[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION, Requiring the Attendance of the Members of both Houses of Parliament.


WE being desirous that the Members of both Houses may have convenient Notice of the Time when their Attendance in Parliament will be Requisite, to the end they may order their Affairs as that there may then be a full Assembly, Have (with the Advice of Our Privy Council) thought fit to Issue this Our Royal Proclamation, hereby Declaring and Publish­ing Our Will and Pleasure, That Our Parliament shall on the Fifth of October next, (to which Day the same is now Prorogued) be further Prorogued unto Thursday the Two and twentieth Day of the same Month. In order to which Prorogation We shall expect the Attendance only of such Members as shall be Re­sident in or near Our Cities of London and Westminster. And Our Purpose being that Our said Houses of Parliament shall not only Meét upon the said Two and twentieth of October, but shall Sit for the Dispatch of divers Weighty and Impor­tant Affairs, We do therefore hereby Charge and Require all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Com­mons, to give their Attendance at Westminster on the said Two and twentieth Day of October next accordingly.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1691.

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