A True Account of the Forts and Castles belonging to the Royal African Company, upon the Gold Coast in Africa, with the Number of Men, and Guns, the Nature of the said Forts and Castles, and the Guns planted on them, as taken from sundry Persons very lately come from thence.
Names of the Forts and Castles. | Number of Men. | Number of Guns. | |
Dickiscove, built by this Company. | 24 | 10 | The Guns very good, Sakar and Minion, from 2 Pounders to 6 Pounders, the Fort of 4 Palankers, strong built of Stone and Lime. |
Comenda, built by this Company. | 67 | 12 | The guns 4 of them Demiculverin of 9 Pounders, the rest large Saker 4 to 6 Pounders, the Fort square, and very strong built of Stone and Lime. |
Cape-Coast-Castle. | 133 | 44 | A strong Regular Fortification. |
Fort-Royal, bought of the Dane for 4500 l | 33 | 16 | Good Guns, the Fort built of Stone. |
Annamaboe. | 22 | 14 | The Guns very good, the Fort Walls 24 foot high, strong built of Brick and Stone. |
Winebah, built by this Company. | 35 | 16 | A Regular Fortification, very strong built of Stone and Lime, the Guns very good, Demiculverin, Sakar and Minion. |
Mera, built by this Company. | 32 | 25 | The Fortification very strong of Stone and Lime, 4 Palankers, the Guns very good, 2 Demiculverin 9 Pounders, the rest large Sakars and Minion. |
346 | 137 |
There has been since sent for Supplies, by the Ships Fauconberg, Prince George, the Coaster, and Sally Rose, which did Arrive safe, 69 Recruits, besides others the Company did send in the Ships Hannibal, and William, and John, which miscarried,
And have Entertained 34 more, which goes by the Ship Prince of Orange, now ready to Depart.
On the North part of Guinea.
Men. | Guns. | ||
York Island, Sherbrow. | 150 | 20 | The Guns very good, the Fort of 2 Palankers very strong, built of Stone and Lime, in a Half-Moon, very high, the Water beating upon the Walls in some places; the Factory adjoyning to it is a strong large House built of Lime and Stone, covered with Lead, and in very good Repair, besides several OutHouses for Conveniencies of the Trade. |
Men. | Guns. | ||
James Fort at Gambia. | Demolish'd by the French. To be Reestablish'd | 150 | 90 |
Bence Island, Serelion. | Demolish'd by Ditto. To be Reestablish'd | 24 | 16 |
The said Forts and Castles are likewise sufficiently provided with small Arms, Powder, and other Necessaries of War.