By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION For the Discovery and Apprehending of High-way-men and Robbers, and for a Reward to the Discoverers.
WHereas Robberies upon the High-ways have been frequently committed of late, to the great Terrour and Damage of Our Loving Subjects, and in Contempt of the Laws and well Established Government of this Realm; And We being desirous to Provide most effectually for the Common Peace and Safety of Our People, by Suppressing and Preventing the said Mischiefs, and bringing the Offenders to condign Punishment, Do therefore (by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council) hereby straitly Charge and Command all Sheriffs, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, Constables, Headboroughs, Tythingmen, and other Our Officers, Ministers and Subjects to whom it doth or shall appertain, That they and every of them in their respective Places and Stations, do use their utmost Endeavours for Discovering and Apprehending all High-way-men and Robbers: And for the Encouragement of all such Persons to put in Execution this Our Proclamation, We are Graciously Pleased, and do hereby Declare, That all and every Person and Persons, who shall at any time within One year now next ensuing, Discover to any Iustice of Peace, or any other Officer of Iustice, any Person that hath committed, or shall commit any Robbery on the High-way, and shall Apprehend, or cause to be Apprehended such Offender, shall within Fifteen Days after Conviction of such Offender so Apprehended upon such Discovery, have a Reward of Ten pounds for every such Offender so Apprehended and Convicted: And all and every Sheriff and Sheriffs of the respective Counties where such Conviction shall be had, are hereby Required, upon the Certificate of the Iudge, or under the Hand of Two or more Iustices before whom such Conviction shall be had, to pay unto such Person or Persons who shall Discover and Apprehend such Offender, or upon whose Discovery such Offenders shall be Apprehended, the said Reward of Ten pounds, within the time aforesaid, for every Offender so Apprehended and Convicted, out of the Publick Moneys received by him in that County, which shall be allowed unto him upon his Account in Our Exchequer; For Allowance whereof, this Proclamation shall be a sufficient Warrant.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Eighth Day of July, 1689. In the First Year of Our Reign.
God save the King and Queen.
LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesties, 1689.