A Letter, &c.
WE have given you so full, and so true an Account of our Intentions, in this Expedition, in our Declaration, that as we can add nothing to it, so we are sure you can desire nothing more of us. We are come to preserve your Religion, and to restore and establish your Liberties and Properties, and therefore we cannot suffer our selves to doubt, but that all true Englishmen will come and concur with us, in our desire to secure these Nations from POPERY and SLAVERY. You must all plainly see, that you are only made use of as Instruments to enslave the Nation, and ruine the Protestant Religion, and when that is done, you may judge what ye your selves ought to expect, both from the cashiering of all the Protestant and English Officers and Souldiers in Ireland, and by the Irish Souldiers being brought over to be put in your places; and of which you have seen so fresh an instance, that we need not put you in mind of it. You know how many of your Fellow Officers have been used, for their standing firm to the Protestant Religion, and to the Laws of England, and you cannot flatter your selves so far as to expect to be better used, if those who have broke their word so often, should by your means be brought out of those streights to which they are reduced at present. We hope likewise, that you will not suffer your selves to be abused by a false notion of Honour, but that you will in the first place consider, what you owe to Almighty God and your Religion, to your Country, to your Selves, and to your Posterity, which you, as Men of Honour, ought to prefer, to all private Considerations and Engagements whatsoever. We do therefore expect, that you will consider the Honour that is now set before you, of being the Instruments of serving your Country, and securing your Religion, and we will ever remember the Service you shall do us upon this Occasion, and will promise to you, that we shall place such particular marks of our favour on every one of you, as your Behaviour, at this time, shall deserve of us, and the Nation; in which, we will make a great distinction, of those that shall come seasonably, to joyn their Arms with Ours, and you shall find us to be