A BRIEF DIRECTOR FOR THOSE That would send their Letters to any parts of England, Scotlaud, or Ire­land. Or a List of all the Carriers, Waggoners Coaches, Posts, Ships, Barks, Hoys, and Passage-boats, that come to London, from the most parts and places, by Land & Sea.
Alphabetically Printed, so that none may pre­tend Ignorance, who would gladly send, but know not where to carry their Letters. With the dayes when they come, and when they return. And also to send Letters to the most habitable parts of the World, and to have an answer.


The Carriers of Abbington lodge at the George in Bred­street, come on Wednesday, and go on Thursday. Ali [...]bu­ry, Buckinghamshire at the George at Holborn-Bridge, the Swan in the Strand, the Angel behind St. Clements Church, and the Bell in Holborn; every other day. St. Albans, on Friday, at the Pea­cock in Aldersgate-street; a Coach to the Bell there on Tuesday. A [...]our at the Castle in Woodstreet, on Thursd. Frid. and Saturday.


Bla [...]vile, Dorcet. at the Chequer near Charing Crosse, eve­ry second Thursd. Bl [...]ndford at the Rose at Holborn bridg. Braintree & Bocking in Essex, at the Talbot in Gracious street, com on Thursdays, and go on Fridays. Bathe at the Three Cups in Bred­street, on Fridays, and go on Saturdayes. Bristol there also, on Th [...]rsdays at the Swan neer Holborn Bridge. Brereton in Dorce [...]: at the Rose near Holborn-Bridge, on Thursdays, & go on Fridays. Blackburn in Lancashire at the Bell in Friday-street, on Wednes­days [Page] and Fridays. Be [...]e in Lancashire, at the Ax in Alderman-bu­ry on Wednesdayes and Fridayes. From Buckinghamshire and Bed­fordshire, at the Sarazens head without Newgate; and at the Queens Arms near Holborn-bridge, at the Windwill in St. Johns street. Broomsbury at the Mayden-head in Cateaten street, on Thurs­days, and Fridays. Bingham, Notting. on Fridays, at the Bull in Smithfield-bars. Burford, Oxon. at the Bell in Friday-street, on Thursday. Buckingham at the Kings Head in the old Change. Wednesdays and Thursdayes, and at the Sarazens-head in Carterlane. Fridays at the George near Holborn-bridge, on Wed­nesdays. Bewdley at the Castle in W [...]street, Thursdays. Brack­ley at the George near Holborn-bridge, on Wednesdays. Banbury at the George near Holborn-bridge, Wednesdayes. Bedford at the Three Horshoes in Aldersgate street, on Thursdayes. Bridgeno [...]th at the Maidenhead in Cateaten-street. Bury at the Dolphin without B [...]shopsgate, on Thursdayes. The Waggons of Bury come every Thursday to the Four Swans in Bishopsgate-street. A Foor-Post from the said Berry, on Wednesday, to the Green-Dragon in Bi­shopsgate-street. Barstable at the Star in B [...]dstreet, on Fridays. Bampton at the Mermaid in Carterlane, on Thursdayes. Brill at St. Pauls Head in Carterlane, on Tuesdayes. Bampton at the Bear at Basingshaw, on Tuesdays. Balcomb at the Crown in Basinglane, on Fridayes. Broughton at the Ax in Alderman­bury, on Friday. A Coach gots to Buk from the Kings Arms at Leaden-hall.


Colchester doe lodge at the Crosse-keys in Gracious­street, on Thursdayes. Che [...]am at the White heart in Hol­born. Cogshall at the Spread-Eagle in Gracious-street, Thurs­dayes. Chippinganger in Essex, Wednesdayes, to the Crowne without A [...]gate. Cheltenham in Glo [...]. Cambden, Chippin-Nor­ten, Fridayes, at the three Cup [...] in B [...]edstreet. Chester at B [...] ­soms Inn, in St. Laurence-lane, Fridayes and Saterdayes. Con­gerton in Cheshire at the Ax in Aldermanbury, on Thurs­dayes and Fridayes. Chard in Dorcetshire at the Queens Arms near Holborn-bridge, on Fridays, and at the George in Bred­street. Cole-Ashby in Nothamp. at the B [...] in Smithfield, Cra [...] ­ley in Bedfordsh: at the Bear and Ragged staffe in Smithfield, on Thursdayes. Coventry in Warwicksh. at the R [...]m in Smithfield, on Wednesdayes and Thursdayes. Creet in Leicestersh. [Page] at the Rose in Smithfield. Coaches from Cambridge, on Thurs­day and Friday at the black Bull in Bishopsgate-street. Coven­try at the Ax in Aldermanbury, on Thursdayes. Cambridge at the Bell in Colemanstreet, on Thursday. Foot-post of Canterbury, every Wednesday and Saturday, to the Swan at Sum­mers key. Crookborn in Devonshire doe lodge at the Queens Arms near Holborn-bridge, on Tuesdayes. C [...]ln in Lancash. at the White horse at Cripple-gate, on Wednesday. Chester­field in Derbish. at the Castle in Woodstreet, on Wednesday.


Dunmore in Essex, at the Saracens-head in Gracious­street, Thursdayes and Fridayes. The Wagons lye at the Crown without Algate. Di [...]marsh in Barksh. at the George in Bredstreet. Doncaster in Yorksh. at the B [...]ll. Savag [...] with­out Ludgate, on Fridays and Mondayes. D [...]rchester at the Rose near Holborn-bridge, Thirsdayes. Denbigh in Wales, at Bos [...]ms Inn every Thursday. Daintree, Friday, at the Crosse keys in St. Johns street. From Duncebanger at the three Cups in St. John street. Derby and Derbishire at the Ax in Alder­manbury, Fridays, and at the Castle in Woodstreet Thursdays and Fridayes.


Epping in Essex, at the Princes Arms in Leadenhal-street Thursdayes. Exeter at the Star in Bredstreet on Fri­dayes, and at the Rose neer Holborn-bridge on Thursdayes. Evesham in Worcest. at the Castle in Woodstreet, Friday.


Feckingham Forest in Worcestersh. at the Crown in high Holborn; and at the Queens-Head in St. Giles in the Fields. Farington in Barkshire, at St. Pauls head in Carter­lane, on Tuesdayes.


Grindon Vnderwood in Bucks. at St. Pauls head in Car­terlane, on Tuesdayes. Gloucester at the Saracens head without Newgate, and at the Saracens head in Carterlane, on Fridayes. Waggons every week from Gloucestershire, at the Swan near Holborn Bridge.


Hadley in Suffolk, at the Kings Arms in Leadenhall­street, on Wednesdayes. Huntington at the white Hinde [Page] without Cripplegate, on Thursdayes. Hereford at the Kings Head in the Old Change, on Fridayes. Halifax at the Grey­hound in Smithfield, and at the Bear in B [...]lingshaw, likewise at the Ax in Aldermanbury, also at the White Hart in Cole­man-street. Hatfield in Hertford at the Bell in St. John street, Thursdayes. Harding in Hertford. at the Cock in Aldersgate­street, on Tuesday. Waggon lies at the Bull in Bishopsgate street, Mondayes, &c. A Coach from Hartford: every Friday to the Four Swans within Bishopsgate. A Coach from Hatfield every Friday, to the B [...]ll in Aldersgate-street. Highworth at the Rose at Holborn-bridge, on Saturday.


Ipswich at the George in Lumbard street, Thursdays. The Post of Ipswich at the Crosse-keys in Gracious street, on Thursdayes. Ingerst [...]ne in Essex, on Wednesday, to the Kings Arms in Leadenhall street. Jewel in Dorcet, at Jarrets Hall. Isle of Wight at the Bell-Savage, and Bell in Friday street, on Saturdayes.


Keinton in Warwick. at the Bell in Friday-street, Fri­dayes. Kingston upon Hull, at the Bull in Leadenhall­street. Kendall at the White Horse without Cripple-gate, on Thursday.


Lincoln at the White Horse without Cripple-gate, on Friday. Laighten Beudesart, at the Harts-Horns in Smith­field, Mondayes. Leic [...]ster at the Saracens head without New­gate, and at the Castle near Smithfield-bars on Thursdayes. Lewton in Hertford. at the Cock in Aldersgate-street, Tuesd. Leeds in York. at the Bear in Basingshaw, wednesday, and at the Ax in Aldermanbury. Leicester at the Red Lyon in Alders­gate-street. Loughborough at the Ax in Aldermanbury.


Malden in Essex at the Cross-keys in Gracious-street, Thursdayes. Monmouth at St. Pauls head in Carter­lane. Marlborough at the Swan near Holborn-bridge, Thurs­dayes. Manchester at the Bear in Basingshaw, on Thursdayes. And at the Ax in Aldermanbury, and at the Two-necked Swan in Ladlane. Mansfield in Nottingh. at the Castle in Woodstreet, Thursdayes. Maxfield in Cheshire, at the Ax in [Page] Aldermanbury, thursdayes. Middlewich at the Ax in Alder­manbury, on Fridayes.


New Elm at the George in Bredstreet, wednesdayes. Netherly in Stafford. at the Bear and ragged Staff in Smithfield, thursday. Northampton and Nottingham at the Ram in Smithfield, Saturday. Norwich at the Dolphin without bi­shopsgate, Mondayes. Nantwich in Cheshire, at the Ax in Al­dermanbury, on wednesday. Nun [...]aton in Warwick. at the Ax in Aldermanbury, Friday. Newbery at the Kings arms near Holborn-bridge, wednesdayes. Northwi [...]h in Cheshire, at the Ax in Aldermanbury, Thursday. From Newark in Notting. a Coach and Waggon on Saturdayes, at the Crosse keyes in Whitecrosse-street. Naylans at the four Swans in bishopsgate­street.


Oxford at the Saracens head without Newgate, and in Warwick lane. O [...]ey in Bucks. at the Cock in Alders­gate-street, on Mondayes. Oundle in Northamp. at the Ram in Smithfield. Ockingham at the White Horse in Friday street, Fridayes.


Preston in Lancash. at the Bell in Friday-street. Pontefract in York. at the Bell in Basingshaw, on Wednesdayes.


Redding in Berks. at the George in Bredstreet, Thurs­dayes. Ro [...]hdel in Lancash. at the Ax in Aldermanbu­ry wednesday. Richmond in Yorksh. at the Bell in Basinghal­street, and Rippon, wednesday.


Sudbury in Suffolk, at the Saracens head in Gracious­street, on thursdayes. Sabridgew [...]rth in Hertfordsh. and Stock in Essex, at the Kings arms in Leadenhall-street, thurs­dayes. Stroodwater in Glouc. at the B [...]ll in Friday-street, Fri­days. Soisam in Northamp. at the Saracens-head in Carter­lane, fridays. Sheffield in Yorksh. at the Castle in Woodstreet, thursdayes. Swallowfield in Berks. at the black Bull in Hol­born, thursdayes. Salisbury at the Queens arms neer Holborn bridge on thursday. Shrewsbury at Bo [...]oms Inn, on thursdays, Skittlebrig and Ferribrig at the Bell at Basinghall, wednesdays. [Page] Stoppard in Che [...]; at the Ax in Aldermanbury. Stonystr [...]-ford at the Rose and Crown in St. Johns street, tuesday. From Saffron-Market is a Foot-post at the Chequer in Holb. Stamp­ford at the B [...]l in Aldersgate-street, wednesdayes. The Wag­gon from Sa [...]-Walden in Essex, at the Bull in B [...]street, tuesdayes. S [...]bury and [...], at [...] hall on Fridayes. S [...]ford in Ch [...]ire at the Ax in Aldermanbury. Staford at the Swan [...]h two Necks in Ladlane, thursdayes. Coach from Stanford in [...] st. to the Cro [...]-keys in White­crosse-street, saturdayes.


Teuxbury in Glouc. at the three Cups in Bredstreet, fri­dayes. Tame in Oxon. at the S [...]ns head in Carter­lane, fridays. [...] in Devon. at the Star in Bredstreet, on fridays. [...] in Northamp. at the Castle in Smith [...]ld Thursdayes.


[...], or D [...]vifes, at the Swan near H [...]lborn-bridge, on Thursdayes.


[...]ver in B [...]s. at the black Swan in Holborn, Tuesday. W [...]m in Essex at the C [...]ste-keys in Gracious-street, Thursdayes. Wallingfield in [...]olk, at the Spread-Eagle in Graci [...]-street, Thursdayes. Wallingford, [...] at the George in Bredstreet, wednesdayes. Win [...]mb in Glouc. at the three Cups in Bredstreet, fridayes. Warwick at the Bell in Friday-street, fridayes. A Waggon from Ware at the Vine in Bishopsgate-street, fridayes. Woodstrck in Oxon. Wantege, Berks. at the Maremaid in Carterlane, Thursdayes. W [...]ster, at the Castle in Woodstreet, and at the Mouth at Aldersgate, on fridayes. W [...]e in Bucks. at the George neer Holborn-bridge, wednesday. Watford in Middl [...]sex at the Swan near Holborn-bridge. Wells in Somers. at the Rose near Holborn-bridge, Thursdayes. Witney in Oxon. at the Saracens head without Newgate, wednesdayes. Winchester at the Rose at Holborn-bridge on Thursday. Witney at the Mayden­head in Ca [...]-street, Thursdayes. W [...]cest. and Warwick. at the Rose & Crown in High-Holborn. Walsingham in No [...]. at the Chequer in Holborn, Thursday. Wendover in Bucks. at the Bell in Holborn. A Foot-post cometh to the Croste keys [Page] in Holborn every second Thursday. W [...]field in Yorksh. at the Bear in B [...]singshaw, the Ax in Aldermanbury, and the White-hart in Coleman-street, on Thursdayes. VVarrington and VViggon, at the B [...]il in Friday-street, wednesdates.


[...]. at the B [...]ll-Savage without Ludgate, on friday. A F [...]-post from [...]rk to the Rose and Crown in S [...]. [...] street, Thursday.

The Inns and Lodgings of the Carriers [...] come into the [...]urrough of [...] cut of the Counties of [...]nt, S [...]x, and Surrey.

A Carri [...] from Ry [...] in Surrey, [...]nes every Thursday to the P [...]con in [...]. T [...]bridge, of Seve [...], of Faul, and [...]burst in Kent, at the Katherine Wheel on Thursdayes: [...] Carriers of Mar [...], [...] and W [...]bleton in Su [...]x. On Thursdayes from H [...]st and [...]by in Kent; and from Darling and [...]bead in Surrey, to the Greybound in Southwark. Te [...] and [...]st in Kent, and B [...]lin Suex, at the Spur in Southwark, on Thursd. To the Queens head in Southwark on wednesd. come from P [...]b in H [...]stire, and from C [...]ster [...] Arundel Billingburst, Rye. [...], and W [...]st, in Sussix, and from [...] and Li [...]vil in Surrey. Cr [...]broke, Bev [...]den, in Kant, and from L [...]is P [...]h V [...]field, and C [...]field in Suss [...]x, do lodge at the [...]bot in Southwark, on wednesdayes. To the George in Southwark, on Thursdayes come from Gilford, [...], Gou [...]st, and Cbiddin [...]n in Surrey. To the White Hart in the Burrough of Southwark, come from D [...]r Cen­terbury, Sandwhich, Bidd [...]den, Mayfield, Ed [...]bridge, He [...], VVi [...], [...], on Fridayes. From [...], to the Kings head in Southwark, on Thursday. A C [...]rier from Tunbridge to the Green Dragon in Foul-lane, and Queen [...] Head in S [...]ark, on Friday.

From E [...]me [...], cometh a Coach and Waggon to the King [...] Head in Southwarke every other day.

Certain Directions for to find out Ships, Barks, and Hoighs that doe come to London.

A Hoigh from C [...]lchester comes to Smarts Key weekly. From Ipswich or Lyn, to Dice key. From Barwick to Galley key. From Ireland, Pool, Plimouth, Dartmouth, VVeymouth, to Chesters key.

From Sandwich or Dover in Kent, to S [...]bbs Dock. From Rochester, Marget, Feversham, and Maidstone, to Katherines D [...]ck. From Scotland, at the A [...]mitage. From Dunkirk at the Custome-house key. From Holland or Z [...]land, at the Brewhouses in St. Katherines.

At Lyon key Tide-boats passe between London and Dept­ford, Greenwich, VVoolwich, Erith, Greenhith, Raynam, Tu [...]fleet, and Grayes.

At Billingsgate are Barges, Light-horsemen, Tilt boats, and Wherries, to Gravesend, Milton, or further.

Passage boats to carry Passengers either East or West, about London-bridge.

At Bull Wharf come boats twice a week, which carry Goods between London, and Kingston upon Thames, and Cole­brook. Boats for Passengers and Goods, to Henly, Maidenhead, VVindsor, Stanes, Chertsey, and Redding, at Queenhith.

All those that would send Letters to the most habitable parts of the world, or to any parts of Great Britain, either England, Scotland, or Ireland, let them repair to the Generall Post-Master at the Stocks by the Exchange.

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