid the good man; For the Earl of Lanerick having been heretofore Prin­cipal Secretary of the Kingdome of Scotland, by his re­volt unto the Rebells forced the most gracious and bountifull King to the whole family of the Hamiltons, to take that Office frō so unthankfull a man & bestow it on another: nor was there any one found more wor­thy thē Spotswood to be advanced to so high an honour. And hence happened that great weight of envy & re­venge to be thrown upon him, which seeing he was not able to bear out, he was forced to fall under.

And now Spotswood being about to die, abating no­thing of his wonted constancy and gravity, according to the custome of the Country made a Speech unto the people. But that Sacrilegious thief Blair, who stood by him upon the Scaffold against his wil, fearing the eloquence and undauntednesse of so gallant a man lest the mysteries of Rebellion should be discovered) by one of his gravity and authority) unto the people, (who use most attentively to hear, and tenaciously to remember the words of dying men) procured the Provost of the City (who had been once a servant to Spotswoods Father) to stop his mouth. Which insolent, and more then ordinary discourtesie, he took no no­tice of; but letting his Speech unto the people alone, he wholly bestowed himself in devotions and prayers to Almighty God. Being interrupted againe, & that very importunately, by that busie and troublesom fel­low Blair, and asked, Whether he would not have him and the people to pray for the salvation of his soule? He made ans­wer, That he desired the Prayers of the people, but for his impi­ous [Page 164] Prayers which were abominable unto God, he desir'd not to trouble him. And added moreover, That of all the pla­gues with which the offended Majesty of God had scourged that Nation, this was much the greatest (greater then the Sword, or Fire, or Pestilence) that for the sins of the people, God had sent a lying Spirit into the mouth of the Prophets. With which free & undeniable saying, Blaire finding himself galled grew so extremely in passion, that he could not hold from scurrilous & contumelious language against his father who had beē long dead, & against himself who was now a dying; aproving himself a fine Preacher of Christian patience & Longanimity the while. But all these things Spotswood having his minde fixed upon hig­her matters, passed by with silence and unmoved. At last being undaunted, & shewing no alteration neither in his voyce nor countenance, when he laid down his neck to the fatal stroke, these were his last words, Mer­cifull Iesu, gather my soule unto thy Saints and Martyrs who have run before me in this race. And certainly seeing Martyrdome may be undergone not only for the Cō ­fession of our Faith, but for any vertue by which holy men make their Faith manifest; there is no doubt but he hath received that Crown.

And this was the end (a dolefull end indeed in re­gard of us, but a joyfull and honourable one in him,) of a man admirable for his knowledge of things Divi­ne and Humane; for his skill in the Tongues, Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriack, Arabick, besides the Western Langua­ges; for his knowledge in History, Law, & Politiques; the Honour and Ornament of his Country and our Age for the integrity of his life, for his Fdelity, for [Page 165] his Iustice, for his Constancy; a man of an even tem­per and ever agreeing with himself; whose Youth had no need to be ashamed of his Child-hood, nor his ri­per years of his Youth; a severe observer of the old [...] fashion'd pie [...]y with all his soule, & yet one that was no vain & i [...]perstitious Profes [...]our of it before others; a man easie to be made a friend, & very hard to be mad an Enemy, and who being now dead was exceedingly lamented evē by many Covenanters. His breath [...]esse, body Hugh Scrimiger once his fathers se [...]vant took care to bring fo [...]th, as the times would permit, with a pri­vate funerall. Nor was he long able to bear so great a sorrow & losse; for after a few dayes spying that blou­dy Scaffold not yet removed out of the place, imme­diately he fell into a svvoon, and being carried home by his servants and neighbours, died at his very door.

Lastly, they give unto Spotswood another companion in death, Andrew Gutherey son unto the most deserving Bishop of Murray, and hated the more by the Rebe [...]s for that. A youth as well valiant in battell, as constant in suffering and contemning death. He also vvas threatned & rail'd at by the same Blaire, but answered, That no greater honour could have be done him, then to be put to an honest death in the behalfe of so good a King, and so just a Cause; which those that were present should see he embraced without fear, and perhaps another generation would not report without praise. For his sins he humbly begged mercy a [...]d forgi­venesse at the hands of his most gracious LordGod; but for that for which he stood there condemned, he was not much troubled. After this manner died with constancy and courage a man who if Almighty God had so thought fit had beē worthy of a longer life.

[Page 166] And that now they might put the last Scene to a Tragedy of which most part was acted, after two dayes breathing they brought forth William Murray, bro­ther to the Earl of Tullibardin, a young Gentlemen, to the same place. And truly every man much ad­mired, that his brother being in great favour & esteem amongst the Covenanters, had not interceded for the life and safety of his own onely brother. Some im­puted it to his floth, others to his covetounesse, as gaping after his brothers estate, others to his stupid & superstitious zeale to the Cause; but even all, the very Covenanters themselves, condemned his silence in such a case as dishonourable, and mis-becoming a No­ble spirit. But the Youth himself, being not above nineteen years old, purchased unto himself everlasting renovvn with posterity for so honest and honourable an end. Amongst those few-things which he spake to the people, those that heard him told me these words, which he spake with a higher voyce then the rest; Account (O my Countrimen) that a new and high ad­dition of honour is this day atcheived to the house of Tulli­bardin and the whole Nation of the Murrays, that a young man descended of that ancient stock, willingly and chearfully delivered up his innocent soule (as unto men) in the very flower of his youth, for his King, the Father of his Country, and the most munificent Patron of our Family. Nor let my most honoured mother, my dear sisters, my kindred, or any of my friends be sorry for the shortnesse of my life, which is abundantly recompenced with the honourablenesse of my death. Pray for my soule, and God be with you.


THe death of his friends troubled Montrose excee­dingly; as it had reason; but yet it was not able to break or shake his firm and setled resolution. Nor did his noble and more then ordinarily elevated spirit ever give greater evidences of it self then now. For there were many who being enraged with the unworthy murder of their friends egg'd him on being already sufficiently discontended, to a present revenge. And whiles they too much favoured their grief (although it wast just) and seem'd to desire nothing but was fit, to wit, to render them like for like, they wearied out the Generall with their many, and troublesome, and un­seasonable complaints. For they must needs be angry, that their companions, their friends, their kindred, noble and gallant Gentlemen, vvel deserving of their King, their Country, and the Generall himself, should be murther'd contrary to their faith promised them, the custome of vvar, the Law of the Land, of Nati­ons, and of Nature, and all unreveng'd: and on the other side such Rebells as had been taken by him to be kept rather as in their friends houses then in prisons, to rejoyce, to triumph, tolaugh at their sorrow: And therefore they humbly desired such prisoners might be tryed as Malefactors; nor would the Enemy be otherwise frighted from their unheard of cruelty, nor the minds of his own men otherwise satisfied and raised up. Whom he entertained with a courteous Speech, commended them for the love they bare their friēds, & told thē, That the bloud of those honourable and in­nocent [Page 168] Subjects ought to be reveng'd endeed, but such a way as became ho­nest and valiant men; not by basenesse and mischief as the Rebells doe, but by true valour, in a Soldier-like way. It concerned them so to tame, as not to imitate the wickednesse of their Enemies. Nor, if they considered matters well, was it conscience, that those that were priso­ners with them, and so could not be accessary unto the murther of their frinds, should suffer for those sins of which they were innocent. The faith that they had passed uuto them was a most sacred things, and to be kept inviolate even by Enemies. VVhy should they make themselves guilty of that which they so much abhorred in their Enemies? The time would come when they must give a severe account of it [...] the [...]ost righte [...]us God, and to his Vice-gerent the King. In the meane time (saith he) let them set a price upon our heads, let them hire Assas­sines, let them send in their instruments amongst us to murther us, let them make promises and breake them, yet they shall never effect that we shall contend with them in an emulation which shall be worse, or any otherwise then upon honourable and virtuous termes.

Now Huntley, who intended nothing lesse thē what he promised Montrose before his face, having passed over the Spey, and entred into Murray, trifled away his time, and wasted his strength without either ho­nour or profit, a good way off Innernesse. For giving his minde too much to prey and spoile, after he had wasted the Country; he heard a flying report that the inhabitants had hid their Gold and Silver, and the best of their stuffe in certaine [...] and obscure Cast­les. Which willes he assaults in vaine, and could nei­ther by commands, nor intreaties be taken off from his resolution, the Enemy sending in provision on that side which he had undertaken to block up, relived Innernesse vvith all things that they wanted. Which if he had hindered, as he undertook unto Montrose, the garrison vvould have been shortly forced to yeeld. [Page 169] And Montrose having now received intelligence that Major Generall Middelton was come with six hundred Horse and eight hundred Foot as far as Aberdene, and was like to lay waste Huntleys and the Gordons Coun­try, sent Colonell William Stuart unto Huntley to en­treat him to return again unto the siege of Innernesse ac­cording to his engagement: Or if he did not aprove so well of that, because the Enemy was advanced so near his Territories, he should perswade him to joyne his Forces with his, and to march immediately towards the Enemy, whom he doubted not with an easie ha­zard to overthrow. To which he answered scornful­ly, that he vvould look to his ovvn businesse himself, nor did he need the help and assistance of Montrose to drive the Enemy out of his borders. At last after ten weeks spent in the siege of a small inconsiderable Cast­le, and the losse of all the forvvardest of his men, he was forced vvith dishonour to raise the siege, when he vvas never the nearer. And in contempt not so much of Montrose, as of the Kings Majesty, he retrea­ted to the Spey without the consent or Knowledge of the Vice-roy: giving thereby a very bad example to all men, vvho began to come in thick and three-fold with great eargernesse unto the Kings party.

Amongst whom the chiefest for vvealth & povver, and multitudes of followers & dependants were the Earl of Seaford, the Lord Rose, and from the furthest I­lands Sir Iames Mac-donell, Chief of a most povverful and ancient family in the Highlands; Macklen also & Glenger the Captain of the Mac-Renalds, (& many more) who were some of them already in Montroses Army [Page 170] with their Forces, others had sent for theirs. And by this means before the end of March, Montrose might have fallē down into the Low-lands with a farre grea­ter Army then ever the Scots produc'd in the memory of man. But the unexpected revolt of so great a perso­nage did not lesse encourage the Rebells to persevere in their course, then scandalize and discourage honest and loyall hearts. Whence it happened that those whose men were already come up to the Army began to draw off, & steal away privately, and others to make excuses for their delay. All which put together made Montrose to cast about another way. For he resolved (seeing he could doe no good with vain, light, waver­ing and inconstant men by gentlenesse & good offices) to reduce thē to his obediēce by his authority backed vvith the strength of armes and severe penalties; and to that end to force all the Highlanders and North coun­trimen, to take up armes, by marching in amongst thē with a confiding party of good souldiers. For he vvel knew that many Governours & leading men in their respective Countries, and Chiefs of Septs were of his side unto whom this course would be very acceptable. Nor did he question but the chief and most powerfull of the Gordons being weary of their Lords miscarriage, would doe him the best service they could if need was, though it ran counter unto Huntleys designe. However he was resolved to use al fair means, if that would doe, before he would put them to the cost of that last and sharpest remedy.

But because Inn [...]rnesse was the most considerable gar­rison of all the North, and the haven there most com­modious [Page 171] for intertaining forraigne Forces, he desired nothing more then to reduce that: therefore he sur­rounded it with the Forces he had. For the Enemies Army under the Command of Middelton was above fourscore miles off, & Huntley and the Gordons half way between them in a body. Therefore Montrose dealt a­gain with Huntley to perswade him not to lose his time, but (as they had agreed, to joyne with him in the siege of Innernesse; or at least to hover about the Spey, over which the Enemy was to passe, & to hinder their pas­sage if they advanced to raise the siege; and if they chanced to get over to joyn their Forces together and fight thē. To all which he answered so disdainfully, that the Vice-roy thought it hig time to despair of any good frō him, and conceived himself engaged to look better to himself lest at last he should betray him. So that putting no confidēce in Huntley, he sent back three Troops of Horse to lie at the Fords of the Spey, to ob­serve the motiō of the Enemy; & if they came, to send him often & certain intelligence. And they quartering thēselves in the most advantageous places for scouting were carefull enough to observe his commands; untill Lewes Gordon, Huntleys son, who then commanded the Castle of Lothes, plaid a more shamefull prank then any he ever did before. He assured those Captains of horse whom Montrose had set to guard the Fords of the Spey, that the enemy lay very far off and intended nothing lesse then to passe that river & raise the siege; & there­fore he perswaded thē (who took him for a most faith­ful friend) to let alone their needlesse guards (to which they had been appointed) and to come to his Castle [Page 172] to refresh themselves; and with many complements invited them to a feast which he had provided for thē [...] and they had no more wit then to trust him and go. He entertained them with a huge deal of courtesie, & besides very dainty chear plyed them with good sto [...] of wine and strong waters. And with a great deal of jollity and ceremonious courtesie, detain'd them so long till Middelton with a great Army of Horse and Foot had got over the Spey, and had gotten footing in Murray. Which assoō as he had notice of, he at length dismist them, and that with these jeering termes; Go [...] now to your Generall Montrose, who will have a sharper bo [...] now then he had at Selkirk Meane time the enemy march straight and eagerly towards Montrose, & those Horse getting past them with much ado, came not much before them to Innernesse, insomuch as they seem'd to be but the Van of the enemy, and Middeltons whole▪ Army followed within cannon shot. But, as the pro­vidence of God would have it, Montrose had notice of their approach another way and having drawn off his Forces a little way from the Town had got them al in­to a body. And when he perceiv'd the Enemy to be much too strong for him in Horse, avoiding the plain, he retreated with his men beyond the Nesse. The ene­my falling upon his Rear, and being handsomly repul [...]sed, kept thēselves also close. The losse on both sid's was very little, and a most equall. Montrose, pas­sed by Bewly into Rosse, whither the Enemy pursued him, that taking him in the Champain ground which was disadvantageous to him, they might compel him to fight whether he would or no. But besides tha [...] [Page 173] the enemy was much stronger then he, the Country people being faithlesse & rotten, and Seafords new rai­sed men running a way by companies from their Co­lours, moved him with all the speed he could to save himself from the Enemies Horse. Therefore passing by Logh-Nesse, and through Strath-Glasse, & Harrage, he advanced unto the bank of the Spey.

Montrose was resolved to proceed against Huntley as a publick enemy, unlesse he repented; but would try all fair means first, to see whether it was possible to bring him into a better minde. To which end taking with him only one Troop of Horse for his life-guard, in al speed he rid twenty miles unto him to his castle at Bogy. And as he was on his way, he sent one before to give him notice of his approach; & to tell him that he came thither alone & without his Forces, to no other end then then to kisse his hand, and to be advised by him concerning such things as concerned the Kings service; & he was the more earnest to speak with him, because he had newly received letters from the King from Oxford, which he would let him see. But Huntley being affrighted with the first news of Montroses ap­proach, was so averse frō the presence of so gallant a mā that in a trice he leapt on horse-back, & with one man along with him, ran a way any way he car'd not whi­ther; nor vouchsafed the Kings Viceroy the favour of a conference or entertainment. Which assoon as Mon­trose understood, he returned back those twenty miles the same day being the 27 of May; and was as carefull as he could possibly to conceale this frovvasrdnesse & unrulinesse of Huntleys, lest it should be a bad president. [Page 174] themselves and others of Huntleys friends, being most of them very honest men and complete Gentlemen, told all with a great deal of indignation, and detestatiō of Huntley; that by that means they might acquit thē ­selves from the aspersion of so unworthy an act.

Nor can one easily say how great influence that mans example had upon other Northern men: The Earl of Seaford, who had beē but lately, & with much adoe reconciled to the Kings side, was conceived to begin to falter; and some say that being still unsetled, he had then underhand dealings for the making of his peace with the Covenanters, which truly I can hardly believe. And Alexander Mac-donell himself, pretending I know not what, although he had had often and serious invitation, made nothing but sleevelesse excu­ses and put-offs from day to day. Which carriage of his gave occasion of strange reports of him, as if he, although he was a bitter enemy [...] Arg yle, yet had great correspondence with, and relations unto the Ha­meltons; and therefore staid at home, and looked only upon the preservation of the Mac-donells, not medling with publique affaires. Which whē Montrose conside­red, he resolved without further delay to make his pro­gresse over all the North country and Highlands with a considerable party, to list souldiers, to encourage the well disposed, to reduce those that were refractory by the severity of the Lawes & condigne punishment; & to deal with them as men use to do with, sick children make them take physick whether they wil or no. And he wanted not fitting instrumnets to promore this de­signe, who had earnestly labored with him to take that course.

[Page 175] While these things passed at Innernesse, Huntley, lest he should be thought never to have done any thing by his own conduct without the assistance of Montrose, besieged and took in Aberdene, (which Middleton kept with five hundred men) but with more losse to Hunt­ley himself then to the Enemy. For, besides the losse of many valiant Souldiers, he gave his Highlanders leave to pillage the City. But what fault those poore innocent Aberdene-mē had made either against the King or Huntley let them judge, who know that almost all of them were eminent and observed for their loyalty. But for the enemy whō he took in Armes, who were both many, and of very good account amongst their own party, he dismist them freely without any condi­tions, and look't fawningly upon them, rather like a Petitioner then a Conquerour. Nor vvhen he had many Colonels, Knights, and others of quality (who by chance were found in Aberdene) in his hands, did he so much as think of exchanging any one of his own friends for them, many of whom were prisoners ei­ther in Scotland or England. But this was his humour, being alwayes more ready to doe good for his Ene­mies then his friends.


MOntrose being busie about his designe, on the last of May there came unto him a Herald with Cō ­mands from the King, who by I know not what mis­fortune had cast himself upon the Scotch Covenan­ters Army at Newcastle) whereby he was required forth with to lay dovvn his Armes and disband, and [Page 176] to depart into France, and there to waite his Majesties further pleasure. He being astonished with this unex­pected message, bitterly bewailed the sad condition of the King, that had forced him to cast himself upon the mercy of his most deadly enemies. And doubted not but that that command which was given him for dis­banding was extorted from him by the craft, or force, or threats of the Rebells into whose hands he had fal­len. But what should he do in that case? If he obeyed he must give over the estates of his friends to plunder & their lives to death; & if he stood in arms against the Kings commad, he should be guilty of that crime he undertook to scourge in others, Rebellion. And espe­cially he was afraid lest the Rebels should put his acti­ons upon the Kings account, & use him the worse for them, seeing they had him in their power: of which the King had given him a fair hint in his letter.

Therefore Montrose resolved to call together all the Noblemen, and Chiefs of Septs, & Knights, & others of quality that were of his side; that a matter of that consequence which concern'd them all might be dis­cust by generall consent. To which end, after he had received so many injuries from him, he dispatcheth Sir Iohn Hurrey and Sir Iohn Innes, being men of greatest ac­count in his Army, & (as he conceived) most in Huntleys favour, unto him to desire him to be present at that so serious Consultation, & referr'd unto him the appoint­ment of the time and place. And to tell him moreover, that Montrose was willing to come to his Castle if he thought fit. Huntley answer'd; That the King had sent him letters also to the same effect, which he was resolved to obey; that the [Page 177] Kings commands were of that nature as not to admit of second thoughts and after them nothing was left for consultation. When they replyed, that that likely was Montroses opi­nion too, and that he was as ready as any other to give obe­dience to the Kings Commands, if they were not forced; how­ever it concern'd them all to provide in time for the safety of them and theirs. And that the credit aud authority of what they resolved upon would be greater, even in the opinion of the enemies themselves, if they made a joynt and unanimous reso­lution. He made no other answer then that he had resol­ved for himself, and would have nothing to doe with any body else.

Montrose there fore sends his answer to the King by letters, wherein he was very inquisitive of the condi­tion he was in amongst the Covenanters, and whether he conceiv'd himself safe in their hands? and also whe­ther his service could be beneficiall unto him any fur­ther? And, if he was fully determin'd to have that Ar­my disbanded which fought for him (whiles the ene­my in both Kingdomes were in a military posture, and crow'd over them more & more) what course should be taken for the security of the lives and fortunes of his most gallant and faithfull Subjects, who had spent their bloud and all that was deare unto them for his sake? For it was a lamentable case if so excellent m [...]n should be left to the mercy of them that had none, not only to be undone but to be murthered. To this he received no open answer, besides some Articles which the messenger brought which were signed by the Re­bells, with wich Montrose was to be content But he in great anger rejected those conditions which the ene­my [Page 178] had made, being so unconsionable as they were; and not vouchsafing so much as to treat with the ene­my, sent back the bearer to the King, professing that as he had not taken up armes but by the Kings Commis­sion, so he would have no condition prescribed him to lay them down by any mortall man but the King himself. Therefore he humbly besought the King (if he thought it fit that he should disband his Army) that he would not think much to make and signe the con­ditions himself; to which, though they prov'd perhaps very harsh, he promised absolutely to submit, but he scorn'd the Commands of any one else whosoever they were.

The messenger returning, at last brought with him Articles signed by the Kings hand, with Injunctions now the third time, wherein he was required to dis­band without further delay; and the same messenger charged him in the Kings name, under pain of high Treason, to give obedience forth with unto the Kings Command. And besides his Majesties pleasure, there was another thing which hastened him which was, that those that had engaged with him had most of thē p [...]ivately and by their friends laboured to make their peace with the Rebells; which was evidently known by good tokens of the Earl of Seaford and others. As for Huntley & Aboine they did not only professe them­selves open enemies to Montrose, but also threatned to fall upon him by force of armes, if he did not imme­daitely submit to the Kings authority. And Antrim be­ing newly arrived out of Ireland in the Highlāds with­out either men or arms busied himself to draw away [Page 179] all the Highlanders as his kindred and allies to himself from Montroses Army, whom in scorn he call'd the Go­vernour of the Low-lands making by this means an un­seasonable fraction, and apernicious one to his friends in those parts. All which Montrose having well consi­dered, he was forced according to the Kings Com­mand to disband his Army.

And truly that was amost sad day, in which having solemnly prais'd and encourag'd his souldies (as well as the occasion permitted) he took his leave of them. For although he bid thē to be of good comfort how­ever, and told them he saw some day-light of a blessed peace, and that he did as much service to the King by his present submission, as he had done before by his Martiall atchievements. Yet notwithstanding they all conceiv'd that that was the last day of the Kings Aut­hority in Scotland, and all of thē beleeved for certaine, that those Commands from the King were wrested from him upon the apprehension of greater dangers to his person if he had not given them. And although some provision had been made by Articles in writing for their Indempnity, yet they had rather have under­gone the worst that could fall, then survive idle & un­serviceable spectators of the miserable condition of their dearest King. And it was no little vexation to those generous spirits, to think what an unworthy o­pinion forraign Nations and their own posterity must needs have of them, as if all the Scottish Nation had been unanimously guilty of Rebellion & desertion of so good a King. Besides, their sorrow was much aug­mented with the consideration that their Generall, [Page 180] who was most valiant, most successefull, and therefore most beloved, should be taken off so unhappily from the King, from his Country, from themselves, and all good men. So that his souldiers falling down at his feet, entreated him with tears in their eyes, that seeing the safety of the Kings person depended so much up­on it, and he must of necessity depart the Kingdom, he would be pleased to take them along with him into what part of the world soever he went. Professing their readinesse to live and fight any where under his command, and (if God would have it so) to die too. And truly many of them were resolved, though to the certain hazard of their lives and estates, to follow him even against his will and knowledge, and to offer him that service in an unknown land that they were able to afford him no longer in their miserable Country.

By the Articles to which the King had consented according to the desires of the Covenanters it was es­pecially provided, that Montrose should depart Scotland before the first of September, and that they should finde him shipping, vvith provision and all things necessary vvhen he went. These things were transacted the first of August, and a Port in Angus designed for Montrose whither they were to send shipping from whence he vvas to imbark. And Montrose to prevent and remove all occasions of exception or suspition, being accom­panied only with his own servants & a very few friēds, betook himself thither, and waited for the shipping. About this time his most implacable Enemies set a­broad crafty & feigned reports by their fit instruments wherein they confidently averred, that the States of the [Page 181] Kingdome (as they call'd themselves) would by no means suffer that so gallant a Subject should be banished the Country: For they knew not how great need they might have of a man of his worth, especially if the King who had cast himself freely upon the affections of the Scots could not get any right of the En­glish, but should be put to seek it by force and armes; and if it came to that, no age had afforded a better Generall then Mon­trose. And truly that was the earnest desire and ex­pectation of most men, who were not able to dive into the bottom of the Rebels plots, but they had farre o­ther designes in hand, and another game to play. For what their thoughts were tovvards the King, the sad event made too manifest, and for Montrose, they laid very unconscionable & unworthy traps to catch him. For they did this, that if they could flatter him up with such vain hopes, & entice him to stay in the Kingdome beyond his time appointed, they might take hold of him upon the Articles, & cut him of with more credit.

August vvas almost spent and no news at all vvas to be had about the shipping or safe conduct: therefore Montrose, (although he was resolved to be gone by the day the King had limited) that he might the more fully grope the intentions of the Covenanters, gave leave to some of his friends to deale with them for further time. But when they brought him nought but uncer­tain & doubtfull answers, he had reason to think they intended nothing but to delude & intrap him. Besides (vvhich made his suspition so much the greater) there came a ship upon the very last day allowed for his stay (to wit, on the last of August) into the haven of Montrose. The Master of it was not only a stranger to him, but a [Page 182] most rude and violent abettor of the Rebels; the Sea-men and Souldiers men of the same temper, malicious dogged, & ill-condition'd, the ship it self neither victu­alled, nor fit to goe to Sea. So that vvhen Montrose shew'd himself ready to depart, and bad them hoise their Sailes assoon as they could, the Master of the ship told him that he must have some dayes allowed him to pitch and rigge his ship, before he durst aduenture himself to the winde and vvaves. And then making great brags of himself and his ship, he drew forth a Commission vvhich the Covenanters had given him, vvherein he vvas required to transport the passengers to certain places assigned by themselves, and to carry no body else. Moreover there lay great English ships and men of war every day in sight about the month of the River of E [...]k (vvhich makes the haven of Montrose) attending there in favour of the Rebels for their much desired booty, that by no means he might escape their hands.

But Montrose had sufficient notice of these treache­ries, and wanted not some friends of the Covenanters themselves, who informed him by frequent messages that the Sea was sore pester'd with the English Navy, and he could not escape safely either into France or the Low-Countries; that the haven was upon the matter block't up in which he was to take shipping, and there­fore it was very perillous for him to go to Sea; that his Enemies look't for nothing else, then that either by making too long stay in his own Country he should fall into the hands of the Scottish Covenanters, or by going he should be surprised unarm'd & unawares by [Page 183] the English Rebells. Montroses friends that were with him were of opinion that it was best for him in so ap­parant a danger to return into the Highlands, & draw his men together again conceiving that he had better trust the fortune of war then so perfidious a peace. But be forbore to take that course, especially because of his most ardent affection to the King: For he was assu­red if the war brake forth again, it would be laid upon the King though undeservedly, and so he should bring his Person into present danger perhaps as much as his life was worth. Therefore being straightned on eve­ry side, one vvay vvith treachery plotted against his ovvne, another against the Kings anointed head, he de­termined with an unalterable resolution to bearall the burden upon his own shoulders. And therefore he vvithdrevv himself not out of rashnesse as if he des­pair'd of safety at the worst, but out of sage & discreet deliberation.

For when he had smelt out the plots of the Rebels before-hand, he had sent some a good while agoe to search diligently the Havens in the North, and if they chanced to finde any outlandish-vessell to agree with the Master for the fraught, and to appoint him to be ready to put to Sea at such a day, and to transport the passengers (which should be ready with him) by the help of God into Norway. By good fortune there was found in the haven of Stanhyve a small bark of Ber­gen in Norway, and the Master was soon agreed with, for he was very glad of the opportunity, having hopes for getting.

Thither Montrose sent away Sir Iohn Hurrey Iohn Drum­mond [Page 184] of Ball Henry Graham his brother, Iohn Spotswoad nephew to that great Sir Robert, Iohn Lily, a Captain of approved skill and courage, Patrick Melvin such an­other, George Wischeart Docter of Divinity, David Gut­therey a stout young Gentleman, Pardus Lasound a French-man, once a servant to the noble Lord Gordon, after wards entertained for his Masters sake by Mon­trose himself, one Rodolph a German an honest & trusty young man; & a few servants more. And these he had pick't out to carty a long with him whithersoever he vvent, for this reason especially, because he knevv the Rebels to be so maliciously bent against most of them then they could not be safe for never so little a vvhile in that Country. And they on the third of September ha­ving a good vvinde put forth to sea for Norway; And the same evening Montrose himself accompanied only with one Iames Wood a worthy Preacher by a small cock-boat got into a Bark which lay at anchot without the Haven of Montrose; and being clad in a course suit the Lord and Patron passed for his Chaplains servant. This was in the year of our Lord 1646. & the 34. year of his age.


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