The word of God to all the Elect number with a few words in a deep Lamentation over the seed of Life, to its tender Father concerning them that have transgressed in Israel.
DEar blessed precious Lambs and Babes, ye children of the most high God, holy innocent and undefiled, I feel a Remnant a very small Remnant, that are but few in number, with whom my life dwells in pure unity never to be separated, that God Almighty hath gathered and is gathering in this day of his mighty power from amongst all people, nations, kindreds, Countreys tongues and languages, upon the face of the whole Earth, who shall be one of a Family and two of a Tribe, which is but very few in number, even you shall shine, as the lights of heaven, glorious as the Sun, cleer as the Moon, Glittering and sparkling as the Stars. Yea, the very brightness of your pure light, and beauty of your glory shall shine from corner to corner, and from end to end of all the world, that so all nations may see, and hear yea dread tremble and fear. But you must and shall come through many and great tribulations and be refined even as the pure gold, that is seven times tried in the fire, and must have your garments died in the blood of the Lamb, and be clothed in fine Linning clean and white, mark that, it must be clean and white there must be no filthyness neither any defilement: not one spot nor blemish, for if there be while that remaineth, Mark while any spot remaineth thou maiest not be suffered to dwell with the Lamb and to follow him whethersoever he goeth, who is of more purer eyes then to behold iniquity, so the pure Virgin state every perticular must witness before the heir of life can be born to whom all power belongs in Heaven and in Earth and power sufficient to withstand the power of the wicked one in all his temptations can never be received till he the heir of life is born up in dominion over all, and hath the government upon his shoulders, and now may not the cry of many be who hath been long convinced even as the cry of some of the Disciples was when the Lord said, he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in [Page 2] me and I in him as the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father even so he that eateth me shall live by me, shall live by me, this is that bread that came dovvn from Heaven, not as your fathers did eat Manna and are dead, he that eateth this bread shall live for ever. Did they not then cry out this is an hard saying who can abide the hearing of it, and did not many of his Disciples from that very time go back and forsake him, and walked no more with him, then said Jesus to the Twelve, Will yee also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go, thou hast the words of Eternal life, and vve believe and are sure that thou art Christ the Son of the living God.
My dear Friends, I do not write thus to you onely as it is the Scriptures Language neither because you know it not already but even as the Lord hath given it me in his own eternal word of Life and power, therefore every one search your own hearts try your selves even all the secret motions of your minds and all your deep thoughts, and see with the light of Christ in you whether or no your hearts are upright, and approved of in the sight of the Righteous God. Who searcheth secretly all your hearts and tryes your reins whose name is the Lord of Host the Almighty and wonderful Counseller and Conquerer very dreadful and terrible to all his enemies before whom, and in whose presence ye are all naked and bare, to whom you must all give up your accompts whether Just or Unjust and the time is near at hand: Therefore my Dear friends, see that every one of you lay true Judgement to the line, and Righteousness to the Plummet, and all Judge your selves least you be Judged and try with the pure holy Light in your own Consciences whether or nay, ye are of that number as is before mentioned for verily and in Gods name I am made bold in his everlasting authority and endless dominion to declare it, none other shall dwell with the Lambe in the new City Sion for ever more, therefore O weigh it in the deep Considerations of your pure mind. For I do proclaim it in the name of the Lord our God and shall be ready to seal it with my Dearest blood, yee have already received the first and last and greatest Messuage or dispensation that ever was is or ever shall be, therefore look not for another but always in that you have already received grow and increase, holding fast that you have and letting [Page 3] nothing of it go least another take your Crown and to rob you of your honour, even the pure holy and undefiled Light, and whosoever shall presume to declare of any other or a greater dispensation then that which hath been declared of already let him or them to you be accursed for evermore if an Angel or Angels from heaven for such do and will pervert the way of God, and so will strive, to lead poor simple innocent persons, people after them into their own pernissious ways quite contrary to the way of God where they shall never know peace for their immortal souls, but they who dwell in the everlasting light truly fearing his dreadfull name and evermore trembling in his pure presence at the word of his Power who is God, blessed for ever more Amen, Even they and none but they shall sing the song of Moses and the Lambe for evermore, for they onely are found worthy, worthy, worthy, to sit upon the Throne Judging and ruling amongst the twelve Tribes of Israel for ever more who hath been and ever shall be taught by the Lord, and have learned the pure Language from his own Mouth and speaks no other words then he hath taught you, even you are the pure virgins indeed who must alwaies dwell with the Lamb in the presence of his Grace singing praises and sounding fourth Hallelujah's to him that sits upon the Throne, who was slain by our sins but is now become our eternal Resurrection who onely is worthy to receive of all his blessed number power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and blessing, World without end, Amen.
So all dear Lambs dwell with the Lord, that you may at all times walk with him in the deeps where you may evermore behold his Glory, that so in his living presence yee may be refreshed in all times of need, even eating of the living bread when yee hunger and Drinking of the pure Fountain when you are athurst that so all may be wholy satisfied and none to go forth but that all may dwell within where your strength is that is able to support you now and for evermore. That so great may be your unity in the pure spirit that in unfeigned love and holy fellowship, your hears mindes souls and spirits may be lincked Joined and united together in one bond in the band of Peace and in the Covenant of Life never to be seperated from the presence of the living God nor one [Page 4] from another so in patience possess ye your own hearts and dwell together in the meek seed of life where in the deeps you may feel the inocent life of your dear suffering brother.
A Word to the Transgresser
O All Mighty, all Powerful, God of Power of Heaven and Earth who in the Majesty of thy Power and strength of thine Almightiness, art risen by the strength of thine Arm to plead with all that are back-sliding in Israel and in this Cause wherein thou hast been provoked by a backsliding People, whom thou by a mighty hand and outstretched arm hast brought out of the Land of Darkness and from the house of Bondage, who have again Provoked thee: Even in the Wilderness and also in the good Land: And now although Moses and Samuel should stand before thee: and although thy Righteous Servants should petition to thee never so much yet thou wilt not hear as concerning this thing whereby thou hast been provoked, neither wilt thou be intreated by us, but certainly thou wilt arise and plead strongly with them all because they have so grieved thy good spirit in so often provoking and sinning against thee. Yet O holy righteous father thy own blessed suffering seed is very tender and I know tis very Pretious in thy sight, O our Dear Father, and is not its inocent tender babelike cry in the meekness of thine own spirit aloud unto thee O spare dear Lord, O spare thy People for blessed Abraham, thy servants sake, and for the sake of the seed of thy Covenant with whom and to whom all thy Promises are as yea and amen for evermore, oh remember, Dear Lord remember and keep not thine Anger for ever. oh let it be but in thy fatherly pitty a tender gentle Chastisement to draw them nearer to thee then ever, that so they may have great cause to bless and honour thy great name now and for evermore Amen.
[Page 5] And as I was thus in my Measure very quiet and very still innocently in peace and in joy with my Maker he shewed me Concerning thee O Israel that some within thy Borders had caused and do yet cause thee to erre, the effects of which cause will and shall bring sad tediousnesse to them in thee O Israel who have so highly offended the righteous pure unchangable God; in minding poor changable man beyond what he is or ever was or ever shall be while he is here in this bodie, I tell thee O Israel that which hath been seen concerning this matter hath so highly provoked God that he will not easily be reconciled to them in thee who have thus offended, nay nay but for this offence thou must be Chastized and Greatly afflicted and now in this day have ye not throne down one and set up another, and is there not now a very great cause given unto us to bear in remembrance at all times the words of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ concerning that evill slothfull servant, but if that evill slothfull servant shall say in his heart my Lord delaieth his comming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken, the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not ware of: Oh consider this all you that have stolen a side from the deep sence and from feeling of your first love wherein there was no evill neither any Guile, that so with speed you may return and receive him as in the beginning that so love unfained may spring up in your hearts and life and vertue abound in you that ye may be Grafted into the true Vine to receive of its pure sap and vertue before you are wholly cut off as drie and fruitless withered branches, O Remember this every on that hath forgoten God, and with speed return least he arise in his Mighty power and Cut you asunder and appoint you your portion with hypocrites there shall be weeping and wailing Gnashing of teeth, and as the daies of Noah was so shall the comming of the son of man be.
Friends it is sealed in my heart by the Eternal spirit of the Lord.
These be the daies he spake of, and are not many now to the great Griefe of the pure spirit, Marrying and given in Mariage not being moved of the Lord, and is not the Arke of God prepared and preparing, and is there safty any where else save only in the Arke and should not all make hast thither, Namely into the Arke of God [Page 6] before the flood over take you which I can assure you all, is very near O let every one that readeth understand, and is not the righteous life of Noah now Preaching to all while the Arke of God is preparing that are Making merry, Namely eating and drinking Marrying and giving in Marriage, bulding Planting and inhabiting as though the day of the Lord should never over take you being out of the fear of the Lord and dread and awe of his holy Name, alass, alass, how many have been sporting themselves against the faithfull Ministers and true messengers of God, who have often told you in tears and in deep lamentations such a day would assuredly overtake many and how faithfull have they been in Laying it before you and Charging it upon you to watch always, and pray continually, least you enter into temptation but oh how have you slighted them and have not many amongst you in your own Immaginations Judged one and Condemned another whom God hath Eternally sealed in the Everlasting Covenant of life and peace for ever more: and are you still indeed so blinde to thinke that the Lords eye is not open beholding these things yes verily he taketh true and perfect notice of them all and his blessednesse is vexed there with and his good spirit is grieved and the holy seed is greatly oppressed Even as a cart is pressed with sheaves, and now there is heard a deep and Lamentable morunfull cry sounded in the Eares of its tender Father because of these things.
Oh my burthen, my burthen, my greife, my greife, my lamentation, my lamentation, my sorrow, my sorrow, my Mourning, my Mourning, yea my very soul dwells in heavinesse and I am even bowed down down down, my tears are many my sighes are very deep my Groans are very heavy my travell is in the depths of sorrow, concerning thee, O thou beloved City part of whose walls are broken down yea and verily the Enemie shall and will be suffered to pray upon thee because of the great Iniquitie that is found amonst many in thee. Oh gird on sackcloath and sit in ashes ye carlesse daughters that are therein, and morun and weep yea waile and lament that so the Lord in mercy may yet return and for his own blessed name sake and the seed of his covenant have mercie upon you and show kindnesse to you before the day of your tender visitation be wholly past away.
[Page 7] THis is given fourth in the pure Life of Virginity and in Love unfeigned that thinketh no evil wherein there is no Guil, but is without fault before the Throne of the Lamb for ever more through a broken heart in tender loving Issues streaming from the Fountain of Life through the Deep travels of my wearried soul to the holy crying breathing seed in the Living commandement of the Almighty powerful God of all Wisdome life and vertue that filleth heaven and Earth.
To be read in the fear of the Lord amongst all the Congregations and Assemblies of the people of God called Quakers.