PHOCAENA, OR THE ANATOMY OF A PORPESS, DISSECTED AT Gresham Colledge: WITH A Praeliminary Discourse concerning Anatomy, and a Natural Histo­ry of ANIMALS.

The World was made to be inhabited by Beasts, but studied and contemplated by Man: 'tis the Debt of our Reason we owe unto God, and the Homage we pay him for not being Beasts. Religio Medici.

LONDON, Printed for Benj. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1680.

To the HONOURABLE Sr. Joseph Williamson, Kt. President of the Royal Society; and to the Coun­cil, and Fellows of the said Society.


THere is no man that hath the free use of his Reason and Senses, with Opportunity, but must as naturally fall to Philosophizing; as a Silk­worm that is full grown, and hath a convenient place, must fall to Spinning. But one whom the Royal So­ciety hath so far honoured and obliged, as to make him of their Number; how much less possible is it for him to live a Drone, and not to act his part in so industri­ous and noble a Hive? As a Specimen of what I am willing more particularly to apply my self to, I here hum­bly offer the following Discourse to your acceptance. [Page]And which I also do with some allowable boldness: Be­cause upon a subject so suitable to your Design; be­cause, I am sure, I have at least heartily aimed at my Duty in the management of it: and because it was first drawn up, and is now published, not without your own favourable Aspect and good liking. And if, upon your review, it shall again meet with the same, I shall not only be buyoed up against any ill Reflections that may befall it; but encourag'd to proceed in what I have begun: and to do all that one would do, who aspires to be in some measure useful, and

One of Your most Obedient Servants, Edw. Tyson.

A Preliminary Discourse Concerning ANATOMY AND A NATURAL HISTORY OF ANIMALS.

SInce first I applyed my self to Physick, and had spent some time in the various studies thereof; though each had its peculiar Charms, which al­lured and greatly delighted the Mind busied and imployed therein; yet that of Anatomy in a more extraordinary manner affected my Genius. The great and useful discoveries that of late have been made by it in the Lesser World, have equalled, if not exceeded those done by curious Adventurers and Saylers in the Greater. New Tracts, new Lands, new Seas are daily sound out, and fresh descriptions of unknown Coun­treys still from both brought in; so that we are forced to alter our Maps, and make anew the Geography of both again. Nor have the discoveries of the Indies more en­riched [Page 2]the world of old, than those of Anatomy now have improved both Natural and Medical Science: Nor can I tell how otherwise we can attain to that advice of the Oracle, [...], but by Anatomy. Natures Synthe­tic Method in the composure and structure of Animal Bo­dies, is best learn't by this Analytic; by taking to pieces this Automaton, and viewing asunder the several Parts, Wheels and Springs that give it life and motion.

Physick certainly must acknowledge Anatomy its best Cynosure; and that Pilot must needs err and wander, who without it, being ignorant of the various Seas and Coasts he sails in, steers all in the dark and at random: or if possibly it happens that sometimes he be cast into the desired Port or Haven; yet he is to be esteemed more fortunate than skilful. The dissection of Morbid Bodies af­fords the best account of Diseases; and often indicates the cure in others: that of Sanous, informs us of the true texture and uses of the parts. Both have their great ad­vantages, both ought with equal Care and Sollicitousness to be cultivated. But since we must know what is the right, before we can understand the various deviations from that Rule; great and laborious have been the Re­serches both of the present and former Ages, for the at­taining this: But in nothing have their endeavours been more successful than in making a comparative survey. Nature when more shy in one, hath more freely con­fest and shewn herself in another; and a Fly sometimes hath given greater light towards the true knowledge of the structure and the uses of the Parts in Humane Bodies, than an often repeated dissection of the same might have done. Hence it is that the great Improvers of this Learn­ing have digged so much in these rich Mines, and have brought from thence so vast treasures; though they are still so far from exhausting them, or proclaiming Nature's Penury, that they cannot sufficiently extol her Bounty, or with too passionate a Zeal sollicit a farther prosecution of so great a work; which by their example and success [Page 3]therein, they have both credited and encouraged. We must not therefore think the meanest of the Creation vile or useless, since that in them in lively Characters (if we can but read) we may find the knowledge of a Deity and our selves. What often our inconsiderate Ignorance disregards and thinks but despicable, were there a just scrutiny made, it could not but excite our greatest admi­ration, and extort a Confession of its admirable contri­vance and workmanship. In every Animal there is a world of wonders; each is a Microcosme or a world in it self: And that great Conquerour of the world, who wept that there was but one for his ambitious Rage to spoil, at length more nobly had his desires in these, and with greater Glory hath eterniz'd his Name, when after he had ravag'd the Air, Sea and Land, at last committed to Aristotle to write the History of his Trophies. The wisest of Kings and Men may be thought to have gained great part of his knowledge from them. Nor ever was there an Age so ignorant and Brutish, but in some mea­sure or other hath endeavoured to bequeath to Posterity their Learning herein. Ours that hath so widely exten­ded the Pomoeria or former Boundaries of all good Learn­ing, and with vast labour hath at last pulled down those Herculean Pillars, that too narrowly confined its Em­pire; having vindicated its just Liberties from the Tyran­ny of usurping Authorities, and the Credulous slavery to some Great Names, does daily bring in its stores for the rearing a new and more lasting structure of Natural History. For impartially viewing the Build­ings of the old, and finding in so many Places its founda­tions so weak and infirm, although many of its Materials may serve again, yet it has been thought more adviseable to pull it down and begin a new, than to repair the Ru­ines of so decrepit an Edifice. In so great a work many hands are daily imployed, some in battering down and re­moving the Rubbish, others in endeavouring to lay a good foundation; some dig for new stone, others labour in polishing it; others in inventing new and more conve­nient [Page 4]Instruments and tools to work with; some give their Pains, others their Purses; all their desires and good wishes to so noble a design. But since it will be some time before we can expect so vast a Pile to be compleated; great care must be had, that what is brought in, be pre­served and secured either from the Injuries of the wea­ther or times, or danger of being squandered away, and that all may be ready at hand when they come to have occasion of using it in raising this stately fabrick; for the modelling and contriving of which the skilfullest Artists must be consulted with, though even the meanest in some things may give in their Informations. I shall therefore here propose a rude Draught or Sciagraphy of a Natural History of Animals; such as hastily occurred to me; not what may be done, or the thing requires, but what haply may afford some Hints to others.

In compiling therefore a Natural History of Animals, I have alwayes thought that Ambition of some of writing an Ʋniversal, more Pompous than Instructive; for the Method they have usually taken hath been to rake in all from former Authors, without separating the weeds, or sifting the chaff from the Grain: By this they have far­ther propagated many antiquated errors, without adding much new Truths to the stock themselves. But had they taken as much pains and travail in searching the Books of Nature as they have in those of former Writers, and instead of giving us an account of Animals of forrain Countreys (which they could not observe) they had made a curious and strict Inquiry into those of their own, their accounts would have been more faithful and wel­come, and they have deserved more for this Particular, than their universal History.


I could therefore wish we had a good History of the Animals of our own Countrey, and not like giddy Tra­vellers [Page 5]ramble abroad to see fine things, and still remain ignorant of what we have at home. This History I could desire likewise might commence from the lowest degree of Animation in Zoophyta's or Plant-animals; in­quiring here into Nature's first Rudiments and obscurer Vestigia of forming the Organs of an Amphibious life in them; then gradually ascending by her clew to run through all the various Tribes of Animals; carefully ob­serving all along the Harmony she keeps, or the Liberty she takes in the different formation of them, and from the whole to give a general Prospect of her workings.

The various tribes of Animals I may reckon Insects, Reptiles, Fishes, Birds, Quadrupeds, and the Intermediate species; and of these may be given

An Account Physiological. Anatomical. Medical.
  • The Physiological Account may contain The Names Synonyma's of our own or other Nations both Antient and Modern.
  • Their general and external descriptions.
  • Their various species and subdivisions, and Characte­ristical marks.
  • The Places they most frequent or are bred in.
  • The season when, and the time how long they live.
  • Their way of Living, their Food, &c.
  • Any remarkable Observations relating to their saga­city, &c.
  • The use and Benefit they afford to Man, &c.
  • for Food, and the best way of ordering them.
  • for Cloathing.
  • for Mechanical uses, &c.
  • [Page 6]The Injuries they do, how to be avoided or remedied.
  • The wayes of taking, preserving, propagating or de­stroying them.

Former Naturalists in their Histories have contented themselves with more or fewer of these Inquiries, in which yet they too too oft misguide us by their Accounts taken from unsaithful Relators, or the fabulous Records of the Antients; nauseating and obscuring the whole by tedious Philological Harangues, or troublesome quotati­ons for the confronting or establishing the Opinions of some; relying on others, when Autopsie, and their own Experience can only inform them; and their Conscience and eyes may be as a thousand Witnesses. I cannot see how a Natural History of Animals can be writ without Zootomy; at best their Accounts can be but superficial, and by them we may know a Pig from a Dog, or that this is a Bull, a Bear or Monky; but still remain ignorant of the curious Contrivance and Mechanisme of Nature within; just as if a person should think he had suffici­ently described a Watch, when he had only taken notice of the Case, the Studs, the Glass, the figures and hand; by this he may know it to be perhaps a Watch, but knows not how it so exactly measures time. This most necessa­ry part therefore and most instructive,

The Anatomical Account may contain,

1. An accurate Dissection and Description of all the solid Parts, to be illustrated (where necessary) with Fi­gures; and herein to be mentioned not only their Site, Number, Figure, Colour, Magnitude, their Cavities, Ves­sels, Integuments, Substances, Ligaments, and Commu­nications they have with other Parts, but likewise in some, a more strict scrutiny may be made into their utmost Tex­tures, by unravelling the same, and by the assistances of Glasses and other Methods. Thus viewing Nature where she more plainly discovers herself, by the Logick of a fair Analogy we may conclude she works the same, where yet [Page 7]her tracts are more obscure, and shuns the view of our most sollicitous Inquiry.

2. But since life and the whole Oeconomia Animalis con­sists chiefly in the fluider Parts of our Bodies; I have al­wayes thought it a too narrow confinement of Anatomy, when restrained only to the search of the Containing Parts. The Contained likewise and Fluids are capable of an Ana­lysis, if not by the knife, yet fire: and the various mix­tures made of them with Acids and Alkali's of various sorts and consistences; and observing thence the various Results of Fermentations, Ebullitions, Coagulations, altera­tions in Colours, and other Qualities, will afford abundance of curious and instructive speculations: and I would have not only a view to be made of all the Humours in each sin­gle subject, but upon the whole a Reflection to be made; and from such a stock of Experiments, we may warrant an Inference, and be more happy in our guesses about the uses of the Parts, and the Offices they perform in this Oeconomy.

3. The Psychologia likewise will here deserve to be con­sidered. Sensation and Motion, and what other functions there are of the soul, by such a Comparative survey may be rendered more intelligible; and from a clearer know­ledge of them in Brutes, at length we may come the bet­ter to know our selves.

4. Lastly, Embryotomia and the History of Generation, These as they will require a great deal of Labour in the Reserch, so will they abundantly recompence the Pains by the great plenty they will afford of fruitful Observa­tions. Nature viewed in her naked form, in the first organization of Animal Bodies, before she hath drawn over the veil of slesh, and obscured her first lines by the succeeding varnish of her last hand, more freely dis­plays herself, and suffers us to behold the disjoynted Parts of this admirable Machine, and how it is that in time she puts them all together: this certainly will be of the great­est consequence both for the knowing the structure and the uses of the Parts.

But that we may yet reap farther advantage from this disquisition, and render it serviceable for the Prolongati­on of Humane, as well as their own lives, I have added

The Medical Account, which may contain as well the Diseases they are most obnoxious to, with the History of Cures performed either by themselves, or the assistance of Others; as also the Copia of Medicines that may be thence obtained, for the enriching and inlarging Phar­macy.

Physick, if we may believe the Antients, in its Infancy, took its Rise from Bruits; they taught us the use of Cly­sters, Bleeding, Purging, Vomiting, the Soveraign vertues of Plants against Poysons, Haemorrhagies, Wounds, Blind­ness, and almost the whole stock of all Pandora's Evils. And certainly were we but diligent in observing, our Rea­son might here learn a great deal, which Provident Na­ture hath taught them by Instinct to out do us in.

Experience tells us, some Distempers sometimes are more happily cured in them, than in Men. Physick at first was but Empiricy; success in one, encourag'd a try­al in another. I could therefore wish we had an History of Cures performed on Brutes. The Antient Physicians thought this study not below them; hence 'tis we have the Medicina Veterinaria, Mulo-Medicina, Hippiatria, [...], &c. By this we may not only preserve their Lives for our Profits or Pleasure; but likewise be provided with further means of prolonging and lengthening our own.

Likewise on these Subjects when diseased, variety of Experiments may be tryed for the proof of the force of Medicines, for conquering the most stubborn distempers; the causes of their ailements may be enquired into by Anatomy, and more daring attempts offered at, which at length by repeated success in them, may be essayed in Man. In short, there is no part of Physick but what may receive Improvements from them, there being not that dif­ference between our Bodies and theirs, only our Intem­perance [Page 9]hath made us liable to a greater number of dis­eases.

As already they have furnished us with a great store of generous Medicines; so I doubt not, but that if a strict search were made, we might easily augment the stock from them. I could therefore wish, that this likewise were prosecuted, and the best Methods of preparing and giving them were faithfully recorded.

Having run through these three Accounts, the Physiolo­gical, the Anatomical and Medical, a reflection upon the whole may be made; and the Pseudodoxia or false Opini­ons of the Antients, and the fabulous traditions concerning them, may be taken notice of, rather by way of Catalogue than a larger Confutation.

But here it may be objected perhaps by some, That this design is too great to be effected, since a single subject so to be examined, will make a volume, and require some years, and the assistances of several heads and hands. But however slothful Ignorance may hence take a discourage­ment, yet nothing is insuperable to diligence and pains. But he certainly is to blame, who because he can't have all, grows sullen, and will have none. If what may, were but performed, such a stock would easily be added to by future diligence; and far better a little with accu­rateness, than an heap of rubbish carelesly thrown toge­ther. Malpighi in his Silk-worm hath done more, than Jonston in his whole book of Insects; and he and the Inge­nious Dr. Grew have taught us far more of Plants, than either Gerard or Parkinson. Since therefore it requires so much Pains, Expence and Time, many hands must be en­gaged therein; although it were to be desired, that some whose great Labours and Experience had rendred them more capable and expert, were more immediately con­cerned. Nor were it difficult, were there more Alexan­ders to find out Aristotles.

All Animals are not capable of all these heads of In­quiry, and several are so near a kin, that having fully de­scribed a Genus, the accidental differences of its various species would be soon absolved; nor would there need a Repetition, but a bare Recital of the most remarkable discrepances; as the Anatomy of a Porpess might in­differently serve for a Dolphin, and most of the Cetace­ous kind. I could therefore wish that at least for the present we had an Account of the most Anomalous and Heteroclite sorts of Animals; or such whose spe­cies are most different. These Essays as they would animate Others to the Prosecution of the same, so like­wise they would be a great help and assistance to them in the design. Something this way I may do per­haps my self; and though I may not be so able or skilful as to hit the mark, or to catch the Game; yet having raised it, and given the alarm to others, they may more successfully persue it.

What is here performed in the Anatomy of a Por­pess; since 'tis but from a single Observation, and the first of the kind I had opportunity of dissecting, I can­not think it so exact or full, but that another or my self upon a review, might meet with mistakes, or make additions thereto. Which is but what I have here done to those Accounts given us already of the Ana­tomy of this Fish, by the famous Rondeletius, Bartholine, Jo. Dan. Major, and Mr. Ray. However had it not met with more favourable Censures than my own, it might have still enjoyed, what it best deserves, the si­lent confinement of my Study. But since it creeps abroad, I must here acknowledge the kindness of my most Ingenious Friend Mr. Hook, and those worthy Persons, who gave me the opportunity of making the Ob­servation; And his particular assisting me in design­ing [Page 11]several of the figures, and other favours deserve my best Remembrance.

I shall only farther add, that we may here take notice of something of Nature's working, and gradual formation of the different Species of Animals; who like a curious Artist in designing the richest Tapistry, does not hastily pass from one extreme Colour to another; but curiously shadowing and intermixing the same, does give a greater Grace and Beauty to the whole. This is but what hath been formerly observed by that antient Christian Philosopher Nemesius in his [...] (p. m. 7.) where he tells us, [...]. several instances he gives of this amphibious or Hermophroditical Nature of Animals and Natural Bodies; or as it were a scale or Gradation of them; as first in Zoophyta's, then in the Testaceous Kind and Worms, then in more complete Brutes; after in such whose sagacity approaches the consines of Reason; at last in Man and Intelligent Be­ings, that are a boundary between Divinity and the Creation. What we have here is a signal Example of the same between Land-Quadrupeds and Fishes; for if we view a Porpess on the outside, there is nothing more than a fish; if we look within, there is nothing less. It cannot abide upon the Land so much as the Phoca, yet is often drowned in its own Element, and hath a constant need of the reciprocal motion of Air in Respiration. It is viviparous, does give suck, and hath all its Organs so contrived according to the stan­dard of them in Land-Quadrupeds; that one would al­most think it to be such, but that it lives in the Sea, and hath but two fore sins. The Contrivance and Structure of several of its parts are most curious and admirable; much illustrating divers late Inventions [Page 12]of some, and affording good hints for making others. And certainly by carefully perusing these Books of Na­ture, we shall not squander away our time in trifles, but may expect to meet with what will both please and ravish the Phancy, inform the Judgement and en­rich the mind with the knowledge of God in his works, and of our selves.


PAge 20. line 1. r. roundish: p. 21. l. 17. Phiae r. Plicae: p. 24. l. 14. after it, insert pallidius: p. 42. l. 24. after Tympanum, add, had a small bone that did arise upwards; but part of it was broken off. We could not observe here either Incus, Stapes, or Malleolus, but to the Tympanum—


THis Fish by Aristotle is call'd Phocaena; by Pliny, and divers others Tursio; in English a Porpess, quasi Porcus Piscis, or Sea-hog; by the Ger­mans Marsovin; in Latin often Marsuinus, i. e. Maris Sus; and in Athenaeus, [...], and indeed in several particulars it so much resembles that terrestrial Animal, that this Name seems not improper, but much more justifiable than those of divers other Fishes taken from land Creatures.

'Tis placed generally by Ichthyographers amongst the Cetaceous kind, and reckoned a Species of Dolphins. P. Bellon. de Aquatil. l. 1. p. m. 12. Bellonius gives several particulars both in the Internal and External parts, wherein the Dolphin and Porpess dif­fer; [Page 14]but very much suspecting the truth of his Observa­tions, I shall only take notice of one, mentioned by Ronde­letius, Aristothe and Bellonius himself which is the Rostrum or Snout, which is much longer in the Dolphin than the Porpess, which is sufficient to distinguish them: and Ʋlyss. Aldrovand. de Cetis, p. m. 119. Ʋlysses Aldrovandus does seem to make it the only distinction where he saith, Quaecun (que) etiam de Delphini utro (que) sexu scripta sunt, Phocaenae similiter conveniunt; & ni­si Phocaena rostrum brevius haberet, Delphino fere undiqua (que) similis soret.

The Vid. Tab. 1. Fig. 1. figure of this Porpess we dissected was oblong, its body roundish, its Head and Rostrum obtuse, the Rictus of its Mouth but small; it had two finns on the sides of its breast, one on its Back, and a semilunary tayle placed parallel to the Horizon, which in most other fishes but of this kind is vertical. The Aperture of its Eyes was but small. On the Head a little above the Eyes, it had a fistula or Spout arising from the Palate, which serves him for the drawing in Air for Respiration; as also for spout­ing out of water, as in the Cetaceous kind. On the Belly we observed the Place of the Ʋmbilicus, and below that the Tab. 1. Fig. 1. bb. Pudendum, of each side of which were placed two Ibid. a. Teats; below the Pudendum was the Anus.

The Dimensions of its Body taken in the Decimal Measure of an Inch were as follows. From the tip of the Nose to the Extream of the Tayle was 412 decimals. Its greatest thickness, being at ⅓ from its Nose, was 82. The Girt of him in its biggest part was 250. At the be­ginning of its fins 230.

From the tip of the Nose to its Navel 180. to its Anus 300. to the Fin on the back 190. to the Fins on the breast 100. to the middle of the Spout 52. to its Eye 49.

The length or Aperture of its Eye 7. the distance [Page 15]between the two Eyes in a straight line 52. from the hinder Canthus of the Eye to the Porus Auditorius was 17.

The length of the Mouth 30. the length of the out­ward Rima of the Pudendum 30. the length of those slits that were of each side, occasioned by the retraction of the teats, 7.

The length of the Fin of the back 40. the height of the same 27. the length of those on the Breast 70. the breadth 24. the distance between them 42. the spread of the Tayle 100. the broadest part near the Middle 37.

The whole weight of this fish was 96 l. aver du pois, that dissected by Miscellan. Curiosa Med. Phys. Germanic. anni quarti Ob­sor. 20. Daniel Major weighed 124 l. but Jonston Hist. Nat. de Pife [...]. l. 5. p. m. 221. Jonston mentions, that in Neustria there was one taken that weighed 1000 l.

The Colour of the upper half of the skin, that cover­ed the Back, the Fins and Tayle was of a shining black; the rest very white: but on the sides a little above the fins, 'twas speckled of an Ash colour, or as Major expres­seth it, marbled by the mixture of both colours, into spots and streaks.

The Skin was perfectly sinooth, without either hair or scales, which I suppose did very much advantage its swimming, and may be the reason we did not meet with those foramina on the head and sides which are frequent in scaly fish, and which, as Nich. Steno de Raiae Anat. p. m. 55. & Canis O [...]thariae disse­c [...]um cap. p. 93. Steno hath well observed, do discharge an oyly substance, that serves for the lubri­cating the sides of the fish, and so renders them fitter for swimming; as our Watermen do commonly trim their boats, that they may the more easily glide on the water. However on the Nose of each side we observed two small holes that would only admit of a bristle.

Bellonius, Rondeletius, Major, and others do mention the Meatus Auditorius which we likewise observed at that distance from the Eye, as hath been expressed: 'tis extream small, and whether really perforated at the skin, we somewhat doubted; for forcing a small bristle into it, after it had entered, it readily descended towards the os Petrosum.

The sigure of the Aperture of the Tab. 2. fig. 9. A. Spiraculum or Spout was somewhat semilunar: 'twas placed across the forehead just before the Brain, and was almost an Inch in length.

The shape of the Back was like the body of a Ship in­verted, that were it not for its Fins and Tayle, it would easily turn downwards; but the contrivance is most con­venient for swimming, by reason the water that is re­moved in swimming is that above them, which does most readily give way.

The Horizontal site of the Tayle in this fish is of great use. Plil [...]s. Transact. n. 76. p. 2275. Mr. Ray conceives it to be partly to supply the hindermost pair of Fins, which serve to ballance the body and keep it up in the water, answering in propor­tion to the hinder legs of a Quadruped; Hence we see that those fishes which have long Bodies, and but one pair of fins, as Eeles and the like, cannot keep themselves up in water, but lye alwayes grovelling on the bottom: Partly to facilitate the fishes ascent to the top of the wa­ter (to which he can immediately raise himself by a light jerk of his tayle thus placed) for the use of Respira­tion, which is as necessary for him as for Quadrupeds.

The structure of the viscera and inward Parts have so great an Analogy and resemblance to those of Quadru­peds, that we find them here almost the same. The greatest difference from them seems to be in the external [Page 17]shape, and wanting feet. But here too we observed that when the skin and flesh was taken off, the Tab. 2. fig. x. & xi. fore-fins did very well represent an Arm, there being the Scapula, an os Humeri, the Ʋlna, and Radius, the bones of the Carpus, the Metacarp, and 5 digiti curiously joynted; the Tayle too does very well supply the defect of feet both in swimming as also leaping in the water, as if both hinder-feet were col­ligated into one, though it consisted not of articulated bones but rather Tendons and Cartilages.

The Pudendum, Anus and Mammae we shall describe when we come to those Parts to which they do belong. Next of all we shall take notice that the body was divi­ded into three Regions or Venters, the Head, the Breast, and Abdomen. All of them had these common Integu­ments, a Cuticula, a Cutis, Fat, and a Panniculus Muscu­losus.

The Cuticula was a thin scarfe-skin, pretty easily sepa­rable by scraping with a knife from the Cutis. When any part was bent, 'twould wrinkle into exceeding small solds, but when unbent, 'twould readily return to its for­mer sinoothness.

The Cutis was 1/10 of an Inch thick, pretty easily vulne­rable and flexible. Its Colour was the same through­out; but where it was black, there on the innermost or concave part it was of the deepest colour.

The Fat, or as Mr. Ra [...] calls it, the Blubber, was an Inch, or in some places more thick; encompassing the whole Tab. 1. fig. 2. aaaa. body as in an Hog. It had a curious texture of fibres, which arising from the Panniculus Musculosus did decus­sate each other lattice-wise, and terminate in the Skin. Examining a small part of this Fat in a good Microscope, we observed it to consist of an admirable structure of nu­merous small cells or little bladders, in which was con­tained the Oyl; so that upon cutting any part the Oyl would readily run out. The Fat therefore or Blubber in this fish was nothing else but Oyl contained in those Cells or bladders.

There are three uses Mr. Ray assigns to this part, 1. To keep the cold water at a distance from the bloud, which in this Animal is hot, and by an immediate con­tact would be apt to be chill'd. 2. To keep in the hot steams of the bloud from evaporating. 3. Perhaps also to lighten and counterpoise the body of the fish, which would otherwise be too heavy to move and swim in the water. Bartholin saith, that they make use of the Oyle for Lamps.

The Panniculus Carnosus here was remarkable, consist­ing of muscular fibres, which were of a more florid red, than that of the Muscles. Its fibres from the back seem­ed obliquely ascending; but from the joyning of the ster­num to the Costae and so proportionably on the Abdomen, descending obliquely and meeting at the Linea alba. I just now mentioned the fibres that did run from the Pan­niculus through the fat to the skin: the use of them may be, more firmly to hold to the skin, which if joyned on­ly to the fat, would be much more easily separable. They may likewise give a Motion to the skin, as the Panniculus Carnosus does in Brutes. And lastly run­ning through the Fat or blubber, they may very much strengthen the Cells or bladders.

The Muscular flesh of this Animal resembled not that of Fish, but rather Quadrupeds, being very Sanguineous, but of a dark red Colour. On the Abdomen we observed the Musculi obliquè ascendentes, obliquè descendentes, trans­versales, & recti. The tendons of the three former con­stituted the Linea alba, which was very broad and of a more curious but looser texture than usually: for we could easily perceive how they did run in several Mani­puli, being interweaved and decussating each other as re­presented in Fig. 1. Tab. 2. The Musculi Recti were ve­ry thick and large; on the Inside we observed the Vena and Arteria Mammaria and Hypogastrica.

Under the Muscles of the Abdomen lyes the Peritonaeum, which is a thin though a double Membrane, in the dupli­cature [Page 19]of which there lyes the Tab. 2. fig. 3. EE. Bladder. Of each side the Bladder there are fastened to the Peritonaeum the two ibid. PP. Ovaria or Testicles, the Extreams of the nn. Cornua Ʋteri, as also the Alae Ʋteri. The numerous branches of large ib. sss. blood vessels that run to them, afforded a very pleasant sight. To the Navel were fastened the Vena & ff. Arte­riae Ʋmbilicales, as in Quadrupeds.

Tho. Bartholin. Histor. Anat. Cent. 2. Obs. 25. Bartholine and Jo. Dan. Major do both expresly de­ny that it hath any Omentum; But in that which we dis­sected we observed a pretty large one; but not exten­ded over the Guts as in other Animals, but drawn up and lying loose between the Stomach and Intestines. 'Twas fastened to all the Stomachs, and received from them a great number of Sanguinary Vessels. It had its duplica­ture as in Quadrupeds, but no fat on it. Its its duplica­ture as in Quadrupeds, but no fat on it. Its whole tex­ture seemed to be nothing else but an admirable Schema­tism or Network of Vessels and Fibres, which our naked Eye as well as Glasses could discover, and is in part repre­sented in Fig. 6. Tab. 1. Rond. de Pisc. l. 16. cap. 8. p. 449. Rondeletius does mention an Epiploum in Dolphins, as also does M. A. Severini Phoca illustra­tus. p. m. 31. Severinus in his Phoca, which he does describe to be without fat, which I rather think is natural, than, as he supposes, by a con­tabescence.

On the Omentum several Glandulous Bodies are fasten­ed, Tab. 1. fig. 6. K. a large round one growing thereon near the first stomach about the bigness of an ordinary Wallnut, be­ing of a dark flesh Colour, and having a great many ves­sels common to it with the stomach, which Bartholine calls the vasa brevia. At a small distance from this are placed several other lesser ones, some of the bigness of an Hazel Nut, others of a Pea or Pepper Corn, in all in number about 10 or 12.

Where Mr. Ray does say the Spleen was small and [Page 20]rundish; I suppose he means the largest of these Globules. Bartholine took notice of two as the most conspicuous, and calls them the spleen. Dan. Major mentions 4 or 5. and saith they are so like the substance of the spleen, [...]ut viderentur totidem splenes esse; but presently after adds, & ipse Lien quidem peculiaris ac distinctus in propria sede quoque comparuit, sed ex multis similibus globulis veluti compactus; if that by this he means any part different from the former globules, his Animal was different from ours, for we could observe no such thing. But as the Kidneys here consisted not of one entire substance, but of abundance of distinct Glands, so likewise the Spleen which is a conglomerated Glandule, had its various Portions distinct and more separated; so that as it may be said to have three hundred Kidneys, so likewise ten or more Spleens. Rond. l. 19. c. 8. p. 449. Rondeletius observes that in Dolphins, Lien in recens natis magnus pro corporis ratione, in adultis parvus & niger.

These Globules or Spleens were not fastened, as Major hints, to the stomach, although placed near it; but to the Omentum; as also was the Tab. 1. Fig. 6. H. Pancreas, which at its Basis was appended likewise to the Duodenum, where its Ibid. i. Ductus entered and emptyed it self a little below the Pylorus, and not into the third stomach, as Mr. Ray asserts.

The Colour of the Pancreas was whitish, as in other Animals. At its basis 'twas thick, and thinner towards the edges, where it seems orbicular or roundish. It was about 2 Inches and ½ in diameter. One side was slat, the other protuberant. The ductus Pancreaticus was pretty large. Major saith, that the Pancreas he observed, was longum valde & exporrectum. But Bartholine describes it to be triquetrum.

The Stomach in this fish was very remarkable, consist­ing [Page 21]of 3 Bags. The Tab. 1. Fig. 6. A. first which was the largest, was about ten Inches in length, and 3 in breadth, resembling a long Pouch or Urinal. Towards the upper B. part it em­pties it self into the second C. Ventricle which is about 6 inches in length, and 2 and ½ in breadth. This at the D. side near the fundus by a long descending narrow pas­sage is emptied into the E E. third, which is about an Inch broad; which sending one part downwards, is again re­flected upwards as represented in Fig. 6. Tab. 1.

The Stomachs are made up of several Tunicles; for in the first, besides the Membrana communis we easily disco­vered a Muscular Tunicle under it, and in the inside a strong white Nervous one, which very much resembled the inward Pellicle of the Gizard of Fowls. It had abundance of small rugae or rather surrows or lines; but at the orifice, where it empties it self into the second ven­tricle, the Plice or solds were very large and numerous, that rendered the Passage so strait, that nothing but a slu­id Chymus could be transmitted.

The inward Tunicle of the second slomach was a plea­sant sight, having large rugae length-wayes, from the sides of which at certain small distances issued mutual, Protuberances of the same substance. The Colour of the whole was a slorid red, very much resembling the branches of red Coral. By scraping with a knife I could express a great deal of a Chymous substance out of it, and pretty easily separate this tunicle from the next. It was about 1/12 of an Inch thick, and seemed to be glandu­lous. The Passage out of this ventricle into the third was very strait, having a sort of Rugous Annular valve, and a Passage about an inch in length before it empties it self into the third ventricle.

The Tunicles of the third ventricle were much the same with those of the Intestines, and in it nothing is more remarkable than the T. b. 1. fig. 6. j. Pylorus or Passage into the Duo­denum, the Tunicle there being so contracted and pursed in, that it leaves a Passage only about the bigness of the hollow of a Goose-quill, though outwardly 'tis, [Page 22]almost as large as either the Ventricle it self or the In­testine.

Mr. Ray in the stomach of the Propess he dissected, found a great number of Sand-Eeles, Launces, or as call'd by Gesner, Ammodytae. Dan. Major found in his the Spines of fishes, small Tellinae and particles of other of the Testaceous and Crustaceous kind, and Sand. In ours we ob­served the Spines of fishes, and 2 or 3 Herrings pretty in­tire, having only their outward Parts corroded. Like­wise in the Oesophagus or Gula (whose inward Tunicle was almost the same with that of the first stomach) were the bones and spines of several fishes. In the second and third stomach was only a Chymous substance or a Colli­quamentum Chylosum livido-albescens, as Major words it.

Digestion here seems to be performed by a gradual Corrosion first of the outward parts, and so penetrating inwards. But whence the Menstruum that performs this Office is transmitted, is difficult to determine. For in the inward Tunicle of the first Stomach there are no Glands seated, that might separate such a liquor; nor are the Plicae or Rugae so considerable, as to contain any great quantity of the Reliques of a former digestion, as to serve for a succeeding ferment; But seem rather a strong close white membrane like the inward Pellicle of the Gizard of fowls, and by this means less capable of any injury from the bones and fragments of shells that are oft contained in it. But as in fowls there is placed a little above the Gizard abundance of Glands, that secern a li­quor that serves for the moistening and digesting their hard food, which afterwards is farther comminuated by the grinding of the strong Muscles of that Ventricle; so I am apt to think that in this fish, the Glandulae Maxil­lares and those other that are very large and numerous, and are placed about the fauces and the neighboring parts, do separate a saliva or liquor that may conduce much to this use; unless we may think that that large Glan­dulous Tunicle in the second stomach may secern a Juice there, that may regurgitate into the first. However [Page 23]since all Glandules do make some separation, we may reasonably suppose that this made by this Glandulous tunicle doth serve for the further fermenting the Chymous magma transmitted out of the first Ventricle. And na­ture seems very sollicitous herein, by making the Passages out of one into the other so strait and narrow, that it can't easily be transmitted from one to the other, before it hath undergone its due digestion in each.

Meeting with so many Bones in the Gula, it made me think whether possibly after the flesh is corroded from them, it might not vomit them up; or whether the Gula may not in part perform the Office of the stomach, ha­ving its inward Tunicle the same. In several fishes there is no Gula, but the stomach reaches up to the Throat.

The Intestines in this fish were long and small, being eleven times the length of the fish, or about fifty foot. They were almost equally throughout of a bigness, only something larger toward the Duodenum and Anus. It had no Caecum or Colon.

Opening the Extream of the Rectum in the inside, I ob­served a white Pellicle or Skin like the inward Tunicle of the first stomach of this fish. From the Anus 'twas about three inches in length; above this the Intestine was of the same make as elsewhere. About an Inch and ½ from the Anus under this Pellicle I took notice of a pret­ty large glandulous body that empties it self by several ductus's that perforate this Pellicle into the Cavity of the Intestine. The Ostia of some of them were pretty large, of others but small, yet would easily admit a bristle into them.

The Anus is placed a little below the Pudendum, it had its Sphincter Muscle: by the falling of the skin in several Rugae 'twas so closed that no water could get in.

The Mosentery in respect of the length of the Intestines was but small, yet had numerous Meseraic vessels branch­ed as in other Brutes. The Pancreas Asellii was large, [Page 24]consisting of abundance of Glands and seated in a some­what semilunar figure. From the Pancreas Asellii run­ning towards the Receptaculum we observed several Venae lactcae pretty large, as likewise some smaller ones coming from the Intestines to the Pancreas.

The Tab. 2. Fig. 2. Liver is pretty large, not divided into Lobes as Mr. Ray does affirm, but as in a Humane Body one intire viscus. It lyes under the Diaphragme, the greatest A. por­tion of it in the right Hypochonder, and the B. lesser in the left. It is in length 10 inches, in the broadest part about 6 and ½, but in the middle where it has the C C. Ligamentum suspensorium, about 4. It is about 2 inches thick, it weigh­ed ℥xxvii. ½. Its Colour was of a florid red: Bartholine observed it [...], The Ramifications of the sangui­nary vessels in it are very large and numerous. It had no vesicula fellea or Gall bag, as hath been likewise observed by former Writers. The d. vena Ʋmbilicalis had its passage yet open. The figure of the Liver is best under­stood by the Cut.

The Tab. 2. Fig. 3. cc. Kidneys were a very pleasant sight, consisting of abundance of distinct Glands separated by their proper Membranes from one another, but all included in one com­mon Tunicle as they are in a Bear, a Calf, an Otter and some other Animals.

Each Kidney is in length about 5 Inches about, 2 and ½ in breadth, and in the thickest part somewhat more than an Inch. Each Gland was about the bigness of a large Pea. At the outward furface for the most part they seemed Sexangular or Pentangular, a double order of them composed the body of the Kidney, and they were in all about 150 or more in each.

Each Gland seemed a distinct Tab. 2. Fig. 4. Kidney; for opening several of them I observed a Glandulous or Cortical part which was the outwardmost, and was of a red Colour. Inwards there was a somewhat whiter substance that re­sembled a Papilla, being larger at its basis and rising by [Page 25]degrees to a point, which I conceive to be made up of the urinary Tubuli; which conveys the Urine into the Pelvis or Cavity that is in each of them, after 'tis separa­ted by the Cortical part.

The Vena Tab. 2. Fig. 3. A. Cava was large, and did run along upon the Spine between the two Kidneys. Towards the upper part of the Kidneys, it sent forth the Emulgents, which are presently ramified, sending a branch to each Gland. Un­der the Cava, as also under the emulgent veins in the Kidneys, the Arteria Aorta runs, and is branched accor­dingly. There was no common Pelvis belonging to the Kidneys, but a distinct one in each single Gland. From every Gland there did arise a peculiar Ʋreter, but all at length uniting in one common trunk, it did emerge out of the body of the Kidney towards the lower end, as is represented in the Tab. 2. Fig. 3. dd. figure, and afterwards it was inserted into the neck of the bladder.

The Tab. 2. Fig. 3. BB. Glandulae Renales were of a triangular figure, about an Inch in Diameter. They seemed to consist of a Glandulous membrane, which being folded up into seve­ral Tab. 2. Fig. 5. Plicae, between them there was a small Cavity, which yet was not so large or entire as is in some other Ani­mals.

The Tab. 2. Fig. 3. EE. Vesica Ʋrinaria or Bladder was placed between the Duplicature of the Peritonaeum, as hath been rela­ted. 'Twas of a Conical figure, five Inches long and one broad, a little below its neck, and so arising to a point at its fundus; being blown into, it seemed not capable of much extension. Of each side it there ran the two ff. Ar­teriae Ʋmbilicales as in Quadrupeds. The Ureters were inserted just below the neck, and having opened the Blad­der we could easily perceive their Ostia, and probe into them from the bladder.

The neck of the bladder is very strait, and runs along the sides of the Ʋterus, and empties its self just at the [Page 26]bottom or rime of the Pudendum, having a protuberant body lying over its Orifice, which Dan. Major calls the h. Clitoris, which is made up of strong fibres almost Carti­lagineous.

This leads me to the Examination of the Organs of Ge­neration in this Animal, which no less than the other parts did extremely imitate those of Quadrupeds; and even in the whole dissection I could easilier imagine I was cutting up a Dog, a Swine, a Calf or any other ter­restrial Brute, than an inhabitant of the watery Ele­ment.

Our subject was a Female; and here we shall take no­tice of the Vasa praeparantia, Ovaria, Tubi Fallopiani, the Ʋterus, the Pudendum and Ʋbera. I shall begin with the Tab. 2. Fig. 3. L. Ʋterus, which was about five inches in length, and had two large N N. Cornua as in multiparous Animals, each about four inches long. The Cornua were fastened to the Peritonaeum, and had membranous T T. Alae fastened to the same also. All along the inside of the Cornua we ob­served to run a Manipulus of RRR. muscular fibres, which expanding themselves at length into two originations, were inserted into the Peritonaeum at the sides a little be­low the Diaphragme. Arising also from the Ovaria and extreams of the Tubi Fallopiani, there were other QQ. fibres that inserted themselves likewise into the Peritonaeum. Both these fibres may serve to regulate the motion of these Parts, either for the conveighing the Eggs from the Ovarium to the Tubus, or the excluding the foetus from the Cornua into the Ʋterus.

Having opened the Ʋterus I could easily observe a di­stinction of a Vagina, an Os Ʋtert internum, and fundus. The Vagina was pretty large, had several Rugae or Plicae, but towards the fundus these Plicae cross-wayes were so very large and over-folding that they seemed almost wholly to occlude the Passage, or at least to render it very difficult to probe, and made a very strict Ostium. This part in the inside had striae or sibrae longitudinales. [Page 27]Between its Plicae I did observe a pretty Quantity of a mucous substance contained, as also in them and in part of the Vagina several small Glands about the bigness of a Pin's head. These probably may serve for the separa­ting this mucus, which I can't imagine to be any thing of a Colliquamentum Genitale, which Major seemed at first to suspect; but rather of the same nature with that found in Cows and other Animals.

At the extreams of the Cornua were the oo. Tubi Fallopi­ani pretty large, when blown up, running in an undu­lating line the length of the Ovarium, and then reflected and terminating in a large Ostium, to which as also to the extreams of the Ovarium those muscular fibres before de­scribed did run, being first colligated into a small node or Plexus, and thence expanding themselves.

This I suppose is what Major means by his pervious passage from the Testicles to the Ʋterus, though he had forgot to what part of the Ʋterus it did go. The P. P. Ova­ria or testicles in our subject were a little more than an Inch in length, about the bigness of a Goose-quill, in Co­lour somewhat whitish, its surface smooth. Major ob­served it tuberous and unequal. Bartholine in one that had a faetus in the left Cornu, observed the left testicle tumid and as big as a Wall-nut, but the right was longer and slenderer. Opening the Ovaria I could observe the rudiments of many Eggs, but very small.

The Vasa Praeparantia and S S S. Sanguinary Vessels that came to these parts, were more numerous and larger than in any Animal I have hitherto dissected, but run­ning in a greater plenty to the Cornua and Ovaria than to the Ʋterus its self. They had frequent Anastomoses one with another; and being so very large and thick set, affor­ded a very pleasant sight; Nature seeming here mighty sollicitous and provident for the nourishment, as well as forming the fatus; it being a Viviparous Animal; and in one that was pregnant with young that Bartholine dissect­ed, he observed a Placenta, a Chorion, Amnion and Allanto [...]s, a funiculus Ʋmbilicalis, in the faetus the Vena and Artertae [Page 28] Ʋmbilicales, an Ʋrachus, a Canalis Venosus, Canalis Arteri­osus and foramen Ovale, all as in the Embryo's of terrestrial Animals or Quadrupeds. Nor are the Organs of Gene­ration in the Males different, they having (as hath been observed by the same Bartholine, as also Mr. Ray, Rondele­tius, &c.) a large Penis partly sheathed within the bo­dy, as in a Bull, Testiculi, Epididymides, Vasa Praeparantia, Deferentia and Prostatae, so that there is no doubt here of their manner of Generation, though in other fishes where there is no Penis, 'tis more obscure.

It remains that we describe the Pudendum and Ʋbera. The outward Rima of the former was about six inches in length; dilating it a little we could discover what Ma­jor calls the Alae and Tab. 2. Fig. 3. h, Clitoris. The latter being a small hard body protuberating over the Meatus Ʋrinarius. The Passage into the Ʋterus was straitned by the subsiding of the membranes into several Rugae. For the governing the Motion of this part we observed some muscles were ap­pointed, as likewise of each side there were two small bones which did form an Os Pubis. Rondeletius observed the like in a Dolphin.

The i i. Ʋbera were placed of each side the Pudendum, only two in all, each side one. The Teat or Papilla was small and retracted inwards, so that without dilating the Part we could only see outwardly a slit or Rima. In time of Lactation this part I suppose is much larger and more protuberant, this being but a young one and never (as was supposed) impregnated. Rond. de Piscib. l. 16. c. 8. p. 462. Rondeletius denyes that there are any Papillae conspicuous in a Dolphin, but saith, Harum vice Alveoli humoris duo sunt, utrin (que) unus, è quibus lac sluit, quod ore Catulorum Parentes sectantium excipitur; and in another. Rond. de Pise, l. 3. cap. 23. place does quote Aristotle (Hist. Animal. l. 2. cap. 13.) for the same Opinion, which yet does seem to me less probable. The Udder or Ʋbera under the skin seemed to be very large, consisting of abun­dance [Page 29]of small Glands somewhat distinct and separate from one another. Several bloud-Vessels did run to them; and generally I may say of the whole Body, there is scarce any Animal in which the Veins and Arteries are more curiously branched or more numerous than in this. For on the Tab. 1. Fig. 2. H. Musculus Psoas their Ramifications were so many and large, and their Anastomoses into one another so frequent, that they formed a curious Net-work, and af­forded a very pleasant sight. And no less Curiosity we observed in the bloud it self, by examining a small part of it with a good Microscope: for after it was a little dryed on the object plate which was of Glass, we found that it had shooted into a most delicate regular figure, being reticular like the texture of the Omentum; only that from the sides of the several Area's, there were some small branches or shootings of fibres that were not con­tinued.

We come now to the middle Venter or the Thorax, which was large and capacious, covered with Muscles almost as in Quadrupeds, having two large Pectoral Muscles that went to the fore-Fins, as likewise several other Muscles that did serve for the performing its va­rious Motions, and were curiously contrived. There were two Musculi Intercostales, externus and internus. It had Vid. Tab. 1. Fig. 2. & Tab. 2. Fig. x. thirteen Ribs of each side, five fastened to the ster­num, two other had Cartilages, but not quite continued to the sternum unless by tendons. The Ribs as they de­scended grew shorter, so that the last was but a little higher than the Musculus Psoas. I shall give a fuller ac­count of the Ribs, as also the Sternum, when I come to describe the Skeleton, and shall only add that the Ribs arising from the Spine do incline towards the Abdomen, so that they make a very acute angle with the Spine. The Cartilages or rather bones that go from the first five Ribs to the sternum, are reflected upwards towards the head and make with the Costae acute angles also. At the upper part of the Tab. 1. Fig. 2. d. sternum which was broad and [Page 30]somewhat depressed there were inserted two large and thick Muscles that ran towards the Maxillae. These pro­bably by contracting may serve to draw the Sternum up­wards, as the Musculi recti which are inserted into the bones of the Sternum, downwards, and so promote Re­spiration; which likewise is farthered by those other Muscles, which are also common with this fish and other Quadrupeds that are destined to that office, and chiefly by the

ib. f. Diaphragme, which in this Animal was very remarka­ble; for it had no Aponeurosis or Membranous tendon in the middle, but was muscular throughout. It was fa­stened to the Sternum, the Cartilages and the other Ribs downwards. It had a deep hollow in the middle, as it were pulled into the Thorax, which was occasioned by having the Pericardium fastened to it which did draw it in. The Tendons of this Muscle were very curious: for besides those large ones that did run down by the Spine, there were several Manipuli of other tendons that went over the Musculus Psoas, and even in the middle or body of the Diaphragme there did appear abundance of tendons running over the muscular fibres, as where the Vena Cava perforates it, and in other places, though not very regularly or in any set order, but more confusedly. These tendons appeared of both sides the Diaphragme.

Dan. Major mentioneth a Mediastinum but we could observe none, but it was supplyed by the joyning of the Pericardium to the Sternum; 'twas fastened also to the Diaphragme as in men, and did draw it upwards. The Pericardium was very large; what water was in it I do not well remember; Bartholine observed it to be cruen­tous, which I suppose was from the dissection.

Tho Tab. 2. Fig. 6. Heart was long, of a triangular figure, about four Inches from the basis to the Cone, and as many at the largest part of the basis, about an Inch and ½ thick. [Page 31]It had two large Ventricles and as many Auricles. To­wards the Cone the Ventricles seemed a little divided. The valves of the Ventricles and of the Arteriae Pulmo­nalis and Aorta were not different from those in Qua­drupeds, but the Carneae Columnae in the left Ventricle were larger and more numerous and curiously interwo­ven lattice-wise.

The foramen ovale was closed and not open; where it had been, we could perceive by its thinness and transpa­rency. We did not think of it then to look for the Cana­lis Arteriosus, but probably its passage may be likewise shut, as is also the foramen ovale in a Beavor and an Otter, as it hath been observed by some at Memoires pour servir à l' Hist. Nat. des Animaux. Paris, though 'tis delivered by others that in these Amphibious Animals 'tis kept open, that they may be the better able to keep under water, the Circulation of the bloud being conti­nued by this means without being transmitted into the lungs as it is in the Embryo's of Quadrupeds in Ʋtero. The same is affirmed by Pho­ca illustrat. p. 37. Severinus concerning Ducks and Geese, and thence he gives a reason why they are not suffocated by diving under water so long, or strangled when holden by the neck in ones hand.

The Tab. 1. Fig. 3. CC. Lungs had only two large lobes, each of them about ten inches long and about 4 and ½ broad, and two inches thick when not extended, and did in one part adhere to the Diaphragme a little below the en­trance of the Bronchiae. It had several Glandulae con­taining a Steatomatous matter. The Lungs were en­compassed with a strong membrane, which being taken off, the minute ramifications of the Sanguinary Vessels were very pleasant to behold. The Parenckyma of the Lungs was the same with that of Quadrupeds, and when blown up were very large; which makes me suspect the truth of that assertion of Rond. de Pisc. l. 16. c. 8. Rondeletius concerning the [Page 32]lungs in a Dolphin that they are densiore substantiâ quàm in terrestribus, crassitudine & colore Epar referunt. And the reason he gives wherefore it should be so, seems not satisfactory.

The Windpipe or Arteria aspera was very short, as it must needs be, this fish having no neck. The Larynx was of a singular figure and very remarkable, which I shall describe with the parts belonging to the head. But before I leave the Thorax I must take notice of a seeming Tab. 2. Fig. 7. Glandulous body that did lye of each side the Spine about two inches broad and the length of ten or eleven Ribs. It was continued likewise a little over some of the Sanguinary Vessels that went to the head. It was a curious contexture of sanguinary vessels vari­ously contorted and winding, emerging from the Medulla Spinalis at the holes where the Nerves come out between the Ribs, and as we afterwards observed the same sub­stance likewise for a good thickness covered the Me­dulla Spinalis throughout. In the Thorax in some places 'twas above a quarter of an Inch thick, but every where it appeared of the same Contexture, a winding and convolution of bloud-Vessels. What this part may be, is more difficult to assign, since it does not usually occur in the dissection of other Animals, and has not been ta­ken notice of, as I know of, by any in this. But whe­ther it may be that the heat of so much bloud contained in so many vessels may serve for the invigorating the Animal Spirits in the Medulla Spinalis, or whether it may not be a Glandulous body and so serve for the draining of the serosities of the bloud and thereby render it fitter for generating Spirits, or what other uses it may have, is to me yet obscure. Formerly dissecting a fish which Hippolytus Salvianus calls Lupus, under the Cranium I ob­served a much like substance enveloping the Brain, and was of a good thickness; the Pia Mater in Colour and luster exactly imitating leaf Gold.

Above the sternum was placed the Tab. 1. Fig. 2. C. Thymus, which was a large Conglomerated Glandule. We observed likewise the Glandulae Maxillares, Glandulae Thyroideae and some others. At the root of the tongue there were several small Tab. 1. Fig. 3. aa. foramina's which we supposed to be the Ostia of salivatory Ductus's; We could probe them with a bristle. But where the ductus salivalis of the Maxillary Gland was inserted, either our inadvertency or want of leisure made us neglect to examine.

The Rictus of the Mouth is but small, yet the passage into the Gula is pretty large and open. The Teeth are so placed that those of one Jaw are received into the di­stances of the other. There are twenty four of each side either Maxilla, ninety six in all. They are but small, and all of the same form, somewhat acute. Wherefore Jonst. Hist. N. de Pisc. l. 5. p. m. 221. Jon­ston is mistaken who saith, they have dentes obtusos Ho­minis molaribus similes. These teeth are somewhat move­able as is observed by Dan. Major, since they are not fastened in distinct sockets or Cells as is usual in other Animals, but only by a strong membrane or Cartilage, there being one common furrow in each Jaw into which the Extreams of all of them are received: These teeth are so small and short that they seem unsit either for ma­stication or fight, but only to detain their Prey till such time as they can conveniently swallow it whole. Rend. de Pis [...] l. 3. c. 7. Ron­deletius does observe that in fishes that do suck, the teeth are at first soft and covered, that they might not injure the Breast. But Nature here does seem farther provident, in that just before it has left a space void of teeth, and the neighbouring teeth that are next it are also shorter than the rest.

The Tab. 1. Fig. 3. A. Tongue was very curious, of a muscular or fleshy substance, a little indented at the edges, about 2 Inches and ½ long, and about 1 and ¼ broad and pretty thick, but so firmly fastened all along to the bottom of the Mouth, not to the Palate as Major and Bartholine say, that it can't exert or thrust its self out beyond the Verge or Limits of the Mouth. And herein a Porpess differs from a Dolphin: for as Rondeletius does observe, Delphinis lingua est mobilis, quae modò exeri, modò condi potest, non haerens Palato; and the same is asserted likewise by Pliny, Solinus and others: and expresly in Rond. de Pisc. l. 3. cap. 9. Rondeletius, Delphin lin­guam longiorem habet Marsuino, Marsuinus eo latiorem: and therefore in his Figure he represents it hanging out. The use of the Tongue here I conceive is not for forming a voice; for that grunnitus they sometimes make may be ra­ther formed in the parts of the fistula; nor probably for tasting, since they swallow their prey whole: But rather when young to help the motion of sucking, and when el­der that of deglutition.

At the Root of the Tongue was the Tab. 1. Fig. 3. B. Larynx which was very long and protuberating, having its extremity an­swering and somewhat inserted into the bottom of the sistu­la, like a Ducks bill: Bartholin saith that Collum Anserinum refert; Mr. Ray makes it to resemble the Neck of an old fa­shioned Ewer, as Casserius likens that of a Hog to a Guttur­nium. The make of it was very curious and different from other Animals, chiefly in the length of the Cartilago Arytainoides, the Epiglottis, and the Structure of the Scu­tiformis or Thyroides. The Tab. 1. Fig. 5. A. Cartilago Annularis, or Cri­coides was much the same as in other Brutes. But the B B. scutiformis here was not one entire Cartilage but two separated from one another, by the interposition of the Basis of the Epiglottis, running up the sides of it pretty broad, and sending down a narrower process to the Ex­tream [Page 35]of the Annularis. The Cartilago Arytainoides, Jul. Casterius Placemin. de Vocis Audities (que) or [...]anis, l. [...] Casterius saith, is difficult to describe, praesertim cùm pro diversitate subjectorum, eam quo (que) variari utplurimùm contingat; but in none, as hitherto I have observed, more than in this. For 'tis C C. protuberating beyond the Annu­laris, above an Inch and ¾ 'Tis two distinct Carti­lages, joyned together by a strong membrane. At the end it has Tab. 1. Fig. 4. a. thick lips, and in the middle a Tab. 1. Fig. 4. a. Rimula which And. Vesaluts Corp. human. fabrica. l. 1. c. 38. Vesalius makes to be the Glottis, though those that make here five Cartilages do reckon this to make up the number. The Tab. 1. fig. 5. DDD. Epiglottis was no less remarkable, and its structure as different. 'Twas about two Inches in length, large at its basis, and fastened to the narrow part of the Annularis. As it ascends it becomes narrower, having its sides more closed together. At its extream it hath a large thick semicircular lip which serves to cover the Rimula or Glottis, though not protuberating much over it as in other Animals. The various Muscles that did serve to govern the Motion of these Cartilages were no less admirable and curiously contrived. But in this single subject we had not leasure to go through with them, being more intent upon the Viscera. We obser­ved the Glandulae Thrroideae to be pretty large.

The Tab. 1. Fig. 2. B. Os Hyoides was very large and curious: and al­though Dan. Major hath mentioned an Os Hyoideum re­duplicatum, yet I find he hath committed a double mi­stake concerning it; for it consisting as it were of two parts, the one he makes, I know not how, the Os sterni, the other the Clavioulae. The first, which in his figure he gives us for the Os sterni, and said consisted of three Bones, in ours it was but one, but was of the figure he hath well expressed it in, viz. triangular or having 3 Processes, 2 whereof were two inches long, and in some parts about ¾ of an Inch broad, and had their extremities distant from one another about three Inches. The third Process was [Page 36]much shorter, but from it there did arise two large Car­tilages, which after a little while being reflected, had joyned to them two narrow Bones, which were three inches long and bended like Ribs. These last I suppose Moser took for the Claviculae, although [...]nd. de Pisc. p. 461. Rondeletius [...] that Dolphins have no Claviculae, nor did I meet with any in this fish.

In the lower Maxilla there was a large Cavity filled with a substance that resembled a Glandulous body or rather fat, different from that of the rest of the body, and consisting of several little bodies orderly placed toge­ther, more shining and less fluid. Since the dissection this part hath made me think of the Sperma Ceti, which is said to be found in the head of a sort of Burmudas Whale; but since by other Relations 'tis rendred dubi­ous whether there might not from other parts likewise be obtained the same tallowy fat we call Sperma Ceti, or at least being ignorant in what particular part in the head it is, that this does lye, it has stifled a conjecture, whe­ther possibly this might not be something analogous to that in Whales, since a Porpess is of the Cetaceous Kind and hath so many parts the same and common to both, as especially what we shall describe next, the Spiraculum, Fi­stula or Spout.

The Pipe or Spout in this fish is its Nostrils, and serves for the conveyance of Air in Respiration, as the Nares in other Animals: But hath also this additional use, for the spouting out of water, which when with its prey it receives in a great Quantity not convenient to be swal­lowed, and having no Gills, it may be sent out this way without hazard of losing what it had taken. Its contrivance is very curious, arising from the Palate with a single foramen, but when it perforates the Tab. 2. Fig. x. aa. Cra­nium, 'tis divided by an osseous septum into two, but above [Page 37]it is united again into one, making in the skin a kind of Tab. 2. fig. 9. A. semilunar slit or foramen. At the lower Orifice as also above the Cranium it had several strong and fair muscles, which doubtless served for the regulating its motions in spouting out the water. In the inside of the fistula below the septum there were abundance of holes or Papillae which I took for the Orifices of Glands, and Mr. Ray does observe that if you do press them, there would start out a certain glutinous liquor: Which Mucus may serve for the lubricating the insides of the fistula, as also defending them from the acrimony of the salt water, and may be likewise a recrement cast off from the bloud as is the snot in other Animals. Over the two hollows of the fistula just above the Crantum there lye two Tab. 2. Fig. 8. CC. protu­berating bodies like an Epiglottis or Valves, which as Mr. Ray does likewise observe; serve to stop the Pipe that no water gets in there without the fishes will. Near this there are placed four Bags or two pair of them. The first Tab. 2. Fig. 9. BB. and fig. 8. DD. pair which is the largest, lyes upon the middle of the Rostrum or snout, it hath at first one common Fig. 8. E. foramen, then subdivides into two cells, each of which will contain a large Nutmeg; they are covered on the inside with a black skin, and seem to be made up of a gristly substance, formed into several Plicae or folds lengthways, something resembling the os spongiosum in some other Animals, and possibly may have something of the same use, at least may serve for the forming the noise they make against storms and bad weather. The two other or Fig. 8. FF. second pair are placed higher and more to the sides of the Rostrum; their cavi­ty is not so large, but in it is contained a considerable G G. Glandule about the bigness of a Filbird, which may se­parate a liquor serving to some of the uses before de­scribed. By having this membrane over it, it in part re­sembled the Tensils. Mr. Ray mentioneth a third pair tending towards the brain, having a long but narrow passage, for the use as he conjectured of smelling; but opening the Brain, neither of us could find either Olfac­tory Nerves or Processus Mamillares. This last pair I [Page 38]did not take notice of my self, though I do not deny but that they may be there.

Rondeletius denies that fishes have Eye-lids, where he saith, 1 Palpebris verò omnes (sc. Pisces) carent, quòd commodè nictare in Aqua non possunt, sed duriores Oculi facti, nè facilè ab Aquae salsedine, quae arrodit, laederentur. And elsewhere, Palpebrarum defectum Corneae duritie pensa­vit Natura, quae undi (que) Oculum ambit, non ex adverso Pa­pillae tantùm ut in hominibus. Which though true in se­veral fishes, yet holds not good in this, for here we must grant Palpebrae or Eye-lids. Their aperture was but small, and on the insides of the upper Eye-lid we obser­ved Steno's ductus's very fair, and did put in Bristles into several of them, that did run into the Glandula innomi­nata, from whence they did arise, which Gland was very large. Jonston out of Cardan affirms that a Porpess some­times weeps; if there be a Passion, there wants not mat­ter here for tears. However this humour may serve for the washing off the Brine of the Sea water from fretting the Eye, which in this hot Animal perhaps may be ten­derer than in other fishes, which have for this use a pro­per Tunicle, which is a continuation of the Cutis that co­vers the Cornea and is transparent, as is plain in Whitings, &c. The Orbit of the Eye was not so perfect or compo­sed of bones as in other Animals, but at the lower part it had only a very thin small bone. The Bulk of the Eye in proportion to the body was but small, being not so big as in a Sheep. It had all the Muscles very fair as in a Man, and likewise the Musculus septimus or suspensorius that is proper to Brutes, and which did inclose the Optick Nerve. The use of this in Brutes that are prono Capite, is thought to be, to suspend the Bulk of the Eye that it receives no injury from the declivity of the head; but there being not that danger here, Nature that does nothing in vain, must have some other intendments, and probably [Page 39]it may be, that by its equal contraction of the Sclerotis to which 'tis fastened, it renders the Ball of the Eye more or less spherical, and so fitter for vision. The Tunica scle­rotica was much more dense and hard than in other Ani­mals. The Choroides was party-coloured, a mixture of Blue and Green, which is not in the Porcus terrestris. The Pupil was Oval which is not so common in other fishes. The Crystalline Humor was of a Spherical figure, but seemed to be a little more convex in the anterior than posterior part. The Optick Nerve was not inserted so laterally as in Quadrupeds, but rather in Axe Oculi.

The Brain in this fish was large, it weighed xvi ½ and resembled much more that of Quadrupeds than fishes. Its figure was somewhat short, but what it wanted in length, it had in breadth. The Cerebrum was separated from the Cerebellum by an os triangulare, as in Dogs and some other Animals. The Brain was divided into two Hemispheres, though Rondeletius does say that in a Dol­phin 'tis not divided into dextrum & sinistrum. It had its Anfractus, but not so deep as in some. Its surface was curiously ramified with bloud-vessels. There were the sinus's and dura and pia Mater, the substantia Corticalis & Medullaris; Nor in any thing was it more different from the usual make and conformation of it in other Ani­mals than in the defect of the Olfactory Nerves and Pro­cessus Mamillares, which is likewise taken notice of by Mr. Ray. But for all this Rondel. de Pisc. l. 3. cap. 8. p. 57. Rondeletius thinks they smell, where he saith, In Delphinis nec foramen (Narium) nec meatus ullus est, etiamsi sagacissimè odorentur, ut testis est Aristot. (Hist. Anim. c. 8.) & Experientia ipsa confir­mat. The Optick Nerves were large, and did seem to be united as in men, and not so plainly to decussate each other as is usual in some fishes. We observed the Nervi Oculorum motorii, Pathetici, &c. in all about eight or nine Pair. The Infundibulum and Glandula Pituitaria were [Page 40]very fair. How the Glandula Pinealis was, we did not well observe, it being most decayed, as we supposed by keeping. But the [...] Choroides did spread its self in both ventricles, and being united on the Medulla Oblon­gata, did run down the length of above half an Inch; 'twas the breadth of a Goose-quill, and did seem thicker than usual, and was a curious contexture of bloud-vessels. As for the inward parts of the Brain we did observe all as delineated in Dr. Willis's figures; and though Mr. Ray does say that he did not observe in that which he dissect­ed, those Protuberances call'd Nates and Testes, yet we saw them both very fair, but the Testes were much larger than the Nates. The substantia Medullaris in the Cerebellum was very Curious and ramified like Ferne. From the Medulla Spinalis upwards the Cerebellum was flatter and less protuberant than in other Animals. The Medulla Spinalis was covered, as is related before, with a thick Glandulous, or at least vascular Tunicle, it sends forth abundance of Nerves, and at length makes a large Cauda Equina.

Mr. Ray saith that the largeness of the Brain in this fish, and the Correspondence of it to that of a Man's, argues this Creature to be of a more than ordinary Wit and Capacity, and makes to seem less fabulous and im­probable those antient stories related by Herodotus con­cerning Arion, by 2 Pliny the Elder concerning a Dol­phin enamoured of a Boy, whom he was wont to carry cross a Bay of the Sea from Baiae to Puteoli to School, and by Plin. Epist. 33. lib. 9. Pliny the younger of another enamoured of a Boy at Hippo in Africa, whom he was wont to carry on his back in like manner. Pausan. in Laconic. Pausanias has a like story, and Plutarch. in Sympos. Plutarch relates how Eualus was sa­ved by Dolphins in like manner as Arion. Dio Chry­sostom not only relates the story of Arion, but adds that the Mariners were executed, and Jo. Scaliger in Animad. [Page 41]in Euseb. p. 84. does assert it to be no fable but a true Hi­story. But A. Gellius Noct. Attic. l. 16. c. 19. A. Gellius makes it to be an Imposture of Herodotus, as also does Strabo l. 13. Strabo. And considering the Lubricity of the skin of this fish, the protuberancy of its back, and its undulating not horizontal motion in swimming, it does confirm their Censure,

—sed quid non Graecia mendax
Audet in Historia?

However Severinus (in his Phoca illustratus, p. m. 27.) relates out of Fran. Lopes ( Hist. Indicae General. cap. 31.) that a Manatus or sort of Sea-calf was kept in a Lake in Hispaniola that was grown very tame, and did use to car­ry on his back from one side of the Lake to the other ten boyes at once.

Aristotle Arist. Hist. Anim. l. 1. c. 11. grants that Dolphins hear, but saith, they have no Ears; Pliny Hist. Nat. l. 11. c. 37. Pliny writes the same, but we rather concur with Rondeletius, Rond. de Pisc. l. 3. c. 3. p. 50. sed ista ex dissectione falsa apparent; meatus enim audiendi in Delphino hujusmodi comperiuntur, quales ad sonos percipiendos idonei esse pos­sunt. 'Tis true they have no Auriculae, which though they would advantage their hearing, yet would injure their swimming; and the Porus Auditorius is extream mi­nute and small, for if larger, the water getting into it, might likewise prove an Inconvenience. But the stru­cture of the Organ of the Ear, or the Os Tab. 2. Fig. 12. Petrosum in this Animal is very remarkable, and different from any that I know yet described. 'Tis seated in a large cavity of the Cranium, but not locked in by sutures or the joyning of the other Bones, but fastened chiefly by the intervention of Muscles: 'Tis the hardest bone in the body, its colour white, its figure irregular, and difficult to be described [Page 42]by words. As fixed in the Cranium you may observe in its surface a winding Tab. 2. Fig. 12. a. Sinus or furrow that leads to the [...]. Tympanum that is placed a little within the bone. At the Processus Mamillaris it has three large Protuberances or Processui, and at its opposite extream inwards a hollow, which is better perceived when the bone is taken out, for then you may observe a large Fig. 13. C. Cavity that leads in­to the Hollows of the Ear-bone, besides several other s [...] ­ranuna's that afford passages to the Nerves or some small muscles; so that the Ear here is not a continued and en­tire bone forming a Cavity within its self, but at its in­ward part where joyned to the Cranium 'tis perfectly di­vided and seems to make two bones, being joyned toge­ther only at its anterior part, where is the Tympanum. Sawing it there asunder, one part of the bone somewhat resembled a sort of Concha Veneris, and at one place was very Fig. 13. dd. thick and solid, the other was a thinner Lamina making the Cavity; the other part of the bone was like­wise very thick, having three large Protuberances, the middlemost which was opposite to the Tympanum at its outside, had a large B. foramen, which afterwards divided into others; here we supposed the Auditory Nerve en­tered. This bone by its winding somewhat resembled a a a. Cochlea, and at its inside opposite to the Tympanum there went several sibres or small minute Muscles, which by their contraction and keeping this membrane tense, might perform their Office and supply their defect, Na­ture never being wanting of means for the attaining her end, though not alwayes making use of the same. So possibly it is that since there is so open a Cavity at its posterior part, it has made the bones there so thick and dense, that the sound may be more intense from the grea­ter Collision of the Air on so solid a body. Where there were a design of giving the Comparative Anato­my of the Organ of this Sense in various Animals, this may well deserve a stricter inquiry into. Dan. Major hath given two Figures of this bone, but without its ex­planation.

There remains the Osteology, or to give an account of the Bones and Sceleton of this fish, and in general I shall observe of them, that as the Muscles and most of the Visce­ra very much imitated the structure of those of Quadru­peds, so likewise the Bones here came very near them, as to their solidity, colour and structure, and in all excepting what differences the necessity of the figure of this fish occasioned. I shall begin with those of the Head, where I shall take notice of the Cranium, the Rostrum and lower Jaw or Maxilla. For where [...]ond. l. [...]. c. 5. Rondeletius saith, a Phocaena has no Rostrum, it must be understood of its ap­pearing so whil'st the flesh and fat is on; whose great bulk does render it obtuse and curt: but when 'tis ta­ken off it appears otherwise; for then the upper Jaw or Rostrum from the Granium to its Extremity is six inches long, but in a Dolphin much longer. At the beginning of this bone just below the Cranium is the Fistula or Tab. 2. Fig. x. aa. Na­res, which as is related before was divided by an offeous septum into two Cavities. The fistula was formed part­ly by that bone Columbus calls the Vomer, which arising from the Palate does send a thin Lamina up the Crantum, and is continued on the os frontis to the great Protube­rance in the middle there, forming three B. protuberances on the os frontis above the fistula. The other part of the fistula is formed by two bones, pretty large at their basis and rising above the surface of the Rostrum, and sending down two c c. Pyramidal processes about two inches long, between the inward bones of the Rostrum. For the Ro­strum was composed of four Bones, the two d. outward-most were a continuation of those of the Cramum ha­ving two processes, the first that composed part of the f. os Zygomaticum, and another about two inches lower; then it grew narrower, not being almost half the breadth as it was before. To be too nice and serupulous in the description of all the bones here might seem tedious and [Page 44]troublesome; I shall therefore take notice only of the most remarkable things: as whereas the Cranium was five inches in breadth, 'twas only three in length. 'Twas protuberant much above the at B. Rostrum. The futures chiefly were those they call Harmoniae, by a simple line, but the Lambdoidea was somewhat indented.

By reason of the different bones that composed the Cranium the futures likewise were differently placed. But I observed that where I might expect the sutura Coro­nalis there was a large eminency of the c. bones, and just in the middle of the forehead over the fistula there was a large Protuberancy jutting out. Other particularities I might take notice of here as also in the Palate: but pas­sing them aside, within the Cranium we found an os trian­gulare, but somewhat different from that in Dogs, having at its extremity a rising up like a crista Galli. From this bone the length of the upper part of the Cranium answer­ing to the sinus Longitudinalis, there was a pretty deep Protuberancy, that as the os triangulare separated the Ce­rebrum and Cerebellum, this did the two Hemispheres of the Brain. I observed no Crista Galli here, and the os Cribriforme was not perforated, as is usual. The Ante­rior Processes of the sella Turcica were wanting, though there were somewhat of the Posterior; but there were not those foramina's from it as in a mans, and other Brutes; though it had an Infundibulum and Glandula Pituitaria. That part of the Ear-bone or os Petrosum which I said resembled a Tab. 2. Fig. 13. aa. Cochlea from its winding, does on the inside here appear very well, and that passage for the auditory nerve is very fair. The Cavity for this bone is large, but a great part of it filled with Muscles.

Dan. Major has given a figure of the Cranium, but in some particulars he does not sufficiently express the life; but that which he gives of part of the lower Maxilla is more exact. It was a Tab. 2. Fig. x. K. thin but solid bone; its Lamina on the inside was not continued home to the Articulation, but leaving a large space, that led into a considerable Ca­vity [Page 45]within, which was filled with a particular sort of fatty substance, as is before hinted. The length of the lower Maxilla or Jaw was about 7 Inches and ½ at the broadest place, towards the articulation two Inches; and in the narrowest towards the extream, not above an Inch. It consisted of two bones that were joyned together at the Mentum.

We shall next describe the Spine which consisted of six­ty Vertebrae from the m. Atlas to the apex of the Tayle. Dan. Major numbred but fifty four, the first or the Atlas to which the Cranium was fastened, was very large, ha­ving two transverse Processes that were long, and two others just below them that were much shorter and lesser. It had likewise two Spinal Processes: The hindermost that was much the greatest answering to the Spinal Pro­cesses of the other Vertebrae, and a smaller jutting some­thing towards the head. This hindermost Spinal Pro­cess, at its extremity had a division, that it might receive the Spinal process of the next Vertebra; which seem providently contrived, that so it might not hinder the erection or flection backwards of the head. Under this first Vertebra there was the appearance of two other small ones, which may be reckoned those of the Neck. The Vertebrae of the Thorax, as also the Abdomen, had transverse, spinal and oblique processes; but those of the upper Vertebrae were smaller than of the lower, all being largest about the beginning of the Abdomen. In the first six Vertebrae the Posterior Spinal process, upon flection of the body, is received into the Cavity of the Anterior; but in the other Vertebrae that of the Anterior into the Posterior; but the seventh Vertebra seems dubious be­tween both. So the transverse or lateral processes of the Vertebrae of the Thorax are obllque descending. The four first of the Abdomen do lye at right angles with the Vertebrae; but the remaining are obliquely ascending. The oblique Processes in the first Vertebrae of the Thorax seem to be Epiphyses of the transverse, but as they do descend, [Page 46]they grow gradually higher and higher on the Spinal, forming two cheeks, into which is received the back of the anterior spinal process.

Besides these processes already mentioned below the Abdomen and opposite to the spinal processes, I find Fig. z. P P. others not arising from the vertebrae themselves, but that Cartilaginous body that joyns the vertebrae toge­ther. They consist of two small bones joyned toge­ther at the end, but distant at the bases, so occasioning a hollow, through which there runs abundance of bloud-vessels; as the Medulla Spinalis does in the Ca­vity of the Spinal processes. These processes, as do all the other, grow lesser as they approach the Tayle till they are quite obliterated. Where the Tayle or hinder­sins are fastened, the vertebrae do proportionably lessen and do grow broader and less round. The vertebrae are joyned together by the intervention of a bony Cartilagi­nous body that consists of a double Lamina, containing, in a Cavity in the Middle, a gellied substance. This is an excellent contrivance for the flection of the body, for otherwise the vertebrae themselves are too rigid for such a motion.

I have before mentioned that there were thirteen S S S. Ribs, that only five were fastened to the Sternum, that the sixth and seventh had Cartilages but not continu­ed to the sternum; how that they rose obliquely from the Spine, &c. I shall add that the first five Ribs, that were continued to the Spine, had a double originati­on; the first to the extremity of the transverse pro­cess of a hinder vertebra, and the second to the basis of a former. The other Ribs were only fastened to the extream of the transverse or Lateral Processes. The thirteenth or last Rib did arise only with a Cartilagi­nous Origination, and afterwards became long. And whereas the os Pectoris or Sternum, and that which con­tinues the Ribs in other Animals to the sternum, is usual­ly Cartilages, here 'twas all perfect bones.

The Tab. 1. Fig. 2. d. Sternum here was one entire bone, four Inches and ½ long; about three and ½ broad at the upper end, but towards the lower part, it was but one Inch. It had no Cartilago ensi [...] or s [...]utiformis, that I obser­ved. At the broad end 'twas somewhat depressed, and in the middle had a perforation; both which I suppose were for the better adhesion of Muscles. Dan. Major not taking notice of this, describes part of the os Hyuides for the os Sterni as is mentioned before.

'Tis before remarked how much the Fore-sins resem­bled an Arm, consisting of Bones and Cartilages curiously articulated together. The Os Tab. 2. Fig. 11. A. Humeri or Brachii was about one Inch and ¼ long. The B. Radius and C. Ʋlna about two Inches, but the Radius towards the Carpe was an Inch broad. The d d. Carpus seemed to consist of five pretty large roundish bones, joyned by Cartilages, and two oblong ones that seemed the Epiphyses of the Radius and Ʋlna. After this 'twas divided into five fingers, but the Thumb and little finger were very short. The fore-finger was the longest, then the middle sin­ger, and so the third. These three last mentioned sin­gers had the bones of the e e e. Metacarpus. The sore singer had five f f f. Articuli or Joynts, and so the middle finger; but the third had but three. Between the bones of each Articulus there were very large Cartilages that seemed double, one belonging to the extreams of each bone. Major hath given a figure of the whole Arm or Fin; Bartholin. Cent. 2. Hist. Auat. 11. Bartholine hath a like picture of the hand of a Syren, and such an one there is likewise in Septalius his Musaeum; as there is also kept in the Anatomy School at Oxon.

The Tab. 2. Fig. x. Q. Scapula to which was fastened the Os Humeri, was pretty large, much of the usual figure of that of [Page 48]Whales which is commonly made use of for Signs. It wanted the Spine and had two large Fig. x. rr. processes, which is best understood by the Cut, as 'tis well re­presented by Dan. Major.

As to the Myology we have little to add, not having had leasure to prosecute that in this subject; how­ever I shall observe that the Musculus Psoas was very large, lying on each side the Spine, and having one extream inserted in the Thorax and the other by strong tendons in the Tayle. Likewise on the Back between the Spinal and transverse Processes there did lye two very thick Muscles, rising from the os Occipitis and ter­minating with a multitude of tendons in the Tayle, but sending tendons all along to the Spinal verte­brae, &c. These Muscles doubtless contribute very much to their swift and nimble motion, which as it hath been observed by many, so is elegantly expressed by Ovid, where he saith,

Ʋndi (que) dant saltus, multâ (que) aspergine rorant,
Emergúnt (que) iterum, redeúnt (que) sub aequora rursus,
In (que) Chori ludunt speciem, lascivá (que) jactant
Corpora, & acceptum patulis mare naribus efflant.
Tabula 1. ma
TAB. 2 da

THE Explication of the Figures.

Tabula 1.

Figura 1.

HEre is given the lateral prospect of this Fish, drawn from the life, and more exact than those figures of Bellonius, Ron­deletius, Jonston, Jo. Dan. Ma­jor, or any I have yet seen. We may here observe the shape of the Body, its Color and Spottings, the site and proportion of its Fins and Tayle, the Eyes, the Mouth, the Spiraculum or Spout, and at (a) the Rima of the Teats and at (bb) that of the Pudendum.

Fig. 2.

In the second figure is represen­ted the Fish opened, and the Visce­ra of the Abdomen taken out.

AAAA The Skin and Fat.

BB. The Os Hyoides which is mistaken by Dan. Major for the Os Sterni.

C. The Thymus.

d. The Sternum.

eeee. The Ribs.

f. The Diaphragme.

G G. On the left side are represented several tendinous fibres of the Musculus Psoas, and Dia­phragme.

H. On the right side are shewn the curious Anastomoses of bloud­vessels of the Membrane invest­ing the Musculus Psoas.

Fig. 3.

In this figure is shewn the Tongue, the Larynx and Lungs.

A. The Tongue which is thick and serrated at the edges.

aa. Small Papillae or Eminen­ces at the root of the Tongue.

B. The Larynx which is very protuberating.

C C. The two Lobes of the Lungs.

D. The Gula or Oesophagus.

E. The Great Arterie, or Ar­teria Aorta.

Fig. 4.

Represents the Mouth of the Larynx opened.

a. The Rimula.

Fig. 5.

This figure represents the La­rynx and its several Cartilages more distinct.

A. The Cartilago Annularis or Cricoides.

B. The Cartilago Scutifor­mis or Thyroides.

C C. The Cartilago Arytainoi­des.

DDD. The Epiglottis.

Fig. 6.

In this figure the three Ventri­cles or Stomachs which are opened to shew their inward Tunicles, as also the Pancreas, and part of the Omentum, are represented.

A. The inside of the first Sto­mach.

B. Several large Rugae or Pli­cae placed about the Passage from the first stomach to the second.

C. The second stomach.

D. The Passage out of the se­cond stomach into the third.

EE. The third stomach.

f. The Pylorus.

g. Part of the Duodenum.

H. The Pancreas.

i. The entrance of the Ductus Pancreaticus.

K. One of those Glandulous bo­dies which is supposed to be the Spleen.

L. Part of the Omentum fa­stened to the stomach.

m m m m. Large bloud-vessels curiously ramified in the Omen­tum.

nnn. Curious small fibres fil­ling up the Interstices of the bloud­vessels, and rendring the whole structure of the Omentum reti­cular.

Tabula 2.

Fig. 1.

THis figure does represent the several tendinous sibres of the Abdominal Muscles which run­ning in various Manipuli, and be­ing curiously interwoven, do make the Linea alba which is here very broad.

Fig. 2.

Here is shewn the figure of the Liver.

A. That part which was in the right Hypochonder.

B. That in the left.

CC. The Ligamentum Suf­pensorium.

d. The Vena Umbilicalis.

Fig. 3.

The Glandulae Renales, the Kidneys, Ʋreters and Bladder, and the various Organs of Gene­ration [Page]belonging to the females, are delineated in this figure.

A. The vena Cava.

BB. The Glandulae Renales, or Capsulae Atrabilares.

CC. The two Kidneys, which consist of abundance of small Kid­neys conglomerated together.

dd. The Ʋreters.

E E. The Bladder or Vesica Urinaria.

f f. The two Arteriae Umbili­cales.

G. The Pudendum.

h. The Clitoris according to Dan. Major.

ii. The two Teats.

K. The Anus.

L. The Uterus or Womb.

NN. The Cornua Uteri.

oo. The Tubi Fallopiani.

Pp. The Ovaria or Testiculi.

QQ. Mascular sibres that run to the Cornua Uteri.

SSS. Numerous Ramifications of bloud-vessels that run to the Cornua Uteri, the Ovaria, &c.

TT. The Alae Uteri.

VV. Part of the Peritonxum.

Fig. 4.

Represents a single Kidney or one of those Glands cut in two, one part hath a protuberance in the mid­dle, the other a cavity or hollow.

Fig. 5.

Represents the inside of the Glandula Renalis, out horton­tally.

Fig. 6.

The figure of the Heart, almost in its natural bigness; wherein may be seen the division of the Cone, the Auricles, the Arteria Pulmonalis, Aorta, &c.

Fig. 7.

Is a delineation of part of those bloud-vessels which compose that supposed Glandulous Body that lyes on each side the Spine in the Thorax or Breast.

Fig. 8.

Are represented various parts belonging to the Fistula or Spout on the head.

A. The slit in the Skin, or out­ward Orifice of the sistula, which in its natural site was placed over

BB. The foramina of the Nares.

CC. Two Valves or Protube­rances of the skin which cover part of the foramina.

DD. The first pair of Bags.

E. The common passage into the first pair of bags.

FF. The second pair of bags.

GG. Two Glands contained within the second pair of bags.

Fig. 9.

Does only represent the figure of the Slit or Orifice of the fistula or spiraculum in the Skin and the first pair of bags.

A. The Slit or Orifice of the Spout or fistula.

BB. The first pair of bags.

Fig. 10.

The Explication of the Skeleton.

A. The upper Maxilla or Ro­strum.

aa. The two holes of the fistula or Spout.

B. Several protuberances on the Os Frontis.

cc. Two pyramidal processes of two bones that compose part of the Spiraculum or Spout.

d. One of the outward bones of the Rostrum.

e. One of the inward bones of the Rostrum.

f. The os Zygomaticum.

g. A large eminence in the Cranium and the sutura Coro­nalis.

h. The sutura Lambdoidea.

i. The Teeth.

K. The lower Jaw.

m. The transverse process of the first vertebra of the neck call'd Atlas.

n. The Spinal process of the same Vertebra.

ooo. The Spinal processes of the other Vertebrae.

pp. Processes opposite to the Spinal processes consisting of two small bones, arising from the Car­tilages that joyn the Vertebrae to­gether.

Q. The Scapula. The bones of the fin are represented in the next figure.

rr. Two processes of the scapula.

SSS. The Ribs.

T. The Sternum.

Fig. 11.

The Bones that compose the fore­fin are here delineated.

A. The os Humeri.

B. The Radius.

C. The Ulna.

dd. The Bones of the Carpus.

eee. The Bones of the Meta­carpe.

fff. The Bones of the Digiti.

Fig. 12.

Represents the Anterior part of the os Petrosum or Ear-bone.

a. The Hollow leading to the Tympanum.

B. The Tympanum.

C. The part of the Ear-bone that lyes in the Cranium.

D. That part which is without.

Fig. 13.

Represents the posterior part of the os Petrosum or Ear-bone which here seems to be two bones.

aa. That part of the Ear-bone that represents a Cochlea.

B. A Cavity for receiving the Auditory Nerve.

C. A large Hollow that leads into the Cavity of the Ear and seems to render it two bones.

dd. That part of the Ear-bone which is very thick and solid.


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