A TRUMPET OF THE Lord of Hosts, Blown unto the CITY of LONDON, And unto the Inhabitants thereof; Proclaimng the great, and notable Day of the Lord God, which is coming swiftly on them all, as a Thief in the night. And this is the CRY of the Lord God, which is gone forth unto thy Inhabitants.
AS ALSO, A TRUMPET Sounded out of the HOLY CITY, proclaiming Deliverance to the Captives, Sounding forth the Redemption of SION, which hasteneth. And this is sent unto all her blessed Children, who wait for her Advancement; this Message of glad Tydings from GOD the Father of our Lord JESUS, is sent unto you all.
Published by me, D. W.
Printed in the Year, 1662.
A TRUMPET OF THE Lord of Hosts, Blown unto the CITY of LONDON, &c.
O LONDON! hasten, hasten; prepare; prepare; to meet the Lord God, who is riding swiftly to the Battel; whose day of Vengeance is coming upon all flesh, which hath corrupted its way; yea, and the Lord God is risen to be avenged on thy Inhabitants. O London, thy Streets are like Sodom whom the Lord God destroyed, and thy Inhabitants abound in iniquity like unto Gomorrah; the blood of the Righteous cryeth in thy Streets, whose cry is ascended upon high, and is entred into the ears of the Lord God, who is risen in jealousie, to plead by the Sword of Justice, and for the take of the Oppressed the Lord God will roar upon the Mountains, and the Earth shall tremble before him, and great astonishment of heart shall come upon all flesh; Yea, the day is at hand, it is at hand, from the Lord God I do declare it, who is bringing of a flood of destruction upon thy Inhabitants, O City of London, which stands ready and is even at the door of the wicked; yea, the Lord God hath spoken, and therefore I will prophesie; and thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the mighty and terrible God, I will arise, I will arise, I will roar as a [Page 4]Lion bereaved of her young, I will tear through the darkness, I will rend the Mountains down, I Will throw the Hills into the Valleys; I will exalt my own Name in the Earth, I will set my King upon my holy Hill of Zion, and this is the Prince of the Scepter of Judah, which shall sway the Nations; and this is the day of the mighty God, wherein he is coming in Eternal Beauty, in Holiness he is shining forth, and in Everlasting Glory hath the King of Saints appeared unto the sons of men, and before him goeth a consuming fire, to burn up and to destroy all that would not that he should reign whose right it is; yea, I do proclaim the day of Vengeance upon all flesh that liveth in corruption; yea, the plagues of the Lord God must suddenly come upon the unclean, the proud and ambitious; the Lord God who made the Heavens and the Earth by the Word of his mouth, hath now spoken, and terrible is the Word of the Lord unto all flesh and all must come to feel the Sword of the Justice of God to plead his righteous Cause in them; all must come to feel the fire of God's Consumption to burn as an Oven; and who live in Lust, Pride, and Envy, must know the Wrath of God poured forth: for the Day is coming wherein the Heavens shall be set on fire, and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the lofty in that day shall be brought low; and now is the day of the Lord God sounding once more in your ears, that you may all know it is near you, that so you may escape it by repentance; so that all such that have not wholly quenched the motion of the holy Spirit of God, may now return at reproof thereof, whilst it is striving with you, imbrace it as your choicest treasure, and let every man come home to within, and search his own house, that he may find that precious Pearl which hath been lost, even that true Light which leadeth unto Eternal Life; so that every man may come to know his Leader the Lord of Hosts: For all that are saved, must be led by the saving Power which, redeems and brings up the soul of man out of death, and out of captivity. O that I could cry aloud, and so loud that the sons of men may hear the sound of the Glory of the Day of God which is now revealing. O that every soul had a deep sense of the Word of the Eternal Power engraved in his [Page 5]heart by the finger of the Lord God! and unto the Nations that it shall hear, I do proclaim the Day of Free-love, even the Day of Everlasting Mercy from the God of Abraham, who is faithful, just and true, who hath a Remnant yet to gather of the Seed of Abraham the Just, which Seed shall inherit all things; for with it God hath made an Everlasting Covenant: Therefore be ye awakened unto Righteousness, O ye Inhabitants of the Earth; for the Day is come wherein the Lord God is come to Judgment, and all must know the righteous Judgements of the Lord God to be set up within, that the Inhabitants of the Earth thereby may come to learn Righteousness, and Sion through Judgment must be redeemed, and her Converts by Righteousness must be set free for Freedom; in the Name of the Lord God, and in his Authority I do proclaim Liberty and Freedom to the Captives, that the Seed of the house of Jacob may arise unto the Resurrection of Life, and Immortality, and Glory, and Beauty, and Holiness is broken forth, and the Glory of the Day of the Lord God is shining forth, which will cover the whole Earth, and the Beams of his Brightness shall overshadow the Mountains, and the Sun of Righteousness shall arise in his healing vertue, to heal the Nations that have been long wounded; yea, the Prisoners of hope shall come forth rejoycing in the God of the Tribes of Israel, who sitteth on the Throne of true Judgment. And now is the last Trumpet sounded, and an Alarm is given from the Lord God Almighty, proclaiming the Day of Restoration and of mighty Salvation, and of glad-tydings unto the poor and meek of the Earth. I will blow the Trumpet of the Lord God Almighty over all Mountains; O let the Heavens rejoyce, and sing, for He is come who doth glad-tydings bring, whose Glory is broken forth, and the Heavens cannot contain it, but the Earth must hear the sound of the holy Day, and the dawning thereof expelleth the mist of the cloudy night which hath been over the Nations, and the Lord is rending the Vail of the Temple in sunder from the top to the bottom, and he is rouling away the stone from the door of the Sepulchre where the Lord JESUS hath been laid; for all [Page 6]Nations must see him with open face, and they shall mourn over him whom they have pierced, who is now risen and arising in his Glory over all, to reign in his Majesty and in his Brightness, as he did before the Fall; and a Reign of the Lamb is come, and Him God is exalting on the Throne of Everlasting Glory; and he is assembling the Nations and gathering unto him, and this day he is lifting up Him himself on the tops of the Mountains; as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness, even so is the Son of Glory lifting up himself, and he shall draw all men after him; and this is the Topstone, the Elect and Precious, which shall grind all to pouder: Therefore, hearken O Heavens, and hear O Earth, for the mighty Day of the Lord is come and coming upon all flesh, wherein the Mighty shall bow before Him, and the stout-hearted shall be broken in pieces; for the day of Vengeance and the year of Recompence is coming unto the Rebellious and hard-hearted, and the uncircumcised, and the Lord is risen to plead with the potsherds of the Earth, whom he will dash one against another, and the Decree of our God is to Overturn, overturn, overturn, until Righteousness rule in this Nation, until all become subject to the Authority of the Lamb, whose Government is righteous, whose Dominion is eternal and everlasting; and this is the Supream Power that all souls must be made subject to; and all that will not that our King should reign, must be by the Sword of his Power slain: Therefore prepare to the Battel, for the mighty JEHOVAH is coming in Power, and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
You Branches of the true Vine, you Spouses of the Beloved, you Daughters of Sion and Sons of Jacob, rejoyce and sing you Virgins and Followers of the Lamb; yea, let the tribulated rejoyce and sing, let the poor in spirit be glad; let them that dwell in the Valleys rejoyce, who drink of the Springs of the Fountain of Love, where Peace and Joy encreaseth, where Love to the Brethren is multiplied; And by this shall all men know that we are of God, because we love the Brethren; For our God is Love, and we must be made like unto him in all things. O little Love, overcome, overcome [Page 7]all your hearts, that Life may fill your vessels, that bowels of compassion and tenderness may flow one into another, that every Soul may swim in the fulness of Love, that all may be filled with the eternal Power, that the new VVine of the Kingdom may be poured from vessel to vessel, that all your Cups may over-flow with the Consolation of God. And this is the breath of my Life in the Love of my eternal Father, sending Greetings of Peace unto the flock of the Faithful, the Seed of the Covenant who are Heirs of the Promise of Life and Salvation; yours is the Kingdom of Glory, who keep your Habitations; for you are the Crowns of Diadems prepared and laid up in the Heavenly places, in the Kings Paradise, in the Palace of the Lord God: Oh! Rejoyce for ever, and sing Hallalujahs and Praises unto the God of Power, from whom this is sent and Published; and in his Dominion and Authority I do send it forth, being faithful unto what the Lord hath intrusted me with; I do not with-hold but I freely let it go: So in the Spirit of Life, and Love, and Eternal Peace, I salute all the Faithful in Heart, and in the Union of the holy Life,
A TRUMPET Sounded out of the HOLY CITY, proclaiming Deliverance to the Captives, Sounding forth the Redemption of Sion, which hasteneth; and this is sent unto all her blessed Children who wait for her Advancement: This Message of glad Tydings from God the Father of our Lord Jesus, is sent unto you all.
ARise O Seed of Sion, arise in thy Beauty, in the Glory, in the Brightness, in the Majesty of the most High; I say, Arise in the Power, and in the Authority of the King of Glory, whose day is come wherein you the Children and Seed of Abraham shall shine forth, in the beauty, in the excellency of the Most High; You that are of the Faith of your Father Abraham, which Faith standeth in God's Covenant, that giveth Dominion over all the World, You all are to feel this Faith to work you into Love, and therein is the victory known, as there is a dwelling and abiding in the Faith of the Covenant, in which the Promise of the Father is fulfilled: So all are to wait, to know the Promise of the Father fulfilled in them; and all are to wait, to know the Spirit of Life poured forth upon them, even that holy Anointing which the holy Prophets came unto, from which they speak as the Spirit gave them utterance, and from the Anointing of the holy Power which they received from on High. And this is the Glorious Day of the Lord God, wherein he hath appeared in great power, for the gathering of the Sons of Men from far, and the bringing of his Daughters from the ends of the Earth: So all must be gathered into the Fold, all must know an entering into the Rest, all must know a gathering into the Life, and into the Power, which maketh all things new; and all must know the powerful work of the Lord God wrought in them, so the [Page 9]working down of the high Mountains, for the laying low of the high Places of the Earth, and for the breaking down of the strong holds of Sin: And all must feel the overturning of the Mountains which have stood in opposition against the Appearance of the Lord of Glory, who is risen in his beautiful brightness, before whom the Clouds flye, and the Hills melt; So dreadful, so terrible is the coming of the Lord God, before whom nothing can stand but that which is like unto him: And now is the Day of the Redemption of Sion proclaimed unto all her Children who wait for her Advancement; her Glory shall shine unto the Nations, her Beauty shall over-spread the Earth, and within her Gates shall Praises be sounded forth by the Redeemed, who are entered again into Paradise; These shall sing the new Songs who follow the Lamb through the Tribulation, who come through the washing of Regeneration. These shall be Crowned with everlasting Salvation. These shall sing the Heavenly Harmonies; These shall play on the Harp of David before the Throne of the King of Israel, the renown of whose Name shall sound to the ends of the Earth; and this is the work of the Lord God, yea, and it is marvellous in our eyes, who see his Wonders wrought in the deep: and behold, his path is in the great Waters; and his footsteps are not known by such who have not learned of the Lamb.
And now is the Glory of all Nations come, and the Bridegroom's Voice is heard in the Land of the Redeemed, who are come again out of Egypt, who are become the fitst Fruits unto God, and to the Lamb; These shall arise in the glorious power; These shall mount upward, as upon Eagles wings; These shall sit on Thrones, judging the twelve Tribes of Israel; These who are come unto the everlasting day of God the Sabbath, the Rest which God hath blessed for ever; These shall come unto the holy Mountain, where the Feast of Fat things is prepared; These, I say, shall come up upon Mount Sion, where the Song of Moses and the Lamb is sounded before his Throne, who hath now appeared in his Eternal Glory; therefore blessed are all who keep the Word of Faith, who dwell in the Patience of Jesus, such shall inherit the Promise of Life, which is to him that overcometh, for whom the Crown is laid up; And so blessed are all whose Feet are upon the Rock, the [Page 15]Foundation of God which standeth sure. I will make my people as Mount Sion, saith the Lord of holiness; and as the Walls are about Jerusalem, even so is the Lord God round about his People; and blessed are they that dwell in the defence of the most High, they shall abide under the over-shaddowing of the Almighty in the Day of Tryal that is coming on all flesh; for God is, coming to try all Foundations of the Sons of Men and tried stones are fit for the building of the House of the most High, living stones, elect and precious; These must be tryed through the fire, for there is a fire in Sion for the purging and purifying of the Daughter of Jerusalem, and she shall come forth shining in the Glory of the Lord God, whose day of rejoycing is come unto such who have followed the Lamb through the washing of Regeneration, who have been led through the great Tribulation; such are come unto the day of rejoycing, who are learning the Songs of the Redeemed, which none can learn but they that come through the Fire, and through the Floods, and through the Wilderness, and through the Red Sea where the Son of Perdition is drowned; and now rejoyce thou barren Womb, which hath brought forth the first Begotten of God, for more shall be thy Children than of her that was the married Wife, for the Vine shall yield its increase, and the blessing of the Lord shall multiply upon the works of his hands, his new Creation; and the former Heavens are passing away, and the new Heavens are created again, wherein the Son of Righteousness shineth in his beauty, where the Glory of the Lord filleth the Earth: And all must feel the overcoming Life of Love to overcome; that is that which must remain Love to the Brethren; and this must convince the World that we are of God, because we love the Brethren; and he that is born of Love, overcometh the World; and so in the Faith that worketh by Love, the Victory is known; so by Love we overcome, as we know it to overcome in our own hearts: and greater Love hath no man received, than that Love which God first manifested in the Light of his Son, who was and is the Foundation which must abide for ever. So in that eternal Love which hath no evil in it, is this gracious Salutation sent, with [Page 16]the voice of glad tydings unto the poor in Spirit, unto whom the day of Deliverance is proclaimed. And this was upon me from God, to publish this the Day of his Reign. So the Grace of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, rest and remain upon you all who fear him.