A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE Great Tryals and Cruel Sufferings undergone by those two faithful Servants of God, KATHERINE EVANS And SARAH CHEEVERS, In the time of their above three years and a halfs Confinement in the Island MALTA.

Also, How God at last by his Almighty Power effected their Deliverance, and brought them back into the Land of their Nativity.

To which is added, A short RELATION from George Robinson, of the Sufferings that befel him in his Journey to Jerusalem; and how God saved him from the hands of Cru­elty when the Sentence of Death was passed against him.

London, Printed for R. Wilson, 1663.



MAny there be among the Na­tions in the World, that in their haste have unjustly con­demned the innocent, guilt­less, and harmless People of the Lord of Hosts (scornfully called Quakers) viz. That they are Papists, Jesuites, and what not, adhering to the Whorish false Church of Rome: I say to such on this wise, which is my advice, as a man to his friend, to whom this may come; Be not hasty to judge before the time, as many do to their own hurt, guilt and condem­nation, before they have a clear and [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] right understanding of the things that differ from Equity and Truth, and so the Nobility of the Mind which should weigh and passe true Sentence of sound and perfect Judgement, the same being vailed with a hasty dark spirit of pre­judice, or evil-surmising, which gets up into the seat of enmity, and therein pas­seth sentence of the pure Way and things of God as Evil, Heresie, and what not? And thus it comes to passe, and indeed it cannot be otherwise with such that have not their minds stayed and fixed in that which is perfect and true, and clear and single, as is the clear manifestation of the Grace of Life, which is the Light of the Lord Jesus shining in the heart and conscience of the sons and daughters of men; and the same Light of the Lord which enlightneth the poor and deceitful man's eyes, is the true measure and equal ballance, which all are to try, and prove, and weigh words, thoughts, intents, wayes and actions, whether they be ju­stifiable [Page] or condemnable; and hereby with the same measure of the true Spirit of God, who is Light, is true sentence to be passed accordingly: For if that which is perfectly true be measured with a false measure, or with an unequal ballance, it doth appear so to all that behold the same with an evil eye, or measure that with the same measure; save onely to them that discern the measure, weight, or bal­lance: As for instance, as to the thing natural; If a deceitful man with a false measure, being guided by a deceivable spirit (albeit his eyes be enlight­ned with the Light of the Lord, Prov. 29. which is true) if he measure a piece of Cloth to his Customer with his deceitful measure, though the Cloth be good, yet he not giving it its true measure, the simple-hearted is there­by deceived, and knoweth it not till it be brought to a true measure, which doth answer the true Principle, or Light of God in the conscience to Justification, as [Page] doth not the false, but contrariwise: Wherefore it is needful, and of absolute concernment, for the mind of every man male and female, to be guided and exer­cised in the true manifestation of the Light of Jesus in the conscience; and so blessed is the man, the people, the family that bring their deeds to the Light, that they may be manifest they are wrought in God who is Light, who is Truth; and so what is here following, written and published, is to be tryed and proved by the Witness of God in every Conscience, which is true, and will answer to the same things or words that spring forth from its own clear nature.

Therefore, when thou hast honestly read this throughout with a meek spirit of sobriety and moderation, that's single and pure, then with the same spirit of singleness and of true discerning, judge honestly, and cease from hastiness in such matters of Eternity, lest a place of Re­pentance become finally hid from thine [Page] eyes, not to Salvation, but contrariwise; which I desire not, neither doth the Lord, whose Servant, a living and true Wit­ness, I am, for Him, his Truth and Peo­ple, of these things and much more.

Wherefore let the Reader see hereby, how that the Lord hath chosen the foolish things of this life to confound the wise, and that the living God Eternal hath chosen the weak things, to confound and bring to nought the things that are mighty, subtil, and potent; yea, base things, which are so deemed despisable and contemptible, yet behold God hath chosen them; and things that are not approvable in the sight of the prudent of this world, even to bring to nought things that are.

But may some say, Wherefore, or why doth the most High, Wise, In­visible, Immortal God do thus?

My Answer is one and the same as the Apostle saith, viz. That no flesh should glory in His presence, who of [Page] God is made in us, Wisdom, Righte­ousness, Sanctification, and Redem­ption. And why should it be accoun­ted such a foolish thing in the eyes of the wise men [...]f this world, to see the wisdom of God dispensed through a weak Vessel? as is a free-born woman from above, a weaker Vessel than that of the man.

Now tell me, O man of understand­ing, What must not the Spirit of Christ, or the same that is begotten of God in the female, as well as in the male, what must not (I say) the same Spirit of Life from God speak, but be limited in the weaker Vessel, in the foolish Vessel, in the Ves­sel which is not esteemed, but base, con­temptible and despised in the eyes of lofty man, that must be laid low, who excels in that wisdom and knowledge which is not from above, but otherwise, bruitish, and puffeth up the fleshly mind that's enmity to God, and is therefore to be confounded and moved backward, and [Page] slain upon the Cross, which is the Power of God that crucifieth the lusts and in­ordinate affections of the flesh, which thereby come to be silent before the Lord, who is that one and self-same Spirit that is quick and powerful; so that not any other spirit governs or rules over the members of the body, but that which cre­ated the body; and every Member which is to have the Supream Authority and Preheminence, as well in the female as in the male; and so He the Spirit of Truth, that's to guide into all Truth; He, the Man, is not he to speak? viz. Christ in the male, the same in the female, where He is risen and manifest as King, Priest and Prophet, a Guide, Leader, and Commander in all equitable and just things which are truly honourable?

But the Woman was in the trans­gression against the Spirit; Flesh lust­eth against the Spirit, saith the Apostle; and the Woman (that's in the trans­gression) is to be under obedience, and to [Page] be in silence, to learn in silence, and to ask her Husband at home: But what if she have a disorderly drunken husband (and not Christ the Man, the true Hus­band, the true Lord) how can he teach her, seeing the Woman is to learn of her Husband in silence, and to be under o­bedience (and not to usurp Authority over the Man) as also saith the Law, which hath dominion over all that are under it in the transgression? but the Spirit of Grace and Truth that's poured upon Sons and Daughters, teacheth us to deny the sin, and guideth from the same, and so maketh free from its Con­demnation, and from under the Law, to be under the Grace and Truth that is in the one Seed, Christ, in the Male Christ, in the Female, the quickening Spirit, the Lord from Heaven: And those who are led and guided by this, are not under the Law, which saith, the wo­man is not to usurp authority over the man, as also saith the able Minister [Page] of the Mystery of the glory and riches of Eternity, which is Christ the fulness in his Saints, their hope of Life and Glory: But the Woman is to be under obedience, as also saith the Law; yea, but they that are led by the Spirit, are not under the Law, so are the Sons of God manifest; yet under the Grace covered; the same Grace with which the Man-Child, the holy Child Jesus was covered and filled with; the same, and no other but that which did and doth save the Saints from sin, and so from under the Law and its condemnation; and not only so, but al­so the same Grace which bringeth Salva­tion, and appeareth to all men; it tea­cheth them not onely to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, but also to live sober­ly and righteously in this present world. And verily this Grace is in them, which saves and justifieth them; and it's not of themselves, it is the gift of God.

And such are the Servants of the li­ving and true God, that have their [Page] fruits (and possess the same) unto Ho­liness; and not only so, but the end of the same, which is the pure manifestation of the Eternal Substance, to wit, Ever­lasting Life, p [...]re clean Power, which is the excellent Treasure in the Earthen Vessels, as saith the holy Scripture, 2 Cor. 4.

But O ye Congregations of the dead! ye gathered Churches of so many Names and Heads, to you sounds my Voice, saying, What have ye done? Oh! how guilty do ye appear before mine eye that's single (in the Lord's Light) of despising Prophecying, and quenching the tender Spirit of Glory, which resteth at this day in and upon many Sons and Daugh­ters; and behold, if ye can see how they [...]o, and have prophesied in the Name of the Lord, and have fore-warned you of that which is justly come to pass upon you, whilst many of you despised and wondred, in the dayes of haughtiness, and its prosperity among you. But, O [Page] my soul, how hast thou been wounded in me, whilst I have travelled and mourned over you! And so you have been found despising that, and quenching that Spi­rit of Grace which teacheth the Saints in Light, and reproves for sin, and testi­fieth against the World and its deeds, because they are evil.

And this same Spirit strived long with you, and in you, and would have arisen up in its Authority, Power and great Glory from on high, had ye not preferred and exalted the spirit of this World in its proper place in you, above the Just and Long-suffering, which is but one and the same in male and fe­male.

Oh! what have you done? Can any of you yet smite upon your thigh, and say so yet? if ye can, enquire, enquire ye, the Watchman's voice is the same it was, and not otherwise; viz. Return, come; yea, return and come to the ten­der Spirit of holiness, and of the gentle­ness [Page] of Christ, and his yoke of Self-de­nial, and the daily Cross, they are the two great Ordinances which ye have left behind; and so the Vail and the Dark­ness hath covered you; but the true Is­raelites have Light in their dwellings, and their habitations are in the best of the Land of the living.

Wherefore my spirit saith, Return, come and hearken to the Lamb's Voice, and now see whether ye can follow Him (or a stranger) wheresoever he goeth, that's the true Prophet, raised up like unto Moses, and obey his Voice, which savoureth not of this World; for so his Kingdom and Servants are not. There­fore beware, lest your souls be cut off from the Land of the Living, and ye perish in the outward observations, (by which the Kingdom cometh not) among the Congregations of the dead, where ye are yet seeking the living; But I, as a Brother (even Joseph) tel you yet again, He is not there, but is arisen from the [Page] dead, from death to life, who is the quick­ning Spirit, the Lord from Heaven, over the Earth, over all the Land Aegypt, over the Land of Darkness; the same Lord, the same Spirit which hath done excellent things, is exalted in the new Heaven, and in the new Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness; and let the Vir­gin-Daughter of Sion publish the same, even from hence forth to all generations; yea, and my spirit is ready to say, Amen.

There was one that saw a little Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands, and he well retained his sight so long un­til (in the Light of the living) he saw the same which was so little, wax so great, that it became an exceeding great Mountain.

Verily, the beloved City is manifest, set upon a holy Hill; it cannot be bid from them that see; the Glory of God doth enlighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof, and his Light is like [Page] unto a Stone most precious, clear as Chrystal.

The Fountain is opened free; come down from on high, and thou shalt see if thou dost thirst for Springs of Life. To the Light submit thy mind, and cease from strife, in the same to behold the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, from the false Church.

Dan. Baker.

A SALUTATION and INFOR­MATION to the whole Body of the Elect of God, whether gathered or scattered abroad upon the face of the whole Earth.

O Ye Eternal and blessed Ones, whose dwelling is on high, in the fulness of all Beauty and Brightness, Glory, and everlasting Joy, Happiness and Peace for evermore; We who are poor Sufferers for the Seed of God, in the Covenant of Light, Life and Truth, do dearly salute and imbrace you all, according to our measures, Blessing, and Honour and Glo­ry be given to our Lord God for ever, of all who know him, who hath counted us worthy, and hath chosen us among his faithful Ones, to bear his Name, and to witness forth his Truth, before the High [Page 2] and Mighty men of the Earth, and to fight the Lord's Battel with his spiritual Wea­pons, to the breaking down of strong holds, high lofty looks and vain imaginations, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

The Lord did give us a prosperous Journey hither, and when we came to Legorn, we were refreshed with Friends [who were there before us] and they did get a passage for us (and lodging) but as soon as we heard of the Vessel, we did feel our Service. So we went into the City in the living Power of the Lord, and there were many tender hearts did visit us, to their comfort, and our joy: The little time we staid there, we gave some of our Books and one Paper: so journying towards A­lexandria, the Captain told us that Malta was in the way, and he must put in there a small time. But before we came there, our burthen was so heavy, that I was made to cry out (saying) Oh we have a dread­full Cup to drink at that place! Oh how am I straitned till it be accomplished!

And when we came there, the Walls of the City were full of people; some stood on the top of the Walls, as if something had troubled them. Before we came there, [Page 3] we stood upon the Deck of the Ship, and I looked upon them, and said in my heart, Shall ye destroy us? If we give up to the Lord, then he is sufficient to deliver us out of their hands; but if we disobey our God, all those could not deliver us out of his hand. So all fear of man was taken from us.

The English Consul came aboard the Ship (as the Captain said) but we did not see him, and invited us to his House, it was the seventh, or last day of the week. The next morning, being moved of the Lord, we went a-shore, and the Consul met us, and we gave him a Paper, who sent us to his House with his Servant; and when we came there, at the present we were well entertained (like Princes) their Neighbours and Kinsfolk came in, and some Jesuites, and we gave them Books; they read a little, and laid them down, they were too hot: We declared our Mes­sage to them in the Name of the Lord, and we gave some Books in the Street; so they were all set on work. Away went the Friars to the King (or Supream in the Island) and he would not meddle with us, but said, we were honest women, we might go about our business; and that [Page 4] night we went a-board the Ship again: the Consul was troubled, for their snare was laid, and we felt it: Being moved of the Lord, we went in again the next day, and the Consul having a Sister in the Nun­nery, desired us to go thither, that she might see us; and we went to them, and gave them a Boo [...]; then to the Consuls we returned again, and sitting to wait to know the mind of the Lord, what he would have us to do, he said we must give in the great Paper; and if we would go to save our life, we should lose it.

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