His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Munday the Fifth day of January, 1690.

[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas New­comb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. 1690.

His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

HAVING lately told you, That it would be Necessary for Me to go into Holland much about this time, I am very glad to find, that the Success of your Endea­vours to bring this Session to a happy Conclusion has been such, that I am now at Liberty to do it. And I return you My hearty Thanks for the great Dispatch you have made, in Finish­ing the Supplies you have Design'd for Carrying on the War; which it shall be My Care to see Duly and Pun­ctually Applied to that Service for which you have Given them. And I do likewise think it proper to Assure you, That I shall not make any Grant of the Forfeited Lands in England or Ireland, till there be another Opportunity of Settling that Matter in Parliament, in such Manner as shall be thought most Expedient.

[Page 4] My Lords and Gentlemen;
As I have Reason to be very well Satisfied with the Proofs you have given Me of your good Affections in this Session of Parliament, so I promise My Self the Continu­ance of the same at your Return into your several Coun­tries. And as every Day produces still fresh Instances of the Restlesness of Our Enemies, both at Home and A­broad, in Designing against the Prosperity of this Na­tion and the Government Established; So I do not doubt, but that the Union and good Correspondence between Me and My Parliament, and My Earnest and Constant Endeavours for your Preservation on the one hand, joyn­ed with the Continuance of your Zeal and Affection to Support Me on the other, will, by the Blessing of God, be at all times too strong for the utmost Malice and Con­trivance of Our Common Enemies.

Then the Speaker, by His Majesties Command, said,
‘My Lords and Gentlemen,
It is His Majesties Pleasure, That you Adjourn your selves unto the One and thirtieth day of March next. And I am further. Commanded by His Majesty to acquaint you, That it is not His Maje­sties Intention that you should then Sit; but if there shall be Occa­sion, He will give you timely Notice by His Proclamation.

Then His Majesty Withdrew, and the Speaker, by Consent of the House, Adjourned the House to the One and thirtieth day of March next.


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