The Tryal and Condemnation of the TWO WITNESSES UNTO THE Late Midnight-Cry.
WE have credible Information (from several Hands) that this Mr.
Mason (a
Minister of the
Church of England in
Water-strafford, in
Buckinghamshire) is a Person of a Pious Life and Conversation, who above Three Years ago writ his
Midnight-Cry; which, being a serious and practical
Sermon, tending to stir up our exceeding vicious and debauched Age to a startling Consideration of the near Approach of Christ to Judgment (the great Argument used both by our Saviour and the Primitive Church in those early Days of the Gospel, unto constant Watchfulness,
&c.) was a grateful Subject unto all the godly amongst us; and though there appeared (to several at least) nothing extraordinary in that Discourse, more than to quicken up all sorts to an earnest Expectation of, and Preparation unto Christ's speedy Approach to Judgment, (Mr
Mason's Modesty not prefixing any limited Time,
&c.) yet it became of such Universal Acceptation with the more pious sort [who under this late Great
Revolution throughout the Christian World, and (more especially in these Kingdoms) have been waiting for some extraordinary Things immediately
Antecedent thereunto] that
the Book soon
spread, and not altogether so much from the
Title thereof (which was singular and startling) as from the
Curiosity of many, who expected to find some
prefixed Time, or such singular
Prognosticks thereof
[Page 4]
[...] might be
Equivalent thereunto. But being frustrated herein, the
Rumor thereof was buried for a Time.
But soon after, the great
Enemy of Souls began to lead the Apostate
[...]ge (which like the Rebellious Unbelieving Jews of old was gree
[...]ily looking after a
Sign) into his dark Labyrinth of Error and Con
[...]usion, and converting himself into an
Angel of Light, raised up
Men, who called themselves,
The Two Prophets unto the Midnight Cry, (
Ward and
Evans) who with much admir'd Arrogan
[...]y and Presumption, laboured hard to ingraff a fixed Perswasion into
[...]s, That
They were immediately called by God to bear witness to the Truth of the Revelations: And that
They were the
Two Witnesses (in
Apoc. 11.) who were to be
slain, &c.—Also, That
God had passed
Irrevocable Decree against
England, for
most immediate Destruction, more
Infallible than that
Sacred Oath which he sware against
the Jews, That
they should not enter into his Rest. Making this dangerous
Impulse of their
deluded Fancy, equal with the great
Articles of our Faith, that are
Essential unto Salvation, and of the same
Divine Signature as is that
Testimony or
Witness of the Holy Ghost in true Believers: The chief Subject of the ensuing
Discourse being to
detect this
Spirit of Delusion, and to bring it to a fair
Tryal by the
Touchstone of
Scripture-Truth, and to condemn these Arrogant Presumptuous
Impostors by the Harmony of the
Word of
God, throughout the
Old and
New Testament.
This hath been written Two Years since, and was presented to his
Grace the Archbishop of
Canterbury, and to some other of the
Reverend Bishops and
Clergy, &c. and had then come forth into the Publick, if
They had thought That had been the fittest Season, and in whose Wisdom the
Author did confide. Since that Time the Infinite Goodness of Divine Providence hath wonderfully preserved these Nations from that
Immediate Destruction (now Three Years) which these
Two false Witnesses did then so presumptuously pretend to foretel (as if by
Divine Revelation) was then
instantly and inevitably to befal us, and which they affirmed with such amazing Confidence, as if
They had been in the
Secret Council of the Almighty.
Two, (who thought themselves little inferior to the
Two Anointed Ones that stood before the Lord of the whole Earth) being thus shamefully confounded and put to silence, by the
Event of things (which is the surest
Interpreter of
Visions and
Revelations) the
satanical Spirit of Delusion takes an other occasion to vent it self; and now laying aside
Ward and
Evans, transforms it self (in a more subtile manner than before)
viz. through a
Dream (or Delivery
Vision) in the Brain of Mr.
Mason (the
Author of that
Midnight Cry:) Herein imitating
[Page 5] those Sacred
Dreams and
Visions of the
Patriarchs and
Prophets. Now by what
Fantasms resembling these Sacred and Oracular Visions, even some good Men have been Acted, in our late days, is too long here to particularize; it might be wished there had not been so many Instances thereof. That Impulse of Mr.
Sedgwick, (called
Doomsday Sedgwick) is yet too fresh in Memory to be wholly forgotten, and is revived on this unhappy occasion now before us.
It had been greatly to have been desir'd, that this Mr.
Mason had read a most Elaborate
Manuscript, (now fitting for the Press) wherein all the
Numbers of
Daniel and the
Revelations are made to
Accord in one and the same
Years for the Accomplishment of
All these great Changes, that are expected coming on the Christian World, (and particularly the Time for
Christs Second Coming, and also for
The End of the World (which Mr.
Mason hath so well observed, are
Two distinct Times, in his
Midnight-Cry) And whereon the whole is
Illustrated by the Joynt Consent of all the
Prophets (in the Old and New Testament) and all other parts of
Sacred History; as also by the great
Works and
Wonders of God, from the Creation to this present Time in their
Historical, Chronological, Mystical and
Typical Significations, in several Thousand famous Instances. A Work of that great
Rarity and
Acurateness, that it hath been perused by some of the most Learned
Divines, (and Persons of
Honour and
Quality) in
Foreign Parts, as well as by several eminent Divines both of the Church of
England (and others) with extream satisfaction, and particular
Recommendation unto the World, which ample
Testimonies, &c. will be prefixed which when it comes forth in publick, may soon remove that dar
Veil that now is so much spread on all our Faces, (to say n
[...] more.)
In the mean time if the
Reader please to afford a deliberate Examination, of the many remarkable things presented to his serious consideration in the following Treatise, he may soon perceive on what
[...] Foundation these
Two false Witnesses build their
Predictions, &c. and consequently may the better judge, Whether these self-conceited and (audaciously) confident Men, are like to be the
Supporters of the Divine Oracles of God, or the
Harbingers of that Great
[...]Cry, which is immediately to precede the
Second coming of our Saviour, whatever Impressions Mr.
Masons Dreams or Visions have mad
[...] on that poor deluded Multitude, (who will find their expectation frustrated in few days, to their real shame and confusion of
[...]ce. For how can
They who proceed so directly opposite unto the whol
[...] Sense and Tenour of
Scripture Threatnings, in all the most severe and
[Page 6] positive
Comminations against the greatest Sinners, (which always intend a
Condition or purpose of
Revocation upon
Repentance, and are denounced for that great
End, and not to drive Men or Nations, (as
Ward and
Evans have done) into the Gulph of
Desperation, &c. I say, how is it likely these Ignorant and Presumptuous false
Prophets can be sent of God? And whether these
Brain-sick Impostors, who have thus strangely Transformed the Infinite
Patience and
Goodness of God into false
Notions, Dreams or
Impulses of their own head (and which Three Years experience have abundantly demonstrated to be
false and also
dangerous, even to the present
Governmeut, by strengthning the hands of our common
Enemy, who watcheth for all such
[...]nd weakning the minds of many, who otherwise would strenuously
[...]nd unanimously oppose that
Inundation, threatning all our ruine, whether these Men are likely to be the Two
Silver Trumpets for Proclaiming the Great
Jubilee, or the
Second Coming of our Blessed
Saviour unto
Judgment [beginning his Glorious Kingdom here on Earth,
[...] St.
Paul had the right apprehensions of that Time, 2
Tim. 4. 1.] And believe it, the great
Midnight-Cry, Mat. 24. will be of another
Nature and
Effect, (both on the
True Church of Christ, and the
Apostate State of Christianity,) those
Wise and
Foolish Virgins, who both, awoke, arose, and
Trimm'd their Lamps at this
Having given this necessary
Precaution to undeceive the deluded Multitude, who are met together in a great
Assembly in
Buckingham-shire, expecting
The Appearance of Christ to Judgment on Witsunday now immediately approaching, according to Mr.
Masons limited Time, (in his
Dream or
Vision) which being to expire so speedily (as a Week or a Fortnights time,) will be soon confuted; and therefore needs no other Arguments thereunto, but the short Event: We shall therefore leave that
Fraternity to their honest meaning Mr.
Mason's Apprehensions, (which is like to prove no other than the Embraces of
Juno in a
Cloud, &c.) and cast a more stedfast Eye on the aforesaid
Ward and
Evans, (those Two deceived
Witnesses, &c.) that so we may rightly inform our selves of what Complexion they are, and of what deep and
[...]hastly Lineaments their (
Proteus-like) Countenance is Composed, who
[...]o speak the Truth in one Word) do seem to cast something like a
[...]ontempt on the
Articles of the
Christian Faith, and also on the
[...]fallible Testimony, and on the
Sacred Symbols of Christianity, (or
Seals of the
Covenant of Grace,) by making their
[...]mpulses equal thereunto, if not preferring them before the
That which follows on this Subject, is Written in a
Letter to a
[Page 7] Friend, Proving, That the most Tremendous and most Positiv
Judgments of God in Scripture denounced against
Persons, Cities
Nations, do not lay them under an absolute
Necessity of continuin
Impenitent, or of
Perishing under the same Doom; exceeding useful, bot
[...] for Sinners of the greatest Obduracy, as well as for such who ar
[...] Wounded under the sense of their Guilt, and tempted to
[...] who may here clearly behold the
Nature of
Gods most Simple and I
Decree, touching the
Damnation of every
Self-reprobating Sin
[...]ner, and how it becomes the
Antecedent unto, but not the
[...] Cause of their
Damnation; which
Destruction is therefore possible to
Prevented, (taken in a
Simple and
Physical sense and consideration,)
[...] Man, as a
Rational and
free Agent, (whose
Will was never
Prenecessitated to do
Evil, meerly from Gods
Decree, as the
Effect tha
[...] follows its
Cause,) although this
Decree [grounded on his foresigh
[...] of Mans
Self-Reprobation, as also his
Decree for peculiar
Election, whic
[...] is grounded on no Good in Man foreseen] admits of no
Frustration These weighty Matters, (with some other considerations of grea
[...] Moment,) are (on this occasion) here briefly and clearly handled even to the apprehension of the meanest Capacities, and the Judgme
[...] of all such, whose
Education-Light, or
Interest, or
Partial and blin
Respect of Persons, hath not cast a
Mist on their Understandings; a
[...] the
Arguments are Solid and
Orthodox, agreeable to the
[...] the
Church of England, and the Consent of the Universality of
[...]vines beyond the Seas; and above all, to the whole
[...]ur of
Scripture throughout all its parts.
A LETTER to a FRIEND On the Occasion of Mr. MASONS's Midnight-Cry, AND Those Two false Prophets who most boldly Presumed to Comment thereupon from their Whimsies and Impulses, being the Forerunner of, and Preparative unto the said Mr. Masons late Deluding Vision which hath gathered such a great Concourse of People in Buckingham-shire, to the disturbance of the World.
SEeing you have been pleased to ask my Opinion of that Book, lately published by
T. W. and
V. E. who call themselves
the Two Witnesses to the Midnight-Cry, it's one small part of the Duty and Honour I owe you, to Comply with this Request, though I
[...]ave at present something on my hands, which hinders me from gi
[...]ing such an ample Answer, as otherwise I might.
I was in expectation to find some extraordinary thing in that
Midnight-Cry, not knowing at first sight but this might be that
[...]retold in
Matth. 25. 6. which all agree is to be the
Prodromus of
[Page 9] Christ's Second Coming immediately to ensue thereon, upon which
Alarum the Text expresly tells us, 1st.
That the Wise and foolish Virgins (who were both asleep)
Awoke. 2d. Both these Virgins
Trimmed their Lamps. 3d.
The Foolish go to the Wise for Oyl, to furnish their Extinguished Lamps. 4th. Being repulsed,
they go to buy Oyl where it was to be sold, and while they went to buy,
The Bridegroom came. When I see such a grand effect, (or something like it) throughout the
Christian World, (made up of
Wise and Foolish Virgins,) and that it receives its Life and Influence from this late
Midnight Cry; I shall be Induced to consider, (if not to conclude) that this
Alarum is likely to be
That of which our Saviour spoke▪ (in the Text before.) In the mean time the Author thereof, doubtless, had very Pious Ends in Publishing a Warning to us all, so useful and seasonable at all times.
That the Sins of
England, (and particularly of this City) are very great, beyond all others in the World besides, if we consider the heinous Aggravations we lye under, with respect of that clear Sunshine of
Gospel-Light which we enjoy, and the many wonderful
Mercies and
Deliverances God hath wrought out for us, beyond what he hath done for others, and the many
Warnings we have had by several great Judgments, (both of
Plague, Fire, Earth-quakes, War, &c.) and our great Incorrigible Frame, growing rather worse and worse under All, and therefore that we may have great cause to fear and expect some extraordinary
Desolating Judgments, unless we Repent▪ (by deep Humiliation and Amendment) is that wherein all sober Persons are unanimously agreed (and God Almighty grant us all a true Repentance.) We have also no reason to presume we shall escape better than other People and Nations, whom God hath destroyed for less provocations than are found among us, unless we throughly amend our ways. But yet,
How long God is resolved to lengthen out his
Patience and
Long-suffering to a very provoking People, concerning whom
God hath positively and expresly declared the
Limited Periods of his Mercy in his Holy Word, (and especially when we read in Scriptures, how prevalent the Cries and Prayers of one or other of his peculiar Favourites have been, in turning away his Wrath from a City or Nation) is a Secret amongst his
Arcana Imperii, into which no Person, no not the Holy
Prophets and
Apostles, to whom God did so immediately Reveal himself) ought to prie
[...] ▪ Nor will any truly humble and conscientious Person dare presume to affirm; and least of all to Determine, (as our Two Prophets undertake to do) with such Confidence and Infallibility, as if they had
sate in Council with the
[Page 10] Almighty, and that
the Secret of VVisdom and Ʋnderstanding had been locked up within their Breast: And yet if they were
Divinely assured that
God had revealed a
prefixed Period for his
Judgment; nay, though he had confirmed it with a Sacred
Oath, and that it seemed never so
Positive or
Irrevocable, yet the whole Tenor of Scripture, (as by and by we shall observe in several great Instances) in all its Prophetick parts agrees herein,
viz. That God reserves a
Secret or tacit Condition, and (either Implicitly or Explicitly) resolving, notwithstanding, to shew Mercy, and not to destroy in case of Repentance, let their Doom be never so great, and the Period never so plainly express'd, and this also even when Destruction is Threatned immediately to attend (even as at the Door.)
Is any Angel, (
much less any Man) Infallibly assur'd, but that God may have said of England,
as he did of Old unto sinful Judah
and Jerusalem,
for whom the Prophet wrestled, although they were at that time a greater provocation than all others, Jer. 14. 7, 8, 9. O Lord, though our Iniquity testifie against us, do thou it for thy Names sake; although our Back-bitings are many, and we have sinned against thee. O the hope of
Israel, and the Saviour in the time of trouble, VVhy shouldst thou be as a Stranger in the Land; As a Man that cannot save? Yet thou O Lord art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy Name, leave us not.
The Prophet better understood Gods Will, and had a nearer access to his Heart, and was more acquainted with his Secret than T. VV.
and V. E. (
our two late Prophets) can pretend to be. A Blessed Prophet whereof we have in that famous Text, Isa. 48. 1, 2,
&c. Hear ye this, O House of
Jacob, which art called by the Name of
Israel, who swear by the Name of the Lord, and mention the God of
Israel, but not in Truth and Righteousness: For they call themselves of the Holy City, and Stay themselves on the God of
Israel. I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy Neck an Iron Sinew, and thy Brow Brass,
&c. yet thou heardest not, yea thou knowest not, yea from that time that thy Ear was not opened; for I know thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a Transgressor from the VVomb. Yet for my Names sake will I defer my anger, and for my Praise will I refrain that I cut thee not off for my own, even for my own sake, will I do it, for how should my Name be polluted? and I will not give my Glory to another.
Which is an excellent Coment on that Famous Text in Deut. 32. 26.
Where we may see by what wonderful Argument
God is pleased to persuade himself from a total Rejection of this his Sinful and Rebellious People, who had been a continual provocation to him, from the day they came out of Egypt
all along in the VVilderness for Forty Years. I said I would scatter them into Corners, I would make
[Page 11] their remembrance to cease from among Men,—
v. 27. Were it not that I feared the wrath of the Enemy, lest their Adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our Hand is high, and the Lord hath not done
All This.—
v. 28. Though they are a Nation void of Council, neither is there any understanding in them.
And Moses,
in his Intercession, useth the same Argument with God, Exod. 32. 12.
compared with Numb. 14. 13, 14, 15.
Who can tell but God may have spoken thus to
England also? But
T. W. hath published to the World, as a Person of extraordinary Call by
God [and by and by we may discover he takes himself and his Brother
V. E. to be those
Two Witnesses in the Revelations,
c. 11.] sent to denounce unto us, That
there is a dreadful Judgment immediately coming on the Land, and that
the honour of
God and of his Justice, and of his
Goodness to them and their Posterity obligeth him (some would do well to perswade him thus plainly to express himself, if he knows his own meaning)
to begin and make an end of them at once, (pag. 8) And in the same
Page he pretends to tell us what kind of
Judgment this will be, which he would perswade us he is most infallibly certain [as of any one Article in his Creed] will immediately overtake us (
Mercy engageth him to send forth his Army, and destroy them.) And he often repeats it, that we may not mistake him in such a matter of importance,
viz. That this Belief of his, That God's Decree is irrevocably gone out to destroy us immediately, without any limited Conditions of our Repentance, is the
Great Point or Article of his Faith, (as pag. 11.) [
though my Faith in a Judgment immediately coming upon us, be the principal thing I am enlightned in, &c.] And pag. 11. (
I am in the Faith of it still.) And again (in the sane Page) [
If I should grant this a Delusion, O how would it break my Faith all in Pieces? And therefore there is a necessity laid upon me to maintain that it is from
God, because I should overthrow my
Religion if I did not.] I wish he knew what his
Religion is, if he can tell us. Again (in his Postscript) [
And therefore I dare not so much as admit of an If:] As much as if he had said, God hath determined that all our
Repentance shall not prevent his
Infallible Decree that is gone out. And in pag. 12. he proceeds [
I cannot tell how any can make out that this Faith is a Delusion, but he must reflect upon That—Speaking in the Words before of David'
s Testimony of the Spirit, touching his own Salvation; thus equalling his
Impression or
Impulse with the
Seal or Witness of the Spirit. And if we track him a little further (in the same twelfth Page) he is resolved to die a Martyr for this
Fundamental Point or
Article of his
Religion [
Now you see it is come to this
[Page 12] Issue, that I am to maintain this
Faith even unto the Death.] But the best of all is in p. 14. [
This is to be seen only by an Eye of
Faith] A little before he spake of
Armies of God's sending [which we suppose he did not mean of
Locusts (except the French Locusts) nor yet of swarms of
Flies, &c.] and though his natural Eye-sight could not look cross the Seas into
France, yet it is difficult to perswade us that he had not heard what great Preparations
Lewis le Grande had made by Sea and Land for giving us a Visit to destroy the
Northern Heresy (so called)
cum multis aliis; and then his Faith is but a
moral Perswasion and no Divine
Revelation. Now if he hath never heard of these things, we may safely conjecture he hath slept for some Years, like
Epimenides, (and might also fall into a Dream) But if he hath heard thereof, and believes the same, then his Faith is no more Divine than that of every
Philonides (as to these things;) and if there is a
Peculiarity in his
Faith (as he will needs have it to be) we find no foundation for it it in all the Scripture [
viz. That
England hath out-sinned her Day of Grace, and that all our most hearty Endeavours to Repent and Turn to God will not prevent the Infallible Certainty of our immediate Destruction: Or indeed that
any Nation or People though never so wicked, did ever lie under such a Doom:] And though Christ's Words unto
Jerusalem [
O that thou hadst known in this thy Day the things that belonged to thy Peace, but now they are hid from thy Eyes] seems to come nearest hereunto, yet we are to note, 1. That Expression had not a direct tendency to the Salvation of their Souls, as if thereby they had been laid under an utter Impossibility of Repenting, for the Words are an Appendant to that Expression before [
How often would I have gathered you together as a Hen her Chickens under her Wing] which some eminent Divines (together with Mr.
Baxter also) understand of our Saviour's intentions of
gathering them into a National Church, under the Gospel Administration, and under a most peculiar Protection, as of old they had been in the
Legal Administration.] 2. Christ exhorts them afterwards as a
collective Body, to Repent and turn to God (
Daughters of Jesus weep for your Sins, &c.) 3. And he prays for them (as a
Nation considered) who were guilty of his Death, in the whole Body Politick, [
viz. in the
Chief Priests and Elders, or
ruling Sanedrim, and in its
Members also, when
all the People cryed out unanimously,
Crucify, crucify him,] and yet he prays
Father forgive them (i. e.) if they will afterwards repent by the preaching of the Gospel. 4. Christ sent his
Apostles and Ministers to preach
Repentance to the whole Nation (else why did they enter into the
Jews Synagogues, from time to time, on their Sabbath Day) Forty Years after his Death, before their City was destroyed, and about
[Page 13] Sixty Years to the Remnant afterwards, before they were totally destroyed from being a Nation.
But Mr.
W. will needs have this Faith and Belief of his (thus riveted into his Head by strong impulse) to be the
Standard or
Touchstone not only of his own
Faith and
Christianity, but for his Apprehensions of
others Christianity also; (pag. 15.) [
They seem all of them to have a Principle of Grace in them who have this
Faith though they may not have great Parts:] And that their
Faith should not prove a
Choak-Pear to any of us, they
interlard their
Divinity with a seeming regard unto
the Scripture (in the same 15th page) [
And they all seem to have some Impression made upon their Heart from Scripture.] One great Argument for the Authority of the Word of God is, That all
Hereticks and
Sectaries will allow thereof, and fetch their Proofs even from Sacred Writ, though it is evident that the
Church of Rome (and some of her Children who hang on her Skirts, though in Disguise to captivate silly Souls) use the
Holy Bible as the
Philistines did the
Ark, who being perplext (and sometimes smitten in their Consciences) thereby, hoise it up, as decently as they can on their Wooden-Cart [
Tradition, &c.] and drive it out of their Coasts, sending it away from them (to take its Lot) with the detestable Offerings of their
Golden Mice.
In the last-mentioned Page Mr.
Th. Ward gives us a Copy of his Countenance, which looks (
Janus-like) with a double Face.
[...] on one side, and
presumptuously Arrogant on the other. In the first, he tells us, that he, and those of his Way, are not Learned Doctors, as to the
Revelation Prophesies; But on the other side, his
Countenance looks with such an
Aspect, as if he expected the World should take
Him and his Brother
Evans for those Two
Witnesses (Apoc. 2.) and therefore prepares us all to behold them, as shortly to be
Slain, and to
Rise again (in Three Days) and to
Ascend up into Heaven,
&c. As by their own Words; [
And though we cannot fathom those Depths in th
[...] Revelations,
as being indeed uncapable of them, I mean as ordinary People, yet such is the goodness of God to condescend to do it, in a way we are most capable of, and can best defend our selves,] so that we are now loudly called on to believe the
Revelations are fulfilling in
Them, and have prepared us to entertain venerable Thoughts of themselves though they cannot tell us how we are to understand these Mysteries▪ And lest we too closely intrude, M.
Ward defends himself (as with
[...] Quadrter-Staff) and lays about him with big Words, to maul dow
[...] all our Arguments and Objections, which we have in his
Postscript telling us that
this Faith (or Doctrine of his Christianity)
[Page 14] and hath
No If in it, (or can admit no possibility of Frustration;) so that hereby he seems (in Capital Letters) to tell the World, that this sacred
Creed of his (touching
England's Immediate and Irrevocable Destruction) is built upon a more firm Foundation than that Great
Oath of
God, which the Apostle comments on, in
Heb. 3. 2. [
[...] &c.] who sware that his Backsliding Church should not enter into his Rest (or the promised Land) yet not in that Simple or Absolute manner, but that he reserved a Condition for its non-accomplishment [namely
If they Repented not,
[...], &c.]
Another Fencing-Blow Mr.
Ward gives us (in the same
Postscript) as if he meant to affright us into his Belief [
He that opposeth it, viz. the aforesaid Article of his Faith)
opposeth the
Seal of
God; and since God hath sealed it, it is done] When he shall please to come forth next, he would do well to explain his Meaning, and whether he apprehends
this Answer, is
the Sin against the Holy Ghost.
Valentine Evans (his fellow
Witness) comes after, and tells us, he
is sure none will ever have a Warrant from God to speak or write against these things. And takes upon him very proudly and arrogantly to determine that
Satan hath transformed himself into an Angel of Light, in Mr. Baxter's
appearing against them, with a pretence to vindicate the Truth (Ex Ʋngue Leonem, &c.) Surely it becomes these extraordinary Prophets (as they would have us take them to be) to shew themselves to be
Men of God by
Meekness and
Gentleness, even to those who
oppose them, and in modesty to mention so great a Subject as the
Immediate and irreconcilable Destruction of a Kingdom, for which God hath but very lately manifested his miraculous Goodness and Power, and his infinite patience and long-suffering, convincing the most indocible, that he is even yet exceeding unwilling to give us up a Victim to the Fury of the Adversary, and a Prey unto their devouring Teeth. How ought this Consideration to check (if not to
[...]radicate) the most bold presumptuous Confidence, and self-Opinion
[...]f our Two new-raised Prophets, who if they knew what a
[...]ealousie meant, would fear, lest they be left by God to the Judgment
[...]f spiritual Pride, lest the
Devil hath transformed himself in them, act
[...]g by the delusory Impressions and Impulses of their own Imagina
[...]on, and tempting them in this manner unto such dangerous and almost unparallel Presumption as they seem guilty of in sober and understanding Persons thoughts; and how greatly doth it become them
[...]o lie prostrate in Dust and Ashes, lest God in his Judicial Anger
[...]mite them dead, for daring (in such a confident manner) to enter
[Page 15] into the Secret of his
Decree? and with the
Bethshemites to look into the
Ark? (1
Sam. 6. 19.)
Their Delusion may evidently appear to any who will please to weigh the following Considerations.
Touching God's Predeterminate Will, (Decree or Purpose) concerning Judgment on any Person, City, or Nation, although it be threatned most positively and expresly in Scripture, yet they always carry with them a secret or tacit Condition or Limitation, and are never to be understood as Irrevocable.
MANY famous Instances hereof we have in SCRIPTURE.
1. God seemed most positive, that he would
drown the old World, repeating his purpose many times, without once expressing his Resolution, to spare them if they repented (at least that we read of) but plainly threatning to wait no longer than One hundred and twenty Years (
Gen. 6. 7, 15, 17. compared with ch. 7. 4.) and at the end of that period then to destroy them: Yet this had a secret Condition in it, with a Resolution to have spared them upon Repentance, and God's Patience and long-Suffering towards them in bearing and forbearing so long, had a direct tendency unto this great
End, 1 Pet. 3. 20. compared with
Rom. 2. 4.
2. God seems most positive for
Destruction; and several Texts plainly tell us,
God hardned him [
Exod. 4. 21. 7. 3, 13, 14. 9. 12, 15, 16.] And S.
Paul sets him forth as a famous Figure of that which we call
Reprobation, Rom. 9. 17,
&c.] Not that God is
Active in hardning any Sinner, or in tempting any unto Evil (as
Jam. 1. 13.) but only is pleased to deny to some his
sanctifying Grace, for their
[Page 16] abuse of the
Strivings of the Spirit in his
common Grace (or in a Word, for sinning unto high degrees against the Light and Conviction of their Illuminating Conscience.) And because this most just denyal, is the
Antecedent of that
Infallible Consequent, (viz. Hardness of Heart, and Impenitency) and bears such an
Analogical resemblance of the
Cause and it's
Effect, therefore the Scripture so frequently expresseth it, as if God was
Active in it, as the simple or
Physical Cause of hardning wicked Men, which in reality is no other than his leaving those self-hardning Sinners, (who resolve to persist in Sin without fear and trembling, against the checks and wounds of their Enlightned Conscience) unto the Lusts and Corruptions of their own Hearts, which without his Sanctifying Grace, will assuredly arise daily unto greater and stronger Rebellions, and end in final Obduracy, Unbelief and Impenitency.
Pharaoh was left by God to the liberty and freedom of his own Will, [for who questions, but he had the power to let
Israel go,] (as appears plainly from
Exod. 3. 19. Chap. 9. 30, 34.) but he first
hardens his own Heart against God, before God in his Just Judgment left him to himself, [as
Ex. 5. 3. 8. 15, 32. 9. 30, 34. And the (Heathen)
Philistines had learnt so much Divinity, that the grand
Cause of Pharaohs
Destruction was to be layd at
his own Door, and not at
Gods, in that Famous Text of 1
Sam. 6. 6. God really desir'd
Pharaoh should Obey him, and had rather he should have Turned and Lived for ever in his Favour, then to have perished in his Sin, (if we dare credit the Scripture, and take it in its own express words, without Mens Glosses and Coments)
Exod. 4. 5, 8, 9. 6. 13, 29. 7. 1, 2, 8. 10. 9. 20. And
Chap. 10. 3. puts it yet more clearly out of doubt, [
How long wilt thou yet refuse to humble thy self before me?] And to make it yet more evident, we are to consider that the
First Threatning God sent him was,
The Death of the First-born throughout Aegypt, and this Judgment was the same, that after all made him bow by force, [
Exod. 4. 23. compared with
Ch. 11. 1, 4, 5.] Thus Gods Patience and Long-suffering waited on this self-destroyer, to bring him unto Repentance and Salvation, as 2
Pet. 3▪ 9. And thus it waiteth at this day on the great Enemies or Oppressors of his Church.
3. What more positive than the
Destruction of the Canaanites, several times Sentenced to be all cut off, (
Exod. 23. 24. Deut. 7. 2, 16, 20.) and if any of them remained, it's expresly forbid,
to make any Covenant with them. (Exod. 23. 32, 34. 12. 15. Deut. 7. 2.) and yet repenting
Rahab is preserved, and the crafty
Gibeonites famous
League with Josuah was such a Heavenly Mystery, that the
Sun and
Moon was
[Page 17] made to
stand still a whole Day, while
Josuah fought for their defence, (
Josh. 9. 15. compared with
Ch. 10. 12, 13, 14.) whereby all the World were invited to take Cognisance thereof.
4. What more plainly foretold and threatned than
the Destruction of the Jews? Deut. 29. 28, 29. and of
Jerusalem by the
Babylonians, Ezech. 21. 7. 2 Kings 20. 17, 18.
Ch. 23. 26, 27. The last Text telling us this should come to pass for the Sins of
Manasse; Nor did
Hezekiah and
Josia, (the two most Pious Kings of
Judah) prevail to alter Gods resolution herein, notwithstanding their great zeal in Reformation. And yet for all this, if
Zedekiah had gone forth to meet
the King of Babylons
Princes, then he should have lived, and
Jerusalem had not been burnt, notwithstanding all the Predictions of the Prophets from God himself, threatning the same, as by an Irrevocable Decree.
Jer. 38. 17.
5. What looks more like a
positive Decree for Destruction, than Gods Command to the Prophet,
not to pray for that People?
Jer. 17. 16. (as if they had Sinned
that Sin unto Death, 1 Joh. 5. 16.) and yet we find
Jeremy very affectionately drawn out from them,
Jer. 9. 1. &c. and the effect was a farther time for tryal, (
v. 7.)
6. What
Decree more Express and Irrevocable than that against
Amalek, (Ex. 17.)
The Lord hath Sworn, that he will utterly blot out all the remembrance of Amalek
from under Heaven. 1st.
Moses is Commanded to
write it in a Book. 2d. And to
rehearse it before Joshua. 3d. An
Altar is built to perpetuate the Memory thereof, [called
Jehovah-Nissi] and
Balaam rememembers their Tremendous Doom, (
Numb. 34. 20. His end shall be to perish for ever,) And yet they are a Nation many Hundred Years after this; and though one of the Confederate Enemies of the Church, (for whom the Prophets are so much concerned to Lament, and moved thereto by God himself, as in the 5th. Consideration,) yet
David prays that this Nation also, (with other of the Churches Enemies) might come
to seek the Name of God, Psalm 83. 16.
7. What Doom more positive than
Destruction in Forty Days? (this was without an
If) as to the Prophet, or any Man's present apprehension, when
Jonah denounced that
VVo, after he had escaped that Storm at Sea,) though he soon found it otherwise, and was made to understand, that God's most Severe and Positive Threatnings,
[Page 18] always presuppose a Tacite
Condition of Final Obduracy and Impenitency, and that they are not otherwise to be understood.
8. What more plain and express than
Destruction? in
Jer. 50. and yet God expected Repentance, that he might have healed her, or at least a deliberate Act of Reason, in her hearty desire for her own Salvation, [
VVe would have healed Babylon,
but she would not be healed.]
Jer. 51. 19.
Those Two famous Texts
following are a Sacred Coment,
to confirm the Argument,
and speak the same in Capital Letters, That in Jer. 18. 7. At what time, I say to a Nation or Kingdom to pluck it up, or to destroy it, yet if that Nation turn from their evil, and repent, they shall surely live.
The other in, Zeph. 2. 2. Before the Decree bring forth, seek the Lord.
10. What can be more positively spoken of the certain and infallible Damnation of any, than Christ himself is pleased to express against
the Scribes and Pharisees, who had wilfully and maliciously
Blasphemed that Holy Spirit, by which they were convinced he did those great
Miracles among them? In short,
Isaiah is foreshewn, the
Jews final rejection of Christ, by reason of that height of Impiety which should amount to no less than
The Sin against the Holy Ghost, which the Prophet gives us very Emphatically,
Isa. 6. 10. Make their Hearts fat, and their Ears heavy, and shut their Eyes, lest they see and hear, and understand, and convert and be healed. And our Saviour often reminds them of this
Prophecy, telling them it was
then fulfilled by their hei
[...]t of wilful Impiety, which through Gods Righteous Judgment, rendred his
Gospel, which he Preached unto them in his own Sacred Person
The Savour of Death unto Death, although it came amongst them for this Primary
End, that it might
Enlighten and
Convert. Now that these
Jews had actually sinned
The Sin against the Holy Ghost, [and so were given up afterwards unto that
Judicial Blindness and
Obduracy, as issued in the
Crucifixion of their
Christ expresly tells us in
Mark. 3. 30. touching which,
Matthew (Chap. 13. 32.) says,
It shall never be forgiven and what can be a more
positive Doom? And yet the Evangelist
Mark, [
Chap. 3. 29.] renders it
[...], which we Translate,
Is in danger of Eternal Damnation; and this agrees with
Isaiah, who, expressing the
most dangerous State which this Nation of the
Jews could be in on this side
Hell, [as in the
Text before,
[Page 19] and so remarkable, that each of the Four Evangelists quote it against them,
Matth. 13. 14. Mark 4. 12. Luke 8. 10. John 12. 40. Besides, St.
Paul also
Acts 28. 27.] yet, leaves them not without a
possibility of Salvation, [
lest they should Convert and be healed.] And if we compare the former Scriptures with
Rom. 11. 7, 8. we may find that this
Judicial Blindness is a
Mark of their own
Self-reprobation, and in Contradistinction from
those other Jews, who were of the
Peculiar Election of Grace. The Summary gathered from the whole Premises is this, that as on the one hand none can be encouraged to think, that any, living and dying in final Obduracy and final Unbelief, can have any possibility of Salvation, (being a flat contradiction
in Terminis) so on the other hand there is no Scripture Ground for any Person, City or Nation, though lying under a
Positive and seeming
Irrevocable Decree of Wrath, to pass a
Definitive Sentence against themselves. Which to do, is to enter into Gods
most secret place of Thunder, into which he would not suffer any of his dearest Favourites, (no not the Holy
Prophets or
Penmen of his Word) to enter. And the reason is very plain.
For that Discovery, who, (for certain) shall live and dye in Final Unbelief, (or in other words, who they are that will be Self-murderers) which is the true
Cause and
Ground of
Gods Ʋnchangable and Irrevocable Decree for their Damnation,) would forthwith drive them into
Final and
Irrecoverable Desperation and
Condemnation, and which is contrary to Gods Great
End, in all his
Severest Threatnings, (even in those Cases which seem most forlorn in Man's Eye,) the whole
Scripture throughout all its parts, declaring that it is
thereby, to raise them up to such an awakning sense of the exceeding greatness of their danger, as thereby to provoke them to do their whole endeavour, and to continue therein to cry to God with great Impunity for
Converting Grace, and to plead his Sacred
Oath, who hath
Sworn by himself. (As I live, saith the Lord, I delight not in the Death of a Sinner, but had rather he should live and not dye, Ezek. 33. 11.) And this most plainly appears yet farther, when we consider how unkindly God takes it from degenerated
Judah and
Jerusalem, that they concluded that their State was, such as was
without hope, Jer. 2. 25. although the
Prophet had just before told them their Sin was of a most deep dye, insomuch that
much Nitre and Soap would not fetch it out, for that their
Iniquity was marked before the Lord. (Jer. 2. 22.) nay and that their
bruise was incurable, (Ch. 30. 12.) yet for all, there was Hope.
These things rightly apprehended, may not only be sufficient (if God please) to Silence and Shame
those Two Presumptuous and
[Page 20] most Confident Persons, (who call themselves
The Witnesses, and who make it one chief
Article of their Faith, (or
Religion) to believe
Englands Immediate and Irrecoverable Destruction,) but likewise to confute that dangerous
Muggletonian Heresie, and to condemn their horrid Impiety and
Blasphemy, who pass their wicked Sentence of
Irrevocable Damnation, on whom they please; so opposite to the
End of Gods
Severest Threatnings against the greatest Enemies of his Church, throughout the Scripture, making the Silly and Ignorant think
They only, are
Heavens Secretaries of State, and the
Registers of Gods Ʋnalterable Decrees. These
Considerations I hope, (through Gods Blessing) may
Strengthen, Comfort and
Establish many poor
Self-condemning Christians, who under
Hellish Suggestions and
Temptations, do entertain very unworthy apprehensions of the
Eternal, Infinite, Goodness, Mercy, Justice, Wisdom, Truth and
Love; [for
God is
Love, 1 John 4. 8.] And that we may rightly understand how his
Irrevocable Decree for the
Damnation of some, can consist with
Vnlimited Goodness and
Love, we are to consider that it is Grounded upon his
Eternal Fore-knowledge of the wilful and
final unbelief of all those from whom the
most Just and Righteous Judge of all the Earth, (as
Gen. 19.) is pleased for most wise reasons, (never to be understood by us in this World) to
deny and
withold Special Sanctifying Grace, whose Sovereign Will and Pleasure herein is not the
Real or
Physical Cause of their
final Impenitency, or
Damnation, but only the
Antecedent to that
Infallible Consequent, (as the
withdrawment of the
Sun is the
Antecedent of
Darkness) Jer. 2. 17.
Hast thou not procured this unto thy self, v. 19. Thy own Iniquity shall Correct thee,
Hos. 13. 9. O Israel
thy Destruction is of thy self, but in me is thy help. Yet lest we mistake on the other hand, we are to know that Gods most Absolute and Sovereign
Will, to deny Sanctifying Grace to some, which he gives to others, is the
Causa sine qua non, (for without this
Will, they had not perished,) but not the
Physical or
Natural Cause of their own
Damnation, because it doth not
Actually Compel or
Influence, (no not that
Debile part of Man's
Free-will that yet remains
since the
Fall) unto
any Sin; And this is that
VVill of God to save some and pass by others, whom he pleaseth, of which the
Apostle speaks in
Rom. 9. 19, &c. which no Man ever did or ever can
They to whom God was pleased to reveal most of his Secret Council throughout the Scripture, have been Men of extraordinary Holiness and Exemplary Piety; such who were to do or suffer, beyond all, or most others, for the Testimony of the Word, or for the Name and Glory of God.
THIS is so clear, that it needs no words to confirm that wherein all Men are agreed; And perhaps our
Two Witnesses might consider that the
Ʋnbelieving Age we live in, would Question their Eminency for Sanctity, (coming only from their own Testimony of themselves,) and therefore may have endeavoured to persuade the World, that they have set themselves apart for
Martyrs, speaking positively of their readiness to Sacrifice their Lives in the maintenance of
this Article of their
Christian Faith.
As to the way and manner of Gods Discovery of Judgments, or Mercies, we find it various in Scripture, (viz. by Apparitions, Voices, Angels, Dreams, Visions, &c.) But it is the Ʋnanimous Opinion of Divines, and other Solid and Ʋnderstanding Christians, that every of those ways are long since Ceased.
1. WHatever the Holy
Prophets and
Penmen of the Word speak in a way of
Prediction, as it had immediate relation unto Judgments; yet what they foretold, was always most Congruous unto the
Tenour of Gods Covenant; And here we might enlarge. But to be brief, we find throughout Sacred Writ, that the
Conditions of the
Covenant are these. 1st.
Severe Chastisement in case of a long continuance
[Page 22] and growth in Sin, and Obstinate Rebellion. 2d. Gods
greater readiness to return to be Gracious, (even in the greatest height and aggravations of their Sins, and under the, seeming, most Forlorn Circumstances) than we can be to
Repent and
turn to him; that so we all may be assur'd
no State on this side Hell, with respect unto Gods severe Indignation threatned, is remediless, and wholly desperate. Now if our
Two new Prophets are to
be tryed by this
Touchstone, we may easily perceive what Spirit moves them unto such
Presumption, as to assure the World that
our Nation (though God knows, a most wicked
[...]nd Rebellious People) are
past all Recovery; or that it is
Impossible God can, or will give
Repentance to us, [for so we are to conclude
Judgment is Immediately and Irresistibly to overtake us:] By what
[...]pirit these Men are Acted, let all Judge.
2. The great
End why God discovered himself by these Ways in his
[...]acred Predictions, is now
Ceased, and therefore all such ways of
[...]iscovery since that time are
Ceased, with respect to any matter of
[...]ublick Prophecy, relating to a City or Kingdom. Now the great
[...]nd of Sacred
Visions in the days of Old were, 1st. To beget a Holy
[...]we and Reverence in the Church towards those Persons, whom God Selected out from many, in and by whom to make an immedi
[...]te discovery of his Mind and Will, not thereby to
lift them up, (who were more
humble, and more
afflicted and
less in their own and others Eyes than most good Men beside.) 2. That the
Sacred Oracles of his VVord might be
Sealed up thereby, both to that present Age, and to
[...]ll future, even to the
End of the World. But we are not to expect
[...]nce the
Evangelists and
Apostles, any other Writings of the
[...]te Inditement of the Holy Ghost, as all theirs were; And therefore to
[...]tertain any Men as
Prophets, raised up by his Immediate Inspiration, to
[...]ublish any Predictions unto a City or Nation, of as Infallible Certainty as
[...] written VVord, (and how much more then when the
[...]ey foretel is
contrary to the Tenour of all Scripture Threatnings,
[...]hich never excludes a
Possibility of avoiding the Judgment by Repen
[...]ce) is to offer high Indignity to
God himself, and to his
[...]ord, and to all the
Holy Prophets and
Penmen thereof.
3. This
written VVord, St.
Peter makes to be a
more sure and
[...] for the
Church to walk by, than that
Voice of the Father which was
[...]rd by
him and
Two more of
Christs Disciples and Favourites, (
[...] John) at our Saviours Transfiguration on the Mount, although it
from the most excellent Glory, and confirmed the
Truth which was
[Page 23]
Testified throughout the whole Scripture, and is one of the most importa
Articles of our
Faith, (viz. that
Christ was the
Father's beloved Son, a
[...]sent among us, that we should
Hear him preaching to us, 2
Pet. 1. 1
[...] 18, 19. [
But we have a more sure VVord of Prophecy, &c.] A famo
[...] Text to assure us how eminently God hath
honoured his written wor
[...] Which confutes the pretended Authority of
Tradition, and al
[...] of any who would impose their
Impulses and
Impressions on the Worl
[...] as if they were to be reverenced like the holy
4. All that before hath been said, doth not gainsay but that
God ma
[...] discover several great things unto whom he pleaseth, and both ho
[...] and when he sees best (and that also since the
Scripture hath been th
sealed up) but then we must take these
[...]siderations along with
[...] 1. They are unto Men of
Piety, and such whom he intends to mak
[...] some way or other eminently instrumental for his Glory,
&c. 2. An
[...] of
Modesty and
Humility, who are not ambitious to expose themselv
[...] as
Prophets immediately sent by God. 3. And least of all do they spea
[...] any thing for
Publick Instruction, which doth
contradict the whole
[...]nor of the Scripture (of which before.) But
These who call themselve
[...] the
Two VVitnesses, have not approved themselves to be immediatel
[...] raised up by God, in any of the several respects aforesaid, nor yet
[...] those which follow.
The Ratification of Sacred Predictions is of such a na
[...]ture as carries its own self-Evidence, that they ca
[...] be no other than from God, contrary to all pre
[...]tended Revelations.
THE Confirmation of Sacred Predictions are to be con
Affirmatively. And this,
Either as they have more immediate Relation to
Private Persons o
[...] Families, or to
Publick Communitie: (as Cities and Nations:) As it concerns
[Page 24] the
first, so the Confirmation is of a more Private Consideration, as by particular Signs and Tokens; This also holds good in Prophecies of a more
publick Nature, and are commonly granted for their sake whom the Prediction concerns (as a Revelation of the particular
Time, Place, Manner, Circumstances, with the
Antecedents, Concomitants and
Consequences:) And this carries with it a Twofold Conviction, Natural and Moral;
Natural, so far as these Circumstantials may, and have been sufficient to perswade
Heathens and
Infidels of the Transcendent Being, of a
Supreme, Omniscient, Omnipotent God, the
[...]ise Fore-ordainer, Disposer and
Predeterminer of all Events. Also of his
Goodness, Wisdom and
Love to his Creatures in his
Government of them,
[...]ccording to such
Laws as establish his Praise and Glory, and his Crea
[...]ures Felicity. A
Moral Conviction also, so far as these Circumstan
[...]ials have a great prevalency with those who profess their Subjection
[...]ohis written
Laws, to
restrain them from further sin (the End of
[...]ll) and to
constrain them unto new Obedience, in order to avoid the Threatning, and obtain the promised Rewards. Or as they more
[...]mmediately concern the
Publick (as
Cities, or
Kingdoms, or
[...]le) so the Sacred Predictions are confirmed Two Ways. Either 1. By Renewed
Appearances, or 2. By
Signs and
Miracles. The first runs much throughout the Scripture, and the reason is from God's
[...]nfinite Goodness, endeavouring to fix man's serious Attention, and
[...]o remove all grounds of diffidence: Also from infinite Mercy, Patience and Long-suffering, who is never willing to strike before he warns
[...]gain and again, to provoke to Repentance: And further also, for the greater Aggravation of the Sins of the wilfully obstinate; and hence
[...]o many
Prophets were sent to the
Jews, (rising early and
sitting up late)
[...]nd so many
Signs and
Prodigies before their total Destruction. Or
[...]. By
Miracles, of which the Scripture is so full.
Now if we examin our
Two Prophets, and try them by these things,
[...] what particulars can we find them comporting with any of these
[...]ings, which have Ratifyed the Sacred Predictions (and especi
[...]y Threatnings of Desolation to a City or a whole Land) for Their
End seems contrary to God, in the Judgments he threatens;
[...]o (to speak as a Man) is anxiously solicitous lest the wicked misun
[...]rstand his Intention, and run away from him into
final Desparation,
[...] at large before.) But these
Witnesses, on the contrary, labour to
[...]ssess the World (who are otherwise apt to entertain too hard thoughts
[...] God) that all his holy Attributes [yea his
Love and
Mercy) can
[...]t have a more magnificent Exaltation and Triumph than in the
[...]mediate and Irresistible Destruction of this Nation, or rather its
[Page 25] Desolation [as their odd Phrase of
Beginning and making an End at once, seems to import.]
As for Mr.
Ward, he gives us no one collateral
Sign or
Token to convince any that he is sent of God, and raised up to be a Prophet, but toils hard to shew us after what manner he came to be Infallibly perswaded into the good Opinion he hath of his Impulse, hoping that then we need no other Confirmation of the Doctrine (or Article of his Faith) but only his
ipse dixit, whereas neither of them shew us any
Antecedents, Concomitants or
Circumstantials of
Time, Place, or
Manner when, where, or how they had this Revelation,
But its worth our Consideration that
Evans (the other Witness) will hardly own such an impulse as
VVard avoucheth for him, honestly confessing he hath little or nothing more to say for the matter, than that he hath a firm Belief that
VVard, (because he said so) had obtained this Article of his Faith by Divine Inspiration. If we follow him hence, we need not much question but he hath been taught to
Believe as the Church believes; and who can tell but
Evans may in a little time
slip his Neck out of the Collar, and leave Mr.
VVard to
witness alone; and then,
be to the Man that is alone! And touching
Signs or
Miracles, neither of them pretended thereunto.
2. Negatively.
God never, that yet I have observed, confirmed one Threatning touching the Ruin of any; Either,
1. By such an
Absolute Oath as hath not in his own Breast the Condition of Reversing it upon the Sinners Repentance; nor doth his Oath hinder it, but serves rather to awake the guilty to a more serious Consideration of the great Danger they are in, and thereby to quicken up a speedy Conversion. One
Standard Royal, or
Sacred Test we have in Scripture whereby to understand Gods most positive Threatnings, and all such Comminations as seem to carry in them a most Absolute and Irrevocable Decree, and that is in
Numb. 14. 21, 23. As truly as I live, surely they shall not see the Land which I sware to their Fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it. Which the
Original both in the Old and New Testament renders
Conditionally (if they
see the Land) as we find in the
Margin also observed, both in the fore-mentioned Text, and also in
Psal. 95. 11. [
[...]V;nto whom I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest] Agreeable to
Heb. 3. 11. [
[...]] As much as to say,
[Page 26]
If they repent they may enter; for my
Threatning (though
confirmed with an Oath) doth not
simply (in a
Physical Sense)
hinder them from repenting, and so from entring into the promised Land. The
Jews account this
Oath the most dreadful Ratification of their Doom in the whole Scripture, being denounced on that Day (as their Tradition is) for their
Great Anniversary Fast, on the 10th of the 7th
Month, or solemn
Day of Attonement, Numb. 16. the only Fast in all their Year, and wherein the whole Congregation are strictly commanded to afflict their Souls, under the Penalty of being
cut off, v. 29, 31. Here, by the way, observe, that most serious
Fasting and Prayer, and Heart-Affliction and Contrition is God's Ordinance, by which to turn away even the severest Threatnings of his Wrath, most suitable to that
Oath of God's in
Ezek. 33. 11. As I live, saith the Lord, I delight not in the Death of any Sinner, but that they turn and live; Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die, O House of Israel?
2. Or, by that
Seal or VVitness of the Holy Ghost in Believers, which testifies to all, more or less, that they are
Justified by Faith, Adopted and
Sanctified [called the
[...], or full perswasion of Faith.
But Mr.
VVard, (like a good Christian, shall we say?) hath
Prostituted his
Faith and
Hope in God, and all the
Assurance of the
Spirit's witness in him, and laid
all at stake to maintain his strong
Impression or
Impulse, and tempts uncharitable Persons to think he hath no other
Article of his
Religion, or at least none that is more
Sacred or
Venerable in his Eye.
The consequent Effects which the immediate Manifestation of God unto the Holy Prophets, (or Penmen of Scripture, or eminent Worthies of the Church) had upon themselves, were far differing from the effects which seem to appear in our two late pretended Prophets.
Generally we find in the Holy Men of Old,
Humble and low thoughts of themselves, thus it was with
Abraham that great
Prophet, Gen 17. 3, 17, 18.
Ch. 18. 3, 27. thus with
Jacob, Chap. 28. 27. Chap. 33. 10. Moses, Exod. 3. 15.
Gideon, Judg. 6. 15.
Isaiah Ch. 6. 5.
Sweet, Courteous, Affable demeanour and Condescention to others: The Scriptures are full of this, particularly one Text for all, 2
Tim. 2. 24, 25.
The Servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all Men, apt to teach, patient (or forbearing)
In Meekness inctructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them Repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth, (so opposite to
Persecution, or the
Muggletonian way of Damning,
&c. compared with
Tit. 3. 2. Speak evil of no Man; be not brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all Men. And how unsuitable to this
Doctrin, is the Spirit of these Two Men, so presumptuously asserting that
Satan had Transform'd himself into an Angel of Light in Mr.
Baxter, who then detected by what Spirit these pretended
Prophets were moved; This
Meekness which we are in the consideration of, (so opposite to proud, railing, brawling, and unchristian demeanour) is one of the excellent
Fruits of the Spirit, (Gal. 5. 23.) a Temper so amiable, that the
British Saxons resolved this should be their
Touchstone to try that
Doctrin which
Austin the
Monk came over with, from Pope
Gregory, (called the Great) even then, when they could not Argue the Point with him.
The most severe and positive Threatnings to the greatest Sinners have always tended to stir up the Holy
Prophets and
VVorthies of Old unto an extraordinary
Wrestling, Mourning and
Prayer for them: And this,
[Page 28] 1. Whether we consider them as denounced against Gods
backsliden Church, we see it most conspicuous,
viz. in
Moses, when they had made and Worshipped their Golden Calf,
Exod. 32. 10. Let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and Censure them, (and
Deut. 9. 14. adds, that
I may blot out their Name from under Heaven;) and yet at that time when Immediate and Irrevocable Destruction seemed to attend that whole Nation, how Sweetly and Excellently doth
Moses Intercede for them? And Gods Wrath was pacified. So at other times also, (
Deut. 9. from
verse 22. to the end, compared with
Numb. 11. 10, 11.) Another Instance we have in
Phineas, Numb. 25. 11. and in
Samuel, 1 Sam. 12. 23. and in
Jeremy chap 4. 19. chap. 9.
[...], 10.
Chap. 13 17. and in
Isaiah, chap. 22. 4. and in
Ezek. chap. 21. 6. and in
Micah, chap. 1. 8. And God himself puts his
backsliden Children (even them when lying under his severest and most positive Threatnings) into the right way of preventing the desolation threatned,
Jer. 4. 8. chap. 6. 26. chap. 7. 29.
2. Or whether considered as against the
Grand Enemies of his Church; and here,
N. B.
First, God puts
them also into
the right way of preventing their ruine Threatned, Isa. 13. 6.
VVe would have healed Babylon, (what?
Babylon, that cursed Nation, Sentenced to utter desolation! Yes this
Babylon,) but she would not. Compare with
Jer. 51. 9. Thus God stirs up
Ninive to Repentance, Exhorting them to
turn from their Violence, &c.
Jonah 3. 2, 8. and
Pharaoh also, even
after that God had expresly told him he had
raised him up to shew his wondrous Power, (or Justice)
on him and his Kingdom, Exod. 9. 16. Compared with
chap. 10. 3. A Text greatly to be Noted.
Secondly, God himself expresseth very enlarged Bowels towards these his Enemies, even then, when lying under his
Severest Comminatins. One great Instance take for all;
Moab is threatned by Gods Oath to be made a
Perpetual Desolation, (Zeph. 2. 9. yet his wonderful Bowels of Compassion yerned towards that great Enemy of his Church,
Isaiah 15. 5. ch. 16. 9. Jer. 48. 31, 32, 36. Texts worthy to be Engraven in Letters of Gold and fixed in us.
Thirdly, God draws out the
Prophets Heart to Mourn over
them at the same time, when lying under his
Severest Doom, that they may be taught how to mourn for their own Sins and
Repent, and
escape the Desolation threatned; thus for
Tyre, Ezek. 27. 1, 31. for
Egypt. Ezek.
[...]2. 2, 18. and thus for
Moab, Jer. 48. 20. (to Instance no more.)
[Page 29] NOW from the whole, it is not difficult for any considering Person to
Conjecture by what Spirit
Ward and
Evans do Act in these respects, for they are far from stirring up themselves or others to Pray and Fast, and Wrestle for our poor sinful
Land, (which they have thus unmercifully Sentenced to unavoidable Destruction,) that they seem resolved to
Pawn all the hopes and expectations they have of Salvation, (or all the Religion they have) as a certain
Pledg, that
God will not give Repentance to England, though they should seek it never so fervently; nay more, that his most Sacred
Oath is gone forth, (without an
If) that they may thereby
Infallibly be assured God hath made an
Irrevocable Decree for our
Immediate Destruction. Now let any judge, Doth not these Mens
Faith teach us all to cast our selves into a
Hellish Plunge of Desperation, and thereby to become Seven-fold more the
Children of the Devil than now
we are? Doth not it teach flat
Rebellion against God, and the whole
Tenor of his VVord, who
Commands us all to
Trust in him at all Times, and to
Pour out our Souls before him in the worst condition we can be in?
Psal. 68. 8. And
always to Pray and not faint, Luke 18. 1. compar'd with
Job 35. 14. Judgment is before him, therefore trust thou in him, which Text is excellently explained
Jer. 9. 24.
Scripture in
Ezek. 14. 14. may be Objected—
Though Noah, Daniel
or Job
were in it, yet they should deliver but their own Souls. Answ. 1. We all know, God sometimes makes a plain discovery of
a limited Period for his Mercy to a
City or
People with this
Prov so, That if they
Repent not
in that time they shall be
Destroyed. But where do any prove that
this present Year is Englands
last Period for continued Mercy?
Conjectures are many, (perhaps) but we must not Build our
Faith on
Impressions or
Impulses, and Idolize our own Apprehensions.
Answ. 2. If we
attentively consider the aforementioned
Text, we may find how much we all lie under a
Vulgar mistake, for that
Scripture often repeats it, that we might take a particular notice thereof, and not run into a dangerous
Error. God there tells us plainly, (and no more that yet I learn)
viz. That when he is so highly provoked with a Nation, as to
Begin to bring his Desolating Judgments thereon, (or in the Scripture words, when his
Decree hath begun to bring forth) it may
sometimes so happen, [though it seems not to be a constant General and Infallible Rule, as in the Case of
Phineas Intercession, when the
Plague was begun, and other Instances]
That he will not hear the Prayers of his greatest Favourites, but will proceed to destroy; And if notwithstanding that harder
Text be Objected in
Jer. 15. 1. It is as easily.
[Page 30] Answer'd. For
Jerusalems Destruction was thereby foretold in all the appearance of
Irrevocable Judgment, and yet (as was before observ'd in the 4th. Note under the 1st. Consideration) notwithstanding all, if
Zedekiah had gone forth to meet the
King of Babylon's
Princes, the City had certainly not been destroyed by the
Answ. 3. Our plain
Rule is this, That
none ought to conclude their condition, or the State of any Nation or People so desperate, as to be exempted from all hope of Mercy, or Salvation, no though God possibly Denounceth Destruction, and prefixeth a very speedy Time, or Day, without any Condition limited: As that Famous Instance in
Ninive may serve once for all. There God had Twice declared it positively, that
within Forty Days that City should be Destroyed, first to
Jonah before his Storm, (
Jonah▪ 1. 2. compared with
ch. 3. 2.) and afterwards:
It may be
Asked, whether, if
Immediate Destruction should come upon
England, will not this plainly Evidence these Two Men were
Divinely Inspired, and sent by God?
Answ. This will no more prove they have
the Spirit of Prophesy, and are immediately sent by
God, than it proves that any
Minister hath that Divine
Gift in an Extraordinary manner, because he publisheth he
Verily Believes, (or is fully persuaded
some sudden Judgment is coming upon us,) and yet I make not this an
Article of my Faith, and least of all, to believe we are in a Remediless Condition, (
For with God all things shall be possible unto them that believe.) And how many
Philonides are their amongst us, who need no
Extraordinary Inspiration, to make them believe the same?
But to draw the Eyes of all Men upon
them, as Extraordinary Prophets of God, raised up to denounce against
England, a desolating Judgment
Immediately and
Irrevocably falling on us, is such a
Secret, as if God intends to accomplish the same, yet perhaps he hath not revealed it to any
Angel or
Creature: And it is very evident, that several great Evils are like to follow, if
these Mens Impulses are taken for
Oracular Truths. As 1st. their own
Self-exaltation, Pride, Self-
[...]onceit, as if the World must needs fix their Eyes in a singular man
[...]er upon these
Two Persons as the
Two witnesses in the Revelation. They
[...]re not
Jealous of themselves (it seems,) how far
Satan may become
[...]ransform'd into the
white Devil, and hold a Dominion in
[...]eir Spirits. 2. It occasions
Profane Men to deride Piety, and to
[...]ontemn the Christian Religion, and the
Seals of the Covenant, and to
[...]ullifie and
Ridicule that precious
Faith of true
Believers, by which
[...]ey are
Justified, Adopted, and
Sanctified, and to think
contemptibly of
[Page 31] the
Seal or
Witness of the Spirit, by whose Infallible Light, Believers are (more or less)
Divinely assured, that they are the Children of God. A more sure and safe
Testimony, than all
Visions and
Revelations, than all
Voices and Secret
Impulses and
Impressions. 3d. It serves excellently for blowing up that
Animosity, that still remains in a sort of
Men amongst us, who so much desire, yea thirst after, and wait for
Englands Calamity, and Imbrument in
War, Blood and
Confusion, and who will not want
[...]absheka's fine-spun Argument to perpetrate their Mischief, as if they were sent out against our Land, to
Execute by
Immediate Commission from GOD
himself, his
[...]revocable Decree, (2
Kings 18. 25.)
Thus I have endeavoured to Answer yours, according to my Capacity, and that strait of Time
[...] was then in, when your Commands came to my knowledge. The Lord gives us all a right understanding of his Word, that we may not be tossed
to and fro by every Wind of Doctrin, but Established in
[...] and Holiness, and Comfort, and Assurance, with full perseverance unto the End, and that we may by this
Divine Touchstone now presented before us,
Try the Spirits of these and all such like
Pretended Prophets, and Impostors, which are gone forth into the World, to deceive, (if possible) the
Elect themselves, who shall all be
kept by the mighty
Power of God through
Faith unto Salvation.
If real benefit may hereby redound to any single Person, (and more especially to
Troubled Souls lying under a deep sense of their own
Irrevocable Doom,
&c.) I shall heartily bless God, who hath granted me my chiefest
End in Publishing these few Leaves, and shall have cause to rejoyce, that no discouragements, (either from within my self, or from others
&c.) have any longer detained this
Epistle from your (genuine) Censure, tho
[...]gh its
prolixity may be sufficient Ground to ask your Pardon for so large a Trouble: But your Goodness is such, as makes me depend upon the grant of this Request, who am,
Sir, Your Humble Serrvant to Command,