WHereas by Virtue of the Treaty of Peace and Commerce Concluded between His late Majesty King Charles the Second, and the Bashaw Dey Aga, and Gover­nors of the City and Kingdom of Algiers, the Tenth Day of April, One thou­sand six hundred eighty two, all Merchants Ships or Vessels of His Maje­sties Subjects, not being in any of the Seas Appertaining to His Majesties Dominions, who should Meet with any Ships of War, or other Vessels belong­ing to Algiers, were obliged, after the Expiration of the time therein mentioned, to Produce a Pass under the Hand and Seal of the Lord High Admiral of Eng­land and Ireland, or of the Lord High Admiral of Scotland, for the said Kingdoms respectively, or under the Hands and Seals of the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of any of the said Kingdoms, as by the said Treaty was Agreéd: And whereas it is accordingly thought necessary by His Majesty, and hath been lately further Treated and Agreéd betweén His Maje­sty and the Government of Algiers, That all such Ships and Vessels belonging to His Majesties Subjects, as Trade to the Mediterranean Seas, His Majesties Plantations, or any other Parts in the way of the Alge­rines, should forthwith be Furnished with such Passes, as aforesaid, Purporting their Ships to belong to His Majesties Subjects, and to no Foreigner: His Majesty therefore, with the Advice of His Privy Council, hath thought fit to Issue this His Royal Proclamation, and doth hereby give Notice to, and Require all Owners and Masters of Ships and Vessels, Trading from England or Ireland, or the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, to the Mediterranean Seas, His Majesties Plantations, or any other Parts in the Way of the Algerines, that for their Security, before they Proceéd on their Voyage, they do Apply themselves to the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, who are to Grant such Passes, as aforesaid, upon Demand, according to the Rules Prescribed and Vsed for Granting the same, and ac­cording to the aforesaid Treaty and Agreément. And His Majesty doth hereby strictly Charge and Com­mand all Magistrates and Officers of the Customs, in all and every the Ports of England and Ireland, and the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, to give Notice thereof to all His Majesties Subjects, whom it may Concern, for Preventing the Loss and Damage that may happen for want of their being timely Furnished with such Passes, as aforesaid.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1700.

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