Carigueya, seu Marsupiale Americanum: OR, THE ANATOMY OF AN OPOSSUM.
THIS Animal was brought from Virginia, and presented to the Royal Society, by Will. Bird, Esq and kept alive in their Repository for some time. But of late languishing and falling from its Meat, it died. The Cause of its Death we shall see, when we come to the Dissection: But first of all, we shall take notice of the several Names given it by different Authors: Then shall give a more exact Description and Figure of its outward Shape: And last of all, we shall observe the Structure and Formation of the Parts within; especially where different from other Animals.
And as to the Names, I find that Georg. Margravius (a), and so likewise Gul. Piso (b) tells us, That 'tis called in Brasile, and on the Sea Coasts Carigueya; by some, and in the In-land Contries, Impatiima. In Periguay, Tai-ibi. Franc. Hernandez (c) saith, 'Tis called, Tlaquatzin, by the Indians. Antonius Herera calls it Taquatzin; and the Modern Spaniards, by a Corruption, Tlaquacum; as Joh. Euseb. Nierembergius (d) informs us. Joh. Pet. Maffeius (e), and Caspar Barlaeus (f) calls it, Cerigo. Joh. Lerius (g) calls it Sarigoy or Carigoy. Joh. Stadenius (h) or Stadius, as he is Printed in Theodore de Bry, writes it, Servoy or Serwoy. By Cardan (i), and Oviedo (k) 'tis called Chiurca & alibi Chucia. In the Molucca Islands 'tis called, Zurca. In Virginia, and generally by the English, 'tis called Opossum, as by Ralp Hamor (l), and others. Joh. de Laet (m), and Captain John Smith (n) writes it, Opassum. Mr. Roy (o) calls it, the Possum, as do also our common Seamen. I do not find any Latin Name given to it by any Body, but by Gesner (p), who, that it might not be Anonymous, forms that of Semi Vulpa, quasi Simia Vulpina; or, as Aldrovandus (q) calls it, Vulpi-Simia, as if this Animal was of a middle Nature, between a Fox and Ape: And, answerably, in Greek it 17 [Page 3]might be called, [...], or [...]; though he tells us, That the Alopecopithecus and Chiurea, by Cardan and Scaliger, are taken to be different Animals.
Upon the whole, since it is an Animal sui Generis, and in several Parts having a great Resemblance to those of different Species; I think, a Denomination might be best given to it, from that Particular, wherein 'tis most distinguished from all others; which is that remarkable Pouch or Marsupium it has in the Belly; into which, upon any Occasion of Danger, it can receive its Young. Not that it is a Ʋterus, or the Young Ones are bred there (this Mistake we shall clear up, when we come to the Dissection): But Nature has only formed this Part for that Particular Ʋse of receiving or emitting, at Pleasure, the Young Brood, till such time as they are able to provide better for themselves.
This Consideration (it being so distinguishing a Character of this Animal from all others, that as yet we know of,) makes me most inclinable to find out some Name, that might be most expressive thereof; nor can I think of, at present, a better, than to call it, Marsupiale Americanum. If upon Observation (as very likely) there should be found different Species of these Animalia Crumenata, as Jul. Caes. Scaliger (r) calls them, by an Epithste, they may be subdivided.
Bishop Wilkins (s), and Mr. Ray (o) too, in his Synopsis Animalium, places this Animal amongst the Dog-Kind. Guil. Piso (b) saith 'tis, ‘ Bestiola majorum Glirium Montanorum numero ascribenda: And Cardan saith (i), Mittit & India Occidentalis Chiurcham è Mustelino Genere.’ I am apt to think it may be reduced to the [Page 4] Vermine Kind; but that may be better determinated, had one an Opportunity of observing the Male; for our Subject was a Female, which I am now to give a Description of.
And for the better doing this, I caused a Figure Fig. 1. Tab. 1. of it to be made, exact from the Life: for those Figures that hitherto have been given of it, are very faulty; as will appear by comparing this with that of the Caragueya of Margrave (a), which is copied by Piso (b) and Johnson (t). The Figure of Euseb. Nierembergius (d) indeed, seems to be taken from the Life, and more agreeable; but not in all Particulars exact. That in Gesner (p) is altogether Monstrous; but withal, he tells us whence he had it; " Imaginem addidi; qualis in Tabulis Geographicis depingi solet; and mistrusts it himself, where he saith, & Icon si quid ei credendum. However, Johnston (who never fails to copy an Error, and never mends one) adds this Figure too, vid. ejusd. Tab. 58. though he owns that he had seen that of Nierembergius. The Figure of Ʋlyss. Aldrovandus (q) is much the same with that of Gesner's.
Should one here indulge the Imagination so far, as in the Description of this Animal, to borrow its several Parts from those of different Species; one should rather seem to form a Chimerical Monster, than to describe a real Animal. Yet we find the best Zoographers thus to please themselves in their Accounts of it.
Animal est Tlaquatzin Canis parvi formâ & magnitudine, saith Hermandez (c). Animal est Catuli vel Mediocris felis magnitudine, as Margrave (a). Pars anterior Vulpem, posterior verò Simiam representabat, nisi quòd Pedes effingit Humanos, Aures autem habet Noctuae, saith [Page 5] Vincentius Pinzonus (u) . Monstrosum illud Animal Vulpino Rostro, Cercopitheci Caudâ, Vespertilionis Auribus, Manibus Humanis, Pedibus Simiam aemulans, saith Peter Martyr (w) . Corpore verò ac Pedibus Melis, the Mexican History (c). Videtur autem hoc Animal intermedium esse inter Leporem ac Vulpem, sed alterius generis ab utroque ob Crumenan, saith Gardan (x) . Est Viverrae facie ac magnitudine, Capite Vulpino, saith Jul. Caes. Scaliger (r). Opassum Capite Porcellum, Cauda Glirem referens, Mole modicum Felem, saith Joh. de Laet (m). Barbam Felinam habet, saith Piso (b). Cauda Colubrinae similis, Hernandez (c). I shall omit more Instances which might be given, Nor is it that I do disapprove of these Allusions upon the whole; but when they call it Animal Monstrosum, as P. Martyr (w); or Prodigiosum, as Vinc. Pinzonus (u), and Hieron. Benzon. (y); I think 'tis only our Ignorance makes the Admiration, and that Admiraration forms the Monster; for Nature, in her regular Actings, produces no such Species of Animals.
In our Description of this Animal, we will first give the Dimensions of this we dissected; and then proceed to other Particulars. As from the Extremity of the Nose, to the Tip of the Tail, it measured One and Thirty Inches: The Length of the Head was Six Inches: The Tail was One Foot long: The Neck and the Body was the Complement of the First Dimension: The Girth of the Body, now dead, was Fifteen Inches and an Half; when alive and well, it seemed much thicker: The Fore-Legs were Six Inches long; the Hinder-Legs but Four Inches and an Half: The Girth of the Tail, near the Root, was Three Inches; near the Tip but One Inch: [Page 6]The Head, about the Ears was largest; measuring on the Forehead, from one Ear to the other, Three Inches; thence gradually tapering towards the Nose, and more resembling that of a Pig than a Fox: The Aperture of the Eyelids were not Horizontal, but lying in a strait Line from the Ears to the Nose, and not large: The Ears were about One Inch and an Half long; not sharp, but of a roundish Figure: The Rictus of h [...] Mouth, from the Corner on One Side, to the End of the Nose, measured Two Inches and an Half.
These Measures, in several Particulars, I find different from those in other Authors: But I cannot but think they have made several Mistakes, for want of a more exact Enquiry and Observation. Thus Margrave (a), and, from him, others makes the Fore-Legs shorter than the Hinder; "Crura duo anteriora (saith he) breviora, nimirùm quodlibet tres digitos longum; Posteriora paulò plus quatuor: In our Subject I find the contrary; tho', as we shall observe in the Sceleton, the Bones of the Fore-Legs are shorter than those of the Hinder. He adds, ‘ Pedes Anteriores quinque digitis Instar manûs constant, unguibus albis instar Avium, Curvis: Posteriores longiores, uti in Cercopithecis esse solent, item quinque digitis ut manus.’ But here we find the Fore-Feet to have Five long Claws or Fingers, equally ranging with one another; and a hooked Nail at the End of each Finger. But the Hinder-Legs are far differently formed; for here we observe but Four Fingers armed with hooked Nails, and a perfect Thumb, set off at a Distance from the Range of the other Fingers; and as in a Humane Body, this Thumb was shorter than the other Fingers; and had not a hooked or curved prominent Nail, but a tender flat one, as in our Tab. 1. Fig. 1. Figure is represented.
This Contrivance of the Feet and the Nails, and the Fore-Feet being longer than the Hinder, and the Hinder being formed with a Thumb like a humane Hand; seems very advantageous to this Animal, as to its way of living, and getting its Food: For what it seems to be most fond of, is, Poultry and Birds; not but that it eats other things too. But for the Preying upon these, 'tis very nimble in climbing up Trees; ‘ Scandit Arbores incredibili pernicitate,’ saith the Mexican History (c); and the same is confirmed by all. Now having the Hinder-Feet formed like an Hand, and the Four Fingers Armed with hooked Nails, it may take the better Hold in raising its Body up a Tree; and the Fore-Legs being longer, will make the larger Stretch in, Climbing up; the Nails being hooked and strong, will take the greater Hold. Besides, as we shall observe, having the Advantage of twisting its Tail about any Stick or Bough it lights upon, and being able, by that Means, to fuspend the whole Weight of its Body; when it has a mind to raise it self to the Bough its Tail is twisted about, these Hinder-Legs, being formed like Hands, will the better take hold of it, than if they had no Thumbs.
These Fingers, Toes, or Claws were naked, without Hair; the Skin looking of a Reddish Colour here. They were about an Inch long, and the Thumbs almost as long, but set lower, as I said. The Palmes of all, especially if dilated, as it does in Climbing, were large; but so contrived, as to be able to be contracted, as in walking; but that they might here be better secured from Injury, I find at the setting on of each Toe, in the Palmes, a Protuberant, Fleshy, and almost Cartilaginous Body.
In feeding its self, it makes use of the Fore-Feet in bringing the Food to his Mouth, as do the Monkey and Squirril-Kind.
As the Toes, so likewise the Tail was without Hair, only for a little way near the setting on; and was most remarkable; being tapering from the Root towards the Tip, and covered with a regular Order of small Whitish Scales; which, for the most part, were all oblongish Hexigons, Persimilis Colubrinae, saith the Mexican History (c): But with this difference, that in a Snake's Skin part of one Scale juts over another; but here each Scale appears wholly in view, and between each one may observe a little of the Skin or Membrane in which they are fixed. The Colour of these Scales, makes the Tail to appear Whitish, though the Skin seems of a Darker Colour.
As the Feet and Tail, so likewise the Ears were bare, and without Hair: Auriculis tenuissimis, mollissimis (que) ac penè translucentibus, saith the Mexican History (c). And although thus soft and slender; and in Colour and Substance almost resembling the Membrane of a Bat's Wing, yet they were erect, not acuminated or running to a Point, as described by some; but, as in our Icon is represented, more of a Circular or Oval Figure: They were so slender and soft, that here I could not perceive that Cartilaginous Body, which usually is to be met with in the Structure of this Part, in most other Animals; but as if it was void almost of it, to be formed only by a Duplication of this tender Membrane or Skin; or if it did enjoy a Cartilage, as likely, 'twas much finer than in most other Animals. The Concha or Passage to the Porus Auditorius was very Capacious: But 'twas observed, that when our Subject began to grow ill, the Verge or Rime of the outward Ear seem'd to be crimp'd; and when it died, to be so shrivel'd, as if burnt up, not making a smooth, but jagged Edge.
The general Vogue of almost all Naturalists, resembling the Face and Head of this Animal, to that of a Fox, [Page 9]would much incline me, could I find but a tollerable Agreement, to acquiesce herein: But by comparing both together, I see but very little Likeness. A Fox, 'tis true, has a large Forehead, and a slender Rostrum; but in a Fox it does not gradually grow Taper (as in our Subject, from the Ears to the Nose): But here the Forehead is Prominent, and somewhat Oval or Circular; then makes a remarkable Break; whence is protruded a slender Rostrum. I much more think, in this Particular, our Animal resembles that of a Hog: But Comparisons being so delusive, so un-satisfactory to an inquisitive Mind; and in all Natural History not meeting with more, and to so little purpose, as in the Description of this Animal; I should rather think it far more adviseable, to avoid the seducing the Mind into an Error hereby; than at the same time, when 'tis pretended to inform, to mis-guide the Imagination by a mistaken and ill-chosen Simile.
I shall only add, that the Ʋpper-Jaw was somewhat longer than the Ʋnder: The Nostrils were large; Nares habet patentes, saith Margrave (a): The Eyes Black, small, vivid and exerted, when alive; now dead, very much sunck: The Neck was short: The Breast was broad; and the Shape of the whole is best apprehended by consulting our Figure thereof.
It had Mustacio's like a Cat; Barbam habet Felinam, saith Margrave (a); but his Picture of it is very much mistaken. The Fur upon the Face is shorter and whiter than the rest of the Body: The Mexico History (c) describes it Rostro tenui, prolixo & depili; but this must be only meant comparatively. On the Back and Sides the Fur was of an Ash Colour, or dappel'd with Black Hair in Spots, intermixt with White, especially on the Back; on the Belly 'twas more of an Umber Colour, and of a darker on the Legs. The longest Hairs, which were [Page 10]stronger and courser than the rest, measured Three Inches; being White towards the Ends: though the Mexican History saith the contrary. Pilo longo & candido, sed circa extrema fusco & nigro, saith Hermandez (c). Joh. Euseb. Nierembergius (d), in his Figure (which is much to be preferred before the others) represents him very Shocky, and, as it were, with Curled Hair. If what Margrave tells us be true, his Subject was different from ours; Pili autem Capitis (saith he (a) Colli inferius cum fine Ventris & Caudae inferius prope exortum, sunt flavi secundum long itudinem autem Capitis, per Oculos & medium Capitis tendit ampla nigra stria. But the Colour of the Fur may vary in different Subjects.
But we will have now done with the Outward Parts, to proceed to the Inward: But that we must first of all take Notice of that most remarkable Part, that no other Species of Animals enjoys, as I know of, but this; that is neither Inward, nor Outward, but a Medium between both; I mean that admirable contrived Pouch or Marsupium that it has in the hinder Belly.
For at the Bottom of the Belly, in the middle, between the Two Hinder-Legs, we observed a Slit Tab. 1. Fig. 2. and Fig. 3. or Aperture, moderately extended about Two Inches long; capable of a larger Extension by dilating it with ones Fingers, even when it is alive. John Stadius (h) saith, in alvo fissuram habet ad dimidiae Spithamae longitudinem: Or, as 'tis rendred by Gesner (p) ad sex digitos fere scissum: Possibly 'tis a little over stretcht; however, it can so exactly close and contract it, that the Eye does not readily discover it, till dilated by the Fingers. ‘ Bursae os ita clauditur, ut non appareat, nisi duobus digitis ab invicim distendatur, saith Margrave (a). Tantâ aequalitate & vi, ut coaluisse cutim omnino putes, saith the Mexican History (c).’
This is so surprising a Structure, that all Zoographers do mention it with the greatest Admiration; and yet their Curiosity has not been so great, but several Mistakes they have been guilty of, in the Accounts they have given about it.
Mirum autem Animal (saith Margrave (a) nam in infimo Ventre prope Crura posteriora Pellis ejus dupla est, & exterior rima duos & semis digitos longa, facit (que) quasi Bursam, quem Brasiliani vocant, Tambeio, Pomi Aurantii majoris capacem. Est autem Bursa haec intus Pilosa. All of this, I think, is very just and true: For at the Place he mentions, we observed an Aperture, or Slit, much of the Largeness he describes, where there is of each Side, a Reduplication of the Skin inwards, which forms a Bag of the Capacity he mentions, and of a greater upon Occasion, and Hairy too. But these Hairs here are so thinly set, that by no means they cover it, but almost every where you may observe the Skin.
Gul. Piso (b) has much the same Description, but calls this Bursa, Mantica. Cardan (x) calls it Crumena. Oviedo (k) calls it Ventrale Marsupium. By Joh. de Laet 'tis stiled, Ascus sub Ventre pendulus (z). By Fr. Ximenez, or his Translator (aa) Pelliceus Saccus. By Jul. Caes. Scaliger (r), Scortum subventrale. By Peter Martyr (w), Ʋterus Exterior. By Hieron. Benzon. (y), Venter alter. By Captain John Smith (n) 'tis called a Bag. The Name we shall use for it, will be, the Marsupium or Pouch.
Herein all agree, that the use of this Bag, Pouch, or Marsupium, is for the Preservation of the Young Ones, and securing them upon any Occasion of Danger: Quaternos, [Page 12]quinosve parit Catulos (saith Hernandez (c) quos Ʋtero conceptos, editos (que) in lucem, Alvi Capacitate quadam, dum adhuc parvuli sunt, claudit ac servat. Peter Martyr (w) tells us, Quod natos sibi Catulos circumfert, quocunque profiscatur, Ʋtero exteriore in modum magnae Crumenae dependente, &c. quo à venatoribus vel aliàs à caeteris violentis ac rapacibus Animalibus natos liberet, illos secum asportando: nunquam autem illos emittere dicitur, nisi aut recreandi, vel lactandi Gratia, donec sibi victum per se queritare dedicerint. Oviedus (k) adds, Quod Bestia haec ritu mustelarum noctu domos ingrediatur, necans (que) Gallinas, earum sanguinem tantum modo sugat: imo illic Ventrale Marsupium aperit: filios (que) dimittit, ut & ipsi ad Gallinaceum sanguinem sorbendum assuescant: interim si aliquem strepitum senserit, illico natos in crumenam recipiens, fugam arripit. And Joh. Stadius (h) owns he has taken out the Young Ones hence; Aliquoties easdem ipse venatus sum, & Catulos ex sinu ipsemet deprompsi. This Particular, I think, is evident by the Confession of all; and therefore shall not use more Quotations to confirm it: And Nierembergius (d), on this Account, in his Picture of this Animal, represents the Young Ones as crawling out. But when they tell us, there is no other Ʋterus: But that the Faetus are formed here, and nourished here; and this too, when they own they have dissected this Animal; this is too great a Mistake to be longer Propagated, and from Autopsie we shall demonstrate the contrary, when we come to the Dissection.
But since the great and wise Design of Nature, in contriving this Part, is for the Preservation of the Young Oaes, in receiving and emitting them as there is Occasion; we will contemplate and admire the admirable Structure and Artifice she uses in forming and adopting it so suitably for this End.
We will therefore here remark the Structure of the Muscles, which, like Strings, do serve to open and shut this Pouch. But in the doing this, we must first describe those Two remarkable Bones this Animal has, more than is to be met with in any Sceleton besides, which are of great Use and Service herein: And, from their Office, I shall take leave to call them, Ossa Marsupialia, or Janitores Marsupii. I do not find they have been yet taken notice of by any; and though they do belong to the Sceleton, yet I can't avoid their Description here, because of the Muscles that are inserted to them, that do serve to open the Pouch.
These Ossa Marsupialia Tab. 1. Fig. 5. or Janitores Marsupii (as I call them) are Two strong Bones, so fastened to the upper and inward Edge of the Ossa Pubis, that at their Basis here, they touch'd one another, just at the Coalition b. of the Bones that forms the Ossa Pubis a. a.. The other Extreme of these Bones were so distant from one another, that it measured Two Inches and an Half. The Basis d. e. of these Bones, where join'd to the Ossa Pubis, was half an Inch broad, having Two Heads; the larger d. lying near the Coalition of the Ossa Pubis, and the lesser e. towards the Os Coxendicis; having in the middle a Sinus, into which was received a Protuberance of the Ossa Pubis: By which Contrivance it appears, there can be no Motion of these Bones, nearer or farther from one another, but that they must stand always at an equal Distance. Nor did I, upon trial, find it otherwise; but observed, they were capable of a small Motion inwards towards the Spine, and outwards from it. These Bones, as they ascended from the Os Pubis, grew slenderer, being about the Middle but a quarter of an Inch broad; and they were each, Two Inches long.
To each of these Bones there were bestowed Four Pair of Muscles: There was another Pair that did run over [Page 14]them; to which these Bones did perform the Office of a Trochlea.
The First Pair of Muscles (i.e. which first came to be dissected, upon the Pronation of the Animal, and from its Figure, I shall call, Triangularis) arises Fleshy from the whole Length of the internal Side of these Bones, and inserted their opposite Tendons on each side of the Rima, or Aperture of the Marsupium. Under part of these Muscles, lay another, or a Second Pair; slat and thin; having their Origin from the upper Part of the internal Side of the Ossa Marsupialia and inserting their opposite Tendons a little above the Tendons of the former Muscles, the Tendence or Direction of the Muscular Fibres of this Pair, in Relation to the First, made a Decussation. The Third Pair of Muscles we shall take notice of, had their Rise from the Fore-part of the Basis of these Bones, where they were jointed to the Os Pubis; and were afterwards inserted into the Linea Aspera of the Thigh-Bone. The Fourth Pair did arise from the external Side of these Bones near the Basis, and are inserted into the Fore Part of the Thigh-Bone near the middle.
The Last Pair of Muscles I hinted at, (to which I thought these Bones might perform the Office of a Trochlea, or Pully) arises more immediately from the Marsupium or Pouch it self: For spreading their Muscular Fibres all over this Bag, as they issue from it, by joining their Fibres together; they more remarkably form a solid Muscle; which of each side passing over the middle of these Bones, (i. e. in the prone Posture we are dissecting it) at length were inserted into the Spine of the Os Ilii.
By considering the Structure of these Muscles, and what must be the Effect of their Action or Contraction; one cannot but think the Two First must serve towards the Dilatation or opening this Marsupium or Pouch: For [Page 15]these Bones are a Fulciment or Basis; their Articulation will not admit of a Contraction inwards or nearer to one another; wherefore, when the First and Second Pair of Muscles act or contract, they must necessarily open or dilate the Mouth of the Marsupium or Pouch. The Third and Fourth Pair of these Muscles may serve to extend these Bones outwards; so that when this Animal hangs by its Tail (as it does frequently) the Weight of the Faetus in this Pouch by this means will not press so much upon the inward Viscera. The Fifth and Last Pair, as they may serve to dilate the Capacity of the Pouch it self, so likewise may serve the better to suspend its Weight, when the Animal is prono Capite, and if it gravitates too much, they may retract it up, and the easier, because pasting over these Bones like a Pully, their force is more augmented.
The Antagonist to these Muscles is, the Sphincter Marsupii; an oval Series of strong, fleshy Fibres, which serve to constringe and close the Orifice of the Pouch; which it does so perfectly (as I have already observed), that one would think the Skin here not to be slit; nor can the Orifice be observed till you have dilated it with your Fingers.
Nature's Contrivance therefore in placing this Pouch here, in this Hinder Part of the Body, is very great; her Mechanisme in forming these Two Bones, the Janitores Marsupii, which no Sceleton besides has, and so artfully furnishing them with these Muscles, is most admirable; that with the Philosopher, there is none but must own [...].
The Pouch or Marsupium it self, was a Membranous Body, not very thick, tho' consisting of several Coats, and is to be reduced into the Class of the Vesiculous Parts of the Body; which according to my Notion, are part Muscles, part Glands, and do perform the Office of both, [Page 16] Motion and Secretion: for the Concave or Hollow Tab. 1. Fig. 3. of this Pouch (as I have remark'd) was somewhat Hairy; and at several Places I could observe them matted or cling'd together by a Yellowish Substance, which did ouze out of the Cutaneous Glands there; as under the Armpits in a Man, it is observed. This Liquor thus emptied into the Pouch from the Glandulous Coat, I found was strong Scented, and had more of the Peculiar Foetor of this Animal, than any part besides; being no ways grateful, but unpleasant to the Smell, as has been observed of this Creature, when alive: Faetet Animal instar Vulpis vel Martis, saith Margrave (a). Vulpeculis Hispaniensibus sunt similes sed minores, & longe graveolentiores, saith Joh. de Laet (z). But after the Skin with the Pouch had been kept for some Days, and was grown dry, I found so great an Alteration here in the Smell, that what before was so disagreeable, now was become a perfect Perfume, and smelt altogether like Musk; which made me call to mind what formerly I had remarked (bb) of these Scent-Bags in other Animals; that in a Weasel, which Stinks like a Pole-cat, by spreading this Faeted Liquor contained in the Scent-Bags (as I call them) on a Paper, and so letting it dry, it became a grateful Persume, &c. wherefore afterwards, in my Description and Anatomy of the Tajacu (cc) (a Mexican Wild-Hog); when I came to dissect it, some Days after it had been dead; and the Virus or horred Faetor of the Liquor contained in the Scent-Bag (which was a large Gland on the Back) had spent its self, and it became an agreeable Perfume: Upon this Consideration, I took the Liberty (it may be, a too great an one) to call it Moschiferus; [Page 17]though the general Consent of all Authors had branded it with the Note of a Faetid stinking Animal. But at the same time, I instanced, that in the richest Perfumes we have, as Musk, Civet, and Ambergriese, the same is observed; and that Passage I quoted in Gul. Piso (dd) concerning Ambergriese, is very remarkable.
Upon looking over this part of my Account of the Tajacu, I find this Passage (cc): ‘And I am apt to think, 'twas by removing these Scent-Bags, rather than taking away the Kidneys, that they made the Saragoy edible; which otherwise stank so much, that the Barbarous Nations refused them; as out of Lerius, Joh. Faber (ee) takes notice.’ Joh. Lerius his Words are these, as he is printed in Theodore de Bry (ff) alia etiam invenitur (Bestia) quam Saragoy appellant, quae ob faetorem a Barbaris non comeditur, nos autem quibusdam excoriatis, & detractâ Renum pinguedine, unde faetor ille manebat, sine fastidio edimus, carne enim cum tenera, tum optima est. And I find my Conjecture was not amiss; for although then I knew not where this Scent-Bag was placed, yet now I find it was the Marsupium, or Pouch; and that Lerius was altogether mistaken in attributing this Faetor to the Kidneys, or the Fat about them; for I could not smell any thing ungrateful, or ill-scented there.
Upon this Occasion, I can't but make a farther Remark upon the Scent-Bag of the Musk-Deer; which is likewise placed in the Belly near the Navil, and makes a large Cod. Lucas Schröckius (gg) has wrote a distinct Treatise about it; to whom I shall reser my Reader. But though there is this Analogy between our Possum and [Page 18]the Musk-Deer, that both have their Scent-Bags placed in the Belly, and they have an Aperture there; yet the grand Ʋse of the Pouch of the Possum is very different, as we have already seen.
Having therefore mentioned the Glandulous Coat of the Marsupium (on whose Account it may be reckoned as a Scent-Bag) I must here take notice that it had likewise a Muscular Coat, besides those several other Muscles bestowed upon it, which we have observed already, that gave it Motion. It had likewise a Vascular Coat too, being plentifully irrigated with Blood-Vessels, especially by Two large Branches that came from the upper part of the Thorax, and might be reckoned the Mammaria, as they are stiled in other Animals. This Pouch was fastened by several Membranes to the Muscles of the Abdomen and the Skin; but so as I could separate it for the most part, with my Fingers.
But here I find, in this Marsupium or Pouch, they place the Mammae or Teats; and they tell very odd Stories about it: I will only relate what they say of it, and what I at present observed, or rather, did not observe.
Joh. Petrus Maffeius (e) makes this Pouch, not single, but double, he places the Mammae here, and the Young Ones to be so fixt to them, as if they almost grew there. Illud autem mirum in Cerigonibus, ex ejus alvo duae dependent veluti Manticae, in iis catulos circumfert, & quidem adec pertinaciter suo quem (que) Ʋberi affixos, ut a perpetuo suctu non avellantur, antequam ad pastum ipsi per se progredi valeant. And much the same has Casp. Barlaeus (f) Cerignones (saith he) Vulpis magnitudine, insolito spectaculo alvum ostentant, è quâ duae veluti Manticae dependent, quibus catulos gestant, tam valido suctu Ʋberibus adhaerentes, ut non antea demittunt, quàm adultiores ad pabulum ipsi excurrere valeant. Gul. Piso (b) out does them both; for he makes them not only Nourished, but Formed [Page 19]here: Ex reiteratis (saith he) horum Animalium sectionibus alium non invenimus Ʋterum, praeter hane Bursam, in qua semen Concipitur & Catuli formantur. Quos deinde Quinos vel senos simul circumfert, mobiles, perfectos, sed depiles adeo (que) pertinaciter Ʋberibus affixos, ut a perpetuo suctu vix avellantur, antequam permittente Matre ad pastum ipsi egrediuntur; unde redientes denuo, uterum maternum pro lubitu ingrediuntur. So Joh. Stadius, as I find him Printed in Theodor de Bry (hh) In Alvo (saith he) fissuram habet ad dimidiae spithamae longitudinem, intra eam alia Cutis subest, nec enim alvus hiat aut fathiscit, in eo sinu sunt Ʋbera, quocunque obambulat proles secum gestat. So likewise Peter Bembus (ii), writing of the new discovered Islands, saith, Animal eae sylvae nutriunt Cuniculi magnitudine, Gallinis infestissimum, cujus quidem faemina loculum habet e Pelle Ʋtero annexum, quasi Ʋterum alterum faecundum Ʋberibus, in quo Catulos secum gestat, emittit (que) cum vult. And our Country-man, Captain Smith (n) seems of this Opinion too; where he saith, Ʋnder her Belly she hath a Bag, wherein she lodges, carrieth and suckleth her Young. But Gillius, as he is quoted by Gesner (p), tells us, That non ex receptaculo prodeunt, nisi cum lac sugunt. So likewise Vincent. Pinzonus (u), Nec unquam exeunt Crumenam, nisi quum sungunt; which intimates, That the Teats are not placed here, since they must go out of suck.
I must confess, upon what Observation I could make, I did not find any Teats here; nor indeed did I find them in the outward Skin; as is usual in other Multiparous Animals. Possibly this Subject never had a Litter; so for want of drawing, they might be less; so as to escape [Page 20]our View, for the present: But in another Subject, I doubt not but that they may be discovered.
But this Bag or Pouch is not only appropriated to the Female, as one would guess by what P. Bembus (ii) said before: But if we may believe G. Piso (b), the Male has one too: " Mas faemellae plane similis, &c. (saith he) & quod notatu dignum, manticam (licet a faemellae diversam) habet; qua alternatis vicibus Catulos quoque circumfert; sicut avis mas amore pullorum, faemellam ab incubatu subinde liberans. I could have wished he had given us an Account of the diversity of the Pouch in the Male, from that of the Female; and had one an Opportunity of Dissecting a Male, it would much illustrate the History of this Animal. So likewise the Author of the Present State of his Majesty's Isles and Territories in America, (pag. 138.) tells us, That the Male has such another Purse under his Belly, and takes his turn to carry the Young Ones, to ease the Female. But more of the Male, when I shall come to mention the Tai-ibi.
This Contrivance of Nature for securing the Young Ones from any Danger, till they are able to shift for themselves, I think, is not to be parallel'd in any Species of Animals, at least of the Quadruped Kind, besides. Not that she is wanting in abundantly providing for their Preservation; but the pleases her self in using infinite Variety in attaining the same End. Nor is there wanting Instances enough to evince it: What most reaches, and comes up to our Subject is, what I find recorded in Oppianus (kk) in his excellent Poem of Fishes: For in his Halieuticks, describing the Philostorgia of Fishes, having mentioned the Dolphin, he comes to the Dogfish, and tells us, that upon any Storm or Danger, if [Page 21]pursued, the Young Ones run into the Mother's Belly; and when the Fright and Danger is over, they come out again. I shall not think much to transcribe his Verses; which were so admired by Antoninus, the present Emperor of Rome, to whom he made the Dedication, that not only for them, he revoked the Banishment of his Father; but presented him likewise with a Golden Statera for each Verse; whence they are called Golden Verses: Which, according to Suidas's Computation, came to Twenty Thousand. Suidas (ll) his Words are these: [...].
And upon this Occasion, Oppian not only instances in the Dog fish, but in the Squatina, and Glaucus too: But there are different Receptacles he does assign, that these Two latter do make use of, for the receiving their Young, in Case of Danger. Oppian's (kk) Verses are these:
Which an ingenious Friend of mine has thus translated: And indeed, the whole Poem is so fine, so noble and rich a Thought; that if the Translation of it was attempted by some good Genius, he would find Charms enough in it to raise his Fancy; and a Subject Worthy his greatest Skill.
I must confess, I would not expect in a Poet, that Nicety and Exactness of Natural History, as in a Philosopher, who is not to give a loose to his Imagination, but truly to relate Matter of Fact. But this Particular of the Dog-fish, with me, bears the more Resemblance of Truth; for formerly, dissecting a Fish of this Kind, that was a Female; as it was surprising to me at the same time, to observe here the gradual Formation of several Faetus; some just beginning to be formed, others an Inch long or Two; others Four or Five; some Nine or Ten, and fit for Birth: So what comes most to our Business was, That near the Exit of the Pudendum of each side, I observed a Foramen or Hole that was capable [Page 24]of Extension, and readily enough would admit my Finger, which led into the Cavity of the Abdomen or Belly it self; and not into any Bag, or the Ʋterus, or any other Part. Besides, in the Abdomen I found a Quantity of Water, which I could not but think was let in this Way. So that if upon Observation at any time, there should be found loose in the Cavity of the Belly of this Fish, a Young one; there would be no Reason to mistrust the Relation, since here are Two Doors to let them in and out.
Aelian (mm) relates the same Story of the Dog-fish; his Words, as they are translated by P. Gillius, are these; Si quis eorum (speaking of the Young Ones) timeat, ingreditur rursus per Genitalia in Ventrem Matris; ubi timor abierit, is prodit tanquam rursus editus. And in the preceding Chapter he tells the same (as our Poet does) of the Glaucus: And that Passage of Zeza, as 'tis quoted by the Learned Conrad. Rittershusius (nn) is very express: [...]. Nay, Aristottle (oo) himself acknowledges the same thing of the Galeus, which is of the Dog Kind: [...]. Which Jul. Caes. Scaliger thus translates, Gaeterum Mustelorum genera & emittunt & admittunt intra se Catulos; item Squatinae & Torpedines. And the like he (pp) affirms of the Dolphin and Porpois: [...]. But after all, if what is thus related of these Fishes should prove but a vulgar [Page 25] Error, 'tis one of a very Ancient Date; and it is high time it was removed: and if there should be any Truth in these Stories, for the gaining a greater Belief thereto, 'tis requisite that 'twas supported by some more evident Proof, and confirmed by later Observation. But what we mention of our Quadruped, the Possum, is notoriously known and agreed on of all Hands; to whom, after this Digression, (too large an one it may be) we shall now return; and shall therefore be more concise in the Description of the other Parts; and shall chiefly take Notice of those only, wherein I find something remarkable, and different from the common Make of the same Parts in other Animals.
And for this Reason I have very little to say of those Parts in the Thorax, I only observed, that the Lungs had Three Lobes on one side; and but One on the other: But this One, was as large as the other Three. They were soft and spongy, and easily dilated, and large proportionably to the Animal.
The Heart was included in a Pericardium, as usually; but the Heart it self I thought proportionably larger, in respect to the Bulk of the Body, than is commonly; nor was its Cone so sharp, but rather more obtuse. It had Two Auricles, and Two Ventricles.
About the Throat there were large Glandulae Maxillares. The Tongue was a little above Three Inches Long, about Three Quarters of an Inch broad; 'twas rough, having several Protuberances, whose Points looked inwards. Lingua longa (saith) Margravius (a) quam tamen os aperiens & morsum minitans non exserit, quamvis possit, sed versus posteriora attollit. The Voice or Noise it made, was a little Growling.
But meeting, or at least not observing any thing farther extraordinary here, we shall hasten to the Abdomen, [Page 26]where we shall find more Matter to excite our Admiration, and please our Curiosity.
The Abdomen or Belly was divided from the Thorax or Breast, by a large, strong, fleshy Diaphragm, for (as we shall observe in the Sceleton) the Thorax near the Throat was small; then gradually, as it descendeth, it enlarges its Capacity; so that here, where the Diaphragm was fastened, its Compass was very great and large; which might be rendred so the more, by reason it often hangs by its Tail; and when it does so, the Viscera in the Abdomen can't but press upon it. But that they might not too much, to the Injury of the Animal; we shall see what Provision Nature has made for it, by her great Contrivance in suspending the Intestines,
But we must observe and describe the Tab. 2. Fig. 1. B. Stomach, or Ventricle, which was feated under the Diaphragm, having part of the Liver lying over it; its Figure somewhat resembling the usual make, inclining to that of an Half Moon; as appeared by that Hairy Tab. 2. Fig. 2. Tophus we afterwards took out of it. But what was most remarkable was, the Structure and Position of the Two Orifices, ( viz. that of the Tab. 2. Fig. 1. A. Gula, that leads into it, and the Pylorus Ibid. e., that sends out) for they were both placed so near one another, that they seemed to touch or meet; and when I opened the Stomach, I found only a very slender Isthmus, or Wall, parted them. These Orifices were not at the Extreams of the Stomach, as usually; but inserted almost in the Middle of the upward Part, but more inclining towards that, that respects the f. f. Duodenum. The pouching or bagging D D. out at both Extreams, made it somewhat resemble (as I said) an Half Moon. The Stomach appeared but small, being much contracted, for it had not eaten any thing for some Days; it measured about Three Inches and an Half in length, and [Page 27]about Two Inches in depth: The Gula which coveys the Food into the Stomach, consisted of strong Muscular Fibres, and was in all about Nine Inches in Length. The Pylorus, that carries out, seem'd to have its Passage free and open, without that annular Constriction or Valve, as in most other Animals; though here we observed a larger Body of Muscular Fibres, than in the other Intestines; which made me wonder how a Regurgitation of the Faeces into the Stomach was prevented; but this we will consider anon.
But before we opened the Stomach, I observed at one Side a Perforation C. or Hole thorough, about the Bigness of an ordinary Pea, and Round. That it was occasioned by an Ʋlcer there, I plainly perceived by the Lips or Edges; which were not fresh, but had an ulcerated Matter about them; and this, without doubt, was the Occasion of its Death; for it had fallen from its Food, and had pined away for some time before, and by its uneasy Motion, made its Keeper suspect, it had swallowed something that stuck in its Throat, or injured its Stomach.
A like Accident as this (as a Perforation of the Stomach) I have Three Times met with in dissecting Human Bodies; and the last (being joined with another Physitian in Consultation, a little before the Patient's Death) I foretold; and upon Dissection found confirmed. What appears to me, to be most likely to be the Cause of this Perforation, is, that some of the Glands in the Stomach (such as Payerus (qq) and Dr. Grew (rr) describes in the Intestines) being become Scrophulous or Steatomatous, might impostumate and so corrode the Coats of the Stomach, and cause a [Page 28] Perforation. And the rather I am of this Opinion, because in those Instances I mentioned of Human Bodies, I found in other Places of the Stomach, these Glands very large and Steatomatous; tho' Naturally they are but small, and often not observed. Where there is a Perforation of the Stomach upon an Inflammation, and upon that an Impostumation; there the Foramen is larger and not regular: as remarkably I once met with it in a Child, where a large part of one side of the Stomach was Sphacelated. So likewise upon a Corrosive Poison taken, its Effects dilates its self more, and is not confined to so narrow a Compass; as I observed once in one who had taken Rats-bane.
Upon observing this Perforation of the Stomach, I looked to see, whether any of its Contents had been emptied into the Cavity of the Abdomen; but could find little or nothing: Nor indeed, when I came to open the Stomach, could I find any thing that could be evacuated that Way; for there was nothing contained in the Stomach, but a Body Tab. 2. Fig. 4. of Clotted Hair, formed into the Shape and Figure of the Stomach, somewhat like an Half Moon; covered with a slimy viscid Substance, which did serve the better to glue these Hairs together. These Hairy Tophi are frequently to be met with, in the Stomachs of Bruits, and I have had, and seen several, which have been taken out of Oxen; and the Butchers inform me, that they chiefly meet with them in the Winter Season, after the Hair begins to shed; and the Cattle feed upon Hay and dry Meat: But after the Spring, and in Summer, they do more seldom find them; as if the New Grass, which Purges them, did contribute to dissolve these Tophi likewise. Georg. Hieron. Velscius has wrote Two Medico Philosophical Dissertations (ſſ) about [Page 29]these Tophi, that are found in Goats; and others has made distinct Treatises thereon; to whom I refer the Curious: and Gul. Piso (tt) gives a Figure and Description of one.
But our Animal is Carnivorous, and in what all Accounts agree in, most Rapacious of the Winged Kind; and where it can't find its Prey on the Land, it will hunt for it in the Trees; most nimbly climbing them up: and if the tender Bough cannot bear the Weight of its Body on its Feet; by twisting its Tail about the Twig, it can hang thereby, and stretch it self the farther, to obtain its desired Food, or rob a Nest. Nay, if I am not mis-informed, by this Means it can Fly, or pass from one Tree to another, without descending down; for thus hanging by its Tail, and waving and swinging its Body like a Pendulum, it can fling it self into the Boughs of a Neighbouring Tree; where his Tail is sure to take fast hold of the first Bough it lights on, if otherwise it misses his Footing: and, as I have shewn, his hinder Legs being made like Hands, with a Thumb, it can more readily raise its Body up by them.
Noctambulum Animal est (saith de Laet (z) & cum caeteris Avibus, tum Gallinis infestissimum. Georg. Margrave (a) saith, Mordax est, vescitur libenter Gallinis, quas rapit, ut Vulpes, & Arbores scandendo, avibus insidiatur, vescitur quo (que) sacchari cannis, quibus sustentavi per quatuor septimanas in cubiculo meo. So likewise Gul. Piso (b) Mordaces sunt ut Vulpes earum (que) more Gallinis & Columnis non solùm, sed Avibus in fastigiis Arborum insidiantur; quarum defectu Cannis sacchareis aliis (que) optimis vegetabilibus vescuntur. So that they are not only Carnivorous, but when need drives them, they can take up [Page 30]with other Food. Scandit Arbores incredibili pernicitate (saith the Mexican History (c) diu in Cavernis latitat, vescitur Cohortalibus, quas Vulpecularum, Mustelarum (que) sylvestrium more, jugulat, illarum sanguinem absorbens. And afterwards adds, Vivit enim in Calidis, ac pascitur Carne, fructibus, Pane, Oleribus, frumentaceis, aliis (que) generthus, velati nos experimento cognovimus, alentes illud domi, ac in deliciis habentes. Which last Account seems true; for this that we dissected would eat any thing, that was brought from the Table.
We shall now observe how the Food, when it is received into the Stomach, and contained there, till 'tis throughly digested, is afterwards dispensed with the greatest Advantage, for the Nourishment of this Creature. And what I hinted, how 'tis, that a Regurgitation of it into the Stomach again, is prevented; especially upon the Posture 'tis frequently in, when it hangs by its Tail, since (as I observed) the Passage at the Pylorus is so open and patent. And for the doing this, we must expect Nature's Contrivance (which is always admirable) to be great; not confining her self still to the same Rules; but is Infinite and All wise, in attaining the same Ends, with the greatest Variety and Mechanism.
Which leads me to consider the Structure and Order of the Intestines: But in doing this, I must first take Notice of the Mesenterie, that Membranous Part which colligates them, and fixes their Situation; and gives to them the Order of their Figure. For the Intestines are not just fastened to the Peripherie or outward Circumference of the Mesenterie; but the outward Membrane of the Mesenterie of both sides, is entirely projected and continued over the whole Canalis, or Duct, of the Guts; and is to them the outward or common Membrane: So that I have often, by separating this outward Membrane, from what lies under it, the Muscular; I have extracted [Page 31]the whole length of the Guts; leaving only the Common Membrane, as 'tis continued from that of the Mesenterie; which I could inflate, as if the whole of the Guts remained.
Now here we observed that remarkable Difference, from what is in many other Animals; that we can't but make Two Mesenteries; one peculiar to the small Guts, the other belonging to the great ones, or Intestina Crassa, as they are called; for tho' continued to one another, yet the difference in their Figure or Bulk, is so much, that fully justifies the Distinction. And for Distinction sake, I shall call the former Mesenterium Tab. 2. Fig. 1. u. minorum, and the latter Mesenterium w. Majorum, sc. Intestinorum: for minora and majora I think more expressive, than tenuia and crassa; at least it appeared so in our present Subject.
For here I remarked, that as the f. f. Duodenum descended from the Stomach, it ran under the s. Colon, (just where 'tis joined to the Caecum r.) towards the Middle of the Spine. Hence I found a Projection of the first Mesenterie w. into a Spiral Line, like a Cochlea or winding Pair of Stairs: So that upon Inslation, these Intestines here, made several Convolutions, or Windings, tho' not exactly Spiral, but as represented in our Figure; and the better to shew the Currency of their Canalis here, and how those Gyrations follow each other; I have signified it by the Order of the Letters of the Alphabet; so that (g) is succeeded by (h) and (h) by (i) and so on: Not that I could represent the whole in this Figure; for some of these Gyri, at least great parts of them, lay dipt and hidden by others, that lay over them.
The Second Mesenterie w., or Mesenterium majorum, as I choose rather to call it, than Mesocolon (for it did belong likewise to the Caecum r. r. and t. Rectum, as well as the Colon s. s. s.) was projected more in a Plain; and made almost [Page 32]a Circular Figure at its Peripherie; so that the Caecum, and Colon did almost entirely encircle the small Guts.
The small Guts (as here inslated) measured about Six Feet and an half in length. The Caecum was about Six Inches long; and the Colon and Rectum Two Foot long. The Girth of the Duodenum (I mean all along here, as inflated) was Three Inches; the Ileon q. Two Inches and an Half; the Girth of the Caecum, in the largest Place, was Six Inches; of the Colon Four Inches; and the Rectum was Three Inches about. from the Spine to the utmost Projection of the small Guts, under the same Circumstance of Inflation, measured about Six Inches; the greatest Diameter that the Colon in this Circular Figure made, was somewhat above Seven Inches.
In the whole Duct or Canalis of the Intestines, I could not observe any Valves; no not at the Caecum its self. 'Tis true, that the Foramen into the Caecum, was a great deal less than the Capacity of the Gut its self; however, the Passage into it was so open and wide, as readily to receive or emit its Contents. For by pouring a large Quantity of Water into the Stomach, so as to wash out the Faeces contained in the Intestines; I found, that it would first run into the Caecum, if it was not filled before, and then into the Colon, and as readily, upon elevating the Colon, it would pass thence, first into the Caecum; and, when that was filled, into the Ileon.
Passing by other Remarks which I might make upon the Glands in the Inward Coat of the Intestines, upon the Blood-Vessels in the Mesenteries, &c. I shall now proceed to give my Thoughts upon the whole Structure and Figure of the Intestines, and how advantageously they are contrived for the Ʋses designed them by Nature.
For First, by means of these frequent Gyrations and windings of the Intestines, there is a greater Opportunity given to the Separation of the Chyle into the Vasa Chylifera; for the Bore of the Intestines being so large (as I have shewn) and there being no Valves in all their length; if there was not this Contrivance to give a Lett, or Remora to the hasty Descent of the Faeces, they would pass off so nimbly, that with them a great part of the Chymous Substance likewise, would be carried off: But the Length of the Intestines here, being so great; and as they run, making so many Convolutions, they do prevent this Danger.
Secondly, By means of this Cochlea, or Spiral Figure of the first Mesenterie, to which the small Guts are affixed, there may be prevented a Regurgitation of the Contents of the Intestines again into the Stomach, upon a Declivity of the Body of this Animal, as it is frequently in, when it hangs by its Tail. For tho', as I observed, the Passage from the Stomach, by the Pylorus, into the Duodenum, is large and open; yet in this Posture of the Body, there can't but be a Reduplication, or folding over of the Duodenum; since the great Bulk or Wallet of these Intestines must incline and swag towards the Diaphragm; by which Reduplication, the Passage at the Pylorus must, in a great measure, be occluded; and the ascent of the Contents now, be altogether as difficult and great, as when the Animal stands upon its Four Feet.
The Reverse of this Structure of the Intestines I found and have described in my Anatomy (cc) of the Tajacu, or the Mexico Musk Hog: for here the Colon made a Spiral Figure (as I have there represented, in Tab. 1. Fig. 5.) and the small Guts made a Plain. In our Possum the small Guts makes a Spiral, and the Colon and great Guts a Plain. But a Spiral Convolution of the Intestines [Page 34]is to be met with in several Animals, tho' their Structure be different; as in the Goat and Deer-Kind; and very remarkably in a Woodcock.
But we will have done with the Guts, to proceed to other Parts; for their Comparative Anatomy is too large a Field, and would be too great a Digression, to engage in the Description of them in a single Subject.
The Pancreas was large, having one part (if I mis-remember not) running towards the Spleen, and the other down by the Duodenum.
The Spleen was Two Inches and half long, and One Inch in the broadest Part, and was of a dark Red Colour.
The Liver in this Animal was very large, of a bright Red Colour, consisting of Three Lobes Tab. 2. Fig. 5. B B B.; Two of them were much larger than the third, which lay out of sight, and was not to be seen, but upon inverting the Liver: and here we found not only at the Edges of one of the larger Lobes, deep Incisures e e e, which rendered it jagged; but also in the middle of the Concave part of the same Lobe, several deep Fissures d d d.: Possibly for this Reason, that so it might yield and give way the better when 'tis inverted, as 'tis always, when this Animal hangs by its Tail. The Bladder C. of Gall here was very large. The Situation of the Liver and Spleen here, appeared as in other Animals.
In the Ʋrinary Parts I did not observe any thing peculiar or different from the usual Structure, unless what we shall remarke of the Bladder of Ʋrine. The Kidneys Tab. 2. Fig. 2. AA. of each side were a little above an Inch and half long, about three quarters of an Inch broad, and of the Figure almost of a Kidney-Bean. The Emulgent b b. Veins and Arteries c c. were very plainly seen: But on the inside of the Kidneys, towards the upper Part, were placed the Glandulae Renales D D., or Renes Succenturiati, as they are called by [Page 35]some, and which were here very large, and of the same Colour with the Kidneys themselves, which was a deep Red; whereas these Glandulae Renales in Men and other Animals, are usually of a White, Yellowish Colour. The Ʋreters e e. were about five Inches and an half long, and were inserted into the Neck of the Bladder of Ʋrine, as is represented f., first running under, then ascending up by the two Extreams of each Ʋterus, as they lie duplicated. The Bladder G. of Ʋrine, being inflated, was about the Bigness of a Hen's Egg and of that Figure. The Neck of the Bladder, or Ʋrethra h., (which was about an Inch long) lay over the Vaginae Ʋteri i i.; and here the Ʋrethra and the Vaginae Ʋteri emptied themselves into one common Canalis K. or Passage, which measured about an Inch and half in length.
In most Animals, about the Kidneys there uses to be observed a large Body of Fat covering them, being contained in the Membrana Adiposa: But here we found four large protuberant Lumps of Fat, two of each side; two of them lying in the Pelvis of the Abdomen, near the Bladder of Urine, and the Ʋterine Parts; and the two others, between them and the Kidneys. Upon Examination, I found that they consisted of regular large Laminae; which were easily separable from one another, in broad Fleaks; so as I have not observed before; and indeed, before I had examined these Lumps of Fat, I could not tell well what to make of them; and I am apt to think, that these Two Bodies of Fat, near the Ʋterus are, what Margrave (a) and Piso (b) calls, Testes sub Ano interiùs jacentes; for, as I shall shew from themselves, in the Male, the Testes are otherwise placed.
We shall proceed now to the Examination of the Ʋterine Parts: For 'tis so far from Truth, what is asserted by some, that it has no Ʋterus within, that here we find not only one, but two Ʋteri; and these too most [Page 36]wonderfully contrived, and far different from the common Structure and Make of this Part, in other Animals. And the more too I wonder at this Mistake, since they pretended to have dissected them; for so Margrave (a), Haec Bursa (speaking of the Marsupium or Pouch) ipse Ʋterus est Animalis; nam alium non habet, uti ex sectione illius Comperi; in hac semen concipitur & catuli formantur. And so Piso (b). Ex reiteratis horum Animalium Sectionibus, alium non invenimus Ʋterum praeter hanc Bursam; in qua semen concipitur & Catuli formantur. But notwithstanding what they talk of their dissecting them, there is not one Observation (as I know) of any one of the inward Parts, that they have given us. Hernandez (c) is more in the Right (and indeed his Account is much more to be valued, and more faithful in the whole, than any of the others) where he tells us, Quaternos, quinosve parit Catulos, quos utero conceptos, editos (que) in Lucem, Alvi capacitate quadam, dum adhuc parvuli sunt, claudit & servat. We will therefore here take a Survey, and an Account of these Parts; and we find, that there are two Ovaria, two Tubae Fallopianae, two Cornua Ʋteri, two Ʋteri, and two Vaginae Ʋteri.
The Ovaria s s. were placed one of each side, near the Extreams of the Cornua Ʋteri, being fastened to the Alae r r r. Ʋteri, and were about the Bigness of a Velch. The Vasa Praeparantia (the Arterie n n n. and the Venie o o o o. that did go to and from them) were very plain, and as I have represented them; though the greatest part of these Vessels were bestowed upon the Cornua Ʋteri. Near the Ovaria, I observed the Fimbriae Tab. 2. Fig. 3. b. b. Foliaceae, and thence a Passage into the Tubae Fallopianae Fig. 3. c c. Fig. 2. t t.. The Tubae Fallopianae were two fine slender Canales or Ducts, supported by the Alae Ʋteri, and running waving, and led into the Extreams of the Cornua Ʋteri. The Cornua Fig. 3. d d. Fig. 2. u u. w. Ʋteri, being inflated, were about the Bigness of a Goose Quill, about an [Page 37]Inch and half long, and were fastened to the Alae Ʋteri, towards both Ends a little crooked, but where they pass into the Ʋteri, they were reflected inwards; at the other Extream reflected outwards. Their Substance seemed rather thicker than the Ʋteri themselves, and not so transparent, by reason of the numerous Blood-Vessels which irrigated them almost all over; for in the inside, both above and under, there ran the whole length of the Cornua, large Trunks of Blood-Vessels, sending from the Sides all along numerous Branches; which is very requisite: For in Animals that are Multiparous, as is our Subject, the Litter or Faetus do lie, and are formed in the Cornua Ʋteri. And I did here take Notice of some little Risings of the inward Membrane of the Cornua, whereby they were somewhat divided into Cells; but very imperfectly: However, for the Nourishment and Formation of the Embrio's here, so great a Number of Blood-Vessels is highly necessary; and they were far more numerous here, than in the Ʋteri themselves. It has Four or Five Young Ones at a time, saith Hernandez (c). Piso (b) and Joh. Stadius saith, Five or Six. That which Margrave (a) observed, had Six. Ralph Hamor (l) and Cardan says, it has Seven. So Joh. de Laet saith Six or Seven. But Jul. Caes. Scaliger (r) out-reckons them all; for he saith, Faecundissima est, duodenos parit exiguos: But this Account I do suspect.
These Two Cornua do empty themselves into the Two Ʋteri Fig. 3. e e. Fig. 2. x x., just in the Middle, where they are conjoined together; and so outwardly seem to form, but as it were, one continued Body Fig. 3. e e.; from this Conjunction, near the Neck of the Bladder, extending themselves on each side, and afterwards, being reflected to the Neck of the Bladder again, where they pass into the Vaginae Ʋteri. But having extended this Part by Inslation, and so letting it dry, and then dissecting it; I observed a [Page 38] Membrane Fig. 2. y. like a Diaphragm, perfectly to run cross, and intirely to divide them, near the insertion of the Cornua, into two distinct Bodies; so that what is contained in the Ʋterus on the Right Side, can't pass into the Ʋterus on the Left Side, by means of this Partition Wall; tho' outwardly (as I said) they both seemed, but as one continued Body.
I must confess, the Fabrick of this Part, seemed very surprising to me; and such as I have not met with a Parallel, or the like, in any Animal besides; at least of the Quadrupede Kind. 'Tis true, in Lobsters and Crabs, in the Female there are two Ʋteri, as in the Male there are two Penes, but more distinct and separated from one another. So two Penes, and each forked too, I have observed in the Rattle-Snake (uu); but how the Male Possum is provided, I cannot tell: But this I think is the only Instance of a Land Quadrupede, that has two Ʋteri; and each of these too, seemingly double, by that Reflection they make, and by an imperfect Diaphragm, which divides the Cavity of each Ʋterus a considerable way, as we shall shew.
These Ʋteri are not fastened to the Alae, as are the Ovaria, Tubae and Cornua; but where they are conjoin'd near the Insertion of the Cornua, they do adhere very firmly to the Neck Fig. 3. l l. of the Bladder, not easily to be separated thence; and by Membranes to the Rectum; where more separable. So that the Neck of the Bladder lies over that Diaphragm or Membrane which parted them (as I said) into two distinct Ʋteri. Here the Body of the Ʋteri seemed to be about the Bigness of the End of my Finger; or in Compass (thus inflated) it measured about an Inch and three quarters: Hence they [Page 39]were projected towards each side, and not according to the Length of the Spine, gradually inlarging the inward Cavity, as 'tis extended. For here about the Angle of Reflection, it measured in Compass two Inches and an Half. The Ʋteri being thus extended towards each side about the Space of an Inch and three quarters; and then reflected Fig. 3. e e. back again, towards the Neck of the Bladder; and so pass into the two Vaginae Fig. 2. i i., which lies under the Ʋrethra h.. From this Angle of Reflection, the Cavity of each Ʋterus gradually lessens, and is much smaller than the other part of the Ʋterus. The Capacity of each Ʋterus being the largest at the outward Elbow, where it begins to be reflected; for here it made, as 'twere, one Common Cavity, for almost the length of an Inch: But on the inside, I observed a Membrane z. to be projected from the internal side of the Ʋteri, just from the Corner where the sides of the Ʋteri are doubled, whereby this Cavity is in part divided; and for this Reason, shall call this Membrane, the Second, or an imperfect Diaphragm of the Ʋteri.
Here in these Ʋteri, I observed Four large Trunks of Blood-Vessels, which did run the whole length of them, sending from their sides numerous Branches, and Ramifications all along. These Trunks were propagated from the Hypogastrick p p p. and Spermatic n n n. o o o. Vessels. I did also here observe in these Ʋteri (thus by Inflation extended and dried) several Fasciculi of Muscular Fibres, placed at a regular Distance from one another; which did run the whole Length of the Ʋteri likewise: by means of whose Contraction, the Faetus may be more easily forced out.
These two Ʋteri (as I mentioned) empty themselves into the two Vaginae i i. Fig. 3. f.; for at this Extream, the Ʋ teri, making a turn at the Neck of the Bladder, are continued thence into the two Vaginae, which lie just under [Page 40]the Ʋrethra Fig. 2. h., or that Passage or Pipe which conveys the Ʋrine from the Bladder, and are much of the same Length with that of the Ʋrethra, which was about an Inch. Their Capacity was about the Bigness of a Wheat-Straw. Both these Vaginae and Ʋrethra too, emptied themselves into a Common Passage K., or Canalis, which was as large as all the other Three; and about an Inch and half long: it looked Redish, by means of the numerous Blood-Vessels it enjoyed, and at last had its Exit so near the Fundament, that when alive, there was not observed any other Foramen outwardly, but that which led into the Rectum. But when I came to dissect it, by elevating the Skin here, which seemed to cover it, like a Valve; I observed the Foramen that led into this Common Passage, and putting a Blow-pipe into it, at the same time, by Inflation I extended the Bladder of Ʋrine, and the Ʋterine Parts too; viz. The Vaginae, the Ʋteri, and the Cornua. So that in the Skin here, there was only one Foramen Tab. 1. Fig. 3. C. for the Exit of the Faeces, and the Ʋrine and the Faetus too.
I have had no Opportunity of dissecting a Male Possum; and indeed, of none other but this single Subject: For had I, I might have been more exact in some Particulars; nor is it almost possible, to observe all in One.
The Account they give of the Male, is but very imperfect and short: Mas Faeminae per omnia similis, benè testiculatus, saith Margrave (a) In Bursa pendulos Testes, more Gati, gerens. And much the same, saith Piso (b), Mas Faemellae planè similis, in Bursa pendulos, more Gati, testiculos fert: But adds, Et quod notatu dignum, Manticam (licet à Faemellae diversam) habet quâ alternatis vicibus Catulos quoque circumfert. I could wish he had given us, wherein 'twas different; and what kind of Penis the Male had.
The Ingenious and most Learned Mr. Ray (o) Queries, Whether the Tai-ibi of Brasile, described by Margrave (a); differs from our Subject, the Possum, only in Sex? Or, Whether 'tis another Species of Animal? And indeed, by a Passage in his Description of it, one would think, that Margrave did take the Tai-ibi to be only the Male. I will transcribe the whole Paragraph, it not being very long, that every one may have the Liberty of making their own Conjectures. Tai-ibi Brasiliensibus, (saith he) Lusitanis Chachorro do mato, Belgis een Boschratte: Animal corpore tereti & oblongo. Totius corporis cum collo longitudo ab occipitio ad caudae initium quatuordecim digitorum, crassities decem. Caput habet vulpino aemulum, ore acuto, barba felina: oculos conspicuos & prominentes, nigros: aures subrotundas, molles, graciles, albas, teneras ut charta mollis. Crura, pedes & digitos cum unguibus habet ut foemella jam descripta, uti & caudam. Totum corpus vestitum est pilis albis splendentibus, qui in extremitatibus nigricant, & magis quidem in dorso, maxime tamen in cruribus: circa anum & initium caudae pene nigricant. Os & aures albicant. Cauda in exortu ad quinque digitorum longitudinem pilis vestitur albis in extremitate nigricantibus, reliqua pars major ad finem usque cincta est corio tenui squamoso albicante instar exuviarum serpentis. Faetet graviter, caro tamen illius comeditur. Victitat libenter gallinis, ut vulpes. Pili inserti sunt tenui cuticulae, quae detrahi potest salvo manente corio crassiori. Testiculos propendentes habet ut felis mas. Had Margrave mentioned in his Description, the Marsupium or Pouch, it had been more clear; but by the Account he gives, one cannot but think, that he makes the Carigueya, the Female, and the Tai-ibi the Male of the same Species of Animal. As they eat the Tai-ibi, so Ralph Hamor (l) tells us, that he has eaten the Possum, and that 'tis a grateful and wholesom Food.
Paso (b) having concluded his Description of the Carigueya, adds, In Indtis Orientalibus, id (que) solum quantum hactenus constat in Amboina, similis Bestia frequens ad Faelis magnitudinem accedens, mactata ab incolis comeditur, si rite preparetur, nam aliàs faetet. Nomen illi Cous C [...]us inditum. What Similitude this Beast may have with o [...]r Animal; or whether it is to be reckoned amongst the Animalia Crumenata, as Scaliger (r) calls them, I do not know. Our Animal seems to be properly a Native of America. Richardus Dinothus (as I find him quoted in Aldrovandus (a) saith Veram horum Patriam Americam esse, praesertim Pervanis Regionibus. So Peter Martyr (w), Arbores in Pariana Regione ingentes sunt, inter quas repertum est animal, &c. and then describes our Possum. That 'tis found in Darien and Florida, is asserted by Nierembergius (d); and in New-Spain, by Cardan, and others. That they are in the Isles of Anguilla and Tabago, is affirmed by the Author of the Present State of his Majesty's Isles and Territories in America, pag. 138, and pag. 250. And in Virginia they are frequently to be met with; as Ralph Hamor (l), John de Laet (m), Captain John Smith (n), and a great many others, tells us; and this that we dissected came from thence.
But not only in the West, but South America likewise, 'tis to be found: So Petrus Maffeius (e) and Caspar Barlaeus (f) assures us, that they are in Brasile. Whether Cardan (i) was not mis-informed, when he tells us, that 'tis in Aethiopia; I do very much question; his Words are these: Animal aliud mittit Aethiopia, parte anteriori vulpi persimile, Cauda & posteriore Cercopitheco, pedibus anterioribus humanis, auribus vespertilionis, quod crumeuam habet sub Ventre, qua Catulos undiqua (que) geric nec dimittit, nisi dum lactare vult. What Authority he had for this, I do not know; but he owns too, [Page 43]that they are in the West-Indies. Nierembergius (d) amongst the Places where this Animal is to be found, reckons likewise the Molucca Islands; which, if true, there may be something in what Piso (b) saith of Amboina, which is one of them. But I think it does deserve a farther Enquiry.
I shall proceed now to give a Description of the Sceleton, and so shall conclude.
We will begin therefore with the Head, which, from the End of the Occiput, to the Exstream of the Nares, was Four Inches and Three Quarters long; of which the Rostrum Tab. 1. Fig. 4. A A. measured Three Inches; and just where the Rostrum and the Cranium b b met, the Bones were so pinched in, at the Sides, that here, 'twas very narrow; and I may say, in Proportion to the Bulk of the Animal, this was the least Cranium that ever I met with in a Quadrupede. On the Forehead, the Rostrum was an Inch broad, having on each side, a Protuberance i. jutting out. There was a large Sature K. just in the Middle, which divided the upper Bones of the Nares lengthways, and though they ran slender towards the Extream of the Nares; yet these Bones towards the Forehead, spread into a Triangular Figure, and as they are joined together, they form a Rhomboide, or a Lozinge. But I will not be particular in describing each Bone, that compose the Head; for fear of being tedious: But I cannot but take notice of that remarkable rising Ridge c c c. like a Crest, that runs the length of the Cranium, from the Forehead to the Occiput, just in the Middle; where the Sutura Sagittalis is in other Skuls. This Ridge, for Distinction take, I shall call, Protuberantia Ossea longitudinalis; and I observed, it jutted out from the Cranium, above a Quarter of an Inch: Just at its upper Edge, I could perceive a Seam like a Suture; so that though now, these [Page 44]Bones are so well united together, that they appeared as one entire Body; yet in the Faetus, without doubt, they are separable, and are Two. And this I rather think, because in the upper part of the Cranium I could not find any Sutures at all. So likewise answerable to the Lamdoidal Suture, may be those other Ridges in the Extream of the Occiput, which I shall call, Protuberantiae Osseae Laterales d.; which arising on each side from the Processus Styloides, ascends obliquely up the hinder Part of the Occiput; and just in the Middle at the Top, is joined with the Longitudinal Ridge, I have described. These Ridges, although as deep as the first, yet were not standing so upright, but projected rather like a Penthouse, over this hinder part of the Cranium; by both which Ridges, the Cranium is so well guarded and defended, that 'tis almost impossible, the Skull should be any ways cracked or broken. Something like these Ridges, but nothing so large, I have observed in the Skull of a Weasel.
And not only the Brain, but the Eyes likewise, are very well guarded and defended, by the Os Zygomaticum e. f.; which is very broad and strong; in the broadest Place being above Three Quarters of an Inch, and in the narrowest Half an Inch, being very thick on its under Edge; but at its upper, growing thin and sharp. But for the greater Strengthening this Bone (which is formed by a Process from the Os Temporum e., and another from the Maxilla superior f.) where they meet, they lap over one another, and so become the stronger. This Os Zygomaticum was Two Inches and an Half long, and standing off from the Cranium an Inch in Distance.
In the Orbit of the Eye at the inward Canthus, there was a large Foramen e., which led into the Cavity of the Nose, and by a Duct placed here, the Tears or Moisture from the Eyes is conveyed into the Nostrils. In the upper [Page 45] Jaw-Bone likewise, there was a large Foramen h., which was for the Passage of some Vessels from the inward Orbit of the Eye.
The Cranium b b., which encompass'd the Brain, in the largest Place, was about an Inch over; and about an Inch and Half in Length; but its Cavity jutted out somewhat farther towards the Nares, making as it were, a particular Cell here, and pretty capacious, for the receiving the Processus Mamillares, and that fore Part of the Brain. And afterwards I observed the Os Cribriforme very remarkably perforated with Holes, like a Sive; and indeed, in forming this Organ of Smelling, Nature seems very careful and sollicitous, the Rostrum making so great a part of the Head, that the Cranium it self seemed very inconsiderable in respect to it, its inward Capacity containing not above the Quantity of a Walnut. Not having dissected the Brain (which I hope I may have hereafter an Opportunity to do) I will not at present, insist on the Description of the several Foramina's I observed on the inside, for the Passage of the Nerves and Blood Vessels. But, as I have shewn, since it has so little Brains, Nature hath been very kind to it, in preserving them, by the Defence of those Prominent Bones I have remarked, both length-ways and laterally behind; and on the Sides too, 'tis guarded by the Temporal Process e. of the Os Zygomaticum.
The Os Spongiosum in each Nostril, seemed very curiously contrived, by the abundance of Laminae it enjoys; so that the Membrane that covers them, by this means, is render'd more Capacious, and capable of receiving more plentifully the Effluvia's of those Animals, it would either catch, or avoid; and in this Sensory 'tis known, that Bruits excel even Man himself, and their Organ is more adapted for it.
The Ʋnder-Jaw l l. consisted of Two strong Bones, joined together only at the Mentum; each measured Four Inches in Length. The Head of this Bone (which was Half an Inch broad) was received into a Sinus of the Os Temporum, and very firmly articulated there. It had Two Processus: the Anterior m. or Superior is large and thin, into which is inserted the Temporal Muscle. The Inferior n. Process is smaller, and runs to a sharp Point: Here at this Process, the Edge of the Mandible is so dilated, that it measured above Half an Inch. On the inside of the Jaw here, is a large Sinus, which leads to a Foramen that goes into the Body of the Jaw-Bone, and affords a Passage for the Vessels thither.
The Use of these Bones is for Mastication; which leads me to consider the Teeth. And here we find all the Three Sorts of them; for in the Ʋpper-Jaw before, were Eight small Dentes Incisores, Four of each Side; then a void Space, almost a Quarter of an Inch; then Two large Prominent Dentes Canini, one of each Side; which jutted out of the Jaw about Half an Inch: these were succeeded of each Side, with Three Dentes Incisores; but these were much stronger and larger than the Fore-Teeth; and these imitated the Dentes Molares, in that they were inserted into the Jaw-Bone with Two Phangs: But the Heads of these Incisores were acuminated; whereas the Heads of the Molares were flat, and almost of a Triangular Figure. There were Four Dentes Molares of each Side: in all, Four and Twenty Teeth in the Ʋpper-Jaw. But the double Phangs of the Molares, and the Incisores Majores were such, as at first sight, one would think them Two distinct Teeth; each Phang being inserted into a distinct Alveolus, or Socket in the Jaw, and remaining separated some way above the Jaw-Bone, and only joined at the Head.
In the Under Jaw-Bone, there were likewise of each Side, Four Dentes Incisores Minores before; then a little void Space; after that, the Dens Caninus; then Three Dentes Incisores Majores; and last of all Four Dentes Molares, answerable to those in the Ʋpper-Jaw, but somewhat smaller. In both Jaws in all, Eight and Forty Teeth. Georg. Margravius's (a) Account I find is somewhat different from mine; for he saith, Dentes (habet) instar faelis seu Vulpis, anterius nimirum tam superius, quàm inferius parvulos, hinc quatuor longos Caninos, superiores quidem longiores, inferiores breviores, hinc iterum sex alios, & dein Molares. Nimirum sedecim Molares, duodecim inter medios, quatuor Caninos, & incisores parvulos in inferiori mandibula octo, in superiori decem, nam duos majusculos in medio habet, more Leporis.
But we will proceed next to what the Head is fastened to, the Vertebrae: and I find here, Seven Vertebrae of the Neck; Thirteen of the Back or Thorax; Six of the Loins; Three of the Os Sacrum; and Two and Twenty of the Tail; One and Fifty in all, and all extraordinarily contrived.
The First Vertebra No. 1. of the Neck (to which the Head is fastened, and is therefore called the Atlas) had two broad transverse Processes, but no Spine. The Second Vertebra 2. of the Neck, had a very large and thick Spine Tab. 2. Fig. 6. b. of a Triangular Figure; and in it was observed a large Semi-circular Sinus c.: which was so deep, as to receive into its Bosom, a great part of the First Vertebra; by which means, the Articulation was very much strengthened. This Vertebra is called Dentata, from that Tooth like Protuberance d. I have represented, and which is received into the Hollow of the First Vertebra, where the Medulla Spinalis runs. This Vertebra backwards, had Two Processus obliqui superiores e., and Two Oliqui inferiores f.. The Third Vertebra of the Neck, had the [Page 48]same Processes Fig. 7. e e. f f. both before and behind; but the Spine d. here was about Three Quarters of an Inch in Height; about the Third of an Inch thick; and just at the Top seemed to be a little cleft. The Fourth and the Fifth Vertebra had the same Processes, as the Third Vertebra; and the Spine here, likewise very thick, and cleft at the Top; but gradually lessening in Height, as also Thickness. The Sixth Vertebra, besides the former Processes, had likewise an acute Transverse one, on each Side; and its Spine much shorter, and more acuminated than the former. The Seventh Vertebra of the Neck had only Two oblique Processes before, and none behind; and Two acute transverse Processes, and a very short and sharp Spine: So that upon holding up the Head, the Spine of the First Vertebra Tab. 1. Fig. 4. No. 8. of the Thorax, would touch the Top of the Fifth Vertebra of the Neck. These Vertebrae are so strongly and closely locked into one another, that though each of them are large in themselves; yet, thus articulated, they do not make full Two Inches in Length. But What I most wondered at, was, to observe the Thickness and Strength of the Spines of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Vertebrae, far different from what I have observed in any other Animal; and can't but think must be, for the better defending its self from the Injuries it might receive by any Fall; and to perform much the same Office, as that Prominent Bony Ridge in the Cranium. And not only here, but likewise the Spines of several of the Vertebrae of the Thorax and Loins, I find are thus flatted, and broad at the Ends; and they being so, should it happen to fall to the Ground, by Chance or Design; these Spines being so Prominent and flat, will better bare off the Blow; and upon this Account, there is no Danger of his breaking his Neck, his Back, or his Head; since they are all Three so well secured and guarded.
The first Seven Vertebrae of the Thorax, have Two oblique Processes Tab. 2. Fig. 8. b b. forwards, which run under the hinder oblique Processes of the preceding Vertebra; and have Two oblique Processes c c. backwards, which rides over those of the succeeding Vertebra; as likewise Two transverse Processes d d., which at their Ends have small Acetabula's e e. or Sinus's, for the receiving the Heads of the Ribs, which are fastened to them. The Spines a. of these Vertebrae, are slender, thin, and sharp; about Three Quarters of an Inch long. The Six following Vertebrae of the Thorax, have short, thick, and flat Spines. The oblique Processes being continued on each Side of the Spine, make as 'twere, a Gutter; and the transverse Processes here, are somewhat different from the former. The Spines Tab. 2. Fig. 9. of the Vertebrae of the Back or Loins, the more they approached the Os Sacrum, so they lessened gradually in their Thickness on the Edge. But here were double oblique Processes b b. c c. , viz. Four at each End of the Vertebra, and the undermost spreading themselves out broad. The Three Vertebrae Tab. 1. Fig. 4. No. 10. of the Os Sacrum, are firmly fastened to the Os Ilium No. 13.; but the last not so entirely as the Two former: But this at each Side had a broad transverse Process, and the Spines of these were thin. The Two First Vertebrae No. 11. of the Tail had only One small acute Spine; but in all the other Vertebrae of the Tail, both at the Head and Tail of each Vertebra, I observed Two Spines; but those at the Head of the Joint, the larger. In the Six First Vertebrae of the Tail, there was, of each Side, a broad transverse Process, the Length of the Joint: In the other Vertebrae only at the Head and Tail, a jutting out at the Sides. The Vertebrae about the Middle of the Tail, were the longest; being there about an Inch long; nearer the Root of the Tail, and at the End not so long.
But what I was most of all pleased to see, and I think, is a wonderful Piece of Nature's Mechanism, was, those Spines No. 12.12. or Hooks placed in a Line, in the Middle of the under Side of the Vertebrae of the Tail. 'Tis true, the first Three Vertebrae had none of these Spines, nor were they necessary here, since they lay within the Compass of the Ossa Coxendicis; but in all the other Vertebrae, to the End of the Tail they were to be observed; but as they approached the Extream of the Tail, they grew lesser and shorter. These Spines Tab. 2. Fig. 10. bbb. (where longest) were about a Quarter of an Inch, or somewhat more: they were placed just at the Articulation of each Joint, and, as I said, in the Middle from the Sides; and seemed to be articulated, both to the preceding and following Vertebra; not being an entire solid Body, but arising from the Vertebrae with Two Legs or Crura, become afterwards perfectly united at the Ends. By this means, these Bones are rendred more firm and strong, and this Hollow c c. serves for the transmitting the Blood-Vessels thorough them; and one may observe here a Stria, or Furrow, all the Length of the Vertebra, for the receiving them; whereby they are the better secured from Compression, when this Animal hangs by his Tail. And for the performing this Office, nothing, I think, could be more advantageously contrived: For when the Tail is twirl'd or wound about a Stick, this Hook of the Spine easily sustains the Weight, and there is but little Labour of the Muscles required, only enough for the bowing or crooking the Tail; for then, as by a Hook, the Weight of the whole Body is hereby suspended. And for the doing this, 'twas observed, that in each preceding Vertebra, there did a Muscle arise, which was inserted on each side of the succeeding Vertebra; which Acting or Contracting, must necessarily bend and curve that Joint. But for the strengthening the whole, there was observed Four Muscles [Page 51]to arise from the Os Sacrum, which did run the whole length of the Tail; Two on the upper Side; and Two on the under; sending each a Tendon to each Internode or Vertebra. So that when the Skin was stript off, the outward parts of these Muscles seemed to have tendinous Expansions over them, the whole Length of the Tail, and almost to be covered by them; which must needs very much contribute, and add Strength to the Tail; besides what may be the Effect of their Insertion of Tendons into each Joint, or Vertebra, in curling and unbending the Tail.
What Ʋse this Animal makes of his Tail, when alive, and how advantagiously 'tis contrived for that Purpose, we have sufficiently seen: But I find it is highly commended by Hernandez (c), as an extraordinary Medicine and Specifick; and from him, several others relate the same: I shall give you only his Words, and so proceed on to our Sceleton; Cauda hujus Animalis (saith he) egregium est Medicamentum; trita enim drachmae unius mensura, at (que) ex aqua aliquoties devorata, nullo praeassumpto alimento eo dio quo hauritur, Ʋrinae meatus mire abstergit, eadem evocata, tractis (que) lapillis, & quacunque alia re meatus obstruente. Venerem excitat, generat lac, ac perfractis medetur, & Cholicis, Partum accelerat, Menses elicit, extrahit (que) tusa & imposita aculeos qui sunt infixi, ac ventrem emollit. And concludes, Et fortassis nullum extat Medicamentum ad has res omnes peragendas, praestantius.
To the Vertebrae of the Thorax are fastened the Ribs Tab. 2. Fig. 4. [...]., and there are Thirteen of each Side. The Seven foremost are more perfectly articulated with the Sternum; the Six succeeding may be reckoned in some Sense, Costae Nothae: For though they are long, and as they proceed from the Vertebrae, are inclined backwards, towards the hinder Legs; yet afterwards they are reflected [Page 52]forwards towards the Sternum or Cartilago Scutiformis. But I must here take Notice, that though in Man, and other Animals, that Part of the Ribs that is fastened to the Os Pectoris, or Sternum, be usually Cartilaginous; yet here, in our Subject, I observed it to be all Bony throughout. However, this Difference I found, that the Ribs did look redder, by reason of the Blood Vessels in them; and this Part was Whiter, and where it was fastened to the Ribs, one might plainly see; so that it may well pass for a Bony Cartilage; as often, the Cartilages do become Bony. The First Rib was only an Inch long, and its Bony Cartilage a Quarter of an Inch: hence gradully the Ribs increase in Length; for the Seventh Rib was Three Inches long; and its Cartilage One Inch and Half. The Four last of the Costae Nothae, gradually lessen again in Length; for the last Rib of all was only One Inch and Three Quarters long; and its Cartilage did not run Home to the Os Pectoris, or Sternum, though the First, Second and Third of the Costae Nothae did.
The Os Pectoris, or Sternum, consisted of Seven Bones, according to the Number of the Fore-Ribs, that are fastened to them. At the Beginning of the Sternum, there jutted out a sharp Bony Cartilage, which, from its Figure, I shall call, Cartilago Ensiformis p.; and here was fastened One Extream of the Claviculae o.; at the End of the Sternum, towards the Belly, there was a broad, roundish Cartilage, which therefore I shall call, Cartilago Scutiformis ☉..
There were Two Claviculae o., or Collar-Bones, each an Inch and Half long; having one Extream fastened to the First Bone of the Sternum, or the Cartilago Ensiformis; and the other End to the Spine r. of the Scapula, near the Conjunction of it to the Os Humeri. By means of this Bone, it can more advantagiously bring its Fore-Feet [Page 53]to its Mouth; as it uses to do when it feeds its self, as do the Monkey-Kind, who have Claviculae too as well as Man; though many Animals want these Bones.
The Scapula q. or Shoulder-Blade was about Two Inches long, about an Inch and Half broad; its Spine r., though thin, yet the nearer it approached the Shoulder, it grew larger and flatter. Into the Sinus of the Neck of the Scapula, was received the Head Tab. 1. Fig. 6. a. of the Shoulder-Bone, or of the Fore-Thigh-Bone; as to that Protuberance, called, the Acromium, was fastened the End of the Clavicula.
This Thigh-Bone of the Fore-Legs I found very remarkable; so that I caused a Figure Tab. 1. Fig. 6. to be made of it: 'twas about Two Inches and Three Quarters long; 'twas thick and Strong, having a large rough Spine b. jutting forward, and running Half the Length of it. The lower Extream f. g. of this Thigh-Bone, to which was fastened the Tibia and Fibula, grew very broad, being almost an Inch broad. Above, where this Bone began to grow broad, on the out-side, was a large Protuberance c.; and on the Inside there was a great oblong Foramen d., or hollow Passage, formed by a small Bone arising from the inward Fore Part of the Thigh-Bone, where it begins to grow larger, and was afterwards united to that part of the Basis f. of this Bone, where the Fibula, or Minus focile is joined. Just in the Middle of the Basis of this Bone, there was a large Sinus e. which backwards appeared deeper, which did lock into another deep Sinus of the Tibia; by which means these Bones were so firmly articulated together, as they were not easily, if possibly, to be put out of Joint.
The Tibia T. T., or Focile majus, was a strong Bone, about Three Inches long; which was extended V. upwards about a Quarter of an Inch above its Articulation with the Thigh-Bone; and at the other End, was fastened to the outward Bone of the Tarsus.
The Fibula w. w., or Focile Minus, was a smaller Bone, placed more inward and forwarder, and not so long as the Tibia; being articulated above (but not so firmly) with the Thigh-Bone, and below, with the inward Bone of the Tarsus. For there were but Two Bones of the Tarsus x x., having each a small Sinus, for the receiving the Heads of the Two Fociles. The Bones of the Metatarsus y y. were Four, or it may be Five; to which were joined the Five Fingers or Toes of the Fore-Feet. The innermost Toe had but Two Articulations, or Joints, but at the End had a large hooked strong Nail: The other Four Fingers had each, Three Articuli or Joints, armed with Hooked Nails, as the First.
The Hinder-Legs were fastened to the Trunk of the Body by the Os Innominatum; which, though properly here is but Two Bones, ( viz. One of each Side) being separated above, by the Os Sacrum, and below, are joined together at the Os Pubis) yet commonly they do, for Distinction sake, give Three Names to each; as the uppermost Part of this Bone they call, the Os Ilium No. 13. Fig. 5. GG.; the lowermost, the Os Ischii, or Coxendicis I I.; and the fore Part, where the Coalition is, the Os Pubis a a.. The Length of the whole, in a straight Line, was Three Inches. In the Os Ischii was the Acetabulum s s., being a large Socket, for the receiving the Head of the hinder Thigh Bone; and deeper in, there was a Space for the fastening the Ligament; from which Space, there was a Sinus which led outward; so that the Brims of the Acetabulum was not an entire Circle, but broken off here. But the most remarkable Bones here, are, the Ossa Marsupialia c c. , seu Janitores Marsupii, of which I have given a Description before; therefore now shall proceed.
The Hinder-Thigh-Bone was a little above Three Inches long; 'twas roundish, and a strong Bone. But the Tibia Tab. 1. Fig. 4. TT., or Majus Focile of the Hinder-Leg, was somewhat [Page 55]longer, and a little curved. The Fibula w. w., or Minus Focile, was about the same Length, straighter and slenderer: This, towards the Foot, was articulated to the Os Calcis; as the Tibia was to to the Talus, or Astragalus; and these Two Bones I make the Tarsus x. x.; and joining to them, were the Bones of the Metatarsus y y.; and to these the Phalanges z. of the Fingers or Toes. In the innermost, or the Thumb, there were only Two Articuli, or Bones; in the other Four Toes, or Digiti, in each there were Three Articuli, or Joints. The End of the Thumb was more flatted, than the Ends of the other Toes: For the Thumb, as I have observed, had a flat Nail, like a Human Thumb; in the others, the Nails were long, and curved. I observed likewise, at the Articulation of each Joint of the Toes, on the under Side, there were Two small Bones, that are called, Ossa Sesamoidea, and these, both in the Fore and Hinder-Feet.
I am sensible how tedious I have been, in the Description of this one Animal, and from a single Observation too. Had I had more Leasure to have drawn it up in, I might have been much shorter. But it being an Animal, so very remarkable; and one too, sui Generis, or a distinct Species from all others, I was the more inclin'd to be as particular as I could, though not so much as I could have wished. And I am the more confirmed in what I have formerly wished (ww) that for the perfecting a Natural History of Animals, we had a distinct Account and Anatomy of some One of a Species; which, with a little Variation, might serve for all of that Family: since I find so great a Master of Natural History, as Mr. Ray (xx), is of the same Opinion.
Since part of this Discourse was Printed off, I have met with a Passage in a Treatise of the Bucaniers of America, wrote first in Dutch by John Equemeling, and since translated into English pag. 49., which I can't but take Notice of: And if true, (as the Author assures us, that he has seen it often) 'tis an Instance of a Quadrupede, which I knew not of before, that receives its Young into its Belly. But 'tis not a Land, but Water Animal; or it may be rather, one Amphibious, between both. 'Tis a sort of Crocodile, which he calls a Cayman; his Words are these, which I therefore repeat, that by farther Observation, if true; it might be confirmed; as also, it might be more particularly specified, whether their Entrance into the Belly, was by the Mouth, or any other Part. ‘Many times (saith he) their Eggs (for 'tis an Animal Oviparous) are destroyed by Birds, that find them out, as they scrape amongst the Sands: Hereupon the Females of the Caymans, at such times as they fear the coming of any Flocks of Birds, do oft-times, by Night, swallow these their Eggs, and keep them in their Stomach till the Danger is over. And from time to time, they bury them again in the Sand, as I have told you, bringing them forth again out of their Belly, till the Season is come, of being excluded the Shell. At this time, if the Mother be nigh at hand, they run unto her, and play with her, as little Whelps would do with their Dams, sporting themselves according to their own Custom. In this sort of Sport, they will often times run in and out of their Mothers Belly, even as Rabits into their Holes. This I have seen them do many times, as I have spyed them at play with their Dam, over the Water, upon the contrary Banks of some River: at which time I have often disturbed their Sport, by throwing a Stone that way, causing them on a sudden to creep into the Mother's Bowels, for fear of some eminent Danger.’