To the Right Honourable, Sir ROBERT CLAYTON, LORD-MAYOR of the City of London.
The Humble PETITION of the Common-Hall Assembled.

May it please your Honour,

WE the Commons of London, in Common-Hall Assembled, being deeply sensible, that many of the Mischiefs and Grievances that we at present groan under, are occasioned by the Misbehaviour, and irregular Carriages of some of the principal Officers of this City, particularly of Sir George Jefferies, Knight, our present Recorder, who, by very confident but false Affirmations, hath endeavoured to mislead the Common-Council, in Matters of highest Moment: And also, contrary to the Duty of his Place, and the greatest Trust reposed in him, hath, as we have just reason to believe, frequently made other false Suggestions and Misrepresentations to his Majesty, of our most Loyal and Dutiful Actions and Demeanours. And finding that he hath maliciously contrived, to subvert one of the great Foundations of our English Liberties, by menacing and threatning Juries, thereby to make them bring in Verdicts, not ac­cording to their Conscience, but his own Will and Pleasure; and discharging others contrary to Law, before they had compleated all the Business for which they were sworn: as doth notoriously appear, by his late and terrible Usage of the Grand-Inquest of this City, at the Sessions of Peace holden in Guild-Hall. And lastly; That he doth frequently affront, and most scurrilously intreat Witnesses, appearing to give their Testimonies in the several Judicatures, whereby they many times become affrighted and confounded: Tending to the great Oppression of his Majesty's Subjects, to the Scandal and Dishonour of the City, and to the disquieting of the Peace and Unity thereof; to the per­version of Justice, and dangerous Prejudice of the Publick-Weal of this King­dom. By which ill Carriages, and most insolent Behaviour, he hath rendred himself most obnoxious, and insupportably burdensom in that Office.

We do therefore most humbly pray your Lordship, to consider with your Worshipful Brethren the Aldermen, of the most speedy and effectual Way that can be taken, for the immediate removing of the said Sir Geo. Jefferies, from the Place of Recorder of this City, as a Person dangerous and destructive to the Publick Peace, Ʋnity, and Prosperity thereof: To the end that some other more fit and honest Person, learned in the Laws, of known Loyalty, Modesty, Integrity, and un­doubted Zeal for the true Protestant Religion, may be Elected into the same: Which, We humbly conceived, may be the best and most expe­dient Means, conducing to the Remedy of these Mischiefs, and Pre­servation of the good Government of this renowned City.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

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