By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION, Declaring Their Majesties Pleasure for continuing the Seamen belonging to Their First, Second and Third Rate Ships in Their Service during this Winter, and for Payment of their Wages before the Fleet shall set Sail for the next Summers Expedition.
WHereas, We have thought it necessary for Our Service and the Good of Our Kingdoms, That the Seamen belonging to Our First, Second and Third Rate Ships, should be continued in Our Service and Pay during the whole Winter ensuing, that Our Fleét may be in a Readiness early the next Year: And whereas for the Encouragement of Our said Seamen, We have thought sit, and accordingly given Directions to Our Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, that upon any of Our said Ships coming in to be Resitted, which are not intended to be Kept Abroad in the Winter, half the Company belonging to each Ship, who shall desire it, and have served longest in the Ship, according to their Entry on the Book, shall have Leave given them to be Absent upon their own private Affairs till the Twentieth of December next, and the other half of the said Company belonging to each Ship, shall likewise have Leave to be Absent from the said Twentieth of December to the First of February following, so as that the whole Company may be on Board again by the First day of February next. We have therefore thought sit, to the end that none of Our said Seamen may pretend Ignorance of Our Royal Pleasure herein, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Issue this Our Royal Proclamation, and to Declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure to be, and We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all Our Officers, Seamen and others belonging to any of Our First, Second or Third Rate Ships, That they or either of them do not Presume at any time to be Absent from their respective Ships without Leave. And We do hereby strictly Charge and Conmand all Our said Seamen, who shall have Leave, for such time as is herein before mentioned, to be Absent from their Service, That they and every of them return to their respective Ships at the several Times appointed them, upon Pain of Incurring Our highest Displeasure. And We do hereby further Declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure to be, That if any of Our said Officers or Seamen shall Absent him or themselves from their Ships without Leave, or having Leave to Absent themselves, shall not return to their respective Ships at the several Times appointed them, That every one of them so Offending shall irrecoverably lose their Wages for all the Time of their Service, and suffer such Punishment as may be inflicted on them, according to the utmost Rigour of the Law. And We do hereby further Promise and Declare, That Our Seamen, who shall continue in Our Service according to Our Royal Pleasure signified in this Our Proclamation, shall be paid their Wages to Michaelmas, 1692. before Our Fleet shall set fail for next Summers Expedition.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the Fourteenth Day of October, 1692. In the Fourth Year of Our Reign.
God save King William and Queen Mary.
London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1692.