The FAITH of the SAINTS, As to a Future HOUSE and HAPPINESS in the other WORLD.
Set forth in A SERMON Preached at the FUNERAL of that Worthy Servant of CHRIST Mr. WALTER MARSHAL.
LONDON, Printed by John Richardson, for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers Chappel. 1680.
To the Honourable the Lady Anne Constantine, and to the truly Religious Mrs. Mary Fiennes; the Author wisheth increase of Grace, and the enjoyment of Glory, through Jesus Christ.
IT hath pleased the Lord to afflict and exercise you both with Bodily Distempers, and every Fit of a Disease, every Paroxism of Pain, is a blow that contributes to the Felling of the Tree: these Van-curriers of Death do undermine the Vigor and strength of Nature, and help forward the Ruin of a frail Tabernacle. As there are Flowers that blow and wither in the Spring, as well as others that flourish and fade in the Summer and Autumn; so, many of Mankind do fade and die in the Spring of Youth, as well as in the Summer of Riper Years, and in the Autumn of Old Age. God can make our Night, and Deaths Harvest to come whenever he pleaseth; our Sun may set, when we think it is not yet Noon; Deaths Harvest may come, when our Spring seems not yet to be past. Our Breath is in our Nostrils, and may soon pass out; the Judge stands [Page]at the door, and may quickly enter in: It concerns us therefore always to be ready for the coming of our Lord, that he may not surprize us as a Thief in the Night, but may Visit us as a Bridegroom that we have long looked and waited for. It is, or should be the work of our whole Week-day, to prepare for the Everlasting Sabbath. As by your Bodily Distempers, the great Landlord warns you out of your Earthly Tabernacle, so the Text I insist on teaches you whither Saints must Remove, and what a House God hath built to entertain the separated Souls of Believers. I have therefore thought fit to Tender this small Treatise to you, as a Testimony of my Respect and Observance towards you; if it may in any degree prove a Light to your Feet, a Lamp to your Paths, a Staff to your Faith, and a Cordial to your Souls, it will be very acceptable to him who is
To my Well-beloved Friends, the Inhabitants of Gosport in the County of Southampton; the Author wisheth Grace and Peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
IT hath seemed good to the Sovereign Lord of Heaven and Earth to make a Breach upon you, by snatching away from you a faithful and laborious Servant of Christ, who fed you with his Doctrine, and edified you by his Example: He wooed for Christ in his Preaching, and allured you to Christ by his Walking. Though the Seedsman be dead, yet the Doctrine he preached is Incorruptible Seed, the Word of God that lives and abides for ever. And though his service by vocal preaching among you is past, yet your Account for your profiting by, and growth under his Ministry is to come. Look therefore diligently to it, that the Word of God dwell richly, and root deeply in your souls; that it be the sword of the Spirit to slay your lusts, a spiritual Mould to fashion your hearts aright, and Bread to feed and nourish you up to everlasting Life. Walk while you have the light, and work the works of him that sent you into the World while it is day, build up your selves on your most holy Faith, and walk in love towards each other as Christ hath loved you. Your souls came into this World on a Trading Voyage, to buy Gold tried in the Fire, white Rayment and Eye-salve. Neglect not your spiritual Traffick, the longer the Merchants ship stayes out, the richer Lading should it bring home. Lade your selves with Treasures that Death shall not spoil you of: Adorn your souls with Ornaments, that it shall not strip off. It will be sad if any of you should go out of the World, and carry nothing away with you but the guilt of Sin, and the fear of punishment, a bitter remembrance of past iniquity, and a dreadful expectation of Wrath to come. Death is called the way of all the Earth, 1 Kings 2.2. and in this way you must shortly [Page]tread, and by it depart from all Friends and Enjoyments below. O look up to, and take fast hold of Christ, that is the Ladder that reaches up to Heaven, and so is the way to the best Country and Inheritance! You cannot decline the way that will carry you off from all Earthly Relations, Pleasures, Possessions. O be sure that you enter into and walk [...]n in that way, that will carry you to an invisible World of Happiness and Glory! Time hastens, days post away, and will you stand idle? You are carried a-pace down the River of Time, towards the Ocean of Eternity, and will you not as spiritual Racers press forward towards the Mark, for the price of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus! Let not by business divert you from your principal and most noble work. Mary chose the one thing necessary; David desired one thing; Paul saith, this one thing I do: Read those three Scriptures, Luk. 10.42. Psal. 27.4. Phil. 3.13, 14. This argues sincerity and fervency i [...]deed, when you choose, desire and do one thing as Necessary; and are Conversant about other matters but as indifferent things. Be watchful against the old man, that stoops you towards this Earth; beware of Satan that wrestles with you, to throw your minds and [...]earts down to this World. Lay not those snowy-creatures in your bosomes, that will not only melt away themselves, but also chill your Hearts to better and more Noble Objects. Be not guilty of such folly, to magnifie what you are but Stewards of, and to despise what you may be Heirs of. Take hold of the Hope set before you, and then when others shall be put away as dross, you shall be made up as Jewels and shine for ever in the kingdom of your Father. This Sermon as it was Preached at your desire, so now it is Printed with some enlargement, at the Request of some of you: the Lord accompany it with the teaching of his Spirit and the efficacy of his Grace; that it may conduce to your spiritual Good; which is the carnest desine and Prayer of
The Faith of the SAINTS.
For we know that if our Earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, Eternal in the Heavens.
THE Words of the Text, are a reason of somewhat discoursed and asserted by the Apostle in the foregoing Chapter; in the 2 Cor. 4.16. he saith, we faint not. And in the 2 Cor. 4.18. We look not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen. And why did he not faint under present Pressures and Afflictions? why did he and other Saints look at an unseen Happiness and Reward? To such Questions as these he Answers in the words of the Text, For we know, that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
In the Words we may observe these several Parts.
I. A Name the Apostle gives to the Body, it is our Earthly house of this Tabernacle. He calls it an Earthly house, and it may well be styled so.
1. Because it was taken out of the Earth; Genesis. 2.7. Genesis 3.23.
2. It is maintained and upheld by Food that grows out of the Earth: Psal. 104.14, 15.
3. This House of Clay hath its Foundation on the Earth; [Page 8] Job. 4.19. on this Earth men walk and tread.
4. It may be styled an Earthly house, for into dust it must return again, Gen. 3.19.
The Apostle doth not only call the Body an Earthly house, but adds the word Tabernacle, to diminish and lessen the sense of the word House; as if he should say, It is too much to call the body absolutely a house, this word is too high and great for such a frail, brittle, mouldering thing: it is a Tabernacle rather than a House, and so the Apostle calls it, in 2 Cor. 5.4. We that are in this Tabernacle, do groan being burdened.
II. We have an Intimation of the Frailty of this Earthly house; that it would soon fall to pieces, and crumble into dust; the Apostle implies that Ruin was hastening on it, and that its dissolution did approach; he grants and confesses that it must and would shortly be dissolved. The walls of our clay Cottage will moulder down, the boards of our Tabernacle must be unpinned, this Tenement of the body will decay and fall to the Earth, and the Soul that is the Tenant, must remove, dislodge and take its flight into E [...]ernity.
III. We have the gracious and comfortable Provision that God hath made for his People when this earthly house shall be dissolved; we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Here we may observe, that though severity be exercised towards our Flesh and Old Man, that this Tabernacle must be plucked down and turned into Ruins and Rubbish; yet there is grace extended to the New man. Though the Soul is turned out of one house, yet it is taken into another; though it may not sojourn any longer in a Tabernacle here below, yet it shall dwell for ever in a Palace above. When death hath done its worst, the Saints of God shall not be House-less or Harbour-less. Though Justice Raze their Earthly house, yet Mercy hath Reared and Raised up a better Heavenly Habitation for them; out of which they shall never dislodge or remove. Heaven and the happiness there to be enjoyed, is set out here under the Notion of a house: We may observe an esegant Climax in the language of the Holy Ghost, and phrase of the Scripture.
1. Sometimes Heaven it self and all the blessedness of [...]s is styled a House; as Joh. 14.2. In my Fathers house are many Mansions. And then the Place and Happiness of every particular Saint, is but as one Room, Mansion or Chamber; as in the Palace of an [Page 9]Earthly King, there are several Lodgings and Apartments; so in the Royal house of the Eternal King there are many Mansions: by reason of which it well deserves the Name that Isaac gave to a Well that he digged, Gen. 26.22. we may stile it Rehoboth, which signifies as much as Room, Breadth and Largeness. In this one Palace of the glorious King there is room enough for all his Subjects to dwell with him, though the number of them be more than we can Reckon or Imagine.
2. Heaven and the happiness of Saints there is called a City; Heb. 11.10. he looked for a City that hath foundations. So also it is stiled Heb. 13.14. A City is made up of many Houses, and when heaven passes under this Notion, every Saint is said to have his particular house in it; as according to the words of the Text, every Believer may say, that when his Tabernacle is dissolved he hath a house prepared for him in Heaven.
3. Heaven and its glory hath the name of a Country put on it; and a Country imports something more than a City, Heb. 11.14, 16. they sought and desired a heavenly Country.
4. The Holy Ghost ascends it higher, and uses a word more large and significant than all the other. Heaven and its Felicity is called a World, Luk 20.35. they that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that World; i. e. the Earthly Paradise seems to be but a part of one Country (for it was planted in Eden, Gen. 2.8.) but how large and spacious is the heavenly Paradise, which is called a World?
And the Apostle doth not only call the place and state of Saints departed from this world, a House; but he insists upon the excellency, and somewhat delineates the glory of this house. Here are several expressions that deserve our serious Consideration.
1. Here is the Author of it, and this commends the excellency of this house, Heb. 11.10. He looked for a City whose builder and maker was God. The Apostle in this Text makes use of two words, [...]. God doth appear in this structure not only as a Maker, but as a Master-builder; as a most excellent Artist, as the word [...] imports; the skill of Divine Wisdom doth shine in this Choice and Exquisite piece of Work, fitted and framed for the Reception and Entertainment of his Favourites and Children to Eternity. The Scripture tells us, that God hath garnished the visible Heavens, Job 26.13. Yet these are but the Porch and ontside of Gods Palace, [Page 10]and if that be so beautiful and glorious, what then is the inside?
2. The Apostle commends this house for the Duration of it, he styles it Eternal; and what a great and weighty Epithet is this? It is a house that shall never decay, or need reparation. It is an house not made by mans hands, and therefore it is so Permanent and Abiding. That structure which mans hands have Reared up, mans may hands again pluck down. Where the Builders areweak and mortal, the Building cannot be strong and eternal: As the Workmen must fall to the Earth, so their work will moulder to dust; but here an Eternal Builder hath made an house of incorruptible Matter, 1 Pet. 1.4. and so left on his work an impress of his own Eternity. This is not a house that shall Cleave, Founder or Sink, but endure for ever. This City that God hath built, is said to have Foundations; and such that shall never be shaken or fail. It is a perpetual and abiding City, Heb. 13.14. Here is a substance induring, Heb. 10.34. An inheritance, the beauty and glory of which fadeth not away, 1 Pet. 1.4. And a Kingdom that cannot be moved, Heb. 12.28. The strongest Kingdoms, the greatest Cities, the most stately Houses in the world, have been Subverted, Razed, and utterly Demolished; but this is an Eternal House, City and Kingdom.
3. This house is commended from the Place and Situation of it; it is a house Eternal in the Heavens.
But you may say, Doth this house differ from heaven it self, because the Apostle calls it an Eternal house in the Heavens?
I Answer, The house of every particular Saint is a part of heaven, and of the blessedness of the invisible World; and it is much such a form of speech as if I should say, My house is in the City, yet it is also a part of it: and Oh what an honor is it to possess and inhabit such an house in such a Place? Heaven in Scripture is called the Highest and the Holiest place, Luke 19.38. Heb. 10.19. Oh what an unspeakable Dignity and Felicity is this! for Vile, Wretched, Abject Creatures to be entertained in the highest and holiest Place! David in the 1 Sam. 27.5. speaks as if it were too great an honour for such a Mean servant as he was, to dwell in the Royal City with the King. Oh how much then are we advanced, by being admitted to dwell with an infinite Majesty in his Royal City!
4. We may observe the certainty that the Apostle and other Believers had of their Title to, Interest and Propriety in this blessed place, and glorious state. We know (saith he) that we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens: This was not his or their guess or conjecture, 'twas not a meer probable opinion, a loose and uncertain hope; but we know it, we are fully perswaded and assured of it, and that on good grounds, as Saints may know that they are begotten and born of God; 1 Joh. 5.19. We know that we are of God. So they may know that God will Treat and Portion them as his Children; as here, We know we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
According to these four Parts of the Words, I shall raise and deliver to you these four Doctrines.
- Doctrine, 1. The bodies of Saints even as other mens, are but an Earthly house of a Tabernacle.
- Doctrine, 2. The Earthly house of this Tabernacle must be dissolved.
- Doctrine, 3. When the house of this Tabernacle is dissolved, yet Saints have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.
- Doctrine, 4. Saints do or may know, that when their Earthly Tabernacle shall be dislolved, they have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Of each of these I shall speak with as much brevity as I can.
Doctrine, 1. That the Natural Body of Saints, is but an earthly house of a Tabernacle.
1. It is an Earthly house; Prov. 8.26. God is said to make the highest Part of the Dust of the World. Rabbi Kimchi, by Gods making the highest Part of the Dust of the World, understands the Creation of the first Adam, and the interpretation is exceeding probable. It is a very humbling expression [Page 12]of Proud Man, to call him but the higher part of the dust of the World. Mans body was but one remove from dust; it was but well colour'd, warm'd and animated Dust.
2. The Natural body is a Tabernacle, as it comes from the first Adam, it is exceeding weak and frail, and but of a short and Temporary use to the Soul, and is not yet fitted to be the everlasting abode and habitation of it. This word Tabernacle is Metaphorical, and the Metaphor is borrowed from Travellers and Soldiers.
1. Travellers had their Tents, especially in Countries where there were not such conveniences as Inns; Gen. 31.25. Travelling Jacob pitches his Tents in a Mountain. Saints are in their bodies as Travellers through this Wilderness to the heavenly Canaan, they are strangers in this World, and as Pilgrims journeying on towards the invisible and future World; as Jacob, they are passing on towards their Fathers house. We have here no abiding City, but we seek one to come, Heb. 13.14.
2. Saints are in their bodies as Soldiers in a Military Tent. Judah and Israel fighting against the Ammonites, incamped in their Tents, 2 Sam. 11.11. So Saints are in a Warfare, the beloved City is also called the Camp of the Saints; Rev. 20.9. They are fighting against Sin, the World, and the Devil. Paul saith, 1 Cor. 9.26. So fight I not as one that beats the Air. I am not in jest as Fencers, but in good earnest as Soldiers; I am subduing iniquity, mortifying Members on Earth, killing of fleshly Lusts.
Ʋse, 1. Here is matter of Humiliation to us all, our bodies are but an Earthly house, a weak and frail Tabernacle; why should any swell with conceits of their Wealth, or be puffed up with Honour or Profperity, or glory in their Birth or Breeding? They dwell in houses of Clay, they are clothed and clogged with vile bodies, all their glory and grandeur is but as Tapistry hangings or cloth of gold put on or cast over a base mouldering Mud-wall. These bodies that many are so proud of, must shortly be breathless, colourless Carcasses, feeding the Worms, and soiling the grass.
Ʋse, 2. We may draw from hence matter of Caution and Counsel.
1. Are our bodies Earthly houses? Oh take heed that your [Page 13]hearts be not Earthly too, and your Spirits Carnalized also! 'Tis Comfortable when there is a heavenly Tenant in this Earthly house; but how sad is it when body and soul too are counted but Flesh by God? Gen. 6.3. My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. How debasing to man is this expression! though the Soul in its own Nature be a Spirit, yet it is so debaucht and degenerate, it is so sunk, immersed into and swallowed up in the concerns of the body, that by reason of its disposition and inclination, it may well be called Flesh. Take heed that your Souls be not thus drenched and soaked in bodily Pleasures and sensual delights, that you do not invassal, and inslave your Spirits to be Stewards and Caterers to your Flesh; that Reason be not hired out to the service of a sensual Appetite. Unregenerate Persons are called Men of this Earth, Ps. 10.18. Ps. 17.14. and Men of this World; their minds fix and dwell on this Earth, their Affections cleave and are glued to it. They are as Plants flourishing in their Native soil, and as Free Denizens and Citizens of this present World. Ps. 37.35. Oh therefore seek that you may be recovered from this Degeneracy, and be rescued from this Bondage by the renewing of the Holy Ghost! Tit. 3.5. Joh. 3.6. 1 Cor. 15.48, 49. As that which is born of the Flesh is Flesh, so that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. The heavenly Adam begets a heavenly Seed and Posterity; if your Souls do now become Spiritual and Heavenly, your bodies in due time shall be rendred Spiritual and Heavenly also.
2. If your Bodies be an Earthly house, a Frail and Temporary Tabernacle, then do not put your happiness on the Tabernacle state of the body. Will you confine your Comforts to Minutes and Moments, and not extend your hopes to Eternity? Take heed that you live not by sense, walk not after your Eyes, indulge not your Flesh, give not the Reins to Corrupt Affections. You have Members on Earth, Col. 3.5. and these are to be mortified, and not gratified. Oh do not, as Esau, Heb. 12.16. for one morsel of Meat sell your Birth-right! do not for short and momentary Pleasures betray your Souls to Eternal Torments and Misery! Forbear to give satisfaction to sensual desires, put restraints on your Lusts, 1 Pet. 2.11. Gen. 3.23, 24. curb your Appetites and Carnal Inclinations, abstain from fleshly Affections that war against your Souls. God banished our first Parents out of Paradise, into the Earth and World at large; and shall we choose our Heaven and [Page 14]seek our Happiness in the place of our Exile and Confinement? should we not seek after a higher state, and better place for the body than this earth? God hath made our dayes here as an hands breadth; would not that man be counted to have a dim sight, that could see no further than a hands-breadth? and shall we look no further? Shall all our Thoughts and Desires be confined to, and all our endeavours be imployed about a life of a Hands-breadth? Will you not look out of a vile Tabernacle into a World of Glory; and be raised above a momentary, to an Everlasting Life. But I shall not stay on this, but pass on to the second Doctrine.
Doctrine, 2. That the Earthly house of this Tabernacle must be dissolved.
The whole Fabrick of man must be taken to pieces, the Soul must part with its dear and intimate friend the Body, and put off that garment of Flesh that cleaves so close unto it. Thou changest his Countenance (saith Job) and sendest him away. Job. 14.20. As in the fourth of Numbers, we read of the taking down of the Tabernacle, after it had been set up in the Wilderness; so this Earthly Tabernacle must be taken down. And Ainsworth makes a Parallel between the taking down of the Mosaical Tabernacle, and the dissolving of this Earthly Tabernacle. In the pulling down of the Tabernacle, first the Holy things were removed, Numb. 4.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. and then the Curtains, Numb. 4.25. and then the Boards were loosed and unpinned, Numb. 4.31. So in the dissolving of this Earthly Tabernacle, first the Soul, that is the most Holy thing, dislodges and removes, and then the Curtains of our Skin and Flesh are eaten and consumed by Worms; and then the bones, that are as the Boards and Timber-work of our Earthly house and Tabernacle, are separated from each other. This Tabernacle must be dissolved, Death will soon Plant its batteries against this weak house; the King of Terrors will storm it with Troops of Pains and Diseases, and entring as a Conquerour, will dispossess and eject the Soul from its house. This is not a by-law that binds some few, but an Universal Royal Statute, that stands in forde against the whole World. It is appointed for all men once to die, Heb. 9.27. This Road to the grave is called the way of all the [Page 15]Earth, 1 Kings 2.2. And the grave itself is styled, The house appointed for all living, Job, 30.23. Here the Travellers must lodge; yea, here the Pilgrims must for a great while dwell; and therefore it is called their long home, Eccl. 12.5. The dissolution of this Tabernacle especially in the People of God, is very remarkable, if we consider these three things following.
1. That though their bodies are such a curious Piece of Divine Needle-work, and Architecture, Psal. 139.14. [...] acupictus, artificiosè confectus. so embellished with Veins, Sinews and Arteries, so drawn out into beautiful Limbs, so adorned with excellent Features and Comeliness, yet he that hath Raised this excellent structure, will Raze it; he that hath Cast and Fashioned this Beautiful Vessel, will dash it to pieces; he that hath laid out so much Art and Skill on this Choice Piece, will unravel and undo, yea, spoil and mar his own Workmanship. We may say as Job, Chap. 10.8. Gods hands have made and fashioned us round about. It is an allusion to an excellent piece of work, that the hand of the Artist hath often gone round, polishing and perfecting of it to the highest degree: yet (saith he) thou dost destroy me. Oh how wonderful is this, that God should be so displeased with, and severely turn against his own work!
2. The bodies of the Saints have been the Temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 6.19. Know you not that your bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost? Yet though they have entertained and harboured so glorious a Guest, though the Divine Majesty hath resided and dwelt in them by a special Presence, yet this will not ward off the blow, or guard them from the fatal stroke of Death. God dwells, Christ lives in this Tabernacle by his Spirit, yet it must be dissolved.
3. Though the Members and Bodies of Saints have been put to a Holy Use, and have been imployed as Vessels of the Sanctuary; yet this will not secure them from death. Though their Life hath been spent in service, though their Bodies have been worn out in Labour, and wasted in sufferings for God, yet they must be dissolved. That Tongue must be struck dumb that hath praised God; those Eyes must be closed. that have been spectators of the glory of God in the Frame of Heaven and Earth, and have read the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, in the Pages of this great Book. Those Members that have served God, and ministred to his Saints, must yet be [Page 16]bound with the fatal bonds of Death, and be given up to rot and putrify in the dust: this seems hard and harsh in the eye of Sence and Carnal Reason, that the Sacred Lamps of the Sanctuary should be put out, and those that have been most devoted to God should be delivered over to Worms and Corruption; and the sheep of Christ be pen'd in Deaths Fold.
Quest. But what is the Cause of this Severity? why is the Creator so displeased with his Creatures? why doth his Anger smoak against the very sheep of his Pasture?
Answer I Answer. All Men have sinned in Adam, and therefore die in him; Rom. 5.12. 1 Cor. 15.22. in him we contracted guilt; in him we became liable to Penalties and Punishment. We descend from a Traytor and Rebel against God, and have derived from him a Corrupt and Rebellious Nature. It is but Righteous that they should be broken to pieces, that broke off themselves from God. Mans Soul by its Fall was divided from God its Life, and thereby deserved to be turned out of the Body, as its Habitation. Sin is the Worm that kills the gourd of this Natural Life, Rom. 8.10. The body is dead by reason of sin, the Plague of Spiritual Leprofie infects this house, and provokes God to pull it down. The heavenly Husbandman is displeased with that Soil, that will still nourish and feed Satans Tares. The Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, is resolved and bent against the old Frame of Nature, he will pull it down and destroy it, and that in his own and best People. God hath ingaged in, and is, pursuing of a most gracious and excellent design; and hath drawn an exact draught and idea of the New Creation, viz. Rev. 3.14. Jesus Christ, to which all the Saints must be conformed. This Natural Frame was destroyed and utterly abolished in his own Son by Death; and God will not uphold that in the Members which he hath taken down and abolished in the Head. The Spiritual and Glorious Body of Christ is the great Pattern and Example, according to which all the Bodies of the Saints must be Framed and Fashioned.
Ʋse, 1. Information. From hence we may learn, Gods Hatred of, and Severity against Sin; God threatned the first Adam that if he did offend and transgress he should surely die, and he will not repeal his Sentence or reverse his Decree. The Righteous Judge is fixed in his determinations, and inexorable [Page 17]as to the Doom he hath passed on the Natural bodies of sinners. As Numb. 14.29, 30, 31. God sware against the old Men that came out of Egypt, that they should die in the Wilderness; but the New and Young generation, they should enter into and possess Canaan: So God hath resolved that the Old Man shall Perish, 1 Cor. 15.50. that Flesh and Blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God; it is the New Man that shall enter into the heavenly Canaan, and be heir of the Eternal inheritance.
Ʋse, 2. If this House and Tabernacle must be dissolved, reckon upon it and expect it. The Master will shortly take away your Stewardship, your great Landlord will warn you out of this Earthly house. The Lord of Hosts will call you to March out of this into another World; live in expectation of that fatal word, Return you sons of Men to your earth and dust. Ps. 90.3. Isa. 38.12, 13. Hezekiah says, that he had as a weaver cut off his Life, and that he reckoned that God would shortly make an end of him. Consider you are upon the brink of the Pit, and on the borders of Eternity. Is it not past high-water with some of you, doth not your strength and vigour Ebb? do not your Lamps burn dim? doth not Death make its near Approaches to you, and begin to seize on the Posts and Out-works of your Senses? is it not entred already at your Eyes and Ears? as Posts did run to tell the King of Babylon, that his City was taken at one end; so, Jer. 51.31. may I not say that this City of the Body is already taken at one End? hath not Death already invaded and possessed the Cinque Ports of your Senses? and shall your thoughts settle, and your affections Centre on that place from whence you are removing? will you not provide a better habitation, being warned out of this house of Clay? will you not seek out a New World to plant and settle in? are there not numerous Colonies of healed and sanctified Souls already seated in it, and will you not desire a Lot and Place among them? you have no abiding City here, and will you be wholly destitute by neglecting to seek one to come? are you setting in the Horizon of Time, and will you not make sure that you shall Rise and Shine for ever in the Horizon of Eternity? Send out Faith as a Spy, into the Heavenly Canaan: Labour to enter into Rest: Lay hold of the Hope set before you. Improve Time, before the spiritual Market is done; before the Ladder that joins Earth and Heaven be drawn up, and the door of the Bride-Chamber be shut for Ever.
Doctrine, 3. When Saints depart out of their Earthly House, they have a Building of God, a House not made with hands, Eternal in the Heavens.
Two things I shall here insist upon:
First, What this house is?
Secondly, What grounds there are to conclude, that departing Saints have and shall enjoy this House.
First Quest. What is to be understood by this house? I Answer, these two things.
I. The glorious Place, Of this place I did speak before, but I shall now speak something of the state as it is comprehended in the word House. and blessed State of the Souls of Saints separated from their Bodies.
II. This house comprehends the Recovery and Happiness of their Bodies.
1. By this house we are to understand the glorious Place and State of the Soul; it shall mount up to the highest Heavens, and dwell there with God and Christ, 1 Thes. 4.17. We shall be for ever with the Lord. The glory of God is as a Covert and House over the Spirits of Just men; Rev. 22.3. it is said [...] he shall dwell with them; but Rev. 7.15. [...] He shall dwell or tabernacle over them. Oh what a happy change is this, to go out of a vile Tabernacle of flesh into a Place where the excellent glory of an infinite Majesty will be as a Tabernacle or Tent over us! The immediate Presence of God will be as a Tent and House to guard us and keep off all Evils, and as a living Fountain to derive all good to us, Rev. 7.15, 17.
2. This house takes in the Body, and its happy State. Saints do groan earnestly and desire to be clothed upon with their house from heaven, and by a house from heaven the Apostle means the Recovery and Resurrection of the Body, when the Lord from heaven (1 Cor. 15.47.) shall beget it from the dead. When by the arm of the second Adam, stretched out from heaven it shall be plucked out of the Jaws of Death. The Soul shall not live still as a naked, ejected Spirit, as dis-seized of its habitation; but it shall be housed in the body, and seated in its former and ancient dwelling. Though Soul and Body be divorced, yet they shall be joined together again; these two Friends though long parted, shall have a joyful meeting. The grave is a Womb that must Travail and bring forth the bodies of the Saints; their seed-time shall be followed with a harvest, [Page 19]Death shall vomit up its Morsels, this Whale shall spue out God's Jonah's, and then it shall itself be swallowed up for ever. The body that lies in the lowest grave, shall sit in the highest heavens; that which dwells for a time in darkness, shall dwell in glorious Light for Eternity; that which fed Worms, shall feast with Angels on the delicious Fruits of the heavenly Paradise: and though this was to be accomplished at the distance of some hundreds, if not thousands of Years, yet the Eagle-Eye of Faith seeth it as present. Paul in his own, and the Person of other Believers, could boast and glory in the Promise, as if he were in Possession; as if the body were fallen and sprung up again; as if it were Razed, and Raised; as if it were already taken out of the dark Prison of the grave, and seated in the glorious Palace above. We have (saith he) a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The body, when it shall be raised and built up out of its Ruines by the Power of Christ from heaven, is then fitted to be an Eternal house for the Soul in heaven. When Souls shall be possessed of this house they shall not be found naked, 2 Cor. 5.2, 3.
Second Quest. What Grounds and Reasons there are to conclude, that departing Saints shall have such a house?
Answ. 1. This house was prepared in the Purpose and Decree of God from all Eternity; he then designed a habitation, a place of Rest and Happiness for his Elect. The Idea of this great house was drawn, the Modul and Scheme of this glorious building was laid out in the Mind of the infinite Architect from Everlasting. As he chose a peculiar People before the Foundation of the World, so he purposed to build a place to entertain them in, and to express his love towards them for ever. Christ sayes, the Kingdom was prepared from, or before the Foundation of the World; Matth. 25.34. as some understand that phrase, [...].
2. God built this house and City in the beginning of Time. He set his hand to the work, and executed his own Purpose and Decree: Heb. 11.10. This is a City whose builder and maker is God. Mans hands did contribute nothing to it, it is wholly the product of Divine Goodness and Power; and this City God is said to prepare for his People. Heb. 11.16. God needed not such a house or City, for he inhabited Eternity; yea, his own Eternity was a sufficient habitation for him: Isa. 57.15.
3. The Lord Jesus by his Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Intercession, hath made an entrance into the holiest place, and prepared a place in Heaven for his People: Heb. 10.19. with Joh. 14.2. I go to prepare a place for you. Though the Kingdom was prepared in the purpose of the Father before the World, yet this pleasure of the Lord was to prosper and to be accomplished in and by the hand of the Son as Mediator: Isa. 53.10. The Pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. It was his sacrifice that did Rent the Vail that was before the Earthly, and did procure an entrance for Saints into the Heavenly Sanctuary. This Vail stood up, and could not be removed by all the sacrifices of the Law; but when the Vail of Christs flesh was Rent, Heb. 10.19, 20. then the way was laid open to the true Holy of Holies; and through the Rent and Torn vail of Christs flesh, we have a passage into the heavenly Sanctuary. As the Red Sea was divided, that the Israelites might have a passage through it to the earthly Canaan, so by the division and separation of Christs Soul and Body, Believers have a passage unto the heavenly Canaan. It is necessary also that Christ do carry in his Blood, and sprinkle the Mercy-seat, and the heavenly Sanctuary with it; that without contradiction from Justice, it may become a habitation for those, that once as sinners, were Enemies to, and Rebels against God. And Christs blood doth now speak, yea, cry in heaven, for the fulfilling of his Testament, that the heirs of Promise may partake of the heavenly inheritance: Heb. 12.24. John. 17.24. Father, I will that those that thou hast given me be with me, that they may see my glory. And the Cry of Christs Blood cannot be gain-sayed or denied. Yea, Christ as a Fore runner, hath entred into and taken possession of heaven for Believers: in which respect, while their Persons are here upon Earth, they are said to sit in heavenly Places in Christ, Eph. 2.5, 6. The Israelites in Egypt had possession of the earthly Canaan but by the dead bodies of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; but Believers have Possession of Heaven in a living Fore-runner: and well may the Anchor of their hope enter thither, whither the Forerunner is for them entred: Heb. 6.19, 20. Christ as our high Priest is entred within the Vail with the Names of spiritual Israel on his breast and heart; and he that hath already taken their Names, will in due time take their Persons, Souls and Bodies too within the Vail.
Lastly, Christians may be said to have such a building and eternal house in heaven, because they are now begotten to the lively hope of it; 1 Pet. 1.3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath begotten us to a lively hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that fades not away, reserved in heaven for us. The hope of this inheritance is not so easie and common a thing as most imagine; this lively hope cannot spring up, or be found in a Natural Man; those only that are begotten of God, have ground to hope for his inheritance; those only that are Regenerate and Adopted, have a Right to it, and a Fitness for it: And Christians are first begotten to a hope, or to a Reversion; and then they come to Possession: as a Child is first begotten to a hope of his Father's Estate, and afterwards enters upon the enjoyment of it. This hope that is raised by Regeneration, and is built on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, cannot be frustrated or disappointed.
Ʋse, 1. This may Inform us of the wonderful Mercy of God mixed with his Severity. That the Soul is cast out of its Earthly house, this is Severity; that it is received into a heavenly house, this is Mercy. Death is the Executioner of Justice, yet it is Christ's Harvest-man also: It Cuts off the lives of Men as Offenders, yet it Reaps Saints as good Corn, it gathers them as Sheaves into the Barn, as Wheat into the Garner. A Lease of Ejectment is sealed and served on the Soul by Death, as Gods Officer; the Spirit doth forfeit the house of the Body, as a Traytor; yet it is taken into Heaven as an Heir. Oh how wonderful is this, that a man should forfeit and inherit at the same time! that the Body should be cast down to the lowest grave, and the Soul be raised up to the highest Heaven! that the one part of Man should dwell with such vile Kindred as Worms and Corruption, and the other part of him should converse with such Noble Relations, as God, Christ, Angels and Saints are! Oh that God should Tear a man in Pieces, and yet presently glorifie one piece of him with himself! that God should pull off the garment of the Body, and yet presently cloth the Soul with Celestial Glory! Judas is said to go to his own place, Acts 1.25. and God might have adjudged and sent us to hell, as our own place. We are at best but as VVorms and [Page 20] [...] [Page 21] [...] [Page 22]Grass-hoppers, Job 25. last. Isa. 40.20. compared with God; and did a King ever build a Palace to entertain Worms and Grass-hoppers in? By sin we were become as Rebels and Traytors; and do Emperors use to build Royal Houses to Treat and Entertain those that have struck off their Authority, and sought their lives? O wonderful Mercy! that God should build and furnish a Palace for us, that might have been shut up in the eternal Prison and Dungeon!
Ʋse, 2. Exhortation. From this Truth I would draw several Exhortations.
1. Hath God prepared such a house? Oh labour and strive to be prepared for it: Col. 1.12. seek to the Father to make you meet to partake of this inheritance. Hath God built such a glorious house, and will he take Swine and Lepers into it? hath he laid out such curious workmanship on the Place, and must not the Persons be Refined, Perfumed, Beautified and Adorned that shall inhabit it? As the Place is the work of God, so, must not those that shall enjoy it, be in a peculiar manner his Workmanship? Eph. 2.10. Rev. 19.7, 8. The Spouse of Christ is said to have made her self Ready, and to come to the King in Raiment of Needle-work, Psal. 5.14, 15. That Israel that is Gods glory, Isa. 46. last shall only enter into this house that is the habitation of his Holiness and of his Glory: Isa. 63.15.
2. This should make the People of God willing to die, and long to remove from hence: Do we profess that so many years we have been seeking a City and Country Above, and shall we be unwilling to find and enjoy what we have been so long seeking? Shall we not long to possess the inheritance that is reserved for us? should our Mansions above still stand empty? should that house God hath built, remain Un-Tenanted? Why like worms are we so in love with our holes? why do we go to the Threshold and door of our Fathers house, with Sorrow and Tears, with Moans and Complaints, as if we were rather entring into the Prison, than stepping into the Palace of God? Oh! why do we dote so on an Earthly house? why are we so Fond of a Frail Tabernacle? why is our love so inordinate to a vile Cottage? and our desires so weak and languishing after our Fathers house? is the Footstool better than the Throne? are our Hutts and Sheds to be preferred before the Mansion House of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.
3. Moderate your sorrow for the death of godly Friends and Relations. Our loss is their gain, Phil. 1.21. To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain; they gain a better House, better Company, a better Country; as they were Heirs in Reversion by the death of Christ, so they are Heirs in Possession by their own death. 2 Sam. 10.37. As Barzillai willingly parted with Chimham his Son, sending him to live with King David, in his Royal City and Palace at Jerusalem; so we should freely dismiss our Christian Friends, when they are to cross the Jordan of death, enter into the True Canaan, and live with the King of glory in heavenly Jerusalem. If a man should strip our Children or Friends of Rags, and cloth them with Royal Robes; pull down their Cottages, and give them strong and stately Houses in the place of them, would we complain? Our godly Friends do make a better Exchange, may not we then command our Souls to return to their Rest, because the Lord hath dealt so bountifully with our Friends, which he hath taken to himself? Their Souls enjoy a present Harvest, though it be yet but seedtime with their Bodies; and these very Bodies that now are sowed in the dust, shall spring up again to life and immortality. As the Tabernacle was taken down in the Wilderness, but set up again in Canaan; so this Tabernacle of our Bodies that is taken down by death, shall be set up again, and being turned into a strong house shall stand for ever in the heavenly Canaan. God favours the dust of his spiritual Temples, and will build them out of their Ruins, that his Spirit as well as our Souls may inhabit them for ever.
Doctrine, 4. Saints do or may know, that when their earthly House and Tabernacle is dissolved, they have a building of God, an Eternal House in the Heavens.
But how can they know this? have they a door opened to them into Heaven? can they see their Names written over the Mansions taken up for them? have they a window into the Breast of God? can they read the book of Life? search and peruse the Mysterious Rolls of Eternity? Is not this a vain Boasting, or foolish Bragging of things that cannot be understood or known.
I Answer, True Christians are not mistaken or deluded, they have ground for what they assert, and they may come to know this,
1. By Believing. Faith is one kind of knowledge. It is the knowing of things by the Testimony and Record of God; and his Word is a sure Foundation to build Faith on. God hath left us a Promise of the Everlasting Rest, Heb. 4.1. he hath set matter of Hope before us in his Testimony and Oath, Heb. 6.17, 18. he that believes, takes God at his Word: he that comes in with his Eccho and Amen of Faith to the offers of God, sets to his Seal that God is true. John 3.33. Joshua and Caleb believed Gods Promise that he would give them the Earthly Canaan, and it befell them according to their Faith. Other Israelites distrusted Gods Power, and rejected his Promise; and it happened to them according to their Unbelief, they were shut out of the Earthly Canaan: Numb. 14.8, 9, 28, 29, 30. So those that by the mouth of Faith do kiss the mouth of God speaking in the Promise, Heb. 11.13. [...], the Gre [...]k word signifies to salute, and that by Kissing; the Patriarks thus saluted the Promises by the mouth of Faith. shall not be disappointed; according to their Faith it shall be to them. As in the division of the World of old, he that as the first occupant did set his foot on a Country, did thereby get a Right to it, even by his taking Possession of it; therefore Land was passed from one to another among the Hebrews by taking off the shoe; thereby as it were disclaiming and renouncing the right that he had gotten by setting his Foot first on the Land, Ruth 4.3, 7. So truly, whatever we can set the foot, and lay the hand of Faith on, we make to be our own; we Claim, Challenge, and et a Right in the Promise by believing. This is the Record that God hath given us, Eternal Life; and this Life is in his Son: he that hath the Son hath Life, 1 Joh. 5.11, 12. Receiving Christ the greatest gift of God; we become intituled to all the other gifts and Promises of God, that in him are all yea and Amen, 2 Cor. 1.20.
2. Christians come to know this by inspection into themselves, and spiritual Experience of a saving work wrought on themselves; Heb. 10.34. they knew within themselves that they had in Heaven a more induring Substance. By looking into themselves, they might espy such a Divine Nature, such a supernatural Life sprung up in them, as did evidence they were intituled to, and designed for the Heavenly Inheritance. As Mark [Page 25]29.33. the Poor Woman healed by Christ, felt it in her Body: and verse 33. She knew what was done in her, viz. that she was healed of that Plague. So Christs spiritual Patients may know within themselves, what excellent cures this Heavenly Physician hath wrought in and on them; and thereby fitted them to Converse in the True land of the Living. The very senses that an infant hath, do shew that it was designed for an higher life and larger Place, than still to be imprisoned and penned up in the Womb: its Eyes, Ears, Smelling and Tasting, were to be exercised on Objects in this large World: so the Spiritual Senses of the Souls of Saints, do speak them to be designed for the invisible and Eternal World. They can see things invisible, they can taste spiritual dainties, they can smell the Odours that come from the Mountain of Myrrh, and the Hill of Frankincense; they can scent the spices of the Heavenly Canaan. Moses his Parents did observe his rare and admirable Beauty, and seem from thence to conclude that surely he was chosen and designed by God for some extraordinary service: Heb. 11.23. And is not the Church of Believers the fairest among Women? Cant. 1.8. and doth not this wonderful and rare beauty evince that Christ hath set his love on her, and that she is called to the Marriage Feast, and designed for the Bride-chamber of the Son of God? Ignatius, one of the most Ancient Fathers, in his Epistle to the Romans, saith, [...]. The living water that did spring up in him, did say to him within, Come home to thy Father. Christ hath written a living Epistle in their Minds and Wills, The Life and Law of God as a byass on their Hearts, inclines them to another Country and World. They have the first Fruits of their Inheritance, the earnest of the bargain, the beginnings of Everlasting Life abiding in them already; Job. 14.23. 1 Cor. 3.16. that glorious Company that they shall converse with for ever, are now come down to sojourn in their hearts here below. The Father and Son dwelled in them by the spirit, and surely such Royal guests will in due time remove the Souls that entertain them, to their own glorious Habitation.
3. There is the Mysterious Testimony of the Holy Spirit; Rom. 8.16, 17. The Spirit himself beareth witness with or to our Spirits, that we are the Sons of God, and if Sons then Heirs, &c. Surely some very high Evidence and Assurance is intended [Page 26]by these words, whether mediate or immediate I shall not now determine. The spirit himself beareth witness; this phrase imports that the Spirit himself excellently appears in this Testimony, and will it Testifie; and can it not make Souls to understand its voice, to perceive its meaning, to embrace its Testimony, and acquiesce in its Evidence? Shall any question or doubt whether men may know themselves to be the Sons of God, when it is one Office and great work of the Holy Spirit to make them understand it, and to assure their Souls of it? Is the Testimony of the Spirit Dark, Intricate, and Ambiguous? doth it leave Souls in hovering suspence, and wavering uncertainty? when it comes to give its evidence, can it not decide and determine the Controversie, and make an end of strife in an unbelieving Heart? And if the Spirit doth clear up our Sonship, may we not know we are Heirs? All Gods Children are Heirs; every Son hath the Rights, Priviledges and Inheritance of a first born.
Ʋse, 1. Oh be Exhorted, Stirred up and Quickned, to seek and obtain the sweet and comfortable knowledge of what is provided for you in Heaven! Strive to assure to your selves, that you have a house built, a City prepared for you above! Oh how uncomfortable is it to be at uncertainties whither we shall go, how we shall be disposed of, and where we shall be fixed for Ever! We know we must remove from hence, but how will this damp our spirits, when we know not whither we shall remove! We know what we must part with; but how will it Chill and Deject us, when we know not what we shall possess in another World! Our love cannot be so Fervent, our Joy so Strong, our Praises so Hearty and Affectionate, if we know not that God is our Father; that he will divide a Rich Portion to us, and settle a glorious Inheritance on us. The knowledge of what is reserved for us in Heaven, will have great influence on our Holy Calling, and will both Quicken us in doing, and support us in Suffering the Will of God. Use therefore all diligence to attain the full assurance of Understanding of Faith, and of Hope; all which are mentioned in these following Scriptures; Col. 2.2. Heb. 10.22. Heb. 6.11. These three do make an excellent and comfortable Syllogism; the full Assurance of Understanding, as to the Terms and Tenders of the Gospel, maketh the Major; the full Assurance of Faith, believing [Page 27]and applying this Doctrine to our selves, makes the Minor; and the full assurance of Hope, is the sweet Conclusion, that results from these excellent Promises. O Christians, why, are you contented to live at so low a Rate? why are you so held in doubts and suspence about your Everlasting state? why are you so lost in an intricate Wilderness, and entangled in such uncomfortable Labyrinths? why is there yet so dark a Vail on your minds, that hinders you from looking with Joy and Comfort into another World? Doth not the Gospel dispensation under which you live, afford grounds for high Faith and strong Consolation? Are we not told, that God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself, not imputing their Trespasses to them, 2 Cor. 5.19. that Christ hath made an end of sin, destroyed Satan, overcome the World, abolished death, and brought Life and Immortality to Light? Dan. 9.24. Heb. 2.15. Joh. 16. last. 2 Tim. 1.10. Is not Heaven purchased and Possessed for, and bequeathed in Christs Testament to the Heirs of Promise? Are not all that fly for Refuge, to take hold of the hope set before them, accepted and allowed to be Heirs of this glorious inheritance? Heb. 6.18. Is not this sentence not exceeding full and comprehensive? God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life, Joh. 3.16. and is not this Testimony clear and express, that God hath given to us Eternal Life, and this Eternal Life is in his Son; and he that hath the Son hath Life? 1 Joh. 5.11, 12. This Life is now possessed and enjoyed by Christ, and he that receives Christ and hath propriety in him, hath also Title to it. Will you suffer Satan to wrangle you out of such Clear, and wrest from you such Comfortable and Reviving Texts of Scripture? will you not Echo your Assent of Faith, to this good Word of God, and take hold of the Hope that is set before you? We have more food and abundant supports for Faith in this new Testament dispensation, and therefore Faith is now said to be come; Gal. 3.23, 25. and Hope in a more excellent way is said to be set before us, Heb. 6.18. And is it not a dishonour to this glorious new Testament dispensation for Christians to walk in darkness, and to live in continual Doubts and Fears about their Everlasting Condition? The Testament of the Son of God is Ratified and Established by his Death; God hath promised and [Page 28]sworn to bless the Heirs of Promise; and why should you not apply the Comfort of both to your selves; and say as the Psalmist, the Lord hath been mindful of us, and he will bless us, Psal. 115.12. God hath spoken in his Holiness, take him at his Word, and you shall find that he will not deny his Promise, or go back from it. Let not Satan darken your minds, or unbelief perplex your souls with needless Objections, it is by Grace that you must be saved. Matth. 6.33. The Kingdom of Glory is Gods free gift to men, and the Righteousness that qualifies for it, is wrought in them by his Spirit. A new Heart is freely Promised, as well as Eternal Life; both are the gifts of God through Jesus Christ, Ezekiel 36.26, 27. Rom. 6. last. Receive therefore, and trust on Jesus Christ for them both. As the Christian Sabbath is the first day of the week, and so our Resting-day is before our working-dayes; so truly we must enter into a spiritual Rest by Faith in Christ, our Consciences must be sprinkled, purged and pacified by his bloody, before we can serve the living God, Heb. 4.3. Heb. 9.14. Christ died for sinners, came into the World to save sinners; and those that see themselves to be such, must look to and trust on Christ for Healing and Sanctification, for Grace and Glory, or else all Mankind must be excluded. Here is no fear of presumption or deceiving our selves, provided that we desire and rely on Christ for his whole Salvation, for deliverance from the Power as well as the Guilt of Sin. Apply your selves therefore to Jesus Christ, receive him, and you shall in and with him receive an abundance of Grace and of the gift of Righteousness, Rom. 5.17. and so Reign in Life for evermore. If you believe in Christ, Job 1.12. Rom. 5.16, 17. God is your God and Father; and if you are Sons, you are Heirs; the Kingdom of glory, the heavenly Inheritance is yours. Match with Christ, get into him who is the true God and Eternal Life; 1 John 5.20. and he will provide you a place, and make you welcome in his Fathers house for ever. If you have the Son, you have life: None that belong to him, can be shut out of the Banqueting-house and glorious Bedchamber.
2. You that are true Christians be exhorted to rejoyce in your Habitation: say to your Souls, that your Lines are fallen to you in pleasant places, and you have a goodly heritage: have you not a Rest and House above the reach and rage of Satan [Page 29]and his instruments? When they have done their utmost they can but consume you on earth, Psal. 119.87. they cannot quench your spiritual life, or rase your heavenly house. If you are thrust out of this World, you have a better Country to enjoy; if you are dispossessed of your houses, you have a more lasting habitation to enter into. When cruel Enemies stoned Stephen, they could not hinder him from placing his Jewel in a safe hand, from committing of his Soul to Jesus Christ; Acts 7.59. Why are your Souls Clouded? why do your Spirits droop? why do your hands wax Feeble? Let this Truth Chear and Incourage you, that so great an inheritance is bequeathed to you, so glorious a house is prepared for you in heaven.
3. Do you know that you have an Eternal House built for you in heaven? Oh then, let this Truth raise your Minds and elevate your Hearts to Heaven! Oh let your Conversation be in Heaven, Phil. 3.20. Christ hath said, where the Treasure is there the heart will be also, Matth. 6.21. If this eternal house be prized as your Treasure, will it not be a Loadstone to draw up your hearts to heaven? Why do you weary and wound your selves among the Briars and Thorns of this wretched Wilderness, when your Minds might Converse in the delightful heavenly Paradise? Why do you grovel on the ground, embrace the Dunghil, and feed on Dust; when you might soar up to the Throne, and Feast with Christ at his Table; satisfying your selves with the fatness of his house, and drinking of the Rivers of his Pleasures? Oh set your Affections on, and seek the things that are above; Col. 3.1, 2. Let your Loins stand girt; suffer not your Minds to get loose, fall down, and draggle on this low and dirty World. Christ by his Ascension into Heaven hath fixed a new Centre, towards which the Minds and Hearts of all Believers should move, and in which they should stay and Rest. Joh. 17.24. Joh. 14.2, 3. Christ hath prayed that all his People may be with him, and he hath prepared a glorious place to entertain them in; and yet shall our Minds stay, and our hearts dwell here below? shall we despise that now, that we must Feast on to Eternity? shall we be strangers to our everlasting home? and forget our heavenly Country? Oh Christians why do your Minds so often and so much leave the Guest-Chamber, and the upper Rooms of Immanuels house? why do you so often come down, and delight so much to dwell in the low Rooms and [Page 30]ground Chambers of this World, can you not meet with sufficient delights, and full satisfaction above? Is the Air on the Mountain of Myrrh, and the Hill of Frankincense too pure and fine for your gross and carnal hearts? O seek to Christ to cure your spiritual disease, and to recover your Appetite to spiritual enjoyments! Oh beg him to take off your weights of Unbelief and Carnal Affections! and give you wings to mount upwards! that as Children you may live on the Fatness and Dainties of your Fathers house; and as Citizens of Zion, you may delight your Souls on the delicious Fruits of the Tree of Life, and in the pure River of Living water, that Flows from the Throne of God and the Lamb.