[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION For Dissolving this present Parliament, and Declaring the speedy Calling another.


WHereas We have thought fit, for divers Important and Weighty Considerations, by and with the Ad­vice of Our Privy Council, to Dissolve Our present Parliament, which now stands Prorogued to the Second Day of April next; We do for that End Pub­lish this Our Royal Proclamation; And do hereby Dissolve the same accordingly: And the Lords Spi­ritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the said Parliament, are Discharged from their Meeting upon the said Second of April.

And to the Intent Our good Subjects may perceive the Confidence We have in their good Affections, and how Desirous We are to Meet Our People, and Have their Advice in Parliament, We do hereby make Known to Our said Subjects, that We have Given Directions to Our Lords Commissioners of Our Great Seal, for the Issuing out of Writs in due Form of Law for the Calling of a New Parliament, which shall begin and be holden at Westminster on Thursday the Twentieth Day of March next.

God save King William and Queen Mary.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1689.

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