A TABLE OF ISRAELS JUDGES with all the KINGS of ISRAEL and JƲDAH, wherein their Actions and Ends are briefly Recorded.

The Children of Israel after they departed out of the land of Egypt, and had wandred Fourty Years in the Wildernesse, under the conduct of Moses and Aaron, came into the Land of Canaan, under the Command of Joshua the Son of Nun; And they were successively under four several kinds of Government, under Captains and Judges, under Prophets, under Priests, and lastly under Kings, until their Final Captivity.

Joshua was a Captain and a Judge, so was Gideon, Jephtha, Sampson, &c. Deborah and Samuel were Prophets and Judges, Eli and Samuel were Priests and Judges, for Samuel was both a Priest and a Prophet. And Lastly of the Kings, David was both a Prophet and a King.

Israels JUDGES.

AFter Joshua's death the Government of Israel was of the LORDS Appointment by Judges.

Othniell of the Tribe of Judah was the first, he continued Judge 40. years, Judg. 3.

Next to him Ebud of the Tribe of Benjamine, he was left handed, he slew Eglon that had oppressed Israel 18 years, Judg. 3.

After him Shamgar that slew 600. Philistines with an ox Goad, Judg. 3.

Deborah and Barak at the waters of Megiddo, put Sissera to flight that had 900. Chariots of Iron, and Jael entertain­ed Sissera into her Tent, he falls asleep and she smote a Nail through his Temple, Judg. 4.

After both these the Lord stirred up Gideon to help Israel called also Jerubball, Judg. 6.

Abmilech his son by conspiracy slew 70. of his brethren and at the last was himself slain by a Woman, Judg. 9.

Tola of the Tribe of Issachar he judged Israel three and twenty years.

After him Jair of the Tribe of Manasses, he helped Israel six years, Judg. 10.

Then Ibsan of Bethlem Judah, he judged Israel seven years, Judg. 12.

Next him Elon of the Tribe of Zebulon he judged Israel ten years, Judg. 12.

After him Abdon of Ephraim, he judged Israel eight years; he had fourty Sons and thirty Nephews that rod on 70. Ass Colt, Judg. 12

Then Sampson of the Tribe of Dan, for twenty years was a strong plague to the Philistines, heslew more at his death then in all his life, Judg Chap. 14.15.25.

After him Eli of the Tribe of Levi, he was both Priest and Judge for the space of 40 years, his sons were wicked, Eli his two sons were slain, and he sell backward and brake his neck at the News of the Arks taking, 1 Sam 1. & 2.

Samuel was Judge, Priest, and Prophet, he Judged Israel righteously, but his sons Governed so inequally that the Of­fice of judge-ship became Loathsome, and Israel desired a King after the manner of the Gentiles, and Samuel is appoint­ed to anoint Saul King, I Sam. Chap. 8.9.

Samuel Anointed SAUL KING at Mispach by Lot, 1 Sam. 19.

KING Saul did sight the Lords battles at first, I Sam. II. But he took on him the Priests office, 1 Sam. 15. he spa­red Agag, and the best of the spoyle; he slew the Lords Priest, and consulted with the Witch, his three sons were slain by the Philistines, and he at last slew himself, 1 Sam. 31.

Samuell also Anointed DAVID KING 1 Sam. 16. King David slew a Lyon and a Bear, he slew great Goliab, 1 Sam. 17. he slew 200 Philistians, he was preferred be­fore Saul of the Virgins, he was persecuted by Saul, I Sam. 18. at Gath he did counterfeit himself mad, 1 Sam. 22. he did cut off Sauls lap of his Garment, 1 Sam. 26. he distroyed the Amalekites, 1 Sam. 30. he restored the Ark prepared to build the temple, 2 Sam. 5.

KING Davids sins was in the the matter of Ʋriah, and causing the people to be numbred, he Reigned 40 years, 2 Sam. 24.

KING Solomon is anointed by Davids appointment, he slew Adoniah, Joah, and Shemei, 1 Kings 10. he makes choice of wisdom, and built the Temple in seven years, he entertained the Queen of Sheba, 1 Kin. 10. he Reigned 40. years, 1 Kings 12.

Kings of JƲDAH.

KING REHOBOAM succeeded Solomon 1 Kings 12. and then the Kingdome was rent into two because of Solomons sins, in the Kingdome of Judah there were but two tribes of Judah, and Benjamine, Rehoboam did evill in the sight of the Lord. He Reigned eighteen years.

KING Abiam succeeded him, 1 Kings 15. he put Jero­boam to flight, and slew 500 chosen men of Israel, I Kin. 1. he Reigned three years.

KING AS A succeeded him, he Fought with Zerah King of Ethiopia, and with Baasha King of Israel, he put the Sodomites out of the Land, and suppressed the Jews. He Reigned 41 years. 1 King. 15.

KING Jehosaphat succeeded him, 1 Kings 15. he abolish­ed Idolatry, and caused the people to be taught, he over­came the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the inhabitants of mount Seir, he sinned in making affinity with Ahab. 1 Kings 18. He Reigned tweny years.

KING Jehoram succeeded him, 1 Kin. 22. he did evill in the sight of the Lord, he Married Ahabs Daughter, he slew seven of his brethren, He Reigned eight years.

KING Ahaziah succeeded him, he did evill in the sight of the Lord. he was wonnded at Ramoth Gilead, he and 42 of his brethren were slain by Jehu, 2 Chron. 22.

QUEEN Athaliah succeeded him, 2 Kin. 11. she put to death all the Kings seed except Joash, the son of Abaziah she was slain at the command of Jebojadah having Reig­ned 17 years, 2 King 11.

KING Joash succeeded her, he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the time that Jebojadah taught him, he made provision for the repair of the Temple, 2 Kin. 12. he slew Zachariah the Priest, committed Idola­try, and to [...]k upon him the honour of God, he was slain by his servants, he Reigned 40 years.

KING Amaziah succeeded him, and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, 2 Kin. 14. he put them to death that slew his Father, and overcame the Edomites he after committed Idolatry, 2 Ch [...]n. 25. he was over­come by Joash King of Israel, the City was taken and the Temple spoyled, and he slain by his servants, having Reig­ned 29 years.

KING Ʋzziah alias Azariah succeeded him, 2 Chron. 26. he did that which was right all the dayes of Zacha [...]iah, he took upon him the Priest office, he was smitten with Le­prosie; in his time, Isaiah, Joel, Hosea, and Obadiah, pro­phesied, he Reigned 52 years,

KING Jotham succeded him, 2 King. 15. he did upright­ly in the sight of the Lord, he built the gate of the Tem­ple called Beautifull, he overcame the Ammonites, 2 Chro. 27. in his time Isaiah, Nahum, and Micah prophesied, he Reigned sixteen yeers.

KING Achaz succeeded him, he did that which was evil and drew his sons through the fire, he forsook God, and distroyed the Ornaments of the Temple, he Reigned six­teen years.

KING Hezekiah sueceeded him, 2 Kings 16. he did that which was right, he repaired the Temple, Reformed Re­ligion, restored the Min [...]stry, Celebrated the Passover, he humbled himself, and in one night an Angel of the Lord destroyed a hundred fourscore and five thousand of Sena­cheribs Army, he prayed and the Lord added fifteen years to his days, he shewed the Treasure of the Temple to the Babilonian Ambassadour, he Reigned 29 years.

KING Manasses succeeded him, he did evill in restoring Idolatry, and making his sons passe through the fire, he cut Isaiah a sunder with a woodden saw, he was carryed captive to Babilon, there he humbled himself & the Lord restored the Kingdome to him again, 2 Chron. 33. then he took away the strange Gods and restored Religion, He Reigned fifty years.

KING Amon succeeded him, 2 Kings 21. he did evill in the sight of the Lord, and was slain by his own servants, ha­ving Reigned two years, 2 Chron. 33.

KING Josiah did that which was right, 2 Kings 22. he re­paired the Temple, he was slain at Megiddo with an ar­row.

KING Jehoahaz succeeded him, he did evill 2 Kings 23. he was plagued by Pharaoh King of Necho.

KING Je [...]jakin did that which was evill, 2 Kings 23. he imprisoned Jeremiah the Prophet, and cut Habbackuck in pieces, he burnt Ba [...]uchs prophecies, and after was carried captive by Nebuchadnezzer.

KING Jehoiachim succeeded him, he according to Jere­miahs Council delivered himself into Nebachadnezzers hands, and was carried captive to Basilon. 2 Kings 24.

KING Zedekiah did evil in the sight of the Lord, for which he and the Kingdome of Judah were c [...]rryed Captive to Babilon, his sons were slaine before his eyes, and his own eyes put out and he bound in Chains, 2 Kin. Chap. 24.25.


KING Jeroboam set up two Golden Calves, the one in Dan the other in Bethel, to cause Israel to sin, and he also made, Priests of the Lowest of the people, 1 Kin. 12.

KING Nadab did evil in the sight of the Lord, he was slain by Baasha at Gibbethon, 1 Kin. 14.

KING Baasha succeeded him, and did that which was evil he sought with Asa and built Ramah, 1 Kings 15.

KING Ela succeded him he also did evill in the sight of the Lord, and was slain by Zimri being drunk, 1 King. 16.

KING Zimri succeeded him, and he also did that which was evill, he slew all of Baasha's house, burnt Tirzah and him­self in the midst of it being besieged by Omri, 1 Kings 16.

KING Omri succeeded him, he was made King by the Soldi­diers, he built Samaria and was the worst of all the Kings before him, 1 Kings 16.

KING Ahab succeeded him, he also did that which was evil in worshipping Baal, and biult him a Temple, he slew 19 Prophets of the Lord, and slew Naboth for his Vineyard, and himself was slain at Ramoth, 1 Kings 21.

KING Ahaziah he also did evill in walking in the wayes of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, he fell through the Lattis of his Window, and sent to enquire of Baalzebub, 1 Kings 22.

KING Jehoram succeeded him, he also did that which was evill, he was slain by Jehu, 2 Kings 9.

KING Jehu succeeded him, he slew Jehoram and Abaziah, at his command Jezebel was cast out of a window, he slew 70 of Ahabs Sons, and 42. of Ahaziahs brethren, he slew Baals Priests, and destroyed Baals House, 2 Kin. Ch. 9.10.

KING Jehoahaz he did evill in the sight of the Lord, and was delivered into the Assirians hands, but when the Lord delivered him he was after as wicked, 2 Kin. 10.

KING Joash his son overcame Benhadad, three time he took Amaziah, and broke down Jerusalems Walls and spoyled the Temple, 2 Kings Chap. 13.14.

KING Jeroboam his son did that which was evill, and de­parted not from all the sins of Jeroboam that made Israel to sin, he restored the coasts of Israel, 2 Kings 13.

KING Zechariah did that which was evill, and was slain after he had Reigned six months, 2 Kings Chap. 14.15.

KING Shallum the Conspirator was slain by Menahem when he had Reigned one month, 2 Kings 15.

KING Menahem Committed great evils, he wript up Women with Child, and walked in the sins of Jeroboam, 2 Kin. 15.

KING Pekahiah his son did also evill in the sight of the Lord, Hosheah slew him by conspiracy, 2 Kings 15.

KING Hoshea succeeded him, he did that which was evill in the sight of the Lord, but not as those that were before him, he became servant to Shalmaneser King of Assiria. and for his Conspiracy was shut up and bound in prison, 2 Kings 17.


LONDON, Printed by T. C. 1660

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