By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION For a Publick THANKSGIVING.
WHereas Their Majesties in serious Consideration of the War in which Their Majesties (together with most of the Princes and States of Europe) were (and still are) Engaged against the French King, did, by Their Royal Proclamation bearing Date the Ninth day of April last, Appoint a General Monthly Fast to be kept throughout this Kingdom, by Solemn Humiliation and Repentance of Our Sins, and by humble Supplications to Almighty God for the Preservation of Their Majesties Sacred Persons, and the Prosperous Success of Their Arms, which hath beén Religiously kept and observed accordingly. And forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his Infinite Goodness, in answer to the Prayers offered up on that Occasion, to Protect His Majesty from great and manifold Dangers in His late Expedition beyond the Seas, and bring Him back in Safety, and to Preserve Their Majesties and Their Government against all the wicked Machinations and Designs of Open and Secret Enemies, and by a Wonderful Success of Their Arms to Reduce the Kingdom of Ireland entirely to Their Obedience, whereby Their Majesties are now Established in the full Possession of Their Three Kingdoms, and in a Condition, with the Blessing of God, to Settle the same in a firm and lasting state of Safety, Honour and Prosperity. Their Majesties therefore with all Humility Adoring the Mercy of the Divine Providence manifested to Them and Their People, and duly considering that Publick and Signal Blessings do call for Publick and Solemn Acknowledgments, Have thought fit, and by, and with the Advice of Their Privy Council do hereby Appoint and Command that a General and Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God for these great Blessings be Observed throughout this Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, in most Devout and Solemn manner on Thursday the Six and twentieth Day of November next ensuing. And for the better and more orderly Solemnizing of the same, Their Majesties have given Direction to the Most Reverend the Arch-Bishops, and the Right Reverend Bishops of this Kingdom, to Compose a Form of Prayer suitable to this Occasion, to be Vsed in all Churches and Chappels, and other Places of Publick Worship, and to take Care for the timely dispersing of the same through their respective Diocesses. And Their Majesties do strictly Charge and Command, That the said day of Publick Thanksgiving be Religiously Observed by all Their Loving Subjects, as they tender the Favour of Almighty God, and upon Pain of such Punishments as Their Majesties can justly inflict for the Contempt or Neglect thereof.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the Two and twentieth Day of October, 1691. In the Third Year of Our Reign.
God save King William and Queen Mary.
LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. M DC XCI.