By the King and Queen A PROCLAMATION For Encouraging Seamen and Mariners to Enter themselves on Their Majesties Ships of War.


WE being Willing and Desirous to give all due Encouragement to such Sea­men as have already Voluntarily Entred, or shall Voluntary Enter them­selves in Our Service, on Board Our Ships of War in Our Royal Na­vy, Have thought fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Publish this Our Royal Proclamation; And We do hereby Promise and Declare, That all such able Seamen as have already Entred themselves Voluntarily on Board any of Our Ships of War of the First, Second, or Third Rates, since the First day of December last, shall Receive Six Weéks Pay as Our Free Gift and Royal Bounty, which shall be paid them before the respective Ships to which they belong shall Sail from the Buoy of the Nore. Provided that the said Seamen do within Twelve days after the Date of this Our Proclamation, Repair on Board the respective Ships on which they have so Entred themselves, and give their constant Attend­ance for Fitting out to Sea such Ship as each of them shall belong unto, notwithstanding any Leave which may have been given from their Commanders for being absent (otherwise they are not to expect to receive Wages Arrear from the time of their First Entry;) Nevertheless, if they shall so Repair on Board within Twenty days after the Date hereof, they shall receive as of Our Gift and Bounty, Six Weéks Pay; And if they shall so Repair on Board before the Twentieth of February next, they shall receive as of Our Gift and Bounty, One Months Pay. And We do further Promise and Declare, That all such able Seamen as shall Voluntarily Enter themselves on Board any of Our Ships of the First, Second and Third Rates within Twen­ty days after the Date hereof, shall likewise receive, as of Our Freé Gift, and Royal Bounty, Six Weeks Pay; And such as shall so Enter themselves before the Twentieth day of February next, shall receive One Months Pay, to be paid as aforesaid, before the Ships to which they belong shall Sail from the Buoy of the Nore. And We are also Graciously pleased to Declare, That Conduct Money, according to the Practice of the Navy, shall likewise be Allowed to such able Seamen as shall Voluntarily Enter themselves on Board any of Our said Ships, accord­ing to the true meaning of this Our Proclamation. And for the Prevention of any Deceits and Abuses that may happen by any Person or Persons leaving the Ships to which they belong, and Entring him or themselves on Board any other of Our said Ships, as aforesaid, in order to the obtaining of the Bounty Money herein before Granted, We do hereby likewise Direct, Declare and Command, That such Seamen belonging to any of Our Ships or Vessels whatsoever, as shall leave any the Ships or Vessels to which they belong, and Enter themselves on Board any other of Our Ships in order to the obtaining of the said Bounty Money, shall not only lose the Wages due to them in the Ship which they shall so leave, but shall also be severely punished ac­cording to their Demerits.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

London, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, 1690.

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