WHereas We have been Informed, That many Popish Priests and Iesuits have presumed to come into this Kingdom, and to continue therein contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm; We have therefore thought fit to Command all Popish Priests and Iesuits, to depart out of, and not to return or come into this Our Kingdom, under, such Penalties as by Law may be inflicted on them: And do by this Our Royal Proclamation (Issued by the Advice of Our Privy Council) strictly Charge and Command all Iesuits and Priests whatsoever, who have taken Orders from the See of Rome, or by the Authority or pretended Authority thereof, and not being under Restraint by Imprisonment, That they do forth with depart out of this Our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed; And that they or any of them, or any other such Priests or Iesuits do not presume to continue, come, or return into Our said Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick, upon Pain of having the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm put in Execution against them.
Given at Our Court at Kensington the Eighth Day of February, 1699. In the Eleventh Year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1699.