By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION.


WHereas it hath pleased Almighty God, in his Providence to­wards Vs and Our People, to manifest his Power and Mercy in giving Vs Success and Victory over Our Ene­mies and Rebellious Subjects in Ireland; We cannot, upon the due Consideration hereof, but with all Humility adore the goodness of God therein signally manifested : And We lock upon it as an Invitation from Heaven, to Vs and all Our People, unto most intire Thankfulness for the same. And to the end some Solemn Time may be set apart for the Publick Performance of this Duty, and that We and all Our Subjects in England and Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, may pay Our just Tribute of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, We do hereby Publish and Declare, and also strictly Charge and Command, That Sunday the Nineteénth of this Instant October be Observed as a Day of Publick Thanksgiving in all Churches and Chappels, and other Places of Publick Worship throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed. And for the more Orderly Per­formance thereof, We, by the Advice of Our Reverend Bishops, have Directed to be Com­posed, Printed and Published, the Forms of such Prayers and Publick Thanksgivings, as We have thought fit to be Vsed in all Churches and Places at these Publick Meet­ings; and have given Charge to Our Bishops to Disperse the same throughout the whole Kingdom. And We do also Direct and Appoint, That this Our Proclamation be publickly Read in all Churches and Chappels on some Lords-day precedent to the said Day of Thanksgiving hereby appointed, to the end that Notice may be taken thereof, and due Thanks and Praise may upon the said Day be offered up unto Almighty God; and that humble Supplications be poured out before him for his continual Assistance, and Improvement of this, and all his Mercies, to the Honour of his great Name, and the Peace and Benefit of Vs and Our People: Willing and strictly Commanding all Persons within Our said Realm and Dominions, with all Sobriety, Reverence, and Thankfulness, to Observe this Day as becomes so Solemn an Occasion.

And it is Our Royal Will and Pleasure, That the Monthly Fast appointed by Our Proclamation of the Twentieth day of February last, be for the present discontinued, un­til We shall Give further Order therein.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1690.

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