A True DISCOVERY Of the Private League, between The late King James, (Since his coming from
Ireland) And the K. of France: Shewing their Design to Destroy all
The Protestants in Europe, Being sent from a
French Merchant to his Friend in
Done out of French,
and Printed according to Order..
SIR, When you went for England, you desired I would send you what News of moment should happen in these parts, the most remarkable is, concerning the private Intreague between the King of France and the late King James, since his Arrival from Ireland; notwithstanding the [...]ll success he has had in that Country, is still push'd on by the King of France to a further Contrivance for the utter extirpation of all Protestants, as you will find by the following Discourse between the King of France and the late King Jumes.
I heartily thank your Majesty for the Favours and Kindnesses you have so generously shown to a Prince in Distress, and though I cannot at present make a suitable Return, yet I doubt not but by the Assistance of my Sub [...]ects in Scotland, notwithstanding my ill success in Ireland, to be able to form such an Army, as may Reclaim my Kingdom of England, and settle me again in the Throne of my Fathers, and then I believe you will not doubt of my Readiness to Gratifie your utmost Wishes and Request.
Your Majesty may assure your self I Cordially have and do desire your Welfare and Success, and if your Majesty had thought fit to follow the Intimati [...]ns of my Advice, I assure you, you had by this time gained your point, and have been peaceably seated in your Throne.
Perhaps Sir, you are not more acquainted with England than my self: I brought upon them more Innovations in Four Years, than my Predecessors in Fourscore, and which is a Miracle, I hardly ever heard them so much [Page 2] as Murmur till towards the end of all; did not I New-Model both Church an [...] State, and in One Year more, I should the Army too.
Why, with submission, there was your Errour; you first let the [...] see what you designed, before you were in a condition to Execute it I advise [...] you and told you it would be impossible to bring in the Catholick Religion with [...] Pr [...]testant Army, and that the main thing you were to take Care of, was to settl [...] the Sword fast in your Hand, and then to strike at Discretion; their Destruction or Submission should have been as sudden as the Shot of my Musquets, and they should never had reasan to complain of a Grievance till I had their Necks under my Foot.
We wanted time for this, for the thought of your Auxilleries would ha [...]e put them all in a Confusion, and my own were not to be trusted.
K. of France. Was not Ireland your own? could not Forty Thousand from time to time been easily and without Suspicion Transported, and upon a signal been ready and willing for any Service?
I had a considerable Army in Ireland, which in a short time, I did resolue to make use of.
But you had first giuen your Hereticks the Alarm, which not only put them upon their Guard, but made hem afterwards look upon you as an absolute Enemy to their Interest.
But supposing these Men had been sent over, the Country must have been sensible of it, and Consequently would have judg'd at the Design.
Believe [...] [...]o, for [...]ile they had no reason to complain of the Breach of Priviledges, they would have been Secure and Negligent: I would have been so far from Encroaching upon any of their Franchises, till I were able to strike Home, that I would in the Intrim have Granted and Promised them more than they already had. England must first be Deceived, and then Destroy'd
I wish I were to play the Game over again: I Confess I was too hasty with them, I thank some of my Councillors.
K. of France. ‘Wish not, but be assured you shall, Ireland will keep them in Play a little longer sure, Scotland will not be backward, and certainly you have some good Subjects in England yet left; be assured of my utmost Assistance, and I doubt not to give them all powerful Diversion: But when you have brought about your Business, lean not on the Advice of every hot-headed Fellow, I'll Engage that Father Petre, and two or three more such blustring Polititians have done the Catholick Cause more harm, these four last Years, than all our United Councils can do it good these Ten years to come; you have seen the Coursess I have taken, and how I have thriv'd upon it; therefore when you are well Settled, take with Submission, those Measures, which by a long Experience, I can assure you, I know will not prove Inefectual.’
I have dear Brother, in the Meridian of my strength, adhered to your Councils and Admonitions, and now in my Distress, it is both my Interest and Inclination to follow all rules of Prescription, and if ever I be settled again in my Throne, and POPERY but once more flourish in England, I will not be unmindful, or ungrateful in the Return, and till then I must rely upon your Kindnesses and Favours.
By these Measures, we may see, that our Law, our Liberties, our Religion, Nay, our Lives, were in eminent Danger, till the Prince of Orange (now our Gracious King) came to our timely Rescue.