A TRVE COPY OF A LETTER Sent from a Gentleman of worth in Ireland, to a speciall Friend of his, a Servant of great trust to the Kings Majesty. Importing joyfull Newes of a great overthrow given to the Rebels.
TRedagh was relieved on Tuesday night last by the two Pinnaces sent from hence, and in happy time, for they were almost at their last morsell: The Pinnaces enjoyed so faire a winde and so full a spring-tide, that the Rebels could not possibly prevent their comming in. That night, in conjecture that the Defendants within the Town, would be overjoyed with their new reliefe, Captain Fox undermined a part of the wall which was most weak, which Sir Henry Tichbourn beheld all the time of their work, untill the breach was made and two hundred entred; and when as Sir Henry perceived as many as he could master, he fell upon them and cut off all but eight men, who hardly escaped; their Captain was killed, many were slaine the day after.
Philip O-Reyley, an Arch-Rebell, and a man very mightie amongst them, is taken and hanged.
The Lord of Dungarvon, hath brought in Armes for five hundred foot, and one hundred and twenty horse out of England into Youghall, and twenty Barrells of powder, part whereof is sent to Duncanvon, to the aid of the Lord of Esmond, who is beseiged, and suspected for a Rebell: That Fort is well stored with brasse Ordnance, and like to become the greater losse.
The Lord Dungarvon, the Lord Braughill, and Sir William Courtney, with a convenient Force, adjoyned to the Lord President of Mounster, who hath fifteene hundred foot, and foure hundred horse at command, so as if the Lord the Lord Roch stand firme, that yet stirre not, there will bee no feare of the Rebels in that Province.
Sir Philip O-Neale, on Tuesday night came to Tredagh with one thousand foot, and two hundred horse.
Our numbers yet are so few, till further aid out of England, that it will be hazardous to adventure any part thereof, unlesse upon certain ground and good advantages; for if wee should receive a blow, the whole Kingdome might be endangered.
The Townes neere the Mountaines, where Luke O-Toole and others kept their rendevous, are all sackt and burnt: they flie at the voyce of an Army in divers places. God granting peace in England, there is no feare of Warre in Ireland.