Mr. WHALLIES The Famous Irish ASTROLOGER, HIS Wonderfull Prophesies, and general Observations upon the Year 1699.
BUT to the Matter in hand. The last quarter, or the beginning of this will contribute Justly to a general peace between the Christians and the Turks, and Friendship betweem several Nations, for carrying on some great ends, which I incline to Conjecture to shew themselves before the Summer Quarter be justly expired, whatever they may be, they will be attended with blows and bloody Noses before their effects are over. I expect that either this quarter or the beginning of the next, will give an insight unto some of these Predictions in my last years Almanack. And among the rest, I cannot but perswade my self, That there will be about that time something more than ordinary to do in France or Spain, but chiefly the former. And I verily believe, Notwithstanding of the long Expectations had of his death, that the King of the Latter lives to see it.
The Spring and Summer in general, will supplie us with vanity of odd News, and much of it surprising too. And among the rest, strange debates about persons, and things relating to Laws, Religion and Settlement, which for a time will unsettle things of the Nature, and beget uneasie disputes betwixt some Prince and his Clergy. HOWEVER HIS MAJESTY OF GREAT BRlTTAlN is Highly Courted, and Honourablie Addrest both at home, and from some of the most roping Neighbouring States: Yet I wish this Summer do not produce some Roguery, even in the City of London: At least I doubt they will give uneasiness in their most National Counsels, if not worse trouble in Flanders. And I think the Empire or Emperour of Germany will not be altogether free from some under hand dealings or Villanies, nor the Duke of Bavaria form some disturbance, either in Health Mind or Body, or altogether.
May. The Configurations of the last Moneths Latter end, and beginning of this threatens Disorders, Mischiefs and Villanies of several kinds, and such too as will prove of no small Consequences, to more places and People than one in Europe, and in particular, I doubt will more then a little concern even the City of London. Its twenty to one, but we shal about this time be made Sensible of some Popish or Jacobite Roguery, which for some Moneths past have been carried on in the dark, to undermine the Foundation of the present Government. This I believe will produce uneasiness, Disturbance, Troubles, and Removals of several kinds, but in a more eminent manner in some of the Superior Station, if not Raptures also in the general Affairs of the World