A True and Exact Relation of the Prince of Orange His Publick Entrance into EXETER.
SInce the Foundation of Monarchy, Imperial Orations, or the Triumphs of the Caesars, in the Manner, Grandeur and Magnificence of their most Sumptuous Cavalcades, there was never any that exceeded this of the most Illustrious Hero the Prince of Orange his Entrance into Exeter, which was in Manner and Form Following.
1. The Right Honourable the Earl of Mackelsfield with 200 Horse, the most part of which were English Gentlemen, Richly Mounted on Flanders Steeds, mannag'd and and used to War in Headpieces, Back and Brest, Bright Armour.
2. 200 Blacks brought from the Plantations of the Neitherlands in Americe, Imbroyder, d Caps lined with white Fur, and plumes of white Feathers, to attend the Horse.
3. 200 Finlanders or Laplanders in Bear Skins taken from the Wild Beasts they had Slain, the common Habbit of that cold Climat with black Armour and Broad Flaming Swords.
4. 50 Gentlemen, and as many Pages to attend and support the Princes Banner, bearing this Inscription, GOD and the PROTESTANT RELIGION.
5. 50 Led Horses all Managed and brought up to the Wars, with 2 Grooms to each Horse.
6. After these Rid the Prince on a Milk White Palfrey. Armed Cap a Pee, A Plume of White Feathers on his Head. All in Bright Armour, and 42 Footmen Running by him.
7. After his Highness followed likewise on Horseback 200 Gentlemen and Pages.
8. 300 Switzers with Fuzies.
9. 500 Voluntiers each 2 [...] Horses.
10. His Captain and Guard [...]. Armed Cap a Pee.
The rest of the Army in the Rere, his Highness with some Principal Officers entred the Town, where they were not only Received but entertained with Loud Huzzas, Ringing of Bells, Bonfires, and such Acclamations of Joy as the Convenience of the place and their Abilities cou'd afford.