A CATALOGUE Of Such BOOKS As have been Entered in the REGISTER Of the Company of STATIONERS: And Printed from the 25. of Decem­ber, 1662. to the 25. of Decem­ber, 1663.

Published by G. T. Clerk to the Company of STATIONERS.

LONDON, Printed for Samuel Speed, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Rainbow neer the Inner Temple Gate in Fleetstreet. 1664.

A Catalogue of such Books as have been Entered into the Register of the Company of Stationers, and Printed, from the 25. of December, 1662. unto the 25. of December, 1663. As followeth; Viz.

Divinity and Sermons.

ANswer to the Reply made by S. C. a Roman Catholick, to Doctor Pierce his Sermon: Print­ed for Tho. Basset.

Bridle for the Tongue: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst.

Cabala sive Scrinia Sacra, formerly in two Parts, and now United into one, with Additions: Printed for Gab. Be­dell, and Tho. Collyns.

Clavis Bibliorum, with the Book of Hymns or Praises. Printed for George Calvert.

Divine Closet Meditations, upon Death, Judgement, Hell and Heaven: Printed for Joshua Conyers.

Duty of Man: Printed for Timothy Garthwait.

Discourse of Confirmation: Printed for Rich. Royston.

Divine Life, in three several Treatises, by Richard Baxter: Prnted for Francis Tyton, and Nevil Simmons.

Exhortation to a holy life: Printed for Edward Thomas.

[Page 3] Geologia Norvegia, or a brief Instructive Remembrancer, concerning that great Earthquake which happened almost throughout the South part of Norway on April 24. 1657. Printed for Samuel Tomson.

Observations, Censures and Confutations of notorious Errors, in Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan: Printed for Nath. Brook.

Pastoral Office, opened in a Visitation Sermon preached at Ipswich, Octob. 10. 1662. by the Right Reverend Father in God Edward Lord Bishop of Norwich: Printed for George Thomason.

Popish Posie, gathered out of a Popish new Book, called Fiat Lux: Printed for Jo. Crook.

Question to whom it belonged antiently to Preach: as also what Preaching is: Printed for Timothy Garthwait.

Relation of a Conference between the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and Fisher the Jesuite: Printed for Rich. Royston.

Self-Examination, with the likeliest means of Conversi­on and Salvation: Printed for David Maxwell.

Sermons nineteen, preacht by Doctor Hammond: Print­ed for Timothy Garthwait.

Sermon preacht before his Majesty at Whitehall, April 5. 1663. by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln Elect: Printed for Timothy Garthwait.

Sermon preacht at Christ Church Dublin, at the Funeral of the most Reverend Father in God, John late Lord Arch­bishop of Armagh, by Doctor Taylor, Lord Bishop of Down and Connor: Printed for John Crook.

Several Sermons, Eight written by William Shillingsworth, M. A. Printed for Thomas Williams, and Andrew Clark.

Sermons Twenty Five, by Bishop Brownerig: Printed for Jo. Martin, and James Allestre.

Staves of Beauty, and Bands, opened in a Sermon preacht at Yarmouth, August 23. 1663. by the Bishop of Norwich: Printed for George Thomason.

Sermon preacht at St. Pauls Church, Novemb. 29. 1663. [Page 4] by Richard Lee, D. D. wherein was delivered the Profession of his Judgement against the Covenant, and the late Kings death: Printed for Rich. Royston, Jo. William, and T. Garthwait.

Translation of the Book of publick Prayers, translated into the Welch Tongue: Printed for Edward Fowlks and Peter Bodvell.

Young Mans duty: Printed for George Calvert.


Abridgement of all the publick Acts of Parliament now in force, made in the 16, 17. and 18. years of King Charls the First. And in the 12, 13. and 14. years of King Charls the Second: By William Hughes of Grayes-Inn Esq Printed for Jo. Starkey, and Thomas Basset.

Articles to be Inquired of in the Visitation of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Printed for Richard Royston.

Fortescutus Illustratus, or a Commentary on that Nervous Treatise de laudibus Legum Angliae: Printed for Tho. Roycroft.

Mare Clausum, in Two Books, written in Latin by Jo. Sel­den: Translated by I. H. Printed for Edward Thomas.

The fourth part of a brief Register of several kinds of Parliamentary Writts: by William Prin Esq Printed for George Thomason.

Arts and Sciences.

Architecture, the First Book, written by Andraea Palladio; Translated out of Italian by Godfrey Richards: Printed for Jo. Macock.

Arithmatical Questions: Printed for David Maxwell.

Ancilla Grammaticae, for the use of young Scholars: Print­ed for Thomas Peirpont.

Compleat Gardiners Practice: Printed for Tho. Peirpont.

Compendium of the new, and much Enlarged Sea Book, or Pilots Sea Mirror: Printed for George Hurlock, Sen.

Childrens Diseases, both Outward and Inward, from [Page 5] their birth, to 14. years of age: Printed for Jo. Playford.

Fax novae lingua Lâtinae, or a new Torch to the Latine Tongue. Printed for Nath. Brooks.

Geographical description of the world. Printed for Ja. Bloom.

Introduction into the skill of musick: Printed for Jo. Playford.

Purchasers Pattern in 2. parts: Printed for Tho. Peirpont.

Roberti Baronij Theologi ac Philosophi Celeberrimi Metaphysica generalis, &c. Printed for Jo. Redman.

Renati Des-Cartes Principia Philosophiae, Printed for Jo. Field

Humanity, Histories and Poems.

Accompt of the late Troubles in England, in 3. parts, written in Latine by Geo. Bates D. M. now Translated into English: Printed for Richard Royston.

Assembly man, Written in the year 1647. by I. B. Printed for Richard Marriot.

Aeschyli quae extant cum versione & Commentario Thomae Stanleij: Printed for James Flesher.

Alchymist unlearn'd, his Antidote, by Richard Mathews: Printed for Joseph Leigh.

Appendix to the unlearn'd Alchymist: Printed for Joseph Leigh.

Academical discourses. Printed for John Playfere.

Bentivolia and Urania, The second part, in two Books: Printed for Rich. Marriot.

Book of knowledge in 3. parts: Printed for Charles Tyus.

Birinthea. A Romance: Printed for Jo. Playfere.

Caveat for all Kings and Prelates: Printed for Theodore Sadler.

Chronological History exact, of Popes Intolerable usur­pations: Printed for Geo. Thomason.

Century of Reasons for subscription and obedience to the Laws and Government of the Church of England▪ Printed for Rapha Harford.

[Page 6] Chronicle of the Civil Wars of England, Scotland and Ireland, from the year 1637. till this present year 1663. Printed for William Lee.

Case of Madam Mary Carleton: Printed for Sam. Speed.

Description of the mighty Kingdom of Japan and Siam: Printed for Sam. Brown.

Discourse touching the precedency of Kings, and conse­quently of Ambassadors: Printed for Sam. Speed, and Chri­stopher Eccleston.

Experimental History of Colors in English and Latine: Printed for Hen. Herringman.

Familiaria Colloquia, opera Christopheri Helvici: Printed for John Redman.

History of the 7. wise Mistresses of Rome. Printed for Mary Wright.

History of Gavel kind; To which is added the short Histo­ry of William the Conquerour, in Latine. Printed for John Starkey.

History of the War of Italy in 18. books, Written origi­nally in Latine, and now Translated: Printed for John Ma­cock.

Hudibras. The second part: Printed for Jo. Martin, and James Allestrey.

History narrative, concerning the life of Athanasius: Printed for David Maxwel.

Jornals de Mr. de Sainct Amour. Dr. de Sorbone, &c. Print­ed for Humphrey Robinson, and Geo. Thomason.

Interpretation of Dreams, by Artemodorus: Printed for William Lee.

Life of Don John de Castro: Printed for Hen. Herringman.

Legend of S t. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham: Printed for Christopher Eccleston.

Narrative of that Stupendious Tragedy late intended to be acted: Printed for Tho. Newcomb and Charls Adams.

Portraitures containing 21. leaves: Printed for Jo. Marshall.

[Page 7] Pathway to knowledge: Printed for Edw. Thomas.

Pretious Pearl in the midst of a dunghil: Printed for Joseph Leigh.

Preparatory to the History natural and experimental. Printed for Will. Lee.

Poems, By Mrs. Catherine Philips: Printed for Rich. Marriot.

Q. Curtii Rufi de rebus gestis Alexandri magni: Printed for Jo. Redman.

Reason and Judgement, or special Remarques of the life of the renown'd Doctor Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln: Printed for Hen. Marsh.

Royal Arbour of loyal Poesie, consisting of Poems and Songs, digested into Triumph, Elegie, Satyr, Love and Drollerie: Printed for Elizabeth Andrews.

Relation of the Court of Rome, made in the year 1661▪ Printed for Jo. Playfere.

Scrinia Cecilliana▪ Mysteries of State and Government, in Letters of the late famous Lord Burleigh: Printed for Gab. Bedell and Tho. Collyns.

Sales Epigrammatum, or the choicest Disticks of Martials Epigrams, And all the Latine Poets that have written for the last two hundred years: Printed for Christopher Eccleston.

Tutela Sanitatis, sive Vita Protracta. The protracting of long life, by Everard Manwaring, Doctor of Physick: Printed for Tho. Basset.

Valerij Maximi Dictorum Factorum (que) memorab [...]lium, Li­bri 9. Printed for John Redman.

Verses written upon several occasions by Abraham Cowley, Gent. Printed for Hen. Herringman.

Youths behaviour: Printed for Will. Lee.

Youths behaviour, The second part; Printed for Will. Lee.


Adventures of five houres. The Scene, Sevil: Printed for Henry Herringman.

Bellamira her Dream: or the love of Shadows, A Tra­gi-Comedy. Printed for Hen. Herringman.

The Cheats. A Comedy. Printed for Gab. Beadell and Charls Adams.

Cicillia and Clorinda. Or Love in Arms. A Tragi-Co­medy: Printed for Hen. Herringman.

The Princes. A Tragi-Comedy, Printed for Hen. Her­ringman.

The Parsons wedding, A Comedy, Printed for Henry Herringman.

The Pilgrim, A Tragedy: Printed for Hen. Herringman.

The Sleighted Maid, A Comedy: Printed for Thomas Dring.

Thomaso, or the wanderer, A Comedy: Printed for Hen. Herringman.

The Villain, A Tragedy: Printed for Hen. Herringman, and Sam. Speed.


The like Catalogue hereafter is intended to be yearly set forth by the Clerk aforesaid.

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