By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION.

William R.

WHereas the French King hath lately Caused Our Kingdom of Ireland in a Hostile manner to be In­vaded by a great number of Officers, Soldiers, and others, and hath Raised and Carried on a War against Vs in Our said Kingdom, and Fur­nished Our Rebellious Subjects there with Arms, Ammunition, and Money, to the apparent Danger and Hazard of that Our Kingdom; We have therefore thought fit, and by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, We do by this Our Royal Proclamation, strictly Prohibit and Forbid all and every Our Loving Subjects, and all other Persons whatsoever, within these Our Dominions, to Trade or Traf­fick with any Person or Persons whatsoever in Our said Kingdom of Ireland, without Our Leave first Obtained in that behalf, or Correspond or have Com­munication with any Person in any Parts or Places within the same, except such as are in Obedience to Our Government, upon pain of Our utmost Dis­pleasure, and of being proceeded against as Persons holding Correspondence with Rebels and Enemies. And We do hereby Require and Command all and singular Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Our Officers and Subjects, to use their Endeavours in and for the Discovery and Apprehending of all Offenders herein, to the intent that they may be Prosecuted and Punished according to the utmost Rigour and Severity of Law.

God Save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesties. 1689.

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