By the King and Queen, A PROCLAMATION.


WHereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, having received Information, that divers Officers and Soldiers are now in Actual Re­bellion, and levying War against Vs within this King­dom, and that divers other Soldiers and Trayterously Affected Persons are Corresponding with and Adhering to them, Have by their humble Address besought Vs to Is­sue Our Royal Proclamation, to Declare the said Offi­cers and Soldiers and their Adherents, to be Rebels and Traytors, and to Require all Our good Subjects to Ap­prehend, Subdue, and Prosecute them as such; To the End none may pretend Ignorance of their Duty by Law in such Case, We have therefore thought sit by this Our Royal Proclamation, to Pub­lish and Declare all and every the said Officers and Soldiers, and all their Alders, Abettors and Adherents, to be Rebels and Traytors to Vs and Our Government: And We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all and singular Lords Lieute­nants, Deputy Lieutenants, Mayors, Sheriffs, Iustices of the Peace, Bayliffs, Head­boroughs, Constables, and all others Our Officers Civil and Military, and all Our Subjects of what Estate, Quality or Degree soever they be, to use their best and ut­most Endeavours, as well to Resist, Repel, and Suppress, as also to Seize and Prose­cute according to the utmost Rigour of the Law the said Rebels and Traytors, and all their Accomplices, Correspondents, and Abettors, We Resolving to make the said Criminals severe Examples of Our Iust Indignation, To the Intent that all Per­sons hereafter may be left without Excuse, if they should be found Offending in such manner.

God save the King and Queen.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queen's Most Excellent Majesties. 1688.

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