The Information of Capt. Henry Wilkinson, &c.
IMprimis, I the said Henry Wilkinson do declare, and am ready to swear, That on Saturday Octob. the 8. 1681. about five a Clock in the Evening, one Mr. Walter Bains came to Mr. Adams Cellar in the Kings-bench Prison, and sent for me out of the Garden in the Kings-Bench; who upon sight, told me, he way sorry to see me in that place; afterwards engaged me to accept of a Pot of Beer or Ale: In the time of its drinking, Mr. Baines shewed and expressed the greatest Kindness that could be expected from a Brother, which made me believe he had some design. Then he desired to know what sort of Wine I would drink, I told him, not any; besides the Cellar had none; but he called then for Brandy, which we had. Then he told me Mr. Brownrig was sent Prisoner to York Castle for Treason, and for appearing for my Lord Shaftsbury: And also the said Baines said, he had sent a Note to my Lord Shaftsbury, to demand Fifty shillings for Service and Charges that was due to him, done for the Lord Shaftsbury at my request, as he pretends; and that my Lord sent him word, it was a sham and a cheat put upon him, therefore would pay him no such Bill.
At the same time he told me, I could not but know much of the Lord Shaftsbury's Designs against the King; and that I might do well to discover it to him, who was ready to do me any kindness, and desired an opportunity. Also, that he had been lately with Mr. Graham: And that he hath great interest with my Lord Hyde, (all this time I understood what was designing for my kindness). I constantly and truly told him, I knew nothing of my Lord Shaftsbury's designs against his Majesty; onely this I did know formerly from Mr. Baines about three Months ago, that he was then of an opinion that Mr. Brownrig could discover some unlawful practices against the Lord Shaftsbury, which, I confess, I did wish might be discovered; for although I have served his Majesty in England, and beyond Sea, (and no other interest) and as instrumental in his Majesties Restauration as any person of my fortune could be, so I am for his continuance by all lawful means, and never to study the destruction of his Friends or Enermies by unjust designs. I have cause to believe my Lord Shaftsbury loves his Majestie; for he always was pleased to shew me respect for that I had served his Majestie.
Now night drew on for Mr. Baines to be gone; all the time he staid was spent with a great deal of Zeal upon me on the same Subject: He told me I should have a Pardon, and need not to fear it; I would not deny his profer. But he further told me, I should be considerably rewarded; neither did I deny that, but told, when I was requited for my former, I would serve his Majestie in what I could. I see here was a Design laid, although I had reason to take it unkindly to have any thing fixt upon me, or to make me an instrument beyond my knowledge, yet I was resolved to humour the business. Upon which Mr. Baines took his leave this night, and told me at parting, he would in a few days see me again; but left me with such promises as at present I cannot express, not much questioning my Knowledge.
Item, That on Tuesday October the 11th 1681. I was sent for to Mr. Weaver's house near the Kings Bench, to Mr. Booth, who told me he was glad to see me, but sorry to see us both in that condition, for he was a Prisoner as I was; he told me he had removed himself last night from one of the Compters. I required of him how he came to be at a Waiters house? He told me it was not denied him, although I could not be admitted one night. I [Page 4]understood he was engaged in the Design; I considered he had been a man of bad Principles, therefore was resolved to sland upon my guard. Presently he told me, he was to tell me I had an opportunity to be a better man in my fortune than ever I was before; and that now I had an opportunity to make my Fortune: And that I might have Five hundred pounds per Annum setled upon me and my Heirs, or Ten thousand pound in Money, which I pleased, if I would discover what I knew of my Lord Shaftsbury and his design in changing the Government to a Commonwealth, and witness against him. I replied and told him, no body would believe I should be made privie to such a Design, (if such a thing was) being I had served his Majestie in England and beyond Sea. He answered, I was the likeliest man to know; for he knew I had served the King, and had been slighted and neglected. I told him that was true. I answered him again, I never desired any thing of his Majestie for my Service, but that which would cost him nothing; but onely have the preference of others, that never had been concerned in his Majesties service, by way of farm on part of his Majesties Revenues: He told me his Majestie knew me, and that he was sensible of my Service and Sufferings, and desired to gratifie me; for he often told me, now was the time to do something which would advance me; for it must now be a King or a Commonwealth: For the Earl of Shaftsbury's Party would but onely make use of me, to slight me when their business was done. I told him, I was with my Lord Shaftsbury the night before he was apprehended, and that Sir Thomas Armstrong was there, a person I knew out of favour, on purpose that he might speak out his full mind; but still told him, I knew nothing of any design: I also told him, I would say nothing, nor appear at Court, until I was considered for my sufferings; (a thing I never expected) and as for going to Court, I never intended it; but the more I told him I knew nothing of a Design, the more he put me in mind of what Reward I might have, in such words that I ought to Swear it, whether I knew any thing or nothing of the business. Now I fully saw the Design; and although I staid late, at my return I began to consider who I should make this business and design known to, being a stranger in the Kings Bench; I observed one who appeared to me to be a sober and sensible person; that night I repaired to him, and (lest I should be tempted with what offers were made) I told him, that I had a design to commit a Secret to him; Whereupon I told him, and desired him to put the same in Writing; and that if ever I declared more than what I did then to him, (that was) That I know nothing of any Plot or Design against his Majestie intended by my Lord Shaftsbury. I told him this, and declared it in the presence of God; and if ever I should be tempted to Swear more than this at any time, it was for Reward; and that I desired him to witness the truth of this against me; and that I would daily give him an account of what passed for the future, which I desired him every day to put down in Writing, which I belive he hath done; as also the the constant Invitations abroad, and the Visits they gave me here, which were so frequent to me, as nothing could be more.
Mr. Booth told me, I must appear at Court, and I should have an assurance of my Reward from some persons of Honour: I told him, I would not trust any Courtier I knew, for a Groat; I am satisfied he was put upon this, but by whom, God knows, I am assured not by his Majestie.
That on Wednesday Octob. the 12th, 1681. I was invited by Mr. Booth to dine with him that day at Mr. Weaver's house; which I refused, (although he sent a Waiter, and promised him satisfaction for his attendance.) After [Page 5]Dinner he sent again: I went, and found Mr. Baines with him, both rising from Dinner: I was most kindly received with Wine and good words, working upon me to come in a Witness against my Lord Shaftsbury's designing to change the Government; declaring, I had an opportunitie to make my Familie and Friends, as they had exprest formerly. I told them, as I had done before, Until I was satisfied for by-past Services, I would not be concerned any way at Court. They told me, I might be assured of what I would desire from my Lord Hallifax and my Lord Hyde. Mr. Booth required what would satisfie me: I told him, If they would give me two thousand Guineys towards the injurie I had received, and my Friends upon my account, I would discover what I knew. Mr. Booth told me, a greater thing was intended me; for I was intended five hundred pounds per Annum, or ten thousand pounds in money: But I still told them, I knew nothing of any Designe by my Lord Shaftsbury. The more I declared I knew nothing, the more Mr. Booth urged the Reward. I told him (when he was so earnest) when I had the money, and a general Pardon, I would then do any service I could; but I would not trust the promises of Courtiers. Mr. Baines told me, As to a Pardon, I might have it in two or three days: He desired to know my Christian name, which I conceived was with an intention to get a Pardon; a thing never in my thoughts, but Mr. Baines formerly mentioned it to me; and truly I did not know what I might stand in need of, or what they would fix upon me in our discourse.
Mr. Baines told me, he had the night before been with my Lord Hallifax and Lord Hyde: now they thought they had prevailed with me, and were mightie chearful. Before I parted from them, my Wife coming to me, told me, Mr. Booth had been mightie urgent with her, to engage me to come in a Witness; and then told her, I should have five hundred pounds per Annum settled upon me: But what grounds he had for this, I know not; for all persons that know her, know her to be a person of unquestionable Repute. Nor did I question the performance; for I thought what I could say, would not deserve it: neither could I tell, why they should think me such a man, as they would have me to be; for I ever hated to be a Witness or a Jurie-man all my time. I conceive Mr. Booth thought I might be wrought upon, because I had great misfortunes, and that this was a readie way to repair me.
Octob. the 13th, 1681. This day I had a Waiter sent me, about eleven a clock, to desire me to go to Mr. Weaver's house; which I did: There was Mr. Booth and Mr. Baines. who told me, they sent for me to dine with them. I had no desire to have any Table-talk with them; I desired to be excused, and also promised to see them after dinner. Mr. Baines told me, Mr. Graham was not far off, and would be there; and that he was sent by some of the Council to discourse me. Mr. Baines told me, on Tuesday-night he was at Court with my Lord Hallifax and Lord Hyde, and the two Secretaries of State, and that they enquired who knew me: He replied, Mr. Graham, who was sent for: they askt him as to my Reputation: they askt him if he knew me, and how long: He said, About twentie years: They enquired of him concerning me. He told me, Mr. Graham answered, I had served his Majestie and his Father in England and beyond Sea faithfully, and that I was a very honest man; and also that I was a great Sufferer, and that I had received great Disappointments, and had been ill dealt with by some that belonged to the Court, as in particular, Mr. Edward Progers; and that they engaged Mr. Graham to come over to the Kings-bench, and to assure me, that I should be requited for my Sufferings: Also to take me over with him to the King, where I should have the Promise of his Majestie for the same, and the opportunitie [Page 6]to declare my former Grievances, and receive his Royal Word and Promise for my Reward and Sufferings. After this Discourse, Mr. Graham came in, who told me the same things as above, and that I might be assured of those things from the King; also that he had an Order to carrie me to his Majestie. I told him, I could say nothing, neither would I go to Whitehal; for I had taken a Resolution against going to Whitehal: it was hard pressed for my going thither. I desired to be excused; for if I could say any thing, I must be guiltie my self: But he told me, Whether I was or not, I might be recompenced for my Sufferings: Upon which I took my leave, and went away not well pleased, that for my requital I should be thought an ill man, or a Traitor.
That on October the Fourteenth, 1681. Mr. Booth came to me about eleven a clock, to the Kings-bench: We walk'd in the Garden about an hour: His business was, to know my mind, whether I would go voluntarily to the King, or not. He also told me, that Mr. Wilson, my Lord Shaftsbury's Secretarie, that was in the Gatehouse, had sent to the Council to inform them, That if he might have his Pardon, he would come in, and declare his Knowledge; and therefore he would have me to have the honour to be the first Discoverer. I told him, I had no business at Whitehal. Then he told me, it was intended that Mr. Graham should be at his Lodging this Afternoon, to see if I would go to the King; if not, my Lord Chief Justice Warrant would be sent to compel me to appear at his Chamber, where there would be some of the Council to examine me and swear me. He also told me, that the Duke of York had a great Estate in Ireland, and that he would give me five hundred pounds per Annum there, besides all former Promises, to be setled upon me and my Heirs, if I would come in a Witness against my Lord Shaftsbury. I told him, they might meet with many persons in this Age, that would accept of such Offers. I told him, if I had any thing to say, it was the most proper time in Court, for me and Witnesses to speak their Knowledge. I told him, I did not know but the presence of a King and his Promises, might make a man say more than what was true, or than he could say fairly in a Court. Mr. Booth ask'd me, if I did not ride with my Sword and Pistols out of Town with my Lord Shaftsbury, when he went to Oxford? I told him I did; I could not do less than wait upon him out of Town, who had been so kind, with the rest of the Lords Proprietors, to do me the honour to make me their Governour for the Countrie of Carolina. He then told me, I must needs be privie to this, That if his Majesty would not pass three Acts, One for Excluding the Duke of York; the next, for making void the Act of Queen Elizabeth against Recusancy; and a third, for Ʋniting Protestant Subjects; then by force of Arms he was to be compelled. He told me, all the Council was satisfied I knew this, and as much as any person, in regard that both my Lord Shaftsbury and my self was disgusted at Court. He said, the Council knew I was a Souldier, and was satisfied I was to act in that Concern. I begun now to consider what a Fortune was now promis'd, and what a good Addition this five hundred pounds Additional from the Duke of York would make to the former Promises. And after he was gone, I acquainted my Wife, and told her how great a person she was like to be: But this was no News to her; for Mr. Booth had often been desiring her, for her own good, to engage me in this honourable Service. Thus these things in our Troubles served us to be merrie with, to consider how easily we were like to leap into an Estate: But all this time we was not without fear and danger of enjoying it, or any part of it, much less of intailing it upon our Posteritie.
Octob. 15. 1681. This day, about eleven a clock, Mr. Booth came again to me to the Kings-bench, to know if I yet would go to Whitehal: I demanded. For what? He told me, To Evidence against the Earl of Shaftsbury. I told him, I had nothing [Page 5]to say against him. He importuned me not to lose this great Opportunity I now had. Before we parted, Mr. Baines came to us; I desired to know why they should be so urgent to have me a Witness. He told me, there were none but Irish Witnesses yet to come against my Lord Shaftsbury, and they were not Persons of Credit; but if I would come in, although I had been unfortunate in my Private Concerns, yet I was not blemish'd in my Credit. Mr. Baines told me, if I would not go to Whitehall, the Marshal had a Habeas Corpus from my Lord Chief Justice Pemberton, to carry me. So we parted.
About Four a Clock in the afternoon, the Marshal came with Mr. Booth and Mr. Baines, to require me to go along with him. I demanded, Whither? He told me to Whitehall. I demanded to see his Warrant. He shew'd it me. Now I was forced to obey. After my comming thither, in a little time I was called in to Mr. Secretary Jenkins's Office, where he and my Lord Conway was, who strictly, but very fairly and honestly, Examined me about my Lord Shaftsbury, and what I knew of any Design against his Majesty. I told them, as I did to the former Attackers, I knew nothing. Great Arguments were used; but I could give no satisfactory Answer, as was (I conceived) expected. After this His Majesty came into the Office: When He saw me, He was pleased to do me the Honour to say, He knew me well, and that I had served His Father and His Majesty faithfully, and He hoped I would not decline my Obedience. To which I answered, I never deserved to be suspected. His Majesly was pleased to tell me, He had not had the Opportunity to serve His Friends, but hoped He might: He was pleased to promise to consider for me my Sufferings. Then His Majesty began to Examine me, (if I had been exhorted by the best Divine in England, he could not have said more than His Majesty) in telling me, what Kindness was intended me, was not with a design to invite me to speak a Word but Truth itself and that if He knew I did, or any Person, His Majesty would never endure them. Then His Majesty demanded, What I knew of a Design against His Person and Government? I truly told His Majesty, That I knew nothing of any Plot or Design against His Majesty or Government; That I admired why I should be suspected, that had served His Majesty and His Father in England and beyond-Sea, and was as Instrumental as any Person in His Majesties Restoration: But some Persons had possessed His Majesty, I was deep in some Design against the Government, and knew much of my Lord Shaftsbury: So His Majesty seemed not to be satisfied, but still pressed hard upon me. To all His Majesties Questions, I could give no Answer that would satisfie. Then his Majesty was pleased to tell me, If I would say, As I hope to be saved, I knew nothing of any Design against His Person, He would believe me; which I did say, in those very Words: which His Majesty seemed to wonder at. Then I was lest to Mr. Secretary Jenkins, who was pleased to use such arguments as he thought fit. I told him, I knew my Duty to His Majesty, I would not draw a Sword against Him; but I could freely do it against some of the Court, that were Enemies to His Majesty and his Friends; and so I was dismiss'd out of the Office. Then I was carried into another Room, where His Majesty, my Lord Chancellor, Lord Hallifax, Lord Hyde, the two Secretaries of State was, and the Lord Chief-Justice Pemberton: Where I was Examined, Mr. Graham, Mr. Booth, and Mr. Baines present. My Lord Chancellor was sharp upon me with several Questions, which I could give no Answer to. Content thus I was to run the Gantlet from one Place to another. My Lord Chancellor would not believe but I must be guilty of knowing great things against my Lord Shaftsbury. I told him, If I could not be believed upon my Word there, if they pleased to bring my Lord Shaftsbury upon his Trial, I would declare it in open Court upon Oath what my Knowledge was, without any hopes of Gain or Advancement. My Lord Chancellor, I thank him, he did me that Equity, to tell me, There were Two sorts of Advancements; I need not give my self that trouble, for I was like to come to my Trial my self before my Lord Shaftsbury. My Lord Chancellor demanded of me, If I had no Comission for this New Service against His Majesty. I told him, No. Then he told me, I was to have a Troop to consist of Fifty men. I told him, that was a small Troop; I hoped, that if ever I had a Command of a Troop, it should be a better than that: but I desired to know who gave that Information. He told me, Mr. Booth, who was (by, and was) listed under me. I desired Mr. Booth to tell me if he had given this Information, and made this Oath? He told me, Yes, and it was true. I was unconcerned, and [Page 6]am, knowing my self not guilty: for I protest, in the presence of Almighty God, by whom I expect to be judged, I never had a word with Mr. Booth, or any other Person, in my whole Life, tending to any such thing: For at the same time that he said this was to be, which was when the Parliament was to be last at Oxford, I had taken on a Ship for Carolina, where I was to go Governour, a Business more to my content than any Military Employ, especially against His Majesty and the Government. But I conceived this was in hopes of Reward, and to shew his Loyalty; for which, I believe, he will neither be regarded nor rewarded. I told the Council, if they had such another Witness, they might do my business. I thank God, I am not afraid of him, nor Twenty more such Witnesses, if they come against me; for 'tis well known, he hath been accused and condemned for Clipping and Coining, besides Murder; for which he had His Majesties Gracious Pardon, as I have been informed. I am glad I live in such days, wherein Juries conceive they are Judges as to matter of Fact; for, if they were not, I am satisfied, in this Swearing Age, many an honest Man would be forced to march before they know either Rank or File. At the same time I told my Lord Chancellor, If any honest Man would come and witness against me, I would never desire His Majesties Pardon, or ever will. Let all the World judge how unlikely it is, that I should be thus concerned, when I had about Twenty eight Men servants, Four or Five Women-servants, besides my Wife, Three Sons, (of which, Two had been in His Majesties Service at Sea,) and one Daughter, all the Children I have, prepared, and lay at my Charge, intending for Carolina and thought my self happy, and was resolved to leave England, with resolution to see if I could find a People that had less Wit and more Honesty than I have found in my own Country; where, I must needs say, I have found very unfaithful Dealings amongst such as account themselves Persons of Honour and Quality: But truly, when I thought I had made my self almost ready for my intended Voyage, I found my self like a man bewitched, that could neither budge nor stir; until at last some Debts that I was bound for fell upon me, and others of my own encreased, being burthened with a great Charge, which unexpectedly put a stop, at present, to my intended Voyage. I did always intend to leave England Honestly and Honourably: Those things fell so unexpectedly, that my self and Wife concluded there was a Divine hand in it.
The Information of Jarvis James Gent.
I Jarvis James Gent. do declare, That the above-named Captain Henry Wilkinson came to me upon Tuesday the Eleventh of October, 1681. in the Evening, and did then, and likewise every day from time to time afterwards, make me acquainted with the several Treaties and Transactions between him the said Captain Henry Wilkinson, and Mr. Baines, Mr. Booth, and Mr. Graham, and the several other Persons in this his Information mentioned; and that they were the very same in substance with what he hath herein set forth and declared: for at his request, and my own satisfaction, I kept a daily Journal during the time of their treating. All which shall be attested upon Oath when required.
The Information of Mrs. Susannah Wilkinson, Wife of Henry Wilkinson.
I The said Susannah Wilkinson do declare, That on Wednesday the Twelfth of October, 1681. I went to the Kings-Bench Prison to speak with my Husband (where I met with Three Carpenters which were entertained by him as Servants for Carolina, and who had waited a long time, and not finding him likely to proceed in his Voyage, they desired to be discharged): but not finding him in the Kings-Bench, I went with them to Mr. Weaver's House, where I found him in Company with Mr. Booth and one Mr. Baines, (who were largely treating my Husband with Wine): my Husband went out to the Servants, and discoursed them: Then Mr. Booth took an opportunity to speak to me, and told me, my Husband was a most obstinate Man; and Mr. Booth desired me to persuade my Husband to be guided and persuaded by him the said Mr. Booth; and he said, the King would do more for my Husband than ever the Lord Shaftsbury would; and that the King was sensible of my Husband's Service and Sufferings; and if my Husband would be perswaded by him the said Mr. Booth, to appear against the Lord Shaftsbury, he was sure my Husband would be the most happy man in the World; and that he should have Five hundred pounds a year setled upon him and his Heirs for ever.
That on Friday, October the Fourteenth, 1681. I was with my Husband at the Kings Bench Prison, when Mr. Booth came into our Room. Mr. Booth took an opportunity to speak with me, and desired me, for Gods sake, to perswade my Husband to be ruled by him; which if my Husband would, he might be a happy man, and the Duke of York would settle Five hundred pound a year in Ireland upon my Husband and his Heirs; and very much intreated me to perswade my Husband to what he desired. All which shall be attested upon Oath when required.
A Confirmation of Captain Henry Wilkinson's Information: By Major Jarvis James, to whom be daily and every day communicated all those Particulars published in his Information, for the Subborning the said Captain to appear a Witness against the Earl of Shaftsbury.
IT hath been as well the Folly as Malice of some restless Persons, since the publishing of Captain Henry Wilkinson's Information, to asperse and calumniate Major Jarvis James, the only Person to whom the Captain communicated the Important Particulars of the abovesaid Information: But the indiscreet Endeavours they have used to lessen his Repute, doth but weaken their own. For, his Loyalty and Integrity to His Majesty is, and hath been sufficiently known, having most faithfully, and as becomes a true Subject, served His Majesty both beyond Sea, and at home; and is again, when His Majesty shall command, ready to serve Him to the last drop of his blood, with as much chearfulness as any Subject His Majesty hath in His three Kingdoms.
He acknowledgeth himself a Son of the Church of England, as it is by Law Established; and hath accordingly, without scruple, taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, as every good Subject ought to do.
He stiles the Acquaintance he hath with so deserving a Person as Captain Wilkinson, a great Happiness; and acknowledgeth himself obliged to him, for so timely entrusting him with so notable a Secret, being a Stranger to the said Captain; which Trust he look'd upon as a great Adventure, and the Discovery to endanger the Lives of the Earl of Shaftsbury and the said Captain, as his Information hath made manifest to the World, and which he had from his own Mouth. He likewise declares, before God and Man, That he believes all the said Information to contain nothing but the Truth, and to be the Realities of what he had from Booth, Bains, and Graham; for he lent him the Conveniency of his Chamber to write the whole Business in, and saw him write it with his own Hand; as also may be witnessed by Mr. Robert Bennet, who is an Officer in Leaden-hall Market, that transcribed it for the Captain. Such Offers as were made him, few Men (perhaps) in the Kingdom would have resisted, considering more particularly the heavy Circumstances he lay under; enclosed in a Prison, and having before near lost all he had, in his intended Voyage for Carolina. In fine, Let the World consider, and thence conclude, It was the Mercy of Almighty God that this Worthy, Noble, Loyal Gentleman, Captain Wilkinson, had the fortune to lye under such large Temptations, the Discovery whereof hath (I question not) very much advanced the Glory of God and profited the Nation. And without doubt, His Majesty is and will be well satisfied, that those who faithfully and truly serve His Majesty and His Subjects, are the Persons both to be believed and relied upon. It's only desired this may have credit according to its Truth and Reality, both in the Heart of His Majesty, and all His Loyal Subjects; which will answer the Ends of him who subscribes himself A Well wisher to Truth. By me