If a Woman Dreams that she brings forth an Eagle, that foretels that the Child she go
[...] withall will be a great person, and that he will have many under his command.
If one Dreams he sees a dead Eagle, that signifies death to great Peers, and profit to the poor.
To Dream you see Birds of prey or faulconry, to the rich it signifies increase, riches and honor; and to the poor, the quite contrary.
If any one Dreams he sees a Raven, it presages mischief, and chiefly to the Husband, who will be discontented by his adulterous Wife: and if the woman dreams, it prognosticates affliction occasion'd by the Husband, who will forsake her to Court others.
To Dream you see a Crow, signifies expedition of business.
To Dream you see a Stare or Starling, signifies some small discontent.
To Dream you see Pigeons, is a good signe, to wit, that you shall have delight and content at home, and success in affairs abroad.
To Dream you see Cranes or Storks in flocks in the air, that foretels the approach of Enemies and Theeves. In winter it signifies bad weather.
To Dream you see two Storks together, signifies marriage, and procreation of good and helpful Children to their parents.
To see a Swan, signifies joy, revealing of secrets, and health to the Dreamer; but if it sings, it foretels death.
To Dream of a Swallow, signifies that a man shall have a discreet wife; and according to the opinion of some, good news, and good luck to the house wherein they build their nests. The Nightingale signifies the same thing.
If you Dream that you are stung by a Bee, and especially by Wasps, that signifies vexation and trouble occasion'd by envious persons.
To Dream you see many Birds, signifies Assemblies and suits at Law.
To see or hear a Cock crow, signifies joy and prosperity.
To see two Cocks fighting, denotes quarrels and fighting.
To Dream you see a Peacock, is a signe you marry a handsom wife, that you grow rich, be in great honor, and belov'd by the King and Grandees.
To Dream of a Hen and her Chickens, signifies loss and dammage.
To Dream that a Capon or Hen crows, signifies sadness and trouble.
To see Patridges, is a signe that a man shall have to do with women that are malitious, ingrateful, and void of conscience.
Quailes signifie bad news at Sea, Debates, Quarrels, Pyracy, Ambuscadoes and Treachery.
All sorts of Grashoppers, signifie impertinent praters, bad Musicians, and also poor people that steal about the Country.
If a distempered person Dreams it, it foretels no good.
All sorts of Night-birds, as the Owlet, great Owle, Bittor and Bat, are a bad Omen, and those that dream of such Birds must undertake no business that day.
To Dream of Eggs, signifies gain and profit; but if there be a great number of them, it denotes care and Law-suits.
Of the Rational Creature, and his parts.
MAn is that Creature, whom the Deity hath enrich'd with his most signal favors, having indued him with a rational soul, which is a ray of his Divinity; and this hath oblig'd all Philosophers to give him such excellent titles.
Plato stiles him the miracle of miracles;
Aristotle, the sociable creature, born for society;
Theophrastus, the Exemplar of the Universe;
Cicero, the Divine Creature;
Pliny, the Epitome of the World, and Nature's Minion: and all unanimously with one consent have call'd him the little World, as comprehending within his own being, all that is most beautiful or admirable among the other Creatures that people the earth: but the names and praises that the sacred Pages bestow on him, are far beyond the language of humane rhetorick; that he was fram'd and made according to God's Image, that he is his Masterpiece, his living Temple, the Object of his Love and Grace, and his Viceroy constituted over the
[Page 41]whole Frame of Nature. These are elogies that transcend all expression.
And because the subject of his Dreams are more frequently employ'd about his own similitude, then any other thing that falls within the compass of his imagination, we will give you an exact delineation of all his dependencies, and begin with
[...] nativity, in the next place discourse of his education, and then of his form and parts.
If a Woman Dreams shee is delivered of a Child, and yet is not big with Child, it is a signe shee will happily accomplish her designes.
If shee be a Mayd, it signifies Banquetting, joy, Revelling and Nuptials; and somtimes fear and grief of the Mother.
If a Man Dreams he is big with Child, that signifies wealth, gain and profit which will soon fall to him.
When a Man Dreams he sees a Woman brought to bed, that denotes unto him joy and prosperity.
If a Man Dreams that his Wife is big with Child, and that it really proves so, it is a signe the Child will live, and that shee will have a Son that resembles the Father.
He that Dreams he comes out of his Mothers womb, will in a short time be freed from some unlucky business, and rais'd to preferment.
If any one Dreams he re-enters his Mothers womb, if he be in a remote Country, that denotes a speedy return into his Native Country.
He that Dreams he sees two or three Children born, shall have cause of joy, and success in his business.
And when you Dream of a monstrous or unnatural birth, as if a Woman, in stead of a wellshap'd-Child, should he delivered of one that had two heads, four feet, four hands, or a tail, or some such thing extraordinary, or that shee was deliver'd of a Cat, Serpent, Basilisk, Rat or other animal; that is a bad Hiero
[...]phick, that betokens no good to the Dreamer; and he ought cordially to recommend himself to God, that he would preserve him from those misfortunes that threaten him. If it be a Woman that hath such a Dream, many Authors affirm, and
Anselmus Julianus in particular (who is the Author to whom we are oblig'd for most of our Interpretations) that shee shall have good success and comfort, shall be rich, and generally belov'd, and shall prosper in all her undertakings.
When one Dreams that he hath many small Children, and that they seem to him to run about the House, and yet notwithstanding he hath none, that signifies that is will be very difficult for him ever to have any, and that he that dreams will have many cares and obstructions in his affairs.
He that Dreams he sees an Infant wrapt in swadling-cloaths, and sucking the nource, that signifies a chronical and dangerous distemper, unless his Wife be with Child: for if so, it signifies that the Child will be short-liv'd: And if it be a Woman that dreams, it is a signe that shee is, or will shortly be with Child of a Daughter, unless shee be sick, or her Husband dies.
If any one Dreams he hath a head bigger then ordinary, and very highly rais'd, that signifies dignity
[Page 43]and Prelateship, or at least some charge or office where he shall be obeyed and esteem'd; and somtimes it signifies victory over Enemies, and overthrowing Adversaries at Law: and to Merchants and Banquers, heaping up of riches, and recovering of treasure; If a sick person dream thus, it prognosticates a contumacious and violent feaver.
To Dream one hath a small, light or sharp head, signifies want of spirit, servitude and disgrace.
To Dream one hath the head of a Moore, signifies voyages and journeys to remote parts, and dispatch of business.
According to the Tradition of the Indians and Persians. To Dream that one is beheaded, according to the tradition of the Indians and Persians, and that the head is separated from the body, that signifies liberty to prisoners, health to the sick, and comfort to those in distress; to Creditors payment of debts. To Princes and great Personages, it presageth all good fortune, and that their cares and fears will be turn'd into joy, and confidence in their Servants and subjects.
If any one Dreams that a person of his acquaintance beheads him, he will share with him in his pleasure and honor.
If any one Dreams that a young Child who hath not yet attain'd to the age of his youth, hath cut off his head; if the Dreamer be sick, he will not live long; if in health, he will get honor. If a Woman with Child Dreams thus, shee will bring forth a male-Child, and her Husband will die suddenly; for he is her head.
If any one Dreams his head is half cut off, the things abovemention'd will be fulfill'd but by halves.
If any one Dreams that his throat is cut with a knife; he will be injur'd by some person or other.
If he Dreams he cuts the throat of some of his acquaintance, he will do him some injury; if he be ignorant of it, it will be done to a stranger.
If any one Dreams that he is beheaded as a Martyr for Religion, that man will arrive to a great height of honor, and his soul will be happy in Heaven.
According to the Egyptian tradition, if any one dreams he beheads an armed man, he will be entertain'd in the service of some great Person, wherein he will signalize himself.
Of Wounds. If any one Dreams that he hath receiv'd from one of his acquaintance some blows with a sword in the foreparts of his body, if blood be drawn, he that is hurt shall receive some extraordinary kindness from him that strook; if the blood be not drawn, the advantage and delight shall be the more inconsiderable.
If any one Dreams that he is wounded with a sword, in such sort that he is in danger of his life, that is a signe that he will receive several courtesies and good turns from him that wounded him, according to the proportion, number and largeness of the wounds.
If any one Dreams that his King or Prince strikes him with his sword, in anger; that signifies he shall be advanced and honoured by his Prince, according to the extremity of his anger.
If a King or any other Person Dreams that he was strook standing with a sword or knife, by
[Page 45]one of mean condition, he will be in danger of death or servitude.
If a Woman Dreams shee is strook with a sword, or that shee her self either out of courage, or in her own defence, strook any one; shee will be honored; and if married, have a male-Child.
Of the complexion of the countenance. To Dream one sees a very handsome head and face, that signifies joy, content and health.
Also, if a Woman Dreams that shee sees a comely man, it prognosticates the same thing.
To Dream one sees an unknown person of a brown complexion, it is a signe of glory, honor, good success, and dispatch of business.
If one Dreams he sees a very brown Woman, that signifies a very dangerous disease.
If you imagine you see a Woman unknown, with long and comely hair, it is a very good signe, as well for the Woman, as the man that dreams; and it denotes amity, joy and prosperity.
If a man Dreams his hair is long, like a Womans, that signifies cowardize and effoeminacie, and that he that Dreams will be deceiv'd by a Woman.
Of the Hair To Dream one sees a Woman without hair, signifies famine, poverty and sickness.
To see a Man bald and without hair, signifies the contrary.
To see a fresh, taking, smiling countenance, is a signe of friendship.
To see a meagre pale face, is a signe of annoy, poverty and dearth.
To see hair interwoven together, signifies annoy
[Page 46]and grief, and somtimes injuries and qua
To see extraordinary black hair, short an
[...] curl'd, signifies sadness and grief.
If any one Dreams that he cannot passe th
[...] Comb through his hair while he is Combing, an
[...] that he hath much ado to untangle them, th
[...] denotes Law-suits and great trouble.
To see hair well comb'd, a head well dressed signifies friendship, and deliverance from a man worst business.
He that Dreams his head is shav'd, or his bear
[...] trim'd, will be in danger of losing a great pa
[...] of his Estate, of being sick, or run the risq
[...] losing his life by some ignominious death.
To see his hair shed, signifies annoy, and lo
[...] of his Estate.
If the King, Prince or great Lord Dreams th
[...] he hath a comely great head of hair, he will b
[...] victorious over his Enemies, will gain much r
[...] putation, and reduce many Provinces to his Dominion.
If he Dreams his hairs are grown white, hi
[...] Treasures will be diminished, and almost total
[...] exhausted.
If his hair seems to be longer and blacker the
[...] ordinary, his wealth and honor will increase.
If he thinks that his hair is cut or pluckt off, his Estate, and the number and forces of his State and Army will decrease according to the same proportion.
If any one Dreams that his beard is grown bigger then ordinary, he will grow richer then he was formerly.
If any one Dreams that his hair is grown more thin then it was formerly, it is a signe of affliction and poverty.
If it seems a matter of great difficulty to pull off his hair, that denotes he will do his utmost endeavour to avoyd misery.
Of Perfumes and Odors. If one Dreams he perfumes his head with Oyls, Essences or sweet-sented powders, that signifies he that dreams hath too great an esteem of himself, that he will be vain-glorious and haughty in his demeanor to his Associates: If it be a Woman, shee will deceive her Husband, and wear the breeches.
If one Dreams his hair is frizled and decently ordered, so as to be of opinion that he is very comely; it signifies that he who dreams will be in some danger of his person either by sickness or other ways.
According to the tradition of the Indians and Persians, those that dream that their head or the other parts of their body are perfum'd with oyls, perfumes; or sweet-sented powders, will live in good repute among their neighbours, and be acceptable to all persons: and as for my own parti
[...]ular; I rather incline to this then the precedent opinion.
If any one Dreams he hath an ill savor, he will be odious to all people, and that according to the proportion of the ill sent.
If any one Dreams he is presented with sweet perfumes, he will receive some welcome news, according to the proportion of the sents in quality and quantity; and will gain profit, advantage and honor among his acquaintance.
If a person Dreams that he makes odoriserous persumes, and bestows them among his friends he will be the messenger of good tidings which will prove advantageous to him, and those with whom he entertains discourse.
Of the Fore-head. If any one Dreams he hath a large forehead, that signifies an ingenious spirit; and if it be very high, it is a signe of a solid judgement: it also denotes power and wealth to him that dreams.
To Dream that you have a brow of brass, copper, marble or iron, that signifies irreconciliable hatred against your Enemies.
Some Authors are of opinion, that such a Dream is advantageous to Victuallers and Gabelers.
If any one Dreams his forehead is broken o
[...] hurt, his wealth will be discovered, and in danger of losing; that betokens fear and apprehension to him that dreams.
If one Dreams he hath a great and well-flesh'd forehead, that signifies freedom of speech, strength and constancy.
Of the Nose If any one Dreams his nose is larger then ordinary, he will become rich and powerful, and will be provident and subtile, and well receiv'd among Grandees; but to dream a man
[...]s depriv'd of his nose, signifies the contrary.
To Dream one hath two noses, that signifies discord and quarrels.
If any one Dreams that his nose is grown so big, that it is grown deform'd and hideous to the sight; he will live in prosperity and abundance, but never gain the love of the people.
If any one Dreams his nose is stop'd, so as that he hath lost his scent; if he be a King, he is in some
[Page 49]imminent danger from him that hath the greatest authority about his person.
If he be a private person that hath this dream, he is in danger of being deceiv'd by his Wife, who will commit adultery with one of his friends or servants.
If it be a Woman, her Husband will deceive her.
Of the Ears To Dream a Man hath many Ears, signifies that he will gain the love of his Servants and subjects, and will be serv'd and obey'd faithfully by them.
To Dream that a man picks his Ears, signifies the same thing.
To Dream his Ears are full of come, signifies an Estate will fall to him by his parents.
To Dream one hath Asses-Ears, signifies servitude.
To Dream one hath the Ears of a Lion, or of any other cruel Beast, signifies treachery or deceit from his Enemies and those that envy him.
If one Dreams that his Ears are become comlier, and larger then ordinary, he will find that he will be in prosperity and gain honor to whom he communicates his secrets.
If any one Dreams his Ear is hurt or slit, he will be offended by some that belong to him, or by some friend of his to whom he hath intrusted his secrets.
If it seems that his Ear is quite cut off, he shall be utterly depriv'd of their friendship.
If any one Dreams his Ears are stop'd, if he be a King or Prince, he will despise the requests and petitions of his subjects, and will endeavour to
[Page 50]have them subscribe to his will, upon all accompts.
If he be a private person that hath Dream'd thus, it is a signe he will alter his resolutions, and that he will deceive those that confide in him; if it be a Woman, shee will be debauch'd.
Of the Eys. The Eys are the windows of the soul; and the Antients represent by them, faith, the will, and the light of the understanding.
If any one Dreams he hath lost his sight, he will violate his word, or else he or some of his Children are in danger of death, or he will never more see his friends again.
If any one Dreams that he is grown blear-ey'd, he will commit some hainous crime, and afterwards repent of it; he is also in danger of losing his Estate.
To Dream he hath a good and quick sight, it is an extraordinary good dream; and he, whose it was, shall succeed in his enterprizes: but a troubled and weak sight, signifies want of money, and bad success in business.
Of the Ey-browe and Ey-lids. If any one Dreams his Ey-brows and Ey-lids are more comely and lage then they use to be, it is a signe he will be honor'd and esteem'd by all persons; that he will prosper in courtship, and grow rich.
If one Dreams that the hair of his Ey-brows or Ey-lids is shed, it will fall out contrary.
Of the Mouth. The Mouth is the rampart, house and door wherein all the internal parts of humane bodies are inclos'd.
If therefore any one Dreams that his Mouth is wider then ordinary, his family will be inrich'd,
[Page 51]and become more opulent then formerly.
If any one Dreams he hath a stinking breath, he will be despis'd by all people, and hated by his Servants.
If any one Dreams that his Mouth is shut up and clos'd, in such sort that he cannot open it, nor eat, he is in danger of a sudden death.
Of the Cheeks. To Dream one hath plump cheeks, and of a vermilion tincture, it is a good signe; and their affairs, that dream so, will prosper.
To have them lean and pale, signifies the contrary.
Of the Lips To Dream that one hath red handsome lips; is a signe our Friends enjoy their health; and to have them dry and chap'd, the contrary.
Of the Beard. If any one Dreams he hath a comly great Beard, it is a signe he shall be pleasant in his discourse, and find out the intricacie of the matter propos'd, and prosper in his undertakings.
If a Mayd Dreams shee hath a Beard, shee will be speedily match'd to her content: if shee be married, such a dream threatens her with the loss of her Husband, or that shee shall be separated from him, and be constrain'd to govern her house singly, as if shee were a man: if it be a Woman with Child, shee shall have a Son.
If one Dreams he hath lost his Beard, or imagines that somebody hath puld it up by the roots or shav'd it, that betokens loss of Relations, Estate and Honor.
Of the Teeth. The Teeth are taken in Dreams for the nearest relations and best Friends a Man hath; the fore-Teeth are applied to Children, Brethren, and other near relations: the upper-Teeth signifie.
[Page 52]the males, and the lower the females.
If therefore any one Dreams he hath lost or spoil'd one of his Teeth; by that is to be understood, that some near relation is dead.
But if on the contrary one Dreams that his Teeth are more comely, firm, and whiter then ordinary, that signifies joy, prosperity, good news, and friendship among relations.
If a person Dreams one of his Teeth is grown longer then the rest, he will be in trouble by some of his Relations.
The upper Eye-tooth signifies the Father, and the
[...] th
[...]r the Mother.
[...]emidorus saith, that the Teeth on the right side signifie Men, and those on the left Women: but it is contrary to the opinion of the Indians, Persians and Egyptians.
The great Teeth signifie Friends or relations a degree remov'd, and have the same signification as the rest.
If any one Dreams that one of his great Teeth is loose, or grown black, or that it pains him, one of his said Friends or relations will be sick, or in trouble.
If any one Dreams his Teeth are grown more comely, white and firme then usual, he will reap joy, delight, content, and profit from his said relations and friends.
If one imagines he is cleansing his Teeth to make them white, he will bestow money upon his said relations and friends.
If some of the Teeth exceed the rest, so that the Dreamer is hindred from speaking and eating; that signifies contention among relations, and suits
[...]t law for Inheritances.
Of the Neck The Neck signifies power, honor, riches, and Inheritances of what sort soever.
To Dream that the Neck is become greater and larger then ordinary, and yet so that it seem not thereby deform'd; if it be a King, he will take delight and pleasure in his Courtisans, will hear good news from his Armies, and have success in his affairs. If he be a private person, he will be honor'd for his good deeds, and grow richer then he was. The slender Neck signifies the contrary.
If any one Dreams that his Neck is tied, or otherwise squeez'd by the hand, it is a bad signe to the Dreamer, and he will be subjected to him that had his hand upon his Neck.
To Dream the Neck is awry, so as that the head leans more on one side then on the other, is a signe of misfortune, shame and loss.
To Dream the Neck is swell'd by a humor, or Aposteme, signifies sickness.
To Dream one hath three heads upon one Neck, signifies Dominion, Power and Honor.
If any one Dreams his head is cut off by Robbers and Murtherers, that signifies loss of Children, Relations, Estate or Wife; and the same to the Wife, the loss of her Husband: but if he dreams he loseth his head by Sentence or Judicial proceedings, it is a signe of his deliverance from all trouble and mischief: nevertheless this Dream signifies the contrary to Receivers, Coyners, Farmers and Merchants.
To Dream your throat is cut, and you not dead, signifies hope, and good success in business.
To Dream that one beheads a Man, signifies
[Page 54]assurance of affecting business, or revenge upon your Enemies.
To cut off the head of a pullet or green-goose, signifies joy and recreation.
To Dream one hath the head of a Lion, Wolf or some other cruel Beast, is a good signe to the Dreamer, and he will accomplish his designes with honor; will overcome his Enemies, and be fear'd and honor'd by those that are related to him.
To Dream one hath his head in his own hands, signifies loss of Wife or Children. If the Dreamer be not married, it is good luck, and if he thinks he adornes and dresseth his head, his business will succeed happily.
Of Hornes. If any one Dreams he hath Horns on his head, it signifies Dominion, Grandeur and Royalty: nevertheless some Authors say, that to Dream one hath the Horns of an Ox, or of any other furious creature, that denotes anger, pride, temerity, and violent death by the hand of Justice.
To Dream you see a man with Horns on his head, signifies he is in danger both of the loss of his person and Estate.
Of the Sholders. If any one Dreams he hath large shoulders, and that they are more brawny then usual; that signifies good luck, strength and prosperity: yet such a Dream is bad for prisoners; for to them it denounceth annoy and grief, and that they are in danger of enduring much pain in those parts.
To Dream that the shoulders are full of pain, or that there is some nail, tumor or swelling in them, that signifies trouble and displeasure from relations.
Of the Brest and Paps. To Dream that your Brest is clear and well, signifes health and joy.
To have hairy-Brests, and the paps covered with hair, to a man it is a signe of gain and profit, to a woman loss of her Husband.
If a man Dreams he hath Brests as big as a woman, that denotes effoeminacy and cowardize, or else trouble and grief occasion'd by the sickness of Children.
If a young married woman Dreams that her Brests are full, and spinning out with milk; that signifies she is with Child, and that it will be a perfect birth, and come to good: if she be an antient woman that Dreams thus, shee will have wherewithall to support her; if shee be rich, that signifies she will bestow some money upon her Children, who will rejoyce therewith; if a virgin dreams thus, shee is near her marriage.
If a woman Dreams shee hath sore Brests, shee is threatned with death.
If shee Dreams her Brests are dried up and lank, and that they are no longer hard, but hang down, that signifies that her Children will dy; and if shee have none, shee will grown indigent, and will often shed tears through grief and affliction.
If a woman Dreams shee hath many Brests, that signifies shee hath as many Gallants.
If any one Dreams that his friend strikes him over the Brest with a sword; to those that are old it signifies bad news, but friendship to those that are young.
To Dream that the Brests are full of blood, and raw all over, signifies loss of Children and barrenness.
If any one Dreams that his brest is grown more large and plumper, he is long liv'd, and will grow rich according to the proportion of the largeness or plumpness thereof.
Of the Arms. If any one Dreams that his Arms are grown bigger and stronger then ordinary, that signifies he will have joy and profit by his Brothers or his Sons means, and that he will become rich.
If a woman Dreams it, her Husband will increase in estate and authority.
To Dream one hath strong Arms, signifies good fortune, deliverance from sickness or Imprisonment.
To Dream ones Arms or elbows are full of scabs, or other ulcers; that signifies annoy, sadness, and bad success in business.
If any one Dreams his Arms are broken or grown lean; if he be a King or great Prince, some overthrow will happen to his Army, or some disaster to his State; or, as we have said, his Son or Brother will fall into some distemper or affliction. The same Dream denotes affliction, sickness and poverty to the Children or Brethren of private persons.
If a woman Dreams so, shee is in danger of being a widdow, or at least of a separation from her Husband.
The muscles of the Arms are applied to Servants.
If any one Dreams his Arms are hairy, he will grow richer then formerly.
Some Authors attribute the right Arm to the Father, Son, Brother and Friend; and the left to the Mother, Daughter, Sister, she-Friend, and the faithfull Maid-Servants.
To Dream your right Arm is cut off, that signifies the death of the Father, Son, Brother or Friend of the Dreamer: if it be the left, the same judgement as is above mentioned shall bee given.
To Dream both the Arms are cut off, signifies Imprisonment or sickness.
Of the Hands. The Hands by the Learned are called the Servants of reason, the instruments of instruments, and the Symbole of humane fidelity.
If any one Dreams his Hands are comelier and stronger then ordinary, he will be employ'd in some important affair; which he will bring to an happy issue, and gain honor and advantage thereby; and his Servants will love and serve him cheerfully and faithfully.
If any one Dreams that his Hand is cut off, or that it is grown lean and dry, or that it hath been burn'd, he will lose his most faithful Servant: if he hath no Servant, he will not be able to work, but grow poor. If a woman dreams thus, shee will lose her Husband, her eldest Son, or fall to decay.
If any one Dreams his Hands or Fingers are grown slenderer then ordinary, he will find that his Servant cheats him, and hath no affection for him.
If any one Dreams he works with his right Hand, that is a signe of good fortune to him and his family; if with the left, that denotes bad luck: nevertheless, some attribute the Arm and the right Hand to the Father, Son, Brother and Friend, and the good success that may befall them; and the left Arm signifies the Mother,
[Page 58]the Daughter, the Wife, the Maid-servant, the Man-servant, and the Estate already gain'd.
To Dream the Fingers are cut off, signifies loss of Friends or Domesticks.
To Dream one hath six or seven Fingers on a Hand, sifnifies friendship, new acquaintance, good fortune, and Inheritance or Benefits.
To Dream the Hand is hairy, signifies trouble and imprisonment.
To Dream you have clear and white Hands, among the rich it signifies friendship, and among the poor idleness and necessity.
To Dream one hath the Hand-gout; to the youthful it signifies fear and dread, accompanied with the danger of his person; and to the antient, it denotes poverty and languishment.
To Dream one hath many Hands, signifies good luck, strength, wealth and abundance.
Nevertheless this Dream is destructive to highway-men; for they will be under the arrest of Justice, and punished as malefactors.
To Dream one hath handled fire without any hurt or dammage, that signifies to the Dreamer, that those that envy him, and are his adversaries, will be incapable of prejudicing him according to the custom of the world, and that he will obtain his desires.
To Dream that you strike another with your Hand, and that you give him a box on the ear, or a blow with the fist, that signifies peace and love between a Man and his Wife; and if he that Dreams be unmarried, it is a presage that he will soon Court some Lady for whom he hath a great respect, and that he will vanquish his Enemies.
If a Woman Dreams that shee beats her Husband, that signifies fear; but yet shee is belov'd by her Husband: if shee dreams shee strikes her Gallant, that signifies shee is not secure, and that her Lover will by some accident or other come to trouble.
If any one Dreams he holds a sword in his Hand, and strikes strangers, that signifies victory, assurance, and good success in his affairs; if it be with a stick, it signifies command and profit.
If any one Dreams he hath gold-rings on his fingers, that signifies dignity, good fortune and felicity.
Of the Nails. If any one Dreams that his nails are longer then usually, that signifies profit; and the contrary, loss and discontent.
If any one Dreams that his Fingers-ends or nails are cut off; that signifies unto him loss, disgrace, and contention with his relations and friends.
If any one Dreams that his nails are pul'd off, he is threatned by misery and affliction of all sorts; and is also in danger of death.
Of the Belly. If any one Dreams his belly is bigger and fatter then ordinary, his family and Estate will increase proportionably according to the greatness of his belly.
If one dreams that his Belly is grown lean and shrunk up, he will be joyfully deliver'd from some bad accident.
If any one Dreams that his Belly is swel'd, and yet notwithstanding empty, he will become poor, though he be rich in the esteem of many people in the world.
If any one Dreams he is extraordinary hungry, and that his appetite craves sustenance, he will be ingenious, laborious, and eager in getting an Estate, and will grow rich proportionaby to the greatness of his hunger.
If any one Dreams his thirst is quenched when thirsty, and that he hath drunk his fill of water; if the water did appear clear, fresh and acceptable to him; he will live jovially, and become very wealthy: if the water be troubled, lukewarm, stinking and dirty, he will end his days in sickness and affliction.
If any one Dreams his belly akes, he will be afflicted in his family, and have many cares upon him.
Of the Navel. If any one Dreams he hath a pain at his navel, if the grief be great, he will receive bad news of his Father and Mother, who will be in danger of death; if he hath neither Father nor Mother, he will lose his Estate that came to him by the Father and Mother, in the same proportion as the pain is, or else will be forc'd to forsake his native Country.
Of the Privities If any one imagines in a Dream, that he sees those parts vigorous and well, it signifies that his relations and Friends are in a prosperous condition, that the Estate and possessions of the Dreamer are secur'd, and that they augment and increase with his honor.
If he Dreams that they grow less, and that he is not well in those parts, it is quite contrary, and somtimes it menaceth the party with infamy and shame.
The same interpretation is also to be given of
[Page 61]the secret parts of the Woman.
If any one Dreams that those parts are grown bigger and stronger, he will be renown'd, and rais'd to dignity, and beget male Children: if it be a Womans Dream, shee will bring forth Daughters, and will ever have the reputation of a virtuous Woman.
If a King Dreams thus, he will be long-liv'd, and have a proper Man to his Son that will succeed him.
If a Woman sleeping Dreams that shee hath laid hold of the privities of a man, shee will bring forth a male Child, who will raise his family.
If any one Dreams that part is cut off, his Son shall dy, and he himself be in danger of dying soon after, or of falling into poverty.
If any one Dreams that part is grown long beyond measure, he will have a Son that will create him all the content imaginable, and will be virtuous and renowned over the whole world; and the Dreamer will gain honor through his Wises means.
If his Dream be contrary, he will be reduced to a low condition, being put out of his Office and Dignity, and his Children will grow sickly and miserable.
If any one Dreams that those parts have been discovered, and seen publikely, the Law will take hold of him, he will become infamous, and his craft and mischiefs be detected.
If any one Dreams that part is maim'd, he will be overcome by his Enemies, and his Children will be subject to Chronick diseases.
Of the Thighes. The Thighes represent the Relations: if any one Dreams both his Thighes are broken, or beaten black and blew, he will dy in a forrain Country alone, without the assistance of his Relations.
If a Mayd Dreams so, shee will be married to a stranger, and lead her life in some remote Country, far distant from her Relations.
If shee be a Wife, shee will become a widdow, and lose her Children.
If any one Dreams that his Thighes are grow
[...] bigger and stronger then usual; if he be a King, he will have occasion of joy from his domesticks, his Army, Servants and Subjects; for it is not the custom to say to the King, Your parents,
&c. because God hath bestowed upon him power and dominion over all persons indifferently.
If a private person Dreams the like, his Relations will be rais'd to some dignity, and it will prove honorable and advantagious to him: if it be a Woman, shee will have comfort by her Children.
If any one Dreams that he hath received a wound on the thigh, he will not accomplish his desires, but be disturb'd by his Relations.
To Dream that you see the fair and white Thighs of a Woman, signifies health and joy.
If a Man Dreams that he hath his Thighes well-proportion'd, it signifies a happy voyage.
Of the Knees. The Knee denotes the labor and travel of Man; therefore if any one Dreams that he himself, or any other person hath hurt his Knee, he will be disturb'd and disquieted in the exercise of his calling, and hindred in his vocation by malitious and envious Persons.
If any one Dreams that his Knees are cut or dried up, so that he cannot well walk, he will be reduc'd to poverty, not being able to work, and constrain'd to live in a very low condition.
If it seems that his Knees are grown well, and that he hath recovered his strength, and can walk; his ill fortune and calamity will be altered, and he will grow rich, and live with content.
If he Dreams by the strength of his Knees he is able to run swiftly, he shall be happy in all his undertakings.
If shee be a Woman, shee will be ready and willing to obey her Husband, and be very carefull to governe her family.
If a man Dreams his Knees are weary, that signifies sickness.
If any one Dreams that he is kneeling, that denotes devotion and humility, and somtimes vexation and trouble in business.
To Dream the Knee is swell'd and pains you, that signifies sickness, pain, loss and bad success, or obstruction in business.
Of the Legs To Dream your Legs are scabby, or itchy, signifies fruitless perplexity and care.
To Dream your Legs are in good case and perfectly well, signifies joy and good fortune, that you will be prosperous in your voyage, journy and business.
To Dream that the Legs are swell'd or cut off, signifies the loss or dammages of servants and our best friends, who will either fall sick or dy.
Of the Feet If any one Dreams he hath three or four feet, he is in danger of being crippled in the Legs or Feet by some defluxion, or some other accident;
[Page]for those that are in such a condition use crutches or staves to support them, or else ly down on a bed that hath four Legs; nevertheless this Dream is advantagious to Merchants, and those that traffick by Sea.
To Dream a man hath fire at his Feet, is a bad signe.
To Dream that a Man is nimble-footed, and that he danceth well, signifies joy and amity.
To Dream the Feet are cut off, signifies pain and dammage.
To Dream your Legs are cut off, signifies pain and dammage.
To Dream you see the Feet of your little Children, signifies joy and profit, good health, pleasure and consolation.
To Dream you have a Fistula in your Foot, signifies assistance in business.
To Dream your Feet are dirty and smell ranck, signifies tribulation, or a venereal distemper.
To Dream you are near a River or Fountain, and that you wash your Feet, signifies humility and good success, and sometimes catarrhes and defluxions.
To Dream you kiss the Feet of another, signifies repentance, easement, contrition and humility.
To Dream you see a Serpent, or some other mischievous creature, that will bite your Feet, signifies envie; and if the creature bites shrewdly, that signifies sadness and discontent.
To Dream that any one doth scratch the soles of the Feet, signifies loss by flattery.
To Dream that any one batheth your Feet with
[Page 65]wholsom herbs, or perfumes them with good scents, signifies honor and joy from servants.
If any one Dreams that his Leg or Foot is out of joynt, or broken, it signifies that your servant will receive loss and dammage, or die, or that he will be retarded in his voyage or journy, and will meet with obstructions.
If any one Dreams that he is grown lame, that denotes infamy and disgrace; or if he be a prisoner, it foretels the punishment of his faults; or if rich, loss of his goods by fire.
To Dream that you walk on your Knees for want of Feet, that signifies poverty, and loss of goods and servants.
To Dream one hath a wooden Leg, signifies an alteration of your condition, from good to bad, or bad to worse.
Of the Back To Dream you see your Back, signifies ill-luck and old age.
To Dream a Mans Back is broken, hurt or scabby, signifies that his Enemies will get the better of him, and that he will be scoff'd at by all persons.
Of the Buttocks. To Dream one sees his own Buttocks, signifies infamy.
To Dream you see the buttocks of a Woman, signifies luxury and carnal pleasure.
To Dream you see your buttocks grown black, signifies shame and dammage.
Of the Ribs. The Ribs signify Women; the upper and larger Ribs, women that are born legitimate, the lower are the female relations and allies.
If any one Dreams that he hath his upper Ribs broken or sunk, he will have some dissention
[Page 66]with his wife, which will redound to his disgrace and displeasure.
If he Dreams his lower Ribs and broken, he will be afflicted by his female relations and kindred.
If any one Dreams his Ribs are grown larger and stronger then ordinary, he will take delight in his wife, or receive good success and advantage from him that hath the charge of his Estate and affairs; for the Ribs being as it were the walls and ramparts of the body and principal inward-parts, they are applied to those that have the charge of the house; and if they receive any dammage, that is attributed to the same persons.
Of the Hips If any one Dreams his Hips are grown larger and stronger then usual, he will be very joyful and healthful; and if he marries, will have lovely Children.
To Dream the same thing of the reins and backbone, signifies altogether the same thing as the Hips; and farther, that he will take delight and comfort in his Wife, or his Heirs.
To Dream the Hips are broken, and that you cannot walke, that denotes affliction, sickness and loss of Children.
If any one Dreams that his Hips are black and blew with whipping, or blows with a stick or sword, that presageth his death in a short time, or at least that he will hate his Wife, and have several grievances.
If he Dreams his Hips are cut half through, his hope in his Wife and relations will be utterly lost.
Of the Flesh in general. If any one Dreams he is increas'd in Flesh, he
[Page 67]will gain gold and wealth, according to the quantity of his Flesh: if he dreams he is grown bigger and fatter, he will enjoy riches, and delight in rich and sumptuous apparel.
On the contrary, if any one Dreams that he is grown lean and thin, if he be rich, he will grow poor, or at least conceal his wealth, and will seem to be in a mean condition; if he be poor already, he will dy out of poverty and necessity: if shee be a Woman, her Husband, allies and relations will hate her.
If any one Dreams his Flesh is grown spotted, or black like a More, he will deceive those he trades withal by Lying and craft; if shee be a woman that dreams thus, shee will be taken in adultery, and put away or repudiated by her Husband.
If any one Dreams his Flesh is grown yellow or pale, he will be in danger of falling into the distemper of a long continuing fever.
If any one Dreams his Flesh is full of Scabs, Tetters, or Cornes, he will grow rich proportionably to the said Scabs.
To Dream the body is full of lice, and the flesh incommodated by their eating into it, that signifies that the Dreamer will hereafter get both gold and silver.
If any one Dreams he hath eaten the Flesh of a Man or Woman, he will inrich himself by injuries and reproach.
Of the Intrails. If any one Dreams he hath voyded his Intrails at the Fundament, some of his family will be ingaged abroad in some quarrel, which will cause his dammage and affliction.
If any one thinks Dreaming that he hath eaten up his Intrails, he will gain by the death of some of his Domesticks; if he dreams he hath eaten the intestines of another, he will inrich himself by the Estate of another.
Of the Liver. If any one Dreams that he is indispos'd in his Liver, or that it is burnt, or dried up, his Estate and wealth will be wasted, and he himself die suddenly; for the Liver is the source of blood, and the blood in dreams is taken for gold and riches.
If any one Dreams he hath seen or found the Liver of any of his Enemies, and carried it away, he will over-rule those that wish him ill, and be master of their treasure.
Of the Marrow. The Marrow hath the same interpretation as the Liver.
Of the Lungs. If any one Dreams he hath found the Marrow, Liver or Lungs of a Bull, He-goat, Ram, or any other horned-beast, he will enjoy the goods and Estate of some person of quality, that is in great honor, to whom he shall be heir; for the horns signifie dignitie and soveraingntie, whence it is that horns represent crowns.
If any one Dreams that somebody hath pluckt out his lungs, or that he is hurt or ill-dispos'd in that part, his designes will be frustrated, and run the hazard of some great danger, and lose the most useful and profitable servant in his family: for the Lungs moderate and refresh the heat of the heart, and represent servants.
Of the Heart. The Heart in man is the same thing as the Sun in the Firmament, and gold in the Earth; and therefore is the noblest part of the Microcosme,
[Page 69]first living and last dying; wherein are inclos'd, as in a fortress, courage, resolution and generosity.
If any one Dreams he hath the pain of the Heart, it is a signe of some dangerous distemper approaching, according to the proportion of the pain which is imagin'd to be felt in the Heart.
If any one Dreams that he hath no Heart, and that he lost it, it is a signe of sudden death, or that he will utterly fall under the power of his most mortal Enemies.
To Dream your Heart is more lively, large and vigorous then ordinary, is a signe of long life, that you will overcome your Enemies, and be prosperous in your enterprizes, and fear'd by all persons.
The Heart, in the opinion of some, in dreams signifies man, and chiefly the Husband; so that if a woman dreams shee is ill in, or hurt at her Heart, the evil denounced by that dream will happen to the Husband: If it be a Mayd that dreams thus, the evil will happen to her Father, or Servant, if shee hath one: the Lungs have the same signification: the Liver signifies the same: the Gall signifies a Son or Brother.
Of the Gall If any one Dreams that his Gall is broken in his body, that signifies that he will be angry with some of his Domesticks, and that he will hurt them; and if he be a married man, he will have some great contest with his wife; and will also be in danger of losing his money by gaming or Theeves.
Of the Spleen. The Spleen denotes the pleasure and content that is between friends rejoycing.
If any one Dreams his Spleen is enlarged and very healthful, he will be invited to some Feast, Comoedy, Ball, Dancing, Walk, or some good Company or other, which will afford him very much content and diversion.
If on the contrary he imagines his Spleen is oppressed, swel'd, or that he is ill in that part, some business or other of great importance will fall into his hands, which will bring him great care, vexation and disturbance.
Of the Brain. The Head is the Cittadel wherein the Brain is environ'd, which is the Dungeon of the faculties of the Soul, and by its wise conduct hath Dominion over all the other parts of Man: so that if any one Dreams his Brain is well, and freed from all defluxions and ill humors, he will be an able Counsellor to Kings and Princes, will govern himself prudently, and will perfect his designes with honor and profit: if on the contrary, he imagines his Brain is ill dispos'd, and overcharged with humors that cause pains, he will be unfortunate in his Counsels and enterprizes, will pass for an inexpert and imprudent person, and run into many dangers.
Of Nakedness. To Dream you see a Man naked, signifies fear and terror.
To Dream you see a naked Woman, signifies honor and joy, provided shee be fair, clear-skin'd and handsome.
But if on the contrary you Dream you see a naked Woman that is crooked, old, wrinkled, or otherwise ill made, and black withall; that signifies shame, repentance and ill luck; but if a Man dreams he sees such a Woman painted, the evil will be the less.
If one Dreams he sees a naked Woman painted or in a statue of marble, Gold, Silver or brass, and that the portraicture or statue be taking and pleasing to the Ey, that signifies good luck, and success in business.
If a Husband Dreams he sees his Wife naked, it signifies deceit.
If a Wife Dreams shee sees her Husband naked, it signifies assurance and success in her enterprizes.
To Dream one sees his Lady of pleasure naked, signifies peril and danger by the craft and deceit of the Woman.
To Dream one sees his friend or servant naked, signifies discord and falling out.
To Dream that a Man sees himself naked, signifies sickness or poverty, and most commonly shame by means of some other person.
If any one Dreams he is naked in a Bath or in the Stews with a person he phancies, it signifies joy, pleasure and health.
To Dream you see a naked More, or some other black person, signifies sadness, melancholy and dammage.
If a Woman Dreams that shee lies stark naked in her Husbands arms, and yet it is no such thing, that presageth sadness to her by ill news: but when the Husband hath the same dream, it signifies amity, joy and profit.
When a Woman Dreams shee is in bed with a More, or else with a deformed person, whom shee scorns and hath an aversion for, that predicts sickness or discontent: if the Husband dreams the same thing, that signifies sickness or
[Page 72]deth to his Wife or Mother.
To Dream that a Man is naked in bed with a handsom Woman, signifies deceit; and with a handsom Man, pain, trouble, loss, dammage and deceit.
To Dream one seeth or discourseth with his Father, Mother, Wife, Brother, Sister, or some other of his relations and friends, though they are dead, that signifies it is an advertisement for them to mind their affairs, and to behave themselves like good people in this world.
Of the Cloaths or Garments. If any one Dreams he hath a suit, hat, or pair of new boots on, and that they please him
[...] that signifies joy, profit, and good success in business.
If a Gentlewoman Dreams shee is drest in a French-hood, or any other Head-tire of a Towns-woman, that prognosticates dammage and dishonor.
If a Citizen Dreams shee hath her head or body Dress'd like a Gentlewoman or Lady, that signifies honor, as well to herself as her Husband.
If a Man or Woman Dream they are meanly cloath'd, it signifies trouble and sadness.
To Dream one is married, signifies sickness or melancholy.
If a Man Dreams he is wedded to a deformed Woman, that signifies death, or some great discontent: if to a handsom Woman, that denotes joy and profit.
To Dream one hath gloves on his hands, signifies honor.
If any one Dreams his cloaths are all filthy with durt or other ordure, or that he hath bad cloaths, tattered, and much worm, that
[Page 73]signifies sin, blame and shame in the world.
To Dream your cloaths are embroidred all over with gold or other kind of embroidery, signifies joy and honor.
To Dream one hath a crown of gold upon his head, signifies favor with his Soveraign Prince, and that he shall be honor'd and fear'd by many, and receive many presents.
To Dream one is adorn'd with flowers and posies, signifies a short-liv'd joy and content.
To Dream one is well booted, or hath good shooes on, signifies honor and profit by Servants.
The contrary signifies dammage, disdain and honor.
To Dream one walks in the dirt, or among thorns, signifies sickness.
To Dream one walks in the water of some Torrent, signifies adversity and grief.
To Dream one shall be cloath'd with scarlet, that denotes dignity, places of honor, and great authority.
To Dream ones hat is torn or dirty, signifies dammage and dishonor.
If one Dreams he hath swellings, warts, or pustules in his body, that signifies he will become rich by the revenue of his Lands, or by the interest of his mony.
If any one Dreams that his flesh is swel'd by some aposteme or ulcer, that must be understood of riches, according to the interpretation of the swel'd parts.
For the head is applied to the Master, the neck to him that Dreams; the teeth, or at least the jaws, gums and cheeks, signifie relations, friends
[Page 74]and allies; the shoulders, to Mistresses or Concubines; the arms, to Brothers, or the most affectionate relations; the ribs, to Women; the hands, to Servants that have the chiefest authority in the family; the legs and feet, to the life of him that dreams, or his chief Servant.
If any one Dreams he is become leprous, meazled, or full of the pox, that denotes profit and wealth with infamy: if it be a woman that hath this dream, shee will be acquainted with some great Lord, or at least with some generous person, who will bestow a good estate upon her.
Some Authors affirm, that to Dream such a dream, signifies that one shall be scoff'd at and despised by all persons by reason of some woman; but that however he shall obtain his ends.
If any one Dreams that he receives a blow with a sword by some of his Acquaintance, he will have reason to be pleas'd with him; if it be by an unknown person, he will make peace with his friends, and get advantage thereby.
If any one Dreams that his wound is heal'd, he will boast of his valor, and gain honor by it in the opinion of the world.
If any one Dreams he hath the plague, his hidden store he will be discovered, and will run the risque of losing it.
Of Furious and mad Man If any one Dreams he is a Demoniack, or otherwise possess'd by some evil spirit, he will receive benefits from his Prince, and be long liv'd.
If one Dreams he hath seen the Devil, that he was tormented, or otherwise that he was much frightned, that signifies that the Dreamer is in
[Page 75]danger of being checked or punished by his Soverain Prince or some Magistrates.
And quite contrarily, if one Dreams he strikes the Devil or some Persons he beleeves to be posses'd, and that he phancies he overcomes them; it is a signe that he that dreams thus shall overcome his Enemies, and vanquish them with glory and satisfaction.
If any one Dreams that he is turn'd Ideot and mad, and is guilty of publick extravagancies, he shall be long-liv'd, a favorite to his Prince, and gain pleasure and profit by the people.
If a Woman Dreams shee is become foolish, and is publickly guilty of folly and impudence, it is a signe shee will have a Boy, who in time will grow great: if shee be a Maid, shee will be speedily married, and that to an honest Man.
Of Drunkards. To Dream one is Drunk, is increase of Estate, and recovery of health; but when one dreams that he is drunk without drinking any Wine; it is an ill omen, and he runs the hazard of being disgrac'd by some bad action, and of being punished by Law.
If a Man Dreams he is drunk with Sack, Muscadel, or some other sweet and pleasant drink; it is a signe he will be belov'd by some great Lords, and grow rich thereby.
If a Man Dreams he is drunk with pure Water, he will boast causelesly of his wealth, and vaunt of another persons strength.
If any one Dreams he is drunk and vomits, he will run the hazard of losing his Estate by the violence of his Prince, who will force him to an accompt of his means ill gotten; or if he be a
[Page 76]Gamester, he will lose all he hath formerly won.
If any one Dreams that being drunk, he is very much pain'd at heart, and in his Intrails, that is as much as to say, that his Domesticks or Servants will rob him of his mony, or destroy his fortune without his knowledge.
If any one Dreams he is grown lean and wasted, he will be disturb'd and have suits at Law, of some other ill business, that will occasion the loss of his Estate; or else he is in danger of falling sick: nevertheless if a Woman Dreams that her tongue is grown less and learner then ordinary, that signifies unto her honor, wisdom, prudence and discretion, by which qualifications shee will be honor'd and esteem'd by all persons.
We have discours'd before in the 43 page of beheading, now we must explain the other sorts of punishment.
If any one Dreams that by sentence or judgement he was condemn'd to be hang'd, and that he imagins it was really executed, he will be dignified according to the height of the Gibbet or Tree whereon he was hang'd.
If the Dreamer be sick or afflicted, he will be freed from the disease, and in the end have joy and contentment.
If any one Dreams he condemn'd another to be hang'd, that signifies he will be angry with him whom he imagin'd he condemn'd; but in a small time after, he will place him in honor and dignity, which he will abuse.
According to the Interpretation of the Persians and Egyptians, he that Phancies he is
[Page 77]hang'd, broken on the wheel, whip'd or burn'd by sentence of Law, he will be rich, honor'd and respected for some time; but if he imagines that he was hang'd or burn'd by a fire that did quite consume him, he will inevitably perish in the end.
If any one Dreams that being to be hang'd he was deliver'd and came down to the bottom of the Gibbet, that person will lose his Estate and dignity.
If any one Dreams he hath eaten the flesh of a Man hang'd, he will be inriched by some persons, but it shall be by Foul practise and some secret crime.
Of Death and the Grave. If any one Dreams he is dead, he will be subjected to some great Prince, will grow rich, and long-liv'd, though not without much envy.
If it seems that he is put into a grave and buried, that presageth he will die in a mean condition; yet some beleeve (groundedly upon experience) that to dream one is dead and buried, he that hath such a dream shall recover an Estate, according to the proportion of the quantity of earth that is laid upon him.
If a person Dreams he sees one that is dead, and that he beleeves him to be alive, that signifies he is sav'd, and that we must do what he faith; nay farther, it signifies assurance of the dispatch of business, and Gods blessing, who takes care to send us visions for our good, and for the salvation of body and soul.
Of Games.
THe Spirit of Man being more inclin'd to things that recreate then the contrary, he dreams oftener of Plays and Pastimes then serious actions.
The Game of Chesse and Tables is the representative of a Field prepar'd for a battle; the two Gamesters are the two Generals of the Armies, and the Tables and Chess-men are the soldiers that make up the two Armies: wherefore if any one dreams that he plays at Chess with an acquaintance, it is a signe he will fall out with somebody that he knows; and if he imagines in his dreams that he wins, he shall be victorious over his Enemies; and on the contrary, if he dreams he loseth, he will be overcome and worsted in the combat.
If the Dreamer imagines that he hath taken many Men in play, that foretels he will take many of his Enemies prisoners.
If a King or General of an Army dreams he hath lost his Chesse-board, or that it is broken, or stolen from him, he will lose his Army either by the Enemies Assault, or else by plague or famine.
To Dream one plays at Cards or Dice, signifies deceit and craft, and that he is in danger of losing his Estate by some wicked persons.
To Dream you play at Tennis, signifies travel and pain to gain wealth by contention and injurie.
To Dream you have won at Dice, is a signe
[Page 79]that some Inheritance will fall to you by the death of some of your relations; for Dice are made of dead mens bones.
Of Playes. To Dream you see a Comoedy, Farce, or some other recreation, signifies good success in business.
To Dream you see a Tragoedy acted, signifies labor, loss of friends and estate, with grief and affliction.
To Dream you see persons dance at a Ball, or that you are ingag'd in a Ball, signifies joy, pleasure, recreation and inheritance.
To Dream one plays, or sees another play upon a Lute, Violin or other musical Instrument, signifies good news, concord, and a good correspondencie between Man and Wife, Master and Servant, Prince and Subjects.
To Dream one plays or sees another play upon the Virginals, Claricords, or Organs, signifies the death of relations, or funeral-obsequies.
To Dream one danceth at a wedding, signifies sickness.
To Dream one hears Bels ring, signifies an alarm, murmuring, disturbance and commotions among citizens.
To Dream you play tunes on small Bels, signifies discord and disunion between subjects and servants.
If any one Dreams he sings, that signifies he will be afflicted and weep.
To Dream you hear singing musically, or playing in consort upon Instruments, signifies consolation in adversity, and recovery of health to those that are sick.
To Dream you play, or hear playing on wind. Instruments, as Flutes, Flajolets, large or small Bagpipes, the Clarion, and other such Instruments, signifies trouble, contention, and being overthrowin at Law.
To Dream you hear Birds sing, signifies love, joy and delight.
To Dream you hear Hens cackle, or Geese cry, signifies profit, and assurance of the dispatch of business.
If any one Dreams he plays at any of those plays with which company use to divert themselves; as at
Questions and
Commands, Cross Purposes, Blind-man-buffe, Hot-cockles, Barly-break and many others; it signifies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and concord among Friends and Relations.
Of Running If any one dreams he runs, it is a good signe; especially if he imagines he runs away, and flies for fear of another, that signifies security; and when one beleeves he runs after his Enemy, that denotes victory and profit.
To Dream people run one against another, signifies wrangling and disorder; if they are little Children, that speaks joy and fair weather; nevertheless if those Children are arm'd with sticks or staves, that foretels War and dissention.
To Dream you see a Hare or Hart running, signifies great wealth gain'd by address, and subtilty of spirit.
To see a Horse running, signifies prosperity and accomplishment of desires.
To see an Asse run, signifies misfortune: when a sick body dreams he runs, it is a very bad signe.
And when a Woman dreams shee runs, that foretels disgrace and dammage.
Of some other humane Actions.
TO Dream one trades with a stranger in wool, signifies profit; in iron, loss and misfortune; in silk, sattin, velvet, and other fine silks, profit and joy; in linnen cloth, the very same.
If any one Dreams he gathers up gold and silver, that signifies deceit and loss.
To Dream one carries wood upon his back, or that he is bucking or starching of linnen, blows the fire, turns the spit, and other things of mean concernment, signifies to the rich servitude, to the poor profit.
To Dream one makes Pies, Cakes, Tarts or Confets; signifies joy and profit.
To Dream one makes tapistry, draws pictures, or dyes stuffs, that signifies joy without profit.
To Dream one comforts the sick, prescribes them remedies and medicines, signifies profit and felicity.
To Dream one makes Shooes or Slippers; to the Rich that signifies decay and poverty, to Artists it denotes the contrary.
To Dream one shaves or cuts anothers hair, that signifies profit to him whose hair we seem to cut, and to the Dreamer misfortune.
To Dream one manures and cultivates the Earth, it signifies melancholy to those that are not of such a condition, and to Laborers it signifies gain, and a plentiful crop.
To Dream you ride with a company of Men, is very lucky and profitable: but with Women, it signifies misfortune and deceit.
To Dream one is in woods or in meadows, and keeps Beasts; to the rich that signifies disgrace and loss; and to the poor and peasantry, it signifies profit.
To Dream that one is in a Tavern, and feasting with his companions, signifies joy and comfort.
To Dream you piss against the wall, and in truth it fals out sometimes that we do so indeed in such a dream, that signifies assistance of, or assistance in business.
To Dream you do your business in the fields, signifies joy, profit and health.
To Dream you take birds, signifies pleasure and profit.
To Dream you shoot in a bow, signifies comfort; discharge a gun, profit, deceit, and grief through anger.
To Dream you read Romances, Comoedies, or other diverting books, signifies joy and comfort.
To Dream you read serious books, and of some sublime Science, signifies benediction and wisdom.
To Dream you write letters to your friends, or receive letters from them, signifies good news.
To Dream you walk in the night, signifies trouble and melancholy.
To Dream you play the Mason, or cause a house to be built, signifies molestation, loss, sickness, or death.
Of Christian and Heavenly Exercises.
TO Dream one is at Church, and prays to God devoutly, signifies joy and comfort.
To Dream you make vows and offerings to God, signifies love and dilection.
To Dream that you see God's face, so as he communicated himself to Man, and that he seems to stretch forth his arms while we invoque him; signifies joy, comfort, grace, the blessing of God, and good success in business.
To Dream you see some Angel or Saint, signifies consolation, and advertisment to live well and repent of our sins: this denotes also good news, increase of honor and authority.
To Dream that you do nothing but talk idly at Church, and are drawn aside by bad thoughts, signifies envy and sin.
To Dream you see an Apparition or Spirit that seems of a comely aspect, and attir'd in white, that signifies joy and consolation: if he be deform'd and black, it signifies deceit, and tentation to sin.
To Dream you see a white Pigeon flying, which is taken in the sacred Scrpture for the Hieroglyphick of the holy Ghost; signifies consolation, devotion, and good success in undertakings; provided they be done for the glory of God, and the good of our neighbor.
To Dream you see an Angel fly ov
[...]r you or
[Page 84]your House, signifies joy, consolation, benediction and good news.
To Dream that one speaks to the Holy Virgin, signifies consolation, recovery of health, and all good fortune.