A FEW WORDS OF COUNSEL AND ADVICE TO ALL The Sons and Daughters of MEN; More Especially to the Children of Believers.

FROM The Motion of Gods Spirit upon my Heart, in the Love of God that they may come to lead the course of their Lives in this World; so as to lay down their Heads in Peace with the Lord, when time in this World shall be no more.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1687.

A few Words of Counsel and Advice to all the Sons and Daughters of Men, &c.

1. ADvice to Children that they learn the Fear of the Lord; and then they will hate Pride and Arrogancy, and every evil way, and then they will be in a capacity to seek after the way of the Lord, which is found of them that seek after it, which blessed be God many have found, and do walk in it, and do find peace as they continue walking therein to their immortal Souls.

The beginning of all the Sons and Daughters of Men, should be to learn the Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of Wisdom, and to depart from Iniquity, that's a good understanding, but to the Grief of my heart, I often see, instead hereof, they learn Wanton­ness, Pride, Arrogancy, and every evil way: And take pleasure in walking in the broad Way which leadeth to destruction; altho the Lord by his Light and Grace hath appeared to teach them, To deny Ʋngodliness, and Worldly Lust, and to live Godlily, Righteously, and So­berly in this present evil World; the which maketh the hearts of many sad, when we see after our often Endeavours and Labours we have be­stowed, how ineffectual it is to some Children of whom we had hopes concerning them in their minority, when very young, that they might have continued as Paterns and Examples to them that might follow them of good: But by reason of the liberty they run into, for to gratifie the fleshly mind, we are afraid we have bestowed much la­bour in vain upon many of them, therefore a word in my heart to Caution all to be wise, and consider their latter End; and be entreated to mind and not slight the love of God to their Souls, that the Lord should raise up your Parents, that they might be a kind of First-fruits unto God, in whom the Lord hath vouchsafed to place His Name amongst: and hath made it Honourable. Oh, prize the great love of God to them, and to you herein, that you have had not only Nursing Fathers and Mothers for your Bodies but for your Souls also Oh, the sorrow and trouble that's come upon many, to see their Childrens minds lifted up after vanity, they being departed in a large mea­sure [Page 2] from the Grace of God. Oh, be awakened, I beseech you, Why will ye Die? The wages of Sin is Death. Oh, be entreated to break off from your Sins by a timely Repentance: Let none say, I am Young, and after I am more grown in years, I shall leave off those superfluous things, and incline to be more sober: I warn all to have a care how they make these delayed Proposals, lest to their wo and misery it proves to be to all Eternity. For can the Ethiopian change his Skin, or the Leopard his Spots? No more can they do well who are accustomed to do Evil. This is written in true love to the Souls of young People that are in the motions of sin, to exhort and entreat them to Repent of their misdeeds, and to cease to do Evil, and to learn to do well, and then they may draw near unto God; and the Lord hath pro­mised he will draw near unto such; and then life to your Souls you'l come to witness. And here you will come to receive from God life to your immortal Souls. As many as comes to witness this, never had cause to repent that forsook the Worlds Fashions, Customs, and Tra­ditions. For such have received an hundred fold in this life; and they have Faith in the Promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath pro­mised everlasting Life also. Therefore young People be entreated to lay aside the sin of Pride, For as out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: so by the Immodesty, Pride, and Costliness of Ha­bit people weareth, their hearts appear, For the Tree is known by its Fruit: Therefore let none seek to cover their sins, for they that do will never prosper. This is in a few words to warn all young People to Flee from the wrath to come: For it will be more tollerable for those that were the Children of Unbelieving Parents, who knew not the Truth as it is in Jesus, when you must come to give an account to the Lord of the deeds done in the Body. Oh, Consider, consider the Lords love to your Souls: the Lord hath given you warning after warning from his People, but many hardned their Hearts, and will not hear reproof. Oh, that you that are Children of Believing Pa­rents, may become clean Vessels fit to receive and hold the heavenly Treasure. And you that are believing Parents, may not be wanting to bring up your Children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and giving good Example. Much I could write, my heart being opened by the Lord, but a word to the wise is sufficient; but consider the ma­ny warnings you have had of late. The Ground that the Rain oft descends upon, and yet bringeth fourth nothing but Bryars and Thorns. Oh, consider what is said to be the end of it. This I have cast in as a [...]ittle Mite, who am a Traveller for the prosperity of Sion, and that Jerusalem may become the praise of the whole Earth.

[Page 3] Blessed are all the Sons and Daughters of men that are come to love the Lord with all their Hearts; and to hate Pride and Arrogancy, and every evil way; and that cometh to love the Law of God written in their hearts; And whose hearts are inclined to keep it, and are found Meditating in it Day and Night: These are they that the Lord causeth to grow and prosper, and are blessed in all their Ʋndertakings: And such are Trees of Righte­ousness, the planting of the Lord, and they bring forth much fruit, to the Praise and Glory of the Name of the Lord, whose Name is worthy to be exalted over all for ever.

A. T.

A Short Testimony Sprang and Opened in my Heart unto all Young Men and Women, who make Profession and Confession of the blessed Name of JESUS.

DEar and well beloved Friends of Truth, whom the Lord hath Convinced of his Blessed Way of Life, that only gives true Peace and Satisfaction to the immortal Soul, and hath gathered your hearts and minds, in any measure, into the Covenant of Life, Peace, and Salvation,

it is in my heart to lay down in plainness something of the dealings of the Lord with me, as the Lord opens me, and enligh­tens the eye of my understanding, and brings things to my remem­brance. Dear Friends, the Lord in daies past, and in years that are gone, convinced me of the vain Fashions of the World in my (Trade or) Calling; but not being faithful to the blessed manifestation of Light; nor giving up to the requirings of the Spirit of the Lord upon my mind; but after some time, let in the Spirit of the World (for want of true hearty obedience to the Lord) and gave the exercise of my mind and hands (to be a Slave) to that Spirit that runs into the super­fluities of things, altogether needless, by which my understanding be­came darkned, by reason of disobedience to the heavenly Call, in these things my Soul received a great wound. I hope I need not men­tion particular things, but all Friends who are concerned, may under­stand what I here hint at, as there is a waiting in the light of Life, to feel what the Spirit of the Lord moveth against: For, dear Friends, the Lord hath shewed me, it is below the Nobility of the Truth which we profess, to be as Slaves to that Spirit that runs into these changable things, for it is my Testimony it is a destroying the Creation of God; [Page 4] and so it is as bad as Gluttony and Drunkenness: And so, my dear Friends, who are convinced of the blessed everlasting Truth, be faith­ful to the Lord, I dearly beseech you, as one that have been near the brink of the horrible pit of Darkness, and have known the stroke of God's dreadful correcting hand for disobedience, and have somewhat been acquainted with the misterious wiles of Satan, the Enemy of all Righteousness; Therefore, my dear Friends, I beseech you, whose hearts the Lord hath touched with his Love, be faithful to the Lord, and keep out of the vain Fashions of the World, and take heed of that curious mind that can hardly be pleased, but all wait for the feeling of the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, that slays sin and cuts down Transgression, and pierceth through the Scales of the Serpent, for his Scales is his Pride, shut up together as with a close Seal, for he is a King and Rules over all the Children of Pride: Therefore Friends, watch against him, for he hath many Snares, and many Gins: There­fore, my dear Friends, wait low upon the Lord, that you may feel that which stops Satans Gins, and breaks the Bonds of the Wicked One, for whosoever is overtaken with these Snares, it will lead such from the solid life; and so, my dear Friends, I beseech you be modest and sober, that herein you may judge them that run into that vain, proud, fantastical Spirit which is become as a God amongst People; yea, as I may say the greatest God that many thousands of People Worship, for that which is the chiefest exalted in the heart of Man, or in the heart of Woman, that's their God, and that they worship, and that they fall down unto, let it be of what nature soever it is; And therefore, my dearly beloved Friends, I dearly beseech you, wait for the feeling of the incorruptible Seed, that you may be true born Heirs of that blessed everlasting Kingdom that shall never have an end, which comes not with observations, as Christ said when he was de­manded by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of Heaven should come, he said, The Kingdom of Heaven comes not with Observations, not in the Lo here, or the Lo there, but behold the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. [Mark] He said to the Scribes and Pharisees (tho they did not believe in his Name) that the Kingdom of Heaven was within them, but they were not in it (see ye) so the Kingdom of Heaven may be in a man, and that man out of the Kingdom; therefore Friends, let a true and a narrow search be made in every heart, and wait for the feeling of that little Seed of the Kingdom, which was compared to a grain of Mustard-Seed, which is the least of all Seeds: But when it i [...] grown it is the greatest amongst Herbs, and becometh a Tree; so that the Birds of the Air come and lodge in the Branches thereof. [Page 5] Another Parable our Lord and Saviour spake unto them, The King­dom is like unto Leaven, which a Woman took and hid in three Measures of Meal, till the whole was Leavened; therefore let all wait for this, that the old nature may be wrought out, by the Operation of the word of Life, for it is as powerful in its Operation as ever it was, it is not at all changed in its Nature or Property, but is the same: and it works the same works in all them that dwell in the Love of the Truth, as ever it did in antient Daies. Oh, there is an excellent vertue in this blessed Seed: Oh that it were more known amongst the Sons and Daughters of Men; Therefore, my dear Friends, Brethren, and Si­sters, whose hearts the Lord hath in any measure touched with his Love. Oh, wait more and more for the feeling of this blessed Seed, that a real work and thorow change, you may all come to witness by the power of this blessed Seed of Jacob, the Noble Seed, the heavenly found Seed of Abraham, to which all must bow or be broken by it; for whosoever falls upon it shall be broken and tendred; but on whom­soever it falls it will grinde them to powder. And so, my dear Friends, this is the desire of my heart, and the breathing of my Soul to the Lord, that all whose faces are turned Sion-wards, may wait for the bringing forth of the Birth and Babe Immortal, and hearken to its Cry. Oh, the Cry of the Babe Immortal, and the breathing forth of It unto the Father; all wait this day to feel; then, I know, pure Praises and living Thanksgivings will arise up unto the Father, natu­rally out of the mouth of that Birth, for it is the nature of the Babe Immortal to breath unto the Father, and to bless, praise and magnifie the Name of the Father that begets it: and so, my Friends, wait so upon God, that you may feel that holy Seed (which God hath sown in your hearts) to grow and to prosper; that it may bring forth fruit to the praise of God, for have not our Souls been in a deep Travel, and our Spirits pained within us, when we went weeping and mourning, enquiring the way to Sion? And therefore, my Friends, whom the Lords Arm hath in any measure reached unto, Arise, arise, and shake your selves from the dust of the Earth, and come up to the help of the Lord, against the Mighty power of Darkness (to wit, the Devil) the grand Enemy of the Souls of all men, that i [...] you may feel the arising of Sions Glory, for the Day of the Lord is broken forth, and his blessed Day, his glorious Day sprung from on High hath visited our Souls in an acceptable Day, and in a time of need: blessed be the Name of the Lord our God for ever. And as much as we have obtained mercy with the God of mercy: Oh, my dear Friends, prize his Love, prize his mercies, and let them be as [Page 6] a double ingagement upon your Spirits to feat before him, that so you may feel the aboundings and super aboundings of his Love flowing forth into your bosom daily, so that none be as the careless Daughters of [...]ion. But all be faithful to your first Loves, not only remain in the ourward Courts, or in an outward Conformity to the Truth, or covered with Self-righteousness, but that you may be as [...] Saviour upon Mount Sion that can never be removed, For ye are the Salt of the Earth, but if the Salt have lost its Savour, wherewith shall it be salted: it is hence­forth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and troden underfoot of Men, saith our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; who said, I am the Vine, ye are the Branches, and as the Branches cannot bring forth Fruit but as they abide in the Vine no more can ye, except ye abide in me. So, my dear Friends, wait for the feeling of his Light and Life, that ye may be kept in the love of the Truth, that the Seed may take deep t [...] downward, and bring forth fruit upward, that the Plant of Gods renown, which his own right hand hath planted, may grow up in every ones Heart; for every Plant that my heavenly Fathers Hand hath not Planted, shall be plucked up, And every Tree that brings not forth good Fruit, shall be hewen down, and cast into the fire: And so I dearly be­seech you all Young Men and Women, who are convinced of the Lords blessed everlasting Truth. Fashion not your selves according to your former Lusts in your ignorance, but let the time past be sufficient, whose adorning (saith the Apostle) Let it not be that of putting on of Apparel; but mind the hidden man of the heart, which is a meek and quiet Spirit, which is with the Lord of great Price; This was the Apostles wholesom ex­hortation and admonition, For after this manner (saith he) in the old time, the holy Women of old, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, be­ing in subjection to their own Husbands, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him, Lord, whose Daughters ye are as long as you do well, and are not afraid with any amazement; Therefore, Friends, take good heed unto your selves, that ye love the Lord your God, that so the pure fear of the Lord be lived in, that we may walk low before the Lord in the Humility of our Spirits, that we may in all things adorn the Doctrin of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Je­sus Christ, who hath called us with an high and holy Calling, for if we be not faithful to the Lord who hath in mercy reached unto us, then we do not answer the end fo [...] which we are Called. And so the very God of peace sanctifie you wholly, through­out, in Soul, Body, and Spirit, that the God of all Grace, who hath Called us into his Eternal Glory by Christ Jesus (after you have suffered a while) make you per [...] and Establish, Strengthen and Settle you. To Him be Glory and Dominion over all who is God over all, blessed for ever and for evermore.

by a lover of Truth, who desires the prosperity of Sions Seed, R. N.

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