A VINDICATION OF Anne Wentworth, TENDING To the better preparing of all People for Her Larger Testimony, which is making ready for Publick View. Published according to the Will of God, and Direction of Charity. By Anne Wentworth.
To which is annexed: A Letter written by an eminent Christian, concerning the said Anne Wentworth, and directed to the several Congregations of the Anabaptists, and their respective Pastors. As also a Song of Tryumph by the said Anne Wentworth, a Daughter of Sion, newly delivered from the Captivity of Babylon, &c.
Printed in the Year 1677.
THe Great Searcher of hearts has seen, neither is it unknown to several Christians in and about this City of London, or to the Consciences of my very Enemies, what Severe and Cruel persecutions I have sustained for the space of Eighteen years, from the unspeakable Tyrannies of an Hard-hearted Yoak-Fellow: and since, from the bitter zeal of several eminent professors of Religion, commonly call'd Baptists, VVho have most unjustly and unchristian-like caused all their pretended Church power to wait upon and serve the wrath of my oppressors; and who not being able truly to charge me with any sin committed against God that call'd for such a proceeding, have declared me an Heathen, and a Publican for matters of Conscience, in which I was faithful to the Teachings of God, according to the Scriptures of Truth, and obey'd the voyce of the Lord, who called me out from amongst them, that I might not partake of those Terrible Plagues, and dreadful judgments which are coming upon all Formalists, Hyppocrites, and profane Persons, who are all of them the Inhabitants of this Earth; and who (however separated from one another now, by outward forms, and observations, or inward notions and opinions, in that particular and great day of the Lord, which is coming upon this Nation, will be found to be in one Spirit, and Principle.
My cause in this respect, being committed to Almighty God, the Righteous Judge of all, unto whom I have appealed, and who has accepted my appeal, and is speedily arising on my behalf, I will say nothing of it here. But only acquaint thee, whoever thou art, that readest these few lines, that it has pleased my most gratious God and Father ( who abounds towards his Children in all wisdome and prudence of Love) to turn all the fierce wrath of man, which has been against me, into his own praise: And to change all the evil mine Enemies have thought and done against me, into a sweet designe for good; making all [Page 2] my unspeakable sufferings from man, my wonderful supports and deliverances from God, a figure of his intended dispensations towards his Enemies, and people in this Nation: Revealing to me how Babilon the Mother of Fornications is in her inward principle and Spirit, as also in her outward practices and pollutions, spread over the whole face of the Christian world; and every where found among the litteral and outward Churches: How her delusions, forceries, and fornications are here most bewitching and dangerous, because she here comes forth as the mystery of iniquity, dressing and adorning her self in all the forms and notions of the heavenly things, sitting, and showing her self in the Temple of God: As also revealing to me, that the judgments which are determin'd to come upon her, should begin at the House of God, the Formal Carnal Notional Christians, the worshipers in the outward Court: And that the flood of the Divine vengeance having swep't away what is to be destroyed there, the Rod of Gods anger should be thrown into unquenchable fire, and the indignation of the Lord should end in the utter desolation, Ruine and confusion of the Prophane world and grosser Babylon. And that these things are at the very door, and ready to enter upon us as an Armed Man.
And because the mouth of iniquity is opened against me, and I bear the reproaches of the mighty ones wherewith they have reproached, the foot-steps of the Lord and his deallings with me; representing me as a Proud, Passionate, Revengful, Discontented, and Mad VVoman, and as one that has unduly published things to the prejudice and scandal of my Husband; and that have wickedly left him: designing (according to the craftiness and subtlety of the old Serpent in all Ages) by Marring my face, to darken and disappoint my Testimonie from the Lord, which I am with all convenient speed making ready for publick view. In great tenderness to all people concern'd in my Testimony, and that they may be the better prepared to receive the same when it shall be layd before them; I do in the presence of the most holy and Jealous God, who is our God, and yet a consuming fire; and in a deep sence of the manifold weaknesses, infirmities, and passions I am subject too, hereby solemnly declare.
[Page 3] That I am not conscious to my self of any spiritual pride in this matter, nor in the least desirous to have any appearance, or to make any noise in this VVorld. Nor durst I for ten thousand worlds pretend to come in the Name of God, or in the pride and forwardness of my own Spirit put my self into this work, without his express command concerning it, and his Spirit and presence with me in it; having learnt what unprofitable things the Staff and Mantle are, without the God of the Prophets: how dangerous and desperate an attempt it is, to put the Commission and Authority of God upon the Dreams and Visions of my own heart. I am well assured, if spiritual pride, the eagerness of my own spirit, any worldly designe, or any other delusion whatsoever has engaged me in my present Testimony, the holy God will discover me herein, and take open vengeance on all my Inventions, my Idols, and strange Gods; and that this matter will prove unto me like the waters of Jealousie unto the suspected person. And I have also through the tender mercies of God, the riches of an assurance, that my God who has been so many years Emptying me from Vessel to Vessel, breaking me all to peices in myself, and making me to become as nothing before him; and who has by many and great Tribulations been bowing my own will, and fitting me for his service, and who having taught me to tremble at his word, has thereby call'd and commanded me into this work, when I was as a thing that is not in my own eyes, and pleaded with him to be excused, I have I say, the riches of an assurance, that this God will be with me; and however the Spirit of prophecy in a poor weak VVoman shall be dispised by the wise and prudent of this world, yet Wisdome is justified of her Children; and that God who has commanded me to go forth in his Name, will by a Divine power go before me, making way for me, and subduing the Spirits before me which I am to deal with, and will also by a Divine presence, support me in the midst of all those sufferings his work can bring me into. Out of the mouth of Babes and Sucklings God has ordained strength, because of his Enemies, that he might quell the Enemy and the avenger, Psal. 8. 2.
And I declare, I have no wrath, discontent or revenge in my Spirit against the person of my Husband, or of any of his abettets; [Page 4] but am taught by the forgiveness of God, freely to forgive all the Injuries he has done me; and my hearts desire and prayer to God▪ (who can alone change the heart) is, that he may be converted, and saved; and I bow my Soul to the Father of lights, that the Eyes of all my persecutors may be opened; some of which I judge to be the Lords People, however acted in this matter by a Zeal without knowledg. God is love, and he that dwells in love, dwells in God, and God in him.
And however I am censured and reproached by persons who judge onely according to outward appearance, but not Righteous judgment, that I have unduly left my Husband; I do for the satisfaction of all plain hearted ones that may be offended at their reports herein, Declare, first, That it would be very easie for me, from the great Law of self-preservation to justifie my present absence from my Earthly Husband to all persons who have learn't to judg of Good and Evil, not onely according to the outward Act, but the inward Spirit and Principle; and who have tenderness enough, duly to weigh the various Tempers of minds, and the different circumstances of Bodies: Forasmuch as the Natural constitution of my mind and Body, being both considered, He has in his barbarous actions towards me, a many times over-done such things, as not only in the Spirit of them will be one day judged a murdering of, but had long since really proved so, if God had not wonderfully supported, and preserved me. But my natural life, through the springing up of a better, not being otherwise considerable, then as it is my duty to preserve it in a subserviency to the will and service of that God, whose I am in Spirit, Soul, and Body. I will not urge any thing of this nature as my defence upon this occasion, having learnt through the mercy of God, not to be affraid of him, who can only kill the Body, but can do no more. I do therefore secondly, in the fear of him who can kill both Soul and Body, further declare, That I was forced to fly to preserve a life more pretious than this natural one; and that it was necessary to the peace of my Soul, to absent my self from my earthly Husband, in obedience to my Heavenly Bridegroom, who call'd and commanded me (in a way too terrible, too powerful to be denyed) to undertake and finish a work, which my [Page 5] earthly husband in a most cruel manner hindered me from performing, seizing, and running away with my Writings. And however man judges me in this action, yet I am satisfied, that I have been obedient to the Heavenly Vision herein, not consulting with flesh and blood. All the clouds of afflictions, troubles, sorrows; and deaths, upon the outward man, are nothing, compared with those of the inward man; when the life of our Souls is angry, and withdraws himself, cutting off the sweet beams of a spiritual communion between himself and us. This was my case, and I am not affraid or ashamed to say my Soul's beloved has abundantly owned me in this matter: and whilst men have done all they can to break my heart, he has bound up my Soul in the bundle of Life and Love, and he pleads my cause, and takes my part, and has spoken by his Word, with power and authority from Heaven, saying, I shall abide w [...]th him, and he will abide with me, and come and Supp with me, and never leave me, nor forsake me: And he bids me take no thought what I shall eat, what I shall drink, or wherewith I shall be cloathed, but cast all my care upon him, for he careth for me. And I am enabled in his power to role my self upon him; and my heart is fixed, trusting in him; and comforted with his word, in which he has caused me to hope, having no confidence in the Arm of Flesh, knowing that the Earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof; and that he knows all my weaknesses, and wants, and my willingness to work, so far as he inables me, that my own hands may administer to my necessity, that I may not be burdensome to any. And he has assured me, that the man of the earth shall oppress no more; no more shall I return to be under the hands of the hard-hearted Persecutors, unless he become a new-man, a changed man, a man sensible of the wrong he has done me, with his fierce looks, bitter words, sharp tongue, and cruel usage. And I do further declare, That in the true reason of the case, I have not left my Husband, but he me. That I do own every Law and Command of God in the letter of his word, to be right and true; and do submit to every rule given forth by the Spirit of God, to govern the relation of Man and Wife in the Lord. And that I always stand ready to return to my Husband, or to welcome him to me: (and have signified so much [Page 6] to him by several Christian friends) provided I may have my just and necessary liberty to attend a more then ordinary call and command of God to publish the things which concern the peace of my own Soul, and of the whole Nation. In which work, I stand not in my own will, but in the will of him who has sent, and sealed me; as the day will very quickly declare, and decide this matter between me, and my Husband, and all his abettors. To which day I do here appeal for my justification, not doubting but that God to whom I have committed my cause will speedily arise, and cause my Innocency to break forth as the Noon day. For I do hereby declare in the presence of the most holy God, that I have no revengful, worldly or sinister end in this matter, but am against my own natural will obeying God herein: And I do in all tenderness admonish and caution all my Enemies, and all persons whatsoever to whom these Papers shall come, that they take heed least they hurt themselves, in reproaching me; and that they do not set themselves to justifie by the letter that Spirit that is to be condemned, or to condemn that Spirit which it ownes and allows. And that they take heed least they urge the letter of any command against the Spirit of it, and so come to condemn themselves in the Person and case of another. The Spirit and the letter are no where contrary, but thou mayst think them so; and by not duly attending upon the Spirit in the letter mayst unnaturally set the letter to oppose the Spirit from whence it comes, to which it testifies, and whither it tends. I beg of you all that read these lines for your own sakes, that you will remember still how the Jewes did of old, vilifie, reproach, condemn, and execute our Saviour, and justified themselves herein by the letter of the Law of God; with the breach of which Law they were continually charging him throughout his whole life, yet was it exactly according to their own Law, and in those very cases about which they were so much offended at him. Nor has it fared otherwise with the whole seed of Christ and all the spiritual manifestations of him in all ages. The best of Men, and Principles, have still been challeng'd for their Non-conformity to the letter and outward rule, although they have been most agreeable thereunto. As the Apostle speaks, not without Law to God, but under the Law to Christ.
[Page 7] And I do further declare, that the things I have published and written, and which are such an offence to my Husband, and indeed the cause of all the Persecutions I have suffered from others, were written sorely against my own natural mind and will; That I often beg'd of God I might rather die, then do it. That I was commanded of God to record them. That my own natural temper was so greatly averse to it, that for eleven months together I withstood the Lord, till by an Angel from Heaven he threatned to kill me, and took away my sleep from me: And then the terrors of the Lord forced me to obey the command. And indeed, the writings that man was so displeased with, were in themselves very warrantable, if I had not had any such command of God, for I only wrote the way he lead me in a wilderness of affliction for 18 years, to do me good; and declared my experiences, my great and wonderful deliverances, my many answers of Prayers in difficult cases from time to time: but most true it is, I did not speak of these things, nor set Pen to paper (for several reasons) till the Lord commanded and by his word and Spirit constrained me so to do at 18 years end, after I was consumed with grief, sorrow, oppression of heart, and long travail in the wilderness, and brought even to the gates of Death, and when past the Cure of all men, was raised up by the immediate and mighty hand of God. And being thus healed, I was commanded to write, and give glory to him who had so miraculously raised me up from the grave. And I do further declare, the things I have written are true, and no lye: and that what is so distasteful in them to man, are such things as I could not leave out, without prejudice to the Truth, and disobedience to God. And what ever censures I now undergo from mans day and judgment for this plain dealing in matters which concern so near a Relation in the flesh, I am well assured my faithfulness to God herein, will be owned in the day of his impartial and righteous judgment. And yet I must declare, it would have been much more agreeable to my Spirit, to have concealed the miscarriages of my Husband, then to have exposed them, if I had not been under a command herein not to be disputed: and it was not without great resistings that I was at length made obedient, having tasted of that love, which both covers, and teaches us to cover a multitude of sinnes: And yet I am fully perswaded, that my duty [Page 8] to God in this matter, will be found not only most reasonable and necessary on my part, but exceeding beautiful in its season, and to have been mannaged in some measure of the Spirit of that God, who is still Love, and in whom there is no fury, however he marches against, goes through the Bryars and Thorns, and burns them together when they are set against him in Battle. And whereas my Enemies have represented me as one distracted, and beside my self; in answer to such wicked proceedings against not only me, but the truth, I do for the Truths sake further say, First, That I judge my Enemies who have raised this false report of me, to be themselves most highly concerned, that this their Report should be found a Lie; for as much as if it were otherwise, the cause and occasion of my distraction might justly be laid at their own doors; for as the Preacher says, Eccles. 7. Oppression makes a Wise man Mad. Secondly, And yet I also judge it is the mistaken and rotten Interest of my Adversaries, not only to report, but to believe me a person beside my self: for if I be sound in a right mind, how Mad must they be discovered to have been, in their blind rage and fury against me and my Testimony. Thirdly, I do with great chearfulness receive the reproach of this report; and all the humiliation that goes along with it; as a further measure of my conformity to my Saviour, and fellowship with him in his Sufferings. For thus has he throughout all ages been blasphemed in his Prophets, his Messengers, and in himself. Thus when Elisha sent a young Prophet with instructions to anoint Jehu, his Fellow-servants askt him; Wherefore came this Mad fellow to thee? 2 King. 9. Thus we read in Mark. 3. That the Kindred of our Lord went out to lay hold on him, for they said, he is beside himself. And again, in Joh. 10. Many of the Jews said, he has a Devil, and is mad. Fourthly, I do with great pleasure acknowledg, that in this great work ( in which I am set for a sign and a wonder) I have no wit, no wisdom, no understanding, no will of my own. And if this be to be mad, I confess my self to be beside my self to God; whose Love constrains me, and whose Spirit has in this matter after an irresistable, but sweetest manner, Captivated my proper understanding, will and affections, to his Divine wisdom and will. And Lastly, I am well assured, that it will speedily, very speedily be known, that I am not mad, as my Enemies [Page 9] have reported, but have spoken forth the words of truth and soberness. I have not run before I was sent; but the word of the Lord is, Come unto me, and his Spirit is upon me. And he will perform every Iota and title of his own word, to overthrow Babylon with such an overturning, as never was, nor never will be again. The beginnings of this overturning will within a few days be seen upon her more refined parts, and the severity of the wrath shall afterwards come upon her Walls. Although man is so confident I am deceived, and has loaden me and my Testimony with all manner of reproach, yet the God whom I serve and obey, and who has spoken by me, will speedily turn the flood of scorn, contempt, bitter railing, false accusations, scandalous papers, and lying Pamphlets upon them, by whom they have been poured out against me. The Lord frustreth the tokens of the Liars, and maketh Diviners mad; he turneth wise men backwards, and maketh their knowledge foolish: but he confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the Counsel of his Messengers, Isa. 44.
And now in this Faith and assurance I do shut up this my Vindication and preparitory Testimony, Declaring unto all people whom it may concern, That it is the Lord has mooved me, and his Spirit which has stirred me up. My heavenly Bridegroom is come, and has given me courage, with an humble boldness, and holy confidence to speak the truth in all faithfulness, and to fear no man, but God alone, in whose strength I stand to encounter with all discouragements from my own understanding, will, affections, former thoughts and principles within; and with all opposition from difficulties, dangers, temptations of friends, and conspiracies of enemies without; I am sensible any of these things would be too strong for me, a worm of no might or strength; but I have renounced my self, and laid down my own wisdom and will in this work, and am given up to all the will of God herein, standing upon my watch, and having in his power put on the whole Armor of God, the Shield of Faith, the Brestplate of Righteousness, with my Loyns girt about with truth, and my feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of peace, having taken the Helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, Praying alwaies with all prayer [Page 10] and suplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance, and supplication for all Saints. In this spiritual warfare, and combate I am called to wrestle not only against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, and Powers, against the Rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places: and must have no respect of persons because of advantage, but be faithful to God and his Word, sparing neither Friend nor Brother in matter of Truth, nor calling good evil, or evil good; nor puting light for darkness, or darkness for light; but obeying God, and not Man; loving him above all, keeping his Commandments, and pleasing him, although the whole world should be displeased. Man has made my Cup very bitter, and my Cross very heavy for obeying God, but my God has sweetned my Cup, and caused it to overflow with draughts of Love; my God has made my Yoak easie, and my But then light, because he bears me and them; he draws me, and binds me with Cords to the Altar, his left hand is under my Head, his right Hand doth Embrace me, and his Banner over me as Love. I must not, I will not be affraid to make my boast of my God, by whose Almighty Power I have been hitherto helped, and upheld, or else I had perished in my afflictions. When the compassion and bowels of man were shut up, the tender mercies of God were opened. When it was come to Mordecay's pinch, Israel's distress, Paul's streight, God appeared. My extremity was his opportunity; he beheld my affliction, the sorrows and Agonies of my Soul; my groans, my prayers, my cries, my appeals ascended up for a memorial before him, and were had in remembrance with him. And he will arise, and that right speedily, he will make haste and not tarry, but send relief from Heaven, and save me, and all the poor of his Flock who heat the voice of their own Shepheard, and follow him, but a stranger they will not follow. He will smite the Rocky heart, he will convince the Consciences of men, he will bring down all them that glory in appearance, in face, and not in heart; he will make a speedy decision, he will turn the stream and flood of scorn and contempt cast upon me, and his poor despised ones in me; he will arise to our joy, and they shall be ashamed that have hated us without a [Page 11] cause, and cast us out for his Name's sake, saying, Let the Lord be glorified. I have committed my way unto the Lord who judgeth righteously, who will not suffer the guilty always to go undiscovered and unpunished. He will take the Cup of trembling out of my hands, and put it into the hands of them who have afflicted me, who have said unto my Soul, Bow down that we may go over: and he will make their own Tongues to fall upon themselves, and will measure out unto them again, the measure they have meeted. The Lord has said it, and he will perform it. The Lord will plead my cause, and the cause of all his meek ones: but his anger is kindled against all Formality, Hypocrisie, Idolatry, and Prophaneness. He knows the secrets of all hearts, we are all open and naked in his sight: there is no dissembling in his sight, no mocking before him, no outward Form, no empty Opinion can shelter from his wrath. Upon the 13. of the Twelfth Month 1673. The Lord wonderfully discovered to me the unprofitableness of the best outward forms of Religion without the Power: and what a great deal of blindness, injustice, false accusations, barbarous usage, bitter and cruel zeal, with all manner of wickedness, has at this day taken Sanctuary in the exactest Forms according to the Letter, which are without the Spirit, yea, in enmity against it: It was the time four eminent Professors of the people called Baptists, did in a most rough and severe manner come to deal with me, to accuse me falsly, and blindly, and bitterly to rebuke me, although I was then in a very weak and dangerous condition of body. And I mention it here, because it is a time in remembrance with the Lord, and God was in that very season pleased to open mine eyes, to show me where Babylon was, what Spirit she was built upon, and how the Lord would begin to strike at her, and throw her down, and then it was he called me out from her, that I might escape the anger I then saw was kindled against her. And however they are now justifying themselves, and their proceedings against me, and have condemned the Innocent; yet an appeal has been made to God, and accepted by him, and he will search out this matter, and make a true and manifest judgment of it, for there is nothing hid from him, and this matter is now become a publick [Page 12] figure. Yes, I am satisfied God will speedily arise, and decide this controversie, and he has shown me when I have been thinking his Chariot wheels move slowly, that then his motion has been swiftest: And that whatever seems to hinder, and work against me, does indeed help on, and work things to a more full and perfect end. And although I should be surrounded, and beset on every side, and left alone in the midst of all discouragements from within, and without, yet can I believingly call to all that fear the Lord to come and behold the wonders of the Lord for my deliverance. I cry'd unto him when there was none to help me, and in a deep sense of my own unworthyness and nothingness, my Soul was humbled, and laid low at his foot, and my heart was lifted up to him. and he raised me from the Grave, and took fast hold of me at that very time when heso wonderfully healed me, which was the 3d of the 11 month, 1670. Then was the full communion between Christ and my Soul, the Love knot, the comly bands of Marriage; then did he espouse me unto himself for ever, and enable me to follow him, and give up my self as a thank-offering unto him, no more to be my own but the Lords, subjecting my self to all his will as a chast Virgin, holy in lip and life, pure and undefiled in heart. Then did the Lord my God say unto me, I even, I am he that comforteth thee; who art thou that thou shouldest be affraid of a man that shall die, and of the Son of Man which shall be made as Grass. And again he said, he was come to Judge the Fatherless and the opressed, that the Man of the earth may no more oppress. And many more pretious Promises did the Lord make to me, when he first called me to write what man has been so offended with; and his word was, and is my support, and he has comforted me therewith, assuring me as soon as I had done his will, I should receive the promises. And he afterwards revealed to me, (what I did not then know) that my oppressions and deliverance had a Publick Ministry and meaning wrapt up in them, that it must be seven years before I could perfect that writing, and the Lord would bring forth his end in all this, and give an open Testimony to the world that he had chosen and called me to write to glorifie him. And now I have done his will, my deliverer [Page 13] is come to make good his word, and set me free from the oppresion of Man, and to bear witness against him that has wounded and oppressed me for 18 years, and more severely is his anger kindled against them who have so deeply wounded me since the time of my healing, and who have made me an Heathen and a Publican for no other cause, but obeying the word of the Lord, and following him. And as near as New-Years day is, before that day the Lord will begin to cast a cloud of his anger upon all them that have done me so great wrong, and persecuted me without a cause; and stroak after stroak will follow, until all Hypocrisie be discovered and formality thrown down, and whole Babylon sinck like a stone never to rise up any more: and let not the minds of any be lifted up to scorn me, because I have said, God will begin to appear in my behalf within so short a time: for my God has a many times over made that Season of the year eminently signal to me in the dispensations of his grace and providence towards me. Then was I enter'd into my aflictions, then was I in an extraordinary manner healed, and chosen and call'd to write what has occasion'd so many persecutions to me from formal and literal professors; and now it will be compleatly 7 years since my healing; and the Lord has made known the end of all his dispensations to me, and has revealed to me, that I shall now receive the promises, having done his will, and be made partaker of his blessing: for he will fulfil his word, to bind up the Broaken hearted, and proclaim liberty to the Captive, and open the Prison doors; and I shall no more be under the oppression of man; and he has also revealed to me what wrath shall fall upon the same spirit throughout the Nation, which every where oppresses the true seed, as I have been oppressed by it; and the deliverance which is drawing nigh through terrible things in righteousness, to all his poor and meek ones. A more full accompt of which things, and how the Lord has lead me into this ministry and witness, I am with all convenient speed preparing for the Press, and had before this been made publick, had not my Enemies hindred, by seizing and destroying my writings. And in the mean time I beg of all Persons to whom this paper shall come, that they will for their own sakes lay a side all prejudice, [Page 14] and try me, my Spirit and Testimony according to the word of God, and wait patiently upon the Lord to know his mind in this thing▪ and in love to themselves, take heed how they rashly reproach and condemn me and my witness, least they should in so doing run against that Hiding of power the Prophet Habakuk mentions, chap 3. 4. and that they be watchful over themselves, that they be not found dispising Prophecy and quenching the Spirit, because of the contemptibleness of the messenger: alwaies remembring, that God will destroy the Wisdome of the Wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent; that be chooses the foolish, the weak, the base and dispised things of the World, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are. In a word, let all Persons so far take the Alarm, as to look well to their own Souls, where they stand; Whither they are founded upon that Rock against which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail; whither they are interested in that Covenant of Grace which is ordered in all things and sure, and which is all our Salvation in a day of desolation. Whether they be in the number of those that are Eating and Drinking with the Drunken, and beating their Fellow Servants; or of the Family of the true Noah who shall be taken into the Ark, and preserved in the day of that Flood of the Divine vengence, which is ready to overflow the inhabitants of the Earth.
What I have here published is according to the word of truth which must be fulfiled in its time. It is but a very little while and this matter will be cleared, made manifest, and determined. In the mean while I declare to all the world I am at rest in the will of my God who has not left me without his witness, presence, and seal in this work, and who ever thou art, that canst not yet see a Divine Charactar, either upon me or it, my advice to thee is, that thou perplex not thy selfe concerning me, but wait patiently upon God, and quietly expect the discovery which the day will make herein.
To the Congregations of the Anabaptists and their respective Pastors.
THese verses contain the summons, complaint, and appeal of a despised and oppressed Christian, once a member of one of your Churches, now by your unjust and unchristian abuse of her, made a spectacle to God, Angels, and Men, yea, a gazeing stock to this great City, and a by-word to the common Rabble. Beloved, have you so learned Christ? Doth the Gospel teach you to defame you neighbour in Coffee-Houses, Ale Houses? will not that word spoken by the Holy Ghost to the Apostle James restrain you, 1 James 26. If any man among you seems to be religious, and bridle not his Tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, that mans Religion is vain. You may sooner hinder the Sun from shining, then the truth of God from displaying it self in such manner, and by such instruments as he is pleased to chuse, who is the Holy one of Israel, who will not suffer himself to be limited by man; the great God hath put the word of truth in her mouth, and dare you forbid her to declare it? can your scorn and contempt of the weak instrument, frustrate the purposes and Counsels of God? no, his foolishness is wiser then your imaginary wisdom, and his weakness stronger then all your conjoyned power. Can you prove that God hath not spoken to her and by her? No, you dare not produce that Book of hers (in yours custody:) you too well know [Page 16] it would demonstrate her to be in the Truth, and your selves shameless Lyars. Pray consider, if one of your Preachers should be silenced, you would presently cry out of Persecution; and dare you attempt to silence the Word of God, whose sound is gone forth to the ends of the Earth? Take heed of resisting, deriding a Message sent from Heaven, (though by a weak Instrument) lest you be found guilty of Blasphemies against the Spirit of God; but rather to day, while you hear his Voice, harden not your hearts, lest he swear in his wrath, that you shall never enter into his Rest. It is heard and received by such who love the Truth, and submit to the Power of it; but if you persist in your Rebellion against it, you will find and feel to your cost, that Truth is stronger than all. Consider these-things Brethren, and the Lord give you understanding to judge aright.
The 5th of the 10th Month, 1677.
The Lord Awaked me in the Night-Season, and by his Spirit taught me thus in Verse, and made me Sing unto him a Triumphant Victorious Song over my Enemies, with a command from God to send it forth into the World, to be answered by the same Spirit of Love, Meekness, Gentleness, Goodness, Plainness, Lamb-like, lowly and Humble, for such is the Spirit of Gods Teachings.
Let us be followers of our Head, Christ Jesus, as dear Children, whom we have for our Example, Ephes. 5. 1, 2. For he that overcometh, shall Inherit all things, and I will be his God, and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters: The Promise belongs either to Sons or Daughters walking in the Truth, Revel. 21. 7.
[Page 18] I Am commanded by the King of Kings, to send this in the same manner and method he taught it me; Let none despise the Spirits teaching, quench not the Spirit, despise not Prophesie; There hath been too much despising and disdaining of me already, I pray God forgive them for all their hard speeches; and cruel usage of me, for they have done they know not what; The Lord help us to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, and declining years, for when we have done all we can to please our selves, yet the end of all is death; for pride, passion, self-will, bitterness, wrath, envy, malice, will yield no comfort at the Judgment Seat, where we must give an account of all the deeds done in the flesh, whether they be good or evil; Eccles. 12. 14.
Who hath believed our report, ( hath been the cry of old) and to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed, Esa. 53. 1. For they have not at all obeyed the Gospel, Rom. 10. 16.
My Maker is my Husband, the Holy one of Israel, my Redeemer, the Eternal, ever living God, my Father, in obedience to his reveiled will do I suffer, in obeying his strict commands I offend; their are several of his Children that are sufferers with me, and are not ashamed of me in my bonds (which are) for doing the will of Christ. Now, as they have owned me so, God will own them, and bless them, but for such as are ashamed of me, under my reproaches for Christ, they in time may be more ashamed for their Neglect, in not owning me in the work of the Lord. O my God, fulfil thy word, and deliver me, for thou knowest I have suffered as much Tiranny and Cruelty under a formal profession of Religion, as I could have done amongst Turks, Heathens, and Infidels, and if so, then what need is it that my Country-men should so highly scorn me as they do, for if I live to see New-Years Day over. I shall be able to speak to them, and ask them how they do, and rejoyce when they will have cause to mourn; and I now know my friends from my foes, and if I out of this world be taken, it will be my greater mercy to be singing Halauajah in Heaven.