His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Thursday the 31th day of December, 1691.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1691.


My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Must not lose this Occasion of Returning you My hearty Thanks, for the Great Proofs you continue to give Me of your Zeal and Reso­lution to Support and Assist Me, in the Vigorous Prosecu­tion of the War against France next Year; And I Assure you, it shall be My greatest Care; That the Assistances you give Me, may be so Ap­plied, as to Render them most Effectual for the Ends you Design them; But I must take No­tice to you at the same time, with some Trouble; [Page 4] That the New Year is already come, while Our Preparations for it are not only more Backward, but those of Our Enemies, as We have reason to think, in greater Forwardness then they were the last Year; I find My self therefore Necessi­tated from this Consideration most Earnestly to Recommend to you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons, the Hastning of such farther Sup­plies, as you Design to Enable Me with, for the Prosecution of the War.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

The Season being so far Advanced, this pre­sent Sessions cannot Admit of a much longer Continuance; And therefore I must Recom­mend to you the Dispatch of all such other Bills also, as you shall judge necessary for the Pub­lick Good.


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