To the READER.
THere is nothing in these Sheets, but naked matter of Fact, without either Disguise, or Comment: some will think it too much, others too little. And since it is not possible for one Man to please All, it is left to every man, (if he can do it,) to please himself; and either to Read these Papers, or to let them alone, as he likes best.
THE TWO ASSOCIATIONS. One Subscribed by CLVI MEMBERS OF THE House of Commons In the Year 1643.
The other Seized in the CLOSET of the Earl of Shaftsbury, With a LIST of the GRAND-JURY That Found the BILL against the Earl of Danby Upon the single EVIDENCE of Fitz-Harris.
ALSO Fitz-Harris's Grand and Petty Juries.
TOGETHER WITH The three GRAND-JURIES that Returned the BILLS Ignoramus against Stephen College, John Rouse, and the Earl of Shaftsbury.
LONDON: Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker, 1681.
The Oath and Covenant sign'd by several Members of the House of Commons, Martis 6. die Junii 1643.
WHereas there hath been, and now is in this Kingdom a Popish and Trayterous Plot for the subversion of the true Protestant Reformed Religion and Liberty of the Subject, and in pursuance thereof a Popish Army hath been raised and is now on Foot in divers parts of this Kingdom; and whereas there hath been a Treacherous and horrid Design lately Discovered by the great Blessing and especial Providence of God, of divers persons to joyn themselves with the Armies raised by the King, and to destroy the Forces raised by the Lords and Commons in Parliament [Page 2]to surprize the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Suburbs, by Arms to force the Parliament; and finding by constant experience that many ways of Force and Treachery are continually attempted to bring to utter Ruine and Destruction the Parliament and Kingdom, and that which is dearest, the true Protestant Religion: And that for the preventing and withstanding the same, it is fit, that all who are true hearted and lovers of their Countrey should bind themselves each to other in a sacred Vow and Covenant,
I A. B. in Humility and Reverence of the Divine Majesty declare my hearty sorrow for my own Sins, and the Sins of this Nation, which have deserved the Calamities and Judgments that now lye upon it, and my true intention is by Gods Grace to endeavour the Amendment of my own Ways. And I do further in the presence of Almighty God Declare, Vow and Covenant, that in order to the Security and Preservation of the true Reformed Protestant Religion, and Liberty of the Subject, I will not consent to the laying down of Arms so long as the Papists now in open War against the Parliament, shall by force of Arms be protected from the [Page 4]Justice thereof. And that I do Abhor and detest the said wicked and treacherous Design lately discovered; and that I never gave, or will give my assent to the Execution thereof; but will according to my Power and Vocation oppose and resist the same, and all other of the like nature; And in case any other like Design shall hereafter come to my knowledge, I will make such timely discovery as I shall conceive may best conduce to the preventing thereof: And whereas I do in my Conscience believe that the Forces raised by the two Houses of Parliament, are raised & continued for their just Defence, and for the Defence of the true Protestant Religion and Liberty of the Subject, against the Forces raised by the King: That I will according to my Power and Vocation assist the Forces raised and continued by both Houses of Parliament, against the Forces raised by the King, without their Consent; and will likewise assist all other Persons that shall take this Oath, in what they shall do in pursuance [Page 5]thereof. And will not Directly or Indirectly adhere unto; nor shall willingly assist the Forces raised by the King, without the Consent of both Houses of Parliament. And this Vow and Covenant I make in the presence of Almighty God, the searcher of all Hearts, with a true intention to perform the same, as I shall answer at the great Day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed.
The Paper which was Seized in the E. of Shaftsbury's Closet by Fran. Gwin Esq; One of the Clerks of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, and Read Novemb. 24. 1681. at the Old Baily, before His Majesties Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer.
WE the Knights, &c. Finding to the grief of our Hearts, the Popish Priests and Jesuits with the Papists, and their Adherents and Abetters have for several years last past pursued a most pernicious and hellish Plot, to root out the true Protestant Religion as a pestilent Heresie, to take away the Life of our Gracious King, to subvert our Laws and Liberties, and to set up Arbitrary power and Popery.
And it being Notorious that they have been highly encouraged by the Countenance and Protection given and procured for them by J. D. of Y. and by their Expectations of his succeeding to the Crown, and that through crafty Popish Councils his Designs have so far prevailed that he hath created many and great Dependents upon him by his bestowing Offices and Preferments both in Church and State.
It appearing also to us, That by his Influence Mercenary Forces have been levied and kept on Foot for his secret Designs contrary to our Laws; the [Page 2]Officers thereof having been named and appointed by him, to the apparent hazard of His Majesties Person, our Religion and Government, if the danger had not been timely foreseen by several Parliaments, and part of those Forces with great difficulty, caused by them to be Disbanded at the Kingdoms great Expence: And it being Evident, that notwithstanding all the continual endeavours of the Parliament to deliver His Majesty from the Councils, and out of the power of the said D. yet his Interest in the Ministry of State and others have been so prevalent, that Parliaments have been unreasonably Prorogued, and Dissolved when they have been in hot pursuit of the Popish Conspiracies, and ill Ministers of State their Assistants.
And that the said D. in order to reduce all into his own power hath procured the Garrisons, the Army and Ammunition, and all the power of the Seas and Souldiery, and Lands belonging to these three Kingdoms to be put into the hands of his Party and their Adherents, even in opposition to the Advice and Order of the last Parliament.
And as we considering with heavy Hearts how greatly the Strength, Reputation and Treasure of the Kingdom both at Sea and Land is Wasted and Consumed, and lost by the intricate expensive management of these wicked destructive Designs; and finding the same Councils after exemplary Justice upon some of the Conspirators, to be still pursued with the utmost devilish malice, and desire of Revenge; whereby His Majesty is in continual hazard of being Murdered to make way for the said D's Advancement to the Crown, and the whole Kingdom in such case is destitute of all security of their Religion, Laws, Estates, and Liberty, sad experience in the Case, Queen Mary having proved the wisest Laws to be of little force to keep out Popery and Tyranny under a Popish Prince.
We have therefore endeavoured in a Parliamentary way by a Bill for the purpose to Bar and Exclude the said Duke from the Succession to the Crown, [Page 3]and to Banish him for ever out of these Kingdoms of England and Ireland. But the first Means of the King and Kingdoms Safety being utterly rejected, and we left almost in Despair of obtaining any real and effectual security, and knowing our selves to be intrusted to Advise and Act for the preservation of His Majesty and the Kingdom, and being persuaded in our Consciences that the dangers aforesaid are so eminent and pressing, that there ought to be no delay of the best means that are in our power to secure the Kingdom against them. We have thought fit to propose to all true Protestants an Union amongst themselves by solemn and sacred promise of mutual Defence and Assistance in the preservation of the true Protestant Religion, His Majesties Person and Royal State, and our Laws, Liberties and Properties, and we hold it our bounden Duty to joyn our selves for the same intent in a Declaration of our United Affections and Resolutions in the Form insuing,
I A. B. Do in the presence of God solemnly Promise, Vow, and Protest to maintain and defend to the utmost of my Power, with my Person and Estate, the true Protestant Religion against Popery and all Popish Superstition, Idolatry, or Innovation, and all those who do or shall endeavour to spread or advance it within this Kingdom.
I will also as far as in me lies maintain and defend His Majesties Royal Person and Estate; as also the power and priviledge of Parliaments, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subject, against all Incroachments and Usurpation of Arbitrary power whatsoever, and endeavour intirely to Disband all such mercenary Forces as, we have reason to believe, were raised to Advance it, and are still kept up in and about the City of London to the great Amazement and Terror of all the good People of the Land.
Moreover J. D. of Y. having publickly professed and owned the Popish Religion, and notoriously given Life and Birth to the Damnable and Hellish Plots of the Papists against His Majesties Person, the Protestant Religion, and the Government of this Kingdom; I will never consent that the said J. D. of Y. or any other, who is or hath been a Papist, or any ways adher'd to the Papists in their wicked Designs be admitted to the Succession of the Crown of England. But by all lawful means and by force of Arms, if need so require, according to my Abilities, will oppose him, and endeavour to Subdue, Expel and Destroy him, if he come into England, or the Dominions thereof; and seek by force to set up his pretended Title, and all such as shall Adhere unto him, or raise any War, Tumult, or Sedition for him, or by his Command, as publick Enemies of our Laws, Religion and Countrey.
To this end we and every one of us whose hands are here under-written, do most willingly bind our selves and every one of us unto the other joyntly and severally, in the Bond of one firm and loyal Society or Association, and do promise and vow before God, That with our joynt and particular Forces we will oppose and pursue unto Destruction all such as upon any Title whatsoever shall oppose the Just and [Page 5]Righteous ends of this Association; and Maintain, Protect and Defend all such as shall enter into it in the just performance of the true intent and meaning of it. And lest this just and pious work should be any ways obstructed or hindered for want of Discipline and Conduct, or any evil minded persons under pretence of raising Forces for the service of this Association, should attempt or commit Disorders, we will follow such Orders as we shall from time to time receive from this present Parliament, whilst it shall be sitting, or the major part of the Members of both Houses subscribing this Association, when it shall be Prorogued or Dissolved, and obey such Officers as shall by them be set over us in the several Countreys, Cities, and Burroughs, until the next meeting of this or another Parliament, and will then shew the same Obedience and Submission unto it, and those who shall be of it.
Neither will we for any respect of Persons or Causes, or for Fear, or Reward separate our selves from this Association, or fail in the Prosecution thereof during our Lives, upon pain of being by the rest of us prosecuted, and suppressed as Perjur'd persons, and publick Enemies to God, the King, and our Native Countrey.
To which Pains and Punishments we do voluntarily submit our selves, and every one of us, without benefit of any Colour or Pretence to excuse us.
In Witness of all which Premisses to be inviolably kept, we do to this present Writing put our hands and Seals, and shall be most ready to accept and admit any others hereafter into this Society and Association.
The Names of the Members that took the New Oaths and Covenants agreed on. Tuesday, June 6. 1643.
- MR. Speaker
- Mr. White
- Sir Robert Harley
- Sir Nevil Poole
- Sir Robert Pye
- Sir Thomas Cheek
- Sir Oliver Luke
- Sir Bewchampe St. John
- Mr. Oldsworth
- Sir William Armyn
- Mr. Pym
- Sir Henry Vane Junior
- [Page 6]Sir Benjamin Rudyard
- Sir Arthur Haslerig
- Sir Gilbert Gerard
- Mr. Solicitor
- Mr. Hatcher
- Lord Ruthen
- Mr. Sam. Browne
- Mr. Valentine
- Sir Harbottle Grimston
- Coll. John Moore
- Mr. Jenner
- Sir John Evelyn Junior
- Mr. Hollis
- Mr. Downes
- Mr. Blakestone
- Sir Tho. Dacres
- Sir John Wray
- Mr. Browne of Kent
- Sir Henry Anderson
- Mr. Barwis
- Sir Peter Wroth
- Mr. Cecill
- Mr. Scowen
- Mr. Bainton
- Mr. Corbet
- Sir John Harrison
- Mr. Brett
- Sir Cristopher Yelverton
- Mr. John Harvey
- Mr. Harbottle Grimston
- Mr. John Selden
- Sir John Clotworthy
- Mr. Pierpoint
- Sir Ralph Verney
- Sir Henry Cholmely
- Mr. Edmund Dunch
- Mr. John Glyn
- Sir Will. Littleton
- Mr. Trenchard
- Mr. Will. Cage
- Sir Simon D'Ewes
- Mr. Gilbert Millington
- Mr. William Ellis
- Sir Tho. Barrington
- Sir Anthony Irby
- Sir Tho. Jervis
- Mr. Douse
- Mr. Hugh Rogers
- Sir John Hippesley
- Mr. Serjeant Wild
- Sir Dudley North
- Mr. Lawrence Whittacre
- Sir John Curson
- Mr. John Wastall
- Mr. Cornelius Holland
- Coll. Walther Long
- Mr. George Gallop
- Mr. William Bell
- Mr. Skinner
- Mr. John Nash
- Mr. James Cambel
- Sir John Young
- Sir Robert Parkurst
- Mr. Edward Exton
- Mr. Edward Thomas
- Mr. Herbert
- Mr. Nath. Stephens
- Mr. Moyle
- Mr. Young
- Mr. Michael Noble
- Mr. Will. Whittacre
- Mr. Will. Cawley
- Mr. John Harris
- Mr. Tho. Lane
- Mr. Owner
- Mr. Edw. Poole
- Mr. Arthur Jones
- Mr. Campian
- Mr. Bulstrode Whitlock
- Mr. Tailor
- Mr. John Jepson
- Sir John Potts
- Mr. Richard Lee
- Mr Tho. Sandis
- Mr. Tho. Eden Dr. of the Civil Law.
- Mr. Hen. Lucas
- Mr. Richard Harmon
- Mr. John Lisle
- Mr. Rob. Goodwin
- Mr. Will. Ashhurst
- Mr. John Nutt
- Sir Nathan. Barnardiston
- Mr. Tho. Hoyle
- Sir John Gourdon
- Mr. Rob. Reynolds
- Mr. Henry Darley
- Mr. Sam. Vassal
- Mr. John Goodwi
- Sir Roger North
- Mr. John Browne Dorset
- Mr. Richard Rose
- Mr. Giles Green
- Mr. Tho. Moore
- Mr. Edmond Prideanx
- Mr. Roger Hill
- Mr. Will. Strode
- Mr. Dennis Bond
- Mr. Edw. Ash
- Mr. Richard Moore
- Mr. Zouch Tate
- Mr. Robert Nicholas
- Mr. Will. Smith
- Mr. Will. Spurstowe
- Mr. Framlingham Gawdy
- Sir Alexander Denton
- Mr. Lowrey
- Mr. Tho. Hodges
- Mr. Humphry Salloway
- Sir Peter Wentworth
- Mr. Fountain
- Mr. Gervaise
- Mr. Will. Wheeler
- Mr. Fitz-Williams
- Mr. Richard Jennings
- Sir Henry Ludlow
- Sir Edward Bainton
- Sir Edw. Littleton
- Mr. Knightly
- Mr. Francis Drake
- Mr. Jesson
- Mr. Henry Pelham
- Sir Tho. Earle
- Sir George Stonehouse
- Sir Martin Lister
- Mr. Francis Rous
- Mr. Ralph Ashton
- Mr. Henry Martin
- Mr. John Roll
- Sir John Dreyden
- Mr. Philip Smith
- Mr. Squire Bence
- Mr. Peregrin Pelham
- Mr. Anthony Beddingfield
- Mr. John Allured
- Sir John Corbet
- Tho. Lord Wenman
The Names of the Grand-Jury for the County of Middlesex, who without stirring from the Bar, found the Bill of Indictment against the Earl of Danby, upon the single Testimony of Edward Fitz-Harris in open Court, a Prisoner at Bar then Arraigned; afterwards Codemned and Executed for High Treason.
Fitz-Harris gave Evidence of what Monsieur Dupuy told him concerning the Earl of Danby at Windsor; and that he saw the Earl of Danby there come forth of a Room, and as the Earl went down Stairs he heard the Earl of Danby say, That he would break the Heart of Sir Edmond-bury Godfrey; and declared that was all he could Witness against him. And going out of Court, he heard one of the Judges observe, That this whole Fact was in another County, and not inquirable by this Jury; whereupon he returned in haste back again and said Gentlemen of the Jury, I heard the Earl of Danby speak the same words at St. James, and then departed. This was all the Evidence he gave to the Grand-Jury of any Words or Fact in the County of Middlesex.
- Sir William Roberts of Wilsdon, Bar.
- Sir William Cowper, Baronet
- Henry Herbert, Esq;
- Edward Boscowen, Esq;
- Thomas Barnardiston, Esq;
- Thomas Henslow, Esq;
- Walter Moyle, Esq;
- Josias Clarke, Esq;
- Thomas Austen, Esq;
- Thomas Marsh Esq;
- William Bourne, Esq;
- Edward Hutchins, Gent.
- Joseph Ratcliffe, Gent.
- Crisp Grange, Gent.
- Henry Gerrard, Gent,
- Robert Breedon, Gent.
- George Page, Gent.
- John Harwood, Gent.
- John Raymond, Gent.
- Christopher Dodsworth, Gent.
- Henry Dealing, Gent.
- Edward Watts, Gent.
- Augustine Beare, Gent.
The Grand-Jury for Fitz-Harris.
- Michael Godfrey, of Edmonton.
- John Hill of Enfield.
- William Hundow of Enfield, Gent.
- Thomas Curtis of the same, Gent.
- Elizeus Wyberd of the same, Gent.
- John Read of Tottenham, Gent.
- Jeremy Benton of the same, Gent.
- John Young of Enfield, Gent.
- Edward Johnson of South-Myms, Gent.
- John Page of Pinner, Gent.
- John Blott of Hendon, Gent.
- Francis Peters of Great-St [...]nmore, Gen.
- Joh. Greenhill of Harrow on the Hill, G.
- John Newman of the same, Gent.
- Thomas Rance of the same, Gent.
- John Bird of the same, Gent.
- John Taylor of the same, Gent.
- James Marsh of Hendon, Gent.
- John Todd of Pynner, Gent.
The Petty-Jury for Fitz-Harris.
- Thomas Johnson of Mile-end, Esq;
- Lucy Knightly of Hackney, Esq;
- Edward Wilford, jun. of Enfield, Gent.
- Alexander Hosea of Hackney, Gent.
- Martin James of Wapping, Gent.
- John Vyner of Whitechappel, Gent.
- William Withers of Cripplegate.
- William Cleive of the same.*
- Thomas Goffe of Stepney.
- Ralph Far of the same.
- Samuel Freebody of S. Johns-street.
- John Lockyer of Westminster.
The Grand-Jury for College.
- John Wilmore, Leatherseller.
- William Mackly, Strong-Waterman.
- Sampson Puller, Taylor.
- Thomas Cope, Upholster.
- Peter Mortimer, Confectioner.
- John Wood, Brasier.
- Thomas Haynes, Carpenter,
- Thomas Fox, Apothecary.
- John Read, Millener.
- Mark Stretton, Apothecary.
- Edward Powel, Book-Binder.
- Paul Dorrel, Servant to the Countess of Exeter: no Freeman.
- Francis Lasco, Druggist.
- John Armiger, Shoe-maker.
- Samuel Totton, Mercer.
- John Pettit, Woollen-Draper.
- Samuel Maine, Linnen-Draper.
- Caleb Hooke, Merchant.
- Robert Davies, Apothecary.
The Grand-Jury for Rouse.
- James Denew.
- John Elwick.
- Thomas Shaw.
- Richard Tilden.
- William Carbonel.
- Josias Smith.
- Joseph Jackson.
- Samuel Crisp.
- Humphrey Rogers.
- John Showel.
- John Loggins.
- Edmond Shermon.
- John Hamond.
- Jtseph Web.
- Peter Essington.
- John Newton.
- Isaac Delillers.
- Samuel Round.
- Henry Weade.
The Grand-Jury for the E. of Shaftsbury.
- Sir Samuel Barnardiston.
- John Morden.
- Thomas Papillon.
- John Dubois.
- Charles Hearle.
- Edward Rudge.
- Humphrey Edwin
- John Morrice.
- Edmund Harrison.
- Joseph Wright.
- John Cox.
- Thomas Parker.
- Leonard Robinson.
- Thomas Shepherd.
- John Flavell.
- Michael Godfrey.
- Joseph Richardson.
- William Empson.
- Andrew Kendrick.
- John Lane.
- John Hall.