His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Munday the 27th of January, 1689.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Am so sensible of the readiness you have shewed to Supply Me with Mo­ney for the Carrying on the Wars I am Engaged in, that I am glad of this Occasion to give you Thanks for your Chearful Dispatch of that Matter, which was absolutely Necessary for the Common Safety.

The best Return I can make to your Kindness is, to Assure you, That as far as it will go, it shall all be Employed to the Purposes it was Given.

It is a very sensible Affliction to Me, to see My good People Burthened with heavy Taxes; But since the speedy Recovering of Ireland is, in My Opinion, the only Means to Ease them, and to Preserve the Peace and Ho­nour of the Nation, I am Resolved to go thither in Person, and with the Bles­sing of God Almighty, Endeavour to Reduce that Kingdom, that it may no longer be a Charge to this.

And as I have already ventured My Life for the Preservation of the Reli­gion, Laws and Liberties of this Nation; So I am now willing again to expose It to Secure you the quiet Enjoyment of them.

The Spring draws on, and it being requisite I should be Early in the Field, I must immediatly apply My Thoughts to the giving Orders for the necessary Preparations; Which that I may have the more Leisure to do, I have thought convenient now to put an End to this Session.

Then the Speaker by His Majesties Command said,

My Lords and Gentlemen,

IT is His Majesties Pleasure, That this Parliament be Prorogued to the Se­cond Day of April next; And this Parliament is Prorogued to the Second Day of April next.

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1690.

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